#sh ort
zacharoo07 · 2 years
angr bat boy
'nother oc child
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Argo!!! short angry bat boy, he's very short and also short. Did I mention he's short?? anyways anger manifestation yada yada, he's basically an angry short man here's more short man
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drainbangle · 1 year
wait omg i’m curious about your unpopular thoughts about temenos writing wise.. i love when people discuss octopath writing it’s really enriching to see what we all have to say about certain story elements. plus you’re like a temenos representative to me. your thoughts about temenos make me go “so true!”
Aw, thank you! It took a while for me to decide on what to write here, since honestly I could go on for… frankly any aspect of this guy, especially in regards to treatment in fanon. But for now, I'll focus on my thoughts regarding how people treat tragedy in Temenos' story— namely, Crick's death— and why I personally dislike it as a writing decision and why I disagree with the idea that it is necessary.
Note: Goes without saying, but this is my personal opinion. If you believe otherwise, then that's all good. I'm not writing this to say that any one person is wrong, just to talk about an issue I have with the game's writing itself.
To start, I'll say that my main reason for disliking Crick's death in SH route is a matter of practicality. Killing him off causes Temenos to lose the main person that he had a fantastic relationship and banter with, and in my opinion, Temenos works best when he's bouncing off another person; not unlike most under the Sherlock-archetype.
Also, genuinely? It works wonders to keep Crick alive, if just because it provides a fantastic avenue to explore Temenos' institutional trauma. Having a character that's lived a different experience but within the same harmful institution opens up ways to explore the scope of its harm. And yes, this is for Crick specifically; not Ort, not the travelers, but Crick.
I think it really adds something that Temenos was raised by the church while Crick converted as a teenager during a really difficult time in his life. These two are good for each other. Crick sure as hell makes it a lot easier to write Temenos in fic.
(If you have a different experience, again, that's cool. I'm glad for you. I, however, will never fail to take the easy way out.)
(This is a lie, I'm over here making up fantasy church law for fic stuff but that's not related to this answer.)
I won't pretend that disliking Crick's death is an unpopular opinion. I mean, "Stormhail Fix-it" is an entire genre of fic on the OT2 Ao3 tag. What I do feel tends to go unaddressed though, is the fact that the idea that Crick's death is canon, therefore it is necessary, therefore it is the best decision; an idea that I wholeheartedly disagree with.
Within the text itself, Crick is killed off in order to give Temenos a personal reason to pursue Kaldena, thus putting him at odds with Kaldena's motivations being driven by her ideology and worldview that, "because humans committed the massacre, it was the gods' mistake to put us here". I also won't pretend that Kaldena's writing here isn't fucking awful, because Crick's death is also a device to make the player want Kaldena defeated even though she is just as much as a victim of the church; and that's to say nothing of her portrayal as an indigenous and dark-skinned woman.
These decisions are ones I disagree with. Killing Crick off was unnecessary to give Temenos reason to pursue the culprit, because Temenos already had someone close to him killed; and that's Pontiff Jörg. He raised Temenos from infancy, but due to the lack of focus on him outside of banter conversations, it's never relevant to his motivations outside of the desire for truth because a crime was committed. 
We also didn't need to kill Crick off to show that the church was a terrible institution, because Roi already went missing in action. The Sacred Guard is the main body of law within Eastern Solistia, it's not unreasonable to think that the reason why Temenos dislikes them is because they clearly didn't do shit to investigate his disappearance.
However, one thing I really don't agree with is the idea that Crick's death is necessary because Temenos' story is a tragedy. And if you asked me why, I'd ask this in turn: why is death the only form of tragedy? Furthermore, why must a tragedy contain only tragic events? That in mind, what gives anything value in a tragedy, then?
Pretend we cannot completely rewrite Temenos' story. Even then, changing Crick's death to a permanent injury, a coma, or whatever is still a tragic event; and that's nothing to say of living with the consequences. Isn't losing your faith a tragedy? Isn't losing something you worked for years to do a tragedy?
Similarly, I'd still argue that it's more valuable to make Stormhail a near-death experience because not only does it show Temenos succeeding in making someone question the church but also the terror that is feeling like you're doomed to repeat tragedy. Even if you really aren't, it's hard to dismiss that feeling; especially when it has to do with being victimized by institutions.
And before someone says, "but bad things happen to good people in real life", I'm not treating these characters as living, breathing people who are subject to things like gravity, hunger, and exhaustion. I'm treating them as choices, and choices made that I disagree with. 
It's why I make different choices. I choose to make Crick have to deal with chronic pain onwards. I choose to make Temenos realize change is still possible. I choose to let them both leave Stormhail alive. Are these better choices? I don't know. But I'll never stop questioning the ones made by the writers regardless; much less stop disagreeing with them.
So, in summary: I dislike Crick's death. I dislike Temenos having to spend the rest of the story without someone he can talk to so easily because Crick's absence weakens a lot of his scenes in Temenos 4. But more than that, I dislike the idea that tragedy is necessary on top of the idea that it is superior. Tragedy's good, I adore the genre; but written in mindful doses and all that.
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shade-pup-cub · 8 months
Febuwhump 2024, Day 3: Twilight, Warriors & Hyrule
Fandom: LOZ/Linked Universe
Summary: Twilight is shot in the leg with a barbed arrow too soon after his recovery from his Shadow injury. Warriors is forced to hold down the strongest Link in the group while walking Hyrule through an arrow removal. Hyrule has pulled out more arrows than he cares to remember, but he has never had to push one through. The Vet was going to kill Wars if Malon didn't do it first.
CW: Injury, slight blood, field dressing, mention of soldiers deaths
“Twilight, stop! Wars hold him!”
“Do you see who we are talking about? I’m trying!” Warriors snapped back at Hyrule as Twilight thrashed in pain as the arrow in his thigh was beginning to be tugged on. He had finally managed to make the Ordonian stop trying to push them away after an arrow met its mark.
Neither had ever heard Twilight scream in pain, causing them both to suddenly stop in their fight against the monster camp they came across after being split up through a portal. To see him fall to one knee, still trying to fight, was heroic in itself, but it was too soon to see him injured after just healing from the Shadow.
“I can’t pull it out.” Hyrule reported, as he held up an arrow from the same monster that had shot Twilight. “The arrow head is barbed. Pulling it back out the way it went in will do more damage that he can’t afford.”
Twilight moved slightly in Warriors hold, sweat beading on clammy skin. “P-push. You have to pu-ush it through.”
Hyrule paled. “You can’t be serious.”
Warriors swallowed thickly. “He’s right. As long as it isn’t in the bone, the only option is to push it through to the other side.”
He hated this type of thing, even during the War when it was an everyday occurrence. There was an endless supply of soldiers needing immediate attention to wounds with no time to make it to a tent or to sterilize anything. Of course with that came infections, amputations and death. He had lost count of the men who died in his arms while he hopelessly told them that they were going to make it, to just hold on. The amount of times he had to tell a mother or wife that their son or husband wasn’t coming home. Funerals were not common for that time period in his era’s history due to the threat Cia and Ganondorf posed.
It was too familiar of a situation with Warriors sitting against a tree, Twilight between his legs to help cage him in. Blood had seeped through the tan trousers where the arrow was protruding out of his mid right thigh. Twilight’s hands trembled as he clung to Warriors arms. It was familiar, but he refused to let Twilight go down like so many he had seen.
“I have never done this.” Hyrule said with a wide eyed expression, face paling more by the second. No doubt due to the idea of what came next. “I’ve pulled out arrows, but not pushed one… in . If you have, don’t you think you should be doing this?”
Warriors gave Hyrule a flat look. “And you hold him during it? I’ll talk you through it. First thing is we need to cut the pant leg high above the working area, then clean the area.”
“Guess I’m gonna match the Vet with the sh-orts.” Twi chuckled. The other two stopped before they also joined in the bit of humor, knowing that this was Twilight’s way of dealing with the situation.
The Captain watched intensely as the healer did as instructed, more focused than panicked. Maybe that was the real goal of the joke. Twilight hissed through clenched teeth when Hyrule cleaned off the arrow shaft, the entry hole and where the arrow would be coming out at.
“You need to push it slow, steady and straight. If it bends too much it can snap inside his leg. Before we do this, go grab my bag.”
The bag dropped at his side, Warriors pulled out an extra belt, instructing Hyrule to cinch it tightly around the injured leg. He quickly found the inch and a half thick block of wood, wrapping a strip of leather around it. There were already teeth marks in the leather and the glare that came from the healer told him that that would be a conversation for later.
“Twilight, bite down on this. I don’t want you breaking teeth.” The Rancher opened his mouth to have the wood placed between his middle section of teeth with a small amount of wood sticking out on either side. The fact that Twi didn’t come back with a comment of any kind, even something dog related, told Warriors just how much pain the he was truly in.
“We ready?” Hyrule asked, looking Twilight over before locking eyes with Wars.
Twilight’s breathing picked up, but he nodded his head yes anyways. Warriors got Twilight to sit lower, allowing for the Captain to drape his right arm over the other’s right shoulder and over his chest. His left hand went over teary blue eyes, saying, “You don’t need to watch this.” There was a slight nod under his palm.
The moment Hyrule began to push the arrow through Twilight stiffened, spine locked. Both hands came up and clung to Warriors arm, no doubt leaving bruises under his fingertips. He held his breath, hissed around the wood, then held his breath again. The wood between his teeth creaked with the pressure. The veins on his neck and the single one in his forehead that matched Times bulged as his skin went dark red from holding his breath.
Hyrule never once stopped or slowed his work, not until Twilight moved his left leg, off setting the Traveler, forcing him to pause. That one movement turned into a string of twitches and flinches away from what was coming, not allowing Hyrule to continue. “Cap!”
Wars quickly slung his left leg over the top of Twi’s thigh, hooking his heel with the back of the knee, trapping the leg down as best he could. Resuming with the arrow, Twilight went rigid again, making the Captain work hard against the ungodly strength of his brother in arms. He just kept praying that Twilight would pass out from the pain.
“Warriors w-” Hyrule started, but was cut off.
“Keep the pressure right there.” The arrow, to his horror, was sharp enough to get through the skin and half the muscles, but it was too dull to push out the other side, catching on only the skin from the inside.
Warriors had to swallow down the bile that rose in his throat when he saw the arrow pushing out the other side, skin not giving way to the triangular blade under it. Instinctively he pulled his knife from his belt, moved his right arm to under Twilight’s chin to move his head from the sight and cut the sensitive skin holding the arrow back. The squelching sound of the first few inches of the arrow finally passing through was a sound that made Hyrule look how Warriors felt.
Twilight let out a final scream before his whole body went still, hands falling limply into his own lap, eyes closed, jaw laxed. He finally had enough, brain taking over to shut his body down.
Warriors laid the now out hero’s head back onto his upper chest, taking the wood from between his teeth and ran his fingers through his wet hair. “He’s going to be out for a while. Go ahead and break the back end of the arrow and pull out the rest. Then we can get him cleaned up.”
Hyrule placed both hands on the open wounds to pour magic into them; stitching the muscle, veins and skin to how it had been just that morning. If only his pant leg would work the same way with the magic. Warriors would ask the Vet to do it since he seemed to be the best out of all them to do patchwork. In no time Twilight's leg was healed, small scars left behind.
Looking at the Traveler, Warriors noticed the teen’s hands shaking. “Hey, you did great.” Big teary eyes looked at him. Oh, oh dear … Legend was going to kill him for adding more trauma to his successor. “Come here, it's okay.”
Hyrule took out his waterskin, washed off his hands, then dove into Warriors side. He held onto a section of Twi’s sleeve, watching him sleep looking tired his own self. “We only just got him back. This was too soon.”
Sighing, the Captain agreed and continued to run his fingers through the dark hair like he had before, easing his own nerves.
The silence was interrupted with a groan. “Time is going to kill us.”
“Ooh no, no. Malon is going to kill us and Time.”
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i heard rick is like 7’3 is this shit true
What the fu-*burp*-ck? No, I'm not a fucking gi-*burp*-ant. I'm 6'6.
T-that's still pretty tall Rick.
You're only saying that because you're sh-*burp*-ort.
I-I'm at a normal height for my age!
*Rick puts his hand on the top of Morty's head*
Ugh, I hate you!
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felixxthefrog · 8 months
i am anxious i am dyin g inside i am suffocating i am drown ing flailing i am panicked i feel like im pulling every sh ort straw i am sm il ing i am playign hoping they dontsee through the mask iam in need of assistance of help of support of care iam in ne ed ofa gameplan inn eed of some kind of guidance ihave no expe rience and i need someone else to justtake the reigns the wheelth e lead take my control please doit for me i cannot i was not bu ilt f or this worl d iwas not created wit h this soc iety in m ind i was made to tend the earth the soil th e creatues the stores keepp timean d make a homebutnot this not i was mad efor anything but this please go d plaese universe give me something else i cry out from my cross abandoned and forsaken and neglected and misunderstood i just want ot be soft and mindkless i want to be abke to simply exis t adn i loathe the stru ct ures of society and whats expec ted of m e noon e told me tjat life would be one big long test that i was never told to study fo r i didnt own the book but now i must write a papper an essay a thesis a life this is my life and i donot know how to naviagte no map or gps im llost and crying and gasping for air im d y in g
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hareofhrair · 2 years
43 and 44 of the unhinged ask meme thingy :>
43. do you like eating out, or would you rather eat in.
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"Pfft. =oh yeah, i'm a big fan =of eating =out. I'd eat =out every night if I c=ould. eating =out is my fav=orite dam think in the w=orld. =Only pr=oblem is, every time I eat =out, i end up getting stuffed! =;)"
44. opinion on hemospectrum matters and the struggle posed by trolls who wish to change the status quo to something with more equality? do you agree with them or do you agree with the empire’s current rules.
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"Man, that's a bummer =of a questi=on after tha last =one. =Of c=ourse i think tha hem=ospectrum stinks. Hard ta find a rustie what d=oesn't. Takes a l=otta creative mental gymnastics ta c=onvince yerself ta supp=ort a system what actively and =openly wants ya dead, and m=ost rusties i kn=ow are t=o=o exhausted fr=om all tha f=orced lab=or ta put that kinda energy inta deludin themselves. Rebels, I can take em =or leave em. M=ost =of em are just as stupid an destructive as tha empire. Tha rest are just wastin their energy and draggin everyb=ody else d=own with em. I watch =out fer mutants, try ta give em what help i can, cuz aint n=ob=ody been handed a sh=orter stick =or less =opti=ons in life. But i aint fightin tha drones for em, and i sure as hell aint disrespectin tha empire t=o its face and gettin myself culled fer n=o g=o=od reas=on. Far as any=one wh=o cares is c=oncerned, i'm a law abidin, empress l=ovin imperial citizen.
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windy-trickster · 1 year
Idk if this makes sense to ask but, Celest, how do you feel about your feelings for Mioruu? :O??
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"Admittedly it's a little strange t☽O just... Suddenly be in l☽Ove. T☽O feel like y☽Ou're meant t☽O be with s☽Ome☽One after ☽Only kn☽Owing them f☽Or a sh☽Ort peri☽Od ☽Of time..."
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"But I feel like everything will turn ☽Out fine in the end..."
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kreuzfahrttester · 13 days
Expeditions-Kreuzfahrt: Neues Programm für Lateinamerika von Swan Hellenic
Expeditions-Kreuzfahrt: Neues Programm für Lateinamerika Mit dem Fünf-Sterne-Expeditions-Kreuzfahrtschiff »SH Vega« Feuerland, Nationalparks, pazifische Traumstrände und Ecuadors Urwälder erkunden Nirgendwo sonst auf der Welt gibt es Orte mit einer größeren Biodiversität Düsseldorf, September 2024 Sehen, was andere nicht sehen: Getreu dem Motto der Reederei Swan Hellenic nimmt das neue…
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mysgprop-cstee · 5 months
The Reef @King's Dock
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The Reef At King’s Dock
The Reef at King's Dock (Harbour Front) is an exclusive 429 Premier Waterfront Living Units ⭐ SELLING FAST! RARE DEVELOPMENT IN HARBOURFRONT! ⭐ 3 Bedroom +Study 1076sf from $2,831,200 - Last 5 3 Garden Villa 1345sf from $3,911,280 - Last 1 ❇️ Features Singapore's first floating deck in a residential development. Spanning 180m, the iconic floating deck will house three pools, a sun deck and a marine viewing area. ❇️ Discover exhilarating attractions and outdoor activities at Sentosa. Be spoilt for choice with various shopping and dining options at VivoCity. ❇️ The idyllic Mount Faber provides a quiet respite from the hustle and bustle of the city. ❇️ Conveniently located a short stroll to VivoCity and HarbourFront MRT station; minutes’ drive to the CBD and Mapletree Business City. ✔By leading and experienced property developer – Keppel Land & Mapletree ✔Short Walk to 355m Harbourfront MRT, & Vivocity  ✔ Waterfront Living in Prime District 04 Harbourfront / Sentosa Area ✔ Huge Potential with Greater Southern Waterfront in the making ✔Close to local and international schools   https://youtu.be/PRjhEc-BowI https://youtu.be/y6xz58yCqGk The Reef At King’s Dock, Harbourfront District 04 Singapore “LIVING, NOW ENHANCED. WITH A SPLASH OF INNOVATION AND INGENUITY” Quick LinksThe Reef At King’s Dock, Harbourfront District 04 Singapore Fact Sheet Unique Selling Points Unit Mixes Floor Plan & Virtual Tours: Download Brochures Starhuy The Reef At King’s Dock, the latest waterfront condominium development by Mapletree and Keppel Land Limited. Located within the coveted residential District 4 along Harbourfront Avenue, The Reef At King’s Dock is just a stone’s throw away from Harbourfront MRT station. Enjoy the best that waterfront living has to offer without compromising on accessibility and convenience. Unparalleled Accessibility Of Reef At King’s Dock Condo As the terminal station to both the North-East Line and Circle Line, Harbourfront MRT station is only 4 minutes away by foot, instantly offering residents of The Reef At King’s Dock accessibility to all parts of Singapore. Furthermore, access to the East-West Line is only one station away via Outram Park MRT station. Mapletree Business City is a mere 6-minute drive away, while Raffles Place Central Business District (CBD) is a 12-minute drive via the West Coast Highway. With both the West Coast Highway and Ayer Rajar Expressway (AYE) at your doorstep, and the East Coast Parkway (ECP) and Marina Coastal Expressway (MCE) closely situated, The Reef At King’s Dock condo ensures that drivers will always have the luxury of ease and options.
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The Reef at King’s Dock comprises 10 blocks of 2 to 10-storey luxury apartments of 1 bedroom to 3 bedrooms villa types. Total 429 units with car parks, swimming pools and communal facilities. Residents of The Reef At King’s Dock will be spoilt for choice with the nearby HarbourFront Centre and the mega-mall VivoCity. Countless retail, dining and entertainment facilities, including supermarkets and a cinema, await them. With a large atrium at their disposal, VivoCity is never short of exciting regular mall events. Its wide array of dining options are sure to satisfy you, but if you are craving the good ol’ hawker food, fret not as Seah Im Food Centre is just directly opposite Harbourfront Centre!
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INSPIRATION FOR SEAFRONT LIVING AT THE REEF Drawing inspiration from the sea, growing of Corals Reef has goes beyond Corals. Keppel Land has taken the initiatives to grow Corals Reef over the years at King’s Dock at Keppel Bay. This is in line with government e!ort to marine conservation and also to promote the cultivation of Corals Reef. King’s Dock has been a heritage site and is much filled with marina life such as fauna, marine "ora, seahorse, sea urchins, butter"y#sh and other aquatic community.. But developer Keppel Land other than preserving these "ora, they also cultivate Corals as part of their vision to transform King’s Dock at Keppel Bay into a pristine marine life sanctuary. A Sea of Life with vibrant aquatic community, residents here at The Reef can look forward to understand more about underwater biodiversity at Keppel Bay. Preserving the past and the present. A small step in preserving the ecosystem for a better tomorrow.
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Fact Sheet TypeDescriptionsProject NameThe Reef At King’s DockDeveloper NameKeppel Land & Mapletree (JV) Location Sentosa / Harbourfront (District 04) 2 Harbourfront Avenue, Units 01 & 02, Singapore 097992  6 Harbourfront Avenue, Units 03 to 10, Singapore 097993  8 Harbourfront Avenue, Units 11 & 12, Singapore 097994  10 Harbourfront Avenue, Units 13 to 26, Singapore 097995  12 Harbourfront Avenue, Units 27 to 34, Singapore 097996  14 Harbourfront Avenue, Units 35 & 36, Singapore 097997  16 Harbourfront Avenue, Units 37 to 44, Singapore 097998  18 Harbourfront Avenue, Units 45 & 46, Singapore 097999  20 Harbourfront Avenue, Units 47 to 60, Singapore 098000  22 Harbourfront Avenue, Units 61 to 68, Singapore 098001Tenure of Land99 years from Jan 2021Expected Date of Completion (T.O.P.)31 December 2025Site area26,409 sqm / 284,264.10 sqftTotal No. of Units429 units in 10 Block of 2-10th StoreysCar Park Lots429 basement car park + 4 accessible lotsThe Reef @King's Dock Updated Fact Sheet
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Keppel Land is the property arm of Keppel Corporation, a multi-business company providing solutions for sustainable urbanisation, with key businesses in offshore and marine, property, infrastructure and investments. As a multi-faceted property company, Keppel Land provides innovative real estate solutions with its sterling portfolio of award-winning residential developments, investment-grade commercial properties and integrated townships. Keppel Land is geographically diversified in Asia, with Singapore, China and Vietnam as its key markets, while it continues to scale up in other markets such as Indonesia and India. Keppel Land is Asia's premier home developer, with a pipeline of about 46,000 homes in Singapore and overseas. It is also a leading prime office developer in Singapore and is committed to grow its commercial portfolio in key Asian cities including Shanghai, Beijing and Tianjin in China, Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam, ... Mapletree Mapletree Investments Pte Ltd is an established Singapore based real estate developer, capital and investment firm and property manager. Mapletree is an award-winning developer that has gotten recognition for its outstanding services and developments that promises quality value to their clients. The company has ownership and management over S$56.7 billion of office, residential, retail, industrial, lodging and logistic properties. Mapletree presently has 4 Singapore listed real estate investment trusts(REIT) and 6 private equity real estate funds under its management and holds an extensive portfolio of assets in various countries like the the United Kingdom, United States, Europe and Asia Pacific. Mapletree Group has a huge network of offices in China, Hong Kong, Australia, India, SAR, Malaysia, South Korea, Japan, Poland, United Kingdom, Netherlands, the US, Vietnam and Singapore. Mapletree has been involved in developing many of their award-winning projects on its own and through several joint partnership. By harnessing their vast experience and a team of dedicated experts, they can only deliver more exceptional properties to home buyers and investors.
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Unique Selling Points ✅ Elegant waterfront residential development ✅ Another unique and sophisticated residential development by Mapletree & Keppel Land Group ✅ Excellent location in one of the prime spots in District 04 ✅ Units vary between 1 and 3 bedrooms villas with spacious floor sizes ✅ Within a few minutes away from renowned shopping malls like Depot Heights Shopping Centre & Vivocity ✅ Recreational centers close by include Resorts World Sentosa and Adventure Cove Waterpark ✅ Within an accessible distance to reputable schools like Radin Mas Primary School and Shelton College International ✅ High quality of fitting & fixtures with exciting choices of home items ✅ Great connectivity through the West Coast Highway ✅ Commute with ease through MRT stations like Harbourfront MRT and Telok Blangah MRT
Location in Details
Harbourfront is among the most endowed neighbourhoods in Singapore. It packs a myriad of amenities and facilities that creates an incredible live, work and play environment. There is more than you may ever need around which makes living or investing in this area worthwhile. The Reef at King’s Dock location is addressed in one of the prime spots in District 04. The area, known to be highly developed and surrounded by great accessibility, is also one of the city’s fringe spots that is sought after by buyers. Separated only by King’s Dock, The Reef had its friendly neighborhood Corals at Keppel Bay.
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The Reef @King's Dock Location Map Like said, The Reef At King’s Dock is unbeatable when it comes to convenience. Its residents are a stone’s throw away from incredible amenities. Harbourfront MRT is just merely 4mins walk from The Reef. For shopping, Harbourfront Centre and VivoCity which is the largest shopping mall in Singapore are within 10 mins walk from The Reef At King’s Dock. Being a family-friendly neighbourhood it is, fitness enthusiasts and nature lovers at The Reef At King’s Dock will have plenty of options. The parks within the vicinity provide you with enjoyable moments you need when outdoors. Mount Faber Park, Telok Blangah and Labrador Nature Park are within 20 mins walking distance from The Reef At King’s Dock. Harbourfront is among the most endowed neighbourhoods in Singapore. It packs a myriad of amenities and facilities that creates an incredible live, work and play environment. There is more than you may ever need around which makes living or investing in this area worthwhile.
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Trains (MRT) • HARBOURFRONT MRT CC29 NE1 355m`   Groceries/ Shopping • Harbourfront Centre 240m • Vivocity 650m   Schools • Chij St. Theresa's Convent 1.3 km • Radin Mas Primary 1.36 km Chij (kellock) 1.66 km
Site Plan
The Reef At King’s Dock truly brings home the essence of living in a lap of luxury as it boasts 10 blocks and 429 residential units, where each unit comes fully furnished with various imported fittings and appliances.  Equipped with a collection of extravagant facilities, this residence is the ultimate choice for your dream home in the metropolis. Some of this exciting areas include recreational facilities like a sprawling 50m Lap Pool, a Lush Green Garden and a Wind Terrace -- all of which are designed with the sole intention of promoting a truly holistic and luxurious living experience. .
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The beautiful landscape of this development welcomes its future residents with an abundant greenery. With its area surrounded with towering buildings, it helps to give the residents a break from the busy ambiance. Calmness and serenity within its premises. Live with top quality finishes of chic and sleek and spacious layout that is meticulously designed with luxury and elegance in mind. Each individual space is fitted with best of fittings and finishes with you in mind. Main entrance and exit: Harbourfront Avenue Side Gates (3): 1 directly to future waterfront park, 1 along Harbourfront Avenue and 1 along Telok Blangal Road Unit Mixes TypeSize Area (sqft)No. of Units1 Bedroom431 - 5921141 Bedroom + Study PES65722 Bedroom678 - 7641952 Bedroom + Study89362 Bedroom Premium883202 Bedroom Villa980 & 1163123 Bedroom + Study1076 & 1464253 Bedroom Premium1216 & 1464473 Bedroom Villa1345 & 15728Total429 units
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Floor Plan & Virtual Tours:
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Download Brochures E-brochure & Floor Plan Starhuy 3 Bedroom +Study 1076sf from $2,831,200 - Last 5 3 Garden Villa 1345sf from $3,911,280 - Last 1 Please Contact Us at +65.84188689 It is important to only engage the Official Direct Developer Sales Team to assist you to enjoy the best possible direct developer price. There is no commission required to be paid.
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5reisende · 9 months
Welterbe (auf)gespürt und (er)fahren – AL – Historische Zentren von Berat und Gjirokastra
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Die beiden historischen Städte Berat und Gjirokastra stehen als herausragende Zeugnisse der Vielfalt städtischen Lebens auf dem Balkan seit 2005 auf der UNESCO-Welterbeliste. Gjirokastra ist eine Zitadellenstadt, die von mächtigen Grundbesitzern erbaut wurde, Berat dagegen eine recht unabhängige Handwerker- und Handelsstadt. Der Felsen von Gjirokastra war wahrscheinlich schon seit dem 3. Jahrhundert v. Chr. besiedelt und auch Berat ist eine der ältesten Städte Albaniens. Beide Orte sind seltene, noch authentisch erhaltene Beispiele für die Architektur und Stadtplanung aus osmanischer Zeit und zeugen vom Zusammenleben verschiedener religiöser und kultureller Gemeinschaften im Laufe der Jahrhunderte. Das historische Zentrum von Gjirokastra besitzt landestypische zweistöckige Häuser aus dem 17. Jahrhundert, einen Basar, eine Moschee und zwei Kirchen aus dem 18. Jahrhundert. In Berat gibt es byzantinische Kirchen aus dem 13. Jahrhundert und Moscheen aus der osmanischen Ära im 15. Jahrhundert. Ein besonderes Merkmal sind die horizontal angeordneten Reihenhäuser an den Hängen, die das einfallende Tageslicht nutzen.
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Ich habe am Ohrid-See übernachtet und begebe mich zeitig auf die lange Fahrt durch die Flusstäler und auf schmalen Straßen über die Berge nach Berat. Heute ist es sehr heiß, ich parke etwas auswärts und gehe mit meiner großen Wasserflasche am Fluss entlang in die Altstadt. Ich sehe sie schon von Weitem förmlich am Hang kleben, auch der zweite Teil der Altstadt erstreckt sich gegenüber auf der anderen Uferseite im gleichen Stil. Von hier aus ist die Stadt am besten zu sehen. Es gibt neben der modernen noch eine alte Römerbrücke. Leider finde ich keinerlei Hinweise oder Informationen.
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Von oben auf dem Berg grüßt die Fahne der Burg, unten entlang der Hauptstraße locken Läden und Restaurants die Besucher.
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Obwohl es immer heißer wird, steige ich jetzt den Berg hinauf. Es ist viel steiler als angenommen und ich muss immer wieder anhalten, verpusten und einen Schluck Wasser trinken. Man verliert sich hier leicht im Labyrinth der Gassen. Im Tal sehe ich den grünlichen Fluss, die gegenüberliegende Stadtseite und die alte Brücke.
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Die Häuser sind über mehrere Etagen gebaut und haben Eingänge von oben und unten. Hier in diesem Ort lebt die Tradition oder wird die Tradition gelebt, das spürt man in jeder Ecke.
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Auf dem Weg nach unten und zum Auto zurück komme ich an dem leider etwas verwahrlosten und verfallenen ehemaligen Palast des Paschas von Berat vorbei.
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Im Park gibt es einen Trinkbrunnen und ich möchte es am liebsten den jungen Männern gleich tun und meinen Kopf unter den Wasserstrahl halten. Später sehe ich einen der typisch albanischen und völlig aus der Umgebung gefallenen Paläste, in diesem Fall ein Hotel.
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Mein nächstes Ziel ist die zweite bedeutende historische Stadt Albaniens. Auf meinem Weg dorthin kostet mich ein genialer Streich der künstlichen Intelligenz in meinem Navi auf der Suche nach einer Abkürzung durch die Berge eine Stunde Nerven und 20 km Umweg durch die Dörfer mit ihren Sackgassen. Doch Albanien hat auch einige Autobahnabschnitte und Schnellstraßen, die man durchaus sehr gut fahren kann.
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Die Schnellstraße SH 4 ist dazu auch noch landschaftlich schön. Lasst euch aber durch die Einheimischen nicht zum Gas geben verleiten, es stehen Polizisten nicht hinter jeder, aber doch hinter einigen Ecken.
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Als ich in Gjirokastra ankomme, ist die Parkplatzsuche die erste große Herausforderung. Ich meistere sie nicht im ersten Anlauf, das beschert mir einige 290° Kurven auf Kopfsteinpflaster mit 15% Steigung und ich lande zwischenzeitlich auf dem Nachbarberg der Festung. Dafür habe ich von hier oben einen guten Blick über den Ort und die alte Burganlage.
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Schließlich finde ich nach einigen Ehrenrunden den letzten freien Platz an der Burgmauer, von dem ich auch heute nicht mehr wegfahren werde.
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Jetzt habe ich Muße, durch alle Straßen, durch die ich schon gefahren bin, in Ruhe zu Fuß zu bummeln. Ich komme zunächst an der Festungsmauer entlang und kann in die tiefen Tunnel unterhalb der Burg schauen.
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Die Altstadt ist auf Besucher eingerichtet, die Straßen im unmittelbaren Zentrum für Fahrzeuge gesperrt und vor den Restaurants werden die Tische für das Abendessen eingedeckt. Die Straßen sind steil, teilweise gibt es Treppen. Ähnliche Häuser wie hier mit den oben vorgebauten Erkern habe ich vor Kurzem in Ohrid gesehen.
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Langsam wird es Abend und die Lichter gehen an und das Leben auf den Straßen beginnt. Die ganze Stadt erstrahlt romantisch und südlich bunt, aus den Restaurants tönt Musik und junge Leute mit Balkantrachten machen Fotos mit den Besuchern. Read the full article
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bookishbriefs · 1 year
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hobbyspacer · 1 year
The Space Show this week - Mar.28.2023
The guests and topics of discussion on The Space Show this week: 1. Tuesday, Mar. 28, 2023; 7 pm PST (9 pm CST, 10 pm EST): We welcome back Retired USAF Lt.Col. Peter Garretson on SSP (Space Solar Power), security, and much more. 2. Hotel Mars - Wednesday, Mar. 29, 2023; 1:00 pm PST (3:00 pm CST, 4:00 pm EST): TBD. Check the Upcoming Show Menu at www.thespaceshow.com for  updates on scheduling. 3. Friday, Mar.31, 2023; 9:30-11 am PST (11:30 am-1 pm CST, 12:30-2 pm EST): We welcome Duncan Farrah on his recent paper regarding black holes and Dark Energy. There will be a link to the paper on the blog for this program. 4. Sunday, Apr.2, 2023; 12-1:30 pm PST (2-3:30 pm CST, 3-4:30 pm EST): We welcome you to another Open Lines program. We look forward to your call at 1-866-687-7223. Some recent shows: ** Sunday, Mar.26.2023 - Dr. George Sowers discussed commercial space development, Cis Lunar development, in space propulsion and fuels, space settlement and much more. We also talked about space resources and the corresponding program at the Colorado School of Minds. https://thespaceshow.com/sites/default/files/shows/4007-BWB-2023-03-26.mp3 ** Friday, Mar.24.2023 - Sebastien Jean talked about "data storage and chip usage in space with his company of Phison Electric". https://thespaceshow.com/sites/default/files/shows/4006-BWB-2023-03-24.mp3 ** Hotel Mars - Wednesday, Mar.22.2023 - Dr. Jeffrey Foust spoke with John Batchelor and Dr. David Livingston about "the readiness and launch license for the upcoming Starship by SpaceX demo flight". https://thespaceshow.com/sites/default/files/shows/4005-BWB-2023-03-22.mp3 ** Tuesday, Mar.21.2023 - Robert Zimmerman talked about "SpaceX and Starship plus FAA launch license delay, Blue Origin, ULA, U.S. launchers, 3 D printing, ice on Mars, Boca Chica launch site, Bloomberg's article on Musk and the Administration plus much more". https://thespaceshow.com/sites/default/files/shows/4004-BWB-2023-03-21.mp3 **** Sunday, Mar.19.2023 - Chris Carberry of Explore Mars  discussed in detail the upcoming H2M event later in May. See www.exploremars.org for details. Not only did we discuss the event but multiple issues relating to humans getting to Mars. https://thespaceshow.com/sites/default/files/shows/4003-BWB-2023-03-19.mp3 ** Friday, Mar.17.2023 - Dr. Chris Impey, professor in astronomy at the Univ of Arizona,  spoke about timelines to Mars, settlement and humans in space. For the second half we talked about his upcoming new exoplanet book plus exoplanet research and discovery. https://thespaceshow.com/sites/default/files/shows/4002-BWB-2023-03-17.mp3 ** Hotel Mars - Wednesday, Mar.15.2023 - Dr. Harold C. Connolly Jr. talked with John Batchelor and David Livingston about the finding of more than 20 amino acids in the sample returns from Ryugu. We talked about both Ryugu and Bennu being from the earliest part of our solar system in the far out part of the Ort Cloud. Dr. Connolly explained the significance of the amino acids but also he talked organics and what they mean. He said Ryugu was a pristine example of the early solar system. In terms of exposing the samples to Earth's atmosphere, he said there was negative impact and for Bennu and other sample nitrogen would be used as a type of preservative. https://thespaceshow.com/sites/default/files/shows/4001-BWB-2023-03-15.mp3 ** Tuesday, May.14.2023 - Richard Easton talked about the Vanguard rocket which turned 65 years old, early navy and army satellites, the Explorer 1 and America's first satellite, alternative histories had the U.S. been the first to space, not the USSR and much more. In addition, Richard talked about GPS, a subject close to him since his Dad is considered the inventor of GPS. Also, early Naval Research Lab history was discussed as applied to space. https://thespaceshow.com/sites/default/files/shows/4000-BWB-2023-03-14.mp3 ** See also: * The Space Show Archives * The Space Show Newsletter * The Space Show Shop The Space Show is a project of the One Giant Leap Foundation.
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The Space Show - Dr. David Livingston === Amazon Ads === Escaping Gravity: My Quest to Transform NASA and Launch a New Space Age === The Space Value of Money: Rethinking Finance Beyond Risk & Time  Read the full article
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babyawacs · 2 years
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@techpowerup @debian @wired @wireduk @bbc_whys @tomshardware @cnet @pcwelt @xfceofficial ‎ ‎ ‎ thats resoldered briged two tinyresistors whichwere as long as theleg of thechip was broad anditwentbacktothe same error as whenitworked ‎ either shoddybioschip or stretched watered down?isopropylene shorted the cpu after itsoaked into thermalpaste residue? the error after cleaning+thermalpaste was like…
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schil1066 · 2 years
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petnews2day · 2 years
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tierinserate · 2 years
Shina kommt mit Mensch und Hund gut aus
Shina kommt mit Mensch und Hund gut aus
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Shina noch in der Slowakei (NB) Shiba Inu-Mischling Hündin geb. ca. 2012 (evtl. älter) SH ca. 35 cm Geimpft, gechipt, kastriert Shina stammt aus einer Puppy Mill und lebte bislang an einem fürchterlichen Ort. Dennoch ist Shina ein freundlicher Hund geblieben. An ihren ersten Tagen im Shelter war ...
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