thatshadowcomic · 1 day ago
Would Sonic and Shadow have kids?
I actually feel very strongly about this, and have written a lot regarding a fanchild (will draw a few ideas eventually and repost this probably)
Sorry for the long post. In my HC Shadow is sterile, as he's a hybrid creature, unable to breed with Mobian or Blackarms. His immortality would play a huge role on how he ponders the world.
I think they would raise a chao garden in place of children, maybe not even realizing the similarity. But over time, as Shadow is again faced with the realization that Sonic will die, and will consider what remains.
After Sonic is gone, there would be nothing left of him that Shadow could hold and look at. The Chao and Sonics influence is a kind of legacy, but to Shadow, he couldn't truly look at either and feel that it was Sonic, which might cause some tension between them. Something they could never agree on, y'know?
Idk why, but sonic always felt like someone who'd be great with kids and a great uncle, but someone who wouldn't want children of his own. Maybe it's an insecurity? He doesn't think he'd make a good father? There's lot of people like that irl. For Sonic, he doesn't consider children to be your only source of legacy. By just existing, Shadow is in essence Sonic's legacy. Even if he forgets again, Shadow's very way of interacting with the world is the continuation of Sonic's influence, something very profound and meaningful to Sonic, even if he doesn't say it.
"People exist in everything they do, Shadow, not just in their kid. When you vanished after the ARK, I was a different person, I approached the world with your story in my mind, even when I wasn't thinking of you. In that way, your existence changed my world, not just the Moon... Just by existing, you continue my legacy for the same reason." -sonic
While moved, in the end I think Shadow would still want a child, as his brain just can't rationalize this, even if he respects it. I've considered if they'd get a surrogate or... If Shadow would use the ARK and his connections to illegally recreate his own creation, using Sonic's blood as a stabilizer, ensuring Doom's blood is scrubbed from the child. I'm still considering what this act would mean to Sonic and how he'd feel about it. It's very extreme, but I live for the drama.
He might become obsessed with either offering Sonic immortality or immortality by way of a child, fearing he'd never make such a deep connection with anyone like he has with Sonic. Or maybe in reality, he'd be creating something he feels he should have been, finding a sense of cartharsis in raising something that is, in a sense, him. But better. A lot of people see their child as their second chance.
"I will be for you, what I desperately wanted. What I needed, what I longed for. It took me years to find it, but you will never need to search for it, because I will always be here to offer it to you..."- Shadow
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ninjasmudge · 8 months ago
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thats a red flag narinder, get that crown back while you still can
+ top panel without text below the cut
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buriedknight · 2 months ago
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Lady Rellana of Castle Ensis
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12neonlit-stage · 3 months ago
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Artist's Rendition:
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devilart2199-aibi · 8 months ago
Mountain Man Beard 🪓🧔
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cuppajj · 8 months ago
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"Shadow Milk being a shapeshifter makes sense because shapeshifting is the greatest form of acting and deceit" -big brained people in my tags
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nova-rpv · 10 months ago
"i have a sister now! thank you, granpa! we are going to do so much stuff together!"
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(trans masc newborn shado btw. tag as ship and ill kill you)
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vampirecorleone · 28 days ago
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"Gonna bust loose, on the club roof. Sucking throat juice, like it's Grey Goose." Horror Character Appreciation - Natasia Demetriou as Nadja in What We Do In The Shadows (2019)
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urpersonalpublicgalaxy · 3 months ago
that one scene in prime
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 1 year ago
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⚔️ MWII (2022) Character Ages (as of 2022) ⚔️
I was on a character age brainrot back in January and now It's back because of @angelsarewatching so I'm gonna go ahead and post this on Tumblr. Tell me what you think tho and discussions are open!
🐑 Gen. Shepherd - Around late 50s, Pushing 64. I searched it up and apparently, the mandatory retirement age for all general officers is 62, in some cases 64. But if he got into the recommendation list after Brigadier General (O-7), it's allowed to be more than 62. He's a Lt. Gen, so that's O-9. Also, Glenn Morshower (Shepherd's actor) is 64 so let's go with that.
🧠 Laswell - 47-ish. At MOST 55. (Rya Khilstedt is 52. AMAZING BEAUTIFUL SHOW -STOPPING)
🚁 Nikolai - 45 as well. I would go with 48 though.
🪦 Graves - 40. He gives Texan cowboy energy. I just know he's an old dude and is actually older than the rest of the gang.
🛖 Alejandro and 🦂 Valeria - 37. Maybe 38. I don't know at what age someone could make the rank Colonel 'cause that's quite high up the ladder. (They might as well be older than Price. Shit, they might be 40.)
🚬 Price - 37 (Canon) c. 1985.
🐎Rudy - 36. He's been close with Alejandro for 20 years now. Assuming they're bestest of friends and knew each other even before military, Rudy would be around 36/37 as well.
💀 Ghost - 35 or lower. As far as I know, lieutenants are usually young, unless he enlists first before a few years later he went to the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS). OR. His preference and efficiency of working alone are far better for use on the battlefield. The higher you are in the ranks, the more soldiers you are responsible for. So the higher-ups might purposefully don't promote him (and he prefers and agrees to it as well) so that he can continue working alone rather than leading a squad. He surely can lead a team, but he's better at doing shit alone. Crazy theory but hey, it's fiction.
🦿Alex - 35 (Alex was a Delta Force until 2013. Assuming he's around 26 when he finally goes to the CIA, that means he's around 32yo in 2019 and 35yo in 2022)'
🔭 Hadir - 33/34 (Canon) 1986/1987. I’m choosing 34 tho since in the ‘Hometown’ mission he was almost a teenager.
☀️ Farah - 30 (Canon) January 12th 1990.
🧢 Gaz - 26 (Canon). The bio says he enlisted in the British Army in 2014. Assuming Gaz finished high school first, he must’ve enlisted when he was 18yo. That means he was 23yo in MW19 and 26yo in MW22. 
🧼 Soap - 26 (Canon). He’s canonically the youngest one in Task Force 141. The bio mentioned that his cousin is in SAS and he often time visits the base. Setting aside the fact that the cousin brought a fucking kid to a top-secret base, lil’ Johnny must’ve been like “I DON’T WANNA GO TO SCHOOL I WANT TO BE AN SAS SOLDIER” and he canonically LIED about his age. Apparently, he went in when he was 16 but got caught several times, until finally when he was 18 he got in. 
That's it folks! Tell me what you think (。・∀・)ノ゙
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0vergrowngraveyard · 10 months ago
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checkmate, faker
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kiko-klept · 4 months ago
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So… Who lives in the better place…? Sonic or Shadow?
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aurora-boreas-borealis · 5 months ago
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LU Time in the Hades style
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Why so tense, young hero?
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Also, a painted over OoT doodle.
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nova-rpv · 9 months ago
shadoodles w baby shado cameo
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orchideous-nox · 7 months ago
okay but imagine just before a full moon when Remus is all grumpy and short tempered and the other marauders are like "hey, hey! remember, werewolf not swearwolf" and make him put money in a swear jar for the next hogsmead trip
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vampirecorleone · 6 months ago
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"I think we drink virgin blood because it sounds cool." | "I think of it like this. If you are going to eat a sandwich, you would just enjoy it more if you knew no one had fucked it." Horror Character Appreciation - Jemaine Clement as Vladislav in What we Do in the Shadows (2014) dir. Jemaine Clement & Taika Waititi
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