#shadesmar thoughts
cam-ulu29 · 11 months
remember how Adolin lost ‘mother’s chain’ right before the disadvantaged duel and never found it? (WoR) What it that’s the same chain that Kaladin was looking at in Shadesmar? (OB) idk what it means but
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curlytale · 1 year
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Part 4 of my cosmere color wheel! For Green we have Mayalaran!
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readingwitharthur · 8 months
so i started words of radiance and this series continues to amaze me. i’m on page 246 and here are a few thoughts about it:
(hey there’s spoilers here so if you’re like me and reading it for the first time pls proceed with caution)
. my girl jasnah died ???! rip queen you deserved better (not fully convinced she died, probably slipped to shadesmar but idk)
. dalinar and amaram being besties wasn’t on my bingo card
. adolin winning the shardblade and giving it to renarin? they’ve invented brotherhood
. shallan my beloved bestie, girl what are you doing?? they are slavers, be careful honey
. kaladin training his stormlight powers was such a nice moment, that’s one of the best things about sanderson’s writing, every moment feels real
. pattern needs to learn how to talk asap, stop talking in riddles dude
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cosmerelists · 2 months
If the Stormlight Archive Novels Were Rewritten From a New Perspective...
I'm thinking here of, like, a Secret History type thing where the same events that are detailed in the regular SA novels are rewritten from the perspective of a character who didn't previously narrate them. Like a fun little set of novellas that Sanderson could probably write on his coffee break or something...
[Warning: Big Stormlight Archive spoilers throughout!!]
1. Way of Kings...as told by Sadeas
I don't think we really got any POV from Sadeas in Way of Kings, since that would have spoiled the whole "planning-to-betray-Dalinar" thing. So I think it would be pretty nifty to see those events from a Sadeas' POV. We'd get to see what kind of info was filtering up about Kaladin and Bridge 4--like, what DID Sadeas think when he heard that the random bridgeman tied up in the storm survived? What was the scene like after Kaladin's side carry ruined that battle and Sadeas decided to execute the lighteyes in charge?
And what was Sadeas' inner monologue like during his every interaction with Dalinar? I want to see Sadeas and Ialai plotting before every feast, and then hear Sadeas inwardly rolling his eyes while pretending that he's just working for the good of the kingdom, totally not undermining Dalinar, nope nope.
And I'd love to see Sadeas' thoughts during the scenes post-betrayal with, like, Navani coming into Sadeas' camp to set fire to the giant Justice glyph and Dalinar showing up to trade his shardeblade for the bridgemen. Give me the Sadeas/Ialai scene that evening plz.
2. Words of Radiance...as told by Renarin
Here again, we have a book where a POV must be omitted in order not to spoil the ending: in this case, the late-book reveal that Renarin is a Knight Radiant as well. And I'm sure I'm not alone in wanting to know what that whole book was like for Renarin!
How and when did Renarin meet Glys? What was the bonding like? How hard was it for Renarin to put on his armor & grab the screaming shardblade to join the 4 v. 1 duel to save his brother? Give me the angst of Renarin being convinced there there is something wrong with him, that he literally cannot fight the way he wants to even while he becomes a Radiant.
And um, what about scrawling the words on the walls during his dad's visions? I still want to know just how Renarin pulled that off without being noticed and also what the hell was he thinking?? I'd like to see him grapple with the angst of being a prophet in a world where that's sacrilegious, yet trying to pass the message anyway.
And just as a tiny note, does anybody else remember when Dalinar, Kaladin, and Shallan are having their We Are The Knights Radiant meeting at the top of Urithiru and then Renarin just like appears out of the shadows to be like "me too?" I kinda want to again know what he was thinking, lurking behind them literally all the way to the top before revealing himself at the most dramatic moment.
Anyway. I bet we'll get some of this in the Renarin book in the back half of Stormlight -- or at least, I hope so!
3. Oathbringer...as told by Jasnah
I bet you all are seeing the pattern here, ha ha! I think Jasnah's POV is restricted in Oathbringer because (a) she's supposed to be dead and (b) she knows about the humans being the actual Voidbringers and that can't be revealed immediately. But in a retelling, I'd love to see her tell-all.
What was that journey to Urithiru like with Wit? If we could get some flashbacks to her time in Shadesmar, that would be great, even though that's technically WOR again.
What was her inner monologue interacting with Shallan again? We know how it was for Shallan (suuuper awkward), but what did Jasnah think? What was it like to get to see Urithiru after she'd spent so much time researching it?
And it would be super interesting to get more of the relationship between Jasnah and her cousin Renarin. Like, when did Jasnah figure out that Renarin's spren was corrupted? When did she decide to kill him?
I think any and all extra Jasnah POVs from this period would be fascinating.
4. Rhythm of War...as told by Rlain
I was torn as to whether to have Rlain for Oathbringer or for Rhythm of War, but ultimately went with the latter. To be fair, we do get Rlain POV sections in ROW, but I want MORE.
If I remember correctly (it's been a minute since I last read ROW), we get a lot of Rlain's narrative from other characters' POV: like Kaladin or Venli interacting with Rlain and hearing about what he's been up to. Like "Oh yeah I've been spying and I found these maps" or "Oh yeah I've been working here with your family for a few days" and I want all of that to be told in long-form narrative please. ESPECIALLY Rlain hanging out with Kaladin's parents and little brother. I can't even remember anymore if him and Hesina being best friends is canon or fanon but I'd like to see it, plz.
I want to see more of Rlain being a spy, his angst about being in between Listeners and Humans, and his double agent heroism. I'd like to see more of his thoughts about Venli, maybe some flashbacks to his interactions among the Listeners back in the day.
And while I don't know if Renarin and Rlain interact at all really in ROW, I'll take any and all of Rlain's thoughts on Renarin and any scrap of interaction that could be woven in.
5. Bonus: Any Book...as told by Hesina
Honestly, I think a Hesina retelling of any of the 4 books would be awesome.
Way of Kings? We're gonna see the family interactions and the Roshone conflict from Hesina's perspective, not to mention the probably horrible aftermath of both of her sons being sent to war and then dying.
Words of Radiance? Uh...honestly I don't know what Hesina was up to during the events of that book but she had baby Oroden and I bet she was doing other stuff too.
Oathbringer? We get to see Kaladin's return from Hesina's perspective--Lirin was grumpy about him being a "killer" now, but I seem to recall that Hesina had awespren around her.
Rhythm of War? Let's see the move to Urithiru, settling in, her teasing Lirin about him worrying that surgeons won't be needed anymore... Plus, PLEASE give me Hesina's perspective on Kaladin's actions, on the invasion, on her very real and deep friendship with Rlain!
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thatfoxnamedfinley · 12 days
Ten Heartbeats...aka The Way of Kings thoughts
Holy fuck my friends
holy FUCK
this is the longest book I've ever read while simultaneously being one of the best books I've ever read
Friends, students, juvenile delinquents. LEND ME YOUR EAR.
SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT, this is going to be a long one baby LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo
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Them: Ok so everyone say their favorite character on three. Okay? One, Two, Three! -
Me: Szeth! Wait...er...I think actually it's Dalinar. Wait...but, Kaladin...er...and Syl too. Well, maybe...Wit...er...possibly Teft? Rock! Er...
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The characters are EXCELLENT. Fascinating. Probably because the world building is so solid that they are able to all stand on their own in their own stories.
I know a big complaint is Shallan's parts in the beginning half (because we're so thirsty for Kaladin and Dalinar's stories) but I still really liked them. I know Capsule isn't the guy's name (spelled Kabsal I think) but I'm calling him Capsule. That's the one part I wasn't a huge fan of only because I'm not a fan of romance in anything I consume. There was a payoff at the end but still.
Now, I DO think that Jasnah CARRIED Shallan's chapters because a lot of what Shallan was trying to do revolved around Jasnah and stealing her Soulcaster and what Jasnah was researching and who Jasnah's father was and how intelligent Jasnah is. I actually found the philosophy of her killing those men in the alleyway to make Shallan more open minded to different ways of thinking to be quite brilliant. I also knew through other avenues of the story (Dalinar's POV) that what Jasnah was researching was major and the lore we would get from Shallan's POV would be invaluable to the world building. ESPECIALLY towards the back half when Shallan was drawing weird things and Capsule made his move to assassinate Jasnah (with bread and jam LMFAO bro)
The scene of Shallan running away from those creatures she was drawing was genuinely frightening, especially when she reached out towards the hand that was near her (in her drawing) and felt something there. I was like
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And the soulcasting and that both she and Jasnah can do it without a soulcaster because...??????????? oh dont worry we dont know yet
And wtf is Shadesmar
like WTF is that place? WTF is there? What is it? A different plane? Are spren there? Are voidbringers there? Are not all spren good? Like, I know there are painspren and deathspren and rotspren and the question has continued to be asked if the spren are drawn to things or if they create them. But they seem to have limited intelligence (minus maybe Syl). But there's no reason to believe that maybe there are spren that aren't malicious; we just haven't seen them yet. They're in Shadesmar bitch
(side note, anticipationspren and gloryspren may be my fav, I can imagine them as little sprites with their hands raised in the air, lit af)
OH AND BITCH the revelation of the Parshmen being the VOIDBRINGERS????????????????? BITCH WTF
When it was mentioned the Voidbringers "hummed in song" I was like WAIT A FUCKING SECOND THERE'S NO FUCKING WAY
like WTF IS HAPPENING and when Jasnah was like "girlie, these bitches are ingratiated into every aspect of our society" Shallan and I were BOTH like
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Kaladin and Syl. Baby boi and baby girl.
do not TOUCH me when Syl was holding up her little arms in front of the highstorm to try to shield Kaladin from it
When she brought him a leaf to make him feel better
Saying she tripped some men to get back at being mean to Kaladin and she was so proud of herself
At moments she gave Kaladin a reason to live and she was AMAZING. BOIIIIIII when she appeared a full woman next to Kaladin and the look on her face and the echo of his father's words making him go back and save Dalinar. Syl appearing like that honestly carried so much weight, especially when you find out she's an Honorspren. Spirit of oaths. Of promises. And nobility. And all of a sudden that moment and that battle had so much more gravity. I can close my eyes an imagine her hair blowing around her face as she watches Dalinar's banner fight to survive and the moment Kaladin realises he HAS to go help them....
ok wait wait wait my heartrate is increasing let me travel back a little bit
Kaladin and the process of getting his Bridge Four homeboys to trust him was
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Rock and Teft are LEGENDS. Rock being the first one to really see Kaladin as a leader was iconic.
I'm listening to the audiobooks (if you are unaware and this is a first book posting of mine you've seen) I'm a REALLY slow reader. I get distracted and I have ADD so I need to be moving and doing other things (even if it's just COLORING while I listen, I can't just sit and read but I'm trying to get better at it), and there's a bookmark+note I left on chapter 21:
"Rock, I fear, may be an actual legend"
I actually ended up liking Teft a little bit more than Rock by the end of the book but Rock being the first one to actually be open and willing to Kaladin's leadership made me really like him immediately.
I liked Teft a lot because he was the one constantly checking up on Kaladin and asking him if he was okay, giving him space when he needed it but still staying close to him and I thought that was really sweet. When you're depressed, sometimes someone just needs to BE there with you and Teft seemed to understand the burden of leadership. And of course it helped that he saw Kaladin glow like a flamespren on steroids after Kaladin survived a highstorm.
All due respect I'm so glad he survived the highstorm cause, *COUGH* prophecy *COUGH*, but Sanderson described him as basically flapping in the wind like a wet sock
I liked when they were doing the assault to save Dalinar (SADEAS YOU FUCKING BASTARD OH I'LL GET TO HIM) and Bridge Four was watching him fight with his spear and they were all watching in awe and the Teft snapped out of it like OUR BRIDGELEADER NEEDS US COME ON MEN
And they all charged I was like
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I came around on Moash too eventually XD
Lopen was funny cause he had like 15 cousins that owed him favors and I'm like BRO WHO ARE YOU
Hoid being Sigzil's old master was a pleasant surprise. When he was telling that story to Kaladin by the fire I was like "Wait a minute is he also a Worldsinger?? He knows all this SHIT!" Then when it was revealed I was satisfied. A pleasant tie-in to that character that made the world seem more connected.
My working theory is that spren gave the Radiants their powers and they have to do like an "equal exchange" thing (like Shallan with that voice that wanted something) for their powers to fully manifest. I don't know that you're "BORN" with powers so much as chosen by a specific spren with a specific power. But girl, idk this is just what my brain is thinking after lying in bed with scrap paper like
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Stoic boi. Soft boi. Emotional boi. Pent up boi. Sadeas and Dalinar have this exchange in which he has this to say about Dalinar. From Chapter 26, ahem, let me read it:
"It's odd, how a leader's influence can affect his men," Sadeas said. "So many of these are like smaller versions of you. Bundles of emotion, wrapped up and tied until they become stiff from the pressure. They're so sure in some ways, yet so insecure in others."
"But don't you ever want to let it out, as you used to? Doesn't it pound on you inside, like someone trapped within a large drum? Beating, banging, trying to claw free?"
"Yes," Dalinar said.
"And the Thrill, Dalinar. Do you still feel the Thrill?"
*folds sheet of paper away* And not only does this sound like the beginning of a very intense gay fanfic (note that my bookmark note in the audiobook read as follows: Yo Sadeas, this pillow talk is WILD rn bro. "Do you still feel the Thrill?" BRO WE'RE ON A HUNT FOR A CHASMFIEND RN THIS IS *NOT* THE TIME MY GUY), but Navani echoes something similar later. Dalinar does too when they finally accept their feelings for each other. He says he HAS to live for something or else he spirals out of control. The Codes, Gavilar, the book. If he gives himself any "leeway on the leash" then he rages. I found that to be ever present in his character, always having to calm himself down and ESSENTIALLY do breathing exercises when people pissed him tf off.
I found Dalinar's POV quite captivating. A warlord, a feared warlord, who has visions of...crazy shit during these highstorms and really goes through this internal conflict of if he is mad or not and if he should abdicate to his son. His boon and curse are unknown to us from the NightWatcher (although alluding maybe his curse has to do with his wife as he doesn't even remember her name).
During the battle at the end with the Parshendi when Sadeas abandons him I had several thoughts and feelings during this
1.) Kaladin choosing to go save him was fucking EPIC. When Dalinar sees them charging back to them, a single lone bridge crew...using THAT as a hope and fighting through the army....GOOSEBUMPS BRO
2.) I think that Parshendi that said he had "finally found" Dalinar after searching for him was Odium. I really think this. The odd respectful saluting towards Dalinar...it was all so odd but it makes me feel what I felt since we saw his very first highstorm vision. Dalinar is chosen. A lot of our MCs are. For what, I don't know. But they're chosen for this Everstorm coming.
3.) SADEAS. You insidious POS. From Dalinar's POV, it was written so well that I actually thought Sadeas was an ally. Maybe I'm a dumb mother fucker. I did NOT anticipate Sadeas betraying him. I really didn't. It's a trope and I should of seen that shit from a mile away but I didn't.
4.) It's actually heatwarming how much Adolin loves his father. during his brief POV's he thinks about him a lot in a very loving manner and it's actually lovely to see that the relationships he has with his two sons are HEALTHY. In Chapter 12, Adolin states the reason he fights is that he can never forgive the Parshendi for bringing his father so much pain after the assassination of his brother. That's like...super sweet! He even states in the same chapter that he thinks his father is the greatest man alive. Seeing a loving, healthy dynamic between a father and his son was actually super, super special and unexpected. He still had moments where he challenged his father and Dalinar LETS him but he spends a lot of his time trying to understand his father's thoughts and I can't WAIT to see more of this dynamic as well as more of Adolin and Renarin (I have a feeling this dude will be a dark horse later) in later books.
World building is great. I literally felt like I was dropped into this world with no explanations, expected to figure everything out. While there are frustrations in that maybe, I really liked it. It took me about a week to work through this book (I read along with the audiobook, like someone was reading to me at night) and many a night was I awake til like 4am listening and thinking about it. In my bed all curled up, listening and imagining the world. Giggling sometimes, gasping. Clapping vigorously. I almost cried once.
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THIS is how stories should be felt. Like I'm by a fire, wrapped up in a blanket given to me from another world, lost in the stories of the stars when I look up. One of the best experiences I've had with a book and I'm truly looking forward to the next book.
Until next time *salutes*
side thoughts pulled from audiobook bookmarked notes:
Dalinar giving up his Shardblade for Bridge Four and all of the bridgeman was kinda hot, ngl
Syl may be a GOAT
"Brightlord Sadeas," Wit said, taking a sip of wine. "I'm terribly sorry to see you here." LMFAOO WHAT A CUNTY ICON i love Wit
wait if men don't write how does Szeth know how wtf (Szeth is an actual baby angel and he may be the side character I want to know the most about. Super super interesting)
Teft kinda clutch
"What is that?" Gaz said, pointing. "Bridge Crew. Carrying what I believe is...yes, it's a bridge." Kaladin is lowkey a comedian
wait where tf did Gaz go later on
Bridge Four nodding knowingly when they see Kaladin talking to air LMFAOOOO I fear this bridge crew is iconic
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nevertheless-moving · 6 months
Hesina Willshaper AU
Step one canon divergence: Amaram's army doesn't do the kind thing. Kaladin's listed next of kin are sent a letter stiffly informing them that their son is a deserter and, thanks to the highmarshall's mercy, has been sold into slavery.
Step two canon divergence: a light spren has started following Hesina around.
The letter reaches hearthstone.
Hesina cries the bones of the first ideal through labor pangs. Their wretched diamond lamp grows slightly dimmer during childbirth.
Hesina and Lirin discuss if there's anyway they could possibly find their son and pay his slave debt. They're not optimistic.
Hesina talks with her lightspren.
Lirin and Hesina talk again about trying to find their son, now that Oroden is starting to be weaned.
Hesina appears to have grown taller. No one but the two of them seem to be aware but they're worried other future changes might be more noticeable.
Hesina and Lirin realize that she can mold rock as if it was clay with stormlight. A spark of hope for freeing their son emerges.
The two leave town.
They find a slave market in the nearest city. They see other parent's sons, but not their own.
Hesina swears to free those in bondage. Stormlight starts coming easier.
They make a tunnel. Rebellion follows. Lirin is horrified by the violence (the violence is not actually that bad all things considered. a couple guards dead. some bystanders frightened. Fair amount of property damage as they rob the military barracks food supply, steal every sphere that's not nailed down. and also steal the spheres that are nailed down. (Lirin won't admit it but the stealing from lamps part is kindof fun.)).
Many of those they freed flee. Some return to slavery willingly, scared of retribution. Many decide to follow the Radiant woman who has vowed to see others like them freed.
The group proceed to the next town. They find another slave market. They make a tunnel. There is more resistance than last time, clearly they were warned something might happened. Hesina kills a man.
Lirin is terrified by what his wife is becoming.
Hesina swears to shelter those without homes. The lightspren forms an unbreakable hammer, perfect for knocking crem free from buildings. And for knocking down men.
A now larger motley group seeks shelter in a mountain town razed in one of Alethkar's many skirmishes over the last decades. Hesina builds homes. Lirin begs her to stay here, to stop fighting before she goes to far down this path, not to go to war. The slaves they've freed are split, many wanting to stay, hide, some wanting to fight and free more, with a radiant at their head, there's a real chance to change things. Hesina lingers, practicing, spends some time falling in and out of shadesmar.
Lirin and Hesina separate.
Lirin stays with Oroden and the noncombatants. Hesina leads those who want to fight to another city, still trying to find their son, still trying to free everyone's children.
The town settles into a routine. Hesina and Lirin miss one another. This is the first time they've gone longer than two days without seeing each other in the last 25 years, and the two days was only when Lirin had to travel to where someone had overturned a cart on the road nearby and Hesina had to stay and watch the children, too young to travel. besides that, it had been every day. they keep turning to talk to each other.
While the army is gone, the free town is attacked by those trying to reclaim her property.
Hesina swims deliberately through shadesmar for the first time. reaches lirin just in time.
Lirin accepts that not fighting won't stop the violence. (It breaks him just a little bit)
Hesina shouts that one person's freedom ends where another's begins. She vows to fight against powers which would rather see their people in cages then homes. A thousand light spren rise up to grant her strength.
(yes I know she's moving fast through the oaths. but she's always been a thoughtful woman and she raised two children who asked difficult questions and now shes mother to another several hundred. honestly she had already worked through some of these concepts before they became actionable on such a grand scale.)
Lirin vows to support his wife through whatever trials the Almighty seems inclined to put her through.
The lightspren, who has started to get some memories back, remembers Oathgate Spren not terribly far from here by physical realm measurements, guarding a hidden human city
the stone remembers the way the radiants once traveled.
The path to a kingdom in the sky is slow — there are many cages to break on the way.
Kaladin doesn't know it right away, because people weren't exactly telling slaves about the freedom riots, but slave wagons start having harder and harder times reaching the shattered planes after him.
Someone mocks Lirin for having a wife so determined to pursue the masculine art of war. Lirin gets pissy and decides to show them by learning to read and write to help support the administrative side of his wife's kingdom wide asskicking.
The highprinces lead a fairly successful misinformation campaign about the slave riots, lots of accusations of rampant violence, the dregs of society lashing out, you can probably imagine
The ongoing rebellion is large enough that word trickles to the bridge crews, encouraging bridge four's hope for escaping, while also making it substantially more daunting, as the crews are even better guarded than canon.
Rumors of a female radiant swirl around. Most people assume it's a woman in shardplate with some sort of tunneling fabrial, which is still pretty crazy, but several major players Take Note
A very large and tired huddled mass of people reach Urithiru. there's just enough squires, and two new willshapers with their own oaths, to make tunnels through the shattered planes and reach the oathgate without being seen by the alethi armies
the parshendi army is another story, but some are willing to take a chance listening to the neshua kadal, and come with them.
The political implications of Dalinar freeing 1000 slaves is slightly more complex, especially considering the rebellions have been impacting Sadeas the hardest
About a week after being freed, Kaladin hires a spanreed intermediary to write home and find out if his hometown is alright (again, a lot of misinformation and rumors about the violence of the riots)
Is informed by Laral that his family left town looking for him shortly before the riots started, were presumed dead
Kaladin is under the impression that 1) his parents are dead because of him 2) the Rebellion is not the righteous fallback plan that he and the men were hoping it was.
Hesina has many reasons to go to the shattered planes. Nearest part of the trade network for food and necessary goods. Many slaves to be freed from there, and a part of her still hopes to find her son, even thought its been so long. Home of Alethkar's political leaders, the source of Alethkar's slavery.
I have spent. A LOT of time imagining many possible reunions between kaladin and his mom in my highly specific high oath hesenia au. She has a couple faces she could wear when visiting the planes. Brightlady. Radiant. Cagebreaker. Queen of Urithiru (not her real title, they're tentatively trying the Listener council model, but they know what the Alethi will understand). Even darkeyed mother, if she and Lirin approach slowly from a different direction. Honestly, pleased as I am with all of the above, a lot is flexible, the key here is kaladin going "MOM??" In some fashion One possible Reunion Here
Thank you @sorchasolas for conversation and the urithiru ideas and for leading me to actually write all this down <3
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cosmereplay · 8 months
Day 4: Doomed by the narrative
Rated Teen, Veil & Tyn, RoW spoilers
“Where am I?” Veil asked. One minute, she'd been asking Shallan if she had done well, and the next, she'd found herself fading…and now, she was at a darkeyes tavern?
She stepped forward tentatively, looking around. The other people seemed…indistinct, except for one person sitting at the bar who looked deeply familiar, despite the fact that Veil had never met her. 
They could never have met, because it was the woman whose manner, fashion, and history Veil had stolen whole cloth.
The woman glanced down and to the side, tilting her ear towards Veil as if she could hear Veil’s thoughts.
“You gonna come join me, Veil?” Tyn asked. “Always room for one more in the Tranquilline Halls.”
“You’re not even Vorin,” Veil chuckled as she sat beside her, her confusion drowned in the sheer excitement of meeting the mentor she’d never actually met. “Am I dead?” she asked, as Tyn gestured to the barkeep for a round of Horneater White. “How do you know me?”
Tyn offered a cheers. “First, to the woman who finally killed me,” she said with an easy smile. She didn’t seem to have taken it too badly.
“To Shallan Davar.” They clinked glasses, and Veil drank her small cup in one go. It didn’t even burn going down. It just warmed her belly, leaving her feeling as indistinct as the rest of the tavern looked. She shook her head, as if to shake off the fuzziness. 
“What a woman. I had no idea what I was getting into when I met her.” Tyn smiled again, looking Veil up and down. “She really liked the outfit, huh?”
“She liked a lot about you,” Veil said, and spun her empty glass on the bartop at what looked like an impossible angle. The trick was simply to do it confidently. “Because of you, I could do what she felt she couldn’t do. I had the skills she didn’t have, or didn’t want to have. Because of you, I was free in a way she thought she couldn’t be.”
Tyn narrowed her eyes. “She even took my advice about blending in as a darkeyes. I like that. You know, I’ve been watching ever since she ran me through with that storming Blade.”
The idea that she’d been watching them brought up some acutely embarrassing memories, and Veil winced. “Even in Kholinar?”
Tyn laughed, loudly and freely. “Yeah. You two were a piece of work out there. Nah, I'm remembering that cursed place with the beads.”
“Yeah. And your time at the tower city. You earned that hat and coat, girl, the way you can flip those cards. The way you can talk yourself out of trouble. You earned your reputation. You were based on me, Veil, but you grew out of me. You did things I was never capable of. Putting someone else first. Loving someone. Protecting them. After a while, I realized I was rooting for you. I want you to know that. You were…” She wiped her eye. “Storms, you’re the closest thing I ever had to a daughter. I…”
“You don’t have to say it.” Veil’s breath caught between embarrassment and longing.
“No, don’t you see?” Tyn said. “That’s why I’m still here, hanging on. I have to say it. I was a conwoman all my life. This is my last chance to say something honest in this Heralds-forsaken life.”
Tyn reached out, taking Veil’s freehand in her uncovered safehand. She had stayed behind for her. For Veil. The touch was intimate in a way Veil had never known, and it moved her deeply. 
“You did good, kid.” She squeezed Veil’s hand, and Veil squeezed back, treasuring the warmth of it. She reimagined those same worst moments knowing that Tyn, her never-mentor, had been cheering her on. Her throat swelled with emotion, and she could feel her eyes watering. 
She looked up to find Tyn’s eyes were also sparkling with barely-suppressed emotion. They both quickly looked away, wiping their eyes in a symmetrical series of motions.
Veil ordered the next round, and lifted her cup. “To learning from the best.”
“If I’d been the best I wouldn’t have gotten stabbed by a seventeen-year-old,” Tyn laughed.
Veil grinned. “Fine. To the woman I tried to become.”
The older woman lifted her cup. “And to the woman you actually became.”
They clinked their cups, then drank. Veil felt this one hit harder. She started to feel a bit dizzy, disoriented. The tavern around them started to swirl and fade. “I am dead, aren’t I?” she said, half in awe. The air seemed to sparkle with an electric energy.
“No, just me. It’s my time now,” Tyn said. She had stood, and she leaned back against the bar casually, looking upwards as the scene faded into a soft, warm light. “Go back to Shallan, kid. Things’ll be different, sure, but that’s life, and you’ve got a lot more living to do.”
The light brightened until Veil couldn’t see Tyn anymore. “Goodbye,” she whispered, as finally, she felt herself floating in the back of Shallan’s mind again. She stepped forward, feeling her former consciousness fade and change into a bright new awareness.
She had done well.
"Yes," Shallan whispered. "Thank you. Thank you so much."
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azure-sorceress · 25 days
Now I can finally do my ranking of all of arc 1 Stormlight cover, so here it goes:
5. Oathbringer
It sucks my favorite book has my least favorite cover. I don't hate it, I love Jasnah and I love how the scene depicted showcases her powers. That being said, I always thought the sword looked kind of awkward and the background is just boring compared to the rest.
4. Words of Radiance
I love seeing my boy Kal on the cover, doing the superhero landing. It's so badass and if we were going off the design of the character on the cover alone, I would pick this as my favorite. But unfortunatly the background is not as beautiful as the few that follow it.
3. Wind and Truth
I'm really happy with the cover we got. The color and the detail is amazing. And it's also great that we finally have Dalinar on the cover. They made it look like something awesome is happening eve if he just looks like he's about to fight the storm with a book (and maybe that's what's really happening, who knows).
2. The Way of Kings
This one gets points for being so iconic. This cover made me want to pick up the series originally (and I didn't for years because I was scared by the size of the books). I love the look of the Shattered Plains and despite the fact that the figure in the front is just some generic shardbearer, I think the design is great. It also leaves you curious as to what is going on between the two figures on the cover. Are they enemies? Are they saluting each other? Pick up the book and find out!
1. Rhythm of War
If I were to get a poster of one of the Stormlight covers it would be this one. It's so damn beautiful. It perfectly captures the weird and magical vibe of Shadesmar. It has so many details I feel like I could look at it for hours. Shallan looks incredible and I'm obsessed with her outfit.
(I didn't count the back of the covers as we don't have yet the back of the Wind and Truth cover, but I reckon the ranking would be the same)
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peachdoxie · 1 month
Wind and Truth chapters 3 & 4 thoughts!
The Wind told me, before she vanished, that it was the change in Odium’s vessel that restored her voice. I wonder. Perhaps it is the new storm, making people begin to reconsider that the wind is not their enemy.
Hmm. This seems to imply that the in-world Knights of Wind and Truth was written after the events of Wind and Truth, or at least after Words of Radiance.
Strength could be a matter of perception sometimes. And today Shallan found she could choose strength.
Jasnah's words still echoing within Shallan, nice.
Maya was obviously paying attention. She wasn’t completely healed—her eyes were scratched out and her coloring was a wan brown instead of vibrant green like others of her kind—but she was getting better. She no longer wandered off or just stared blankly during conversations. She was also starting to talk more and more.
“Some of us learned you could capture spren in gemstones,” he explained. “And Mishram—for all her power—is a spren. The Radiants prepared a flawless heliodor the color of sunlight, and they trapped her inside, then hid her prison. Not in the Physical Realm, and not in Shadesmar.” He bit his lip, then forced out another part. “In the Spiritual Realm. Melishi hid it there.”
Well, that probably explains Dalinar and Navani's adventure into the Spiritual Realm as mentioned in the blurb.
His pattern slowed, then finally he laced his fingers together. “Very well. Though, you know when I said I was sure you wouldn’t get me killed?” “Yes?” “I should like,” he declared, “to make a retraction.”
I fucking love Pattern.
I have read that in the ancient days, the Wind often spoke to both human and singer. It would then mean that the Wind stopped talking not because of Odium, but because of people who began to fear her… Or to worship the Storm instead.
Fascinating ancient Roshar lore
“Ah, Wema,” Wit mumbled, turning the page. “You’ve finally noticed what a catch Vadam is? Let’s see how you screw it up.”
LMAO Wit is reading An Accountability of Virtue from Oathbringer? Also looking up the title of the book makes the context of Wit's rant about virtue even more interesting. Also: fuck you Sanderson for apparently setting this moment up some one million words ago.
“Give it a try. It has the same fingerings as the one you lost and recovered, though not the same… capacity.”
Wit suggesting that the flute is abnormal in some way
“Long ago,” Wit said softly, “that rhythm guided humans across the void from one planet to the other. They followed it to reach your world.”
“The wind,” Kaladin guessed. “The wind was listening.” ... “When this world was created,” Wit said, “long before Honor, Cultivation, or Odium arrived, Adonalsium left something behind on it. Sometimes it’s called the Old Magic. Sometimes that term is applied to the Nightwatcher, who came—with Cultivation’s efforts—from one of those ancient spren. Listen to the Wind when it speaks, Kaladin. It’s weaker than it once was, but it has seen so very much.”
FASCINATING ancient Roshar lore
“Because this is the journey, Kaladin,” Wit said softly. “The last part of it. Listen to me: I want you to practice with that flute until you make the sound return to you. Because that will mean Roshar is listening.”
This feels very ominous to me and I'm scared
He raised his finger at that last word, and angerspren burst around his feet, like pools of boiling blood, as if on cue.
Has Wit ever drawn spren before? I can't remember.
He glanced at Syl. “This is where Jasnah is wrong about hope, smart though she is in so many ways. If hope doesn’t mean anything to you when you lose, then it wasn’t ever a virtue in the first place. It took me a long time to learn that, and I finally did so from the writings of a man who lost every belief he thought he had, then started over new.” “Sounds like someone wise,” Syl said. “Oh, Sazed is among the best. Hope I get to meet him someday.”
“That’s it, eh?” Wit said. “Just you becoming your world’s first therapist.” Kaladin glanced at Syl, who shook her head. “We have no idea what that is, Wit.”
Kaladin felt a chill. “I’m… never going to see you again, am I, Wit?”
I REALLY do not like this. It's so ominous. What's gonna happen to Kaladin?
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borednhungy · 6 months
So, I'm in Rhythm of War now, and have had this thought in my head just digging around like a termite. Is shadesmar expansive throughout the cosmere or is it just roshar exclusive? Correct me if I'm wrong, it is the collective consciousness of the people, No? So where there are people, a version of shadesmar should exist?
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tenebris-lux · 16 days
Even Syl has flaws and prejudices. She’s a wonderful person, but she’s not perfect.
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- chapter 16, Words of Radiance
Knowledge we learn later about Shardblades, particularly Adolin’s, shows that her knowledge is flawed. Part of it could be her amnesia, but she’s also judging these two characters based on their bonds with the blades. It’s somewhat understandable that she’d have the knee-jerk disgust, because those blades are the “corpses” of previously-bonded spren, which is creepy. Unfortunately, the deadeyes are a kind of outcast in spren society because they scare them. A lot of humans act that way towards each other as well, particularly the ones that display a visible reminder of vulnerability or “imperfection”. Displaced and homeless, people with disabilities… the spren aren’t so different that way when it comes to Shadesmar.
This isn’t to say that I think Syl’s a bad person at all—her entire character goes against that. But she’s not infallible. Adolin and Renarin are also pretty good people, even with their own flaws. Adolin displays a lot of that goodness throughout the series. His main issue is pride.
Syl’s judgments take place about 3 pages after she calls out Kaladin for letting his own prejudices and personal resentment cloud his judgment, which I find interesting:
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I think The Way of Kings kind of sets her up as “an embodiment of Honor (the concept)”, but the issue with that idea is that “when in doubt, consult Syl”. But she’s a person too, and not perfect. She has instincts that resonate with Honor, but as she says later in Words of Radiance, she doesn’t have all the answers. And there are problems with basing judgments going off gut instincts as well; WoR displays a lot of that.
It’s a funny balancing act. Remember when Kaladin thought, “But storm it, Syl liked Dalinar. That carried weight.”? That’s still true! AND she liked Dalinar even when he was bonded with a Shardblade. You could say that’s even more weight, unless looking through the critical lens of “he’s a good one, for his kind.”
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hahahahawk · 3 months
A Pattern
Words of Radiance re-read
I feel dumb as a cremling for not realizing until now that every book in the stormlight archive series is named after a literal book that exists in-world.
I’ve previously been annoyed that book 1 is called Way of Kings even though Kaladin’s story would make more sense titled “words of radiance”.
At the moment I’m having trouble remembering the supposed contents of both (in-universe) Words of Radiance and Oathbringer. Truthfully, I’m not 100% sure Oathbringer *is* an in-universe book. I thought it was Dalinar’s shardblade.
*checks the wiki* ok, it’s both his shardblade and his memoir. If pressed, that’s what I would have guessed.
And I suppose we’ll circle back to the contents of (in-universe) WoR soon enough in the book. Overall, the idea is cute and quirky, but I wish that WoK had a better connection to Kaladin. Though I guess that RoW isn’t Navani’s book either. It just feels out of step since WoR and Shallan are directly associated, as are Oathbringer and Dalinar.
I’m also bummed that the Book of Endless pages disappeared from the story.
Though I did think it was a magic book that Jasnah was giving to Shallan for her to sketch in, not anything (mundane and) religious.
When Syl (I think) talked about being uncomfortable with Cryptic spren, I thought she was just being snotty, that calling them liespren was a mild slur. (Or am I thinking of Jasnah talking to Shallan about Shadesmar/types of spren? Anyway, *someone* expressed those ideas)
But in this chapter it really struck me how Pattern *does* lie and engage in deceitful behavior. At several points he hides information from Shallan about her own past. In this chapter Pattern tries to hide his belief that Shallan will kill him, and they have a meta-conversation about him trying/learning to lie. And in RoW he executed the huge deception of communicating with Hoid behind Shallan’s back while they’re in Shadesmar.
It’s a shocking situation, since you’d think the Nahel bond would join beings so purely that lying between human and spren would be unthinkable. Adding on to that the contrast with Syl, who makes honesty a strict condition of her bond with Kaladin.
Sure, Syl is an honor spren and Patten is vehemently not, but it just seems like the nahel bond is a kind of intimacy that would preclude deception.
mmmmmmmmm! Fascinating!!
Does being a lightweaver mean you have to build a completely different kind of trust with your spren than most Radiants?
I have other thought about what Shallan is getting up to, but seems like it happens in her next (contemporary) chapter, so I’ll withhold my commentary until then.
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shallahi-and-snowflake · 10 months
Hello! Sorry about the roughness of my blog, I mostly just used this one for lurking before I ever thought to get in on anything.
I’m Shallahi Ksheh Bah-Teft, I’m… around… Nanish-er, that’s 20 years old, I think? (Years, months, days, and hours are different where I’m from.) (UPDATE: it’s closer to 22.) I’m human (mostly), Thaylen/Alethi, but I have longer eyebrows than most half-Thayleni. (I’m a Luxray Hybrid now, as of 2-29-24.) Yes, long eyebrows is a weird thing here. I tend to wear them over my ears, if that’s a good image to use as a metric.)
(Update: Apparently I’m Luxray-kin? I just figured it out, so…)
I’m from Kharbranth, also known as the City of Bells. I’m a Knight Radiant (something like a “Chosen” for a smaller, less powerful being. I’m of the Sixth Order, a Lightweaver of the Fourth Ideal as of 1-23-24), a Worldhopper (a “Faller” with more agency in where they go, basically), a collector of stories and knowledge and a lover of food and adventure!
I am a member of Bridge Four and an Incursionist.
I thought I was 6-foot-something, but I’m closer to 6-and-a-third of this world’s feet in height.
I use she/it/fae, and by your standards of gender, I would be transfeminine. (I transitioned by accidentally taking in an entire lamp’s worth of Stormlight, so no need to worry about HRT access, thank goodness. It’s such a shame that others can’t just breathe in magic and—poof! Be properly aligned to their Spiritual aspect.)
I may say words that don’t make sense to you, or don’t fit in the context you’d use them in, that’s just a consequence of the mixing of my own vocabulary and knowledge that I took with me here, me learning new words and assuming their meaning, and the Connection tricks I use to help learn new languages.
I said I was a Worldhopper earlier; don’t worry, while yes I might steal away to Scadarial or elsewhere for a bit, I’m making this world with weak storms, static grass, and colourful fluffy creatures my home. Like Shinovar but with more colour and less ksenophobia!
Now for you, Snowflake!
Ah! I am called “Snowflake” or “Snowy,” (She/Her) and I am a Patternspren or Crypticspren. A spren is… mmmm… a small fragment of a God. Not your gods, mind you. I am bonded to Shallahi, who you have already heard from. This world is strange to us. There is no Shadesmar, no Cognitive Realm that we could find. This means that I am just a Pattern on a dress or other form of clothing. I am dictating my words to Shallahi. Mmm… unfeminine.
(SH: Don’t listen to that stupid old book, it’s full of lies.)
I like lies. You know this.
SH: Then why let those lies dictate your life?)
Mmm… I am called Snowflake because that is how my Pattern looks. This is everything I can think to say.
I sign asks as ❄️.
I have a ton of siblings from Bridge Four, and also Oppy @freeroaming-curiosity is my sister!
Malkah (@faller-of-kharbranth) who just Fell here recently, is also my sister now!
Konnie @abyssanon is also my sibling, as well.
My little sister, who goes by Kitt but is technically a younger me, is at @kitten-of-kharbranth.
My name, should you need it, is Nyx, and I use she/he/it/moon pronouns.
Should I send any asks, I shall sign them with -Her Majesty, the Queen of Dusk, Lunala.
Rose @hisuianhellion is MY GIRLFRIEND AND I LOVE HER SO MUCH!
I have 12 kids:
• Sword @sword-of-injustice, who talks like this. (Your pronouns.)
• Crystal @crystalclearribbons, who doesn’t live with me. (She/Her)
• Vivillon @shinx-oh, who also doesn’t live with me. (She/her)
• Fox (Eevee), who lives with Vivillon. (He/him)
• Illanero @zoruascanbetrainerstoo, who is the Champion of Hoenn, Kanto, Kalos, and Unova!! (All, but mostly xe/xem)
Xe usually travels with Cresselia/Zrosenza @moondreamscape. (she/it/dream)
• Svirak-Daughter-None, a Squawkabilly (She/Her).
• [Zeradin, a Zebstrika] (They/He).
• <Zan, a Dwebble> (He/Him).
• {Vinette, a Joltik.} (She/It).
• Palana, a Natu (She/Him)
• Navari, Eevee/Axehound hybrid, egg obtained from Quasar ( @rogue-nebula) (She/her? Hatched. Unknown.)
Here’s my Trainer Card:
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Annoyingly, there are very few darker-skinned Trainers with blue eyes in the options. Nessa(?) here is the closest I could find.
Pelliper Mail is ON!
Same with Musharna Mail!
Don’t be afraid to ask me stuff, serious or silly!
In fact, don’t be afraid to be goofy with your asks.
Magic Anons are ON, but FILTERED!
Current Arc: Arc Shash (on hold sort-of), Purrsona! (more of a topic tag).
Previous Arcs: Purifying Waters Arc, Time Heist Event, Rotomblr in Wonderland, Lightweaver Luxray, Robot Rescue, Mini-Arc: Curse Of Angy Teen, Muse Mixup Madness (Get PMD’d (Luxrayposting)), Mini Arc: Pokesona Time!, Muse Mixup Madness (Shashariposting) Mini Arc: More Cat, Castelia trip!!
//No proshippers, no TERFs, no NSFW stuff. I don’t really want drama, I just want to have fun. Oh, yeah, also, POTENTIAL COSMERE SPOILERS!
//Sentient Pokémon are A-OK to interact, if previous reblogs haven’t made it clear.
//Self Insert Fallers and Branded are also clear to interact.
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readingwitharthur · 4 months
In case you didn’t noticed i’m here to say i finally finished oathbringer, book 3 in the stormlight archive series, and my oh my do i have thoughts about it.
okay so for starters, i felt like the story dragged a bit too much, i get that that’s sanderson’s style but man i was so fricking bored for half of the book.
now the parts i really enjoyed:
. the failed attempt to save kholinar (rip elhokar, you’ll be missed)
.the whole shadesmar sequence was so well written, meeting adolin’s shardblade spren was a fun surprise
. kaladin not being able to swear the fourth ideal??? had me almost throwing my kindle out of a window, felt so bad for my boy kal 😔
. dalinar “i am unity” kholin, can i call you daddy?? because my man you made me feel things no one else did
. shallan, veil and radiant being the best dissociative identity disorder trio ever and holding off odium’s army
. renarin you’re like a son to me, if anything happened to you i would off myself immediately
final considerations: it’s a five star book? yes, and i won’t lie, sanderson continues to amaze me with this freaking book series, that being said, to rythm of war i go
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cosmerelists · 11 months
Cosmere Characters: Would They Be Fun To Take A Road Trip With?
[Main spoiler is for Way of Kings! Oddly enough. Some spoilers for Stormlight as a whole.]
You're planning a road trip, and you want to bring a Cosmere character with you! You know, as one does. But would the following Cosmere characters actually be a good road trip buddy?
1. Dalinar: Yes
Dalinar's whole dang philosophy is that it's the journey that matters. He'd be stopping at interesting roadside attractions, enjoying good food, watching sunsets, and generally enjoying the trip. What a great person to have on your road trip with you!
2. Adolin: Yes
We saw road-trip-Adolin in Shadesmar--he's great! Organized, interested in making sure everyone is doing well, good conversationalist. You'll have a great time.
3. Kaladin: Depends
To be fair it was a stressful situation, but when Kaladin and Shallan "road tripped" through the chasms, he basically just marched off with his long Alethi legs and left her to scramble along behind him. I feel like that's equivalent to, like, being really particular about the radio or something. Plus, he totally thinks he knows the way and ain't asking for directions. On the other hand, if Kaladin has warmed up to you, then I think he'd be an okay travel buddy. He'll definitely pull you out of the flaming wreckage when the trip inevitably turns into some sort of dramatic life-or-death situation, at least!
4. Vasher: No
You're like, "Oh look! That town has the country's largest cow statue! Wanna stop and take a look?" and he's like, "No." It's the first time he's spoken in 45 minutes.
5. Tress: Yes
By the of her book, Tress is all about adventure and she's a literal delight to everyone on the ship. Plus, if your tire got flat or something, Tress would absolutely learn how to change a tire on the fly and get you back on the road.
6. Teft: No
Teft will fight to his dying breath to protect you, but I do not think he'd be fun to sit in the car with for eight hours a day. He'd be a grumbler, I think.
7. Kabsal: Yes
He'd bring amazing car snacks, potentially homemade ones. He seemed like a good conversationalist too. Now it's true, he might try to assassinate you or inconveniently fall in love with you--or both!--but, like, the rest of the road trip will be lots of fun.
8. Navani: Depends on the type of road trip
Navani would, I think, make for a very organized road trip buddy. If you're trying to get somewhere on a time table, Navani would be great. You WILL be up at 8:00am and you WILL get to your destination on time and in one piece. But if you're hoping to, like, chill out and enjoy the scenery casually, then maybe not so much.
9. Elend: No
Elend is great 'n' all, but has a plan of his ever worked out in his life? There's gonna be a huge traffic jam caused by, like, political sabotage or something. And all of his books on tape are about philosophy, too.
10. Mare: Yes
She's definitely a "cow! cow!" type person, I think.
11. Eshonai: Hell yeah
Eshonai loves to travel and is delighted to meet new people. She's going to get chatting with some fruit vendor and the next thing you know, you've both been invited to dinner and are about to have the absolute best homecooked meal of your life.
12. Raoden: Yes
I feel like Raoden is very likable and cares a lot about how the people around him are doing. He'd make sure you had a good time and would be very thoughtful.
13. Lirin: Depends on whether Hesina is coming too
I feel like on his own, Lirin would be a very...stressed road trip buddy. Concerned about the speed limit, about not being too unhealthy, about doing the road trip right. But if Hesina were there, I think he'd be able to chill out a lot more. Because Hesina would want the trip to be fun, and I think Lirin would let it be fun with her around.
14. Lezian: Hell no
The FIRST person who cuts him off in traffic is gonna spark so much road rage in Lezian. Now you're weaving erratically through traffic in pursuit of that truck he's mad at, and you're only like 30 minutes into the trip.
15. Raboniel: Well...
At first she was like, "I am the driver here. You will address me only as the Lady of Roads and will know your place" and you were like, "Wow. This is going to be the worst trip of my life." But by the end, the two of you are singing together and crying for some reason, and now you think she might be your soulmate.
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thatfoxnamedfinley · 2 days
To Erase the Past aka Words of Radiance thoughts
Why yes, I was awake until 5:00AM finishing this book, thank you for asking and understanding
Why no, I'm not okay
I'm so proud of Shallan
I'm so disappointed in Moash
I'm so thankful for Kaladin
I'm so triggered by Tangerine (I know this isn't his name but that's what I'm calling him, throw him into the pile with Capsule)
I've become a Dalinar apologist
Lets GOOOOOooOOOOoooOooooooOOOOo
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So last night, I'm whooping and hollering. Sweating. Fist pumping. Being trampled by the last sequences in the book. It's 3:00AM. My roommate who fell asleep downstairs finally makes it up to his room. He looks into my room, eyebrow raised.
Him: I could hear you downstairs.
Me: Okay?
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Him: ......it was bad
Me: ...
That is a quick summary of my thoughts of this book. I feel like between these two books I've read like 2 trilogies.
*sits down and takes a deep breath*
So apparently Shadesmar is the mythological kingdom of the spren
PATTERN IS AMAZING, I loved him. Ok ok ok when he was first introduced and Shallan and Jasnah were like "damn I'm kinda disappointed." and Jasnah was like "He's a little..."
and Shallan was like *nods sadly* "He's a little retarded?" and Pattern is like spinning in circles in the corner of the room and trying to get up walls but keeps like, slowly sliding down
I almost spat my water out
ok ok so Kaladin is a Surgebinder, Shallan a Lightweaver, Dalinar a Bondsmith and Renarin (wtf this kid is so weird bro) is a...Truthwatcher
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Ok I'm sorry, let me consult my notes because my mind is ALL OVER THE PLACE
Very early the glyphs appeared and honestly, we all knew it was the Everstorm. Dalinar FINALLY knowing he wasn't crazy was just so good. There was a moment after the first set appeared and Dalinar is listening to the people in the room. His inner dialogue is to have a straight back and head up despite his exhaustion. Telling himself to be in control. And I'm like DAMN this man really is a leader amongst men. The way he carries himself is just so GENERAL like and so so good!
Even though Dalinar apparently had the fewest pages dedicated to him this book, it really felt like he was looming over the story with how much of this seems to center around him (uniting Alethkar) and how many of the character's POV's intersect with what he doing.
Jasnah? Thinks Dalinar may be one of the best men she has ever known. Syl? Loves Dalinar and thinks he's a good man. Kaladin? Has several moments when he realizes that yes, Dalinar IS a good man and he MUST live. Hell, he was almost part of a plot to kill the king because he and that crew he met were like "Bro, Dalinar should be the king. We all know it." And at first Kaladin was like WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE WE CANT KILL THE KING WERE PROTECTING HIM WTF ARE YOU- wait...Dalinar the king instead?
Kaladin was like
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Sadeas was such a bitter ex boyfriend. When he asked his wife to activate all her spies to find something to hurt Dalinar with I'm like BRO WHAT IS YOUR FUCKING DAMAGE DUDE. Admitting to himself that even if Dalinar was the Blackthorn and was still the conquering warlord, he'd kill him regardless because he wanted to be at the top was telling because I was really wondering if he'd ever admit it.
((Adolin sniping tf outta him was so fucking satisfying. Holy SHIT))
Shallan. Ooooouuu girlie! GIRLIE!!! The CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!!!!! I liked her in book 1 despite many people saying she was a weakness in the book because Dalinar and Shallan were just much more INTERESTING than her POV. Brandon Sanderson said "lol ok BET" and look what we got. A cesspit of trauma and growth. The goal? To find Urithiru because it holds secrets of the Voidbringers. Oh, and marry Adolin. Oh, and infiltrate the Ghost Bloods. Oh, AND SAVE THE ENTIRE WORLD NO FUCKING PROBLEM
HOLYYY FUCKKKKK THE REVELATION THAT SHE KILLED HER MOTHER HOLY ACTUAL FUCKKK!! Her dad was PROTECTING HER by making everyone think he did it! I sat back in my chair like yo WTF Shallan. You murked your mom AND your dad. Holy fuck. And I guess her mom tried to kill her because she said Shallan was "one of them" and had powers at a younger age? When we meet Pattern, this isn't the first time Shallan has. Hints to it but Shallan's brain just
The flashbacks were so good. Seeing her brothers (RIP to Heleran, Balat is NUTS he abuses animals and pulls legs off crabs). Her father was horrible. Being surrounded by all the constant yelling, the fear. Being put in her corner and not speaking. Her humor helping her brothers. Despite how afraid she is, it is SHE that holds the family together. It was SHE who got her gambling brother free, who made her brothers laugh.
OOOOO When she was about to join the caravans, there was a line she said...
"What would you do, Vathah," Shallan said in a loud voice, "to erase the past?"
And it's pitch black and you hear the screams of the caravans being attacked by bandits and she's standing on the sand and she's Lightweaving an illusion that she's a QUEEN and her hair is blowing around her and now KNOWING her past I'm like holy FUCK that was so GOOD!!!!
(I was also like holy fuck THERE's Gaz!)
oMg when Jasnah was "assassinated" I did indeed gasp. When Shallan watched the guy stab her in the chest with a knife I was like NO FUCKING WAY BITCH but Sanderson was clever. By NOT having her in the rest of the book and bringing her back in the EPILOGUE it didn't feel like we were cheated. Because Jasnah's death was a huge motivator to Shallan and a catalyst to her change in the book.
yo Shallan is so smart. This bitch infiltrated the Ghostbloods with ALMOST ease because of her abilities. WHEN SHE WENT TO THE HERALD AND AMARAM WAS THERE AND SHALLAN WAS IN THE CORNER like
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I'm like this bitch is about to be a fucking PROBLEM
watch for that dark haired cunt in a rimmed hat
rumor has it her name is Veil
ok random gear switch
Sadeas CASUALLY talking about killing Dalinar and Elhokar? BRO what is your DAMAGE???? I get that Alethi are super ambitious and war driven but WTF Sadeas
The chapter was entitled The One Who Hates
like excuse me bitch?
One of my bookmarked notes in my audiobook is "No spren guides him. WHAT????? HOW SWAY????"
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We learn later on the nature of his blade but STILL. In the moment I was freaking out. Kaladin has that dream and knew something was wrong. He and Adolin and Dalinar are f.i.g.h.t.i.n.g. f.o.r t.h.e.i.r l.i.v.e.s and Szeth is flying around, sending Adolin flying up to the ceiling and he cuts Kaladin's arm and it goes grey and I'm just reading this chapter
My heart was beating so fucking fast. Dalinar is like
And Szeth is like
"I'm not here for him, Highprince. I'm here for you." Then Dalinar CATCHES the Shardblade in his bare fucking hands and Kaladin and Szeth fall midair from the window and then Szeth flees after Kaladin heals and shows his powers and I'm SHOUTING at the spine of the book
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(Adolin sitting outside his father's room the rest of that night because he was scared Szeth would come back to kill his father was just...UGH I LOVE the relationship Adolin and Dalinar have. Adolin idolizes his father so MUCH)
and and and
that part with Shallan (I am so frazzled I'm so sorry I've barely had any sleep and this book HAUNTS me do you understand it HAUNTS me...I had a dream last night about this book)
"Can't run, can't run, can't run....
And she attacks Tyn and kills her with a SHARDBLADE
Oh I'm sorry? Hello? WHAT???? WTFFF BITCH???
A SHARDBLADDDEEEEEEEE????!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? I just got goosies again bitch omg I'm actually panting hold on give me a moment
ok sidenote but The Stormfather is kind of a dick???? And to be fair, I'm going to assume after as many Desolations as there were that the spren are tired of helping humanity maybe and that's what Stormfather is talking about. Like "bro this is not my first, second, third or even eightieth rodeo. everytime it's the same and SOMEHOW humanity still finds new and clever ways to disappoint me. So...HELP YOU? lmfao" And I know we'll learn more about it so I'm willing to accept that thought process for now but at the end when he's talking to Dalinar (EXCUSE ME IS THE STORMFATHER DALINAR'S *SPREN* NOW???????????) I was like this Stormfather is a little bit of a bitch. This was my INITIAL reading because my adrenaline was still through the roof after
but after thinking about it I was like yeah no I get it. He's seen this movie in theaters so many times and has to pretend to be excited but he really is just pissed his friends keep forcing him to come
Sebarial and Wit were iconic. Their insults were so fucking good. During the end when they were all making their way to the Oathgate and Sebarial was drunk and Palona was reading a book and Dalinar was like ????
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Aladar, Roion (r.i.p you cowardly prince, you actually did us a solid in the end, and I underestimated both you and your kin. salute) and Sebarial joining him to form a force of 30k against the Parshendi that were SINGING THEIR LITTLE HEARTS OUT for the apocalypse
Then Syl. My glorious Syl.
BITCHHHHH I was *unhinged* Then Kaladin lit up like a fucking Christmas tree
I am so disappointed in Moash. I want to say I get it but like...MOASH. REALLY? After all that? After being Kaladin's friend and OH YOU KNOW him giving you a Shardblade and Plate because he trusted you and now we're here
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Though he did get 1/18th of a brownie point for not letting anyone else touch Kaladin. Then he lost 1,476,998 brownie points for punching Kaladin so hard that his ribs broke INWARD. "Oops I hit him harder than I meant to." Are you fucking kidding me Moash. Are you? Because you're an EMBARRASSMENT. I hope when we see him next it's ON SITE. Count your fucking days, bro
So...Szeth's weapon was an Honorblade, a weapon of the Heralds....? And two of them are back? The one that Amaram snatched up (Herald of War) and the one that saved Szeth (Herald of Justice). They are returning. So now Szeth is just a normal human being with a normal life...? I'm very VERY interested in Szeth's development and where he goes. I want him on our side so bad and idk how tf Brandon Sanderson plans to do it but I just need it to happen
Adolin murdering Sadeas was SO satisfying. Sadeas going on and on and ON. That isn't it SO CONVENENIENT that the head of Dalinar's guard and Adolin's betrothed are both Radiants and that Dalinar has an ulterior motive. And Adolin is like WHY SADEAS? WHY are you like this. What is your damage? And Sadeas is like WELL if Dalinar stays alive then I can't be more powerful, so lololololol
And Adolin is like
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amazing. so good. captivating. unexpected. Adolin grappling from behind and they won!
"Dalinar growled softly. It was a sound Kaladin had never heard from him, The growl of a beast on a chain. It surprised him. " ooohhh?????
And no one standing to help and Kaladin like "literally hold my beer" then when he asked for his boon I was like welp FUCK here we go
Then he was thrown in jail and I was like YUP that tracks
I absolutely LOVED his book. Truly. I liked it better than the first if that's even possible. It made me appreciate book 1 even more because of the world building and set up.
side notes from my audiobook bookmarks:
Kaladin mentions Dalinar's eyes a lot mmmhmmmm
"Dalinar Kholin slowly stood up. He moved like a rolling boulder. Inevitable, implacable." oh. OH?
"I wouldn't want you to go flying off on me. You know, flying off in an angry tirade." Wit is a legend, I love that he seems to be all knowing and everywhere he needs to be for certain characters. WHO/WHAT IS HE?
Renarin is...I don't have words. What in Damnation are you doing, man? Because he's llike WERE ALL GUNNA DIE WERE ALL GUNNA DIE then they don't so like...how reliable are his Truthwatching abilities?
Shallan and Kaladin EYEBALLING EACH OTHER????? Thinking about each other????? HMMMMMMM???
"He danced with the slayer of kings" HOLLLLYYY FUCK IM *UNHINGED* RN DALINAR YOU ARE TRULY A GOAT AMONGST GOATS <- actually quote from my bookmark
Gallant not fleeing the battlefield is actually iconic
Shallan and Dalinar looking out below and people teleporting to their location and saying "Life before Death, Radiant" is, I fear, legendary
Ok phew I'm so tired from this post, I needed to spit my thoughts out before reading book 3 (which is apparently about Dalinar and I am already such a Dalinar apologist that I can't WAIT)
ok bye *snooze*
OH!! AND TANGERINE BEING EItHER RETARDED OR A GENIUS ON ANY GIVEN DAY bro WHAT and THAT is what you're going off of? THAT is why you're assassinating everyone???? Bro you are FUCKED
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