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Helpful Links
To help keep everything structured and easy to find, I'm pinning this post, which contains links to each part of the world-building and story. Links will be updated as content is posted, so that everyone can easily find what they're looking to read.




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So, in the context of this story and the world, here are some important terms to know, all wrapped up nicely in one place!

FACTION - This is a group of characters, normally consisting of a single fandom, who occupy a region. There may be multiple groups within a single faction.
REGION - This is a section of land, branching off The Heart, that a faction occupies. There are fourteen regions in total.
THE HEART - This is the central quarter from which all the regions spring from. It's true neutral ground.
THE LETHE - This is the river that runs through the world, branching off into smaller bodies of water, such as streams, brooks and ponds. It makes up all the water available within The Ever Young.
THE SHADOWLANDS - These are the forests that border the outskirts of each region and run around the entire world. It is said that incredible horrors now lurk inside The Shadowlands, and that it is where the world itself ends.
THE VOID - This is the area between different worlds.
LA REVOLUCION - A shadowy organization, nobody quite knows whose in charge, how it got started, who all is a part of just sprang up one day and word travelled, whispered along in secret. It's the main force, composed of hundreds, that fights in their own manner to bring peace and prosperity back to The Ever Young while preventing war from breaking out.
ABILITIES - These are the magical powers that each person was born with. Each person normally only has one ability, and it was unheard of until recently for anyone in The Ever Young to have additional abilities.
LA PETIT MORTE - This is the ultimate kickback to using the magical abilities in The Ever Young currently. Using your abilities with the world cursed as it is now cost a person their life-force, their 'youness', and when that person uses up all the power they have within them (which varies from person to person), they suffer La Petit Morte. They disappear. They're gone. Not physically - their body remains and lives, but solely as an empty shell without a soul or a mind. Nobody knows what happens to either of those things when someone suffers this.
RECORD KEEPER - This is a character from each faction. They not only keep the record of the life of these individual regions, hold the legends and remember the past of Elysium, but they have precognitive abilities on top of their born abilities that allow them to forewarn their individual regions of any coming events that will have impact. Record Keepers are identified by the pocket-watches they all woke up one day with. Each pocket watch is unique in design, made out of different materials and is unique to the Record-Keeper, and it is these pocket watches that give the Record Keepers their additional abilities. All the Record Keepers meet up in The Heart routinely and are the only true neutral parties in all The Ever Young.
CAMEO - So, if you want to appear in The Ever Young as a character, I can definitely do that for you through a Cameo! You can either work with me in terms of how you want to be added in and such, or you can simply send in your info and leave it to me to decide when and how you appear!
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NAME: Lancelot Kingsley
FACTION: The Thorn King of The Lulilo
ABILITY: Lancelot was born with the ability to create and manipulate plant life, with roses being his specialty. He can cause roses to bloom anywhere, in or on anything, and can manipulate their shape and form - for example, he can restrain his enemies with his roses, making the thorny stems wrap around their limbs tightly, bite into their flesh when they attempt to resist.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Jonah Clemence
FACTION: Second in command of The Thorn Court of the Lulilo
ABILITY: Jonah was born with the ability of aeromancy, meaning that he can control the air itself, normally using it as a means of harnessing and directing large blasts of wind.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current

NAME: Edgar Bright
FACTION: The Thorn Court of the Lulilo
ABILITY: Edgar has the ability to become invisible. His power is actually really strong; not only does he become imperceptible to the human eye, but he also can't be sensed magically or by any human senses (hearing him breathe, etc.) while he's invisible.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current

NAME: Kyle Ash
FACTION: The Thorn Court of the Lulilo
ABILITY: Kyle was born with the ability to heal, though the more serious a wound, the more it takes out of him and he cannot heal those close to death as it would consume too much of his power, leading him to die beside them before the curse, or to suffer La Petit Morte after the curse.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current

NAME: Zero
FACTION: The Thorn Court of The Lulilo
ABILITY: Zero has a rather unique ability. He was born able to relocate the major organs within his body at any time, according to his will, which is quite useful at times to prevent any serious damage from occurring to his internal organs and body in general.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Ray Blackwell
FACTION: The Raven King of The Lulilo
ABILITY: Ray was born and then they came...the ravens. They're his 'guardians' and he was born with the ability to summon and control these birds, though most importantly, he can communicate with them telepathically. And given that these birds are rather magical themselves, by their very nature, Ray learns some interesting things.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current

NAME: Sirius Oswald
FACTION: Second in command of The Raven Court of The Lulilo
ABILITY: Sirius was born with the ability to duplicate any item he touches. However, these items must be inanimate - they cannot be people or animals.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current

NAME: Fenrir Godspeed
FACTION: The Raven Court of The Lulilo
ABILITY: Fenrir was born with the ability of luck. It's in his blood and things tend to work out in his favour...however, working with Oliver, Fenrir wields dual pistols that fire out non-lethal, non-painful, bullets created from his blood and various other magical ingredients. He uses two types of bullets primarily, one in each gun - one grants whoever is shot with it good luck, the other curses the target with bad luck.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current

NAME: Seth Hyde
FACTION: The Raven Court of The Lulilo
ABILITY: Seth was born with the unique ability of reactive evolution. That is, his ability allows him to instantly adapt to any environment - if he's underwater for too long, he finds himself able to breathe. He's chucked into a burning oven, he finds his skin becomes heat-resistant, etc.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current

NAME: Luka Clemence
FACTION: The Raven Court of The Lulilo
ABILITY: Luka was born with the ability of geomancy. That is to say, he can manipulate and control the earth itself. However, his powers are weaker than most people's, and he doesn't rely on them often. Instead he studied and trained hard and is more than proficient as a swordsman, carrying around a large broadsword that he coats with his energy, using it in combination with his weak ability to become a rather powerful force.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current

NAME: Blanc Lapin
FACTION: The Lulilo, unallied to either Court
ABILITY: Blanc was born with the ability to stop and start himself from aging, though to do either requires a tremendous amount of power from him.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current

NAME: Oliver Knight
FACTION: The Lulilo, unallied to either Court
ABILITY: Oliver was born with the ability to create magical weapons. The weapon's abilities and strength differ based on his designs and intentions, but there's no doubt that he is the best in that field in all The Ever Young.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current

NAME: Harr Silver
FACTION: The Lulilo, unallied to either Court
ABILITY: Harr was born with the ability of hypnosis. With his voice, he can put others into a trance, making that person highly suggestible and allowing him to directly influence that persons mind to his command.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current

NAME: Loki Genetta
FACTION: The Lulilo, unallied to either Court
ABILITY: Loki was born with the ability of teleportation. Quite magically strong, he can usually manage to teleport at least one other person with him, though he can only teleport to spots he knows and has been to before.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
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NAME: Tsunayoshi Sawada
FACTION: He is the new Head of The Hadia. Though he is being pushed to engage in war, he has neither an interest in holding the position he holds or of making anyone fight a war he's not sure he agrees with at all.
ABILITY: Tsuna has the ability to enhance, control, or completely nullify the abilities of those he has shared his blood with, no matter how far away that other person can be. This ability also has a side effect of letting him know when that person is in danger.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: As the current Head of The Hadia, Tsuna gets given a lot of magical equipment, charms, weapons, and so on. Because Tsuna never wants to purposefully hurt anyone's feelings, he'll never refuse these gifts and he does try to find a use for them, either for himself or one of his family members.
NAME: Gokudera Hayato
FACTION: Right-hand man and current Guardian to the Head of The Hadia
ABILITY: Gokudera has the ability to summon a flaming wrist-mounted crossbow and arrow. By feeding his energy and life-force into it to different degrees or by feeding it different emotions, Gokudera can produce arrows that have a variety of effects, such as targeting, tracking, piercing, explosive, etc.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Yamamoto Takeshi
FACTION: Left-hand man and current Guardian to the Head of The Hadia
ABILITY: Yamamoto was born with the ability of aquamancy. That is, he can control water in all it's forms, including having the ability to make it rain or snow.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Lambo Bovino
FACTION: Guardian of the current Head of The Hadia
ABILITY: Lambo has the ability to control the weather, with an strong emphasis on creating thunder and lightning storms.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
FACTION: Currently serving under the current Head of The Hadia
ABILITY: I-Pin is able to transform her body into an powerfully explosive bomb. Her own bottom is impervious to any effects, but the strength of the explosion can create a small crater of about five feet. Her explosion can be stopped if someone can distract her before she can detonate.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Fuuta de la Stella
FACTION: Currently serving under the current Head of The Hadia
ABILITY: Fuuta has the ability to instantly determine another person's ability, strength level, and capabilities.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Kyoko Sasagawa
FACTION: Under the protection of The Hadia
ABILITY: Kyoko was born with the ability of intangibility, able to phase through physical matter.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Haru Miura
FACTION: Under the protection of The Hadia
ABILITY: Haru has the ability to breathe life temporarily into anything she creates by hand, such as dolls or stuffed animals that she sews. These creations are capable of tasks at ordinary levels of human strength and speed.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Bianchi
FACTION: Follows Reborn, serving whomever he serves
ABILITY: Bianchi has an ability to make anything she touches into 'poison cooking', with the type of food ingested having different effects.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Ryohei Sasagawa
FACTION: Guardian of the current Head of The Hadia
ABILITY: Ryohei has the ability to speed the molecules up in any object, or person, making that object explode into smithereens. However, to do this, he must make physical contact with that object and his bare skin, which he prefers to do by punching the object.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Hibari Kyoya
FACTION: Working with the current Head of The Hadia and La Revolucion as he searches for the answers to the mysteries of The Ever Young
ABILITY: Hibari posses an almost supernatural combat prowess, adapting and growing stronger, physically and tactically at an almost limitless level.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.

NAME: Kusakabe Tetsuya
FACTION: Serves Hibari Kyoya...other than that, he really doesn't care what faction he's under
ABILITY: Tetsuya has the ability to turn his inner strength, willpower, and motivation into physical power and strength. The more confident and fired up he is, the stronger he is physically.
ADDITONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.
NAME: Mukuro Rokudo
FACTION: The Kokuyo Gang, working with La Revolucion and the current Head of The Hadia for his own goals
ABILITY: Mukuro is an illusionist unlike any others. He's able to not only create illusions, but make them reality, though the more complicated the illusion is, the shorter the time he can make it last.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: He also possesses a cursed trident that allows him to possess a person's body, living or dead. The deeper the cut, the longer he can stay in the body.
NAME: Chrome Dokuro
FACTION: The Kokuyo Gang, training under Mukuro Rokudo
ABILITY: Chrome can create illusions, though she can only create illusions within her direct eyeline.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Fran
FACTION: The Kokuyo Gang, training under Mukuro
ABILITY: Fran is a strong illusionist, able to fool most people. However, he's currently training under Mukuro, hoping to be able to gain the ability to give reality to his illusions.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Chikusa Kakimoto
FACTION: The Kokuyo Gang, serving under Mukuro Rokudo
ABILITY: Chikusa has the ability to secrete a strong poisonous spit.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Chikusa has trained to be able to handle two yo-yo's, magically enchanted to lock onto a target, which shoot tiny needles that Chikusa has coated with his poison.
NAME: Ken Joshima
FACTION: The Kokuyo Gang, serving under Mukuro Rokudo
ABILITY: Ken has the ability to shapeshift into any animal form, though he cannot change into another human being.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.
NAME: Xanxus
FACTION: The Hadia, though a failed coup d'etat has him frozen in magically enchanted stasis.
ABILITY: Xanxus can gain power from people's base emotions, including his own, with anger, wrath, and envy being what gains him the most power. The angrier he becomes, the more violent his surroundings, the stronger and more powerful Xanxus becomes.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.
NAME: Squalo Superbi
FACTION: The Hadia, though he's currently hiding in exile after a failed coup d'etat.
ABILITY: Squalo has the ability to turn himself into water. He can liquify sections of his body at will or simply dissolve his entire body into water, where he can still move at will.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.
NAME: Lussuria
FACTION: The Hadia, though he's currently hiding in exile after a failed coup d'etat.
ABILITY: Lussuria has the ability to call forth and reanimate, though only temporarily, the dead.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Belphegor
FACTION: The Hadia, though he's currently hiding in exile after a failed coup d'etat.
ABILITY: Bel was born with madness in his blood and he can infect others who come into contact with his blood with temporary madness and insanity as well.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Levi A. Than
FACTION: The Hadia, though he's currently hiding in exile after a failed coup d'etat.
ABILITY: Levi has the ability to summon lightning, controlling and calling down electricity from the upper atmosphere to either his current location or one within his sightline.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Viper, goes by the nickname 'Mammon' currently
FACTION: The Hadia, currently in exile following a failed coup d'etat
ABILITY: Viper has strong mental abilities, with the ability to gain control over the dream world, where they can change people's dreams, cause nightmares, or plant ideas into people's sleeping minds.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Viper was cursed by a powerful reality warper, who was jealous of those said to be the Strongest in The Ever After and favourites of the Benevolent Witch. The curse became known as The Deathbell Hex and cursed those afflicted by it to a half-life, stuck in infant form forever, with their physical strength subdued by a large amount and their Abilities being too overwhelming to use often, or at full strength, with their baby forms. Each person affected by The Deathbell Hex has the ability to temporarily change back into their adult form, with their full powers and abilities back, but the strain on their bodies, souls, and minds will guarantee La Petit Morte.
NAME: Reborn
FACTION: The Hadia, currently serving as Advisor to the current Head of The Hadia
ABILITY: Reborn has the ability to augment the abilities of those around him at will, typically by at least two-fold.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Reborn was cursed with The Deathbell Hex.
NAME: Colonello
FACTION: The Hadia, serving as a teacher to Ryohei Sasagawa
ABILITY: Colonello has the ability to generate a powerful emission of concussive force, using his own will and energy as materials, in the form of a large energy blast.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Colonello was cursed with The Deathbell Hex.
NAME: Skull
FACTION: Technically allied to The Hadia, but tends to float around, doing his own thing
ABILITY: Skull is invincible. He cannot be harmed by physical attacks, poisons, or toxins. However, it's only his body that's invincible, and he's not immortal.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Skull was cursed with The Deathbell Hex.
FACTION: Allied to The Hadia, serves as a trainer for I-Pin and other martial artists
ABILITY: Fon has the ability to summon, communicate with, and control a mystical dragon, whose body is wrapped in fire, and who can attack with that fire. On top of that, Fon has trained his body extremely hard for years, throughout all the regions, achieving great skill at an almost dance-like, graceful form of martial arts that is said to be invincible.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Fon was cursed with The Deathbell Hex.
NAME: Verde
FACTION: Science and discovery, and nothing else binds this man. He sees everyone as pawns to be used or test subjects, nothing more.
ABILITY: Verde was born with the ability of biokinesis, where he can see and change or reprogram cells and DNA with his mind.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Verde was cursed with The Deathbell Hex.
NAME: Yuni
FACTION: The Head of the Giglio Nero, allied to The Hadia
ABILITY: Yuni has impressive supernatural mental abilities, such as the ability to see into people's minds, the ability to communicate telepathically, and the ability to see into the future. However, while her mental abilities are quite powerful, they're unpredictable and can overload her brain quite easily, becoming a confusing mess that leaves her drained and with terrible headaches.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Born a descendent of The Deathbell Hex, Yuni knows that she will not live a long life, with the 'sins' of the predecessor being taken on by the descendants.
NAME: Gamma
FACTION: Second in command of the Giglio Nero, allied to The Hadia
ABILITY: Gamma has the ability to summon two fox spirits, who can call down lightning.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Byakuran Gesso
FACTION: Head of the Gesso, allied to The Hadia, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Byakuran has the ability to create his own dimension, which he can trap people in. It's a void dimension, completely empty, absolute nothingness, and it will drive people insane in a very short period of time. He can also bring himself into the dimension, though he finds the nothingness to be relaxing.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Kikyo
FACTION: Second in command of the Gesso, allied to The Hadia, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Kikyo has the ability to turn any part of his body into a weapon. He normally changes only his arms or his hair into weapons though, usually sharp, piercing weapons.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Shoichi Irie
FACTION: The Gesso, allied to The Hadia, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Irie was born with a unique, odd ability. He has the ability to remember, through dreams, the past worlds and realities he's lived through.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Spanner
FACTION: The Gesso, allied to The Hadia, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Spanner has the ability to manipulate and control metal which, along with his above average intellect and inventive nature, makes him one of the best mechanical inventors in The Ever After.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
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NAME: Mikoto Suoh
FACTION: The Strains, serving as The Leader of The Reds and working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Mikoto was born with a very powerful pyrokinetic ability. He is essentially made of fire, which he can control and use as he wishes, along with being able to control fire created outside himself.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: As a child, Mikoto became the vessel for a Kojin, a fire god. Because of his possession by the God, he can share his strong pyrokinetic abilities, to a lesser extent, with those who vow themselves into his service and become followers of Kojin.
NAME: Izumo Kusanagi
FACTION: The Strains, serving as second in command of The Reds and working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Izumo has the ability to read the mind of anyone he touches.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Izumo swore his fealty to Mikoto and thus became of servant of Kojin, allowing him a small degree of pyrokinetic ability.
NAME: Tatara Totsuka
FACTION: The Strains, serving as a member of The Reds and working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Tatara was born with the ability to mimic others. He can copy another person's skills, voice, and even their abilities if he's given time to observe them enough to understand and remember the ins and outs of them. That being said, he cannot mimic someone else's appearance or gain their memories.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Totsuka swore his fealty to Mikoto and thus became a servant of Kojin, allowing him a small degree of pyrokinetic ability.
NAME: Shouhei Akagi
FACTION: The Strains, serving as a member of The Reds and working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Shouhei was born with the ability of persuasion. He can convince, through honeyed words inflected with his will and energy, people to do anything he wants them to do, though they forget what they were doing or why once they're outside of a 10 foot radius of him.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Shouhei swore his fealty to Mikoto and thus became a servant of Kojin, allowing him a small degree of pyrokinetic ability.
NAME: Bandou Saburouta
FACTION: The Strains, serving as a member of The Reds and working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Bandou was born with the ability to understand and control technology. If something is electrical, mechanical, or technology based, he knows instinctively how it works and how to make it do what he wants.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Bandou swore his fealty to Mikoto and thus became a servant of Kojin, allowing him a small degree of pyrokinetic ability.
NAME: Yo Chitose
FACTION: The Strains, serving as a member of The Reds and working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Chitose can absorb and gain power from people's base emotions, with lust and desire being what feeds him best and gains him the most power. When faced with complex, complicated emotions, such as love or shame, he cannot draw any energy from them and finds that such emotions actually seem to drain his energy and life-force.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Chitose swore his fealty to Mikoto and thus became a servant of Kojin, allowing him a small degree of pyrokinetic ability.
NAME: Dewa Masaomi
FACTION: The Strains, serving as a member of The Reds and working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Dewa was born with a difficult ability that he cannot control. He was born with the ability to see the truth of everything he looks at, including people. He can see the true soul of a person, which can sometimes be a truly monstrous and terrifying thing. Because he cannot control it, he was gifted a pair of magical glasses early on in his youth that, though they look like normal glasses, actually negate his ability if he's looking through them.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Dewa swore his fealty to Mikoto and thus became a servant of Kojin, allowing him a small degree of pyrokinetic ability.
NAME: Eric Solt
FACTION: The Strains, serving as a member of The Reds and working with La Revolucion.
ABILITY: Eric has the ability to shapeshift, turning into a massive black dog that retains his human intelligence and memories.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Eric swore his fealty to Mikoto and thus became a servant of Kojin, allowing him a small degree of pyrokinetic ability.

NAME: Kosuke Fujishima
FACTION: The Strains, serving as a member of The Reds and working with La Revolucion.
ABILITY: Fujishima has the ability to talk to animals and he often makes friends with them, allowing him to ask them for favours quite often.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Fujishima swore his fealty to Mikoto and thus became a servant of Kojin, allowing him a small degree of pyrokinetic ability.
NAME: Anna Kushina
FACTION: The Strains, serving as a member of The Reds and working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Anna has the ability to use a set of marbles that she was born with to locate and track anyone, anywhere, so long as she knows their name.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Anna swore her fealty to Mikoto and thus became a servant of Kojin, allowing her a small degree of pyrokinetic ability.
NAME: Yashiro Isana
FACTION: The Strains, where he leads The Silvers, a small, neutral party
ABILITY: Yashiro was born with the ability to create, control, and manipulate the wind.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Neko
FACTION: The Strains, where she's part of The Silvers
ABILITIES: Neko was born with the ability to create illusions. However, she must be within visible distance of the person to create her illusions.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Kuroh Yatogami
FACTION: The Strains, where he's part of The Silvers
ABILITIES: Kuroh was born with the ability to astral project. His soul can leave his body and reappear wherever he wants it to. While his soul is safe while outside his body, his physical body is exposed to considerable danger unless he is hidden well or has someone watching his back.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Reisi Munakata
FACTION: The Strains, serving as leader of The Blues
ABILITY: Munakata was born with an incredibly strong ability to create barriers and forcefields. He can create barriers to protect entire regions without batting an eye, while putting up his own protective barriers, invisible to the naked eye. On top of this, he can create forcefields that trap whoever he wishes it to, as long as he's had contact with the person before and knows their face and energy.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: As a child, Munakata became the vessel for Terminus, a good of boundary markers. Because of his possession by the God, he can share his strong ability to create barriers and forcefields, to a lesser extent, with those who vow themselves into his service and become followers of Terminus.
NAME: Seri Awashima
FACTION: The Strains, where she serves as second in command of The Blues
ABILITY: Seri has the ability to create various weapons from her blood, extracting them through any area of exposed skin she has. All she needs to create them is a knowledge of what the weapon should look like and how it should work, as well as the will and life-force needed to perform her ability.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Seri swore her fealty to Munakata and thus became of a servant of Terminus, allowing her a small degree of ability in creating barriers.
NAME: Fushimi Saruhiko
FACTION: The Strains, serving as a member of The Blues
ABILITY: Fushimi was born with the ability to create hallucinations in others. No one else besides the person Fushimi targets, and Fushimi himself, will be able to see whatever hallucination he implants, but it will seem incredibly real to the person. The hallucinations can be either visual or auditory, but Fushimi must be able to see the person, even if they can't see him, for his ability to work.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Fushimi swore his fealty to Munakata and thus became a servant of Terminus, allowing him a small degree of ability in creating barriers.
NAME: Akiyama Himori
FACTION: The Strains, serving as a member of The Blues
ABILITY: Akiyama was born with the ability to create, manipulate, and control ice.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Akiyama swore his fealty to Munakata and thus became a servant of Terminus, allowing him a small degree of ability in creating barriers.
NAME: Benzai Yujiro
FACTION: The Strains, serving as a member of The Blues
ABILITY: Benzai was born with the ability to transform sound frequencies into bright, almost blinding flashes of light.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Benzai swore his fealty to Munakata and thus became a servant of Terminus, allowing him a small degree of ability in creating barriers.
NAME: Kamo Ryuho
FACTION: The Strains, serving as a member of The Blues
ABILITY: Kamo was born with the ability to summon and control earthquakes.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Kamo swore his fealty to Munakata and thus became a servant of Terminus, allowing him a small degree of ability in creating barriers.
NAME: Domyouji Andy
FACTION: The Strains, serving as a member of The Blues
ABILITY: Andy was born with the ability to make his body bioluminescent.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Andy swore his fealty to Munakata and thus became a servant of Terminus, allowing him a small degree of ability in creating barriers.
NAME: Enomoto Tetsuya
FACTION: The Strains, serving as a member of The Blues
ABILITY: Enomoto was born with the ability of super-learning. He can pick up instructions or texts on something and either absorb the information at a greatly enhanced speed or almost instantly understand the nature and use of something.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Enomoto swore his fealty to Munakata and thus became a servant of Terminus, allowing him a small degree of ability in creating barriers.
NAME: Fuse Daiki
FACTION: The Strains, serving as a member of The Blues
ABILITY: Fuse is thermokinetic. He can absorb solar power and channel that power and energy into explosive blasts.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Fuse swore his fealty to Munakata and thus became a servant of Terminus, allowing him a small degree of ability in creating barriers.
NAME: Gotou Ren
FACTION: The Strains, serving as a member of The Blues
ABILITY: Ren can summon, control, and communicate with the spirits of the dead. That being said, because of the current state of The Ever Young, where death has no hold, the dead can no longer materialize in front of him in any physical hold, so he is limited to only telepathic communication.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Ren swore his fealty to Munakata and thus became a servant of Terminus, allowing him a small degree of ability in creating barriers.
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NAME: Sena Kobayakawa
FACTION: The Deimon of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Sena was born with the ability of super speed. Through extensive training, he's built up his stamina and reflexes to allow his body to better keep up with this speed of his, but it does still leave him drained and he can't go overly long distances.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Hiruma Yoichi
FACTION: The Deimon of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Hiruma was born with the ability to hear people's thoughts. Through careful training and control, he's been able to train himself to hone in on one person or one thought as needed, but it's generally just a constant chatter from those around him in his head.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Kurita Ryokan
FACTION: The Deimon of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Kurita was born with the ability to store food as power in his body, gaining more potential strength the fatter he grows. When he uses up all that stored power, it's a guaranteed win for him, though his body mass instantly shrinks and he's very weak and powerless afterward.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Gen 'Musashi' Takekura
FACTION: The Deimon of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Musashi has the ability to manipulate wood and anything made out of wood. He most often uses this as a means of shelter, since any shelter he builds magically becomes impenetrable.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Suzuna Taki
FACTION: The Deimon of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Suzuna has the ability to charm people, to make them want to give her her own way and to make that person desperately want to make her happy.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current

NAME: Mamori Anezaki
FACTION: The Deimon of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Mamori was born with the unique ability to grant wishes. She can choose the wishes to grant, but she can only grant one wish per day without burning through her own life energy at quite a high rate.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current

NAME: Raimon 'Monta' Taro
FACTION: The Deimon of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Monta was born a half-human, half-monkey. He has a prehensile tail but largely looks humanoid other than that, though he has the abilities and enhanced sense of a monkey.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current

NAME: Tetsuo Ishimaru
FACTION: The Deimon of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Ishimaru was born with the ability to become invisible at will. However, he has a hard time controlling his ability and often ends up being mostly invisible all of the time.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Kazuki Jumonji
FACTION: The Deimon of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Jumonji was born with an ability several say is low-down or nasty, as he can effectively steal something from someone he comes into even the briefest of contact with without them ever realizing it until much later. He has to know what it is that he's after, has to visualize it, and has to establish even the lightest of physical contact and - poof - the item just seems to appear in his hand or up his sleeve or in his pockets.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Kuroki Koji
FACTION: The Deimon of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Kuroki has the ability to trap people inside a pocket dimension that only he can create, where they need to beat him at his game of choice before they can escape.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Shozo Togano
FACTION: The Deimon of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Togano has the ability to copy other abilities. However, to do so, he must have seen the power at least once and he can only copy one ability at any given time.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Daikichi Komusubi
FACTION: The Deimon of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Komusubi was born with the ability of unstoppable momentum. Once he starts moving, if he so wishes it, he cannot be stopped or brought down until he purposefully stops himself.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current

NAME: Yukimitsu Manabu
FACTION: The Deimon of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Yukimitsu was born with the ability to hide his own presence, and those he wishes to hide of the presence of, if they're in his immediate vicinity, from any means of physical or magical tracking or spying.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current

NAME: Natsuhiko Taki
FACTION: The Deimon of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Natsuhiko was born with an ability to make others dance. Once he starts dancing, others find themselves unable to resist dancing along with him, losing themselves in music they hear in their own head, in the joy of dancing...but should they lose sight of Natsuhiko, the joy turns to fear as the only way for a person to stop dancing is for them to see Natsuhiko stop.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current

NAME: Shin Seijuro
FACTION: The Knights of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Shin was born with the ability to make other people or objects around him move in slow-motion. However, he must be able to see that person or object to be able to activate his ability.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current

NAME: Sakuraba Haruto
FACTION: The Knights of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Sakuraba is, for all extents and purposes, an incubi who both inspires lust in others and who can drain others powers through intimate contact. How intimate the contact is depends on how much is drained from the other person. The power he drains out of the other person becomes his own power as a result.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Ichiro Takami
FACTION: The Knights of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Takami has the ability to make flawless, perfect strategies and plans. They just fall instinctively into his mind and they always work out the way they are supposed to.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current

NAME: Agon Kongo
FACTION: The Serpent Brigade of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Agon, along with his twin Unsui, can combine themselves to create an almost God-like, powerful being. By himself, Agon has enhanced physical abilities, such as enhanced strength, speed, stamina, agility, and reflexes.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.
NAME: Unsui Kongo
FACTION: The Serpent Brigade of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Unsui, along with his twin Agon, can combine themselves to create an almost God-like, powerful being. By himself, Unsui has enhanced mental and emotional abilities, with enhanced intelligence, the ability to pick up on patterns and human behaviours, and so on.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current

NAME: Ikkyu Hosokawa
FACTION: The Serpent Brigade of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Ikkyu has eyes in the back of his head...not literally, but he might as well have. He has eyesight several times greater than that of most people, as well as the ability to see through solid surfaces, including the back of his own head.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.

NAME: Shien 'Kid' Mushanokoji
FACTION: The Cowboys of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Kid was born with the ability to produce two guns, at will, that shoot magical bullets. When he hits someone with one of those bullets - and believe me, with his insane marksmanship, he will hit them - that person falls into a deep, dreamless sleep for quite a long while.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.

NAME: Riku Kaitani
FACTION: The Cowboys of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Riku was born with the ability to move and run along any surface as if it was solid ground. Water, air, glass, metal, quicksand - it doesn't matter, it's all just the same as running across dirt or roads to him.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current

NAME: Tetsuma Jo
FACTION: The Cowboys of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Tetsuma was born with the ability to turn his skin into metal at will, making him quite difficult to harm.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current

NAME: Shun Kakei
FACTION: The Fish Faction of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Kakei was born with the ability to duplicate his own body parts. He needs an extra hand? He just grows and then retracts an entirely new arm. He needs better vision? He just grows another set of eyes somewhere on his body.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current

NAME: Kengo Mizumachi
FACTION: The Fish Faction of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Mizumachi has the ability to turn into a merman if he fully submerges himself in water, though he regains human form on land.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Kotaro Sasaki
FACTION: The Spider Team of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Kotaro was born with the ability to channel his will and energy into any item that he kicks, enhancing its speed and power by tremendous amounts.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Akaba Hayato
FACTION: The Spider Team of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Akaba was born with the ability to produce a magical guitar from a pocket dimension only he can access. Depending on the song played, he can control people through his music into feeling and behaving certain ways.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current

NAME: Reiji 'Marco' Maruko
FACTION: The Dinosaur Clan of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Marco was born with the ability to steal and then erase from a person's mind any memories he wants that they have.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Rikiya Gaou
FACTION: The Dinosaur Clan of The Anatawi
ABILITY: This behemoth of a man was born with the ability of super-strength and currently has a grip strength of one ton.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.

NAME: Hiromi Kisaragi
FACTION: The Dinosaur Clan of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Kisaragi was born with the ability to make his body elastic, allowing him to stretch various body parts or manipulate his body in various ways.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current

NAME: Takeru Yamato
FACTION: The Alexander Group of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Yamato was born with the ability to create multiple clones of himself. All of his clones are intelligent, perfect copies of himself that he can reabsorb back into himself to gain their experiences. However, he cannot have the clones out for more than a sunset before it starts exerting a large drain on his own life-force.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.

NAME: Taka Honjo
FACTION: The Alexander Group of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Taka has the ability of flight. He can fly with no problems. However, because he doesn't have the ability to breathe at high altitudes, there is a limit as to how high into the air he can actually fly.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.

NAME: Karin Koizumi
FACTION: The Alexander Group of The Anatawi
ABILITY: Karin has the ability to create magical tattoos on both herself and other people, using ink created from her own blood. The different designs and the amount of ink used determines the magical ability granted and the amount of uses given.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.
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NAME: Ponyboy Curtis
FACTION: The Have-Nots of The Grijara
ABILITY: Ponyboy was born with the ability of automatic writing. He can sit down to write and fall into a trance, writing notes that predict the future a hundred percent correctly.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Johnny Cade
FACTION: The Have-Nots of The Grijara
ABILITY: Johnny has the ability to shrink his body down in size at will and then to bring himself back up to his normal size at will.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.
NAME: Darry Curtis
FACTION: The Have-Nots of The Grijara
ABILITY: Darry was born with the ability to manipulate and control the density of his own body.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Sodapop Curtis
FACTION: The Have-Nots of The Grijara
ABILITY: Sodapop has the ability to bestow luck onto others, be it good or bad luck. He cannot bring luck onto himself, only others, and it only lasts until sunset.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Dallas 'Dally' Winston
FACTION: The Have-Nots of The Grijara
ABILITY: Dally was born with the ability to inflict pain on someone just through his will. If he can see them, he can inflict pain on them, just with a mere thought and direct visibility.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Steve Randle
FACTION: The Have-Nots of The Grijara
ABILITY: Steve was born with a unique, and according to others, unsettling ability. He's harboring bugs inside his body, which he can release for reconnaissance, as anything the bugs see or sense enters his memory when he calls them back into him.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Keith 'Two-Bit' Matthews
FACTION: The Have-Nots of The Grijara
ABILITY: Two-Bit was born with the ability to induce laughter in others. Even his worst joke will make people laugh, if he wills it, even if they don't want to. As long as he keeps cracking jokes, he can make people laugh until they literally pass out from lack of sufficient oxygen.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Marcia
FACTION: The Haves of The Grijara
ABILITY: Marcia was born with a unique body as her ability - her blood is literally acid, with the ability to melt and corrode anything it comes into contact with.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Cherry Valance
FACTION: The Haves of The Grijara
ABILITY: Cherry has the ability of bi-location. She can literally be in two places at once, though only one of them is her physical body, the other a holograph she absorbs back into herself when she comes back into one place.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Robert 'Bob' Sheldon
FACTION: The Haves of The Grijara
ABILITY: Bob was born with the ability to see in the dark as if it was bright daylight.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Randy Adderson
FACTION: The Haves of The Grijara
ABILITY: Randy was born an empath, with the ability to sense, understand, and slightly manipulate the emotions of others.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
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NAME: Sleepy Ash, goes by the nickname 'Kuro'
FACTION: The Vampir, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Kuro has the ability to influence people's emotions. If he wills it, he can spread a state of laziness and ennui to anyone within a fifty foot radius of him.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Old Child, goes by the nickname 'Hugh'
FACTION: The Vampir, serving as a double agent with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Hugh has the ability to influence people's emotions. If he wills it, he can spread a state of arrogance and competition to anyone within a fifty foot radius of him.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Doubt Doubt, goes by the nickname 'JeJe'
FACTION: The Vampir, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Jeje has the ability to influence people's emotions. If he wills it, he can spread a state of jealousy and resentment to anyone within a fifty foot radius of him.
ADDITIONAL ABILITY: None as of current
NAME: The Mother, goes by the nickname 'Freya'
FACTION: The Vampir, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Freya has the ability to influence people's emotions. If she wills it, she can spread a state of absolute rage to anyone within a fifty foot radius of her.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Lawless, goes by the nickname 'Hyde'
FACTION: The Vampir, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Hyde has the ability to influence people's emotions. If he wills it, he can spread a state of greed and uncontrollable need for things to anyone within a fifty foot radius of him.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: World End, goes by the nickname 'Ildio'
FACTION: The Vampir, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Ildio has the ability to influence people's emotions. If he wills it, he can spread a state of uncontrollable hunger to anyone within a fifty foot radius of him.
NAME: All of Love, goes by the nickname 'Snow Lily'
FACTION: The Vampir, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Lily has the ability to influence people's emotions. If he wills it, he can spread a state of lust and desire to anyone within a fifty foot radius of him.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Mahiru Shirota
FACTION: The Vampir, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Mahiru has the ability to produce a magical, flying broom that cannot be destroyed.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Misono Alicein
FACTION: The Vampir, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Misono has the ability to magically restrain people, with the trigger being the words 'stop right there' and an intent to use his power. If those words are not said, his ability will not activate.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Mikuni Alicein
FACTION: To be honest, nobody's really sure. He seems to have alliances and truces all over the place and is a rather shifty man.
ABILITY: Mikuni has the ability to summon a retribution demon, who can then judge his opponent as innocent or guilty and who will devour the souls of those deemed guilty. Those who are guilty are normally those who have committed serious crimes; not little things like lying or cheating or taking the easy way out of things.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Johannes Mimir Faustus
FACTION: Science. It's science and the discovery of more facts and information about the magic on the world and the change to experiment with them.
ABILITY: Johannes was born with the ability of superhuman invention, where he can create new, advanced inventions with ease.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Tetsu Sendagaya
FACTION: The Vampir, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Tetsu was born with the ability of immovability. Once he plants himself somewhere and decides he's not going to move, there is no force that can make him move, no injuries that can make him fall.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Licht Jekylland Todoroki
FACTION: The Vampir, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Todoroki has the ability to produce a magical piano at whim, and the music he plays upon it has the ability to make people relive their worst moments over and over.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Who Is Coming, goes by the nickname 'Tsubaki'
FACTION: The Vampir, loyal to The Teacher
ABILITY: Tsubaki has the ability to influence people's emotions. If he wills it, he can spread a state of sadness and despair to anyone within a fifty foot radius of him.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Berukia
FACTION: The Vampir, serving under Tsubaki
ABILITY: Berukia has the ability to turn himself into a doll as a form of camouflage. Additionally, while in doll form, he cannot suffer pain or serious injuries as he would in human form.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Sakuya Watanuki
FACTION: The Vampir, serving under Tsubaki
ABILITY: Sakuya was born with the ability to compel people to tell him the truth, to the point where they can't resist and will spill even their deepest, darkest secrets.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Shamrock
FACTION: The Vampir, serving under Tsubaki
ABILITY: Shamrock has the ability to summon and control a species of magical spiders, whose bite drains the life energy of a person into power for Shamrock.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Higan
FACTION: The Vampir, serving under Tsubaki
ABILITY: Higan can create and manipulate fire, though he can be badly burnt by it as well. He tends to use his cigarette as fuel, flicking it away from him and manipulating the flame into a column.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Otogiri
FACTION: The Vampir, serving under Tsubaki
ABILITY: Otogiri was born with the ability to produce threads from her body which, when wrapped around a person, bind that person and turn them into a mindless puppet for Otogiri to control.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Tsurugi Kamiya
FACTION: The Vampir, unallied to any particular group, serving Toma
ABILITY: Tsurugi was born with the ability to compel others to do what he asks or says through the use of his voice, but it must be asked as a question.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Kurumamori Junichirou
FACTION: The Vampir, unallied to any group, serving Tooru
ABILITY: Junichirou was born with a weak healing ability. He can heal people using song, but only non-serious wounds.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Tsuyuki Shuhei
FACTION: The Vampir, unallied to any group, serving Tooru
ABILITY: Shuhei was born with the ability to be constantly prepared. If he needs something, it has a tendency to appear, even without him knowing in advance that it was going to be needed.
NAME: Tsukimitsu Yumikage
FACTION: The Vampir, unallied to any group, serving Tooru
ABILITY: Yumikage was born with the ability to create infallible tactics and strategies. Whatever he plans, it will work out in the end in a positive way for him.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current

NAME: Taishi Toma
FACTION: The Vampir, technically, though this man is very shady and always out for himself in the end.
ABILITY: Toma has the ability of mind-control, though there are limitations - he can only control one person at a time and he must have had some sort of contact with them, whether it be eye contact or physical.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current

NAME: Tooru Shirota
FACTION: The Vampir
ABILITY: Tooru was born with the ability to sense danger - it's a prickle in his mind that starts really going with more than enough advance warning for him to either warn people or get out of the way himself.
ADDITIONAL ABILITY: None as of current
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NAME: Jyugo
FACTION: The Isidenge, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Jyugo was born with the ability to escape any trap or sticky situation he finds himself in, or any restraint put on him.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
FACTION: The Isidenge, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Uno has the ability to read people's movements and actions. He can see their next move at first, then their next two moves after that, and then their next three moves the time after that for a total of six moves into the future. However, six is the extent of his ability, as he will be knocked into unconsciousness if he attempts to look further than that from the strain on his mind.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Rock
FACTION: The Isidenge, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Rock has the ability to convert food into strength. The more he eats, the stronger he gets.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Nico
FACTION: The Isidenge, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Nico was born with an invulnerability to any drugs or poisons, both natural and magical.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Hajime Sugoroku
FACTION: The Isidenge, serving The First Warden
ABILITY: Hajime has the ability to enter a Berserker mode when he becomes incredibly angry. His normal human limits disappear and he becomes incredibly strong and almost unstoppable, though he loses all sense of rationality or sensibility.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Yamato Godai
FACTION: The Isidenge, serving The First Warden
ABILITY: Yamato has enhanced strength but his real ability is that of his bodily make-up - his actual ability is in the fact that his bones are unbreakable. The strength he has is actually just a result of some incredibly hard training he subjects himself to every day.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Seitarou Tanabata
FACTION: The Isidenge, serving The First Warden
ABILITY: Seitarou was born with a truly magical memory. His ability means that anything he sees, even briefly, he will always remember.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Kiji Mitsuba
FACTION: The Isidenge, serving The First Warden
ABILITY: Kiji was born with prehensile hair - he can extend and manipulate each individual hair strand and, if he manipulates enough of his hair, it's strong enough to effectively restrain or lift a human being.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Honey
FACTION: The Isidenge, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Honey was born with the ability to manipulate emotions in a very specific way. He can incite conflict and anger in those within his vicinity, even the best of friends. If they see him flip them the bird and he wishes it, they will become irrationally infuriated.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Trois
FACTION: The Isidenge, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Trois has the ability to build and breathe life into mechanical creations.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Kenshirou Yozakura
FACTION: The Isidenge, serving The First Warden
ABILITY: Kenshirou has the ability to communicate with and control canines of any variety, including canine shifters.
ADDITIONAL ABILITY: None as of current
NAME: Musashi
FACTION: The Isidenge, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Musashi was born with the ability of pyrokinesis, and he can create fire from within his own body, which is also immune to fire of any sort.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Samon Gokuu
FACTION: The Isidenge, serving The First Warden
ABILITY: Samon was born with superhuman reflexes. On top of this, he trained extensively throughout the years, studying with various martial arts masters, to learn to increase his strength and agility and fights with a very chaotic, unpredictable style of martial arts.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Inori Hakkai
FACTION: The Isidenge, serving The First Warden
ABILITY: Inori has the ability to transform into a monstrous state, that of an ogre, with all the abilities of one, though he loses most of his intelligence when he does so.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Liang
FACTION: The Isidenge, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Liang was born with the ability of confidence boosting. The more he believes in himself, the stronger and quicker he becomes.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
FACTION: The Isidenge, working with La Revolucion, serving as a spy within the ranks of The First Warden
ABILITY: Qi has the ability to make plants and flowers grow, though he needs the seeds or roots to do so.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Qi is also medically trained and can create drugs, both helpful and harmful, from the plants he grows.
FACTION: The Isidenge, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Upa was born with the ability to manipulate and channel his life force in various ways, usually harnessed and released as an explosive blast.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Momoko Hyakushiki
FACTION: The Isidenge, serving as The First Warden
ABILITY: Momoko has the ability to nullify a person's abilities at will, through the use of her voice. However, they must hear her voice in person - hearing it amplified magically in an area would not work, nor would it work for someone mimicking her voice.
ADDITIONAL ABILITY: None as of current
NAME: Mitsuru Hitokoe
FACTION: The Isidenge, serving The First Warden
ABILITY: Mitsuru has the ability to produce, shape, and manipulate sound.
ADDITIONAL ABILITY: None as of current

FACTION: The Isidenge, controlling all The Wardens
ABILITY: Elf has the ability to clone himself and can communicate telepathically with all of his clones.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
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NAME: Genjo Sanzo
FACTION: The Paidui, working with La Revolucion (barely)
ABILITY: Sanzo has the ability to both nullify and create magical abilities and magical charms/curses through various chants that he knows or has to figure out in his mind.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Son Goku
FACTION: The Paidui, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Goku has the ability to heal his own wounds through stealing lifeforce from the people or world around him. He can recover from even the most serious of injuries by doing so. However, he cannot control this ability well and it can be dangerous to those around him, so he wears a partial power limiter created by Sanzo.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Cho Hakkai
FACTION: The Paidui, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Hakkai has the ability to create barriers, which can both protect allies and himself, or trap enemies.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Sha Gojyo
FACTION: The Paidui, working with La Revolucion (barely)
ABILITY: Gojyo has the ability to produce and control a cursed weapon, taking the shape of a shakujo, in which lives a demon. The weapon can make anyone cut with it fall under the control and service of Gojyo.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Kougaiji
FACTION: The Paidui
ABILITY: Kougaiji can transform into a devil-like monster, which grants him super-sharp claws and teeth, thicker skin, enhanced strength and speed, at the expense of losing all semblance of his human mind.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Yaone
FACTION: The Paidui
ABILITY: Yaone has the ability to produce various drugs, with different effects, though different bodily substances (such as blood, tears, sweat, spit, etc.)
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Dokugakuji
FACTION: The Paidui
ABILITY: Dokugakuji has the ability to produce and control a cursed sword, in which lives a fallen God. The sword steals the memories of anyone it touches, with the exception of Dokugakuji.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current

NAME: Lirin
FACTION: The Paidui
ABILITY: Lirin was born with the ability to leap and jump inhuman distances, as well as being quite a bit more agile than a normal person.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Dr. Ni Jianyi
FACTION: Whichever faction or person will provide him the most amusement, honestly. He's very much a hedonist, often in the most disturbing of manners.
ABILITY: Dr. Ni can control and revive the dead. However, this ability does not allow him to control anyone who has suffered La Petit Morte, as their bodies are technically still alive.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
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NAME: Jihyun 'V' Kim
FACTION: The Ochju
ABILITY: V was born with the ability to, through a magical camera he can produce, trap people inside photographs for specific lengths of time.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.
NAME: Rika Kim
FACTION: The Mint Eye group of The Ochju
ABILITY: Rika has the ability to manipulate people's memories, to the extent that she can implant false memories that that person will believe to be real.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.
NAME: Saeran 'Unknown' Choi
FACTION: The Mint Eye group of The Ochju
ABILITY: Saeran has the ability to manipulate plant life, including plants that he can sense growing underground that have not yet sprouted. However, this ability is only useful for things within 30 feet of where he is.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Jumin Han
FACTION: The Ochju, currently working in secret with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Jumin has the ability to manipulate the earth, particularly stone.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.
NAME: Jaehee Kang
FACTION: The Ochju, currently working in secret with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Jaehee was born with the ability of enhanced strength and, prior to the regions becoming so separate and war looming, she received martial arts training in Tewagi to better use her ability.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Yoosung Kim
FACTION: The Ochju, currently working in secret with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Yoosung has the ability to transport and keep people into a false world of his own making, though he must make eye contact with them to do so.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Hyun Ryu
FACTION: The Ochju, currently working in secret with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Zen was born with a degree of clairvoyance, though he only sees things in his dreams. However, he's able to recall these dreams in extreme detail, though people tend to doubt what he tells them, as not all his dreams are clairvoyant visions and not all his clairvoyant visions are meaningful.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Saeyoung '707' Choi
FACTION: The Ochju, currently working in secret with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Saeyoung has the ability to be a master of disguise. While not true shapeshifting, in that he can't change into any form and doesn't gain the abilities of that form, he can change various parts of his body at whim to look any way he wants to.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Mary Vanderwood III
FACTION: The Ochju, currently serving Saeyoung Choi
ABILITY: Vanderwood can generate electricity through his hands in varying degrees of strength and deadliness.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.
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NAME: Yukichi Fukuzawa
FACTION: The Agency of The Gremio, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Fukuzawa has the ability to strengthen or control the abilities of those allied to him. Those who chose to be under his leadership gain increased abilities or better control over abilities that were too strong for them to handle and control on their own.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Atsushi Nakajima
FACTION: The Agency of The Gremio, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Atsushi has the ability to transform himself into a huge tiger. Before allying himself with Fukuzawa, he was not able to control his ability - any slight emotion would turn him into a tiger, but, unlike the shapeshifters of The Gorritu, Atsushi would not keep his human mind when he turned and became a man-eating beast. Now he can change partially as well as fully and keeps his human mind while turned.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Dazai Osamu
FACTION: The Agency of The Gremio, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Dazai has the ability to neutralize and suppress any other person's abilities or those abilities granted by magical objects, though he must touch them to do so.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.
NAME: Kunikida Doppo
FACTION: The Agency of The Gremio, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Kunikida was born with the ability to write down a word and make the thing appear. However, he must be using a special pen that he was also born with, he must know what the thing looks like and how it works, and the thing can only be as big as the surface he is writing on.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Ranpo Edogawa
FACTION: The Agency of The Gremio, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Ranpo was born with the ability of hyper-observation. That, combined with his incredible intelligence, can make him seem almost psychic to those who don't know his powers origins.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Yosano Akiko
FACTION: The Agency of The Gremio
ABILITY: Yosano was born with the ability to heal others. However, her ability typically makes it so she can only heal those on the brink of death but through serving under Fukuzawa, her healing abilities have increased somewhat to serious but non-threatening injuries.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Kenji Miyazawa
FACTION: The Agency of The Gremio, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Kenji was born with the ability of superhuman strength and durability.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Junichirou Tanizaki
FACTION: The Agency of The Gremio, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Tanizaki has the ability to create smokescreens, onto which he can project illusions.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Kyouka Izumi
FACTION: The Agency of The Gremio, working with La Revolucion
ABILITY: Kyouka was born with the ability to summon a guardian spirit who can protect and serve her.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Mori Ougai
FACTION: Mafia Head of The Gremio, Mori is the one pushing for The Gremio to become involved in the war, wishing to expand his power and territory.
ABILITY: Mori was born with the ability to summon and control the Goddess of Retribution. He can make her look any way he wants, normally choosing the appearance of a small child, and she fights with the single-minded purpose of destroying his enemies. However, summoning her since the curse on The Ever Young has required tremendous power and life-force on Mori's part, so it's not something he can do often without risking La Petit Morte.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Koyo Ozaki
FACTION: Mafia subordinate of The Gremio
ABILITY: Koyo was born with the ability to summon a guardian spirit who can protect and serve her.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Chuuya Nakahara
FACTION: Mafia subordinate of The Gremio
ABILITY: Chuuya has the ability to manipulate the gravity of anything within his immediate vicinity, including himself.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Ryunosuke Akutagawa
FACTION: Mafia subordinate of The Gremio
ABILITY: Akutagawa was born with the ability to control and shape the threads of any clothes he's wearing. He normally uses them to create the form of a black dog for offensive strikes but does use them defensively as well.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Ichiyou Higuchi
FACTION: Mafia subordinate of The Gremio
ABILITY: Higuchi has the ability of marksmanship. No matter what it is she's shooting, even if it's simply a slingshot, she never fails to hit her target, even when all logic says she should have.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Motojirou Kajii
FACTION: Mafia subordinate of The Gremio
ABILITY: Motojirou has the ability to create bombs from within his body. The more power the bomb has though, the more life-force it drains out of him.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Kyusaku 'Q' Yumeno
FACTION: Mafia subordinate of The Gremio
ABILITY: Q was born with the ability to infiltrate and control the mind of others, though to do so the person whose mind he wishes to control must first hurt him physically.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Ryurou Hirotsu
FACTION: Mafia subordinate of The Gremio
ABILITY: Hirotsu has the ability to repel anything he touches away from himself at insanely high speed and force.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Gin Akutagawa
FACTION: Mafia subordinate of The Gremio
ABILITY: Gin was born with the ability of teleportation, though she cannot travel long distances.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Though training, Gin has become a master when it comes to using knives.
NAME: Michizo Tachihara
FACTION: Mafia subordinate of The Gremio
ABILITY: Tachihara was born with the ability to manipulate metal, including metallic elements inside of human bodies.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.
NAME: Ango Sakaguchi
FACTION: The Hunters of The Gremio, working as a liaison for La Revolucion
ABILITY: Ango has the ability to extract memories out of both people and inanimate objects.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
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NAME: Ryo Sanada
FACTION: The Gudari are his people, his home...and to save them, Ryo has allied himself with La Revolucion.
ABILITY: Ryo is impervious to fire. His skin is fire-resistant, his blood is actually lava and he can survive in super-hot or fire filled places with no problems.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: As one of the Gudari, Ryo has trained extensively in both martial arts and swordsmanship, being most proficient with a pair of twin swords.
NAME: Sage Date
FACTION: The Gudari are his people, his home...and to save them, Sage has allied himself with La Revolucion.
ABILITY: Sage was born with the ability to manipulate light and its properties.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: As one of the Gudari, Sage has trained extensively in both martial arts and swordsmanship, being most proficient with a broadsword.
NAME: Rowen Hashiba
FACTION: The Gudari are his people, his home...and to save them, Rowen has allied himself with La Revolucion.
ABILITY: Rowen was born with the ability of super-human intelligence. He instinctively knows most things, catches on to opponents patterns or behaviour quickly enough to almost seem like he was reading the future.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: As one of the Gudari, Rowen has trained extensively in both martial arts and weapons training, being most proficient with a pair of a bow and arrow.
NAME: Cye Mouri
FACTION: The Gudari are his people, his home...and to save them, Cye has allied himself with La Revolucion.
ABILITY: Cye was born with the ability to manipulate water.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: As one of the Gudari, Cye has trained extensively in both martial arts and weapons training, being most proficient with a trident.
NAME: Kento Rei Faun
FACTION: The Gudari are his people, his home...and to save them, Kento has allied himself with La Revolucion.
ABILITY: Kento was born with the ability to manipulate the earth, such as rocks and dirt.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: As one of the Gudari, Kento has trained extensively in both martial arts and weapons training, being most proficient with nunchaku.
NAME: Mia Koji
FACTION: The Gudari are Mia's people, her home...and to save them, she has allied herself with La Revolucion.
ABILITY: Mia was born with the ability to produce super-sonic screams that can blow the eardrums of anyone too close.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: As one of the Gudari, Mia has studied martial arts and is fully capable of defending herself, though she never did well studying weapon techniques.

NAME: Yuli Yamano
FACTION: Under the care of Mia, Yuli hasn't really allied himself to anyone but her.
ABILITY: Yuli was born with the ability to manipulate his dreams. He can pull someone into his day-dreams and make them stay there with him, or he can travel between the dreams of those sleeping around him.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as current, his training was just beginning when war became the number one priority.

NAME: Talpa
FACTION: The Gudari, where he killed his co-ruler and has established a bloody, ruthless dictatorship, pushing to expand that dictatorship to all the factions through outright war.
ABILITY: Talpa was born with the ability to jump from body to body, essentially becoming immortal by highjacking another living person's body and subjugating and breaking that person's soul.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current
NAME: Anubis
FACTION: Talpa and The Gudari
ABILITY: Anubis has the ability to predict the next thing that will happen to him or around him.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: As one of the Gudari, Anubis has trained extensively in both martial arts and weapons training, being most proficient with a staff.
NAME: Sekhmet
FACTION: Talpa and The Gudari
ABILITY: Sekhmet was born with the ability to poison anything he touches. The poison itself is created inside his body and is incredibly painful, though fast-acting.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: As one of the Gudari, Sekhmet has trained extensively in both martial arts and weapons handling. However, he mostly prefers to let his poison do the talking.

NAME: Kale
FACTION: Talpa and The Gudari
ABILITY: Kale was born with the ability to control and manipulate shadows. One of his favourite ways to use this is to have someone's shadow restrain them or attack them.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: As one of the Gudari, Kale has trained extensively in both martial arts and weapons handling.

NAME: Dais
FACTION: Talpa and The Gudari
ABILITY: Dais has the ability to control and communicate with spiders. He calls them 'his beauties' and allows them to crawl around on him quite a bit of the time.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: As one of the Gudari, Dais has trained exclusively in both martial arts and weapons training, with his preference being in the use of throwing knives.
NAME: Lady Kayura
FACTION: Talpa and The Gudari
ABILITY: Lady kayura was born with the ability of long life. She ages at an extremely slow pace - before time froze, she aged one year for every seven years of those around her.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: As one of the Gudari, Kayura has trained exclusively in both martial arts and weapons training, with his preference being in the use of twin jitte.
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NAME: Ban Mido
FACTION: The Rikthimi, living in the junkyard region
ABILITY: Ban has the ability to make anyone who meets his eyes live through their worst fears, their absolute nightmares, though only until he next blinks, though that can feel like an eternity to those people.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Through prior training in Tewagi as a child, Ban has learned a unique martial arts style that allowed him to have a grip strength that can crush up to 200 pounds.
NAME: Ginji Amano
FACTION: The Rikthimi, currently the lower floors of The Tower
ABILITY: Ginji has the ability to manipulate electricity, generating it from inside his own body, but also being able to manipulate electricity from outside his body.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: While it's not an ability, Ginji is very charismatic and seems to naturally draw people to him.
NAME: Kazuki Fuuchouin
FACTION: The Rikthimi, formerly the lower floors of The Tower
ABILITY: Kazuki has the ability to create strings, nearly invisible to the naked eye, that he can use to not only fight, but to control inanimate objects and people.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.

NAME: Shido Fuyuki
FACTION: The Rikthimi, formerly the lower floors of The Tower
ABILITY: Shido was born with the ability to talk to and control animals. Any type of animal, he can communicate with it and control it, though he sees it more as asking 'friends' for favours.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.

NAME: MakubeX
FACTION: The Rikthimi, lleader of the lower floors of The Tower
ABILITY: MakubeX is a technopath, with an innate knowledge of technology and the ability to control anything made from technology.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.

NAME: Himiko Kudou
FACTION: The Rikthimi, living in the junkyard region
ABILITY: Himiko has the ability to release powerful scents from her body, seven in total, which all have different effects on anyone who inhales them.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current

NAME: Kuroudo Akabane
FACTION: Himself. Honestly, it's himself. Born on the upper levels of The Tower, he holds no high regard for The Tower or The Rikthimi, only in search of amusement for himself and strong opponents to satisfy his bloodlust.
ABILITY: Akabane has the ability to make any sort of weapon out of his own blood, though, of course, to use them does mean that he needs to make himself bleed.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: This man is a fearsome person. He has incredibly accuracy, power, stamina, agility. He's truly a very strong fighter who very few can match, and because he enjoys fighting and killing, he's someone most people tend to stay away from.
NAME: Hevn
FACTION: The Rikthimi, living in the junkyard region
ABILITY: Hevn has the ability to read the memories of an object, though only for a short period into the past. She can dig deeper into the past, but it really strains her ability and saps her lifeforce, so she only does it in extreme situations.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Hevn currently works as an information broker, with seemingly endless helpful connections. She always 'knows a guy for that'.

NAME: Paul Wan
FACTION: The Rikthimi, living in the junkyard region
ABILITY: Paul was born with the ability to harness and control the wind, though he cannot generate it.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Let's just say that Paul knows a lot more than he's letting on at any given time, especially considering his previous work as an information broker.

NAME: Natsumi Mizuki
FACTION: The Rikthimi, living in the junkyard region.
ABILITY: Natsumi can control gravity, in small amounts. Her ability is rather weak, compared to some of those around her, but she can generally manage levitation over long distances of small objects or heavier objects over short distances.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.
NAME: Juubei Kakei
FACTION: The Rikthimi, formerly the lower floors of The Tower
ABILITY: Juubei can create white and black needles from within his own body. The white ones are used to heal, the black ones to harm as they are coated in a poison he generates inside his own body.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Juubei is medically very competent, and has served as a makeshift doctor during his time living in The Tower.
NAME: Haruki Emishi
FACTION: The Rikthimi, formerly the lower floors of The Tower.
ABILITY: Emishi's blood is explosive if spilled.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: On top of his natural ability, Emishi is an accomplished fighter, using a double-ended whip as his main weapon.
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NAME: Cronus
FACTION: The Gaians, supposedly, though his interests are mostly self-serving and his true goal is just to satisfy his own need for power, since serving as the Headmaster of the University just isn't enough for him anymore.
ABILITY: Cronus has the ability to manipulate time to his liking. The magic over The Ever Young is dulling his abilities tremendously, but he's still capable of creating limited time loops, from one sunrise to one sunset, in which he can trap people. However, using his powers is draining his life-force considerably and weakening him, though he does everything he can to hide that fact.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Cronus doesn't rely simply on his magical powers. An accomplished fighter, he's skilled with a scythe, which he had a magic weapons maker create for him and which will literally slice years off your lifespan if you get hit with it.
NAME: Neil
FACTION: The Gaians, first and foremost, and it's due to his love of his home and his friends that he's working secretly with La Revolucion.
ABILITY: Neil is blessed with luck. Reality itself warps to give him what he wants or to create the best possible solution for him, though it only affects his immediate person and the area he can see around him, so he can't use it to benefit anyone else, though he's pretty okay with that.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.

NAME: Herry
FACTION: The Gaians, first and foremost, and it's due to his love of his home and his friends and family that he's working secretly with La Revolucion.
ABILITY: Herry's ability seems simple on the surface. This boy is strong, incredibly so. His body itself is unique, possessing super-strength and increased durability.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.

NAME: Odie
FACTION: The Gaians, first and foremost, and it's due to his love of his family and friends that he's working secretly with La Revolucion.
ABILITY: Odie is a technopath, capable of manipulating technology to his whims with a single touch.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Going along with his ability, and his quite brilliant mind, Odie's an accomplished inventor.

NAME: Theresa
FACTION: The Gaians, first and foremost, and it's due to her love of her friends and family that she works, in secret, with La Revolucion.
ABILITY: Theresa is clairvoyant, though she only catches glimpses of potential futures in her dreams. The images she sees in her dreams fade quickly and are difficult to interpret, as they're single scenes. She has taken to keeping a notepad on her bedside table to keep track of them.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Theresa's clairvoyance does grow stronger throughout the story.

NAME: Archie
FACTION: The Gaians, first and foremost, and it's due to his love for his home and his friends that he works with La Revolucion in secret.
ABILITY: Archie is almost, though not completely, invincible. He's impervious to diseases, and it takes a lot to cut through his iron hard skin. It can be done, particularly with magical weapons, but it's still a challenge.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Archie likes to think of himself as a warrior, and he trains very hard in both hand to hand combat, physical stamina and agility, and has gotten quite proficient in fighting with a whip.
NAME: Atlanta
FACTION: The Gaians, first and foremost, and it's due to her love for her home and her family that she's working, in secret, with La Revolucion.
ABILITY: Atlanta was born with the ability of super speed.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: However, to go along with her ability, Atlanta trains to build stamina, reflexes, and the ability to hold her own in a fight and she's gotten to be proficient at hand-to-hand combat, though her skill is mostly as a marksman.

FACTION: The Gaians, first and foremost. It's his love for his home and his friends and family that led to him suggesting to his friends, and joining himself, La Revolucion.
ABILITY: Jay has the ability to influence others moods. He can motivate others and influence them one way or the other, though he tries hard to contain and control his ability so as not to unconsciously use it in an unfair way.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None as of current.
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Since I know that everyone reading these world-building posts, and eventually the story itself (I have these posts, and a post about the important terms, plus a pinned post for all the information to make, and then I will start putting out the story proper) will likely not be familiar with every single fandom that makes up the story's characters, I'm going to do bare basics for the important characters in each region/faction. Other characters from the fandoms might make appearances, but they'll largely be background characters, alongside the OC's, and these will be the important characters to know.

NAME: Nimh
FACTION: The Gorritu
ABILITY: Nimh, like all The Gorritu, has the ability to change from a human form into an animal form, either partially or fully. He can take the form of a rabbit, gaining all the abilities of that animal, such as increased jumping abilities, enhanced senses, etc.

NAME: Volks
FACTION: The Gorritu
ABILITY: Volks, like all The Gorritu, has the ability to change from a human form into an animal form, in his case a wolf. The change can either be partial or a full change, and he gains all the abilities of that animal, such as enhanced senses, sharp canine teeth, and a powerful bite force, etc.

NAME: Kelby
FACTION: The Gorritu
ABILITY: Like all The Gorritu, Kelby has the ability to change from a human form to an animal form, either partially or fully. He can change into a chicken, gaining all the abilities of that animal, such as enhanced intelligence and memory, enhanced colour vision, etc.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None currently, though it should be said that even without his animal abilities, this man trains his body hard and he has increased endurance and enhanced reflexes because of that.

FACTION: The Gorritu
ABILITY: Eli, like all The Gorritu, has the ability to change from a human form into an animal form, either partially or fully. In his case, he can change into a pegasus, gaining all the abilities of that animal, such as the ability of flight, etc.

NAME: Anon
FACTION: The Gorritu
ABILITY: Like all The Gorritu, Anon has the ability to change, either partially or fully, from human form into animal form. He can change into a lemur, gaining all the abilities that come with that form, such as enhanced leaping abilities, increased strength, etc.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Anon has a almost insanely intelligent mind and can usually stay one or two steps ahead of those around him.

NAME: Garret
FACTION: The Gorritu
ABILITY: Garret, like all The Gorritu, has the ability to change from a human form to that of an animal, a bull in his case. The change can be either partial or full, and he gains all the abilities of a bull, such as very sharp horns, dangerous hooves, enhanced durability and endurance, etc.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None currently, though it should be mentioned that even without his animal form, this man is still exceptionally strong.
NAME: Dmitri
FACTION: The Gorritu
ABILITY: Dmitri, like all The Gorritu, can change from a human form into that of an animal, either partially or fully. In his case, he can change into a boar, and he gains all the abilities of one, including increased speed and power, etc.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: None currently, unless you count the fact that he makes the best cup of coffee in the entirety of The Ever Young.

NAME: Ichiban
FACTION: The Gorritu
ABILITY: Like all The Gorritu, Ichiban can change from a human form to an animal form, a tiger in his case. The change can be partial or full, and he gains all the abilities of a tiger, such as increased vision and hearing, sharp teeth and claws, a flexible spine, etc.
NAME: William
FACTION: The Gorritu
ABILITY: Like all The Gorritu, William has the ability to change from a human form into an animal form, either partially or fully. In his case, he can change into a ram, assuming all the abilities of that particular animal, including powerful horns, increased speed, etc.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: William is a doctor, though he mostly specializes in treating the unique human-animal body structure of his fellow Gorritu.

FACTION: The Gorritu
ABILITY: Myx, like all The Gorritu, has the ability to change from a human form to an animal form, a chinchilla in his case. The change can be partial or full and he gains the abilities of a chinchilla, such as increased agility, the ability to burrow, etc.

NAME: Stirling
FACTION: The Gorritu
ABILITY: Stirling, like all The Gorritu, has the ability to change from human form to an animal form, either partially or fully. Stirling can assume the form of a King Cobra snake and gains all the abilities of that animal, such as producing an incredibly strong venom.

NAME: Scale
FACTION: The Gorritu
ABILITY: Scale, like all The Gorritu, has the ability to change from human form to animal form, either partially or fully. In Scale's case, he can change into a dragon, giving him all the abilities of a dragon, such as heat-resistant skin, fire-breathing, etc.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Scale really wants to become a ninja and he has been training very hard to achieve that dream so he is very stealthy and can use a wide variety of weapons, such as shuriken and kunai.

NAME: Cole
FACTION: The Gorritu
ABILITY: Cole, like all the Gorritu, has the ability to change from human form to animal form, either partially or fully. Cole changes into a black panther and gains all the abilities that animal has, such as super-sharp claws, enhanced night vision, increased stealth, etc.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Does having a very morally gray view of things count? If so, than Cole is this in spades.

NAME: Sven
FACTION: The Gorritu
ABILITY: Sven, like all the other Gorritu, has the ability to change from human form to an animal form - in his case, a hedgehog. The change can be partial or full, and he gains all the abilities that hedgehogs have, such as spines that serve as defense, super speed, etc.
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NAME: Mirror
NATURAL ABILITY: Mirror sees all. All that was, all that currently is, and all that can ever possibly be, ever changing fragments of multiple possibilities and ever-shifting paths and universes.
REGION: Unknown
FACTION: Unknown
FACECLAIM: N/A. I don't have a face claim set in mind for Mirror. She's normally wearing a full hooded cloak, with the hood pulled down to obscure most of her face and body. However, under the cloak, Mirror is a plus-sized woman, very soft and short.
Mirror stands in a class of her own. She wanders in and out of regions, of factions, of everyone's stories, always tucked into the background and yet always appearing where and when she needs to. An amnesiac who calls herself Mirror, over the only possession she has - a broken mirror that was in her hand when she woke up, she exists outside the regions and factions, with no existing ties to anyone.
Very shy and socially awkward, she fears people. She fears judgment, rejection, fears being hurt, and she only breaks her fear of social interaction when she has no choice or when it's worth it. She's often the voice of reason, the one explaining the things she knows, when others need to know them.
INSPIRED BY: N/A. Mirror is not based off any people I follow, talk to, or read here on tumblr!
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