#sha recs
cherrysha · 1 year
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• ShaSha • 25 • She/Her•
Minors/Ageless Blogs will be blocked
Dark content and +18 Writing
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Come Reap What You Sow
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Newest Works:
Feel - Uvogin x Reader
Warnings: Masochism, Pain Play
To Be Alone - Sukuna x Reader
Warnings: paranoia, weed, dubcon (since reader is under the influence), slight body horror
Craving - Vampire!Phinks x Reader
Warnings: Blood, Death, Allusions to Sex, (Phinks could be seen as yandere in this piece)
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Coming soon:
Untitled Poetry Professor!Nobunaga, TA!reader
Warnings: tbd
Untitled Yan!Phinks x reader
Warnings: neglect, physical/emotional abuse, OC death, noncon, alcohol consumption, sadism, blood, choking, degradation
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About Me
Rec blog
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Sha’s Listening To:
Home - Good Neighbours
Tek It - Cafuné
Stung - Brakence
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practicefortheheart · 5 months
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More Sha Ka Ree sketches!! I'm having fun rereading and pestering @therebewhaleshere!
A happy Spock with his hair grown out and tied in a sloppy looped ponytail. I love him being more comfortable with his feelings in this fic.
Jim!! Thank you, Liss, for making this planet HOT by day and COLD by night, so we can draw him shirtless, as Roddenberry intended. (I have a colored version coming up)
THIS SCENE ("What do you need" "I don't know what I need" "Let me") KILLED ME
Anyway, may long haired Spock live long and prosper.
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Sha Hualing: Hey you busy? And writing Bingqiu fanfiction doesn’t count.
Liu Mingyan: Oh ha ha, very funny.
Liu Mingyan: I finished it last week. What’s going on?
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Y'all!!!! Bersakhi23 on AO3 wrote a tie-in/sequel thing for Sha Ka Ree! I wish I knew their Tumblr handle (tell me if this is you!!!) because I loved it and I am obsessed with it ❤️ Go read it and give them kudos!
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darkwater-fic-recs · 1 year
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(Completed, oneshot)
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momoliee · 10 months
Finished Can Ci Pin, time for a review! [Warning: this review will contain some spoilers!]
Priest…that was brutal. You murdered me in cold blood. That was CRUEL. When was the last time a danmei had me crying this hard?!? I genuinely didn’t think you had it in you to do us all like this😭
To start off the review, I will first talk about the plot. The series spans 7 novels, two of the novels being split into two parts along with the extras, resulting in a total of 10 installments, making it one of the longest danmei novels that i’ve read, along with 2ha by meatbun and tgcf by mxtx. It takes place in a futuristic sci-fi society that exists in space, in a world run by technology and Ai with humanity inhabiting not one planet, but instead 8 whole galaxies (no there are no aliens in this series). I guess the reason why it’s incredibly underrated and overlooked, despite being one of Priest’s best works ever (literally on par with sha po land, mo du and lie huo jiao chou), would be its unique and niche genre, not preferred or sought after or appreciated by the majority of the danmei readers in both the chinese and english fandoms. Nevertheless, if you got some time on your hands, i would definitely recommend you give it a go! Priest makes it super easy and uncomplicated to settle into the world with her incredible world building skills (think of the steam punk universe of sha po lang), and the whole plot literally revolves around politics, war, and the struggles between different parties for power, which is smth that’s already pretty popular within danmei!! and the aesthetics are pretty cool too!!! think spaceships and astronauts!! also there are elements of mystery and comedy and action!! come on yall!!!
Now let’s get into the ACTUAL review. In a world where the Interstellar Union is constantly being tossed around like a tennis ball between the Eden Committee and the Military Council (think of the IU as the king/emperor/ruler, the Eden Committee as the prime minister of the government, and the Military Council as the marshal or commander of the military), the struggle for power led to centuries of underhanded and unethical and inhumane tactics and practices being brewed under the surface by all parties involved. On the surface, there was ‘peace’, peace that came at the expense of others, peace that was no thicker than a hair strand, ready to snap at any given second. Our main characters happened to be born in the century in which this fragile and delicately maintained peace is finally shattered, everything fell apart and no more secrets were kept hidden as all was exposed. The story follows so many threads that priest has managed to weave slowly here and there from very early onwards. The first two novels, priest spends them introducing several different plot lines and several different ‘problems’ and ‘issues’ that she later on ties together into one thick huge interwoven heavy plot in the fourth book. Most readers end up abandoning the story after reading the second novel, feeling that the pace is too slow, everything that’s happening is too random and left up abruptly without a satisfying conclusion, there is no one consistent plot line to follow, and the whole thing feels very overwhelming. However, after reaching the fourth novel, where the plot pace is suddenly picked up dramatically and everything becomes set to motion, it is clear the build up was very necessary or else the whole series wouldve turned into one big jumbled mess. There are time skips within the novel, one in the beginning and one in the middle, the one in the middle sort of splitting the series into a ‘before’ and ‘after’. The last detail i’ll mention regarding the plot, would be that the war doesn’t exist between just two sides, it exists between our main characters, the union, two other parties, and the internal strife between the split factions of the union. so you can….already imagine how complicated and intricate this is.
Now onto the characters. There is Lin Jingheng!!! The Man of The Hour. Aloof and cold on the outside, soft and kind on the inside. Ruthless and Merciless on the outside, a big mother-hen on the inside. A former commander turned mafia leader, his heart dead set on revenge, his body a weapon hes sharpened over the years, his life absolutely disposable to him. Keeping his distance, staying away from everyone, closing himself off to the world, he only ever had one goal in mind and it was to tear apart the union that took away his loved ones. Hes the best at what he does and he knows it, and he will absolutely use himself up to the max. He will not hesitate to make cold and harsh sacrifices, if it means he can logically get to his goal as efficiently as possible. Watching him grow as a character, watching him develop attachments and warm emotions, watching him slowly let out his inner child, was worth it. I absolutely love how the more he developed as a character, the more feelings he started expressing, the more bonds and attachments he started to form with those around him, the more he loved, the stronger he got. Unlike what he initially thought, love and affection and care did not hold him back or make him weaker, it only made him stronger and more invincible, ready to take on anything now that he finally has a purpose, now that he has people he wants to protect and more importantly, return to. An absolute favorite of mine, a true gem. His character is easy to grow fond of, and definitely enjoyable to be around.
Next is Lu Bixing, aka, my absolute favorite. Starting off as the naive, charismatic, funny, hyperactive and handsome little engineer and scientist, neither the series nor priest are kind to him😭😭😭😭 priest, you’ve truly put our sunshine boy through a LOT. i’ve cried several times. tears were shed. Lu Bixing underwent a dramatic character development due to extreme pain and trauma (im still recovering from this) and was stripped off of many of his most endearing character qualities to become a sharp blade ready to take on the world. but despite everything, the seed of kindness in his heart wasnt gone, all it needed was a bit of rekindling and healing and by the end of the series, we had our beloved son back again!!! His character started off well, drifted off the rail due to the harsh circumstances, then came back again, stronger and more mature than ever but still retaining his flirty and bright and active spirit and personality. I absolutely LOVED his healing arc, i love how no one gave up on him even when he gave up on himself, and i love how he came back to us again. Priest truly did his character justice, and didn’t let him off to be this “forever cold and heartless because of my trauma” character, the way many other authors wouldve.
One more thing that i loved, is how priest gave detailed and thorough attention to the side characters in this masterpiece of a work. Priest has managed to make sure that almost every important character in the series had a whole backstory and arc going for them, making you care about all of them and get attached and grow fond, even if some of those characters were already dead years before the novel even started. Priest dedicated several extras to some of those already dead but important characters, and it was the best decision she couldve ever made, making you all nostalgic and sentimental while reading.
Now onto the romance, definitely in my top 5 favorite danmei parings. The commander and his engineer. If Lu Bixing was a crown prince, then Lin Jingheng would be his knight. If Lin Jingheng was a sword, Lu Bixing would be his shield. A relationship that is also a partnership, where theyre both standing on equal ground, where they both need each other’s strengths and talents, where they both trust each other endlessly both on and off the battlefield, whether it be with each other’s lives or with each other’s hearts. It’s like those countless queer quoted shows and movies where two generals or two soldiers go through everything back to back, except this is a danmei so they DO end up together and it doesn’t end up being dismissed as a ‘friendship’. I love their hot and cold dynamic, i love how well they complement each other and how they somehow complete and balance each other. i love how they bring out the worst and best in each other. i love how they always wanna live one more day to come back to each other. Also Lu Bixing’s attempts to win over Lin Jingheng in the beginning were a 10/10 entertainment, definitely had us all, readers and side characters, rooting for him and cheering him on to get that cold commander’s heart!!!
This series will make you laugh, make you cry. There are intense action scenes, complex war and politics scenes, brutal bloodshed scenes and extremely funny and light hearted scenes. Even the romance gets its fair share of attention, the relationship building up at a perfect and reasonable and natural pace, as you grow to love the characters individually then love them together. it was cute, adorable, embarrassing, sexy, angsty (oh the ANGST) all at once!
Would definitely be rereading this, would definitely be giving this a 15/10.
[Here is my favorite scene from book 2 (i hope the humor convinced yall to pick up this incredible series!!!)] :
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carpisuns · 2 years
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only @sha-nwa stans will understand
doodles from my favorite fic, the way i loved you :)
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Anakin: We can't have Aayla come to her party yet! The sign's not finished! It's supposed to say "Aayla's Birthday!"
Sha: What does it say instead?
Anakin: "Aayla's Bi".
Anakin: Nevermind, that's perfect. We're ready!
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mejomonster · 1 year
Okay so clearly I need danmei recs that are enemies to lovers or at least "mutually suspect each other" to lovers. I like the slow burn it creates, the suspense that their developing crush might be on the enemy/bad guy, that sort of thing. I think that's part of why I like Silent Reading Zhoudu (the possibility of Fei Du actually plotting crimes is delicious and i Eat Up that dynamic), Guardian Weilan (they're both feeling each other out and investigating), 2ha (Mo Ran starts the novel right off with: I died for this man but I also HATE him and that's a very intriguing hook for me)
So any other danmei that have this in the dynamic?
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mekare-art · 1 year
DMBJ Recs #4: Sha Hai
The post is up on Dreamwidth, so go and rec your favourite fanworks set during Sha Hai, featuring characters from Sha Hai or dealing with its aftermath.
Rec Post
All other rounds will stay open, so feel free to add more recs for previous themes by reblogging the original rec announcement with your recs or commenting on Dreamwidth.
Round 1: Fanvids
Round 2: Rare Pairings
Round 3: Hurt/Comfort
Next topic in two weeks time: Focus on Female Characters!
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hella1975 · 1 year
one of the realest lyrics of all time is haley heynderickx screaming 'I NEED TO START A GARDEN' again and again btw
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cherrysha · 4 months
This is why I’ve been gone btw
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practicefortheheart · 3 months
i know that it was years ago, and I've already reblogged them (to a side blog), but i just wanted to say how much i loved your art for Sha Ka Ree (star trek fic).
Oh! But I have recently made some new art for it AND did a collab with the author @onedamnminuteadmiral and we're working on new Spirk things! Check out my art page it's all right at the top! I absolutely loved working on that Sha Ka Ree art and I am very happy that other fans of the fic enjoy it! Thank you for letting me know ❤
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“That I'd walk so far just to take
The injury of finally knowing you”
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darkwater-fic-recs · 1 year
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(Completed, oneshot)
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beautiful-noises · 1 month
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kids get summer spins
[listen here]
i. ain't it funny ft. kate bollinger good dog nigel/ ii. million little problems the walters/ iii. neat little box of chaos michael schneeweis/ iv. tossing and turning arlie/ v. see me on the outside! mmmonika/ vi. let go the polar boys/ vii. look alive yabadum/ viii. photo id remi wolf/ ix. vitamin e rubber & sam bekt/x. high dive shaed & lewis del mar/ xi. talk words bickle/ xii. sun beam morningsiders/ xiii. city kitty french cassettes/ xiv. love u like the sun in june ryan scott/ xv. strange american dream rayland baxter/ xvi. 90s american superstar wallice/ xvii. i don't have control sometimes sunflower bean/ xviii. lemon sun grady strange/ xix. the american dream is alive in mexico mood beach/ xx. nikes on healy/ xxi. harsh augmented reality strawberry mountain/ xxii. sunshine the velvet cab/ xxiii. if i could choose the shivas/ xxiv. blue tick good morning/ xxv. summer's over jordana & tv girl/
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