#she also gay and purple so a bonus for me
evelynpr · 8 months
do you have a favorite fontaine character? 👀
Ok so like, multiple reasons I do not have a clear cut answer for this:
The thing about Fontaine is that they genuinely have such an incredible cast I legitimately cannot pick a favorite character. Like seriously this is such a hard question because so many of them are just AWESOME!!! Many are just well written, beautiful, so interesting, tragic, all of it
I am waiting for Clorinde's story quest...I have been waiting for more Clorinde content since Fontaine P1. Since her cutscenes with Navia and Wrio. I HAVE BEEN WAITING!!! I WANT MORE OF HER SO BADDDDDD BECAUSE!!! OMG!!! So far, she's had both such a serious and dutiful persona, but also she's so sweet and kinda awkward??? she also may or may not have family baggage because of her family heritage... If they do her character justice (haha) she might be one of my favorites
Ok currently the actual contenders for favorite are, like, Neuvillette and Furina. My stance on neuvifuri as a ship tho is a whole other mixed bag, but both of them individually are just so!!! YO!!! THEYRE JUST SO CHARACTER!!! Neuvillette, this beautiful, gentle, and truly dutiful dragon who learned to love humanity. Furina who's madness and goodness are what allowed her to fulfill her own duty. Man. They're both just so interesting and SILLY EVEN. Just wonderful little bbgs to mess around with.
Not to say I don't love Fontaine's other characters either. Far from it. I have not liked a character this fast ever (?) like I liked Chevreuse in just one event. Chevy is so goofy and passionate and genuine I like her a lot!!! Wrios is just. Such a cool fucking guy idk what to tell u man. He's both so chill but also godDAMN you do not mess with him. Navia!!! Such a lovely lady who's so strong, after all that she has gone through and all the responsibility she now carries!!! Truly girlidol girlslay girlboss she's incredible!!! AND OF COURSE THE TWINS AND FREMINET!!! Lyney and Lynette are such an amazing duo in their magic tricks, their agent duties, their siblinghood. Freminet is such a precious boy, please protect him he just wants to swim with the ocean creatures :<<<
Not to shade on the rest of the cast of course. Arlecchino (aside from being sexy as fuck) I'm also just waiting to see what else she actually has under her sleeve. Sigewinne and Charlotte are both nice and cute! By no means are they boring or uninteresting, just not my type, Chiori as well.
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
due to some Enid and Wednesday art I was spurred into watching it and if you're accepting requests (I got really excited seeing you write for it and didn't scroll down too far) could you write something where Enid meets an introverted new girl and they're just smitten with her immediately?
if someone like her came up to me and wanted to be friends I'd just. follow her sunshine to the end of the rainbow man. gay arrow to the heart. also fluffy werewolf gf is such bonus
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The moment you stepped foot on school grounds, you were physically sickened with anxiety and dread, your throat closed in on itself as your stomach decided to loose all forms of appetite. You didn’t want to be here but through threats and force, your parents made you attend Nevermore in hopes of gaining a tolerable level of control over your powers that had only became a problem in recent memory. That was what they wanted you to believe but you knew about their ulterior motive of riding you from the house you cooped yourself in and actively engage with others of your age and situation.
You awkwardly stood at the entrance hall like a sitting duck, waiting to be shot, looking about the grand room that smelt as old as it looked as you waited for your poor unfortunate tour guide to arrive. Throughout the duration of your wait, You must’ve been either bored beyond belief or lost within the chaos of your mind because by the time you stopped counting the individual specs of dust that coated the picture frames along the the walls; A pretty blonde girl with the tips dyed in a kaleidoscope of colours and prettily painted nails was stood before you with a beaming smile.
How and when she had gotten there, you weren’t sure but you weren’t exactly against the idea of a really pretty blonde girl with an equally as pretty smile showing you around school. It certainly beats be lead by a pervert or someone with a penchant for passive aggressive comments in your books, so who were you to complain? “Hi!” She chirped and you immediately felt the cold crushing grip of anxiety ease up at the sound of her warm, serene voice as the tension in your shoulder muscles fell back into a relaxed state. “Hi…” you trailed off, not use to being a conversation starter nor continue one long enough for people to develop in getting to know you more.
You preferred to follow then lead…also you had a definitive weakness for extremely pretty girls. “I’m Enid Sinclair and if what principle Weems tells me is right, then you must be y/n.” It was obvious that Enid has a talent for having to talk for a multitude of people who don’t want to exhaust themselves in idle conversation or have no capacity to speak whatsoever. Which was a bonus for you, seeing as social interactions were never your strong suit, however Enid didn’t seem to be the most observant of a person’s character; You on the other hand had a knack for keen observation which meant that your style of approach subconsciously adjust itself when within proximity of certain people of certain caricatures.
“I am y/n, that is she- I mean me.” Your little awkward slip up made Enid smile and you swore you felt reality as you know it take a step back to observe her beautiful, beautiful smile. ‘God how much more enteral could this girl get.’ You wondered internally as she fell in pace with you whilst giving her tour of the school that you were barely paying any attention towards because firstly, how could you when someone as pretty as her was walking so closely to you and smelling that good? It made no logical sense! You believed at one point that your mind was playing cruel tricks on you becuase whenever you attempted to give yourself a little space from Enid; Only for the girl to move just a little closer to you that the fabric of your purple striped blazers were rubbing up on one another.
You even had to check you pulse at one point to make sure you hadn’t accidentally died and gone to heaven. “Oh I forgot to show you the coolest part of Nevermore!” Your breath caught in your throat as Enid grabs ahold of your arm and redirects you down the hallway past several ongoing classes; past the quad where some students were huddled together, actively skipping their least favoured lessons to let themselves loose. “Hey Enid! Hey new kid!” One of them called, a boy of quite moderate height, a nice smile and a beanie that rests atop of his head. “Hey Ajax!” Enid called back cheerfully, her grip on your arm tightened as she pulled you closer to her side which only proved in making your brain short circuit at the contact. “This is y/n, I’m just showing them them around school!”
“Hey there.” You awkwardly waved at the boy who waved backed vigorously. You had to admit, while Ajax may lack social awareness skills, he was certainly making his way up on your short list of people to go to should you ever feel lost amidst the chaos that you were soon recognising this school to be. “Well have fun you two and don’t run headfirst to the lake fully clothed. Take it from me, it’s super cold dude.” Ajax advised but before you could ask where that penitent fact came from, Enid began to drag you away once more. “He’s high.” She whispered in your ear, her warm breath brushing against your skin, causing your breath to stifle at the closeness, “they all are, actually.” She adds as she looked back at the quad as it began shying away into the background.
“Ajax seems nice.” You offhandedly mentioned. I know right!” Enid squeals excitedly, “sooo nice in comparison to my dorm mate, she’s a real ‘wow is me’ type.” The blonde must’ve seen your apprehensive stance and grimaced, “as bad as I make her out to be, she’s really cool and I think you’d both will get along just fine.” Enid attempts to rectify your view on Wednesday, already having caught on the fact that you weren’t going to be keen towards certain people at Nevermore. She could tell that you’d warm up to the likes of her and Ajax overtime which meant that you’d get along well enough with Xavier, however his popularity might be a drawback for you; Wednesday on the other hand, in Enid’s opinion, was the perfect for someone like you.
“Why? Is it because we both come across as unapproachable or too uninteresting to get to know on a deeper level?” You scoffed, “Yeah sure, we’ll get along just fine.” You added sarcastically as you looked away from Enid to hide the hurt in your eyes at the insinuation that the prettiest and most kindest girl you’ve ever met was throwing you away, to becoming someone else’s problem. You should’ve known that you could never trust a pretty face, no matter how kindly they acted; for it will always be a farce. Enid pulled herself away from your side and moved in front of you, putting her hands on your shoulders as her hurt expression mimicked your own.
“I didn’t mean it like that y/n. It’s just that you and Wednesday share similar qualities that I thought you’d be better off being better friends with someone who understands you rather then someone like me…” the blonde trails off, saddened that you couldn’t help but feel the urge to comfort her, you hated being the reason she frowned and you’d found yourself wanting to make her smile that bright smile again, anything. “If it’s of any value to you but as far as I’m aware, we already get along quite well…don’t you think?” You smiled softly at her, resting your hands against Enid’s shoulders, rubbing them comfortingly as you watched the emotions in her eyes shift from upset, confusion, then realisation, and finally happy.
“You really think we could work?” She asked as a smile crept up unexpectedly upon her lips that you had to snap yourself out of staring at them for longer then a friend should. “Oh most definitely,” You hummed in agreement and at that, Enid squealed happily before roping you into a crushing hug, her cutesy giggles purposely finding their home right in your ears as you stiffly moved your arms across her waist. “I’m so happy right now y/n, you have no idea!” She cried, tightening her grasp on your blazer as you rest your heads against the others shoulder. “If it’s anything akin to how I’m feeling right now, then I think I might have some idea.” You replied, a smile growing on your face as you stayed in each other’s embrace; You might actually get use to Nevermore.
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tuesday again 8/29/2023
my ENTIRE SUMMER has been either worrying about moving or actually moving. ALL OF IT. however an incredibly hot butch milf on the gay community bulletin board/dating app lex has finally answered my piteous call for gun safety classes with an invitation to her private range. unfortunately she is a landlord who owns a VERY large apartment complex. houston is a land of contrasts
more joywave! one of my favorite bands bc they are best listened to in full album format, and i did a fuck of a lot of driving this weekend. little lies you’re told has an opening like a big machine warming up while you are in a control room way high up on a gantry somewhere. spotify
reading (2x bonus round)
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All The Trimmings by Tesni Morgan (published 2001 in the UK) is a gift from @believerindaydreams. it is “erotic fiction written by women for women” (debatable) and “the publishers recommend that this book should be sold only to adults”. also, “Black Lace novels contain sexual fantasies. In real life, make sure you practise safe sex.” idk i’ve ever seen that kind of notation on an american novel before? fascinating precursor to the saccharine little “stay safe kids” ao3 authors notes
i do find the premise genuinely fun and compelling— two divorced milfs opening a hotel/bordello with historically themed rooms. i have had to look up a lot of british purple prose and i refuse to believe anyone says “rogering” in real life.
im being edged with glimmerings of bisexuality. every time one of the milfs gets turned on and goes out roaming to distract herself from being turned on, i go “oh?” like at a pokemon go egg, but so far all the dalliances and encounters have been dudes.
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had a very strange experience with cormac mccarthy's blood meridian. i don’t normally interrogate whether or not i am the intended audience for a work except when it’s literally made for children, bc i as a modern bisexual woman am the intended audience for vanishingly few works. for example, many entire genres (westerns) are very challenging to enjoy.
a western has never made me go "wait so why DO i like westerns at all" so hard. like, what AM i doing here in this genre that is often deeply fucking uncomfortable to consume as a woman, and where the most foundational american and european works of the genre often uncritically embrace the worst parts of the american mythos in the most violent way possible? i do believe critics when they say mccarthy is not embracing violence for the sake of, and in fact has something to say with his revisionist western, but my god is it hard to wade through. anyway, dad media will not fuck me and i still have only a tenuous grasp on why i try so hard to glean enjoyment from it.
i know what mccarthy is trying to do and the overall tone of “weird old maybe-uncle” spinning a yarn to a big group of you and your cousins around a fire somewhere is pretty effective. unfortunately I have less tolerance for mccarthy’s style now than when I read The Road thirteen years ago in high school. i was immediately super invested in The Road’s single dad and how he and his kid were surviving, which does not need a lot of interiority.
blood meridian also has very little interiority. the first five chapters are a teen falling in and out of various fights. i was not, and am still not invested. if im reading A Man Goes On A Journey western (as opposed to A Stranger Comes to Town western) i would like to know two or three things about the man, especially if it seems to be angling at a bildungsroman. i don't typically care for third-person objective narration when it is this closely focused on one guy, and i really don't care for loving descriptions of maggots. comforting to know a lot of critics were also squicked out by this book. so it goes.
finished watching s1 of spy x family! a Legally Not West German spy in Legally Not East Berlin has to go into deep cover and pose as a family man in order to gain access to Legally Not Erich Honecker, because the only social events Legally Not Erich Honecker goes to are the ones at his son's elite prep school.
this man FLINGS himself into being the absolute best husband and father possible. for the mission, of course.
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i found the first few episodes the best, which is generally the opposite of my normal anime experience. i think it does a really good job of balancing high-octane spy hijinks and chases and explosions with very domestic concerns (he PROPOSES. with a THE RING OFF A HAND GRENADE. AFTER THROWING IT), and once you're really hooked on these characters it turns into a bit of a curtainfic. curtainanime? i had fun with all of it and anxiously await season two, but the actual applied spycraft does drop off significantly as the series goes on.
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we're going to continue with out of context genshin screencaps for the duration. the watery land of fontaine has a neat smorgsabord of visual style-- freshwater but also saltwater but also the aquarium section at petsmart.
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unpacking mostly. acquired this coffee table and its mother. needs a very deep cleaning and some touchups but is intact. the individual tables are a bit large for like individual party drinks tables but all six together are QUITE large. four tigether would be a comfortable coffee table size for many apartments imo but! bc everything truly is bigger in Texas including my apartment it works for right now. for the first time in my life i am considering a sectional sofa bc the living/dining room is that dang big.
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she has beads in her hair and they look fantastic. also she has brown eyes as does a fair chunk of the cast which is making me so happy because very few td characters have brown eyes :)
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it took me a bit to realize but this guy actually has a longass ponytail 
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i think this is a hockey shirt?
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she has an eyebrow piercing in addition to ear piercings and i feel kinda cursed saying this but she looks like someone combined courtney and duncan with maybe a splash of brick. regardless she is my fav character in terms of looks so far (little confused about what is going on with her shirt(s?) though)
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bleached blond hair and an undercut plus a purple shirt, what i’m gonna guess is a purple vest, and a cool necklace. loving the fashion sense. pretty sure ive seen one of my best friends in this exact outfir
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it might be the quality of the image but she looks like her eyes could be purple? maybe just an odd shade of brown though
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love the pleated skirt as opposed to those weird wrap things fresh used to do. glad we’ve moved on. the winged eyeliner!! also super cute sneakers which brings me to the observation that only one female character is visibly wearing heels which makes me SO happy. im so sick of girls on the show being designed with 3+ inch heels like how tf are they supposed to do challenges like that. but almost every female member of this cast is wearing sneakers and im so here for it
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THE CURLY HAIR WE LOVE TO SEE IT!! actually this cast has a fair amount of curly/textured hair it’s making my curly self so happy
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the first td character to wear high waisted jeans!! looks a little weird to me tbh but i get it considering how extreme the art style is when it comes to waists. anyways this character looks very sweet :)
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bonus: my guess for the gay couple is these two bc they’re looking at each other like this from across the campfire
in conclusion, while the designs aren’t as colorful/intense as, say, the pahkitew or roti designs, i love how natural/realistic they look and am super happy fresh changed things that bothered me in the past (heels, lack of brown eyes + curly hair) very excited to learn more about these characters!
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flightfoot · 8 months
Thank you for AdriJule or ChaTigress recommendation! I'm happy that someone actually write about them either as platonic or a ship, the later is very rare. I'm envy those who openly say they ship them because I've been traumatized shipping a crack ship, especially one that involve a character that canonically Les or gay. It's representation erasure twitter residence said even though it erase nothing in canon. It's just scared me to this day that I can't create anything for my fav ship anymore.
Oooh yeah sure! Here are some. Also honestly I'm not too nervous about the reaction to shipping things like AdriJule or ChaTigress. The Miraculous fandom has far, far worse things to worry about. If someone doesn't like the fact that it's being shipped, well there's not a ton of it, so it's easy to ignore.
Kitty Siblings by RustyAce
“How’s it going, Adrien?” he asked, reaching over Marinette to scratch behind one of his ears. The cat hybrid’s purrs grew in volume as he pushed his head against Nino’s hand. “Good,” he chirped, his paws beginning to knead both the pillow beneath him and Marinette’s stomach. “Was gonna nap. Keep Marinette warm.” “I see,” Nino hummed. “So you’re booked for the day then?” “Yes!” he nodded, setting his head back down to nuzzle into his mate’s hair. Knowing Nino wouldn’t do anything to harm him or his mate, he closed his eyes, letting out a long purr. There was a pause before Nino spoke again. “Not even to play with Juleka?” Adrien continued to knead, but his eyes snapped back open when the human’s words registered in his brain. Like a flash, he sat up, tail twitching excitedly. “Hiss-ter?” he cried, letting out a cheerful series of trills. “She back?”
Rainy Days by WriterRiderDirtyThirties
Ladybug and Chat Noir decide to mix up the partners on their team. This leaves Chat Noir and Purple Tigress patrolling the streets of Paris together... until a big storm rains them out.
Roaring and Flirting by WriterRiderDirtyThirties
Chat Noir is going to be training a newbie hero: Purple Tigress! He's nervous about having to teach her the ropes. Turns out, he had as much to teach her as he had to learn from her.
This one's ongoing, but I like it so far, and I've liked other things this author has written!
Striped Heart by kingxuppu
After Rose's passing prior to the start of the show, Juleka falls into a deep depression. No one know how to help her, but when Ladybug learns she can give a miraculous to someone to help her in a fight, she decides to give Juleka a miraculous so she'll have a kwami to help her through her own fight. Chat Noir and Purple Tigress hitting it off was an unexpected bonus.
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sumquiasum · 2 months
Riverdale characters as clowns you own
GREAT question anon thank you 🤡🥰
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Archie is best represented by these two. Claas is our friendliest clown and Clarke looks like he has PTSD
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Obviously Betty can be none other than Claxes Taxes Violence.
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The duality of Jughead is best represented by these two. The one on the right (unnamed atm) looks so inquisitive.
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Clola is Veronica. I mean look at that elegance!
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Cheryl and Jason (Also elegant but in a more old-fashioned way. Also Cheryl is red, Jason is somewhat ghostly and forever young.)
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Penelope. Don't ask me why. I think it's the pink coupled with the mischief and underlying malice.
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Toni! She's pink and purple and has a kind & understanding aura.
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Gay Kevin. AKA Gay Clatvin.
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Juniper & Dagwood
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Bobo the Clown as Hiram.
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Claty Cleene (The L is Silent) as Katy Keene. Obviously.
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sharpth1ng · 2 years
Scream Wardrobe Hcs PT 4- Sidney Prescott
This is mostly based on her aesthetic in scream 1, it changes quite a lot after that (this is how I'm picturing her in debaser at least).
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Mom Jeans
I'm not roasting her here, mid/high rise boot cut jeans were popular at the time and she looks hot in them
I'm thinking she goes for the levis 550 or 560
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2. Overalls
I know for a fact that she has at least 2 pairs of these, she's a lesbian come on. Bonus, later in life she'll wear them with a bandana.
Also fml imagine how cute she would be in the oversize dickies ones (to the left) I can't
also idk why but these seem like final girl threads
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3. A collection of cozy swearters from places like GAP, FILA and Tommy Hilfiger
Sid and Billy both have a GAP sweater that they pull down over their hands because thats what you do when you're closeted apparently
She mostly goes for lighter blues, purples and pinks
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4. 90's girl brands like dELiA's (yes thats how the brand capitalized their name??) and Limited Too
She definitely used to go through the dELiA's catalogue with her mom to pick out back to school clothes every year (ok I made myself sad)
She wears a lot of high neck t-shirts and tank tops, plus some of those matching shirt+cardigan combos they used to sell
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5. Corduroy and Denim Jackets
She hasn't upgraded to her final girl leather yet but omg look how cute the corduroy is
She always has chaptick and a little pack of tissues in the pockets and she will offer you some tissues if she sees you crying/sniffling
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6. Hand me-downs from Tatum
Tatum likes to dress her up for parties and then decides she likes her clothing better on Sid so she just gives it to her
Every time this happens Sid is equally as embarrassed and flattered and constantly ends up doing that little look down/hair tuck thing she does
Sid would never have picked these out for herself but they do make her feel cool
Also these are both from dELiA's
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7. Classic White Adidas & Leather boots
Pretty sure the boots are the Steve Maddens she wears in the movie and tbh I'm obsessed, she's ready to kick shit already, she's a beautiful butterfly waiting to emerge from her cocoon and kill her ex.
I like to imagine that she wasn't sure about buying them but Tatum hyped her up and they're her confidence boots now
But also my girl loves a white trainer, I think she's been wearing these forever and just always buys a new pair when they wear out. They're comfy but also cute and she's a practical girl.
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8. Inexplicable grandma nightwear
sorry Sid, Billy was a gay bitch and he shouldn't have negged you like that but also WHAT IS THIS
Tatum thinks it's cute though
Why did I choose to pick out their underwear, I did it once so now I feel like I have to:
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Sid is wearing fruit of the Loom briefs with her crisp white ankle socks and her grandma nightie and she will fucking kill you if you mess with her
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13eyond13 · 11 months
Don't know if it's late, but your top 5 fav books (fictions)?
Ahhh, a good yet very difficult question. I sometimes have very fond memories of books I read years ago, yet they do not hold up for me at all when I reread them again at an older age? So some of the ones I might put on this list in the past I might not feel the same about anymore, so unless I've revisited it recently I don't feel confident enough in my memories to really add them to the list. I went to my GoodReads account and looked at everything I had logged, but I'm quite fussy about the criteria I use for this? As in I feel like the book has to be so beloved by me that it almost feels like it's one of my oldest friends or something. And I just don't feel confident stating that about most of the books I have read, even the ones I've given 5/5 stars. In the end I might only be able to give a top 3 list, but other than 1. Death Note the other two I love the most are: 2. The Talented Mr. Ripley by Patricia Highsmith - I just have such a big crush on Patricia Highsmith's writing style, and I'd say she's probably my favourite writer right now. I don't know how to describe it other than it just draws me in every time with its deceptively soothing and understated prose, and I also love the aesthetics of her settings and characters and plots. This is by far my favourite work of hers. Tom Ripley is one of my all-time fictional characters, and if you're a fan of creepy conman stories and anxiety-inducing thrillers than you'll definitely enjoy reading this one. I had such a good time reading this entire series a few years back and grew really attached to hanging out with Tom, though he really is only at his best and most interesting and complex as a character in this first book, I think. (BONUS RECOMMENDATION: Both the American 1990s The Talented Mr. Ripley movie and the 1960s French movie Plein Soleil are worth a watch as well! I think the 90s one does some interesting things to translate the story from the page to the screen, and certainly doesn't shy away from the homoerotic undertones - also has a fun scene-stealing performance by Jude Law as Dickie. And the French one is just beautiful to look at - particularly because of Alain Delon at his prettiest and scariest, who I unfortunately developed a massive embarrassing crush on as soon as I laid eyes on him!) 3. Interview With the Vampire by Anne Rice - There wasn't a book in the world I was ever more obsessed with at some point in my life than this one when I was 15/16! I created an elaborate comic adaptation of this story for a book report that took me entire months of my life to make, I was just that obsessed. It just hit the spot for me so perfectly at the time because I was a lonely and confused little thing that was still very much caught between the guilty obligation of my strict religious upbringing and the frightening burgeoning realization that MAYBE I wasn't actually that straight (because boy-oh-boy is the vampirism in this book and Louis's guilty wrestling with his nature very easily read as a metaphor for struggling with being gay, hahaha). I loved Louis so much, I identified with him so strongly and immediately, and I think Anne Rice is just great at painting a descriptive scene and fleshing out a unique universe full of colourful characters and worldbuilding/lore that stretches back for literally millennia. Upon rereading it again older I definitely found the prose to be a bit silly/purple and the melodrama a little eye-rolly at times, but you know what, that is exactly what a Byronic gothic novel is kind of supposed to sound like, too. Lestat is obviously the real star of the show in The Vampire Chronicles, and Claudia is also a stunner of a character, but Louis has my heart simply for being the one to initially invite me into that interesting world, and for feeling like the only bro who truly "got me" during that particularly angsty and guilt-ridden period of my life. (BONUS REC: the 90s movie starring Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, and Kirsten Dunst is a really good adaptation of it as well!)
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bnwthinking · 2 years
I want to get more into classic literature. Any recommendations? Your taste is awesome. (I'm mainly interested in romantic literature. Major bonus points if it's gay. But I'm up for any kind of classic literature.)
omg thanks for this question!! i love giving recs on this shit lol
ancient queer stuff
'collected works of sappho' is always good place to start, i would recommend anne carson's translation. it is not the most literal in translation but it is the best version in my opinion for understanding the gay emotions that sappho was trying to to convey.
on that note, i would also recommend reading enheduanna's 'poems for the goddess inanna'. think of her as sappho's elder, she was a sumerian poet and the first person we know to have ever created a collection of poems and signed her name to it. she was also very queer.
'the iliad' is also very very gay!! i dont have a favourite translation, my fave greek translator hasn't covered it yet but deffo check homer out.
classic (or modern classic) queer stuff
'orlando' by virginia woolf - a book about a man that wakes up as a woman one day and also immortal. the book is a bisexual in everyway love letter to vita sackville-west, the arguable love of virginia woolf's life. also would recommend reading 'mrs dalloway' or 'a room of one's own' by woolf and literally anything written by vita who was an established writer, too.
'giovanni's room' by james baldwin - this book was really important in my coming out process when i was a teenager. its about letting yourself be loved when you've been raised in shame. james baldwin's writing is a gift. check out his poetry if you're into poetry fs. i also really like baldwin's 'tell me how long the train's been gone'
'the well of loneliness' by radclyffe hall - not a personal fave of mine but definitely an important piece of lesbian literature.
'maurice' by e.m forster - forster hid this book from the world until his death. its about gay happiness and he knew if publishers got their hands on it they would make it about gay sadness. it was publish how forster wanted in the 1970's even though he wrote it in like 1917 or something lol
'the price of salt' by patricia highsmith - the novel that the movie carol is based off of
'the city and the pillar' by gore vidal
'better angel' by forman brown
the dark bisexual quartet that is : mary shelley's 'frankenstein', bram stoker's 'dracula', oscar wilde's 'the picture of dorian gray' and joseph le fanu's 'carmilla'
'rebecca' by daphne du maurier - i love 'rebecca' because it so bisexual and nasty but anything by daphne is a big rec from me!! she was openly bi and it's very evident in her work lol.
'the bell jar' by sylvia plath - the original manic pixie bisexual. i try to read 'the bell jar' once every couple of years.
'the charioteer' by mary renault - mary renault was one of the first people to write gay fiction in the uk in a positive light and her work was frequently banned!!
'Q.E.D' by gertrude stein
'yellow rose' by yoshiya nobuko - she wrote a lot of lesbian lit but 'yellow rose' is one of her only stories translated into english
'tales of a mask' by yukio mishima
'patience and sarah' by isabelle miller
'the color purple' by alice walker - gay but depressing as all fuck however literary wise, the writing is incredible. taught me a lot about voice and perspective.
'the great gatsby' by f. scott fitzgerald - easy to read, so damn short and the most subtext to ever subtext. fitz was a shit but whatever.
non specifically queer classic stuff
'tess of the d'urbervilles' or 'jude the obscure' by thomas hardy - hardy owned my arse when i was a teenager lol, i would consider these two of my fave books ever.
'wuthering heights' by emily bronte - divisive as always. its a book people either love or hate. its also a confusing read and i would recommend looking up a character map if you do attempt it. however, i'm one of the people that thinks 'wuthering heights' lives up the hype and the first time i read it it broke me.
'pride and prejudice' by jane austen - like wuthering heights but fun!
'the mill on the floss' by george eliot - 'silar marner' is good, too but i like mill better. i wrote my entrance essay for uni on it and my ma used to read it to me when i was little.
'metamorphosis' by franz kafka - anything by kafka is good tbh
'the second sex' by simone de beauvoir - important read that helped me understand a lot about early 20th century feminism, the good and the bad. the book i consider the foundation for a lot of what has come since.
'the lord of the rings' by jrr tolkien - idk if you're looking for fantasy (if you are let me know i'll make another list lol) but if you haven't read lotr, i promise it is better than you can ever imagine. tolkien also lives up to the hype.
lovecraft. start with the cthulhu mythos and branch out from there. 'the call of cthulhu' or 'the dunwich horror' or 'the nameless city' are good entry points imo.
okay that seems like a lot, i have more if you need lol. hope this helps in some way!
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fuzziekins · 2 years
Disney Say Gay Pt 4
Happy Asexual Awareness Week to my fellow aces! It may not be much, but i wanted to continue my Disney Say Gay series with just a couple of potential asexual headcannons. It’s hard enough to have gay representation in Disney as it is, so to expect or for them to share any ace characters beyond the two that are confirmed - not even by the company but by the creators specifically - is unheard of. It’s not much here, but the reason i even do art now is to incorporate pride flags. So that people can see themselves and feel good, or like they’re not alone. And whatever you’re feeling right now, wherever under the ace umbrella you are, i’m here with you. I see you. And I have enough pride for all of us. This is for you guys. 💜
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Mulan has been tasked with saving a damsel in distress. But, as we now, Meg may be a damsel and in distress but she can handle it. She doesn’t need some Wonderperson to come save her butt. She doesn’t get close to anyone anymore. But the longer they’re together, the more she gets to know Mulan, the more they go up against, and the more they do, Meg starts to wonder if there really is more to this Wonderperson after all. Mulan is a non-binary/genderqueer/gender nonconforming/etc icon and we all know it. But when you look at Meg, it obviously took a lot of effort for her to get close and open up to Hercules. And it was so damn hard for her to admit her feelings...she had a whole song about denying it. And we all get it; her last relationship was more traumatizing than she let on, she says she’s learned her lesson and sworn off man-handling; she can take care of herself. And she hides her emotions and vulnerability behind sass and sarcasm. It gave me major demisexual vibes, because of the time and effort and connection it took for her to really feel comfortable around Hercules and accept her feelings. And that happens to be the case with Mulan here as well. After all, there’s not technically any man-handling here....
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Elsa may not understand Anna’s penchant for romance, but she does want to see her sister happy more than anything. So Elsa attempts a role at matchmaker to set Anna up with Ariel. And it looks like it’s going well. Anna is definitely captivated by Ariel, though Ariel is visibly more on the nervous side. So much so that she might’ve even lost her voice! This idea was inspired by the concept of bi/lesbian/ace solidarity. Elsa obviously fits the ace vibe as a queer icon (and, come on, she’s totally ace and/or aro (although i still say she’s an aroace lesbian)). Anna, in the bi role, doesn’t care about who people are or how they identify, she likes them for who they are and always looks for the best in them regardless. Ariel as the lesbian in the picture is inspired by the queer undertones in Part of Your World; being stuck portraying someone you’re really not and you have to keep the person you really are secret. As an added bonus, the only person’s clothes we get a glimpse of is Anna’s. At first glance, you’d think the grey and purple on her jacket is a nod/support to her sister. That is, unless there’s maybe something else we don’t know about Anna yet...? While the inspiration for this drawing came from an idea of solidarity, looking at it from the perspective as an ace is also a commentary on how romance and relationships are so much at the forefront of everything; media, stories, an “ultimate goal”.... No, it’s not officially Ace Week without including a nod to my favorite ace headcannon, but she is obviously not the focus of this drawing. Like Elsa, we want to see the people we care about happy and we do have love and support for them. But the way we experience actual love or relationships or the expectations put on us is very different. No, we’re not necessarily different; at the end of the day we’re all still people. And we’ll always have our place in the community alongside our queer friends and siblings no matter what. But it’s so easy for us to feel pushed to the side or forgotten or being treated as if we don’t exist because we don’t want this “normal” things or we experience these things so differently. While there’ll never be anything wrong with who or how we love (or don’t love) or who we are, we are not less than. We’re not made up. We’re not special snowflakes. We are still here. We still exist. We still matter. And, so much like Anna does for Elsa, the people who care about us will make themselves known and want us to be just as happy as they are...though maybe without chaperoning their first dates!
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On a trip through to the Human Realm, Lilith comes across this strange, stupid creature. Intrigued by it, she decided to take it back to the Demon Realm with her and raise it as her pet. The green of the jacket as well as the grey mittens are also a nod to Lilith being aromantic. It’s not so much a story with this final drawing as it is inspiration and appreciation. There didn’t need to be anything thought over or looked to with this because there was nothing to think about. Both characters have been confirmed as asexual by their creators Dana Terrace and Dan Povenmire. It feels so unheard of in Disney for asexual to even be a thing because it takes so much for them to even confirm a character might be gay or bi. Never mind anything other than cisgender on top of that. Saying a character is asexual is admitting that sexual attraction does exist (or, in our case, doesn’t) which, as a company directed at kids and families, god forbid Disney do that. It had to be confirmed out of the show and through the creators specifically. It was during Dana’s Be Gay and Do Withcraft Charity stream that we were privileged to hear a recording of Lilith herself admit she never had feelings for anyone before. To hear that coming out of the character’s mouth, for it to be confirmed that she’s aroace, made my jaw drop with excitement. She is a character i wish i could’ve had as a teenager. Or even in college. Instead of not knowing anything as a teen and, after vaguely reading something on Tumblr in college and putting off figuring out my identity for seven years, a door could’ve been opened so much sooner and i wouldn’t have spent so much time questioning. I can only imagine what she and Perry are going to do for kids and teens now. We are given this incredible character arc from Lilith and see not only how she develops friendships and grows as a person, but how meaningful the relationships she does have are and that nothing has to be romantic for happiness or accomplishments. And, as a clearly older character, Lilith proves to us that there is more after our ‘prime’ and ‘family growing’ time, that we can be successful and happy later in life. And Perry’s whole story revolves around his work and his love for Phineas and Ferb. Those kids are his family and he cares about them more than anything else. And not only does he kick butt as his job as a secret agent, he also builds a meaningful friendship with Doof in the process. Perry gives us strength and reminds us that, even if we seem ‘naive’ or ‘childlike’ not to be underestimated or looked down on because we are capable of so much. It may only be two characters and odds are we’ll be damn lucky if we can even get a glimpse of others like them. But the important thing is that they exist. They are reminders that we matter, we’re not broken, and, most of all, that we’re not alone.
I wasn’t sure if i was gonna do more of these. But i felt like i had to do something for Ace Week. This is part of who i am and i’ll never be ashamed to share that. If this helps show other aces that they’re not alone, that there’s other people like them, that we can see themselves in any characters, and that we matter; if it helps anyone questioning to see these; if there’s anyone who’s closeted or afraid or not ready to come out; that’s what these drawings are for. And i hope that one day, it won’t just be us hoping or self-projecting or nit-picking. That these headcannons can be more than just headcannons. We and multiple characters will be able to say We’re Here and We’re Queer.... Or, in this weeks’ case, We’re Here and We’re Ace 😆 Parts one, two, and three.
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cobble-stone · 2 years
talk about Zenith!!! what's their favourite colour? food? any opinions on other characters?
ah. normal character questions instead of my incomprehensible rambles about their themes
hmm. their favorite color is pink, i think. even though they dyed their skin purple their favorite color is pink. (they also dyed their hair blue. zenith is a walking bi flag.)
food- i don’t know honestly! i don’t know what space foods they have access to. as far as modern day goes i feel like they’d like. basically anything that’s frozen/cold and sweet. ice cream, popsicles, smoothies, frappuchinos, (or just iced coffees in general). no real particular reason why, just vibes.
opinions on other characters:
so! they have their crew: themself, Astra, and Dye. they met this crew because they took up a job due to being desperate for money, and well. the company that hired them was a piece of shit, they went against orders, and ended up on the run from space amazon. originally there was a fourth member named Kit, but the player had to drop the campaign due to being busy.
they originally did Not get along with astra- very much opposing viewpoints, (astra was on the “fuck space amazon” train while zenith was moreso “i want to do this job so i can get Paid”), and zenith. well. was very stuck up for a while. putting up a front etc etc. but after zenith started to chill out and stopped being such a dickhead, they got very close! kinda- sibling dynamic, they tease eachother a lot but would kill for eachother. also has the bonus points of zenith helped killed astra’s brother’s fiancé who was a piece of shit (and also zenith’s ex at some point)
dye was kind of the mediator between astra and zenith, and really the first person that zenith connected with. dye was the first one to be like “i understand your side of things, this would be Dangerous” while astra and zenith were feuding. there’s one particular scene where the two sat down in the bathroom of the ship and zenith opened up to dye and it really just. cemented a lot of things for zenith as a character and also for the two’s dynamic. as far as current dynamic, they’re very close friends, and me and dye’s player (well. you know sonya) have decided “yknow what. they’re kinda fruity.” gay rights.
other prominent character would probably be Rhialla, the space amazon employee that zenith met session 1 and decided “she’s pretty. i want to kiss her.” even though she is part of Space Amazon, she helped zenith and the crew escape. she and zenith did get to kiss though zenith hasn’t heard from her in a while, so they’re Worried.
and. i think that’s mainly it? there’s the character who was the antagonist for a while (taeron, zenith’s shitty ex, astra’s brother’s shitty ex, a war criminal, got murdered by zenith).
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istherewifiinhell · 5 months
okay just gonna link a bunch of the es story boards videos (i started this with the mind of curation but ended up in a place of COLLECTION. whoops)
and ONE FUN BONUS at the end which u could just skip to the bottom for if (website popup voice) YOU DONT LIKE COOL ANIMATION. (joking lmao. this is for me interact however u like). The bonus is BOTH a fun fact and a fun vid.
i could not be any more clear at ALL TIMES. that i want ppl to watch es but lol either way. <3 story boards. (note also the rise turtles like swag (crossover staff) and see why i say this show looks so good cause u can tell their doing the 3d like its 2d)
notes: scratch track (the non VA audio in theses) so charming. yay u get to see them actually use purple rain. u can really clock mandroid flubbed a punch cause he DIDNT want to punch alex (inch resting) LOOK how extra expressive twitches alt mode is in 2d tho RIP. (crys about the little bird moment for the five hundredth time). Hashtag <3 fucking lmao.
this scene is one of those first DAMN thats crazy in the show i feel like and oh lol. would u look at that. DAMN THATS CRAZY.
AND THEN. this is the part with the meg move i love so much and the meg.op battle couple AND THE AND THE. (passes out) its sooooo cool.
notes: deleted scene, explains WHY shock wave got out during the megs field trip ep. gayass. CUTE KITTY. #3 son mug. this shits literally just so funny. she/her rav pronoun drop fjgbdfjg.
notes: altered version from the final ep they moved night shade around. they all have their final mode colours in the boards aw lol. ALSO. little like. adopted kids moment that i doooo get why they cut but u ALSO GET how it would emotional payoff in the ep with NS protecting their parents Oughhh (rolls on the ground)
notes: JUST A LITTLE MORE emotional oumph to the megs flash back but not that different. hes handsome tho i like to see him. like the scratch tracks impression of shock wave its cute. i can hear the vocal quality their going for.
oh hey also GAY CARS. i just found these/am seeing them first time today
NOT THE SAD SHIP VIDEO VIBES.... OH GOD OH GOD... NOT THE SAD ASS PIANO MUSIC..... WHAT THE HELL. THIS IS DEVASTATING. watching bd tanking those shots for bee and crumbling APART. awesome. what the fuck. HELLO.
finale stuff
kids fighting oppie at the train yard. just COOL
fight on the bridge. ALSO COOL.
BIG finale scene stuff in 3 diff parts
scary shit and visuals that FUCK
THE MEGS ANGST. im KILLS ME that it didnt get a way in there. tho would have killed me to see also. no really tho this shit is so visually insane god damn. seeing this DID also help me understand how the screamer save happened better. EVIL SPIDER MAN. also in the group that comes saves em. was not in the final ep but we must pray hes still safe maybe just doing smth else.... (hes with swin and his bro busting in. the brother is the car. lol). twitch doing megs move!!! (propelling herself with her canon). mandroid going full fucking beast mode.... etc.
urghh u can really vibe out how bad those injuries are. and emotionally. bwah.. and. THIS SHOW. god. okay.
okay this one isnt the bonus but ill give it anyway
song from the tf the movie and also my alarm for several months (yes it HAS stopped working thanks for asking) BWAH. my loves. (weeping gently)
REALLY funny really goofy really fucking delightful. the mean girl trio seekers energy is supreme. god i love gay ppl. anyway. hey. doesnt that screamer look.... familiar...... WHY YES. YOU MAY NOTE THE YOUTUBE CHANNEL... SAME PERSON. THEY GOT A FUCKING JOB. ON THE SHOW. (unsure if its causally related) THATS SO FUCKING CRAZY the world is wonderful. es seeker trio THE mean girls seeker trio of all time. even if their barely in it. cause like. wow. (gets stuck in my loop of watching this forever and ever again) BWAH
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colorisbyshe · 1 year
June Music Releases: PART THREE
Part One and Part Two (aka just the Shinee album review)
"Shy Boy" by Carly Rae Jepsen. I don't think this is her strongest release but I think it'll get you to move if you listen to it. Kinda wish Jessie Ware did it instead. @ Jessie cover this.
"Moeroyomoero" by cali=/=gari. Has the energy of a Naruto ED with a bit more oomf. Like specifically Naruto or maybe Bleach, though as the song progresses it has its own identity. Has some nice guitar going on.
"Westside Story" by DJ Snake. Feel insane promoting a DJ Snake song in 2023 but it has the funk-influence of early Daft Punk but commits to it even more. Just excellent execution. Perfect use of autotune--makes the voice feel like just another instrument, like a singing guitar.
"Purple Ape" by Connie and Bayli. Crunchy and gay. Kinda abrasive but entrancing all the same. Feels like standing in the middle of a factory, peak of production, to make out with a girl.
"Dance Cult" by RIS-707. Feel insane again because there is some Bloc Party energy here, except it's more electric. Like there are a lot of influences present in this song but I can't shake the Bloc Party association and idk why. If you don't hear it, I understand. But this song will suck your jorts off. I do like this more than Bloc Party's latest track "Keep It Rolling," but you should also check that out if you like BP.
"Take Me Away" by DJ Hazime. Summery, tropical tunes. Not doing anything particularly new but if you're looking for beachy stuff to throw onto your more seasonal playlists, here ya go.
"Anything Flows" by Flo Milli (featuring like 9 million people). Not particularly new but she sounds goooood.
"Transcypt 2:3 Stalkers" by Aural Vampire. Dark sided dance track. GIve it a shot.
"Nasty" by grouptherapy. and jadagrace and tjonline. Confrontational bars and slick production. Feels like both a shot and the chaser. "American Psycho" is also pretty great, it takes a second to warm up but when it gets there... great. Fantastic.
"Keep On" by Tobias Bergson. Just soothing electronica.
"Realize" by LiSA. Jpop-rock. Spidervese song for Japanese audiences. Explosive, high energy, keeps you on the edge of your seat. Makes you efel like you're playig a racing game.
"You Rock Me" by She (aka this blog's namesake). SHe goes looong stretches without new music, so I'm always excited to get more. Just vibrant chiptune music. Dazzling energy while still being lowkey enough to kinda be background music.
"U Think" by voquote and reina. Smooth, the spoken bit does ruin the song a bit, but the rest is so good I forgive it. Chill dance music. But probably a better option of kinda lowkey but dancy music is "On + On" by Austin Millz and Justine Skye.
Also, people should rec me music again. Bonus points if you can relate it to a song or artist I've posted here. Could even be by an artist I've posted here--aside from like... She and CRJ I don't know a lot of the discographies of these artists.
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lady-of-the-spirit · 2 years
What your favourite Eternals character says about you
Based only on my opinions.
Ikaris: you love Richard Madden, or you love characters who are fucked up and do bad things but for understandable reasons. Or both.
Ajak: Milf lover, team mom edition. You either think she's a mom friend or you think she's just as to blame for everything but you like morally ambiguous characters so it's okay.
Gilgamesh: you're obsessed with the "it's rotten work"/"not to me. not if it's you." quote. You want someone who loves you through all hardships and/or you relate to the role of being a caretaker for your loved ones.
Thena: the same as Gilgamesh and you love Angelina Jolie and badass women. You are also a softie (hidden or not) and might be touch starved.
Phastos: you have the biggest brain cells. That's right, you have more than one! You hate the mcu fandom but you're still here for some reason. You were usually the one in the group project who did most of the work and put in the most effort, even if everyone else was competent and did their own work. You have suffered burnout.
Makkari: You're also a collector of many, many things. You probably ship drukkari and/or wish she was seen more outside of her relationship with Druig. They wouldn't have been able to find Tiamut without her and you think she deserves more appreciation!
Kingo: You love purple. You want to watch his movies. You love characters who appear selfish and but also care deeply for the people they love. You love Tony Stark (and for the same reasons you love Kingo), but if you don't, you think Kingo is like him but done better. Your strongest trait is understanding other people's decisions even when you don't agree with them, and you value people who have beliefs they stand by but won't hurt people over.
Sprite: Comic relief characters who finally get to explore their dark side or personal issues are your favourite. You might have abandonment issues or struggle with your self-image. You feel like no one knows your real self. You love chaotic little bastards. You love those "shout out to [character type] Gotta be one of my favourite genders" memes.
Sersi: You love soft, good, kind characters more than anything. You have a hard time making decisions. You were the one in the group project who always did a good job and put the effort in but never wanted to be in charge or give the presentation but would step up if needed (alternatively, you were usually the one in charge and you always really appreciated these types of group members). You might be a little touch starved.
Druig: you're a basic bitch. I'm sorry but it's true. You're also a loki fan.
Ben and Jack Stoss: You're also a Phastos fan, and you want to see a lot more of him and his family in both the MCU and in the fandom. You hate the fandom for ignoring this perfect family and the first gay kiss in the MCU.
Karun: you have the biggest brain cell. Damn, you wish you'd gotten to see his eternals documentary.
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the-apprentice-lia · 3 years
hi, i'm in love with u. seriously, you got some real talent! also, i'm here to make a request, excuse me~~ can you write the main 6 and the mc in some sort of a date..? let's say it's their day, maybe it's been a year since they're together and the main 6 prepared a special day to the mc, plsss? thanks 🖤
hiii!! wait come back, i love you too!! thank you so much, i’m so glad you enjoy my writing!☺️ i’m honestly relieved at this headcanon since i’ve been writing so much angst so thank you! i don’t think i’d have been able to write a piece that would break my heart again!!
the main 6 on their one year anniversary with mc
• let’s clear something up really quickly: asra’s the most romantic person you’ll ever meet. aside from maybe nadia. but this ain’t about her (for now). they’re 100% the type to leave you roses lying around the house with sweet little love notes, compose you magical poetry that makes the entire room smell of ambrosia and only unfurls when you’ve had a terrible day, and drop kisses to any part of you they’re able to reach during the day. so, for your one year anniversary? oh, get ready.
• i can see asra actually asking one of the arcana for the temporary use of their realm, (bonus if he says they’re free to use the magic shop while you two are on your date, and double bonus if a wandering customer who doesn’t take note of the ‘we’re closed’ sign is met with cunning, tapered amaranthine eyes, and a sly, vulpine smile.) and using his magic to enhance the familiar setting even more. he’s probably spent months planning this, ensuring everything’s absolutely perfect on the recurrence of day he first pledged his love to you.
• asra’s not there next to you when you awaken, so you call for him as soft morning sunlight filters through the window, falling across your empty bed and your summons echo through the deserted store. he’s obviously closed it for the day since you’ve slept in, and as you stumble towards the kitchen, you stop as you notice the new outfit laid carefully out on your shared desk, with a note lying beside it.
• “follow me to where you first met me through the palace fountains.” you take in the painstakingly-calligraphied note with a soft smile. asra’s hand-writing is… questionable at best, and barely-legible scribbles at worst, and this note has the prettiest handwriting you’ve seen. the little ‘I’ at the bottom of the note tells you where you need to go, and you grin as you rush to get ready.
• as you pay more attention to the outfit, a soft smile crosses your face. the beautifully put-together ensemble (asra has impeccable fashion sense, fight me) is in your favourite colour, and you sprint to the bath-chamber just so you can put it on sooner. when you finally emerge, you meet your own eyes in the mirror with a beam. it fits you delightfully, outlining the shape of your body and falling perfectly, the fabric looking as if it’s made just for you. you give a little twirl in the mirror with a raw burst of laughter; you not only look and feel beautiful, this is asra’s gift to you and you couldn’t be happier in it.
• finally finished, you follow the trail of magic asra’s left— a shimmering, iris-purple trail that’s obviously reflective of his aura— to where a final gift waits for you, with a carefully-scrolled note left behind it. “open me when you’ve found our spot,” it reads, and you grin at asra’s layers of planning. it means so much to you that he cares about you so much, truly.
• you let your eyes flutter shut, attuning yourself only to the unique aura of the magician’s realm. you know the world is slowly falling away around you, and as you open your eyes again, asra stands before you with the biggest smile on his face. his eyes are twinkling and you know, in that moment, that you’d follow your lover to the ends of the earth.
• it’s the lake where you first entered the magician’s realm to visit asra. painted in the fiery-amber hues of an eternal sunset, the amaranthine sky stretches and ripples before you endlessly, fish jumping between the reeds. they sway gently in the breeze and stretch away from the marigolden reflection of the sun-setting sky on the lake, bleeding in an amethyst kaleidoscope into an electric blue that you long to slip your fingers through. it almost looks as if it would feel like silk.
• “mc, you’ve found me!” comes his teasing voice as he sweeps you up in his arms. he kisses you deeply, before stepping aside to let you take in the picnic he’s set up near the water’s edge. well, picnic in the most basic sense of the word, you think as you look in wonder around you. asra’s set up a beautiful array of coloured blankets, fairy lights hovering in the air all around you. he’s enchanted the glowing orbs to revolve slowly around the two of you, and you find yourself falling even more deeply in love with the beautiful person in front of you.
• after the magical evening in the magician’s realm, you give your fellow arcana his domain back as asra’s hand in yours pulls you through the fabric of the realms and you’re standing back in your shop.
• when you waken in the morning, after your (practically non-existent;) lovely sleep, you find it’s long past the time that the two of you usually decide to open the store. again, asra’s broken duties (which in and of itself is a great feat?!) simply to spend time with the love of their life. you show your appreciation with extra cuddles that he accepts with a sleepy smile, his warm and utterly contented aura mingling with yours and making your morning even better.
• okay she’s probably tied with asra in the romance department. she just can’t help it! gifts have always been her love-language, even when, only known as the youngest satrinava princess, the only meaningful gifts she used to be able to give were the gifts she made herself— intricate devices, levers and pulleys in the latest fashion that wax and wane with the sun so that your plants never want for any light— you name it, she could have, and probably had before, made it. so, when she was young, since she was so insecure and unsure of herself, gifts were the only way she was ever able to show affection.
• now, of course, she’ll move you close to her wherever you are with a gentle hand around your waist, press little kisses to your cheeks or forehead, pull you to her and press a soft kiss to your lips— no, your beloved never fails to show you just how much you mean to her, just how much she loves you. however… she does love to see the berry-red blush spread across your face at her lavish gifts, the small, adorable “thank you, nadi,” she’s certain to get. she also absolutely lives for doesn’t mind the thank you hugs.
• and so, the first thing you see as you awaken on your one-year anniversary, is an actual mountain of presents. and this is not an exaggeration. no, this is… as large a pile of gifts as you’ve ever seen, sitting in the corner of your shared chambers together. your mouth hangs slightly open as you take in the sheer volume of presents she’s got you. you had been sure of your gift (singular!!) to her, but looking around you… doubt slips into your mind. you shake it off, calling into your chambers.
• “uh… nadi?” your voice echoes through the empty space as you ruffle your hair with your fingers, swinging your legs out of bed and onto… is that a path of rose petals?? and not even just scattered, an entire, beautifully arranged path of (somehow) amaranthine rose-petals. it’s so soft, and you can’t help laughing in incredulous delight as you savour the silken feel of the path beneath your feet. of course, you follow it. you’d hate for all her obviously meticulous planning to go to waste— no, you’re going to make sure this day goes exactly to plan! you step across the gossamer-soft, sweet-smelling path laid out for you as you approach nadia’s divan next to her paper folding-doors that she usually changes behind. you exhale softly as you take in the breathtaking outfit in front of you, squealing with delight as you sweep it up in your arms and twirl behind the doors.
• when you’ve changed and fixed your hair, (if it’s to your liking ordinarily, she’s even matched accessories for you!) you step out from behind the doors only to be swept towards a dressing-table by one of nadia’s attendants. they’re finished quickly, and as they leave you go to look in the mirror, and stop in your tracks. that’s… you? the person staring back at you is quite unfamiliar. you stare with no small measure of disbelief at smooth, rosy-apple cheeks underneath star-filled eyes, and soft, blushing lips, hanging open.
• if gowns are more to your liking, the one nadia’s chosen for you is absolutely stunning, even more so on your figure. it looks as if it was made for you! in your favourite colour, the hue that undoubtedly looks best on you, it fits at your waist and flairs out prettily, billowing around your ankles as you turn this way and that. the fabric falls off you perfectly, nadia would have spared absolutely no expense, and the shoes she’s picked out accentuate your great beauty even further. whatever your chosen outfit, however, nadia ensures that you look absolutely breathtaking in it.
• once you’re finished, you follow the trail of rose petals through your chamber doors, taking your little gift with you. anyone who sees you on your way absolutely stops in their tracks. anyone who sees you? immediately in love with you. gay or straight, doesn’t matter— they’re absolutely besotted with you now!! you note the lack of servants with a faint smile— nadia’s had most of the palace staff dismissed for the day, a skeleton-crew keeping the palace running on minimal functions for the day. today is your day. it belongs only to the two of you, and she won’t have her duties as countess interfering.
• when the trail finally ends, at the entrance to the palace gardens, you bend ever so slightly (someone cranes their neck at this and gets a little slap upside the head from a mildly irritated portia. don’t interrupt her! she’s fangirling so. hard. all her ship dreams are finally coming true!!) and pick up the parchment note nadia’s carefully scrolled. when you pick it up, it immediately unfurls in your hands to reveal the most elegant calligraphy you’ve ever seen. if you think nadia’s writing (when she isn’t planning or inventing, that is) isn’t the most lovely handwriting you’ve ever seen, you’re wrong. “come and find me,” reads the elegantly curving script in nadia’s hand. even simply reading it, you can almost hear the teasing, lilting air to her voice she would have had as she’d read the note out, and you set out with a warm smile to go and find your love.
• you think you know exactly where to find her, you think with a small smile to yourself. you’re quite enjoying yourself, playing nadia’s game. you could never hope to beat her at any game of wit, but you’d lose to her again and again if it meant having her guiding hands on yours, teaching you patiently, her soft voice tickling your cheek, her soft kiss ‘well done’ as you master a concept. you love this woman so much, it’s almost overtaking. as you’ve been reflecting, your feet have been carrying you towards the part of the garden that has always belonged to the two of you.
• ever since you pulled her away from the insistent clamour of the court to hide in the little clearing you two had unwittingly stumbled upon, you had always met here for your strolls through the gardens, made out read together here, and always enjoyed your time alone, here where nobody can find the two of you. (well, actually… portia found your little spot ages ago, but felt too terrible to interrupt your time together. she’s also probably been leading everyone subtly away from your spot together. “no, they’re not to be bothered! no, it can wait! leave them alone or so help me—”)
• when you finally reach the secluded clearing right in the thicket of the palace gardens, you turn into your safe-haven together, and lose your breath. nadia hasn’t turned towards you yet, but the clearing is strung with beautiful lights that dot the bushes around you and make it seem like there are little fireflies in amongst the bushes, there are new wildflowers planted all through the thicket that gives the little clearing even more of a charming atmosphere, and the soft blanket that’s spread across the floor is a classic daisy-white, edged with lace and strewn with baby’s breath. there’s a feast fit to feed many more than two people on a slightly raised honey-oak wood platter.
• nadia herself is dressed in an outfit you haven’t seen her wear before, a long, flowing cream-coloured dress that fits her waist and flares out in a single layer, a slit running up to show most of a long, perfect leg. her hair is open and tumbling in beautiful, shining amaranthine waves down her back. the dress billows around her arms only to cinch in at the wrist, and you find yourself unable to look away. “nadi…” your voice is soft, and she turns to you, anything she has to say dying on her lips as she inhales sharply.
• “my love, you look… exquisite,” comes her breathy voice, her eyes sparkling as she takes you in wearing the outfit she picked for you. “well, it’s all thanks to you,” you say lightly, trying to take away from the fact that your face is so hot you think it would burn you to touch it. she notices, and stifles her fond smile lest she embarrass you. instead, she strides across the clearing in one quick motion, takes you by the waist, dips you over, and meets your lips with her soft, full ones. you sigh into her, running your hands through your hair as you’ve been longing to do since first you walked into the clearing. she reluctantly pulls you back up again when you break away for air, keeping her arm around your waist as she pulls you close to her again, stroking your cheek as you look into her eyes, lost in how utterly regal she is. you’re seized by another wave of admiration and love for this woman. you can’t even find the words to tell her how much she means to you, and so you pull her to you in another kiss.
• you don’t even realise you’re pouring all your love for her into your kiss both figuratively and literally until she pulls away, looking at you with an utterly overwhelmed expression, tears tinged with rose-petal pink rolling down her cheeks. “oh, nadi i’m so sorry! oh, please don’t cry!! i didn’t mean to— mmrph!” she cuts you off, meeting your lips with such fervour you take a step back— but she pulls you back to her, moulding you into her person as if the two of you are one and the same. but in a way, you are. you’d be a shell of a person without your love, and you know how deep her affection for you is.
• “mc… that was overtaking,” comes her soft voice. “oh nadi, i’m so sorry i wasn’t thinking!” you stumble over your words, berating yourself again and again in your mind. “sometimes it just happens and i don’t realise it, but—” she shushes you, her eyes shining. “you love me… that much?” her soft voice comes, and you pull back in confusion to take her in.
• “uh… nadi. you’re the most stunning, clever, kind, resourceful person i’ve ever met. you’ve got the biggest heart and i absolutely love you for it. you make me so, so happy,” you tell her, a wide smile on your face. “of course my love for you is overtaking! i think i fall in love with you a little more every day,” you confess, a sheepish smile on your face as you look away from her, but she turns you back to her by your chin, pulling you to her for another kiss.
• “you complete me.” is her only reply. you know she can’t put what she feels for you into words, but you look up at her with surprise as she takes your hand suddenly. “mc i can’t put all that i feel for you into words but my aura will allow you to see just how much i adore you,” she tells you with a warm smile as you place your hand on her face, opening your mind to her aura. it’s a simple spell, you shouldn’t be feeling this drained simply from tapping into nadia’s aura, and yet… when the full force of her love for you hits you, you actually stumble. when nadia catches you, her laugh is warm and full of love as she lowers you both down onto the picnic blanket. you snuggle further into her arms, resting your head on her chest as her arms encircle you. “oh, nadia. thank you.” you don’t say anything else, hoping she’ll know just what you’re thanking her for. she does. you think she’ll always understand you, whether you tell her or not, and as she pulls away gently to pull a bowl of your favourite fruit towards the two of you, you’re struck by how lucky you are. how lucky, to have this incredible woman sitting here beside you at all.
• “come here, mc,” comes her soft voice. for once, she doesn’t need to put on a front for anyone. it’s just her and the one she loves. will make as if she’s going to feed you, and then tease you instead, maybe getting a little juice on your cheek and kissing it off you. the rest of your picnic together is spent simply talking quietly, enjoying each other’s company. you dance slowly in the clearing, your head on nadia’s chest as she leads the two of you in w slow dance, her hand securely around your waist. neither of you need to say very much, and the beginnings of sunset comes to find the pair of you stretched out lazily on the picnic blanket. her head rests on your lap as you stroke her hair gently, probably running your fingers through it a few times, and singing her a lullaby or just a sweet and or slow song.
• a.n: yes, i said singing. i don’t care whether you think your voice is pretty or not, (it is. fight me.) nadia loves it because it’s uniquely yours. nothing puts her more at ease than your slow and steady voice reading or singing to her. look, some voices are deemed by most people to be the standard, lovely voice— and if you fall into that category then great! i’m so happy your voice is like that!! but if you don’t, i want you to know that some voices are made just to sing softly-spoken lullabies and i think that’s beautiful. <3
• but towards the end of your picnic, you’ll tell her tentatively, “nadi… ?” she’ll hum in response. “yes, my heart?” “well um… i know you got me all those gifts and i just wanted to say thank you,” you say softly. she sits up, coming to cup your cheek. “anything for you, my dearest. but what troubles you?”
• “well it’s just that my gift isn’t all that, i just made it myself,” you’ll try to tell her, but she’s having none of it. is shushing you by the second sentence. “don’t say ‘just’, mc. i made some of your gifts myself, too. it means that you care for me so, that you know well enough what i’d like,” she tells you with a gentle smile.
• you’ll pull out the small, carefully wrapped package in your favourite colour. “here it is,” you tell her shyly. “i hope you like it.”
• when she unwraps it, she looks to you with shining eyes. “mc, this is beautiful!” she tells you. it’s a jewellery box you smelted using magic. the intricate engravings on the top took an especially long time to do, but they’re in native prakran and your home language, looping elegantly through one another to form confessions of love, linked so that they’ll never end. in the middle are the numbers ‘II’ and ‘0’ in roman numerals, and she looks to you with glassy eyes before you tell her softly to open it.
• when she does, she loses her breath. “mc… is this you and i?” she asks you, looking up at you with the most beautiful smile you can’t help but give one in return. you nod in response, your mouth curving up ever so slightly as you recall the memory. “oh, this was our first ever dance!” she tells you, her eyes alight at the memory. “i remember how we pushed and pulled like magnets. you knew everything i was going to do before i did it, mc, and you trusted me to lead you. it was the first time i truly saw you dance, and it was uniquely beautiful,” she tells you, smiling at you. you can’t help but meet her lips at her adorable expression, pulling her to you as she tilts your head up and to the side, resting her hands on your hipbones.
• she has a gala for you over the next few days where she leads you again in the palatial dance, the two of you dancing in sync and a beautiful rhythm as she spins you around in your beautiful outfit, but today belongs to the two of you.
• you’re not getting any sleep tonight! so enjoy. but seriously, it’s the most loving, gentle night you’ve had with her yet and that’s saying something since nadia takes care of you so much. still so filled with passion, though. the morning after, she’s cancelled everything to simply lay with you, and you’re overjoyed at the unexpected gesture.
• you’ll definitely blush as you catch sight of her thoroughly marked neck, and she’ll pull you to her sleepily. you’ll both get the rest you deserve.
• as you awaken, you notice that your room is empty, and you call out for julian as you step out of bed. “hey, jules!” your call echoes through the empty house.
• julian hasn’t left you a trail of rose petals, but rather detailed, encrypted instructions that lead you through the town, picking up items everywhere you go. every time you solve a clue, a grin spreads across your face— they’re all so thought through, so meaningful. you love this man and all his melodrama so much.
• when you’re finally finished with the list, you find yourself in a secluded section of the whispering woods, looking around yourself in awe. this part of the forest is lit with bioluminescence, beautiful flowers and plants streaked with all sorts of glowing colours curling into the undergrowth and lighting up the night with bursts of colour. julian sits on a dark picnic blanket, a lantern beside him, with a luminous blue, star-like flower held out towards you. “you’ve found me, mc,” comes his playful voice, and you just barrel into his arms, wrapping your arms around him and squeezing with all your might.
• all through the picnic, julian softly tells you how much you mean to him and how much he loves you, as you feed him bits of lobster claw, and eventually when the night is over it finds the two of you strolling slowly back to your house, julian’s hand tightly in yours.
• when you awaken muriel’s right there beside you, pulling you into him gently. “happy one year anniversary, mc,” he murmurs into your hair. the two of you will just snuggle and relax for the entire morning, and towards the middle of the day he’ll tell you with the biggest, tomato-red blush on his face that he… picked out an outfit for you that he thought you’d like, (with asra’s help, of course— or maybe he asked nadia, and she was surprised and taken aback but utterly delighted to help her friend) and would you like to get dressed now… ? he’ll come and pick you up later, when everything’s all set up.
• you take in the outfit with a soft smile. although it’s simple, you love it. you dress right away and spend the rest of the afternoon matching accessories and shoes, and doing your hair. if you like dresses, it’s a simple forest-green summer dress that hugs your waist and flares out, that you pair with a little locket muriel made you when he confessed his love to you. you’re wearing heels or flats, but either way you look lovely. if not a gown, you wear a simple forest-green shirt and a pair of linen trousers. either way, the simplicity makes you look radiant.
• when muriel comes back to get you, he takes you in with wide eyes, a blush spreading steadily across his face. “whoa… mc you’re so pretty,” he’ll tell you with a soft smile, and you can’t resist pressing your lips to his. he takes your hand in his and walks you through the forest. little murmurs of “mc you’re so lovely,” and “mc i love you so much,” break the calm forest noise as the two of you stroll through wildflowers and holly, until you reach a clearing full of wildflowers. it’s night now, dusk has long since fallen, and the meadow looks even more beautiful as you turn back to muriel with a grin. “muri it’s so pretty! thank you for bringing me here,” you tell him with a soft smile.
• he pulls you forward to the picnic blanket, and the two of you lay down with your faces to the stars. as he feeds you, he’ll point out constellations and tell you their stories, his voice soft and full of love. when he tells you the story of orion and the pleiades, you groan in protest you find that he still chases them across the night sky. “i’d chase you across the night sky for all eternity,” comes his quiet voice, his warm breath tickling your cheek as crickets chirrup quietly all around the two of you.
• come morning, the two of you accidentally fell asleep in the clearing… but neither of you are even mildly unhappy about that, and you laugh together the entire way home, making jokes and retelling the stories from last night in silly voices.
• muriel cuddles with you for most of today, as well.
• when you wake, it’s to the sweet smell of something baking, and you throw your feet out of bed immediately, sprinting to the kitchen as you take in portia, with tousled morning hair in her sleep-shirt and underwear, baking your favourite desert. you sneak up behind her and tickle her sides, and she almost drops the tray she’s holding, setting it down quickly to turn to you, a stern expression on her face. it quickly melts away as she’s reminded of how adorable you are, and instead she feeds you a bit of batter or custard, kissing your nose as you give her a big morning hug, coming up to meet her lips and running your fingers through her hair.
• “oh, mc…” she signs into your lips. “good morning to you too, my love,” comes your answering voice, a smile on your lips. her lips curve up as well. “happy one year anniversary, mc!!” she shouts, barrelling into you with another bear hug. “oh, sweet arcana, let me die here,” you sigh into her arms before she thwacks your forehead lightly. “nuh uh, mc. you’ve already done that once,” she reminds you as you grin sheepishly.
• when she’s finished baking, you two probably take a nice warm bath together. you’ve each bought each other outfits, and you go to seperwre corners of the house, giggling softly, to change. your outfit is definitely cottagecore, and as you change into it you’re taken by how cute it looks. if you prefer gowns, yours is a classic white sleeveless picnic dress that hugs your waist and flares out around your ankles, with a tie at the back that folds sweetly into a bow. you’ve got straw wedge heels that go perfectly with the dress, and classic accessories to go along with it. if you prefer trousers, you have a classic set of light brown trousers and a cream-coloured shirt with a classic hat that matches your trousers.
• you’ve bought portia a lovely petal-pink dress with billowing sleeves that cinch around the elbows, that flutters out to the ankles, (you had it measured specifically so she doesn’t trip in it) and a soft tie to go around her waist. you’re hoping she leaves her hair open, and as the two of you meet in the kitchen in the middle of the house, both of you smile at the other. before either of you can say anything, pepi gives a proud little “peep!” and sits in between the both of you, tilting her head. the two of you haven’t left her out of the fun, and she’s got a sweet little cream-and-pink coloured bow around her neck. the two of you laugh as portia turns to you. “i knew you’d look amazing in that, sweetheart!” she tells you with a grin. “give us a twirl!” you do so, and spin her in your arms, pulling her in for a kiss as the two of you grab the picnic basket and head out.
• the meadow is big and beautiful, stretching into the distance. there are wildflowers everywhere, and as you lay out the picnic blanket you can’t help pulling portia up to you and away from the blanket to dance with you among the flowers. dancing with portia isn’t like dancing with any of the other main 6. dancing with portia is… instinctual. you’re led by your shared love and trust in each other, and it’s gentle but sure. you know she’s there to lead you in the dance, and her hand around your waist is secure. as you dance, she rests her head on your chest as you now take control, leading the two of you in a slow spin and then dipping her to meet her lips with yours.
• you feed each other, and read to each other, simply enjoying each other’s company until the sun sets.
• lucio has the entire day planned to a tee. the outfit he’s picked out for you is obviously lavish and probably worth more than some people make in a lifetime. gifts are also his love language, but he’s very domineering in what he’ll give you. it all conforms to what he wants you to wear and like. and so, even if you aren’t too into the overly expensive outfit, you wear it anyway and take yourself down to the gala he’s planned specifically for today.
• “ah, my darling mc!” he calls to you, as a smile lights up his face. he pulls you to him, dipping you for the whole court to see as he rights you again, wrapping his arm around your waist. “oh, mc. you do know that i love you more than life itself, don’t you?” comes his dramatic voice, soft so only you can hear.
• when the banquet is finished, get ready to not sleep at all have a lovely relaxing night.
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lanternburning19 · 3 years
Speak Now Is Not Purple
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So by now we all know that the real dress on the Speak Now cover was red, not purple. Oh, but the album cover ended up being purple anyways, you say? Well, not for me. And not for the millions of others of swifties who bought the deluxe edition of Speak Now. The deluxe edition features three bonus tracks (one of which was a single and part of the tour set list) and two acoustic versions of the standard tracks. Now, it's understandable if you don't care about the acoustic versions, but skipping Ours? If you want to listen to the full Speak Now album, then you have to listen to the deluxe version to get the full era. This is why I consider the deluxe edition the "real" edition of Speak Now.
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Okay, so if the main color of the Official Speak Now Album™ is red, then shouldn't it's associated color be red? How does that work with the next album, which is literally called RED?
I think you can make an argument that Speak Now is more of a birght, orange-tinted red and RED is a deeper red if you wanted to get into technicalities. But that's not the argument I want to make.
Listen here, gays and clowns, Speak Now isn't purple. It's rainbow watercolor.
Let's look closer at the cover. It's digitally edited to look like a painting, with different colored paint splatters all around the edges. Do you have a physical copy of the album on you (hopefully you do from eons ago!)? Pop open that CD booklet. On each page, you will see ribbons of rainbow watercolor, differt paint splatters, and gold frames.
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But wait! There's more! This theme leaps out of the album and comes to life during the Speak Now World Tour. Several of the visuals include gold frames and colorful lighting.
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And this is further evident in the Speak Now World Tour program! Gold frames everywhere, solidifying the painting theme.
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Notice how the tour program uses the Official album cover and a red ribbon on each page? Yeah, purple certainly isn't the most used color here!
Speaking of tour (haha, speaking of speak now. get it???) Let's examine Taylor's outfits for a second. On this tour, her costumes had such a variety of color. Yes, there was purple (not even until the second leg of tour, but whatever), but there was also blue, red, gold, white, silver, maroon, and black. This is especially interesting when compared to tours with an obvious color scheme (Red - red, black, white, Rep - black, gold, green).
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Tour was colorful, the album was colorful, and the promotional material was colorful. Y'all, this is a rainbow watercolor album!
And the theme makes sense for a number of reasons. One of Taylor's hobbies is to paint. It makes sense that she would take such a personal hobby and associate it with such a personal album, one where she wrote every song by herself! Speak Now is like a diary, a collection of letters and memories about specific moments in life. Each song tells a completely different story than the last. Each song a different color, blended together to make one album.
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