#shang-chi widow!reader
barbiedreams-posts · 6 days
My headcanons for EVERY (I think) Mortal Kombat 1 character
— Liu Kang is a big fan of Chinese food, because well, in the previous timelines he was Chinese, so he constantly goes to Madam Bo's restaurant to eat.
— Johnny Cage is a great dramatic actor, but unfortunately, Hollywood studios always cast him as comedic characters or male characters who are himbos, wasting his potential as a dramatic actor.
— Kenshi met Suchin after saving her from being attacked by thugs in Tokyo, and the two's connection was almost instantaneous, with Suchin agreeing to run away with him after Kenshi left the Yakuza.
— Raiden has a huge crush on Kitana, and constantly draws pictures of the two of them kissing (he's a cartoonist btw)
— Kung Lao loves Chinese and South Korean comedy dramas, his favorite South Korean comedy drama is "True Beauty".
— Kuai Liang is extremely protective of Harumi, like, if Harumi gets a scar, he won't rest until the person who did it pays dearly. When he was dating Cyrax, he was also quite protective of her as well (He's not a sexist who thinks women are too defenseless to protect themselves, he just wants to keep Harumi safe because he loves her so much).
— Bi-Han trusts women more than men, thanks to the complicated relationship he had with his father and the loving relationship he had with his mother (thanks to his daddy issues, he doesn't trust masculine nature very much, even though he is also a man).
— Shang Tsung is not a "victim of Liu Kang's intrigues", this guy is a sociopath to the core!
— Tanya is not Mileena's first lover, she had a girlfriend as a teenager, the daughter of an archduke, but was forced to end the relationship because the archduke's daughter had to marry a man, breaking Mileena's heart.
— Kitana is a voracious reader, she loves books, especially about the history of the Earthrealm and Seido, her favorite historical figure of Earthrealm is Queen Mary Stuart, a queen of Scotland, reflecting the thinking of some outworlders who think that she should be empress in place of Mileena, just as some 16th-century English Catholics wanted Mary to be Queen of England in place of her cousin, Queen Elizabeth I.
— I don't usually do SMUT headcanons, but I like to think that Sindel and Jerrod had an active sex life, and she never married any man after Jerrod because she only liked to have sex with him, she herself was impressed that she only had the twins and not like, three more children!
— The souls within Ermac have been in the living forest for so long that over time they have become one big family.
— Quan Chi was a thief when he was young and was sentenced to work in the gold mines as a way of paying for his crimes, which is why he hates Sindel so much.
— Tanya was not given to the Umgadi when she was a child, she was actually stolen from her mother's arms like several other Umgadi (a bit cruel, but I wanted to make it similar to Marvel's black widows).
— Li Mei has always been in love with Sindel, but she never had the courage to express her feelings.
— Takeda is destined to meet and fall in love with Jacqui, even though in this timeline she is not Jax's daughter.
— Sektor is a lesbian and has a fraternal relationship with Bi-Han.
— Cyrax can speak several African languages, including Zulu and Arabic.
— I'm going to join @rasta-bot AU that Nitara is also a lesbian, there's a 19th century irish lesbian book called "Carmilla" that I really like, it's about a sapphic vampire, just like Nitara.
— Reiko was a mommy's boy, just like Bi-Han.
— Shao suffers from narcissistic personality disorder.
— Syzoth and Ashrah's love language is physical caresses, such as kisses on the forehead and cheek.
— Ashrah is pansexual (yes, another wlw woman, it's "Mortal sapphic Kombat" for me) she has always felt lonely, so she would like any romantic companionship, no matter the gender.
— Baraka prays to Delia every day that a cure for Tarkat will be discovered (this is actually canon btw).
— Slavery is (unfortunately) legal in Seido, and Havik was enslaved (also canon), so he is an anarchist.
— Tomas is a polyglot, he can speak Czech, Chinese, English and Japanese.
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realtalkswithfinn · 10 months
“Are You Wearing Mismatched Socks?”
Shang-Chi x widow!reader
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summary: Shaun sees a new game circling the internet and decides he HAS to challenge his girlfriend to a round.
warnings: violent play fighting, very brief mention/ joke about DV (no actual domestic violence!!), very brief mentions of Shang-Chi and Readers times as trained assassins, sex joke at the very end.
authors note: I have never written any sort of fight scene or action before so this is very new to me, but it had to be done. Also, I requested this idea to another creator here on tumblr before deciding I wanted to give it a go myself. If they write their own version, I’ll tag them so you can read that version as well!
You sigh, blowing a strand of hair out of your face. You roll off the edge of your bed, clicking your phone off in the process, and saunter down the hall toward the sound of his voice.
Shuan stood in the center of… what used to be your living room? Both recliners and your big green couch were pushed flush up against the walls. You could see your coffee table stacked on top of your dining table in the next room over. All your blankets and knick knacks were scattered throughout the space. On the bookshelf, counters, window sills - anywhere but where they belonged.
He was looking down at his phone with an amused smile on his face.
“Done some… redecorating, have we?”
He glanced up, excitement clear on his face. “I’ll put it all back later. Give me one of your socks.”
You stared at him. “Give you… one?”
He nodded, jutting his palm out. “Yeah.”
“… why.”
“I found this game, it looks super fun!” He said, walking over to where you stood. He held out his phone, which was playing a video of what looked to be a set of twins. Each girl wore one white sock. “The goal is to rip the other persons sock off and keep yours on!”
You watched the girls tickle, tackle, and wrestle each other until one emerged victorious, sweaty sock in hand.
“I don’t know Shaun, I’m not sure I wanna play a game where I have to free your dawgs.” You teased.
“Hey! My ‘dogs’ aren’t that bad. Yours on the other hand-“
You smacked his arm. “Hey-“
“That’s the spirit!” He said, tossing his phone on the couch. “Now, give me a sock.”
“Get your own so- HEY!”
He yanked your right leg up by the back of the knee, quick but careful to make sure you didn’t fall, and slid your sock off. “See, next time, you’ll try to make sure I don’t do that.”
Oh, it’s on.
“Fine.” You sigh, trying to seem unamused. In reality, you were rather excited to play. The game looked fun enough when the girls played, but a round between two ex- child assassins? Things were going to get interesting fast.
Shaun beams at you and slides the sock onto his own foot. He looks at you, then your remaining sock, and raises an eyebrow. “Are you wearing mismatched socks?”
“Do you want to play or not?”
He backs away, hands raised in a surrender motion. “My bad, my bad, I should know better than to question you.” He moves a good three feet in front of you and reaches out for a handshake. “May the best man win.”
You yank his hand forward and flip him over your shoulder, slamming him down hard onto the cushy carpet. You twist and dive, aiming for his pink striped sock, but he rolls away quickly, jumping to his feet.
“That’s totally not fair! We hadn’t started yet!”
“Sorry, I didn’t realize you made all your opponents wait for your mark before fighting.”
He scoffed. “I was trying to be civil with you.”
He kicked out with his bare foot, leaving the socked one on the ground. The impact set you back a bit, but you regained yourself before slamming into the TV.
“Watch the furniture!” He teased, diving down toward your feet.
You dove over him, rolling and landing on your feet far on the other side of the living room. You crossed your arms and tapped your socked foot impatiently. “Gee, I thought the great Shang-Chi would find this game tedious. Assumed you would’ve won by now.”
Shaun rolled his eyes before running toward you again. You attempted to jump out of the way, but he snagged you by the waist. He tackled you to the floor as carefully as he could. Sweet, but his mistake. He only held you with one arm, using the other to stop your fall, making it easy for you to wiggle out of his grip.
You rolled slightly to the left and knocked him face first into the carpet. You crawled toward his foot, forgetting to keep your own feet away from his hands. You yelped when you felt him grabbing at your ankles and started kicking violently. He managed to tug your sock a bit, but lost his grip quickly.
You yanked yourself away from his hands, curling your feet under yourself into a crouch position. Shaun wasted no time crawling toward you, laughing as he went. You scuttled backward but came to an abrupt stop when you slammed into the couch.
He was closing in. You didn’t have anywhere else to run, so you took the offensive route and thrust yourself forward, sending the two of you sprawling across the carpet. The force of you landing on him was unexpected and totally knocked the wind out of Shaun. While he laid there catching his breath, you swung around and reached for his sock.
Of course, he regained his breath too fast. He sat up and grabbed you, pinning your arms to your sides. “Not cool y/n.”
“I can be less cool.” you panted. He started to say something, but you thrust your arm back and elbowed him in the ribs. You snaked out of his grip and ran across the room yet again.
Shaun stood up slowly, rubbing his rib. “Come on!”
“Sorry baby.” You laughed. You stuck out your bottom lip in a teasing pout. “I’ll kiss it better after I win.”
“Oh no, I can’t let you win after this.” He chuckled.
But you had a plan.
…Hopefully, the TV wouldn’t pay the price.
You ran at your boyfriend, gathered at much momentum as you could, jumped up, and wrapped your legs around his neck. He stumbled, but managed to regain his balance.
“Aw dude!” His voice was muffled. “Can a guy get a warning before getting a crotch to the face?”
He started smacking his own back, desperately trying to grab at your sock. But ultimately he couldn’t reach your feet at the angle. You laugh and let yourself fall backward. You dangled yourself from his shoulders and looked through your eyebrows to locate which foot had the striped sock.
Honestly, there were a million ways Shaun could have escaped this position. But all of them would’ve been pretty painful for you, and you knew he would never actually hurt you for a game. Or anything, for that matter, but especially not a game. So he continued to reach and grab for your sock.
You reached down and tickled his right leg. He kicked out a little, as that was the last thing he expected from you. He stopped reaching for your sock and grabbed your thighs instead, trying to keep you from falling while he lost his balance.
You took the opportunity to snatch the sock off his foot.
“BOO!” Shaun complained.
“Whats that?? I can’t hear you over the sound of me WINNING!”
You reached your hands down to the floor and unhooked your legs from behind Shaun’s head, gracefully kicking down as if out of a handstand, and waved the sock around in victory.
Shaun stared at you. “I can’t believe you just black widowed me.”
You shrugged. “I can’t believe you talked such big game just to be taken out by a little tickle.”
“And a crotch to the face?”
“Whatever.” You rolled your eyes. “So… what do I win?”
A mischievous grin spread across your boyfriends face. “Who said you won? We gotta do best two out of three.”
“What? No! I won fair and square-“
Shaun ripped the sock out of your hands and took off down the hall. “BEST TWO OUT OF THREE!”
You padded into your bedroom with a glass of water and a handful of ibuprofen. Shaun was already under the covers, but you could see bruises sprouting up around his exposed upper body. You weren’t much better — you had a nasty spot right on your cheekbone, as well as littered all over your body.
“Hey,” you greeted gently, sitting on the edge of the bed.
He set his phone down and looked up at you with his beautiful brown eyes. “Hey.”
You took his hand and dumped a few ibuprofen into it. “Maybe we should play a little gentler next time.”
He smiled before popping the tablets into his mouth. “Maybe.”
You passed him the water glass and he took a swig before passing it back to you. You took your own dose and set the glass on the nightstand. Shaun pulled the covers up for you to crawl under, to which you happily did, curling right up against him.
He ran his fingers over the forming bruise on your cheek. “Aw dude. Does it hurt?”
“I’ve had worse.”
“People are gunna think I hit you.”
“You kinda did.” You laugh.
“Not on purpose!” He defended. He moved his hand to cup your face before sending you a pointed stare. “You, on the other hand, had malicious intent.“
“And who won all three rounds?”
Shaun glared at you but couldn’t argue. He leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to the bruise. “Thanks for playing with me.” He said softly.
You reached up and rested your hand over his. “Anytime. Thanks for putting the couch back.”
He chuckled, closing his eyes. “Anytime.”
“Dude, what happened to you?” Katy asked gawking at Shaun, who had stiffly shuffled into work covered head to toe in bruises. “Bad guys?”
Katy curled her lip in disgust. “Didn’t need to know that dude.”
“What? Oh my god Katy, no, we were playing the sock-“
“Nope. Too late. Image is already there.”
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odditycircus-2002 · 8 months
Mortal Kombat Masterlist (Updated)
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Warning: I wrote a lot with Shang Tsung and Baraka. Also heavily features Medusa!Reader.
Old Era:
Medusa!Reader x Shang Tsung I
Medusa!Reader x Shang Tsung II
Medusa!Reader x Shang Tsung Aftermath
Shang Tsung's Death
Medusa!Reader Intro Walk, Friendship, Fatalities, etc
Medusa!Reader Intros I
Medusa!Reader Intros II
Revenant Reader x Shang Tsung
Some NSFW Headcannon with Shang Tsung with Medusa!Reader
Snake in the Garden
New Era:
The Masked Medicine Woman
Medusa!Reader Story Mode I
Medusa!Reader Story Mode II
Medusa!Reader Story Mode III
Medusa!Reader Story Mode IV
Medusa!Reader Story Mode V
Medusa!Reader Story Mode VI
Medusa!Reader Story Mode VII
Medusa!Reader! Story Mode VIII
Medusa!Reader Story Mode IX
Medusa!Reader Story Mode X
Medusa!Reader Story Mode XI
Medusa!Reader Story Mode XII
Medusa!Reader Story Mode Ending
Medusa!Reader and Syzoth Platonic Headcannons
Shedding Season (Featuring Platonic Syzoth)
Holiday Fun🎄
Peeping Tom 😳😳😳
Medusa!Reader Loves Chocolate
What If feat.Medusa!Reader I
What If feat.Medusa!Reader II
What If Feat. Medusa!Reader III
Why Baraka?
Some NSFW H/Cs between Medusa!Reader and Baraka
When Baraka saw You grow Wings
Medusa!Reader Eating
MK1 Intros I
Mk1 Intros II
MK1 Intros III
MK1 Intros IV
You're Beautiful (Mk1 Shang Tsung x Medusa!Reader)
Requests (Currently Closed)
(Includes both the Old Era and New Era)
🥵- Nsfw
Pet Store
One Night (Baraka x Medusa!Reader)
Erron Black
Morrigan Reader
"The Voice" Fujin x Reader
Morrigan Reader
Kenshi Takahashi
Morrigan Reader
MK1 Kitana x Female Reader
Scorpion (Hanzo Hasashi)
Mk11 Scorpion with shy s/o
Quan-Chi's Daughter Reader X Scorpion Nsfw and Sfw🥵
Widow (Quan-chi's Daughter Reader x Scorpion)
Quan-chi's Daughter x Scorpion starting a family
King and Queen
Shang Tsung
Valentine's Day with Shang Tsung💕💕💕🥵
NSFW Shang Tsung HCs🥵
Perfect Gentleman
A Terrifying Love
Eternally Loyal
Da Rules:
The characters I'm willing to write for are the men AND women of Mortal Kombat. This includes from MK9 to MK1 as that's what I am most familiar with.
I'm writing fics and h/cs, you'll have to be specific about what you want otherwise I'm choosing. No refunds!
I'm willing to write nsfw h/cs and fics.
Please be specific of what character and scenario you want, more details the better. Also the amount of characters you can request at a time is FIVE.
I will NOT, I repeat, NOT write anything that makes me uncomfortable such as sexual assault, waterworks, pedophilia, and obvious stuff like that.
Also I’m sticking with “X reader” content cause I know that best!
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redheadspark · 1 year
Hey Hii I love your writings!
Could you write something about Druig and the fem avenger (maybe black widow) reader? If you don't write Druig, it could be Shang-Chi. I love both of these guys so much! Thanks in advance~
A/N - THIS IS GREAT! Sorry for not writing this soon, but I do hope you like it, Anon!
Summary - After the Emergence, Druig get a call from an old flame
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Warnings - Just some fluff with a HINT of angst
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The phone rang at least three times before Druig could answer it, fishing out the phone from the bottom of his duffle bag he packed from his village in the Amazon.
“ ‘Ello?” He asked, Instantly he was going to be bombarded by questions on the other end of the line.
“Druig?!  What in the hell?!  Why is there a Celestial coming out of the Indian Ocean?”
“Sweetheart, can you take a breath for me?”
“How can I take a breath when there’s a massive Celestial statute sticking out of the Indian Ocean!  That has you name written all over it!”’
“Stop!  Stop and take a breath for me please,”  Druig finally Said into the phone, looking up from his spot in the kitchen to see the rest of the Eternals outside the farmhouse and at the horse corral, talking together and laughing at something Phastos said.  Druig could see the inventor look over at Druig through the kitchen window, raising an eyebrow at him as if he was silently asking who he was talking to on the phone. 
Druig shook his head and walked back to the living room, plopping down on the couch to rub his face as he heard you on the other line.  You were taking a few long breaths, trying to calm yourself down as Druig was patiently waiting on the couch.  Finally, after what seemed like a good minute or two of you breathing and calming yourself down for Druig to hear, Druig finally spoke.
“Druig, that Celestial is on every news channel all over the globe, and my boss is looking for answers,” You explained to him on your end of the phone, “You need to explain some things to me, as much as you can,”
“Your Boss, as in the Winter Soldier?” 
“More as in the new Captain America,” You replied, “Sam is not keen in not knowing what is going on around the globe, especially if it’s extraterrastial related.
“I’m sure you can whip something up from your Black Widows days, bein’ an ex-spy at all,” Druig said in almost a tease, you inhale sharply.
“Druig, this is not funny. I’m worried that something else is stirring up and you have something to do with it,” You explained wholeheartedly.
“I know, luv,” Druig replied, “I don’t mean to make it light.  But it was a near Emergence that we had to stop before the end of the world,”
A pause was heard on your end.
“Emergence?” You asked him.  Druig sighed heavily.
“It’s a lot to explain,” He started to explain to you, but the house suddenly started to vibrate.  Druig had to paise, feeling the walls and floor shake beneath his feet as he slowly stood up.  It might have felt like an earthquake, not as big as the one he felt a week prior when Tiamut became active under the earth’s surface.  After hearing some of the horses from the corral neighing in agitation, the soft sounds of what sounded like a jet high in the sky were coming towards the farmhouse.  
But this didn’t sound like a typical jet.
Phastos and the others came running into the farmhouse, Druig shot up from the couch and looked over at him as Phastos was pointing towards the front of the house, “You hear that?”
What is it? Makkari signed as the rounds of the jet were coming closer and closer within seconds.  Druig was just as confused at first.  Yet it only took him a few longs to recognize the sounds of the jet, he’d heard it all too well many times before.  His own heart both dropped and seated faster at the same.
“Honey….please don’t tell me I’m hearing your jets out here in South Dakota,” Druig said slowly in the phone to you as the Jet was now sounding beyond loud, almost right above the farmhouse as Phastos shot him a look.
“Honey?!  Who in the hell is Honey?” He asked as Druig walked out through the front doors hastily, the others hot on his heels.  Right in front of the farmhouse, a Jet was lowering down onto the grass.  It looked sick, black in color, and almost decked out with plenty of firepower to boot.  To anyone else, it would seem threatening and intimidating since there was no way of knowing where the jet came from and who was flying it.  
But to Druig, he knew exactly who it was.
“Is that an Avenger’s Jet?!” Phastos son Jack yelled out in excitement as the jet finally touched down on the ground, the wind dying down and the jet turning off slowly.  
“Jack, get in the house!” Phastos huffed at his son as the ramp was lowering slowly.  Druig was watching the ramp with steady eyes, turning off the call on the phone as he saw boots descending down the ramp at a rapid pace.  
Light brown hair in a high ponytail, braids embedded in the locks as bright green eyes were drilling into Druig's blue orbs.
You, in your ex-widow outfit, walking straight to Druig with no signs of slowing down.
"Who in the hell?" Phastos asked as Thena stood in a protective and threatened stance, Makkari looking in confusion. But you were not focusing on them, only on Druig who was giving you a sincere look and a small smile.
Once you were nose to nose, Druig's smile briefly widened.
"Hello Sweetheart," he hummed to you, though you were simply giving him a hard stare
Within a second, you punched him hard.
The others gasped as Druign grunted and took the blow, ducking a bit as you glared at him with clenched fists. Makkari was about to run over at you when Thena grabbed her arm to stop her. Druig reluctantly held out a hand to the others at the porch as he grasped his nose.
"It's fine...I'm fine," He called out, inhaling sharply as he looked back at you with a sigh, "I deserved that one, didn't I?"
"That is for keeping me in the dark with this Celestial, and for not calling me back in a whole month! I was this close to flying out to see if you were still alive in the Amazon!" You huffed at him as he grasped part of his nose. He squinted in pain.
You rolled your eyes, reaching over to move his fingers to the right spot on his nose.
"Don't worry, I didn't break it. It'll bruise and that's it," You mumbled, Druig grinning as you through the same pain he was feeling along his nose, "Druig, you scared me, and I know deep down this Celestial has something to do with you,"
"It does, luv," He replied as he then gestured to the group that was watching from the porch, "These are the other Eternals,"
You looked over, seeing the three of them watching with a hint of amusement on their faces from your punching the mind controller in the nose. Your eyes went wide, Phastos awkwardly waving while both Thena and Makkair just grinned and nodded in your direction.
"Your family?" You asked Druig as you looked back at him.
"Some of them. We lost some along the way, but we're all that left with two others," Druig explained as he took your hand in his, "We stopped the Emergence and saved the world,"
"Oh...okay," You sighed and rang your fingers over your face, "This is a lot to take in,"
"I'll say," Phastos muttered under his breath as Thena walked over a little bit with her intense eyes on you.
"You know Druig?" She questioned you, you were about to say something when Druig reached over to lace your fingers together, palm to palm. Your fingerless gloves against his own calloused hand were a natural feel for you two to have, and you've had this sensation for some time as the others finally realized what was going on.
"You're dating.....and Avenger?" Phastos asked Druig, Makkari grinning from ear to ear and almost bouncing on her toes.
I have questions! She signed rapidly as you felt a tint of blush on your cheeks.
"Technically she's an ex-Black Widow who was recruited to the Avengers," Druig explained, Makkari was now running over in a blistering pace as she was beaming so bright at you from the news of your title. You were taken back slightly, but the smile on her face was warm.
Black widows are the stuff of legend! Please tell me all you know! She signed to you so quickly her fingers were literally dancing in front of your face. You were smiled and signed "Yes," Makkari giggled and looking at Druig.
I like her! She said to Druig as he finally fully smiled.
"Yeah, I like her too, Kari,"
The End
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radiantdanvers · 1 year
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You're besties with Kate Bishop💝 You're dating Kate Bishop💝You're dating Kate Bishop: part 2💝Childhood friends to lovers with Kate Bishop💖Training with Kate Bishop💖Being Besties with Kate Bishop and Yelena Belova💖
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You're besties with Carol Danvers 💝 You're dating Carol Danvers 💝You're dating Carol Danvers: part 2 💝Carol Danvers in love with Valkyrie! Reader💖Training with Carol Danvers💖You're Carol Danvers' adoptive child💖
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You're besties with Peter Parker (MCU.ver) 💝 You're dating Peter Parker (MCU.ver) 💝Having academic rivalry with Peter Parker (TASM.ver) 💖You're dating Peter Parker (TASM version)💝 Studying with Peter Parker (MCU.ver)💖Patrolling with Peter Parker (MCU.ver)💖
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You're besties with Shang Chi 💝 You're dating Shang Chi 💝You're dating Shang Chi: part 2💝Training with Shang Chi💖
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You're an Avenger 💝 You're an Avenger pt2 💝 You're Best Friends with Bucky and Sam 💝 You're besties with Kamala Khan 💝You're Besties with Yelena Belova 💝You're Tony Stark's teenage kid💝🌸When he's the sunshine to you're grumpy (Deadpool)💖You're dating Steve Rogers💝In the kitchen with the Avengers💖Being Besties with Kate Bishop and Yelena Belova💖
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You're Besties with Wanda Maximoff 💝 You're dating Wanda Maximoff 💝You're dating Wanda Maximoff: part 2💝Wanda Maximoff falling in love with cottagecore! reader💖You're the eldest child of Wanda and Vision💖Learning Magic with Wanda Maximoff💖
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You're Besties with Natasha Romanoff 💝 You're dating Natasha Romanoff 💝You're the Red widow of the MCU and a part of Natasha's family💖You're dating Natasha Romanoff pt 2 💝Training with Natasha Romanoff💖 You're Natasha Romanoff's adoptive child💖
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Marc Spector falling in love with Black Widow! Reader 💖 Steven Grant being in love with an archeologist! reader 💖You're dating Steven Grant 💝Enemies to Lovers with Jake Lockley 💖Being Steven Grant's Mentee 💖You're dating Marc Spector💝
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Loki falling in love with the goddess of witchcraft 💖You're the youngest odinson sibling💖You're dating Loki Laufeyson💝Training with Loki Laufeyson💖Being the sunshine to their grumpy💖
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Matt Murdock in love with Spiderwoman! reader 💖You're dating Matt Murdock 💝You're dating Matt Murdock: part 2 💝Being Matt Murdock's Mentee💖
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You're besties with Sharon Carter💝Dating Sharon Carter 💝Movie Nights with Sharon Carter💖Being Sharon Carter's Mentee💖On a mission with Sharon Carter💖
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Camera rolls: 💝 Moodboards: 💖 Requests: 🌸
Non-Mcu Masterlist
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euphoniumpets · 3 years
I'm not the killer that little girls call their Hero| Shang-Chi x reader
Summary: For years, he thought you were dead. His best friend. His childhood friend where his father had arranged plans that one day the two of you would marry each other. That all changed when he got to know that you were missing. Several years later, he found you alive, but you're not the same girl he grew up with since you were hired to kill him.
A/N: Y'all after watching ep. 4 in hawkeye and Yelena made the entrance? WOW, just *chefs kiss*. That episode finale is inspired by this fic so yeah. This is an AU where Yelena is with the other Avengers yeah.
Warnings: trauma, mind control, violence, angst.
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Even in your dreams, you could still see him. The boy you once loved or maybe even a part of you still loved him. But you knew that couldn't happen. You wouldn't see him again since you were stuck in a nightmare. A far worse than death.
They would call you the Grim Reaper. You were a higher level up in the red room and your skills were far deadlier than Yelena and Natasha. The names tasted bitter in your sense because of all of the rumors you heard.
Dreykov was killed and the red room didn't exist anymore. But some of them tried to recreate what he did. But they didn't succeed because the technique was advanced.
Your eyes drifted towards the figure in front of you. The little voice in your head was telling you to kill. After Dreykov and the Red Room were destroyed, people thought he was the one who was the leader.
However, three more people who had the same agenda as Dreykov spread all around the world to create more Black Widows. But this time, they were smarter and they hid in the shadows.
After when they heard that he failed, they sent you to find the people who escaped the Red Room. Natasha was already dead and Yelena was the only one who was left standing.
Yelena had moved on from her sister's death and after she tried to kill Clint Barton for revenge, she joined the team.
''Target is spotted,'' Yelena responded into her comm as her eyes drifted from the target. She leaned towards the gun as she aimed for the person on the rooftop.
''Wait for our signal, we don't know if he's armed,'' Sam spoke as he looked towards Shang-chi. He nodded before he looked towards Katy not far from Yelena with her bow and arrow.
''The target is running away, shit he knows.'' Sam cursed as he signaled Bucky. ''Yelena, now!'' Sam shouted as Yelena let out a grunt when she felt you hop on her shoulders and knock her down. ''I'm a little busy over here.'' She growled as she leaned on her elbows and saw your figure. You had a mask over your head before you sprinted towards her and tried to fight against her.
''Guys, a little help here,'' Yelena responded in her ear as Katy shot an arrow. The arrow light up a bright light which made you cover your ears as the two of you flew away. You let out a grunt as you drew out your knife and looked at her.
Her eyes widened when he saw the mark on your shoulder. She recognized the mark because she was the one who gave it to you when you were younger. ''Y/n?'' She asked, surprised.
You sprinted towards her as you began to attack her. However, before you could stab her, Shang-chi blasted his ten rings towards you and sent you across from her. Yelena looked at him before she ran towards you.
You let out a grunt when you tried to free from her grasp around your neck. She gripped your head and took away the mask from your head. Your hands went towards her neck as you shocked her.
You breathed heavily as you turned around and saw Yelena looking at you. ''Y/n?'' The boy in front of you commented. your eyes drifted towards him and you froze.
Those familiar eyes that haunted you were in front of you. Yelena looked at him and she knew that he must've known you too. ''Y/n, it's me,'' Shang-chi replied.
That little voice inside of your head begged you to stay. Begged you to stay with him. But you knew that you didn't have a choice. He betrayed you.
Your eyes trailed down to his arms and you could see the rings glowing. A dark look beamed on your face. Before you could do anything more, Katy appeared from nowhere and aimed her bow towards you. Your eyes met her and she was afraid but you knew that she didn't have the gut to kill you.
You shook your head towards her and when Sam and Bucky entered, You disappeared without a trace. ''Who the hell is she?'' Katy asked them as Yelena and Shang-chi met each other eyes. ''You don't wanna know.''
A/n: not gonna lie but this kind of sucked lol
Tagging thot squad: @wint3r-h3art @crazycookiecrumbles @tom-whore-dleston @tmholland @buckybleu
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liilgoobs · 3 years
Squid Games (Marvel/Squid Games x reader crossover)
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A/N: Had this fun little idea after watching squid games. Kinda toyed with the plot a bit, but overall a good base line :)
TW: Swearing, violence, blood
Summary: After being sent to Korea on a solo mission to take down a game hosted by black market sponsors, the Avenger's tune in to why you've been away from the compound for 3 days. At Fury's discretion, of course. Things go south when you're being targeted by some past men who worked by Xu Wenwu. It's your mission to stay alive and take out his men.
The meeting room was silent as Fury's voice echoed through the room. The air was thick.
"Three days? You waited to tell us this for 3 DAYS?" Tony's voice questioned across the room, slamming the table with his hands. Natasha stared at the table, face blank. Thor and Loki had a puzzled look on their face.
"Please forgive me, but what do you mortals call a "Squid Game"?" Loki's voice drawled through the room as all eyes were drawn to the Asgardian.
Fury looked over at Shang-Chi and nodded. His expression was un-readable and glued to the floor, not daring to look up at his new team mates.
"It's an unspoken organization in Korea, and every year they host a game. People who are neck deep in debt are offered a cash reward to participate and play games. It's..black market, dark web stuff."
This further confused the group as a whole, all except for Natasha. She had heard talk of the game on various solo missions with Barton. Xu Xialing spoke up, irritated with her brother's explanation.
"It's life or death. People go and never come back. Nobody has ever been able to trace them or track them down. Similar to how people bet on horses, very wealthy sponsors bet on players."
"They pick their players based on their role to society. Most who participate are poor or homeless people with nothing to go back to."
Realization fell onto their faces as they looked at your empty chair. Just 4 days ago you'd be laughing and telling them how stupid it is.
"Why send her? To go undercover? ALONE? Do you have any idea what we are dealing with?" Nat questioned, distain written on her faces. Fury's stoic expression didn't falter.
"We needed someone to go undercover. Her talents and skills was most compatible for the mission. I don't need you questioning my authority, Romanoff," He said sternly, causing her to clench her jaw.
"Luckily, we planted multiple cameras and microphones on her to bug the place. The reason you are all here is so Tony can connect with the cameras. Undetected."
Their stomachs turned with anxiety as Tony frantically started tapping away on his holographic screen.
"We should be live," He trailed off, in concentration. "Now."
Suddenly you appeared on multiple monitors, from different angles. The team collectively sighed in relief at the sight of you. It was before the first game, and you were sitting in your teal uniform.
"109..how many players are there?" Bucky read, watching you fiddle with your zipper. He knew you always did that when you were anxious.
"Too many." Fury said, shaking his head. "The plan is to track wherever the signal is coming from and take it down from the inside. That's where all of you come into play. There's been a tip that some of your father's men are there," He said, looking directly at the siblings. Their faces tightened. That man still had so many connections, even being dead. As soon they took down 3, another 5 resurfaced days later terrorizing cities across the world.
"But first we need some more information from the inside. The plan is to leave first thing tonight, after the first game. Hopefully, giving us the proof we'll need."
Everyone's eyes stayed glued on the screen as they watched you walk through the maze of corridors, to finally enter a playing field. It was about two football field's length, with a large doll at the end facing backwards. It over towered the players, making them grow nervous.
"The hell is that thing?' You mumbled, scrunching your eyebrows.
"Yeah," Sam scoffed. "That's not creepy at all." Natasha rolled her eyes in annoyance.
You scanned the room to anyone who could pose a threat, but to you everyone looked equally as confused. It was hard to tell who was out of place. Fury had prefaced the very little information on what exactly you were walking into, which is unfortunately right up your alley.
Find the men. Get as much as you can on camera. Stay alive and don't do anything stupid. Of course, you were already on a private jet in the middle of the night so it didn't seem you had much of a choice.
There was no way to communicate with Fury or the team, all you were told to do is catch as much on video as you can. The men in the red suits were intimidating to say the least, as they all wore masks with different shapes. Some holding assault rifles, others holding batons.
"I think the shape on their masks is some kind of rank," You whispered, just loudly enough so the mic would pick it up. They had taken all of your belongings, except for the pieces you hid in your glasses and your hair. Tony never seemed to fail to impress you with all the ways he could disguise an ear pieces and mics.
"You will be playing 'Red Light, Green Light'." A voice announced over the field, making you chuckle.
"Seriously, Fury? You sent me to play a bunch of kid games?" She mumbled, rolling her eyes.
"I don't get it, she's just going to play a game? This is why she's been gone?" Steve asks, rubbing his chin out of confusion.
Fury is silent, his eyes staying on the screen.
5 minutes displayed on the clock, her eyes darting to them quick. There were a few people in front of her, a blonde boy and a brunette boy jostling each other around.
"Green light!" The doll said, turning its massive head around to face a fake tree.
The boys laughed, running forward. You rolled your eyes, jogging behind them but keeping your distance.
"Red light!" The doll's head swiveled around, making you stop in your tracks.
The team was silent, watching intently. The two boys in front of you had stopped as well, but the blonde stumbled to keep his balanced.
The doll's eyes eyes quickly shifted toward him, and a gunshot rang out into the air making the hairs on the back of your neck stick up. His body fell limp to the ground, leaving you frozen in your tracks.
"Did he just.." Steve started to say, but his voice trailed off. Everyone's faced painted with horror, slowly putting the pieces together in their heads.
The color in Wanda's face slowly disappeared as Vison reached for her hand in comfort.
"(Y/N)..Don't move.." Loki whispered to himself, knowing he couldn't hear you.
"Oh no.." You whispered, tears gathering in your eyes. The fear in your voice filled the room
The doll's head turned back towards the tree.
"Green light."
You walk forward slowly, keeping your expression stoic. You scan the crowd as see two men at both sides of you a couple feet behind, glaring.
They found you.
Your eyes shift to the boy on the ground, not far away from you. His mouth spurts out some blood on the ground, making you gasp quietly in horror.
You stare down leave the one to your left from the corner of your eye. The stare he was giving you was much like a predator looking at it's prey.
"Red light!"
You stop in your tracks again, staring straight ahead of you. The boy sees his friend, and lets out a shaken gasp as he goes to run away. Bullets fly through the air, making his body fall limp.
The blood splatters on the face of another player, falling at her feet.
"I have eyes," You whisper carefully, not daring to move your body.
"I see them," Wanda says, pointing a finger to the men getting ready to pounce.
"They found her in there." Xu Xialing says, her body tense. "They're going to sabotage her and get her killed."
"Then what are we standing around waiting for exactly? Fury?" Tony asks with irritation, the fear flowing through his veins as the massacre about to unfold in front of his team.
Are they just supposed to watch a body cam of you getting murdered?
You weren't the teams baby, they knew you could fend for yourself. You were easily one of the strongest amongst the team, hand to hand combat being your weak spot.
They couldn't help but be protective of you, coming from a background of pretty much raising yourself. Tony obviously viewing you as a daughter, to see you fighting for your life, on your own, boiled his blood.
Along with the rest of his team mates, he felt helpless.
"The more you beg for money, the easier this should be." He commented, watching you stick the surveillance pieces in your hair.
"You wouldn't be able to hear us but we'll be able to hear you," He explains, pacing the cabin.
"If things go south I have Strange on stand-by. Xu Wenwu's men are ruthless, hopefully you've been working on your combat."
You laugh, fixing your clothes as they were dirtied and holed.
"Natasha and Steve haven't been taking it easy on me if that's what you're asking." You quipped, earning a half smile from your superior.
As the jet began to land, he grabbed you by the forearm.
"Please stay alive," He spoke. "I haven't told the team where you're going to be until you're actually playing. I don't need to be on Stark's shit list twice."
You rolled your eyes. "I can do this fury,"
"Have a little faith." You winked, exiting the jet to camp out at the nearest train station.
After a day of playing your role as a homeless woman, it brought back memories of when you survived on your own in the streets of San Francisco. It was no mind or challenge really, you enjoyed being alone. But what you didn't enjoy were the creepy old men offering you a place to stay if you gave them a little 'something' in return.
You'd silently hoped Bucky was watching, knowing the jealous look that would overtake his face.
Your thoughts were ripped away as a very attractive business man came and set next to you on the bench.
"Hello," He said, flashing a smile your way.
'Showtime' you thought to yourself.
"H-Hello.." You stuttered back in a soft voice, unable to meet his eyes.
"May I show you something?" He asks kindly, setting the briefcase in between the two of you.
"If you're selling something..I'm sorry but I'm not interested." You glance at his intimidating stare, captivated by his brown eyes.
He opened the case to reveal what'd you'd assume to be a very large amount of money, and two stacks of paper squares. Red and blue.
"You've played Ddajiki before, yes?" He questioned, holding up the squares.
You nodded, remembering the files of Korean games you studied on the plane prior to your arrival.
He hummed in approval. "Play Ddajiki with me. I will give you 100,000 won every time you win."
You pursed your lips in thought. To really play the part, Fury sent absolutely no money with you. What happens if you loose?
"However," He said, making your eyes connect with his once more.
"Every time I win, you will give me 100,000 won."
Shit. That's right. No money.
"You can start first," He said, grazing a hand across your face ever so slightly in hopes to convince you.
You felt frozen in your seat, and the only thoughts you could think of was Bucky going ballistic watch this man to lure you in.
You nodded, grabbing the blue envelope from his smooth hands.
Blue was Bucky's favorite color, after all.
When you had lost the first time, making your blood run cold. He effortlessly had flipped over your square, smirking in victory. He looked at you expectantly.
"Don't you have any money?" He questioned, stepping closer to you.
You were at a loss for words. This man's intimidation reminded you of Loki's. This stare being able to capture a picture in a still frame, it's contents not moving out of fear.
"I..I.." You scrambled for words. You squeezed your fists in case he tried to have a go at you. But before you could blink, a sharp pain collided with your cheek, making your head whip to the side. Your feet stayed planted on the ground. Natasha's number one rule.
Always be grounded.
"Play again?" He asks, making the anger in your body rush to your cheeks. You nodded curtly.
After a few more slaps, you started to get the hang of it.
Finally, you had flipped the red square over, yelping in victory.
The frustration slap after slap built in your bones, and as soon as the square flipped your hand flew through the air to meet his face.
It didn't.
He caught your arm with eyes, peering down at you with the smile that never seemed to have leave his face.
He put your arm down gently, never letting go, as he put 100,000 won in your hand.
The breath was hitched in your throat, watching his every move.
"Congratulations," He whispers, closing your hand around the money.
"If you want to win more," He continues, stepping away to close his briefcase. "Call this number."
He hands you a black business card with a number on it. You swallowed and nodded, taking a step backwards.
He simply winks and enters the train that had just arrived, gone in a flash.
Before you knew it, you were in a dark SUV being filled with gas. What the hell were you getting in to?"
"She's going to make it through the first game. After that is when we attack. We stick to MY plan Stark," HIs voice warned, booming through the room.
Their eyes drifted back to the screen, all of them holding their breaths in hope you don't move a muscle.
The woman felt the blood on her face and in her hands, screaming at the sight of it. A single bullet whizzed through her head, making her body drop on top of the boy who had just been shot.
Bullets started firing as people ran towards the back, clawing at the gate to escape. The dolls eyes were going crazy, shooting anything with movement.
"Don't fucking move (Y/N).." Bucky mumbled, clenching his iron fist.
Your camera shown you getting tackled to the side, as one of Xu Wenwu's men face.
"We knew SHIELD would send yo-" He growled, a gunshot piercing through his head, his body falling on top of you.
"With that, let the game resume." The doll spoke, its head turning back around.
You started to hyperventilate, blood covering your hair, face, and chest.
"Fuck..Oh fuck.." You said out loud, struggling to get the body off of you.
"Green light!"
Everyone stood frozen, all except an old man who walked forward with a daring smile. You stared at him in confusion, until your eyes drifted over to three men across the room glaring daggers at you.
They were far away enough to where they couldn't touch you.
Not yet, at least.
"There's more," You whispered, eyes bouncing back and forth between the men and the dead one laying on top of you.
"Can't we talk to her? Does she have an ear piece?" Banner finally choked out, being silent almost the entire time.
He shook his head. "We couldn't. We were already taking a risk with the cameras and mics."
Loki grumbled, glancing at the displeased face on his brother. Thor's fists were clenched on his lap, light sparks emitting from his knuckles. The duo was quite fond of you, they even considered you to be their best friend. Or, 'Brothers from another mother' is how you'd put it. They were confident you could hold your own, but it still worried them to be somewhere where they couldn't fight by your side.
Bucky's stomach was in knots. It had been a slow burn between you and him, neither one of you having the courage to confess your feelings to one another. He hated seeing you in danger, and he feared not being able to save you.
Steve and Sam were silent, constantly looking at Bucky. The whole team teased you two about your flirting, but it was him and Sam who knew the real feelings he had for you.
Nat and Wanda also knew how you felt about him, talking about it with them on many occasions. Usually on your wine and movie nights, which were EVERY Wednesday. Now they're having to watch you play a nightmare of a game with your life at risk.
The rest of the team watched as anticipation as you played the game, with people trying to get you killed on purpose.
"Red light!"
Your eyes scanned the hundreds of dead bodies on the floor. Men. Women. Mothers. Fathers. People who had families.
Your eyes shifted back to the old man, stopping at a halt.
He froze, the devilish smile never leaving his face.
The team watched with a shocked expression to see a man so aged playing this game.
"He must have nothing to lose," Nat commented, folding her fingers.
"He's the only one moving."
Fury's expression never faltered. "This game requires strategy. Planning out your every breath. Hopefully now you see why I picked Agent (Y/L/N),"
His face scanned the group with a disapproving look in his eye.
"Have some faith."
The team was silent.
Your eyes drifted over to the men again, who were boring holes in your head with their evil stares. You narrowed your eyes, almost challenging them.
"Green light!"
They stayed in their spot as the old man moved forward, their expression never leaving their face. You remembered the dead weight crushing you, and you had to get him off. And fast.
Glancing down, another large man was on top of the one who was trying to kill you. Also dead.
"Red light!"
He froze again, now in front of all the remaining players too frightened to move.
You needed to act fast. And quick. Your palms started to sweat and chills ran down your back. You knew one wrong move and your life is over in a second.
You thought about the team and the memories you shared, which was quickly consumed by Bucky. You needed to make it out alive.
The comfort you felt by the mere thought of him overcame your body like a typhoon.
"What the hell would Bucky say to you right now?" You mumbled out loud. The team heard the shakiness of your voice, fighting tears.
You remembered right then he was probably watching. And could hear you. The adrenaline in your veins didn't even care.
Bucky's face softened at the way his name rolled off your tongue, making his heart leap.
The team looked at him, his eyes hard as he watched the screen of you. Scared. Shaking.
Sam put a comforting hand on his shoulder, his eyes never leaving the screen.
"Probably something along the lines of 'Don't show them weakness. Stop acting like a pussy. Kick their fucking asses. I don't know." You mumbled, trying to think of a plan.
"She's right, you know." Sam commented, offering a half smile. A ghost of a chuckle emitted from the team.
"Green light!"
You quickly struggled to shove the dead weight of the two men double your size off of you, until a man came helped push them off of you, pulling you to your feet.
"Red light!"
You froze looking at the man who had just helped you, eyes wide in fear. His jacket read #456.
"Thank you," You whispered softly, and the team watched in shock. Bucky's shoulders tensed as he gave you a sweet smile back in return.
Your eyes drifted next to his head, to the men who had gotten closer to you two. Your face fell, making the man scrunch his eyebrows in confusion.
"Green light!"
"We need to go. NOW." You said loudly, running with him at the sound of the doll's head turning.
You switched sides with him, being closer to the henchmen. There is no way you'd let some kind man be in the crossfire of why you're there in the first place.
Their smirks grew at the sight of you becoming closer, them catching up to you quickly.
You dropped your speed, making sure the player who helped you was safe.
"Red light!"
By this time now, you were a few feet in front of the men after you. Your body shook with nerves. You felt hot and cold at the same time.
"We got you now, Doll." He growled as you rolled your eyes.
"There's only one person who gets to call me that," You called back, not moving a muscle as the doll scanned the crowd of people.
Bodies dropped and you flinched as bullets flew through the air, passing your head.
Bucky's cheeks heated up as Strange walked through the door, with Wong on his tail. All of the team turned to look at him. All except Bucky, of course.
"How's she doing?" He asked in a monotone voice
"Still alive, like I've been trying to tell them." Fury responded with annoyance. "About time you got here."
"You know I protect multiple universes and timelines, you know that right? Anyways, when are we doing this? My men are on stand-by." He motioned over to Wong, who had walked up to Shang-Chi and Xu Xialing.
"When she finishes the first game. 2 minutes left." He responded, turning his attention back to the monitor.
"Green light!"
Your breath became shallow as the men attacked you from behind, and you immediately flip one over your shoulder. With a swift kick to the face you knock him out, you spin around quickly to deliver a swift punch to his stomach. Kicking his side he gives you a right hook to the cheek, knocking you to the ground.
"Red light!"
You freeze, the three men towering over you.
"Fuck.." Tony shakes his head, running his hands over his face. The team is on the edge of their seats, watching with anticipation.
Nat's eyes are glued to the screen, mapping out exactly how she'd want you to take them out. Just like she had trained you. And much to your surprise, you did effortlessly.
"Green light!" With a swift sweep kick under the legs you knock the man off his feet, your elbow meeting the other man's nose.
"That's my girl!" Natasha yelled out like a proud aunt, fist bumping the air.
Player 456 glanced back and watched in awe, as his friend with glasses tugged his sleeve.
The small girl that was pinned under two dead man is now kicking 3 of their asses who are alive.
"Gi-Hun! We have to go now! Forget about her!" He yelled, running with his friend.
With one final grunt, you kicked the man on the ground in the nose as hard as you could while then quickly head butting the man in front of you, knocking him out cold. You sprint on your feet, catching up to the man who graciously saved you.
Glancing back you see the men try to get up and stumble, just as the doll's head turns towards them.
"Red light!"
Their bodies fall to the ground with a thud, gunshots ringing through the air. As you froze you felt the blood dripping out of your nostrils.
"I think I broke my nose," You whimper, the two men on your side hearing you.
"What the hell was that? Are you okay?" He whispers, not daring to move his head. You don't respond, trying to regain your bearings.
"Damn," Sam commented.
"She did head butt him quite hard," Wanda commented, a proud tone coming from her voice.
"Just make it to the end, (Y/N).." Loki said, making Thor glance at him. He could of swore he saw worry on his brothers usual stone cold expression. He made a mental note to tease him later.
"Green light!"
The more you ran, the more your breath felt labored. You just wanted this to be over. No amount of money is worth whatever game this is. And whoever is betting on these people are sick and twisted in the fucking head.
The more bodies started to drop, the more your adrenaline did most of the work. You were painted with blood, and stained with memories that would never escape your head.
"Red light!"
You stopped at a woman's body, whose eyes were staring blankly into your lively ones. The image haunted you as the hole in the middle of her forehead was oozing blood.
This was the first time Bucky looked away from the screen, as well as most of the team. This was horrifying to watch, let alone participate in.
"I never thought it was real," Shang-Chi admitted. His sister nodded in agreement.
"It was always a thing talked about our entire lives growing up, a scary story used to tell your friends.."
"It's a good thing we're putting an end to it then." Steve spoke, slowly looking back to the monitor.
"Green light!"
By this time you weren't far from the finish line, making you sweat. There were other players screaming from the other side to run, and as much as your legs burned you didn't stop.
You ran behind player 456, his chest panting from exhausted breaths. You're both almost there. Yet so far away.
"COME ON (Y/N)!" Thor yells, startling everyone. Everyone starts cheering in desperation, as if they could hear her through the monitor.
As he's running, his foot slips on a dead man's arm on the ground making him loose his balance.
"Red Light!"
Without thinking, you quickly extend your hand and grab his jacket, freezing your position. You were holding him, his nose inches from the dirt on the ground.
He gasps, his hands not moving in the air as the doll scans the crowd once again. His eyes drift up to the timer.
"15 seconds," Tony chokes out, his hands gripping the table until his knuckles turn white. "God damn it, (Y/N).."
Of course you'd save someone any chance you could. You'd put down your life before anybody's if it meant sparing them. It's the good in you.
The avengers sat silent in the room, praying to any god that was in or out of the room you didn't drop the man you were holding.
Who was twice your size.
Your arms started to burn as well as your eyes, as you grunt in pain. Blood was still slowly pouring out of your nose, making you dizzy.
The team watched you, covered in blood, holding onto the players jacket for dear life.
You closed your eyes and focused, zoning in on the thought of reuniting with Bucky again. Grounding you to your surroundings.
His warmth. His smell. His voice. His embrace wrapping you like nothing would ever harm you. You loved how you felt when you were with him. How he made you feel. The version of you that comes out when he's in the room makes you happy.
And if you were going to tell him that, you needed to be alive to do it.
"Green light!"
Your eyes snap open as player 456 scrambles to his feet rushing to the finish line.
"5 seconds.." Wanda says with panic, standing on her feet.
You ran as fast as you could, tears clouding your vision. The pain in your chest was numb as your body heaved with every second that passed.
As the doll's head turned its head one final time, you hurled yourself over the finish line just as the clock strikes zero, player #456 landing at your side.
"YES!" Tony yelled, jumping to his feet. The group yelled in delight as you reached the finish line, some shedding happy tears and hugs. You had survived even with people attempting to sabotage the game.
Fury had a proud smile crawl across his face, as Strange rolled his eyes. He knew you were going to make it anyways.
You coughed, rolling on your back. You sat up, angling the camera at the field so it could capture the last massacre of resining players. You closed your eyes, not wanting to see more innocent lives to be taken.
"Are you okay?" A voice said, making you open your (Y/E/C) eyes. It was the man who had saved you, and you saved him.
You stuttered for words, unsure of what to say trying to overcome the shock of the events that had taken places.
"Y-Yeah, I'm good. Are you..?" You trailed off, unsure of what to say. He nodded, his eyebrows stitched in concern.
"Your nose, it's bleeding.." He pointed out, which then you took this opportunity to touch your nose. He was right, it was bleeding. There was a lot of blood on your originally white shirt, it was unclear if it was yours or someone else's. You shrugged.
"Thank you for helping me," You said, touching his shoulder with a smile. His eyes widened in a incredulous manner.
"Thank me? Thank YOU! I don't know how you managed to hold me! That was amazing!" He gushed, shaking you by the hand. You glanced up to see his friend giving you an apologetic smile.
"Really, it's no problem. I had no idea what I was walking into.." You said, emphasizing the last part of your sentence in hopes Fury was listening in.
Relief washed over the team as you chatted with the man, him thanking you profusely. The only thought in their mind was to take down the assholes who run this shitshow. Nat couldn't stop saying how proud she was of you, using all the moves she'd been working on with you for weeks now.
Loki and Thor were impressed and equally happy you had managed to fight assassins trying to compromise your ability to make it to the end of the game.
Cutting the small talk off in a fuss, Fury quickly explained the plain to ambush the facility to the team, one of the main goals is to get you out alive and seek medical attention.
The team suited up as the monitor showed you going back to the area you had woken up in.
"Gi-Hun," The man said, approaching you at your bunk as you tried to clean up the blood on your nose.
"I'm sorry?" You responded, not being able to hear well. With all the gunshots, you weren't able to hear much without a constant ringing.
"Gi-Hun is my name," He said a bit louder, taking a seat next to you. You smiled. He seemed to be a man you could trust, but you were strictly told to stay with your undercover identity.
"(Y/F/N)," You responded with you fake name, shaking his hand.
"Sorry. Can't hear much since the last game." You replied, shaking your head.
He chuckled. "I don't think any of us can,"
"Why are you here?" He questioned with kind eyes, having trouble how someone young like you ended up in this madness.
"Homeless. No family. No husband or boyfriend. No kids." You responded shortly, your gaze drifting into the middle of the floor. Your eyes scanned the guards who stood in front of the door, tuning out whatever Gi-Hun was saying.
They should be here any minute now.
You grew anxious, wanting this to all be over. Be back in your bed. Or Bucky's arms.
Just then a spark started to omit from the middle of the room, which the guards noticed immediately, calling for back up.
"I'm sorry, but I have to go. I hope everything works out. Thank you again," You interrupted Gi-Hun who nodded with furrowed eyebrows, until his gaze was covered in confusion when he saw the sparks himself.
Careful not to blow your cover, you stood by the bunks to observe 2 waves of soldiers come out of the doors.
Shortly after Steve, Tony, Wanda, and Shang-Chi walked through the portal, it quickly shutting behind them.
"Weapons down, and nobody gets hurt."
Tony's voice is like music to your ears, a wave of comfort overflowing your body.
You knew they'd come for you, but the anxiety in your head tried convincing you otherwise.
A smile creeped on your face, but quickly dropped as the weapons were aimed in unison at your friends.
"Wanda, NOW!" Steve yelled, throwing his shield and knocking with weapons out of a group of the guards. Tony and Shang-Chi start to fight the guards, as more flood the room. She quickly casts a shield over the players, scrunching her face in focus.
"Everyone stay where you are!" She yells to the players, scanning the crowd until her eyes fall onto you. You smile, running up to her.
"You guys came for me!" You say, blood covering your exhausted face.
"Of course we did! Go help them kick ass!" She giggles, keeping the shield on the players while also taking out guards.
The rest of the team are through out the building, basically taking down the operation on the inside with Strange and Wong. They found the game manager and held in in restraints as the sponsors were caught and identified one by one.
You quickly run over and start fighting the guards one after one, with poor combat skills. Suddenly you're back to back with Steve, fighting off a large group of guards.
"It's good to see you Cap," You yell, shooting two pistols you had picked up off the ground. "But I'm ready to go home."
"What? Not having fun? We were going to red rover next," He says jokingly as we slowly start to decrease the number of guards until there were none.
Panting, you put your hands on your knees as Wanda drops the shield and asks if everyone is okay.
"(Y/N)!" Tony yells, his face shield retracting in his suit to reveal his face. You sigh with relief and hug him tightly, his chin resting on your head.
"I'm glad you're okay," He grumbles as the rest of the team flows in to check for injures with any of the players.
You tear yourself away from him and give him thankful eyes, until your gaze meets Bucky's. Butterflies swirl in your stomach and your heart pounds in your ears as your legs carry you into his embrace.
"You did so good Doll," He whispers, peppering your blood stained hair with kisses.
"I missed you Bucky," You say, hugging him for dear life. "So much."
You look up into his gorgeous eyes, his pained expression scanning your face. Your face was bruised and bloody. But it didn't make you appear any less beautiful.
"Stop acting like a pussy and kick their asses huh?" He muses, his eyes darting between your eyes and lips.
If there was anytime you should do it, it should be now. You glance down at his lips, and back into his eyes.
Without thinking your lips meet, moving in unison. Fireworks spread from your chest down into your stomach, his hands tangling into your hair. He kissed you like it was his last breath before going underwater, filled with passion and love.
"You have no idea," You panted, out of breath. "How long I've wanted you to do that."
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we all have our secrets (1/5) - shangqi x asian!reader
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Summary: Y/N receives a visit from a familiar face with the sinister news that the past can't be buried, endangering the life she built with Shaun.
Word count: 3.4k
Rating: M
Warnings: oral sex (f!receiving), dominant vibes, explicit language, fluff
Relationship: Xu Shangqi x asian!reader
Additional tags: Kinda during the events of Pre!Shang-Chi and the legend of the ten rings and post!Hawkeye/Black Widow
Author’s note: Would you look at that? This series title sounding so familiar with my we are not series. That sex scene wasn't even supposed to happen. This is what happens when I'm trying some normalcy between two partners. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I'm getting my booster shot today, so I just wanted to give you something, in case I no longer function properly.
Hope you're alright with me including an Asian reader, I just wanted to write something which would take my own heritage into account and a selfish and horny part of me just wants to imagine myself getting with Shangqi. I really hope I don't lose any readers because of that.
*Smut under the cut*
Tag yourself | Series Masterlist | Masterlist | Bring me a cuppa
Tagging: @mellowstatesmanhandsempath @ravenmoore14 @yourwonderbelle @ponyboys-sunsets
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~ One week later ~
Something fluttered in her belly once the warmth from the sun was tingling, reminding her that Y/N was on the brink of awakening.
But a part of her wanted to stay blissfully in that dream. She barely remembered what had happened, only that someone was pleasuring her wet heat.
Y/N believed it was Shaun who was performing some oral ‘loving’ − God, how cheesy did that sound? − it would've been pretty weird if it wasn’t him.
She moaned under her breath and leaned her head back. Her hips moved to the rhythm, craving Shaun’s mouth in her dream. Disappointment followed when she opened her eyes and gasped out loud. Y/N hated that she was taken out of that slumber all so suddenly.
“Oh my God.” Instinctively, her fingers stroked Shaun’s hair, needing to feel his mouth even closer.
“You taste fucking delicious,” a husky voice mumbled between her legs.
A heavy weight was settled right between them while the heat of Shaun’s body made her stomach tingle. Y/N was smiling contentedly while she felt the sheets rustle over her legs and slightly pushed them down until Shaun’s dark hair made an appearance. A salacious smirk met her while he licked her clit with vigor. The darkness in his eyes revealed how aroused he truly was from pleasuring her.
“Well, good morning to you too,” Y/N purred and grinded her hips to feel him even deeper. She had lost all inhibitions and craved to get what she wanted from Shaun until her cum would trickle all over his face.
Shaun hummed with a low voice. “Hmm, good morning, beautiful.”
His tongue was swirling in circles on her swollen nub, letting heat slowly overwhelm her while Shaun was staring with hypnotizing dark eyes.
Y/N’s fingers clenched in his hair with the sucking sounds taking over the bedroom.
“Oh, just keep going. I’m so close,” she gasped.
Taking that as incentive, Shaun pushed her legs higher until they rested on his broad shoulders.
That was always something that fascinated her about him. How there was more to him than met the eye. Until he would take off his clothes and reveal the true extent of his muscles on that body.
Y/N’s thighs clenched tighter around the sides of his head, and she felt almost afraid of choking him.
That didn’t deter him at all while his fingers held tight onto her upper thighs, keeping her close. His mouth remained fused to her pussy as a deep groan left his lips.
“Don’t you dare move.”
Those vibrations against her pulsating heat and Shaun’s quick tongue going in rhythmic circles made her gasp out loud. She was breathing heavily with every stroke while he tried to chase her orgasm.
Soon enough, Shaun inserted his fingers into her tight channel while he licked with hungry obsession.
Soreness tugged low in her core. A whimpering noise echoed from her lips before Y/N tried to pull back, feeling far too sensitive already.
“Don’t move,” he reminded her darkly.
Shaun would have none of it as his fingers clenched around her thighs, needing her close until she would see black spots from the intensity and Shaun’s dominance.
Y/N’s thighs quivered with the rush of ecstasy taking over her body and heat filled her completely. Shaun lapped up the pooling liquid like a man starved and grunted from the taste.
Her muscles were still spasming before she felt herself relax deep in her bones.
“Oh wow,” she murmured and absentmindedly dried the heat settling on her forehead. “What kind of cardio was that even?” She swallowed thickly as soon as she was breathing normally again.
Shaun chuckled under his breath and let his kisses brush against her inner thigh. “It was my pleasure.” His body slowly crept up her body while his mouth explored it as he went and snuggled at her back.
Strong arms stroked against the skin of her stomach underneath an old shirt she had borrowed from her boyfriend- or … Shaun. Whatever they were.
And just like that, everything tingled from his mere touch while his lips briefly brushed against her neck.
“I don’t think I like you wearing my shirt, Y/N.”
The sudden change of subject prompted her to turn her head to glance backwards at him. The serious tone in his voice was in contrast to the light humor in his brown eyes.
“Uh huh?”
“In fact,” Shaun’s fingers dragged the fabric higher inch by inch to uncover Y/N’s naked skin to his eyes as they grew darker with dangerous heat, “I think we should take it off.” He was all about the suspense when his face inched closer to hers with dark intent.
Not able to take it any longer, Y/N placed her hand against the back of his neck and yanked him towards her until his soft lips brushed against hers. A moan left her as soon as Shaun kissed her with a greedy passion, tasting herself on his lips. Rocking his pelvis against her core, Y/N could feel his hardness probing her dripping heat. The coldness of his amulet settled on her heaving chest and cooled the heat of her body.
Y/N groaned at the feel of Shaun’s tongue exploring the depths of her mouth while her fingers stroked his naked shoulder, getting to know him all over again after last night.
It had been kind of intense and set her whole body on fire while the tips of her fingers had admired the taut muscles of his abdomen, rendering her a salivating mess. A shuddering sigh wreaked through Shaun’s body when she felt a few elevations on his skin that resembled small scars.
Shaun was breathing heavily and let hot air exhale against Y/N’s lips as his face was inches away from hers. His eyes roamed over her body in a mysterious air that rendered her speechless.
“You drive me crazy.”
Y/N’s fingers were softly – almost distractedly – stroking the hair at the back of Shaun’s neck. “I seem to recall you saying that last night as well,” she whispered seductively.
Shaun smirked. “And I remember you calling me ‘God’ a lot.”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
“Oh, am I?” His lips met hers in a soft caress, like some sort of good-morning kiss.
Humming low under her breath, Y/N couldn’t help wondering if she could remain in his arms and forget the world around them.
“What are you thinking?”
“You,” Y/N replied in an honest whisper, almost too scared to say it out loud. Like it was a secret just between them. “How much I like this.” She stroked his shoulders, enjoying the smooth sensation of his skin.
“Me too.” Shaun’s features appeared all soft as he asked in a murmur, “Are you hungry?”
Her eyes wandered over to his lips before she nodded mutely. “I could eat something,” she whispered.
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“See you later, babe. Going over to Katy’s,” Shaun whispered against her lips in between soft kisses, letting warm air puff against her skin. “Miss you already.”
Y/N chuckled, but still sighed with the brief touches. “See you later, dork.” She pressed her lips together and stepped away from him with regret, loving the taste on her lips.
The flavor of boba was starting to become a distinct scent she would always associate with Shaun. He was secretly going to wreck her for any other guy.
“Now leave before I change my mind.” Despite knowing how candidly she truly meant it, she nudged him away to get rid of the temptation altogether.
Shaun put his hands in his pockets and revealed a pleased smile on his face. “Okay. I’ll see you.”
Y/N raised her eyebrows at his adorable antics. “Now go.”
He sent her a glance from under his eyelashes that made her reconsider her choice before he took over. “Okay, don’t have too much fun without me.”
Rolling her eyes, Y/N turned around and called over her shoulder, “No promises.” She was chuckling under her breath as she strolled in the other direction, hearing his footsteps recede in the distance with every step.
Y/N had just walked a few blocks down the sidewalk when the back of her neck was tingling with an uncomfortable sensation. A contemplative frown took over her features, forcing her to halt in her steps.
“He’s cute, you know.”
That voice. Instantly, Y/N felt her stomach drop as that familiarity hit, and the painful memories resurfaced. Not intending to go down that rabbit hole, Y/N kept walking and pretended like she hadn’t heard a thing.
The blonde assassin had no issue keeping up with her as she hurried to her side. “Oh, come on, just admit that you missed me,” she teased next to her.
Aggravation was shining in her eyes when they lingered on the familiar face. “I don’t have time for your games, Yelena.”
The Russian woman lifted her arms in mock surrender. “No games, promise. Just another Widow wanting to get reacquainted.”
Y/N snorted, as she refused to believe Yelena’s sudden innocent nature. The blonde woman might have her sentimental moments, but she shied away from showing it.
“Okay, that’s a lie, you caught me. You know after all this time, you’re still one of few people who could see right through me.”
All of a sudden, Y/N stopped in her tracks and let her hands splay on her hips. “What do you want?” she asked with determination.
As Yelena pursed her lips and tilted her head, a certain glint shone in her green eyes. “Maybe we could try one of American customs? Have brunch together?”
Y/N pretended like she was letting it go through her head. “I already had breakfast. Maybe next time, in another life, maybe.” She hoped Yelena would take the hint as she kept walking.
Her presence lingered steps away like a haunting memory she tried to leave behind.
“You made a promise, remember.”
The younger assassin’s resolute voice evoked a clenching sensation low in her stomach. Y/N clenched her jaw before she slowly turned around and for the first time took the time to truly look at her.
Since the last time she had seen her in the Red Room, there was something different about her. Her blonde tresses were tied in a messy ponytail and the tips of her hair fell in waves down her shoulders. Judging by her clothes - dark leather jacket over her dark green blouse which complimented her torn jeans, Yelena was growing into her own self.
It truly made Y/N realize what they all had been through and that they needed pieces of normalcy that reflected they were their own person again. That no one would ever control their beings ever again.
But there was something else. Something that was simmering under the surface.
“Why did I have a feeling you would throw that in my face?” Y/N inquired with a weariness in her voice.
“I’m not above fighting dirty if I have to,” Yelena muttered in her accented voice.
As much as Y/N hated her manipulation tactics, Yelena’s usage of them made her stop short and swallow. If the younger woman had it her way, she’d probably have the audacity to reveal herself to Shaun - or even worse - if she felt pushed into a corner.
Y/N placed a small smirk on her face. “But I guess there’s brunch for a reason, am I right?”
Yelena smiled at her approving words. “I so love when you see things my way.”
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“Oh my God,” Yelena moaned loudly and closed her eyes in bliss.
One would think Yelena hadn’t eaten in decades, the way she was stuffing her face with pancakes.
A small part of her was staring in amusement while being conscious of the stares of the other guests.
“Those are some delicious pancakes. You want to try?”
“No, thank you.” Y/N smiled briefly while she was taking her time enjoying her cold beverage.
Perceptive green eyes followed Y/N stirring the blue drink. “Seems we both are craving small comforts, right? What’d you call it again?”
Y/N’s gaze turned soft, as much as she tried not to let her get to her. “Sago’t Gulaman.” She nodded once and whispered in agreement. “Small comforts.”
Yelena’s shifted around, like she was taking in her surroundings for the first time.
As if.
“You and your boyfriend go here a lot?”
Y/N sent her a look not to go there. “As if you don’t already know.”
Yelena shrugged. “I just think it’s nice. Going out, enjoying foods and drinks from your home.”
Y/N was watching her in consideration at her words. “That would require me to have a childhood in the first place,” she negated almost with boredom. The mention of her heritage still put a sour taste in her mouth, as much as she tried to regain her footing by touching on what she had missed. What the Red Room had done to all of them couldn’t be easily forgotten.
“And he’s not my boyfriend,” she mentioned with heat blossoming in her cheeks.
“Uh huh.” The blonde took a large gulp from her vodka and orange juice with a satisfied sigh. “It’s just … you Americans, and your weird food habits. Like pancakes for brunch? And with Screwdriver even? Who thought, huh? Maybe you really are Russians after all.”
Y/N took the time to glance outside while keeping the exits in her eyesight. “Well, thank God, I’m not an American, right?”
Like a giddy kid, Yelena was smiling with her face still stuffed with food. “Feels like old times, doesn’t it?”
Y/N frowned since Yelena’s memory seemed to differ from hers. “I don’t remember any fun times, not really.”
Yelena rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean. Surveillance, late at night. Just us and other girls.”
“You eating all the foods,” she continued painting the picture for her.
Yelena’s eyes widened. “Exactly.”
“You mean before Dreykov did the mind-meld on us? Those fun times?”
Exhaling heavily, Yelena leaned back in her seat and watched Y/N intensely with considering eyes.
Y/N leaned forward on her crossed arms on the table. “You want something, don’t you? So why don’t we skip the interrogation session covered as a moment of nostalgia, and you just tell me what you want?”
Yelena tilted her head. “What, no pleasantries? And I’m hardly interrogating you, Y/L/N.”
Y/N’s eyes turned serious. “I’m certain. I told you I was out for a reason. That part of my life is over.”
“I know that. And I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t have other choice.”
Y/N nodded her head. There was a part of her that did understand, as much as she foolishly thought she had put the past behind her. “How are the others?”
“I’ve woken some of them by now.”
Y/N inhaled deeply, knowing how much this meant to Yelena, as it did to her. They were all her sisters as well. “Good. They’ve been under the Red Room’s control long enough. It’s time they woke up.”
“But it’s still not enough,” she admitted and averted her eyes. “Don’t make me beg,” she muttered under her breath, like a heavy secret weighing on her.
Y/N crossed her arms. It made her wonder that Yelena asked for help in the first place. “Why now?”
“Something happened to me while I was freeing Ana.” Yelena spoke slowly as she forced the words from her lips like it would free her by confiding in Y/N. “One second, I was right there, and next I blink, the next five years had passed.”
Y/N sighed. Getting dusted was not something she wished on anyone. Except Dreykov - that bastard could rot in hell. But still, Y/N felt for the young Belova.
Abruptly, Yelena’s head whipped in the air before her eyes zeroed in on her. “Do you know what it feels knowing you lost all this time of your life and the next second you find out your own sister died saving the world?”
Y/N had hoped the mention of her sister would follow way later. Or not at all. “I heard what happened to Natasha. I’m sorry.”
Yelena’s blank face saw right through her. “There’s no need to lie.”
“I’m too tired to talk ill of people who are dead. I never hated Romanoff.”
Yelena’s eyebrows rose. “No, you just strongly disliked her.”
Her ears were ringing once her last moment with Natasha came to mind. “She made her choice all those years ago. I was the one who stayed, trying to keep you and everyone else safe from the darkness of the Red Room.”
Yelena’s sudden sentiment of comfort took her by surprise when she covered her hand with hers. The warmth of her skin filled Y/N with a feeling of being home again.
“And you will never know how grateful I am that you did. I just … things are different now and I … never felt more alone than ever. It’s funny how I freed so many Widows, we have this network of female assassins, and I feel so isolated in this world.”
“You aren’t,” Y/N whispered with conviction.
Yelena tilted her head and gazed up at her from under her eyelashes. “So, you will help me?”
“You didn’t have to ask.” Y/N took a sip of her drink. “You know, all these manipulation tactics of yours weren’t even necessary. You shouldn’t have gone for the jugular.”
Looking teary-eyed at Y/N, Yelena replied, “You say, you’re not an American, and you still are sucker for this emotional stuff, admit it. Talking about emotional – how is that hunk of a boyfriend of yours?”
“Could you stop talking about Shaun?”
“Shaun…” Yelena spoke slowly, “He looks … delectable.”
“It’s weird when you’re trying to be a normal girl who’s just talking about boys, Yelena.”
“Does he know?” she whispered ominously and kept her gaze fixed on her while sipping her milkshake through a straw.
Y/N snorted, just imagining that scenario. “How would that conversation even go? ‘Hey, Shaun, listen, looks like I’m a world-class assassin who was trained by the best to manipulate men and kill them without even blinking. What do you want for lunch, babe?’”
The cynic in Yelena made another appearance. “Maybe you’re fooling yourself. A normal life, you think you can have that? How does that work, by the way? He’s in the kitchen, holding a knife in his hands, do you get flashbacks when that happens?”
“Kind of hypocritical to free all those Widows while refusing to believe they can ever be normal again.”
Yelena lifted her palms in the air as an offering. “I’m a deep well.”
“Let’s just get this over with. Where are we going?”
“Bucharest. Home of art and culture,” Yelena admitted.
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“Maybe that’s why I’m lone wolf, nothing and no one is holding me back.” Yelena was still proving her sarcastic self and leaned next to the doorjamb while Y/N was trying to unlock the door to Shaun’s apartment.
Without looking at her, Y/N said, “That’s a sad way to live, Yelena,” and finally managed to open the door before she stepped inside.
She could feel Yelena shrugging behind her when she replied, “It’s a safe way to live.” She called out into the apartment, “Hello, boyfriend of Y/N’s. We come in peace.”
Y/N sent her a glare over her shoulder as she was passing her. “Shaun, you here?”
“You have key already? You’ve been moving fast.”
Y/N was glancing around as she muttered absentmindedly, “Stop stalking me. You sound utterly creepy.”
“What can I say? It’s a talent of mine.” She followed her example by going one step further and peeked at Shaun’s mail instead. “Did he dip already?”
Something caught her eye which made her frown. The familiarity of Shaun’s handwriting made her stop short before the beginnings of a letter stood out.
‘Dear Y/N…’
Y/N bit her lip once the message became apparent. Merely scanning the small letter, Y/N was still confused by the contents. Something about needing to do something important with Katy and that he was going to come back soon.
Not wanting to read anymore, Y/N let the piece of paper drop on the table again as heat grew in her cheeks. “Let’s just get out of here. The plane for Bucharest isn’t waiting forever.”
Yelena narrowed her eyes. “Mmmh, if you say so.”
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zymruk · 2 years
Bubbles' masterlist
Shang-chi x Reader:
It's the little things
Shang-chi and Reader wake up in each other's arms after a good night's sleep. Though both your schedules don't give enough time together, you and him take a minute to reel in your bubble. Even for a second.
All the ways we sabotaged it
Shang-Chi and Reader see each other again in a café after their six months long breakup. They catch up on what was missed.
Can you stop?
You spend a day with your bodyguard and have fun at the end of it.
Wanda Maximoff x Reader:
You're my dork !
It's movie night at the compound and everyone's away on a mission. Except: Steve, Sam, Vision, Wanda and you. Luckily, Sam's on a date at the movie theatre. Normally it should be your turn to decide which movie to watch,your taste for science fiction causes you and Wands to butt chins.
Yelena x Reader:
None yet.
Steven Grant x Reader:
Camping Headcanon
What happens when you two go camping?
Natasha Romanoff:
love dive
You and Nat are going to your date night at the movie theatre
Izogie :
Izogie x reader
Izogie and you spend some time reminiscing on sweet past memories.
Shuri Udaku:
Hey you
Reader is Riri's roomate, she's in the washroom when the princess visits.
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helpinghanikan · 3 years
Hair of the dog
Avengers (and Matt Murdock) x reader:
Sum: Lycanthrope is a condition so rare the world believes it to be a myth. So much so even heroes may have a hard time when their partner develops it.
AN: I wrote a vampire au, now it's time for a werewolf au!
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Steve Rogers:
It’s hard to say when you’d tell Steve about your condition. It’s even harder to think about having to tell him in the first place. Especially when it’s so easy to pretend like nothing is wrong.
“I’m visiting family for a few days. Nothing’s wrong, don’t worry, but I’m gonna be out of it for a bit.” Was one of the many excuses used during the relationship. Taking off three days when your conditions is at its worst.
Steve never seemed too bothered by this. You were both grown ups with your own lives. Text every other day, a call a week or a fun picture every now and then should suffice.
He doesn’t see a difference when you get back together. He doesn’t comment about your ripped knuckles and extra soft skin. And you don’t say anything about his bruises and late-night phone calls from restricted numbers. None of that matters when you get your hands on eachother; on the removal of too many clothes.
This time around there was no need to come up with an excuse. As Steve provides his own.
“It’s my turn to be gone for a few days, Baby,” He says into your bare shoulder. “I don’t know how long but it shouldn’t be more than a few days. Week at most.”
“Take pictures,” You say between the kisses he gives. “and don’t forget the fun ones.”
Steve leaves on the same day the moon fills. With the excuse of food poisoning Steve doesn’t have to see you before leaving. He says goodbye through the door, he says I love you and you say the same. Then he’s gone and you’re left alone with whole body cramps.
There’s a park about two hours outside of the city. It’s a long drive, and even worse with a self-destructing body, but it’s far enough to minimize damage. At this rate you may have to consider moving to the middle of nowhere. But middle of where doesn’t have the best jobs. Nor does it have Steve.
Before these cramps didn’t start until at least half past noon, now they’re beginning the night before. Getting so bad that you couldn’t step out of the car, you fell out. Landing on the pavement and groaning into the earth.
The parking lot was empty when you arrived. Giving you the privacy to cry about your skin ripping to make room for growing bones. A car, a black van, pulls into the lot before the change could be finished. Crawling onto the grass and praying these people would mind their own business.
Your name is called but you ignore it. A lot of things are heard when your conditions gets worse. Talking, screaming, yelling and worse are all just background noise to the experience. Tomorrow you’ll try to put everything together.
Now the world was just taunting you with the voice of Steve. So you keep crawling away. Dragging through the grass while thick shoes, several pairs, follow behind.
“I’m fine, go away!” You scream.
People have tried to help you before. You were nicer to them, you took their help, and it’s pretty likely you’ve killed them. As mean as it is it’s for the best to get them away. Be it by screaming or threatening.
“Get away from me! NOW!” You scream but you’re still annoyed.
Steve wasn’t the only one tracking you down. Agents and others stood a few feet away as he kneeled next to you. A mixture of shields and weapons ready in the event your transformation finishes.
Steve pulls you into his arms. Looking down to his girl; forehead and cheekbones covered in hair, bloody hands from changing bones. These were obvious changes that he could see. He could also see your eyes, that they were still yours.
That was why he was doing this. This was why the sedative was stabbed into your neck.
Tony Stark:
Someone had scattered your memories from the night before. Creating a massive gap between dinner and this morning.
Last night’s dinner was dined out alone. Tony being dragged away the Avengers, Pepper wanting the night to wrap some stuff up, and Happy was dragged along to help Pepper. The only recognizable person you saw that night was the driver, who you gave the rest of the night. “Supposedly a walk after dinner helps with health or something,” you said when he tried to argue about walking at night.
The night was warm for fall and you were wearing flats and jeans. Your last memory of the night was looking down at those jeans. You had finished a too greasy dinner of pizza a gourmet chef could never recreate, and it wasn’t even seven.
“And that’s all you got?” Tony asks this morning.
Tony had helped you into the master bedroom by himself. The only thing left from the previous night were those jeans. Impression from your belt had left an impression on your tummy. A little bit of possession kept him from asking anyone for help.
Instead of getting under the covers he had brought over a sweater. An old MIT sweater from, what he called, his freshman fifty. It was comfortable, and quickly became your shared hangover sweater.
“I’m sorry, I can’t remember anything that’s solid.” You confirm. Pulling the sleeve of the sweater down past your hands. Now more talking to yourself. “I’m on the sidewalk and then someone’s yelling, but someone is always yelling, and then something hit me. Like hit me hard.”
“Like tackled?” Tony asked.
“No, inside. It’s weird, it’s like something tried to get out of me.” You’re talking to yourself more than to Tony. Placing a hand on your chest, where that internal hit took place. “I think I fell but I don’t remember landing. Did something happen?”
Tony found you in the garage. The estates defensives warned of destruction of property, but no action was taken by the system. Recognizing you as a household member kept anything lethal from happening. Your eyes and finger (paw?) prints were the same, as it turns out.
It’s rare that Tony gets to give a pitying look rather than to receive. He places a hand on your knee before speaking: “You owe me a new Cadillac collection.”
When you don’t laugh or make any wanted expression he continues. “A lot of stuff got broken by a big dog. Like, fantasy sized big. It tore up my garage, my cars, the damn door. This thing really wanted to get into the house. When I got down there it was gone and you were there alone.”
“Where’s the dog?” You ask.
Tony, who had watched the video eleven times, didn’t say anything.
It takes a combination of strength and surprise to make an Asgardian afraid. You’ve spent ages looking into Thor’s eyes, and you could count on one hand how many times he’s been afraid. In this moment when he keeps your hands (claws?) from scratching his face you’ve added to that count.
Although Thor has grown and changed through the years he still had enemies. The kind of enemies who can, and will curse, those he love and care about. When that happens it’s a race to find whoever it had affected. For a man like Thor, who can make friends in an empty room, it’s a long list of those he cared about.
You were the fourth person he checked on. Reaching your door just intime to hear your screams lose it’s human tone.
“NO! NO!” You yell through a jaw that cracks and stretches outwards. It tears your skin and makes it bleed onto the floor. “STOP IT! MAKE IT STOP IT!”
There is nothing Thor can say to calm you down. Not that he could ever be heard over the screams. The only thing louder than you were the tears coming from still human eyes. Well, that, and the police sirens starting to fill up the neighborhood.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…” Thor might as well have whispered.
He lets go of your (now fur covered) wrists. Slamming forward to grab under your thighs and lift. Allowing his hair to be grabbed and ripped at, his cape tearing and body starting to be covered in blood and tears.
More than one neighbor had called the police about the screaming and crashing going on. Thor doesn’t give mortal authorities the chance to intervene in this. Choosing property damage over fighting cops and escaping out of the window.
Less than a week ago Thor lifted you in a similar manner. Then you were laughing, jokingly reaching to smack at his backside while being carried. Thor doing the same to you while playing off the tough, but dashing, Viking persona. In his defense you were tipsy, and he loves matching the same energy.
It was the next day that he found out about the curse. Wasting his time searching the earth for others when you should have been the first.
Bucky Barnes:
Throughout Bucky’s life he has learned about pain, got lessons in torture, and endured imprisonment others could never imagine. All that he could manage, he could understand and deal with. It’s harder when it happens to others, especially when it happens to his girl.
He wasn’t allowed anywhere near your room; he wasn’t even allowed to know where it was. This being decided by yourself and enforced by Steve. You didn’t want him to be triggered by all the restraints and Steve was the only one who could both physically and mentally keep Bucky from reacting to the situation.
He was allowed to watch your room’s cameras. That you looked up to the camera, smiled, and waved kept Bucky from feeling like a voyeur. Only once did he wave back, only to be laughed at by Sam.
This was the first time he watched during the full moon. The day before it was reported you were becoming irritable, aggressive, and sensitive to both sound and smell. These symptoms Bucky had seen before; how you were getting annoyed by how loud the TV was and took out all the garbage twice because the smell was just too bad.
The next night a farm was attacked and twenty something cattle were obliterated. You were found by the farm hands the next morning. Naked, bloody, and crying in their barn.
“Is he watching?” You asked the lad attendant. Flicking your eyes up towards the camera.
“Hey,” Steve takes hold of Bucky’s shoulder. Leaning closer to whisper into his friends ear. “She’s not going to care whether you see this or not. It is pretty brutal.”
“I’m okay, Steve.” Bucky says.
In the feed your bare back is towards him. Bucky immediately zooming the camera in to try and preserve your modesty from anyone looking. Even though you were still naked and shocked when Steve had come to get you from that farm.
With the zoomed in feed the details of your back and arms are easier to see. Not once had Bucky considered taking a better look at your injuries. Only being told that your legs and arms were torn and took stitches to fix. Those same stitches having to be made again after the next full moon. And then fixed again after the third.
This has left scars over your body. Small and big ones that Bucky, selfishly, wanted to run his fingers over. To imitate the gentle touches you gave his scars.
Steve’s hand hasn’t left Bucky shoulder. At first it was to create a wall from looky-loos wanting to see the legend come to life. Now it’s used to get Bucky’s attention again. Steve Squeezing hard to get his attention.
“When it gets to be too much, signal me.” Steve whispers.
Bucky nods, albeit begrudgingly.
So far not one piece of clothing has survived the transformation. For decency’s sake the lad attendant has you change into cheap, paper like, pants and top. When the change starts they were going to rip away easier than regular clothes were. The same to be said about your skin when your bones become too big for your body.
Your pain was like Bucky’s signal: it wasn’t if it was coming, it was when.
Natasha Romanoff:
Your meeting, the entire beginning of your relationship was no accident.
Ages ago you were a target for the Black Widow to take out. This was just after her loyalty was proven to SHIELD. The perfect time for Natasha to bend the rules a little bit, to create her own path while staying in the lines.
“I’m good! I’m being good!” You had screamed when she appeared outside your work.
She didn’t say anything at the first meeting. Still unsure what it was that tipped you off about her. The second was a real introduction, and a car ride out of town you couldn’t have said no to.
“If you’re so good,” Natasha said during the ride. “Then why did they send me to you?”
“For reasons I can’t control.” Was the safest explanation. “Shouldn’t I be dead? Why are you helping me?”
“Same reason, except I’m not nearly as furry.” Natasha says, hitting the turn signal.
As previously said your relationship’s beginning was no accident, everything that followed was. Natasha only meant to drop you off at the safe house and let her allies take over. Instead she became curious; enough so to show up a day before the moon fills. Just intime to watch you disappear into the storm cellar with chains and locks.
Natasha spent the night outside of the cellar. You never made it to the door, but she could hear everything. Screaming into shouting into howling into something else entirely.
Although you go quiet by morning Natasha doesn’t touch the door for a while. Waiting a few hours before making the decision to venture forth. Finding you in the cellar’s farthest corner. Arms restrained to your sides, ankles connected to the wall, and the key a few feet away. You had done all this yourself; likely have been doing this for months based on your marked wrists and ankles.
“Help me,” You asked, and she could never say no.
It would be months before you would be allowed to see T’challa again. Left in a cell with nothing but your ripped pajamas.
This cell wasn’t the same as the prisons or jails, this one was separated. Based on the blue walls and the Dora Milaje you were probably still in the castle. Specifically under Shuri’s lab.
Neither of the Dora Milaje stationed at your cell spoke. They wouldn’t even turn to look when you cried from frustration and confusion. The closest thing to communication were the meals delivered to the cell. Like the Dora Milaje the servant didn’t say anything, but at least they made eye contact.
“What happened?” For the hundredth time you ask this. For the hundredth time you were met with silence.
You were in bed before this cell. Having retired early due to cramps and full body aches over the counter medicine couldn’t fix. What came next was nothing other than a nightmare. T’challa yelling your name over the pounding of your heart. Pain in your back from something you hadn’t seen and then finally waking up in this cell.
Although T’challa was the king, Shuri was the scientist. She was the one who ended up visiting you.
“How are you feeling?” She asked with the clinical tone of any good scientist.
“I’m sore,” You answered. Waiting for you turn to ask questions. “And cold.”
Shuri nods, tapping away on her tablet.
“Do you remember what happened? What you did?” Shuri asked.
The look on your face answered her question. Tapping on her tablet again.
“Mind if I do some tests? Blood, bones and all that stuff.” Shuri asked.
“No,” One of the Dora Milaje snapped in their mother language, turning on her heels to face Shuri. “Princess, it is not safe to move the prisoner. They are a liability, and we cannot allow this.”
Shuri had entered with the maturity of those twice her age. Now, after being told no, she was back to her teenage years. There was no use arguing with the Dora Milaje. Their entire lives revolved around the royal family’s safety and security. This sometimes can come off as overbearing, especially when the Princess doesn’t technically have the authority to call them off.
“If Okoye comes with..?” Shuri asked.
“If the General allows it, so shall I.”
“I’ll be right back.” Shuri promised you, leaving you to wait in the cell.
Pietro Maximoff:
Others knew about your condition before Pietro. Nick Fury, Rogers, Agent Romanoff, and even Wand were all in the know. Whether or not you asked to keep Pietro in the dark this still hurt. Especially when he only gets to find out because he’s needed.
“I’m sorry,” Wanda had said before he began to run.
Even with your condition the destruction would be considered minimal in reports. A few overturned cars, broken windows, and ripped off decorations created a path for Pietro to follow. Leading him to a mall entrance, where the regular people are still trickling out. Some running and others walking, more annoyed than terrified. These were the kind of people who were beyond done with the shenanigans of heroes and villains.
Pietro was supposed to keep the others up to date during his search. Had he been a better asset he would have let SHIELD know you were in the mall. He also would have explained that there might have been more civilians around.
Pietro wasn’t a good assent; he wasn’t even technically an agent. Looking over the second-floor banister he saw the monster that was also his girl. From this distance he saw nothing of you in all that anger and fur.
“Pietro, please,” Wanda had begged her brother before he left.
Pietro wasn’t a good asset, but he was a good person. Which was why he made the call.
Peter Parker:
When you’re a teenager with near unlimited strength life is fun. Between the punches and hitting there are jokes that come easily. It’s a coping mechanism for Peter, laughing off the pain with a pun rather than swearing.
“I’ve always been more of a cat person,” Peter says after dodging the latest of many swipes.
When not stopping petty thieves and drunken brawls there are monsters. A massive wolf on it’s hind legs was prowling around the park. Usually these “monsters” moving around the park are just the typical crazies you’d find in a city. This time, however, it was an actual monster. One that knocked our Spiderman into the next neighborhood.
“Good doggy, good…monster thing.” Peter says with both hands up. Taking small steps towards the monster. “Yeah, I’m friendly. We’re both friendly.”
The howl that comes from the monster almost shook the earth. Peter widening his stance as the howl extended into a scream, one almost human, and the monster walks forward.
“Okay, maybe not both of us.” He says and runs forward.
It’s harder to handle monsters compared to humans. When it comes to robbers and such Peter just has to web them up and leave them for the cops. When it comes to monsters, like the one he’s just tossed into a tree, he can’t just leave them all tied up. Especially not when they have claws that can cut through the webbing.
“Hey, I’m also out of webbing over here. You mind, you know, NOT ripping it all apart?”
Peter only gets a roar as an answer.
“Well, doesn’t hurt to ask I guess.”
Although it didn’t hurt to ask, it didn’t make a difference. By morning Peter’s webbing was completely empty. The park was practically covered by white and webbing when the first light of morning started.
Both monster and man were staring eachother down, panting when the light hits them both.
“Yeah, I’m not a morning person either.” Peter says, but quickly shuts up when seeing the monster start to bend forward. Screaming into the ground.
Falling to it’s hands (paws?) and shaking. Digging into the dirt before reaching up and grabbing at it’s head. Ripping into the skin and tearing through the fur until red had started falling onto the ground. Followed by fur, and then skin.
Peter doesn’t have a comment now. He only stares at the ripping. Thanking whatever deity is out there for the mask to hide his face. Although it does little to hide the whisper of your name.
Stephen Strange:
Stephen knew the moment the wound started to fester. In one of many books he had read there were illustrations of lycanthrope infections. One looking too similar to the one you were currently sporting.
“This is why I’m with a doctor,” You had joked when Stephen looked at your arm.
It wasn’t the first time a monster of some sort got into the sanctum. Unfortunately it wasn’t the first time one of those monsters found you. It was just the first time Stephen had heard you scream like that. It was also the first time he’s fussed over you this much. From your perspective; it was actually very nice. Especially when his hands were warm.
He doesn’t say anything while cleaning up the bite. Using a mix of magic, commonly used medicine, and good old fashion skill to do the best he can. Trying not to remember the other illustrations in that book.
Those thoughts are gone, if even for a second, when he looks up from his work. Making eye-contact and receiving a nice smile from you.
“Will you kiss it better?” You ask, an obvious joke.
Any other time he would have done that. Kissed the cut or wound you would have brought to him (after disinfecting it, of course) and then kissing your lips. This time, no matter how badly he wants to, he can’t.
It’s for the best that only one of you have the condition.
Matt Murdock:
Something is wrong with you, but he has no idea what it is.
It started days ago. When you came home, rather shaken up, and couldn’t explain until the next morning. Matt already knowing that it was some sort of dog that had jumped you in the street. Hissing when Matt held your arm and immediately found the bite.
He noticed the changes with your smell. The best way to describe it would be ‘dirty’, like unwashed hair and soil under nails for years without any real care. He didn’t say anything because he knew you were showering and still taking care of yourself. He even joined you during a shower. Using the guise of romance to rub you down, shampoo and clean your hair. But the smell still lived under the products.
Your touch was shifting too. It’s seemed your body was tensing when he (or anyone) came too close. Your gentle touches and holds on him became grips that could be considered painful. He mentioned it a few times, and the apologies were spilling out.
“Sorry, oh fuck, sorry.” You said, hands up as if to show you were unarmed.
“It’s alright,” Matt reassured you. “It’s just another fun bruise. Nothing I haven’t given you before.”
There was the slightest change to your voice during this. With a deeper tone coming from your chest. Your mouth opening to yawn, speak, or smile seemed awkward. As if your teeth were changing.
Matt only mentions some of this to you. The rest he keeps to himself, hoping it was just late-stage puberty. Although he’s seen enough weird stuff in New York to know weird things happen.
Carol Danvers:
It was a disease the Kree were familiar with. Most would catch it as some point in their lives, it wasn’t that big of a deal on their immune system. Just a change of color, attitude, and bodily function for a few days. Long enough to be annoying, but not enough to be deadly.
But this was a disease unfamiliar to humans. You being the unfortunate first to ever contract it.
“You don’t have a shot or anything to help?” Carol asked one of the Kree standing beside her.
“The flu effects a majority of your people. Why don’t you have a shot for that?” They ask, obviously not liking being condescended to by Carol.
“Vaccines are preventative, that wouldn’t help.” You add in from the bed. Arms restrained on either side of the rails.
It was only a few hours ago that Carol had to physically restrain you. A full body ache becoming pain becoming spasm becoming actions. By the time Carol was called to get a handle on her woman, you weren’t that anymore. Just a creature neither the Kree nor Carol had ever seen.
Hair still covered your arms and legs from the sudden change. Blood was cleaned up and your clothes were taken away to be looked at. Your diagnosis came back only a little while later. Just in time for Carol to see her girl come back.
“How long does this last?” You asked.
“A few months ago I only had for about five days.” The Kree (and designated nurse) says. Then she shrugs. “But my spouse got it too, and they complained about it for at least a month. They’re very whiney, though.”
“So, she’s gonna be sick for a month?” Carol asked, sneaking a look towards you.
“You really want to go there, Miss. babe-I-can’t-reach-the-light-switch?” You counter.
“I was comfortable, it was far away, and that’s not the point. Is she going to be changing the whole time? Like, back and forth?” Carol asks.
“I have no idea. Obviously the disease affects you humans differently, it might even be permanent.” The Kree nurse says.
Whatever humor there was left the room. Carol taking a step towards the bedside, taking your restrained hand upon hearing this.
The Kree nurse takes the cue to try and back track. “Or maybe that was a one-time thing and you’ll be perfectly healthy. Just with the need of a new haircut.”
Sam Wilson:
This was your third month with this condition. The first two times you came to in unfamiliar places. The woods in a neighboring state was the first time. The second time was in an abandoned building. Making eye-contact with a just as traumatized looking possum.
At least you woke up somewhere familiar. Only a few miles from Sam’s place.
He sees you through the screen door. His look of happiness changes quickly when seeing the rest of you. Barely clothed, shaking and teetering on your feet. You want to say something, say that it isn’t as bad as it looks but there isn’t time to talk. Not when Sam slams the door open and wrap his arm around your shoulders.
“Sit down for me,” He says, a dining room chair pulled out. “I’ll ask what happened later, just relax for now.”
You swore to yourself again and again to tell Sam everything. He does the same for you, being the someone he talks without worry. A warm blanket of a person you have no choice but to accept, not that you’d ever deny a cuddle.
Cuddling wasn’t on the itinerary tonight. Instead it was water set on the table and a dining room chair pulled up across from you. Sam keeping his hands to himself before saying anything.
“Are you okay?” He asks, but you don’t say anything.
A full minute passes before he tries again. “At least drink some water?”
That you do for him. Taking several, rather large, drinks to finish the glass.
“I’ll take it.” Sam says, reaching out for the glass.
You intercept his hand. Taking hold of his hand, a little too hard at first.
“Nothing bad happened,” You explained, looking at his hand rather than his face. “I mean, nothing bad happened to me.”
Sam doesn’t say anything else. After spending time with Bucky, he knew better than to pry too early.
It was actually Xialing who had her people find and capture you. She provided shelter and doctors and protection that no one else could. All that you were beyond grateful for, but it was Shang that you thanked and hugged with tears.
“I like hugs too…” Xialing mumbled when you and her brother embraced.
She said this in the grand apartments. Where none of her people could see her weakness for affection.
“Sorry,” You mumble and let go of Shang. Stepping up to Xialing who had the audacity to act surprised at being hugged. “It’s been a lot. Thank you, thank you.”
Xialing had made you safe but Shang helped you figure everything out. Sitting crossed legged on the floor across from you. A laptop on the coffee table and pictures strewn about. Featuring a monster moving shifting through the pictures. Most were blurry, others were clearer, featuring something big like a dog.
“Not the worst thing I’ve seen,” Shang comments.
“Worst I’ve seen, though.” You reply.
Shang reaches a hand across the table. Touching your elbow to get your attention. No good would come from Shang seeing the pain on your face. Instead you just take his hand, squeezing hard and thanking him once again.
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Okay so my ADD brain cannot keep focused on one series so here we go.
I have a new series idea based on this post
It would feature all of the marvel actors in that post plus Brie Larson, Sam Jackson, and Cobie Smulders as the judges. I know it’s amazing.
It would kind of be like a written form of the actual show but with the actors
May start calling it Super MasterChef or Avengers MasterChef
If you guys are interested in this please let me know so I can start setting up the first “episode”
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peterbarnes · 3 years
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I haven’t done one of these in a while so I’m very excited. I’m also going to reblog a prompt list after this. You can use one of those for inspo but you don’t have to.
Send in blurb requests for any of these characters: (no smut please!)
- Peter Parker
- Bucky Barnes
- Yelena Belova
- Natasha Romanoff
- Loki
- Wanda Maximoff
- Jason Todd
- Shang-Chi
- Xialing
- Stiles Stilinski
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redheadspark · 2 years
Can I request soulmate promt no. 8 Sharing injuries /w Jack Russell like reader is an avengers and got injure in mission or proteact Jack during danger. so, Jack knows that her is his soulmate.
P.S. I love your writing so much.
A/N - I LOVE this for Jack! Thank you for requesting this, anon!
Also, I had another request for Jack and 8! As I said in my Prompt rules, if I get a EXACT duplicate request, I'll only answer it once!
Summary - It was already a risk partnering with the infamous Jack Russell during a monster raid, it was another to find out you two were soulmates
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Warnings - Mostly fluff and a hint of angst
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"What's your twenty on the soldiers?"
"I have my eyes on two of them in the south side of the building," I shot off the two soldiers before they could find you, walking past them and making a quick turn around the corner before you would have to duck out of the way before being pelted with bullets coming your direction. You ducked your head to avoid the dust hitting your eyes and going into your nose.
Already, this mission was not like the others.
Being an Avenger you were used to going against the normal and abnormal when it came to enemies. You seen all and more of your fair share of monsters and space beings, and most of the time you and the other Avengers were able to handle them on your own. But of course, this was something a little more...violent that you had to deal with.
Monsters from the ancient unknown, or the kind you would read about in fairytales.
In a word: Werewolves
Of course you never believed in the notion of werewolves, those were the bedtime stories that would haunt children at night or at summer camp around the fire. But they were, in fact, real. All around the world there were pockets of them living out in the outskirts of civilization, or the daring ones who be on society and be disguised as humans.
Up until recently, there was a code amongst the Lycanthropy population to never interfere with humans to the point of being noticed. However, that was breached over in the high Canadian Rockies with human bodies were being found in the snow with distinct and obvious claw marks to the skin and face.
Yelena Romanoff knew of a monster hunter, she heard from an ex-widow that he would hunt monsters for a living and he was rather good. Rather than relying on F.R.I.D.A.Y and AI that could only go so far with bringing down a beast, She brought in Jack Russell to the Avengers Compound. He was timid thing, looking rather complexed to being amongst the Avengers and being asked to help them bring down the rogue Werewolves.
You were a bit apprehensive yourself, given his appearance in how he too looked rather weathered and tired. It wasn't until he was talking with Sam Wilson that your realized he was a werewolf himself. Much to the shock of the others, his demeanor was nothing like a werewolf. Kind, well manners an a bit shy, highly intelligent with monsters he as reprimanded in the past. He even had a portfolio to show your leader, Sam skimming through page after page to seeing all the beasts he as taken down.
Even Bucky was impressed, only needing to talk to Sam for a minute to hire on Jack in helping with this issue. You were watching from the back with Shang Chi, you two were impressed in how Sam was shaking hands with the monster hunter and then gesturing to you from your spot in the back of the office.
"Y/n will show you around the compound and to the spare office you can use to get your research done, right Y/n?" Sam asked you, Jack looking over at you with his shy smile. You nodded, Shang nudging your shoulder with his and chuckling.
"Have fun with Wolf Boy," He said under your rebate before he slipped out of the room. You just smiled and walked over, shaking hands with Jack and feeling how arm his palm was against yours.
Jack was nothing but nice and kind to you as you two were working together in the preparations and the locations of the werewolves. He had vast intelligence and he knew where to find them in the deep forest and where they would be hiding. You had to hand it to him in how he was precise in his predictions and where they would be hiding out, and sometimes you forgot he too was a werewolf.
He didn't mind sharing his history with him as you two would work deep in the night, hearing the horror stories that he told and all he had to live through just to get where he was. He seemed far too good and gentle to be living in such a state, but he never showed it to you or to the others. The shield he had around himself, he was always strong and at the ready, as if he was afraid that something would crack it and bring it down.
And it did happen finally, that very day.
There was a secret facility out in the Canadian Rockies, filled with scientist and politicians that were trying to maintain and overgrow the werewolf population with bad duplicates of a Lycan venom of sorts. Jack was concerned that werewolves were being taken on site, experimented on and killed in the building since they were still still technically humans.
The mission changed from hunting down the rogue werewolves to stopping the experiments.
Now you were knee deep in the facility, being able to breach the labs that were underground and free out the human captives that were in changes. They were all so frightened, backed and hunched the corner of their cages with wounds all over their body. Making sure that Yelena was nearby with Kate in one of the jets, you and Jack ushered the captives out before the soldiers could try and retrieve them. If left you and Jack split up, needed to hold up against the soldiers that were piling in.
"Anyone have a visual on Jack?" Sam asked in your ear piece, you looking around the corner to take a few spots from your own gun, hitting two more of the soldiers before ducking back again.
"I lost him back in the lab, we're swamped down here," You replied, feeling a bullet almost hit your shoulder and you yelped a bit.
"I'm coming down to help, hang in there," Shang explained to you on his end the line. You were about to tell him not to, since you could handle the last of the soldiers that were there when you saw a body fly past you in such a blur that you made you freeze. A soldier was launched past you, hitting the concrete wall in front of you so violently and deeply that cracks were all around the now dead soldiers' body as he was hunched over on the floor.
You were shocked, never seeing that before.
A low growl was heard behind you in the hallway, way too animalistic to be something normal. You shot up and turned on your heel, facing the hallway with a gun out and aimed at whatever it was. But there was no monster, nor was there a soldier there.
It was Jack, out of breath with splatters of blood on his face and on his gear.
He had fists at his sides, his hair disheveled and the look of a fight in his eyes as you two were locking eyes with one another. It didn't click in you head for a solid second, but then it was sinking in that he was the one who launched that soldier as if he was a ball of paper. With the pair of your watch each other, a soldi moment of quiet and pause in a chaotic mission, if felt like you two were no longer there. But in your own world together, something simple and almost....almost warmth.
But that was shattered when you heard movement behind you and you whirled around. Another soldier grabbed you before you could shoot, wrapping his fingers around your neck to shove you against the wall. You were about to throw out a punch to get him off of you when he struck your palm, cutting it deeply.
You yelled out in pain, but you heard another equally loud scream from Jack.
Jack ran forward, almost like a football player and launching himself on the soldier and tackling him to the ground with such strengthened force that it seemed abnormal. It was his wolf strength, and with your throbbing hand that was pouring out blood, you watched Jack take the soldier to the ground with ease. He wrapped his hands around the soldier's neck and snapped it with a second, the body gig limp and once again there was silence.
You were shocked at it all, Jack slowly getting up from being hunched over the now dead soldier and grunting a bit in pain. As he turned, you saw something there, on the left palm that was crimson red. Your heart stopped.
The same slabs on your palm, was on his. That meant....
Soulmates were rare, something that was heard of but also taboo in your universe. Only a small population on the planet had soulmates, you learned about it in school as a little girl. When two people, or three in very rear cases, feel each other's pain and injuries and even mirrors the injuries, then they were considered mates. It could happen early in life or late, and it could happen at any time in a person's life.
Their souls were considered as one, sharing everything from thoughts and feelings to injuries and pain. Of course, you were a realist and never considered yourself to have a soulmate, since soulmates were merely a luck of the draw. Nothing to do with biology or genetics, it was all about luck and who was lucky enough to be tethered to another person.
So now, you were looking at your soulmate in the middle of a mission.
"Jack, Y/n, I have your locations and I'm bringing the jet over, give me one minute! Get yourselves out int he open where I can find you," Yelena said in your earpiece,but you were locking eyes with Jack, your soulmate. He looked just as shocked as you, his eyes were a bit wider and his stance was rigid. It was almost like you two were shifting inwardly, your heart expanding and almost shrinking at the same time merely because you knew that another soul was going to make room in there.
All you could do was walk over to Jack, seeing him so still and stiff that he was afraid to move. You reached out with your wounded hands, taking his won wounded hands to have your mirrored cuts on your palms connect. Jack shuddered, nearly ready to cry as you could only smile. As crazy as it was that it happened like that, you couldn't help but smile since joy was seeping through out.
"Let's get out go here, and we'll talk about when we're safe," Your explained, Jack nodding his head as he then moved to tug you along. You two never releasing your joined hands as you were tagging along behind him to find the jet.
Months later, with a sliver of a scar on each of your palms, you both were living your lives together on the Avengers Compound and blissfully happy.
Very much in love, with matching scars to show off.
The End.
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Soulmates Prompt Session
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jk-unless · 4 years
Everytime I hear something new about Phase Four of the mcu,my immediate thought is “What does this mean for the reader in my ‘You’re In The Marvel Films’ series?How am I going to tie her into this?”
As of right now,I have no idea what I’m going to do with y’all.
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nexvillette · 5 years
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one gif to describe the marvel fandom right now
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theroguealpha · 5 years
Shang Chi is confirmed to be apart of the new MCU lineup, so if you don't know much about the Kung fu master then take a look at the origin video I made about him!
If you wanna check it out click the link above! Reblog to spread the word about my terrible...terrible channel! 
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