#she did not get enough screentime smh
rvsirene · 8 months
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Mina x One Spark ♡
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clobertina · 3 months
Still fixated on HTTYD at the moment.
A rant??? But it's a rant showing how much I feel the 3rd movie could be better than it was I guess lol.
I'll admit that the LightFury's design has grown a lot on me over the years. However I still fully stand over the fact it should have and could have been better.
The concept design was really cool and was definitely better than the finished version imo! Not to mention the uh... problematic... reasons for changing her design does not help in the redesign's case here either...
However I will admit that the yin-yang vibe fits very well in terms of aesthetics! But that still doesn't excuse the creators reasonings of changing her because "she wasn't feminine enough" smh. As much as I like the 3rd movie, this reasoning still makes me angry and makes what they did to her even more infuriating. But, if I ranted about that specific thing, I'd be here all day.
Metta reasons aside, I feel the LightFury's design would drastically improve and look less uncanny if she had bigger and more prominent scales like Toothless. She just looks too smooth to the point it's kinda off-putting imo. Another thing I'd do is add more fins. To contrast Toothless, The LightFury has fins in the same places Toothless' spikes are, however for some reason it's not in every place it should??? It would look better if she had a fin in the middle of her head like how Toothless has a small row of spikes on his.
This is a petty nitpick; but I always hated that in the 3rd movie, the creators just got rid of Toothless' patterns for some reason??? His patterns where in all the movies (and even in the CN+Netflix series)! They are present in all except for this one movie! This bothers me because these patterns makes Toothless' design pop out more; AND I feel this design choice could have also helped with designing the LightFury by giving her similar patterns!
Another thing I would do is keep her cloaking ability solely unique to her. As much as I like the 3rd movie and LOVE Toothless as a whole... I actually really hated that they gave the one power that made the LightFury unique to Toothless... As if he wasn't powerful enough as it is HHH... It just bothered me on a deep personal level lol.
But the thing that would have helped the LightFury the most imo is not her design, but giving her more screentime and time to shine. Despite the whole movie's premise being around the hidden world, for some reason we spent little time actually IN it and it bothers me on a needlessly personal level LOL. If it focused more on developing Toothless and the LightFury's blossoming romance while being in the hidden world, both of my problems would be fixed as we'd see more of the hidden world while seeing more of the LightFury's personality; making us attached to her and eventually giving us an understanding to why Toothless would do what he does later in the movie to protect her. Many people (mostly kids I should clarify) hate the LightFury just because she took Toothless away from Hiccup and that she doesn't seem to actually like Toothless. What's worse is that in the 3rd movie it CAN actually come off this way at times imo. I have a huge problem with this because it further perpetuates this certain stereotype involving when a guy gets a girl love interest.
Sigh, rant aside, I do like the 3rd movie. I just feel they fumbled the LightFury very hard...
That said, if you like the LightFury, there's nothing wrong with that. In fact, like I said above, her design has grown a lot on me. I just wish she was better handled... Both in terms of design but MOSTLY in terms of intentions.
Might make a redesign in the future or something. Who knows lol.
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silvertws · 2 months
I may have watched all of the Descendants movies in one day.......
I'm ok guys, this is a sane thing to do.
Why Descendants if you may ask?
Because yes, songs are ok, Queen of mean is my entire gacha phase so I will of course watch it's origins ^^
Like, I could rant about them but like. You know.
I already forgot everyone's names.
Also wait wtf happened in the fourth movie??????? Where did our beloved golden retriever boy go??? Did he fucking die??? Are you kidding??? HOW WHY WHO DARED.
He was hands down the best character, I don't want to believe anything bad happened to him. No he's fine. I probably just misunderstood something... Right??? RIGHT????
I need to stop watching like, multiple movies from the same universe or an entire series in one day because like, emotions be emotioning.
Like, other than the fact that I taking down the barrier is literally the stupidest thing ever, because like, fine, you want to give the people who actually didn't do shit to have a chance to be normal.
I'm getting so worked up over some teens dancing and singing istg (nah jk, I love them they were great :3).
Well, Twilight Sparkle would be proud ig.
Also like, so, all the Disney villains and heroes are there right? Something like that?
Also like.
Nah like I'm sorry girl, I love you, but that energy in the second movie was not nearly enough screentime for you.
Like, she's the daughter of the most badass woman ever and the most badass man ever, there could literally be a whole movie about her maybe wanting to, unlike her mom, being more feminine and doing girly things because there's no war and so there's no need to train or some bullshit.
They could have gone the opposite way where the daughter is just as skilled as her mother (which has been shown to some degree but come on) and wanted to be just like her, maybe going through an arc where she was afraid of not meeting the expectations (not from her parents they would never) and instead making her own path, oh but we can't do that, why? WHY? IT COULD HAVE BEEN ADDED TO THE FIRST MOVIE, INSTEAD OF HER JUST WANTING NEW HAIR??? LIKE SHE COULD HAVE BEEN AN ACTUAL HELPFUL CHARACTER and a good middle ground???? Smh.
Ok, I mayyyyyyyy be looking too much into this my bad guys, I didn't want to turn this into a ramble but I guess here we are.
Also like if the guy with the dog died or went missing... What happened to the dog? His gf???? Was she with him??? Were they both???? Like, istg if they don't delve into this in the next movie imma go YEET something.
But to me it looks like the next movie will probably be about Uma's aunt cuz, time travel, she's angry comes for revenge and yada yada yada.
That whole charade we definitely haven't seen before in like... 4 movies...
But hey, the last movie I can say from a special effect point of view, and overall quality definitely showed a lot of improvements from the other 3.
Also, 3rd movie, girly was so justified in her villain arc, like I'm sorry, but one, Queen of mean slays, second of all, Mal literally ruined everything she had ever worked for, everything she had ever known now didn't matter. All the things she prepared for, all the times she had to be perfect, and she was! Before Mal arrived and by the way, stole the prince by giving him basically a love potion, which was like, "ok it wore off so it didn't matter" because at the end of the day he loved Mal right? WRONG, Mal, I love you, but you should have just gotten with your best friend tbh (even tho I do love the combination of nerd × creative couple, they are actually probably the couple I enjoy the most) like I'm sorry, I'm just saying. So like, I'm not saying I condone her actions, but I do understand why and what led to that whole thing. That could have been avoided if Mal also just simply, I don't know, bothered to say sorry? To check on the person whom she stole the boyfriend from? Again, Mal, love you so much, but this whole thing was just a big no for me.
(I wanna clarify that I don't actually hate anyone..? Like just in case someone thinks I hate the actors...? I don't???)
I'm just vibing here guys, this is just me being silly, you know how I am atp, (especially if you've ever seen my rambles on Steve Stories and stuff).
I have no friends to rant about this with, so the internet shall deal with me (bestie I know you exist, but I don't wanna bother u with Descendants).
Anyway, everyone have a lovely day and remember, it's summer, so hydrate a lot.
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the-crow-binary · 2 years
Multiple ships >:3c
Nice choices... >:3 Welp. Let's start with the OG tragic straight couple (well I guess Mathias x Elisabetha was the OG because they're older and Elisabetha died before Sara but whatever, Sara at least had more than one picture to serve as screentime ;c) <3
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Was very closed to check "i can make it SO fucked up <3" but tbh i like them the way they are <3 All soft and nice and """"""clean"""""" <3 Sara is underrated smh. She did not gave up her soul to complete the whip that will eventually save humans over and over again just to get ignored like that >:l (i also like the tragic idea that the family eventually forgot about her <3 Something about Leon keeping the fact he put his ex betrothed in his whip a family secret so the other people wouldn't... you know... do what they did anyway and shit on them lmao. And eventually, it just faded away) But other than just Sara, the couple they formed with Leon was pretty cute <3 At least we can easily imagine it was. Because we know Leon and we saw enough of Sara to know her too, sefless and sweet. Not that her 3D facial expressions are helping in showing that...
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They're both fucking Mathias. And maybe Leon too. And no i take no criticism. The game might not have given us much about their backstory together. But what we do know is enough to understand that THEY FUCKED. THEY SO FUCKED AND THEY WERE SO TOXIC ABOUT IT. Walter manipulating Joachim <3 Joachim attempting to murder him <3 Joachim being TURNED INTO A SLAVE BY WALTER. AAAAAAAA I WISH WE HAD SEEN MORE OF THEM TOGETHER AND MORE OF JOACHIM ALONE. Also love the idea of "not dating but married nonetheless" dynamic with them... ;3 (do not do this at home kids) Didn't check "compatible brand of freaks" because i couldn't decide if they were compatible or not. I guess yes in a way, but also no ? Consider it is both.
So... Hector/Rosaly, huh...
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They live in my heart rent free <3 ROSALY THANKING HECTOR FOR BEING BORN IS MAKING MY HEART MELT I'M A SCREAMING YES PLEASE GIVE MORE LOVE TO THIS MAN aaaaand then she died. FUCKING DAMNIT ISAAC. Can't believe i didn't check the "oh the devotion" box- my mistake. Consider it checked. Because Hector is SO DEVOTED TO HER IT'S BRINGING ME TO TEARS also this is your fault. I never used to care so much about any of them >:( but then you arrived and BOOM. ANGST. ANGST AND FEELS EVERYWHERE. FUCK YOU BEEVEAN. Mwah <3
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FUCKING. THEM !!! <3 <3 <3 My BB and his twisted fucked up gay mentor <3 (I just realised "inherent eroticim of attempted murder" actually worked for them since Isaac did wanted to kill BB when they met. And then I guess Isaac wasn't exactly gentle when training BB... homoeroticism. Homoeroticism everywhere.) Are they fated ennemies though ?? Benedict IS a Belmont after all. And Isaac IS a general of Dracula. And a simp of his. But he was also supposed to be dead ages ago and the Belmont clan's thing is more about killing Drac than killing his servants (it's just a secondary thing lmao). Idk i let y'all decide. The ending stays the same anyway: they fock <3 They have no one but each other and they fock <3 I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THEY ARE AT THAT POINT. BUT THEY ARE. AND THAT IS ENOUGH FOR ME.
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fonulyn · 3 years
I need to scream about RE ID bc like. Did I enjoy it? Yeah, I did. Was it. Just wrapped up way too nicely and quickly? Also yeah. I was a little disappointed by it tho, like the length, and the flashback scenes weren't as clear as I think they should have been? Like I understood what was happening, but it took me a little too much brain power to like keep up with what was and wasn't a flashback lmao
Also I wanna say, I get wanting to keep Jun See alive but god, that did not look fun. Just let him die, dude, no one wants to live like that, smh.
Thank god they kept Leon's one liners tho, like thank you for that at least lol also Claire, my GIRL, I love her holy shit. Honestly she was amazing, like, just perfect. Not sure why she has a gun in the promotional poster, bc she just. Never has a gun throughout the entire show, I don't think? Also can we talk about how she took that guy down with that lamp, and then hopped on top of him just fucking ready to continue to beat the shit out of him? Chris would be so proud 🥲
Okay also, I saw what you said with that flirting scene, and I agree that it seemed like Leon was trying to lighten the mood, but it so didn't need to be put in there at all @ the writers. Like this show could have gotten away with no romance, or just that one moment near the end with Claire and Leon (which, I don't ship them much, and that moment at the v end where she was like "are you ever gonna stop treating me like a kid?" And he responded with "probably not" or whatever kind of ruined whatever was shown earlier? Like it feels like she's had that convo with Chris before too, so I'm like hm no don't imply romance and then imply that he treats her like a little kid every time they run into each other, now it's weird lol) and been fine. None of the story was contingent on any kind of romance between anyone.
Now with that said, can I just say Patrick absolutely wanted to suck Leon's dick? Like he was smitten, and I bet you they at least fuck after all this is said and done, if not date for a short period of time. I thought they were gonna kill Patrick off, I'm glad they didn't tho, he was v wholesome lol.
Also I wanna mention that every serious moment (save a small handful) I just. I couldn't take it seriously, it was too over the top. Acid? Really? That's the self destruct measure? Slowly rising acid? I dunno, that doesn't seem quite right to me, I don't think that's how it works lol
Honestly they should have just made this into a new movie, bc making it a series implies more to follow and in general a longer narrative, but these eps were barely 20 minutes each, so there's almost no point splitting it like that. Did I enjoy myself? Yeah, I always do when Leon is involved, but it could have been so much better.
Also the silly little shipper in me is kind of desperate for more interaction between Chris and Leon, bc as far as I'm aware it's just RE6, RE vendetta, and RE ID (and I think the person who told Chris to save Claire in either code x or Veronica was Leon? Not 100% about that tho lol) where they actually interact with each other, and considering that they're the two main characters of the franchise, they should probably meet up more? Idk, that's just my gay ass hoping for more Chreon content lmao but still.
ANYWAYS yeah, I would rate the show like a 7.5/10? It wasn't amazing but it wasn't garbage, either. Probably my least favorite of the four animated movies tbh, but I will take the Leon content, thank you Capcom. Also it was interesting to see Leon around the time following/around RE4 and RE degeneration, I thought, I dunno.
oh boy I agree 100% it was wrapped up way too quickly in the end. like killing Jason? by just dropping him in the acid? it was way too simple and easy if you ask me. and like, why didn't he yeet Leon into the acid when he had him by the throat? him not killing Leon makes zero sense to me??
asdfg yeah I get they weren't ready to let Jun See go, but I bet Jun See really would've preferred to go...
I am so happy that they kept the one liners!! Leon felt very, very in character which I loved so much. I was afraid they'd tone it down or make him super serious or so, and it was such a relief they didn't. he was so eager to help and so goddamn kind to everyone I don't know if my heart can even handle it ;;;;;
also Claire!! so badass!! I loved the part where she attacked the guy with the lamp (yes Chris would be super proud haha) and THE HEADBUTT seriously, one of the top highlights of the entire series :'D
(but honestly this is gonna get long i'mma gonna hit that read more here)
and the flirting scene, I do think they could've left it out entirely and it felt a little strong-armed in. but I'm trying to look at the silver lining? Leon was super goddamn adorable in it, like, so cute it hurts :'D and Shen May didn't seem bothered really, it was more this joking thing between them. so while yes, it was unnecessary, i'm focusing on the joking feel of it and choosing to interpret it as such :'D
also, can I just say, the "romantic moment" with Claire and Leon near the end didn't feel very romantic to me? I know it's a romcom cliché (or at least a fanfic cliché lmao) how they ended up in a pile after the rescue but ...it didn't scream romance to me? although I do kind of like the pairing! (not a top fave but a cute one)
and yes, the whole "when are you gonna stop treating me like a kid?" "probably never" felt SO much like a sibling moment!! such big brother energy from Leon, and I don't know, that made me super duper happy?? I want them to be friends. I neeeed them to be friends gdi. which is why I am unhappy with how mad Claire seemed to be at Leon in the end and how they left it off like they did. I am hoping that it sets things up for a second season? and they for whatever reason need them on kind of the opposing sides at first? because otherwise it makes no sense to me for her to be that disappointed in him. in Degeneration they already establish they work in different ways towards the same goal, and for that to do a 180 now feels... like a disservice to the characters? idk?
lmaooooo but yes Patrick 100% wanted to suck Leon's dick he didn't even try to be subtle about it :'D idk I would've wanted Patrick to have more depth and screentime too, i so wish they would've made it a longer series and given the characters more development. because I liked pretty much all of the new characters they introduced! but it feels none of them reached their actual potential!
then again that is kind of the whole deal with resident evil in general, they set up awesome characters and end up wasting them half of the time :'D guess i shouldn't be surprised.
THE SLOWLY RISING ACID PISSED ME OFF lmaooo c'mon!! it doesn't seem like a good self destruct measure. especially since ...you'd need different acid to dissolve organic matter and to dissolve inorganic matter if we're being nitpicky. and how would it be plausible for them to store enough of it safely to even do this?? they should've just detonated the whole place and blown it to smithereens or something, the acid was. stupid.
i agree, it feels like a movie. but I think @tirsynni is probably right when saying that it was sort of a test run to see if they should make more? which I am so hoping for. because even with the complaints I have of this, I DID enjoy it, a lot!! and I do want more! and maybe this time we get Claire and Leon actually working together for more than fifteen seconds! :'D
also I definitely would not say no to more Chris and Leon interactions. (yes it was Leon who told Chris to save Claire :) at least that) it... in general makes no sense to me how capcom seems to think friendships work? like how Sherry is all "Leon and Claire are my best friends" and then they imply they haven't met in years? if not more? idek it's. weird. it's like their characters go into storage containers in between their missions to be stored away so they can't even accidentally have personal lives or friendships or anything. weird.
(what I said about having amazing characters and ending up wasting their potential? yeah)
for me, personally, it's... well, my score for the show would depend on whether I just focus on the characterizations and what I liked, or if I try to actually take the plot and all into account too :'D but I did like this more than Degeneration! already the fact that Leon has actual facial expressions is enough to put it way above that one. (and for the record, I don't hate Degeneration either, I do like it, but... Leon is such a cardboard cutout with zero personality in it, it's super frustrating)
idk I think I need to still process this a bit to see how I will like it in the end :'D there are things i'm super hyped about in it, and things i'm disappointed in, let's see how they'll weigh in the overall experience eventually.
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yfere · 5 years
Apology Meta Part 1: Episodes 1-27 (The Empire)
For...reasons, I decided I’d split this meta up into 3 large sections: The Empire (episodes 1-27) The Pirate Arc (episodes 28-49), and Xhorhas (episodes 50-85).
Numbers and a long post incoming!
The Method
I’ve been using a word search tool on Critical Role Transcripts. Inclusion criteria: the words “sorry” and “apolo--” (root for apologize, apologizing, apologies). I looked at each instance of these words and tallied both who was apologizing and who was being apologized to by looking at surrounding context. Exclusion criteria: speaking OOC, “sorry” used in the sense of asking a person to repeat themselves, and “apology” being used in the sense of discussing apologies as a subject, rather than actively apologizing. Limitations: This method is reliant on the completeness of the transcripts it works off of. It can’t really gauge the sincerity of each individual apology, and it’s also possible for characters to apologize without using the words “sorry” “apologies,” etc--Caleb and Yasha for instance are apt to apologize without using these words, and this method does not count those apologies. Interrater reliability is also nil--I did NOT double check this work or ask someone else to code the transcripts to compare. 
Part 1: Who Apologizes the Most?
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Beau takes the cake here, followed a bit distantly by Caleb, and then Nott. But let’s take a closer look on exactly who everyone is apologizing to:
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Fjord, though middling in his apology number, splits his apologies evenly between the party and outside NPCs, whom he apologizes to usually in an attempt to curry favor or run a con. Within the party, he has a marked preference for holding himself accountable to the group at large, rather than apologizing to individual members.
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Beau also has a roughly even split between inter/intra party apologies, though in contrast to Fjord, she has a preference for apologizing to individual party members. Her strong connection with Jester and Fjord--the original triad--manifests itself in an increased number of apologies as she seeks their feedback on interpersonal interactions.
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Caleb apologizes almost as often as he draws breath when speaking to NPCs! His version of overbearing politeness manifests itself in an incessant stream of apologies. Also, a non-insignificant portion of his NPC apologies are directed at Frumpkin (poor cat!) Caleb is much more reserved when dealing genuinely with party members--like Fjord, he’s of a collective mindset and more likely to apologize to the group at large than to any one member.
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As we move away from the top table “faces,” we encounter a group of people far less interested in smoothing things over with the outside world, and far more interested in smoothing over tempers within the party. Nott is unique here for being far more interested in Caleb’s opinion and forgiveness than anyone else’s.
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Within the party, Jester apologizes most to those she perceives as being in distress. Her most frequent apologies are related to her healing not being enough, or over her decisions to help one party member over another. 
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Molly has lived a life of few regrets--despite his screentime and talkative nature, he has one of the lowest apology counts in the party. He and Yasha’s exclusivity as the circus band manifests as well in their lack of apologies--of Molly’s NPC apologies, the majority were directed towards other circus members. The one thing he does apologize for--twice--is for his past life which he doesn’t see as the party’s business cropping up to bother them all.
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Yasha’s extremely taciturn nature may have contributed to her having the lowest apology count in the party--however, she is perhaps the most nondiscriminate in who she directs her apologies to.
Part 2: Who Gets Apologized to?
You know me: I believe that our language reveals all sorts of power dynamics, and one of those is the dynamic of who apologizes--and who is apologized to. So, who gets the most apologies from their fellow party members in the Mighty Nein?
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Caleb holds somewhat of a lead here, due largely to the influence of Nott. Most party members have been apologized to roughly the same amount as they have apologized to fellow party members--with the exception of Beau and Nott, who have both apologized significantly more often than they’ve been apologized to, and Caleb, who has been apologized to individually far more than he’s apologized other individual party members.
Let’s take a closer look:
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Unsurprisingly, Beau has been the main source of apologies to Fjord. Smh at Fjord thinking Beau doesn’t apologize!
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Here Nott takes the lead, as they begin to forge a bond made from swapped secrets and confessions.
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Caleb’s confession and “Bowlgate” had a discernible impact on these numbers. But Nott also had a tendency to apologize to Caleb despite his protests from the first episode.
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Nott gets a fair amount of apologies both from habitual apologizers like Beau, and from more reserved people like Caleb and Yasha. Yasha’s apology for the group all making fun of Nott for eating children in fact stands out as one of the very few apologies Yasha has made at all!
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Featuring: Beau beating Jester to a bloody pulp, an argument over spending money with Caleb, and copious Detective Duo shenaniganery
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Neither Molly nor Yasha have received many apologies--which makes the distribution of apologies look more drastic than it really is. Nonetheless, Beau’s attempts to connect with Molly have had an impact here.
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Similarly to Beau and Molly, Jester’s continued efforts to engage with Yasha have had an impact in the number of apologies she’s given in proportion to the rest of the party.
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And finally: the NPC chart! As we can see, Team Human holds the lion’s share of apologies--no doubt that rough Empire upbringing, huh?
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jaydabbing · 4 years
ranking the ninja team by gaming skill
1) cole: cole beat zane's high score in s11, making him have the top score. this means he is better at gaming than a robot which is pretty dang good. while not as enthusiastic about it as jay is, he also seems to have some knowledge about video game trivia. plus, soda guzzler. gaming icon
2) zane: pretty obvious. robot, good at tech and games, and given the respect by other ninja deserving of a gaming master. used to be #1 until cole beat him
3) jay: while not having the same innate skills as zane, jay does have the most practice out of the team. he has the most screentime shown playing video games (enough to make him hallucinate playing a video game on a piece of wood), plus he managed to spend a good chunk of time without the others in prime empire without losing any lives. he also has the most video game trivia knowledge
4) pixal: honestly i would have placed pixal in #1 because she feels like a gaming queen, but alas, there isnt enough proof of her as a gamer within the show. the proof we do have of her gaming skills is the official gifs that got released, which confirm that she games in her downtime and that she's better at it than kai. plus it makes sense to assume that she shares zane's gaming skills because they're both nindroids
5) lloyd: in season 1 when lloyd was still a little bitch child prankster who wanted to spread chaos, he changed the scoreboard on kai's video game to all cole. this could only have been done either through hacking or through playing enough times on cole's account and beating kai's scores. i think lloyd is a skilled gamer but doesnt get as much practice as the others because he's too busy with leadership responsibility
6) garmadon: also in the early seasons when garmadon was a little bitch evil but willing to save lloyd, there was a brief scene of him playing video games against himself. sadly, this is the only scene where he was shown gaming and thus it is difficult to determine his exact rank, but i think controlling two players at once must involve some skills
7) kai: you may notice kai is placed relatively low in the list. this is not because he is bad at gaming, but he has the misfortune of being friends who are much better gamers than him. kai obviously enjoys gaming as much as the other guys and has been shown gaming with them in his freetime; however, he didnt have the same knowledge jay and cole had in prime empire, and he did suck with technology in the third season. im guessing he didnt have many video games growing up in the village
8) nya: out of all the ninja, nya is the only one who doesnt even like gaming, smh. however, seeing as she's dating jay, and his idea of a date is playing video games together, she likely gained a lot of gaming experience to her reluctance. i think she'd be a good gamer if she actually cared
9) chicken: yes, the chicken is part of the family now. she has canonically been a part of prime empire and thus has some gaming experience, but isnt that great at it yet in the real world. at the start of MoM cole was shown trying to teach her how to play video games with him. she still needs to learn how to use a controller, but i have faith in her. also, tiny soda guzzler, bless
10) wu: still needs to learn how to use a controller. for some reason, i have less faith in him than chicken
??) misako: i cant rank misako because she's never fukking in the show. i swear in every season she disappears to who knows where and only shows up if it's relevant to the plot. where does she go all the time? is she really that bad a parent that she's fine with ditching her son every time?? anyway it's impossible to determine her rank but i bet she'd suck at gaming
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in-philogynist · 5 years
Antis being thick headed about:
Not accepting Lena has always been a great friend, never right out hurt Kara and supergirl, even when supergirl betrayed her. Always protected them even if it put her life in danger.
Not accepting how important knowing Kara was Supergirl was for her. And you know (if you're smart enough that it is not as simple as telling someone you're gay) Lena basically had different relationships with both of them, one bitter and one the best. Being gay or trans doesn't hide a totally different person, we still the same person. Kara has been basically lying about 50%of her life from Lena. Actively lying and only to Lena.
Talking about alien detection device and not about image inducer, because you antis are just that prejudiced.
Talking about krytonite, when everyone very well knows it had nothing to do with supergirl and everything to do with Sam.
Talking about killing adam when she clearly grieved so much that she almost didn't save james. Also adam was dying too smh.
Talking about killing Lex. Seriously Lex?? I am not even going to talk about it. She loved Lex, that is canon, and she must be grieving.
Most of their conversation is about Lena. Dude! They have to show Lena's storyline without taking screentime away from Kara. And we all know how heavily it was implied that they spent so much of their time off-screen. Lena already knows everything there is to know about human side of Kara.
Lena outing Kara and PLANNING to manipulate her. Now i for one am not going to justify it but we also need to understand the reason for her actions. The episode started 1 month after the reveal. And lex revealed it in a way, which made her believe that she never had a friend and it was just a long con played by kara and everyone around. When she planned to hurt supergirl, she believed with her whole heart that supergirl has never been her friend. Wish they showed that too on-screen in stead of implying. Hopefully she will apologise for this action and ones that I can see coming.
But let's not kid ourselves, antis have been actively wanting Lena to become a villain so much even before s4! What kind of effed up person wants a perfectly good character to turn super evil? What kind of effed up person want two characters to separate, who clearly love each other, over a mental illness???
We know she has been betrayed over and over, first family during her childhood (it was normal for her to spend thanksgiving alone) then rhea (whom she thought of as motherly figure) , then supergirl (whom she thought of as mentor, idol and friend, you guys seriously didn't see that developing?), then Eve (whom she thought of as confidant) and finally kara, along with everyone. They have been building this up for 3 fucking seasons.
Also you don't leave your family behind when they get messed up. And Kara will NEVER leave Lena to fend for herself.
If you can't understand all these points you guys seriously lack empathy and i hope you change that before someone gets hurt for real.
Also can people not be anti mon el too, who can't see past their bias to acknowledge his arc in s3. Granted his character was really awful in s2 and i would have loved to see his progress on screen but nevertheless, he did change. Not being an anti doesn't mean you have to stan them and everything related to them.
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mage-madness · 6 years
Thoughts On S9 E4
- Sooo...I guess Dareth really did get powers, huh? Temporarily...whatever that was.
- Also Lloyd, I know Dareth can be annoying sometimes, but he's still your teammate and you shouldn't be ignoring him buddy
- Smh
- Mistaké was great this episode, even if she had very little screentime. Everyone's saying now that she might be Oni because of her mischevious nature, and the fact that they can shapeshift according to Iron Baron (that's what I read on the Ninjago Wiki at least). That...would be cool I guess??? But I really don't want her to be evil and I feel like I'm the only one with this opinion *cRI*
- But anyway enough about her
- *gASPP* I have given up cake and my body is a TEMPLE! *crosses arms and looks away*
- Are we sure little Wu is the only child here
- JAY FLASHBACKKK!!!...was shorter than I hoped.
- BUUUT, I have to say that it's my favorite out of the three we've gotten, and for a lot of reasons: Edna, seeing Jay's old design again (I miss his old design dbaofhkea), Wu's dialogue...
- "The resistance never quits!" More like the radio never quits am I right
- "It's because of you that they got the message out!" SHUT UP ULTRA VIOLET, I THOUGHT YOU AND HARUMI WERE GIRLFRIENDS
- Garmadon making a Star Wars reference by telepathically choking Harumi like Dareth Vader does? This was Tommy Andreasen's idea wasn't it
- I'm sure I'm not the only one here, but I swear I had to fight the urge to scream, "WOW THE NEW HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON MOVIE LOOKS GREAT" when Kai approached the Wind Dragon
- Seriously, that entire moment was just one huge HTTYD reference
- The Firstbourne is the ultimate mom
- Yeah go rain hell on those Dragon Hunters for stealing your children, I'll be rooting for you over here :3
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missingnine · 7 years
6 minute review of:
the entire plot was fucking fantastic it was something i have never ever seen in a kdrama wow and the way they executed this show was phenomenal. props to all the actors and actresses because everyone was amazing
i started watching it solely because taecyeon was gonna enlist and said that this is “””goodbye””” present for hottests (2pm’s fandom name) and me being the crying bitch that i am, decided to watch it because i know i will miss taec once he enlists. goddamn this show was good. the first episode was scary as fuck ((in my opinion, bc im a scaredy cat and only used to watch teen romcoms)) the religious cult was not something was ever touched upon in kdramas and this show took it to a whole other level. the people in that cult, whatever it’s called guseowon???, spooked me so much. they were so dedicated to the spiritual father and can i saY I HATE HIM SO OOOOO MUCH HE’S FUCKING DISGUSTING AKSJDFLKASJ thank god he died in that fire. i was getting riled up when sanghwan prevented sangmi from just setting him on fire but luckily, the spiritual father did that himself heh 
sangmi is an angel. i love her. a lot of people were pissed that she didn’t really do much to get herself out of there??? but lowkey she was traumatized asf so her willpower wasn’t that great to begin with. i mean, her brother committed suicide, her mom is drugged to insanity and her father is brainwashed by the spiritual father. so ofc, she’s shaken up. she had no one to rely on. the cult fucking trapped her. okkk but moooooving on,,,, even tho this show had like -0.003% romance, i still shipped sangmi with dongcheol, THEY WERE CUTE TOGETHER THEY HAD THEIR MOMENTS but you know, there’s nothing. no kiss. nothing.ugh jdskfjsl;dkf maybe next time
sPEAKING OF DONGCHEOL, MY BEAUTIFUL SON AND RAY OF SUNSHINE he’s great. i felt so much pain for him when his grandmother died and when he found out his dad was basically a prisoner in that cult shnnnn but what hurt me the most was when he was released from prison and he saw his friends hanging out together from afar. so when he went to eat a bowl of noodles, he deadass starTED CRYING THAT WAS SO SAD dongcheol was fucked over so many times. and throughout the entire show, i was begging that he doesn’t die in the end bc that would suck ass. but im soooooo glad that he has a sorta happy ending :’))) and he’s back with his friends!!!! ((also btw woo dohwan is hot as fuck damn he looked good in glasses and i cant’ wait to see him in mad dog)) 
ok oK for the “”””real””””” male lead : sanghwan lol. i like him but he did fucking frustrate me to no end sometimes,, he kept going back to the police thinking that they will help but he hasn’t learned that you shouldn’t trust the system??? he needs to take matters into his own hands smh. he should know better that the muji gov is not something you should rely on,, damn. also i know so many hottests were pissed that taec didn’t get enough screentime which i understand because this is LAST DRAMA before he enlisted on the 4th (((another note, i crIED when i found out he enlisted on their fucking anniversary)))) so ofc, taec should have a role that is fit for a male lead!!! but in reality,,, dongcheol sorta was the male lead in this drama and sanghwan was portrayed as the second lead as the show went on,, rip. i really hope that taec gets to film another drama after his enlistment!! i’ll be waiting for him to come back safely :’)) 
lollloll the side characters. i was surprised when i found out that one of the main cast guys was actually from let’s fight ghost! lol so he and taec have worked previously in another horror drama,, 
and the guys who dongcheol was friends with in prison are hot,,, just sayin
alSO can i just say,, this drama had the worst antagonists ever. i actually DESPISED the spiritual father and sangmi’s dad ((i feel no mercy for him, i hope he chokes)) and apostle jo can get run over by a truck for all i care damn. there were so many scenes in which i wanted to punch sangmi’s dad because he’s so fucking dense and doesn’t see how much his own daughter is suffering???? and apostle kang,,, sweetie, uhhh she is a complicated character and i’m not really sure how i feel about her tbh,,, i mean, her daughter committed suicide and i feel like she was also brainwashed by the spiritual father too,, but she sorta figured out that the spiritual father is a #fake but still went along with all his antics.. and in the end, she decides to recreate a guseowon 2.0?? yikes 
N E ways,,, this was one of the best shows in 2017 okk this was a great horror action mystery drama and it was a nice break from all of the romcoms. i’m gonna miss this show and i hope to see the actors and actresses in future dramas!!!! also the FUKCING OSTS WERE SOOO GOOD thank u 
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sans-mots · 7 years
captain america civil war is on netflix, my tummy hurts and it’s my day off so time to watch it for the first time since I saw it in theatres (I hated it that much tbh, still have only seen age of ultron once)
time to see it again
i like how they custom made a fancy red leather star notebook for the winter soldier’s operational codes
two white ladies wearing shades/baseball cap and drinking coffee not ten feet from each other and talking into thin air?? it would have been much more normal to have them be in a conversation, like expat friends meeting up for coffee, then they’d be noticeable but not weird. geez
steve just stole a dudes gas mask that’s hardcore as all hell. aint give a shit rogers
Nat’s stupid fckin flowy hair she would for real just have a pixie cut, or even her short bob from the first avengers if she actually fought like that all the time. wanda’s makes sense because she’s a long range combatant 
ok i get that rumlow’s mad at cap but wouldn’t his real beef be with sam because sam was the one who literally let a building drop on him
sam is literally the only normal acting person with his little drone I love him
i’m really glad that they actually showed human casualities as important and not just being like oops we blew up some random people who don’t matter like in every other action film
ah yes here’s where it turns into another avengers/iron man film and suddenly tony is the main character ( i love u but go back to your own franchise pls)
tony you do realize just because someone goes to mit that doesnt mean you should fund their project (weapons testing is a thing hmmmm)
alfre woodard being in marvel tv+movies a+++
steve looking beautiful and feeling guilty. wanda too. 
uh why is vision dressed like an accountant
rhodey! but also the close up being on him for new york is ambiguous-sad that ppl died or reminded tony almost died?
god zemo. this plot was so fckin convoluted and stupid. 
th fckin sharon carter speech that didnt make any sense to say at a funeral but only served to further plot
nat+steve hugging a+++
sharon and steve are so awkward there is zero chemistry. and what a waste in an overly packed film. like honestly if they had screentested someone who really had chemistry with him it would at least be worth it
sam and steve’s matching baseball caps and aviators. zero percent subtlety
“I don’t do that anymore.” so defeated oh godddddddddddddddd
“it always ends in a fight” fckin hell
bucky using steve’s shield when its still on his arm a++
tchalla’s claws tho. also i wonder if german special forces would be firing on him if they knew he was the king of wakanda lol
so turned on by the motorcycle flip. just as good as I thought it would be
rhodey “Congratulations, cap, you’re a criminal” 
“dude shows up dressed like a cat you don’t want to know more?” yess sam
IT LITERALLY MAKES NO SENSE THAT NAT IS ON THE ACCORDS SIDE AND SO SMUG ABOUT IT “technically [the shield] is the government’s property” fuck that writing
“my name is bucky” <3
zemo’s plan is still way too fckin intricate
tony you literally need a suit to fight don’t fckin try to go toe to toe with the winter soldier
the looooove helicopter (lens flare, biceps)
whats with them and falling into bodies of water.
lets use 12 mins of a captain america movie to introduce spiderman... ughhhhh 
how did tony already have a suit for peter parker without knowing the specifications of his powers?
CLIIIINNNT thank you. 
the “move or you will be moved” lady yesssss
that car is not low profile, it’s old.
ummm isn’t antman a convicted felon? isn’t he supposed to like not leave the country?
ughhh nat would so be on steve’s side i hate this arbitrary assignment of her to the accords side
“barnes is mine” tchalla that’s steve’s line
“I don’t know if you’ve been in a fight before but there’s not usually this much talking” I love you sam wilson
ew vision on his fckin high horse again.
“Arrow guy” “tic tac”
ew the fcking new york talk murder me 
YOU ARE PLAYING HOPEFUL MUSIC WHEN IRON MAN’S TEAM IS WINNING AGAINST CAP’S IN HIS OWN MOVIE AND SAD WHEN CAP WINS??? LIKE I KNOW IT’S ALL MORALLY AMBIGUOUS BUT JESUS this is supposed to be CAPTAIN AMERICA: civil war (just like, a reminder, the avengers is supposed to be about all the avengers, not jsut tony)
also t’challa’s kind of an asshole to clint like damn if you wanna be friends with nat you gotta be friends with clint 
OOOO I forgot about nat letting them get to the quinjet
also why does peter parker not know star wars??? isn’t he a loser who goes to science high school???
okay and the whole rhodey thing??? vision was literally going to drop sam out of the sky which could have also potentially killed him--rhodey just got hit instead. you can be upset about it but it’s literally not sam’s fault for NOT WANTING TO GET BLOWN OUT OF THE SKY. in fact vision should have been the one apologizing but his amygdala is synthetic so waaha wawhaa
literally the only conversation steve and bucky have is in the quinjet for five seconds and they had 12mins of spiderman backstory??? smh
honestly this movie is such a mess. zemo’s plot, the whole winter soldier(s). this should have been an avengers movie(it basically is with a cap subplot) because literally NO ONE’s motivations are clear which makes it way too hard to empathize with either side. 
i wonder if you calculated all the minutes of different people’s screentime what it would be
smh i can’t believe tony fans think it’s reasonable to get mad about steve fans acting pissy about civil war when steve was basically demoted to second lead in his own film. obvs there are some unreasonable steve/bucky peeps out there but the amount of whining tony fans do is kind of ridiculous when tony has literally such an intricately written emotional arc and steve and bucky both have diddly, as I have said before IN THEIR OWN FILM. (bucky is going to be cap one day might i remind y’all)
eww yes dolores. because all steve/bucky stories must be about bucky being a ladies man. not like he had any other defining character traits, that would be like... decent writing.
ah yes the intricate unfolding of zemo’s storyline ughh spare me. 
lol those are the best security cameras ever for roadside 1991
literally zemo just told you “empires that fall from within never rise again” and you think the best decision is to give into his eeeeeevil plan? be mad, don’t be stupid
like tonys known for being a hothead but all this manpain is so gratuitous.
“he killed my mom” tony your weapons have killed hundreds of thousands of innocents and you weren’t brainwashed when you made them. if you hadn’t had multiple chances to repent, where would you be?
“my father made that shield” yeah for steve. it wasn’t a conditional fckin offer
rhodey is literally the best person. Tony Stank
i still can’t believe the fckin straightjacketed and collared wanda it makes me so mad
good thing the end credits are of shadows and rubble cuz THAT’S WHAT THIS MOVIE IS
oh right I TOTALLY FORGOT bucky’s fate is relegated to a end credits scene ebcaues he’s not goddamn important enough it seems
the white outfit tho
“let them try” thank you tchalla for being the only person who listens to reason and actually has defined principles
i really don’t hate tony he literally dominates every film he’s in so this shoudl have been an avengers or iron man film to write such an intense storyline for him. 
they literally don’t let cap emote at all. like if you look at clips of the film its just blue steel all the way--he never gets a chance to break down and be upset. not like tony does.
tony fans need to imagine if steve came into an im4 film and just became the sole focus of the film, how they would feel that their fave character’s film was usurped. 
anyways---in conclusion i still hate this movie. unlike the first two cap movies I can’t separate my critical aspect from it enough to love or even like the film. alas. 
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anthony-kate · 7 years
The Salty Ask List is the best ask game tumblr has ever came up with. So for Shadowhunters: 2, 4, 11, 16, 21 and 27. I'm just ridiculously hipped about this game.
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
Probably J/imon and C/lizzy. Oh and S/aphael, even though I feel that one is not such a thing anymore? Anyway, like I said before, I get why people ship them as OTP and all but to me, I will always just see them as brotp only. *shrug* I can’t really explain it, and it has nothing to do with the fact that I f.e. ship Sizzy, since I don’t mind J/imon or C/lizzy in fics. It’s just…. to me they are just friends/brotps.
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
I mean… C/lalec and S/eblec aside because that is not even a question, right? I think my current absolute notp is C/limon. Well, let me get this straight: romantic!C/limon. Because I really like the friendship between Clary and Simon, don’t get me wrong. But that romantic arc is just so… sorry, I feel so damn uncomfortable watching it, not just because of all the intimate moments they get when Malec was sidelined. But it also looks like a girl and a boy can’t be just friends for once. Not to mention that seeing Clary kissing Simon looks to me like she is kissing her brother, I am (not) sorry. I also feel so sorry for Simon. I mean the show at least tried to make it look not as bad as the books did but still… we all know how this ends and why it started for that matter. And it is fucking awful and sorry, I absolutely detest that pairing as lovers and I want it to be over like yesterday.
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Uhm… Lydia maybe? I feel like she is getting a lot of hate lately but I still like her a lot (yes this might have to do with fanfics, I admit). And ngl I am sad that she won’t return. Alec and Lydia as brotp had a lot of potential. :/ 
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
The lighting!!! 😂
Episode 2x07 (lbr, not only the last Malec scene was awful, the whole episode was a big mess)
Okay, but in all honesty, I think I would take away the focus being on Clary and give it to a different character. Yes, Magnus would be amazing and I’d watch the hell out of a series focusing on him and him interacting with all the downworlders, downworld business in general, him being the bamf we all deserve and need, him fighting but also being domestic and in love with his shadowhunter boyfriend Alec. Imagine that show. Please. *heart eyes* 
But seriously, I would be even okay with Jace as the main lead. Because even he has a way better story to be told than Clary. The annoying and impulsive but most often stupid girl who is a shadowhunter for like 3 weeks but knows it all better, tazering her stepdad and simply not listening to anybody because she, the oh so great girl, knows best? I mean… please. I would be okay with her if she would be a bit more reflective and people wouldn’t stop calling her out on her bs. Especially in 2a I went from kinda feeling sympathetic for her to being incredible annoyed by her actions. Right now she just bugs me. Besides, sorry, but her story is definitely not as interesting (just knowing that she is and painted as the savior….when you have Magnus on the other hand… smh). As I said, Jace, Alec and especially Magnus are way more interesting than her and deserve so much more screentime than that silly redhead. (Here’s to hoping they go away from the books again because like I said I could bear her in s1 but in 2a? No, no, no.)
21. What are your thoughts on crack ships?
I don’t come around such things that often thankfully. Though when I do I am like…. why? Why would you even do that? Like f.e…. how often did I have to witness Alec getting paired up with some random white girl from whatever show/movie and the shipper acting like they did something oh so cool? Sorry, but Alec Lightwood is gay af. No, he is also not bi or pan. HE IS GAY! Honestly, is that really too much to get into your fucking head? (And don’t come at me that it is an AU!! Just…. don’t!) And no, pairing him with some random white dude who he clearly would hate with a passion doesn’t make it better. So yeah, people should leave my son alone if it ends with constantly erasing the character’s sexuality. Because lbr, Alec is very much in love with the most wonderful and handsome man ever, called Magnus Bane and they would find each other in every universe, bye.
Aside from that…. whatever, really. I don’t need to understand everything. 🙄
27. Least shippable character?
From “Shadowhunters”? Hmmm… I am guessing Valentine would be kinda lame, right? Though I am honestly very indifferent towards him. On every level. I dunno he had so much potential and he was/is such a letdown.
But back to the topic. With these characters it is kinda difficult to answer because I feel like you can ship pretty much all together, if you leave Magnus and Alec alone that is. lol But right now, I would maybe say Luke? Don’t get me wrong, I like him a lot. But I see him as this lone wolf. Sure, there was this thing with Jocelyn but as I stated, not a big fan of L/ucelyn because Luke clearly deserved better than her. Strangely enough I got some vibes for maybe Maia/Luke at one point (don’t ask why!) but I am hoping that this is not even a question because yeah…. just don’t. So yeah, Jocelyn aside, I know some people shipped him with Alaric but to me, I felt like he would be better alone? Lone wolf, as I said. And up to this point, I don’t have an idea whom to ship him with. Maybe an OC? 
Salty Ask List
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META: thea queen and PTSD (and why i’m about to fight the writers) under the cut.
to begin: thea queen has post traumatic stress disorder. i know it, you know it, and your dog/cat/insert pet here knows it. 
when did it first manifest? that’s....debatable. while it’s absolutely arguable that she first started showing signs after the gambit went down (with good reason), i feel like ??? she was young enough that it didn’t actually register until much later ??? and by much later, i mean the night moira died. not just because of that, but also because the city coming under attack maybe a week or two later, which was pretty soon followed by her shooting malcolm. and then, like all of THAT wasn’t enough -- she gets to find out she killed someone she considered a friend. oh, and then she gets to have two near death experiences over the course of the next year. 
and it’s so ??? frustrating ??? that this never ever gets brought up in canon beyond “hey are you okay??” “yeah i’m fine why” because ??? she’s N O T ??? i mean -- yes, her state of mind was definitely touched on in both 4x23 and 5x15, and while my personal headcanon is that she sought out a therapist after leaving star city at the end of s4 (read: “for the first time in my life, i am a normal version of me.” in 5x01), it was only a temporary fix ??? she’s fine at first, yes, but from the beginning, it’s plain -- a majority of her screentime takes place either at city hall or in the foundry (is it still being called that?? idk), and unlike previous seasons, there really isn’t much of a storyline for her. 
what i also feel is that while she was sufficiently coping at first, the events of 5x08 most definitely took a bigger toll than she’s willing to let on. same goes for 5x10 (even if she wasn’t there for it (smh)). having old emotions and grief brought up again in regards to moira and laurel? sure as hell didn’t help. getting false hope that the latter was back, alive and well? didn’t help either. her downward spiral comes after, and we see her doing...some pretty fucking shady stuff, all under the pretense of protecting oliver’s secret. which, now that i think about it, was her way of crying out for help?? l i k e -- yes, of course she’s gonna protect the only family she has left, but at the same time, said family hasn’t really taken notice of her being in a pretty rough place. but then he does, and they finally exchange more than just a few words on the subject, which leads to her leaving again, determined to make things right with herself for good. still -- please someone just ??? have an in-depth conversation with her about all this ??? please ??? 
but in summary (below gif is me @ the writers):
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jupiternovak · 8 years
So let's talk about Sherlock...
I just watched The Final Problem today and I am very torn on my opinion on it. while watching i didn’t notice almost any of the major issues with it, probably because I was too emotional to pay attention. I came on tumblr right after finishing and to be honest I was overwhelmed by the amount of hate TFP got, although now it’s been a few hours though and the more I think about it, the more problems arise. I would just like to talk about the plot holes I noticed in this and also the things I liked and disliked.
for the record, I didn’t hate the episode and I didn’t think it was horrible, I just think that Moftiss were overthinking and absolutely overlooked some key points and needless to say, almost everyone noticed.
first off
- how the fuck did John get out of the well? he was literally chained to the bottom and they just threw a rope at him, what the actual friggity fuck?!?
- TLD ended with Eurus shooting John, not just shooting at him, John literally said in the beginning of TFP that he got shot. Eurus said she would put a hole in John’s face an I really doubt she’d miss if she really wanted to shoot him. John doesn’t seem to be hurt at all though, guess he must be jesus h. fucking christ in the flesh or something;
- speaking of mysterious healing, tHEY JUMPED OUT OF A FIRST FLOOR WINDOW WITH A BOMB EXPLODING BEHIND THEM AND DIDN’T GET A SINGLE SCRATCH ON THEMSELVES. firstly, they broke the windows with their bodies so they must have gotten damaged from the glass. secondly, they jumped out of a window. remember in scandal in Belgravia when Sherlock threw that guy out of a window and how bad he got hurt from that? thirdly, a bomb exploded behind them. that would have increased their speed and also hurt them. yet, in the next scene they are completely fine and don’t even come and tell me it was a while later because when they talk on the phone they say Mycroft is in the hospital unconcious, which would suggest that the explosion had just happened.
- jumping back to TLD now, what exactly was the purpose of Eurus dressing up as Faith, the girl on the bus and Johns therapist? I kinda understand Eurus helping Sherlock by giving him the letter and leading him to Culverton, but why the other two? I understand that she’s a literal psycho but what benefit did that give her? none. just fucking confusing everyone.
- Mycroft is one of the smartest men alive and yet he lets Moriarty and Eurus meet without anyone checking on them whAT THE FUCK
- how’d the “miss me?” video get all over London in HLV? who the fuck distributed it? Eurus? she can hack now?
- Mycroft: *locks Eurus in Sherrinford* Eurus: *escapes* Mycroft: “hey yknow what’s a good idea? let’s take Eurus back to Sherrinford bc that sounds like a great plan lol!”
- why’d they never look in the well when looking for Victor/Redbeard? tf smh
- how and why tf did Eurus build a fake cell? what was the fucking point?
- one moment Sherlock and Eurus are talking to eachother through a tv screen and literally three human seconds later Eurus is sitting on the floor in her room and basically looks like she’s absolutely traumatised, with no camera or anything. were the videos prerecorded? if thats the case then wtf happened to Eurus while Sherlock was out? this bit and the next one still piss me off the most
- I understand building tension and putting Sherlock under pressure but the whole plane story was literally pointless. did Eurus pretend to be the child? i understand the metaphore of it but everything about Eurus is contradicting itself at this point and her character is just messy tbh
- suprisingly convenient doors in cells that lead to other cells what a coincidence :o
- how did Mycroft Holmes, again, one of the smartest men alive, not see this coming? is he a moron? he knew exactly what his sister was capable of and he was just like tralala Eurus can literally hypnotise ppl and make them do what she wants but shes locked up in a prison so that means no worries for me (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
- where did the fake tombstones come from? did 8 year old Eurus bring them there or something? tf
- the absolute fuckery that happened when Sherlock first went into the room Eurus was in. how did he not see there was no glass? last i checked glass reflects, shouldn’t you be able to see that?
- there are fucking security cameras, did Mycroft literally never check what happened while he wasn’t there and while Eurus was just having a walk around London with Sherlock and having chips, and not only Mycroft, did nOONE CHECK AT ALL? SHERRINFORD IS A PRISOM FOR THE MOST DANGREROUS WHAT THE SHIT
This episode wasn’t all bad though (hard to believe looking at literally everything I just wrote) but i did love a lot of things about it.
- despite everything I still love the way they use the camera when filming Sherlock they’re all so smart about that
- Mycroft mouthing along to that movie
- Mycroft’s magic umbrella
- “hey bro!”
- Mycroft having to sit in the chair
- Sherlock calling John family
- Sherlock calliNG JOHN FAMILY
- “Sherlock the pirate”
- Mycroft disguised as an old man anD THE REVEAL
- Sherlocks fake accent
- Eurus playing the violin
- Eurus being all gay
- Jim Moriarty
- Jim Moriarty stepping out if a helicopter with queen playing in the background
- Jim Moriarty literally hitting on his bodyguard
- Jim Moriarty
- “I am your christmas present”
- the thing Moriarty and Eurus do through the glass
- the absolutely horrifying amount of pressure Sherlock, John and Mycroft were under while doing the tasks
- the kid on the plane, absolutely terrified, but sippin on a juicebox
- John being so sure he could shoot the general but couldn’t
- Mycroft getting sick at the thought of killing
- Sherlock’s voice when he talks to the girl on the plane
- Mycroft and Sherlock deducing together
- Sherlock choosing John over Mycroft
- “soldiers today”
- Sherlock realising Molly loves him
- Sherlock choosing to shoot himself
- Sherlock doing the hand thing when matching the years on the tombstones to Eurus’s song
- Lestrade saying Sherlock is a good man yES
- violin-off
- EVERYBODY IS HAPPY IN THE END (except probs Molly)
and now let’s get to everything I didn’t like, excluding the plot holes i described before
- how everyone treats John, like he’s always the dumb one in every situation, Mycroft thinks that, Eurus thinks that, Mary thought that, all the fans only know Sherlock and not him jUST PLS PPL APPRECIATE HIM MORE HE’S GOT IS SO HARD AND HE DESERVES BETTER
- Molly deserved better, she was just thrown around like trash like I get it you don’t wanna make Sherlolly canon (me neither dw) but stop toying with her like she’s nothing please she’s a great person and deserves more
- how John literally couldn’t physically and mentally push himself to watch the “miss me?” video at first but then when he got the “miss you” video he was like “oi Sherlock fam got some mail wanna have a movie night?”
- Moriarty is still dead, how disappointing
- there wasn’t enough Lestrade or Hudson, pls give the real heroes of the show some screentime they have to put up with Sherlock’s and John’s shit
- not enough deduction
- somehow even though Eurus is overpowered in every way Sherlock can still beat her so easily
- not enough Rosie
- we get it her name means East Wind now stop mentioning it every 2 minutes
- every character that is even a little bit LGBT is a bad character (Irene Adler, Moriarty bc let’s face it he’s gay as shit, Eurus etc)
that’s about all I got for now, I’m planning to rewatch the episode tomorrow so maybe I can evaluate it with a clearer head and get a less biased opinion on it. Moftiss could have done so much better when making this, TLD was an absolute masterpiece in so many aspects and TFP was a piece of literal garbage next to it. really hope they redeem themselves in the next season (if there is one) and explain a few things they didn’t this time. I really hope people stop hating on Moftiss for the decisions they made with this episode and instead give them actual legit points where they went wrong. too much negativity in the fandom right now. hope you all have a good day!
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kkahii · 6 years
produce 48 talk ep 3 and etc
this is extremely long btw
as usual, my picks remains unchanged. in fact, my love for my main picks have intensified lmfao
i am so happy kaeun is still first, but i wouldn’t mind if she doesn’t get center in the final lineup tbh. like what she said to sakuchan, it’s ok because sakuchan fits center better BUT i do want her as leader sfm. remember during the first ep, she was like if she hadn’t debuted, maybe she would have been in nayoung’s place so I WANT THAT FOR HER. side note: she was rank a’s leader tho, but we never got to see how it went, so idk how good she’ll be but she has... the leader vibe lol
i livestreamed the 3rd ep and haven’t watched with subs yet but, from what i saw, kaeun and jurina didn’t even bother claiming either leader or center. it’s nice. they’ve both been playing it safe imo (even tho jurina’s still being used as evil edit fodder against sakura smh)
i’m fine w jurina just stepping back and letting other people handle things for a change. she’s got too much on her shoulders w akb/ske already (and i’ve been reading too many of her interviews during ‘rena loss’ period and she’s just so sad omfg og kami 7, rena, and masana then mayuyu SHE’S SO SAD AND LONELY)
also, i was so confused why boombayah t1 was getting so much hate. turns out they laughed or something about choosing “the weakest team” ?? my stream must’ve lagged at that part but i did see t2 cry and it was sad. this turn of events tho made the tv audience very sympathetic towards the members and i think erii’s gonna be this season’s sohye or something
also also i watched the fancams from my picks and those within my radar, and i can say that they all did great especially miyu (tbf, she sang an akb song lol but it was still great!!). in terms of the recent fancam, my top 5 fave perfs from my picks are: miyu (ugh maybe she can be main vocal) > kaeun (nailed it as usual) > jurina (she got 2 lines i think, and the giggle was awkward af but i end up giggling with her??? her impact) > juri (arggghhh want to pinch) > everyone else BECAUSE I’M TOO SOFT
i’m.... actually fine with the amount of screen time jurina’s been getting? like. one of the main reasons she’s had haters since she was born her debut--and this only to my knowledge, 48g jurina fans are welcome to correct me--is bc akb management kept pushing her to the front and basically made her center almost immediately. fans of the other girls weren’t happy about it. she’s also always had this confident “super middle schooler” image which people weren’t easily drawn to compared to acchan’s girl next door image that jp people want to root for.
anyway. i digress. as i was saying, i’m fine with the amount of screen time she’s getting right now bc at least there wouldn’t be more people hating her for hogging attention or whatever. the most screen time she gets is when she’s being evil edited against sakura (during first eval most esp., other times i think they’d just get some random moment of her reacting weirdly and put that up next to sakuratan’s face lol) BUT the little moments we see of jurina behind the scenes or in the bg, she’s being supportive and caring and fun and SHE’S BASICALLY HAD MOMENTS WITH THE TOP 12 KR trainees i think (jp trainees are all her kouhai, so). and most importantly, she’s claimed kaeun with her “unnie saranghae” so there’s that
ETA (liveblogging of the ep):
i’m now currently watching with so-so engsubs (from kshow lol)
i’m at the part where they’re choosing center and i just realized that if jurina had chosen kaeun, they would’ve put that in the footage and shown her handwrite kaeun’s name in slow mo with a voice over of how she chose kaeun over sakura lbr here. which is why i think she chose sakura bc i think jurina’s deadass serious about wanting 48G on top and if sakura is center, a 48g member is center
byj said sth like, “why don’t they look happy [on stage]??” when they were rehearsing for nekkoya... SHE OBVIOUSLY WASN’T LOOKING AT JURINA SMH
when the songs were revealed and the 48g girlies saw high tension UGH CUTE
yuukatan literally saying she wasn’t charming enough to get chosen :( i honestly wondered why jurina didn’t pick her THERE’S ONLY TWO OF YOU FROM SKE HUHUHU i think they’re not close BUT STILL :(
was...... jurina’s team the only one who didn’t think about choosing the “”leftover team””??? they had the chance to choose first yet they chose to go with a team that was probably on par with them in terms of skills maybe??? boombayah t1 really done fcked up (they did say sorry to them tho, but still)
jurina going over to comfort yuukatan :( and even tho she went back to her place to proceed filming, her body was still angled over to yuukatan’s team :(
also, i think it’s a hilarious but great coincidence how jurina managed to form a global idol team. side note: i thought at first that it was only kaeun and jurina who could communicate in japanese with each other but apparently eunyoung can too?
anyway, no offense but kaeun was more of a leader than eunyoung for their team tbh? at least she was like, let’s choose between these two~ while eunyoung seemed bias from the start lol
haeun being the cutie choreo of their group. chungha’s daughter is doing well
boombayah t1 really out there choosing only korean trainees smh their leader who chose their team members had no sense
omfg nako making a team of only cute members I CAN’T IT WAS HER INTENTION FROM THE START skdjsfm
and juri’s team chose her as center THAT CENTER/ACE AURA CAN’T BE HIDDEN JURI
nako <3
they deadass stopped peekaboo perfs in the middle dsakhfldjsl
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