inasilentspace · 7 years
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inasilentspace · 7 years
Damn psychic told me I would live until im 98 and have a natural death. But little did she know my heart has been slowly breaking and if I have a few more heartbreaks who knows what age I will actually live to.
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inasilentspace · 7 years
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inasilentspace · 7 years
Yes! Yes! Yes! 
Representation and Why It Matters
Earlier I stumbled upon a post on Reddit that I knew wasn’t going to make me happy, but I was curious nonetheless. It was about Todd Chavez coming out as asexual on Netflix’s Bojack Horseman. The OP listed a few reasons, as to why, in their opinion, that was a mistake. To sum up the major points, according to OP, the asexuality puts a barrier between fans and the character and making him asexual ruins the character for most people, because they can’t relate.
But what about the asexual people? When I see a TV show, watch a movie or read a book, even if I talk to my friends or family - I can’t relate to roughly 99% of the whole human race. The chances of running into a fellow asexual person are so slim that fictional characters that are asexual are the most comfort most of us can have. Yet, the list of asexual characters isn’t exactly long, either. Why does it hurt you to extend that list a little? There is never going to be a fictional character that you can 100% relate to, but there is often some aspect that you can relate to a lot and that is what you should be focusing on instead. So saying that you don’t want others to get representation because you can’t relate to is selfish, careless and harmful.
Not everybody has their sexuality figured out yet. Because asexuality is a relatively new term with little research to it, most of us first heard the term rather late in life. And if a form of media decides to include it, supporting the representation and distribution of the orientation, that may lead to people finally having a word to describe what they’re feeling. 
Or maybe someone came out to their friend, who doesn’t believe them, only to end up watching a TV show where the orientation gets represented. Representation is mostly for the people that are being represented to not feel alone or confused or broken. But it’s also there for the others to create a chance for them to be educated, understand and be tolerant in a way they couldn’t in real life. After all, don’t you get to know fictional characters more honestly and in depth than most people you meet in real life? 
Representation matters. But maybe it will help you understand that asexuality isn’t such a foreign concept. And then, if you give it a chance, asexuality won’t be the number one thing that you can’t relate to in a show about an alcoholic horse that was in a sitcom in the 90s and now doesn’t have his life together.
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inasilentspace · 7 years
This is the episode where Todd finds a chicken that was going to be taken to the slaughterhouse and tries to hide her from the police. Not my favourite, but it’s an ok episode. Also I think this is the one where we find out Kelsey has been married to a woman and has a daughter (called Irving, on a colorful note). Yay character development!
Of course the subject of ‘how can they eat meat if there are no non-sentient animals?’ has been a joke since the beginning of the show, and in this episode the writers go deeper in it. We are explained this feature of the society of the show, in which some chickens (and presumably other typically eaten animals) are raised intended to be killed and sold for consumption, being given special food and hormones as they grow up. As the ad claims, no moral grey zone!
Though this is not addressed in other episodes, there must be some vegan movement whose purpose is to protest this practice, and kids are thaught the moral implications of eating meat even though they not fully understand them (I know I was one of those kids in real life. Oh Lisa Simpson, you had such an impact on young girls). If this is the case, none of the main characters are an advocatee for this cause, or if they are they are never very vocal about it.
I know all of this has a huge you-are-overthinking-please-stop-it sign on top and I should stop doing it BUT it caught my attention because Todd doesn’t hesitate on helping the chicken he finds. Maybe Todd has a sense of empathy for these animals destined to slavery that many others don’t have? And maybe that has to do with which influence he had growing up, because not many people seem to be like him. Perhpas there is a Lisa Simpson in this universe refusing to eat meat that Todd grew up watching. Perhaps.
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inasilentspace · 7 years
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pink bird by proclaims | instagram
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inasilentspace · 7 years
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inasilentspace · 7 years
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inasilentspace · 7 years
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The Galaxy is a beautiful and mysterious place full of wonder: (Gif source NASA)
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inasilentspace · 7 years
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Movement of the galactic core, seen from Earth.
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inasilentspace · 7 years
If anybody can find someone to love them and to help them through this difficult thing that we call life, I support that in any shape or form.
Will Smith (via asking-jude)
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inasilentspace · 7 years
I am a miracle  created by stardust, blood and bones and with a heart beating so loud it drowns out the screams in my mind
Lionhearted Souls by Abby S (via fireandsteelofangels)
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inasilentspace · 7 years
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“No, YOU MOVE!” #captainamerica #resist
Artist: Tom Hodges
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inasilentspace · 7 years
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inasilentspace · 7 years
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found this gem 
by Li Po
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inasilentspace · 7 years
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“Blue Nude (I)” (1952) by Henri Matisse x “Blue Nude” (1902) by Pablo Picasso
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inasilentspace · 7 years
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