#shattered-glass angel
itsjustaturt · 1 month
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anyway putting these here too. this is the most I will directly talk about my blorbos in Shattered-Glass Angel but I think these illustrate how I feel about them pretty well
these two are shared ocs with @mythicandco, who drew the art here
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so was thinking about htb today
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demigod-of-the-agni · 5 months
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Sephiroth but if he was desi... he is not beating the pretty boy allegations
"Desiroth" coined by my dearest bestie @nyatimesthree 🫶 thank you babes. anyway silly video I made and posted to instagram at 5am is under the cut
he estuans on my interius until i ira vehementi (sephiroth !!)
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caelanglang · 2 years
Snow Globe Love
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Your life was a ball of snow
cold with frosting bites.
When you play and throw bullets
of laughter and ice,
somewhere your inner child smiles.
But then the world shook
so violently asking,
Who’s crying when the skies shed
shards of tears, lonely
breeze carried silent mourning.
You let the heavy ice pile
up on your shoulders.
Walls of glass rose to embrace
an untouchable you who
dreamt for an ending,
sold your soul to the future,
trusted winter’s unkindness;
Letting your regret
give birth to goodness.
You are the warmest
of falling snowflakes
Who left lingering
kisses over me,
But what we had was never
Summer’s love nor Spring’s fever.
What we had was a snow globe.
Dancing amongst the white storm
was your dark coat and bright soul.
From afar I watched,
I envied, I wished, I loved.
Before she shattered glass;
Until we fell apart.
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leatherjacketed · 4 months
Cain is a relatable character because I, too, would give Dean Winchester whatever the fuck he wanted after he spread his legs on a kitchen table in front of me, even to the detriment of the world
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askvectorprime · 11 months
Dear, Vector Prime.
Sideswipe, who was supposed to have died in the battle on Earth in IDWSG, has come back to life as new body with partner. Could you tell us what happened to him?
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Dear Sideswipe Searcher,
Fresh from their victory over Megatron, the maniacal Optimus Prime and his army of Autobots rampaged across the planet, looting whatever resources they could find and funneling them into the construction of an Ark II that would take them home to Cybertron. Their rampage was thorough; within a matter of months, the victorious Autobots had obliterated most major population centers and crushed the remnants of the world’s various armed forces—as they launched the Ark, Prime gave the order to salt the earth by having Blaster hack into the planet’s various defense systems and authorize the indiscriminate launch of hundreds of intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Many weeks later, Megatron awoke, seemingly the last sentient being on Earth. As the critically damaged Decepticon limped through the graveyard that had once been Los Angeles, he discovered that the Autobots had simply left their dead and dying to rust where’d they’d fallen. Megatron was instinctually repulsed by the notion of desecrating the dead, but realized that he needed repairs—and that the bodies of his former friends and enemies might be the only way to source Cybertronian parts until he could make it offworld. As Megatron lifted the body of one such downed Autobot, whispering a brief apology for what he was about to do, he suddenly found a pair of hands wrapped around his neck! As it turned out, Sideswipe had also survived the battle of Los Angeles, but had been abandoned by his comrades and left to die—even his spark-brother Sunstreaker had turned his back on his critically wounded sibling, with a parting sneer that Sideswipe had always been the ugly one.
Initially, Sideswipe wanted nothing more than to return to Cybertron and exact brutal revenge on everyone who’d abandoned him; in his current condition he could barely stand, let alone fight his way across millions of miles of interplanetary space back to Cybertron. After salvaging whatever they could from the battlefield to patch themselves up, the pair decamped to the nearby city of San Francisco, where they established a base camp on the burned out remains of the Golden Gate Bridge. Not long after, they discovered a Cybertronian Decepticon warship and the prone body of a tiny stasis-locked Decepticon named Whisper. It didn’t take much energon to jump-start Whisper’s systems, and the three set about slowly repairing the downed warship over a period of many months. As they worked, Megatron and Sideswipe had a long time to reflect on their past mistakes and come to some kind of understanding—in time, even Sideswipe’s once-legendary bloodlust faded into a resolute determination to atone for his past misdeeds.
However, when the time came to finally launch the ship, Sideswipe made a shocking discovery—a small group of human survivors had established a small village on the outskirts of the city. It quickly became clear that they would not survive on their own—they would need access to Cybertronian technology and someone with the knowledge of how to properly use it. That night, by the feeble light of the human’s campfire, Sideswipe told Megatron that he should go on without them, and wished him luck in his mission to rebuild the Decepticons.  Touched by the gesture, Megatron bade his new friend farewell—but not without first declaring him an honorary Decepticon. 
The next morning, as Sideswipe leaned back on the cracked asphalt of the Golden Gate Bridge and watched as Megatron’s jury-rigged vessel lifted into the air, he took a moment to carve a new insignia on his chest, beneath the ugly gash that now ran through his old Autobot symbol… then turned back to the pale, haggard humans who looked to him as their new leader and protector, and set to work.
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iron1wings · 2 months
Hello,, Please I want your support to my family survive the war in Gaza 🥺🙏🏻
The situation is very bad here, food shortages, malnutrition, unclean water, and the spread of diseases 💔😔
You can help by donating, or reblog , please do not hesitate to help me 🙏🏻
Atm I can not donate but I promise I will spread the word🩷
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mycatismyfriend · 7 months
I'm standing on the mouth of hell and it is gonna swallow me whole. And it'll choke on me.
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jellyaibo · 10 months
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fatedstrands · 1 year
The Weapon And The Angel ||@forgivenpunishment||
No Man's Land. Gunsmoke. The Drowned Rock.
The planet had many names over the three centuries that humans have wandered it's rippling surface. Plants had long since thrived in the waters, tended to by the personification of the planet named Zazie in accordance with their promise to a now gone Independent. Even with him gone, the harmonious unity of the species continued on.
Across the surface were floating specs of human civilization, any land swiftly consumed by the largest cities, a grand tangle of life that reached to the heavens. Smaller sects of human life drifted along their anchor points, their Plants happily circling around, unfurled and alive, thriving in this strange world.
It is by one of these smaller fragments of humanity that a hybrid moves, scrubbing at a Plant Sister before laughing beneath the waves, turning to scrub the sea beast that had nudged him, guiding the creature on to turn back to his half-kin. The sky cracked, turning six gold rings up, eyeing the vibrant flash before something crashed to the surface.
This was usually a bad sign, long limbs grabbing at his frame before he shook off the chilled form. The hybrid cut through the water towards the sinking shape, curiosity clear in the indigo framed face as wings flared slowly, easing his movement as he neared. Four arms unfolded, reaching forth to touch the figure, the six foot beast's horned head tipping to the side.
It was a human. Or at least, he looked human. His energy was strange, thrumming off his form with the dull pulse of a heart, or so it felt. Gold peers from beneath a glowing pink halo, swirling lines wrapping over his form, tangling beneath treated fabrics revealing he'd once been human, long since forgotten to the ocean.
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itsjustaturt · 22 days
day 28: mind control. funny how things change. funny how they still stay the same.
also yeah I know I put this here late shhhh I totally didn't forget
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too late
(screenshot from pony town under the cut)
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aerticent · 1 year
my love for Maven has evolved into something and no matter how hard i try i cannot put it into words and it’s driving me crazy
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straightyuri · 8 months
Angels in the fantasy universe r kind of odd don't think abt them too hard.
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mindstack · 11 months
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she tumbled, she fell
and all they will say is, Oh well!
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belleshaw · 1 year
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