#shapeshifter hrt
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sandyca5tle · 1 month ago
Slimeshifter HRT - Month 3(/28)
Well, hello again, I’m back after what feels like ages (even if it’s only been a couple months), but instead of Slime HRT I’m bringing you Shapeshifter/Polymorph HRT (not sure which I’m going with, Shapeshifter’s what I default to, but Polymorph is a more technical name (also seen ‘Omnimorph’ thrown around, but not really a fan of that myself) we’ll see how it shakes out). 
Before I get into my new changes tho, I’ve actually got some life updates: We got a job! In Hyper City of all places. It’s not very glamorous or anything, it’s just cleaning/washing up glasses and stuff, but it pays the bills - turns out that, with the control I’ve learnt over my acidity, I can actually clean things like that very well, just kinda melt all of the dirt and grime off, and eat it up. It can take a little while to do it, since I have to be careful not to damage the glasses, but I’ve gotten really good at it, and it’s helped my acid control too, so win-win there, not to mention with additional limbs I can then polish multiple of the glasses at once (although only like, two at a time, otherwise it’s hard to quality control)
On top of the new job, I also got a place to live in Hyper City too, just a simple apartment for myself. It doesn’t make the commute that much different, but it lets me deal with a few less weird looks from people, and I can be nosy at all the cool things here, not to mention it makes attending appointments just that bit easier too. Not to mention I can meet my friends and partner easier here too - it being only like a twenty minute trip from anywhere on Earth makes it an amazing meet up point.
Anyways, on with the transition update!
Unfortunately there’s really not much to say at this point, it being early on and stuff, much like with the start of my Slime HRT, but I have been paying very close attention and trying to spot anything that seems off, so I have a few things to talk about.
First thing, and honestly I’m not sure if this is the tail end of Slime HRT or the beginning of Shapeshifter HRT, but I feel very connected to my whole body. Now, I say I’m not exactly sure which transition this is exactly, because Slime HRT definitely kinda removed the distinction between body parts, at least as humans understand it as I only really have two now - my core, and my slime - so everything I make with my slime is just part of that, which definitely led to a greater sense of wholeness and connection to my body (also y’know, the whole feeling more comfortable in my goo helps). But this is new, it’s like I almost kinda know what each part of my body is doing - which I know sounds weird to say, like ofc I know what my body’s doing, it’s my body - but to use a human analogy, humans don’t know what their organs are up to 98% of the time, other than hoping they’re doing their job, so it’s kinda like if a human knew that for certain? The line’s a lot blurrier with slime biology, but idk, it feels more like my mind properly extends all throughout my body, rather than just being in a centralised location, even if (I think) I know  it’s all stored in my core. 
This change has both improved my dexterity - being able to more keenly feel any limb or extension I make makes it a lot easier to have fine motor control - and also improved my ability to alter my shape, hence why I think it might be a part of the Shapeshifter HRT, but either way, being able to feel every inch of my body has certainly helped with perfecting shapes - I can actually make my slime kinda sharp now! Although it’s still made of goo, so it isn't great at cutting things, but it’s a bit sharper than my previous attempts, so progress!
The other thing that’s helped with shapeshifting, and that I’m fairly certain is the Shapeshifting HRT, is that I’ve noticed my body has gotten, well, less viscous, more fluid. It’s been a little awkward, as I’ve gotten used to a certain level of solidity, and while I can change it back to normal if I focus, at the moment I’m stuck being a little less cohesive than I’ve gotten used to, which has led to a couple instances where I’ve suddenly ended up a bit, or a lot, more puddley than normal, which is both inconvenient and embarrassing. Fortunately I’m very adept at reforming myself, so it’s no worse than tripping over your feet and ending up on the floor, but it still sucks that I’m having to deal with it again. But hey, the benefit is that it makes it much easier to alter my shape, and I’ve been loving the increased fluidity, even if it has made shapes harder to hold… have had to be careful with my wings, since there’s less structure to hold them up and in shape, which sucks a little, especially as I’ve had to forgo them once or twice. 
As another annoyance to this is that it also makes me occasionally leave slime behind me when I walk, or otherwise move, which both sucks from a cleanliness perspective and a mass retention one, although the former is much more of an issue than the latter, particularly in the new apartment.
The other main thing I’ve noticed since starting is that…. argh it’s hard to describe, it’s like a new understanding of… things? Like when I look at something I’m automatically picking out more little details about their shape, and the same when I pick something up. I’ve found myself idly staring at things, or rolling them around in my hand, or engulfing them in my slime (mostly without dissolving anything), and just picking out all the details in them, sometimes mimicking cool shapes I notice either at the time or later. It’s kinda weird, it’s like a whole extra bit of information on top of the normal sense. It’s actually helped a lot with my job, since i can feel any imperfections be they dirt or scratches in the glass much more easily that i might have otherwise
Between that and the greater connectivity to my body, I’ve been dealing with a lot more sensory information, primarily with touch, but a little with the other senses too. This has all led to some bouts of sensory overload, which have been…. unpleasant to say the least (it’s an overload for a reason), and it’s particularly hard to block it out when it’s touch - ever tried not touching anything? Fortunately if I limit how much I do touch when it happens, as well as other stimuli, I can recover, but it is distinctly unfun…
But asides from those issues it’s been overall chill with these early changes, and frankly the improved altering of my shapes has been a great change.
As a quick note, separate from my latest transition, I’m very curious about how I’m storing all the mass I have - I mean, I can eat and eat, and I don’t gain any size unless I want to (and I know that sounds like boasting - and I guess it is a little, but not like that), but like, I have eaten some really big things when i’ve had the chance, and there’s been no change - I don’t even weigh more, or at least, nowhere near as much as I should for what I’m eating. I can go from my 4’4” self to the size of my apartment block, maybe even taller now, and I don’t become some kind of super dense slime when I’m small.  I’ve hypothesized before that I think it’s stored in my core, since I really started noticing this once that had formed, but there’s too much to just be stored in there, and again, the density would be an issue too, I should have started making some kind of way towards becoming a black hole or something. I’ll send an actual message to the company that supplies my medication to ask about this, see if they know anything about it, because honestly, I’d like to know what’s going on and also, if it’s some kind of weird timelord bigger-on-the-inside deal, that’d be really interesting - not to mention it could be really useful if it’s something we could learn to replicate with technology or something. So yeah, hopefully we can find out more about that if only to satiate our curiosity.
So yeah, that’s the first update for Shapeshifter HRT! Hopefully I’ll actually get to do some proper shapeshifting by the next time I post but until then: See ya!
Well, here we go, Slimeshifter HRT, and I've got some plans for this next 'season' of this story hehehe, so hope you'll look forward to that hehe. Also wanna add a little something here about @ayviedoesthings 's Dragon HRT and @welldrawnfish 's Fish HRT having ended soon, given that they were some of the first to start writing their stories, and inspired so many of the rest of us to start our own, which has led to a wonderful community where we've made a bunch of wonderful new friends. So sad to see their series each wrapping up, but thankful to them both (and the others who started all this of course) for bringing us all together by lighting the spark that created this awesome community. And on a more individual note, this all also encouraged me to actually start posting my writing, something I'd never done before, let alone maintained a project this long, so I'm really glad to have had this inspiration to actually do this, which has also lead me to putting other (shorter) pieces up as well, and all in all that's been wonderful too, so yeah, really happy for all of that. So yeah, thanks to everyone who started this, and to all the new friends who are a part of this community and who've helped me in writing all this hehe. First - Prev - Next Previous Side Story - Two of One
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@calliecwrites, @friedsputnik, @now-entering-the-goop-zone, @scrubbinn, @lilacinthefog,
@mint-and-authoress, @losttodreams, @redroversendjayover, @ariathelamia, @kanithecatdemon
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paradoxmimzy · 6 months ago
Shapeshifter HRT
Day -394
I go in to the doctor. Doctor T.H. Arian. The name is a little suspicious but his treatment of my wife has been favorable.
"I thought about this for a long time doctor. I want to be a shapeshifter."
His face gets serious. "Do you know how many people that come in here and ask for that? What do you really want to be? We do offer polytherian treatments if you just can't decide between a few."
So I list them. Every single one. Cat, dog, fox, mouse, snake, bird, hermit crab, angel, devil, elf, vampire, unicorn, hamster, ferret… and others… forms that don't have names but I describe their anatomy in great, sickening, detail.
"If I tried to go through all of them one at a time it would be too complicated. Too much for me to keep track of and what happens if I want to change into something I haven't listed yet? Please doc, if I had to be one thing it would be a shapeshifter."
He removes his glasses and sighs.
"There is a treatment for it." He says.
I can't contain my squeaks of excitement.
"But." He cuts me off. "The substance I'm using is a lot more controlled. I can guarantee the things that it will do to your body will be worse than what your wife went through."
"I still want it… If you got anything that basically makes me like Venom that would be ideal."
"Will you be changing into anything mechanical or robotic?"
"Probably not."
"Okay. I will put in the request now, but do not hold your breath. A government agent will eventually contact you and mail you the paperwork that you need to fill out."
- Day -96
6:21 in the morning. My phone was ringing and with my wife still asleep I answered it.
"Hello this is Officer Mitchell. I am here with Agent Duress. We're here to ask you some questions about this… medication you are requesting?"
My local sheriff, with some guy from the government. Great.
"Yeah I made a request sometime last year and hadn't heard anything."
"Yes, well. There had been some policy changes 150 days ago about the substance you're requesting. Everyone who filed a report had to do so again."
"And I'm just hearing about this now??"
"Your doctor had been informed about it two weeks ago and resubmitted all files that needed to be submitted. He requested we handle this urgently so that is what we're doing, ma'am."
"I'm not a ma'am. Please use Sir if you can."
"With all due respect, ma'am. You take this medicine it's going to turn you into something that I don't even want to think about. Gender ain't gonna mean much to a freak like you."
"I can still use whatever damn pronouns I want."
"Okay, okay. No need to be so sensitive about it. I just gotta sign this thing that says I'll keep an extra eye out for you if you decide to start doing crimes."
"Oh my god."
"Hey, you're the one who wanted to be everything all these stupid fucking things. Ferret, angel, hermit crab? Really? If any crimes are done from species in any of these lists you're gonna be on the suspect board by default."
"Fine. I'll consent to it."
"Alright, good. Next is understanding the exact risk of this substance. Has your next of kin been notified?"
"My wife is fully aware yes."
"Your parents, darling. I'm asking about your parents."
"Dad died 3 years ago and mom's never had custody of me. I am nearly 30 fucking years old, why are you asking about my fucking parents?"
"Standard procedure. Normally we have underage people asking for this stuff. So what age would you say you were dysphoric as a… 'Mono-formic being.'" He sounded out each word bitterly.
And so the questions went on and on and on and on and on. Until finally a voice different from the sheriff's came in.
"Thank you for your time. It will be under consideration."
And then it hung up.
"Ugggghhhh." I groan to myself.
"If you wanna go to the diner I could search for a shirt that fits me now." My cow wife says.
"It's fine. I'll just hang out on the internet. All I can do is fucking wait after all. From email or carrier pigeon I guess!!"
"Too loud."
"Sorry. I'm just mad."
"Do you think they hire pigeon therians into the government to carry messages?" She asks,
"Derpy Hooves is definitely a pigeon therian." I reply back,
"So true OP…" She yawns and slips back into sleep.
- Day 0
It was a text message. It was ready at the pharmacy and all I needed to do was go pick it up like any other medicine.
Doctor T.H. Arian gave me information on how to apply it and what to expect for the low dose they start me on.
He was very insistent I record my emotional state through this and that he would be prepared to stop the treatment if it made me 'worse.' Though he refused to define what worse was.
The medicine itself was just a little black goo in a bottle. I had been informed that it could be applied just on my skin, but that carried a risk to my partner and her own HRT procedures. So I opted for injection instead.
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calliecwrites · 28 days ago
Shifter HRT, part 8 – Return to Hyper City (11 Months)
I’m on the way back to Hyper City. It’s the middle of winter, there’s a bitter wind, and it’s almost dark even though it’s still only afternoon. The bus is empty. Hardly anyone’s heading out this way on a day like this. When I get off at the tiny village, all the shops are already shut. But I’m not here for the village – I’m once again following the ritual that takes me to another world.
Tonight I’m heading to the Hyper Light Festival, the winter festival at the crossroads of reality. This time I’m ready. I am enough, and this time I’m not running away.
Look closely, and it’s clear I’m not human anymore. More of my body has changed, and I’ve been practising. My bones and organs are still the same, so the forms I can take now are mostly ‘human plus’ – little tweaks and additions to the basic human shape. I’m learning, step by tiny step. I’m wearing a few subtle signs of my inhumanity – my ears are a bit longer and pointier, my tongue is slightly forked, and I’ve got a greenish tinge to most of my skin, except for a few parts that still haven’t changed. It’s quite the contrast with my red hair. This is the first colour change I’ve managed to do. Do shifters have a default colour when fluid? I’ve never gotten a clear answer. But if mine was going to be green, I’d be totally fine with that.
Why not bigger changes, when I’ve been playing with arms and legs and all kinds of things? Partly because I still can’t hold the big things for long. Small changes I can hold now with only a little bit of effort. And, uh, partly because my tops don’t have enough sleeves. Who’d have guessed that human clothes aren’t designed for that? But this time I’m wearing my T-shirt with ‘be goo, do crimes’ on it, and damn anyone who makes a fuss. I’ve been running on adrenaline since I stepped out of the house looking not entirely human – but it’s so quiet, there’s been no one here to notice.
When I arrive in Hyper City, I stop by the registration office to get my shapeshifter license. I’m still slightly annoyed that I have to do this at all – do they think I’m going to try taking over the city as soon as I can imitate someone important? – but I can’t put it off any longer. I’m now officially a ‘provisional physiological polymorph’, and I’ve got a card to prove it – meaning someone who will, eventually, be able to take on any form as part of how my body works, without using magic. Blob of goo that can turn into anything, basically. They do some kind of scan to identify which world I’m from, and note that down too. And now I’m accepting that there really is magic here – seeing it listed on an official form in a dusty government office is what finally convinces me. It’s not just super-advanced tech, like I’d assumed.
Then I head for the central plaza. I can hear music in the distance, and hints of tantalising smells drift on the wind. By the time I get close, the streets are packed. And the plaza itself is full of… everything.
Hyper City doesn’t just connect to our world, but to many worlds, and all their winter festivals come together here. Yes, the multiverse is real. People changing species isn’t the only mind-boggling thing in this city.
There are stalls selling crafts, people dancing, performing, wearing costumes and masks, music, enchanters, impossible sculptures held together by magic – and more. Unfamiliar and enticing smells waft from stalls selling food from across the worlds. I hear voices in a hundred languages. There are people telling stories, playing games, eating and drinking, all packed in side by side. I spot a giant Christmas tree with glowing globes clustered round it, and it’s only one tiny part of everything.
It’s so much. Almost too much. My mind is drinking in the details. But I’m starting to relax. Enjoying the spectacle. Anonymity in the crowd.
The buildings around the plaza are brightly lit. Globes of light drift overhead, and now and again there are people in the air, too. If I had any doubt there’s actual magic here, it’s gone. I briefly wonder if you can acquire magic if you come from a world without any – something to check up on later. In places, people are gathered around bonfires, or at shrines to more gods than I’ve ever heard of. At street level it’s dim, on purpose I think, and many people carry candles. As they move it’s like a slow river of lights winding between the stalls. Light is a common theme here, and warmth, and protection – light against the darkest time of the year.
Snowflakes flutter on the wind. The parts of me that are still human are cold, but the parts that have changed are comfortable even in this.
And in the crowd, here and there, I spot therians and otherkin at all stages of transition – people who started off with a human body, but were never really human on the inside – people like me. The ones early on are a patchwork of human parts and changed parts, just like I am. We’re still a minority even here, but for once, I don’t feel out of place. It lights me up inside like my first time at Pride. I can’t stop grinning. I mean, technically I could, because I’m a shifter and could rearrange my face enough for that, even at this stage… but you know what I mean. I don’t want to.
Someone catches my eye, over where the crowd is a bit thinner. It’s their colour I notice first – a gloopy orange, almost like syrup. Then I notice their arms are entirely made of goo, translucent and with no bones inside, and so is their hair. They must be a slime! I’ve been reading a few slimes’ transition journals online, and we have a lot in common – we’re on different routes to a similar place. I don’t know if our species are actually related, or if it’s convergent evolution, but either way – someone else who’s a gelatinous blob that can shape themselves however they like? Sounds like someone who gets it!
Before I even think about it, I’m slowly making my way closer through the crowd. And now I’m nervous as hell – going up to some random person in the real world, just because they’re kinda like me? But that was the whole reason for coming here. That’s what I was hoping might happen. The festival was just an excuse, really.
As I get closer, I see that the rest of their head is still opaque and human, aside from the orange tint to their skin. But their fingers are tipped with claws, their bare feet are bird-like with talons, and they have a little blob of goo like a rabbit’s tail on their back. Their clothes look very waterproof, even though it isn’t raining – and oh, that must be to stop their slime soaking into things. I haven’t had that problem yet, but can totally believe it’ll be a thing later.
And then I’m there, grinning nervously – and, yes, with excitement too. I form another arm – a bit awkwardly because of the too-small sleeves – and wave with all three.
“Hi?” I say. “I saw that you’re a slime and uh…”
“Oh, uh, hi!” they reply, waving back. “Uh, yeah, I am a slime… and so are you by the looks of things!” they add with a growing smile.
“Close,” I say, “I’m a shifter! But I’m gooey too.” I turn my third hand fluid for a moment.
They raise an eyebrow. “Oh neat – wait? Like a shapeshifter?”
“Yeah! Actually I guess there must be lots of kinds of shapeshifters here, with the whole multiverse thing. We just call ourselves ��shifters’ for short. Or, well, sometimes the People of Change if we’re being poetic – ‘fluid as the ocean, wild as the wind’, that kind of thing…” My voice cracks slightly on that phrase, that’s been with me my whole life, focus of so much longing. Then I laugh gently, as I poke my human parts: “Which I’m not, yet, as you can see.”
“Oohh! I do like the ‘fluid as the ocean’ bit, kinda hits very close.” They raise their arm, rippling it like a wave.
I don’t immediately respond, only to realise I’m staring at their arm. I pull my gaze away. “Sorry,” I say, laughing awkwardly, “I think my mind is trying to figure out how to copy your colour, but I don’t know how to do orange yet. I only just figured out green.” I let the green fade away in places, my skin changing back to its original colour, before bringing the green back. “It’s a nice colour.”
The slime looks a little flustered. “Don’t think anyone’s ever said that to me before, that they wanna try my colour, or that I have a nice colour, not really sure how to respond to that, but thank you – can say I’m quite a fan, so would definitely recommend it when you can though.” They pause a second before continuing. “But, and, uh, sorry if this is kinda rude, but uh, you still kinda look part human, I was told you had to become something else before you could do shapeshifter stuff?”
“I just got straight on shifter HRT,” I say, shrugging, “there was no mention of anything else. But I’m not going to one of the doctors here – are you at Erian’s clinic?”
They frown a little. “Nah, I didn’t like all the gatekeepery stuff he was doing, so I found another provider who relied on informed consent – they said I had to pick another species first to act as a base for the additional shapeshifter meds. Kinda feeling a little cheated now, even if I’ve been enjoying becoming a slime.”
“But you’re at a proper doctor, right?” I say. “Not just… some person who figured out how to make this stuff? In hindsight, I probably should’ve done that – mine is very hands-off, and the whole thing is super experimental – kinda realising that now seeing other people’s stories online. But they’re a shifter too, they’re the only one who does this specific thing, and I was desperate, y’know?”
They nod. “Yeah, proper doctor ’nd all, but I totally get the desperation, fuck, if I’d known I could get straight on shapeshifter stuff I quite possibly woulda gone for that.” They pause for a moment, looking thoughtful. “Although, if it’s shady like ya say, I’m not sure how willing I’d be to trust it, at least the people I’m going through seem safe and all, even if they are kinda delaying/shortchanging me a bit.” Another pause, before, “You sure it’s safe ’nd all? I mean, it seems to be working for you, but,” they shrug, “there’s enough shit we have to deal with without our meds biting us in the ass too.”
“Yeah,” I nod, “that’s it, it is working, that’s what I’ve been telling myself. But my provider’s really secretive – doesn’t want anyone else figuring out the formula. And I’ve hardly had any support, only vaguely know what to expect at each stage, pretty sure they’re using a false name… Actually that does sound pretty bad when I say it. But it’s working, right? And,” gesturing around us, “I didn’t believe this place existed.”
“Does seem very shady, definitely,” they say. “I’ve been having checkups every six months, actually due my third soon. I’d be careful, as I said, don’t want this to bite ya in the ass. That being said, definitely seems like it’s working.” They gesture at my third arm. “Can’t wait to be able to do more altering of my shape, but I need more human parts to get converted.” They point at their chest. “Still got ribs and stuff under my clothes, which sucks, but given how much my stomach melting hurt, I’m worried about how my spine going’s gonna feel, so for once, slowly is actually preferable.”
I wince a bit. “Ooh, that sounds painful. But, yeah, same here,” I say, remembering how overwhelmed by phantom body parts I was last time I was in the city. “Human’s still my default, and I can’t hold big changes for long yet.” I let my third arm dissolve back into my body – it’s starting to get uncomfortable already. “I’m Callie, by the way. She/her.”
“Oh, right, introductions.” They chuckle awkwardly. “I’m Sandy, she/they, nice ta meet ya Callie.” She extends a claw. “I don’t know how much overlap it’ll have, but you’re also kinda gooey, so maybe it’ll help, but I’ve found if you practice taking and holding forms, eventually it becomes like muscle memory, even if I’m running out of muscles, but you can eventually just kinda take and hold stuff easily.” They gesture to their talons and claws. “Been working on these for a bit now, and now they’re second nature.” They quickly shift between a claw and a human hand, her slime suddenly becoming more fluid, before effortlessly switching back.
I’m envious, I can’t deny it – but it’s not the hopeless envy I would have felt before. Now it’s more like anticipation, knowing that soon I’ll be able to do that too.
“Small changes are getting to be easy like that,” I say. “But,” and I hold up my own hand, “it’s still all bones in here.” And then, with a grin, “Can’t wait to try wings though.” I look up at the orbs floating overhead. “I really want to fly – been dreaming about that for years.”
“Gods yes, I can’t wait to have wings.” She follows my gaze up. “Being able to fly up there would be wonderful…” She trails off wistfully. “Just the freedom to soar up in the air, seems just perfect.”
I try to form wings – not for the first time – but I just don’t have enough goo yet, and of course my clothes are in the way. “I’d have to cut holes in this first though,” I say, tapping my T-shirt.
Sandy smiles. “Yeah, I’ve started cutting tail holes in my clothes, now I can actually have one, even if it is only a small one, not looking forward to all the measuring it’ll take for wings. Although I am vaguely aware there are some shops in the city that are actually trying to cater to those of us with… less human physiology. Haven’t had a chance to check them out yet, but might be something to look into.”
“Oh, I will. Actually, that reminds me! Look at this.” I take out my shapeshifter license and show them. “Can you believe we have to have a license?!” And then I add, “But it’s kinda nice seeing it on something official.” I’m feeling a lot better about it than when I filled in the forms – seeing it actually written down, what I am, is making me smile.
Their eyes widen. “Oh? What’s that?” She leans in to get a better look. “‘Provisional Shapeshifter License’? Huh, didn’t know that was a thing. But wait, yeah, why do you need a license, isn’t it just something you do?”
“They think we’re dangerous or something.” I shrug. “I guess we could be if we wanted to. But that’s not going to happen with me, I don’t want power or… any of that. This is just for me.”
Sandy nods. “Yeah, exactly, I don’t want shapeshifting – when I get there – for power, I just want to, well, be whatever, and ultimately me. People get so up in arms about it for no reason.”
“Familiar feeling,” I say. I’m thinking, of course, about being trans back home. “But we’ve got all the others like us, and that’s… something. People who get it.”
“Mmm.” They nod. “It’s nice to have others like us, this whole conversation’s been wonderful, well except for learning that I might’ve been shafted by my supplier. But yeah, it’s been nice meeting other people going through all this stuff and making friends through it all, and it’s been especially nice to meet another shapeshifter… even if I’m not quite there yet, but like, you get it, is the point.”
We talk a while longer, sharing old dreams of shapeshifting, wandering through the plaza and pointing out things we’ve never seen before. Then, at last, it’s time for me to go, if I want to catch the bus home. We agree to keep in touch, and we hug – and I do my best to form two extra arms for that, though it’s still almost the limit of what I can do. We wave goodbye, and I head home smiling. New city, new world, new friend.
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This chapter is a collaboration with @sandyca5tle – whose Slime HRT was one of the stories that inspired me to start writing this in the first place – and takes place between the 14 month and 18 month chapters of Slime HRT. Go read it, it’s goo-d! Also featuring the Hyper Light Festival created by @nuggetofthesea.
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And here’s how the provisional shapeshifter license looks, using the template from Slime HRT 25 months. The fields are explained fully over there, but briefly, the letters on the bottom row show what you can do now, with the letters in brackets showing what you’ll be able to do at the end of transition.
And now that we’re approaching the one-year mark, more changes are on the way – coming soon, in Part 9: Hunger!
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the-fun-in-dysfunctional · 6 months ago
I was reading a bunch of Therian HRT comics earlier, and damn all the doubt in my heart about alterhumanity was immediately replaced by an insatiable yearning for a world where that stuff is real.
I think it also cracked my egg as a shapeshifterkin I believe, so that's fun.
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maxine302 · 1 month ago
Shapeshfter hrt: 10 months
Strength in repetition, trust the process
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androdragynous · 8 months ago
oh to be a creature whose natural state is to be what it isn't. so cheated by the fact I've only got one shape to work with here
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dariothecat-blog · 3 months ago
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In the comments let's get a conversation going. And gimme a small hint of what you did for Turkey Day. I would love to hear your plans, and the opportunity to talk to Tumblr people. ^^
Recent days saw my days dial from zilch to 50. Me and the fam chose a house, which we plan to move into. And just need to be accepted by the mobile home park. Then we'll be off of the road, and back to regular life styles. :)
That aside Happy Thanksgiving! Also despite being busy, I worked on this piece by piece yesterday and today. Which resulted in this adorable piece. The lovely Sofi decorating a tree for Christmas. ♥ 🎄 🌟 ❄
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lordelmelloi2 · 2 years ago
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I wanted to draw my take on "Fem!Waver big boobies" cause I kept seeing fem Waver big booby pinups that just didnt visually scan as Waver to me
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hero-dualies-pog · 7 months ago
i don’t think i’m a therian but i believe in their beliefs
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sandyca5tle · 7 months ago
Slime HRT Story - 25 Months - 2 year appointment
Hyper City; I was getting used to the bizarre place that seemed to appear to those who looked for it, having to come here every half-dozen months to get checked up and making sure I wasn’t mutating or something unexpected had given me ample time to become at least somewhat accustomed to it. Today however, I’d been asked to come in not just for a physical checkup, but also my mental checkup, which normally I did over a video call, so being asked to come to the physical office was weird. 
They had explained that, since I had now completed the two years required to begin shapeshifter hrt, that they needed to talk with me in person regarding some of the steps needed to proceed, as well as other discussions that needed to happen. They hadn’t gone into much detail about what exactly would be needed, just that they needed to be done in person.
It was always nice walking around the city; compared to home there were a lot more people here like me, which had become more and more welcome as the changes became more and more obvious. 
Even early on I had gotten some strange looks - a girl with orange, rippling skin tends to be noticed - but as I got slime-ier and slime-ier the looks were more and more frequent. There were of course people back home (as in not in Hyper City) who were taking the humanity replacement therapy, but certainly none in my proximity, which only made me that much more of an oddity. I did avoid a lot of what could have been though by staying inside, and I mean, most of my friends were online, and those that weren’t also didn’t live locally.
Hyper City however, while I definitely still got that kind of attention, and some places wouldn’t serve us (I didn’t know of any places like that back home, but as I said, I hadn’t been out enough to find them), I could at least see other people like me, and it at least made me feel less alone.
It didn’t take long to reach my destination, although it was in a little bit of a different place than I usually had to go to but I found it well enough, and headed inside, where I was basically greeted with what looked like a mix between an office, and a hospital waiting room. I gave over my name and appointment time, and was told to wait to be called.
When I sat down, I was glad to find that the chairs here had a hole in the back that I could put my tail through - an accommodation that I had found lacking in quite a few places, including my own home. Of course, for me, having a tail was completely optional, I had chosen to shape my body like that, but I liked it, it felt comfortable and right, and 99% of the time I was not going to give that up just because society hasn’t adjusted to some people having tails. Wings were a whole ‘nother story all together, but interestingly I frequently found less issue with them, so long as I didn’t spread them out.
Once I had sorted my tail and wings out on the seat, I adjusted my clothes, which had slightly stuck to me in places. While I had been forgoing clothes at home - there’s no real need in private, and they don’t exactly go with my more fluid shape - I still didn’t quite feel comfortable walking around outside completely naked, so I was currently dressed in a waterproofed cropped tank, jacket, and shorts - an outfit I had always liked, so I made sure to buy some new stuff (and modify it a little for tails and wings) for my new size and makeup. Haven’t bothered with shoes in months since I made my feet into talons, since no-one really makes shoes for them, and I don’t really need ‘em.
While I waited I took a moment to think back on the last couple of years. Overall, it had been wonderful, seeing myself slowly change, and slowly finding myself even more in love with my body than estrogen had managed (no shade there, turns out i just needed more/something other than what it could do for me). It had taken a while, but I loved where I was at now, and as I thought this I flourished my arm, its shape bubbling and twisting, not really taking on a specific form, I was simply moving its shape as one might move a finger. It gave me a nice warm feeling in my core as I did so.
As my thoughts turned to my core, I actually shifted it to my hand, idly rolling the rough sphere around in my hand as I looked at it. I’d started doing this recently, basically using my core as a fidget toy, as potentially ill-advised as that could be, but its almost cratered surface had a nice texture, so was nice to hold. I did have to remind myself not to throw it around - I didn't want my body to deform accidentally, especially not in public, and I wasn’t sure how durable my core was, and I didn’t want to find out by dropping it. It did feel hard though, and very solid, and somewhat crystalline. Not really knowing any other slimes at this point in their transition, I had no-one to compare to to know if my core was normal or not - I assumed the crystallinity of the core was normal, that seemed like a reasonable thing, but the ‘cratering’ across it was something I wasn’t certain about, and it worried me slightly, despite my attempts to not let it get to me.
I was ripped from my thoughts upon hearing my name called out from over by the reception, and I raised a hand and nodded in response, getting up to walk over to them, as they directed me towards my appointment.
I knocked on the door, which only had ‘6C’ stuck on it, and heard a woman call me in from the other side. I opened the door and stepped through, only to be met with a sphinx. Yes, a sphinx, sitting, much like the statue, behind the desk in front of me. I also noticed that the room was, naturally, quite tall, presumably to allow her locomotion around it, and I spied a larger double door in the back of the room that looked like it might just fit her. 
“You must be Sandy, am I correct?” She asked, her voice somewhat loud but soft, and as such did not offend my ears “Please, take a seat,” She said, nodding to the chair on the other side of the desk. 
I sat down as instructed, noting that I was surprisingly at eye level. I was unsure whether that was something a lot of fictional depictions got wrong, or whether she was earlier in her transition that made her smaller (assuming that she was transitioning, Hyper City seemed home to more than just humans or those transitioning…). Regardless, once I was seated, I finally replied to her question “Uh, yeah, I’m Sandy,”
“Good,” She said simply “I’m Jania, nice to meet you,”
“Uh, nice to meet you too.” I was finding that despite her not being that much higher up than me at the moment, her overall presence in the room was noticeably greater
“I’m sure you’ll understand if I don’t shake your paw- hand- claw?” She jumped between the words, clearly not sure which to use, and I noticed her looking at my appendage
“I guess claw? That’s what it’s shaped like, alternatively limb or pseudopod, but I think claw works fine,” I told her
“Yes, that,” She said “Anyway, I understand you’re here for your regular check-in, as well as a discussion of your next steps,” I nodded “Good. So, how are you doing today?”
I took a moment to think before responding “Generally I’m good, and transition wise too, despite the last couple of months being a little…. well, being a lot honestly. But, I’m out the other side and all the better for it,” I stretched out my arms, sending a ripple along them “All good and gooey now,”
“Yes, I read the diary entry you submitted, what you’ve been through sounds unpleasant to say the least,” Jania said “How are your memories?”
“Fuzzy from around that time, but since then fine,” I told her candidly “As for before then it’s hard to know what I’ve lost due to the transition and what’s just my bad memory,” I added “But I feel fine, and as I said, forming new memories seems to be normal so far, so it was just a very unpleasant side effect of having the very nature of my neurological centre transformed,”
“Well I’m glad to hear that you feel fine, although I might slate you for some examination on your memory, just to make sure,” She replied. I frowned, not really seeing the necessity, but nodded, worst case it would set my mind at ease. “I assume, based on what you’ve said so far, that you are pleased with the progress you’ve achieved?”
I nodded again “As I’ve said before, I wish it hadn’t all taken so long/happened faster, but that’s just ‘cause i’m impatient, can’t complain with the end result,” I said with a grin “Although maybe it’s a good thing, the last few months happening any faster might have seriously fucked me - actually I did see some rumours and stuff about a 15 minute version of this stuff, but it sounded… shady at best,” I told her
“Yes, we’re aware of that, and we highly recommend avoiding it, it is incredibly dangerous and life threatening,” Her tone had suddenly grown very serious
I raised my hands defensively “That was kinda the vibe I got, and anyways, I’m already here, no need for me to take it now,” I told her
“Good,” She replied “Now, before we move on to next steps there is something else we’d like to ask,” She began “Obviously you have been very diligent about keeping the requested updates about your transition, however, while you seemed to cover the major events, there is certain things notably missing, such as the clusters of chloroplasts I can see in your body,” She remarked 
My ears perked up a little at that “So they are chloroplasts? I wasn’t certain, since I’m a sap slime, and I didn’t think sap normally had chloroplasts, so I wasn’t sure, but they seemed harmless and so I didn’t worry about it - plus they look neat,” I explained excitedly “Would explain why sunny days have felt so good recently… do you think my core is the same?”
“Oh, had you not been told about that? Yes, apparently during one of your checkups they were tested and identified to be chloroplasts, meaning that you are capable of photosynthesizing,” She informed me, and I immediately felt my tail wagging behind me
“That’s awesome, that was something I was really hoping would happen, even if I wasn’t sure it would!” I relayed to her “I wonder how much of my energy it would provide…?”
Jania quickly looked something up, and I noted that she had a super-sized keyboard just in front of her paws. “Unfortunately without a drastic increase in surface area, you are unlikely to experience a significant effect on you energy levels, although you may experience a slight improvement in your energy and mood on sunny days, which it sounds like you already have,” She told me
I frowned, before taking a moment to think, spreading my wings out “Would these help increase my surface area?” I enquired 
It was Jania’s turn to look thoughtful, taking a moment herself before responding “I can’t say for certain, but based on the information I have, it logically should,” She offered “Although I would not advise skipping meals to rely on the sun,” She said “The main reason it does not supply you entire energy needs is that you are significantly more active than any other plant…based entity,” I felt a small welling of euphoria at that, despite my disappointment at being unable to rely solely on the sun for nourishment, being called a plant, or plant-based entity, was nice.
“Don’t worry, I like food too much to stop eating, but I would be a neat option,” I remarked
“Good to hear,” Jania told me “With that clarified, I will return to my original point - you appear to have missed several of the changes in your reports, and we would appreciate it if you could try to write a supplemental on any changes, as well as any other pertinent details, that you missed in your prior entries,” She asked “As you know, while we are confident in the safety of the medication we provide, there is still a lot of unknowns, and we would like to collect as much information as we can on the experiences of those transitioning, so please add any information that might be helpful to others who come after you, as well as anything else that you may want to add in regards to your transition,”
I nodded, feeling a little like I’d been scolded for handing in sub-par homework, but I understood why they wanted a thorough report, and she wasn’t wrong, there had been some things I’d missed, or been unsure where to put in, so this would be a great time to add all of those to the reports “I’ll make sure to do that asap,” I assured her
Jania nodded, tapping a little on her computer “Right, so with that out of the way, we have a couple more thing to address,” She began “Firstly: you have reached the two year mark on your transition to a slime, which also means it’s time for us to discuss the crossroads,” My face fell a little.
I’d seen others talk about the crossroads, but I honestly wasn’t really sure what  actually happened, all I knew was that it was the point that you left behind any chance of being human again, and fully set out to become the animal or creature you were transitioning into. I nodded
“You may or may not know, but the crossroads is the point at which your changes will make you, what is known as ‘feral’, making you less human in both body and mind.” She told me
“I’m not exactly sure I’d call my body any amount of human at this point,” I said
“You’re still in a humanoid form,” She pointed out 
“By choice and for ease, the world is kinda build for humanoids, as I’m sure you’re aware of,” I replied  “I’m pretty sure I said in my reports that I had been using a ‘slime ball form’-” As I said that, I shifted some slime in my hand into a miniature version of said form “And I mean,” I gestured with my claws and tail, spreading my wings slightly “It’s not like I’m particularly precious about the human part of the ‘humanoid’”
Jania nodded “That is fair I suppose, and you are correct, I have become increasingly aware of the… accessibility of human society to those of us outside of it,” She remarked “Although I must ask - surely you can just make yourself more humanoid to navigate their world more easily?”
“I spent 20 odd years as a human, I’m taking the first chance I can get off that train,” I replied “Plus, it feels right to have what I’ve made for myself, why should I have to shift that away just ‘cause humans haven’t adapted? Maybe seeing people struggle with it will get them to do something about it!” I added “I mean, it probably won’t unless we make a fuss about it, but,” I muttered
The sphinx paused for a second before replying “That is understandable, and commendable if I am honest, I’m sure others in a similar situation might opt to adjust themselves,” She remarked
“Eh, I’m already a blob of bright orange goo, I stand out enough as is,” I replied
“That is also true, I suppose,” She tapped on her computer a little bit before continuing “Regardless, beyond this point you will experience little physical changes - for slimes the difference before and after the crossroads physically is fairly limited, due to their relatively simple biology,” I took offence at her calling our biology ‘simple’ but I had to concede (after a wave of euphoria at realising how easily I had thought ‘our biology’) that we didn’t have the most complex biology, and to be fair to her, she seemed to be reading off the computer, so I assumed they weren’t her words. 
“The only other potential physical change is that of lifespan… however there is little data on how long a slime naturally lives, so we wouldn’t be able to tell you whether you would have an increased or decreased lifespan,” She informed me
“Yeah, there’s not a lot of literature/media that has slimes die by natural causes…” I said, getting an uncomfortable feeling inside myself “Most games use us as low level cannon fodder,” I added with a frown
“....yes, exactly, so if you were to go ahead with going beyond the crossroads, we would ask that you sign additional waivers and the like, so as to make it clear that you are making the decision to potentially shorten your lifespan in full knowledge that that is what you are doing,” I nodded, they had to cover their asses legally, that made sense, although the idea of shortening my lifespan kind of scared me
“The other changes are purely mental. Generally, going beyond the crossroads leads to distancing from your current behaviours, thoughts, and potentially even memories as your mind becomes more like that of your natural species. Before that, as a slime, you would experience a degradation in intelligence, and likely strengthening in your predatory instincts,”
I nodded to convey my understanding, worried and concerned about what I was hearing - I didn’t want to lose myself, even as much as I loved being a slime “And, uh, what happens if I don’t go beyond the crossroads, how does that work - I haven’t seen a lot of people talk about that?” I asked, a little sheepishly
I swear Jania almost looked relieved when I finished my question, which made me frown a little, but I decided to ignore it “If you didn’t wish to go beyond the crossroads, then you would be put onto a lowered dose for a few months, to see if your body is producing all the right chemicals, and once we were certain of that, you would eventually stop taking the medication all together, and live as you are now,” She explained
I nodded, my mind racing with the options I had - I liked where I was, I had everything I wanted out of my slime transition, and what I could lose past the crossroads sounded terrifying. Naturally, with that in mind, it seemed like an obvious choice, but a part of me was asking ‘but if you stop now, are you even a real slime?’ and despite all the logical points I could make against that, it didn’t stop the feeling from gnawing at me
“You don’t have to answer right away, and actually, you will have plenty of time to decide, assuming you still plan to go ahead with the shapeshifter treatment,” She told me
I gave her a quizzical look “Yes, I do, but what do you mean?”
“Well, due to the relatively ‘volatile’ nature of the shapeshifter treatment, not that is at all dangerous, we prefer patients to not be undergoing large scale mental strain and stress while taking the additional treatment,” Jania explained “So we would put you on the maintenance dose, as if you had chosen to not proceed with the crossroads. Then a few months after that, once the additional treatment had began to take hold, you would need to make the decision about the crossroads, so we could stop your dose or return it to full strength depending on your decision,” I nodded “That sounds good, I hadn’t realised how little I was ready to make the decision about the crossroads,” I told her
“It’s a big decision, and one we wouldn’t want anyone taking lightly, so you can take your time,” She told me “Up to a point, there is unfortunately a limit before even the maintenance dose begins to push you past the crossroads,” I nodded again, not sure what else to say “With that talked about, we need to move onto discussion about you starting shapeshifter hrt, you did say you still intend to take the treatment, yes?”
I nodded “Very much so, definitely still wanting that,” I replied 
“Good, I have to make sure of course,” Jania said, tapping a few times on her computer, before turning it to me - her paws large against the mostly normal sized screen - showing a list, with a title at the top ‘Types of Shapeshifter’ “As you can see here,” She began “there are various types of shapeshifter and before we proceed any further, we need you to pick what specific kind of shapeshifter you want to become,”
I glanced over the list, noting that it started at those with more limited transformative abilities, such as werewolves, to mimics (and the several subcategories of that), to those that adapted to their environment. However, I quickly skimmed past all of these - I knew all about the types of shapeshifters, this had been what I had originally come to them to become after all, so I’d researched this years before - and jumped right to the end “That one!” I declared, pointing, probably a little too excitedly at the option at the bottom “A polymorph shapeshifter!”
I saw Jania smile a little “That is what I expected, given your choice of base,” She remarked, gesturing to my gelatinous body, causing me to chuckle a little bashfully “So a polymorph it is then, just to make sure, you understand that a polymorph can alter themselves to be almost anything, so long as they can imagine it,” She asked, I nodded - of course I understood, this is what I’d wanted the whole time  “Ok then, with that decision clearly made,” she spun the screen back around and tapped a little more as she continued to talk “first things first we need you to sign the consent forms, and then we can get a prescription sorted out once you have had your checkup today, assuming that there are no problems there,” She explained “And then we will have to get you your shapeshifter licence,”
I gave her a quizzical look “Shapeshifter licence?” I enquired 
“Right, yes, to be legally able to use your shapeshifting abilities in Hyper City, you must register as a shapeshifter, and carry identification detailing the nature of your form of shapeshifting,” She explained
I frowned a little, I wasn’t sure how I felt about having to be registered somewhere just ‘cause I was a shapeshifter - but then at the same time, it was an easy ability to abuse, so I can understand people wanting to keep an eye on us “How am I supposed to fill in a form like that if I’m only going to be partially able to transform for a while?” I asked, thinking back to how my shaping had been early on in my transition to a slime “Like I’m not going to be able to turn into godzilla day one,” I pointed out
“Don’t worry, we have provisional licences, which have details about your target level of shapeshifting, but are clear that you may not have reached that point yet yourself. When you come in for your checkups, we can update the current details on the system and your ID,” She explained “We have some ready for those who are going to become shapeshifters, but we can only give it to you once you have been cleared by a doctor after your physical,” 
“Ok, that makes sense,” I replied “What will I do if I develop something and my ID is not up to date?” I asked - I really didn’t want to deal with whatever magical cops this city had
“Assuming you don’t cause any harm to any people or property, or anything else otherwise illegal, the provisional nature of the licence will at least explain why your abilities aren’t completely correctly documented yet,”
“Ok, goo-d,” I tripped a little on the word, feeling myself blush a little, I had been trying to use more ‘slimeisms’ but hadn’t expected one to slip out here “ I, uh, would rather not get arrested just ‘cause I happened to get a new shift and it’s not noted down,”
“Don’t worry, we’ve liaised with the authorities to work this out,” Jania explained “Wouldn’t be good if those under our care were constantly being arrested,” She pointed out
“No, I would imagine not,” I remarked
“Do you have any more questions?” The sphinx asked
“Not that I can think of, but I’m sure they’ll crop up later,” I said with a half-smile and a chuckle
“If you do think of any later you can send any questions you think of later via the website,” She told me “With those important things out of the way, not that this is any less important, how are you coping with being a slime out in the world of humans?” She asked 
I blinked a couple of times before replying “Fine, I guess, I’m not the most outdoorsy person, most o’ my friends are online, so I tend to stay inside most of the time,” I said “But it has been pretty neat just being able to exist in the real world as the slime I am,” I added
“Have you had any issues with people? Many people don’t take kindly to those different than you, and you did say you’re a blob of bright orange goo that stands out enough already,”
I paused to think for a moment “I’ve had a couple of in person issues, and a couple places have refused to let me in, but there’s assholes everywhere, I just ignore them/don’t go there again, it’s like blocking people online,” I told her, glad that my throat no longer got tight talking about these things (mainly ‘cause i don’t have a throat anymore), but I could still feel my tone fall a bit as I thought about the incidents “It sucks that people can’t just live and let live, but I don’t need to burn myself out fighting every asshole who calls me something shit,” I said, noting the clear sadness in my voice “It doesn’t not affect me, I feel the same way about trans stuff, which I never got shit for irl myself, but you see and hear people hating you just for existing, and you can try to ignore it, but it does get to you, even a bit…” I said “So, I’m fine, for all practical purposes, it’s not like I’ve been stabbed or anything for being myself, just sad that I and people like me have to suffer ‘cause people can’t mind their own damn business,” The word damn echoed with a little more anger than I had meant to let out
Jania just nodded, and typed a little, and while I was sure she wasn’t putting anything major down, it did unnerve me a little. Once she had finished, she looked back up at me “Well, with that then, assuming you still have no more questions,” I shook my head “good, then I will let you get on with your physical evaluation, and hopefully start your new medication,” She announced “If you are fit to begin, the doctor there should also provide you with the application for the provisional shapeshifter licence,” She added “Now, I’m sure you’ll forgive me again if I don’t shake your claw,” She gave a small wink “And I hope you have a lovely rest of your day,” She said, giving me a small nod of her head
I stood up, shaking off the emotions from before, and waved “Thank you, and same to you, hope you have a good rest of your day,” I said, making my way over to the door and leaving.
I arrived at the clinic for my physical (annoyingly they were in different buildings, but fortunately it was only a quick trip) and after waiting for a little was directed to Dr. Othek’s office
“Hello Miss Sandy, is it that time again already?” He asked, greeting me with a smile as he always did
“Yes, I’m back again,” I said, taking a seat opposite him as he finished typing some things
“This is a big appointment for you though, if you’re all fine here, you can start on.. polymorph hrt was it?” He double checked 
“Yeah, so I’m hoping this goes well,” I replied
“There should hopefully be no reason for you to have any problems, so this should be a breeze,” He told me “We may as well get started then,” I nodded “First test, as usual, I need to take a sample of your slime, if you don’t mind,” He asked, holding out a test tube
“Of course,” I said with a nod, holding my finger over the tube, focusing a little to make the tip slowly drip into the tube below “That enough?” I asked
“That should be plenty,” The doctor replied, topping off the sample, and placing it into a machine to analyse it (since I had first started coming here, the facilities had improved immensely) “I’m still a little surprised that that doesn’t hurt you,” He remarked
“I mean, it’s just a part of me dropping off, not sure why that would hurt?” I replied, before catching a look from him and realising what I’d said “Oh, right yeah, I just get kinda used to it, there’s still plenty of me, so no reason to cry over a little lost, I keep plenty of spare in here,” I told him, tapping my slime near my core “Mass may be important to us slimes, be we can lose a lot before it hurts us,” I said proudly
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be surprised really, you’re not human, you’re not going to have the same response as we do,” He said, and I felt my core glow with euphoria 
“I mean, I still remember being human, or what it was like to be human/have a human body, so I guess I should kinda foresee stuff like that being weird for y’all to hear,” I conceded “Kinda forget just a little as my body has changed more, this is just how it should be to me,” I offered
“It makes some sense, you are already what you are becoming, so it makes sense that you would adapt quickly, and stop thinking in human terms,” He replied “Can you show me how your shaping is going?” I opened my mouth to remark something, but he interrupted with “I know you brought this up last time with the wings and tail you made for yourself, but I still need a live check, not to mention now that you’ve had those for a while they’re in your shape memory, rather than a demonstration of your shaping,”
I rolled my eyes and smiled, the doctor had pre-empted my words “Fair enough, it’s not like I mind showing off my shifting,” I said holding up a claw, and shifting it so it grew larger and sharper, until my claw was about the size of the doctor’s torso. He nodded and took some notes
“Now something else, please,” He asked. I nodded, thinking for a second, before returning my claw to normal, before another pair of arms grew out of my torso, and I gave the doctor 4 thumbs up
“Oooh, this actually feels really cool, I might keep this,” I remarked, moving all four arms in synchronicity, as well as trying out a few motions with each independently of the others. I saw the doctor smile, and I quickly put all my arms down at my sides “Sorry,” I said with an awkward chuckle
“No, no, by all means,” Dr Othek said, with a wave of encouragement
“No, it’s fine, I’ll do it later,” I replied a little shyly
“If that’s what you want, then next can you do something with your legs?” He asked, gesturing to said limbs
I looked thoughtful for a moment, before I worked out what I was going to do “Made a friend who’s got this,” I remarked, before focusing for a moment, my legs fusing and growing longer, my tail similarly merging with them. It always felt interesting, the senses of separate limbs merging into one (even if that sense of separation was less prominent as a slime than as a human), and losing my legs did make me a little unsteady, fortunately the doctor helped to hold me up as the transformation continued. Unfortunately I had forgotten to account for my clothes, and my shorts got swallowed up by my merging body, and I had to take a second to pull them out and toss them aside. Slowly my lower body elongated into a long shape that slowly tapered to a dull point “Ta-whoa-daa!” I announced, wobbling a little as I got used to my new support
“So you’ve been talking to a lamia or two have you then?” The doctor observed with a small smile
“Yesssss” I said, a forked tongue flicking out of my mouth as I elongated the consonant, as I had seen the lamia in question do herself 
“Glad to hear you’re making like-minded friends out there,” He remarked “Lastly, can I ask you to transform your entire body?”
I blinked a little at this request, even though I had been half expecting it - he’d asked for this last time too - but it still caught me off guard. My eyes darted to the curtain around the bed that was in the room “Uh, mind if I go behind that to change out of the rest of my clothes, don’t want to damage them, was lucky with my shorts,” I said, realising that apparently now my brain was deciding to get awkward about my lack of lowerwear, despite my current shape
Dr. Othek’s eyes widened a little, before he smiled in understanding “Oh, of course, by all means,” He said warmly, gesturing over to the bed
I wandered over, glad for the spacious area, given my now extra long body/tail (I guessed he had many larger patients) and pulled the curtain around. Once sure I was shielded, I began to take my clothes off, which was actually pretty quick nowadays given I could just shrink my limbs away, and then slip up and through the clothes. This time in particular, as I shifted my body up and through the clothes, I had my whole body contract and condense, until out of the top of my clothes I sprang as a small blob-ball of slime, landing myself on the bed that was nearby.
I reached out some pseudopod tendrils and picked up my clothes and put them on the bed beside me, while another pair pulled the curtain aside so the doctor could see the transformation.
“Oh now don’t you look adorable,” He remarked taking a step closer, and I immediately felt myself blush and look away from him, my tendrils either freezing what they were doing or rushing to cover my face (not that the thin extensions of slime were very effective at that), which he fortunately picked up on quickly “Sorry, that was unprofessional of me, it is a very impressive transformation though,” He said
I took a second to recover after the surprise remark from the doctor, but I began to feel the slime in my ‘cheeks’ return to normal, and I pulled all my tendrils back close to myself “It’s pretty simple if I have to be honest, just pull everything in and ball,” I said, giving the closest thing I could to a shrug with the four tendrils I had currently, suddenly aware for the second time today that I was now much smaller than the other person
“I obviously can’t speak to ease of this, but if you say that this is easy, then would you care to demonstrate something more complex?” He asked “Although I do want to remark on the expert use of your….” He trailed off, gesturing to my limbs
“Tendrils, pseudopods, tentacles I ‘spose wouldn’t be inaccurate either,” I offered
“... pseudopods then, I didn’t expect you to be so dextrous with them already,” He finished
“I mean, they’re just another limb, they’re like an arm,” I said, shifting one into a small arm as I said that “And I’ve been able to make them for a while, guess I just never showed you before,” I told him
“I suppose they would be..” the doctor conceded, a thoughtful look on his face “As you may have noticed, while I am familiar with the medical limits and boundaries, the actual details of the transition aren’t particularly known to me, so you’ll have to forgive my ignorance,” He said
“They’ve got me writing a journal to keep track of everything, details a lot of my transition, I don’t know if you can ask for access to the file or whatever, but that might help fill in the details?” I offered
“Oh they have, have they? I only receive requests to check if things you have ‘reported’ are nominal, a complete journal would be extremely helpful,” He remarked “I don’t know if they will send it to me, so you can contact me here,” He handed me a something like a business card, which I took in a tendril and quickly put with my clothes, “and I would appreciate seeing your journal - knowing what my patients are going through in between sessions would be extremely helpful - assuming you are willing to share it with me,” He asked
I nodded (which is a lot more involved when you are a single round ball) “Sure, I’m kind of surprised they hadn’t already sent it to you anyways,” I told him 
“That’d be much appreciated miss slime,” He said with a nod “Right, we should continue with your examination - a more complex full body transformation, if you would Sandy?” He repeated
I nodded again and thought for a second, before raising a tendril as an idea struck. I took a quick glance around the room, confirming that it was big enough “You may want to stand quite far back,” I told him, hopping down from the bed and making my way to the middle of the room “I’ve only tried this once before - don’t really have the room at home - so this may not be perfect, but it’s definitely complicated,”
I noted the doctor giving me a curious look, before acquiescing and moving to a corner of the room. I took another look around, hoping that my current smaller size wasn’t affecting my mental measurement of the room. I went to take a breath, before remembering that I couldn’t do that now, which left me floundering a little on what to replace it with (I really need to work that out) But nonetheless I turned my attention to the task at hand.
First I focused on some key things, namely legs - four of them to be precise - each one growing out of the base of my small, round form, propping me up like some weird cartoon character. The legs themselves were reptilian in appearance, sans texture as I was limited only to slime, but once they reached what felt like the right length and shape I stopped, focusing on the next part. With a solid base, I began to stretch my body out, elongating it, making sure my weight was spread evenly across each of my new legs. At the same time as doing this, I pushed out a tail, glad for the restoration of that limb, making sure it was the right length, relative to my current size, topping it off with the fin I had come to love at the end of it.
With those all sorted, next I focused on my face, pushing it out as well and forwards, extending not only into a muzzled front, but a fairly long neck behind it. On my head, I also made sure to include a pair of horns, which were also a comfort to have back. Although they were superfluous, I also added sharp (well, teeth all along the inside of my mouth, because let's be honest, they’re awesome, licking them with the long forked tongue I had given myself. The only bit that was particularly weird for me was my eyes moving to the sides of my head, may as well go the full mile here, but adjusting to the different style of vision was always a little weird.
Next on the agenda was wings, both of which I forged from my back, pushing out until they, like my tail, were back to the correct size. I gave them an experimental flap to double check I’d gotten everything right, loving the feeling of their motion.
With all the core bits shaped, there was only one last thing to do: get BIG. I looked up at the doctor, not wanting to cause him any harm, before I began to push my body outwards in all directions, feeling myself grow bigger, the floor quickly receding from me. Once the ceiling began to get close to my head, I slowed down, stopping where I could still move fairly comfortably - albeit carefully - around the room. 
All in all the transformation had taken me not long at all, although I quickly touched up some details I had missed before I spoke.
“Ta daaa,” I said, bellowing more than I had meant to, not realising how the transformation had messed with my sound production “Ahem, I mean - ta daaa,” I said, in a voice much closer to my normal one, although I did keep a bit of a bellow, it just fit with my new shape
“And here I thought I was treating a slime, not a dragon,” Dr. Othek quipped, sending an unexpected burst of euphoria through my body “You know they do medication for this on its own,” He joked. I watched as he made his way towards me, finding the ‘above’ view of the doctor new and interesting, given I’d always had to look up to the man yet now I was somewhere in the realm of double his height, it was definitely a novel experience.
“You are definitely still slime-y though,” He remarked 
“Yes well, I can’t change my material makeup yet,” I replied “That’s why I want the shapeshifter/polymorph hrt, gotta get some scales on this bitch,” I said, still a little unused to the changes I had made to my voice as part of this form
“Why did you not just take dragon hrt?” He asked, and even though he meant it with no malice or judgement it still hurt a little - I didn’t think I’d still be answering this kind of question two years after starting down this path
I sat down, a little more heavily than I meant to - I wasn’t used to being this large - but fortunately without breaking anything “Honestly, I almost did, but slime called to me more, felt like it would get me closer to the fluidity that I truly wanted, ultimately it just felt more right,” I told him “End goal is to vibe around as a chimaera of all my fave parts of whatever, when I’m not intentionally shapeshifting into other things, so really the base was just what seemed goo-d for a couple years, and that’s what slime was - don’t get me wrong, I love being a slime, still think it’s more fitting, than dragon, for the creature I am - but I’m a shapeshifter at heart, or well, core, I guess?” I finished with a small chuckle, which reverberated around the room a little
The doctor nodded, having been slowly walking around me as I had been talking, presumably inspecting my form “How did you get so large?” He asked, and I felt a little miffed he was just moving on from what I had just said, but I wasn’t going to bring that up
“I just did? Pushed my slime out into my body and got big,” I told him
“Where did the slime come from?” He said “You were a small ball of slime, and even accounting for the fact that your prior forms were larger, they did not hold enough slime for this,” He elaborated
“Oh, that - I think my core stores excess slime? Like how humans store excess sugars as fat,” I replied “Not quite sure how it does it, since I don’t seem to get notably heavier unless I eat a tonne, but yeah,” I added “So I made sure to have a good amount of mass spare at all times, to facilitate shaping better,” I explained “That was an expensive purchase though,”
“Interesting, can you come back down please?” He asked, so I moved, bringing my head level with his, the size difference between even just our heads quite noticeable “I meant, as a… as a humanoid,” He clarified
I frowned a little, I had been quite enjoying being a big ol’ dragon for a bit, but I acquiesced, and began shrinking myself back down to my ‘default’ form, all my draconic features slowly vanishing back into more humanoid ones, although I retained the horns, tail, wings, and claws, and both sets of my ears shaped back into existence, along with my talons at the ends of my legs. Once I was all back to ‘normal’ I turned around and looked up at the doctor “Better?” I asked, a little more venomously than I had meant to, or he deserved, but he had slightly ticked me off.
“...Yes, I apologise if you wanted to remain in that form for longer,” He said, clearly a little surprised at my anger “But it is easier to communicate while we’re both closer in size,” He said. I didn’t reply - it was unfair, he had otherwise been really nice and accepting, but he had managed to push a button even I wasn’t fully aware had existed, and I needed a second to cool off.
“Would you like to put your clothes back on?” He asked, and I suddenly noticed he had been looking away
I blushed a little “Oh shit, uh, right,” I said, quickly hurrying back behind the curtain
“Don’t forget your shorts!” Dr. Othek called out, and I shot an extended arm out to grab them. After a moment, I came back out from behind the curtain, my outfit put on, and my anger and blush having both resided
“Sorry about that,” I apologised
“Don’t be, honestly I am not sure about non-human sensibilities regarding clothes, so I leave it up to the patient,” He explained “Within reason of course,” He added
I nodded “Uh, so what’s the next test?”
“I need to look at your core, would it be ok?” He asked
I gave him a quizzical look, my hand moving to my mid-torso “Why?” I asked
“It is, well, the core of you, it is kind of a vital part of a physical examination,” He explained
“Right, yeah, of course,” I replied “Can you do the examination without touching it?” I asked
“Now it’s my turn to ask why?” the doctor threw back
“It’s basically my vital organ, and it’s very sensitive, I’d rather as few people handled it as possible, even medical professionals,” I explained sincerely
Dr. Othek looked thoughtful for a second, before nodding, “That should be doable,” He replied “Would you please remove your core from your body, so I can examine it more easily?”
I nodded, moving my core to my hand, holding it open with the small green rock that was, for all intents and purposes, me in my palm. The doctor leaned on close, some kind of magnifying lens over his eye, examining my core. It felt a little weird to be both studied so intensely, and yet to almost be ignored.
“Well, everything looks fine,” Dr. Othek said after a moment, standing back up and taking the lens off
“So the cratering on it is normal?” I asked, tail wagging hopefully behind me
“I can’t honestly say, but, if it seems to be causing you no issues, then we can assume you are healthy,”
“You can’t say?”
“Slimes are- were fictional creatures before now, the scientific data on you is limited,” The doctor explained “All we will have to go off is what you and other slimes develop and seem to be healthy with,” He added
“I guess that makes sense, was hoping for something more concrete though,” I replied
“All of these animal hrt treatments are groundbreaking science, and you have all been the first few to jump on it, the information just isn’t there for you all quite yet,” I nodded in understanding “One last thing - what would you say is the consistency of your core?” He asked “Is it soft, or hard, or any other applicable consistency?”
“Oh, uh, hard, definitely, it’s kinda like a rock?” I explained
“That’s good,” He said with a nod, sitting back down and filling in some forms on his computer “Well, that was the last of the tests, so if you just sit down again, I’ll fill everything in and we can finish up soon,” He told me. I put my core safely back inside me and we sat in silence for a moment while he finished filling in all my details, occasionally writing on a piece of paper on his desk. Eventually he pressed a final few buttons and I heard the printer on his desk kick into action, and he spoke again.
“So, all of your tests seem good, and I have to say, as far as we can tell, you are particularly exceptional at shaping,” He said finally, his words bringing warmth to my core and making my tail wag happily “As such,” He started again, pulling a piece of paper from the printer, and placing it in front of me with a pen, as well as a small plastic card “You just need to fill out this informed consent form for your polymorph supplement and you then take this prescription - he put the piece of paper he had been writing on on his desk just above the form - to the pharmacy to get your first dose,”
I looked at the papers he’d just put down, before looking up at him “Wait, today?” I asked, shocked
“Yeah, all of your tests are healthy as I said, there’s no reason you can’t,” He told me “Just gotta read all the information and sign your life away - joking, of course,” 
I nodded, my tail wagging ecstatically behind me as I read through the informed consent form, noting the usual ‘warnings’ - ‘loss of inherent/implicit shape’ etc. - that were more often features than issues, eventually reaching the end where I signed my name, struggling to stop myself grinning. 
With that done I turned my attention to the provisional shapeshifting licence, my shapeshifting licence - even if it was a dumb bureaucratic thing, it still made me happy to have - and looked at what was on it. I noted immediately that Dr. Othek had filled it in already for me, which left me to decipher all the little scribbles on it
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Most of it was self explanatory, but I did look up to the doctor to ask him a question “What do the X’s mean?” I asked “I can tell the ‘Y’ and ‘N’ are yes and no, but I’m not sure what the X’s are - or actually what exactly the Y’s in brackets are for?”
“Ah, yes, the X’s indicate a ‘not applicable’, since you are unable to truly shapeshift yet-” Even though I knew it was true, it still hurt to hear that said aloud- “Those categories cannot be accurately answered yet,” He explained “The bracketed Y’s indicate what you will be able to do, once you have completed your treatment, and those give people an idea of what to expect if you have any developments in between updates to your licence,” He finished
I nodded, that all at least made sense. I looked back at the piece of plastic in my hand - this was the one thing I had at this moment that said I was a shapeshifter, that said what I truly was, if I still could I probably would have teared up “Thanks,” I eked out instead, my voice trembling a little with my happiness, and I was glad the emotion hadn’t set off my tail
“I’m just doing my job,” Dr. Othek replied with a soft smile “But you’re welcome,” He added “You should get going and get your prescription, may as well start as soon as you can,” He encouraged
I nodded, picking up the prescription and tucking my new ID into my pocket for now, before heading out of his office and towards the pharmacy - letting out a small whoop of happiness once I was outside, unable to contain my joy any longer.
I eventually got home, new medication in claw, and slid out of my clothes in a deluge of slime, leaping into the chair and reforming once I hit it, placing the medication before me on my desk. There were two more this time, in addition to my now lowered dose of my slime hrt, the first one’s purpose clear in its name: ‘Varimorphisone’ - that was the one that would actually let me properly shapeshift. The other had been both unexpected and less clear on its purpose, ‘Physodrone’. The only information I could find was that it was a required medicine alongside Varimorphisone, acting as some kind of stabiliser for it. Regardless, if this was what I needed to finally make myself a polymorph, then that’s what I’d do! 
“Shapeshifting, here I come!” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, slime hrt is over! Thanks for joining me on this gooey journey :D, it was a big ol' finale, but I had fun writing this. I say it's over, but I do have plans for some side stories (most of which do take place after the 24 month mark, but we'll see what falls out of my core) which will be slime oriented, so we're not quite done with the goo yet! Not to mention the supplimental part that was requested in the story, so plenty of goo times yet to come! Also, I am not done with this story, as you might've guessed from the text, next up is polymorph/shapeshifter hrt! Also, for those who want it here is a blank version of the ID i made, both provisional and complete. If ya do use 'em it'd be nice if you could credit me (although the idea of the shapeshifting licence ofc belongs to @darkmagenugget/@nuggetofthesea)
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And for those wondering about how to fill it in, I did make a rough guide while working out how it was gonna work here, which includes the options for sources (what allows you to shapeshift), and a link to a doc that I worked on listing the various types of shapeshifter. If your D.O.B is weird, e.g. from before 0 AD, just slap a BCE on the end of the D.O.B (for anything more eccentric, you'll have to work it out yourself) Thanks to those who helped with easing my worries about some passages of this, and checking over the licence design, and my partner @kanithedemoncat for doing a grammar and spell check for me before I posted another one with various mistakes that they find after the fact But yeah, hopefully you've all enjoyed slime hrt so far, and I hope you'll enjoy whats to come!
First - Prev - Next Side Story 1 - Monster Tag list under cut (lmk if ya wanna be added)
@calliecwrites, @friedsputnik, @now-entering-the-goop-zone, @scrubbinn, @lilacinthefog,
@mint-and-authoress, @losttodreams, @redroversendjayover, @ariathelamia, @kanithedemoncat
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mars-ipan · 8 months ago
genderfluidity is such a Thing sometimes
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calliecwrites · 8 months ago
Shifter HRT, part 1 – Egg, Cracked
So you want to be a shifter? You’ve read about humanity replacement therapy, or species HRT, but can’t find anything about the shifter version? You’re scared, you’re worried this isn’t the path for you, but part of you wants it more than anything?
You’re not alone. I’ve been there. I’m still there. And I’ve taken the first steps. Tomorrow I have my first appointment, though not with a doctor, and if all goes well, by this time tomorrow, I’ll have taken my first dose.
I’m writing this so you’ll have it easier than I did. Also, I want there to be a record, in case something happens to me. I’m not exactly doing this the traditional way.
* * *
I’ve known what I wanted to be since I knew shifters existed. Everything I heard about them – being fluid, shapeshifting – felt right. I started imagining myself as one. If you’re reading this, you probably know how that feels.
I hid it. Even as a kid, I knew people wouldn’t react well to what went on in my head. You’re not supposed to relate to monsters.
Then things got complicated when I realised I was trans. I told myself that wanting to be a shifter was all about wanting to fix my body, since being able to shapeshift would make that easy. I certainly did want that – but I’d imagined myself as a shifter since long before then. I’d imagined being able to change myself in many other ways, before transition became the most important thing. And after transition, so much was better, but that longing didn’t go away.
This isn’t a contradiction. Fixing one thing, even the most urgent thing, like I did, doesn’t automatically fix everything. But I was in denial. I’d transitioned (once); everything was supposed to be fine, now. I told myself the rest was a fantasy.
Then I heard about species HRT. I read about someone becoming a slime – and that did something to me. Slimes are fluid, and so are shifters. Shifters are slime-adjacent, for sure. Maybe this wasn’t just a fantasy. Maybe it could be real.
I’m not in denial anymore. Egg cracked. Time to transition again.
* * *
Were there signs? Oh yes, there were signs.
Nimona. Mystique. Slime girls. The Changelings. And when a character says no solid could ever understand, feeling it like a punch to the gut. Wanting to understand.
Wanting to fly, wanting to swim. Wondering what it’s like to be huge, or tiny, or a tree, or a rock. Wanting to be everything. Fluidity. Freedom. Flowing and pooling, wanting to be a blob of goo with no form at all.
Learning to phantom-sense extra limbs. Being a shifter in daydreams. Learning to lucid dream so I could learn to shapeshift in there. Still being sad because it could only ever be an approximation.
Sitting by the lake, longing to merge with the water and lose myself for a while. Wishing it wasn’t water, but other shifters, welcoming.
Sometimes want isn’t the word at all, but need.
And there are people who can actually do these things, and I can’t? How is that fair? What sort of world has shifters in it and I’m not one?
Sound familiar?
I read everything I can find about them. Not stories written by humans – those aren’t accurate. Most are just sex, or all about fear and hunger and absorption. Shifters don’t absorb people! – it’s their biggest taboo. I read stories shifters write for themselves – and I can’t get enough. Just don’t look in the comments: you’ve got humans calling them monsters, telling them what they should go do to themselves – and a few brave shifters saying how much the stories mean to them. Sometimes the stories disappear, but they always come back.
‘Fluid as the ocean, wild as the wind, and cannot be contained.’ That’s a thing they say about themselves. That should be me.
I don’t comment, don’t interact – hiding, remember? But the stories mean so much to me, too. They’re a window onto how my life could be. I tried to tell myself this was just a sex thing for a while – more denial. There are plenty other stories I could read, if that was all I wanted. But that isn’t what I imagine when I imagine shifters, or even shifter sex. I imagine being one.
Haters would call me a traitor to my own species. They’d call me sick, mentally ill, monsterfucker, monster. Like I haven’t heard all that before for being trans. I want to tell them I’m nothing like them, that they can keep their precious humanity if this is what it looks like – but I don’t dare. I’m too afraid: what if they’re right? I know what I want to be, I know what I should be, but I look at my body and think: this is what I am, fixed, solid, human. I can’t do anything about it, no matter what I am on the inside, no matter how much I hate it. And this is familiar, too – I felt the same way before my first transition. Trapped as something I hated being. Powerless.
* * *
Except, now, there is something I can do about it.
No doctors prescribe shifter HRT – unlike for other species. The only source is the few shifters who figured out how to make it. They keep it tightly controlled, so they can control who gets it. They want to make sure we meet their standards – that we’re shifter enough. I don’t like that. But other people, who want to make it freely available, haven’t figured out how to make it yet.
I’m not waiting for them, not now that I’ve decided. I couldn’t. I could die – accidents happen, after all. How would I feel, knowing I was dying human, still wondering what it would have been like? Never really having been me? No. I’m not waiting.
So I got in touch, and I spoke to one of them online. She arranged the appointment, and now she’s flying in – and I’m pretty sure that means as a bird, not on a plane. All I have to do is convince her. Tomorrow determines everything. If it goes well, I’ll be starting right away.
I still can’t quite believe it. It feels too good to be true. But it is. It really is. It was the same before – I couldn’t believe anything would change till I took my first dose of estrogen. Sometimes reason isn’t enough, planning isn’t enough, sometimes it takes direct contradiction to break the hold a belief like that can have on me. I’ll never take hormones, meet I am now taking hormones. Suddenly I see I was wrong, and there is hope again.
And tomorrow it’s going to happen again. Hopefully. Finally.
And then I really won’t be human.
I'm doing one of these now too! Inspired by the many other animal HRT stories, especially the two slime HRT series by @sandyca5tle and @scrubbinn. In the beginning it's drawing a lot on my own transition, but will be going very different places.
If you want to read more without waiting for the rest of the series, take a look at my other stories – shifters turn up in lots of them.
Oh and that list of signs? They're all real :)
Tag list (tell me if you want to be added):
@leahnardo-da-veggie @sandyca5tle @scrubbinn
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maxine302 · 11 months ago
Shapeshifter hrt (Prologue)
Recently I stumbled across the dragon hrt series on twitter and couldn't help but fall in love with the concept.
so after careful thinking and seeing others artist do their spin on it, I thought it was a good idea to start my own.
I'm hoping that I can consistently update this series and I hope you will all enjoy what I have planned.
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lesbianamalvada · 2 years ago
With the Gwen thing, I can see how someone can read it as an allegory or find some kinship in her experience as their experience as a trans person but I just didn’t personally see that in the movie itself. But if she is then cool!
Yes I feel like you could headcanon her as trans the way you can headcanon many fictional characters as trans, but they way Twitter was talking about it it was like "oh this was so heavy-handed, they obviously wanted to make her seem trans, oh she's so trans coded!" I mean one youtuber I follow was calling Spiderverse 2 "trans art". I expected way more. I thought she would be kinda trans in the way Luca was kinda gay. Or even "trans" like the Netflix version of Nimona.
0 notes
lunadook · 7 months ago
Human Replacement Therapy Extended Universe (and inspired) Link Collection Part 1
EDIT: We've hit the Inline Link Limit! I've linked to a reblog containing more links. (The google doc linked at the bottom of the post will still contain everything in one place.)
Been seeing a lot of those Human Replacement Therapy comics and stories going around and I wanted to try and make a list of the first (?) panels/chapters of each one me (and helpful community members) have found so far, so..........
Part 2
Dragon [by ayviedoesthings] Fish [by welldrawnfish] Bat [by kaylasartwork] Puppy [by nyxisart] Mouse [by prettiestplatypus] Worm (I can't find the first one I'm too lazy) [by shaveyoureyebrows] Axolotl [by bubbleverseart] Goat [by kontonord] Elf [by squiretilde] Eldritch [by dawning-mars] Bird [by vy-canis-melodis] Slime [by pollypoirate] Slime (Written) [by mint-and-authoress] Slime (Written) [by scrubbinn] Slime (Written) [by sandyca5tle] Shifter (Written) [by calliecwrites] Cow (Written) [by josphitia] Bovine [by pennymations] Wolf [by gracewolfing] Coyote [by vanillayoteart] Werewolf [by tobydoeswrite] Werewolf [by cyberbeast99] Tiger (Written) [by tigergirltail] Mermaid HRT Poem [by ashleyrowanthewriter] Kitsune (Written) [by mothduchess] ??? [by home-sweet-hive] Sonic [by sonic-spirit] *break so tumblr will let this post*
Aves [by cozy-kitty-corner] Cat [by entroart] King Cobra [by thecrystalmountainsystem] Polymorph [by probablyplural] Human [by deadeyedfae] Werewolf [by lycans-art-kingdom] Mermaid [by noreo-oreo] Puppy [by noreo-oreo] Deer [by aster-is-confused] Lamia [by ariathelamia] Moth [by hyacinthdoll1315] Skunk [by sundaysstrawberrykombucha] Void [by v-draws-whatever] Dragon [by zykeroth] ??? [by transpandaart] Jaguarfolk [by jaguarfolkhrt] Sheep [by cr1zz0] Bunny [by grumpybunny-edith] Fox [by disappointedcreeper] Sparrow [by lylaslilacss] Animal? [by cutepastelstarsailor] Cow [by megamoonerjenny] Bug [by thebugautistic] Vrastelian [by silliestcreature196] Elf [by siimplyapril] Demon [by shockpulse] Wolf and Crow [by sunification] Bird [by tiredtiresias] Shoggoth [by aiden-nevada]
*break so tumblr will let this post*
Bird [by comfeeeeeeee] Bird [by nuclearraven-woman] Manticore [by redroversendjayover] Spider [by sweetspidergirl] Mouse [by alice-arty] Zombie [by sunnyrabbit05] Cat [by v0vivi0v] Cyberdemon [by kazsartcorner] Troll [by artvil-gang] Polar Bear [by frostehburr] Lamia [by robins-warudo] Shapeshifter [by maxine302] Vulture [by prollymad] Dragon [by a-being-that-just-is] Slug [by a-being-that-just-is] Cryptid [by thejaded0nes] Robot [by lavender-inkwell-99] Monkey [by mechanical-sunchild] Eldritch Dragon [by your-pal-nebula] Time Lord [by joyfulbeatrix] Digimon [by reticent-fate] Plant [by jalopytheplant] Slime [by ruckeysquared] Fox [by super-sayian-kitty64] Demon [by pugsofwriting] Weasel [by alice-of-heart] Sylveon [by constellarcreator] Robot [by squiddotmid] Eevee [by darlingsuperstition] Chimera [by gate4043]
*another pause weee*
Swolbold [by flowershakur] Type Green [by scpwiki-official] Dragon [by tresenellaart] Dragon [by theinsidiousdice] Robot [by raptorbricksart] Dragon [by koalaphoenix] Gem [by techno-toister] Hybrid [by ehksidian] Ktletaccete [by fenmere] Slime [by madelinemccoolname] Succubus [by lariumbreon]
Please feel free to let me know of any you know of that I missed or ones you have created and want added! I'll periodically update the post with anything I get links to.
I have also made a Google Doc containing all of the links, including the ones that aren't fitting in this post. Part 2 of this post, with more links, is here.
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crazysodomite · 3 months ago
tf rules in my universe:
you cant be turned into something you dont like/against your will. or at least if that happens you can immediately reverse it. in a similar way you can control how much a tf lasts. like if you get tfd into something and you like it really much then you can stay like it forever
you can train your brain to become a shapeshifter but it requires a lot of practice if you're not already a shapeshifting creature. its like learning to play piano on the level of a master. technically almost everyone can do it but itll take a lot of time and effort especially if you don't want really badly to do it. learning easier tfs like making your hair longer or shorter or changing your patterns slightly is easier though
there is hrt that can turn you into things. simply bc i like the concept. yes even stuff like robots and pooltoys. idgaf if it makes no sense. furry scientists can just do that
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