#she does mostly herb stuff but can read tarot
feelingthedisaster · 22 days
betsy is a witch. why? bc i said so
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twisted-tales-told · 11 months
I know like nothing about witchcraft stuff, but uh what are like the basics? What do you believe, celebrate, worship that kind of stuff
This is such a nice question!!
This will be a long post but I’m not putting it below a cut because I am lazy
So I’m a folk practitioner, which basically means I work with nature and do a lot more mundane things than a lot of other witchcraft/pagan practitioners (ceremonialists, wiccans etc). Folk practitioners through history have been mostly peasants & lower class people as they didn’t have access to rich spices and objects, they had the herbs growing in their yard and what was at the local market.
I am also what is called an “animist” which means I believe basically everything has a spirit. I think everything has energy and we as people can interact with that energy. I don’t know if youve seen doctor who but it’s kinda like this scene
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We can interact with that energy & move it around & stuff!
Im not a big fan of the word aura for this reason because it implies only humans have this energy, when really it’s everything. Thats why witchcraft practitioners use tools! They carry energy we don’t, and we can ask them to help us.
I’ve had insane experiences working with herbs that I can’t describe any other way. Like holding lavender can calm my panic attacks immediately, and how I can feel that some of my favourite trees are happy to see me too when I visit them.
As for the basics, I always advise those wanting to begin to practice any sort of spiritual practice/discipline is to get to know the energy of their home. This will be the easiest thing to start! Does your house feel different with all the windows open? If you light incense or practices any “cleansing” method (sending away energy—can be done after having annoying company, a fight with a loved one, or anytime really) does it feel as though it’s easier to breathe in the space?
I also read tarot, which is my day job and what I hope to continue doing on the side throughout any other careers I hold. Tarot cards are complicated, their history is quite interesting but for now I’ll explain it as a method of communicating with spirits, your unconscious mind, and any other energies around you.
I also feel the need to explain the word energy here, because a lot of people don’t understand what I mean when I say I work with energy. To me, it means the same thing as calling myself a gardener. Plants grow everywhere in nature, but MY garden is something I’ve cultivated and built using tools and seeds to grow what I want. Working with energy feels like this to me.
I work with the energy of my morning coffee or tea to set my intentions for the day—the spices are the “garden” and I am the gardener. The spices all do different things, and I am cultivating them the way I want.
I also do some deity work (I won’t lie I have been lacking recently, as life has gotten very insane and I have not had the time to cultivate the same offerings I would normally want to do) and this is normally with the Irish goddess Brigid. She’s the goddess of poetry, healing, and blacksmithing. She’s quite a lovely deity to work with, but any sort of deity work is not for beginners, and I advise waiting at least a year into your practice as to adjust to the feelings of interacting with different day to day energies (plants, people, spirits etc.) first.
Okay this has been super long and as you can see I love talking about my practice so feel free everyone to send follow up questions
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wickedsrest-rp · 2 years
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NAME: Like a Charm
LOCATION: Downtown (Amity Road)
Whether you’re looking for real spell ingredients and magic texts, new age items, or gimmicky “magical” items, Like a Charm is the stop for you. The shop owner, Vera, has made a point of catering to all walks of life making her business a very profitable thanks to spellcasters and tourists alike. Vera herself is a bit of a mystery. While she gives some magical advice to those looking for it with a good degree of success, sometimes her tips come out of left field and seem to have no basis in actual magic. It’s not uncommon for there to be upcharges for those who aren’t exactly sure what they’re looking for. People keep coming back anyway, usually not even realizing they’ve been overcharged, making it a staple of Wicked’s Rest. 
Vera has a collection of rare texts that she keeps behind the counter. She can usually be seen reading from them when she’s not with customers, and if you ask nicely and have deep pockets, she might be convinced to part with certain volumes.
The shop has a distinct smell of jasmine and mint. There’s a greenhouse in the back where herbs and spices are grown. And marijuana, but that’s for personal use, not for the sales table.
There are several magical items on display that are mostly harmless. Vera has a habit of keeping the more dangerous items locked away in the back. However, if you ask really nicely and she either baselessly trusts you or you’ve earned her trust the hard way, she does like to show off her newest find. Just don’t ask while other customers are around.
Towards the back of the shop, there is a little station set up for tarot readings by Tonya. While insightful, her readings aren’t actually based in any magic. She also seems to tell the majority of people that they’re going to die, but doesn’t know how or when. Technically it’s true.
There are usually a couple of people in the store trying to right the effects of the last thing they bought there. This is because some of the stuff for sale is fake or doesn’t work, leaving people with some nasty or undesirable side effects at times. Vera usually has something or other she’ll sell to fix the situation, leading some to wonder if she sells faulty items on purpose. But as many iffy items there are, some others are truly one-of-a-kind and can be purchased at a bargain. This constant gamble is a risk many are willing to take.
A variety of herbal remedies and crystals line the shelves. These are pretty popular with the new age crowd and Vera has returning customers who swear by them, much to the chagrin of actual doctors. 
If you ask for a refund, you’ll be pointed to the massive neon sign outside the shop that says NO REFUNDS in flashing letters. The sign is for sale. It’s probably almost out of juice anyway.
Vera knows a variety of hexes, spells, curses, and remedies that very few people in the world know. However, it’s still unclear whether her knowledge is theoretical or first-hand, so spellcasters are often hesitant to try out anything she suggests.
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whywouldisayprinter · 4 years
Apprentice April!
1. Basics:
Name: Aset Satrinava (yes like Nadia)
Age: somewhere between 30 and 35
Height: 1,73 m
Skin colour: tawny with freckles and some scars
Eye colour: lilac
Hair colour: ginger / red
Gender identity: Genderfluid she / they
2. Love interest:
Definitely Lucio. And why? They're 1000% moronsexual. They see he's stuck as a goat and is like oh fuck I have to do him.
3. Familiar:
Nope no familiar. But loves to spoil Faust, Mercedes and Melchior and Malak
4. Hobbies:
Reading, painting and baking. Also carves sometimes and occasionally makes necklaces from stuff they found.
5. Hidden Talents:
Aset is like really good at horse riding, lying? And seeing but stitching up wounds and sewing a tunic isn't really that different
6. Magical talents:
They mostly work with herbs and sigils. In addition to tarot of course.
And they're not really good at rituals and such stuff. Too unfocused
7. Interactions:
They are kind but not nice. Like they will help you with your ailments and read your future but also be like pff sorry that sounds like a you problem. But nevertheless they give everyone a chance and at least act nice even if they don't like the company. Good manner and all. What Aset does a lot though is talking back and if they know that a person doesn't like them they only act nice to spite them (*cough* Valdemar *cough*)
8. romance:
Aset and Lucio often go hunting together or just riding through the woods. They also continue to occasionally bake together. Their love language is either bickering or being the most romantic saps one could imagine.
9. Travel:
Before their time in Vesuvia Aset traveled with their Parent and Julian as doctors. Seeing that Lucio also lived a mercenary live they do enjoy to travel together. When Aset travels alone they usually are searching for some magic plant or ingredient.
10. Wtf:
I mean...they died. But also that one time someone thought they were Julian's sibling even though they look nothing alike.
11. Crime:
Oh yeah they've been to jail several times for starting up brawls or for attacking assholes in defense of others. They also are a searched murderer in that one city for accidentally killing that one Lord in a duel.
12. Secrets:
Well no not really. They had a one night stand with Lucio once when they met at a battle of which only he knows and a friends with benefits with Julian, but when you travel with someone for so long why not.
Oh and they joined the army one time but left after the war was won.
13. Over compensation:
Well their art and appearance. It stings them if they don't look great at any given moment. Not that they care if they are muddy or their hair is a mess, but mismatched colours or being under dressed is a nightmare.
14. Fight club:
As I hinted already several times Aset can and will fight. Most of the times with long daggers but swords are also great.
15. The Arts:
Yeah they are a pretty good painter. They gifted Asra a self made Tarot deck once and mostly works with sigils.
16. Goofy:
Not goofy but has a really dry humor. They are pretty sarcastic too. Also gallows humor and puns.
17. Language:
I hc the language of Prakra as very melodious so Aset has this lilting accent.
18. Embarrassment:
They didn't know which aunt was who when they first met them at the masquerade again.
19. Memories:
Yeah some of their family and time before Vesuvia came back. Like their Parents, and the travelling.
20. family:
Aset is the only child of Nazali and Akos (a warrior from Zadith). Their parents weren't married and Aset wasn't quite planned but Nazali and Akos stayed good friends and Aset spend their first eight years of life with their Father. After that Nazali took them to meet their grandparents and the Satrinava Squad. They then lived in Prakra for four years before joining Nazali and being 'home schooled'. With 15 Aset started to learn as a doctor under Nazali and spend the years with their parent. Later Aset joined Julian in going to Vesuvia.
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fireblight · 5 years
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working on a proper witch!verse about since i want to make it an official “dual-canon”/main-verse for this blog since... it’s more fun. but in the mean-time, like this post if you’re interested in interacting in this ‘verse & here’s some info about karin/general lore!
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・・・ magic is not understood to be an actual thing to most people; while it certainly, definitely exists it still remains under general understanding. people who practise it somewhat “openly” do so under the guise of new age practises, often being seen as kooky or unusual but not altogether actually magical. skepticism is a witch’s dream! 
・・・ it’s somewhat modern, but has its own quirks that give it an older feel. magical people do have their own nostalgias.
・・・ other creatures can certainly exist, not just witches. 
・・・ karin still knows taka & orochimaru, though alterations can be made as necessary. 
・・・ karin runs her own shop: the morning star (pronounced as ‘gyosei’), which is located in the town majonomachi which she settled in roughly in her mid- to late-twenties, after studying under a master witch (orochimaru) for most of her adolescence, who served as an adoptive parent / mentor. she travelled briefly, before finding the smallish (but not too small) town. it’s quaint enough that it’s under-the-radar, not too quaint that it affords her decent privacy. she’s in her thirties in most iterations of the ‘verse.
・・・ people in the town know her as keiko sato ー one of the most common surnames, and a first name that is derived from ‘phosphor’. international associates know her as Foz (’phosphor’). on occasion (usually when travelling) she uses various aliases, such as hikari. she’s a fan of themes, but tries to keep them vague enough that they can’t actually be tied back to her. more magically-inclined folk may know her by her actual name, and be aware that she was a student for a master witch. depending on how much they know about her mentor, if they know who it is, this can be a positive or a negative. 
・・・ she lives in a woods near the town, which is connected to her shop with a tunnel. thus most people assume she lives in her shop, as she’s never really seen leaving it.
・・・ she is naturally inclined to powerful sensory abilities much like canon, wherein she can see auras & detect nuances about them, highly aware of chakras and their blockages. her familial magic inclines her towards longevity, which her mentor taught her to culminate into an external force that grants a similar healing energy (albeit a painful one) which is very powerful, borderline ‘elixir of youth’ resurrection type stuff, and one that she does not use as much as she did when she was under orochimaru’s tutelage. that is a very rare thing that she will do for either a very high price or a very good cause (usually both!). 
・・・  however, a witch can’t simply be satisfied with that! in her decades of study, she has gained advanced knowledge of astrology, tarot (divination), crystals, herbs, alchemy and is developing her own unique brand of pyrokinesis. 
・・・ her shop is two stories high: the top floor is a library devoted to old books, not all magical in nature, some are mostly informational. the real magical tomes are usually private. this is both a bookstore orーif inclinedーa rental facility / library. the ground floor is devoted to herbs, crystals, the occasional tarot deck, seeds, some pieces of jewellery or other knick-knacks. the basement is her consultation space, where she conducts personal readings (unless she is on a housecall), and personal meetings with magical folk. she has a small sleeping area and more ‘off-limits’ things hidden. 
・・・ she is a master of hiding where she is, but that doesn’t mean she can’t be found. travelling witches can easily find her shop without knowing who she is, and people can find her specifically if they put their ears to the floor; but tracking spells are useless, she masks her shop from seeking eyes, especially if they have ill-intent. that being said, people who are looking for her entirely selflessly, with no ill intent (i.e being pure of heart/intent) can track her! 
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ghastlylover · 6 years
Its october, so have an obligatory Miraculous Witch Au ~
• Uses positive/luck spells and makes blessed objects for others to use. Mostly takes the form of jewelery
• great at potion brewing and bath magic
• Charms her sewing supplies for minimal accidents and a special touch to the clothes she makes
• Has so many good luck charms/gracefulness spells/balancing rituals its ridiculous, but they never make her any less clumsy
• Doubles as a kitchen witch and discretely mutters spells and blessings into the things she bakes before packaging them
• Uses roses in literally everything
• Her familiar is a little red bird named tikki Alya
• A definite eclectic witch but is partial to fire magic and tech magic
• Hella deep into tarot cards and frequently does readings for friends. (And lots of love readings for Marinette)
• Mom Friend tm
• Keeps a comprehensive book of shadows, and even has an online version and a website for witches just starting out
• Uses sigils on everything and burns them for activation sometimes
• creates emoji spells for her friends
• Familiar is a tiny pup named trixx
• Partial to herbalism and foresty magic
• seriously, if you need to know anything about an herb, hes ur man
• he's inspired to start growing plants and creates a minigarden in his room (he names all of them)
• also uses a lot of cleansing spells for both him and his friends, and burns a lot of sage for stress and mental balance
• on the other hand, he's also a bit familiar with the spirit world (and has a secret collection of animal bones no one knows about)
• Communes w/ spirits often and gives them comfort in exchange for advice
• Studies dead languages to use in these particular rituals
• his familiar is a black kitten named plagg Nino
• wasn't originally interested in witchcraft
• when dating alya he started picking up some of her mannerisms, like drawing her sigils on tests and even asking her for readings. After learning about it, he decided to be one
• Shows interest in water and planetary magic and opperates based off that, but like alya, is pretty eclectic
• has an attachment to celestial bodies, especially the moon
• most nights he just sits up and talks to her. After some deliberation, makes an altar for the planets as his deities (even pluto)
• collects random things like shells and feathers and incorporates them into his practices (also does some weird thing with bubbles that no one can figure out)
• His familiar is a turtle named wayzz
• you wouldn't think she was a witch with how much glitter she put on her stuff (has a sequined book of shadows)
• Hated witchcraft before she found out that adrien liked it, but got into it herself
• uses a lot of "curses", that really only cause inconveniences, and hexes, but karma (read:adrien) usually sorts her out
• Has over a dozen crystals and names for all of them
• big into astrology and takes horoscope very seriously
• somehow automatically remembers your celestial chart?? Like she'll forget the most basic details about a person, but remember that they're a virgo/libra cusp and have their moon in the 8th house
• jealous of marinette because of how good she is with potions
• Her familiar is a golden hamster named pollen
Additional headcannons
• They're always trading and supplying ingredients to each other
• Marinette will get stuff from the bakery, Alya will use various food items and supplies from her mom's kitchen, nino uses his families spices and Adrien has no problem buying anything his friends need
• Alya gives purposely ominous readings if she's pissed at/doesn't like you.
• Nino talks about the planets as if they're casual friends ("Dude you will not believe what Jupiter told me last night")
• Chloe constantly makes (and subsequently fails at) love potions for adrien and doesn't understand why they won't ever work
• turns out they Do work, but adrien just loves her in a platonic/sister way
• The sabbats are always celebrated together
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eliana-marquez · 2 years
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✦ JEANINE MASON, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER ✦ ELIANA MARQUEZ the THIRTY-ONE year old has been in Hidehill for HER ENTIRE LIFE and was an ACQUANTANCE to Jade Parker, the missing first murder victim. Whispers on the streets are that the PSYCHIC who lives in HIDE SQUARE. She is said to be EMPATHETIC and INVASIVE but I guess we’ll find out for ourselves.
NAME: Eliana Marquez AGE: 31 GENDER: Cisfemale DOB: December 11th MARITAL STATUS: Single SEXUALITY: Bisexual HOMETOWN: Hidehill NEIGHBORHOOD: Hide Square OCCUPATION: Psychic (Misty) CONNECTION: Acquaintance to Jade
What she has, is a gift. Same as her mother, as her mother's mother, and her mother's mother's mother -- basically, the Marquez women could trace their lineage back a long way in their dabbles of the spiritual and mediumship. Whether it's been real, true, or accurate? Is another matter altogether.
Eliana always had vivid dreams, predictions, and feelings; at times she truly believes she has some connection to the "afterlife". Though again, these could be hit or miss. Her interest in the craft has her akin to a modern day witch, a term she's heard whispered behind her back all her life.
In school, they called her strange. They teased her for everything they didn't understand and she had few friends. Some might have even been scared of her. As such, Eliana got used to being alone and she's comfortable that way, too.
For the most part, she keeps to herself. But Eliana considers herself an empath. As soon as her mother handed over reins to Misty, she quietly gathered a reputation for meddlesome behavior. How could she turn down those unlucky-in-love souls who asked for help? And sometimes, a person's aura is simply too strong for her to ignore and she must give her input.
Things in town have certainly gotten uncomfortable and strained, though Eliana has seen an uptick in clientele for it. Scared people trying to seek answers. It can be a struggle with her morality, as part of her isn't wanting to take advantage of fear. However, rent is due.
Eliana may come off odd at times for her unique interests. She allows her gut instincts to lead her where they may, especially about other people. She's usually a calm soul, it takes a lot to push her to areas of frustration or upset, mostly because she's faced plenty adversity before. But she welcomes questions and invites curiosity.
As for connections, it would be nice to have clientele of her shop, of course. She does palm readings, tarot, and even the occasional channeling session for those desperate. Eliana also sells similar items you'd find at any metaphysical shop (crystals, herbs, incense, etc). She's grown up here, so people she went to school with? Past romantic interests? Anyone not happy about the kind of stuff she does? Maybe someone she's meddled with before, maybe even tried to hex? Etc. Very open for all ideas!
(Disclaimer: This is all faith-based stuff. It's not to imply she's got any real powers and whatnot. Most of it is capitalized on pure coincidence!)
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grimoireofuisce · 6 years
Get to know the Mods
This is a post about the mods on this tumblr! It’s a party of two, and we both have varying crafts with different experiences. Feel free to ask us anything and we hope you guys feel like you know us a bit better after this!
Mod K Hart
Hey friendos! I’m super bad at introductions and all that, so to make this post more awkward, lets do this interview style.
Q: When did you first start practicing witchcraft and what brought you to it? A: Oh boy... Well, for as long as I can remember my aunt had always read palms and done tarot readings for the family. When I was younger I would always ask her to read my palm but she’d insist that she couldn’t yet as I wasn’t old enough and my palm was changing much too fast to get an accurate reading out of it. I was always really thrilled when she did a tarot reading for me though! She was always so insightful and, surprise surprise, accurate. I actually didn’t realize that tarot and palm reading were considered part of the craft until much later when I started looking into it. One of my ex boyfriend’s mother is Wiccan which helped get me on the move to doing my own digging.
Q: Do you follow any religions to go along with your craft? A: I consider myself to be Hellenic, Kemetic, Buddhist, and Norse. So, highly eclectic. Like a lot of beginner witches, I started out thinking I was Wiccan because I didn’t know how to separate religion from witchcraft yet, but I later found the path I was happiest with. I work mostly with Athena, Nut, and Saturn (I don’t think of the planets as Gods themselves, just masses of awesome energy, and Saturn is my main right now) at the moment but plan to research the heck out of so many more deities. I’m also Agnostic, so I have a pretty, ah...interesting take on deities and the Universe as a whole.
Q: What does your craft center around? A: Well I’m clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient, so I started with a bunch of forms of divination. Mostly research, not practical, but that was where most of my interest was for a long time until one fateful day when I decided to look into Alchemy. It was love at first sight. All of my practice is centered around Alchemy in one way or another. I work with crystals, herbs, tea, spirits, astral traveling, a familiar (her name is Chloe and she’s the love of my life), a twin flame (the other love of my life), the sea, the cosmos, tech-craft, bullet journal crafting and honestly a bunch of other things. I love researching anything occult. My goal is to one day be a walking encyclopedia of all things witchy.
That’s basically me, friends! If you wanna know more about me just send an ask for Mod K Hart and I’d be happy to answer and get to know all of you. 💕
Mod Imp
I’m Mod Imp! I’m the original creator of the blog so most of the older posts are just me and my random thoughts and opinions. I’m gonna steal K Hart’s interview style.
Q: When did you first start practicing witchcraft and what brought you to it?  A: I always wanted to be able to do crazy, unreal things as a child and witchcraft was pre-teen me’s way of doing that. It’s not so unreal now, because it’s real to me, and while I can’t go so far as to say, levitate things, i can still work with divination and spells and have fun. I was 13 when i attempted my first spells, healing and weather magick. Go big or go home.
Q:  Do you follow any religions to go along with your craft? A: I am an Eclectic Pagan. I work with some Goetic Demons and some Celtic Deities. I’m not inherently religious but there are some religious rites that go into spirit work and invocation. 
Q: What does your craft center around? A: I’m Claircognizant, Clairalient, and Clairtangent. I started with Weather Magick and moved off in every possible direction I could. I didn’t start religiously practicing until very recently so most of my craft has been me doing one study project right after the other and having a great time doing it. 
If you have anything else you’d like to know, don’t be afraid to ask! Our asks are open to more than just witchy stuff. :)
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rwt-mystic-corner · 5 years
I’m sick from equal parts stomach bug and emet*phobia (basically: Phobia of Exactly what the Stomach Bug Does to you, for days on end... i’m finishing up day 6 at this point)... Figured, while I’m resting I’d pass some time filling one of these out. 
Questions from here: https://prettyalice13.tumblr.com/post/125172483728/witchcraft-asks-1-105
1. Are you solitary or in a coven? Solitary. I've tried to find a coven, but Wicca has a pretty firm grasp on witchcraft in the area. (They even opened a "Witchcraft Museum" about 20 minutes away, and it's literally all entirely dedicated to Gardenian Wicca. I refuse to go in because I haven't figured out how to tactfully point out just how badly they're misinforming everyone...)
2. Do you consider yourself Wiccan, Pagan, witch, or other? Pagan and a witch!~ Though the term I like most is "mystic", because it's the Forces of the Universe that I play with, more than personal forces or tools. (I did start out as a Wiccan 12 years ago, though.)
3. What is your zodiac sign? Which zodiac? Chinese: Water Rooster. (And I absolutely claim that.) Greek: Aries Sun, Scorpio Ascendant, Cancer Moon.
4. Do you have a Patron God/dess? I have two, actually! Mielikki, and, well... the other one is one I'd rather keep under wraps. It involves pop culture paganism, astral travel, and something kind of, vaguely?, fiction-kin adjacent, but not like My ID, so even that technically isn't it? It's wild. Ask off anon if you'd like to talk about it, we prefer that she's only discussed in private.
5. Do you work with a Pantheon? No, the deities that have spoken to me come from all sorts of pantheons.
6. Do you use tarot, palmistry, or any other kind of divination? Rarely, anymore. I mostly go in with meditation (I think the term for it nowadays is "Accessing the Akashic Record"?), though I used to use tea leaves, scrying into teacups and rivers, and asked for Clues from the Universe when I'm out and about, and I read signs from whatever's around me. I had a serious knack for tarot when I was using it, though.
7. What are some of your favorite herbs to use in your practice? (if any) Oh, definitely lemon balm! I love that little mint. I've had it growing in my room twice. The first time, the chinchillas got to it, and for some reason it never grew back? The second time, it got hit with aerial blight when all the rest of the houseplants did. :c That little plant had hung in a lot longer than the others, but eventually it succumbed, and no amount of coaxing would bring it back.
8. How would you define your craft? "Shadow witchcraft", because I do a lot of the "confronting personal stuff that's really hard but necessary to grow", AND the "working with energies of the shadows, feeling safer in the dark, and using darkness as an energy source to recuperate, divine, and move energies for spells".
9. Do you curse? If not, do you accept others who do? Yes (but I've only actually done it once), and I accept others who do, yes. (I do not, however, accept those who only do it for selfish, malicious reasons. I recognize that there's a gray area, and I won't bother you for that, because it's your craft to do whatever you want with, not mine to judge. But if you're cursing just for the hell of it, I don't want you anywhere near me. Also, any kind of curse that could be considered Hate Speech or Incitement gets you blacklisted and blocked in my book.)
10. How long have you been practicing? Ooh, this one's complicated. See, consciously, intentionally, while calling it "energy work" or "witchcraft"? Since I was 14, so that's 12 years. But well before then, I was sensing energies, from plants and animals, I was acutely aware of others' emotions, sometimes even accidentally manipulating them. For as long as I can remember, I would lean against trees and "listen" to them, or wonder how I knew what it felt like to have your heart broken, when I'd never even been in a relationship? (Because I felt it from others!) So, I guess, I've been "practicing" without knowing there was a word for anything I did my whole life.
11. Do you currently or have you ever had any familiars? Not many, considering the sheer numbers of pets I've had, but: ~ I had a ring-necked dove once, who would come sit with me, in the dark attic half of my room, when I was meditating. Sometimes he'd drop in during a ritual, and join me in the circle until it was complete, and then he'd leave the room. He brought me feathers. Once, when his foot was injured, he stood absolutely still to let me perform a healing session on it for a week or two until it healed, and if you know doves, you know it's very rare for them to hold still for ten or fifteen minutes at a time. ~ I'm convinced my chinchilla Dusty is becoming a familiar. I don't practice nearly as often as I used to, but he always goes very still, and seems to be watching over me, whenever I'm meditating or energy-working. He always knows when I'm upset, and if I go near the cage when I'm depressed or in pain or struggling with chronic health issues, he'll sit at the door until I open it, and then he'll put his paws on me in this very specific way, and he just sits there for a minute. And when he finally goes to scamper off, I feel much more calm and able to cope with things.
12. Do you believe in Karma or
Reincarnation? With all the memories I've had? There's no way I CAN'T believe in reincarnation. (As for Karma, I do believe there's a sense of balance the universe must keep, but I don't believe reincarnation is, at least not entirely, dictated by your other lives. There are too many errant patterns in the people I know to believe that.)
13. Do you have a magical name? Yes, a very personal one. "RWT" is the abbreviation, hence my URL.
14. Are you “out of the broom closet”? For most people, yes. I try to remain open and honest whenever the subject comes up, mostly due to a lack of fear. So what if people disapprove? It's my practice, not theirs. I don't go around totally advertising it to everyone I meet, but all of my friends and the closest members of my family know I practice.
15. What was the last spell you performed? Oh gosh, probably a healing to try soothing my stomach cramps? It worked... temporarily.
16. Would you consider yourself knowledgeable? More in a "jack of all trades" way, but yes.
17. Do you write your own spells? I rarely "write" them; to be honest I've always just kind of... improvised. I performed a couple rituals guided by Scott Cunningham's suggestions, but after that I was building my own meditations and doing whatever felt Right and Useful with the energies.
18. Do you have a book of shadows? If so, how is it written and/or set up? Closest thing I have is a "mirror book". I don't have the attention span to Compile Everything I know, I kinda just... act like a walking healing / empathic / meditation / astral projection / herbal medicine encyclopedia. 8F
19. Do you worship nature? What kind of pagan would I be if I didn't? "Nature" is such a broad term, but for me it involves wonderment and awe at the Earthly creations, receiving energies from celestial bodies, delighting in my connection to all forms of life, and even animism (though that one's more of a Venn Diagram with nature, where there just so happens to be some overlap.)
20. What is your favorite gemstone? Lapis lazuli! (It was my favorite long before SU personified it into such a relatable character. ;P) Sodalite is a close second, I really love larimar (but gosh it's expensive), obsidian has been the best grounding stone for me since I was a baby bat, it's not technically a gem but still a favorite-- actually, I don't think any of these are, oops. My favorite Actual Gem is probably Aquamarine. (Just so happens to be my birthstone.)
21. Do you use feathers, claws, fur, pelt, skeletons/bones, or any other animal body part for magical work? I use a lot of feathers (legally obtained from my own birds, don't worry-- being an ex-wildlife rehabilitator, I learned ALL about the MBTA), though I've collected fur from other pets just in case.
22. Do you have an altar? I used to. Now I kind of just... have a shelf, and a portable mental altar. Mielikki prefers to meet in a forest, and my other Goddess basically requires astral projection to get ahold of.
23. What is your preferred element? Water, far and away.
24. Do you consider yourself an Alchemist? No, since alchemy is the transformation of materials using tools, and the only "transformation" I get involved with is the transformation of negative energy or injuries into a production or "packet" of positive energy in healing.
25. Are you any other type of magical practitioner besides a witch? ....I don't know any other terms, what else would you call a magical practitioner? Energy worker, perhaps? Astral traveler? Does empathy count as magic (since, though I never use it on people, I DO have the ability to, basically magically, change someone's mood?)
26. What got you interested in witchcraft? I've been interested in it my whole life. No matter what kind of fantasy I was reading, I'd compare the kind of magic THEY do to the kind of magic I'D like to do. I just didn't know how to make it a part of my practical life back then.
27. Have you ever performed a spell or ritual with the company of anyone who was not a witch? ...Well there was ONE time... but it's a little ns//fw.
28. Have you ever used ouija? Multiple times. Always warding carefully, before and after, mostly at the behest of others.
29. Do you consider yourself a psychic? Yes. Well I'm an empath and I have a very strong sense of precognitive intuition, and I've interacted with spirits, so of course I do.
30. Do you have a spirit guide? If so, what is it? I do. It's... more of a "who" than a "what". But she's another one I'd rather discuss in private. (Equal parts my own inability to explain it, exactly, and her comfort.)
31. What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started? Don't be afraid of your own power.
32. Do you celebrate the Sabbats? If so which one is your favorite? Oh, Samhain, far and away with certainty! Making peace with the past, and letting it guide your future, has always been a huge theme in my life. Sensing the different kinds of spirits that wander around, being more able to detect the subtler energy layers of the world, the minimizing of energies that overwhelm me at times, while the quieter and gentler energies abound... And I've always had such wonderful meditations on Samhain, whether it was in astral travel, spirit work, or prayer.
33. Would you ever teach witchcraft to your children? I wouldn't force them to learn, but if they asked, I would answer. (I'm not very sure that I want kids at all, though...)
34. Do you meditate? It's essential to me. Used to do it every day. Now I kind of use it as an as-needed grounding tool, or to reach out to That Goddess who's Harder to Get Ahold Of.
35. What is your favorite season? Winter. ~<3 I pass out in 75F, I'm that bad with the heat. Winter, when it's below freezing every day? Winter, the season when the whole world goes just a little bit quieter? When everything outside either leaves or hibernates, and everyone inside does their best to lift their own spirits? It's the time of the year I'm most comfortable.
36. What is your favorite type of magick to perform? Astral projection, with empathic healing as a close second.
37. How do you incorporate your spirituality into your daily life? My (secret?) goddess's teachings help guide my decisions, big and small. My connection to others, human and animal and spirit alike, are highlighted by my empathy. Whenever I eat or drink, I can feel the energies of whatever touches my tongue, it's clairgustance, I've been told. I don't so much actively incorporate it, as passively revel in it.
38. What is your favorite witchy movie? Ooh, that's a hard one. Does The Crow count? I also liked The Covenant. And there's this heart-wrenching very-obscure movie called Powder, that deals with psychism and energy and psychic-level empathy as it relates to an outcasted anomaly. And THEN there's Justice League Dark, which nailed John Constantine's character far better than the Keanu Reeves movie and explored almost-- almost-- every single one of my favorite mystical heroes. i'll probably ALWAYS be saying Raven should join the JLD at some point, but we'll see if that ever happens.
39. What is your favorite witchy book, both fiction and non-fiction. Why? ~ Well fiction is, obviously, gestures vaguely at my avatar, practically anything with Raven in it. The comic series New Teen Titans was phenomenal, the Raven miniseries from 2008 was a story about empathy and compassion and struggling with these through high school, so of course I loved it, and the most recent Raven miniseries (2018 I believe?) harkened back to another comic series I absolutely LOVED, the 80's Night Force. (Again: featuring Mystical Heroes! That is EXACTLY my jam!) The Sandman series by Neil Gaiman incorporated a lot of metaphysical elements, so I'll count that one too. And for propriety, I suppose I'd better include a novel: The Winter Oak, by James A. Hetley. I did absolutely LOVE Harry Potter as a kid, and the entire Sevenwaters series by Juliet Mariller is probably my favorite novel series. ~As far as nonfiction, though? Honestly, don't laugh, but there's this book published by Llewellyn (I know, I know) called The Shadow Magick Compendium, by Raven Digitalis. His first book Goth Craft really resonated with me (a practicing ~"casual RomantiGoth"~) in middle school, and through all of high school and adulthood, I had a lot of personal struggles that shadow magic helped me pull through. Reading Shadow Magick helped me find the strength to admit that yes, I had flaws, fears, horrors, imperfections, but it also helped me find strength in who I am, flaws and all. I have a habit of being pretty divorced from my emotions, but that book... moved me to tears, more than once.
40. What is the first spell you ever preformed? Successful or not. That's... really freaking hard to trace back. I was sending out wishes to the world and sincerely expecting it to Change Things from a very, very young age. At age 14, I was performing energy exchanges / communions maybe? with plants in our backyard. My first intentional fully-craft-based Spell had to have been at 14, and I think it was a divination? I got the answer I needed, though I'd need to dig out my first mirrorbook to see what it was actually about. It must have been the answer I needed though, because I kept divining for years.
41. What’s the craziest witchcraft-related thing that’s happened to you? Well I didn't ASK for that blizzard thunderstorm, though that was pretty crazy! (Ohio weather, everyone. It was the most powerful weather I’ve ever lived through!) A lot of crazy things have happened to me though. The time I accidentally influenced the emotions of everyone in a ten-foot radius at school (before I even knew I could do that). The time I knew my doves needed me, and came to find that the cat was in the room chasing them around. The time I was helping give a back-massage to a very firm and outspoken nonbeliever in magic, bolstering it with healing/soothing magic, and he said "Where [RWT] is touching, it feels very warm, and it feels very good". The way that, as a teen, whenever I would get too emotional, and specifically when I was emotional, I'd static-zap anything I touched, and the way that, as a child, I could touch magnet-operated toys and they'd activate. The revelation of who my spirit guide is. My energies have always been an undeniably strong magic ride, guys.
42. What is your favourite type of candle to use? Well I do keep birds, and candles are very terribly dangerous for them! So I haven't used a candle in YEARS, unless I was outside or in another room (like the bathroom-- candles and baths are lovely together). I really love using beeswax candles, especially if I can find them made by a local apiary. Candles with an earthy, herbal, floral, or delicate scent are very nice too!-- as long as it's not overpowering.
43. What is your favorite witchy tool? My mind. If I have to choose a physical one, though, probably stones?
44. Do you or have you ever made your own witchy tools? Yep! I've wildcrafted and dried my own herbs, cooked my own foods for post-ritual recovery, and I guess it counts if I've set up crystal grids of my own design?
45. Have you ever worked with any magical creatures such as the fea or spirits? I met a animal-spirit guide the very first time I meditated, at least with Magical Intentions! I do a lot more encountering various spirits than "working with" them, meeting them and sometimes learning a bit before thanking them and leaving.
46. Do you practice color magic? Not really? I'm not a very visual person. Though I do perceive colors from certain spirits /places /people, and sometimes associate those colors with those things, I don't intentionally focus on the color as the backbone of the spell.
47. Do you or have you ever had a witchy teacher or mentor of any kind? Oh, absolutely. My spirit guide took it upon herself to help me work with my abilities, and every now and again my goddess will actually guide me in practice, if it's desperately needed. As far as humans go: I did, sort of, once, for a brief time. But he lived an hour and a half away, so we could really only meet on certain weekends, and then we sort of... lost touch.
48. What is your preferred way of shopping for witchcraft supplies? In person! I have to touch it, hold it, and feel out its energy myself before I take it home.
49. Do you believe in predestination or fate? I believe the universe only steps in when it Absolutely Must, and that there are certain... guideposts? that will be pre-ordained in your life, but how you deal with it and where it takes you from there is entirely up to you.
50. What do you do to reconnect when you are feeling out of touch with your practice? My goddess, my spirit guide, an assortment of crystals/stones, whatever I feel I need most-- but most importantly, I use them to connect with MYSELF.
51. Have you ever had any supernatural experiences? Oh, SO many. I've visited so many astral worlds, I've lost count. I've encountered (and... basically "consumed"?) parasitic entities at the park. I've viscerally FELT the energies of what I work. Empathy is a daily occurrence for me. The reason I went vegetarian is the vividness of what I'd sense from what I was eating. I've sent healing to people and watched the spring come back in their step, healed lethargic puppies and watched them go from dragging around to bounding away happily, taken terrified birds at a pet store and soothed them until they relax in my hands. It's an integral part of my life at this point.
52. What is your biggest witchy pet peeve? People telling others that the way they practice their craft is wrong, just because they don't believe, or they follow a different set of rules, or morality? Like, that’s all subjective. (Except, like I said before, where hate speech and incitement are concerned. Nobody has the right to harm others just because of the color of their skin, their gender, their religion, and such.)
53. Do you like incense? If so what’s your favorite scent? Oh sweet stars, I absolutely love incense. I found it at a local metaphysical shop that closed, and the last time I found it was when I visited New England for a high school field trip, but it's called "Spiritual Guide" by Padmini, and it smells JUST sweet and JUST soft and JUST earthy enough, with JUST the right balance of mid- and high notes that it simultaneously grounds me and lifts my spirit to the higher realms. Incense has so many applications and such a variety, I love picking and choosing which one to use (away from the birds, of course). I even use (unlit) incense as air fresheners in front of the air conditioner.
54. Do you keep a dream journal of any kind? Sort of. When my dreams are worth remembering, I used to write them down in my mirrorbook, but now I log them on my personal blog. 8P
55. What has been your biggest witchcraft disaster? ...Not knowing the way my spells affected others in the beginning. I'd rather not talk about that.
56. What has been your biggest witchcraft success? Learning to control it? Learning how to turn that terrifying power into something beautiful and healing? Taking ownership of MY power, and deciding how I WANTED to use it? Finding beneficial outlets for it?
57. What in your practice do you do that you may feel silly or embarrassed about? Mmmmh, worshipping the Other Goddess that I do, and who my spirit guide is. It's very complicated, and even I don't understand how it works, so I couldn't possibly explain it to people... but that's certainly who they are, and it's just... I know there are Many People who would be hostile to the idea of their existence.
58. Do you believe that you can be an atheist, Christian, Muslim or some other faith and still be a witch too? Absolutely! Your god can bestow gifts unto you, even gifts of personal power. First of all, God giving people the power to perform miracles in his name is all over the Old Testament. Secondly: King James added in lines of the bible that weren't there originally, so fearing witches isn't actually in God's Instructions to Mankind. Third of all, mind that I'm saying this as an ex-Christian, if the Abrahamic God gives you a GIFT, who are you to ignore it or suppress it? Are you going to say God made a mistake in giving this power to an individual of his creation? All that aside: Witchcraft doesn’t have to be associated with any gods at all!
59. Do you ever feel insecure, unsure or even scared of spell work? Not spell work itself. Just... the way things can go awry if I'm not very, very careful.
60. Do you ever hold yourself to a standard in your witchcraft that you feel you may never obtain? Nah, honestly I'm glad to do what I can do, and there's really no way to quantify the "success" of magic to me.
61. What is something witch related that you want right now? Rocks! I keep seeing these onyx crow/raven carvings, and gosh would I absolutely LOVE one, but alas: Finances. Rainbow fluorite! Amber! Ametrine! Azurite! So many stones I really feel drawn to, but just haven’t encountered at a small enough price tag.
62. What is your rune of choice? ...Iiiii actually don't use Futhark or Ogham runes, and the ones I do use are more... geometric? Specific? There's one I keep drawing, especially when I need to find peace or get in touch with my goddess, but it's for Personal Use Only. If I had to pick one from an established system though, it'd be Futhark "Isa".
63. What is your tarot card of choice? High Priestess.
64. Do you use essential oils? If so what is your favorite? Oh yes (but again, never around the pets). My favorites are pine, lavender, jasmine, and sandalwood. I once found this blend called MotionEaze or something, for motion sickness. Which didn't help much for that (my stomach is really touch and stubborn), but it DID help immensely with headaches, and keeping calm.
65. Have you ever taken any kind of witchcraft or pagan courses? I wanted to go to Sacred Mists college for awhile! But I don't have the money for that, even at $200/class, and right now it's on my dreambuilding list. I've always followed my books and my heart, and thus far it hasn't led me astray.
66. Do you wear pagan jewelry in public? Oh yeah. I used to wear either a pentacle necklace (usually under my shirt) or pentacle earrings (when I felt especially vulnerable) every day to high school. I even wore the necklace to my AP exams-- which were taken in a Catholic private school, so that was interesting. (I kept it hidden carefully the whole time. But one of the priests I encountered still watched me Uncomfortably Closely for the whole three minutes I was in that hall... I always wondered if he Suspected Anything.)
67. Have you ever been discriminated against because of your faith or being a witch? Well no, but I don't exactly make it public knowledge. I did wear a cloak as a jacket for several years (the only reason I don't anymore is that, A, it's tattered and badly needs mended, and B, I'm trying to get a Fancy Professional^tm Job). So of course I got a lot of questions like "Are you a witch?" "Are you a Wiccan?" And I got attempted evangelism just for wearing the cloak, but that was usually it. I tend to just say "I don't go to church because I work weekends", and when people ask what my religion is, I usually say "I'm nondenominational".
68. Do you read or subscribe to any pagan magazines? No, but one of my pictures was published in a pagan magazine! (I'd love to, but I don't think there are any local publications, and also those Cost Money. So... again, it's on the dreambuilding list.)
69. Do you think it’s important to know the history of paganism and witchcraft? Oh, absolutely. Mostly because of all the misinformation that's out there; you have to shield your mind against lies, and the best way to do that is to know the truth. It's also essential to respect where practices come from, because that's the only way to know if it's a closed practice, or even if it's the kind of practice you want to engage in. (Like if you're looking to divine truth without any bias or bells, the last place you should probably look is a sensationalizing LaVeyan Satanism spell...)
70. What are your favorite things about being a witch? It gives this strange, powerful aspect of myself a safe outlet.
71. What are your least favorite things about being a witch? That strange, powerful aspect can be downright terrifying sometimes.
72. Do you listen to any pagan music? If so who is your favorite singer/band? Not exclusively "pagan", but I've used Elvenpath by Nightwish to worship Mielikki, Mother Earth by Within Temptation to worship nature, and I believe Disturbed has a Wiccan member, and I've always loved their music.
73. Do you celebrate the Esbbats? If so, how? I used to! Nowadays I kind of just, bask in the glow of the moon through an open window, and take in the energy when I have the time, or when I need it. (But that's not even exclusive to Esbats, just... whenever I feel like I can use a little bit of a lunar touch in my life.)
74. Do you ever work skyclad? I sleep skyclad, so while the answer is Yes, Occasionally, that's not exclusive to my working.
75. Do you think witchcraft has improved your life? If so, how? Oh gods, YES, in SO many ways! It helped me understand, shape, and take control of a big part of my daily experience. It helped me make sense of this entire world of experience that nothing before had ever explained. It gave me a safe outlet for the energies blazing through me, and of course that outlet gave me a sense of fulfillment through healing and protecting myself AND those I love.
76. Where do you draw inspiration from for your practice? Honestly... anything I encounter that inspires me. Even mundane, non-witchy things-- a puppy's energy at work! The flight of my doves through the room! The wind whispering promises through the trees! The resilience of trodden grass, the gentle tug of a forest brook, the gradual yet ready shift in the trees every autumn. Things people say. Quotes that spark a sense of Purpose within me. And of course, my guides have given me a lot of inspiration, too.
77. Do you believe in ‘fantasy’ creatures? (Unicorns, fairies, elves, gnomes, ghosts, etc) Some, yes (ghosts for sure), others I think may be real things taken to a creative extreme, and other still, I believe, if they're not on Earth, not on THIS Earth, they probably exist purely through the creation of thoughtforms by now.
78. What’s your favorite sigil/symbol? That personal one I mentioned awhile ago? It's an intricate symbol with many layers, large and small components, straight and round, extremely powerful as a protective symbol, and it always makes me feel so peaceful, free, alive and well. It connects me with my goddess, my purpose, my sense of self amongst the world, and yet helps me block out those things in the world that destroy those things.
79. Do you use blood magick in your practice? Why or why not? Not really? I've just never needed to. I can trace my energies' destination by either empathy or intuition, I don't need blood to personalize, attach, or anchor anything.
80. Could you ever be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t support your practice? Well, I'm already in a very close and trusting familiar relationship with my mother like that. I'm okay with it, as long as they respect my boundaries about what I don't want to be told, how I don't want to be talked to, and that they respect that my experience is my own to name, not theirs.
81. In what area or subject would you most like your craft to grow? Ooh, uhhm... My ability to heal myself? It's this very bittersweet kind of irony that I can provide almost instant relief to others so EASILY, but when it comes to soothing my stomach or bolstering my own energy levels, I really just can't seem to do it for some reason.
82. What’s your favorite candle scent? Do you use it in your practice? Ooh, well there's this big candle warehouse in Medina, Ohio called "Root" that has SO MANY lovely scents! Their candles burn clean, their scenes are satisfyingly determinable without being overwhelming, and they have pine! They also have a very nice "bamboo" one. I've used a lot of scents from there that I really like.
83. Do you have a pre-ritual ritual? (I.e. Something you do before rituals to prepare yourself for them). If so what is it? Typically meditation, and on special occasions it’s in a bath.
84. What real life witch most inspires your practice? Probably Scott Cunningham. Though @ breelandwalker is a great source of modern witch tips!
85. What is your favorite method of communicating with deity? Astral projection and meeting them in an in-between space that we can both access easily.
86. How do you like to organize all your witchy items and ingredients? Shelves, boxes, and not too particularly, heh.
87. Do you have any witches in your family that you know of? My dad is sort of a witch (he mostly uses protective folk magic), and my paternal grandmother has a connection to animals and nature but doesn't practice witchcraft.
88. How have you created your path? What is unique about it? This is going to sound so contrived, but genuinely just following my instincts. "Okay, I heard about using light to heal... that seems to work alright, but I think it works better for me if I visualize motion instead of light." The most unique thing is... hard to put into words. My past lives have been rather powerful, so I believe I came into this life with a lot of insight and stronger memories on how to use the abilities that followed me into this body. I haven't seen a whole lot of shadow witches around-- literally, just ONE other! So maybe that's unique, too.
89. Do you feel you have any natural gifts or affinities (premonitions, hearing spirits, etc.) that led you toward the craft? If so what are they? Oh GODS yes. Empathy, the capacity for healing, past life memories, precognitive dreams, energy-sensing in general, easily getting connected to people and nature, it's just... less that I was "led toward the craft", and more like "I was led to the realization that this is, in fact, what I've actually been doing my whole life, and here's how to do it BETTER".
90. Do you believe you can initiate yourself or do you have to be initiated by another witch or coven? That depends entirely on what you're being initiated into. Jewish or Hindu practice? Absolutely, you have to convert. Like really convert, with a leader in that practice. But Wicca? That's open as hell, the Wiccan God and Goddess are really the only initiators you need.
91. When you first started out in your path what was the first thing or things you bought? A gold pentacle censar with celtic knottery and jewels. (Not, like, real gold and real jewels, but it’s a gorgeous thing nonetheless.)
92. What is the most spiritual or magickal place you’ve been? Two words: Astral Travel. ~<3 (If I gave specifics, it just... wouldn't be something I can explain HOW.)
93. What’s one piece of advice you’d give someone who is searching for their matron and patron deities? If you need them and they want you, you'll find them. They'll make sure of it.
94. What techniques do you use to ‘get in the zone’ for meditation? Meditation IS how I "get in the zone". 8F But I use the "empty mind" technique-- you know, "clear your mind" and "let your thoughts float away". Hold still and focus on your breaths. Personally, I revel in the silence, and it makes a great headspace where I can focus on clearing out my filters, strengthening my shields, and projecting much clearer and more Exactly Directed energy.
95. Did visualization come easily to you or did you have to practice at it? I've been visualizing things intentionally since before I knew what magic really WAS (whether it was in prayer, trying to get the world to do what I willed it, or just visualizing fantasy/fiction stories), so it definitely came easily.
96. Do you prefer day or night? Why? Night, absolutely night. Unless we're comparing a winter day to a summer night, in which case I'll take a cool calm day over a warm active night. The energies of a world awake can be overwhelming to me. At night, people and animals and plants all go to sleep. (At least, enough of them that it quiets around my empathy.) I love the feeling of moonlight on my skin. The sun's energy is too hot, too bright, too active for me to handle sometimes. But I have never once been overwhelmed by the night. In fact, I've always felt safer, more alert, more ALIVE at night. I'm a lunar child, what can I say.
97. What do you think is the best time and place to do spell work? For me? When I have the energy. When I was in public school, it was Saturday nights, because I had been able to sleep in, and would be able to sleep in the next day! I always do my best workings around midnight.
98. How did you feel when you cast your first circle? Did you stumble or did it go smoothly? It went so smoothly, and I felt so safe. Energy work was something I didn't... exactly struggle to PROJECT, so much as I struggled to form it into what I needed. But I got it in the right shape, anchored with some stones and some candles, and
99. Do you believe witchcraft gets easier with time and practice? Oh yes. There will always be things that come easier than others, but with practices even the difficult things become easier.
100. Do you believe in many gods or one God with many faces? Many Gods. "Everything is one god" just doesn't make sense to me. That's like saying humanity is "one person with many faces".
101. Do you eat meat, eggs and dairy? Technically I'm pescatarian, and I really shouldn't eat dairy (lactose intolerant, possibly allergic?), and I do avoid heavily-dairy foods like yogurt (unless it's kefir) and straight-up milk, but some things, like ice cream, can't feasibly be replaced by non-dairy when you're on such a tight budget! Eggs and fish are the only Protein Foods I can eat that actually feel okay in my stomach. (Clairgustance with fish is usually pretty peaceful and calming, actually. Eggs kind of just taste like energy.)
102. What is your favorite color and why? Oh, indigo! I have a heavy bias towards blue, it's such a nice color. Calm, dark, cool. Serene. Indigo is a very dark blue with a sort of richness that reminds me of the night sky.
103. What is the one question you get asked most by non-practitioners or non-pagans? How do you usually respond? "Have you ever read the bible?" (Yes, yes I have. Book by book, chapter by chapter. I remained unconvinced.) I usually tell them "I have, cover to cover. It just didn't make my top 10 books list."
104. Which of your five senses would you say is your strongest? Touch, I absolutely experience the world through tactile touch-dominance. (I see you mentioned "five", though I believe there are nine? Empathy can be so strong it's debilitating sometimes, but it's not as constant as Touch.)
105. What is a pagan or witchcraft rule that you preach but don’t practice? I'm honestly not sure. I'm of the opinion that spirituality and a personal craft like witchcraft don't have any Hard and Fast "Rules" At All, and it's different for everyone. I do make a lot of recommendations for practices that might help other people though, even if it's not something I practice myself. The most common? Meditation styles. I come across a lot of witchlings wanting to practice meditation, but the kind I've always used, for 14 years and with immense success personally, was your classic "empty mind" meditation. But that doesn't help everyone. So I recommend other forms for them to try, like with mudras and mantras, using a fidget toy as mala beads, walking meditations, prayer/divinity meditations, ways to incorporate sonomancy or vision quests or logic puzzles (a la Zen). I've never tried them myself, because I've never needed to.
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torque-witch · 8 years
Hi! This is really random but I bumped into one of your posts and I've ALWAYS been interested in witchcraft since I was really young. Recently I keep thinking about it and stuff but idk where to begin. I was wondering if you could tell me?:)
Sure, I’ll try my best! I do have a beginner tag where you can find this original post, but I’m going to copy and paste the majority of it for the purpose of this ask.
“I’m going to start off with three things you should consider before deciding to be a witch. These are not necessary, but are suggestions.
One - What is your primary goal or what you want to achieve from becoming a witch? If you are just interested in it for the aesthetic, or because you think it will make you look cool, I would reconsider the reason behind your interest. This isn’t to say that people haven’t come to witchcraft this way and have been successful, but it may take you longer to grow into. Something else to consider is that having this identity can be dangerous depending on your location and situation. Those that dress as witches for the aesthetic are probably not trying to be harmful, but can sometimes cause a false sense of belonging to those that are practicing witches. (I asked a girl once if she was a witch because she wore a pentacle and I was looking for a local friend and she laughed at me.) Being a witch is often lonely and kept as a personal identification.
Two - Witchcraft can be happy and sunshine and rainbows, but at it’s base it is not something to laugh about. Witchcraft is about using the world around you and bending it to your will. That is a huge responsibility to have on your shoulders, as what you do can often affect others around you, whether you mean it or not. You have to be able to accept that witchcraft means work, responsibility and dedication. It is not a toy.
Three - Not everything you see is up for grabs when it comes to magical practices. There is (yes, there is) such a thing as Cultural Appropriation and it is a harmful thing to spread and practice. I’ll leave you more information on this later, but the point is that not all practices and paths are open for you to explore. You need to be able to look at everything objectively and do research and ask questions. Where does this practice come from? Who started it? What culture is it from? More often than not, when you engage in these types of practices, you are not even getting the original information. Why would you want to so something that is just a half-assed version? It’s disrespectful and harmful to the actual, living people of color (POC) that still practice the original forms of magic or ideology that so easily gets passed off as “ancient and mystical” when it is really just a white-washed version.
Some other tidbits to keep in mind.
Magic is not black and/or white. It is a neutral force that you bend to your intentions. Calling “good” magic white, and “bad” magic black only propagates racial inequality and the subliminal message that POC are evil.
You don’t have to be Wiccan to be a witch. Wicca is a religion/cult/practice where members worship the god and goddess, revere nature and often use magic in order to supplement worship. They follow The Rede and the Three-Fold Law. Most of what you will see on Tumblr is actually Neo-Wicca, which does not require a practitioner to be initiated into a group by way of a Priestess or otherwise. Wicca is an initiatory cult. Neo-Wicca is based off of Wiccan teachings, and often allows the practitioner to be solitary.
You can follow a religion (any) or you can not follow a religion. Witchcraft can be viewed as a religion on its own, but generally speaking it is a practice that can be blended with religion or not.
Witchcraft does not equal Satanism - as Satanism has many forms and ideologies it branches to as well, some not even involving magic.
You don’t have to be pagan or worship any deities to be a witch.
You don’t need to be white to be a witch. (I’ve been asked this!!!)
You don’t need to be straight to be a witch.
You don’t need to be able-bodied to be a witch.
You don’t need crystals.
You don’t need fancy tools.
You don’t need to read Tarot.
You don’t need an Ouija board.
You don’t need to communicate with spirits.
You don’t need a familiar.
You don’t have a spirit animal unless you are Native American and studying in a tribe. (Please read this post)
Smudging is also NA, see above. Please refer to it as smoke cleansing.
You can curse.
You can choose not to curse.
You don’t have to practice every day.
You can take extended breaks.
You don’t even have to call yourself a witch! Witch is a gender neutral term, but some feel uncomfortable using it because of its feminine history. You could use Wix, sorcerer(ess), magician, practitioner, cunning man/woman, etc. You don’t even need a title at all.
You don’t need a magical name unless you want one.
I’m sure I’m forgetting something along the way, but the bottom line is that whatever you choose to do, you are valid. All you need is yourself and the drive to learn and practice, whatever that may mean to you. There is no right or wrong way to be a witch, unless you are doing something that is harmful to oppressed cultures and people.”
Reading Material
Mostly, I’ll be using my tags for this, so that you can peruse as you wish!
Beginner Witch Masterpost - via @magic-for-the-masses
Witchy Masterposts - everything you’ll ever need, especially for beginner ideas like energy work and visualization.
Types of Witches Masterpost - to help you narrow down your focus on your path if you feel necessary!
Cultural Appropriation in Witchcraft - can get a bit heated, so take that into consideration.
Deities - offerings and masterposts of pantheons
Witch Tips - beginner friendly tips
Spoonie Witchcraft - beginner friendly and good for low energy work
Books - PDFs and book references for purchase
Astrology - fun stuff mostly and some informational posts
Herbs - associations and precautions
Tea - witchy essential
Coffee - also a witchy essential
Bath Magic - beginner friendly
Sigils - low energy and beginner friendly
Crystals - lots of pictures, some informational posts and precautions.
Curses - if you dare
Kitchen Witchcraft
Moon Magic
Storm Witchcraft
Tarot Tips - side blog
Other Divination
Anything else you are welcome to search on my blog by typing in torque-witch.tumblr.com/search/(enter word here) or you can visit my FAQ for more information.
Blog Recommendations
Some of these blogs do overlap with witchcraft and divination, but these are people I follow and respect. If you have any questions please feel free to send me and ask or message me! That goes for anyone :)
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wrcnn-blog · 7 years
hey everyone! i’m d, i’m 23, i use they/them pronouns. i’m late, as usual, but i’m here now and luckily my over-all rotten day is hopefully going to get better! i’m going to put some information about my little bird wren below the cut, and maybe it’ll even miraculously manage to make sense. if you want to plot with them, you can LIKE THIS or send me an IM.
tw for: fatphobia, homophobia, bullying.
wren was born in cork, ireland to two people who could not have possibly been happier if they tried. they moved with their parents to the states at around age three, where their mother opened the shop they now run called “o’shea’s” and their father earned the majority of their livelihood working as an endocrinologist. predominantly, they were raised in doverport, but they are no stranger to the southern united states in general given the way their parents enjoyed traveling for their holidays.
they were raised pretty simply and in relative comfort and stability. their mother taught them their self-chosen religion when they were old enough to decide what they wanted, and though it does line up with her’s, the o’shea’s have always heavily believed in letting their child make their own decisions. it was always a very open-minded household, where wren has never been afraid to talk about things or made to feel like they couldn’t be who they are. their mother was pretty much the first person to know about their gender identity, and even helped them do research when they were confused about themself.
that being said, school was kind of a nightmare for them. it’s not that they went out of their way to draw attention to themself --- they’ve always been a rather low-key person, chill and kind of fading into the background of any situation, and they’ve almost always liked that --- but more so that there’s nowhere better to have your differences picked apart than in a building full of insecure pre-teens. wren went through it during middle school, and then through high school as well, kind of being forced into the position of some sort of pariah. if it wasn’t for their religion, it was for their gender, and if it wasn’t for their gender, it was ill-conceived homophobia directed at a sexuality that they, at the time, didn’t even know their identity with, and more often than any of that, it was their weight. they’ve always been a bit on the heavier side, and they’re very soft and not very tall, pudgy and thicker than most people. at home, this wasn’t a problem. out in the world, people treat you like shit for it. they got treated like shit.
they still do, a lot of the time.
they aren’t really the type of person to take a lot of things to heart. they can be sensitive, but they try to let most of it roll off their back. they’ve always been taught to respond to things with patience and with positivity, and although that hasn’t always been easy, those are some of the skills they are most grateful to have now. their mother gave them to them not only from her own teachings, but from the teachings of their religion and the fundamental belief that the energy they put out into the world is what they get back. their tormentors are going to receive three-fold what they put wren through, and the cosmic balance will restore itself in its own time. there’s nothing else to be done about it.
wren has a green thumb! they’re very good with plants, and they’re very creative as well. they’ve always done things with their hands, and thei mother gave them skills that they now use every day in their life running the business she retired from. mostly what they do is make jewelry. beautiful jewelry, mostly out of various precious crystals and a little bit of metalwork, but also out of wood, mostly stuff they hand-carve themself. they make candles, and tea, and herb pouches, and in their shop they will often sell pieces from local artists too. books on magic and wicca and decks of tarot cards are always in stock, and currently they are working on writing their own book on their experiences within their religion as well a s a few spells they’ve created themself.
they smoke a lot of pot. drinking and smoking cigarettes isn’t really their thing, and recreational use of drugs beyond marijuana is quite limited, but it keeps them calm and helps a ton with their anxiety. despite outwardly projecting a consistently calm persona, they do have some mental scarring from their years in school, and they’re naturally a very timid and self-conscious person. 
they’re very patient and very kind. they can be kind of blunt and kind of dry from time-to-time, but that’s mostly because they have a no-bullshit philosophy when it comes to giving advice. which they do, by the way. a lot. they tend to be the “parent” friend to most people, choosing to take care of others and finding they’re better at listening and trying to help with outside problems than they are with dealing with their own. if you ever need someone to vent to or someone to tell you something straight without nonsense, go to them and they’ll make some tea and sit for a while.
that being said, they can be kind of emotionally distant for their own part. they have a hard time connection because they have a hard time accepting that their own feelings are as worthy or that other people might care to hear them. aside from with their parents, they don’t typically share about what’s happening in their life or anything else.
they’re panromantic and demisexual, as it says on their stats page, but i’d actually like to take the time to explain here that they’re kinda borderline ace. they rarely experience romantic or sexual urges, and it’s not completely from lack of opportunity, though over the years they’ve hardly had anybody interested in them. they just don’t find the idea of it to be as desirable as everyone else in the world seems to, and they themself don’t consider who they are as a person to be all that desirable either, so they figure others probably share the opinion about them regardless of how they feel about romance.
they do tarot and past life readings for a small fee at their shop.
pretty much have plants everywhere both outside and within their work space, as well as all through the flat they live in the place above their o’shea’s.
they adopted a little blind kitten from the animal shelter that no one else wanted and they love her very much and have named her ginny --- gin for short. she’s about a year old now can often be seen lounging about their shop in spots of sunlight or playing with her toys on the floor/begging for attention from the customers. she’s long-haired and white.
click anywhere in this sentence for their stats page. please at least read the appearance category so you accurate describe them within writing, should that arise.
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saviormysticmeme · 8 years
RFA Reactions to Witchy MC
Disclaimer: They might all be a little OCC, theres some spoilers, some of them get fluffy and smutty. Mainly Sevens. Also don’t think anything I typed is the sole accurate representation of Witch craft. Pls, it’s just what I occasionally practice and I’m by no means the most informed.
If you like it pls let me kno am desperate for deh reveews uwuwuwuwwu and if you do let me know if you want the minor trio.
Lmao ok I’ll stop being garbage I’m sorry.
He didn’t know cause you never told him. You weren’t really scared of telling him, but there never seemed to be a time to mention it
He never noticed how many different pendants and gemstones you had, and if he did he just thought they were an ~*aesthetic*~ choice
You didn’t pay much mind to him not paying mind, and you didn’t try to avoid doing witchy things around him, you just tended to do them more when alone
So one day while Yoosung was at class you were feeling the ~vibes~ and decided to do some sachets of assorted herbs and stones for any number of purposes. You were planning a luck one, a happy feeling one, maybe even a love one for the bedroom.
You lost track of time and Yoosung came home to find you sitting at the kitchen table with a bunch of plant leaves, rocks, and tiny felt bags.
You just looked up and “Oh, uh, hey Babe”
Yoosung didn’t really know what he was looking at and just “Hey Babe……”
“Whatchya doin?”
So you told him. You make sachets and charms and occasionally meditate and try to open your third eye and you believe in any number of things that are considered supernatural and-
Yoosung loves it immediately.
“Oh my god my babes a witch! You’re like, a real life mage! Oh my god so you cast spells and stuff???”
You chuckle “Well sometimes yeah but I’m not vanquishing monsters I’m usually just like, trying to make myself feel more creative”
He still loves it. He wants to learn things. Teach him the things.
He ends up sitting at the table with you and you tell him what all the different plants and stones are for. He gets super into it.
He joins you for witchy activities once a week now.
Whenever he cooks he gives you the leftovers and you put it out as an offering for any deity of your choosing.
You make him a jar stuffed with assorted things that are supposed to bring success and victory. He keeps it next to his computer and everytime he wins a tough battle he yells a thank you to you and kisses the jar.
Does not stop bragging to his online friends “My sweetheart is basically a mage. How cool??”
You knew Jaehee was sorta religious and you were scared to bring up the whole “Hey I participate in witchcraft thing”
You constantly ran the conversation over in your head “Hey Baehee, I uh, I’m a witch. Now contrary to popular belief, Witchcraft isn’t a religion! It’s just a practice...like...yoga. Kind of...So...cool?”
No not cool You couldn’t convince yourself to talk to her about it.
She’s really level headed...but you were so scared to ruin things with her.
So you just resolve to bottle it up and handle it another day and keep all your witchy shit packed up until you figure out what to do.
But one day you come home from shopping and find Jaehee holding a box of Tarot cards
Shit shit shit shit shit
She looks up and sees you ghosting in the doorway
“Please don’t break up with me” It just kinda fell out of your mouth
“What” She looks confused for a second “If anything I should ask you not to break up with me. I didn’t mean to go through your stuff, I was trying to clean the shelf and I was too short and I reached for a box and all your stuff fell out, and, I’m sorry it all just looked so interesting…”
Does she know? Baehee do you know? Speak to me.
You just stare at her for a second
“Are you mad?” She asks
“No…..are you?”
“What? Why would I be mad?”
“That I do, like, witch stuff?”
“Oh what? Not at all, I think it’s very interesting. I was at a coffee shop once and ended up meeting a wiccan actually. She and I talked for a bit. Are wiccan and witch the same thing?”
“Oh actually-” And the two of you fell into conversation, you explaining the ins and outs of everything, what's this and what's that, how to do this and how to do that. Baehee is fascinated. Fill her thirst for knowledge MC. Fill it.
From then on whenever she sees you doing stuff it’s a one sided game of 20 questions, but you don’t mind at all.
You start brewing her coffee every morning, stirring clockwise and pouring positive intentions and love into it.
Jaehee wants to know the science of witchcraft because she swears she can taste the love.
Zen found out rather quickly
He was running late to a rehearsal and he was going to take his bike, which you thought was wicked cool, but it also scared the shit out of you because this boy
This boy sometimes forgets his helmet he’s in such a rush. And he fkn speeds. 
You just got really nervous and called for him to wait.
“What is it MC? I’m sorry to leave so soon but the Director just called and they need me-”
“No I know just-” you were fishing around in the bag you usually carry around with you. “I just want to give you something”
“Is it a goodbye kiss?” He smirked and sauntered over to you, he took your shoulder in his hand and went to spin you around and kiss you, but as he spun you, you put a little bag in front of his face. He just stared at it for a second.
“MC...is this...pot? You want to smoke with me befo-”
You blushed so hard “No! It’s sage, and lavender, and theres a charm fo-” You shook your head as if to physically clear your thoughts. “It’s just...a little ‘Safe Travels’ bag. I know it seems silly but I’d feel better if you took it cause I kno-”
He cut you off with a really strong kiss and took the sachet out of your hand. When he pulled away he had a big smile on his face and he looked so happy. “I’ll always keep it with me then. Thank you, Love.” And he put it in his jacket pocket and zipped it up, gave it a pat, grabbed his helmet, and headed out the door. But not before winking at you. And blowing you a kiss. And telling you all men are beasts. And asking if you ate. And-
When he got home from practice that night you guys ended up talking about your whole witchery thing
You told him you like to do a lot of divination. Palm reading, tarot reading, tea leaf reading. Sometimes when you have someone to do it with Ouiji board
Zen they’re dead pls
He really likes you reading his palm. Even though you say the same thing most of the time. You realize later he just likes you holding his hand. Goddammit Zen.
But he’s really supportive, it doesn’t hurt his ego feeds off of your readings telling him he’s going to do well.
“Do the tarot cards say I’m hot?” “Zen that’s not really-” “They think I’m ugly???” “...Oh look uh….Nine of Wands. That means uh...ur so hot. Yeah. You got it.”
“You know what card I think is better?” He smirks. “What card?” You ask
Like a fucking magician, without even looking he pulls a card out of the deck and says “The Lovers” AND IT’S THE FUCKING LOVERS CARD
You know Jumin grew up going to church. You know he’s not suuuuper devout. But Catholic enough that you reallllly don’t want to tell him. You only wear subtle things, bracelets and stuff that could pass off as just decorative and not really “Hey I’m a Witch”y
All your stuff is in storage. The cards, the stones, the jars. Almost everything aside from a few pieces of jewelry and ‘decor’ pieces.
You’ve actually been feeling pretty down about it. Your energy is at an all time low if you’re not with Jumin because in your free time this is what you’d do. But you love Jumin so much you can’t risk losing him.
You resolve to meditate still. You don’t have to be a witch to meditate.
So you get into the habit of meditating quite often. While you feel happy you can focus on searching your soul and strengthening your mind, you still miss everything else.
But you don’t have time to miss everything when there comes a week where everything is just going wrong for Jumin. Work his hard, his Dad continues to stress him out with a new girlfriend, and V is being realllly elusive again to Jumin’s dismay.
Whenever he’s home he’s in his office or pacing around the room trying to find something to distract himself. When he snuggles with you, you can feeeeel the stress radiating off of him. Even Elizabeth isn’t calming him.
So you decide it’s time to do what you do best
Spiritual healing
One day while Jumin’s at work you go out and get a bunch of candles. Like a ton. Like you just made a small business owner a very happy person. You got mostly lavender and jasmine. Both are supposed to help promote feelings of caaaalmness.
You set them all around the bedroom because it was the place most closed off from technology, people, distractions in general. You also made some tea, set it with intentions to calm, and put it on the bedside table just as Jumin was walking in the door.
“Honey your home!” You walked into the living room. Jumin kissed you on the cheek “Hello Kitten, how was your day?” You totally ignored his question and just “I have something for you. I noticed you’ve been stressed lately.” “MC you shouldn’t ha-” “Shush and just come on” You took his hand and led him to the bedroom.
Once you were in there he just looked around in amazement. The room was completely dark except for the light of the candles flickering off the walls. The smell seemed to cradle the both of you in a really nice feeling.
You looked at Jumin and realized his suit was not going to be comfortable. Without saying a word you undid the top few buttons of his shirt and started untying his tie.
“Well Kitten, I have to say you certainly wanted to surprise me” He had the voice. Why does he have the voice?
He grabbed your waist and pulled you close, his sultry fucking voice in your ear “All these candles, we’re going to have fun tonight huh?”
Well I mean the idea certainly seemed to put him in a better mood so maybe you could just do that inste-
No MC! We are sticking to the plan but maybe later
You put your hands on your chest and slowly push him back “N-No Jumin that’s not why I did this”
What? Jumin Han does not compute. What are candles used for in the bedroom aside from really kinky-
You took a seat on the bed cross legged and gestured for him to sit across from you, which he did (even though he seemed a little confused and disappointed)
You handed him one of the tea cups as you took a long sip from yours. He copied your actions but kept his eyes on you. You put your cup down and so did he.
“I want us to meditate together” You said. He just kind of stared at you. “You’ve been really stressed out lately and I think this could be really good for you!”
He let out a long breath. You could tell instantly he was not feeling it. “MC I appreciate it but I don’t think sitting in the quiet is going to help me right now.”
No but pouring hot wax on me would?
“Please Jumin. I know it seems really silly to you know, but you’d be surprised how good you can feel after.” He pursed his lips. Time to pull out the big guns “Please? For me?”
He held his breath for a moment and sighed. Hook line and sinker.
“Alright. What do I do?”
Your face lit up and you let out a little squeal and clapped. You turned on some white noise that sounded like ocean, straightened your back, closed your eyes, and let out a deep breath.
“So first, your breathing-” And you began walking Jumin through the meditation process. You used your instructor voice, calm, slow, relaxing. You’d occasionally open your eyes to peek at Jumin and make sure he was actually doing what you were saying and not just pretending. To your pleasant surprise, he was. And he genuinely seemed to be doing better than before. His whole aura felt lighter, more organized.
After about an hour of sitting together, at least 20 mins of it were just silence, you start to bring him back to the real world.
“And open your eyes when you feel grounded”
He took a minute and opened them
You could see a hint of amazement in them
“Well...I actually do feel very….relaxed.” You clap, ecstatic. “MC, this is...strange. I’ve sat in the quiet before but it’s never felt so good...How did you do that?”
Meditation became a common thing for the two of you. So common Jumin renovated a room to be your personal meditation place. He said being in the bedroom with you and candles could be verrrry distracting sometimes. He had the room set up with very comfortable mats, a little table that would sit between the two of you with tea and whatever post meditation snack you chose, surround sound for your white noise or music, and basically anything you could ask for.
More and more you incorporated your craft into your own personal meditation, never wanting to force it onto Jumin, but when he’d question the gems surrounding you you didn’t hesitate to tell him. You felt meditation had brought you two even closer and you knew you could trust him. So you told him all about your witchy shenanigans.
“Kitten, you thought I wouldn’t accept it?”
“I was scared. So scared of losing you, just over some personal beliefs…”
“Kitten, even if I was to disagree, I could never leave you just because our spiritual beliefs don’t line up. I would respect that you have your practice and I have mine, simply because that seems like the adult thing to do, but also because I...I love you.”
You may have teared up a bit. Maybe. I dont know I’m a bitch with a kink for understanding and accepting partners ok leave me alone
Baeyoung/707/Luciel/Love of my Life
I feel like Seven would figure it out quick and wouldn’t even be phased
“Boy MC you sure like mason jars”
“Uh” O shit that was fast
“And gems, and plants, and pentagrams, and- oh. I get it. You’re a witch?!”
“Yeah…” Is...Is he cool with it
707 witch fanboy confirmed
He starts talking about all the metaphysical health benefits of all your stuff
Seven I know it’s my stuff
Yeah but get this- Then he drops mad knowledge on you that you didn’t know.
“How did-” “Witchcraft always struck me as really cool, so I researched it in my free time a lot when I was younger….MC do you know what this means?” What does it mean Seven “We’re getting a cat” Seven I don’t need a ca- “No you need to have black cat to be a real witch” Seven I think you just wan- “And if our cat is all black it’ll look extra cute when she plays with Elly~” I don’t think Jumi-
You guys got the cat. His name is Yin. Jumin is really confused as to why Seven starts calling Elly ‘Yang’ but that’s for another time.
You never really address Seven’s feelings on witchcraft vs his upbringing. If he’s happy you’re happy.
He’s very happy. He loves watching you do witchy things. He usually sits there with a dopey smile on his face. He swears he’s so in love with you and everything you do and ugh, you’re his little Witchy Babe <3
He has at least 3 charms on him at any point in time that you made for him.
During hugs he loves taking long whiffs because you always smell good
You guys go stargazing a lot and look at constellations. He liked doing that even before he knew you were a witch but now that he knows you guys talk about the gods and myths they align with and astrological meaning and what not.
Seven keeps joking about how cool it’ll be when you guys get married on the moon because you’re gonna be a Space Witch.
Seven programs a little digital alter on the computers in the house. They’re so cute and thoughtful and interactive it’s so neat.
He also makes you the coolest witch blog the internet ever did see.
You always get random spells forwarded to you by him
Suddenly he goes on a ‘Bath Magic’ kick. Literally all day “Yule time bath” “Self love bath spell” “Protection from bad energy bath”.  You’re at work so you just text him back “Whats your obsession with these lol?”
“I was hoping we could do them together ;)”
Ohgodohgodohgod don’t blush at work.
You get home that day and you hear running water upstairs. You know immediately. You go upstairs to find Seven waiting for you at the door of the bathroom, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist and a couple necklaces you had made for him, his glasses slightly fogged up from the steam of the bath he just drew
“My Love?”
Insta melted heart oh mah gawwwwwww
Red candles light the room and it smells amazing. What is that? Seven what did you mix holy shit. And then, of course, rose petals floating in the tub and littering the floor.
You two slide into the bath after Seven takes his sweet time stripping you down, kissing you here and there
The second you hit the water you feel relaxed. Hot baths are nice. Hot baths with a hot boy are double nice. Hot baths with a hot boy catering to your Witch vibes? Fkn fire.
“Saeyoung,” he knows you’re feeling good when you use his real name. “What is this for? I mean, roses? Red candles? I already love you, you goof ball.”
“I know. It’s...It’s a few things I guess. It started as a self love thing.” What. “I know you hate it when I’m hard on myself, so I try not to be but sometimes I just...can’t help it. So I looked up some self love charms and what not and I found a bath spell and figured it was worth a shot…” Your heart broke a little. You couldn’t take your eyes off the water. You thought he had been feeling better since saving his brother. You never noticed...oh god you felt so awful you could cry. You felt like you failed him.
You turned your head to him “Seven, I’m so sorr-”
“I’m not finished.” You looked at his face finally and a small smile played on his lips. “And I kept looking at bath stuff and there were couples ones too and I realized that whenever I’m sad. Whenever I feel unworthy...you’re there for me. You always make me feel loved and make me feel worthy. And that as long as you’re by my side...everything will be ok. So when I found a couples bath and realized it had a lot of the same ingredients as the lonely one I figured...why not do both?”
He pulled you close, mouth so close his breaths kept grazing your ear and sending a shiver down your spine. “And let’s face it… bathing together with rose petals and candles is pretty fucking hot”
“And I put sugar in the water” he ran his tongue across the back of your shoulder “It makes you taste pretty fkn good”
M e l t e d
Ok I’m done being a garbage can bye
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agender-nb-wix · 8 years
Witchcraft Asks #1-105
My previous post is the original ask meme with just the questions. 1. Are you solitary or in a coven? -I'm technically in an online coven, but I don't really interact with the members very often. I probably should but I keep forgetting. 
2. Do you consider yourself Wiccan, Pagan, witch, or other? -I'm pagan and wiccan, and I'm a wix (gender neutral with/wizard). 
3. What is your zodiac sign? -Libra, and I fit the stereotypes well. 
4. Do you have a Patron God/dess? -Artemis, the Deity of the Moon, Hunting, and Childbirth, and Athena, the Deity of Wisdom, War, and Arts and Crafts are both my Patron Deities. 
5. Do you work with a Pantheon? -Nope. 
6. Do you use tarot, palmistry, or any other kind of divination? -I've been trying to learn rune divination, but I'm not very good at it yet. 
7. What are some of your favorite herbs to use in your practice? (if any) -Flower petals, even though I can't use them often. 
8. How would you define your craft? -Very open-minded and DIY, but still semi-traditional. 
9. Do you curse? If not, do you accept others who do? -I'm extremely on the fence about cursing, but I have absolutely no problem with others who do, just as long as the punishment is reasonable (I don't condone casting a killing curse on someone who cut in front of you in a line one day). 
10. How long have you been practicing? -About 3 years, on and off. 
11. Do you currently or have you ever had any familiars? -Nope. 
12. Do you believe in Karma or Reincarnation? -Karma yes, reincarnation I'm not sure. 
13. Do you have a magical name? -No. 
14. Are you “out of the broom closet”? -Nope. 
15. What was the last spell you performed? -The Donald Trump curse. 
16. Would you consider yourself knowledgeable? -Not at all, but I've been trying to learn as much as I can. 
17. Do you write your own spells? -Yes, or I find a spell online and change it. 
18. Do you have a book of shadows? If so, how is it written and/or set up? -Yes, it's as organized as I can make it. I have multiple tables of contents and I try to keep everything organized and neat. 
19. Do you worship nature? -I don't worship it, but I do deeply respect it. 
20. What is your favorite gemstone? -I'm not sure. My favorite STONE is Black Tourmaline. 
21. Do you use feathers, claws, fur, pelt, skeletons/bones, or any other animal body part for magical work? -Not yet. I'm waiting for my snake to shed so I can use her shed skin in a spell. 
22. Do you have an altar? -No, but I want one. 
23. What is your preferred element? -Air. 
24. Do you consider yourself an Alchemist? -Not in the slightest. 
25. Are you any other type of magical practitioner besides a witch? -I don't think so, I don't know all the types of magical practitioners. 
26. What got you interested in witchcraft? -It's always called to me, even before I learned that it's "real". 
27. Have you ever performed a spell or ritual with the company of anyone who was not a witch? -No. 
28. Have you ever used ouija? -Yes. 
29. Do you consider yourself a psychic? -I've never called myself one, but I guess you could say so. 
30. Do you have a spirit guide? If so, what is it? -I don't think I have one? 
31. What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started? -You don't need to get a bunch of fancy stuff and you don't need to follow traditions strictly; witchcraft is very free and open to interpretation and change. 
32. Do you celebrate the Sabbats? If so which one is your favorite? -I hope the Sabbats are the celebrations in the Wheel of the Year. My favorite is Samhain, despite my terrifying experience with a spirit last Samhain. 
33. Would you ever teach witchcraft to your children? -If I (for some reason) ever have children, and if they were willing to learn, then yes of course. 
34. Do you meditate? -Sometimes. 
35. What is your favorite season? -Fall. 
36. What is your favorite type of magick to preform? -Herb and candle magick. 
37. How do you incorporate your spirituality into your daily life? -Little prayers and sigils, usually. 
38. What is your favorite witchy movie? -I'm not sure. 
39. What is your favorite witchy book, both fiction and non-fiction. Why? -I'm not sure. 
40. What is the first spell you ever preformed? Successful or not. -I was in my gross stupid emo phase and I was 12, and I cast a spell to turn myself into a vampire. Obviously, it didn't work. My first REAL spell was when I changed my eye color very slightly, it lasted about a month I think. 
41. What’s the craziest witchcraft-related thing that’s happened to you? -A spirit attempted to kill me during Samhain. 
42. What is your favourite type of candle to use? -The ones with glass around them that I can hold 
43. What is your favorite witchy tool? -Candles. 
44. Do you or have you ever made your own witchy tools? -Nope. I dried some carnation petals though. 
45. Have you ever worked with any magical creatures such as the fea or spirits? -Yes, I work with spirits often. 
46. Do you practice color magic? -Yes. 
47. Do you or have you ever had a witchy teacher or mentor of any kind? -Nope. I'm almost completely self-taught. 
48. What is your preferred way of shopping for witchcraft supplies? -In a way my parents won't find out. I prefer in person so I can feel the energy of what I'm buying. 
49. Do you believe in predestination or fate? -Yes and no. Some things are meant to happen, others can be changed. 
50. What do you do to reconnect when you are feeling out of touch with your practice? -Learn correspondences and cast spells. 
51. Have you ever had any supernatural experiences? -Yes, quite a few. 
52. What is your biggest witchy pet peeve? -When a big spell doesn't work. 
53. Do you like incense? If so what’s your favorite scent? -I love incense but I can't burn it very often, so I don't know what my favorite scent is. 
54. Do you keep a dream journal of any kind? -No. I used to. 
55. What has been your biggest witchcraft disaster? -I'm not sure. 
56. What has been your biggest witchcraft success? -I'm not sure. 
57. What in your practice do you do that you may feel silly or embarrassed about? -I sometimes sign words in spells, and I feel like I look silly. 
58. Do you believe that you can be an atheist, Christian, Muslim or some other faith and still be a witch too? -Yes, definitely. 
59. Do you ever feel insecure, unsure or even scared of spell work? -Many times. 
60. Do you ever hold yourself to a standard in your witchcraft that you feel you may never obtain? -No, I don't hold myself to many standards. 
61. What is something witch related that you want right now? -A mortar and pestle. Or some herbs. Or an altar. Or more candles. 
62. What is your rune of choice? -I'm not sure, I don't have them memorized yet. 
63. What is your tarot card of choice? -Same as above. 
64. Do you use essential oils? If so what is your favorite? -I don't own any, sadly. 
65. Have you ever taken any kind of witchcraft or pagan courses? -Not yet. 
66. Do you wear pagan jewelry in public? -I sometimes wear a necklace with a stone in it, but that's it. 
67. Have you ever been discriminated against because of your faith or being a witch? -No because I'm not out of the broom closet. 
68. Do you read or subscribe to any pagan magazines? -No. 
69. Do you think it’s important to know the history of paganism and witchcraft? -Not in extreme detail, but I think it's important to know the basics. 
70. What are your favorite things about being a witch? -I can change the world as easily as whispering a few words. 
71. What are your least favorite things about being a witch? -All the stuff I feel compelled to memorize. I have a shitty memory. 
72. Do you listen to any pagan music? If so who is your favorite singer/band? -I didn't even know pagan music is a thing. 
73. Do you celebrate the Esbbats? If so, how? -I don't know what that is. 
74. Do you ever work skyclad? -Again, I don't know what that is. 
75. Do you think witchcraft has improved your life? If so, how? -It's given me a sense of control, and it's given me the strength and knowledge to change my life for the better. 
76. Where do you draw inspiration from for your practice? -Tumblr mostly, and my own mind. 
77. Do you believe in ‘fantasy’ creatures? (Unicorns, fairies, elves, gnomes, ghosts, etc) -Some. Not all. 
78. What’s your favorite sigil/symbol? -I came up with a sigil that's meant to bring peace and calm. My favorite symbol is the yin yang. 
79. Do you use blood magick in your practice? Why or why not? -No because I have a phobia of needles. Maybe with a knife, but I'm also recovering from self harm addiction, so I see that as a relapse. 
80. Could you ever be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t support your practice? -No. My partner needs to at the very least support me in my witchcraft, and she does. 
81. In what area or subject would you most like your craft to grow? -Spellcraft. 
82. What’s your favorite candle scent? Do you use it in your practice? -Mint, and yes. 
83. Do you have a pre-ritual ritual? (I.e. Something you do before rituals to prepare yourself for them). If so what is it? -I almost always cast a circle and I always ask the elements to assist me. 
84. What real life witch most inspires your practice? -I don't know many real life witches. 
85. What is your favorite method of communicating with deity? -Prayer. 
86. How do you like to organize all your witchy items and ingredients? -Sorted into groups of similar items so I can find what I need easily. 
87. Do you have any witches in your family that you know of? -Nope, not that I know of, 
88. How have you created your path? What is unique about it? -I don't really know. I don't think about that very often. 
89. Do you feel you have any natural gifts or affinities (premonitions, hearing spirits, etc.) that led you toward the craft? If so what are they? -I can sense and communicate with spirits, and I have very limited and vague premonitions. 
90. Do you believe you can initiate yourself or do you have to be initiated by another witch or coven? -I can initiate myself. 
91. When you first started out in your path what was the first thing or things you bought? -Candles and herbs. 
92. What is the most spiritual or magickal place you’ve been? -A campfire led by a Native American male witch, and he cast a protective barrier around the camp with the help of the campers. 
93. What’s one piece of advice you’d give someone who is searching for their matron and patron deities? -Follow your intuition, not what others tell you. 
94. What techniques do you use to ‘get in the zone’ for meditation? -Mindfulness meditation videos. 
95. Did visualization come easily to you or did you have to practice at it? -It came very easily. 
96. Do you prefer day or night? Why? -Night, because I am more drawn to the night time, and because there is less light so it is easier on the eyes. 
97. What do you think is the best time and place to do spell work? -A little after dusk in a park. 
98. How did you feel when you cast your first circle? Did you stumble or did it go smoothly? -I stumbled plenty of times, but it went very well. The elements were very understanding and helpful. 
99. Do you believe witchcraft gets easier with time and practice? -Definitely. 
100. Do you believe in many gods or one God with many faces? -Many deities. 
101. Do you eat meat, eggs and dairy? -I'm currently trying to become pescatarian, but for now I don't eat red meat and I'm starting to remove chicken meat from my diet. 
102. What is your favorite color and why? -Gray, because it represents the middle, mixes, and balance. That is also my name. 
103. What is the one question you get asked most by non-practitioners or non-pagans? How do you usually respond? -Do you cast curses? I usually respond with "only if I feel I need to". 
104. Which of your five senses would you say is your strongest? -Hearing, and that is both a good and bad thing. 
105. What is a pagan or witchcraft rule that you preach but don’t practice? -Don't worry about making things perfect, substitute ingredients work just as well.
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