#she already basically begged me never to ride this horse again and start wearing a body protector
justgleekout · 7 days
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fatefulfaerie · 4 years
Fluffy Post-Ganon Botw Zelink for @bluekatsoof
A request done? Already?
Yeah I basically got the request and started writing. I hope that’s okay.
Zelda revelled in the noise as she held him, repeated in her mind the sound of Link’s voice. She hung on to his one word like she clung to his blue tunic, his first word spoken to her after everything that had happened between them.
So he did remember her, her the Princess who hated him, who yelled at him, who he saved nonetheless, who heard her insistent apologies, who befriended him, who depended on him, who fell in love with him.
Actually she hoped he hadn’t remembered that bit. One thing at a time.
Link had hugged her after he uttered the word and Zelda didn’t want to let go. She felt it in her chest first, then her throat that choked as her face dove further into the crook of his neck. Then it rose upwards with watery blinks of her eyes before the tears finally escaped her. She tried to hide it until one hiccuped breath deceived her. Link’s head shifted.
“Your Highness?” He asked, the very sensation of his voice making her cry more, the way it sounded, the way it buzzed in his throat, the way it coupled with his breath, his alive, working, breathing breath.
She tried to answer, but her inhale was quick and followed soon by another, gasping with sniffles of her nose.
“Hey,” Link said softly, his hand went to the back of her head. “It’s okay...it’s okay.” His other hand clamped tighter around her waist.
“I…” she tried with more hiccuped, sniffling breaths. “I was afraid…”
“I know,” Link said soothingly when she didn’t finish, petting the back of her head, the soft, blonde hair. “Everything is okay.”
What was she doing? Crying like this. She was stronger than this, to break down into vulnerability the second she was in his company. What must he think of her?
Zelda pulled away, tears still streaming down her face. She wiped them away with the heel of her hand, shaking her head.
“I’m sorry, I…” Zelda said shakily, starting to look up at Link. “I must seem-”
Zelda froze, her hand looking stuck on her cheek where she held it. The hand drifted down slowly as her lips stayed parted.
Link was crying too.
She didn’t know what to do as she processed it all, her breaths heaving and every emotion, every urge, every ounce of love she had for him, that boy she feared wouldn’t survive, wouldn’t remember himself, wouldn’t return, it all slammed into her like a wall of bricks.
Because he was right here, right in front of her, brought to tears at her safety, at their reunion, at their victory. That boy was this one and she loved him so much it burned her heart, her very soul aching and yearning. The new sensations of the breeze upon her skin or the rustle of trees in her ears after a hundred years of feeling nothing could not compare to the way her heart filled with love. Those tiny things were refreshing splashes of water, and her love for Link was like a great flood that crashed, that soaked, that rejuvenated her completely.
Great Deku Tree, I ask of you, when he returns, can you please relay this message.
Zelda watched as Link wiped away his own tears with his thumb, wearing a nervous chuckle.
Tell him I-
“I apologize, Your Highness,” Link said. “I bet crying isn’t exactly proper etiquette for a knight of Hyrule. I’ll try to refrain.”
Now, then...
Zelda only managed to shake her head at his statement. “Don’t,” she said, Link slightly surprised. “Don’t be a knight of Hyrule, don’t refrain your emotions like you did then. Don’t address me by title. Let yourself be Link, and let me be Zelda. That’s all we have to be now. Ourselves.”
Words intended for him would sound much better in the tones of your voice, don’t you think?
Link nodded. “Understood...Zelda…”
Link whistled for his horse, who bounded towards them quickly, a steed of white and brown coloration.
Tell him I-
He mounted it, placing a foot in one of the stirrups before swinging his leg around, looking out at the distance. “We can make it to Kakariko by nightfall,” he said. Zelda approached the horse. “Get some good rest before we figure out the next steps to take.”
Tell him I-
Link looked down to her at the sound of her cautious footsteps along the grass. He offered his hand.
“We’ll have to ride together until then, Zelda,” Link said. “I hope that’s okay.”
Zelda nodded as her anxiety bubbled up within her, her fingertips breaching his and her love, if at all possible, swelling more. Their hands slowly touched more of each other until it was a firm grip that connected them. Link was about to pull her up when he noticed her hesitation.
“Zelda?” He asked, studying the way she searched their connected hands. She looked up at him and breathed heavy, panting breaths. Zelda swallowed her fear, but it only settled in her chest.
Tell him I-
“I love you,” she said.
A blink.
And then another.
Link dismounted the horse.
Zelda stared in fear as he stood facing her. She didn’t know what she was expecting, but this certainly wasn’t it. She averted her gaze.
“I’ve been waiting to say that for a long time,” she said.  “I’m sorry if…”
Her words trailed off, seeing his boots stop right in her eye line, about a foot from her own sandals. She looked up with a blink of her eyes.
Their eyes were locked in each other, so entranced by the way blue or green gleamed that the world could fall apart around them and they wouldn’t notice.
“I love you, too,” he said, Zelda feeling as if she were floating. Link took a thumb to her chin and her heart rose skyward.
“Is this okay?” Link asked as his eyes danced with intrigue.
“Yes,” Zelda said in reply, short of begging him to go faster and slower all at once.
Their eyelids closed as they leaned into each other, lips brushing until Link and Zelda sank completely into the instinct. Zelda felt like she was lifted to the heavens, that paradise she thought was impossible for earthly pleasures. She felt her happiness may never descend into despair ever again with him by her side.
When they rescinded, Zelda smiled, opening her eyes as Link did.
“I’ve been waiting to do that for a  long time,” Link said, echoing her previous statement. “That much I remember perfectly.”
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itsbuckysworld · 5 years
Save a Dance for Me
Prince!Bucky Barnes x Princess!Reader. 
Summary: Spring is meant for festivals, dances, yummy food, love, and Bucky Barnes.... also have you ever seen the garden scene in Princess Diaries 2, where Mia kisses Nicholas for the first time???... that.
Written for @sunmoonandbucky​, surprise Hann! I’m your secret santa in @bucky-smiles​‘s CMMSecretSanta! 
I’d like to apologise for taking so long. I had an idea for this about two weeks ago and started writing it then things kept changing and I kept thinking I didn’t like it or wouldn’t have that idea ready and then, three different attempts at different Royalty AU plots, this came and I wrote it all in one sitting. so this is not properly proof-read
it’s 2.4K words long. Sowwyyy. 
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gifs not mine – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –– – – – – – – – – – – – – – –– – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
“Shit, shit” you kept muttering under your breath, pushing aside bushes and getting scratches from branches all over your arms. Your gown would have two very ugly marks on your knees from all the time you’ve spent on your knees in this garden.
It was your kingdom’s Spring Festival, a celebration that was held every year on the first day of the spring. You had forgotten specifically why there was such a celebration, but that wasn’t what mattered to you. The Spring Festival meant people from all around were invited and you got to see your friends and have fun around the castle grounds. The gardens decorated beautifully with fairy lights and trees bloomed with flowers and ripe fruit. There was always music and the celebrations lasted up to three days, so when it came to seeing your friends and family, it was like hosting a lovely sleepover. It was one of your favorite activities.
Yet, at the moment, you weren’t having the most enjoyable time.
Against her better judgment, your mother had let you borrow a brooch from her collection of heirlooms, asking you time and time again to be careful with it, that she’s had it since she was 20 years old and it would be yours when you were the same age as well, but for now, you had to wait five more years. It was your favorite of hers. Shaped like a firefly with a gorgeous topaz on each wing. You begged her to let you borrow it for just this occasion. After all, it went beautifully with your dress. The hints of blue bellflowers at the hem and detailed around the chest made you look like a delicate walking garden, and you had been excited for weeks for the moment to wear the whole outfit when she agreed, only to have it all ruined during a calm-horse-ride-gone-wrong.
Your friend’s horse had taken off running at one moment, and while it made a hilarious story to look back on and tell, you had lost the damn piece somewhere in the bushes. You refused to tell your mother and ruin her day, so you just kept looking. She already disapproved of you going off riding with your friends alone, this would only give her more ammunition.
You huffed again, blowing a strand of hair out of your face and slamming your hand down on the grass. This can’t be happening.
A figure stood over you, casting a shadow over your frame, and you looked up as they cleared their throat. Your eyes adjusted until you could make out the silhouette. It was a man, and the more you looked the more his features became clear.
Shit, it was James fucking Barnes.
You rolled your eyes at him, preferring to stare at your dirty hands than his all-knowing grin. Damn the dirt is going to be hard to get from under your nails.
Prince James was the youngest son of one of your father’s best friends, from a kingdom not so far away. You had basically grown up together, but to say you were friends? You wouldn’t go that far. He was a few years older than you, approaching 19 when you had just hit 15, and when you were younger he always pulled at your ponytails and messed with you when playing hide and seek. To say the least you didn’t exactly like him. You thought you’d be alone, everyone off enjoying the music and food at the tents closer to the castle, which you were not going to step foot into until you found that damned topaz firefly.
He cleared his throat again and reached out his hand to put in front of your face. You expected him to mock you in some way, maybe poke and pinch your cheeks like he used to do when you were 6, but when you opened your eyes, you were met with the precious jewel you had been searching for most of the afternoon. A gasp escaped your chest and you almost gave yourself whiplash standing up so fast. You stumbled and he had to hold your waist to keep you from smacking into him.
You grabbed his hand in both of yours, looking at the piece, examining it over and over, if anything just to make sure you weren’t dreaming that the jewel was okay.
“Wh- Where did you find it?” you asked him, a hand now placed on his chest. Bucky chuckled.
“It was over by the fountain. You’re lucky I like to hide from my aunt there” he joked, releasing his hand from your grasp to pin it back to your dress. When it was back where it belonged for the day, Bucky let himself admire it, putting that stray strand of hair behind your ear. It was then you noticed that you were standing close. Too close.
Clearing your throat you took several steps back. Your hands rushing down your dress to dust it off. Not too bad stains, nothing you couldn’t attribute to the horse ride.
“Uh, t-thanks, James” this made him roll his eyes at you.
“Bucky, just call me Bucky –” he reached behind you and pulled your dress away from a bush, some branch having caught on snugly. He was careful not to rip it, and you were thankful that he hadn’t seemed to grasp how embarrassing this whole situation was for you. He did, after all, find you dirty and on your knees, about to cry like a little girl over a firefly – to early-teens Bucky, that would have been a mockery gold mine. – “And it’s no problem”
He extended his hand towards the party, motioning for the two of you to get on your way.
“What, you’re done hiding from your aunt?” this made him laugh, and for a moment it made you find it amusing. When was the last time you had heard Bucky laugh – not at you – it had been too long. You shook those thoughts away.
“I’ll never be done with that. I’m just hungry”
The two of you approached the table with all sorts of finger food and began picking and poking, casual conversation arising between the two of you. Your cheeks hurt from laughing and Bucky’s hand kept somehow finding ways to pull you closer as you moved around the space, never letting you veer too far. You didn’t mind it.
The band inside the hall began playing one of your favorite songs, and you thankfully caught yourself before you asked Bucky for a dance. He began reaching a hand towards you when the doors opened as a group of people exited the hall, music spilling out from inside the poshly decorated room. In the group stood Bucky’s aunt. She was a very snobby duchess and the moment he spotted her, he downed the rest of his sandwich and ducked down. You almost dropped your glass in laughter.
“I was never here,” He said, starting to basically crawl away.
“Hmmm, it would be fun to rat you out, though...” Bucky gave you a fake glare and pointed to the brooch on your chest. Taking the hint, you put your hands up in surrender. It would be your secret.
Making his way to the garden, he turned and called for you. “Save me a dance, princess” were his last words before he disappeared behind the bush maze with a wink.
You didn’t see much of Bucky after that. Between his hiding from his aunt and you having to be the host alongside your parents, the festivities had come to an end and there hadn’t been a moment for the two of you to retake your conversation or have that dance. Soon all of your guests had returned home, he included. The only remnants of those moments your memories and a small letter you found in your dresser the morning after everyone had gone home. It was a note from him addressed to you, that you better save him that dance for next year’s Spring Festival.
No one would ever know you kept that note safe in one of your drawers.
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Years passed, and escaping to the bush maze in your garden while downing sandwiches, saving dances and making jokes became yours and Bucky’s thing every single Spring Festival. While your own agendas didn’t allow you to dance more than a handful of times or for more than one song, you made sure to make space for a little stroll and a chat at some point during the event.
Now, 8 years later, it was time for the Spring Festival once more. Bucky kept fidgeting and twiddling his thumbs as the two of you walked through the gardens. He had arrived the day before and you hadn’t seen much of him, but the moment the event officially started, he had rushed across the yard towards you and hooked his arms with yours. His hair was longer, and pushed back, almost reaching the nape of his neck. You liked this look on him, and when you told him, you noticed his cheeks turn just a tad red.
Had anyone told you that you’d be sharing moments like these with James Buchanan Barnes, you would have laughed in their face, but now? It took you a while to admit, but he started to become your favorite thing about the Spring Festival. You didn’t remember why celebrating this was a tradition in your kingdom originally, but Bucky made you never want to quit it.
When you reached the center of the maze, your mind took you back to that day he had found the brooch you had lost and found you right there, desperate. The day that started it all.
He was to choose a bride soon, and for the last few years, you had avoided the topic per his request. Whenever you tried to even joke about it, he immediately shut it down with some other thing. You had no idea why, but the more time passed, the less you wanted to talk about it either.
Truth be told, you didn’t want to even imagine the moment he would choose someone to marry. Were these lovely afternoons going to end? Would he stop sending you letters every once in a while to pass the time between each spring, recounting whatever nonsense he was up to? What would be of the two of you?
Would you be able to withstand not being the one he marries?
You didn’t want to think about it too much, but with the date fast approaching when he was supposed to at least choose a bride, it was the first thing on your mind, and as usual, you guys didn’t talk about that topic.
Your mind began to wander, and you hadn’t realized that Bucky had stopped in his tracks, hands now hidden deep in his pockets and he swayed on the balls of his feet nervously.
“Hey” he lightly tapped your elbow, catching your attention and putting it back on him. It was hard not to fix your gaze on his bright blue irises, no amount of time spent with him would prepare you to not get lost in them. Not when you liked to do so. You gave him a soft smile, ridding your head of the thoughts.
Bucky cleared his throat, shuffling his feet. He couldn’t help but look at you. Take you in. He stood there in silence
“What?” you giggled, and he shook his head adorably, a few strands of his chocolate hair coming loose, and he pushed them back, the motion making your stomach fill with fireflies.
“Nothing, I… I just…–” he sighed – “Hey so, you know how I am to… choose uh– I” you nodded, placing a hand on his elbow to make him stop. Not only because he couldn’t properly say it, but because you didn’t know if you wanted to hear it.
The wind picked up, carrying with it the smell of flowers and warmth. A hint of your perfume hit Bucky’s senses and he was immediately at ease.
“So, uhm, I wanted to ask you” he kept staring at his shoes as he pulled out a small box from his pocket.
You took a step back in surprise, eyes widening at the sight. Was he-? There’s no way he was proposing to you. Choosing you. Was it too soon? Or perhaps long overdue. You didn’t know what to feel. You had never expected him to choose you, let alone like this. It was a big jump– he interrupted your thoughts, knowing you were spiraling things out of proportion.
“No, wait. I’m not going to ask you to marry me, wait” Bucky’s nerves represented themselves in laughter, as he reached over, trying to get you back as close to him as he could. He could do this, so long as you were close, always close to him.
“Bucky” your voice was barely a whisper, and he just loved the way his nickname sounded coming from your lips. You, who only called him James with that annoyed tint until a few years ago.
He opened the little box and your jaw dropped at the reveal of the gorgeous piece. A small brooch in the shape of a bellflower, with topaz petals, sat in the velvet square. An homage to the topaz firefly that started it all. It shone in the sun, greeting you, but Bucky’s smile was brighter, and quite frankly you loved it even more. He took a deep breath.
“I wanted to ask if… If you’d give us a chance. And then maybe, if that’s okay with you, I would– I mean, I want to marry you– Not like that, n-not right now, now, but” You giggled. He was turning into a stammering fool, but he was your stammering fool and nothing would make you happier than giving the two of you a chance.
Your hands found their home on his neck, instinct taking over rational mind, and you were kissing him, rendering him speechless and melting into your touch. For a brief moment he had forgotten where he was, but wherever that may be, he wanted to settle in. Blame it on the warm breeze, or the scent of the flowers, but Bucky had never felt more in love.
“Sorry” you pulled back in a hurry, realizing what you had just done. Shaky fingers touched your lips, where you could still feel him. “Was that too soon?” his hands pulled you closer, wrapping around your back tighter and tighter until you were flush against his chest. This close. He wanted you this close.
“I’d say about eight years late” and then he was melting his lips with yours once more. The band inside the large hall played that song you loved and he couldn’t help but sway you slightly in the embrace.
There’s that dance he wanted you to save for him.
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Thanks for reading, hope you liked it! I know this was insanely long. And the other ideas I had for Royalty!AU’s I’m putting in the drawer to revisit at some other time, so if I ever get to work on them more, there might be more royalty au’s coming your way! If that’s something anyone would want of course. 
Please drop any and every feedback my way! My inbox is wide open 24/7 Happy 2020!
Love, L. 
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xsecretblastsx · 4 years
1x18 Much I do about nothing
So, here it is the final recap for S1. Once again this one took way too long, but long story short I have limited access to a laptop I’m basically only able to do this on mobile, which is not the best.
I normally do the recaps in one sitting, which takes me quite a while and it’s hard for me to find the time to do it. So going forward I’m going to try to do it a bit differently and watch the epsiode in parts, I’m hoping that will help to have the recaps out there faster.
Anyway, here’s the recap.
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Thoughts I had while watching the episode
Serena calling after Dan all night... he isnt’t worthy of that but she loves him so there’s that
Rufus and Lily finally got their sexy time. Too bad is the morning of Lily’s wedding. Talk about akward.
This is one of my fave scenes of Chuck and Blair, there’s cuteness, there’s flirty banter and feisty Blair, what’s not to love.
I still want to know the story about him not removing that scarf. Just for entertaining purposes.
Nate and his dad running is a nice little call back to the early episodes of S1, which feels like ages ago.
And here we are with Dan and Georgina and Serena finally exposing her as a manipulative evil mastermind
Thanks Serena for reminding that Lily & Rufus can’t coexist with Dan and Serena 😪
That scene between Bart and Lily is actually good, he’s obviously making a point and letting her know she must make a choice, the good old days when Bart was actually a character and not a cartoon villian.
I remember thinking on my first watch while Dan and Blair are scheming, the show should make them snarky friends that would be fun. 😪
Seriously Dan and ‘Sarah’ have known each other for how long and they already have “their spot” guys are the worst
“Humphrey you’re a born liar” you don’t even know the half of it Blair
As much as I love Blair and this iconic line “haven’t you heard, I’m the crazy bitch around here” I still can’t believe that aftet plotting the whole night with Chuck their plan was just ratting her out to her parents.
Sorry Jenny but that dress Vanessa is wearing is awful. Actually I’m not a fan of Blair’s dress either. Anyway everything is a tad better with ‘Time to pretend’ playing in the background, overplayed as it was I still love it.
Also Blair and Chuck again with the flirty bantering, reminiscing a bit about that first time and Chuck getting kicked. Quality content all around.
I don’t know about Serena but luckily for Blair twenty years in the future she won’t be on her fourth husband
I always hated that “I didn’t sleep with Georgina, but I may as well have” like first of all what does that even mean. Second it’s so frustating because it feels like the show went through great lengths to keep Dan as the “good guy” on this particular situation, and that wasn’t fair to Serena.
Even though I know this is only the end of S1 and there’s more to come I’ll forever be bitter about Rufus and Lily not being together. I do like the bittersweet note of this particular moment though.
Rufly aside I have such a soft spot for the Van der Basses. Sure it was far from perfect but still.
That earlier bit between Nate and Chuck with the captain pointing out that whoever the girl they’re fighting about ain’t worth it and Chuck agreeing and Nate saying that’s the problem may seem like another of Chuck douchbag smarmy moments, but I actually like how it sort of makes sense later in the episode, because is only when Chuck admits the truth to Nate about how he felt about Blair, that Nate not only finally listens to him about the captain, but is also willing to have his friend back.
Poor Nate, always being let down by his father, at least he got to make his point, even if he had to punch his dad (again) to do it.
Even though Blair is on full bitch mode towards Vanessa, she ain’t actually wrong about Nate: endless family drama and never getting over Serena.
Nate and Chuck’s friendship isn’t as larger than life as Blair and Serenas, but is one I still love, and finally is back on. Also Nate’s amused and surprised smile about Chuck’s feelings for Blair is priceless. Chuck’s reaction too, how con someone be smug and shy at the same time?
Dan makes me want to scream like what bullshit is thid “i got seduced by a girl who was pretending to someone else and you knew” so somehow that’s Serenad fault? “I am the most understanding person in the world” Excuse me!!! In what universe, like honestly Dan just shut up.
The fact that this show actually has Serena saying “we are exactly we were at the Bass brunch when we started dating I wasn’t the person you thought I was and you can’t forgive that” and then Dan just sidetracks and claims a lot has happen... and we’re only on season one
Beside the fact that I love the scene of Chuck’s speech while he’s looking at Blair, this line is so spot on “in the face of true love you don’t give up, even if the object of your affection is begging you to” the whole speech is basically the abreviated version of the Chuck and Blair story.
Serena’s is in her own cloud of missery and yet she still makes a face when she sees Chuck and Blair are kissing 😂
Chuck Bass is a romantic, and that’s all that matters 😉.
As much as I’m not sad about Dan and Serena breaking up, it is kind of sad watching them have a last dance with ‘the ice’s getting thinner” playing in the background (such a good song btw)
I had honestly forgot about Jenny for a bit here.
I feel so robbed because they just skip a week and we didn’t got to see any of it, like Chuck being a complete gentlemen? C’mon! Anyway Blair’s traveling outfit is almos customy, nevermind I still love it, it also helps how fears about helicopters aside, she’s excited she’s about the Tuscany trip,
I remember the first time I was like so that’s the end of Nate and Vanessa? How swift. Not that I mind because that scene between Nate and Serena was so promising about summer and the Hamptons... but that’s a rant for S2
The way Bart can’t help but messing up Chuck’s head, even if he doesn’t try to, though whith Bart one never knows. Fun fact: the first time I watched this episode when Chuck goes after Amelia I literally screamed to the screen: “NO!!!’ You idiot”.
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So that’s a wrap on Season 1! It was such a fun ride and I’m going to miss it. This last episode was really packed, it also felt quite long for some reason. It also ends with every major ship on the outs, which sucks a bit but it’s also a great set up for season 2.
First there’s Dan and Serena, who call it quits because for the last few episodes their relationship has been a constance struggle of secret and lies. One could make the point that their relationship was always dishonest by Dan’s secret identity as gossip girl, god knows I’ve been ranting about that the whole season particularly the last episode, because in principle is very hypocrital of Dan to be so mad about Serena’s lies when he’s keeping the biggest secret of all. But since she doesn’t know this the whole discussion is centered about her mistakes... Serena makes the very valid (and true) point that Dan can’t forgive her for not being who he thought she was, and this is something that’s going to keep being an issue for them the whole show, but for this particular break up the other big issue is lack of trust
Trust is the key point in a relationship and how can Dan trust Serena if she lies and hides stuff, they can’t have a relationship that way, even if she has come clean about her past who’s not to say if they come across another issue Serena will be honest this time and not hide and try to handle it on her own, truth is she most likely will, (she does act this way in future seasons) but what I would like to point out is that as much as Dan can’t trust her now, Serena actually never trusted him, not in the sense that he would spill her secrets but rather that she didn’t trust him not to judge her and she also didn’t trust that he would still love her if he knew everything about her. And in her mind he proves her right that’s why she points out they’re having the same argument they had at the Bass brunch and even so (sadly) Serena still wants to work through this and Dan is the one that says no, let’s break up. I don’t disagree with him is better for them to be separated but I ‘m petty and so I kind of hate he’s the one in his high horse breaking up with her, when he almost cheated on her with Georgina and even has the nerve to be like “i only did that because you cheated on me and you’re a liar and you let me get involved with a psycho” and it’s just hell no Dan! First of all no one force you to do anything, and also how long did he knew this girl Sarah and they already have “their spot” like that’s on you, and I’m not even mentioning how this argument of the psycho pretty much destroys itself when one remember he’s gossip girl so... who’s the most twisted manipulative one there. I would have issues with Dan and Serena even if he wasn’t Gossip Gilr, but the fact that he is... seriously he’s one devious guy.
Also not a fan of the show going out of their way to keep Dan’s nice guy image, they keep teasing his night with Georgina and then they decide to be light, well he didn’t actually slept with her, the intention was there, but he didn’t because he’s good Dan and sex is meaningful for him, so it’s a big deal for him, but still he was nice and faithful. Sorry but no, have him cheat, everyone else in this show makes questionable decisions and surely the UES changes Dan, so I would like for the show to embrace, they eventualy show it, but they had the space to start to show it much earlier, also just for the record sex with Dan was meaningful for Serena, it wasn’t something she had really experienced before, and it was pointed out earlier in the season, so sex it’s not only meaningful for Dan.
Other two relationships have a quick death this episode: Rufly & Nate and Vanessa. The later gets set aside almost like and afterthought which was dissapointing because it was like why bother then in the first place? Also I actually like their interactions and Vanessa while still judgemental makes and effort for Nate to be more understanding and in turn allows her to show different sides of her character and that’s nice. Then we have that scene between Nate and serena and it’s iluminatinhg, because at list at this point it looke like the show wanted to set something up there and it’s like finally! let’s unravel this (and then...😪 but that’s a rant for the next recap). Rufly on the other hand I like how it went, it felt natural and yet sad because basically they don’t take their chance because they feel that boat sailed a long time ago, it’s been 20 years, and they could have stolen moments, but more than that is just not possible, doesn’t seem like it could work at this stage of their lifes, and while it’s exciting to take the plunge I totally get why they didn’t here.
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Finally there’s Chuck and Blair, and me screaming into infinity. Don’t get me wrong I love this episode and even when I still was like No Chuck you idiot! In some ways it needed to happen. Or at least some version of it, but I’m getting ahead of myself. What I love about this episode is all their flirty banter, their chemistry shines through every single scene they have, and they truly make me think of much ado about nothing, i like the back and forth and the obvious subtext of how much they truly like each other, and one can also tell how this is exciting for them, these thing between it’s a first for both of them for him it’s the first time he wanted more from a girl, he yearns for her in a way he never has feel before, he feels, he’s in love, and to her is quite a heady experience to be so openly wanted by someone, she doesn’t even have to try, to force it like she did Nate whose eyes were always following her best friend, Chuck’s eyes follow her and no else. For a minute there they take the plunge, armed with having his best friend back and getting a family Chuck’s goes for it via a best man speech and an apology. He’s a romantic at heart and he wants her to know, and she can’t resist it and goes for it to.
We’re robbed from that week they’re together after that night and is such a shame because while I feel internally each of them have acknowledged they’re in love with each other, there’s a difference between falling in love with someone and actually loving someone, and I feel this is the time that while they obviously don’t speak about it, I don’t even think they fully realized then but they truly fell for each other to the point where it was never the same again. It’s a scary thought, and it’s Bart who brings those fears to the front of Chuck’s mind, the guy is scared to death, is not only because the change of going from womanizing playboy to boyfriend seems monumental for a guy like him but more importantly Chuck’s someone who believes the worst of himself, and it wasn’t a big deal for him, because to eyes of the person whose opinion matters the most to him he’s alreayd a failure and that’s not got to change, but Blair is his second thoughest critic, what she thinks matters and unlike Bart she actually believes he has it in him, to be whatever he wants to and Bart’s words make him think of the expectations Blair may have of him now, and the thought of proving her wrong, he doesn’t want her to see that, and sure he’s going to fail and she’ll hate him for it... and that would be it. So better to end it now, on his terms while he’s the one in control of the situation and put a stop to it.
Bottom line he ain’t ready for it at all, he actually won’t be for a long time, and because of this is going to take Blair a lot of time too to be ready for it. Is what I like about Chuck’s best man speech at first glance is his way to tell Blair he feels something for her and he wants her to give him, them the chance to be something. It’s a plight at heart. It also works perfectly as a summary of what their relationship will be for a while. That no matter what, they love each other, theirs is true love and even if it’s hard almost impossible at times, they can’t give up, and that when one of them wants to throw the towel there’s the other one to remind them of why is worth it in the end.
The game between them is really about to start, here we go S2.
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Random bits I’ve noticed:
Chuck lightly squeezing his dad’s arm when Lily’s almost at the end of the altar warmed my heart.
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mainly-kpop · 5 years
A Pirates Life For Me
Chapter Ten
Pirate!BTS Maid!Reader Warnings: more flash backs, abusive queen? infidelity  Summary:  You had always wondered about pirates, about a life outside of these walls. On your 23rd birthday, you would finally find out what both were really like. Word Count: 2.5k
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‘Amelia, this is Y/N. She will be joining you for classes for a while so be kind.’ The nanny spoke, walking you to the room. The princess looked you up and down, crossing her arms.
‘Why are my classes not just me anymore?!’ She threw a tantrum. You stepped behind the nanny, trying not to cry. This was your first day able to leave your room the temperature finally gone. She noticed you step back in fear, regarding you curiously.
‘Are you scared?’ You just nodded, hiding further behind the tall woman. You knew you were a full year older than the princess, but she still had so much power. One word from her and you were out of this palace.
‘Fine, today we are reading a book. Are you coming?’ She spoke, trying to be passive. You looked toward her face; her eyes shined with curiosity. Stepping forward you slipped your hand into her waiting one. You never assumed you would become friends with her, figuring she was far too busy to bother with a commoner such as yourself. In fact, she was the one to come to you, begging for sleepovers. For you to play games with her and come to classes. Her favourite game was hide and seek, both of you running wild around the halls finding places to hide. You hid together, forcing the nanny to find you. Not realising until much later, the only reason she found you so quickly was because of your giggling. The princess always snickering behind her hand as you both hid behind a curtain. She would get lectured by the king on a regular basis, taking the blame for a lot of your ideas.
‘Can she sleep in my room tonight?’ She begged the Queen, the woman looked down at you, not enjoying having you around at all. To her you were a filthy commoner, a reminder none of the men inside these walls were faithful. Not like she was either, still not 100% sure who the princess’s ACTUAL father was. Regardless, she let you, tucking you both into the bed beside each other. This is how most nights went, you both cuddled up to each other. Sometimes she would talk to you about things that scared her.
‘I’m the princess! I don’t fear a thing!’ She whispered proudly, Although, a four-year-olds whisper is just talking.
‘There must be something you fear, you can tell me! I don’t like your jester, he scares me. OH, and when we run through the garden some of the bugs are super scary! Oh, and pirates, pirates are scary too…’ You listed off, only adding pirates since everyone else lived to tell you how awful they were. The princess screwed up her face for a minute before giggling.
‘I don’t like Ethan either, he’s weird! I don’t mind the bugs, there’s a really pretty one with wings, I want to be that pretty when I grow up! You don’t fear pirates though, I saw you reading that pirate book! You like them.’
‘I DO NOT!’ You protested, sitting up in her bed crossing your arms. She giggled, rolling around the bed at you.
‘I don’t mind. I like them too, they’re so cool. They can do whatever they want all the time!’ She awed, eyes sparkling with wonder. You forgot she didn’t have freedom; would never really have a time she wasn’t under someone’s finger. She would always have to be responsible for something.
‘That’s what I’m most scared of. I have nightmares about it sometimes, did you know? That I won’t be a good princess or queen. That I’ll be a disappointment to that big chair daddy sits in. I don’t want to be in control of the world!’ Maybe the world was a sight exaggeration, but you always understood her point. Having money didn’t seem all that good if you had to be so grown up!
You remembered every birthday the princess had. Her fifth birthday had been extravagant, some royals and their children from other countries came over, greeting her. A cute boy from a Germany came over, making the princess request to be his best friend instantly. They had become instant friends, making you join in on their activities. The three of you were close, making every birthday the princess celebrated the best day of the year.
When she turned ten, the boy came across again. In the past years he had grown up dramatically, he didn’t want to play your games anymore, telling you both these things were for children. The princess quietened down in his presence, becoming bashful and almost shy.
‘Why do you always do that around him? He’s just a boy!’ You whined, pulling her to the side of the party. You both wore matching dresses, refusing to come to any of these events unless you matched. She couldn’t stand you wearing maid clothes or anything like that, saying you weren’t just some common maid. You were her best friend and her best friend should have the best, always.
‘Franz and I are going to be married. Did you know? Father told me at my fifth birthday. I think he is a horrible child, truly insufferable. I could just do what my mother does though so it’s fine.’ She shrugged not really caring. You didn’t know all this information, now understanding a lot of the weirder interactions between them.
‘Wait, what do you mean what your mother does?’ You questioned, frowning at the statement. Amelia rolled her eyes, placing a hand on your shoulder.
‘Oh sweet, sweet Y/N, she’s been sneaking around with the advisor way before I was even born! I wouldn’t be surprised if he was my father! Anyway, lets get back to the party I’m hungry!’
You were never really sure where your birthday fell, never celebrating something so silly at the brothel. The princess told you that you would now celebrate yours the same day as her. She knew you would never get such a big party thrown for you.
You turned eleven that year, things starting to change. Your classes got cut, still taking English and maths, however you didn’t do any of the other ones with her. She began horse riding and etiquette classes. You learned to sew and cook, Amelia and you could tell what was happening, both of you not enjoying it at all.
‘They still have sleepovers every weekend, this needs to stop.’ The queen whispered to the king; teeth gritted as she fumed. The king rolled his eyes at the woman. He knew you were the best thing for his daughter, the queen just couldn’t see that.
‘Honestly, I think we are doing enough separating their classes. Give it time they will drift apart. Now tell me woman, are you sleeping in this bed tonight or someone else’s?’ She rolled her eyes, hating the man before her, if she could kill him and get away with it, she totally would. Storming out of the room, the king laughed to himself. ‘Someone else’s it is then.’ The king didn’t mind, he had his favourite maid of course, he just kept it more of a secret than the queen.
‘So, you really have to marry Franz?’ You questioned, making a disgusted face. Amelia nodded, the same expression on her face. Honestly, Franz wasn’t an ugly boy, he was kind of chubby, clearly well fed in his kingdom. Blonde hair and dark eyes, he had quite a pretty look to him, yet you could tell he wasn’t what the princess liked.
‘I mean, I have nothing against him, let’s just say he hasn’t aged as well as us and leave it at that…’ She snickered, cuddling into your side.
‘But if you don’t like him, won’t you just end up like your mother and father?’ You questioned, trying to keep your voice down. Honestly, at the age of ten and eleven you shouldn’t know as much as you did. Growing up in a palace just seemed to mature you a lot faster than a normal household.
‘Realistically yes. He still thinks I’m a child, so I can already tell he doesn’t like me. We are not going to be happy together but that’s just a royal thing I guess.’ She paused, giving you time to speak. Unable to think of something to say you kept quiet. ‘Promise me something?’ She shifted her weight lying on her pillow, you did the same looking at her.
‘Promise me you’ll be happy. No matter what happens between us, no matter what. You’ll be happy.’ You nodded, hooking her pinkie finger with yours. ‘Promise.’ You whispered, falling asleep with your hands locked together.
Teen years were harder. Where the princess had people to talk to about how she was feeling, you didn’t really have anyone. I mean, you had the princess, but she was going through roughly the same stuff. Talking to her about your issues seemed stupid anyway, she had more things, worse things. You just felt like a burden to her, not that you would ever admit that.
‘Come to my room tonight? I know we aren’t meant to, but we haven’t seen each other in a good few weeks…’ She mumbled, stopping you at the door. You had just come in from getting her horse ready before she headed out. You just nodded, winking at her.
That night you creeped into her room, both of you talking like you had never been separated.
‘I KNEW IT!’ She screeched; you slapped a hand over her mouth as she giggled. Slowly, you removed your hand laughing at the large smile spread across her face.
‘He’s cute! I totally told you he was into you, he always asked about you.’ She informed you, ranting on and on about how she was basically a match maker. Suddenly, she stopped, gasping dramatically. She slapped her hands on her cheeks, looking like she forgot something.
‘What about the pirates!’ She exclaimed dramatically, you just rolled your eyes, slapping her arm.
‘Pirates are old and gross; Lucas is so pretty!’ you fawned, waving your hands in front of your face to calm yourself. You asked her about classes, she asked you about your jobs. Both of you were clearly not enjoying either of them, both bored out your minds.
‘I wonder what life outside of the palace is like…’ She whispered, both of you close to falling asleep.
‘From what I remember, it’s not all that good…’ You replied with a yawn.
‘They have freedom, they can do what they want. It has to be better than this right?’ She was sheltered, you couldn’t expect her to know anything about life outside of the walls. Explaining it to her wasn’t going to help either, she wouldn’t understand from words.
‘One day, go out to the village, you’ll see it’s not as great as you assume. Go to sleep, you have classes early!’ You told her, cuddling into her back. She shuffled closer to you, settling into your touch.
‘I love you.’ She whispered, sleep quickly over taking her, you just smiled kissing her head. ‘I love you too Mia.’
‘Out with stable boy again?’ She spoke behind you, amused smile washing over your face. You turned around, nodding at her.
‘You must tell me about it. Come to my chamber’s tomorrow night, we need to catch up, deal? She watched you nod and run off, heading out to her lesson with a cocky smile on her face. God she was good at this match maker shit.
The next day you seemed distracted, like you were constantly looking for someone. She hadn’t put the pieces together until she got to her horse riding lessons. Lucas was no where in sight, her lessons cancelled for the day, she was glad of asking you to meet her tonight. She was so confused. You came into her room that night, breaking down in tears instantly. She scooped you into her arms, pulling you to the couch, cuddling you until you stopped sobbing. Finally, you spilled your guts, telling her of the almost sex you had. About how you got caught by the advisor, regardless, you haven’t seen Lucas since.
‘You don’t think, he said anything right?’ You shook your head.
‘The guy is up my ass about everything, but I don’t think he would do that…’ You whispered, looking down at the bracelet on your wrist, breaking down again. The door of the princess’s room opened, the queen storming into the room.
‘Out child.’ She snarled at you; a sob escaped you as you ran out another place. Seriously, scuttling out of rooms was now becoming a habit.
‘Mother, that was unnecessary.’ Amelia scolded, the queen grabbing her by her arm, shoving her under a shower. She struggled against the woman’s grasp, screaming bloody murder.
‘YOU CRAZY WOMAN GET OFF ME!’ The Queen just shoved her further under the cold water. Her teeth chattered, finally closing her mouth. She realised quickly what was happening. The queen had something against you, she hated knowing you had touched her daughter. It disgusted Amelia how much she hated you, but Amelia hated her mother more.
‘If I see you and that girl in here one more time, I will personally see to it that she is thrown back on the streets. Unless she is here for work, she has no business.’ Amelia just laughed in the woman’s face, calling a dresser and guard into the room.
‘You can’t do anything mother, you are not father, you have no control.’ The Queen narrowed her eyes, the dresser changed the princess, drying her hair and getting her ready for bed. Again.
‘I can do whatever I want, as long as your father gets a terrible story.’ She threatened, leaving the room with the guard. Amelia just apologised to the dresser, trying to figure out what she was going to do now. She didn’t want to ghost you, never speak to you again abruptly, instead she wrote you a letter, slipping it under your door early that morning.
‘I’m sorry, Mother threatened your security here, and the only thing that scares me more than being the princess, is losing you. She said if you were ever in my room for anything other than work, she would make sure you were back on the streets. I won’t have that, please don’t get us into trouble, I’ll miss you so much. I hope you’re okay, please be okay, remember the promise you made when we were 11? Don’t break it.’ You didn’t take it well, Amelia not faring too well either. She grew up, grew out of you. You didn’t, always longing after her, wishing she was still your friend. For the next years, there wasn’t a single thing you didn’t want to tell her. There never came a day you didn’t wish to talk with her.
Amelia always believed that when she became Queen, she could have you back, could apologise for everything that ever happened. Life wasn’t fair though, and time wasn’t kind. The day of her twenty third birthday, this was the year she was meant to take the throne, but you were gone that night.
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Of Outlaws and Family
Chapter Five: Rodeo Queen, Awakened
A/N: This is nothing but a random mission I decided might be fun; a way Scarlet can show Dutch that she can help bring in money, even if it seems silly to him. Just some general fluff and good times with Scarlet, her son, James, and some great fluff between Scarlet and Arthur! Buckle up cause it’s a loooooooong chapter! There’s lots of stuff goin on in this one.
Warnings: Cursing, typical gang violence, mentions of drinking, sexual references/innuendos, general dangers of rodeos (bull riding, bronco riding, etc), mentions of pick-pocketing, betting, mentions of bush whacking
Start here: https://marvel-redemption-omega.tumblr.com/post/620167374619951104/of-outlaws-and-family-chapter-one-new-beginnings
Last Chapter: https://marvel-redemption-omega.tumblr.com/post/620331349279145984/of-outlaws-and-family
Please enjoy! Hearts and repubs are appreciated!
My work is not to be posted elsewhere; I will post it to my AO3 and dA if I so choose.
Word Count: 14, 837
“Dutch!” Scarlet jumps off Shamrock and runs into camp with a piece of paper in her hand. Dutch steps out of his tent, cigar in hand as he raises a brow at her. “Dutch, oh, Dutch! You gotta see this!” She slows as she nearly runs into him, his free hand on her shoulder to steady her. He nods to the paper.
“What’s got you so excited? Find a treasure map?”
“What? Nah, something even better!” She shakes her head at his silly question. “No. Rhodes is hosting a rodeo!” She squeals, opening the folded paper, revealing a flyer for a rodeo.
“Darlin’, not to be a downer, but I just ain’t seeing why you think going to this is a good idea. Hosea and I are wanted men, we can’t just drop everything we’re working on to play rancher in front of people,” he scans the paper, taking it from her. Her happy demeanor deflates a bit before she’s smiling again.
“I get that. Look, I’m not sayin that ya gotta come out and be there, but there’s loads of opportunity for money! There’s cash prizes for fastest horse in a few categories, then there’s prizes for perfect scores, and even longest rides. At least for the bronco and bull ridin events it’s the longest time,” she quickly explains, trying to reason with the stubborn leader. He wipes a hand over his mustache, glancing between Scarlet’s puppy pleading green eyes and the flyer in his hand. He sighs.
“Stop with that kicked puppy look,” he reads over the flyer again.
“Dutch,” she calls, waiting for him to look back at her. When he does she smiles, “I know I can win several of the listed events. I’ve been ridin nearly my whole life. Bulls ain’t so different from broncs, just a bit wider and not as tall. I promise it’s worth it. Just let me go and enter an send your best pick pockets with me. There’s always loads of people at rodeos. Loads of rich, stupid, drunk people,” she persuades, watching his body language for signs of defeat. When he relaxes his shoulders she knows she’s won.
“Talk to the guys and see if anyone would be interested in any of the other events,” Dutch orders, holding up the flyer. “Mind if I have this to look over?”
“No, no, not at all! Take it, Dutch. I’m gonna go ask them now. Oh. Is, uhh, is Arthur here?” She asks, the excitement now drained from her voice. Dutch’s lips quirk a bit, knowing they were sweet on each other, even if they hadn’t noticed it themselves yet.
“No, Pearson asked if he could go hunting. We’re getting low on food,” he answers with a smile, pointing towards the back of the camp.
Scarlet takes his leave as dismissal and heads over to the cliff, looking into the valley below. Sure enough, Arthur’s got his bow out, creeping up on a small herd of deer. She scoffs as he draws the string back and lets it go. He quickly notches another arrow and manages to drop two deer back to back. “Show off,” she mutters to herself.
Scarlet’s in the middle of switching saddles and horses when James runs up to her, arms wrapping tight around her legs. “Mama! Can I go to the rodeo with you too? Please? I wanna see you ride the horses and a bull!” He begs, green eyes bright and pleading. She rubs his head, playing with his hair.
“Who told you bout that?” She asks, looking down at him. He grins and lets go of her to pet Fancy.
“Uncle John and Uncle Javier were talkin about goin an they mentioned you was,” he innocently replies, hugging the mare’s neck. Scarlet crosses her arms and rests her weight on her right foot, chewing her bottom lip.
“Maybe. It depends on who is going to be there, Sweetheart,” she finally answers, leaning over to ruffle his hair. He yelps in surprise and swats at his mother’s hands, running away from her. She laughs and finishes putting Fancy’s old saddle on her; leather worn and tattered from years of wear and rough riding. Fancy, knowing which saddle she was now wearing, tosses her head and paws the ground anxiously. “Easy girl, we’re headin out later,” she settles the old mare. James runs back up to her, Arthur following behind him. The cowboy gives Scarlet a curious look as he approaches, looking at Fancy’s saddle change.
“What’s with the get up? You running away already?” He jokes, gesturing to Fancy.
“Hah, as if. You an ol’ Dutch ain’t gonna just let me up an go,” she snorts at him. He wants to say something against her, but he knows she’s right. “Anyway, there’s a rodeo bein held in Rhodes. I figure since it’s in a few days, I’ll just head that way now an get a room, just stay at the hotel there so I’m not ridin any of the horses the day of,” she explains and walks with them back into camp. James runs off to Abigail and John’s tent, asking for Jack. Scarlet smiles at that, happy he has someone to play with, even if Jack is four years younger.
“M’kay, ya got us there. What’s a rodeo though?” He asks as she sits down at one of the tables, pulling a can of peaches from her bag. She slices the top and pries it up, stabbing a peach slice before answering.
“It’s a big event where people, usually cowboys and ranchers, gather to show their skills. There’s steer ropin, team ropin, bronc bustin, bull ridin, an a lot of other different activities. My Ma used to take Fancy to the barrel races. We ain’t had a horse beat her record yet. Least, not that I’ve heard. But she’s gettin old an I know Shamrock is a lot faster than she is, he’s just not as skilled. Where Fancy is elegant, Shamrock is clumsy. He takes his turns too wide. But he’s still faster than her time, even bein as such,” she explains, eating the peach from her knife. Arthur tenses a moment, fearful she’ll cut herself. She hums and offers him a slice, which he refuses.
“So what events are you going to be in, Miss O’Hara?” He inquires, watching her carefully so she doesn’t cut herself.
“Probably my usual; bronc bustin, bull ridin, barrels, an pole bendin,” She states matter-of-factly. Arthur hums out a positive affirmation. “Broncs have two categories, saddles an bareback. Saddled is easier because, well, you’re in a saddle. Bareback is obviously harder, like if you’re breaking a horse out in the country, no lead or nothing. They give you a riggin to hold on to, but that’s it. It’s basically a heavy rein. That’s all you get. The goal is to stay on for minimum of eight seconds; for broncs an bulls, but if you can go longer, the better your score an points.”
“So it’s a gatherin for stupid people, who pretend to be cowboys an ranchers, to watch other stupid people pretend to be cowboys an ranchers?” Arthur summarizes, smiling at her.
“Well now, I didn’t know you thought I was stupid, Morgan. Here I thought we made a pretty decent team!” She feigns hurt, stabbing another peach from the can. She maintains eyes contact as she bites the fruit from her knife, letting out a soft moan at the sweet taste. Arthur’s skin flushes a light pink and he coughs to clear his throat.
“I’d never! Weren’t talkin bout you, Darlin’. But that’s just how it sounds for the majority. I’ve seen you work, you’re the real deal,” he chuckles as she nods at his praise; she leans the open can towards him, holding her knife by the blade in offering. He rolls his eyes but takes both, eating a few slices before passing them back to her.
“Well in that case, will you ride with me? I don’t know if I wanna bring James but if you’ll be there I’ll feel better ‘bout him taggin along,” she admits, playing with her knife before taking out a green handkerchief to clean it. He studies her a moment, weighing his options.
“What’s Dutch think of you runnin off to do this?”
“Dutch? Aha, I swayed him. There’s good money in it if you win events. Ample opportunity to pick pocket old, rich, drunk bastards too,” she shrugs and tips the can to drink the juice. “So, Arthur, will you ride with me?”
“When you plan on leavin?”
“Probably this afternoon. I gotta go get Shasta. He’s good at the pole bendin. If you’re decent, we can sign up for the team ropin! We both ride our horse in the pen they have set up and have to rope a steer. One of us ropes the horns and the other it’s back legs, then we face each other and back our horses up so the ropes are nice and tight and it can’t get away,” she explains, slipping her knife back in its holster.
“You got me. I’ll go. Not sure if you want me in the competition, but I’ll ride wit’chu,” he agrees and nods. “Besides, I wanna see what this bronc bustin is. Seems like you’re real excited for it.”
“Oh I am, Cowboy. Bronco bustin is a favorite of mine. The wild, young stallions with too much spirit are my favorites,” she winks at him, getting up from the table. “You’ll need a new saddle if you do plan to enter any events,” she calls over her shoulder as she heads for her wagon to finish getting ready.
Dutch helps Scarlet onto her wagon, handing her back the flyer. She watches him silently, studying his expression. He looks up at her, taking hold of her hand.
“You do well to keep my boys in line, ya hear? Don’t let them go makin fools of themselves out there,” he prompts her, watching as she laughs.
“Keep’em in check and show’em how a real hustler works their magic, aye. I’ll do my best, but remember I’m actually in most the events. I wouldn’t worry too much though, I’ve got Arthur and that Silver Fox of yours, Hosea. I think with those two I can handle the rest. The girls shouldn’t be an issue, but I’ll keep an eye on them,” she squeezes his hand reassuringly as they lock eyes. “You have my word, Dutch.”
“Alright. You do well then too. Keep me updated on how things go. We’ll be waiting for your return,” he gives his approval as he lets her go.
Everyone ready?” She turns to the group in the back. Her eyes roam over the small group: John, Abigail, Jack, James, Javier, Tilly, Sean, and Mary-Beth.
“I think so, everyone’s here,” Abigail sends Scarlet a smile, arms secure over both boys’ shoulders. “They’re settled in for the ride.” The others nod their confirmation and Scarlet turns back to Dutch, tipping her hat to him.
“We ready?” Arthur joins her in the front of the wagon, taking the reins.
“Yeah, Daddy Dutch just gave us his blessing,” she winks teasingly at Dutch who crosses his arms.
“Very funny, Miss O’Hara,” Dutch calls as he steps back from the wagon, scoffing at her audacity. Molly gets up from his cot, moving to stand by him just outside his tent.
“You know you love me,” she hums, scooting closer to Arthur on the bench as she removes her revolver from her belt and sets it between their feet on the footrest.
“You be safe, Miss O’Hara,” Molly waves as Arthur cracks the reins. Shasta and Shamrock toss their heads and pull the wagon around the camp, weaving around the other tents and set up.
“Always, Miss O’Shea!” Scarlet hollers back, throwing a hand up in a wave as they head into the trees. She whistles and Fancy and the blood bay follow them from the hitching posts, both saddled up and ready to ride. Arthur slows them as they pass Sadie and Charles, Sadie turning over guard duty.
“Where y’all off too?” She pets Fancy who nickers at her, prancing in place.
“Rodeo is Rhodes. Ever been to one?” Scarlet leans over the side, one hand on Arthur’s leg to keep her tethered to the wagon.
“Acourse I’ve been to a rodeo. Need another rider for anythin?” Sadie asks, shouldering her rifle.
“You any good at Steer Ropin? Javier could use a good partner. I’m not bad but I’m not great either,” the red head admits. Sadie’s eyes light up as she nods.
“Yeah, I reckon I’m as decent as any man,” she claims, brushing the mustang’s mane with her hands.
“Run tell Dutch you’re coming with and hop on the blood bay there,” she invites the blonde, leaning back into the seat. The others whistle for their horses while they wait for Sadie.
The ride to Rhodes is a long one, even with a wagon. Scarlet enlightens everyone on all the activities and events at a rodeo, Sadie and Javier jumping in for clarification or to add something she forgot.
Sadie keeps an eye out for any raiders and makes sure Fancy, Boaz, Smoke, Ennis, and Old Boy are keeping up with the wagon. She keeps them calm and whistles for them if they ever are falling behind, slowing the thoroughbred to make sure they can find their way and to make sure the horses aren’t ambushed and stolen.
Scarlet makes sure she’s always touching Arthur in some way, be it her leg pressed up against his, her hand on his leg, her arm looped through his, or even leaning on him for a nap. He doesn’t mind, allowing it after a questioning glance the first time he noticed she was doing it.
“Here we are. Rhodes. You think they’ll be enough rooms for the lot of us?” Arthur glances at Scarlet then back to the small town.
“Dunno. I can run in an ask real quick. Wait out here,” she orders as she starts climbing down the wagon before he has it stopped. He yells after her, something about waiting for him to stop the horses before jumping off recklessly. She just grins as she lands in Fancy’s saddle. They wait patiently in the wagon until she rides back up, having to pull up hard on Fancy so she almost bucks to a stop.
“So what’d they say?” Arthur leans over the side, hand outstretched for her to take. She grabs his forearm, locking her hand around it as he does the same and pulls her up with a grunt.
“Said they got two rooms. I went ahead an rented one for the boys; Jack and James, and the other for John and Abigail. The rest of us can camp just outside of town here. That is, if that set up works for y’all?” She raises a brow at the group. They share looks as John and Abigail look at each other. She tilts her head to the left and her brows furrow.
“That’s fine, thank you, Scarlet. Jack can stay with us if you want the other room with James,” Abigail speaks up, running her fingers through her son’s hair. James looks up at his mother expectantly.
“You sure?” The red head inquires, motioning for James to move up to the front with her. He does so and sits on the side of her so she’s between him and Arthur.
“Yeah. We are a family after all,” Abigail confirms with a nod of her head. Scarlet nods and turns back to the front, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth for a moment. She points to the clearing back by one entrance of the small town, instructing Arthur to pull the wagon up there.
They all unload the wagon and pitch the small tents Scarlet pre-purchased, when she went to pick up Shasta, and brought along. Tilly and Mary-Beth take a tent, Sean and Javier take another, Hosea and Arthur in one, and Sadie gets her own.
“What are we gonna do for food?” Mary-Beth questions, clapping her hands together as Javier gets a small fire going.
“Arthur and I can go hunt. He’s not too poor a shot,” John volunteers, playfully jabbing at the older man. Arthur rolls his eyes and grins.
“Maybe we’ll run into your friends, the wolves,” he quips back, walking over to Smoke to retrieve his bow and rifle.
“On second thought-”
“Nope, you already volunteered. Let’s go,” Arthur grabs the back of John’s shirt, preventing him from trying to get out of hunting.
“You ain’t gotta worry bout wolves out this way. Just coyotes. But they’re more scared of you, usually,” Scarlet offers in partial consolation. He deadpans at her and she laughs along with the others. “Just sayin. Maybe you’ll have better luck havin a run-in with them.”
Arthur pulls John along with him until he shrugs him off to grab his own rifle from his horse. They walk through the fields, Arthur looking for tracks, scat, or fur. When they come close to the tree line they stop, several deer grazing along the woods.
“Let’s see if we can get two,” John whispers, pulling his rifle up to look through the scope. “There’s a buck scratching his antlers on a tree, you see him?”
“Yeah I see him,” Arthur sets his scope on the white coated buck John sees. “You wanna take him?”
“Nah, there’s another one a little ways down to the right. I’ll get that one. Just let me know when you’ve got a shot lined up, I don’t wanna be tracking these things all night if it’s not a solid kill,” John huffs and focuses on his buck. “I’ve got a clean shot.”
“Me too.”
Two gunshots sound, almost in sync. Sadie and Scarlet look up, eyes searching the source.
“Abigail, stay here with them. We’ll be right back,” Scarlet says and gets to her feet, Sadie on her heels. They quickly mount up, Sadie on the blood bay and Scarlet on Smoke, and head over to the field where the shots came from. Scarlet laughs as she sees John and Arthur hauling bucks over their shoulders.
“Let’s go help them,” she states, slowing Smoke from his gallop to a walk. He instantly obeys, making a bee line for Arthur when he sees him. “Good boy,” she praises him as he stops a few feet away from Arthur, neighing. He looks up at Scarlet in his saddle and raises a brow before tying the buck onto the back.
“Now where am I supposed to sit?” He chides playfully. Scarlet glances at John and Sadie, who are tying his buck on the back of the other thoroughbred, before slipping her boots from the stirrups and sliding her body almost completely onto the horn of the saddle. Arthur gapes at her a minute before chortling, putting one foot in the stirrups and pulling himself into the saddle. Once he’s settled, Scarlet sits back, sitting half on his lap and half on the saddle.
“See? There’s always room if you know how to double,” she tips her head back to look at him, green eyes bright with mirth. He shakes his head as he smiles at her, taking the reins from her hands.
“You’re lucky you’re cute,” he mutters. Sadie and John have a similar set up, though Sadie is sitting on the very back of the saddle with the deer behind her.
“Lucky an cute, I ain’t. Charmin an sassy, I am,” she replies and clicks her tongue, Smoke listening to her command.
“Oh, so now my horse listens to you?”
“For the most part. He’s such a good boy. I’m sure he’d do well in barrels or pole bending,” she expresses, leaning forward to rub the dark grey thoroughbred’s neck. “Ain’t that right? Yeah, you’re a good boy,” she cooes to him before straightening herself back in the saddle as best she can without rubbing against Arthur too much. “He was the closest horse to me. I thought you were using bows, not rifles. We wanted to make sure y’all’s a’right.”
“Aww how sweet,” he leans his chest against her back, breathing on her ear as he whispers, “you was worried bout me.”
“Shut up,” she rolls her eyes and pushes back against him. “Acourse I worry. I already told y’all, you’re my boys. Can’t let anything happen to y’all, I’m too emotionally invested. So’s the boy,” she chews her lip and holds onto the horn; she can feel the heat rise in her cheeks as she posts with him, moving in tandem with Smoke’s even strides.
Scarlet helps the two men skin and field dress the deer a bit away from camp before they bring them back to cook. Sadie pulls out oregano and mint from one of the saddlebags and helps Abigail get it cooking. They all chat idly around the fire, the boys playing in the mud.
The small group settles into a content silence as they eat, the two boys settling into the wagon to play with the dominoes, courtesy of Tilly, once they’re done eating. Sadie leans on the wagon, watching and smiling as Scarlet and Arthur sit with their boots knocking against each others.
“Hey, Scarl!”
The Irish-blooded woman looks up from her deer sandwich and tilts her head. Sadie waves her over and she frowns, wiping the bread crumbs from her pants as she stands up. She bends down, whispering something to Arthur who nods, and brings her food over to the wagon.
“You need something?” Scarlet asks the blonde woman, leaning on the wagon beside her, crossing her right ankle over her left. She pops the last bite into her mouth.
“Just wanted to ask about you and Arthur. What’s goin on there? You look like a love struck puppy,” Sadie teases, watching Scarlet cough, slightly choking on the food.
“What makes you say that?!” She starts, graciously taking the offered brandy and downing it. She stares at her friend, wide eyed and a little shocked at the bluntness of her question. “He’s a...he’s a good friend, a gentleman,” she states.
“Uh huh. That why you’ve both been sittin so close to each other an ridin together?” Sadie sasses, smile growing as Scarlet tries to find a comeback, unable to form a coherent sentence.
“Look, Sadie, he’s just a friend. Nothin more,” she sighs, playing with the empty brandy bottle in her hand. She tosses it under the wagon and uncrosses her feet, letting her back lean fully on the cart. “I have my son to think about. That’s my main priority.”
Sadie nods, acknowledging Scarlet, but keeps quiet. She knows that she’s pushed a little much but she got what she needed from Scarlet. Sadie pats her shoulder and gestures to where she had been sitting. “Go on, sit and talk. I’ll watch the boys.”
“Thanks, Sadie.”
Hosea looks up as Scarlet leaves to see Sadie. He smiles and turns to Arthur, setting his beer down. “Anythin goin on between you two that I should warn Dutch about? We ain’t gonna be worryin bout any mini Morgans are we, Arthur?” The silver fox asks, nodding to Scarlet when aforementioned cowboy looks up. Arthur nearly drops his beer in shock, spitting some of it out. He stares at Hosea like he’s crazy.
“Old Man, just what you on bout now? Ain’t nothin gon’ on between us. We’re just friends, she’s a decent outlaw of a woman,” he admits, swishing around the beer in his bottle.
“You sure bout t’at, Art’ur? You two seem ta be really close. Like, really, close. Weren’t she just in yer lap when you brought t’at there deer back?” Sean chimes in, tossing his empty bottle to the side and reaching for another.
“Yeah. We work well together, what do you want me to say?” Arthur asks, directing his attention to Hosea, completely dismissing Sean’s second question.
“That you are sweet on her, even if only a little? If you won’t be honest with us, at least be honest about it with yourself,” Abigail scolds, tucked into John’s side by the camp fire. He regards them a moment, nodding to himself.
“I care about her, just like I care about any of you,” he admits, watching as Abigail and Tilly frown at his words. He laughs as they throw blades of grass at him. “Okay, so maybe I like her a little,” he freezes momentarily at the looks the group give him collectively, “okay a lot more than I let on. An yes I am sweet on her, but she don’t want no part of bein with an outlaw..”
“Oh you let on more than you think,” John chuckles.
“Apparently, if you can see it,” Arthur retorts.
“Have you tried actually talkin to her about it, Arthur?” Tilly asks, setting her coffee cup by her feet. The outlaw scratches his neck, shaking his head.
“Bout what? Me likin her? Nah. She’s got James, an I guess his father is still in the picture. No need to involve myself where I might get hurt,” he sighs and leans back. He chugs the rest of his beer and motions for Sean or Hosea to pass him another.
“Why don’t you just ask her an see? I’m sure you’ll be surprised. You don’t see how she isn’t as happy an herself without you around camp. When Dutch asked her to stay and talk to him the other day? When you went into Valentine with Uncle and the girls? She helped us just fine but she didn’t really talk to anyone unless it was necessary. Well, she talked to Sadie an Abigail, and the boys of course. Everyone else she pretty much ignored. Dutch and myself included. Didn’t even bother to instigate with that O’Driscoll boy you brought back to Colter either,” Hosea reveals and hands him another bottle.
“Just...Oh, Arthur, just think about it will you?” Abigail pleads, hugging John’s arm tight as she stares at the older man. Arthur sighs and nods his head, throwing his hands up in surrender.
“Alright. I’ll think on it,” he pops the top off his bottle. He reflexively scoots over when Scarlet comes back over, taking up her spot beside him on the log again. Hosea and Tilly give Arthur a look and he rolls his eyes, sending them glares.
“Sadie said she’ll watch the boys for a little. I think I’ll take them to the hotel in a bit to get a bath before bed though, if that’s alright with y’all?” Scarlet nods to Abigail and John, offhandedly asking for permission.
“Oh, a bath sounds nice! Don’t you think, John?” Abigail croons, pressing against his side. He glances up at Scarlet who nods before he looks down at his wife.
“Uhh, yeah, sure. A bath,” John answers, scanning their group for a possible way out. He sighs and gets up, pulling his arm from Abigail’s hold before holding his hand out to her. “Shall we go take a bath, Abigail?”
Scarlet and Sean make eye contact and immediately “Ooooooh,” at the couple as they head away from camp. John turns back and drags his thumb across his neck and points to them before Abigail grabs Jack from the wagon and they disappear into the town. The Irish duo crack up and Sean hands her a whiskey bottle.
“To being free and not tied down!” He cheers and knocks back his drink. Javier, Tilly, and Mary-Beth follow suit, draining their drinks. Scarlet looks at Arthur and Hosea, offering her bottle and motioning to their own drinks in question.
“Y’all are married or were?” She speaks over the crackle of the fire, watching the shadows dance across Hosea’s face. The old man nods and leans forward so his elbows are on his knees.
“Once, a long time ago. My sweet Bessie and I were together for awhile. I stepped away from the gang for a few years, back when it was just Dutch, Arthur, and myself. Arthur, we picked him up when he was bout fourteen, fifteen. I don’t think he remembers her much, or me leaving. But as things always do, I drifted back into it. She knew what I was and how it went, but we somehow made it work. She passed away many years ago. I was drunk for about a year after,” Hosea clears his throat and takes a swig of his drink, eyes downcast. Arthur shoves up from the log and stalks over to the wagon, saying something to Sadie who joins them at the fire. Hosea sighs and pats Scarlet’s knee, motioning to Arthur with his bottle.
“Did I- is he okay?” She looks at Hosea with furrowed brows.
“He’s been through a lot. It’s not something you can just get over,” the silver fox explains. The trio watch as James leans over the side of wagon, tapping Arthur’s arm. The two seem to talk and Arthur strikes a match, lighting a cigarette. Scarlet squeezes Hosea’s hand that’s still on her knee, giving him a small nod of affirmation.
“I’ll talk to him. It’s not good to keep it bottled up...I know better than most,” she mumbles as she makes her way to her wagon.
She quietly climbs into the back with James. “Son, go sit with Mrs. Adler and Mister Hosea. I’m gon’ talk with Arthur a moment.”
“Yes, Ma. Bye, Mr. Morgan, thank you! I can’t wait to get home!” The boy cheers and clambers down from the cart, headed for Sadie. Scarlet takes a deep breath and slowly lets it out, climbing to sit sideways on the front, staring at the sunset with Arthur. They’re both silent, Arthur taking slow drags from his cigarette and Scarlet staring at the horizon, deep in thought.
“Wanna talk ‘bout it? I don’t know what I said to upset you, but I’m sorry,” she apologizes, voice soft. She turns her head as he snuffs out the cigarette on the bottom of his boot. He doesn’t answer, just leans on the wagon with his hat tilted down. She picks at her jeans, worn with age and often wear. Arthur turns to her, hand gently resting on hers, stilling her fidgeting.
“It’s a long story, Darlin’. Maybe some other time. And it’s not what you said, it’s what they did,” he finally speaks, voice gruff as though he were on the verge of tears.
She immediately opens her arms as she slides down from the wagon seat. Arthur takes her up on her offer, wrapping his arms around her as she does the same. He buries his nose in her hair, inhaling her scent and trying to calm his racing heart. They stay like that, Scarlet wrapped tight in his arms with her hold on him just as tight, her breathing helping slow his as he tries to sync his frantic beating heart with her steady one.
“We have three days, and you know where I sleep,” she comments, chin resting on his sternum as she looks up at him. He pulls back a little to look down at her.
“I know. You’ll be in one of them rooms at the hotel,” he replies, dipping his head a little. “Forgive me fer askin, but what room numbers?”
“Why? Plannin on payin me a midnight visit?” She teases and steps back as he finally lets go of his hold on her. She hesitates in letting go, but her arms eventually slip from around his ribcage.
Scarlet startles awake, glancing around the room as she momentarily forgets her bearings. She sits up as the same sound repeats, a trio of knocks on the door. She grabs her hunting knife from her belt that’s draped over the dresser. Sleepily, she makes her way to the door, trying to stifle a yawn. She unlocks the door and opens it, knife poised in her left hand, hidden behind the door.
“Arthur?” She yawns, relaxing and ushering him inside. He ducks his head in embarrassment as he steps into the room, minding to be quiet when he sees James asleep on the bed.
“I uhh, I was wonderin if you wanted to talk?” He asked shyly, taking a hesitant seat on the bed when she gestures to it, slipping her knife back in its holster.
“Come, come. Lay with us an we’ll talk,” she offers, climbing back into the bed, scooting close to James, leaving enough room for Arthur to lie down to her left. He goes to protest but her sleepy glare has him taking his boots and jacket off.
“You said it’s not good to hold these things in so I figured that I’d tell you,” he starts, slowly crawling up the bed, lying on his side to face her. She pulls the blanket up to her shoulders, tucking it under her left arm as she faces him.
“It’s not, and I’m not pushin you, Arthur. If you don’t wanna talk about it, you don’t have too. I’ll sit here with you in silence if ya want. No promises I won’t fall asleep on you though,” she yawns again as she curls her legs up. He nods and relaxes back against the wall, holding his arm up for her to scoot in and cuddle.
“Like I said, it’s a long story. Might as well be comfortable,” he informs her when she gives him a puzzled look. She laughs lightly and nods, moving closer to him, resting her head on his chest, left arm resting on his shoulder. He pulls her left leg over his waist, fixing the blanket after he does so, letting his hands rest on her lower back and on her left calf, holding her leg in place over him.
“Take your time,” she encourages, moving her left hand to cradle his head, scratching at his scalp with her nails. He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath as he tries to figure out where to start his story.
“Like Hosea said, he and Dutch ran into me when I was young. I was a delinquent, rough and wild as they come. They took me in and taught me what they knew, even taught me to read. I’ve been with them for nearly twenty years, maybe more. But I had a girl once, we weren’t married but I did get her pregnant. A nice waitress I met, Eliza. She gave me a little boy, Isaac. I told her I couldn’t promise her a good life, she seemed to understand. I’d send money and every few months I’d stop in for a few days to see them, spend some time with them, yanno?” He lets out a shaky breath. Scarlet nods against him, her hand in his hair slowly tracing patterns on his scalp to try and calm him.
“If it’s too much, you ain’t gotta talk ‘bout it,” she whispers, tilting her head to look up at him. He looks down at her, green eyes filled with concern for him. He shakes his head and squeezes her calf.
“One day when I rode up, I saw two crosses outside the house, one smaller than the other. It didn’t take me long to figure out they were robbed. All for ten dollars,” his tone is laced with venom as he spits out the last sentence, face scrunching in anger momentarily. Scarlet stays silent as she tries to think of what to say. She knows loosing someone you love, or even just care for deeply, isn’t easy. She tells him as much.
“Look, we can’t keep living in the past, wishin things were different. They’re over an it’s not like we can change them, no matter how bad we wanna. I know. I’ve tried. Ran myself into the ground for years while riddled with guilt that wasn’t mine to bear,” she soothes, her right arm curling about his own under her. “Be sad an mourn them, yes, but don’t allow that to cloud yer judgement an prevent you from doin things. Especially if it’s somethin ya really wanna do.”
It’s Arthur’s turn to be quiet, letting her perspective sink in. He nods and rubs up and down her calf soothingly, meeting her eyes once again. She’s smiling and he can’t help but smile too as they stare into each other’s eyes for a few moments.
“I guess you’re right. Hey, I’m sorry about earlier. Just stormin off like that; it wasn’t fair to you. It’s not your fault they brought it up. Sometimes it’s hard to imagine me even having the chance to have that again,” his voice cracks as he holds her a little tighter, a little closer to him. She pauses scratching his scalp and sighs, nuzzling against his chest.
“To have that closeness with someone again? Yeah, me too,” she softly admits between yawns. Arthur moves his hand from her hip to her head, holding it against his chest as he presses a kiss to the crown of her head. She lets her eyes flutter close as he gently starts to rub her back.
Scarlet doesn’t remember falling asleep, or waking up at four in the morning either. So the surprise of waking up in Arthur’s warm embrace shocks her a little. She’s up before James, which is another surprise to her; she immediately turns over and gently shakes Arthur, whispering softly to him to prevent startling him.
“Come on, Arthur, get up,” she croons, gently shaking his shoulder. He turns his head and grumbles under his breath in his sleep, arm moving to wrap her up. His eyes flutter open as something blocks his arm from his cuddle buddy.
“What the?” His voice is rough, riddled thick with sleep. Scarlet subconsciously licks her lips as she hears it, eyes darting to his lips before back to his face. She huffs out a quiet laugh at his slightly confused expression.
“Mornin, Cowboy. I think it’s best you go get ready for the day, James’ll be up soon and then we won’t hear the end of how you were ‘sharin a bed with Ma at the rodeo’,” she muses in delight, hand tracing lightly over his chest. She’s made no effort to even dislodge herself from his hold, despite her claim for him to get up.
It’s about ten minutes of them idly talking before Arthur finally slips from the bed and pulls his boots back on, telling her that he was going to check on the others. He’s closing the door as quiet as he can, trying not to wake James, when a gasp behind him startles him.
“Arthur Morgan!” Abigail scolds lightly, quietly; eyes wide as she glances down at Jack. Arthur’s gaze meets hers and he half shrugs at her.
“I know I did not just see you coming out of Scarlet’s room,” she grits out as she stares at him hard, eyes cutting through him. “Not with James in there.”
“Jesus, Abigail! No. I came by to talk to her, ‘at’s all. I, the others...Last night a few of them drank to “being free and not tied down”,” he explains as he shuffles awkwardly under Abigail’s scrutinizing gaze. She nods and opens the bedroom door for Jack to go back in to wake up John.
“It brought up Eliza and Isaac, didn’t it?” She lowers her voice, tone softening greatly. Arthur nods and brings his hat to his head, adjusting it to his liking.
“Yeah. Yeah it did. I told her. I told her about them, about it all,” he voice is barely a whisper, gruff, the start of almost tears evident. Abigail nods and moves to him, resting a hand on his shoulder, leaning up to kiss his cheek.
“I’m proud of you. I know that’s not easy to talk about. Just stay honest with her. Did she say anything about James’ father and his role?” She changes the melancholy subject, stepping back a couple steps.
“No. We just talked a bit bout Eliza an Isaac. She didn’t bring him up,” he replies softly, eyes warm as he meets Abigail’s. “I’ll ask her later, she’s getting ready. I’m gon’ make sure everyone else is up and ready for the day.”
John steps out of the room, pulling his coat on. “Let’s go then.”
By the time John and Arthur make it back to the tents, everyone is up and they all share glances before smirking at them. Arthur groans and points at Hosea.
“Not one word. I was talking with Scarlet and Abigail,” he states before anyone can ask him anything. They shrug and make room for him around the fire, passing the coffee pot around.
Scarlet, Abigail, and the boys join the rest of them not too long after, both boys running towards Hosea. They show him their books and sit on either side of him as he offers to sit and read with them. Scarlet’s heart melts at the sight, wishing James’ father was willing to be as accepting as this gang. She’s done her fair amount of research on Dutch and his gang. As far as she was concerned, they were nothing like what the papers and people were saying. She trusts them with her life.
“What’s the plan for today?” Javier asks as he passes Scarlet the pot for coffee. She thanks him and pours herself a cup before taking up the only available seat, beside Arthur.
“Mm they should have everything set up by tonight. Which means they might start the events tonight or tomorrow. Regardless, I figured we could go take a look at the bulls and broncos they have for the events. If I remember correctly the townsfolk said that they were bringin in bout five different broncs and at least three different bulls,” she replies and looks around at the people she’s slowly started calling her family. She smiles, her eyes lingering on Hosea with the boys, their laughter drifting over to her.
“Have you signed up yet?” Sadie sits down at Scarlet’s feet, leaning back on her legs. Scarlet looks down at her and shakes her head.
“No, not yet. They won’t let us sign up this early, and from my experience I have to have a man with me vouchin that he’s my guardian or partner and he expresses his permission for me to participate,” she rolls her eyes and cradles her coffee mug in front of her face, blowing on the steaming liquid.
“What?” Scarlet turns to Arthur, John, and Javier at their outburst; they’re all looking at her in disbelief.
“You didn’t tell us that,” Arthur raises a brow as he sets his now empty coffee on the ground. “Why?”
“Didn’t think it necessary. If y’all wouldn’t’ve come with me I’d’ve just done what I always do. Pinned my hair up and pretended I was my brother,” she smirks, shrugging at him. “No need to bug anyone if y’all woulda had better things to do.”
“Oh, Sweetheart, if you’d ask I bet any of the men at camp would have gone with you even if Dutch had told you no,” Abigail laughs. The men all look at each other then away, rubbing their necks at being called out. The females giggle at them and Scarlet nudges Arthur’s knee.
“I know at least two would, the others I’m not sure about,” she teases back, stealing a glance at Arthur who quickly looks away when their eyes meet. He clears his throat and claps his hands on his knees.
“Well, are we going to go see how far they’re set up?” He suggests as he pushes up from the log, holding a hand to Scarlet. He pulls her up and the rest of them follow suit, Jack and James jumping up when they see everyone else heading towards them.
Scarlet leaves them a little bit after they’ve checked out the last pen, excusing herself by stating she needed to get dressed for the event. James gives her a hug before she goes, telling her to wear his favorite of her outfits; she smiles and agrees, giving the others a wink as she heads back to the hotel.
By dusk, everyone is ready to watch Scarlet compete. They are cheering her name as the announcer calls out all the competitors, hers being the last one since she was the last to sign up for each event. In the end, Hosea had been the one who went with her to register, saying she was his daughter to compete for him since he was too old.
Arthur has James on his shoulders, Jack on John’s, as they make their way over to the fence, letting the boys sit on the top post. Abigail and the other women head off to try their luck at pick-pocketing people, not too interested in the competition until it’s Scarlet’s turn. Hosea leaves the two men with the boys, going to place bets on Scarlet for the bronc and bull riding, with the money she gave him to do so.
James whoops and throws his hands up as Scarlet rides out on Shasta, the stallion bucking a little with the other competitors. Jack cheers and claps along with Arthur and John. They competitors ride around the pen, waving to everyone before being huddled in a circle.
She’s dressed in a black, long sleeve top with red fringe down the arms and along the sides and on the front, across her chest with matching black chaps, also with red fringe down the outside seam of the legs. She’s wearing the hat Arthur bought for her too, black boots with silver spurs completing her look. Arthur stares.
“Alright! Is everyone ready?” The rodeo announcer yells loud enough to silence the crowd. They all move closer to listen. “We’re gonna be startin off with the Broncs! Saddled then unsaddled! Then bull ridin followed by steer ropin! We have our bronc riders here, so give them all a warm welcome!” He cheers and runs from the small platform he’s on to discuss rules and terms with the bronc riders.
Afterwards, the group of eight, Scarlet included, turn their horses and trot out of the pen. Scarlet walks Shasta over to her group and slides from the saddle, hitching him to a nearby tree. She braces herself as James and Jack barrel into her. She laughs as they hug her legs and James mumbles something about not ever saying ‘I love you’ enough. She silences him with a hug and kiss to his temple. She ushers them back over to the fence and joins them on the top post, Arthur leaning on it and towards her as they wait her turn.
“Oh! There goes O’Malley, at five seconds in! Not long enough to make the cut, unfortunately!” Arthur tunes out the announcer and clears his throat, nudging Scarlet’s thigh with his shoulder.
“Nice getup,” he comments, side-eyeing her. She tips her hat back and looks down at him, hands resting firmly on the post to steady herself.
“Thanks. It was my mother’s; back when she used to race Fancy. Red and black are our lucky colors,” she replies, turning back to the ring to watch the next competitor. He’s thrown, right out of the gate, and they laugh.
“When are you up?” Arthur asks, hand playing with some of her fringe. She glances at him, her dark wash jeans peeking through the sides of the chaps.
“I’ll be last since I was the last to sign up. I’ll need to go to the other side after the next couple of guys get tossed though,” she explains, pointing out the small area where they rodeo hands where locking the horse back in. “They’re doing unsaddled first, which is good and bad. Good that it’s out of the way, bad because they’ll know they’ll have somethin to hold on to other than just the riggin.”
“Which is easier for you?”
“Unsaddled or saddled? They’re both pretty easy if you know what you’re doin. Breaking horses is easy, you saw my skill when we broke those thoroughbreds,” she smiles and pushes against his arm with her leg. “Just watch, relax, an enjoy yourself here. Hosea go make bets?”
“Yeah, I think he said he was going to place some on you,” John answers, helping Jack off the fence. “We’ll be back, Jack’s gotta piss.” Scarlet waves at them, fringe dancing as her arm moves, turning back to Arthur and James.
“James, wanna go see the bull I’ll be riding later?” She asks, wrapping her right arm around his shoulders. He eagerly nods up at her and grins, eyes bright.
“Can I?”
“Sure. We’ll go once I’m done with these two events, alright?” She kisses his forehead and hops off the fence. “I reckon I best get over there before I get called out.” She starts to head back to the other side of the fence. She doesn’t get far.
“Wait, Scarlet!” Arthur grabs her hand and tugs her back into his chest. He grins sheepishly down at her and pulls out a red neckerchief that coincidentally matches her outfit. He ties it around her neck and nods. “For good luck,” he prompts. Her fingers brush over the soft fabric and she smiles up at him.
“Thank you, Arthur. I’ll keep it as a reminder that we, together as one, broke six horses in a matter of twelve hours,” she chuckles as she starts walking backwards, her spurs jingling with each step. Arthur watches her as she spins on her heel and gets ushered to the other side of the corral by some rodeo hands.
“Ma likes you, ya know, Mister? I haven’t seen her smile like that in a few years,” James hums as he glances at Arthur.
“Yeah? You think?”
“I know. I overheard her one day, talkin to Papa Dennis, sayin she didn’t want to bring any new guys ‘round me,” he lowers his voice as the next rider climbs over the small fence to get on the horse. “She’s gets sad when I go stay with Pa; I see it in her eyes. They fought once; I remember it scared me. I hid under the table with Frank, my Pa’s dog. Pa said somethin bout me livin with him an Ma said no, that if he wanted that he would grow a pair an stop listenin to his family an what they say bout her; come live with us if he really wanted that. Pa left that night, I don’t know where. He made Ma cry before he left though. I found her in her bedroom, cryin on the floor. I don’t know what Pa did, but it made Momma cry. You’re not gon make Ma cry, are ya?” He looks up at Arthur, same green eyes as Scarlet’s staring back at him. The man sighs and clears his throat, patting James on the back.
“Son, I don’t wanna make your momma cry. That’s the last thing I wanna do,” he assures the boy. He lifts James back onto his shoulders when the boy asks, holding his knees. “You see your Ma?”
“Yeah! She’s climbin the gate now! Look!” James squeals in excitement, tapping Arthur’s hat lightly and pointing across the pen to where Scarlet was slinging herself over the top post, her red fringe and neckerchief standing out in the moonlight. She scans the crowd on the other side of the corral and smiles as she meets her son’s green eyes staring back at her. She lets her gaze travel lower to lock eyes with Arthur, his face scrunched in slight disdain before he notices she’s staring at him. He grins then, waving with one hand.
James holds one of his hands up, signaling his mother to do the same. She grips the rigging tight in her left hand and throws her right hand up just as they open the small gate. The bronco jumps out of the gate, agitated and bucking high. Scarlet grips tight to the rigging, shifting her weight with the stallion. He rears before starting to run, then quickly turning in small circles in hopes of throwing her off. Scarlet laughs and coos to the horse as he continues to thrash.
“Eight! Ten! Twelve!”
Scarlet looses her grip on the rigging and gets bucked onto the bronco’s neck. She curses as he immediately rears and she hits the ground. She jumps up and runs over to one of the two men on horses and he pulls her up, bringing her over to the far side of the pen, letting her climb onto the fence and out of harm’s way. She nods to him and walks over to her group. “That’s seventeen seconds folks! Miss O’Hara takes the unsaddled bronco event!”
“Are you alright?”
“That looked like it hurt!”
“Do you need to sit down?”
“Momma! You did great!”
“You’re not hurt are you?”
Scarlet motions at them to calm down, rolling her shoulders and neck. James taps on Arthur’s shoulders, signaling he wants to be put down. He obliges and the boy runs to Scarlet; she kneels down and catches him in a hug that has her stumbling back a bit. Their laughter sparks happiness in the rest and they relax, joining in the affair.
“I’m alright. I’ve been bucked harder. Still don’t think there’s anythin worse than bein treed or fenced though,” she scoffs, letting James go.
“Treed? Fenced?” Hosea asks, warm smile on his face. “What’s that?”
“Oh uh, basically where the horse can’t get you off by bucking so their dumbass runs into a tree or fence; headfirst, skids and slides you into it, or anythin like that,” she explains and brushes the dirt off her outfit.
“Sounds painful,” Arthur muses. She nods and tips her head up at him.
“Well, congratulations. I just won the bet on you for this. I said you would at least stay on for ten seconds,” Hosea smugly states, patting his chest where he has the money hidden. Scarlet chuckles and shakes her head, nodding to the pen.
“You’re welcome? I didn’t expect them to use the same horse for all eight of us. Normally they let us see which horses are in the line ups and change from each rider or after a coupe.” James tugs on her sleeve, looking between her and Arthur.
“Momma you said we could go see the bulls!” He reminds, bouncing in his boots. Her nose scrunches in thought for a moment before she clicks her tongue.
“You’re right, I did. Come on, we can stop by the barn and check on Fancy and Shamrock,” she suggests and leads the small herd of people through the crowd that’s slowly gathering, people calling out congratulations and some throwing slurs. She brushes them off.
Scarlet takes a deep breath before she climbs up the fence to get on the saddled bronco, a mare this time she notes. She exhales and slings herself over the railing and into the saddle in one quick movement, gripping the heavy, lead lead she’s passed.
Her heartbeat is in her ears, the sound of the crowd -some cheering and booing- slowly fades as her heartbeat slows with time. The gate opens and she hangs tight to the lead, moving and adjusting quickly in the saddle. Her eyes focus on mare’s ears, pinned back as she grunts and snorts below her.
Everything rushes back to her as the mare rears and yanks her head back, nearly smacking Scarlet in the face. Luckily she snatches the reins to the left and quickly adjusts her position in the saddle. The mare spins quickly, attempting to bite at Scarlet’s foot, though she just pulls them back.
The mare finally charges the fence, slamming her side into it. Scarlet lets out a whimper as pain shoots through her right foot as the mare leaps to the left, away from the fence. Scarlet’s pulled from the saddle, her foot caught in the busted fence post. She can hear the announcer saying her time, but it’s fuzzy and she doesn’t catch how long she was actually on for. One of the men on horses’s pulls up beside her, leaning over to help lift her up. She holds herself on the back of the saddle as the man and a few audience members lift the post. She lets out her breath, not realizing she’s holding it, and slips from the horse, laughing as she’s helped through the fencing to Arthur and John.
“Christ, you okay? Sit down,” Arthur barks, forcing her to sit on the ground as he lifts her right leg, gently poking and prodding. She raises a brow at him and laughs, grabbing his hand. She moves it to her thigh where she can already feel a bruise forming.
“My foot is fine, my boot was just caught in the angle. It’s my upper thigh here she caught on the actual post. Fuckin mare, fenced me,” she swears, breaking out into a giggle fit as she leans back, lying on the ground. Hosea walks over and drops her hat on her chest, shaking his head.
“Twenty two seconds, you fool. You could have been severely hurt, why didn’t you get off before she ran you into the post?” He scolds, fear and concern heavy in his tone. Scarlet pushes up to rest back on her elbows, looking up at him.
“Didn’t know she was gon’ fence me. My adrenaline was up and I lost touch with reality,” she admits with a shrug. Arthur helps her to her feet and walks with her back to the gang, John and Hosea trailing behind. She can barely make out John telling Hosea that he couldn’t be too mad because she won yet another round.
Sean’s somehow manages to convince almost everyone to drink with him. Scarlet refuses, saying she needs to be fully focused on staying on the bucking bull since they’re unpredictable. Abigail declines and reminds him she has a son to watch, which in turn makes Arthur refuse as well, motioning to James. Hosea suggests he hold onto the money and things they rest of them have pick-pocketed before they get drunk. They readily agree. Sadie and Javier agree to one drink, reminding them of their steer roping event.
Arthur stops Scarlet before she can begin to climb the gate to get on the bull. She turns in his arms as she holds up a hand to signal she needs a moment, thinking something was wrong with James. He leans down, hands resting on her hips, and brushes his lips against her ear, whispering softly. “Good luck and please be safe. This one looks awful mean.” His warm breath fans down her neck and she shivers, hands subconsciously moving to rest on his forearms.
“Yeah, a’course. Always,” she smiles brightly at him, pulling away when the hands tell her she can either get on the bull or forfeit. She pauses as she’s straddling the top rail, sending a wink to Arthur before dropping down onto the dark bull. Arthur can hear the snorts and heavy hooves beating the ground as the bull tosses its head, its horns waving wildly.
Before he can yell at her to not to go through with this, he sees the gate open one last time. The bull jumps straight up before trying to use his horns to knock her off. She looks like she’s struggling and falls to the side of the bull. She yelps in surprise and yanks herself back up, enraging the bull. He bucks and whips his body to the right, throwing her over his left shoulder. She grunts as she hits the semi-packed dirt.
The bull bellows angrily at her and stamps the ground, kicking dirt up under his stomach and tossing it to the side. She rolls to her feet, snatching her hat, and makes a beeline for the fence as the bull charges. Three men in bright, silly looking outfits yell and distract the bull just long enough for Scarlet to slip out through the fence rails, rolling onto her back at Arthur’s feet.
Her chest heaves as she tries to calm her racing heart and even her breathing, her lungs trying to recover from the spasm of being thrown so hard. Arthur kneels over her, back of his hand running along her cheek gently.
“You good?” He inquires and scoops her up in his arms. She nods, her breathing slowly evening out. He sets her on her feet as they approach their friends. They have their bedrolls, Scarlet presumes from their tents, and are sprawled all out on them; the only sober ones being Abigail, John, Javier, Sadie, and Hosea. She giggles and takes an opened bottle John offers her, chugging the last bit and tossing the bottle to the side. Jack and James are curled up together in the middle of the group, both fast asleep.
“That’s the last event for me of the night. Tomorrow will be the others. If y’all don’t mind, I think I’m gonna go get a bath and go to bed. Hosea, did you get my time for this one?”
“Eleven seconds,” the silver fox replies, nodding to her. “You placed third this go round. I still won some money from betting. Some people were counting you out, I told them you’d be in at least the top three,” he preens as she congratulates him on being able to press his luck on her skill.
“That’s fine, I’ve won two. The barrels will be another victory, pole bendin maybe. I haven’t worked Shasta on it in awhile, but he’s really raring to go, or he was when he saw them earlier,” she comments, leaning on Arthur as she yawns. “But I think it’s bed time. Make sure they all make it back to their tents, could ya? They might get looted just laying about out here like that,” she gestures to the slumped group of people, all in one big cuddle pile.
Arthur lets her go as he picks up James for her, despite her protests. John grabs Jack and they all head back to the hotel, Hosea staying behind to wake the others and have them move to their temporary camp.
The duo couples say goodnight to each other and Arthur helps Scarlet get James into bed. She watches as he tucks her son in, something in her stomach fluttering. She clears her throat as he walks up to her, resting his forehead on hers. She watches his face, his expression.
“Stay?” She breathes as his hand comes up to cradle her cheek in his warm palm. She grips the front of his shirt and pleads, the need to be comforted a little too much for her at the moment. Arthur opens his eyes to stare at her, nodding and gesturing to the wardrobe against the wall. Scarlet releases his shirt, going to change from her rodeo clothes and into a soft, cotton night gown. She climbs into the bed by James as Arthur takes off his gun belt, bandolier, boots, and hat, back still turned to her from when she was changing, before joining her. He sits against the headboard, rubbing her back as she cradles the pillow under her head.
When Arthur believes Scarlet is fully asleep, he slips from the bed, pulling his boots and gear back on. He glances back at them, Scarlet rolling over to face where he just was lying. He smiles when she pulls the pillow close to her as she settles back down, closing the door quietly behind him. John’s leaning on the wall in the hall, lighting a cigarette; he offers Arthur one. They step outside and glance towards the group camp, each taking slow drags, neither speaking.
Arthur snuffs our his cigarette when it’s short and nods to John who glances back at the hotel. He heads to the camp while Marston makes his way back inside to his and Abigail’s room. Arthur crouches and flops down on his bedroll, letting out a low groan. Hosea turns to face him, sitting up slightly.
“You’re not stayin the night again?” His tone is teasing, but there’s a real question in his words, watching the man he considers a son. Arthur shakes his head and undoes his gun belt and removes it and his bandolier again, setting them off to the side. He lies on his back and rests his hat over his eyes, a sign he doesn’t want to talk about it. Hosea respects his choice and lies back down as well. “Goodnight, Son.”
“Night, Hosea,” he mumbles from under his hat. He rests his hands on his chest, fingers laced together as he crosses his right ankle over his left.
Scarlet sends James into Arthur’s tent, talking softly with Hosea. They watch as the boy attempts to sneak into the tent, successfully tossing the gun belt and bandolier out of it and also out of Arthur’s reach. They hear Arthur yell as James presumably jumps on the poor, unsuspecting man. Scarlet laughs as her son walks out of the tent triumphantly, Arthur’s hat on his head. It’s too big and falls into his eyes but he merely upturns his face and beams at his mother.
“I got it, Ma! He missed when he tried to get it back. He tripped on the bedrolls,” the boy laughs, running behind Scarlet as Arthur emerges from the tent. Hosea smiles and pats Scarlet’s shoulder as he goes to get coffee.
“Mornin, Arthur,” she greets as he gets closer, she’s dressed in her rodeo gear again. She’s even got the neckerchief around her neck. His lips quirk up at that.
“Was that your idea or his? Sending your spawn to wake me?” His question is playful, sending a faux glare to James who only laughs louder and hides completely behind Scarlet.
“Both? Mine was to steal your hat, the waking you up was just a bonus,” she smiles at him, hand going behind her to rest on James’ shoulder, pulling him to her side and out from behind her.
“Well, he’s lucky I like him, his Momma too,” he teases, winking at the boy. James puts a hand on the top of the hat as Arthur lunges for him. Scarlet sidesteps as the man wraps his arm around her son and tickles him. She watches in amusement as James’ squealing laughter resounds around their small camp, making everyone stop and turn to them. Jack runs over and pulls on Arthur’s arm.
“No, no, stop tickling James, Uncle Arthur!” The younger boy cries, tugging harder on his arm. Arthur stops his assault on James and picks Jack up with his other arm, tickling him instead. James tries to catch his breath as Jack takes his place. “Not me! Uncle Arthur!” Jack squeals, laughter falling from him in waves. Arthur cedes his actions and sets the boy down, crouching and ruffling Jack’s hair before the boy runs over to Abigail, smiling.
The mothers share a look and Scarlet turns to James, nodding her head to Arthur. James takes the hat from his head and holds it out to the man. “He’s so good with children,” she comments. Abigail nods, eyes shifting from Scarlet to Arthur, smiling.
“Yeah, he is.”
“Here’s your hat back, Sir,” James says as Arthur straightens from his crouch. He takes his hat and smiles down at him, patting his shoulder with his free hand. He puts his hat back on and walks with James back to the rest of the group.
“We’re down to the last two events of the rodeo! First up we have pole bending! In this event, a horse and rider must run the length of the six posted poles, weavin between them, turn sharply around, run the length back weavin back through them,” the announcer calls as a non participant demonstrates how it’s supposed to be done correctly, though not as quickly as it’s to be done..
Scarlet is in the barn, triple checking Shasta’s saddle is tight enough so it, nor she will fall or slip off. The Buckskin nickers at her, bobbing his head in anticipation. She ties the excess strip of leather through the ring on the saddle and makes sure it’s tight. He paws the stall door as she turns and reaches into her side bag. She pulls out a carrot and Shasta’s ears prick forward, snorting at her as he sniffs at it.
“Ready, Shasta boy? I know I ain’t ridden you in awhile but let’s see if we can’t beat our time of eighteen seconds!” She encourages the large animal. He nibbles the end of the carrot and she rolls it so he can have the whole thing, palm flat as he takes it from her hand. “Good boy. Let’s go,” she takes his reins in hand and leads him out the stall and out to the corral with an opening.
“Y’all ready?” Arthur calls as Scarlet steers Shasta over to them. She nods and pats Shasta’s neck, clicking her tongue. He tosses his head and rears as she jumps into the saddle.
“Yep. This is a timed event but it’s more for how fast you can be, not how long you can stay on like the other three,” she explains as Shasta drops back down to all fours, pawing the ground restlessly. She shushes him and makes sure the knot in her reins are tight before resting it on the horn.
“Good luck, we’re cheerin fer ya, Lass!” Sean calls with a wave, headed over to the fence to watch. Jack, James, Arthur, and Abigail stay with her for a moment.
“Be safe, don’t scare us no more like yesterday!” Abigail scolds lightly, joking underlining her tone. Scarlet just tips her hat with a grin.
“No promises,” she replies and clicks her tongue, urging Shasta towards the opening where the other riders are waiting on their horses. James and Arthur follow beside her. “Happy birthday, James,” She leans down and presses a kiss to his cheek before sitting back up, gripping Arthur’s forearm before letting go as Shasta starts prancing in place. “Okay, Boy! Easy,” she soothes and spins him a few times before he trots closer to the group of five other riders.
They share stories of previous rodeos, their horses, and how for a couple of them, it’s their first time participating in this event. The other veteran riders try to give tips and tricks to get a faster time, Scarlet listens but doesn’t comment. She knows exactly how she and Shasta need to run this to get a good time. It helps that he’s got excess energy he needs to burn off.
Before Scarlet knows it, she’s the last one up. She walks Shasta to the opening, hesitating a moment. Her body language shifts and Shasta pins his ears forward, letting out a loud whinny as he rears. When he pulls his front feet down, he shoots with the power from his hind legs, jumping from the rear to propel himself forward. She holds his reins tight, restricting his head movements. “Faster, Boy! Faster! There ya go! Wait until we turn!” She cheers him on, timing her turn just right. Shasta spins on his front hooves, quickly spinning and weaving back through the six poles. Scarlet lets him have his head, the reins slack. He kicks up sand as he crosses the opening again, tossing his head with a neigh.
“Sixteen seconds!” The announcer shouts in disbelief, double taking at his platinum pocket watch. Shasta holds his tail and head high, snorting as he passes by the rest. Scarlet pats his neck, rubbing him down.
“That’s my boy!” She praises, letting him celebrate with the light trotting he’s doing. She laughs at his personality, shaking her head good-naturedly. “I gotta go get Fancy saddled, Shas. Let’s go.” The stallion prances his way back to the barn, heading straight for Fancy’s stall. The mare gets to her feet. She nickers and takes in the prancing Shasta, tail flicking around.
Scarlet slides off the Bucksin and ties his reins to the post by Fancy’s stall, quickly undoing the buckle and pulling off his saddle, setting it on his stall door. Fancy straightens her head when she sees the old brown saddle Scarlet reaches for on the hitching post.
“Ready for some barrels, Fancy?” She inquires, unbolting the stall. Fancy pushes it open and walks out, turning so her left side is facing Scarlet, watching her rider intently. Scarlet laughs and grabs her halter, pulling her head down to give her a kiss on her nose. “You’re more than ready, ain’tcha?” She lays a black and silver blanket down on her back before hefting the saddle over the mare’s back. Fancy stands patiently as she gets saddled, nipping lightly at Scarlet’s arm when the saddle is a little tight. Scarlet immediately loosens it and adjusts her stirrups up a little more.
She grabs the matching bit set and slips it over her ears and into her mouth, over her tongue without issue. “Let’s go girl,” she coos and walks the mare out to the group who have packed up their camp and are waiting with the wagon by an empty spot off to the side of the corral, Smoke and Shamrock harnessed in it.
Hosea approaches her on Silver Dollar, informing her that they’re ready to leave when she’s done with the event and collects her winnings from the previous day’s events and if she has any after the barrels. She agrees and climbs into the saddle, having to immediately hold back on the reins when Fancy tries to dart into the corral. She apologizes to Hosea and watches as the second rider runs into the corral and starts around the barrels. They’ve all gone to the left side first, she notes.
She’s waiting with Fancy at the opening when the fifth rider runs out, cheering his Thoroughbred. Scarlet pets Fancy’s neck and murmurs encouragement, giving out all the slack on the reins for Fancy.
The mustang darts up the middle and cuts to the right barrel first, whipping herself around it so close that Scarlet’s knee knocks into it. Just as soon as she’s there, she’s crossing to the left barrel, cutting diagonal slightly to round the farther side and turn left. She’s as close as on the first barrel, Scarlet cursing as she feels her knee make contact again, though the barrel doesn’t move. Fancy dashes back to the center and up to the farthest barrel, cutting around it from the right to the left, spinning her weight on her front hooves, shoving off and booking it back out the corral, snorting.
“Folks! That concludes the Rhodes rodeo! Please standby for a few moments while we tally the times here for the barrels, as well as the overall score from yesterday and today! Feel free to look around at the broncos and bulls we brought and talk with the participants,” the announcer states, the man leaving his post to go meet with the timers.
“Yes! Who is my good girl? You are, Fancy!” Scarlet cheers and drops from the saddle, leaving the reins on her neck as she grabs her horse’s halter. Fancy tosses her head as best she can without yanking away from her rider then nuzzles her face into Scarlet’s chest, nickering in delight. She leads the mare to her wagon, tying her to the back and thanking her friends as they congratulate her on her time as well as giving praise to Fancy, their excitement warming her heart.
“You didn’t knock over any barrels! It looked like you almost hit them,” Javier states, helping her into the back of the wagon to join the party. She leans against the side, one leg hanging off the back as she sits up.
“Oh my knee knocked them, no doubt. But the closer you get, the faster you can turn. It also helps that Fancy knows how to throw her weight to her front legs and whip her rear around. I’ve found that makes us turn a lot easier and a lot faster,” she replies, ruffling said mare’s mane. She snorts and turns to look at Shasta, who Arthur’s leading over. His saddle just resting on his back, not tied. “Well look at you, Cowboy. Didn’t think he liked anyone else save for James. How’d you manage to untie him without him bitin you?”
“A couple of the other riders were in the barn. I heard them sayin somethin about your horse and I found them plannin to make off with him. Or try to anyway. He didn’t like them more than he doesn’t like me I reckon. Ain’t that right, Shasta?” The stallion tosses his head and nudges Arthur, a silent request for him to walk closer so he can stand by Fancy. Arthur obliges the horse and ties him next to Fancy, climbing onto the other side of the wagon, mirroring Scarlet’s seated position. “Apparently they were mad you won the bronc events. By the sound of it you have the last two in the bag too.”
“Here’s to hopin then. My poor boy, those mean people wanted to steal you?” She croons to her stallion. He nickers and rests his head on her leg, nibbling at the boot of her bent foot. She giggles and brushes a hand down the piece of mane on his forehead, scratching behind his ears with her other hand. “Wanna go see with me?”
Arthur nods and slips off the wagon, holding a hand to help her down. She clicks her tongue twice and Shasta takes a few steps back, pulling his head from her lap. James crawls over Sean and Javier, much to their dismay, and jumps down, grabbing his mom’s hand.
“I wanna come too! Where we going?” He looks up between the adults, smile wide and eyes bright. Scarlet nods, happily agreeing, happy her son wants to go with her. Arthur sweeps his arm in front of him, smiling at James.
“After you,” he states, falling into step with the mother and son. They walk back to the corral, joining the small crowd that’s gathering around the far end where the announcer and timers are.
“Alright, is everyone here? Can everyone hear me?” There’s screaming and yelling from all around before it goes quiet, not even the crickets being heard. “Alright! For the fastest pole bendin and barrel racer, we have Scarlet O’Hara!” The announcement causes cheers to break out among the women and some men, the rest grumble or flat out boo the result. “Alright, alright! That’s enough. The winner for overall best time for all events is...Scarlet as well! Mrs. O’Hara, please come up here!” Scarlet and Arthur glance at each other at the mention of ‘Mrs’ but she shrugs it off and makes her way up to the front, James trailing behind, still holding her hand. Arthur hangs back a little before following and standing near the front, deciding it’d be best to be close if something breaks out.
“Is there anything you’d like to say? How did you stay on the broncs so long? How’s that mare of yours so fast?” The announcer floods her with questions, the crowd yelling they want to know as well. She smiles and shrugs, gently pulling James close to her.
“My mare, Fancy was my Ma’s horse. My Ma used to barrel race her too, so she knows how to race. The broncs were easy, it’s just like breaking a horse; a very angry an agitated horse. If you’re new to rodeos, you want to try your hand at breakin a couple horses, be they young ones you raise or wild ones you catch. Time yourself,” she suggests as she accepts the money stacks from the announcer, thanking him. “Thank you, Rhodes! It’s been fun,” she concludes and steps away with James. Arthur’s at her side in a heartbeat, hand on her elbow as he leans in.
“They’re watchin us. Let’s leave on the horses so they don’t follow the wagon back. We’ll put James on the wagon,” he whispers to her, draping his arm over her so to the onlookers it looks like he was praising her. She nods and puts James in front of them, telling him he’s going to ride back with Uncle John, Aunt Abigail, Jack, and the others.
When they reach the wagon, Scarlet quickly unties Shasta and Fancy while Arthur hoists James into the back, ordering him to stay down and close to the front. He explains the situation to the others who nod in agreement. Hosea, John, Javier, and Sean are to keep lookout; John and Abigail to drive back to Horseshoe Overlook while he and Scarlet lead any followers away from them. Javier and Sean climb on their respective horses, guns on their backs and loaded. Scarlet quickly saddles Shasta with the help of Sadie, using Arthur’s saddle, putting her saddle in the wagon. Sadie climbs onto the blood bay and rides on the left with Hosea. Scarlet turns Shasta for Arthur.
“Climb up-”
“You want me to ride Shasta?”
“Well, Fancy’s not one to listen to males, but if you wanna ride her, be my guest. Smoke is harnessed in with Shamrock, so it’s not like we can take them. We don’t have the time to switch Smoke for Shasta,” she sasses and throws the reins over both horses. Arthur sighs but nods, pulling himself onto Shasta’s back. She climbs on Fancy and leans close to Hosea, slipping him the last of the prize money she received. “Hold on to that til we get back?”
Before he can answer she’s pulling Shasta where the rein meets his halter, making him walk despite wanting to run and buck the unusual weight off his back. They watch and wait patiently until the wagon is out of sight, Scarlet turning to Arthur.
“Ya sure he’s not gon’ buck me?” He asks as he notes Shasta’s pinned back ears and light prancing.
“No, he won’t,” the stern reply is meant for Shasta, who flicks his ears forward before pinning them back again. “Don’t make me ask Fancy to have you behave, Shas,” she warns. Fancy lifts her head and stares at Shasta, almost as if waiting for him to disobey. The standardbred snorts in defeat and flicks his ears forward. “Good boy. Get used to Arthur an his weight. He might be ridin you for awhile dependin on this situation,” she adds, letting her horses know they might be needing to run. They both neigh in response and paw the ground, awaiting orders.
“We good?”
“Yeah, should be. Try an give him a command. Get him walkin,” she suggests and leans her forearms on the metal horn. Arthur squeezes his thighs against Shasta, clicking his tongue as he’s watched Scarlet do numerous times. Shasta snorts in annoyance but walks around Fancy for him. Scarlet praises her stubborn horse and reaches over to pat him as reward.
“Keep being good to Arthur an I’ll get you somethin nice,” she promises, turning Fancy to ride out the other side of town and around. “Arthur, keep close. There’s raiders in Lemoyne here and they don’t care who or what you are. An be ready to run at a moment’s notice. That’s all the chance we might have if ambushed. Shasta knows to go to Valentine if anythin happens. Fancy will go to camp first to see if anyone’s there then Valentine. She’ll cause a ruckus an get attention drawn to her if anythin happens to me. I also have a special whistle I use for her if I can’t speak. If I go down, get back to camp. Don’t try to rescue me, leave an come back with reinforcements,” she whispers as they ride through the town, both observing their surroundings.
“I’m not leaving you,” he grunts at her, looking at her to see her staring at him. She sighs and nods.
“Fine. Fire fight it’ll be if anythin does go wrong. But I warned you,” she points a finger at him before urging Fancy to a gallop. Shasta prances to the side a moment before riding beside Fancy at her pace, tossing his head.
The duo are just about at the Lemoyne line when two riders come on either side of them, riding too close for comfort. Fancy nickers in warning and Shasta snorts, kicking a little as the rider forces them to ride closer, Arthur and Scarlet’s knees rubbing as they ride.
“What are you two doin out here? You lost?”
“Hey, ain’t you that pretty lady who won a few of the events at our rodeo?” One of the two riders questions, leaning over close to her. She shakes her head and frowns, shifting her weight just enough for Fancy to catch her unspoken command.
“No? There was a woman who won events? That’s new,” she feigns innocence, stealing a glance to Arthur who clenches his jaw. She taps Shasta’s shoulder with her knee, a silent order for him to follow Fancy’s lead.
“Nice try, but there’s not a lot of ladies wearing black chaps and shirts with red fringe,” the second rider sneers, both raiders drawing their guns.
“How’s ‘bout you just give us your winnings for protection in Lemoyne?” The first rider offers, switching his reins to hold in his left, the same hand he’s holding his gun with. Scarlet nods and reaches into her shirt, pausing momentarily as shock and fear passes across her face.
“It appears I’ve already been robbed, fellers,” She lies and squeezes Fancy’s sides twice and the mare kicks out to her left, hitting the horse and making it collapse, causing the raider to fall and be rolled over. Shasta kicks to the right at the same time Fancy goes left, hitting the second raider off his horse completely.
“Run!” Scarlet orders, spurring Fancy and giving her her head. Arthur kicks Shasta and the Buckskin bucks for a second before charging after Fancy; his strides long, catching up to the mustang in no time.
They cross from Lemoyne back into New Hanover and Scarlet sighs, urging her horses to gradually slow up when their breathing becomes labored. Arthur shakes his head and turns to her.
“What the hell was that?” He asks, patting Shasta. Scarlet blows a raspberry and turns to make sure they’re not being followed.
“Lemoyne county Raiders. Bunch of right bastards they are. Unfortunately they’re a group that, I believe, fought for the south and they won’t put the past behind them; continuing the rebellion with kids they pick up. A bad lot, though not as bad as the O’Driscolls,” she answers, petting Fancy. The two horses toss their heads and snort, Shasta trying to pull the reins from Arthur’s hands. “Oi! Cut that out,” she swats Shasta’s ear when he tries to grab a rein again, startling him slightly so he prances away.
“I’ve got him. I’m not gettin thrown by the likes of him. I’ve dealt with worse,” he shrugs as he adjusts the reins so there’s less for Shasta to potentially get a hold of. Scarlet nods and they make their way back to camp, enjoying the other’s company.
“Hey! Who goes t’ere?” Sean calls out, gun ready to fire.
“It’s just us, ya Irish twat,” Scarlet calls back, accent coming out a bit. Arthur laughs lightly, covering it as a cough. They hitch the horses to one of the hitching posts and Scarlet makes an attempt to find Hosea; Dutch stops her with a whistle. She feels her face heat up as she turns to Dutch.
“Well what do we have here? Little miss rodeo queen?” He teases, holding his arms open as though he were presenting her like a prize. She rolls her eyes and nods slightly, smiling at him.
“Somethin like that. Did Hosea already talk to you?” She tries to change the subject, hoping he doesn’t want too much detail.
“No, why? Did somethin happen?”
“Wha-? No! I uhh just gave him the money I earned from the events I won an he won the majority of the bets placed against me to win. I was just gon’ give you half, kinda as a thanks for helpin me an takin not only myself but my son in too,” she quickly reassures the leader, eyes downcast. Dutch nods -she can see his shadow on the ground in front of her- and smiles, clapping her shoulder.
“That’s my girl,” Dutch praises, taking out a cigar to smoke. Scarlet giggles and shakes her head, bringing her gaze back to meet his.
“I’m not your girl. I don’t belong to anybody,” she quips, stepping back from him. “But I would like to change so holler if you need me,” She excuses herself.
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recsnrecaps · 6 years
Meteor Garden (2001) Recap: Episode 1
Hi folks, it's 2019 and I'm finally fulfilling my childhood resolution to watch this drama. You have no idea - Meteor Garden was such a hit back in the day. However, back then it was only available either at specific time slots on TV or on crappy VCDs that were passed around the community (i.e. schoolgirls and aunties). I never could be bothered to watch it properly.
Imagine my surprise when I chanced across it on Netflix. I am aware that there's a 2018 remake of Meteor Garden, as well as the Japanese Hana Yori Dango and the Korean Boys Over Flowers, but the 2001 Taiwanese version is the original drama that spawned the madness. The buzz around the 2018 version is laughably negligible compared to the craziness in 2001. I'm so ready to experience the magic of 流星花园.
So without further ado, here we go.
Episode 1: Summary
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We are introduced to Shan Cai (Barbie Hsu), who rides a crappy scooter to school. Right off the bat we realize that the school caters to the rich and the elite, where students are decked out in designer wear and get NT500000 (~ USD16000) nose jobs during the school holidays.
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The fashion rivalry between classmates Bai He (Belinda Cheng) and Qian Hui (Zhang Ruo Zhen) cracks me up. It's petty, exaggerated, and deliciously obnoxious, solidly setting us viewers up with the premise of a school drama about rich kids.
A very normal Li Zhen (An-ting Yeh) appears to be Shan Cai's classmate and friend. She's pretty serious about her homework, having borrowed extra books to read up for the upcoming report assignment. Shan Cai laughs that Li Zhen might be the only student serious about studying in this school, everyone else comes to socialize instead. I’m guessing Li Zhen is on scholarship and needs to maintain her grades.
We cut to a classroom with a boy clearing out his books in order to drop out of the school. A crowd forms around him and the teacher (Bu Xue Liang) approaches to find out why he is leaving and to persuade him not to. However, upon finding out that the boy had offended F4, the teacher doesn't push the matter and instead encourages the boy to leave. Shan Cai watches helplessly from the sidelines and rolls her eyes at the hypocritical teacher.
In class, in a further act of hypocrisy, the teacher gives a lecture on the value of conscience.
Conscience. It's what we call 'moral courage'. It's the most basic quality mankind should have. In Chinese history, Confucius had the strongest conscience. Today, we'll discuss his core thinking. It focuses on benevolence. By benevolence, it means you do unto others what you would want them to do unto to you.
Unable to stomach his empty words, Shan Cai leaves the classroom in a huff. She heads to the roof launching a tirade against the unfairness of the University and coins the term "Pig Head 4". "So what if your family owns the school," she declares. "You better not mess with me. I'll never submit to you."
The 4 in question are just arriving at the University in their comfortable chauffeured rides. We get to watch the boys saunter around and the camera obliges with close ups on each one of them as they stride into campus.
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Dao Ming Si (Jerry Yan aka Yan Cheng Xu)
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Hua Ze Lei (Vic Zhou aka Zai Zai aka Zhou Yu Min)
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Xi Men (Ken Chu aka Zhu Xiao Tian)
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Mei Zhuo (Vanness Wu aka Wu Jian Hao)
Shan Cai and friend watch in horror as the teacher accidentally bumps into Dao Ming Si, spilling coke all over him. Apologizing frantically, he kneels over Dao Ming Si, attempting to wipe the soda off his shoes. Dao Ming Si ignores his apologies and we get to hear his trademark catchphrase, "If apologizing is enough, what do we need police for?"
Dao Ming Si waves the teacher off to the side and viciously kicks over the basket of balls while striding off. Shan Cai gapes in amazement at his arrogance. Suddenly, a hand reaches out to righten the fallen basket. It's Hua Ze Lei (known as Lei to his friends), who has a perpetually blank expression on his face and appears to be the only member of the F4 who isn't a douche. While adjusting the basket, he turns and makes brief eye contact with Shan Cai, then hurries off after Dao Ming Si.
At the cafe where Shan Cai works part time, she complains to her co-worker Xiao You (Rainie Yang) about her awful school and the awful boys. It’s exposition time! We learn that F4 Stands for Flower 4, and the boys belong to 4 rich and influential families who own the school. When Xiao You prompts her to confirm that the boys are really all that bad, Shan Cai hesitates and says that maybe one of the 4 is “different”. Methinks she’s starting to have a crush on someone!
As the two continue their conversation, we learn that Shan Cai used to be very outspoken against bullies, in contrast with her current passive nature. Xiao You remarks that she hardly recognizes the Shan Cai now. Inwardly, Shan Cai agrees, hating herself for turning into a coward.
When Shan Cai returns home, she makes an attempt to tell her family she doesn’t want to continue studying at this school. Unfortunately, her mother would hear nothing of it. Turns out her mother had pulled strings to get her daughter into the elite Yingde University. Her mother is fixated on Shan Cai getting a good boyfriend from school and networking well with people from high society so that their family can ascend into a higher social strata. Shan Cai’s poor dad gets berated by his wife for not getting a promotion for the past many years, unlike their neighbors. As the parents bicker, the resentments pile up, making for very awkward dinner conversation. In order to pacify them, Shan Cai promises that she would continue to study at Yingde University.
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What a weird couple.
That evening, the F4 hang out at a bar. The boys appear unaccustomed to such a venue, noting with puzzlement that the establishment doesn't serve foie gras or vintage wine. We get to hear them in conversation for the first time ever, teasing Dao Ming Si about his unruly hair and his rigorous hairstyling session to tame it. Lei remains ever silent, using only a thumbs down gesture to communicate his opinion on Dao Ming Si’s new hairstyle. Throughout the night, he keeps staring at his mobile, as if awaiting a call.
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It turns out that the boys are only there because Xi Men's latest girl wanted to meet Xi Men at the bar. Which begs the question - why are the other 3 following  Xi Men on his date?! In any case, according to show logic, it’s the right course of action as everyone is present when the loser boyfriend of Xi Men’s girl shows up with a gang of hooligans and causes a scene. The boys slip into action and begin beating up the hooligans. All except Lei, who gets up and slips the owner of the bar NT15000 (~USD500) for the damages before leaving.
The next day at school, Shan Cai stands up for Li Zhen who had accidentally tripped and spilled dirt all over Dao Ming Si. I actually feel sorry for the poor dude who keeps getting things spilled on him. To put a stop to Li Zhen’s apologies, Dao Ming Si does his usual rough shove and pushes Li Zhen into the wall, incurring the wrath of Shan Cai. She shouts at him, calling him a parasite leeching off his parents and declares that the F4 should be called Pig Head 4. Dao Ming Si announces that she has some nerve and stalks away. As the four boys walk past, she thinks to herself that she's going to be dead meat.
At home, she receives zero support from her parents when she mentions once again that she wants to quit school. Instead her manipulative mother fakes a panic attack that miraculously subsides when Shan Cai promises to finish her studies. That night, Shan Cai sleeps restlessly, dreaming of being tormented.
At school, Shan Cai receives the F4 red card and a series of montages show how her life becomes hell. Everyone shuns her, even Li Zhen and Shan Cai is subjected to prank after prank. Finally, a drenched and annoyed Shan Cai escapes to the roof. She leans over the ledge and yells her heart out, cursing the Pig Head 4 with bankruptcy and high cholesterol, for their bodies to be ripped apart by horses and their souls to go to hell. Haha, how inventive. She doesn’t realize that Lei was on the roof too, privy to her outburst. She startles when he asks her if there was anything else. What a delightfully awkward moment. Shan Cai backs away warily as Lei leans forward, but he was only offering her his handkerchief. She accepts it and dabs at her wet hair. Softening up to Lei, she thanks him and begins to apologies for her earlier curses. However Lei cuts her short saying “I’m not interested in other people’s business.” He turns to leave and Shan Cai makes to return him the handkerchief. He ignores the gesture and tells her to throw it away as it is already garbage anyway.
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What an awful thing for Shan Cai to hear. He is insinuating that because she used the handkerchief, the handkerchief no longer has any value to him and deserves to be in the trash. Shan Cai thinks back to her earlier assessment of Lei and concludes that he must not be so different from the other 3 after all.
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The episode ends with Shan Cai heading home with her scooter. Except this time she has to wheel it along the road because her fellow students had damaged it. A flashy convertible pulls up beside her, and Dao Ming Si leans out to gloat at her. He tells her that he’s impressed with her determination, and will work harder to humiliate her.
Episode 1: Thoughts
Oh where do I begin! This episode does a good job of setting up so many interesting characters, especially the F4. Dao Ming Si appears cocky and rude, but he's the quintessential bad boy. I fully expect a redeeming arc on how he is actually a big softie. In contrast, Lei is mysterious and charming. I wonder what's the story behind his anti social behavior. The other two members kind of fade into the background as we haven't actually seen them do anything except pose and strut around. As for our heroine, Shan Cai, I suppose she's relatable enough as a first lead. We’ve met her family, schoolmates and friends and have a decent insight into her motivations for her actions. I'm so excited for her to show some spunk and challenge the boys to a showdown soon. 
Despite being 18 years old, the show retains its charm. Unfortunately, fashion-wise the show has not aged well at all. What we have here is literally a time capsule of dated 90s trends such as spaghetti strap tops, rebonded hair and frameless spectacles. Plus Dao Ming Si’s ridiculous bandanna is just absurd.
We know in hindsight that this show kickstarted the entertainment careers of these 4 actors of F4. In 2001, after Meteor Garden aired, Sony Music Taiwan signed the 4 boys as an actual boyband bearing the name F4. It’s amazing how these formerly virtually unknown 4 individuals owe their success to this show.
Onward to the next episode!
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mf-despair-queen · 6 years
Your Name (Part 5) - Stiles Stilinski
Author: @mf-despair-queen
Characters: Stiles Stilinski/Reader
Word Count: 6,304
Summary: Stiles meets the girl with no name with more than just a passionate embrace.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Protected Sex, Oral (both receiving), Passionate Sex, Angst
Notes: I was SUPPOSED to post this yesterday as a SURPRISE. I had two parts done! But I fell asleep ._. Whoops. Well here you go!
Listen to Me (Please note you are not required to listen)
Part 4 | Part 6
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I Came to see you.
“You’re here,” she cried, tears prickling at the corners of her eyes. Her hands raised, shaking with the fear that this was nothing more than her wild imagination playing with her. After waking in the train station with little memory how she got there, she was afraid of what was real and what wasn’t. But she wanted him there. She wanted him in front of her. “You’re really here.”
Her hands touched his face, Stiles hearing the audible gasp she let out when her fingers touched his searing hot skin. Her skin was soft to the touch, running along the lines of his cheek multiple times to make sure he didn’t disappear from her sight and that he was truly standing inches in front of her. Stiles sunk into her grasp, her fingers beginning to curl against him to cup his cheeks. His hands found their way over hers, relishing in the tangible feelings he received from it.
She really heard and in front of him.
“You’re real,” he mumbled, more to himself than to her. “You’re really real. You’re not a ghost. You’re not my imagination. You’re actually here in front of me.”
He took in her appearance for a second, nothing the worn jeans, muddy Adidas, and a hoodie that she had probably been wearing when she left that night in the stormy weather. She didn’t wear any makeup and her hair was pushed back out of her face. He noted the blue bracelet on her wrist, similar to his own. Even in her state, having been soul sucked by the Riders of the Storm, he found her beautiful.
“What do you mean I’m real?” she giggled, shaking her head. “Don’t tell me you forgot about me, Sti.”
“Well, a lot has happened,” he told her, giving a small smile. She laughed, his smile picking up at the sound. It was light and airy to him, making his heart flutter and his stomach churn with jitters.
“I don’t get it,” she muttered, staring up at him with large, doe-like eyes. “How is this possible? How are you here? Why are you here?”
“I came to see you,” he told her, feeling his own tears prickling at his honey-caramel eyes. “I just had to come to see you. And let me tell you, it wasn’t easy at all.”
“It’s been so long, Stiles,” she told him. Her arms wrapped tightly around him, pulling him into a tight embrace. Her head buried in his chest, her hands clutching at his plaid flannel while she cried endless numbers of tears into him. “I’ve missed you so much.”
“I’ve missed you too,” he spoke without turn, not realizing he said it until the words left his mouth. But he didn’t retract them nor deny them. He embraced them, every ounce of effort he put into getting to the very spot he stood not rolling into one complete package: he had missed her without realizing it. The start of the summer, the dream he had of her leaving him alone, replayed in his head, his heart clenching at the unmistakable emptiness he felt at the suppressed memory. “You um… you left so abruptly…”
“I know,” she mumbled against him. “And I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry. It hurt so much to leave like that. I knew we were moving but I couldn’t bring myself to tell you. I knew you would freak out. And I knew you would protest. You had already lost your mom. I didn’t want you to feel like you were losing me too.”
His heart tightened when she said that. He knew she was right. He would have protested. He hated the idea of people leaving him. He worried about people forgetting him. He hated not having those close to him in his life any more. Ever since his mom’s passing, the thought of losing someone was nerve-wracking and made him antsier than normal. A few times, he had panic attacks thinking that Scott would get fed up with him and abandon him. He couldn’t fathom the possibilities of how he would have reacted to know the girl in his arms was leaving, especially right after they had sex for the first time ever.
“I never meant to hurt you. Please don’t hate me.”
Stiles blinked, looking down at her. Her shoulders shook with her sobs, his heart breaking at the sight. He sighed lowly, hugging her to him. “I think it hurts more than you left. But I could never hate you. I care too much about you.” His words were on instinct, pure emotion laced in them. But they rang true the more he heard himself speak. The girl he thought he didn’t know meant everything to him.
“I’m so glad you’re here.”
“I actually need to ask you about that,” he said slowly, pulling her away from his chest. He helped wipe the tears from her eyes, sitting her down on the closest bench. He crouched in front of her, her hands in his while watching her closely. “I need to know what happened. Tell me everything you can.”
“I-I don’t…” she started, choking on her words. Her voice was thick and clogged with sorrow and fear, trying to find the words to speak to him.
“It’s alright. Take your time.”
She nodded at him. “I-I was… it was raining. The storm had just hit the town, blowing things around. Some streets were flooding. But, I was… emotional. So I left the house to see the girls. They weren’t at their houses. Their houses were basically barren. I didn’t know what else to do. I tried heading back home, but the storm picked up. And…”
Stiles noted her pause. “And?”
“This guy appeared out of nowhere. H-he had a gun, Stiles. I was so scared. He was riding this horse like this cowboy we used to see in those shows our dads took us too when we were ten. A-and he,” she choked out a sob mid-sentence. “H-he had no mouth. And his eyes were lifeless. It looked like he had no eyeballs! Just sockets!
“I-I begged him to spare me. I didn’t want to die. I-I didn’t want to die without… without seeing you one last time. I wasn’t ready to go. I haven’t been able to love. Go to college. Have a family. Work a career I’m passionate about. B-but he- he rose the gun away. And it sounded like a crack of thunder went off right when he shot the gun. And everything went black.
“But, when I woke up, I was here. I was just sitting amongst all of these people. It felt like I was just… waiting. Waiting for something to happen. I was waiting for some train to come. But there are no trains that run through Prattville. Or Beacon Hills. Those would be the only places I could think I was, but I was in neither. I was just… waiting. And before I knew it, I heard you. I heard your voice. You were pleading to see me, saying that you needed to see me. But that broke me from the trance I think I was in. I ran the entire station until I saw you looking up at the board. And here we are now.”
Stiles pursed his lips, rubbing his chin in thought. His body was stiff, his nerves beginning to build up. He had been right; she was taken by the Ghost Riders. And he had found a way to get to her. Now, he had to find a way to escape. Swiftly, he stood up, dragging her down the empty aisle, the bodies that were there when he arrived having vanished into thin air. She cocked her head at him, waiting for him to say something - anything.
“We have to go,” he said quickly, glancing around the barren walls for a way out. “We have to get out of here. I-I have to get you out before it’s too late.”
“Stiles,” she called, trying to gain his attention. He was too preoccupied though, mumbling to himself while searching for an exit, dragging the poor girl in random directions. “Stiles, wait.”
“How the hell do we get out of here?!” he called, letting her go to shove against a door, the thing welded shut and refusing to budge. He moved along the wall, smacking his palms against it until they were red and raw, Stiles crying out in desperation.
“Stiles!” she hollered louder, taking his wrist. She turned him towards her, giving him a stern look. “Tell me what’s going on. Why do I get a feeling there is something you aren’t telling me? What do you know? What is this place?”
“There's more going on that you don’t know about. Things I will gladly explain after we get you out of here. There is so much I need to tell you about. So much we need to catch up on. But right now, we need to go.”
“Stiles,” she frowned. “Please, just tell me!”
“Please,” he pleaded, shaking his head. He was fighting back tears. “Just trust me. I need to get you out of here before they show up and I lose you again. I can’t forget again. I need to save you. I need you back in Beacon Hills. I just… trust me and I promise I will tell you whatever you need to know. And if you hate me after that, you have every right to leave and move on. I-I can’t-”
He was silenced with a pair of soft lips pressing to his, his form melting into the kiss. His arms wrapped around her instantly, wanting to push further into the connection they held. But she pulled away, both parties already breathless. His chest rose and fell in unison with hers, his lips slightly parted to let the air flow without restriction. His hands rested upon the small of her back, his eyes fluttering open slowly. He didn’t even know they closed when he felt her press into him.
“Woah,” he finally whispered. The familiarity of the kiss made his mind go blank, his heart pounding rapidly against his ribcage. Butterflies were rampaging inside his gut, rioting against him in a demand for more of the pleasure he had just experienced. His body tingled - lips, hands, even his feet. He craved touching her, he craved feeling her.
“It’s been forever since we’ve done that,” she reminded him, licking her lips slowly. “It’s been forever since I’ve had a kiss that good.”
“I can agree with that,” he murmured.
“Honestly, I missed that,” she told him, running her hands up and down his arms. “After that night, nothing ever felt the same. Nothing ever felt right. Kissing, touching… sex.”
“Wait,” he breathed, squinting at her. “You’ve had sex we were together?”
“Of course,” she pouted. “Don’t act like you haven’t. You’re a guy and can’t control your hormones.”
“That’s not very nice to say,” he frowned, feigning sadness and hurt.
“What? It’s true!” she tried to battle. “But, honestly, Sti, it wasn’t ever the same. You may have been my first time, but you were also my best. Nothing ever matched how I felt with you. It felt so right. I had countless boyfriends just trying to fill this void inside me and it never worked. I missed you.”
Stiles smiled slightly, leaning forward to kiss her slowly again. He felt a spark flow between them, her lips meshing with his perfectly. They moved in unison, his enveloping hers with ease, dragging slowly along them until he disconnected with a smack. Her eyes had closed mid-kiss, his lips still slightly puckered from where they had met.
“I feel the same. I could never explain why kissing someone or having sex felt so wrong and empty. But it never really satisfied me. And then-” he paused, licking his lips.
“I-I,” he stuttered, biting his lip. “And then I remembered you. And what we did. And I haven’t felt the same since. I can’t think straight. I’m always sad because you weren’t there. I found myself staring out my window at your old house, wishing I could see you, hold you, hug you and- and kiss you. I didn’t feel whole. Fuck, I haven’t been able to masturbate in days because it just doesn’t feel right. I’ve had one good orgasm in weeks!”
He recalled when he jerked himself off in his jeep, trying to find where she lived, his face heating up at the thought. He hadn’t been able to replicate the feeling since. It never felt right. Either part of him felt empty or he couldn’t get aroused enough to stimulate the orgasm he desired. He had been left blue-balled since his jeans tight and painful when he least wanted it.
Thankfully, he wasn’t feeling it - yet.
“What do you mean remembered?” she asked before gasping. “So you DID forget me!”
“It wasn’t intentional, I swear,” he confessed, trying to defend himself. “I told you, a lot has happened and there is a lot you don’t know. But, I regret every second you weren’t on my mind. And I’m glad if anyone was to remember, it was me. And it’s all thanks to you.”
He held up his wrist, the cord bracelet hanging from his wrist. Her eyes lit up, taking his bony wrist between her daintier fingers. “You still have it?”
“Yeah,” he muttered, giving a small smile. “It was because of this that I was able to remember. And find you too actually. I haven’t stopped wearing it since I found it in my drawer with your note when you left. And I don’t intend to forget you again.”
“Stiles,” he let out, taking his face in her hands. He leant into her hold, loving the touch of her skin on his. “I missed this.”
“I missed you,” he said quickly.
His eyes met hers, the two staring at each other in wonderful silence. No words needed to be shared among the teens. The world seemed to disappear around them. Nothing else mattered besides the person across from them. She melted into his honey-caramel eyes, getting lost in the endless abyss of beauty they held. He memorized every detail of her face and body, wanting to remember every bit about this moment. The two stood pressed against one another, letting their body heat be their only reminder that the other exists.
Gradually, they leaned in, Stiles pressing his lips to gets in a firm kiss. It was rougher than before, the kiss much needier for the pair. He moved quickly against her, pushing into her harder and harder the longer they kissed. She didn't protest, letting him do as he wished, returning it with the same vigour and passion. Their lips moved together in unison, smacking against one another in short, rapid connections that made her lips swell and his turn a rosy red.
Stiles pulled away for a gasp of air, pulling her closer to him as he did. Her rapid pants brushed over his face, his minty breathy hitting hers. Her face nuzzled against his, taking in his delicious scent. He smelled of rain and fresh strawberries. She left tender kisses along his jawline, feeling the boy shiver in her grasp. His lips hit the top of her head, smiling at the tickling sensation of her lips against him.
She looked up at him, kissing his chin. “I missed you,” she whispered, Stiles, shivering again. “I missed this. I loved this feeling.”
“I missed you too,” he mumbled, kissing her softly, his tongue flicking her lips briefly before pulling away slightly. “I missed this. God, I didn’t know I needed this so bad until now. I need you.” His body was quaking with want, his needy kisses to her lips growing more desperate.
“Alright,” he whispered. “I want you, Stiles.”
“What?” he asked, blinking at her.
“What what?” she asked. “I said ok. I’ve asked you to take my virginity. You helped me then. So, you need me now and I want it.” She paused, biting at her lip. “I’ve wanted it for a while, Stiles. So please.”
“Is here and now really the best though?” he asked hesitantly.
“I have no doubt you will save me, Stiles. From whatever is going on with me. But, in the worst case scenario, I want to remember this moment forever. I don’t want our last moments together to be sad. I want to make this memory with you last.”
“This isn’t our last moment together,” he whispered, kissing her tenderly. “I will get you out of here and I will have sex with you as many times as you want.”
“Please, Stiles,” she asked, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I just… I want to make this count. Please.”
Stiles was hesitant, but he leaned forward, pulling her face to his. Her lips were parted when they connected, his tongue slipping in with ease. The passion was intense while his tongue circled her mouth, playing with her tongue as he went. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time, feeling her real body against his, kissing her without remorse. He was in heaven and he didn’t want to let it slip away so quickly. He knew he didn’t have much time, but he knew she was right.
He didn’t know how to save her and he wanted to make every second count. It felt odd but, at the same time, it felt right. He wanted to make a memory he couldn’t dare forget if this didn’t work.
Their lips stayed connected as he backed her up, trying to find somewhere they could be together in the way he desired. Her back hit a door mid-kiss, Stiles fumbling to open it up. Your tongues continued to swirl around one another, his running along the insides of her cheeks to take in the shape and taste she had. Her fingers tangled in his luscious chocolate locks, tugging at them with intensity.
Stiles finally got the door open, the two stumbling inside the room. They broke apart to glance around, figuring out where they ended up. They were in some kind of control room, the monitors black and the console dusty. There was a makeshift bed in the back corner consisting of a worn mattress, dusty sheets, and a few flat pillows here and there. The two shared a look before laughing. It was completely random to find, almost as if the person that would work in the room slept there occasionally even though Stiles knew that wasn’t possible within the Ghost Riders’ realm, but it was something.
Maybe it was pure luck in the state they were in. He wasn’t arguing though.
She backed up more, Pulling the spastic boy with her with each step. Stiles barely managed to kick the door shut as he stumbled forward. Her hands pushed at his flannel, the plaid fabric falling to the dirty ground and covering their footprints left on the ground. His lips found hers again, his hands beginning to tug at the loose hoodie she had on, breaking to tug it off before she fell back onto the mini bed.
Her bottom hit the mattress first, the girl scooting back further onto it before Stiles joined her, hovering over the girl. He laid her flat, his lips leaving short kisses to her lips and cheeks, heading south fast. Her hands traced every inch of his body that should, feeling the muscles in his arms flex while holding himself up, his shoulder tensing slightly, and his pelvis rocking against hers unconsciously. She knew Stiles had put on muscle, but feeling him with her own hands was otherworldly. She loved feeling his strong arms and defined shoulders, trailing fingertips along the many protruding veins along his arms.
He sat back, lips coming apart with a smack that echoed around the old room, stripping his black shirt from his body. He had to peel it from his skin, the cotton having stuck to him from the rain he ran through to get into her house. It surprised him that he was still wet from that - especially here of all places - but he managed to get it off without a problem He saw her eying his bare torso, beginning to feel slightly self-conscious about the way he looked.
Was he too fat? Did he have enough muscles? Was he too pale? Did she hate the amount of body hair he had?
“Stiles,” she breathed, sitting up. “When did you become so hot?”
Stiles let out a laugh, covering his mouth. “Excuse me? Was I not always hot for you?”
“Well, you were always attractive, but the last time I saw you, you had just started going through puberty. And the whole body thing… doesn’t allow a girl to truly appreciate a man’s beauty,” she said. “But damn. You got muscles. Like, not too much to make you look like you’re on steroids or something, but you’re fit. I personally prefer some muscles to a lot, so you’re A-plus to me. You grew hair in all the right places.” She toyed with the hairs on his chest, moving to the happy trail disappearing into his jeans. “Yeah, definitely hot.”
“Well, you aren’t too bad yourself,” he mused, playing with her hair. “You've blossomed into a beautiful young woman.”
“Was I not always beautiful?” she hummed playfully, grinning at him. “Was I not attractive when we had sex and you popped my cherry?”
“No, you were. Definitely were. Most stunning girl in the world. But now, you’re like a literal angel. You are the sun and I can barely look at you. I am nothing compared to you. I am too ugly to be in your presence.”
“Stop being cheesy,” she whined, pulling off the shirt she was wearing under her hoodie, her braless chest bare to his growing lustful eye. She gave him a smirk and a head tilt, tossing it away from them. “And kiss me, you moron.”
“Mean,” he grumbled, doing as she asked. His body moved against hers perfectly, their hips rolling together in perfect sync. Her arms wound around his neck, one hand slipping into his hair while the other clawed at his back. Stiles continued to support his weight with one hand, using the other to palm her breast. His lips were on hers once again, muffling the moans of approval she let out. Stiles was bolder than their first time, knowing how to please a girl, and she was more than willing to receive anything he threw at her.
He moved his lips down to her chest, taking one perky nipple into his mouth, kissing at it lovingly. She mewled aloud, back arching to push her chest further into him. His hand continued to fondle her free breast, letting his lips ravish the preoccupied one. He tugged at the bud with his lips and teeth, taking as much of her skin into his mouth as he could when he kissed at it. Whenever he pulled away, it would release a small popping sound, and the girl knew her nipple was harder than before every time. Stiles was determined to make each peak hard and boisterous, standing upright and predominant against her soft skin.
He repeated the same process on her other breast, shifting his weight between hands so he wouldn’t crush her. All the while, she was a moaning mess, pushing herself into him and clawing at anything she could reach. Her mind was buzzing, thinking about his marvellous new skills, grateful that he had grown into such a fine young man. When he pulled away with another pop, he continued down, kissing her stomach until he got to her jeans. The button was popped, Stiles carefully lining her waist with kisses to tease her.
“Stiles,” she pleaded. “More.”
He was wordless, stripped her of her jeans in one shot, the panties stuck to the interior lining of them. She was left barren before him, Stiles leaning back to admire her body just once before he continued pleasing it. She was gorgeous; a beautiful rose amongst the thorns called life. He murmured ‘beautiful’ to himself before sinking down between her legs, his arms wrapping around them to keep them apart. His lips moved over her folds, the girls head thrown back with a bellowed mewl.
He swiped his tongue through he folds before slipping it inside her. She unconsciously compared the feeling to her first time with him. He was undeniably better in every means. The way his tongue slid in and out of her, tracing along her walls and lapping at any drop of arousal he released, made her body shake with desire. He felt better than last time, giving the right amount of pleasure to every spot and even moving to toy with her clit a few times to amp up the pleasure she was feeling.
His tongue was replaced with a single finger sliding into her, curling the right around to scratch at her inner walls. Her back arched, feeling him pump slowly at first, gradually speeding up. His lips wrapped around her clit, smoothing over it with his tongue before flicking it in every direction he could. Her moans grew louder, urging Stiles to add a second finger to fulfil her needs even more. His nails grazed her sweet spot to make the moans escalate in volume, savouring the familiar sweet taste she held.
“Stiles, wait,” she let out. Stiles was taken aback, pulling away almost harshly, thinking he had hurt her. “I want to cum with you.”
“Oh,” he breathed, sighing in relief. “I thought I hurt you.”
“You could never hurt me,” she giggled.
He moved back up to kiss her, the girl managing to flip him onto his back before he could make the connection. She smiled sweetly, moving down his body to his pants. She removed them swiftly, watching his cock spring free and slap his stomach. Her eyes widened at the sight of him. The tip was red and swollen, seeping with precum. He twitched just from being free, the shaft jostling up and down to ask for attention. He was longer and wider than she remembered.
“Wow,” she breathed.
Stiles couldn’t help but smirk. The smirk was soon lost though when her hand wrapped around the base, stroking him slowly. She held the perfect grip on him, tugging at his skin the way he liked it. And even sooner, her head moved downwards, lips wrapping around the head to taste the salty-sweet juices he secreted. Stiles groaned happily, his head falling back when he felt her tongue swirl around the head of his cock, pressing against the slit with the tip. She continued to stroke what wouldn’t fit in her found, slowly starting to bob along his large shaft.
“Oh god,” he let out, running a hand through his hair. He felt her lips curl with a smile, bobbing faster along him. Her tongue traced the vein on the underside of him, feeling it pulse against her taste buds. He would occasionally twitch against her cheeks, matching the loud moans he was letting out. He watched through half-lidded eyes as she sucked his cock, moving skillfully along the length of it. “Don’t let me cum, please.”
She pulled away, wiping at her lip. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard a guy say those words.”
“Well, You said you wanted to cum with me. So, ditto, baby,” he said cheekily with a sly wink.
“Alright then,” she mumbled with a blush. “Do you um… we don’t have um…”
“Hold on.” He rolled out from under her, pushing her to lay back on the bed. He smiled at the loud squeal she let out, leaning over to grab his wallet. He pulled the foil packet from the inner pocket, feeling it for the bubble to make sure it hadn’t accidentally popped in the confines of his pockets. He held it out to her, the girl staring at it.
“You carry and XXL condom in your wallet?” she asked, Stiles flushing.
“I have one and you question why,” he grumbled. “You should be happy I have it.”
“I was just wondering!” she said, taking the packet. He watched her rip it open with her teeth, taking the small lubed rubber between her fingers. She moved to slide it on, Stiles watching the girl roll the condom onto his length with immaculate precision. Not to mention he found it incredibly attractive. “Now, you’re all ready, Sti.”
“Lay back then,” he commanded. She did as he said, Stiles, moving to straddle her. His length rubbed through he folds a few times, leaning on his elbows to get closer to her body. His chest pressed to hers perfectly, his lips brushing her lips as he spoke. “If it gets to be too much, you let me know.”
“I will.”
Stiles took a deep breath, glancing down at their groins to help him align to her entrance. The tip prodded at it a few times before he slid in slowly. She grimaced slightly at his size and lack of recent activity, wrapping her arms around him to ease the pain emotionally. Stiles gave her a sympathetic smile, letting himself bottom out before stilling and letting her adjust. He peppered kisses on her face, trying to relax her enough to continue.
The two laid in the others embrace for a moment, the two relishing in the comfort their other half provided. Her body gradually eased into his, her head burying into his neck before mumbling, “You can move now.”
Stiles gave her a wary glance before nodding, hips begin to move against hers, pulling back and thrusting back in. The first few thrusts resulted in painful gasps, but the gasps turned into happy moans and mewls. Her tight grip around him ceased, her eyes opening to lock on his. She nodded to tell him to continue, Stiles, starting to pick up speed.
His thrusts were growing more powerful but the second, noisy slaps of their hips colliding beginning to fill the room. His hips rocked against hers with each quick thrust, digging himself as deep as he could inside her. The tip of his cock grazed her sweet spot, rubbing against her sensitive walls with every movement. Her breasts bounced against his chest with each thrust into her, her legs winding around his waist to keep him pressed close. His heels kicked his ass every time he slid out and slid back in, pounding into her as much as he could.
“Stiles,” she moaned, pulling him closer. His body nearly collapsing into hers, his hands sliding up to find hers. Their fingers interlocked while his thrusts remained, growing more powerful, faster and sloppier with time. The more he pistoned in and out, the harder it was for him to control the inevitable orgasm he was chasing desperately. “Please.”
He nodded, kissing her sensually and deeply, their lips moving together in harmony. The kiss sent sparks between both of them, igniting an unquenchable fire inside them. The fire made them both snap. Her walls clenched around him, clinging to the girth of his cock as much as she could. Her toes curled, feeling her juices splatter out against her walls, coating the condom Stiles wore. Stiles’ thrusts eased, slowly pumping himself through his high to not break the rubber he was filling with the strings of his seed he shot off. The thick, white substance gathered in the air gap at the end, her walls milking his length for every drop he was ejaculating.
He slowed to a stop, placing one final kiss to her lips. He carefully pulled out, ridding himself of the rubber and tying it off. He placed it aside, collapsing beside her on his back. She curled into his side instantly, the two joining hands on his stomach. Stiles smiled at the sight, her blue bracelet matching his red one against his skin. He turned to look at her, watching as her eyes closed and she rested against his sweaty chest, curling into his side as close as she could. The longer he stared at her, the surer of his feelings he became. The girl drove him insane, but in a good way. He was glad to have her back in his arms and he didn’t want to let her go anytime soon...
Now, he had to figure out how to save her.
“We need to get going,” he muttered, breaking the silence. He heard her let out a long sigh, nodding her head in agreement. They dressed in silence, fixing themselves as best they could. Stiles felt somewhat horrible for it. He felt like he wasn’t making this special for her and it broke his heart. He turned to her, opening his mouth.
“I loved this, Stiles,” she told him out of the blue, his mouth snapping shut. “Really, I did.”
“It doesn’t feel like it,” he sighed.
“Stiles, look at me.” He glanced up, finding her directly in front of him. “I loved it. It meant everything to me. It’s just harder to appreciate when we have to get out of here. I still don’t even know where here is.”
“You’re sure?” he asked.
“Hey,” she continued, taking his face in her hands. “I’m sure.” She gave a smile, pressing her lips to his. “And you know, it was definitely better after you grew your hair out.”
“Seriously?” he laughed. She smiled, giving him a hug.
The two broke into laughter, their hands linking together in an unbreakable connection.
“The following stops have been cancelled…”
Stiles blinked, hearing those words. His heart stopped at the sound. He began towards the door, the girl looking after him confused. When he opened it, a small rush of air passed them, hair flickering with it. Stiles knew he was out of time and it broke him piece by piece.
He turned to her, taking his hands in his. “You have to listen to me. You… you can change this. Somehow, I know you can. They’re called the Ghost Riders. From the Wild Hunt. and… if you wake up from this before that storm hits, you need to get out of there or you will be taken. When they take you, you are erased from existence. People forget.” He paused, a tear sliding down his cheek. “I forgot.”
“Stiles, I don’t understand-”
“Please. Just trust me! You have to get out of there. Convince anyone you can to leave before that storm hits. You’ve still got time, alright? I believe you know about time.” He played with the bracelet on his wrist, taking it off and wrapping it on the opposite wrist as her blue on. “We twist and turn, unwind and reconnect, but it’s not constant, alright? You can change it. You can shape it! I know you can.”
“Stiles,” she let out, her own tears starting. “Alright. I’ll try. But what if I fail? What if you forget me?”
“I won’t,” he said, taking the blue bracelet from her and placing it on his wrist. “You will need to come back for this, for one. I can’t forget who this belongs to.”
“What if that isn’t enough?” she asked.
Stiles frowned, glancing around. He moved to the desk the controls were on, digging through the drawers His face lit up when he found a sharpie, silently praying it wasn’t his imagination or dry in reality. He pulled the cap off, dotting his skin to test it, his smile growing at the black mark. “We will do this.”
She watched him taking her hand, palm up, beginning to write on it. “Do what?” She couldn’t see what he wrote before he closed her hand, placing the sharpie in her other hand.
“Leave a message. So, when we wake up, we won’t forget what happened. I can’t guarantee what will happen when we leave this place, so, do not forget, leave a message telling us what we have to do or just something you want us to know.”
“What should I write?”
Stiles thought for a second before grinning. “Something that will make me remember you. Something like your name.”
She smiled, nodding. “Alright.”
She took his hand, placing the tip of the sharpie to his skin. One single curve of the first letter…
Stiles’ eyes snapped open, finding himself in the vacant room once more. But he was no longer on the bed. He was no longer holding the picture of her. The room was empty and he was alone, rain falling outside. He stood from the floor, glancing outside to see his jeep.
Stiles felt his knees give out, his body collapsing to the ground in shaking sobs. The tears hit the dirty carpet, the boy staring at the single black mark that had stained his palm. “I-I never even got your name… I-I wanted to tell you...”
He broke into loud cries, pounding his fist to the ground. “Dammit!”
He sat there for what felt like an eternity before moving to the window, sitting on the window seat. He watched the rain fall, placing his hand on the glass. “I will find you. You’re out there somewhere. And I will find you. I won’t forget about you.”
He glanced down at the unfamiliar blue bracelet he swapped, placing a hand over it as he cried. “I came to find you. I came to save you. I want you to be alive. I need you to be here. I won’t let the Wild Hunt, have you. I need to give you this back.”
“I just wish I knew your name…”
It wasn't easy because you were so far away
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Errthang Tag 2.0: @catcrown21; @voidkitsune24; @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone; @savage-stilinski; @honeymoonmuke; @rumoured-whispers; @youshiverwhenyouhearmyname; @caitsymichelle13; @addicttotw; @fox-lau; @xmadwonderland; @kaelyn-lobrutto24; @lobrien; @kal-pal; @espermirror; @nowthisiswaar; @belleknows; @ashpie97; @mixedupsammy; @dylobrienlover; @newtosaur250; @bandsweyhey; @offthewallspidey; @livinginadreamersparadise; @tommyswolves; @lietomeat3am; @bilesbilinskix; @danathewitchywoman; @thisismexxo; @you-all-have-guns; @soulaura-canavel; @bojabee; @obrienswxlf; @feelingsareharddd; @xoitsjustmexo;@supernaturaltakeover; @suggsmate; @cassiee867; @malia--stilinski; @barryallenplease; @flirtstiles; @bottleoffirewhisky; @jadalecki-jackles; @evansesdust; @everythingthatisrandom; @puppiesarehappiness; @ixlovexpeterxparker; @onlyalittleteenwolfobsessed; @tenseoyong; @jadav5; @mischiefandi; @myrandomzshit; @disbestiles; @mxtchsbxtch; @dafine18; @avadakedabitch; @girlwiththerubyslippers; @xpinkyprincess; @ssweet-empowerment; @jackles-jadalecki; @dobseventeen; @dylnobrien1911, @redstringlovers; @brien-odylan
Your Name Tags: @r0s3mm; @cas-loves-pizza; @sunflowergrrrl
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xathia-89 · 6 years
Long Lost Sibling - Masamune
This was definitely going to be an interesting way to spend my time. I had been mistaken for a man after rescuing Nobunaga from the flames of Honno-Ji, given a horse, ridden back to Azuchi before being made a vassal of the made I’d saved. My hair was short and choppy, and I’d covered my assets up fairly well with being on the way back from training. I stuttered on my name, and gave them the gender-neutral form of ‘Natsu’, purposely missing off the two letters that made it a woman’s name.
My African Grey parrot had stuck next to me through all the chaos and was happily listening in on all of the men about the castle to decide who to imitate most likely. He had been squawking in the forest for me until I whistled so he could locate me. They were all amazed and had never seen a bird like him before for certain as I shrugged my shoulders before we continued riding.
I was getting changed when one of the maids walked in without knocking.
We both looked stunned, and I could feel my secret already leaking out.
“Please,” I begged her.
Then a smile crossed her lips. It wasn’t a cruel one, as it lit her eyes up. “Okay, I won’t tell, but you’re going to need help keeping some of the men convinced for any period,” she explained as I finished getting changed.
“What do you mean?” I frowned, my hopes quickly fading again.
“They’ll expect you to pick up a favourite maid,” she laughed. “I expect the treatment of the favourite, which includes you sticking up for me whenever something goes wrong and getting me out of tasks by wanting to ‘borrow’ me,” she explained. “Most Lords have their favourites, and every maid begs to be one. It’s a way of securing yourself,” she smiled. “Plus, I’m now highly curious to see how long the Lords can be fooled.”
“Call me Natsu,” I smiled slightly, understanding why she’d now agree to keep quiet. It was something that would benefit us both.
“I’m Akira,” she replied. A pretty face, I was surprised that she wasn’t already a favourite of any other Lord. “I tend to find that I’m generally not quick enough to capture anyone’s attention, but I guess that you are short for a man has turned a few of the others away,” she added on.
“Well, I seem to be in your debt, so I will appoint you as my favourite then,” I said. “I will need someone’s clothes though, the seamstresses will need to make mine,” I frowned.
“Lord Ieyasu will probably be the best option, I will bring you some of his cast-offs in the morning to change into,” Akira beamed brightly. “I will leave you to it, good night!”
“Night,” I replied, knowing that I would be called upon to get her out of a lot of things in time.
I spent my days being trained with swords and guns by Masamune and Mitsuhide. Ieyasu was also usually present, and they were both surprised when I disarmed Masamune and then had him submitting without any weapons but my body strength.
“You certainly make up for your lack of height and work with it,” Date chuckled as he stood back up.
“If you don’t have it, you can’t use it. You might as well learn how to fight with what you have effectively against any enemy,” I shrugged.
The maids had made my clothing specifically to fit, Akira had been a huge help with making sure my binders were washed regularly and in secret and then getting the adjustments made. I was glad for once that I didn’t have a girly figure, and it made things a lot easier to pass off. I wore a scarf to hide my lack of an Adam's apple and I made sure to carry myself in confidence as Akira came running towards me with a smile.
“Lord Natsu!” She beamed. “Your clothing is all finished now,” she announced to the room. Ieyasu rolled his eyes as I shrugged and followed the energetic maid out.
Akira was the only one allowed in my room to help me dress and make the alterations. She had been dying for a chance to get into her sewing skills, and this was now the perfect opportunity as I absolutely refused anyone else to see me in any state of undress. I had the same style of clothing that Ieyasu tended to wear, so it was basically just making the same things twice in different colours as I favoured the black, with dark scarlet and a rose gold trim for clothing and armour. She also helped me to keep my hair short and ended up styling it in the manner that Masamune had his since we had similar hair.
Yoshi had made himself known around the entire castle and town already. The children in the town loved him, and he had decided that Hideyoshi was the best person to emanate. The maids were always dropping things when he shouted at them for picking up things that were too heavy, and Nobunaga had been caught in the pantry late at night getting the sugar candies by my parrot as well. Hideyoshi wasn’t sure why the parrot had taken such a liking to him, but having a second set of eyes around the place did make the vassal’s job a lot easier. I had noticed that Toyotomi was sneaking Yoshi a few treats even after I’d said not to overfeed him.
“You still look pitiful,” Ieyasu scoffed after another training session. I had bested him on a few occasions now with a sword, though most of my techniques involved disarming him and getting in close with hand to hand combat.
He was pinned to the mat before Masamune could stop anything, I was pushing his face into the straw as I growled in his ear. “Do I look that pitiful to you now, pretty boy?” I threatened.
“Alright Natsu, let’s get you something to eat, and find Akira, she’s good at calming you down,” Date said, struggling to get me off the blonde man.
The maid came swiftly and starting talking about letting off some steam with her, a code we’d developed to stop them getting too close to be nosy. In reality, she gave a really good back massage, and the moans were pretty sensual as well when she got going. Masamune grinned and winked at me as soon as the whole idea was mentioned, I could only roll my eyes in response.
“I think they all get irritated when they can’t pull one on you,” Akira laughed as she attacked a knot in my back.
“Ieyasu needs to let off some steam,” I grumbled, a groan slipping out as her fingers worked their magic.
“He likes to bite everyone’s head off, so he’s going to have to be a patient person,” the maid added, I could hear her smile before a pounding came to the door.
“Natsu! Lord Nobunaga has called a war council!” Hideyoshi yelled, followed shortly by a squawk. “And your parrot won’t leave me alone.”
“It’s your second set of eyes,” I laughed in response, quickly pulling my hamaka up over my exposed binder before getting up.
“Hey, Masamune,” I said, already feeling a little impatient at waiting as our horses were next to each other on the front lines.
“Yeah?” The one-eyed dragon was looking at the same crowd with the same expression I had.
“I bet I can take more of them out than you can,” I grinned.
“Not on your life,” the head of the Date clan smirked as we reared into battle.
Swords were clashing as bodies were falling. It was easier to focus on the fact that this was just the way of life, it was kill or be killed as my time training recruits for a hobby came to mind. I always went to maim someone, but I would never hesitate when the blow was necessary.
“Keep up lad!” Masamune’s voice was full of energy over the sounds of the fight as I laid another of Takeda’s troops to the floor.
“I think you’re being left behind,” I cackled madly before I struck against a blade that I knew was going to be my challenge.
“Now you’re the new one everyone was talking about,” the beautiful man opposite me smiled coldly. “The new vassal to the Devil King,” he scoffed, narrowing his mismatched eyes at me as we began our back and forth.
“Kenshin, they’ve got a woman present!” An eager male shouted out, whilst fighting off Masamune in a frenzied battle.
“I think you need to readjust whatever the hell you use to detect women with, it’s obviously getting confused with the pretty boy here!” I retorted, slashing down to counteract Kenshin’s attack.
His blade flicked up, carving its way through my torso. I managed to rear my horse up to stop it getting any deeper whilst holding an arm across my stomach to try and stem the blood. I needed to get back to the camp as Kenshin’s eyes were now lit up with the prospect of murder. The reigns were kept in the hand for the arm that was pushing down on my torso, whilst I kept parrying off the attacks the madman was doing. The pain was interfering with my ability to think clearly, until Masamune barged into the battle with a snarl, giving me the chance to break through the chaos to get to Ieyasu.
“Lord Ieyasu!” An aide was yelling as Natsu’s horse arrived into camp.
The vassal was unconscious, having lost the fight to stay awake with the pain and blood loss. They dismounted him instantly, carrying him through to the privacy of the vassal’s tent.
The medical kit was strewn across the floor as Natsu began to stir. Tokugawa already had him out of the hamaka and found it strange that there was a tight bandaging around the chest. He was beginning to remove it as the vassal opened his eyes, and found out why the material was there.
Out of instinct, I punched Ieyasu in the face. I panicked, like normal when someone was trying to remove my binder and I didn’t want them to. I didn’t know where I was, I knew I was in agony, and right now, I was half naked in front of the medical man.
“I’m going to tell them now,” Tokugawa grumbled, though he only moved the binder enough to properly treat the wound that Kenshin had delivered. He wasn’t that gentle, I had to keep biting my fingers and the likes as he cleaned the wound. “And you aren’t allowed to move far, or this will get much worse. It probably didn’t help that you had that on,” he commented, gesturing to the binder.
“Well, I wasn’t exactly willing to correct my gender,” I snorted defensively. “I’d be stuck where I’m no good if I told you that I was a woman,” I pointed out, wondering if I would be better off stitching myself shut across the stomach.
Ieyasu was waiting for the arrival of the rest of the warlords with an impatient pace. He was purposely out of hearing range of Natsuki’s tent after wrestling her name from the stubborn woman.
“Lord Natsu isn’t a Lord, he is a she,” Tokugawa announced. “She was hiding her gender from us on purpose.”
“What?” Was the only response that Nobunaga, or anyone, could come up with, and stamped straight over to the tent.
The brat had taken my binder away, and unfortunately, it meant that I wasn’t able to hide my figure as much. I managed to scrounge one of his clean outfits, but it was now quickly obvious I wasn’t a man as the flaps of the tent flew open. I was being glared at by my Lord, and this wasn’t likely to be something that I could talk my way out of. Then Masamune fought his way through.
“Natsuki!” He exclaimed, and tightly hugged me. “I thought you had long disappeared,” he mumbled into my hair whilst keeping me in his arms.
“I did just get slashed across the stomach,” I hissed in pain, trying to loosen Date’s hold on me. “Did you have to tell them?” I rolled my eyes at the blonde man, who had his mouth hanging open. “What?”
“It’s just, slightly obvious that you two are related,” Mitsuhide finally broke the silence, sulking about the fact that two things had escaped his notice.
Hideyoshi was the last to arrive, with a kimono of all things.
“I found it in your things as you said,” Toyotomi frowned at Masamune, who then turned to me.
“No, I am not wearing a kimono,” I argued, already preparing myself to run.
“Yes, you are,” Date stated, his eye already fixated onto me before I dashed out of the tent. “Come back here Natsuki!” He bellowed, following my purposely confusing route around the camp. “Will someone help me?” He yelled back at the other warlords, who to my benefit were just content to watch on in amusement.
I ran straight into Ieyasu, who then wouldn’t let me go anywhere as Masamune caught up to us. I needed my wound seeing to after the excursion, and then I was out of options for clean clothing and forced into the kimono by the man who then introduced himself as my brother. I was dragged out to the rest of the warlords with a sulk on my face and found that Nobunaga was certainly amused by the whole situation.
“You’re staying here now,” Masamune tried to tell me.
“Just because I’m in a kimono doesn’t mean I can’t fight,” I argued straight back. “You were fine with me fighting when you thought I was a man, just because I’m now a woman doesn’t mean my abilities have changed,” I glared.
“She is still my vassal,” Oda was smirking as he interrupted. “Though you did get injured, and I won’t have you hurting yourself more to prove a point to your brother,” he snapped.
“I would like to see you pass as a Princess though,” Mitsuhide smirked.
“Challenge accepted, I’ll do more than pass as one when we get back to Azuchi,” I growled at the kitsune, leaning over my brother’s arm to make my point known.
Masamune wasn’t letting me ride my own horse, as Hideyoshi was double checking on me constantly to make sure I wasn’t doing anything I wasn’t meant to be doing. Ieyasu was threatening to sew me into my clothes as I had tried to steal another of his outfits the previous night.
“This entire situation is why I wasn’t going to correct any of you,” I sulked on the ride home.
“Well, you’re meant to be a noblewoman,” Masamune reminded me.
“A few days ago, you had to pry me off Ieyasu after he insulted me, I can still do that, you just won’t let me,” I argued.
Nobunaga was laughing as he stayed within hearing range for the entire journey back to Azuchi. Akira came running out to greet us and then found all of the warlords glaring at her as she spotted me.
“They found out?” She asked with a smile. “Yoshi will be pleased to see you, he’s been squawking at us all about not lifting heavy things and then being disappointed there’s no Lord Hideyoshi to follow up.”
“You are in trouble for helping her,” Date growled, dismounting his horse before I was allowed to move.
“She was doing me a favour,” I scoffed, strolling straight past them all. “Anyway, I need another,” I trailed off, and dragged her to the seamstress area whilst explaining the plan to dress me up properly as a Princess.
We could hear the banquet getting underway as a few of the maids were helping to finish preparing me for the event. It wasn’t something I enjoyed doing, but I was determined to prove Mitsuhide all kinds of wrong. My hair was carefully styled and decorated with hairpins, instead of the usual fluffy and windswept style, and makeup was covering my face.
“If they aren’t amazed then I’m taking all of your punishments,” Akira whispered to me before pulling back the door.
I had never seen anyone spit out their drink before. I was guided to sit next to Masamune in the hall, and I was sure that more than a few of the men present were currently arguing with themselves about obtaining me as a bride.
“I think I won that bet,” I smiled to Masamune as I took one of the food pieces offered.
“I’d say so as well, you used to love being a princess,” he pouted slightly.
“I only did this because I wanted to see Mitsuhide’s face, and every second of torture was worth it to see him spit sake out,” I replied. “Otherwise, I will get back into hamaka,” I promised him.
“A toast to our princess,” Nobunaga smirked, as a cup of clear water was pushed in front of me.
“Yeah, she’s Masamune’s sister,” Hideyoshi groaned. Both of them had their drinks spiked with sake by Mitsuhide, and they were both now crashed out on each other. It was impossible to move them for the dead weight of the older sibling on his sister, so they settled with putting a blanket over them both.
“Hard to believe she convinced us that she was a man when you look at her like this,” Nobunaga spoke up. “Though she is perfectly capable of holding her own,” he frowned.
“She’ll become a target on the battlefield,” Hideyoshi immediately argued, knowing what his Lord was thinking.
“She is also perfectly capable of taking on virtually anyone, disarming them and knocking them unconscious,” Ieyasu admitted.
“She will still be a target,” Toyotomi wouldn’t back down, a frown creasing his brow.
I grumbled as I was brought to the next battle again, though this time, I wasn’t going to be allowed to go anywhere beyond the camp. I had taken to stealing Ieyasu’s hamakas when the staff had been told to not return mine. It got the point that Tokugawa was having to pull Hideyoshi in to my room and go through all of my clothes. I wasn’t binding like I had been, but I made a bra of sorts out of fabric to keep myself supported under my clothing. I did make the fantastic point that since I was surrounded by soldiers, then I wouldn’t stand out like I would in a kimono, and Oda was bored of all the complaints. He ordered that all the clothing I had commissioned as ‘Lord Natsu’ were to be returned to me since I clearly had no other intent. Slight adjustments needed to be made now I didn’t need to bind my chest, but the seamstresses were secretly impressed that it took until I was injured to be exposed and would excitedly chat me up about it as Akira was being viewed as an angel for keeping my secret.
Yoshi had decided that he was accompanying me on this trip, and he was learning the new phrases to keep his ‘boyfriend’ happy. I had been teaching Oda some of the modern phrases, and when this one had slipped out, it was immediately picked up across the castle much to Toyotomi’s long-suffering annoyance. My parrot was certainly not helping anyone since I had started rewarding him with treats when he called Hideyoshi ‘boyfriend’.
Masamune wouldn’t let me ride alone, and had me sat in front of him. There had been a lot of commissions given, but I still wasn’t sure of how much to keep pushing. Women were viewed in such a different manner here, though I was allowed to stay armed whilst staying behind in the camp. Ieyasu had given me some lessons in medicine, much to our mutual disgust, since it was going to keep me busy apparently.
I was making sure everything was ready for when the first injuries started. I hated waiting, I could feel my hand itching to run out into the middle of the soldiers and join them in slashing down the opposition. But my Lord’s orders were to stay here. I had to obey Nobunaga, he claimed me still as his vassal despite that I was revealed as a woman. If I kept on his good side then I would be gifted with more leniency than women generally received in this era.
Then a squawk from my parrot received all my attention.
Something was in the bushes near the camp as I grabbed the two short swords that Oda had granted me for ‘protection’. Following my bird was the only thing I could do, despite being forced into a kimono after arriving by my brother as we rushed through the forest to a clearing.
I instantly regretted my decision. Everything had pointed to this being three or four individuals, a small scouting group. I had actually run into the entirety of a scouting squad containing about thirty individuals who all had their attention on me.
“Well, Buddha delivers to those who believe,” one of the men smiled near to me.
“Buddha does many things,” I smirked, unsheathing both of my swords as I blocked the first swipe and started to swiftly make my way through them.
Nips, cuts, a breeze across my back. Yoshi was trying to help by relieving himself on anyone’s face, or diving in to scratch their faces. I was outnumbered desperately until there was a second commotion from the opposite side of the clearing as I floored a fifth follower. They would all have headaches when they came to, but the glimmer in Kenshin Uesugi’s eyes scared me momentarily. Then he stabbed the nearest guy in the torso and focused on securing the area.
“I was hoping there would be enough of a fight for me,” he commented as he guarded my back with his whilst thriving in the chaos.
Those who were unfortunate enough to still be conscious as Masamune, Nobunaga, Sasuke, Yukimura and Shingen arrived were immediately bound up and started with questioning. The unconscious ones would be taken back to camp and then all of them would be at Mitsuhide’s mercy.
I was surprised as a slender finger from Kenshin wiped across my cheek, a concerned expression as he peered closely at me. His skin was marred with my blood as he frowned slightly before his lips were over mine in a lightly passionate kiss.
The whole world seemed to stop, and I couldn’t do anything but smile afterwards, still in shock that it had happened.
Yoshi didn’t approve, he emptied himself over Kenshin before settling on my shoulder and glaring at the warlord.
“Sorry,” I said, breaking the silence that had been woven over everyone.
Masamune instantly pulled me back from the ‘enemy’, yelling something about how I couldn’t do anything like that as Sasuke was trying to get his Lord to disappear with him.
“What were you thinking?” My brother was pacing up and down just behind Ieyasu who was tending to my minor wounds.
“That it was a small group of scouts that needed removing,” I replied. “I sorted the problem out, what is the issue here?” I asked, raising one of my eyebrows.
“You let Kenshin kiss you,” Tokugawa pointed out.
“And Yoshi did then make himself know,” I added on. “It’s a kiss, what’s the big deal?”
“You aren’t allowed to just go kissing anyone as you like,” Masamune looked like he was about to have a meltdown over this.
“Oh, I see, you’re worried everyone will just assume that they can do what they like with me,” I realised. “Good luck to them!” I cheerily said. “I do regularly interrupt training with your scouts and soldiers and then completely thrash them,” I pointed out, as Ieyasu was trying to hide a smirk. “Besides, he didn’t exactly try to stop me fighting, he just helped me to defeat them all,” I paused, biting my lower lip before the camp seemed to burst into life.
Masamune and Ieyasu both shared a look, and I was given the explicit instruction to stay in the tent and not lift a flap as they both disappeared. Typical of men, trying to act all tough as I was contemplating what they’d both do if I decided to call it ‘advice’ instead of an ‘order’, when the flap lifted anyway, and Kenshin let himself in.
“I like that you’ve strolled into the enemy camp with some confidence,” I grinned. “What can I do for you?” I asked, standing up from where I was being treated a few minutes beforehand.
His fingers left a ghostly trail on my jawline, tilting my head upwards. His eyes were haunted by his past as I tilted my head to the side. I was going to drown in those gorgeous eyes of his, he really was as beautiful off the battlefield as he was in the midst of his talents. Then his sight fell onto the cut on my cheek that one of the scouts had given me, and his expression began to twist.
“They should never have considered touching such beauty,” he stated and took me back a little. “I had heard that Masamune’s sister was a talented individual, but to have the ability to fight on the front lines is something I’ve never seen,” he paused and enclosed my fingers in his grip before pulling them to his face. I was entranced for certain. I didn’t know what spell this man had woven, but right now I was caught up in it.
“Natsuki!” Masamune entered the tent with a bark and made me jump. My hand was retracted back to my side, whilst Uesugi looked annoyed. “What did I tell you-”
“I didn’t leave the tent,” I argued straight back. “And you have no right to order me about, I am a vassal of Lord Nobunaga, just because you are my brother doesn’t mean you can tell me what to do!” I hotly stomped my foot and glared at the one-eyed dragon.
“I’d say she’s a lost cause,” Nobunaga’s laugh made me freeze up a little as the warlord let himself in. “I have no idea what you did Kenshin, but you seem to have caught a fireball in your trap,” he shrugged at his enemy.
“He didn’t stop me fighting, he just helped me to make sure I wasn’t overwhelmed,” I sulked, refusing to look any of them in the face.
“It’s clear she lives and breathes with her fight,” Kenshin stated, “To stop her from fighting would be akin to stopping me from doing so. Ergo, impossible. I could always use a hand,” he gave me a small smirk, and my cheeks immediately began to heat up.
“What about Yoshi?” My brother had to bring me back to reality.
“He likes his boyfriend,” I smiled.
“Sugar candies are off-limits,” I heard a squawk, followed by some laughter and then Shingen being told off by all sounds of things.
“Or you could bring him with you by that,” Nobunaga smirked.
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reynahc-blog · 7 years
“Teach me, teach me, teach me, teach me …”
Hazel bounces in place, wearing her most winning smile. The huge spatha hanging from her hand makes her look tiny in comparison, even smaller than usual. In her oversized T-shirt, she could almost be just a normal little girl, begging for something from a reluctant parent. Piper watches with amusement as Reyna pinches the bridge of her nose.
“Why,” says the older girl in an aggrieved voice, “are you so obsessed with learning how to fight dirty?”
“Why are you so obsessed with not teaching me?” Hazel counters.
Reyna starts counting on her fingers. “You can fight, you can control precious metals, you can ride your crazy demon horse, you can manipulate the Mist —”
“So why even train at all anymore?” Hazel talks over her, arguing in her high, clear voice. “Why even try? Unless you really think I’m too powerful to need any more training …”
Annabeth sits to the side, watching with a small smile on her lips, occasionally exchanging looks with Piper. Only the slight quirk in one eyebrow betrays how close she is to laughing. They’re out in the training field past the pavilion, just the four of them; it’s a beautiful day, sky broad and blue, sunlight glinting off of Hazel’s sword and Annabeth’s laptop, shining down the length of Reyna’s glossy braid.
None of them are in armor. Or uniforms. Or shoes. The no-uniform part is new for the two Romans; Hazel is ecstatic, training in her pajamas, while Reyna wears a cutoff and shorts. Piper’s never seen the Roman praetor dressed so casually before; she looks happier than usual, almost carefree, even as she scolds Hazel in a teasing voice.
“Of course you need training, no one’s ever done with training. I’m interested in knowing why - since you can already, you know, raise the Labyrinth - you’re so interested in learning to elbow someone in the crotch. And such.”
“Do I really need a reason to want to elbow someone in the crotch?” Hazel says in an innocent voice, flashing one of her most charming grins. “Kinda speaks for itself, right?”
Piper can tell from a glance that Annabeth is biting the inside of her cheek; she herself is having a hard time not laughing. Reyna shakes her head wearily, saying, “Does it? You’re not planning to use it on anyone in particular?”
“Me?” Hazel tries to look shocked. “No.”
“No? Not even on a certain Leo Valdez, for having eaten all of the marshmallows out of your Lucky Charms box?”
Another shocked face, this one even less successful than the last. “Whaaaat? Uh … Noooo.”
Annabeth finally cracks up, a snort of mirth dissolving into laughter; Piper and Hazel follow suit within moments. Reyna holds out for a couple seconds, her stern face slipping, and then reluctantly joins in. Her dogs, lying nearby in the sun, get excited at the noise; both of them jump up and start trying to lick their owner’s face.
“Oi - get off, get off,” Reyna protests, pushing Argentum and Aurum away. Piper has never understood how metal dogs can have saliva, but apparently they do; the two lay back down where they were, drooling happily into the grass.
Hazel looks like she’s ready to resume the debate, but Reyna holds up a hand. “Okay, okay - you’ve got me convinced. Look, how about this: I will teach you how to fight dirty, but slowly. Only one dirty trick per day.”
Hazel hops in place, punches one small fist at the sky.
“And I choose the tricks, too, not you,” Reyna adds quickly. “No crotch-elbowing just yet. We’re starting out with the Glasgow Kiss.”
“The what?” Hazel drops her arm.
“The Glasgow Kiss. It’s a head-butt, basically, but a little bit special. I’ll show you.”
Reyna jumps up to demonstrate, and the two of them start working. They make a funny-looking pair, Reyna being about a foot taller than Hazel, but they train together with the ease and banter of sisters. Piper watches with interest as Reyna explains the move; it’s mostly just a normal head-butt, but hitting a special spot on the forehead that Reyna claims is absolute death. “Doesn’t look like much, but it hurts. Hold on a sec; I’ll do it to you slowly.”
She very carefully bumps Hazel in the head. It looks gentle, but to Piper’s surprise, the shorter girl bobbles a little; her eyes widen in surprise. She steps back, shaking her head as if to clear it.
“All right?” Reyna asks. “See, it’s worse than it looks —”
“Cool!” Hazel finishes shaking her head and grins broadly. “I wanna try it.”
“Here, you can do it to me. Don’t do it full speed, though, I don’t wanna die.”
The two of them start practicing, laughing, and then Annabeth pipes up, as Piper knew she would. “Well, shit. Now you have to teach me, too. Looks like too much fun.”
Reyna head-butts her, and Annabeth immediately starts laughing, rubbing her forehead. Piper is used to her friend’s odd reactions to pain. She knows she’s next - can’t be left out, not if everyone’s learning it - but for a minute or so she just watches the other three, enjoying the sight of all of them laughing. It’s rare that the four of them can get together, can have a relaxed morning like this one. Rarer still to see them all smiling, even Annabeth and Reyna, as if they don’t both have camps to run.
“Have you ever used that during a fight?” Annabeth asks Reyna, still rubbing her head.
“Once,” says Reyna reminiscently. “Very satisfying.”
“Have you ever had it used on you?”
At that Reyna laughs loudly, not her normal restrained chuckle but a full-body laugh. “Oh, yeah. Kaede Billiger taught me, when I was with the Amazons - barely there for a few weeks - I was eleven. I was being a little shit, so she just laid one on me. Full-speed, no warning. Just about took my head off.”
“Damn,” Annabeth observes, still rubbing her head. She’s grinning, but she shoots a momentary glance at Piper, a half-cloaked look with a serious edge to it.
Piper avoids her eyes. She’s hiding a wince.
It’s not often that she hears Reyna talk about any part of her childhood - happens once in a blue moon, really - and when she does, it’s usually like this: a hard little detail, a painful detail, slipping out like something normal.
Hazel does the same thing. Annabeth does too, honestly, for all she pretends to be well-adjusted. Sometimes Piper feels like the one uninjured soldier left in a trench after a firefight, surrounded by wounded comrades. She’s been through her share of shit, but it’s recent shit, all of it - she hasn’t been fighting for multiple years, like Reyna and Annabeth. She never died and spent decades in the Underworld, like Hazel.
She’s lucky, she supposes, but she doesn’t feel lucky. She feels pressure. Like she needs to protect them.
What a ridiculous thought; as if any of them really need protection. These three are the scariest people she knows. But she would protect them, if she could, if they needed it. She’d die for them. Piper knows this.
The sound of laughter jerks her back to herself. Hazel has been standing on tiptoe, trying to head-butt Reyna and Annabeth, and not even coming close. The top of her head barely comes up to their chests.
“Would you like me to bend over?” Reyna offers politely, smiling down at the smaller girl.
Hazel mimes kicking her in the knee, but doesn’t actually follow through. Reyna shakes her head in mock disappointment. “Terrible form. That’ll have to be tomorrow’s lesson.”
“Are you gonna teach me how this works or what?” Piper interrupts, driving away her intrusive thoughts, grinning at Reyna.
Reyna turns to raise an eyebrow at her, wearing a rare mischievous smirk. “Well, get up here, then, McLean.”
Piper jumps up and goes to face her friend. Reyna winks down at her. Piper’s a few inches taller than Hazel, so the height difference isn’t ridiculous, but the other girl is still very much taller. Piper sees that she has an old, raised scar on one of her shoulders, very clean - like it was made by a blade. She’s never noticed that before. Then again, she’s barely ever seen Reyna’s shoulders before. The Roman girl’s always wearing a uniform.
Why is her face heating up? Why the hell should that thought make her face heat up?
Gods. Piper hopes she isn’t blushing. She doesn’t know what the matter is with her today; still hot in the cheeks, she meets Reyna’s eyes. The taller girl gives her a reassuring sort of nod, perhaps mistaking her embarrassment for anxiety.
“You don’t have to, you know,” Reyna advises her. “Getting hit in the head is nothing special. Jason does it all the time - one regularly concussed person in the group is enough.”
“Nah, that’s not it,” Piper says quickly, managing a smile. “C’mon, Ramirez, hit me. I need to feel alive.”
“Fight club,” Annabeth mutters.
“What?” Says Hazel interestedly.
“Oh, gods. Nothing, Hazel, we’ll tell you later.”
“You ready?” Says Reyna. Piper wonders how her black eyes always seem somehow bright, as if lit from behind. Bright dark eyes? The sentence doesn’t even work.
Reyna grabs her by the collar, but not roughly - slowly, as she did for Hazel and Annabeth. Almost as if she’s coming in for a real kiss rather than a Glasgow Kiss. Then, for a brief moment, her face comes closer, almost panic-inducingly close, and Piper has one last excellent view of the bright dark eyes (?) before something utterly, incongruously hard hits her in the forehead.
She staggers back, stars swimming in her vision, almost falling over. It’s a moment before she realizes she’s being held up by a pair of hands on her shoulders - Reyna’s hands. The eyes are still quite close, watching her with concern.
“You alright, McLean? That might’ve been a bad one.”
“Yeah - yeah, I’m fine,” Piper gasps, regaining control of her legs. Reyna doesn’t immediately let go of her shoulders.
“It’s terrible, isn’t it?” Hazel says, delighted. She bounces a little bit away from them and starts spinning in a circle, whirling her cavalry sword around her head. “I’m gonna use it on Leo next time he - oh, uh, I mean, I’ll only use it on enemies. Only. Of course.”
Reyna laughs in, finally dropping her hands from Piper’s shoulders. Piper laughs too, mostly to reassure them that she’s okay. She makes the mistake of glancing at Annabeth, who now wears far too knowing an expression; the other girl looks quickly away, but Piper can see the smile forming, and it irritates her.
Sometimes it’s hard being best friends with a daughter of Athena. Sometimes you end up wanting to snap that friend’s neck.
Especially when she’s wrong. Of course Annabeth’s wrong. She might be smart, but she freely admits that she knows nothing about relationships … Piper’s the one who has to know things about relationships. And Piper would know if she had a crush. Of course she would.
Hazel starts to play with Reyna’s dogs - taunting them up, running in circles around the other three as Argentum and Aurum chase her. Reyna’s laughing, laughing.
Piper’s grateful for the distraction. She can still feel the spot where the other girl’s head touched hers.
Because it’s hurting, naturally. That’s the only reason.
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