#shapeshifter 1999
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fatmagic · 3 months
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lauren-ce · 20 days
"A Nightmare at Green Lake" is a Queer Coming-Out Story
[This essay has a PDF version; the images are crisper there]
I'm probably nine months late to this particular party, but I just finished the excellent Reverse: 1999 event "A Nightmare at Green Lake" and wanted to make a case for reading it as a story about coming out, focusing on Blonney and her repressed sexuality. It's a love letter to horror films, and a love letter to girls that love girls. Crucially, it is more the latter than the former; Green Lake is a coming-out story that uses the horror film trappings as a storytelling device, not a hard and fast rule. Spoilers for the entire event.
(All my screenshots are taken from this video, which does a wonderful job capturing the entire event.)
The inciting incident in Green Lake began years before. Jennifer visits the camp regularly as a child, writing horror stories in her diary and reading them to Jessica, who loves them. Then, Jennifer suddenly has to move away, and thus, the Incident takes place.
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Blonney/Jennifer threw her diary into the lake when she was forced to leave, drowning three things:
1). Her horror stories and love of horror
2). Her acceptance of her identity as an Arcanist
3). Her gay-ass self
She joins human society despite being Different and tries to blend in. She changes her name to Blonney, feigns an interest in fashion, and conforms to social norms. "Monstrous and forbidden" becomes a theme in this event which describes horror, but it also describes queer identity (this will be important later). Blonney discards her identity, drowning it in the lake.
Now allow me the rest of this rambling essay to make a point for that third thing (and to make the case that "loving horror" and "being an Arcanist" is the same thing as "being gay"). Throughout the first half of the event, we see Blonney consistently reject her love of horror movies. She calls them cliche and stupid, easy to make and low-class. Despite secretly loving them, she's built up a persona that isn't allowed to like horror.
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Yet she takes an awful lot of offense to criticism of her script. . .
Anne, a recent hire to replace a sick member of Blonney's film crew (who is secretly Jessica in disguise), is mistreated by Blonney for being a naive, small-town country bumpkin that doesn't know anything. Within the movie that Blonney is shooting, Anne is typecast as the "Virgin": Christian, unassuming, sheltered, in contrast to Blonney's "Blondie": indulgent, vain, etc.
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Oops, are the characters in the fake movie they're shooting maybe perhaps based on their real-world counterparts???
A contrast is drawn between the two by Blonney and the narrative at first. Throughout the rest of the event, the distance between them and their character archetypes will crumble. The important thing to remember is that Anne/Jessica is a representation of everything Blonney has rejected about herself.
As actual horror-movie type events begin to happen to the group, the characters are genre-savvy enough to realize they're in a horror story. The culprit, though this isn't revealed until later, is Anne/Jessica. She's an Arcanist and has been using her shapeshifting abilities to make a horror movie happen to the group. Ironically, the group looks to Anne as the "Last Girl", the pure and unsullied one that will survive the night.
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In actuality, this is a false flag. Since Anne is Jessica is the Monster, she can't be the Last Girl.
The Last Girl is actually Blonney:
I spoiled it already, but the viewer doesn't learn until the halfway point that Blonney is actually from the area, having grown up and making frequent visits. This is why she sees herself in Anne, a gay girl from a small town. Game recognize game, gay recognize gay. Blonney uses a fake name for a fake identity. Jessica sees her actual self, and calls her Jennifer. This isn't a deadnaming, Anne/Jessica sees Blonney as she truly is deep down. Though Blonney doesn't realize it, Anne cuts her to her core, which directly leads to her mistreatment.
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Anne's peculiar interactions with Blonney are some of the first hints we get of the true narrative: Why is Anne so nice to her, despite the way she's treated? And more importantly, how would Anne, a newcomer to Blonney's film crew, know Blonney's real name/true identity? Blonney certainly never would've told her, she rejects her own identity, after all. This is a big nod to the true workings of the plot. Anne knows more than what she lets on. Why does Blonney not realize that Anne knows more than she should? Because Blonney is actively trying to reject that part of her—she's blind to it. If she were to acknowledge that Anne knows her true self, then the story would already be over.
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On top of rejecting her love of horror, Blonney also rejects her identity as an Arcanist. This identity alienates her from her friends—they consider her a peer up until the horror story begins happening to them. The very second it is no longer convenient, they reject her as one of them and other her. The only member of her original film crew that doesn't reject her for being an Arcanist is, you guessed it, Anne.
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However much you despise us, many brilliant playwrights are Queer. I mean—"Arcanists".
Horror events continue happening: a butcher chases around members of the group and monsters attack others. Vertin (R1999's main character), along with Horrorpedia, Sonetto, and Tooth Fairy, provide support, killing monsters and moving the plot along. In many of the monsters the groups find notes, pieces of paper that begin to tell a story—stories within the story. Using their knowledge of horror tropes, the main characters stay alive while Blonney's human film crew seemingly perishes at the hands of the various monster assailants.
After one such attack, Tooth Fairy (an Arcanist), gives first aid to Blonney. During the scene the two have a small argument. Tooth Fairy refuses to use Arcanist medicine to treat Blonney, because Blonney sees herself as a human. This gives Blonney a chance at some introspection, her first time opening up during this event.
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Even Blonney's blood knows the truth she's suppressed.
All this happens while Tooth Fairy treats her wounds. Interesting that they're on her inner thigh, hmmm? A MILFy doctor rendering first aid to a girl's inner thighs while explaining that she's rejecting her own identity? I'm sure there's nothing to read into here.
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As the plot progresses, Anne repeatedly risks her life to save Blonney. She leaps from a car to save her from a monster, and she later kills the butcher that's been chasing them. This earns her Blonney's trust, which leads to the big, plot-turning confession. At the halfway mark, Blonney is able to sit down with Anne/Jessica and confides in her.
A gay awakening ensues: Blonney feels down about her loss of identity, wanting to reclaim her love of horror. Her facade, she explains, is just that. Blonney threw away her identity as a horror-loving Arcanist in an effort to integrate with society. This conversation takes place after a danger has just been defeated, yet is one of the emotional climaxes. Blonney begins to want to accept her true identity. Throughout, Jessica repeatedly praises Blonney, telling her how amazing and wonderful she is, all the while the two cuddle on a couch.
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*Does a gay little hair flip after holding hands. "You can be rougher with me, you know."
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To her horror, the rest of the group hears. They had this discussion in the same room, after all, but in contrast to Blonney's old friend group, her new friends support her wholeheartedly. Then, Tooth Fairy hands Blonney the symbol of her self-actualization: her diary, which she'd found in the attic (yes, the same diary that had been thrown into the lake!!! Blonney has now retrieved her diary, her love of horror, and her identity as an Arcanist, all the things she threw away as a child.
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Blonney retrieves her diary, which represents suppressed homosexuality through multiple metaphors, and achieves self-actualization thanks to her supportive friend group and a girl with a massive crush on her. The Monstrous and Forbidden are now part of her. Now the gay things really step up.
What happens next is a direct result of Blonney coming to terms with her queerness: a woman in a wedding dress shows up and attempts to marry her.
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Monstrous and Forbidden, all in one package.
The woman is a zombie (because we're working with horror tropes, yeah?) but the message couldn't be more clear. Blonney has opened up to Anne/Jessica about loving horror (being queer). Now Blonney must face what that means. Consider: the corpse bride searches for her beloved (literally another bride, this could not be more fucking clear). Who is to play bride to the corpse bride? It's Blonney! The corpse bride forces Blonney down and puts a wedding ring onto her finger. The narrative has allowed Blonney to come out—now it will test her resolve.
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The corpse bride is a mixed bag of metaphors. Textually, the corpse bride is a character from the horror story written in Blonney's diary. She was killed by her husband and searches for him so she can place the wedding ring back on his finger. Metatextually, the bride represents Jessica: Blonney abandoned her, effectively "killing" her. Now the scorned bride searches for her lost love.
To sum up: Jessica=Corpse Bride:
1). She searches for her lost love every night (Jessica misses Blonney)
2). She wears a hempen collar (brides don't wear collars, but Jessica does)
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Blonney rises to the challenge, she defeats the corpse bride with her newfound arcanist powers, and the group pieces together the clues that the bodies carry. Her new friends are proud of her!
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Horrorpedia (annoying fuckwad that he is) nicely sums up the message: by embracing their identities, they can fight back.
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All the horror story clues lead to the dead body in the water. "But wait," you say, "Green Lake doesn't feature a dead body in the water." Wrong! Blonney was dead all along, remember? The corpse is Blonney's diary! Her dead body is the horror-loving gay self she killed when she threw her diary into the lake to reject her identity!
More plot happens; the story reaches a climax with Blonney using her magic to aid the group's escape from a lighthouse. On the same shore that Blonney first told Jessica all her horror stories, the same shore she killed her identity on, they confront Jessica, now revealed as the Monster. This whole plotline is the result of Blonney rejecting her identity; now is the time to make everything right.
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Jessica is proud of Blonney becoming her true self. However, she's also tired of waiting for her. She's tired of being alone. Jessica offers Blonney a life of bliss: a soft bed of moss for them to share, the sweetest forest fruits, and monsters to keep her company.
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When Blonney refuses to live at Green Lake forever with her, it's taken as a rejection. A fight ensues—Blonney and her group win, but the emotional arc of the story has yet to resolve.
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Blonney has a chance to reject her queer identity once more. She both does and doesn't. Blonney accepts the monstrous and forbidden by accepting Jessica, a literal monster, and her queerness, the Forbidden. She rejects the monstrous and forbidden by asking Jessica to come with her, to rejoin society, to hide their identities as Arcanists (queer) and live together. Jessica rejects this. She will not be closeted. (The fear she feels at being outed as an arcanist is very similar to the fear of being outed as queer in a hostile society, eh?) This of course puts Blonney under duress—how can the story end happily?
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Vertin comes in with a grenade of an offer: Jessica can come stay in the St. Pavlov Institute with her and learn to coexist with people like her. She can live with people that don't see her as weird, despite being monstrous (queer), an Arcanist (queer), and a lover of horror (queer). Vertin hasn't done much up to this point outside of moving the plot along and fighting monsters; this is her time to shine, and she shines like the lesbian lodestar we know her to be. Her conversation with Jessica is tinged with language that could easily be read as romantic, but Vertin isn't here to steal anyone's girl, she's here to offer a happy ending for everyone that guarantees the goal of each party is fulfilled. Vertin's presence is what allows this story to ultimately break free from its horror trappings. Her third option is not a compromise; it is the ending we wanted.
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And what an ending it is! It's happy and good in every possible way it could be. The happiness of the ending is a large part of why I call this a coming-out story primarily rather than a horror tale. A slasher film like the ones this event draws inspiration from would see Blonney (the true Final Girl) as the only survivor of her group, still running from the monster and her own self. Instead, all her friends survive, having been held captive in Jessica's den. Blonney comes into her own; she and Jessica reconcile—we get the gay end!
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Blonney leaves to finish college as a self-actualized queer woman; Jessica acheives her wish of never being alone and joins the institute to gain an education herself. I have no doubt that they will reunite, and soon: the entire plot of R1999 is Vertin recruiting every arcanist she can to ensure their safety from the Storm. Blonney's future leads directly to St. Pavlov. (For further supporting evidence, see her voice line about taking Jessica for a walk! Even before Blonney graduates, they get to be togetherrrrrrrrrrr!)
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Even if you don't play R1999, please please check out this event. It has a lot to say, and it's one of my favorite things I've read all year. The soundtrack fucking whips, and it goes far in helping balm the weeping wound of the tragic yuri that is Vertin/Schneider.
Again, give some love to the video that made this document possible.
I've rambled long enough, so I'll let Tooth Fairy wrap this up with a bow: Love Wins
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hoshigumayuugi · 7 months
i saw a review for reverse 1999 that was along the lines of "the game is good but it lacks story updates. the events are just to sell you on the new units on the banners" and i don't agree with this statement. its a very "forest for the trees" sort of mentality
looking at Nightmare at Green Lake for example, the major driving point of the story is the relationship between Jessica and Blonney. there is also a side story about Tooth Fairy, as well as some moments for Horrorpedia. so looking at it purely from a halfhearted perspective you could say that it is only to get you to pull on the respective banners by putting the carrot in front of your face. but the story of Green Lake does so much more than that
the connection of Jessica and Blonney is strained because of Blonney's desire to reject her arcanist blood and live as a human, because "arcanists are weirdos". this in conjunction with Tooth Fairy's side story explains that, while possible, it is usually not a desirable outcome to completely remove yourself from your heritage. it explains that arcanists are not just different from humans at a mental level (shown with the human "friends" freaking out when the murderer appears but the arcanists actually taking interest) and physical level (shown with Tooth Fairy's first aid on Blonney specifying human medicine doesn't work well on arcanists), but that they are a completely different species. while hinted at this is the first time this is outright confirmed that arcanists are a different type of humanoid altogether and not just "gifted humans". this is extremely important to acknowledge
Green Lake from the perspective of Vertin and Tooth Fairy's side story is also a story about the horrors the Foundation and other arcanist companies or communities are willing to undertake. they are willing to experiment on critters and humans alike, to the point of mutation or death. this does however also elaborate on critters as a species being capable of very strange abilities not seen in the "main story", some being able to shapeshift in to humans at extreme evolutionary tracts. the experimentation on humans however is usually accompanied with the previously mentioned "different species" note that leads some very negative speciesism on both sides of the field. this leads to a parallel that "some arcanists view critters and humans so below them to being equal in standing". Journey to Mor Pankh then elaborates on this from the opposite perspective. that humans are willing to segregate and outright attack arcanists purely for being arcanists, even if they are the same race of peoples.
the world is shown to be rather unjust on both ends of the human - arcanist spectrum and that both sides have evil within them. this is only really discussed at length in these "event" stories so to say that they are only bait for banners is really unfair. they tell really deep stories that, while may not directly impact the story of Vertin or the Manus or The Storm, they are still extremely important to the world's creation
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thesparkwhowalks · 4 months
If I had a nickel for every 90s cartoon in which a familiar comic book hero is thrown into a high-tech cyberpunk setting and ends up friends with a killer robot who broke its programming and grew a conscience....three nickels.
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Left to Right, in order of them tackling this plot: The Phantom 2040 (1994, where a shapeshifting Biot named Heisenberg is basically one of his super friends), Spider-Man Unlimited (1999, featuring a VERY loose adaptation of Jack Kirby's X-51 The Machine Man), and Batman Beyond (also 1999, his robot buddy Zeta even got his own show).
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Damiano's instagram, 12.09.2024
My name is Damiano David. I was born in 1999, Rome, Italy. I love music, arts and women. I love the feeling of beautiful clothes and the smell of a nice perfume. In my life I’ve been a thief, a liar, a lover, a shapeshifter. I travelled all around the world to find my voice, just to end up where everything’s started. My name is Damiano David. And today, is the first day of my life.
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winter-dayz · 1 year
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Fictober 2023
A collection of oneshots for Fictober 2023.
Not every story is a romantic pairing. In some oneshots, the reader/main character is a villain; in some, the idol character is a villain. Please be aware that many are heavily horror or angst-themed.
Taglist:  @soobin-chois
Kim Jisoo: It's only a dream... College AU; Nightmare on Elm Street AU Genre: Horror
Lee Hoseok: Freedom or the Kindness of Death Hybrid AU; Shapeshifter AU Genre: Horror
Lalisa Manobal: Eternal Love Vampire AU Genre: Angst, Fluff, Horror, Smut
Mark Tuan: A Polite Haunting Ghost AU Genre: Horror
Jeon Jungkook: His Treasure Dragon AU Genre: Horror; Smut
Lee Jooheon: Anything Goes The Purge AU Genre: Smut
Felix Lee: So naive... Fairy AU Genre: Angst; Horror (if you squint)
Kim Seungmin: Lonely St. Grim Reaper AU; Soulmate AU Genre: Angst; Fluff
Min Yoongi: Betrayed Gumiho AU; Korean Mythology AU Genre: Angst; Fluff; Horror
Choi Yeonjun: Old Wives' Tales Werewolf AU Genre: Fluff
Shin Yuna: Bringer of Death Mummy AU; Inspired by The Mummy (1999) Genre: Angst; Fluff
Kim Namjoon: Reclamation Dryad AU; Greek Mythology AU Genre: Fluff; Horror
Park Jimin: Movie Marathon Scary Movie Night Genre: Fluff
Kang Taehyun: Only silence remains Shadow People AU Genre: Horror
Lim Jaebeom: I Can't Lose You Deadly Games AU; Inspired by Squid Game & Alice in Borderland Genre: Angst; Horror
Choi Beomgyu: Field of Daisies Dokkaebi AU; Korean Mythology AU Genre: Fluff
Jung Hoseok: Avra K'davra Golem AU Genre: Angst; Fluff
Kim Yugyeom: Guardian Demon AU Genre: Fluff
Lee Chaeryeong: First Serial Killer AU Genre: Horror
Yang Jeongin: The Walls The Boy AU; Inspired by The Boy (2016) Genre: Fluff
Shin Ryujin: For the Best Alien AU; Yandere Genre: Fluff; Horror
Kim Taehyung: Capable Android AU Genre: Smut
Han Jisung: The Ring Ghost AU; Possession AU Genre: Fluff
Lee Minhyuk: Promise Haunted House Genre: Fluff
Lee Minho: Left Behind Friday the 13th AU Genre: Angst (with a happy ending); Horror (if you squint); Smut
Kim Jennie: Catch 'em, kill 'em Amityville Horror AU Genre: Horror; Smut
Yoo Kihyun: Luring Siren AU Genre: Fluff; Horror (if you squint)
Choi Youngjae: Consequences of a Spellbook Magic AU; Witchcraft AU Genre: Angst
Hwang Hyunjin: Bound to You Cerberus AU; Goddess AU; Greek Mythology AU Genre: Fluff; Smut
Choi Soobin: Every side of the story Greek Mythology AU; Gorgon AU Genre: Fluff
BamBam: Best Halloween Ever Halloween Party; Non-Idol AU Genre: Fluff
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ginger-grimm · 6 months
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Full Name: Marlow Marie Stilinski
Birthdate: February 22nd, 1999
Hair Color: Brown, then blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Species: Werecoyote, Beta (Bitten)
Family: Claudia Stilinski, née Gajos (Mother, deceased), Noah Stilinski (Father), Miecysław “Stiles” Stilinski (Older Brother), Elias Stilinski (Paternal Grandfather)
Love Interest: Liam Dunbar
Friends: Riley Parrish, Coop Harris, Nixie Baker, Bear Wallace, Tilly Cole, Oz Baker, Nina Simms, Mason Hewitt, Corey Bryant, Scott McCall, Malia Tate, Kira Yukimura, Lydia Martin, Derek Hale
Likes: Horror movies, scary stories, true crime, cookies, singing, dancing, cheerleading, scrapbooking, sunsets, movie nights, animals
Dislikes: Liars, not feeling in control, being treated like a child, people not following her advice, sour candy, loud noises, hot weather
Phobias: Snakes, flying
Style: Jeans and sweaters or blouses, sneakers (she hates uncomfortable foot wear), locket with pictures of her family in it, lazy with her makeup looks, hair up or down depending on the heat
Speech: Californian accent, low-pitch voice, gets loud when she’s stressed or annoyed - otherwise pretty much inside voice only
Physical Quirks/Scars: Climbed over a fence when she was a kid, leg got caught on the metal and still has the scar, her eyes glow blue when she’s in werecoyote mode
Personality: Fiercely protective, loving, selfless, salty, family-oriented, anxious, saracstic
Background: Born and raised in Beacon Hills, Marlow has halways been the baby of the bunch - whether that was at home or in her friend group. She was always in need of a little more attention due to her severe panic attacks and BPD. As a child, she was quiet and withdrawn, using her brother’s outspoken demeanor as a shield whenever she felt she needed to. Marlow’s mother Claudia died when she was seven, prompting the little girl to hide her true emotions from everyone. She toughens up and spends more time with her best friend Mason Hewitt, whom she met in kindergarten. When the two are out on a camping trip with Mason’s family, ten-year-old Marlow comes across a scary man with red glowing eyes. He bites her and suddenly her whole life is turned upside down. The night after her first full moon, she wakes up in the ruins of the Hale house, Derek and Laura Hale there to explain the ropes of being a shapeshifter. After Derek leaves town and Laura is murdered by Peter Hale, thirteen-year-old Marlow is left to fend for herself, continuing to hide her new identity from her loved ones. Then her brothers best friend Scott McCall is turned into a werewolf and she tries to help him navigate his new normal while keeping her own predicament under wraps. She is relegated to research duty, having Mason help her under the guise of making up a story. Two years pass and after losses, battles, and goodbyes, Marlow finally starts attending Beacon Hills High School with Mason. Then she meets the new kid Liam Dunbar, and there is a spark. When Liam is bitten by Scott and turned into a werewolf, Marlow is one more incident away from having an anxious breakdown.
Faceclaim: Jenny Boyd
TAGLIST: @waterloou @eddysocs ​ @ocs-supporting-ocs @foxesandmagic @veetlegeuse @decennia @hiddenqveendom @arrthurpendragon @luucypevensie @kentaroranda @noratilney @wordspin-shares @oneirataxia-girl @endless-oc-creations @lucys-chen @andromedalestrange @far-shores @daughter-of-melpomene @bibaybe
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feel free to explain your choice, id love to hear your reasoning 👀
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(Last updated: 31/12/2023)
Welcome to transspeciesculture! This is yet another one of those "[x] experience/identity/etc culture is" blogs, but for a nonhuman identity that doesn't get much acknowledgement or understanding! We hope that with this blog, we can offer a sense of community for other transspecies beings, and help non-transspecies beings understand people like us more!
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About the term:
Transspecies is a broad term, it includes things like single beings born into human bodies who identify as anything other than human fully, partially or additionally, nonhuman system members, system members who have formed as one species but identifies fully, partially or additionally as another, POSIC+ companions who identify as something fully, partially or additionally else than their object type (or sometimes also the thing their object type represents, like an animal plush with something else other than the animal it does for example).
Often (but not always), they will seek out any sort of transition, appearance or social presentation wise, temporary or permanent. Being transspecies can also often come with species dysphoria.
Transspecies absolutely can include fictional/mythology species, objects, concepts & similar!
The term and experience often overlaps with otherkin, therian, and similar nonhuman experiences, however not everyone sees their transspecies identity as synonymous! Additionally, not every transspecies being considers themselves apart of the alterbeing/alterhuman community. Please respect everyone's right to identify with what feels best for them, and do not try to convince them to use other labels if they do not wish to!
The term does not have one singular solid coiner, it has been used by small groups of beings across various nonhuman mailing lists, boards, forums and blogs for a while. (An instance from as far back as 1999 has been found before! + archive mirror)
Update: we have a masterpost of old instances of the word being used before 2020.
It is important to note that in no way is this label a mockery of transgender people or equating gender and species as exactly the same, even if the experiences can be interconnected. In fact, a lot of transspecies beings also see themselves as transgender, or otherwise genderqueer! Unfortunately, a lot of bigots use the term as a straw-man, either unknowing of it's actual existence or intentionally trying to pit the communities together, so in a lot of cases, trans folk's first instinct is to deny transspecies individuals of being seen and supported... We hope this can change with time, because genuine transspecies beings are almost all trans supportive, if not trans themselves.
Another misconception about the label is that it originated alongside "transrace" (not in the adoptee meaning of the word), "transabled", "transautistic" & similar terms in the radqueer & transidentity/transX communities. This is simply not true, because as said before, transspecies is an entirely unrelated term for nonhumanity by nonhumans in alterbeing communities. Association of transspecies with transID/radqueer is misuse at best, and active erasure of the actual past (and present!) usage and origin of it in nonhuman communities at worst. While we do not doubt most transspecies identifying beings within the transID/radqueer communities are actually so, we strictly oppose the association of the word to a community that it does not belong to, and oppose the actual communities as we deem them unhealthy and dangerous for a lot of the people involved, or minorities outside of it. Keep the word transspecies a nonhuman community term.
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Extra bit that didn't go into definition:
In contexts of fictional characters, there are instances where experiences not possible bodily in our world could or are labelled as transspecies: such as bodily nonhumans identifying as or transitioning to something else, or bodily shapeshifters- we do not think this inherently needs a seprate label than the one applying to real life identities and experiences. We think this sort of fiction is fun. This is just our opinion, though!
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About the blog:
This blog is intended to be used for sharing experiences trough sending asks! They can be as lighthearted or serious as you want. Adding "transspecies culture is" or "[x-type] transspecies culture is" is optional, though! We do also intend on reblogging posts, and maybe sharing resources, eventually!
Please do specify if an ask is a vent, so we can tag accordingly! Vent posts are tagged with "tsc-vent", and any type of generally heavier topic post is tagged with "tsc-heavy".
Please don't send colored, italicized, bolded or in custom font asks! It makes it harder for us to comprehend the ask, and is not good for accessibility.
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About the moderator:
The blog is currently run by one system, The Hounds (they/it + plural descriptors only)! We are a disabled polyfragmented DID system! We are collectively nonhuman + transspecies and queer. Our body is legally adult.
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Blog boundaries:
Do not bring discourse unrelated to nonhumanity to this blog, please! This is not the place for those debates. Please treat each-other with respect on here, regardless of opinions. Use the block button liberally for non-anon stuff if you are discomforted by someone.
With that being said though, this blog is no place for anyone identifying as transidentity/transX or radqueer. Already mentioned before, but we will say again that we stand firmly against those communities, their unhealthy, bigoted and dangerous beliefs and identification, and their misuse of the transspecies label. This blog is also no place for those who are pro-contact/"neutral"-contact/"complex"-contact for any paraphilia for which the other party cannot consent, or any other paraphilia that causes serious harm to other beings, yourself or the environment.
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End of month update - June
Hello, all! This is the end-of-month update, where I post Tumblr’s current top four films that have received the highest percentage of “yes,” “no,” and “haven’t even heard of this movie” votes.
As of today, the top four films with the highest percentage of “yes” votes are:
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Finding Nemo (2003) | Shrek (2001) | Monsters, Inc. (2001) | The Lion King (1994)
Next, the top four films with the highest percentage of “no” votes are:
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Sausage Party (2016) | Pinocchio(2019) | Sharknado 2: The Second One (2014) | All Quiet on the Western Front (1930)
Finally, the top four films with the highest percentage of “haven’t even heard of this movie” votes are:
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Faat Kiné (2001) | Now Add Honey (2015) | Like a Cat on a Highway (2017) | Dean Spanley (2008)
This top four changed through the new additions of Faat Kiné (2001) and Now Add Honey (2015), which replaced Monica and Friends: Bonds (2019) and Monsturd (2003).
Currently, The Incredibles (2004) is the still the only film to receive absolutely zero “haven’t heard of this” votes.
That’s it for June’s end-of-month update! Remember that you can view last month’s update by clicking here. Additionally, you can view the full ranked Letterboxd lists of movies that have come up on this blog by clicking the following links:
This list is ranked from highest-to-lowest percentage of “yes” votes.
This list is ranked from highest-to-lowest percentage of “no” votes.
This list is ranked from highest-to-lowest percentage of “haven’t even heard of this movie” votes.
Remember to vote on the polls that are currently running: The Road Within (2014) | About a Boy (2002) | Spy Kids (2001) | Frozen II (2019) | High Noon (1952) | Horns (2013) | Im Himmel ist die Hölle los (1984) | In Bruges (2008) | Sideways (2004) | Pokémon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back (1998) | Sailor Moon SuperS: The Movie: Black Dream Hole (1995) | Mamma Mia! (2008) | Down with Love (2003) | Stonehenge Apocalypse (2010) | This is Spinal Tap (1984) | The Kids Are Alright (1979) | Lisztomania (1975) | A Little Chaos (2014) | Redline (2009) | The Stepford Wives (1975) | Blancanieves (2012) | Clerks (1994) | Promising Young Woman (2020) | What's Up, Doc? (1972) | The Apple (1980) | Broken (1993) | The Virgin Suicides (1999) | The Phantom of the Opera (2004) | The Wolf Man (1941) | The Boxtrolls (2014) | Manos: The Hands of Fate (1966) | The Perfect Score (2004) | The Man from Earth (2007) | Shapeshifter (1999) | The Lighthouse (2019)
Also, remember that the ask box will open for requests some time before July 4th! There will be a post announcing when it's open, so keep an eye out for that if you'd like to request some movies!
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hammerbonk · 4 months
Luz and Vee in Reverse 1999 what we thinking.
I feel like we’ve had this convo before. Def about Luz, but not about Vee
Vee 🤝 Oneself <- shapeshifters of the protagonist who appear threatening at first but turn out to be sweethearts with fucked up backstories
Wait. Could Arcanists be considered Witches and vice versa…
6 Star Eda Clawthorne DPS whale when /j
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kyogreblue21 · 6 months
My Reverse 1999 OC!
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"An arcanist's work. Exhibited in at the end of the 20th century for more than 200 years. Completed in winter, on March 24. Exhibited in a cave hidden in the Saracen Mountains in Russia, and later the St. Pavlov's Foundation." Meet Zmeyevich! A gentle giant of a man completely suited in armor, he wields an axe, and powerful fire magic.
Zmeyevich, called Zmei for short, while very polite and courteous, is very stern about his armor, never seeming to take it off, even his helmet. In truth, hinted by his name, is actually a Russian Zmei.
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Zmei in the Reverse 1999 universe are anthromorphic dragon people that live within in the remote Russian wilderness, possessing the ability of shapeshifting, which most of the kind use for misdeeds and deceit. Zmei dislike Arcanists for good reason, as the Zmei were hunted down by Arcanists for their large abundance of arcanum alotted in their bodies, so they tend to take human form and obscure their arcane nature. Due to witnessing the traumatic event of watching his mother die at the hands of humans, Zmei has mentally blocked this ability.
Zmeyovich is the grandson of the Zmei's leader, Zmei Gorynich, the legendary beast that was supposedly slain by the bogatyr Nikitich, but in actuality was a folk tale made up by Gorynich himself to quell dragon-fearing humans during medieval times. Zmeyovich lives exactly in 1999, he hides in huge sets of armor assembled from the collection of amassed spoils of Gorynich's kills, using his scorching hot breath to reforge them to his build. He uses his armor to roleplay as a traveling bogatyr, such as heavy labor and perfomances for the towns he scours to for food.
Unlike many other Arcanists Vertin meets, Zmei has a noticeably wider build, something Zmei is bashful of.
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Ingame data for Zmei: Rarity: ✦✦✦✦✦✦ Afflatus: Beast Damage: Reality Medium: Chainmail armor Fragrance: TBD Ability: Metalworking Inspiration: Beast Who Hides in Spoils His udimo form would be of a dragon coiled on around his helmet I personally love Reverse 1999 for all of their more out-there characters, though they have a shocking lack of anthropomorphic ones, and also, wanted me a chubby man, since all of the male characters (and the rest as a whole) have conventionally thin builds.
Art pertaining to him, mostly just wholesome stuff outside of R:1999, can be found here.
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masquerade-v · 1 year
S.D.A. General Information
Supernatural Detectives Agency (S.D.A.) is a group based in Albany, New York. It is composed of four individuals who investigate supernatural happenings, ranging from spirits to cryptids. They assess the situations their clients bring to them and determine whether or not a location is haunted or not. If or when the entity they find is hostile, they will try to remove them and rationalize with them to prevent any harm from being done to other people. Each member in this group has their own role.
Casual Clothes:
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Work Uniforms:
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[Note: their weapons are not to scale.]
Nicole Jane Cawley
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D.O.B.: April 12, 1997
Age: 26
Height: 5'6"
Job: Historian/Archivist Librarian, S.D.A. Member
Weapon: A flail with supernatural properties. Its chain can extend to any length and can be used to trap both physical and spiritual entities by wrapping itself around the target. It can be converted to a hair clip when not in use.
Role in group: Group leader, organizes plans for investigations, founder of S.D.A.
Additional Information: She was born in Italy and moved to New York when she was 10. She is able to speak both Italian And English fluently. She studied to become a historian and works at her local library. In her free time, she and her friends investigate the locations of their clients to search for supernatural activities. She is an energetic, comedic woman with sharp wits but can be quick to judge when things appear to be very face value to her. She also possesses the gift of seeing and interacting with ghosts and other spiritual entities. She lives with her roommate, Orion, in a small yet comfortable house.
Orion Evander
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D.O.B.: May 17, 1998
Age: 25
Height: 5'10" (both human and true form)
Job: None/ S.D.A. Member
Weapon: A crossbow with unusual properties. When one of the bows hits an object, a small explosion will occur upon impact. There is an infinite amount of bows, they spawn when one is fired. It can be converted to a forearm bracelet when not in use.
Role in group: Defense - fights any hostile entities who try to harm the group or bystanders.
Additional Information: From roaming the streets and woodlands of New York as a cryptid to living comfortably on Earth, Orion is a rather unusual monster with no intent of hurting humans just for the sake of it. He is a fiery yet entertaining individual, just looking to have a fun time. He has no issues with fighting for himself or his friends when conflict arises. He does errands such as house cleaning and grocery shopping to make up for not having a "main" job and not getting bored. He has the ability to shapeshift, control/summon fire, super strength and speed and crawl on walls and ceilings with ease.
Jayden Horatio Lee
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D.O.B.: June 2, 1999
Age: 24
Height: 5'9"
Job: Therapist, S.D.A. Member
Weapon: A spear with supernatural properties. It can slice through most strong materials such as metals and concrete. It provides the user with greater agility and lighter on their feet. It can be converted to a pen when not in use.
Role in group: Voice of reason - tries to reason with any entities to de-escalate any dire situations or attempt to speak to them about their past and/or why they are stuck within their clients' location.
Additional Information: Jayden was raised in London and moved to Albany with Flynn Bennett to experience life differently from what he had at home. He works as a therapist, helping people go through any mental turmoil or confusion they may be feeling and giving them diagnoses. He implements some aspects of his job into his role in the S.D.A. to help his group mates and other paranormal beings. He is a collected and thoughtful individual who thinks very carefully before he does anything, sometimes overthinking a decision in some cases.
Flynn Anthony Bennett
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D.O.B.: July 6, 1999
Age: 24
Height: 5'11"
Job: Bladesmith, S.D.A. Member
Weapon: A hammer and shield with unusual properties. When the hammer hits any surface with great force, it can blast anyone and anything a few meters away or destroy the object with a bright, hot glow. The hammer is heavy and can be wielded by strong people. The shield can withstand greater forces than any usual shield. It can convert into two tattoos when not in use.
Role in group: Weaponsmith - makes weapons to defend the group from enemies, with items such as holy water obtained from a certain priest to create said weapons.
Additional Information: From the outbacks in Australia, he has had an interest in bladesmithing ever since he was a child thanks to his mother and father. He moved to Albany with Jayden for the same reason as him. He has a small bladesmithing business, creating items for customers who are interested in his craft. He also uses his skills to create weapons with unusual properties to aid his mates in fights against aggressive and malicious entities. He exudes exuberance and loves getting creative whenever he can but some things can fly over his head if they're not direct.
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alexisnotstraight · 11 days
damianodavid My name is Damiano David.I was born in 1999, Rome, Italy.
I love music, arts and women.
I love the feeling of beautiful clothes and the smell of a nice perfume.
In my life I've been a thief, a liar, a lover, a shapeshifter.
I travelled all around the world to find my voice, just to end up where everything's started.
My name is Damiano David.
And today, is the first day of my life.
Damiano David on instagram 12/09/24
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animutate · 4 months
please be autistic about picos school in paragraphs!! i need to learn more but i dont wanna do a bunch of research 😞
OK OK. im going to take this as an opportunity to explain it all like im talking to someone who has no idea what it is. big wall of text ahead.
picos school is a 1999 flash game by tom fulp created for and distributed on his website newgrounds.com. it was created as apart of a series of games on newgrounds parodying childrens pc edutainment games of the time, but that part was kind of dropped for pico which is sad because i really enjoy it. pico is also heavily inspired by the columbine highshool massacre as it was released just 3 months after it occurred and like the media surrounding it as well as hate mail newgrounds was getting blaming it and all violent video games for causing real world violence like columbine. before that picos game was originally going to be about whatever this mockup means. shitting outside a church.
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also interesting is an email sent to tom prior to the creation of picos school by someone who apparently knew eric harris.
the plot is about a 13 year old goth canonically transfem evil shapeshifting alien wannabe dictator named cassandra along with a group of violence obsessed posers shooting up your school as the first step in taking over the world. you play as pico and its up to you to kill them all and like save the school. its basically about every stereotype or misconception about columbine you can think of kmfdm is even namedropped at the beginning. now that i think about it love conquers all the 2021 april fools version of the game where everyone is gay and cassandra doesnt go through with the shooting and they talk it all out goes with the "one of them was the evil one and one of them was just a follower" narrative unintentionally with hanzou.
theres a lot to be said about the insensitivity of picos school especially with how it used a real recent at the time school shooting for shock value and especially with the character nene which is like a WHOLE other thing im not getting into namely because im not asian so its only really my place to speak on it. but pico is very very bad and calling it "a product of its time" really minimizes any issues it has and you can be a fan and still recognize that there are a lot of problems with it.
picos was really controversial for the time to the point that picos school got one million page views in 1999 which is CRAZY for an independent website in the 1990s. i am of the opinion that the popularity of picos school is what really got newgrounds out there and why its still around today and also why it survived the dot com bubble crash in 2000. but i dont have any evidence for that.
pico to me is really like... a cultural icon of the early internet. he captures the attitude and the feeling of early newgrounds so well its something i really love about him. he is the perfect embodiment of the late 90s angsty teenage computer geek. i also like how open source pico the character feels as in how tom fulp said he is "the peoples character to do whatever you want with". he has a personality and set traits but he really is whatever you want him to be and what people wanted him to be is a cool matrix style angsty teenage assassin and i think thats so fun!!! i love that pico is a reflection of the average newgrounds user at whatever given time. i love pico a lot he means a lot to me as like my biggest special interest going on 4 years hes gotten me through a lot. pico is so special to me despite everything wrong with picos school I DONT CARE.
anyway this is getting long idk where im going with this or if anything i said really makes sense. i just really love talking about picos school i love pico
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