#sfw art soon trust
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miroh4 · 4 days ago
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he pisses me off
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traybakedtoffee · 7 months ago
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my little goober I did to add to my carrd. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out!
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kuoukyeee · 10 months ago
Kanoh Agito sfw alphabet
Gender neutral reader (I hope🙏)
This has spoilers👻
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Before and during the tournament he would be more reserved with pda as he didn't know how to express himself and thought affection was a taboo thing. He deffo wasnt used to affection untill you came, the only touch he would've felt would have been during fights and also because not everyone would have the balls to hug this big, muscular, scary guy yk?
But after the tournament when he becomes a cool biker dude and he explores the world and finds himself and shit and has built up trust in you he would deffo be more welcoming towards affection and would initiate it more often. He would stand closer to you, touching shoulders/arms in public with you, if he's in a good mood he even places his hand on your lower back, especially if you are in a crowded/unknown place to make sure you won't get lost. If you go over board with the kisses and hugs I don't feel like he'd mind but he would deffo be taken aback and tell you to calm down if you're in a formal setting.
I feel like in private he'd deffo appreciate long hugs where you are both chest to chest and you can feel eachothers heartbeats, and soft kisses that make both of you melt into eachother and relax.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He would be one of those trustworthy friends, where you could meet up once a year but still be at the same point where you left off.
He would also be dense, you would have to explain lots of things to him eg slang (and how monsters dont exist). I also feel like you could rant to him about stuff. He wouldn't necessarily gossip with you, but would deffo give straight forward advice and an outsiders point of view.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
I feel like when hes not busy he would indulge you , but otherwise he would pry you off (easily cus he stronk💪) even if ur complaining.
He likes when he puts his chin on top of your head and just koala hugs you, as he can feel your warmth and soft breaths, signaling to him that you are alive and safe, unconsciously calming him too.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Once he finds someone who he trusts and can tell his deepest secrets to, he would not hesitate to put a ring on it. Literally, the proposal is probably straight forward and he spills out all of his feelings towards you sincerely while you tear up.
Since he can literally make up a martial art on the spot to counter his opponent, I like to think he's a fast learner and would deffo not mind to lend a hand in daily chores, actually I think he would enjoy it as it makes him feel like a normal person after so many years of people stepping on eggshells around him because of his status as the fang.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He would feel very conflicted and heartbroken. Especially if you guys dated for a long time and were very dedicated to eachother.
He would decide breaking up is the best for both of you and confront you, trying to explain to you logically that it is the best thing to do.
It would be so sad too😖, like one of those cowboy movies where the main lead says some romantic shit like "we were not destined to be together in this life" and kisses the romantic interest kunckles and then rides away on a horse ( in his case a motocycle) into the sunset and the romantic interest is just standing there tearing up, watching the figure dissappear, never to be seen again. Both always hoping to encounter eachother again, thinking about 'what ifs', even in old age.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
I feel like he wouldn't run away from it, but he wouldn't actively pursue it either. Once he realises he loves you and cant live without you he would propose soon. ( cus he standing on business)
He would maybe marry after at least knowing someone for a good 4 or 5 years, since yk he cant trust any random aquaintance, as he was/is the fang of metsudo, he needs to be alert.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Emotionally- At the beginning, I think he's less considerate of other peoples opinions, so he would be straight forward with you, which can cause some arguments or you feeling belittled. However, he improves at communicating and sensing if somethings wrong. I also think he would come to realise that you would do things in his interest, like sacrificing something so it benefits him and he would realise that relationships are give and take, which helps with his attitude towards all of his relationships.
Physically- you are definitely weaker or slightly weaker than him. So he is very aware that he has to be careful with you, though some times you need to remind him, as before most physical touch he had was in fights where he could use all of his strength, so he can forget at times.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He doesnt LOVE hugs but he deffo appreciates and feels loved when you hug him. He might forget to hug you sometimes, but once he remembers 'oh shit I have an s/o and in relationships you need to do this kind of stuff' he would search for you and give you a hug.
His hugs would envelop you with warmth and genuine love. He cant really let his guard down and be very comfortable with others, so he learns to appreciate these little moments you guys have.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Once again, he's very dense. So he would forget to say lovey-dovey stuff, until he sees something on tv like a romantic movie, or someone teases him about your guys' relationship. He realises his mistake and tries to remember for the future, so he can drop the L bomb in a romantic setting.
He probably says I love you like half a year or more into dating.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He doesnt get jealous easy from lowkey comments made towards you, as he doesnt realise the intent behind them most of the time, so he brushes them off.
However if someone cat calls you or tries pulling any moves he does get relatively jealous only if it is a regular occurrence/ adds up over time.He grabs you close, makes sure the threat is away and then make sure you're okay. He might sulk for a bit, but if you reassure him he does calm down. He could never be sulky for too long as its not your fault.
HOWEVER if you do something to make him jealous, he would get cold towards you and he would no longer consider you to be trustworthy and would consider breaking up. Second guessing your relationship.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are heavy and rough if he guides them and he has slightly chapped lips. If you guide them he will go with your flow and let you take the lead.
He probably likes to kiss you on your shoulders or on your cheeks cus it feels intimate, idk.
He probably likes it when you kiss his jaw, i feel like it would make him melt.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He's straight forward with them and a little distant with ones that aren't his own, not because he doesn't like them, but because i feel like he could only have a strong bond with his own. He wouldn't feel a duty to get involved with them if they weren't his.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Most of the time he's awake before you, just staring at you sleeping, once you wake up he hugs you closer , encouraging you to get out of bed after lazing about for a bit. He probably has no problem getting out of bed in the morning, so if you do he helps you do your morning routine. He might help you pick an outfit for the day, help you cook, brush his teeth with you, or even join you in the shower.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
I feel like he sleeps like a log. You either sleep on his fat boobie or bicep and he just throws his arm over you. Or he traps you in bed with a bear hug. He probably has nightmares sometimes or has trouble sleeping.
O = Open  (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say  everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He has to trust you a lot in order to reveal things about his past. It probably takes him a few years to fully tell you everything as he doesn't want to scare you and push you away.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He seems quite collected, so it doesn't seem like he would argue about pointless things. He would only loose his cool if it was something serious like your safety etc.
Q = Quizzes  (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He would remember quite a lot as he listens more than he talks. However if he had something on his mind or was worried about something he can forget.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The scenic motorcycle rides with you and how much you enjoyed them.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He would be very protective over you and would show no mercy to anyone who harms you, or has intentions to. He would use his raw strength and let out his formless stance to eliminate the threat. I don't think he would need to be protected tbh, he can hold out on his own.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He's very inexperienced in love, so he would need to put in quite a bit of effort in to special events. But for everyday tasks it flows easily for him.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He might put his work as the fang as a higher importance than you.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He doesn't really care, but i think he deffo knows he has a fit body. There's no way no fan of his in the kengan matches hasn't told him.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yes. You are one of the only things which makes him feel normal and loved.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He melts when he feels your arms around his waist while he drives you around on his motorcycle.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He probably wouldn't like someone if they are not loyal.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He twitches in his sleep, which sometimes makes you wake up.
AHHHH this was so long to write 🧟‍♀️🧟‍♀️
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sun-gut · 8 months ago
Rambling thoughts about the state of the vore community.
I'm quite frustrated with it in how it perpetuates minor-adult interactions, even if the interactions are trusted to be entirely nonsexual by both parties. Even if things are kept "SFW."
Before anything else, since I very likely have any people who disagree already blocked - if you want to have a good faith discussion about this, I will turn anons on. The catch being I will only respond if you have your username in the anon. If you are only here to invalidate my experiences or to flame me for being concerned about how there's groomers within this community who are taking advantage of how easily they can talk to children under the guise of the interaction being 'nonsexual,' then we have nothing to entertain and you will be ignored.
So, when I was quite young- around 14 or 15, I was very active in the vore community. I started reaching out to people, mainly adults, to talk about it with since I felt incredibly isolated with enjoying it nonsexually. The first person I knew through this, let's call him V, seemed to have understood that my interest in this is nonsexual, and responded in same. He knew how old I was. I knew he was in his mid to late twenties/early thirties. We'll get back to him later.
Around this same time(~15 y/o), I started a Kik group for nonsexual vore that allowed both minors and adults alike. It soon was filled with many people, and in that time I'd have made relationships with people who I also thought enjoyed it in the same way I had.
Until they showed otherwise, either directly to me or indirectly through sexually exploiting other minors in the chat. This carried over into a Discord server I made for the same thing- these people would seek out the kids in the chat and DM them. Seeing if they could find any children who were exploring their sexuality through vore, and then engage with them on that level. Even if they initially claim that they liked vore nonsexually. This happened to me too. Adults who targeted me because they liked my art, and would slowly pressure me to engage with them sexually or make sexual content for them. Even if there were never any genitals, they still found sexual pleasure in a child drawing fetish content for them.
This also happened to someone else I knew ("B", 15 y/o), who was in the Discord chat, but felt like she couldn't tell anyone because a person ("F", 18-20 y/o) established himself as a "safe" person in the community, both here and on Tumblr. Behind the scenes, even if he was only talking about vore nonsexually in the chat, F was sending B gore porn and pressuring her to engage with him.
V was like that. When I met one of his friends when I turned to an adult, I learned through them that he saw vore as a sexual fetish the entire time. He was secretly mining vore content out of a sex-repulsed ace child, telling me that it wasn't at all sexual. That he was like me. That I could trust him. How the fuck do you weed someone out of a community like that? How are you able to trust that the adult or child you're talking to about kinks isn't doing it for their sexual pleasure?
On top of that (when I was still a minor), another popular user who used to frequent Tumblr (bioluminescent-bat/nickname "Redla"), along with a Tumblr user named Glowinside, had a "SFW" Discord where Bat let in a child who was into unbirthing and openly talked about it. When I had brought up this as being an issue, I was entirely ignored. I left very soon after. These types of "SFW" servers are not uncommon to come across.
If you're an adult engaging with a child like this, and it turns out the child liked it sexually the entire time, that's you engaging in pedophilia. And if you're a child talking to an adult like this, and it turns out they liked it sexually too, you've just been sexually exploited. It's so, so fucking easy for people to lie about their intentions, and no matter how much you try to isolate yourself from the "dirty fetishists," these people follow. They do not magically disappear when they're deliberately looking for spaces to groom or sexually exploit. They seek you out because they don't fucking care if you like it nonsexually, they're trying to find minors who they can bend to their will. We have seen this happen, time and time again, with "safe" adults in the community. People who especially like to dictate themselves as being a child-friendly vore kinkster, and that any child can talk to them about vore.
On top of that, you wouldn't find this to be acceptable in other fetish communities, right? There's people who are nonsexually into BDSM. Or feet, gas, inflation, bodily fluids, diapers, etc. Would it be appropriate for adults to talk to children about their nonsexual kinks around that? Even if these are things that show up in kids' TV shows?
This is why I have so much concern for the vore community. Because I see children and adults alike interacting, and then see time and time again that someone gets groomed or sexually exploited. People who I considered friends exploited me, and people I knew were abused in the same way, as children. Their spaces should be kept entirely separate, and I'm extremely suspicious of anyone who disagrees with this notion.
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suzyandthefox · 9 months ago
(Badly timed) PREDSONA REVEAL!!
Here she is! The Skrunkly, The Scrimblo, The Mipy!
The Eclipsian Fox!
What you can, and are encouraged to do (will make me very happy):
1: Make SFW Fanart of her! Sfw G/t is allowed too as it's not as risky
2: Ask her any question!
3: Compliments
What you can ask before doing
1: Drawing vore fanart, especially featuring her as the pred, there's very few people I trust with this and even then I am still squicky about it
2: Ask her to "eat" you or ask to "eat" her
What you can't do (I will block you and report you for harassment if you did)
1: Give NSFW asks, draw Nsfw art, or talk about her in a sexual way.
All posts with me Rping as her will end with a 🦊
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(Tumblr completely fucked the resolution I'm mad).
Art Dump and Lore Under the break!
(cw cartoon blood/gore)
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Eclipsian Fox (Aka Hope or Fox) is an entity that emerged from paper one day, taking the traits of her own creator, a young woman in her early twenties, but also shaping herself into an individual.
Her pronouns are (she/her), and as she is a black and white paper entity, she finds colors to be intriguing, she believes it's her job to help people find their own colours, despite her fear of being perceived.
The perception of people changes her personality partially, more of that under the next image
(Cw cartoon blood and decapitated head)
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Standing at the height of 185 cm (6ft for muricans), and exhibiting unique anatomy as well as uncanny strength, Tinies began perceiving her as a predator, especially with her shark like teeth and claws.
Eventually Fox started to exhibit predator-like behaviour, trying to eat tiny creatures but failing horribly.
On the Flipside, Fox also tends to have an attraction to the idea of being eaten, it helps ease her fear of being perceived by people, followed by her being made of inorganic material and therefore being indigestible.
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Fox can change her appearance at will, but her preferred appearance is to wear a black turtle neck, a leather coat at medium length, black jeans, and large, high heeled platformer boots.
The first friend Fox made through her life was a fearless borrower named Suzy.
She takes after certain media characters (Spider noir primarily)
Will update this soon, maybe.
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3mer-clox · 12 days ago
Hello!! This is an ask blog dedicated to our AU, Blood and Blazes!! where Pitaya Dragon Cookie grapples with the ongoing Clash of Dragons and the Dark Flour War, while also attempting to rally the dragons into the Dark Flour War!! This is an Ask Blog!! So, send us your questions about the characters!! :D (alsoo, we head cannon the dragons as siblings hehe!!)
There are two of us running this blog!! and since we have different art styles, you might notice some variation in how characters are drawn. I, (3mer) will mostly do sketches on paper, while Clox will rather then draw them on digital, or do their own art on digital/paper!! Rules & Boundaries -Be respectful. This is a safe space for everyone. Please be kind when interacting with us and others in the community.
-No hate or drama. We will not tolerate rude behavior, ship wars, or unnecessary negativity.
-SFW only. While this AU explores serious themes like war and familial struggles, we are keeping things within a PG-13 boundary.
-Please don't ship the dragons. As said we head cannon them as siblings.
What is it about?
Pitaya Dragon Cookie, finds themselves at a crossroads. With recently joining The Dark Flour War, while The Clash of Dragonkind is still having its after-effects. (Unbeknownst to the ancients) So when Pitaya is told by the Ancients, that it would be extremely helpful if they got their siblings to join (And, because of they're stubbornness to prove Hollyberry cookie wrong, and that they CAN convince the Ancients to trust them) They go out to their siblings domains (along, with the crew from Legend Of The Red Dragon!!) to try to convince them to join!! But.. most of them don't seem thrilled, about being roped into another war so soon... They must convince their siblings to pick a side! but dragons are not easily swayed. (Do note our main characters is Hollyberry, Pitaya, the dragon crew from Legend of the Red Dragon, and the Dragon Cookies!! also we ship Hollytaya hehe)
Drop your questions, head cannons, or scenarios in the ask box, and we’ll respond in art, writing, or both! Heres a quick, (kinda crappyyy) sketch of how my art syle would look of Hollyberry and Pitaya!!
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viviennevermillion · 1 year ago
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Mortals and Fools — First Look #1 (Coming Soon)
Want to read a SFW coming-of-age fantasy novel with evil gods, two adult aspec protagonists and magic? Consider supporting this project!
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Author's Note: After a total of 8 years of posting fanfiction on this account, I am excited to announce that I am finally starting my first long-term original work as an author! Goal is to get this series published as an actual novel but until then, I will be uploading chapters online as I write them, hopefully building an audience in the process! Mortals and Fools will be available on Wattpad and potentially other platforms. The first 4 chapters will be uploaded to Tumblr as well. Over the next few weeks I will keep uploading promo posts with new characters and more info! Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me as a writer over the years and welcome to everyone who's new here!
Summary: In the land of Elsthess, brilliant but arrogant Dr. Immanuel Faust is doing his best to follow the teachings of the Goddess of Wisdom, live up to his late grandmother's expectations and hide the fact that he has been seeing strange, mystical apparitions all his life. When his pupil becomes afflicted with an ancient curse and the things he has seen turn out to be more than just hallucinations, Immanuel must forge a contract with Morgan, a being from another realm who's ready to humble him at every turn, and learn his religion's most despised art: magic. As he steps outside of the simple world he has grown up in, he slowly comes to realize that there is much more to learn for him still.
The Meaning of Wisdom & Growth
Unlearning harmful narratives and prejudices
Religious Trauma
Healing from Abuse
Rebuilding trust in others
Learning to understand others
Navigating radical changes during adulthood
Elitism and class inequality
The problems with the ideal of meritocracy
Queerplatonic & Alterous Attraction
Gender Dysphoria
What this story contains:
A variety of fun magical powers!
Evil Gods & Forces from other Realms!
Queer rep! (demisexual & aroace protagonists, a trans man and a wlw couple)
Mysteries to unravel
The coming-of-age fantasy adventures you're used to from YA novels but with characters in their 20s and struggles of adulthood
My blood, sweat and tears as an author
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The Cast: Introducing 3 Characters
Here's some info on the three characters in the header, from left to right!
#1 — Dr. Immanuel Icarus Faust
❝ It wasn't supposed to be like this... I've failed... as both a doctor and a man of faith. I wanted to follow your teachings, dear Goddess, and guide those who seek wisdom and knowledge, as grandmother did... but I couldn't even save one innocent girl. Have I become godless? ❝
Raised by his grandmother, the High Priestess of Solbrynn's temple, Immanuel was taught from an early age on to aspire to be the best in everything he attempted to do and dedicate his life to wisdom, in order to make the Goddess Adira proud. Having become a renowned physician at the age of 28, Immanuel understands himself as his kingdom's ideal of a self-made man: a scholar who can achieve everything he puts his mind to, no matter the circumstances. As a result, he has put himself on a pedestal, believing that those who achieved less than him had all the chances and merely didn't use them. Fearing nothing more than failure and becoming anything like his absent, alcoholic father; Immanuel is bound for a rude awakening.
#2 — Morgan Miralaith
❝ While you were having your existential crisis in the mad scientist laboratory you call your bedroom, I took the liberty to read your grandmother's diary. The good news is, I finally understand where all the hubris comes from. ❝
Morgan, belonging to a long-lived species from the realm of Calliah, is the second-in-command for the Elsthess Resistance against the Plague Avatars. While the Resistance on Mhorunn regards her as a capable leader and a skilled fighter; using fire magic to blaze her way to victory; it is clear to most that she has many secrets and ulterior motives. She cares about others in her own way, yet hardly lets anyone close to her. With her mischievous demeanor and cynical nature, Morgan has made it her new mission to recruit Immanuel for the Resistance and, while at it, shatter his very distorted self-image and worldview. Upon forging a contract with her, Immanuel believes that he has sold his soul to a demon. It is only upon meeting others of her kind that he realizes that really is just her personality.
#3 — Mortis Grimm
❞ People reject that which is foreign to them. You of all people should know this. Still, my personal aspirations and origins are of no concern to you. Remember that. ❝
While there are several people from the Realm of Calliah in Elsthess, the realm that Mortis Grimm originated from is unknown. He seems to be the only one of his kind and there is something sinister about him. Wielding powerful magic that matches no other in recorded nature, Mortis, despite being the leader of the Resistance, is a big mystery to all of its members. Usually donning a Plague Doctor mask, Morgan is among the few to have seen his face. He is Mhorunn's greatest ally, but hardly a trusted one. Most understand that he could just as well become its greatest enemy one day.
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Interested in reading more and receiving updates as they're posted? Comment on this post and tell me if you'd like to be added to the taglist! Reblogs are appreciated to spread the word! 💞
Taglist — @gwaaaaar @silveryloneliness @noxochicoztliv @justletmeon12 @averytirednerd @letsallsleepoverwork @styrofauxm @non-pressurizeddiamond @mangoinacan13 @amateurmasksmith @kenobiblue @soru-dee @pictures-of-the-stars @elf-osamu @animusicnerd @jaytherat-hometothereblog @watcherofeternalflame
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landboundstar-writing · 7 months ago
Family Pictures
Another repost of an old story that was posted on my main blog and AO3.
If you like the story, consider tipping the author. If you can't, please reblog.
The envelope was sitting on the laptop he had left out when he went to get coffee.
With a sigh, Tim pushed the envelope onto the couch and opened up his laptop before taking a sip of his coffee.
"Seriously, does he think I don't know what his handwriting looks like?"
He finished reading a few reports and took another drink of coffee, feeling the jolt of warmth and caffeine hitting.
He glanced over at the envelope, but didn't touch it.
And nearly jumped when a hand reached over the couch, and dropped a bag on the couch.
"Dick." He wasn't completely sure if he was using his oldest brother's name, or just describing him for making him jump, but Dick just laughed.
"One does not live by caffeine alone." He leaned over the couch, jiggling the bag, and Tim smelled the food from the takeout containers. His stomach rumbled and he decided to move his laptop so he could eat.
And as soon as he did, Dick saw the envelope.
"What's this?"
"Damian. Don't know, didn't open it."
But he didn't need to, did he? Damian had done this before. Notes left to show he was "the superior Robin", photographs of awkward moments in the field, anything he could do to get under Tim's skin. And Tim really didn't need Damian for things to get under his skin today.
"Well, I will."
"Dick, I don't need to know."
"I do. Especially if I am going to talk to Damian. He can't keep doing things like this and expect us to trust him."
"Fine, go ahead."
Tim grabbed a container of pan fried noodles and a burrito, trying to turn his irritation into confusion at Dick's jumbled smorgasbord of food.
"Maybe he is learning though. Tim, I think you should look at this one."
"Fine." Tim wiped his hands off and held up a hand to take whatever Damian had decided to send him today.
The hand drawn picture was a surprise, since Damian was ferally protective of his art. But it was the subject of the picture that held Tim completely still. 
The dancing, laughing couple who were dressed to the nines were exactly how they had looked.
Tim just hadn't thought about his parents being like that, hadn't seen them that way in his head even, for years.
But looking at the picture.
"I was checking in because I remembered today was the anniversary of the attack on your parents, when you found them. But Damian wasn't here when that went down. I think he was trying to help."
"Like you bringing food. I guess the picture wouldn't run off, unlike the cat."
Dick snorted. "You're lucky he didn't bring you his cow. But I think you should keep this."
Tim looked at the picture, and nodded. He put it in his wallet so that he could look at it more later and picked up the food again, because he did need to have more than just coffee.
"I have a couple more reports to do, but if you want, we can game after, until you have to go on patrol."
"I could do that."
"I'll send you an invite."
Tim read the report, hearing both pings as the invites to join his game went out.
"You invited Duke?"
Tim shook his head. "He is scheduled to patrol by the docks for two hours yet. But, Damian wasn't scheduled for patrol. There should be a couple hours that he can game before bedtime."
A ping came back to Tim's phone and he figured he could finish reading the reports in time to game.
Dick sat down on the arm of the couch. "I'm proud of both of you for trying."
"The picture gives me hope that Damian is learning."
Dick gave him a look. "You're planning on absolutely murdering him in the game?"
Tim smiled. "Absolutely!"
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shuririweek · 1 year ago
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****Please note:
“SHURIBBLE”: A DRABBLE (TRAD. 100 WORDS) based on Shuriri. In this context, a written work between 100-500 words MAX. (Name credit to @mybonafidefeelings)
CANON COMPLIANT: One major aspect must be compliant to the MCU/COMIC canon - Aside from Shuriri as a pairing.
SONG FIC: A fanfiction that is based on a song(s). This can be/include the MESSAGE, LYRIC OR VIBE. Must include the SONG TITLE(S) in tags and author's note/description.
ALTERNATE UNIVERSE: Your choice but at least one major aspect must differ from the MCU/COMIC canon - Aside from Shuriri as a pairing.
Prompts are 100% optional. For an extra challenge, pick some to pair with the theme of the day. Prompts can be combined, reused, or avoided. If you choose to use any prompts, PLEASE NOTE THEM IN THE AUTHORS NOTE/DESCRIPTION *AND* TAGS. Please note that ALL NSFW/18+ content MUST be tagged as such to be reblogged/added to AO3 collection.
TO BE REBLOGGED: MENTION @SHURIRIWEEK *AND* TAG THE WORK WITH #SHURIRIWEEK2024. If you don't @ the page, your work will not be reblogged. However, people will still see your work under the tag.
ADD TO AO3 SHURIRI WEEK 2024 COLLECTION: The sub-collection for ShuririWeek2024 is open to all REGISTERED Ao3 accounts (per Ao3 regulations). However, I will remove any work that is NOT TAGGED CORRECTLY/WITHIN EVENT RULES. (Link to collection!)
ACCEPTED WORKS: Fanfiction, Fan Art, Mood Boards, Fan Mixes (playlists etc.), Memes, Meta, Fan Edits, Gif Sets, etc. WORKS IN PROGRESS/TEASERS/SNEAK PEAKS WILL ALSO BE ACCEPTED.
NOT ACCEPTED: Any works that have already been posted on Tumblr/Ao3 prior to JANUARY 28 2024 will NOT be reblogged/added to Ao3 collection for ShuririWeek2024. This even is looking for NEW works.
FANFICTIONS/TEXT POSTS: - Fanfictions can be any length, EXCEPT FOR ON DAY 3. - If you're posting anything longer than 150 words, you MUST use the "Keep Reading" feature.
DEADLINE: Content tagged under/mentioning #SHURIRIWEEK2024 and @shuririweek will be reblogged for up to 7 days AFTER FEBRUARY 3rd (ending Feb. 10 2024). After that, I ask that you wait for the next event to tag work with ShuririWeek. (There will be more events soon!)
SHURIRI MUST BE THE MAIN FOCUS: While other characters/OC's are more than welcome, the main characters/main pairing must be Shuri/Riri. This pairing can be romantic, platonic, sexual, enemies etc.
GIVE CREDIT: You MUST tag/link/give credit to any work/content/aspects that are not your original work. If you do not/if you do not have consent to use it, you will be blocked from the page and banned from submitting to Shuriri Week events in the future.
THEMES/PROMPTS: All work should be within the THEME of the day from the Theme calendar (Check FAQ for more info). Prompts, however, are 100% optional. Please note what theme/prompts your using in your description/authors note *and* tags.
NO BASHING/BE KIND: If you don't like a submission, don't engage with it. If you don't like a theme/prompt, don't use it. If you don't want to see Shuriri content, unfollow/mute/block the tag/the account. Keep it simple. If you *DO* like something, leave a like/comment/reblog/kudos! Everyone's work deserves to be celebrated.
NO SPAM: Please do not spam the tag/mentions with reposts of your work. This is not fair to other people participating and you will be asked to stop/your work will not be reblogged by the page.
PLEASE BE PATIENT: As of now, there is only ONE admin (@blacksapphhicmaddonna) for this event. Your submission WILL be reblogged by the page ASAP! Until then, others will still be able to see it in the tag!
Still have questions?
Check out the FAQ (Link)
DM the admin @blacksapphhicmaddonna
That's all!
I'm so excited for ShuririWeek 2024 and can't wait to see all the amazing works everyone creates!
For the next event, everyone will be voting for themes and prompts! Stay tuned and enjoy!
Thanks so much for participating! Much love x,
@blacksapphhicmaddonna / @shuririweek
@fandomweeks love your page, pls share when you get a chance💜💜💜💜
edit: sorry about the typo for "breeding kink". it's been changed in the original post text but reblogs may not show it. I haven't changed the graphic yet.
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zahmaddog · 5 months ago
IV. Treasure Found
Closure Series
SFW | Crosshair x fem!reader
I. Nightmares of Eriadu , II. Going Home , III. Familiar Face
Warnings: SFW Romance between Crosshair x fem!reader, blaster violence, grief, processing grief, Hunter has gas, fluff, etc.
Characters involved: Crosshair x fem!reader x Hunter x Phee x Wrecker x Omega x Stranger
Word Count: 3423
Author Note: This is one of the best chapters of fiction I've ever written. I'm so stoked on it! I hope you like it.
<original cover art coming>
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You must have fallen asleep at some point because you awoke suddenly to a putrid smell.
“Wrecker, I’m going to kill you,” you hear Crosshair stir. 
“That wasn’t me!” Wrecker affirms. The silence and smell lingered for a moment longer.
“Hunter, are you by chance still eating those expired ration bars?” Crosshair fumes.
Hunter shifts in bed. You and Crosshair glance at each other, knowing he’s awake.
“So, you are still eating expired ration bars,” Crosshair condemned.
Hunter audibly sighs, but refuses to say anything.
“When are you going to take the blame you deserve?” Crosshair sits up and turns towards Hunter’s bunk.
“Crosshair, it was just gas,” Wrecker tries to cool Crosshair down. “It’s usually a joke!”
“No, I’m not talking about that,” Crosshair was fuming and now standing closer to Hunter’s bunk. He still had his back to Crosshair. You move from the bunk and stand too. 
“Crosshair?” You ask, “What’s going on?” “Tech would still be here if you didn’t lead him into that mission,” Crosshair accuses Hunter.
The room falls silent as his words now linger with an intensity that outpaces Hunter’s gas.
“Hey, you’re not thinking clearly,” you try to calm him down as you take his hand. He turns towards you, but he just can’t let it go.
“No,” Crosshair flips back towards Hunter’s bunk. “I saw the rail line. You took Omega across that?” Hunter flinches a little and begins to sit up silently. Crosshair doesn’t let up.
“How were you ever fit to be our leader?” Crosshair growls.
Hunter moves enough to let his legs dangle off of the edge of the bunk, his somber eyes focused on the ground. Crosshair lurched forward again in anger, but Wrecker placed his hand on his shoulder. 
“Crosshair, you know why we went to Eriadu,” Hunter begins softly. “We were looking for you.” “So, Tech’s death is my fault?” Crosshair lashes.
“No,” Hunter sighs. “It’s no one’s fault. It just happened. He put himself ahead of the squad and saved us all.”
“Hm,” Crosshair narrows his eyes and scowls at Hunter briefly, then looks away and grimaces. 
“You’re grieving, Crosshair,” Hunter finally looks up at Crosshair. “I know you know that Tech would have looked for you regardless if he had my blessing or not.”
Crosshair spins back to his bunk and violently sits. His hands run over his head and he stops to cover his eyes. 
“I know,” Crosshair sighs. “I know.” “Do you really think he’s gone?” Wrecker chimes in.
“He was always gone,” Crosshair mutters.
“I thought that too, but I’m doubtful we’ll ever know the truth,” Hunter sighs. 
The door to the cockpit opens and Phee materializes, “I’m glad you’re all up.” “What’s going on?” You ask Phee. 
“It’s time to land soon. Get your gear. I have a feeling we’ll have to move fast,” she exits the room again. 
“Why are we going with Phee to Agomar?” Wrecker sits down on his bunk in emotional defeat.
“Closure,” Hunter sighs. “It’s the least we can do.”
You dressed in fresh clothes and ditched your armor and helmet. You freshened what you could in Phee’s ship washroom and then melted into Phee’s co-pilot seat.
“Phee,” you started, “What are we doing here?” Agomar came into view as the ship exited hyperspace.
“Following a hunch,” she said quietly. “Do you trust me?” Her eyes fall on you with a daring look to them.
“At this point, I don’t think I have a choice,” you try to lighten the mood.
Phee kills the engines, the sudden fall forward takes you by surprise. You had experienced her stealth entrances before, but your stomach had yet to get used to them. How did I end up with friends more reckless than me? You asked yourself. The boys in the back may have felt us drop from hyperspace, but they were less prepared than you were for the covert approach. You hear Wrecker, Hunter, and Crosshair scream a little in the back as the zero gravity kicks in. One of them emits a painful yell.
Phee switches the engine back and breaks just in time for a peaceful landing. The door to the bunks opens and Hunter stumbles out, his hand holding his scarf to his face.
“I was shaving, Phee,” he sternly scolds. 
“Well, maybe you should have shaved earlier,” Phee rolls off his comment without taking her eyes from the datapad. She points out the window without looking up, “He should be just over there.”
You gaze out the window to where she was pointing and see a small village. A large cargo ship sits just outside of the apparent suburbs. 
“That’s the ship you tracked?” You point. 
“Uh-huh,” Phee stands and opens the door to her ship. Her eyes fiery with determination, you started to believe her when she said she had found Tech. But you shook the feeling off, knowing you’d need to be there for her when it wasn’t Tech. It couldn’t be him.
You followed her down the ramp of the ship and waited at the bottom for the clones. Hunter had taken his time cleaning his fresh cut from his razor, Wrecker changed into civilian clothing, and Crosshair was moving slower than usual. 
Phee didn’t bother waiting at the bottom of the ramp, so you and the clones jog to catch up to her as she crosses the short distance of desert to the village. Phee was always determined and focused on treasure hunts, but this level of focus was intimidating. 
The group arrived at the cargo ship and walked to its entrance, finding it open with a pirate guard standing by.
“Excuse me,” Phee begins a conversation with the guard, “We’re looking for Captain Solomon. Could you point where he went?”
The guard shifts to an expression of confusion and tries to stand taller. “He – he went to town,” the guard stammers. 
“Where in town?” Crosshair interrogates. 
“A bar,” the guard shrugs. “He was meeting a customer. He should be back soon.” “We don’t have time to wait,” Phee puts her hands on her hips and tries to gather more information with her stern look alone. Her impatience fueled the mission.
“I swear that’s all I know,” the guard retorts.
You pull out your datapad and look up local bars, finding only two to be in the village.
“There’s not that many to check,” you report. “Let’s go.” Phee takes another look at the guard before turning and following you into the village. 
You lead Phee and the clones to the first bar on the map. It was on the front-edge of the village, not far from the cargo ship. You peer inside the bar with Phee as the clones wait outside.
“I’m sorry they’re not as supportive as they could be,” you apologize to Phee for their actions, but you knew they were mourning. Grief is heavy to walk with.
“I’d be afraid of what we’re searching for too,” Phee shrugs.
“I guess so,” you realize as you and Phee continue to step inside of Clone Force 99’s family matters.
“I don’t see him,” Phee says as she continues to scan every face. “On to the next place.”
Exiting the bar, Crosshair reaches for your hand to continue to walk through the village together. With his other hand in his pocket and hiding beneath his helmet, he kept to himself; watching the ground with each step he took. You feel his heartbreak as he drudged along, trusting you to lead the way. The village had beautiful fire light fixtures to light the road as the night sky created a scenic backdrop. The buildings were cylindrical and tall, reminding you of the outskirts of Tatooine. Agomar felt like a planet made for pirates.
The second bar was a bit further up the road. Entering into it, the clones followed sluggishly. Now inside, you scanned every face you could, but Phee’s face stopped you in your tracks. She suddenly looked content and almost — happy. She floated through the crowd ahead of her. You followed her gaze and witnessed the eye-patched man himself. You gasped as he was nearly a splitting image of Crosshair.
“Crosshair,” you pat his shoulder to get his attention. He takes off his helmet and looks at you with a sense of urgency and needing answers, but all you can do is point: “Look.”
Crosshair moves his head down to be eye-level with your pointed hand. His eyebrows furrow as he follows your pointed hand past Phee. He stands tall suddenly, his eyes wide-open. You knew he saw him too.
You and he trace Phee’s gentle footsteps towards the crowd surrounding the man, getting just close enough to hear the beginnings of the conversation unfold.
“Tech?” Phee interrupts his conversation with a group of aliens.
Captain Solomon was surprised that someone would interrupt him. He turns slightly towards her and squints his left eye at Phee.
“You’re the woman from Eriadu. Why have you come here?” He blusters and faces her fully. 
“I’ve come because — “ Phee lost her words, “Don’t you remember me?”
“Yes, like I mentioned previously. You’re the woman I met on Eriadu a single rotation ago,” he informs again. “Why are you here?”
“But, we met before that — Do you remember?” She reiterates.
“No, we are not acquainted,” he insists. 
You and Crosshair take another step closer and catch Phee’s attention from the corner of her eye.
“Crosshair, come here,” Phee asks, extending her hand out towards him. Crosshair hesitates. He inhales deeply and hands you his helmet then steps forward aside Phee and Captain Solomon. Eye-to-eye with the stranger, Crosshair’s eyes widen once more.
“Tech?” He mutters.
“No, my name is Captain Solomon. I’m the captain of this brigade and you are interrupting an important transaction,” he stammers again.
“Now, you promised me you wouldn’t go running off with pirates,” Phee places her hands on her hips and shifts her head.
Crosshair stands in silence and disbelief. Tech shifts away.
“Now if you’ll excuse me, I will resume my work,” Tech stammers. Phee reaches out her hand to gain his attention back, but Crosshair takes a step closer to the Captain ahead of her hand. 
Hunter and Wrecker finally caught up and had equally shocked expressions on their faces. You turn to them to catch them up to speed.
“He — He doesn’t remember,” you whisper to them.
“What do you mean he doesn’t remember?” Wrecker responds back impatiently. He pushes closer through the crowded space.
Crosshair grabs the captain’s shoulder and turns him around.
“I’m sorry, these two strangers have yet to learn why saying “no” is the safer choice,” Captain Solomon relays to his crew as he rolls his eyes and takes a step towards Crosshair in an attempt to intimidate. He squints at Crosshair and studies his facial features. Instead of intimidating Crosshair as planned, he finds himself anxious, despite sharing a similar build and close height. His gaze darts to the side and his shoulders buckle slightly.
“What? Is it like looking in a mirror?” Crosshair jabs.
“You have a strange tattoo,” the captain interjects nervously.
“Funny. You put it there,” Crosshair shrugs cooly.
“How would I have —- “ he starts, but Crosshair interrupts.
“I gave you one too,” Crosshair continues.
Captain Solomon turned his head slightly in amusement and waited for Crosshair to continue. Impatient and demanding as usual, Crosshair pokes a finger into Captain Solomon’s left pec. 
“You have a ninety-nine tattooed right here,” he attests.
Captain Solomon’s eyebrows raise in surprise. 
“With red ink,” Crosshair continues.
He asks, “How did you know that?” He turns to his crew, “Which one of you informed him of my tattoo?” The crew, all watching this conversation at this point, remain silent. 
“I gave you that tattoo after returning from a mission on Kamino over a decade ago,” Crosshair resumes. “We all have a ninety-nine tattoo somewhere.”
“Kamino?” He questions. “And to which group of “all” are you referring to?”
“You really don’t remember?” Crosshair’s eyes grew sorrowful. “Omega? Have you forgotten her too?”
“Omega?” He revels for a moment, but is interrupted by his impatient client.
“Look, do we have a deal or not?” The alien yells as it slams a suitcase down on the table.
Solomon looks back to Crosshair, “I’m sorry, but this conversation will need to wait.”
Crosshair turns violently away from him and pushes past Phee as he storms out of the bar. Hunter catches his arm; Crosshair meets his eyes.
“It’s him,” Crosshair sighs and shakes Hunter’s arm off. “But he doesn’t remember a thing.” 
Crosshair leaves the bar, so you chase after him. 
The night desert air was brisk and cold. You found yourself rubbing your arms for warmth as you shiver. Crosshair purses his toothpick in silence as he leans against the wall of the bar, unbothered by the cold. Your shivering distracts him and breaks him from his trance.
“Here,” he removes his poncho and places it over you. “For a bounty hunter, you prepared poorly for this mission,” he pokes at you.
“I left everything on the ship thinking this would be a quick stop,” you over-explain as you stare into his helmet’s reflection; the metal cold in your hands.
The streets were calm with the occasional passerby. The fire fixtures warm, but no match for the cold. 
“So, is it really him?” You ask.
“Mmhmm,” Crosshair grunts. “But, I never would have put money on Tech losing his mind. Out of the brothers, I should have lost my mind.”
Hunter and Wrecker exit the bar; their shoulders dropped in a new season of disappointment.
“He didn’t remember us either, in case you were wondering,” Wrecker fills Crosshair in. 
“Phee can’t pull herself away, but we wanted to check on you, Crosshair,” Hunter hesitates.
“How touching,” Crosshair sighs. 
Blaster fire illuminates the inside of the bar, causing you and the clones to jump. 
“Now what?” Crosshair takes his pistol and readies himself. 
Hunter, Wrecker, Crosshair, and yourself run back into the bar to find chaos. From what you could gather in a few seconds, civilians were cowering under their tables as a blaster fight erupts between Captain Solomon’s crew and the clients. Phee darts towards you at the door with her blaster readied. 
“I am not watching him die again,” Wrecker stresses and charges into battle, defending Captain Solomon. 
Wrecker fires off a shot to the back of the bar, exploding the collection of drinks and barrels of alcohol. Every individual on that side of the room, including Captain Solomon, flies in multiple directions. Wrecker picks him up and throws him across his shoulder: Solomon unconscious. The bar’s customers pour out of the doors, pushing past you, Phee, Hunter, and Crosshair.
“I’ve got him,” Wrecker announces. “Let’s go.”
“We can’t just take him,” Hunter argues and stops Wrecker at the door.
“Why not?” Wrecker inquires.
“He — he has a whole life built out here. It’s not right of us to demand he come with us,” Hunter reasons.
“But if he can’t remember us, how does he have a choice?” Crosshair asserts.
Hunter’s eyes dart away from Crosshair’s, then slowly return back to his gaze.
“Is this what you would have wanted, back when you had your inhibitor chip?” Hunter asks.
The bar begins to burn down faster as the fire spreads, you pull on Phee’s hand to get her moving around Crosshair and Hunter’s conversation.
“I didn’t know what I wanted because I didn’t have a choice.” Crosshair reiterates intensely, then sighs. “But you could have captured me and removed my chip if you tried, Hunter. Don’t make the same mistake twice.”
Hunter nods and quotes himself from years past, “We don’t leave our own behind.” “Not again,” Crosshair interjects with a slight smile.
Hunter and Crosshair follow you, Phee, and Wrecker carrying Captain Solomon out of the collapsing building. Crosshair gave the poor bar one last glance before flicking his toothpick into the fire. He takes his helmet from you and leaves the area with you in a hurry.
“They’re taking the captain!” A man just outside the building shouts and points at your party. Hunter and Crosshair ready their weapons. Hunter darts behind a box and engages.
“Get back to the ship!” Hunter yells to you, Phee, and Wrecker. “Phee, come pick us up.” He turns to fire a few blasts at the charging crew members, then turns back to you quickly. “Keep them safe.” You draw your blaster and nod. Crosshair kisses your cheek, slides his helmet on, and darts behind the crate with Hunter to hold them off. You turn and start towards the ship.
Crosshair and Hunter kept Solomon’s crew locked in the streets, making it easier to run quickly back to the ship. As you pass Solomon’s cargo ship, you hear the guard mutter in the wind, “Wait, was that the captain?”
Phee deploys the stairs to her ship and you, Phee, and Wrecker sprint up the stairs. Phee switches on the ship while Wrecker lays Solomon onto an empty bunk. You sit in the co-pilot seat and locate Crosshair and Hunter. Still in the streets, blasting and stunning crew members away, Phee’s ship takes off towards them. You grab your blaster and deploy the ramp while in mid-air and cover Hunter and Crosshair with blaster fire. Phee lowers the ship just enough for Hunter to jump from the crate onto the ramp, followed by Crosshair. They scurry up the ramp as you slowly walk up the stairs backwards continuing to cover them. Phee seals the ramp and the ship ascends into the atmosphere.
Hyperspace felt more peaceful this time as you, Phee, and the clones surrounded Tech’s bunk and watched him rest.
“So I lost a hand, Wrecker’s lost his eye, Tech’s lost an eye and his mind, and you Hunter —,” Crosshair prods. “What?” Hunter sighs.
“Your day is coming,” he points with his toothpick and a sly smile.
Hunter rolls his eyes, “Glad to see you’re in a better mood, Crosshair.”
“So what do we do with him?” Wrecker turns his attention back to Tech.
“I guess we wait until he wakes and jog his memory,” Phee sits down on the bunk across from him.
“And if he never remembers?” Hunter asks.
The room fell silent as the obvious answer was unthinkable.
Crosshair sighs, “We drop him back with that worthless crew.”
You pull down your pack from storage and pull out a med-patch and hand it to Phee. She stands to be by Tech’s side and assists him with the patch.
“Hunter,” you walk towards him and place your hand on his shoulder. “We should comm Omega.”
Hunter nods, “I don’t know how to tell her.”
“She’ll never forgive you if you don’t tell her,” you remind him. 
“True,” he surmises. “We’ll all contact her; together.”
“Phee, can you send a transmission to Omega’s ship?” You ask.
“Say the word,” Phee smiles at you.
“What do you mean he can’t remember?” Omega’s mixture of disbelief and excitement radiated through the hologram in the middle of Phee’s ship. 
“He didn’t recognize any of us. We still don’t know how he got to be that way… Or why he was with pirates,” Hunter explained.
“But he’s there? Alive?!” Omega exclaimed. 
“Yes, it’s him,” Crosshair nodded. 
“Where are you headed? I will leave now,” Omega announces.
“We’re on our way back to Pabu, kid,” Wrecker begins. “And I need to have a word with you on how you left without saying goodbye.” “Sorry, I didn’t know how to tell you. Or Crosshair,” she apologizes. “I told Phee.”
“Barely,” Phee chuckles. “You hinted at joining the rebellion.”
“Did she tell you or did you overhear that?” Crosshair asks you, knowing it was probably the talk of “Girl’s Night.”
“I didn’t know. I was probably asleep,” you shrug.
“Checks out,” Crosshair mutters with a soft smile. 
“I’m on my way,” Omega reports. “I’ll see you soon.” The hologram switches off. Tech stirs in his bunk, but doesn’t wake. You gaze at the four defective clones and feel a sense of completeness you had only experienced when looking at old holographs of Clone Force 99. Wrecker, Hunter, and Crosshair found themselves sitting in the bunks staring at, well, Tech. 
“So Brown-eye,” Phee mutters as she walks back over to his bedside. “What happened to you?” 
She brushes his overgrown hair behind his ear. She looks up at you, “Can you land the ship and take care of things for me?”
“Sure thing, Phee,” you vow.
Part V: The Best of Us
@heidnspeak @cloneflo99 @megmegalodondon @tentakelspektakel @maniacalbooper
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deanthe · 1 year ago
[open] nintendo eshop code commissions!
looking for quality, stylized commissions at a relatively cheap price? well, uh... here ya are!! (more info under the cut)
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for an nintendo eshop code ranging from 5-20 dollars (usd only), you can get a commission from me!
sfw only
no problematic imagery
one character only
can be anywhere between a headshot and a fullbody at no additional cost!
$5 - sketch
a base sketch that i make for full pieces, but less messy.
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$10 - lineart
lineart! lineart! lineart! stopping right before the coloring process.
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$20 - full piece
the real deal, with all the crazy colors and filters you know and tolerate!
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that's about it in terms of what you're getting, but please don't skip out on the info below! it's important -- you can tell because it's in a FAQ format!
so... what's the process?
if interested, dm me either here, on twitter (@deanthebobcat) or on discord (deanthe_) and tell me what ys want! ref sheets are only needed if it's an oc. once you approve the sketch i make, you then send over the eshop code as payment and i work on the rest of the commission!
how do i go about getting a code?
you COULD go to a store that has eshop giftcards and buy one, but my customers usually just grab a code off of amazon and get emailed the code quickly.
why eshop codes?
i live with my parents, and they have a habit of sheltering me too much... they don't trust me with my own bank account. so, since i'm intending on spending the money on videogames anyway, eshop codes are the closest i can get to obtaining real money at the moment.
can i just buy you robux or nitro instead?
sorry... as much as i'd like that, eshop money is my preffered method, so that's what i'm sticking with.
why american codes/usd only?
unfortunately eshop codes are region locked, which makes sense given that, y'know... different countries use different currencies. i can't change my eshop region to get the money, because doing so will wipe the funds i have.
if you're not from america but really want a commission, you could use a vpn and buy an american code! it's a hastle, i know, but that's the best you can really do
wow, you draw fast!
i know, haha... i've been accused of rushing my art and commissions because of that in the past, but nah that's just how i draw! ^^
are you open atm?
i'll edit this post every time my status changes. check the very top!
thank you for reading this. hope to see ya soon! ^^
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justexistingsomewhere · 2 months ago
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Okay! So, the results are in for whether to make a side blog for my AU or not!! I’m going to make the blog soon after I post this.
This blog will be now focused more on general art/requests/reblogs. All things related to Unexpected!Tale will be on my side blog @unexpected-tale
I’m going to use this opportunity to explain the plans I have for my AU while I’m at it! But I will do so under the cut because it’s a LOT.
•Firstly I plan to have this Comic go for three main parts excluding the prologue. I have no script for dialogue but I have a pretty developed timeline for it. My art is not the best but I hope it’s enough to do the story I love justice.
•Secondly you can ask any character in my AU questions! Just be respectful and sfw. Keep in mind the questions asked will not be canon to the comic. There will be times planned in the future for that though!!
•While Sans is an important character to this story it is not just centric on him. I really want to delve into the full plot of my au, and all of the characters are close to my heart.
•This will be a teen and up comic (although I will not enforce this, I trust people know their limits). There will be dark themes addressed in this series. Like: death, manipulation, swearing, abuse etc. I will try to tag for warnings.
•My grammar is not the best, please tell me if I make mistakes! But, please do so constructively.
•I have no upload schedule just yet. I post when I can. I can’t predict my motivation,
•Be respectful please! Don’t misgender Frisk and Chara, as they both go by they/them in this comic. I will not tolerate anything of the sort. Read my Masterpost for more info.
Thank you for everyone who has followed along so far, and if you are new thank you for following!! I don’t have a lot about my AU posted, but don’t worry! There is a lot more to come!
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helleboretks · 1 year ago
Start with the Sides: Wukong's Demise
Yo yo yo wassup! If you haven't noticed already, me and @justalilgiddybibs decided to do a spur of the moment fic collab series because why the fuck not I guess XD-
I never actually expected for it to get to this point but I have absolutely no regrets!!! Xey're really fun to talk to and I highly suggest checking out the blog made by hem!
Getting right into it, this is a Lee!Wukong, Lers!MK and Nezha SFW Tickle fic! If this is not your forte, no need to read! This is also a part II to Hah! Got 'Em!!!
Summary: After yesterday's antics, MK is left with a slight ler mood. Wrecking the resident Third Lotus Prince again would be cruel- but what about teaching him how to wreck others?
MK was bored. Really bored.
Nothing had really stirred his usual boundless amounts of energy; Mei wasn’t here to play a good round or twenty of Monkey Mech, and Redson was home brooding and inventing like he always did, so MK didn’t have immediate company to keep him active. It was starting to build up on him, especially after yesterday’s sugar rush-like energy.
Speaking of yesterday, the entire event had left him itching to do it again, constantly tapping and wiggling his fingers. Funny how that happens, but he doesn’t really have anyone he can just unleash it on. And even with Nezha here, the guy had only just found out what tickling was, he wasn’t going to go that far. He needed some other way to release all this energy…
 Wait a minute.
“Pssst- Hey Nezha!” The Lotus Prince looked up from his bowl of noodles he was just finishing, attention caught.
“Yes? What is it?” MK smiled as Nezha responded, already feeling a deviousness in his grin. “So uh, I was thinking about yesterday, and-”
“MK, I swear to the Buddha above himself-“
“No no no, I’m not gonna tickle you again, don’t worry!” MK laughed, finding it silly the way Nezha relaxed after having tensed so quickly in embarrassment at the recollections of yesterday.
“Actually, I was thinking…” MK glanced over at his mentor, Wukong, who seemed thoroughly lost in thought while fiddling with the chopsticks Tang had idly handed him. He seemed as if the world was completely empty save for whatever thoughts were manifesting in his head.
“Monkey King was the one who started it, right? So, how about I teach you the art of tickling people, and we use him for example?” Nezha looked at MK skeptically for a moment, then over at Wukong. A rare smile formed on his face, and it was at times like these that he remembered that Nezha too, had a mischievous streak, spanning many centuries longer than MK’s.
“You’re sure he’ll be okay with that?” He asked, still slightly hesitant.
Macaque, who overheard the conversation (having six ears is really helpful for eavesdropping, huh?), leaned in and whispered into Nezha’s ear, ignoring for the time being the fact that the poor prince tensed up at it.
“I’m gonna be honest for once, princey, but he really enjoys it. It’s basically his way of saying that he trusts you a lot. He was probably hoping to be tickled in return yesterday, but was kinda let down when he realized you didn’t have a clue what the fuck it is. You didn’t hear it from me though, in case he asks.”
Nezha chuckled lightly at Macaque’s slyness, and MK took a moment to shuffle through every memory he had of tickling the daylights out of the Monkey King before all of this. Sure, he didn’t get to tickle him nearly as much as Wukong would to him, but knowing that bit of information now…
MK had never felt so honored before.
“Alright then. MK, how do I do this?” Nezha easily relented.
“One second.” MK said, getting off his stool and walking over to Wukong, who didn’t seem to have the slightest idea what was going on, given how spaced out he was. MK snuck up beside him and, with little hesitance, promptly picked him up from under the arms. Wukong shrieked in surprise.
“AAHHHH!! Holy shit Mk-what the fuck?!”
“You’ll see soon enough, Monkey King! Hey Nezha, follow me!” The Lotus Prince cleaned up his bowl and chopsticks, setting them aside and handing them off to Pigsy, who almost smiled. It’s always nice to see another person who appreciates home-cooked meals. After the run-in with Speedy Panda…ugh.
Nezha followed the sound of Wukong’s struggling, and found the two upstairs in MK’s apartment on the floor beside the bed. The young hero had Wukong’s arms pinned under his knees, and at this point he had stopped struggling and laid on the floor, mumbling something about his hands going numb. MK paid no attention to it. “Alrighty then, Nezha! Your first lesson in how to tickle people and get the best reactions commences now!”
“SAY WHAT NOW?!” Wukong’s eyes shot wide open at the statement.
“Oh, you’ll live, Monkey King! Besides, you’ve been wanting this, haven’t you?”
“Sh-shut up, kid! Now you’re just lying!” Wukong whined. MK only giggled at the half-hearted denial from his mentor.
“Alright, alright, shut up now! LESSON ONE!!!” MK shouted dramatically over top Wukong’s whining. “You gotta know all the techniques and where someone’s super ticklish! So, word of advice, if you wanna find out if someone’s ticklish, always start with the sides!”
And then to demonstrate, MK immediately started pinching at Wukong’s sides, causing the poor Sage to yelp and flinch every which way away from the fingers, not like it helped given that Mk had him pinned down, but it was a…valiant effort. Sort of.
“The sides are like, the most commonly ticklish area for anybody and everybody, so it’s always a safe bet to start there first! Ya feel me?” Nezha snorted slightly at the choice of words, but nodded and resolutely ignored the giggled whining and complaining of one Great Sage Equal to Heaven.
“Cool, cool, cool-WUKONG QUITE MOVING YA LITTLE-” You can’t blame the Lotus Prince for jolting at the sudden raise in MK’s voice, although given how playful his tone was and the stupid grin on his face, he wasn’t taking any of this too seriously at all.
Meanwhile, Wukong himself was giggling up a storm, squirming like his immortal life depended on it as he kicked his feet and slapped his tail to the ground.
“Stohohop pihihinching me thehehen! Kihihihid!!” Wukong responded back.
“Nuh uh, I gotta teach Nezha about the techniques, man. Think of the techniques!!”
Oh yeah, now MK was doing this mostly to mess with him.
Not like Nezha’s complaining though…
“Okay! So you see how I’m pinching him, right?” MK asked, turning his head to Nezha and ever so confident that taking his eyes off Wukong won’t change a thing.
“Yes?” Nezha responded, scooting closer and watching the motions with rapt attention.
And no, he would not admit how that made his own cheeks flush, or how it made butterflies flutter in his stomach.
“Is there anything special about it, MK?”
“Oh why yes there is, my dear Nezha.” Said ‘Dear Nezha’ gave him a questioning look. “You sound like one of those preachers from another religion-”
“SsshHHHshhhh shush shush shush, and let me speak my gospel-” MK wheezed in amusement, letting up on his hasty pinches and giving Wukong reprieve.
“So, you gotta make sure that you don’t pinch too hard, yeah? If you do, it’ll just hurt, and that’s not fun for anyone. So! You’ll wanna make sure that it’s quick and light, not enough to hurt, but enough to be felt.” He explained, going as far as to give a slow demonstration to what he was explaining.
Wukong’s breath hitched repeatedly as he bit down stray chuckles, burying his face into his shoulder, probably to silently deny just how embarrassing this must be for him.
“Oooh, I see, I see.” Nezha added verbally with a smile, a hint of pride welling up at noticing Wukong shrinking in on himself more at that.
“Would you like to give it a try?”
Nezha glanced up at MK, and simply smiled.
As MK moved his hands away, Wukong immediately renewed his struggling. “AH AH AH-WAIT! NO, I didn’t agree to this, this is non consensual!! HELP ME!!!” Wukong practically screamed, causing both Nezha and Mk to laugh at his embarrassed misery.
“No one’s here to save you, Monkey King! Now just be a good monkey and sit there so I can teach Nezha the wondrous ways of tickling.” MK spoke with faux somberness in his tone, patting the monkey on the head as Wukong wriggled around.
Now, Here’s the thing.
Nezha is reflexively fast. He has to be, he always has been. It’s what comes with being a guard.
Implementing that into a more harmless pinching motion was honestly pretty easy.
He did not, however, account for Wukong’s reaction.
The monkey let out a shriek at Nezha’s quick jabbing, his feet dragging frantically against the floor as he jolted and yelped at every quick little jab.
“My goodness, Nezha you’re quick with that shit, this is amazing actually hold on-” MK commented, and Nezha honestly couldn’t help the little chuckle that escaped him if he wanted.
Because this was fun. Doing this quick little pinches up and down Wukong’s sides, watching him squirm like that so helplessly, giggling feverishly all throughout, it was funny to watch, and fun to do.
Yeah, he could absolutely see the appeal in it.
“Oh oh oh! Lemme show you something!” MK said, deciding not to stop Nezha from having his fun as he then went to skim his fingers along Wukong’s ribs, causing Wukong’s pitch to heighten and his laughter to grow louder.
“It’s funnier when you have more than one person involved in the tickling, but besides that, Wukong’s got some pretty sensitive ribs, so there’s this really funny game you can make out of it!” MK explained, catching Nezha’s attention as he started scritching all along Wukong’s ribs.
Wukong choked on a laugh, throwing his head back and shaking his head a few times as MK went on to explain and demonstrate. “So, we’re basically going to be ‘counting’ if he’s got all his ribs in place. Cause like, ya never know with this one right here-” The Monkie Kid said with a light roll of his eyes.
“Nezha, I’d humbly request you to tell me-how many ribs do we normally have?” MK asked, putting a dramatic tone into his voice that had Nezha scoffing. “Twenty four, MK. We have twenty four.” He answered dutifully.
“Well, are we sure that Wukong has all twenty four? I mean, for all we know, he could have lost some in all his battles or something! Oh, you poor, poor monkey, I’ll help you, don’t worry Monkey King!” MK wiped a fake tear just to emphasize, which only caused Wukong to hiccup with laughter.
“So I found one, y’know! And here’s two, and we got three over here-” Nezha himself flushed a great shade of red as he watched the way MK dug into Wukong’s ribs like no tomorrow, the theatrics he put up were almost as impressive as Macaque’s, because Wukong was really starting to laugh up a storm right now.
“NAHahAHaha! StAHAP- MK!! AHAHAHAHA, PLehEHEhease!” Wukong has already resorted to pleading, and they weren’t even ten minutes into this, barely even five.
Yeah, okay, MK was scarily good at this.
But also…Mei…
Nezha shivered to himself.
“Ooooh maaah gaaawd-Monkey King stop moving or else I can’t count all your ribs! It’s like you’re- AUDIBLE GASP!! ARE YOU HIDING SOMETHING FROM ME!?” MK yelled out, throwing his head back to give Wukong some serious side eye.
Wukong, for all he tried, shook his head hastily, his nose all scrunched up as his blush only deepened from what could practically be described as torture from his successor.
Maybe not actual torture, but it sure looked like it!
“I think you’re hiding something from me and I WILL GET IT!! AAAAAAAAAAH-” Now even Nezha couldn’t help but dissolve into laughter as Mk let out a battlecry- a battlecry of all things!- digging into Wukong’s ribs and making the monkey go ballistic with the ticklish sensation.
“KIHIHIHID!! FAHAHAHAHA- STAHA- STAHAHAHAP! I CAHAHAN’T-AAAAAHAHA-!” Wukong cried out desperately, and for a second, Nezha was worried that he really couldn’t take it.
But when he actually looked up at MK and Wukong, he took notice of something.
As much as MK was joking around beyond multiple extremes, he seemed to be..paying rapt attention to Wukong, as if there would be a sign of some sort that would tell him if… Wukong’s had enough.
‘Ah.’ Nezha thought. ‘They probably do have a sign.’
That attention to detail, that level of care despite this tomfoolery…it was sweet. He wouldn’t deny it. It was really sweet.
(No, he doesn’t want that kind of attention, though! I-it’s just a sweet thing to take note of, okay? He’s not- like, craving that or anything!)
“By the Gods, you might actually kill him.” Nezha couldn’t help but mutter, surprised and unsurprised that MK ended up hearing that despite Wukong’s frantically loud laughter.
“Oh my gods, can you kill an immortal by tickling? I mean like, you can die by it-”
“Excuse me?”
“But I never considered the possibility.”
MK finally slowed down his downright malicious ministrations, and Wukong practically choked on the air he greedily inhaled as he caught his breath. But now the boy was really thinking about it- like, hand to his chin in deep, otherworldly thought kind of thinking.
“Let’s not test that out now, MK. You’re teaching me, not trying to kill a god.” Nezha said with a light hearted chuckle.
“Yeheheah! Yeah-kid, plehehease no, don’t do thahat.” Wukong nodded fervently, clearly filled with nervousness as MK practically stared into his soul.
“...Nezha. I must bestow some very important information onto you.” MK muttered, clearly trying to make this sound very, very important and serious. And as much as Nezha would probably never be able to know if tickling could turn into that kind of serious, he at least knew that it perhaps was important.
So, for fun’s sake, he played along.
“Yes, MK? Whatever piece of information will you bestow upon me that requires such an important incline in your tone?” MK almost broke character, taking a minute not to laugh at the longer than necessary sentence.
“There are certain places on the body that are very sensitive, Nezha. Of course, that’s a given, the nerves in our bodies do flippity things to cause stimuli because biology says so.” MK says with a dismissive hand wave.
“But there are some parts of the body that are so sensitive that it’s actually a little concerning.” Nezha noticed from his peripheral the way Wukong practically froze with tension, coming to a conclusion very rapidly.
“Kid! Hey, nO! None of that!” Wukong complained, but Mk just playfully shoved his forehead and continued talking all business-like.
Nezha struggled so hard to take this seriously, but he nodded along just fine.
“These particular spots are what we like to call, Death Spots.” MK finally said, jolting a little as Wukong struggled underneath him. “MK! MK SHUT UP RIGHT NOW-!!”
“HUSH, MONKEY KING, I’M MAKING HISTORY HERE!!! LET ME WORK MY MAGIC!” MK shouted right back, before quickly jabbing Wukong in the hips, the sage letting out a stray squeal that quite frankly made Nezha himself chuckle a little bit.
“Now, let me tell you about Monkey King’s Death Spots-”
And let Nezha tell you the way MK yelped as he got kneed in the damn back.
Nezha himself jolted backwards as MK whipped his head over to Wukong in alarm, who had an expression that very clearly read ‘oh shit’ all over it.
There was a long, suffering silence.
“You did not just hit me.”
“MK- kid-”
“Monkey King. Wukong. Great Sage Equal to goddamn Heaven, tell me you did not just hit me.”
Nezha slid away. Just a bit. You know. To save himself.
“Kid please I’m sorry-”
“Lesson two, Nezha. Lesson two.” The Lotus Prince almost flinched himself at the maniacal grin on MK’s face. “And this one is specifically tailored to god damn, motherfuckin’ Wukong.”
“MK have mercy on me please-”
“If this bitch deserves it, show no fucking mercy.”
And then MK proceeded to strike two places at once.
Wukong let out the loudest damn scream that Nezha has ever heard-and probably will ever hear-out of his mouth in centuries as MK started nibbling away at his neck, and scribbling into his belly remorselessly.
Nezha himself yelped, face turning pink in pure second hand in embarrassment as Wukong screamed and shrieked and laughed like his life depended on it. The monkey thrashed, writhed and squirmed as much as he could, but MK held steadfast, nibbling and ‘nom nom nomming’ away at his neck and scribbling ceaselessly against his belly, on every goddamn side.
“KAHAHAHAHA- PLE- NAHAHAHAHA IHIHIHIHI CAHAHAHA- AAAAAAAAH!! FAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA-!” Wukong couldn’t make one lick of a sentence from all that attention, and it seemed to be driving him up the goddamn wall.
At some point, he was able to free one hand.
That, however, proved to be a mistake.
MK showed no mercy and began drilling into the underarm of his free hand, the sage knocking his head against the ground with just how fast he had flung it back. His legs were kicking furiously, his tail slapping on the ground with a quick thump thump thump like it didn’t know what else to do. And based on how much he was holding back the power he definitely had to throw off his mentee, both of them were clearly having fun.
And Nezha sat there, hands over his face yet peeking through the fingers to watch this… spectacle.
MK, to make matters worse, had the most deadpan expression he could muster, channeling the pure energy of ‘boredom’ into his act like this was another normal Tuesday afternoon.
Oh gods, that was just horrifying.
Horrifyingly funny, yeah, but horrifying nonetheless.
Wukong laughed and laughed until he started hiccuping, and then laughed even more. He barely even seemed to be getting any air, and even if he was immortal and technically didn’t need air, that flush of exertion was telling a whole different story and he seemed beside himself with a heavy case of mush brain.
The butterflies in Nezha’s stomach flapped tenfold and he involuntarily scrunched in on himself, watching with so much attention he very faintly recognizes he should probably not have. But he couldn’t help it! It was in his face, it was in his ears and it was in the way his shoulders hunched up, subconsciously protecting his own neck in the way Wukong most certainly couldn’t copy.
He doesn’t know how long that absolute torture must have gone on for, he doesn’t even know why MK has such freakishly insane lung capacity for this (he’d know from experience that the kid probably wouldn’t have stopped last time if Pigsy hadn’t told him to cut it out.), but finally at some point, Wukong’s laughter had gone on so long that he’d grown hoarse, and he tapped MK’s shoulder three times- like a sign.
MK let up- so that was the stop signal- and eased off Wukong as the poor monkey gasped for relief. Wukong curled in on himself once MK had rolled off of him, giggling nonsensically to himself as he seemed entirely out of this plane of existence alone.
So…Death Spots were really that bad, huh?
Oh Buddha, someone save him.
“See? Sometimes you just gotta show no mercy and give him shit for it.” MK shrugged with a grin, as if he hadn’t actually almost killed the Great Sage himself, via tickling.
Nezha stared in shock-and mild mortification-at this kid.
That… he didn’t even want to know how that must have felt.
“...fuck.” Was all Nezha could mutter.
“...fuck-” MK repeated, cutting himself off to let out a loud wheeze, laughing to himself as he sidled up next to Wukong.
“Monkey King, are you dead? Did you die? Did you lose your immortality-why are your pupils so big???” MK laughed even harder as Nezha took note that yes, Wukong’s pupils did in fact dilate hard.
“Wukong?” Nezha called out, holding in a laugh at how absolutely unresponsive the other was.
But his tail was wagging, so he’ll take that as a good sign.
“Told you he’d enjoy it-”
MK and Nezha screamed in surprise at the new arrival, and Macaque, who had just entered the room, was smiling in amusement at Wukong like he personally won the lottery.
Now that he had the brain to control his body again, the ghost tickles that hadn’t yet registered now had started coming in, Wukong squirmed quite a bit, clearly still a bit tuckered out. MK patted his mentor on the head, and gently rubbed off the remaining phantom sensations. “Too far?” He asked.
“Wuh- Nah, y-you’re good, kihid.” Wukong assured him.
Nezha held back a squeal at how adorable Wukong looked after the heavy bout of ticklish fever- Because no he was not going to squeal at adorable monkey business he has not sunk that low yet- and then he turned to MK. “So, is everyone that ticklish?”
“Not everyone in the world per se, but if you’re thinking of everyone here? Yeah, I’d say pretty close.”
“I see…”
“So yeah, if you ever want to at least try getting revenge on Mei-”
Oh, oh yeah no, he knows a losing battle when he sees one.
MK, on the other hand…
“No, I’ve got a better idea.” 
Without further warning, He leapt clear over Wukong and instantly pinned MK to the cushiony mattress beside the monkey. “I would like to remind you of what you did to me yesterday- Don’t think you’re getting away scot-free just because you showed me how to destroy that little shit.”
“W-wahait, Nezha-” MK looked around for a means of escape, then called out to Wukong who, despite being absolutely demolished not even a minute ago, seemed to get back some coherence.
“Monkey King! Mohonkey King help me!” Nezha glanced over at Wukong to see what he would do, given his student was pretty much in danger. Wukong, of course, didn't seem to give a rat's ass about MK in that moment.
He proceeded to roll right off the bed, hitting the ground with a “Just like he said, Nezha. Start with the sides.”
Sometimes, Nezha forgets how petty that monkey can be.
Then again, he's not really complaining.
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medusapelagia · 9 months ago
Harringrove Events - July Update
Harringrove Flip Reverse ( @harringrove-flip-reverse-it) Are you the kind of person who always wants to do the contrary? This event is designed for you! From the 1st of July to the 7th you’ll be given five prompts and for each prompt you decide to fill, you’ll be expected to Flip Reverse It! Here are the prompts: Monday 1st July Fluff:  Found family Angst:  Misunderstandings NSFW:  Dom/sub SFW:  Language of flowers Trope Subversion:  Love at first sight Tuesday 2nd July Fluff:  True love’s kiss Angst:  Touch starvation NSFW:  Sex pollen SFW:  Prank war Trope Subversion: Arranged marriage Wednesday 3rd July Fluff:  Spa day Angst:  Scars NSFW:  Coming untouched SFW:  Dancing Trope Subversion: Soulmarks Thursday 4th July Fluff:  Blanket fort Angst:  Self-sacrifice NSFW:  Collar and leash SFW:  Protectiveness Trope Subversion: Time loop Friday 5th July Fluff:  Candlelit dinner Angst:  Regrets NSFW:  Threesomes SFW:  Dog walks Trope Subversion: Enemies to lovers Saturday 6th July Fluff:  Valentine’s Day Angst:  Taken prisoner NSFW:  Overstimulation SFW:  Meeting the parents Trope Subversion: Regency AU Sunday 7th July Fluff:  Love letters Angst:  Trust issues NSFW:  Blindfolds SFW:  Beach day Trope Subversion: Bodyswap Event info
Harringrove microfic and art ( @harringrovemicroficandart) This event is now open to art as well! This time the prompt is: Fingers - Wordcount: 570 Event info
Harringrove Summer Bingo ( @harringrovesummerbingo) Sign up are closed and the bingo has officially started! Summer bingo takes place 1 Jun - 31 Aug, 2024 Event info
Harringrove Winter Bingo ( @harringrovewinterbingo) The bingo takes place 1 Jan - 31 Mar, 2025, more info soon!
As always feel free to reblog and add other events!
Under the cut past events
Harringrove Relay Race @harringrove-relay-race is over but our incredible creators gave us 48hours of content Here is the AO3 Collection but check their Tumblr page as well!
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rhythmcrown · 2 years ago
Pin'd Post
! 🌟 ! Hey, I'm Ness! I'm a hobby artist and MMO tryhard bundled into one talkative package, and I'm here to do the thing almost everyone else is here for: make friends, make art, and get noticed!
I'm a long-time tumblr user, and don't let the fresh blog fool you; I've been here for a decade. Did some soul searching and found a lot of things I was looking for, and now I'm back to join the collective rattling braincell. So let's do sh!t together, and maybe we'll make something cool!
What you'll find here:
Mostly Sonic content. I do play WoW (ask me for my B.net!) and FFXIV, and my interests include other fandoms, but for the sake of cleanliness this is going to be mostly a Sonic blog. Sorry not sorry.
-I am an adult! My blog is kept sfw but PG13, so be mindful of this if you're a young'n. This is a safe place for you, but my content is directed at a slightly older crowd. -I am queer! I trust we'll have no problems here, but if we do, maybe DNI. Rude asks get rude answers. -Raging ADHD means I might forget to tag something or respond to contact right away. Don't let this discourage you! Please reach out if something goes awry.
Safe travels, and go have some fun!
[S:CC comic main page] COMMISSIONS (soon)
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garden-of-omegas · 2 years ago
┌── ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ••✎•• ──────────
characters: toichiro yuri | shizuki | kuro | oji | gaku summary: the details of your first meeting with your future mate. warnings: referenced death, hunting rating: sfw a/n: i will admit that unlike the rest which were randomized, i very much on purpose chose a tanuki for toichiro's mate. i have plans for those two, some devious plans.
└── ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ••✎•• ──────────
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≿━━━━༺❀ toichiro yuri ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and a tanuki. you were rather known around town for being a bit... dimwitted, though that was very much on purpose on your part. it's easier to make others look foolish when they think you are.
✿ you were 25, though you often pretended to be younger or older to simply fool people. toichiro was 23 and had been presiding in the capital for a few months.
✿ you'd been messing with a rather unpleasant man that you'd seen harassing a girl that was most certainly underage, when toichiro spotted you and possibly recognized you. you didn't much look like your father, but the charm on your belt that bore the art-dealerships symbol probably gave it away. so, he came over and... joined you in messing with the poor man.
✿ after that first time, toichiro would "accidentally" stumble upon you tricking people around time and generally making a fool of the public. you genuinely had no idea how he kept doing it, but you welcomed him dearly every time. soon, there was no one else you'd rather let in on the big secret that was yourself.
✿ toichiro found you magnifying in a way no one else was. he'd heard about the son of the man he did business with, a foolish young boy no one actually knew much about. but the moment he saw you, he knew that you were the exact opposite of all of that, and he didn't know how he knew. toichiro was fun. usually only people you could trick were "fun", but they got boring very fast. but toichiro, he just kept being fun. in no time at all, he was the only person besides your father you felt in anyway comfortable with. like he was always meant to be.
≿━━━━༺❀ shizuki ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and a furi. nobody around town really knew you, you didn't like talking to people. the only thing anyone really knew was that you were often found in the forest, hunting.
✿ you were 12, while shizuki was 11. it had been barely a year since your mother died, in a "hunting accident". you'd just recently been able to go hunting again. shizuki was still with the senkitai.
✿ you were up a tree, surveying the landscape for your next prey. you were hoping for something small, which is technically what you got when shizuki walked into your line of sight. mistaking him for a rabbit with a winter coat, you aim your hunting wand at him, paralyzing him. thankfully, as you aimed your bow you realized he wasn't a furry little creature. you spent the next few minutes profusely apologizing while undoing the paralysis.
✿ every once in a while while hunting you'd come across shizuki. he was rather quiet, but you liked him. you liked taking him with you hunting, teaching him survival skills. you had no idea what was going on in his life, but you hoped it would help. then, one day, you just stopped seeing him around.
✿ shizuki thought you were rather cool, even if he couldn't really put it into words. you were confident, you knew what you were doing, and there was a fire in your eyes he couldn't explain. he'd never trusted someone as quickly as he trusted you. initially you were rather embarrassed, mistaking a pretty boy for a rabbit. but he did rather remind you of one, which for some reason ignited all the protective instincts in you. you had no idea why, but you didn't really bother thinking about it.
≿━━━━༺❀ kuro ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and an okuri-inu. you were often found feeding the strays of the capital or helping someone home in the middle of the night. everyone thought you were quiet, but there was no one quite as helpful in the whole city.
✿ you were 18, as was kuro. technically, anyways. your mother had disappeared nine years prior, and kuro and the troupe had arrived at the capital about two years before.
✿ you came across kuro rather late at night, during your usual rounds around the capital. you'd offered to walk him home, which he eagerly took. he rambled the whole way to the troupe. you just silently listened, which is how kuro didn't notice you escorted him to his door rather than just to the barracks. and then you just disappeared, without kuro having even a change to say goodbye or get your name.
✿ kuro would sometimes on purpose stay out late, just so you would escort him home. and sometimes, he'd catch you with your furry friends and eagerly join in caring for them. you never shooed him off, but you also never really spoke to him. but kuro continued to find you, despite not knowing anything about you.
✿ kuro found you fascinating. a silent protector who appeared and disappeared as needed. once he tried calling out to you, and a few minutes later you showed up. kuro was rather certain that you were made just for him. initially kuro was just another person to protect, but when he started becoming a more permanent fixture in your day to day life, he became a comfort of sorts. there was nothing you awaited more than seeing him even for a second.
≿━━━━༺❀ oji ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and a gashadokuro. this, understandably, made you a rather strange person. you really had no one in your life besides your father, which lead to you spending most of your time at the cemetery.
✿ you were, well, your body was about 28. your bones... older than you can comprehend. oji was of course around a hundred, and had been running raccord in the city for about a decade.
✿ you were wandering around town, following whatever whims your old bones had. you did it rather often, usually it lead you to places important to the people you used to be, or just interesting spots around the city. this time, they lead you to raccord. and when you stepped in, the bellflowers sitting on the counter made something inside you ache. and the eyes waiting for you behind the counter made the ache explode.
✿ you became a regular at raccord, even though you never spoke a word to oji or aoi. it hurt, coming there, but somehow it felt like you had to be there. oji, while off-put by your harsh demeanor, was patient in serving you every time you came by, expecting a day to come when you'd finally talk to them.
✿ oji found you strange, from the moment you stepped into raccord. your shifty eyes that looked far older than they should, the sad look you got when you looked at all the bellflowers and into his eyes, the occasional silent mutterings... but despite all that, he felt like he could trust you implicitly. looking at oji made you sad. you didn't know why, you only assumed that one of your bones knew an ancestor of his or something. but despite all the sadness and ache, you kept coming back because something in you couldn't stop.
≿━━━━༺❀ gaku ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and a zashiki-warashi. people had a habit of calling you a child, despite the fact that you certainly were not. you just happened to look very young for your age. the problems with being half-spirit.
✿ you were 25, no matter what anyone might say about it. it had been over a decade since your mother left, which is when you started seemingly aging slower than everyone else around you.
✿ you rarely left home, it felt like a betrayal to do so, what with your role. but sometimes, you needed time for yourself. you were looking for something small to buy (while surveying the vendors, you're very aware that your patronage meant fortune to people), when you stepped into a little trinket shop. in there, you met gaku, who was looking to sell some stuff he'd made. and you absolutely fell in love with one of his creations, a little children's toy.
✿ you were a bit mad after gaku called you a child after you expressed a desire to buy his creation. but you still became a regular patron of his, always ordering small toys. gaku was certain they were for you, until he saw you playing with children, the toys he'd made all around you.
✿ gaku genuinely thought you were a child the first time you met, until he looked you in the eyes. they were far too old for a child, and it's then that he realized who you were. and he'd never been happier to have someone shout in his face. you were pissed off at him initially. how dare he call you a child, you were clearly an adult! but that anger didn't last long, weirdly enough. and he made such pretty things... you decided that you wouldn't hold it against him, somehow you felt that you never did.
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