#shadowpeach wedding
pinktrapped · 3 months
Shadowpeach wedding
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kind of old drawing that I made for a collab that was never posted?? Idkkkk
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gay people or whatever
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zizzy-rie · 1 year
Rock Monkies AU - Terms of Endearment
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Peaches/Plums - fanon;silly nicknames
Shagua - fool;silly melon / Bendan - idiot;dumb egg
Xingan - other half/most important person
Lao gong/lao po - hubby/wifey ; old man/old woman
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izuke-the-zombie · 1 year
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OmG I can't handle this 🌸!😫!!💕✨😆
🤩Thank you, thank you, thank you! QueenieBelle
You are an amazing person in the whole wide world!!! I kept reading it and reading it, you have no idea how happy this makes me!!!
And thank you @drexlurkin
It would have taken me a stupidly long time to ever see that fanfic, thank you
Sorry I forgot to add this, it's based off this drawing✨
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artistheworld · 6 months
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Don’t cry you idiot, you’re going to smudge your makeup
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doshi-sukiru · 1 year
Hey so you guys remember @izuke-the-zombie's post? With Macaque in a wedding dress?
Well I wanted to see him in a dress again so-
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I got the dress on Pinterest and simply made it peach colored because why not-
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Wukong didn't marry him that day sadly-
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pitofpurple · 6 months
planning a Shadowpeach arranged marriage au and the amount of research I’m doing into Han dynasty weddings is insane
Literally no one reading will know if it’s inaccurate but I don’t care. I’m looking up things in Chinese and google translating to get the good results.
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centuryberry · 2 months
Yishan gives a wedding speech at shadowpeach wedding and iceflower (they have to OK. It literally wouldn't be happening without him even if he wasn't related to at least 1 person in the wedding). Thankfully it's short bc he doesn't care at all, but he probably almost drops a patent trauma bomb (a la canon yue) that has Liu rushing to stop the secondhand trauma
Unfortunately, Liu was too late. Truama happens.
In the Shadowpeach wedding, Yishan manages to sneak in the "Macaque is hot enough to spark a civil war and cause thousands to go to unspeakable means to have him" tidbit before walking away (it was an effort to be funny since his wife told him that humor goes a long way in a wedding speech). In the Iceflower wedding, Yishan reminiscences about their childhood and all the ways they could've died but didn't (it was an effort to express how resilient Shanzha was since his wife said to add in a good memory they shared and to say something nice.)
Thankfully, a lot of the guests have access to wine, so they turn to that after the bombs Yishan dropped.
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peachshadows · 2 years
How fast did Isekai!Wukong wife up Liu’er? Immediately after the confession? Was there some big celebration or did Wukong decide not to risk it and made it a quick, private event with just them?
I feel like they'd do two weddings. The first one where it's mostly a private affair between the two of them in their own palace where they promise to be by each other's side, eating peaches for eternity together. The 2nd wedding it's a really extravagant affair cuz Wukong here wants to shove it in all his love rival's face that Macaque is married to him (and not them)
Also cuz Macaque is an absolute diva. He will get that extravagant xianxia wedding or so help him!
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yuusaris · 10 months
@rochelle-echidna showed up in the thief king bakura tag cuz I follow it, doing a "post a couple paragraphs of your WIP" share-a-thon thing and said anyone who sees it could do it and I saw it and I wanna do it, I wanna I wanna I wannaaaaa!!!!!
tagging @millenniumringg, @justapalspal @nightingalejune and @ladymdc and anyone else who just wanna wanna wanna like meeeeeee
I'm obvs gunna do a few of these, obviously. I have too many WIP's not to share. I'm gunna do my lmk ones first, then the ygo's and I'll end on a very delayed WIP for rvb, mmkay? mmkay.
(Context: My last dump was to make way for this - a whole new plot and direction for a fic whose name doesn't suit it right now and is thus unrtitled - the idea is... well, honestly, this is almost all of the first chapter, so, it'll speak for itself.)
“Like a…bri-- a- a wife?” Macaque’s brow furrows. “You want to get married? You.”
“What’s that tone? I could get married if I want!” Wukong spits. “If I even want a queen - I mean, it’s not like we even need one.”
“Then why are you thinking about it?”
Wukong groans, “Well, everyone else’s got one!” and deflates at his status - the odd-king-out. “Bull’s totally gunna marry Jade Face, Peng and Tusk are saddled up, King of Confusion’s just got that new thing on his arm, even White Snake snagged herself some human to mack on-- Not that it matters!” Wukong defends - no, declares, because it is a fact. “Cuz I don’t need one just cuz everyone else is doing it, just - why’s everyone dipping on party time because of some spouse, what’s so important about them? Am I missing something here?”
“If you have to ask, you’re probably not ready for that kind of relationship--”
“Relationship, shmelationship, what’s that gotta do with anything?!” Wukong, just as he finishes, decides he doesn’t like the look on Macaque’s face either. “Y’know, for my right hand man, you’re not bein’ too helpful right now.”
--[Almost And Enough]---
(Context: My S4 Wukong In The Broken Scroll fic I've been working on sinceeeeee fffffuck, whenever it was S4 came out. I've been working on this all year and Chapter 1 IS done, but I want to finish the fic before I post. Either way, we've got a Wukong - currently not Wukong and therefore Monkey -deciding to share his Secret, that being, he's going to leave to find immortality. And he picks a very particular person to share it with first...) The Macaque looks to the sky, the trees, the fruits - as long as it’s not as his King. “The others should know.” Is his only, halting, response.
Monkey shrugs, shoulders hiking then rolling back in a way he hopes is cool. “I wanted to tell you first.”
“Why?” The Macaque asks with a dismissal that’s purely performative. “We’re not close just because we’re part of the same troop - We’re almost strangers, we’ve never even talked.”
Lies are sort of like secrets--
“You should tell the other mountain troops to merge with ours.” Monkey had suggested. “It makes no sense for us to hoard the cave when there’s others who need the shelter too!”
“I can do that,” replied the monkey, a macaque with three round ears to each side of his head. His face was a wild splatter of red with exciting flares, more extravagant than the smooth curves of Monkey’s peach-pink patch. “You’re King now, so...”
--but much less fun.
“Well, ‘almost’ isn't a stranger, is it?” Monkey grins when he finds a stick in the ground - almost a branch but just shy of earning the title. Absently, he answers as he slings it over one shoulder, “Besiiiides, us not talking is as much on me as it is you so, this is me breaking the ice and you being forgiven for not trying.”
--[My Poltergeist Is Dead And Everything Is Worse Now]--
(Context: a trauma-release fic I've been writing while mourning my cat. Weirdly took on life with sections named after bits of Bojack's eulogy for his mother. It's a funeral, taking place within the Milleniaum...Cube? Cube. Plana Cube, after Ryou got ousted from the movie by the Cube. If Joey went to a place no one remembers him, Ryou went to a surrealist funeral, where he'll be around all the people he lost, with a big focus on the Spirit of the Ring. His family is written in past tense because they have passed away and this cannot be undone or forgotten)
He sits at the pew, next to his mother, with his sister crawling into his lap. The Spirit sits behind him, and toys with Ryou’s hair, drawn back as respectably as a boy with long hair can manage. Ryou shakes his head to shake the hand off, but only succeeds in garnering Amane’s infant hands instead. 
“It doesn’t make sense, him being gone.”
Ryou listens to her speak, his eyes on the casket.
“It doesn’t feel real.”
Ryou looks to his side. His mother’s head was bowed, not looking at the coffin. Her stiff body and closed eyes unnerve him from her seat. In a rhythm, she took one long breath, exhaling, and each after became smaller and smaller. In a moment, she didn’t seem to breathe at all - Ryou checks for her chest to rise wide again, and ends up staring instead.
“Did you love him?” Ryou asks her, a thing that’s haunted him just beneath his foundations.
A glassy eye was open, pointed in Ryou’s direction. The answer took longer than Ryou was comfortable with, and the answer itself had been no sweeter.
“Do you?”
--[Love, The Me That's Killing You]--
(Context: Ryou has discovered Bakura's got Hanahaki disease and it's killing them both as they share a body. So he's trying to figure out who is it Bakura could possibly be in love with. Despite efforts to dissuade him, Bakura eventually concedes to the search, rushing Ryou past pictures of the Battle City finals until--)
“That one!” Bakura points. To a young girl with cinnamon brown hair.
“Jounouchi-kun’s sister?” Ryou asks, dreadingly, as Bakura nods, furiously. “...She’s… thirteen.”
There’s a choking sound. “Not… not that one, then.” Bakura rasps. “The other one, there was another one, still had the hair and the - there! Yes, her!” He points, it’s Isis. Ryou’s confused.
“But you just said-”
“I made a mistake, am I allowed to make mistakes?”
“About someone you love,” Ryou gestures to the petal pile, “this much?”
“It was - dark,” Bakura stutters. He stuttered. “And windy, and there was - we were in a lot of pain, Landlord…” Bakura’s brushing it all off.
“You’re dying over someone you just mistook for someone else?”
“Well, it’s not like I spent a lot of time with her, is it?!” Bakura barks. 
“Then what could you possibly love about her?!”
“That… is…!” Bakura stops, sputtering, “That is exactly it! She doesn’t speak to me unnecessarily, just how I like it! She knows her place, unlike a certain someone!” 
“Seen and not heard, is she?” Ryou gags, of his own reflexes, in disgust at the slime-coated sentiment. With a choke, Bakura balks, mumbling about Ryou understanding when he’s older.
--[3 Reasons Why (I Never Told You I Was Playmaker)]--
(Context: I love VRAINS. I love Chatshipping. I will write the Chatshipping somehow.)
“You don’t gotta tell me all that,” Shima says - as if it’s so simple to say even this! “Just say you don’t wanna talk about it.”
“You would have complained that I was keeping something from you,” Yusaku replies, without looking. “You would have felt hurt, gotten upset and run off.”
“I’m never upset with you!” Shima’s shocked, somehow. Yusaku only glances at him, brows stitched in dulled disbelief. “Well.. not for more than an hour, at least!”
‘Not for more than an hour’. Typical Shima.
“And," he continues, pointedly, "I wasn’t upset you ‘got secrets’,” Shima looks out, as if looking for where Yusaku’s eyes had just been. “You act like I’m too stupid to understand stuff.”
“I don’t think you’re stupid,” Yusaku’s quick to deny. Something about what Shima said twists a knot in his chest. “I think you’re overexcitable and you don’t always think things through, and-”
“Sounds like a stupid guy to me,” Shima interrupts with a frown. 
Yusaku’s mouth is stuck open from that, having no course correction for that comment.
Shima, not Typical Shima, stands up. He’s not looking at Yusaku. His fists go into his pockets.
“Whatever,” He shrugs. “See you at school.”
With too straight a gait, Shima walks with a tremble. It quickly gives way into a bursting sprint once he can’t hold it back. And Yusaku is the coward who doesn’t stop him.
--[Wedding Soup (Chapter 2)]--
(Context: after a sleepless night and wrestless workday, Ryou's sunset afternoon ends with many... many tsuchinoko in the backyard. They are notorious liars, known for their penchant for drinking and a deadly bite.)
“And I didn’t even get a chance to answer, the cashier just went,” Ryou pauses, as another dizzy spell hits him. “ ‘Cash or Card’.” With an offended sniff, he takes another long drink of tea - black and intense and brewed with double the teaspoons to make sure it keeps him awake. Ryou sets the mug down with a huff. “As if I’m doing something burdensome by personally restoring a cultural landmark.” 
“This is a nice trap,” One of the tsuchinoko says from the writhing ball. 
“It was certainly the nicest there,” Ryou says. “Not too painful, is it?”
“Oh good, you wouldn’t believe how awful the others looked.” At the corner of his eye, Ryou spies another one slithering towards a covered trap. If the others are aware, they’re just as keen to warn it as Ryou is. “I even looked some up before I went out -  for every humane trap I found in that place, there were ten more glue traps.”
“Sounds fun!”
“I know. I swear, the heartlessness of some people--”
A snap, a yelp, then the frantic rattling of metal as the tsuchinoko flings itself across the trap cage. Ryou dons his thick gloves again, getting up from his spot on the back porch. “Here, here,” he says softly. One hand holds the snake firmly by the back of its tiny head, the other taking the flat bottom of the small cage. He lifts it from the ground, quickly shifts it to the larger tank, and tilts it before opening the flap. 
“In you go.”
--[Gore Couture]--
“Just last week, residents of rural Blood Gulch reported screaming around 2 AM. Police responded within minutes of the third report, but were only able to narrow down the location an hour after arriving on the scene. When officers arrived, they found no body, but confirmed the presence of human blood and organ tissue.”
“Can this schmuck emphasize any more words?” Isaac leaned against the break room counter, watching up at the screen.
“This isn’t a gossip channel,” Mason Wu’s stressed tone signaled agreement. “Someone’s missing at least a liter of blood.”
The television at the station at least showed part of his work on the news, a brief interior look into the storage cubicle. Without the corpse in the arranged outline, there were only blood splatters, disarrayed furniture and a signature - Gore Couture by Felíx.
Maybe the accent on the ‘i’ was a bit much.
“A liter?” Isaac gaped. “Ho-o-oly shit.”
“You’re a damn sociopath,” Wu whipped back to glare. “You do know you’re on thin ice for being a no-show that night--”
“I told you already,” Isaac shrugged. His coffee sloshed dangerously close to the rim of his mug. “I was with somebody.” It wasn’t a lie - Isaac was with abody.
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wu-kongs · 2 years
This has to be giving macaque an identity crisis. Macaque knew that making wukong suffer would heal his broken pieces. But it just makes everything worse. He has always defined himself through wukong, but making wukong lose everything, getting his revenge, isn't satisfying; and the times of being wukong's faithful warrior, his beloved moon are long gone and impossible to get back. But if he can't be wukong's partner or his doom, then who is he? what purpose does he even have now?
when the codependency goes too far...
this just makes me think he needs Time to himself. in that case, fuck the eye. he can come back for it later when he's in a better place. he needs to figure out who he is without wukong instead of defining himself as some kinda fucked up extension of wukong. maybe then seeing wukong hurt wouldn't hurt him so much.
he considers disappearing without a trace but the smallest voice urges him to leave a note or something. he doesn't want to leave it for wukong because then wukong will think he cares. maybe he does. maybe he doesn't. he does. so he leaves it for bai he instead. she's not nosy like MK but she's bound to find it if he leaves in a place they meet in enough. she'll tell MK, and it'll get to wukong somehow.
not that wukong cares, he's sure. if anything, that ass will probably be glad to rid of him. he can think macaque's eyball is his for now, but rest assured than when he comes back...
wukong is careful not to mention his... feud... with macaque around bai he, but she ends up bringing it up herself. wukong sheepishly plays it off like it's just a silly game between them when it is in fact based on one of the most traumatic events of wukong's life. he off-handedly mentions that he hasn't seen macaque for a while and knows that bastard is somewhere schemin', but then bai he gets quiet.
she doesn't know if she should tell wukong that macaque won't be back for a while, but she does anyway. wukong laughs at first, "yeah right." and then bai he shows him the note.
be back. i need some time.
some time for what? plotting a more successful way to steal the eye? maybe a method that will get rid of wukong for good?
"he's been acting weird ever since he said MK-gege interfered too much..."
wukong repeats that to himself, and then immediately thinks of MK hiding the pendant—he automatically feels for it under his robes. the very minor bump of it soothes him just a little. he inhales a shaky little breath.
so macaque is gone... again. not... gone-gone, but gone. theoretically, wukong knows he could find him in a heartbeat if he needed, but he shouldn't. if macaque is gone, then... good. good. wukong doesn't need to worry about him making a play for the eye. at least for now.
"wukong-shushu, are you okay?"
creaky, quivery laugh. "yeah! yeah, i'm good, little one."
her next question is quiet, but it punches him in the gut. "...are you glad he's gone?"
he looks at her looking back at him, her gaze soft but her eyes hard with determination. heat floods his cheeks because he can't lie to her.
which is why he doesn't answer. which is as good an answer anyway because then she says, "he'll be back. maybe this is okay?"
wukong tries not to mention his feud with macaque about the eye around bai he. she knows about it anyway.
she says he'll be back. he presses his paw against the bump of the pendant again, feeling even slightly more steady.
maybe he just has to believe that.
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 months
When Wukong was rescued, not course, he didn't let Azure be taken away or anything without one thing. He insisted on approaching the lion and taking something Azure had stolen from him back.
A little amethyst pendant with a black braided cord that Xiwangmu remembered seeing Wukong clutching to his chest like a noble woman's favored pearls. Macaque took one look at it and realized what it was..
Macaque: You... you kept that!?
Wukong, emotional: of course I did. You'd kept yours, didn't you?
Xiwangmu is suddenly feeling very emotional as she and the Emperor realize the significance of the little orange pendant with an orange chord around Macaque's neck.
Yes!!! The marriage pendant idea! Base post: here.
Stone Monkeys exchanging pendants made of their own hair + birth stone (literally the gemstone from their birth stone egg or barring that a replica) as a marriage tradition!
I just adore that even after everything thats happened between Shadowpeach, neither can let go of the one item that proves that they're a bonded pair. And reminds them of the other no matter how far they are apart.
Wukong at first wondering if Macaque is being truthful that he's back to make amends, and catches a glimpse of shining orange around the shadow's neck while he's readjusting his (new) scarf. Wukong's hand shoots to his own pendant hidden under hanfu against his heart, kept as close as possible to him when he buried himself. Thats when he knew that his mate was being honest - for not even in death Macaque dared to be parted with his marriage pendant.
The royal couple aren't sure of the significance of the monkeys' pendants at first, but they seem themed in a way. The Emperor even wonders if he recognises the very same amethyst shard on Sun Wukong's neck back when he was slated for execution - since no amount of physical force or magic able to remove it. Lao Tzu even tested if it was a source of the monkey's immortality, but confirmed that it itself was merely unable to be destroyed by anyone but the holder. They hadn't bothered looking in further. Now he knows why the King clutched it so tightly when each attempt on his life failed.
To think that the pendants were proof of their bond as much as a legal document or wedding ring was a shock to say the least! The fact that Azure Lion held Wukong's pendant hostage as a sign of "ownership" also brings a foul taste to everyone's mouths.
Xiwangmu now realises why Guanyin insisted on saving the shell of Xiaotian's egg after his birth - the bodhisattva remembering the significance from their past life. The little orange and yellow geode was being kept safe on Flower Fruit Mountain by the Four Stalwarts - personal witnesses to Wukong and Macaque's fumbled proposals.
I love this so much (⌒ω⌒)
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reverintherevery · 3 months
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Le wish be mine command. @kojiutfdyrst
started this with no idea what they would be fighting about until I started grinning like the Cheshire Cat when I remember the Wedding Fight from my Graves AU… and well made it intothat :).
The Graves AU basically- After the scroll MK finds more and more things about him, sadly Wukong and Macaque do it too. <- is just MK finds he is shadowpeach kid and this brings issues. Shadowpeach also comes out as trans lesbians. Ignore the bones and nightmares, no, nothing bad happens no. [ they don’t know peace].
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sliver-lioness · 5 months
Okay random idea but court drama (not exactly) with shadowpeach.
Macaque comes from a ruling family that resides near flower fruit mountain for years they can been considered expanding and taking over the mountain as it seems uninhibit until a scouting squad returns with a message from the new up and coming monkey king.
Wanting to get on the good side of this new king Macaque’s family invite him to their palace as a way to smooth over any problems they might have caused and discuss a possible alliance.
The family is well renowned because of them being able to tell the future, and what they seen/heard of Wukong looks pretty promising from the ever shifting futures.
Macaque is very much unhappy with this idea since alliance within this kingdom usually means marriage. What’s a better offer? Someone who knows your future and can steer you away from disaster. It’s a great honor to many demons and celestials as those futures are kept a secret only spoken of to family.
Wukong who up to this point only had the monkeys of FFM to rule and has no idea of the flashy side of demon courting and just confused why the royal family is putting on big display of power and gifts. He’s just having fun following and spending quiet time with Macaque who reads him books, he could read them himself but he likes the way the prince reads it, they paint together, spar, and watches his plays.
Macaque who didn’t like Wukong at the start is slowly falling for the obvious king who on more than one occasion beating back both his and Macaque’s potential suitors. He would normally drop them into the distant ocean using a shadow portal when no one was looking but something in his chest flutters when he watches Wukong stand up and fight the more pushy ones, even if it does start up less then flattering gossip about Wukong in the court.
Macaque’s aunt and grandmother teases him about his very obvious crush since he started waiting to guide Wukong around, picking out books that Wukong like. They also saw Macaque’s scarf wrapped around his neck on more then one occasion which got him a lot of teasing from his older siblings/cousins about hearing wedding bells it his future.
They actually do hear weddings bells for him, through they are trying to keep an eye out for a certain blue lion so the wedding bells aren’t after many great tragedies for the pair. But it’s one future out of many surely it will be fine.
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doshi-sukiru · 1 year
Y'all... My wedding dress post seemed to catch everyone's attention...
So I'm giving you Macaque in a dress again but with his newlywed husband at his side-
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Yes I know it says I made it 10 days ago I was busy with other things so I forgot to show it-
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pitofpurple · 6 months
I have two ideas for LMK fics I might write
Redson deity au: MK finds and old statue and puts it up in the noodle shop, lighting incense for it every time he remembers and good things start happening to the shop so whatever he’s doing is working. Regulars start giving the statue coins and food as a sort of inside joke. Redson meanwhile has been feeling much more powerful lately and having weird dreams of a small noodle shop he feels the uncontrollable urge to protect. He thinks he knows what’s happening but, isn’t sure and doesn’t know how to ask his parents about it so he asks Nezha who agrees to help him be a better deity while they figure out who made the statue in the first place and why.
Shadowpeach arranged marriage au with a twist: The Jade Emperor comes up with an idea to spy on Sun Wukong under the guise of a peace treaty. He looks everywhere for a female celestial monkey to marry off but the closest he can find is a male celestial macaque with the ability to shapeshift and a history of crime including but not limited to imprisonment and assassination. He decides this guy is there best bet and offers to absolve the Macaque of his crimes if he takes the job and pretends to be a good wife for Sun Wukong. They agree and everything goes well until the newly weds get back to the mountain and Wukong refuses to get close with his wife. Here’s the plot twist: Sun Wukong is a closeted homosexual and Gags at the thought of sleeping with a women.
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centuryberry · 2 months
Replanted AU
Summary: To Yishan, Sangshen is everything. So, when the doctor said that the winter weather of LoES would weaken his beloved and make her pregnancy harder than it should be, he packed his bags, left behind his title as Clan Heir, and moved somewhere warmer. It ends up being FFM.
Or: Yishan moves out of his parents' house and gets a job. Sangshen lives and reunites with her long-lost brother. Yue ends up with five parents and one annoying guy who loves her Mama very much.
Some things about this AU:
Just to preface: Yishan has little to no character development. He remains his wife-obsessed asshole self throughout the entire AU. He has no paternal bone in his body and never develops one.
Moving to the exact island where Sangshen's little brother lived was by complete accident. Yishan just wanted to take her there since he heard it was paradise.
The entire reunion was tearjerking. Macaque has a family who never stopped loving him and Sangshen got her brother back.
Wukong and Macaque were there at Yue's birth and were one of the first people to hold her (Yishan wasn't interested.) They adored her immediately and Macaque cried when he's told she was named after him.
Yishan got to have an official wedding with Sangshen and make her his legal wife like he's always wanted. She made a beautiful bride.
As a citizen of FFM and not Clan Heir, Yishan needed to pull his own weight to provide for his family. Thankfully, because he was Clan Heir, he had skills that put him under Liu's command.
Surprisingly enough, Liu manages to get through Yishan's difficult personality and becomes his first and only friend. (No, in-laws and their not-yet-lover/king don't count.) They have this bromance thing going on, though Sangshen still lingers in 90% of Yishan's thoughts. But Liu has the honor of having a consistent 5%.
Yishan eventually chills enough to form healthy(?) relationships outside of his wife. He also provides for his daughter. Just not emotionally, which is fine since Yue is loved enough already by literally everyone else.
Yishan and Beng butt heads a lot. Actually, Yishan gets under almost everyone's skin because his personality is terrible to everyone except Sangshen. FFM eventually just accepts Yishan having a rancid personality. That's Yishan.
To the shock of everyone, Yishan was the one to get Shadowpeach together. And then, everyone ended up not being as surprised when it turned out that his agenda was to have Wukong and Macaque distract each other to cut down on time his wife's attention is away from him. Yishan is well known for getting the impossible done for the sake of his wife's time and love.
Trade agreements, alliances, battles - all end up successful when placed in Yishan's hands as long as it has something to do with his wife. He makes it happen.
Yishan can also be charismatic and friendly to outsiders and/or enemies in order to manipulate them. Does it often while he's on the job. FFM as a whole was thrown in a loop the first time it happened. They were all like: who??? r u????? Where's our rancid wife-obsessed monkey????
Yishan hates Azure. Yishan knows himself. He embraces it. But another person like him? In HIS slice of heaven? Threatening HIS wife’s little brother’s love life? Hahaha, no. Sangshen already planned out the wedding gifts and is making the wedding veil. No way.
Yishan has HUGE beef with Peng, which started after they accused Macaque of begetting a child with Yishan (The Brotherhood hadn’t met Sangshen yet and believes she’s fake lol). How DARE they accuse him of sleeping with anyone other than his wife?!?
Shanzha is still sent over as a bride at some point. Heaven express-shipped Yishan's little sister. She isn't received with suspicion. Instead, it's with pity since they knew how much LoES messed Yishan up by then. Sangshen is happy to see her again. Yishan wants the gift receipt to return her but reconsiders when he realizes that she can be another babysitter (more undisturbed time with wife).
The one and only time Yishan does the impossible for anyone other than his wife is for Liu. He somehow manages to pull RinRin from Diyu by employing the help of the Red-Buttocked Baboon (and the Long-Armed Gibbon is there too). Whoops, accidentally acquired a girlfriend for his sister. Well, at least she's distracted now too. And Yue gets another babysitter.
Honestly, Yishan makes a happy ending happen with his own hands soley so everyone would leave him and his wife alone to spend together. That's it. That's the plot.
Extra Fun Fact: Yishan spends every Spring Season wooing Sangshen as if they were unmated monkeys. Say what you want about him, but this man loves his wife.
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