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#art#retrofuture#design#collage#aesthetic#black and white#glow#八幡神#hachiman#shakujo#lotus#crunchy#meditation
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I was turning over @threebea's Snow White in my head and I got to the question of What's Up With Ahsoka, and started coming up with with an offshoot of the main fic and sent the whole ramble to Bea.
At least a few things match canon timeline, because the twins exist, so I'm thinking Ahsoka plausibly still had a Wrong Jedi arc and ran off to find herself, later getting picked up by Bo-Katan. (I assume Satine is dead, or she'd have been mentioned at some point.) And Bo's been fucking around at the edges of the various empires trying to decide what she wants to do with herself, Ahsoka on her ship (and occasionally in her bed because they're both about twenty and stressed and sometimes that means destress sex).
So they hear about the Cin'Ciri thing going on, and Ahsoka's freaking out, and that... makes Bo's decision for her.
Once she meets with Jaster & co, Bo makes the argument that Ahsoka left the Jedi half a year before shit went down, and has been a good friend to Bo-Katan (though we can't use the canon of 'a friend to Mandalore' but maybe Maul was fucking around on Kalevala in particular and Jaster was too busy to get involved there, so Bo still had some shit to do), so she shouldn't be memory-wiped like the others. Jaster is considering letting Ahsoka integrate more normally instead of forcing a mind-wipe, especially since Bo-Katan declares that she'd marry Ahsoka on the spot if it meant Ahsoka gets to make a real decision here.
Meanwhile, Ahsoka wants to meet the other Jedi, even though they don't consider themselves Jedi anymore, and none of them recognize her, and there's a moment where she just goes "Master Obi-Wan?" and he doesn't know her but there is a technically-still-a-teenager in tears that cares about him a lot so he offers a hug and she ends up sobbing on him because Duh.
And they talk a bit, about what the memory thing did to all the surviving Jedi that have made their way into Mando space, and Ahsoka says that if none of the other Jedi can keep their remembrances, and she may have the option of doing so, then she will keep those remembrances. Everyone's. She will do the mourning, build little shrines and say the names of the dead.
Something something that 'Ahsoka the White' look with the robe and shakujo is a Priestess look that develops as she makes a place for herself as the memory-keeper for the Jedi.
A new part of the Cin'Ciri cin'vhetin process could be that people give her the names they want to immortalize and she carves them into that shrine she keeps (though Jaster has banned anyone from entering to see those names, except her and certain non-Jedi guards) so that someone can do the mourning for them?
IDK I just have this bouncing around in my head because of Ahsoka's specific relationship to the Jedi and Mandalore in S7, and Bo-Katan in particular.
Bo is very Feline Protection Energy about her wife.
Obi-Wan doesn't know Ahsoka but given that he and Quinlan rebuilt a friendship I imagine he's more than willing to at least put some effort into trying to make something new?
I think Ahsoka avoids the details of how close they were at first, just says she was his grandpadawan, but Bo-Katan butts in and tells Obi-Wan that Ahsoka's the closest thing he's got to a daughter so he better at least make an attempt.
Jaster doesn't want to kill Bo-Katan because she's a great stabilizing force for certain elements due to her relation to Satine, but for fuck's sake is she annoying to him personally.
Idk if Jaster would allow it but maybe Bo-Katan lies and backdates her "marriage" and kicks up such a fuss about how he can't do the Cin'Vhetin to someone who married in before it was even protocol that he just gives up on dealing with the problem that is Bo-Katan Kryze.
Oooo I love this. Yeah I left it ambiguous for Satine. Tor ruled (I think) up until the beginning of the clonewars (maybe a little earlier idk) so I think either he got her or Maul got her still sadly. I definitely think Bo's argument of she was already married to a Mandalorians would work. Jaster isn't pleased but by then the process is more in the Cin'ciri's hands anyway and Obi-Wan is very interested in another way to reassure people going through the process that their dead will be remembers and carried over. Oh boy Quinlan absolutely asks Ahsoka if she knew his padawan. And if they're dead. Ahsoka: I'll remember them for you Quinlan: You're like Kenobi, aren't you. Answering without answering. Jango is suspicious of Ahsoka at first (especially because of the connection to Obi-Wan) but he mellows a bit when he sees she's taking away some of Obi-Wan's guilt and stress for being the one taking the memories now. Jango maybe knew what happened to Satine, and Bo's opinion of Ahsoka does carry some weight there too (unless he knows she was connected to deathwatch at any point). I figure with the Jedi they don't recognise each other but there is some recognition in the force. I can imagine it's hard for Ahsoka and helps her in a strange way because Obi-Wan disappointed her, but she knows she also disappointed him and she has to let it go in favour of a relationship with this new Obi-Wan who is both the exact same and different. She sees Luke and thinks Anakin is dead. Didn't know Padme was pregnant but Luke is two and his eye colour matches and Obi-Wan tells her he was his last mission. Heh and maybe she has met Bail and that's where she heard about this because Bail is keeping tabs and feels so guilty about letting Fett take Obi-Wan. Maybe Bail actually told her a tiny bit about the twins since Obi-Wan and Yoda are dead. Well Yoda is and Obi-Wan doesn't remember. I completely forgot but the aesthetics for the new Order is totally lots of white 😂 More Mandalorians style though, and some wear armour. Light so they can move easily with their lightsabers. So Ahsoka in the Ahsoka the white garb totally works. Ahsoka absolutely adds Satine to the shrine for Bo and Obi-Wan. The clones too. There's something very sad that that relationship isn't something the Jedi think they might have lost. From their POV the clones just killed them so they couldn't have cared about them and if they had it must have been a trick. Only a few people know about the chips (Jango will have to change that Quinlan can't be the only one wanting to go after the perceived murderers of the Jedi)
Bo: This is my Jedi wife and I LOVE HER Jango: Shut up you're like twelve
Jaster views Bo as an unfortunately deadly kitten
What if you were forced to forget your Kryze partner what then Jaster? Checkmate.
[disclaimer: Bea and I both love the idea of Jaster and Duke Kryze having had a thing that may have been at or near marriage at some point]
Fighting with your stepdad about whether he approves of your hippy-dippy neopagan wife is just Thanksgiving dinner norms, right?
(In this case the neopagan is a joke about Ahsoka's demigod pet owl that kind of just shows up wherever)
Jaster who was like: well Jango is not interested in people like that I'm not gonna have to deal with these kinds of issues Son: This is my Jedi I'm gonna marry Step daughter: We're already married and if anything happens to her I'll kill everyone in this room and then myself. Jaster: you're my favorite now Boba: ? Boba: wait I don't want another dad Boba: I already have two (Jaster is basically just another dad at this point) Boba comes around on it though. I feel like Boba is treated like a student/padawan at first which he is way more comfortable with Vader: want do you mean he has children!?!? Rwaaargh
Ahsoka: Wait we're married? Bo-Katan, lying: Uh, yes. Jaster: Did you not explain the marriage process before having her say vows? Did you TRICK her into marrying you? Bo-Katan, who is not married at all: No, I think we just have different definitions of marriage and had a translation issue. Ahsoka: But I thought I was doing well with my Mando'a lessons and-- Bo: Girl, shut up
Also Rex can be there. Third-wheeling for the lesbians.
Rex, not a Jedi: no issues Also looks like Jango and Jaster can't say no to that face literally Rex: I've heard there's been talk of helping my brothers. I want in. Bo: this is my wife Ahsoka and her boyfriend Rex.
Ahsoka, doing math lady face: Rex, are we dating? Rex, who only sort of understands dating: We… spend a lot of time together?
Obi-Wan's happy to call Ahsoka his daughter, but if Jango tries to adopt her for shared custody like he did with the boys, she WILL fight him.
Bo-Katan will also fight him don't make her wife into her step-niece, Jango, that's WEIRD
I imagine Bo and Jango developed the cat relationship where one will just attack the other to keep them on their toes and then they'll walk away as if nothing happened Obi-Wan: she tried to stab you Jango: but she didn't! Close though. Think she can dodge a flamethrower? Obi-Wan: Do not flame thrower people in my halls! Ahsoka: … So…? Bo: Cain instinct
Ahsoka wants to babysit Luke which is fine but Bo-Katan is very bad at children. There are so many fluids involved in Baby.
Bo: I got him a present. Ahsoka: what is it? Bo: a knife! Ahsoka: no! Ahsoka: holding a baby isn't hard I promise, here- no you need to support the head-and the rest of him! Not like that! Ahsoka: you can hold him in his car seat.
Boba is a lot easier to manage. Just bully him. Make him hang out with Rex for maximum awkward.
She can do teenager teenager is just gangly adult
She's only barely not a teenager herself
Bo: Well since Boba is older I think he should pick the holovid. Then takes a step back Rex also trying to dodge any sort of familification: I am a friend and associate no one is my dad! Jango: oh thank Manda Jaster: :/ (but we have a responsibility) Rex: You know what Obi-Wan is my dad. Actually probably the closest I ever came to having one Obi-Wan: why am I everyone's dad? Bo: has he met Korkie? Jkjk Rex: well Anakin wasn't my dad and Obi-Wan was Anakin's dad so…
Obi-Wan: Who's Anakin Ahsoka: [bursts into tears]
You're dad-shaped, Obi-Wan.
Just imagining Bo constantly draping herself over Ahsoka, or pulling her into Bo's lap and caging her like a constrictor, glaring at passing Mandos who disapprove of the memory-keeping Jedi.
Hiss 😂 Ahsoka: (can easily protect herself but… Pat pat?) Bo: ♥️
#Ahsoka Tano#Bo Katan Kryze#Bosoka#Jaster Mereel#Obi Wan Kenobi#Jangobi#Boba Fett#Captain Rex#possibly#Rexsoka#star wars#the clone wars#sw legends#phoenix posts
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Imagine how each person reacts to you getting hurt in a fight.
You're normally a fighter and can hold your own. This injury takes you and your companions by surprise.

Sanzo didn’t rush to your side when you collapsed after the fight. Instead, he stood there with his revolver still smoking. His amethyst eyes scanned the battlefield with a sharp glare. His lips were pressed into a grim line, and it was hard to tell if he was angry at you, himself, or the situation.
Once the dust settled, Sanzo walked over to where you lay. “Idiot,” he muttered as he crouched down beside you. You were surprised that his voice sounded rougher and quieter than usual. There was no bite to it. “What were you thinking, taking on that many by yourself?”
His hands hovered over your wounds, his touch light and surprisingly careful despite the harshness of his tone. When you winced, he froze, his amethyst eyes narrowed. Luckily it wasn’t life threatening. You both realized this at the same time. His hands were slightly shaky as he pulled away.
Hakkai quickly came and began to tend to your injuries. Sanzo stood and lit a cigarette. He turned his gaze away from you and exhaled a plume of smoke through his gritted teeth. “You’re lucky it wasn’t worse,” he said coldly.
Later that night after being healed you stirred uneasily. You blinked and caught sight of him sitting near you in the inn. His head drooped in the chair and you realized that perhaps he was more worried than he let on. You know if you brought it up he’d deny it instantly.
Gojyo froze the second he saw you fall. “Hey!” he shouted, his voice cut through the chaos as he charged toward you. The playful smirk he usually wore had vanished, replaced by a look of raw determination. The last demons fell under his Shakujo, his movements were faster and more vicious than you’d ever seen.
As soon as the fight ended, he dropped to his knees beside you. “What the hell were you trying to prove?” he demanded. His voice cracked slightly as he added, “You’re supposed to be better than this, damn it.”
You could see his crimson eyes flicker with worry. The usual cocky demeanor was gone. Instead it was replaced seriousness. Something you rarely saw. “What happened to that fighter I know, huh?” he muttered under his breath.
Hakkai quickly stepped over to heal you but Gojyo stayed close. His hand on top of yours.
Later, after your wounds had been healed he sat next to you. He’d never left your side. “Next time, don’t be a hero.” He ran a hand through his crimson hair. “That’s my job.” His eyes then softened when a smile appeared on your face.
Hakkai noticed the moment you faltered. His sharp green eyes darted to you. “Hang on!” His movements became precise and efficient before he rushed to your side.
It only took moments for him to fight his way to you and when he did get to you he knelt by your side. He quickly assessed your injuries before sighing in relief. “You’ll be alright,” he said softly, but the tension in his jaw betrayed his concern. His chi glowed when he healed you. His touch was firm yet gentle.
“You’ve been reckless before, but this…” he murmured. “This was something else entirely. Don’t make me have to do this gain.” You couldn’t help but feel guilty for the worry in his voice. When the healing was done, Hakkai lingered and put a hand on your shoulder. “You scared me,” he admitted, his gaze met yours. “Next time, let us help you before it gets this bad. We are a team for a reason.”
Later that night after you’d been healed Hakkai made sure you were well fed with dinner. He was stern about making sure you had a sufficient amount of food after such an injury.
Doku’s roar of anger shook the battlefield when he saw you fall. He fought his way to you with a single-minded determination. His sword strikes were faster and harder than normal. He cut a clear path to you and by the time he got to you they were all defeated or retreated.
Once next to you he dropped his weapon, completely forgetting about it as you are the only thing he can think of. He knelt down beside you, his hands trembled slightly and he helped you sit up. “You’re too damn stubborn for your own good,” he growled, his voice rough with emotion. “Why didn’t you call for help? You know we’ve got your back.”
His expression softened slightly. He pulled his shirt off and used it to stop the bleeding, frustration still lingered on his face. “You don’t always have to do everything alone,” he said. “You’re not invincible, no matter how strong you think you are.”
Once your wounds were patched up by Yaone, he stayed close. He kept an arm around you for support. Later after your wounds had been patched up he sat close to you. His arms were crossed and brows furrowed. “You’re tougher than most people I know,” he murmured, almost to himself. “But don’t scare me like that again.”
The moment you went down, Kougaiji’s eyes locked on you. His expression hardened and he abandoned his current fight to charge toward you. He unleashed a flurry of powerful attacks that obliterated the enemies around you. His violet eyes burned with fury. His movements were laced with an urgency he rarely showed.
When the battlefield was clear, he knelt beside you. There was tension in his jaw despite how steady his hands were. “You’re reckless,” he growled. “And it’s going to get you killed one day.”
Despite his scolding tone, there was a gentleness in the way he supported you as you tried to sit up. When you started to apologize, he cut you off with a sigh. “I don’t need your apology,” he said, his voice softening. “I need you to stop putting yourself in danger like this.”
Later, after you’d been healed by Yaone you noticed him standing against the wall near you. His arms were crossed and his usual stoic demeaned cracked just enough for you to see his worry. “You’re strong,” he said quietly. “But even the strongest need someone to watch their back. Let me do that for you.”
#saiyuki#sha gojyo#gojyo#dokugakuji#kougaiji#saiyuki x reader#saiyuki imagines#saiyuki reload blast#cho hakkai#hakkai#genjo sanzo#sanzo#sanzo fic#scenarios
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Title: Bounded by Resolve
Paring: Sanzo Party x reader (Saiyuki)
Word Count: 2.1k.
TW: gn!reader, platonic?, reader gets hurt, comfort, Sanzo crew gets worried
The demon's approach is relentless, its movements sinuous and predatory as it slithers closer to the Sanzo party. The dense forest around you seems to pulse with a sinister energy, the eerie backdrop only adding to the sense of impending confrontation.
Sweat beads on your brow as you watch, your heart hammering in your chest with a rhythm that matches the drumbeat of fear pulsing through your veins. The scent of sweat and fear hangs heavy in the air, mingling with the earthy aroma of the forest floor to create an atmosphere thick with tension.
Suddenly, a low growl breaks the tranquility, shattering the eerie stillness of the forest. It's the harbinger of the approaching danger, a warning sign that sets your nerves alight with a fierce urgency.
With a swift and fluid motion, you step forward, your movements propelled by a sense of fierce determination that burns within you like wildfire.
Your comrades, caught off guard by the sudden appearance of danger, instinctively draw their weapons, their faces etched with a mixture of determination and resolve. The glint of steel in their hands reflects the fierce determination burning within their souls.
Sanzo, with his signature aloof demeanor, grips his gun with a steely resolve, his gaze piercing through the shadows with a clarity that belies the chaos of the moment. His lips curl into a grim line, a silent vow etched upon his features as he prepares to face whatever darkness lurks ahead.
Hakkai's calm facade masks the storm of emotions roiling beneath the surface, his hands steady as he readies his chi with practiced precision. His eyes betray a hint of concern, but beneath the worry lies a steadfast determination to stand firm against the encroaching threat.
Gojyo's easygoing demeanor gives way to a fierce intensity as he brandishes his favorite weapon, the gleaming blade of his shakujo flashing in the dappled sunlight. His stance is one of unwavering readiness, every muscle coiled like a spring as he prepares to unleash his fury upon any who dare to threaten his comrades.
Goku, ever the embodiment of boundless energy and enthusiasm, grips his extendable staff with a fierce determination, his eyes blazing with an inner fire that refuses to be extinguished. His muscles tense with anticipation, his entire being a testament to the unwavering loyalty he holds for his companions.
Demons emerge from the shadows like a nightmare-given form, its grotesque features twisted into a snarl of malevolence. Their eyes narrow as they size you up, their predatory gaze flickering with a hunger that sends a shiver down your spine.
With every strike exchanged, the forest seems to hold its breath, the sounds of battle echoing amidst the ancient trees like a primal chorus. The clash of metal against flesh reverberates through the air, a symphony of violence and chaos that echoes through the ancient trees. Each strike is a dance of life and death, a testament to your skill and determination in the face of overwhelming odds.
Adrenaline courses through your veins, heightening your senses to a razor-sharp edge. Every movement of your adversaries is cataloged with meticulous precision, their intentions laid bare before you like an open book.
With a guttural snarl, it lunges forward, its claws slashing through the air with deadly accuracy. Pain explodes across your side as you take the hit, a sharp gasp escaping your lips despite your best efforts to suppress it.
As you stumble backward, the forest spins around you, disorienting and chaotic. The world tilts dangerously, threatening to swallow you whole as you struggle to regain your footing on unsteady ground. Every movement is an uphill battle against the relentless onslaught of pain that courses through your body, a symphony of agony that threatens to drown out all other sensations.
But you refuse to succumb to the overwhelming tide of pain. With a fierce determination burning bright within you, you push through the agony. The very fiber of your being screams in protest, but you steel yourself against the onslaught, drawing upon reservoirs of strength you never knew you possessed.
The world starts to blur around you, the sounds of battle fading into the background as you focus all of your energy on the task at hand. Each breath comes ragged and labored, every movement an act of defiance against the pain that threatens to consume you.
With each blow you deliver, you chip away at the demon's defenses, inching closer and closer to victory with every strike.
And as the battle rages on around you, you find yourself drawing strength from the unbreakable bond that binds you to your comrades. Their faces flash before your eyes, a reminder of the stakes at hand and the importance of your mission.
The battle rages on around you, a chaotic symphony of clashing weapons and anguished cries. Your vision swims as you struggle to keep pace with the frenetic pace of the fight, each movement sending waves of agony radiating through your wounded side. But still, you press on, driven by a single-minded resolve to protect those you hold dear.
As the last of the demons falls, a deafening silence descends upon the forest, broken only by the ragged gasps of your companions and the steady rhythm of your own labored breathing.
A wave of exhaustion washes over you, threatening to drag you into unconsciousness. You cling to consciousness by sheer force of will.
Your limbs feel as heavy as lead, each movement a Herculean effort that sends shooting pains lancing through your battered body.
Your muscles ache with a deep-seated weariness, every fiber screaming in protest with each faltering step you take. It's as if your bones are made of molten iron, dragging you down with each labored breath, each heartbeat a thunderous drumbeat in your ears.
Your vision swims in and out of focus, the world around you reduced to a hazy blur of muted colors and indistinct shapes. Each footfall sends shockwaves of agony radiating through your weary frame, threatening to send you sprawling to the forest floor in a heap of exhaustion and pain.
But still, you cling to consciousness. Every ounce of your being is focused on the single-minded task of following the Sanzo party back onto the road.
"Aw man, that was it?" Goku chimes out. "Man, I'm starving!"
"Shut up, you stupid monkey!" Gojyo shouts.
"Hey, that was a big fight!"
"Now, now, the next town is about a drive's breakfast" Hakai chides.
"All right! Let's go!" Goku says as he jumps in the backseat.
You move carefully with them, to avoid the injury being seen. Sanzo takes a small glance back at your unusual slowness, but chalks it up as exhaustion.
With every passing moment, your condition worsens, the relentless march of time eroding the fragile facade of strength you've meticulously maintained. The blood-soaked fabric of your shirt clings to your skin like a macabre second skin, a grim reminder of the toll exacted by the fierce battle you've waged.
Each movement sends jolts of agony coursing through your weary frame. Your vision narrows to a pinprick, the darkness at the edges creeping ever closer with each labored heartbeat.
The world blurs into a hazy blur of pain and exhaustion as you struggle to remain upright. Each breath comes out softly, ragged and labored, with the darkness at the edges of your vision creeping ever closer.
It's Gojyo who notices first, his sharp eyes catching the telltale signs of your distress. With a curse, he breaks away from the group, rushing to your side with a sense of urgency that belies his usual carefree demeanor.
"Hakkai, we've got a problem," he calls out urgently, his voice cutting through the atmosphere like a knife.
Hakkai's brow furrows in concern as he glances over his shoulder, his hands steady on the wheel as he maneuvers the vehicle through the dense forest. "What's wrong?" he asks, his voice a calm anchor amidst the rising tide of panic.
Gojyo's expression is grim as he gestures towards you, his movements urgent and decisive. "It's y/n. They're hurt bad," he says, his words clipped and to the point as he assesses the extent of your injuries.
Panic sets in among your comrades as they realize the severity of your condition, their frantic attempts to rouse you echoing in the recesses of your fading consciousness. Through the haze, you hear their voices, a jumble of worry and fear that cuts through the fog of pain enveloping your mind.
"Hey, come on! Wake up!" Goku pleads, his voice cracking with emotion as he searches desperately for any sign of consciousness.
Sanzo's jaw tightens with concern as he watches the scene unfold, his normally stoic facade betraying a hint of unease. "We need to get them help. Now," he declares, his tone holding no argument, directing Hakkai to pick up the pace.
Through the haze of pain and exhaustion, you struggle to make sense of the chaos around you. The voices of your comrades blend together in a cacophony of worry and fear, their urgent pleas a lifeline in the darkness that threatens to consume you whole.
As you faded out, succumbing to the pain, the group discuss their next action.
"Damn it. Why didn't they say anything?" Sanzo grumbles, huffing out a smoke.
"Hakai, hurry!" Goku shouts. "It looks really bad!"
"I'm trying, Goku. I can only go so fast!" Hakai replies, going as fast as he can, as he glances at you through the rearview mirror.
Gojyo remains silent, his hands putting pressure on your wounds. His expression laced with concern.
"This damn idiot" he curses. "When you wake up, I'll kill you."
Time loses all meaning as you drift in and out of consciousness, the world reduced to a series of fragmented impressions and fleeting moments of clarity.
As consciousness gradually returns, you find yourself enveloped in a cocoon of warmth and safety, the soft embrace of a bed cradling your weary body.
The gentle rustle of fabric and the faint scent of herbs mingle in the air, offering a soothing balm to your senses as you struggle to piece together the fragments of memory that cling to the recesses of your mind.
It's only when you finally awaken to the warmth of a bed and the gentle touch of bandages around your waist that you realize you've been saved from the brink of death.
Blinking away the remnants of sleep, you find yourself greeted by the familiar faces of your companions, their expressions a swirling mix of relief and concern.
As you shuffle yourself upright, the group quickly comes over.
Sanzo's gruff voice pierces through the haze, his words laced with a grudging sense of worry that he can't quite conceal.
"You're lucky you didn't bleed out before we found you," he mutters, his gaze flickering between irritation and genuine concern. "Next time, try not to be so reckless."
Hakkai's gentle touch brushes against your forehead, his hands deftly adjusting the bandages that encircle your waist. "You gave us quite a scare," he says softly.
Gojyo's worried expression speaks volumes, his usually jovial demeanor tempered by the gravity of the situation. "Damn it, don't you ever scare us like that again," he grumbles, his words tinged with a vulnerability rarely shown.
Goku's infectious grin is a welcome sight. "I knew you'd pull through!" he exclaims, his voice brimming with unbridled enthusiasm.
As the atmosphere lightens with shared relief, Goku's bright grin widens even further, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Hey, now that you're awake, can we eat?" he interjects, his stomach audibly growling in agreement.
A chorus of chuckles ripples through the room at Goku's typically straightforward request. Sanzo rolls his eyes in mock exasperation, but there's a hint of fondness in his gaze as he nods in agreement. "Fine, fine," he concedes, his gruff tone softening just a fraction. "But make it quick."
Hakkai smiles warmly, already rising to his feet to prepare a meal for the weary travelers. "Of course, Goku. I'll grab something simple yet satisfying," he assures, his soothing voice a calming presence amidst the lingering tension.
Gojyo's grin mirrors Goku's as he claps you on the shoulder, his touch gentle despite the underlying strength in his grip. "Sounds good to me. Can't have you starving after all that heroics," he quips, his tone light yet sincere.
As the aroma of food begins to fill the room, a sense of warmth and camaraderie settles over the Sanzo party like a comforting blanket. And as you gather around the makeshift table, sharing stories and laughter amidst mouthfuls of food, you're reminded once again of the unbreakable bond that binds you together, even in the face of life's greatest challenges.
#saiyuki#saiyuki x reader#Saiyuki x reader#saiyuki fanfic#I have a fixation on saiyuki rn and I need to read sum fanfics#Please recommend more saiyuki fics#i am so desperate#also leave comments/reblogs#this is my first post on here#thank you so much for reading this#i hope you like it#cho hakkai#sha gojyo#son goku#genjo sanzo#x reader#my writing
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Midori One Day One Page 310!
New Theme is Roninmon.... TWO! Because I need to get the Masho some Pokemon too.
Shuten Douji, evil team admin! I chose Kommo-o for him because the scales look a bit like chains, it has the gold trim like the jinbaori on his armor, and best of all Kommo-o's tail is based on a shakujo!
Commissions | Ko-Fi
#midori one day one page 2023#yoroiden samurai troopers#samurai troopers#ronin warriors#pokemon#kommo o#oni masho shuten doji
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@curiouskinetic &&. said... Idly bats at the ribbons dangling off his hat, looking thoughtful. Probably a little annoying, but at least she isn't tugging on them. "Do these ever get in the way when you're fighting?"
the tassels sway gently in response to the prodding. ren turns to stare — yet ( surprisingly ) offers very little in the way of PROTEST otherwise. few could ever claim to do the same without facing repercussions — a harsh glare, harsher words. perhaps even a slap to the hand, if he's feeling especially sour. maybe sora is simply special in that way. ( a friend; the word lurks at the forefront of his mind like a THREAT. ) maybe the wanderer is simply in an unusually good mood. even he's capable of levity from time to time. ❝ no. ❞ he shrugs at the inquiry. ❝ my hat is another catalyst i use to help myself fly. ❞ ren deigns not to go into the intricacies of how it works — if only because he has a sneaking suspicion they'll be there all afternoon while he goes on yet another LECTURE fueled by an eternal fascination with all things weaponry. ❝ i'd rather do most of my fighting from the air, ❞ the wanderer explains instead, ❝ and the form it takes under those circumstances guarantees it isn't often an issue. ❞
he demonstrates only briefly, raising a finger to point. the kasa dissolves into a flood of anemo-hued light — only to reform behind ren's head. a halo. a lotus. ( both. ) his namesake, in a sense; the resemblance to the FLOWER was the first thing he thought about when prompted to select something new. the longer he dwelled on it, the more the idea took root — much like a plant in its own right. after all, lotus flowers were known for rising from murky waters to bloom. something beautiful, born from the world's filth. was that not precisely the thing he ASPIRED to become?
the hat reforms atop his head — almost as if it never moved. ren still takes a moment to adjust it, regardless. call it force of habit.
❝ it's unlikely, but on the off chance i encounter a situation where i can't fly ... i could probably use the shakujo to just hit someone. ❞ fingers then curl around one of the tassels — as if to test its weight. the metal on the end is fairly hefty; he's confident in his ability to do some serious damage if he feels so INCLINED. it's simply a matter of not wanting to dirty his beloved hat with the filthy blood of whatever vermin manages to invoke his ire.
#curiouskinetic#( ren vc: no........ but i COULD probably smack someone with them 🤔)#( he's getting ideas. horrifying. )
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Do you know what the white outfit genji wears later in the movie called? (also do you possibly have screenshots of said outfit? i really need it for drawing reference TT thank you!)
Hello! The Urakido's and Osada's outfit is reminiscent of Yamabushi 山伏, practictioners of shugendo known for praying in the mountains. In addition to the vest, hakama and waraji straw sandals, the most noticeable element of the outfit is the yuigesa, a sash adorned with pompoms. If you look up karasu tengu characters which appear in Gegege no Kitaro TV anime, you'll notice they wear a similar Yamabushi outfit.
They also carry shikomizue, swords concealed in what looks like shakujo staffs, and Hannya demon mask (which, interestingly, represents a female vengeful ghost! the irony...).
I checked Osada's scene and I don't think he gets a clear full body shot in this outfit, but if you look at the outfits of the others Urakido it's similar except for the color. If you google the terms I listed above you will surely find helpful reference too. Best of luck!!
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Name: Akira iwasaki
AGE: 25
AGENT(PART OF Umbragate agency )
Exorcist/ biker gang/ Summoner.
Transgender male.
HEIGHT: 6′1″
Rash, forward thinking. Temperamental to the core, Akira is your typical bad boy type who is out for a thrill. Rather listen to his heart than listening to others around him, Akira likes to stick with his plan and thinks its the right thing to do. While he is irrational from time to time, Akira is a kind hearted guy who would do anything for an innocent person to the point where he would give out his life for the stranger.
Some would find him to just be a meathead, but Akira is quite a thinker in strategic, being a summoner that he is, he needs to think ahead before helping someone.
Akira comes from a long line of exorcist living in Japan, they’re so well known that demons are scared of them. Akira’s father is a very strict Monk and his mother is also too, but she is more lenient towards the situation and loved dear Akira. Although, accident happens where he loses both of them to evil and he is the only inherent from his line of family; at a teen he is moved to America and live under a family’s friend, who would teach him of his exorcist ways. Akira learns to grow and having the same blood as his father, he was also a summoner.
Their summon skills came from their great grandfather who became close to may spirits during his life time, the spirits became close and would serve underneath and to protect their family line.
Akira during his years became more reckless of a teen and once he hit college, he drops out only to join in a group of bikers. He still does his duty as a exorcist, saving folks along the way, but eventually meets with SA during his travel and joins them.
Summoner: using his chant and beads from his wrist, he can summon any creatures.
Shakujo (Japanese Monk staff): Shakujo has element ability, but mostly uses Fire and thunder from the tip of his staff.
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On one side we have Kayura, the powerful warrior with a mysterious connection to the Shakujo!
Nise Suiko/Red Torrent, the sinister copy of the armor of water!
Can Kayura sweep Nise Suiko away? Or will its poison prove too potent?
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Shakujo sure seems to have interesting sleeping habits. It's astonishing his spine still functions properly.
- I can't believe he's comfortable. - Shoulda seen him yesterday.
Fissure with a coffee cup is a very familiar sight around the base, the flygon has one method on going through the days and that is it. It's somehow less weird than Shakujo, who finds comfort in the strangest positions... although seems Disglair is taking things in stride. He's got a book to read, some hakamo-o ain't gonna throw him off of that.
I would elaborate more but it's 3:30 am and I am tired and also I don't want to get into the whole setting quite yet, lemme post my goobers =]
#qvr_main#qvr_drawing#qvr_team lust#qvr_disglair#qvr_fissure#qvr_shakujo#flygon#heliolisk#hakamo-o#pokemon#traditional art#art#sketch#btw fissure is wearing a smooth rock but it looks like the symbol on groudon's hand#maybe i'll draw him bigger someday#gonna keep it simple though it actually feels better doing simple stuff for me#still figuring out how can i do things tbh#that flygon tail took me so much time i still arent fully satisfied but it's better than before
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#26 - Last
Slowly, surely, the gentle sound filled the air around the field. The sound of the shakujo, its rings chiming together to form the rhythm, the heartbeat
A second one joined the first, then another one, then another. They circled each other and echoed, forming the chariot the song would be carried along.
A mantra, words flowing into one another, distinct voices that melted into one, filling the air as the time and place disappeared within it.
And in the middle of it all, he danced.
The sound of his staff breaking the rhythm of the others, forming its own melody. Separate, but still part of the whole.
It was a blessing, a prayer sent for all kami to hear - to protect, and to watch over him during his travels.
For this was the last time he would see the place that had been his sanctuary; the last time he would see the people who had taught him everything he knows.
His path was taking him elsewhere.
Where only his song was the one dancing in the wind.
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Some weapon concept sketches for Sirius. The first one is for his staff dubbed Moon River, which is mainly based off a shakujo staff, with some inspiration from a few other concepts I've see. It's Sirius' main weapon, and is a rather multi-faceted one at that. Outside of being a very good bonking tool, its crowning feature is that it can be changed into other weapons (namely polearms) through Sirius' water magic. His preferred method is to form ice around the end to make a mallet similar to an otsuchi.
I've been off-and-on considering a redesign for the staff, but for now, it's gonna be like this. The second is very recent, being something that my mate had came up with a while back before I decided to actually give it a shot. Basically, since I had went with the idea of Siri using his tail as a brush (ala Okami), my mate Arc threw around the idea of Siri being able to detach it and make it a weapon of some kinda. I couldn't think of anything to draw one night, and decided to give it a shot.
Alongside the "sumi-e brush" designs, I had gotten suggestions on Twitter about having it be based on a calligraphy pen, since Siri uses the ink to write out symbols for his spells. I've mainly been leaning towards the "brush" look because of the ink wash painting associates I had with Siri's look already. (Such as how his fur is different "washes" of black/gray on top of the white). Plus, I figured that it would match the shape of his fluffy tail.
As for its function, it more of a mobile application tool for his ink for spells than a weapon, though, it can be still be a powerful melee weapon as well. The tip is able to adjust for more stroke control, and I was thinking that it might be able to change size to some degree to make it easier to write on certain surfaces.
All in all, just some cool weapons for the fluffmonster. Hoping for the day I can draw him with them in cool ways.
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NAME: Genjo Sanzo
FACTION: The Paidui, working with La Revolucion (barely)
ABILITY: Sanzo has the ability to both nullify and create magical abilities and magical charms/curses through various chants that he knows or has to figure out in his mind.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Son Goku
FACTION: The Paidui, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Goku has the ability to heal his own wounds through stealing lifeforce from the people or world around him. He can recover from even the most serious of injuries by doing so. However, he cannot control this ability well and it can be dangerous to those around him, so he wears a partial power limiter created by Sanzo.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Cho Hakkai
FACTION: The Paidui, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Hakkai has the ability to create barriers, which can both protect allies and himself, or trap enemies.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Sha Gojyo
FACTION: The Paidui, working with La Revolucion (barely)
ABILITY: Gojyo has the ability to produce and control a cursed weapon, taking the shape of a shakujo, in which lives a demon. The weapon can make anyone cut with it fall under the control and service of Gojyo.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Kougaiji
FACTION: The Paidui
ABILITY: Kougaiji can transform into a devil-like monster, which grants him super-sharp claws and teeth, thicker skin, enhanced strength and speed, at the expense of losing all semblance of his human mind.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Yaone
FACTION: The Paidui
ABILITY: Yaone has the ability to produce various drugs, with different effects, though different bodily substances (such as blood, tears, sweat, spit, etc.)
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Dokugakuji
FACTION: The Paidui
ABILITY: Dokugakuji has the ability to produce and control a cursed sword, in which lives a fallen God. The sword steals the memories of anyone it touches, with the exception of Dokugakuji.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current

NAME: Lirin
FACTION: The Paidui
ABILITY: Lirin was born with the ability to leap and jump inhuman distances, as well as being quite a bit more agile than a normal person.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Dr. Ni Jianyi
FACTION: Whichever faction or person will provide him the most amusement, honestly. He's very much a hedonist, often in the most disturbing of manners.
ABILITY: Dr. Ni can control and revive the dead. However, this ability does not allow him to control anyone who has suffered La Petit Morte, as their bodies are technically still alive.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
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confirming that yes he is forming a mudra with his hands
these are shugendo practitioners who are known for their ascetic practices, they use a lot of buddhist ritual tech in their system (re: the mudra, not being boiled in a pot)
you can see the people in the back also holding shakujo, ringing staffs also used in buddhism, more than likely they're also chanting something of buddhist origin while they do this
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A comparative study of Japanese monk clothing and the clothing of Buddhists around the world.
Changes in religious people's clothing often symbolize changes in doctrine, and functionality and lifestyle are also reflected in clothing. Buddhism's traditional teachings of simplicity and renunciation are also reflected in clothing.
Kesa (袈裟): This term refers to the traditional monastic robe derived from the Indian kashaya. It is draped over one shoulder or both, depending on the ritual or occasion. In Japanese Buddhism, kesa often features intricate designs and is used during ceremonies.
Rakusu (絡子): This small, bib-like version of the kesa is commonly worn by Zen monks during informal practices and meditation. It often includes a patchwork design and sometimes a hand-sewn inscription of a sutra.
Koromo (衣): A wide-sleeved outer robe typically worn for everyday tasks. This garment may have pleats, and its design varies by Buddhist sect. For example:
Zen monks often wear plain black or dark blue koromo.
Shingon monks may wear koromo with more colorful accents for rituals.
Wagesa (輪袈裟): This is a simplified version of the kesa, often worn by both monks and lay practitioners during ceremonies or temple visits. It resembles a scarf and is easier to wear in less formal contexts.
Zori (草履) and Waraji (草鞋): Zori are traditional straw sandals, and waraji are straw rope sandals. Both are practical footwear used by monks for walking, especially during travel or pilgrimages.
Shakujo (錫杖): The staff carried by monks, often adorned with metal rings at the top, symbolizing the Buddha's teachings and serving a practical purpose during travel.
Juzu (数珠): A Buddhist rosary used for counting prayers or mantras during meditation. Japanese monks typically wear it around the wrist or carry it during rituals.
Symbolism and Practicality Japanese monks’ attire balances symbolic meaning with functionality:
Colors: Black, gray, and brown dominate, symbolizing detachment and simplicity. Formal robes may feature gold or intricate designs for ceremonies.
Materials: Lightweight cotton or silk accommodates Japan’s temperate climate, with heavier materials used in colder regions.
Adaptations: Layers and waterproof capes are added during travel or outdoor activities.
Comparative Analysis with Global Buddhist Clothing
Theravada Monks (Southeast Asia):
Robe Design: Theravada monks wear the "triple robe" (tricivara), consisting of an inner robe, upper robe, and outer robe. The robes are typically dyed in saffron, ochre, or orange, symbolizing simplicity and renunciation.
Materials: Made from lightweight cotton to suit tropical climates.
Differences: Unlike Japanese kesa, Theravada robes lack intricate patterns and are wrapped rather than tailored.
Tibetan Monks:
Robe Design: Tibetan monastic attire includes the "chögu" (ceremonial shawl), "shamtap" (lower robe), and "zen" (upper shawl). Robes are predominantly maroon and yellow, reflecting cultural and doctrinal symbolism.
Accessories: Monks often wear boots and heavy woolen garments to endure the harsh Himalayan climate.
Differences: Tibetan attire is more layered and insulated compared to Japanese monks’ lighter garments.
Chinese Monks:
Robe Design: Chinese Buddhist monks wear "haiqing"/海青服 (long black robes) for ceremonies and "kasaya" for rituals. The garments are often more elaborate, reflecting the influence of Confucianism and traditional Chinese aesthetics.
Colors: Brown and gray dominate, with bright saffron reserved for specific occasions.
Differences: Chinese monks’ attire tends to incorporate broader sleeves and a looser fit than Japanese garments.
Korean Monks:
Robe Design: Korean monks wear "jangsam" (long robes) and "gasa" (a version of the kesa). Their attire resembles Chinese monastic clothing but is adapted to Korean cultural contexts.
Differences: Korean robes emphasize symmetry and simplicity, often using muted tones similar to Japanese practices.
Class and Sectarian Variations in Clothing Japanese Buddhist attire reflects hierarchical and sectarian distinctions:
Hierarchy: Senior monks often wear more ornate kesa and accessories, while novices use plain garments.
Sectarian Differences:
Zen Monks: Minimalist robes in dark tones reflect Zen’s focus on austerity and meditation.
Shingon Monks: Brightly colored kesa and ceremonial garments reflect Shingon's esoteric rituals.
Pure Land Monks: Simpler robes emphasize accessibility and devotion to Amida Buddha.
buddhanet.net. (2024, November 6). BuddhaNet - worldwide Buddhist information and Education Network. https://www.buddhanet.net/
佛的長袍 - 佛教僧侶長袍的形象. (n.d.). https://zhtw.eferrit.com/%E4%BD%9B%E7%9A%84%E9%95%B7%E8%A2%8D-2/
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Name: Akira iwasaki
AGE: 25 (transgender male)
OCCUPATION:AGENT(PART OF Umbragate agency OR UA )Exorcist/ biker gang/ Summoner.
HEIGHT: 6′1″
PERSONALITY: Rash, forward thinking. Temperamental to the core, Akira is your typical bad boy type who is out for a thrill. Rather listen to his heart than listening to others around him, Akira likes to stick with his plan and thinks its the right thing to do. While he is irrational from time to time, Akira is a kind hearted guy who would do anything for an innocent person to the point where he would give out his life for the stranger.Some would find him to just be a meathead, but Akira is quite a thinker in strategic, being a summoner that he is, he needs to think ahead before helping someone.
BIO: Akira comes from a long line of exorcist living in Japan, they’re so well known that demons are scared of them. Akira’s father is a very strict Monk and his mother is also too, but she is more lenient towards the situation and loved dear Akira. Although, accident happens where he loses both of them to evil and he is the only inherent from his line of family; at a teen he is moved to America and live under a family’s friend, who would teach him of his exorcist ways. Akira learns to grow and having the same blood as his father, he was also a summoner.Their summon skills came from their great grandfather who became close to may spirits during his life time, the spirits became close and would serve underneath and to protect their family line.Akira during his years became more reckless of a teen and once he hit college, he drops out only to join in a group of bikers. He still does his duty as a exorcist, saving folks along the way, but eventually meets with UA during his travel and joins them.
ABILITY: Summoner: using his chant and beads from his wrist, he can summon any creatures.
Weapons: Shakujo (Japanese Monk staff): Shakujo has element ability, but mostly uses Fire and thunder from the tip of his staff.
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