#shadowhunters season 2 episode 7 review
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sunnydaleherald · 8 months ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, June 15th
Gunn: Oh! Look at that stuffed little bunny up there! Think you could win it for me? Fred: This is so wrong. Gunn: You're right. I don't want the bunny. Fred: We're supposed to be working.
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Shadowhunters Season 2 Episode 7 -- How Are Thou Fallen -- Review/Discussion
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Shadowhunters Season 2 Episode 7, How Are Thou Fallen, was a really fun episode. I think this episode is probably the best they’ve put out there, so far. Granted, since the showrunner change, each episode has steadily been getting better since the previous one but that’s beside the point. The characters are feeling more like actual characters, chemistry between the actors is through the roof right now, and I only had a couple of small issues with the plot. So yay! I call this episode a win. 
This is going to be an honest review of my thoughts and feelings regarding this episode. If you’re the kind of Shadowhunters fan where you only want to hear positive things about the show, this is not the place for you. If you decide to stick around and get offended by what is said, then that’s on you. I warned you. Just know that if you send me any rude comments or messages, I will 100% ignore you. I find that’s the best way to deal with bullies. I work 14 hour days. Do you really think I want to waste my incredibly valuable free time dealing with derogatory comments? Hell no. This review will consist of my honest opinions. Opinions are never right or wrong. I’m not telling you how to think and feel. I’m telling you what I think and feel. So please, let’s discuss with dignity and respect. If I’m critical about the show, it’s only because I want it to get better. There is, in fact, a difference between hating a show and being critical of it. I am not hating on Shadowhunters; I am being critical and analyzing the flaws as I would with any other show. There are positives but there are also negatives. It’s great if you want to promote positivity with this show but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t acknowledge the things that are legitimately wrong with it. There will be spoilers for the show and spoilers for the books and movie. 
How Are Thou Fallen was a great episode, in my opinion. I had a really awesome time watching it. I only had a couple of small issues plot wise but that was it. The actors were on point, the dialogue was on point, the cinematography was FANTASTIC. Even the plot was on point even if there are a couple of things I wished they had done differently. With this episode, I really think the writers have figured out their groove on how they want to write these episodes and I am very excited to see the rest of this season. 
Clary, Luke, and Cleophas
Honestly, I think the weakest part of this episode was the show’s A plot. As it typically is with this show. And it’s not that it was a bad plot. It does work for Shadowhunters and it was interesting to watch. I just felt that it was far too rushed. The bit with Ithuriel felt extremely rushed. The final battle, although wonderfully shot, just felt lackluster in terms of story. This battle in Valentine’s lair could’ve been so epic if the show would’ve just taken its time developing it. But pacing is not a new problem with this show. I wish there had been more build-up to this “angel” plot line. Not to mention, it kind of leads to a few unanswered questions. Valentine says he broke Ithuriel out of his entombment and that he should be thankful. What entombment was he broken out of? Spoilers for City of Glass ahead. Don’t read the italics if you don’t want to be spoiled. 
Why all of the sudden was Clary hearing Ithuriel’s cries? Clary was given Ithuriel’s blood as an unborn child. Ithuriel, if they’re keeping with what Clary is in the books, has been Valentine’s prisoner for a long time. Why is he just now calling out to her? If the blood is the reason for why she could hear him? And also, why couldn’t Jace hear it? He has the same angel blood Clary has. 
But I really did enjoy the angel’s wail. I think it sounded super cool and yet terrifying and sad at the same time. 
Cleophas’ redemption arc also felt too rushed. Really, with this whole entire A plot, it was almost as if the writers realized they were having too much fun with their B plots and were like, “Oh crap. We’re in the 5th act and we don’t have a climax for the A plot yet. Hurry up. We need a big fight.” This plot could probably have been dragged out for a couple of episodes and it would’ve been much more satisfying. It just felt like all of the sudden, Ithuriel was here, all of the sudden, Cleophas was switching sides, all of the sudden we’re at Valentine’s lair, all of the sudden we’ve saved the angel and all of the sudden the angel is now giving us an obscure vision. Most of this happened in a time span of 5 minutes. That vision was pretty awesome, though. I liked that they didn’t go overboard with it. They didn’t try to put too much into it and give anything away. It was obscure enough to keep me interested on what may happen in future episodes. 
I want to take this moment to talk about Valentine. I’m feeling a little underwhelmed with Valentine as a character right now. Don’t get me wrong, Alan Van Sprang is doing a fantastic job with the material he’s been given. The show is doing a really good job with painting him as a villain but I still want to see more from him as a multi-dimensional villain. Because that’s what he should be. That’s how he is in the books. He is a bad guy and he does horrible things but there’s also a human element to him. He’s doing everything he’s doing because he’s trying to protect his people. The shadowhunters are dying out and he’s trying to take steps to prevent that from happening. He does love Jocelyn, he does love Jace. He did love Luke. As a young adult, he was deeply traumatized about what happened to his father and that’s what fuels his hate towards downworlders. Werewolves killed his father. It’s not completely because of racism and envy over the downworlders’ abilities. There is a personal element to it. His treatment of Luke is also because of what happened to his father. It’s not because of Luke and Jocelyn’s affair … primarily because the affair never happened in the books. That’s a show only thing and I still hate it. It really cheapened Luke and Jocelyn’s relationship in my eyes. No, Valentine has a particular disdain for werewolves because of what happened to his father and as a result he cannot reconcile the fact that Luke is now a werewolf. And also, Valentine did not cause Luke to be bitten. Luke getting bitten was an accident in the books. Valentine’s father’s death is where his hatred of Luke lies. He genuinely believes Luke is no longer Luke. That his parabatai Luke is truly dead and the man he is looking at is nothing more than a demon that wears Luke’s face. 
Now, I’m not saying that I want the show to be exactly like the books or that Valentine should have a backstory that is verbatim like it is in the books. I would be fine if the show created a different backstory for Valentine as long as it turns Valentine into a multi-dimensional villain instead of just a power-hungry racist. What I like in my villains is for me to question my own morals and ethics when I’m listening to them. Klaus from the Vampire Diaries and The Originals is one such villain. He was so multifaceted and displayed so much humanity that he was intriguing and I could understand someone like him in charge of the Circle. With the way TV Show Valentine is being written, it’s hard for me to imagine that people flock to him. In the first couple of episodes this season, the show really got him but we’re just missing that human element. That human element is what separates him from Sebastian/Jonathan. 
I also want to mention that I am still not feeling this whole “mortal sword can be used to commit mass murder” thing. Honestly, it feels like they are trying to simplify the evil villain’s master plan. Call me crazy, but I enjoy complex evil mastermind plans. Klaus is one of my favorite villains of all time partly because of how complex and diabolical his master plans are. The book series has a really interesting evil mastermind plan but the show is trying to simplify it in a way that is, to be perfectly frank, cheesy. With that said, I am not selling these writers out yet. I still have hope that they could take this plot point in a really interesting direction and I hope it’s going to surprise me. Right now, it kind of feels like Valentine is going to use Clary to activate the sword and I kind of hope it’s going to be a little more complex than that. Here’s for hoping.
Yin Fen That’s Not Really Yin Fen…So Can We Please Stop Calling It That
Don’t get me wrong. I am still loving the implications of Izzy’s drug addiction story arc. I think it’s going great and it doesn’t look like the writers are planning to resolve it anytime soon which is awesome. I would lose a lot of respect for these showrunners if they decided to make an easy fix for this problem. Izzy was definitely struggling in this episode. She kind of gets on Clary for not telling her about the sunlight rune which she was a little justified in being angry about. I didn’t think she should’ve been as angry as she was under normal circumstances but these aren’t normal circumstances. Izzy’s going through withdrawal so she’s going to snap at the smallest thing. As we saw when she snapped at the random shadowhunter, Lindsey, and Magnus. Speaking of Lindsey, I hope this is a character that the show is planning on giving some amount of screen time to. She was a decent actress and I kind of like this whole nerdy shadowhunter thing she has going on. Let me get this straight, because when Lindsey was first introduced back when that deleted scene was released for episode 6, a lot of people were saying it doesn’t make sense that she wears glasses. Shadowhunters are not vampires, okay. They don’t have flawless bodies. They’re human just like the rest of us. They’re afflicted by human ailments just like us. The angel blood in them just makes them a little stronger and their bodies can carry runes as a result. Their bodies can have certain imperfections. So it doesn’t bother me that she wears glasses. I kind of want to see more of this girl and I hope she’s not just going to simply disappear. Case and Point: Where the hell is Raj? I am liking that the show is making more of an effort to find a way to incorporate these other shadowhunters so I’m all for that. I just hope we get a few more personalities thrown into the mix. Izzy’s conversation with Magnus was also something that I liked even though the show did spoil The Infernal Devices. Really, at this point in the show, if you’re not reading the books now, you’re probably not going to so the show shouldn’t worry as much about spoilers. I just wish the show would stop calling this drug yin fen because that’s not what it is. By saying that it’s made from vampire venom just makes yin fen feel like it’s less than what it really is. And it certainly doesn’t feel as threatening. Not to mention, it’ll create plot holes for The Infernal Devices if they ever make that into a tv series.
We did have some really great scenes with Izzy going through her withdrawal though. She has a blowout with Clary which was interesting to watch. I think it’s important for friends to fight every once in a while. It’s what makes the relationship feel genuine. And besides, it’s about high time for SOMEONE to acknowledge that Clary is not this perfect, flawless angel. She’s impulsive and self-centered. Granted she’s like that in the books as well but at least characters from the books call her out on it. In the show, so far the only one who calls her out on it is Alec and every other character is always telling him he’s wrong for saying that and he should quit being mean to Clary. I don’t think he’s being mean to Clary. He sees Clary for exactly who she is and he recognizes the danger of having that kind of personality around his family. Whether she means to or not, her impulsive decision-making could very well get everyone killed. Besides, I always hate it when characters are keeping secrets from another character because they’re trying to protect them. You’re pretty much saying that person isn’t capable of protecting themselves. And wouldn’t they be better equipped to protect themselves if they knew the secret? It’s like the superhero always concealing their superhero identity from their love interest in order to “protect” them. Then that person inevitably gets kidnapped while walking down a dark alley which would probably happen a lot less if said love interest was actually aware that they’re involved with a superhero. I think they’d be far less inclined to be walking alone down a dark alley.
Izzy has an interaction with Magnus which is great. She’s trying to score some yin fen from this drug dealer but Magnus scares the drug dealer out of the country which was great to see. We don’t see it a lot where other warlocks respect Magnus and the power he holds in the show and this scene just reinforced that Magnus is a dangerous dude and is perfectly capable of taking care of himself. He can also tell that Izzy is lying to him which is also great. But he does end up telling Izzy that she can get more yin fen from the vampires. I think he believed Izzy’s reasoning for trying to crack down on the yin fen drug trade but didn’t really believe it. I think he’s going to be keeping a closer eye on Izzy. He was close to Jem, I’m sure he’s aware of what yin fen addiction looks like.
Izzy also runs into Simon at the bar too which was awesome. It got me in the Sizzy feels. I just loved their interactions and him casually mentioning his lack of being kidnapped recently. It’s been a while since these two have been in a scene together and I really felt the chemistry between them. The chemistry has not disappeared at all. I don’t care how many other relationships these two go through during the course of this tv series, I just want THEM to be endgame. I am happy that it looks like, as of right now, the showrunners are not going to do the whole “Simon dating Maia and Izzy or Maia and Clary at the same time” thing. I don’t have anything against that plot in the books if they do decide to adapt it later on, I just don’t think that Simon is at a point in his life right now where it would’ve been believable. I’m not going to discuss the “Simon dating multiple women at the same time” plot here because I am aware of the controversy with it but if you want to know my feelings on it, message me and we’ll talk as long as you’re respectful. I also liked that Izzy kind of tries to get Simon to bite her in order to get her fix and then plays it off as a joke when she sees how freaked out Simon is by it. It just shows how deep Izzy is in this addiction. Just how desperate she is to get this yin fen. 
Izzy had another great interaction with Alec, too. Really, Izzy was all over the place with everyone. Alec wanted to talk to her but she kind of blew him off when he called her. I really liked when he came up to her and he was all, “I just slaughtered a horde of shax demons in Grand Central. I could’ve used your help.” I really just like any line where they mention they went demon-hunting because it’s so rarely mentioned in the show even though it’s their job. Alec can clearly tell that something’s wrong with Izzy but she just shakes him off saying she’s tired. She’s facing some pretty severe withdrawal that’s pretty obvious but I guess shadowhunters aren’t used to drug addictions so they wouldn’t know the signs. Alec accepts Izzy’s reasoning and asks Izzy for advice on sex which is in pretty much every Malec fanfiction ever. I think this was probably my favorite of the Izzy scenes in this episode. She just felt so incredibly alive in this moment. It was like talking to Alec about sex made her forget momentarily about her pain which is great. I love Alec and Izzy moments and I wish the show would do more of them. She tells Alec that when he’s ready, he’ll know it and cautions him not to overthink things like he usually does. It’s always good to have someone remind you of that. I’m someone who also overthinks things so I need people to remind me of that, too.
Izzy then veers into really terrible decision making when she decides to go to a vampire den to get her yin fen fix. I’m interested to see what happens to her in the next episode. 
More Malec Greatness
I gotta say, I really like that Malec has been taking over as the show’s main pairings lately. I was underwhelmed with how the relationship was developed in Season One but where it’s at this season feels very real and very genuine. Magnus and Alec have been portalling all over the world for their dates and in this episode they just got back from a trip to Tokyo. I just love the line, “I’m just saying calling it fatty tuna seems a little degrading.” I don’t necessarily know if I would call that an Alec line but it was definitely a Matthew Daddario line. I would not be surprised at all if that was an improv. Matt just has this really quirky, matter-of-fact humor but I love that Alec as a character said it. It isn’t always obvious in the books that Alec is a little quirky, himself, so getting to see that aspect was fun. 
Alec then surprises Magnus by revealing he got him a gift back in Tokyo. It’s some sort of protection charm and I felt so sad for Magnus because he was so surprised that Alec got him a gift. It was a very sweet moment from them. I just love these two to death and I will ship them forever and ever. I’m also wondering if this protection charm is going to come into play later on in the season. Is the charm actually going to protect Magnus in some way? I think that would be really great story-wise. The first gift he gets ends up saving his life and it’s given to him by Alec? Talk about the Malec feels. 
Malec attempts to start making out only to be interrupted by female giggling coming from Jace’s room. But Magnus rectifies the problem simply by turning up the music which was great. Of course the make out session is interrupted yet again when Alec gets called in to do some shadowhunting. Apparently, if a storm is brewing it attracts a higher level of demon activity so Alec needs to leave but not before reprimanding Jace for his terrible behavior. Don’t worry, I’ll get to Jace later. After Alec leaves, Magnus goes to the Hunters Moon to get a drink and has a nice little conversation with Maia. Maia comments that Magnus’ drink is on the house since he’s such a good tipper and Magnus advises Maia to “never trust a stingy warlock when they have an eternity to acquire wealth.” Sound advice. Never thought about it like that. Then he talks to her about the gift Alec got him and he’s realizing that things with Alec are becoming really serious. This is also where he bumps into Izzy.
Alec eventually comes back to Magnus’ loft after getting his advice from Izzy and has decided to take Izzy’s advice and jump right in. Magnus stops Alec and tells him he doesn’t want to rush into this aspect of the relationship because he’s worried that if they do, Alec may start to pull back. Alec tells him he has nothing to worry about and the director took the fade-to-black approach.
I have seen a lot of people have problems with this. One side of the group feels that Alec was being too forceful with Magnus and that it was veering dangerously close to rape; the other side of the group is mad that we didn’t actually get to see the sexual escapades that the show kind of alluded to. Regarding Alec being too forceful, I did not interpret it that way. Alec knew what he wanted and he was showing Magnus that them having sex isn’t going to change what they have. He was reassuring Magnus that everything between them was going to be fine. And also, Magnus is a strong ass warlock. He could stop Alec if he really wanted to. What I saw was two people giving into passion before the fade-to-black. Now, as for the group of people angry about not getting to see the two actually having sex, this could be interpreted in a couple different ways. For one, they could’ve just continued with their make out session and not actually had sex. They were in the middle of a storm after all; Alec could’ve gotten called back to shadowhunting. I’m okay with this option. The other way we can interpret it is that they really did have their first time in this episode which I’m also okay with. I am not angry that we didn’t get a sex scene because I don’t think it was necessary. Honestly, I hate sex scenes. For me, the only time they work is if they’re filmed in a way that shows an emotional connection and they so rarely are. And just so you all know, I don’t hate sex scenes because I’m an immature little girl who giggles at the sight of a half-naked man. I am 27-years-old. I am okay with sex. I don’t like sex scenes in television because they’re usually unnecessary. I would’ve been worried that this sex scene would’ve been filmed in a way that is very fan-servicey and objectifying and I don’t want that. For me, what I love about Malec is not them having sex or how many times they make out, it’s about who they are together. Two individuals who feel completely complete when they’re with each other whether they’re having sex or just hanging out. For me, sex is such a small part of an actual relationship and television these days really over-do sex scenes. Most of the time, they’re quite unnecessary. We spend all of this time watching these people have sex when that time could be better spent developing emotional connections or developing plots. For the most part, we’re all mature adults. We can insinuate what’s going on behind the curtain. It’s not necessary to actually see it more often than not. If you can have a sex scene that develops the emotional connection then I’m all for that but it happens so rarely. It really takes a special kind of director to pull that off. If you’re not going to do it well, then you shouldn’t do it at all. I also don’t think the show opted not to do the sex scene because of homophobia. Sometimes, subtlety is the way to go when it comes to characters making love. I feel the romantic connection is stronger most of the time with the less you see. It made this scene feel more romantic to me (at least in my eyes) with them just tumbling into the next room. I really didn’t need to see anymore. I was happy with just that. I am also not homophobic so don’t take that to mean that I didn’t want to see two men having sex. I just didn’t think it was necessary in the episode to have a sex scene. And before you all jump down my throat, I would much have preferred that Izzy’s sex scene in Dead Man’s Party never been shown, either. So don’t be thinking this is homosexual bashing because it’s not. I thought Izzy’s scene was over done and it made me really uncomfortable. Them alluding to it would’ve worked just fine. We didn’t need to see every uncomfortable moment in Meliorn’s gypsy tent, okay? Now, if you liked Izzy’s sex scene, that’s fine. I’m not disrespecting your opinion. I’m just telling you I didn’t like it. I’m also not disrespecting your opinion if you think there should have been a sex scene with Malec in this episode. I’m not telling you how to think. I’m telling you what I think.
I’ve also seen some horrible twitter posts to the writers and showrunners regarding this Malec scene and all I can say is that you people doing that…you guys are idiots. No offense. We all can be idiots at times and I’m not afraid to call you out on it. And I’m fine if people call me out on it too as long as it’s done constructively. Let me explain something to you about writers. Particularly writers who publish their work like authors, script writers, showrunners. A writer’s life is full of uncertainty. Will my work be good in the eyes of the fans? Will I get new fans? Will I get famous with it? Will I fail? Will I make money from this? I gotta eat sometime. Will I be expected to write a sequel? Crap, it’s been two years since I published…I need a new idea for a new story, STAT. There is a lot of uncertainty in a writers’ life. You know what writers know for a fact that is for certain in their life? There always gonna be haters. Most writers accept this and learn to block these people out of their life. I had to learn it when I started tumblr-ing. Particularly with my Shadowhunters Hopes for Season 2 post. I was just starting out then and I was amazed at just how much hate I got with that post. But I eventually learned to block them out and not respond to them. By responding, you’re only legitimizing that level of hate. So silence is the best way to go. That’s why I have the disclaimer at the beginning of my reviews saying I will ignore any and all haters. Even to this day, I still get haters on my shadowhunters posts but I’m not going to let a bunch of bullies deter me from what I love to do. Writers accept that haters will always exist so most of them choose to ignore the haters. You telling them horrible things about what you think of them is not going to make them listen to you. They’re still going to write what they want to write. You can say as many horrible things as you want to Cassandra Clare and guess what? She’s still gonna keep on writing. You can say what you want to the showrunners and guess what? They’re still gonna keep on gearing the show towards the plan they have set up. Here’s a tip, instead of giving out hateful criticism (trust me, most writers will ignore you), give some constructive criticism such as reviews like the ones I do. They are far more likely to pay attention to you because then they’re going to see you as something more than a crazed fan who’s putting up a temper tantrum because a story didn’t go their way. Act like mature adults, please. Trust me, when people get rude with me and tell me that I suck, I’ll keep doing what I’m doing just to spite them. I’m awesome like that. 
With all of that said, I do hope that with this scene, the show isn’t planning on putting a stop to showing all this Malec. I hope that they continue on with developing the Malec relationship. A relationship doesn’t end the first time a couple has sex and a lot of times that’s exactly what television does. The couple has their first time and then the showrunners don’t know what to do with the relationship so the couple breaks up and gets back together about 5 times over the course of the series. I’m talking to you, Klaine from Glee. I really don’t want to see that happen with Malec. I want to see the show continue to explore their relationship and move this relationship in a positive and healthy way as they have been doing this entire season.
The Most Awesome Jace Scene…EVER
Now, let’s talk about my favorite part of this episode…Jace. WHAT? Did I seriously just say that JACE was my favorite part of a Shadowhunters episode? We must be on the cusps of an apocalypse or something. Jace was just so wonderfully Jace in all the ways that matter in this episode. He made me smile so much while watching this episode and it wasn’t because I was making fun of his lines for once, as I did in Season One. He was wonderfully sarcastic and narcissistic. This is what Jace should always have been from the beginning. 
We have the scene in the bar where Jace is talking to Simon and giving him advice on how to impress Maia, which was really bad advice to be perfectly frank but it was such a fun scene. And there are girls out there who are attracted to guys who display the tips Jace gave to Simon. Maia just isn’t one of those girls. Also, speaking of Maia, I am still loving her. I think she’s a fantastic character. Some of the greatest moments from this scene: 
MAIA: You have a lot of gaul to show up back here.
JACE: Isn’t it about time we kissed and made up?
Maia brings over shots.
JACE: Thank you.
MAIA: I spit in one.
JACE: Delicious. Don’t tease me.
JACE: Tell me how you approach a girl.
SIMON: You mean act it out?
JACE: Yes.
SIMON: Here?
JACE: Dazzle me.
I also loved that Simon asks Jace to be his Obi-Wan and at first Jace comes off like he’s confused but then does a jedi-like hand-motion and says, “Don’t make me regret this.” I thought it was really funny.
Earlier in the episode, we also had a scene where Jace was in bed with the faerie girl, Kaelie and Alec comes in and tells Jace to get up. They need to go kill some demons.
ALEC: Get up. We have orders.
JACE: I’m a little tied up right now.
KAELIE: Not yet, you’re not.
And I also loved that Kaelie invited Alec to join them. Of course, Alec declines. If there is something I want to see more of in the show though, it’s more parabatai moments between Jace and Alec. I really hope Parabatai Lost isn’t the only moment we’re going to get between these two. That was kind of a mediocre episode. Matt and Dom have such great chemistry together. I just want to see more of them. And not them fighting each other. I had enough of that in the first season. Just moments where they fight together and they’re there for each other when the other needs them. That’s the Jalec parabatai bond I want to see.
I don’t know where this new Jace came from. Maybe he came from an alternative universe but can he please stay for good? Broody and vulnerable Jace is fine but he also makes for a really dull character. TV is full of broody characters: Oliver from Arrow, Derek from Teen Wolf, Stefan from Vampire Diaries. I get sick of them real quick if their only personality is brooding. I absolutely hate characters that brood all the time. I had a really hard time getting through the show Angel because of that. I really only stuck around because Cordelia, Wes, and Gunn had such a fun dynamic. Broody characters are so boring. I need them to make me laugh and Jace finally did that in this scene and I loved it. I’ve seen a couple of tumblr posts where the author is talking about how they’re glad Jace is a little different than he is in the books. That he was too mean in the books. I wouldn’t call him mean. He was sarcastic which is my kind of humor and is part of why he was my first book boyfriend. My entire family is sarcastic so I grew up around sarcasm; maybe that’s why I don’t think he was mean in the books. In my family, sarcasm is how we show our love. Really, if you thought Book Jace was mean, I don’t know how you survive in the real world. I crossed the street a few weeks ago, I had the right of way, and almost got hit b a car; and the driver started cursing ME out. There were times Jace was intentionally mean to Clary but he had reasons for that. He was mean with purpose. He may have also said some inconsiderate things to Alec but he really only said those things because he was essentially trying to goad Alec into admitting his feelings about him and his feelings for Magnus. He was trying to help Alec as only a brother would. I guess my point is that I want to see this sarcastic, sardonic Jace along with Broody Jace. In one of my Season One reviews, I mentioned Funny Jace is needed to balance out Angsty-Jace otherwise he’s really a bore that sucks the energy out of a scene. And also, Season One Jace was a real douche. I don’t know what people mean when they say tv show Jace was nicer than he was in the books. The only person he was nice to was Clary. He got better later on in the season but I will never forgive Season One Jace for saying to Alec, “Maybe your mother was right. Maybe your best isn’t good enough.” That is a horrible thing to say to a friend, much less your family. There was a period of time where I did not call him Jace. I called him The Douche in my reviews. But it’s okay. Jace is so much better in this season and I hope funny but vulnerable Jace is here to stay. Just lock Douchey Jace up and throw away the key.
I’d have to give this episode a B+. Like I said, this was a fun episode but the rushing of the A plot is what brought it down a little for me. If they had dragged it out for a couple of episodes, I think it would’ve turned out great. There was just too much that was happening in the last 5 minutes of the episode. It really felt like the writers are having far more fun with the B plots in this show than the A plots. Which I don’t mind because I really enjoy these B plots. They’re a hell of a lot of fun. I loved funny Jace, I loved Malec, where they’re going with Izzy’s addiction is really interesting. The chemistry between the actors is so much better than it was in the first season. It’s also something I haven’t talked about before a lot, but the show has been doing so well with their filmography. The directors are actually using establishing shots which is fantastic. You can always tell when you’re dealing with a rookie director when there’s a lack of establishing shots. They always want to go for the creative shots but a basic establishing shot can go a long way. In Season One, it was sometimes easy to forget the show is in NYC because there were so few establishing shots. But now we got plenty of them and it does SO MUCH for the overall look of the show. Things I would like to see more of in the show is definitely stop rushing the A plots. It always feels like they’re rushing those. I want to see some more parabatai-ness. As always, I hope they keep on with Malec. On the side though, I also want Magnus and Alec to be developed as their own separate characters. Malec is great but these characters are so much more than their romantic pairing. They’re both fantastic characters and I want to see them grow as individual characters as well. I hope we keep up with snarky Jace. That was awesome. And I’m curious to find out what happened with Izzy at the vampire den. I really think this show is going to some interesting places both plot-wise and character-wise and I can’t wait to see what else they’ve got up their sleeve. 
That’s all I have for you guys. I really liked this episode. I thought it was fantastic. I’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions on this episode. Do you agree? Do you disagree? Did you love it? Did you hate it? Just remember to be respectful of everyone’s opinions. 
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chinoygeek · 5 years ago
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1. October Faction- based on a graphic novel, this fantasy suspense series is a mix up of Supernatural & Shadowhunters. Overall mediocrity, forgettable plot but i liked the twists & gay romance of Geoff Allen. Season 2 is cancelled due to poor critics.
Ratings & Review: 6/10 (Mixed)
2. On My Block- this teenage comedy drama show has that Mexican vibe. Drugs, Gangster, Money revolves around in this fictional neighborhood but still friendship, love & family rules above them all. Season 4 next year!
Ratings & Review: 6/10 (Mixed)
3. Tales from the Loop- sci-fi series with a heart. Tackles on LIFE & being human in spite of technological advances. The visuals, musical scoring & cinematography at it’s finest. Praying for Season 2!
Ratings & Review: 7/10 (Average)
4. Making the Cut- Not just a sewing contest. Heidi Klum & Tim Gunn taking it to the global level with superstar judges including Naomi Campbell with her killer comments & queen attitude. Project Runway has it’s tough competition. Season 2 is happening!
Ratings & Review: 7/10 (Average)
5. Next in Fashion- Tan France & Alexa Chung’s hosting duo is a delight. It’s educational, clothing are made unisex, marvellous creations, interesting themes every episode which really sets apart to other fashion contests. Season 2 is renewed!
Ratings & Review: 8/10 (Positive)
6. Never Have I Ever- based from Mindy Kaling’s partial real life story, this coming of age comedy series is somewhat similar to Sex Education without the erotic content plus paying homages to netflix pop culture shows. Bopping soundtracks, breaking Asian stereotypes, & learned a little Indian culture. 2nd season is in the works!
Ratings & Review: 8/10 (Positive)
7. Hollywood- classically made to perfection. A black & white masterpiece, full representation to LGBT, racial & gender equality. Watching this outstanding series warped me back to 1940s. Willing to wait for a 2nd season!
Ratings & Review: 9/10 (Positive)
8. 2gether the Series: 1st Thai BL (boyslove) series that got me hooked. Just pure kilig/love feels, no sex scenes, undeniable chemistry of BrightWin & the Scrubb soundtracks are dope. This is the type of show worth re-bingeing all over again. My fandom becomes an obsession to this loveteam. I hope to watch their future projects together in the future.
Ratings & Review: 10/10 (Positive)
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bitchfury · 4 years ago
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i’m literally only here to talk about malec.. that’s it, that’s the whole post.
no - but seriously !! also, expressing my gratitude to tumblr for all of the gay gifs i was hit with as soon as i searched for shadowhunters. may the angel bless ya’ll!! especially @maia-roberts​ for the starting gif with ms lightwood. 
so lets go and delve into some magnus and alec talk, because that’s literally the only relationship that matters to me. 
kidding, i’m going to be rating relationships in the show with hot takes.
but actually, if i’m being honest * don’t hate me but, * every relationship that isn’t clary and jace are the only relationships that matter. don’t get me wrong, they’re ?? good ?? together but, something about that relationship doesn’t rub me the right way. bitch, maybe it’s the fact that they literally still thought about boning when valentine made them think they were siblings??
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*jace crying cause i’m not a big fan of jlary.. or whatever their shipname is.
i also contradict myself a lot when it comes to these relationships because while i was not a big fan of their relationship, i was a huge fan of jonathan and clary!! not them being together!! but just, the sister and brother bond they had made me want to cry, and the way it ended :( you could honestly tell that a part of clary was actually devastated because she really loved the idea of having a brother. even if he was of demon blood. 
10/10 honestly, i loved every bit of their relationship even the sad parts. i legit cried during the marriage scene when alec was supposed to marry lydia, but then magnus walked in and lydia was so kind and they had that kiss... and.. and..
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honestly tho - lydia was so nice about it all, i’m actually upset that she didn’t become a part of the crew for longer after she was over thrown by that guy that got isabelle addicted to yin fen. 
all i can say after that - is gay excitement. pure joy is all i feel whenever i watch a scene with alec and magnus together. although, the scene where they both marry eachother as jonathon is, y’know, destroying the world... i actually wasn’t a huge fan of.
something that i find really funny is after 2 months of being in a relationship, alec pulls a ultragay move and asks magnus if he can move in. if you know.. you know.
ask me any questions about them and i’ll honestly give you my thoughts on it.. please, i need *someone* to talk to about their relationship.
don’t make fun of me, okay? i knew the shipname looked sus as soon as i wrote it down, but idk if that’s their actual one because i haven’t joined the fan club group chat for shadowhunters. 
ALL I GOTTA SAY IS 1000000/10!!
i’ve literally been waiting since episode for isabelle and simon to get together, i get that isabelle only saw simon as some form of entertainment for the first episodes before he got stolen, but i still really wanted them to be together. and the fact that they did!! omg.
it makes me so upset that the show got cancelled so we didn’t get to see more scenes of them together I MEAN ISABELLA LITERALLY CAUGHT ON FIRE FOR THEIR FIRST KISS, so i pray that one day i become powerful enough that netflix / freeform decides to let it air for a couple more seasons. i mean, if greys anatomy gets 17 seasons, why can’t shadowhunters get 5 or 6? (not dissing greys btw, i’ve watched it.)
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mat / baia
8/10 i’m not even going to talk about maia and bat because... no. i mean - they’re cute together but it actually caught me so off guard, i did not see it coming but i know where the showrunners were coming from because :
1. it’s in the book that they get together.
2. it’s some unspoken rule in film that main characters in a tv show need an s/o, and bat just so happened to be there and be attractive.
luke and maryse
9/10 because they are so cute together i loved it so much and when maryse was telling magnus about her lil cute n fun crush on luke it was such an adorable middle schooler moment it made me want to cry. also after sucky husband cheated on her, it was the least the directors could do to make her end up with such an amazing guy!
7/10.. i honestly don’t really know why i’m not a huge fan of the iconic relationship. i mean, i know i said before that the ‘wanting to bone your sister who’s not your sister’ was a deal breaker for me, they ended up not being siblings and all should be well.. right?
this is a relationship i’m stuck on.. cause i don’t know if it’s good or bad.
i guess you could say that the fact that jace blows off his family for clary is one of the reasons, because i don’t really like him as a character. but, at this point, who hasn’t blown everyone off for clary?
no no no, during the whole fiasco when jonathon and clary where bounded together, he told aline that the fact that jonathon morphed into him was worse than jonathon literally killing her cousin.. like, whats worse? your girlfriend kissing you who’s not you, or you not knowing your real cousin was trapped in some evil guys closet and then killed? i was deffo on alines side for that. i know clary’s the main character and all, but come on!! people are right when they question her loved ones. thousands of people have died for her without even knowing her.
so maybe i just don’t like the characters? i mean.. would i do the same if i was in their shoes..? honestly, i’m not even sure.
relationships that didn’t work
i feel ashamed to admit this to ya’ll, especially after my great reviews for all these relationships that the show ended on.. but there were some relationships i was actually a little interested in that did not work.
alec and underhill
4/10 i feel so dirty.. because i was genuinely worried that alec would actually cheat on magnus even tho we all know alec is loyal as fuck. but a little part of me was hoping that he did. am i the new seelie queen? perhaps.
raphael and isabelle
10/10 i’d 100% want them to be together. i wanted them to be together before the whole addiction thing, it’s just sad that that was the only reason they got together. don’t get me wrong, i totally believe that they wanted to be together, but i also believe that they were right in not fufilling that wish because there’d be a 99.9% chance isabella would literally die. or become a vampire, which would be pretty cool.
meliorn and..... jace. 
10/10 there. i said it. yes, this is going to be the last relationship i talk about, i’m ending it on a confusing good note. just seeing them together during the comrade rune time made me think really hard that they’d actually be pretty cute together if jace wasn’t so painfully straight. i especially couldn’t resist when jace said meliorn was a 9/10.. like.. ;), honey, don’t lie. (i know he wasnt, but still. meliorn’s a solid 10.) 
honestly, i probably would ship jace with a lot of other people like rebecca.
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malecxdreams · 8 years ago
Okay I know I say this every episode but god damn was this a good ass episode! Alec and Magnus are so comfortable! Alec thinking about the tunas feelings(how Matthew Daddario was that scene?) Magnus literally dying on the inside when Alec gave him something! (He could have give him a Bloody sock and he would have been just as happy tbh). Boyfriends being boyfriends! Jace? He looked so good this episode? With all the smiles and the hair I was digging it. Jace teach Simon to flirt was everything I needed hahaha they are so adorable. (I’m heavily salty about no Raphael scenes tho sorry not sorry) Izzy my poor baby child needs help and I’m so for Raphael helping her through this! Also did you see the pain in her eyes when she was talking to clary? (Lovers quarrel much?) I can’t even with clary right now… that whole hurting luke?? After the family speech really! MY BABY BEING SOFT AND ASKING HIS SISTER FOR ADVICE! Also the whole fake gf gave me life! I wish izzy had been in the right state of mind to give Alec more advice. Alec was so happy this whole episode it was infatuating. Also with how the show is going literally any ship can be cannon like damn don’t lose hope guys! Your ship might become cannon!
Overall 9.5/10 (the 0.5 was for Raphael. I’m going to start a bloody petition to have him in more episodes!)
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basicshadowhuntersstuff · 6 years ago
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This roundup covers April 1 - 7. Shadowhunters news, updates, sneak peeks, and behind the scenes. All the stuff you need to stay up to date.
Official Promotion
3x17 Sneak Peeks: Simon, Clary & Jonathan, Magnus and Alec
3x17 Trailer: "I just want everything to be perfect." 
Badass beauties #Shadowhunters [2]
Happy 50th episode #Shadowfam.  Don't miss it Monday, April 8th at 8pm/7c on @FreeformTV. #Shadowhunters
#Sizzy Saturday. Enjoy this deleted scene from Season 3 Episode 14. #Shadowhunters
Who's ready to meet Helen Blackthorn tomorrow? #Shadowhunters
Shadowhunters in the News
3x16 Previews: Hidden Remote
3x16 Reviews: Carter Matt, TV Line, The Series Regulars, TV Fanatic, TV Source Magazine, Hypable, The Geekiary, Meaww
3x17 Previews: Carter Matt, Spoiler TV,  Meaww, International Business Times, TV Fanatic, FANdemonium Network
3x17 Promo: Carter Matt
3x17 Sneak peaks: Screen Spy, Carter Matt
The Series Regulars (podcast): The Downworlder Chronicles, Ep 4: ‘To The Night Children’
NKD Magazine (photos/interview): Luke Baines
Hidden Remote (April Fool’s article): Shadowhunters Halloween episode to feature show-stopping musical numbers
Cosmopolitan (article): ‘Shadowhunters’ Star Matthew Daddario Was Worried Fans Would Hate the Malec Dance Scene (He Was Wrong)
TV Guide (article/poll): Shadowhunters: Should Alec Propose to Magnus?
TV Guide (Video Interview): Farewell to Shadowhunters: Luke Baines Sobbed in Final Scene with Katherine McNamara
Pride (article/video): We're All Still Thirsty for Malec
TV Fanatic (article): Will 'Sizzy' Get the Screentime They Deserve? Time is Running Out
AfterBuzz TV (video interview): Luke Baines Guests on Shadowhunters Season 3 Episode 16 “Stay With Me”
Seventeen (video): The Cast of Shadowhunters plays Superlatives
Social Media/Twitter
Kat (Clary) tweeted a 3x16 behind the scenes photo of herself in bloody make-up, a behind the scenes photo of herself at the City of Bones, a 3x16 behind the scenes video of herself, Dom (Jace), Alberto (Simon), and Em (Izzy) at the warehouse location, a 3x16 behind the scenes photo of herself, Dom (Jace), and Alberto (Simon) huddling for warmth, and a 3x16 behind the scenes photo of herself, Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern), and Anna Hopkins (Lilith) 
Lola Flanery (Seelie Queen) tweeted a behind the scenes photo of herself with Kimberly-Sue Murray (Seelie Queen) in the make-up trailer
Jade Hassoune (Meliorn) tweeted a 3x16 behind the scenes photo of himself with Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern) [1]
Javier Munoz (Lorenzo Rey) tweeted a behind the scenes photo of himself with members of the wardrobe crew and a behind the scenes photos of himself with Lorenzo’s self portrait paintings [3]
Aisha Porter-Christie (writer) tweeted: For me, it was very important to see Magnus without his make up, without his fab clothes. Because this is truly him at his lowest. “Look at me! Can you honestly say you like this?!” was added by @HarryShumJr, and it took the scene to a place that blew me a way. #shadowhunterschat
Brian Hui (make-up artist) tweeted a 3x16 behind the scenes photo of Kat (Clary) in bloody make-up, a behind the scenes photo of Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern), a behind the scenes photo of Luke (Jonathan) and Kat (Clary) from 3x17, and a behind the scenes photo of Sydney Meyer (Helen Blackthorn) in the makeup chair.
Taylor Mallory (writer) tweeted a video of Matt (Alec) 
John Rakich (location manager) tweeted 3x16 behind the scene photos of the warehouse location, and a photo of the Shadowhunters Bench
Ariana Williams (Madzie) tweeted a behind the scenes photos of herself on set with Matt (Alec) and Harry (Magnus)
Isaiah Mustafa (Luke) posted a behind the scenes photo of Luke from 3x16 on his Instagram [4]
Shannon Kohli (Director) shared a photo of the writing/directing team of episodes 3x16, and 3x17 on set
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julianspancakes · 6 years ago
Shadowhunters Reviews
→ Season 1 Episode 1
→ Season 1 Episode 2
→ Season 1 Episode 3
→ Season 1 Episode 4
→ Season 1 Episode 5
→ Season 1 Episode 6
→ Season 1 Episode 7
→ Season 1 Episode 8
→ Season 1 Episode 9
→ Season 1 Episode 10
→ Season 1 Episode 11
→ Season 1 Episode 12
→ Season 1 Episode 13
P.S. : Gifs don’t belong to me.
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zalrb · 7 years ago
TVD 2x06 Review
1. I still find it hilarious that Stefan and Elena are supposed to be broken up but they’re like but we can totally have sleepovers. Then again in 2x05 the cat is sort of out of the bag when Elena is stroking Stefan’s hair when he’s hurt and she tells Caroline she knows that Katherine told her to spy and they’re just full out kissing on the couch in the living room so I don’t even know why they bother trying to hide it in public, they suck at it.
2. I like how they have to coach themselves too, “But then we can’t talk or touch and no lingering stares” mmkay, you guys suck at refraining from any of that but OK.
3. I still don’t buy that Jeremy would go to Damon to try and help with werewolves.
4. “Your search for life’s purpose is as obvious as it is tragic you can relate, Damon, stop pretending like you can’t, Jeremy just doesn’t put that burden on 17-year-old girls.
5. “Really? Because that’s not what it sounded like this morning.” Stefan: ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
6. Literally no one is an adult on this show. If Elena is meant to be Jeremy’s guardian and she doesn’t know that Jeremy is there then fine, Damon isn’t going to send him home because he’s Damon, so Alaric step up.
7. Also I don’t quite understand why Damon would be interested in finding the moonstone and not killing Mason considering that Mason nearly got him and Stefan killed (of course after Damon tries to kill Mason first which was premature but it’s Damon so whatever). An interest in the moonstone would only make sense after Stefan figures out Mason was working with Katherine, like that reveal should’ve happened much earlier to make everyone’s behaviour regarding the Lockwoods make sense.
8. This Bonlena conversation irritates me because Bonnie is upset that Elena is keeping things from her but Bonnie could have her own shit going on that she wanted to share with Elena but Elena was absent due to the Katherine mess, like it could be a two-way street. In BTVS, when Buffy leaves after killing Angel and comes back to Sunnydale, she and Willow get into this huge fight about how Buffy split and didn’t say anything for 3 months and Buffy is like I get you guys were worried about me and Willow is like it’s not just that, I have some shit going on too that I needed to talk to my best friend about and you bailed. The show at least makes an effort to interrogate the fact that it’s always about Buffy.
9. I love how Stefan trolls Mason. He’s just grinning when Mason sees him like HEY, I’m totally not dead, surprised, right?
10. Also love Stefan’s face when he realizes Bonnie saw Katherine and Mason like whyyyyyy, why is she at the centre of everything????
11. “There’s no Damon and you, there’s Damon and whoever he’s using and those people end up dead.” Elena, you sound HELLA calm saying that sentence and then you just LET Jeremy follow the man you said would end up getting him dead.
12. Also is Jeremy STILL mad because he found out she knew about Vicki? I thought we got past that!
13. Still so much better than Shadowhunters though.
14. I did like how Stefan is like why would you involve JEREMY and Damon shakes his head and Stefan is just like I can’t with you ...
15. “Mason Lockwood is a werewolf, Katherine is evil, they’re the bad guys. Really? You’re going to play morality police with me right now.” Damon, you tried to kill her.
16. So Bonnie, Caroline and Elena are not at all conflicted by the fact that Mason is Tyler’s uncle?
17. OK so about TVD’s werewolves and their strength, are they just not strong until a full moon or is that the only time they’re stronger than vampires but they have superhuman strength that doesn’t match vampires on every other day of the month? I’m asking because Katherine could break free of her chains but Mason can’t.
18. Aww, Elena looks scared for Stefan before he jumps into the well.
19. The reveal that the water is full of vervain is still a good one.
20. “Did she seduce you and tell you she loved you?” Damon, she flat out told you she loved Stefan too, let the shit go.
21. “I got the stone, Stefan” aww, her telling him that it wasn’t in vain.
22. That’s good, Damon, choke the boy you already killed to make a point.
23. See, Liz has this entire speech about how Caroline is strong and confident and independent which is why when Klaus says it to Caroline in seasons 3 and 4 I don’t care because it’s nothing new.
24. “Don’t provoke her!” but Damon does it anyway then has the gall to say he didn’t think? Jackass.
25. Also it would’ve been a lot smarter, Damon, if you pretended to be Mason and set a trap for Katherine since she is at the centre of everything. You said you weren’t stupid like 10 times this episode, your actions always contradict your words.
26. This is actually the first time that Katherine goes after Elena and it’s because Damon is an idiot.
27. I’m never going to get over it. Damon made Bonnie and Grams open the tomb and vampires got out and Tyler’s dad dies then Damon kills Tyler‘s uncle and then Damon just finally kills Tyler.
28. I already analyzed this break up scene
29. But I will say that Elena not going off on Damon is the show protecting him, she should’ve been like, Bonnie is right, everything bad that happens is your fault, like it’s ridiculous how much shit Damon causes just by being Damon.
30. And look what happens, Katherine is compelling Matt. Which again isn’t about Elena.  The show’s constant IT’S ABOUT ELENA thing is like but it’s not! Did you see what you wrote?!
Thanks for reading!
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sunnydaleherald · 3 years ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, January 9
GILES: In this scenario, I am your mother? BUFFY: Wanna be my shiftless absentee father? GILES: Is there some sort of, um, rakish uncle?
~~Life Serial~~
The Sunnydale Herald is looking for a couple of new editors! Contributing to the Herald is a great way to get your Buffy on! Find out more here.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Tender (crossover with Black Widow, Xander, T) by Vashti
5 times Rupert Giles bumped into Ms. Calendar during the summer of ‘97 (Giles/Jenny, G) by summers-maclay-lehane
Swinging of the Pendulum (Buffy/Angel & Dawn, T) by OveliaGirlHaditRight
The Sound of Music (Buffy/Angel, G) by OveliaGirlHaditRight
Maybe If I Tell Myself Enough (Buffy/Angel, G) by OveliaGirlHaditRight
"B" (Buffy/Faith, not rated) by secretlyasummers
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Some stream-of-consciousness Buffy pov post Life Serial (Buffy, Spike, not rated) by disaster-vamp
Swinging of the Pendulum (Buffy/Angel & Dawn, T) by oveliagirlhaditright
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Tender (crossover with Black Widow, FR13) by Vashti
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Faith's Bus Station Adventure, Chapter 1 (Faith/OC, E) by LadiesWhoLunch
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What Happens in Quarantine..., Chapter 14 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by bewildered
The Slayer and the Vampire, Chapter 11 (Spike/Buffy, PG) by violettathepiratequeen
Missing Piece, Chapter 2 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by incendie
The Tiger is Out, Chapter 64 (Spike/Buffy, R) by Cosmic Tuesdays
Daughter of Aurelius, Chapter 41 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by Loup Noir
The Fairytale, Chapter 2 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by Dusty
Chosen One, Chapter 15 (Spike/Buffy, R) by all_choseny
Deeper than Blood, Chapter 11 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by Blackmysteria
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Broken Chain, Chapter 3 (Connor, FR18) by McQueen
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Manip: Our family (Spike/Buffy & OC, worksafe) by little-miss-buffy
Gifs: honey by Halsey (Buffy/Faith, worksafe) by buffysource
Artwork: BtVS lego minifigures (Spike, Buffy, Willow, Xander) by the brother of foolforbuffy
Artwork: BTVS “Every Outfit” “Prophecy Girl” (Buffy, worksafe) by whatshisfaceblogs
Digital painting: A study of Tara (worksafe) by wvelyn
Manips: All the twists & bends (Buffy, worksafe) by slayersandprivateinvestigators
Artwork: BTVS Characters - Disney style (Buffy, Cordelia, Dawn, Tara, Oz, Willow, worksafe) by antidam0n
Gifs: I don't damsel well (Buffy, worksafe) by scullys
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Song and fanvid: Full of Faith (Faith) by Anthony Swan
[Reviews & Recaps]
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btvs season 7 episodes ranked by fallingtowers
Buffy and Angel’s Romeo and Juliet-ness in the comics kind of drives me insane by oveliagirlhaditright
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BOOM! Buffy the last vampire slayer #1 (continued) by Priceless and others
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What would you rate Angel Season 6? by shonenhikada and others
Favourite fight scene in Buffy? by Lizcatherine and others
[Recs / In Search Of]
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Spuffy and Spangel fic recs by trenchcoat-full-of-recs
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Angel "meta" essays? (Does anyone know of any notable people/blogs that write this kind of material about AtS?) by cuddlyvampire
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[Fandom Discussions]
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Snowflake Challenge #5 (talk about an idea you wish you had the time / talent / energy to do) by sparrow2000
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I just can’t buy that Buffy… could get anywhere near Northwestern acceptance by avoidingdestiny, girl4music, and others (multiple reblog threads)
i wish we got more scenes with faith and dawn by faith-thee-slayer
Re: Buffy and Shadowhunters crossover OTP by takaraphoenix
Confused by Twilight!Angel by oveliagirlhaditright
The scene where Angel was pretending to be Angelus in “Enemies” by oveliagirlhaditright
Buffy & Giles (a relationship that... is so devoted and at the same time so complicated and painful) by roselightfairy
Sapphic representation in Buffy the Vampire Slayer season three by sapphicpoetspost
Re: why Faith doesn't get Buffy's Valium 18th birthday demon murder surprise by herinsectreflection
Prophecy Girl made it seem like people they know getting brutally murdered... wasn’t a regular occurrence by millenialslayer
The Scoobies’ response to Harmony becoming a vampire by ex-vengeancedemon, girl4music
I'm wondering how Giles got to “school librarian” as a career by roselightfairy, jessannperreault, rachaeljurassic
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Openly discussing Buffy being the slayer in front of Amy by EmEeeCee, thrasherpix
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Buffyverse fanon discontinuity (continued) by multiple authors
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Poll: Members of r/Buffy, when did you start watching BtVS? by Excellent-Durian-509
Who is the strongest? by nobodythinksofyou
Favorite Under-Explored Relationship? [AtS] by rednax2009
Was Cecily Spike's Vengeance Demon? by brentus86
Buffy working at DMP by leiamoonglade
I completely forgot Kal Penn was on the show by Monctonian and others
Anyone remember Buffy RP chat rooms? by spidersonthemoon
Team Angel Opinions? [Angel Investigations] by depressing_joke and others
Atmosphere on set by AiyanaPass
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Further thoughts on Xander/Anya and Buffy/Angel by yourlibrarian, wayward, heterocosmica
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thegreatmercutio · 8 years ago
This week...next week...week after that...chat about Malec, Shadowhunters, etc.
I know we hitting towards the end of season 2 and I am very positive that an overall review will be addressed. And that’s great. We’re fans, we CAN criticize and review subjects matters as presented. And we can agree or not agree with each other. The only wish, is be civil and please keep it tagged. And remember, free will.
I do know, that this week there will be disputes between Malec and sides will be chosen or not. Personally, from the comments from Matt and knowing the issues and conflicts between Downworlders and Shadowhunters. This is an issue that the boys cannot avoid, even if they want to. I am not against any of them. I might not agree with their actions. It’s up to perspectives. I haven’t seen the episode yet. However. I notice when shit goes down, the stans will rise and it’s turns out fans attacking fans and NOT the real problem or issues. It’s basically psychology, be mad at the problems, not the person….individually.
I know Alec see this as something he has to do and I know Magnus is STILL HEALING. He loves Alec, but he does not trust the system. You can’t blame him. And we have repetitively established this…Alec still have “bad conditioning” due to his upbringing, BUT he is challenging them now. He feels unease and uncomfortable lying and holding secrets…especially with someone he loves. But like a leader, he thinks about the greater good. He is known as the character who always put others before him. Which is noble, heroic, and also unhealthy.
However, Magnus has every reason to be upset. The Soul Sword is an atomic bomb for the Downworlders. That’s Fucking serious. Throughout this season, the Downworlders have been abused, killed, used, experimented on, segregated, tracked, etc…trust is very hard for any Downworlders especially with anything Shadowhunters. He, himself was trapped, tortured, and the one person who he wanted to see him…didn’t. It was also another example that showed Alec’s conflict in addressing authority and “the law.” And Magnus is meeting the Seelie Queen, who have insight that something darker and more evil than the Valentine and Sebastian combine is coming. I am assuming. So picking sides, is a natural reaction. I don’t blame her for watching her back and the Downworlders. The Shadowhunters does it too. Them or us. But Malec, it’s complicated due their relationship. Even Matt, talked about how Alec should quit the clave to do good elsewhere, especially with the Downworlders. But the question to ask is, fix the corruption within or against it?
I know, there something that will bring angst to Malec. But these are built up…episodes connecting the dots. This show is infamous in telling too many tales and only half way addressing it’s conclusion. They need to address this for season 3.
I hope in season 3. DO SOME CASES. Singular cases. Have a “visual” problem addressed in the beginning and resolved at the end. Supernatural does this, Buffy the Vampire Slayer does this…there always larger and long term plot within, but if you address one “easier” issues one moment at a time. The audience can digest the information better and be more content with the finish stories. Come on, they need to finish something, so we can move on. I feel like everything is just crammed in and will be brushed away or poorly addressed, we don’t want that for any of the characters. It’s about storytelling. The art of it. This is what happens when you rush. You miss the essence of the plot. Seriously, noBody is asking for 40ish mins of Malec (even if it would be amazing, but really guys people are just saying either being idealistic and as a nice hypothesis, get what I am saying?), it’s not ideal but nobody really wants 20 minutes each week talking about the same drama either.
Clary, pick Jace, move on, give Simon space, call him later, and focus on your skills and other relationships beside boys. Simon, focus on you. You don’t need a woman to feel. He’s moving down the list. From Clary, Izzy, Maia, and now the Seelie Queen wants him. Don’t give me wrong, this happened in the books. How he dated Clary, move on to Izzy and dated Maia at the same time. Kinda of a Jerk. Sorry. He was playing the girls and rebounding them. Not cool. So, to the show. I see what you’re doing. Nod to that drama. But please move on.
Also Single story plots are also great chances for individualized and even pair character development. Think about an episode that would team up Magnus and Jace, entire time without any talks about Alec or the bond…or seriously a Luke with Alec, Maia with Izzy, etc….and Let Simon know Raphael for real. Come on, Simon…your vampire story isn’t original…Raphael was human once too. I am still little piss at Izzy and him using Raphael’s sister as a threat. I know Raphael isn’t perfect, but majority of time he has always watching out for Simon. And The ships are important. I want them to continue to develop them, but at the same time, the characters is what makes the story, also worthy. And I am a firm believer that some characters need to step back for an episode for other characters to develop. Think Games of Thrones. If they can take Magnus and Luke out, then Clary, Jace, Simon, Alec, Izzy…can also be absent too. Yeah, I said it. To me, there’s 7 main actors. TO ME. Did you see Comic Con. SEVEN ACTORS. This isn’t the book, it’s a show based on the book. The key word is…“based on”.
Fuck. Don’t tell me, that I have to settle for limited representations of characters. What kind of positivity is that?. Yeah, be happy you got 3 minutes of LGBT+ representations. Most shows doesn’t even show that. Ummm…have you seen Orange is the New Black, Senses 8, and the freeform show…The Fosters…don’t token characters. It’s poor taste. I want this show to shine. Because it’s diversity is it’s true strength and beauty…but if it’s starts to show fear of that diversity and falls for all the cliché defaults…fans will know and will address it. Don’t be surprise.
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mountfandom · 8 years ago
TV Shows I’ve Given Up On This Season
So the official 2016-2017 television season has come to an end, and while many shows are still running into the summer or starting new seasons there are a couple that have lost me as a viewer. Most of these are shows I’ve been following for a while and with new seasons and my changing taste in shows I’ve finally said enough is enough and abandoned them. 
Honorable Mentions: Designated Survivor and Speechless
Designated Survivor was a new series this year that I was really excited about. I thought the premise was good and the cast itself seemed rather solid. The reviews started coming out and they were pretty glowing. I think I watched about 5 or 6 episodes before stopping. While the plot was engaging and the characters likeable it was just kind of forgettable as a show. I grew uncaring as to why the Capital Building was destroyed and the revelations about certain aspects just became less interesting. I can see why a lot of people like this show and maybe if I get bored one day I’ll finish it, but for now sorry Designated Survivor.
Speechless I’m upset I didn’t get into it. I watched about the same as Designated Survivor but it was really hard to relate to the show. I couldn’t identify with any of the characters and while I saw the comedy I wasn’t crying in laughter. Which is my own problem, American comedies and I aren’t the best of friends at the best of times. Couple it with the rather irritating Dad, who’s chronic laziness and whatever was down right stupid, I found myself letting go rather easily. 
3. Shadowhunters
I’m putting this here because I know there is absolutely no chance I’m going to resume watching this trash heap. Season 1 wasn’t good, by any stretch of the imagination. It diverted from the books, created unnecessary characters and mostly drove straight off the rails. I went in to Season 2 clinging to two things, Malec and maybe they’d find the books again. When it became apparent the books were being used only for character names I was done. I was also very angry. This is the second attempt to use the books to create a franchise and both have been trainwrecks. It annoys me that people can disregard the source material so easily  when without it they wouldn’t exist. It is an injustice to Cassandra Clare’s world and writing that Shadowhunters is allowed to continue honestly. You can’t watch it for one ship and that’s what it became. 
2. The Fosters 
I tried to keep going. I really did. I loved this show, it was my baby. It helped me come to terms with my own sexuality and I’m forever grateful for it for that. But it wasn’t the Callie show. And it became Callie show. And they also turned Jude into a bit of a dick which I didn’t appreciate because he was my favourite characters. By the mid point of season 4 I was watching for Joah and the Mom’s. Everyone else’s storylines weren’t keeping me interested. In fact Brandon’s made me want to chuck my TV and Callie just annoys me. This is one I may pick up one day because it was so important to me but for now the realisation that Callie isn’t the most interesting character in existence needs to happen to the writers. 
1. Once Upon A Time 
Oh how the mighty have fallen. A show I used to class as one of my favourites. Like I adored this show. I loved everyone in it even the villains. Season 5 was a bit uneven but I got through it and I really liked the potential for Season 6. The Land Of Untold Stories could have really helped inject some new life into the show. But instead they went with let’s make the Evil Queen the main villain. I was so disappointed when they killed Hyde and just kind of wrote of the Land of Untold Stories. Just what was the point? I have kept up to date with spoilers and what not so I know what happened for the most part and it doesn’t appeal to me. The Musical Episode especially looked dire. The only beacon I have is that Season 7 is a soft reboot. So maybe I’ll have a look at that, but for now me and Once are done. 
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aang-shadowhunters · 8 years ago
Shadowhunters season 2A review
I'm going to review all 10 episodes of season 2A in this post. Do not read this if you haven't watched all 10 episodes yet.
Here is my Shadowhunters season 2A review. I'm going to talk about my favorite and my least favorite things by each episode. This took me so long to write, but I hope you guys like it:
- Episode 1: The Guilty Blood
Things I Liked: - The fight on Valentine's ship -  The new title sequence - Malec reconciling - Climon friendship moments - Clary and Izzy's training scene
Things I Didn't Like: -  Victor Aldertree becoming head of the Institute - Malec fighting ( I know it was a stressful time, but they both kind of lost their tempers on each other) - Jocelyn trying to kill Jace ( it was honestly just incredibly random) - Jocelyn locking Clary and Simon in the shipping crate ( Jocelyn was one of my least favorite characters this season) - Valentine and Jace's conversation about spaghetti ( it was just an oddly placed moment, and it was incredibly awkward) - The infamous shape-shifting rune ( it starts to get really annoying as the season goes on) * The first episode of anything is always rocky. I give this episode 6 out of 10 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
- Episode 2: A Door Into the Dark
Things I Liked: - Izzy and Alec going to the different fight clubs to find Circle members - Clary and Izzy's sisterly moment - Magnus and Simon's mission in India ( I think Magnus is a good Downworlder role model for Simon, other than Raphael that is) - Simon encanto-ing Camille's cobra ( I just love Simon this season, he's adorable)
Things I Didn't Like: - Jocelyn's flashback of the demon baby killing flowers ( it was just a creepy scene) - Alec yelling at Clary ( I love you Alec, but that was a little harsh, even though what you said was true) - Dot coming back ( I felt that she was an unessessary character last season, and even more so this season) - Jocelyn convincing Alec to use the Parabatai adamas stone (I think you can tell how much I dislike Jocelyn) - Alec using the adamas stone to track Jace ( my heart broke when he had that seizure-like episode) * This was an ok episode. I give this episode a 6 out of 10 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
- Episode 3: Parabatai Lost
Things I Liked: - Flashbacks to when Alec and Jace first met ( I got a lot of Will and Jem from Clockwork Princess feels from this scene) - Magnus trying his absolute hardest to use his magic to bring Alec out of his coma (it breaks my heart seeing how much Magnus cares about him, and how he can't bear the thought of loosing him) - Magnus's moment with Alec in his apartment ( he honestly thought that Sleeping Beauty kissing Alec was his last resort *sob sob*) - Flashback to the Parabatai ceremony/ Jace coming to Alec's rescue ( I just loved this scene so much, I will always have a special place in my heart for Parabatais after reading TID. It's on of my favorite aspects of the Shadow World) - Jace constantly saying that he needed to save his brother - Maia's introduction (I wasn't a big fan of Maia's character in the books, but I definitely like her better in the show)
Things I Didn't Like: - The werewolves trying to kill Jace (I mean, why do they just assume that it was him who killed Gretel?) - Aldertree trying to keep Magnus from continuing to try to wake up Alec ( sometimes I just think he just makes up rules on the spot to suite his needs) * I really enjoyed this episode. I give it 9 out of 10 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
- Episode 4: Day of Wrath
Things I Liked: - The demon sensing rune that Alec put on Clary - Alec asking Magnus out on a date ( well, in his own "Alec" way) - Magnus telling Simon about his attempted suicide (I know that is wasn't a good thing that Magnus tried to end his own life, but I think it showed a lot of insight into his character on how loneliness is truly his undoing) - The nice sibling moment between Alec, Jace and Izzy at the end of the episode
Things I Didn't Like: - Jocelyn's death (Even though I really disliked her character this season, I don't think she deserved to be killed) - The demon possessing Raj, Alec and Izzy ( it caused so much heart ache this episode) - Camille ( she knows how much power she has over Magnus and how manipulative she is,many I don't like seeing Magnus struggling) * I really enjoyed this episode. I give it 8 put of 10 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
- Episode 5: Dust and Shadows
Things I Liked: - Simon going home to his mom (I know it's dangerous for him to do so, but it was good that he was able to see her again) - The funeral scene ( Even though it was a sad scene, I think it showed some insight into Shadowhunter culture. We also hear the infamous phrase "we are dust and shadows") - The sunlight rune (it is such a well known fact about Clary in the books that she can create runes) - Magnus talking to Alec on the fire escape ( it was a touching scene, and it gave Alec the push he needed to try and make things right with Clary) - The sweet moment between Alec and Madzie (Alec is just a big softie underneath all the grumpiness and sarcasm)
Things I Didn't Like: - Then scene with Simon and Becca in Simon's room ( I can't put my finger on it it something about that scene really bugged me) - Alec being so guilty over Jocelyn ( it's just really hard seeing a beloved character so emotionally broken) - Iris Rouse ( I knew something wasn't right with her the minute we saw her in the promo pictures. She seemed suspicious to me) - Iris Rouse's demon (that whole situation was so messed up in so many ways) - Aldertree getting Izzy hooked on Yinfen (one of my least favorite things that they changed from the books, I actually liked all of the changes so far, is that they turned Yinfen from a highly addictive demon drug into vampire venom that you can wean yourself off of in only a week. This was a pointless story line) * This was an ok episode. I give it 7 out of 10 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
- Episode 6: The Iron Sisters
Things I Liked: - Magnus and Alec's first date (I know a lot of people thought that they didn't get enough screen time, but I really enjoyed it. Especially the pool scene, that was really funny) - The Adament Citadel - "1700....17,000!? (I just thought that was hilarious) - The Iron Sisters (they are just awesome in general) - Alec making his and Magnus's relationship official (he's been through so much already this season, just please give him a break) - Simon and Maia bonding
Things I Didn't Like: - Aldertree continuing to give Izzy Yinfen (😑) - Aldertree making Izzy spy on Clary - The Yinfen is Izzy's blood keeping her from entering the Citadel - Cleo just randomly killing that Iron Sister (when she did that, I was like 😮 !?!?) - Izzy finding out that Clary could create new runes (she was definite not happy about it) - Luke turning in and out of werewolf form through out the episode * This was a pretty good episode. I give it 8 out of 10 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
- Episode 7: How Are Thou Fallen
Things I Liked: - Alec giving Magnus the gift (it was just really sweet how Alec bought him such a special present with a special symbolic meaning. It was sad how Magnus was surprised to receive a gift because it's been so long sense he's received one) - Magnus gushing about his gift to Maia at the Hunter's Moon - Magnus name dropping Jem (I was so happy when I heard this, he's my fav 😊) - The other two Malec scenes (I know a lot of people were uncomfortable with the "first time" scene, but if you pay attention to Magnus's body language, you can see he was just as into it as Alec was despite being hesitant at first) - Simon and Maia's "kind of date" - Clary and Jace's vision (looks like we're getting some foreshadowing 😏)
Things I Didn't Like: - Izzy being mad a Clary for not telling her about her rune power ( they're supposed to be besties, not fighting 😬) - Izzy tracking down a Yinfen dealer - Cleo's whole plot in this episode (I felt they could have dealt with Cleo's story line better) - Jace disguising himself as Simon (the other parts of that scene were funny, but that part was kind of dumb) - Valentine holding Ithuriel * This was an ok episode. I give it 7 out of 10 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
- Episode 8: Love is a Devil
Things I Liked: - Magnus caring for a small group of cats (it just seems like a very "Magnus" thing to do) - Magnus thinking that Jace could feel him and Alec having sex through the Parabatai bond - Magnus throwing Max's party (well, he is the master party thrower) - Max's rune ceremony - Alec and Max's conversation at the beginning of the episode (it was just a really cute exchange) - Climon getting together ( I'm not necessarily a big fan of their relationship, but I definitely like them better in the show than in the books. They were just a really awkward couple in the books) - Alec comforting Maryse at the end of the episode
Things I Didn't Like: - Iris infiltrating the party - Alec almost committing suicide (he was just trying to get over his guilt, and now it's back again. I've noticed that they've tackled a lot of sensitive topics this season) - All of the hallucinations in general - Robert cheating on Maryse (this story line had a huge role in the books. I was hoping they weren't going to use this story line because it seems like Maryse and Robert swapped personalities in the show) * I really liked this episode. I give it 8 out of 10 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
- Episode 9: Bound by Blood
Things I Liked: - Downworlder squad having a meeting (it was cool seeing our favorite Downworlders in one place) - Alec taking over as Head of the Institute (it's about time...) - Magnus talking to Alec about his attempted suicide ( it was great seeing Magnus talking to Alec about this, and telling him about his own struggles with depression) - Alec trying to rescue Izzy from her unhealthy relationship with Raphael (I mean, someone had to do it)
Things I Didn't Like: - Izzy and Raphael's "relationship" (I mean, they were pretty much getting high off of each other *shudders*) - Alec getting mad at Magnus (Alec, just take a deep breath...) - The whole blood bound situation with Clary (it started to get pretty intense there in the end) - Valentine using Madzie for her powers *  I really liked this episode. I give it 8 out of 10 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
- Episode 10: By the Light of Dawn
Things I Liked: -  It was a really good ending to the mid-season finale - "I could've killed you" "I would've let you" (a nod to the books) - Malec's I love you's - Malec hugs - Simon becoming a Daylighter (*whispers* yessss!) - Jace finding out that him and Clary are not brother and sister - Magnus saying that Jace and Clary's vision had to do with a "demonic" Morgenstern (*cough cough* foreshadowing *cough cough*) - Izzy breaking free of her and Raphael's unhealthy relationship
Things I Didn't Like: -  The Downworlder massacre in the Institute - Valentine continuing to use Madzie for her powers - Raphael going against Magnus, and trying to kill Clary (Raphael, noooo! You and Magnus are like family!) - Jace activating the Soul Sword (I know he didn't mean to, but still... So sad 😢) *  I really liked this episode. I give it 9 out of 10 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Thanks for reading this! I will probably do another one of these after 2B.
4 notes · View notes
basicshadowhuntersstuff · 6 years ago
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This roundup covers February 13 - 23. Shadowhunters news, updates, sneak peeks, and behind the scenes. All the stuff you need to stay up to date.
Official Promotion
Official 3x11 Episode Photos [1]
3x11 Sneak Peeks: Magnus & Alec Babysit;  Jace Lashes Out. 
Season 3A Bloopers: Part 2
Season 3A Bloopers: Part 3
The Cast Plays Who Said It
Freeform’s On The Fly (video): What was your first non-acting job?
Uh oh ... Behind the scenes of #Shadowhunters Season 3B. 
All smiles on set #Shadowhunters
Freeform releases its new lineup offerings for March 2019
Why so serious? Behind the scenes of #Shadowhunters season 3B
Lightwood lookout. Behind the scenes of #Shadowhunters season 3B
Jace will go to the ends of the earth. Behind the scenes of #Shadowhunters season 3B
Can you guess what #Malec said? Behind the scenes of #Shadowhunters season 3B.
.@EmeraudeToubia’s got the scoop. Behind the scenes of #Shadowhunters Season 3B. 
We visited @YoungHollywood today.  #ShadowhuntersLegacy 
Matt (Alec) will be doing a Tumblr Answer Time on February 28th at 3 PM EST / 12 PM PST, and fans can ask questions here.
Shadowhunters Official Press Day
Members of the cast did press today at various media outlets. Here are some highlights:
Entertainment Tonight (video interview): ‘Shadowhunters’ star Harry Shum Jr on Final Season
Entertainment Tonight (video interview): The men of Shadowhunters spill final season secrets - plus Matthew Daddario surprises the cast!
TV Insider (video): Kat McNamara gushes about the ‘acceptance and love’ of ‘Shadowhunters’ fans (video)
Entertainment Tonight (video interview): ‘Shadowhunters’: Katherine McNamara says ‘bittersweet’ finale is ‘open for interpretation’ (Exclusive)
Leanne Aguilera shared photos of Dom (Jace), Harry (Magnus), Isaiah, (Luke), and Alberto (Simon) from their Entertainment Tonight interview on Instagram.
TV Insider Podcast shared a photo of Alisha (Maia), Emeraude (Izzy), and Kat (Clary) on Instagram.
Young Hollywood tweeted teasers of their cast interview and a group photo.
Harry (Magnus) shared a photo with Alisha (Maia) and Isaiah (Luke) on Instagram:  Down (the with) worlders for pressday for @shadowhunterstv @alishawainwright​ @isaiahmustafa​ 
Alisha (Maia) and Emeraude (Izzy) shared their press day outfits.
Kat (Clary) tweeted: Smirks for Team Evil... @ShadowhuntersTV press day here we go! #SHADOWHUNTERSLEGACY @matthewstylist @madeupbym @AlexSchack
Kat (Clary) tweeted a group photo with: Just waiting for @MatthewDaddario to join us so we can get this party started! @ShadowhuntersTV #ShadowhuntersLegacy
Shadowhunters in the News
3x11 Previews: TVFanatic, Screen Spy, Spoiler TV
3x11 Reviews: Hidden Remote
3x11 Promotional Stills: Hidden Remote, KSiteTV, Screen Spy [4]
3x11 Sneak Peek: TV Insider, Screen Spy
KSite TV (article): Shadowhunters season 3B March spoiler descriptions are here!
Entertainment Weekly (First look photos): Shadowhunters first look: Jace and Clary travel to Paris
The Series Regulars (interview): ‘Shadowhunters’ Exclusive Interview: Jonathan Ho Talks Season 3B And More!
Cosmopolitan (article):  Everything to Know About 'Shadowhunters' Season 3B and Finale Event
Hypable (article): ‘Shadowhunters’ interview: Luke Baines on resurrecting Jonathan, drawing inspiration from the fans
Pure Fandom (interview): EXCLUSIVE ‘Shadowhunters’ EP’s Todd Slavkin & Darren Swimmer talk 3B
Backstage (interview):  Anddd we’re now live with Dominic Sherwood of Freeform’s “Shadowhunters.” Stay tuned for a fun time and drop those questions! 🎬
Basic Stuff Magazine (article):  Shadowhunters: Exploring the Shapes of Love
Cheddar (video): Freeform’s ‘Shadowhunters’ prepares to go out with a bang
TV Guide (article): We made fake dating profiles for Malec and Olicity because we ship harder than you
Film Daily (article): Check out these crazy fan theories in time for ‘Shadowhunters’ season 3B
Hidden Remote (article): Will Sizzy be too rushed in 3B?
TV Guide (article): Clary will be ‘Forever changed’ when Shadowhunters returns
Pure Fandom (article): #ShadowhuntersPosterChallenge Part 9: Jace and Alec-centric
Pure Fandom (Interview): EXCLUSIVE: Katherine McNamara talks ‘Shadowhunters’ and ‘Arrow’
Meaww Entertainment (article): ‘Shadowhunters’ season 3B: A very scary Clary and what her return means for the rest of the team
TV Guide (article): The 25 best ships ever on Freeform
TV Fanatic (article): Shadowhunters: 17 Favorite Hugs for Newcomers
TV Guide (article): Shadowhunters’ Matthew Daddario says Malec is heading for rough waters 
Entertainment Tonight (video interview): Katherine McNamara on how Arrow fans have embraced her after character reveal
Backstage (article): Why you shouldn’t rehearse too much before filming
Meaww Entertainment (article): ‘Shadowhunters’ Season 3B: Maia Roberts is all set to rise and shine in the final installment of the fantasy show
Pure Fandom (interview): ‘Shadowhunters’ Steve Byers talks Underhill, 3B, and sandwiches
Digital Spy (interview): Luke Baines says #SaveShadowhunters campaign is “inspiring” and they’d be ‘on board’ for a revival
Hidden Remote (interview): EPs Todd Slavkin and Darren Swimmer tease Shadowhunters season 3B
FanCity Central shared a video of Jonathan Ho (Brother Zachariah) reading fan tweets.
BriefTake (interview): Interview: Shadowhunters’ Luke Baines
New York Post (article): ‘Shadowhunters’ fans really want to save the show
The Series Regulars (interview): Exclusive ‘Shadowhunters’ Interview: Jack Yang Talks Prince Of Hell, Typecasting, And More!
TV Guide (article):  Sizzy Will Heat Up in Shadowhunters' Final Season
Digital Spy (interview): Harry Shum Jr. teases Magnus Bane's storyline in the series' final episodes.
Hidden Remote (article): Save Shadowhunters campaign returns to Hollywood with two billboards 
The Series Regulars (article): ‘Shadowhunters’: Fans Launch Los Angeles Billboards To Promote 3B
Taylor Mallory (writer) visited the large #SaveShadowhunters billboard in Los Angeles. 
Kat (Clary) visited the large #SaveShadowhunters billboard in Los Angeles.  [2]
Digital Spy (article): Shadowhunters fans step up campaign to save show as season 3B premiere approaches
Pure Fandom (article): ‘Shadowhunters’ news: fans fighting harder than ever to save the show
Matt Carter (article): Shadowhunters season 3: check out a fan-made billboard in Los Angeles
Social Media/Twitter
ShumDario News released the eleventh #SHTVFlockToUnlock polariod with Jack Yang (Asmodeus): Love. Deceit. Despair.
ShumDario News released the twelfth #SHTVFlockToUnlock polariod with Nicola Correia-Damude (Marsye): Past, Present, Future.
Bane & Lewis released the thirteenth #SHTVFlockToUnlock polariod with Emeraude (Izzy): Sizzy.
Bane & Lewis released the fourteenth #SHTVFlockToUnlock polariod with Kimberly-Sue Murray (Seelie Queen): Karma.
Bane & Lewis released the fifteenth #SHTVFlockToUnlock polariod with David Castro (Raphael Santiago).
Todd Slavkin (showrunner) tweeted about the bond between Magnus and Catarina; and responded to a fan question regarding Helen in 3B
FanCity Central announced that Brian Hui (makeup artist) will be a guest at their Toronto 3B premiere party.
Brian Hui (makeup artist) tweeted: Psst! Wonder how we got Clary’s runes on in the same spot everyday? Here’s a page from our sacred Rune Bible! Shh! ⁦@Kat_McNamara⁩ #Shadowhunters
Nicola Correia-Damude (Maryse Lightwood) shared a BTS photo of the cast from season 1x12
Brian Hui (Makeup artist) shared a photo of Kat McNamara (Clary) and Luke Baines (Jonathan Morganstern) on location in Paris for 3B; and a photo of himself in a Team Evil Sandwich 
Sydney Meyer (Helen Blackthorn) shared her fan mail address.
Matt Hastings (showrunner) shared several photos from shooting in Paris: Just another day a Paris with @Kat_McNamara & @LukeBaines. #Shadowhunters #dreamcometrue #Paris #3B, Rolling camera behind Notre Dame.#Shadowhunters #Paris #3B, Because you asked so nicely. Here’s the talented @DomSherwood1 between takes #Paris #Shadowhunters #3B, 
Kat (Clary) shared BTS photos and videos from 3B counting down to the premiere: 7 days, 6 days, 5 days, 4 days, 3 days [3]
Sydney Meyer (Helen Blackthorn) shared a BTS photo of her character from 3B to celebrate one week till 3B
Harry (Magnus) shared a BTS photo on Instagram in celebration of 6 days till 3B
Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern) tweeted in response to the EW photos in Paris
Amanda O’Leary (makeup artist): shared a picture on Instagram of Harry (Magnus) and Matt (Alec) goofing around behind the scenes
Nicola Correia-Damude (Maryse Lightwood) shared a BTS photo from episode 3x06 on her Instagram
Aisha Porter-Christie (writer) asked what 3A moments stuck with people, and Todd Slavkin (showrunner) and Taylor Mallory (writer) shared theirs.
Taylor Mallory (writer) responded to a fan request for teasers about episode 3x18
Ariana Williams (Madzie) shared a bts photo from 3B of herself, Harry (Magnus) and Sophia Walker (Catarina).
Taylor Mallory (writer) tweeted a photo with Luke Baines (Jonathan Morgenstern) and Aisha Porter-Christie (writer).
Brian Hui (makeup artist) shared a video of Dom (Jace) behind the scenes while filming in Paris.
Nicola Correia-Damude shared a behind-the-scenes photo with Emeraude (Izzy) on Instagram.
Anna Hopkins tweeted:  Found an old video of Lilith getting stir crazy in Edom!! Speaking of, she's super excited for the premiere in a few days, she'll finally have something to watch up (down?) there.  #workit #Shadowhunters #teamedom #ShadowFam
Other News
Logo New Now Next (article): Why LGBTQ Fandoms Fight So Hard to Save Their Favorite Canceled Shows 
Just Jared Jr (article): Katherine McNamara & Luke Baines bring ‘Shadowhunters’ to Teen Vogue’s Young Hollywood party
The Actors Audience (Interview): Jade Hassoune talks Shadowhunters, his music, being an advocate for the LGBTQ community and more
Emeraude Toubia (Izzy) is featured in Grumpy Magazine’s March issue
The Hollywood Reporter (article): ‘It: Chapter Two’ star Isaiah Mustafa signs with Paradigm (Exclusive)
Fan City Central Shared another fun video of Jonathan Ho (Brother Zachariah) 
Dom Sherwood (Jace) was announced as a guest at Oz Comic Con
13 notes · View notes
booknista · 8 years ago
The Bachelor S21E3: He's Already Whipped (Cream)
Nick, Nick, Nick. When are you going to learn that the girls who bare it all immediately aren’t the ones who are going to want to marry you (even on a show like The Bachelor)?
Now, I want it to be known—I’m not about slut shaming. That isn’t what I’m saying. What I’m saying is that Nick likes being a lover in the nighttime, and it has blinded him in the past.  He falls hard for girls (I’m not even going to say women in this instance) who hop into bed with him, and then the relationships don’t work.  I was hoping that he would be self-aware enough as the Bachelor to know that sleeping with the women early wasn’t going to find him a wife.  If this episode was proof of anything, it’s only that he’s not smart enough to learn it on his own.  But the women will teach him the error of his ways.
Date Me
Date #1: Backstreet’s Back, All Right?
Okay, y’all. The fangirl in me LOVED this date. And can I just say that the Backstreet Boys still look pretty good? I can’t be alone in that. Anyway, here’s the breakdown—a group of girls (including Corinne and Danielle L.) got to learn to dance with the Backstreet Boys and then joined them onstage at a concert. The BBs chose the girl who they thought had the most chemistry with Nick, and they got to dance to “I Want it That Way” on stage. Then they all did the whole cocktail party thing after and Danielle L. (who won the serenade with Nick) got the group date rose.
Yes, there are 2 Backstreet Boys in this picture.
I love the BBs, but this date was pretty yawn.
Date #2: One-on-One with Vanessa in Space!
THIS DATE WAS REALLY COOL THOUGH.  Nick and Vanessa got to do the whole zero gravity thing and pretend they were in space. Vanessa threw up (I feel you, girl) and Nick kissed her right after, which is love right there. Gross, but cute. I’m just saying, I’m not sure my husband would kiss me right after I threw up. Their evening was great, they had good chemistry, she obviously got the rose.
Date #3: Yay Sports!
The second group date was one of those stupid sports ones where famous athletes come on to make the girls do stupid things and compete for Nick. Yawn. The highlights include an unsupportive bra (see Funniest Moment below) and Dominique losing her shit. Plus, a lot of sports bras, bare midriffs, and leggings.
Funniest Moment
Astrid, whom I don’t think has spoken before this date, has an… ample bosom, we’ll say. And she didn’t realize how athletic they were going to have to be, so she didn’t wear a sports bra with very much support. I can’t imagine the bouncing that she was experiencing was very comfortable, but she was able to laugh about it in the most real comment I’ve maybe ever heard on this show—“I probably should have worn a more supportive bra, but maybe this will get me the rose.” She doesn’t (it goes to Rachel), but she does get to hang with Nick in the hot tub for a while. Also, she doesn’t get sent home on the group date (which Dominique can’t say), so she’s doing okay.
Yeah, Nick didn’t seem to mind her lack of chest support.
Stupidest Moment
Are you going to be surprised when I tell you that Corinne is in the Stupidest Moment this week? She bumped Alexis, who has been our reigning champion. But this moment can’t be beat, IMHO.
So. Remember how last episode ended in a cliffhanger? That means that the episode started with a cocktail party and a rose ceremony. And Corinne was feeling like Nick hadn’t gotten enough of her yet. So she took her dress off (I kid you not) and put on a trench coat, and then had Nick meet her in front of the mansion on a pillow pouf thing. She had whipped cream. She squirted some in his mouth. And then, yes, she put it on her boobs for him to lick off. In front of everyone. Nick was not thrilled, but he also hasn’t seemed to get the hint that she’s not the kind of girl who becomes a wife. More on that later. So! That was stupid enough by itself, but then, when he went to talk to someone else, she started crying and went up to her room because she felt rejected. Remember—SHE ALREADY HAS A ROSE. It was just ridiculous. But the best part? She fell asleep up in her room and never came back down for the rose ceremony. Super respectful of her, no?
Personal Fave
It didn’t take long for Vanessa to win the spot as frontrunner, at least in my eyes. She’s a good fit for Nick, she’s smart, she’s spunky, and she calls him on his shit. Again, more on that in the next little section. I still like Danielle M. and Rachel, and Danielle L. is creeping up the charts for me, but Vanessa is all alone out front now.
Enemy of the State
Now that Liz is gone, Corinne has become the sole enemy in the house, much like Chad did last season. Not only did the girls witness the whipped cream debacle, but she also skipped the rose ceremony, and they were not pleased about that. But it gets worse. She was complaining about being tired toward the end of the cocktail party part of the group date, and spilled the beans about having a nanny. For herself. To cut her cucumbers and make her cheese pasta. I think I would have found it more funny if I wasn’t in the throes of immersing myself into diversity in publishing at the moment, but her comments were not only classist and downright rude, but likely have racial undertones, since she’s a little blond girl. It was horrible. AND THEN. Yes, it continues. Nick cancelled the cocktail party after this week’s round of dates and had a pool party instead (shocker). And she somehow got a bouncy castle and proceeded to straddle Nick inside it while everyone could see. AND THEN. Just about everyone in the house started talking to Nick about Corinne and her behavior (they even told him about the nanny), and Corinne herself went to take another nap.
I just can’t with this girl, y’all.
At the beginning of the episode, we had a rose ceremony. At that rose ceremony, Elizabeth W., Hailey, and Lacey (of camel entrance fame) were sent home. I don’t remember anything about any of them, so that’s fine. And then during the second group date, Dominique lost her chill and Nick sent her home too. It was a tough week for blond girls (Elizabeth W., Hailey, and Lacey are all blond). I do think it’s shedding some light on the type that everyone on the planet should know Nick has by now, though—spunky brunettes with real jobs and attitudes. Hello? Andi, a sassy lawyer? Kaitlyn, who needs no explanation? Even Jen, from Paradise, fit the mold. You blond girls might stick around a while, but it’s going to be a dark-haired grown-ass woman who gets the engagement ring, I’d almost bet money on it.
We were left at the pool party, which is likely where we’ll pick up next week. I’m so sick of these episodes that don’t end in rose ceremonies. Come on, ABC!
What do you think about this season so far?
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The Bachelor S21E3: He’s Already Whipped (Cream) was originally published on Booknista.com
0 notes
basicshadowhuntersstuff · 7 years ago
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This week in Shadowhunters news, updates, sneak peeks, and behind the scenes. All the stuff you need to stay up to date.
Official Promotion
3x05: Stronger Than Heaven trailers: Official Promo.
3x05: Stronger Than Heaven sneak peeks: Alec and Magnus discuss next steps, Who’s sabotaging Simon.
Should Izzy Have Reported Raphael To The Clave?
Shadowhunters In The News
Promotional photos & Synopsis for 3x05: Stronger Than Heaven: Official Press Site, Spoiler TV. [1]
Promotional photos & Synopsis for 3x06: A Window Into an Empty Room: Official Press Site, Spoiler TV. 
Promotional photos & Synopsis for 3x07: Salt In The Wound: Official Press Site, Spoiler TV.
Reviews for 3x04: They Soul Instructed: BSS, Spoiler TV, Starry Mag, With An accent, TV Guide, TV Source, TV Line, Fan Bolt, Carter Matt, When Nerds Attack, TV After Dark (fan roundtable).
Advanced reviews for 3x05: Stronger Than Heaven: Spoiler TV, Fandemonium Network.
TV Guide (interview): Shadowhunters' Matthew Daddario Previews "Rough" Times Ahead for Malec.
TV Insider (interview): Matthew Daddario Warns Malec Fans of 'Frustration' to Come.
KSite TV (interview): Matthew Daddario on season three.
Hollywood Life (interview): Malec Will Face New ‘Problems’ In ‘Emotional’ Episodes Ahead.
ET Online (interview): 'Shadowhunters' Star Harry Shum Jr. Reacts to the Possibility of Malec Moving in Together!
TV Line (article): Shadowhunters Star Matthew Daddario Applauds Quieter 'Malec' Moments in Season 3, But Warns They Will Be 'Short-Lived'.
Hidden Remote (article): Did Matthew Daddario just reveal [SPOILER] about Shadowhunters season 3B?
Hidden Remote (article): 5 burning questions we have after watching Shadowhunters season 3, episode 4.
Hidden Remote (article): Everything we learned from the new Shadowhunters photos for episodes 6 and 7.
Affinity Magazine (article): Why Maryse Lightwood’s Character Development on ‘Shadowhunters’ Is Important.
Teen Vogue (article): 29 Asian Actors You May Not Know About but Should.
Pure Fandom (article): 24 thoughts we had during “Thy Soul Instruct”.
SpoilerTV (article): Best Siblings on TV.
Twitter & Social Media Stuff
Matt (Alec), Isaiah (Luke), and Harry (Magnus) do a livechat before episode 3x04.
Short video of Matt (Alec), Isaiah (Luke), and Harry (Magnus) from their livechat after episode 3x04.
“Your favourite little sorceress is on set today” Ariana (Madzie) shares a video of herself on set of season three.
“That’s a wrap!” Ariana (Madzie) shares one last photo of herself on set of season three.
“When it comes to Lilith ...more is more is more!” Brian Hui (hair & makeup) shares a video of Anna (Lilith) getting ready for a scene in season three.
Matt Hastings (director) shares a behind the scenes photo of Matt (Alec) and Emeraude (Izzy) from on set of season three for national siblings day. [2]
“Last concept meeting for Season 3, wait until you get a load of what's still to come.” John Rakich (location manager) shares a photo of the season three finale script.
Kat (Clary) shares a video of herself and Taylor Mallory (writer) on set of season three.
Kat (Clary) shares behind the scenes photos of herself and Dom (Jace) from episode 3x04.
“Sharing a bite.” Matt Hastings (director) shares a behind the scenes photo of himself with Tess Mossey (Heidi) from episode 3x04. [3]
“This set was inspired by a long abandoned apartment in Paris.” Matt Hastings (director) shares a video of Anna (Lilith) giving a tour of Lilith’s apartment.
Nuno De Salles (trainer) shares a photo of Matt (Alec) training for season three.
“Parabati.” Shadowhunters TV shares a behind the scenes photo of Matt (Alec) and Dom (Jace) from season three.
Brian Hui (hair & makeup) shares a behind the scenes photo of Alberto (Simon) and Chai (Jordan) getting ready for a scene.
Lisa Berry (Sister Cleophas) shares a behind the scenes photo of herself and Will (Jonathan).
“Clace moment.” Shadowhunters TV shares a behind the scenes photo of Kat (Clary) and Dom (Jace) from season three.
“Be very, very quiet! @Kat_McNamara is hunting vampires!” Brian Hui (hair & makeup) shares a behind the scenes photo of Kat (Clary) from episode 3x04.
“She made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.” Matt Hastings (director) shares a behind the scenes photo of himself and Anna (Lilith) from season three.
Shadowhunters TV shares a behind the scenes photo of Kat (Clary). [4]
Lindsay Wolfington (music supervisor) shares a still of Simon from episode 3x05.
Shadowhunters TV shares a behind the scenes photo of David (Raphael) from episode 3x04.
Brian Hui (hair & makeup) shares a behind the scenes photo of Tess (Heidi) from episode 3x04.
Shadowhunters TV shares a behind the scenes photo of Matt (Alec) from episode 3x03.
Brian Miller (writer) tweets: “Why hide the title when it's as spoiler-iffic as "Malec on a Tandem Bicycle"?”, episode 3x04 was written by Jamie Gorgenberg and directed by Emile Levisetti.
Claire Hupy (writer) tweets: “My favorite thing about #Shadowhunters fans is sometimes you guys keysmash so hard and with so much joy that twitter offers to "translate from Finnish" 😂“, “In case you didn't know... Jace had some pretty ticklish shoulders in this elevator scene.”, “Funny Story-So at one point, Standards&Practices said that a #shadowhunters character couldn't say "prick"  I asked why we could say "prejudiced dicks" but not "prick."  Turns out, it's because Dick is a nickname for Richard. Can you imagine Maia saying predjudiced Richards?😂”, “BTS - The Billboard was specifically placed by production so the sun could come up slowly... "like a deadly Xerox machine".
Taylor Mallory (writer) tweets: “5 reasons to watch episode 3x04: 1) @jamiegorenberg wrote it. Guaranteed goodness. ✍️ 2) Simon has a stalker... 👀 3) JACE IS THE FREAKING OWL?!?! 🦉 4) #Clizzy unite! ⚔️ 5) New character(s) alert! 🕵️‍♂️“, “By the power of Edom, you are undone.” 😱”, “Werewolves age like Shadowhunters and mundanes. Vampires, warlocks, and Seelies are immortal. #TheMoreYouKnow 🌈”, “Tough to choose, but the Simon/Jace scenes are up there. @bmillikin does a great job capturing their quirky almost-friendship. @arosende & @DomSherwood1 have so much fun together & it shows. #Jimon #CoFA”, “Meanwhile, beneath the red paper lanterns...”.
Jamie Gorenberg (writer) tweets: “Heidi’s up to no good. When Raphael raised her from the dead, he didn’t realize what he was in for... “, “Anyone want to meet up at the Hunter’s Moon tonight?” , “Luke, watch what you say. This girl is on fire.”.
Joshua Butler (director) tweets: “It’s a wrap on @ShadowhuntersTV 318!!! Thanks to @TayMals for her amazing script and for being so awesome on set. And eternal gratitude to @MattDirector @DSwim and @Toddzer1 for welcoming me once again into the #Shadowhunters family. #DirectorPride”.
Matt Hastings (director) tweets: Prep for the season finale has begun, “You guys, this is nothing but epic epicness.   Get ready to meet the REAL #Lilith! Plus... #feels!”.
Todd Slavkin (showrunner) tweets: “Lots of beautiful moments, horrifying scares and gasps that will leave you breathless #bloodmobilescanbedangerous  #parabataicomeback #jaceandluke”, “A phlebotomist is considered a fairly safe job... unless you're Leo #therewillbeblood #iloveleo #awifewithabadshoehabit @EmileLevisetti directed this incredible chapter #helloheidi #hiowl”, “Prepare yourself. The emotions are at a high pitch. Their love has never been so intense. @DomSherwood1  @Kat_McNamara will break your heart”, “Izzy is in fine form cause the girls are back together! Iz and Clary on the hunt together tomorrow night, kicking ass and helping each other deal with life issues #thatswhatsistersarefor #girlsthereforgirls”, “Okay book fans. If you haven't already figured it out, show Heidi = book Maureen #adaptationmadness #enjoy”, “It's not always easy being immortal @MatthewDaddario @HarryShumJr bring it in a big way #malec #whoneedsatailor”, “Yes!!! I've said it before, I'll say it again. Sizzy will happen and it will wow you in ways you can only imagine. But it takes time - like a good roast, a tasty chocolate mousse, a fine red wine #sizzy #patience”, “Favorite Simon song of series @arosende proves that Simon is not only a singer/songwriter but a performer extraordinaire”, “@AnnaBananaHops shows you so many sides of our dear mother #strongerthanheaven #motherofalldemons #istillloveher”.
In Other News
Kat co-hosted the the Childhelp Wings Fashion show. Here are some highlights: Kat at the fashion show via Todd Krim’s instagram, photos of Kat at the show and on the read carpet via her twitter.
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basicshadowhuntersstuff · 7 years ago
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This week in Shadowhunters news, updates, sneak peeks, and behind the scenes. All the stuff you need to stay up to date.
Official Promotion
301: On Infernal Ground sneak peeks: Malec scene via GLAAD, Clace.
New poster featuring Lilith, Clary, and Jace.
Shadowhunters In The News
Advanced review for 301 On Infernal Ground: Pure Fandom.
TV Line (article): Shadowhunters Premiere Sneak Peek: Will Clary and Jace's Secret Keep Them Together... or Tear Them Apart?
TV Guide (article): Returning Spring Shows: Where We Left Off.
Hidden Remote (interview): Kat McNamara talks being an official Shadowhunter, new weapons and Clace training stunts.
TV Insider (interview): Katherine McNamara Teases a 'Bloody-Good' Season 3.
TV Guide (article): Shadowhunters Mega Buzz: Clace Could Be Headed for Trouble.
Teenplicity (article): Lola Flanery makes her mar on TV. 
BSS (interview): Alberto Rosende Talks Shadowhunters Season 3.
Twitter & Social Media Stuff
Lilith has taken over the Shadowhunters TV accounts for Hell Week leading up to the premiere of season three. Here are some highlights: Hell knows my fury. So will you., Welcome to the Church of Talto, My followers are many, photo of Anna Hopkins as Lilith, Death was only the beginning, Your pain will be over soon, Nowhere is beyond my reach, Together we’ll usher in a new dawn, What a precious boy, Bring me my virtuous disciples, One of my many forms (photo of Anna Hopkins as Lilith), What would you sacrifice for me?.
“Gotta stay focused!” Alberto (Simon) shares a behind the scenes photo of himself on set of season three.
“We’re ready. Are you?” Kat (Clary) shares a behind the scenes photo of herself and Dom (Jace) on set of season three. [1]
“My pal @EmeraudeToubia on a roll.  Literally.  #directorintraining” Matt Hastings (director) shares a behind the scenes video of Emeraude (Izzy) on set of season three.
“Fangs in advance for watching the #ShadowhuntersSeason3 premiere 3/20!” Matt Hastings (director) shares a behind the scenes photo of Alberto (Simon) from season three. [2]
Stefanie Terzo (hair & makeup) shares a photo of Harry (Magnus) in the hair and makeup trailer.
Ariana Williams (Madzie) shares a behind the scenes photo of herself and Harry (Magnus) from season three.
“Time to get your lips touched up” Brian Hui (hair & makeup) shares a behind the scenes photo of Kat (Clary) and Harry (Magnus) from season three. [3]
“Hate to rune your day...” Steve Byers (Underhill) introduces himself to the Shadowhunters family by sharing a behind the scenes photo of himself with runes.
“narcoleptic or cell phone? 3 days!!” Stefanie Terzo (hair & makeup) shares a photo of Dom (Jace) getting ready for a scene.
“Mother is getting impatient.” Brian Hui (hair & makeup) shares a behind the scenes photo of Anna (Lilith) from season three. [4]
“Can't wait to meet you all! 3 days. 💅😈” Anna (Lilith) shares a behind the scenes photo of herself from season three.
Stefanie Terzo (hair & makeup) shares a behind the scenes photo of Lola (Seelie Queen) from season three.
Brian Hui (hair & makeup) shares a photo of Alberto (Simon) hanging around on set.
Kat (Clary) shares a behind the scenes video of herself and Isaiah (Luke) on set of season three.
Brian Q. Miller (writer) tweets: “Look all's I can say about #Shadowhunters 320 is that hot dogs are used as an olive branch“.
Aisha Porter (writer) tweets: “In honor of #HellWeek I would like to tease the fact that Ep 3016 will be a hellishly delicious episode. Sound about right @AmandaMRow? 😈”.
Joshua Butler (writer) tweets: “Can I say how excited I am about the existence of this episode? #NoReason #JustAFanboy #WinkWink PS: @RuelleMusic is amazing.”.
Todd Slavkin (showrunner) tweets: “8 series regular actors who bring it every scene in every episode”, “7 stops on the Idris tour bus”, “6 action scenes we'll never forget”, “5 people you're going to meet”, “4 Clace moments in premiere will make you gasp & leave you breathless with tears of joy & sorrow”, “3 special words Magnus will say to Alexander”, “2 people who are friends now, but are destined to live a life of deep love together“, “The alpha has seen better days. His champagne high doesn't last long thanks to curious Ollie. But his love for his daughter carries him through. And he also finds a... different kind of love @isaiahmustafa crushes it #packman #difficultdecisions”, “Working on a very special halloween episode with @dswim and we are wearing a shit-eating grin on our face. @TayMals we salute you #isitoctoberalready #wehaveourpumpkin #allhallowseve”. 
Darren Swimmer (showrunner) tweets: “Random Season 3 snippet of dialogue: “You are a MORGENSTERN...”.
In Other News
Jade was nominated and attended the Canadian Screen Awards with Alberto, Kat, and Dom. Here are a few highlights: Photo of all of them via Jade’s instagram, video of Jade on the red carpet.
Harry has signed on for Mike Gan’s new thriller “Plume”.
Isaiah will appear on Inside of You podcast with Michael Rosenbaum.
From the Archives - here’s another #tbt pic! Matthew Daddario and Kat Mcnamara at the @ShadowhuntersTV #NYCC 2017 press room via The Workprint.
Nuno De Salles (trainer) celebrates St Patrick’s Day by sharing photos with some of the cast: Dom, Kat.
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