#sha Gojyo hc’s
Glad to see you again my darling! :D
Can I please request headcanons for Gojyo, Sanzo, Hakkai, and Kougaiji reacting to their female S/O getting attacked while pregnant and she defends herself like a badass?
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A/n: all my favorite boys!! Yesss
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Sha Gojyo:
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🚬: Is fucking terrified when he finds you missing, nearly loses his shit when he actually catches your scent as he rushes off to find you.
🚬: To many thoughts rushing through his mind, he can’t lose you, he can’t lose his child. Not when he has actually found some happiness.
🚬: Is a little thrown off to find one guy already dead as another gets tossed out the window. While it took some effort you managed to defeat the assholes that took you. { even though it was Gojyo that killed the last asshole. }
🚬: Rushes into where you were being held, immediately checks you over. Places his hand on your belly just wanting to feel a kick. His relived when he actually feels one.
🚬: Is very proud that you defended yourself but scolds you for doing something dangerous. He doesn’t want to lose you and his child.
🚬: You laugh it off then kiss his check, you’ve been traveling with him and the gang for a long time. You can handle some thugs, being pregnant isn’t about to stop you from taking matters into your own hands when some jackass wants to hurt your unborn child.
🚬: Admits that it’s hot and a turn on seeing you toss that jackass out the window. Wish he could have seen you take the other prick out. { not really, please never do that again…still thinks it’s hot that the woman he loves is such a badass. }
🚬: When you get home expect a long night of some passionate sex followed by the man holding you.
🚬: Knows if he has a little girl he hopes she’ll be as much of a badass like you but he knows that he’ll protect you both know matter what.
Genjo Sanzo:
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📿:It happens while you’re in the temple, he’s gotten used to what these assholes would say about him. But you, oh boy did they make a mistake when they spoke baldy about you and his unborn child.
📿: You usually had a better control of your emotions but since your were pregnant he could not blame you for snapping when one day one of the monks made a remark about your child and how it’s probably not even Sanzo’s child.
📿: Watches as you tear into the monk, screaming at anyone that questions your love for the man and how that this is his son.
📿: Has to hold back a snicker when you shove one of the monks stating you’ve two fucked plenty.
📿: Sanzo will then give a very blunt threat to the monks once you tore yourself out that if they can not accept you or his unborn son then his will not return.
📿: They promise they won’t but once his son is born he doesn’t return.
Cho Hakkai:
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🍃: You two are out eating when it happens, he slipped away to take care of something only for a man to come to the table to bother you.
🍃: He tries to pull you away from the table know matter how much you struggled. The only thing you knew was that you had to protect yours and Hakkai’s child.
🍃: Remembering what he taught you, you easily slipped out of his grasp breaking his hand in the process.
🍃: Hakkai arrived just arrived to see you holding the man’s arm behind his back, the guy on his knees.
🍃: Chuckles at the soft, it’s quite cute seeing you being able to pin a full grown man on his knees with such a cute smile on your face.
🍃: Knees down in front of the man, he might have a smile on his face but he is not happy that some low life dared to touch his pregnant wife. Has a dangerous glint in his eyes.
🍃: Warns the man not to come back, tells him if he does he will kill him.
🍃: Praises you, is happy that you were able to stay safe but he still would rather stay by your side now.
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👑:Nearly has a panic attack when he finds you missing from the mansion.
👑: Him and Dokugakuji go out to find you. He is furious that someone dared to take his Princess.
👑:Anyone that crosses his path is going to be fucking dead, the man is seeing red. He’s not gonna stop until he finds you and make sure you and his unborn child are okay.
👑: Though when he finally reaches where you are held he’s a bit baffled seeing all the corpse’s outside the hut. Dokugakuji tries to hold him back but the man is running on pure adrenaline.
👑: Though he’s a bit baffled to see you completely unharmed with a large smile on your face. Your arms wrapping around his waist. He of course kisses you back but damn is he confused.
👑: Did his princess, did you do all of this but yourself?
👑: You laugh it off telling him it wasn’t so hard.
‘You’re the one that trained me, remember.’ You teased.
👑: Scolds you at first though it’s more of him worrying about you and his child.
👑: Dokugakuji praises how strong you love become, teases that the little princess or princess will be just as strong.
👑: Kougaiji ignores him as he carries you back, he finally relaxes listing to you happily chat with his friend.
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danikatze · 6 years
MasaMatsu and GojyoHakkai
Domesticity meme!
Heeh, thanks so much for asking MatsuMasa too here, but I have plenty of other hc’s.. The one I picked took a bit of explaining, so I’m posting it separately again.
Who cooks normally?Hakkai, but I like to imagine he’s not very good at it. It’s edible and healthy, but often boiled (for too long) and very bland. 
Is it canon that Hakkai’s a bad cook? I feel like it was mentioned somewhere.. If I misremembered and Hakkai is actually an excellent cook, I’d accept that in the blink of an eye. It’s just that you’d expect Hakkai to be able to make a very tasty meal and I have a thing for surprising cooking skills. Usually I hc people as unexpectedly good, but I might like unexpectedly bad just as much haha..
Gojyo once tried to sneak in some spices or sauce, but he is an even worse cook and had no idea how much would be enough. So that didn’t help. Especially because he now had to deal with Hakkai’s wrath and a hole in his tongue from the excessive amount of hot sauce or whatever he put in there - on top of bad food.Hakkai wasn’t particularly upset because Gojyo tempered with the food,  but mainly that he did it without asking. Just like he can handle his alcohol very well, he also has a high tolerance for super spicy food. (He probably would continue to add too much spice to his food occasionally. Poor Gojyo.)
How often do they fight?They bicker a lot, but serious fights are usually avoided because Gojyo learns to apologise immediately after realising Hakkai’s being very passive aggressive. Hakkai appreciates the gesture, but doesn’t like that half the time Gojyo doesn’t actually know what he’s apologising for. Every now and then he makes a point of explaining why he’s upset - sometimes less patiently than others.Gojyo doesn’t get angry at Hakkai often, just moody or exasperated - but if he does, it’s likely because Hakkai undervalues himself or his life too much.What do they do when they’re away from each other?As much as they like each other, breaks are appreciated seeing as they usually spend every minute together. Gojyo will initially feast on his freedom. If he’s the one staying home he breaks all the rules Hakkai set for the house, but frantically tries to fix everything before Hakkai returns. He’ll also conclude that he kinda really appreciates Hakkai’s structure. If he’s the one going away he’ll flirt his head off, only to realise that he doesn’t take pleasure in it the way he used to.Hakkai relishes how quiet the house is. He reads, drinks tea, takes long baths, idk knits (he would do that), but after some time misses the liveliness of Gojyo’s company. Somewhat.Nicknames for each other?Hmm I’m conflicted on this because Hakkai seems like the type to call some people ‘dear’ and stuff.. but then again he doesn’t. (does he?) And besides, I just can’t see him calling Gojyo a sweetheart. It just doesn’t suit either of them imo, so I’d say he just prefers to call Gojyo by his actual name. Gojyo on the other hand surely calls Hakkai ‘babe’ or something like that and greats him with variations of “hey handsome.” Hakkai has mixed feelings about being called ‘babe’ because it’s a little…tacky? but in the end he sort of quietly embraces it.Who is more likely to pay for dinner?Gojyo. I guess Hakkai would find going out for dinner “just because” nonsense if they have a kitchen and supplies available, but (sticking the cooking hc) Gojyo’s kind of desperate for really good food every now and then. He doesn’t want to offend Hakkai by eating out by himself or with others - he did that once and he got the silent treatment sprinkled with scary smiles for like a week - but if he’s had any luck with the cards he’d definitely take Hakkai out and pay the bill.Who steals the covers at night?Gojyo uses up a lot of space in the bed - lanky arms and legs spread wide in weird angles - and moves around a lot. Hakkai normally wouldn’t move around a lot - he falls asleep on his back and stays like until he wakes up - but with Gojyo in his bed he’s forced to chase after the sheets in his sleep.What would they get each other for gifts?Gojyo knows Hakkai likes getting Nice things. Soft decorative things that smell like flowers, preferably with embroidery or something. Homely stuff. He doesn’t really know the difference between ‘Nice’ and 'nice’ though. Sometimes he hits the mark, but sometimes he gets stuff that smell very chemical or look very mass-produced. Still, Hakkai keeps/uses and treasures the things Gojyo gets him. For a while.I don’t know what Hakkai would give Gojyo.. Maybe he’d attempt to push Gojyo’s clothing style in a more agreeable direction. A nice pair of trousers that don’t look 10 sizes too large, but stil 'cool’. Or a jacket that isn’t made out of faded denim. Like Gojyo he gets it right at times, and at others even he agrees that it looks too stiff on Gojyo - in which case they exchange it for something else at the store.Who remembers things?Half the time Gojyo doesn’t know what day or date it is, but Hakkai is always informed. Gojyo gets frustrated at Hakkai because he just doesn’t let on at all if something important is coming up. He tries keeping calendars but just always loses those after maybe a month of being somewhat dedicated to checking it.Who cusses more?Gojyo loves swearing - Hakkai doesn’t really. See this is where I might’ve gotten confused with the nicknames, because Hakkai is definitely the kind of person to say 'oh dear’ or 'bother..’ rather than actual profanity.What would they do if the other one was hurt?I think this has been covered pretty well in canon. They of course find themselves in life-threatening situations regularly and fight to protect themselves as well each other. When it comes to emotional pain I think in the end they’re both pretty good at cheering the other up and helping them trying to deal with it. They find comfort in the fact that both their pasts are pretty messed up and that they can be messed up together.Who kissed who first?Probably Gojyo? He’s the one who’d take initiative in the romantic department even if he isn’t sure Hakkai feels the same way, because he flirts with pretty much anyone anyway, and he’s playful enough to brush it off as a drunken/hungover joke should the feelings not be mutual after all.Hakkai overthinks things too much and generally decides against doing anything because he thinks too little of himself.Who made the first move?See the above answerWho started the relationship?I don’t think either officially started it. Uttering the L-word is as official as it gets, but there’s a sort of unspoken, yet mutual agreement between them to commit to each other. Although Hakkai doesn’t like Gojyo flirting with girls when they’re together, he doesn’t want to forbid Gojyo from seeing other people. He does get really quiet or outright passive aggressive sometimes, so at one point Gojyo just cuts it out altogether.He doesn’t miss it because it was losing its fun anyway. Settling down is not something he thought he’d ever want to do but there you go. He’d think to himself that people do change after all, shrug and bury himself in Hakkai’s warmth.
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Headcanons for Sanzo and Gojyo calming down an angry S/O and preventing her from snapping? She's not angry at them but at someone else of course :)
A/n: My two favorite boys!
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✨: It doesn’t take much to set you off when some rando decides to group you. Sanzo didn’t know at first but soon the whole bar finds out when you’re screaming at the man.
✨: Sanzo knows he should probably do something before you wreck the place but you look so damn attractive. It’s not until you grab a glass to chuck at the man is when he steps in.
✨: It just takes a light touch on your shoulder for you to calm down for a moment and a good glare from Sanzo to get the man to apologize and run on.
✨: If he gets you alone he’d do his best to tuck a stray of hair away that slipped in front of your eyes.
✨: Makes a comment that he’s proud that you stood up for yourself, may make a comment that he could get you a gun to defend yourself.
✨: You’re unsure if it’s a joke or not.
✨: Would wrap his arm around your waist, trying to get you to sleep...maybe a nice nap would work.
✨: He might even suggest to take you on a walk.
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✨: It was some snide remark that someone made about Gojyo that got you going. The two of you were enjoying some alone time for once and someone had to make some comment on his red hair and about him being some half breed.
✨: You did your best to ignore it, you didn’t care. You loved the half demon but you could tell even if he tried to hide it that it was bothering him.
✨: So you made some comment telling them to back off which in return caused a screening match between you and the stranger with you demanding that they apologize.
✨: Gojyo had to carry you off on his shoulders as a crowed started to form while you were still angrily screaming at the villager.
✨: He’d mostly bring you back to your shared room and comment on how cute you get when you’re angry.
✨: Though he’s more than likely wait for you to calm down as he sits in the room with you.
✨: Likes to sit on the bed with you hugging you close to his chest, may tease you but once you’ve calmed down enough he’ll thank you and tell you that he’s greatful for you defending him.
✨: Though going back to his old self he’d make some crass comment about how sexy you were and suggest a good round of sex if you want to blow off some steam.
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