#sexuality is a three edged sword
brightlotusmoon · 9 months
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( Dylan franken-tits:
"Are you a top or a bottom?"
l'm, bi, nonbinary and polyamorous. I've never made a single decision in my entire life and I'm not about to start now. )
A friend added:
I am a cross between a judgy cat meme and Ambassador Kosh saying "no."
46 notes · View notes
skzdarlings · 2 months
the kingsguard ; jisung x reader ; part iii
part one | part two | part three | part four | tba | ao3 link
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pairing: han jisung/reader summary: You are a queen. He is a kingsguard - a member of a holy order that vows to defend the king in the name of the gods. They forsake all earthly goods and swear a vow of chastity to avoid worldly temptation. When he stands in as proxy for the royal wedding, all those vows are tested.
content info: reader is described with curly hair, mention of curves.
content warnings: a royal affair between queen reader and guard jisung. the king is a violently abusive man and continues to disrespect reader in this part. this chapter has an additional content warning for violence, assasination attempts and explicit sexual content: guided masturbation, mirror action, and skirting the breaking of chastity vows.
word count: 13000 words.
As promised, rest comes an hour later.  Some stay in the woods with the wagons while the king and his party make for the nearby village. 
The edge of the forest slopes downhill, the bustling city centre at its base.  Civilians gather to watch the arrival of the royal retinue.  Most of them duck out of the king’s path well before he reaches them.  You suppose the party might have stopped at this village on the journey in and you can believe the king did not leave a kind impression on its denizens. 
You struggle with your skirts on the steepest slope. Because your husband pays you no mind, Jisung helps you, swishing back the length of his own robes as he climbs onto a boulder to reach you.  You thank him, placing your hands on his shoulders while he clasps your waist.  He swings you down on the path. 
No sooner have you stepped down does a little voice ask, “Is that the queen?  Why is her hair down?” 
You look over.  Some children are gathered nearby, staring at you with wide, curious eyes.  A mother scolds the loud one, putting a hand over the child’s mouth. 
“Your Majesty, I’m sorry,” the woman says, bowing deeper than necessary. 
“It’s all right,” you say.  You smile as you approach, maintaining some distance as they seem skittish.  You drop into a crouch to look at the children.  “Yes, I am the queen,” you say.  “I’m sorry I’m bit dishevelled.  The road is very bumpy and I was quite uncomfortable, but I am very happy to be in your village now.”    
When they determine you are not going to lash out at them, the children get closer.  Soon they are all yammering away, each of them wanting your attention for an introduction or story. 
“Can you have lunch with us?” a little boy asks.  He looks back at the woman.  “Mama, can the queen have lunch with us?” 
“Oh, I would love to,” you say, smiling to placate the very startled woman.  “But my guard needs to eat too and we shouldn’t keep the others waiting.” 
“He can come too!” a little girl says. 
A little boy goes right up to Jisung, his eyes wide with awe.  Though Jisung is not especially tall, the boy looks at him as though he is a towering titan. 
“Whoa,” the boy says.  “Are you a real kingsguard?” 
“Aha, I am,” Jisung says.  “Are you?”
“Me?” the boy asks.  “I’m not a kingsguard!” 
The children all squeal with laughter, Jisung grinning down at them.  You find yourself smiling too, surprised by how easily and naturally it comes. 
“Is that your sword?” one of the children asks, tugging on his black robe but eying the silver sword hilt.  “Can I touch it?”
“Ah, maybe no pointy objects,” Jisung says, giggling nervously. 
“What’s the delay?” Chan asks, striding over.  The king has already entered a nearby inn to eat and drink.  A few kingsguards linger outside, minding the door. 
Remembering your actual place, your smile fades.  You stand and smooth the creases of your skirt.  You remember the king insulting your appearance and making comments about weight, so you are not particularly keen to sit down and eat a meal with him.  Anxiety swallows your hunger.   
“We were invited to lunch,” Jisung says, laughing.  He looks from Chan to you, his grin faltering when he sees your solemn expression.
Chan notices too.  His thoughtful gaze flicks between you and the children.  After some deliberation, he nods. 
“Right,” he says. “The king is occupied anyway.  Would you like to spend time in the village instead?”  
Your heart brightens.  You nod. 
“I’ll send Jeongin for extra security,” Chan says.  He shoots Jisung a stern look.  “Protect the queen.” 
“Always,” Jisung says, hand over his heart as he bows. 
You know it is his duty, nothing personal, but that brightness in your heart turns incandescent with pleasure. 
You sit with several villagers at tables in the square.  There is more food than you can reasonably eat as several different families jump at the opportunity to feed the queen, at least once they realized you are more polite than the king.  You easily eat your fill. 
Jeongin and Jisung stand behind you, eating their own food as they pace and supervise. At one point, they agree to let the children see their swords.  They even conduct a short bout of fencing while their little crowd oohs-and-awes. 
You chat with the local craftsmen and some working women.  One of them makes a less than flattering comment about the king’s manners.  It garners Jeongin’s keen eye, flashing in his direction.  When the kingsguard looks at him, the villager ducks his head in shame, but he does not retract the comment either. 
You do not say anything, merely remark that you are proud to be chosen by the gods and you are serious about the responsibility they have bestowed upon you. 
“I care about this land very much,” you say. 
“Well, we’re all just glad someone at the capital does,” a worker says. 
“The gods have chosen a queen we can be proud of,” says another.    
You are better at offering kind words than receiving them, flustered by the compliments. You demure and look away. When your gaze wanders, you see Jisung already looking at you.  He nods, offering you a smile so warm and kind that it leaves you even more flustered than before. 
Lunch ends and the king returns.  The villagers wave until you crest the hill, then it is a quiet trek to the horses and carriages.  The group in the woods have packed away their things too.  Everyone is ready to depart. 
The king once again disappears without acknowledging you.   Jisung helps you onto the horse, holding it steady while you mount, then he swings up behind you.  A little girl gave you a ribbon to tie your hair, but he still gently brushes the low tail aside.  He is wearing black riding gloves, the leather up to his knuckles, his fingertips bare as they leave goosebumps on your nape.   
It does not take long to get back on the road.  This path dips south towards the sea and the great cliff, so this is the last city for a while as the forest trail winds uphill.  The next village is a day away.  It lays on the other side of the descent, so camp will be constructed in the woods tonight. 
You are not sure if you will be sharing a tent with the king.  He claimed he would not have you until back in the capital, but that was before his mistress ran off.  You shudder, imagining him taking those frustrations out on you.  You may have to put that sleeping draft to use sooner than later. 
“Are you cold?” Jisung asks. 
Before you can answer, he presses his hand gently on the curve of your hip, guiding you back, closer to him.  He is just offering his body warmth, mistaking your shiver for a chill.  You remind yourself that he is a kingsguard.  He has sworn a vow of chastity that he takes pride in maintaining.  You are the silly one, starved for a kind touch, who feels the burning imprint of his palm long enough after he stops.    
The journey continues.  Songs are sung to pass the time, though Chan throws a look over his shoulder when Jisung starts a relatively dirty one.  Jisung presses his lips together, smothering a laugh.  You suspect his relentlessly goofy shenanigans are for your benefit as he keeps trying to make you laugh.  It always works.  You find yourself giggling helplessly into your hands on more than one occasion.  He seems determined to wring an embarrassingly loud guffaw out of you. 
The joviality does not last.   
No one is expecting the arrow that flies straight through the window into the queen’s carriage.   You and Jisung are a few feet behind it and he rears back, swift but startled, the horse baying its own agitation.  You also yelp, clutching the saddle as he stabilizes the horse. 
Minho was close so he also rears back, settling faster without the extra weight. 
“Arrow!” he shouts.  It starts a cascade of action, the guards shouting orders back and forth to each other.    
You do not really hear them.  Your heart pounds from the sudden jolt, but it worsens as you stare at the carriage.  If you had still been in there, that arrow could have pierced a leg, shoulder, or even your throat. 
“Jisung…” you say, an instinctive utterance, voice wobbling.      
He lays a protective hand across your middle, all his silly theatricality gone, replaced with a sterner determination.   His eyes dart around the treeline.  His moves the horse just in time for another arrow to whizz past. 
Chaos unfolds as a veritable horde pours out of the treeline, charging the royal train. 
You never fathomed being at the centre of such violent mania.  You were always at home, a safe and sheltered place, with bandits and assassins relegated to the world of stories.  You liked to imagine you would be brave under duress, but the reality of such quick-moving danger is very different than a slow-told story. 
You are terrified, especially after two close calls, though you have no time to deliberate on the coincidence.  You are too lost in panic, clutching your chest like you can restrain your racing heart. 
The kingsguards take formation to combat the onslaught.  Jisung opts to retreat, prioritizing your safety, especially when another arrow flies your way.  He is quick dodging it, racing further down the line.
Chan, swinging his sword from up on his horse, seamlessly takes down an adversary while shouting,  “Get the queen to higher ground!  Hyunjin!  Go with them!  Fuck, I wish Felix was here.  Go!”
While Chan barks orders, you look at the man he cut down.  Even though these bandits are the instigators, it is still a vile sight. You have never seen a man die under such violence. Your panicked heart seems to stutter and stop and start again. 
Jisung is unphased, quick to follow Chan’s orders.  He turns the horse and gallops towards the opposite treeline.  Hyunjin comes thundering after you.  All the kingsguards are armed with an array of weapons but it is fairly obvious which tools are favoured by which guards.  Hyunjin has the most arrows and the most elaborate bow.  You wonder if Felix was the other bowman, hence Chan’s exclamation.
They race you through the trees.  You can only trust they know their way, seeking higher ground where they can defend you until the horde has been dispatched.
You look back and shriek.  Some bandits are giving chase on horseback.  You have never moved this quickly in all your life but it still feels too slow. 
“Hyunjin,” Jisung says, loud but calm. 
They criss-cross their horses, racing past each other.  Hyunjin whips around, in a single motion dropping his reins and seizing his bow, then firing a shot behind him.  It knocks the closest bandit off his horse.  The other three fall back and continue their pursuit at a safer distance. 
Hyunjin takes his reins.  The horses cross each other again, making it difficult for anyone behind you to get a clean shot. 
All you can do is hold on for dear life, keeping your eyes ahead.  The guards race uphill.  Once situated at an advantage, Hyunjin dismounts and takes position, firing an arrow without delay.  The bandits below duck and take cover.  You curl towards Jisung when they fire an arrow back.
“Take her further in,” Hyunjin says, lining up another shot.  “I have this.” 
Jisung continues into the woods.  You are very far from the trail now, surrounded by clusters of tightly packed trees.  Weaving in and out slows your pace. 
After a time, Jisung eases his horse to a stop, giving you both a moment to catch your breath. 
“Are you okay?” he asks.  His hands are thoughtless, touching you more than a guard should, but his concern is obvious.  His comforting hand settles on the back of your neck, his thumb rubbing a soothing circle, while the other pats your side to inspect any injuries. 
“I’m fine,” you say, though your shaking voice betrays you.  “All things considered.”
“All things considered,” he repeats with an airy laugh. 
You let out a laugh too, halfway to a sob, an exhale of emotion.
You turn your face towards him.  You are curled right into him, his hand on your nape, the other wrapped protectively around your waist.  Your heart is a wild animal, frantic in your chest, and adrenaline fills your whole body with warmth.  When you meet his gaze, that warmth gathers low.  It finds all that tangled anxiety and loosens every knot.    
His thumb slows.  The arm around your waist lifts, just a bit, his hand hovering.  He seems to realize you are too close, even with all things considered, but his own adrenaline holds him.  He does not let go, though he knows he should, instead staring back at you, his dark eyes running all over your face.  
“Your eyes are so—” he starts then stops.  His face contorts with more terror than it showed during the attack. 
“Pardon?” you say. 
He swallows.  You watch the bob of his throat.
“I mean—” he starts, but then he hears something.  The softness in his gaze hardens as he whips his head up, catching sight of different bandits approaching on foot. 
“They’re after me, aren’t they?” you say, thinking of the arrow in that carriage, the men on horseback.  You are not sure if they intend to kill you or ransom you, but it is obvious they are less interested in the wagons than you.
“It doesn’t matter,” Jisung says, seizing the reins. “They won’t have you.”   
He is faster on horseback but the trees are so dense that it is still slow-moving.  The bandits on foot gain speed.  One lets loose an arrow.  Jisung dodges it, but the next arrow flies so close that you feel the wind as it breezes past your face. 
“Fuck,” he says.  His arm tightens around your waist, so firm it steals your breath.  “Hold on,” he says.  “We need to dismount quickly.”
His idea of a quick dismount is essentially throwing himself off the horse.  It surprises the bandits but it also surprises you, wrenching a scream as you fly towards the forest floor.   He keeps his grip and yanks you into his arms.
“Run,” he says, taking hold of your hand.  “And get behind me when I say.” 
 You run through the trees, holding your skirts in one hand and his hand in the other.  He is much faster but your adrenaline propels you.  You already anticipated sore legs from so long on horseback, but you are going to be in agony from so much running.  Provided you survive that long. 
“Jisung,” you say in a warning voice.   The treeline ends up ahead but it does not open into a clearing; it opens to the edge of a cliff, looming over the sea.  You can smell the brine before you see the blue beyond the branches. 
Jisung does not seem surprised.  He barrels right towards it.  When the edge nears, so close you can hear the ocean crashing into the cliff face below, he spins on his heel.  Somewhere in the swirl of black cloth, he draws his sword, twisting it in the air and catching it as swiftly.  He braces himself in a fighting stance.       
“Get behind me,” he says.  “And maybe close your eyes.”
His first order is easy, your shaking legs happy to halt.  The second order is more complicated, because you cannot help but watch as he runs straight towards the three adversaries.  Your own adrenaline peaks.  You want to chase after him and somehow help, but your remaining sense wrestles that instinct back under control.  There is nothing you can do.   
He does not need help anyway.  Someone charges him but he disarms the man in two short moves.  You do not even see the moment Jisung reaches back, but suddenly there is a knife in his other hand and he sends it hurtling towards the farthest opponent.  It thunks into the man’s chest and the spurt of blood startles you out of your frozen panic.  You finally obey his second command and close your eyes, covering them with your hands for good measure. 
You have many skills but swordplay is not one of them.  You do not like the sight of gore.  You never imagined needing a stomach for it.  Is this my life now? you think, trembling to the sound of metal on metal.
Through all your fear, there is one constant reassurance: Jisung will protect you.  You do not doubt him for a moment.
When someone touches your shoulder, you do not scream, knowing it is him before you open your eyes. 
Those familiar brown eyes gaze back at you.  You release a long held breath in an embarrassing sputter, eyes filling with tears.   
“It’s okay,” he says, cupping your cheek, the leather glove warm against your skin. 
You are shaking with adrenaline, your hands still raised.  You look behind him, catching sight of three bodies strewn across the forest floor. 
He moves his head to block the view.  He carefully takes your quivering hands.  He squeezes one gently. 
“I know, it’s a lot,” he says.  “The first time is the worst.  You’ll be okay.” 
The first time.  There will be more.  Of course there will be more.  Your shaking worsens with the thought.
You cannot find your voice.  You lift your eyes and meet his gaze, imploring with a glance and nothing more.  His lower lip wobbles with an unsteady breath, his brow furrowed.  His eyes are deeply sympathetic. 
He seems to battle some internal thought, then shakes his head and surrenders, quickly bringing your hand to his lips and kissing your knuckles.  His other hand goes behind your head and he pulls you towards him, wrapping you in an embrace. 
You grab him around the middle, burying your face in his neck.  Your chest is rising and falling rapidly against his steadier body, but his relative calm tempers you.  Some of your hair has fluttered loose from the ribbon, unsurprisingly, and he smooths some of it down. 
“It’s okay,” he says. 
Your shaking slows but your heart still races, all that anxiety twisting again.  You keep your arms around him, lifting your head as you ask, “Are there more?”
As if in reply, there is a disturbance in the trees.  Jisung spins, drawing his sword again.  He sweeps you behind him to block your body with his own.  
Hyunjin emerges from the trees on horseback, a hand on his bow and the other clutching his reins.  Jisung exhales then curses, sheathing his sword. 
“You missed all the fun,” Jisung says as Hyunjin rides past the bodies.  “Were you fixing your hair?” 
“Funny,” Hyunjin replies dryly.  “Where’s your horse?”
“She’ll find her way,” Jisung says.  “Are there more of them?” 
“There might be,” Hyunjin says.  He dismounts and walks up to Jisung.  They clasp hands but do not linger, both scrutinizing the forest, their gazes calculating.  “I don’t like this,” Hyunjin says.  “That wasn’t a robbery.  They were after—”  He glances at you but does not say it out loud. 
You look at Hyunjin, at the hair that has come loose from his tie, the sweat along his forehead, the sharpness of his gaze.  You remember him getting catty with Seungmin, his haughty expression and pointed glance.  That playful agitation was very different from his expression now.  Rage burns behind his dark eyes.   
“Whoever planned this,” he says, bitingly, “is targeting the gods, as far as I’m concerned.  And I don’t care who he thinks he is.”  He swings his sword free just to stab it into the ground.  “And I don’t care what Chan has to say about it.  This an offense too fucking far.  She’s the queen.” 
“I know,” Jisung says, softer but just as thoughtful.   He looks at you, pity in his eyes.  “It’s not right at all.” 
“Fuck this.”  Hyunjin yanks his sword out of the ground and sheathes it again. 
That anxiety turns to lead inside you, your stomach sinking.  You want to curl up on the ground and stay there.  Even Hyunjin has deduced the attack was too targeted to be a coincidence.  He is trying to sound vague, but you hear the underlying accusation in his thoughts; someone wanted to kill you and someone was probably the king. 
It makes sense.  The union has been sealed.  The money has been granted. The only thing that would stop him from killing you is a sense of honour and responsibility, but this king has neither.   Of course he would try and eliminate you, but he could not do it himself.  The king is a font of power, a representative of the gods on earth, but he is bound to his own holy vows.  The queen is chosen by the gods.  He cannot kill you himself as that would be an unholy offense.  
No, if he wanted you dead, he would have someone else do it, and he would never consult the kingsguard on the matter, knowing their holy order would be vehemently opposed.  The kingsguard protects the king.  It also metes his punishment if he betrays the gods.  It is why their own oath-breaking is so serious a crime.
Before further accusations can be made, distant shouts carry through the woods.  It is not the kingsguard, nor any of the king’s men. 
Jisung unsheathes his sword.  Hyunjin draws his bow. 
“Get the queen out of here,” Hyunjin says.    
“Where are we supposed to go?” you ask, shoulders already shaking as the voices get louder. 
Jisung turns around.  His eyes dart right past you, but there is nothing there except the expanse of sea.  He stares at the open water, shimmering under the afternoon sun. 
He looks at Hyunjin.  Hyunjin seems to understand him without any exchange of words.  He sighs and gives Jisung a withering look.  
“You’re crazy, but I guess you’ve had worse ideas,” Hyunjin says.
“As usual, Hyunjin, your confidence in me is inspiring.”
“I miss when we hated each other.”
“I love you too, man,” Jisung says.  “We’ll meet you at the inn.  Tell Chan we took a shortcut.”
Hyunjin snorts and shakes his head.  The guards part ways.  Hyunjin swings onto his horse and rides towards the noise while Jisung sheathes his sword and sprints back to you.   You take his hands the second he offers them, needing the comfort.  He squeezes yours tightly. 
“You trust me, right?” he says. 
“Trust you?  Yes.  Why?” you say hesitantly.  “You’re not about to suggest something crazy, are you?” 
“What?”  His eyebrows jump.  “Crazy?  Me?  Of course not.  I mean, if it makes you feel better, I don’t have to say out loud—”  He looks sideways again. 
A sea bird calls as it swings over the water. 
“You are not suggesting we go over the cliff.” Your voice shatters on a high-pitched squeak. 
“If anyone else comes this way, they won’t assume we went over!” he answers quickly.  “They’ll assume we went farther into the woods and look for us there!  It’s perfect!”
“Yes!” you say.  “They will assume that!  Because that is the sensible direction to go, not over a cliff into the sea!  Over the cliff!  Over the cliff!”    
While you rant, he removes his leather riding gloves.   You fall silent when he touches you, his bare palm curved around the slope of your jaw.   He guides your face to his so he can look at you, really look at you, his eyes intense. 
“Trust me,” he says.  “I swear on my life and my honour as a kingsguard.  My queen.  Please. I won’t let any harm come to you.”
Those intense eyes first found you in a room full of people who looked right past you.  They have found you again and again.    
You exhale. 
“Yes,” you say, scarcely more than a breath.  “All right.  I trust you, Han Jisung.” 
“Hold my hand,” he says, drawing you close.  “We’re high but not fatally high.  It shouldn’t hurt but we are going to break the surface quickly.  Whatever happens, don’t let go of my hand.”
“I won’t,” you say.  “I promise.”
He squeezes your hand.  You squeeze back. 
You never had a fear of heights but maybe that was relative.  Taking a running leap off a cliff is certainly one way to find out for sure.
It seems feasible with your eyes ahead, the sea rolling out in a vast carpet before you.  Then your feet leave the ground and it feels as though the cosmos shift and the entire universe drops out under you. 
It lasts like an eternity but also seconds.  You break the surface quickly, just like he said, with a crash more forceful than the white waves on the cliff-face.  It feels like a shatter in the fabric of reality.  For half a heartbeat, you think it killed you, the force so impossibly brutal. 
Then it settles.  You open your eyes underwater.  As promised, Jisung did not let go of your hand even though you landed heavier and faster, weighing more especially with your dress.
Your dress.
You try kicking towards him.  He is pulling your arm but it only draws him deeper, sinking with you.  His black robes swirl around him, the material light and loose in the water, but your dress turns into a silk anchor. 
An instinctive cry leaves your lips, a desperate attempt to say his name, but it bursts in a flurry of bubbles.
You grab at him when he kicks down towards you.  He guides your arms around his neck.  You cling to him, not thinking sensibly, but with the frantic desperation of a dying animal. 
You do not pray to the gods.  It does not even occur to you.  They have answered you with nothing but silence.  You put all your faith in Jisung.  He does not let you down. 
Jisung tears the back of your dress, ripping the apart the seams with his bare hands.  You feel the threads pucker and pop, the cloying material giving way around your neck.  You help him, pulling at the neck and pushing at the sleeves.  You get the bodice down your hips, then the rest falls away.  It sinks without hindrance.  You are left in a white shift, long but light, so freeing that you can practically taste the air. 
Jisung grabs you.  You cling to him.  Together, you kick towards the surface.   You shoot through it with a gasping breath, coughing and sputtering. 
He shakes his head, whipping water droplets everywhere, then smooths his hair back in a single sweep.  The blackness of his hair looks even darker when wet, an obsidian tinted blue in the sunlight and seawater.  You think it is ridiculous how he cannot look bad even when soaking wet, while you feel like a drowned rat, your copious amounts of hair plastered to your face. 
“Are you okay?” he asks, laughing in spite of himself.   
You splash him and he laughs some more. 
“If that wasn’t your worst idea ever,” you say, “I’m not sure I want to know what was.” 
“No, probably not,” he says, still giggling as he paddles towards you. 
You duck underwater to smooth back your hair.  When you surface, he is close – so close, too close.  The flow of the water pushes your bodies together.  There is very little between you, black and white material, so thin you can feel his body heat.  You are not sure if that racing heart is his or yours.  
Your hands find his shoulders instinctively.  He keeps his hands out, treading water, keeping you both afloat. 
“I—” he starts then stops, staring into your face.  He releases a breath.  “Come on,” he says.  “Let’s get to the shore.”
You emerge from the water, drenched and dripping, your white shift not only translucent but clinging to every curve.  You notice first and a fiery storm of embarrassment ignites inside you.  You wrap an arm over your ample chest and try to tug the material away from other sensitive places.  
Jisung has his back to you.  He is wringing out his black robes as best he can.  When he does see you, his eyes widen, then he slips on nothing and faceplants in the sand.  The tiny grains stick to his wet body like a second skin.
It makes you feel a little better about your own state, watching as he lifts his sand-covered face off the ground.  You laugh and also apologize for laughing as he gets back in the water to wash it all off. 
“Um, right,” he says, still scrubbing his face as he marches ashore.  He does not look at you, glaring ahead at nothing while pushing his hair back.  “Just… just wait.”
He gathers the hem of his robe to squeeze it dry.  You watch, still flustered, but also a little bit…
You do not know the word.  You just know that if Jisung thought you were unappealing, he would have no problem looking at you.  But he determinedly keeps his eyes off you, muttering what sounds like a prayer. 
You are about to make a comment, a joke at your own expense, when he abruptly strips off a layer. 
Your eyes widen as you stare at his back. 
It is true that Jisung is not as bulky as Chan or Changbin or even Jeongin.  His build is a more slender athleticism.   Those robes nonetheless concealed more than you thought.  His under layer is far more revealing, a sleeveless black shirt and pants.  His shoulders have a fair breadth, sturdy and strong, and his torso tapers down to a slim waist.  His exposed arms move with a subtle musculature that catches you off guard.  
You thought he was handsome this whole time, but the starkness of his sudden masculinity has your knees knocking.  A regular man seems to emerge from the robes of the kingsguard and that is somehow more intimidating.  You feel your own exposure more keenly.   
Jisung folds the material over his fists and wrings it tightly.  It makes the soft slope of his lean biceps strain.   
You drop your gaze too.  It makes for a comical effort when he tries to pass you the robe when neither of you is looking.
In the end, he turns around, holding the robe to block his face.  You laugh shyly and step into it.  He wraps it around your shoulders and you pull your arms through.  Even though it is also wet, it does a better job of covering you. 
“Thank you,” you say.  You meet his gaze and say sincerely, “For everything.”    
He laughs a short laugh, an airy, empty sound.  It sounds more disbelieving than humorous.  He tilts his head as he looks at you, like he has to think deeply, like there is something he does not understand.  It makes your stomach twist and your heart skip.  Even when he caught a glimpse of your body, it did not feel as raw as this regard.  He looks at you and he sees through to something far deeper than skin and much more vulnerable.   
“You know,” he finally says. “The king has not thanked me once.  Not for anything.” 
You do not know what to say to that.  You hold the neck of the borrowed robe closed, fidgeting with it.  He seems to remember himself and he shakes his head.  He looks away, towards the trees that line the beach. 
“Ahh,” he says.  “It’s fine.  The king shouldn’t have to thank me.  And neither do you.  It’s my duty.”
“It’s not because I have to,” you say defensively.  “I want to.  Jisung, I want you to know that it wasn’t meaningless.  Everything you’ve done – I appreciate it.  I appreciate you.” 
He looks at you again, his face a storm of different emotions.  The pinch of his brow looks almost sad.  It makes you want to reach out and touch his face, smooth out his features under your fingers. 
He steps back before you can. 
“Your Majesty,” he says, bowing.  He does not look at you when he stands, strutting past, heading down the beach.  “Come on,” he says.  “It’s still a couple hours to the city from here.”
You walk on foot to the next city, the one that will take the retinue a day to reach.  Going over the cliff is certainly faster than travelling through the forest path, though obviously a less sensible approach.  You entertain yourself with thoughts of the king’s carriage careening over the cliff. 
It is a warm summer’s day so your wet clothes do not bother you.  It feels rather refreshing.  With the king far behind you, you can breathe a little easier. 
You and Jisung amble along the beach.  There is an awkward silence at first.  Though he was chatty on horseback, having the other guards around made the conversations feel less personal.  Now it is just you and him.
Fortunately, he is a natural showman.  It does not take much to wrestle funny stories out of him.  He has many, gleefully recounting every embarrassing story about his fellow guards.  He tells you how he and Hyunjin didn’t get along at first.  When you ask if it was for any political or religious reason, he laughs and says, “Nope! Just hated that handsome face.  Seriously, who looks like that?  Everything he did was annoying because he did it with that stupid smoulder.”   
You laugh.  At least an hour has passed and the sun has dried your clothes now.  Your curly hair is partially dry but a tangled mess.  Everything feels a little stiff and grimy with seawater, but you find you hardly care.  Here, under the sun, cool from your impromptu swim, you feel more alive than you have in weeks.   
“Why would it matter if he’s so handsome?” you ask.  “With all due respect, it’s not as though that is especially handy in your occupation…”
He laughs maniacally at that.  You swat his arm.    
“It’s a valid question!” you exclaim. 
“It is! It is!” he says, hands up in surrender.  “And I don’t know, ha-ha.  Old habits, I guess.”
“It wasn’t hard?” you ask.  “Giving up your worldly goods?  Swearing your vows?”
“No,” he says, a little more serious.  He looks down at the ground, kicking a pebble along.  “I didn’t have much to my name.  And for the other part – ah.  It’s never been that hard for me, to be honest.  Serving the gods felt right.  Before I was a guard, I didn’t really have a purpose.  A reason to be here on this earth.  But now… now I do.” 
“I see.”   
“Did you…”  He clears his throat.  He seems to know his question is audacious, inappropriate for a guard, but you give him an encouraging look.  Maybe because you are alone, or maybe because you have shared an ordeal, or maybe because you are in his robes, he gives in.  “Did you ever want a different life?” he asks.  He then winces as if suddenly remembering last night.  “Sorry,” he says.  “That insensitive.  I’m sure you—”
“It’s all right,” you say.  “I know what you mean.  It’s just… the question is a little overwhelming.”  You look across the sea, stare at the long edge of the horizon.  “Last night was…  I felt a lot of things for the first time.  I didn’t really know how to process it.  I grew up with expectations.  I didn’t know I would marry a king, but I was raised to expect a match.  I knew I was in a position of privilege and that meant conceding other things.  I… I just wanted to make things good for other people.  I don’t know if that makes sense.”
“It does,” he says sincerely. 
You smile at each other.
“Good,” you say.  There is a moment of silence.  You look at the horizon again.  “I don’t think I really know how to want something, to be honest,” you say, more to yourself than to him.  “Not deeply.  Not truly.  I was wealthy.  All my needs were met.  And I was never aimless.  I always had someone telling me what to do.  If there was ever time I wanted something, something I couldn’t have, I don’t remember.  Maybe that’s for the best.  I imagine that would be more painful than not wanting at all, right?  Maybe it’s better to suppress it and commit to my duty.  But I don’t know if that makes sense either.”
“It… it does,” he says.  “It does.” 
You eventually leave the beach and cross a short forest trail, intersecting the path the royal train will ride tomorrow.  You walk into the city and look for the inn.  It will be empty tonight in preparation of the royal visit tomorrow. 
You reach the doors at dusk.  The innkeepers recognize the kingsguard and usher you both inside.  When Jisung introduces you as the queen, they fall over themselves, apologizing for being unprepared. 
“It’s all right,” you say.  You share a laughing glance with Jisung. “We took an unexpected shortcut.” 
You are seated by a fireplace and given some food while they prepare a room for you.  The innkeeper’s wife provides you with a more appropriate cover so you can return Jisung’s robes.  He drapes them loosely around his shoulders, but they are stiff with seasalt.  Fortunately, you will both have an opportunity to wash. 
When the room is ready, the innkeeper’s wife escorts you upstairs.  She has prepared a bath in the bedchamber.
Jisung departs for a moment, just long enough to wash himself in another room.  His outer robes are taken to be washed along with your grimy shift, though he stays in his shirt and pants as a kingsguard is not supposed to wear anything but his uniform.  His spare robes are in his saddlebags. 
You wash your hair while the bath water is hot.  You try to focus on the heat, the water sluicing over your skin.  You fight to keep your panic down as you think about encountering the king tomorrow.
You are wringing out your hair when the door opens.  At first, you think it is the innkeeper’s wife returning for some reason.  When you see it is Jisung, you duck down so the water covers your shoulders. 
Jisung stumbles to a stop, eyes widening when he sees you in the tub. 
“Oh!” he says.  He spins around and walks right into the door. 
You cover your mouth, watching as he stumbles back into the room, holding his face.  For such a skilled swordsman, he can be remarkably clumsy. 
“Are you okay?” you ask.  You kneel in the deep tub, pressing yourself to the edge so it covers everything sensitive. 
“Fine,” he says, pinching his nose.  He waves a hand in your direction.  “Fine.  Sorry.  They told me you were washing, just not in a bath.” 
“They just sent you in here?” you ask.  “Why?”
“Uh, well, I mean…”  He dances over the threshold, rocking back and forth with uncertainty.  He keeps his back to you.  “I mean, it, uh, it is my job to, um, watch you.”
“In the bath?” you ask dryly. 
“Well, everywhere.”  He pinches his nose again and takes a breath.  “It’s not unusual.  The vows and – you know.  The kingsguard is a different order.  The gods see everything and we serve the gods.  It, uh, it is fairly normal for at least one guard to be around at all times, regardless how the king… or queen… is… um… occupied.” 
You feel a bit flushed, not just from the hot water. 
“At all times?” you ask. 
“Yup,” he says, popping the syllable.  “The king used to have Felix stand guard in the room all night, even when he was with his mistress and ohhh wait a minute.  Wait a minute.  Hold on.  I think I just put something together.  Yeah, wow, okay.  That was probably a bad idea for everyone involved.”
He always makes you laugh, even when you feel anxious or embarrassed.  It untangles that knot of dread faster than anything else. 
You fold your arms on the rim of the tub and rest your cheek there.  He is still standing with his back to you, the door open.  It is letting in a slight draft. 
“Jisung,” you say.  “It’s your duty.  It’s fine.  Can you please come inside and close the door?  It’s getting cold.”
“Ah. Right. Okay.  Sorry.”  He finally enters the room, though he pointedly does not look in your direction.  He busies himself with closing and bolting the door, taking far too long testing the locks. 
His hair is a bit damp.  He runs his fingers through it and your own fingers twitch.  You have never wondered what it would feel like to run your fingers through someone else’s hair, not until now.  His hair looks like it would be pleasant to the touch. 
You shake your head and look away.  Such foolish thoughts.   You settle in your bath and leave Jisung to his busy work.  He inspects every corner of the room and verifies the windows are securely sealed and locked.  Eventually, he seats himself in a chair near the fireplace, warming his hands and staring into the flames.   
You absently splash a bit of water, watching the droplets plink around you.  Your thoughts stray to the king then his absent mistress.  You cannot imagine any woman willingly and happily submitting to that man.  You wonder when she and her kingsguard connected.  You are glad she got away.  You hope it stays that way for their sake. 
Your own future is less certain.  The king wants you dead.  You do not know if he will make another attempt soon or if he will concede defeat for the time being.  You already know he will never like you.  It is obvious he is not that type of man.  He was born to power, raised believing he was divine.  Rather than use that blessing to aid his people, it has given him a cruel sense of superiority over them.    
The best outcome is that he will decide it is too much work to kill you.  
Or maybe death would be better.  You thought so last night, which seems so long ago now.  You remember the king’s violent hands on you, the demands he made, the way he looked right through you, treating you like a wretched thing.  You shudder to think he intended to hurt and use you, knowing he was planning to kill you the next day.   
“Are you all right?”     
Jisung’s voice draws you out of your reverie.  You are slouched in the tub, the water preserving your modesty at his distant vantage.   His face is illuminated in the firelight, the flickering light revealing his obvious concern.  Those dark eyes are wide as they gaze at you. 
“Yes,” you say.  He lifts a disbelieving eyebrow in reply.  You cross your arms over your chest, though it is your heart that feels exposed.  “No,” you whisper.  You whisper every last word, as though you can conceal it from the gods even while their servant listens.  “I’m sorry, Jisung.  I know he’s the king.  I know he is heaven’s earthly sovereign.  I know I’m his wife.  I know, no matter what he has done, if he has done anything, I have a responsibility, but I—”  You wipe your tears when they start to fall.  You sink a little lower in the tub.   
Your posture gives away your discomfort.  Jisung stands.  He goes to the bed where the innkeeper laid out a robe for you.  He smooths it out and picks it up. 
“Here,” he says. 
He does not look when you step out of the tub.  He wraps the robe around your body.  The fleeting contact makes you shiver.  You pass each other, avoiding each other’s eyes.  He returns to his seat by the fire and you sit on the edge of the bed. 
The room is quiet except for the crackling of the flames. 
“It’s not right,” he says after a moment. 
You were picking at lint on the robe, your thoughts asunder, but you look at him now.
“Pardon?” you ask in a small voice. 
He grimaces.  His hand is curled in a fist.  He unclenches it slowly, then occupies his hands by removing his sword belt.  He holds the weapon in his hands, running his thumb across the silver hilt while he frowns.   
“It’s not just because you’re the queen,” he says.  “You’re— you’re kind.  You’re good.  Your people cried when you left.  The king’s people only cry when he returns.  The way you talked to the villagers...  The respect between you...  The way you… the way you were good to those children…” 
You recall the story of his own childhood, a poor peasant boy on the capital streets with nothing to his name but a song. 
He rubs his forehead, then shakes his head. 
“You shouldn’t have to suffer,” he says.  “No one should.  But you...  It’s not right.  It’s not right.”
“I’m not special, really,” you say, not even to be self-deprecating but because you can see him sinking into his thoughts.  You do not want him hurting for your sake. 
“You are!  You’re the queen!” he exclaims.  “By the will of the gods!  And  I really do believe that.  Because you...  You are everything.” 
You jump when he drops his sword at his feet, the metal clattering on the wooden floor.  He puts his hands together as if he intends to pray, but then he looks at you, aglow in the firelight. 
“Your Majesty,” he says.  “You are good and kind and funny and gentle.  You are a heaven-sent queen.   You are everything I ever dreamed of worshipping.” 
Your wild heart breaks free.  It is not with the pounding terror of adrenaline, but like a drumbeat, low and steady, a rhythm that has you taking a long, shuddering breath. 
No words suffice in reply.  You sit in tense silence until the innkeeper’s wife knocks at the door.  She has come to empty and clear away the tub.   
Jisung lets her in.  You smile and chat while she works – because she adamantly refuses to let you help – and she confirms everything is to your liking.  You assure her that everything is perfect and she can be proud of her work.  Jisung watches silently the whole time, leaning against the fireplace, loosely holding his sword. 
When the room is clear and the bed turned down, the woman leaves, and the silence feels even heavier than before.  You sit on the bed in your robe, drying your hair with a cloth. Jisung locks the door then takes his seat by the fire again.  You suppose he is going to stay there all night. 
He slouches very low, his elbow propped on the armrest and his hand on his face.  His knees are spread wide enough that you can imagine kneeling between them.  You do not know what would follow, just that you want to be there. 
Yes, you want that, you realize.  You want to be there, looking up at him with a reverence equal to his words.  It would be easier than finding something to say.  Your gaze would speak for you, in a position that should be reserved for the king and the gods. 
You know you cannot do that.  Your roles are very different.   When he says speaks of devotion and worship, it as a kingsguard, not a man, even if your heart aches – because whether or not it is blasphemous to imagine, you would worship a man like that all the same. 
The very thought has you breathing a harder.  You imagine him looking down at you, his hand your face like before – guiding, gentle, good.  You cannot imagine Jisung ever touching you the way the king did.  No, it would be different.  The king seized your waist with a proprietary aggression.  Jisung has touched your waist again and again, always to help you, always to protect you.  You know that touch would not hurt.  You know that touch would not leave you curled in pain for hours afterwards. 
You know what it would not be, though you cannot imagine what it would be.  You just know the thought makes you tremble. 
But that is not your fate.  It is ridiculous to imagine.  It will be the king in this room tomorrow night. 
You tremble for a different reason. 
“He’s going to hurt me,” you whisper.  You are not sure if you even want to Jisung to hear, but you simply cannot keep it inside.  You speak, like if it leaves your mouth it will materialize and you can face it, fight it. 
That does not happen.  You just shiver worse. 
“Even if he doesn’t kill me,” you say.  “He’s going to hurt me.  He already tried once.  I won’t be able to stop him again.” 
You dare a glance at Jisung.  He is staring at you with those wide, sympathetic eyes.  After a moment of contemplation, he stands.  He paces a little, back and forth, seemingly debating himself in his head.  It turns to incoherent muttering as he pinches the bridge of his nose. 
“Jisung—” you say, prepared to apologize.  It is not appropriate for the queen to complain to a kingsguard about her duties.  You are putting him in a difficult space, because he is a good man who does not want to see you suffer, but he is a holy man and he should demand you pray and do as the gods bid you. 
Instead he claps his hands together and sighs a musical sigh. 
“There are—”  His voice breaks and he laughs, a nervous little giggle before clearing his throat.  He says more seriously, “There are, uh, ways – things – um – yes – that you can do – so it doesn’t – so it doesn’t hurt.” 
“Ways,” you repeat slowly.  “Things.” 
“Yes,” he says, gesturing nonsensically, waving at nothing.  “Ways.  And things.” 
“What ways and things?” 
“You know.”
“I don’t.”
“You don’t?” 
“You do?” 
“Ahhh…”  Jisung looks sheepish, crossing his arms tightly over his chest.  He gives you a too-toothy smile.  In spite of everything, warmth moves inside you, a bright and delightful joy, even if it is temporary.   “Well, um.  I’m chaste, obviously, so I don’t – I don’t know much.  But I maybe know some things…  There’s a ritual the kingsguards do… before they are, um, initiated…” 
“Do…?” you say.  You wave him onward with an amused smile. 
“Uh, yes.”  He stands ramrod straight and clasps his hands behind his back.  “Don’t tell anyone I said anything, but, um.  They send you to a brothel.  It’s for a decent reason!”  His hands fly out again, waving defensively even though you did not say anything. 
You prop your elbow on your knee and your head on your fist, more entertained with his ranting than anything. 
“You know,” Jisung says, speaking as much with his hands as his words, “They just want to make sure you are actually going to be okay with a vow of chastity, especially if you’re a virgin like, um, like I was.  Am.  Was.  Am.  Anyway.  They don’t want a Felix situation, you know?  Where you change your mind later.  The vows are a serious, serious, serious thing.  Felix was an exception, that whole thing was just – it was crazy, you know?  But the vows.  The vows.  Oh, I was ready for the vows.  My life… it wasn’t great, you know?  I was worthless.  I was a street kid.  I was a thief.  I came back from the war to nothing.  The kingsguard gave me a reason to live.  So I wasn’t tempted, oh nooo, I was never tempted.  But they, um, they sent me anyway to make sure I knew what I was giving up.”
“I see,” you say.  You want to correct him when he insults himself, but you suspect he will deflect any argument.  Instead you ask, “What happened then?”
“Um, a very nice lady took me to a room,” he says.  “I told her what I told you.  I was ready for the kingsguard.  I had my calling.  I was finally going to matter.  My friend had helped me and I couldn’t let him down.”
“And what did she say?”
“She just… listened,” he says, looking a bit fond in his recollection.  You find yourself feeling a little jealous, not so much because he is thinking of someone affectionately, but because you have no one to think of that way.  You have done your duty and reserved yourself and your affections for marriage, only to be given a very unaffectionate man.
You can only watch as Jisung reflects and says, “She said she knew a lot of men like me which, personally, I don’t think is true, I’m one of a kind, thank you.  But she said, um… she asked if I wanted to, um, watch her.  Touch herself, I mean.  And, um, I, uh, did.  Just to, you know, make sure.  It didn’t count anyway because I didn’t touch her.  It, um.  Yes.  Yes.  That happened.  So now I know ways and things.” 
You blink at him.  His awkward story-telling coupled with the twisting narrative leaves you more than a little perplexed. 
“Touch herself,” you finally say.  “Touch herself how?  What does that mean?” 
Jisung squeaks.  He looks at you pleadingly, as if you can rescue him from the conversation he started. 
“You don’t…” he says.  It starts desperate but turns a little morose, his shoulders flattening with a sorrowful defeat.  “No,” he says softly.  “You don’t know anything, do you?”  
He does not say it offensively but you bristle at the accusation regardless.  You sit straight and lift your chin. 
“I know exactly what we are talking about, thank you,” you say.  “I am not a child, Jisung.  I was raised to know my duty as a wife.  I am very aware of what copulation entails.” 
He raises his hands in surrender, not pushing the subject.  You sit there, maintaining an air of haughty disinterest while he takes his seat again.  He rubs his bare arms, absent-mindedly squeezing a bicep as he massages himself. 
Watching someone touch herself, repeats in your head, your eyes on his hands as they move up his arm, rubbing his own shoulder. 
Your wild heart gets the better of you. 
“Do you mean… it doesn’t always hurt?” you ask in a slurred rush.  When he looks at you, you look away, ashamed as you say, “I still don’t know what you mean by ways and things.” 
“Well...”  His tone is kind, patient.  He waves a hand through the air.  “I just mean… No.  No, it doesn’t always hurt.  Or it shouldn’t hurt, at least.  So I’m told.  I’m, uh, chaste.  Obviously.” 
“But you’ve seen a woman touch herself.” 
“Yes.”  The tips of his ears go red, or maybe it is the firelight.  He scratches the back of his neck. 
“And that… helps,” you say.  “So it doesn’t hurt?”    
“Yes, I think so,” he says, rubbing his hands together in a nervous fidget.  “Again, I don’t really know for sure because I’m chaste.” 
Yes, you know, especially with his constant reiteration of that fact.  He has given you much to think about, though.  Everyone always told you that a wife’s nightly duty was a painful, unpleasant thing, something to be endured to keep a husband content and create children. 
You feel very foolish, much like you did last night when you tried and failed to run away.  You have always considered yourself very intellectual and pragmatic, but lately you are feeling so many foreign things, encountering the world for the first time.  It makes you feel younger than your age. 
That anxiety twists in you again, its tangles and knots familiar by now.  It is the nervous kind of adrenaline as you consider your next words carefully. 
“Could you…”  You cannot look at him, staring at the fire while you speak.  “Could you… instruct me?” 
“In-instruct you.” His voice breaks again.  It feels as though you are both pubescent fools, falling over each other as you dart around this perilous subject. 
When you look at him, your eyes meet, and that twisting anxiety becomes something else entirely.  It burns hot as the fire, coiling inside you like some impossible, holy flame. 
“Just… just so I know,” you say.  “I don’t expect you to do anything like – oh, Jisung, I would never ask that, you know I would never.  You’re a kingsguard.”
“I’m a kingsguard,” he repeats, like for a second he wasn’t sure.
“Yes, of course,” you say.  “I’m sorry.  It was a foolish question.  I just – I trust you.  And I just hoped—”  Hope.  Something you should stop doing.  The gods have made their decision and there are no prayers that will move them.  You must resign yourself to your fate, whatever that is.  “Forget it,” you say.  “I know my place.  Whatever happens, whatever he does –I will bear it.  I will.”
You smile a forced smile, but it is bright and encouraging.  It usually fools people. 
Jisung does not smile back.  He runs his hand through his hair again.  He takes a long, deep breath, and releases it as slowly.  You swear, it is as loud as the flames, louder than the thunderous heart in your chest.  
Despite it all, you keep smiling, determined to mask your emotions. 
Then he looks at you and your mask immediately crumbles.  Why do his eyes have this effect? 
“Come here,” he says. 
When the king commanded you, your body felt weak, terror coursing through your veins.  It felt like an injury, so discombobulating that it incapacitated you long after.   
Your body feels weak now, but the terror is not the same, not that dark, cold dread.  It courses hotly, like the water on your skin, like the heat in this room, like the look in his eyes.  You try to convince yourself that your body is just sore from so much riding and running, so of course your legs feel shaky as you stand and approach him. 
But you know.  You know.  Well before you reach him, well before he guides you towards the floor-length mirror, you know. 
You look at your reflection.  You almost do not recognize the woman looking back at you, so undone when she has always been so meticulously composed.  No emotions got in, no feelings got out, no wants were had, and no disappointments either.  Now your eyes burn too, meeting his through the reflection. 
He carefully, gently, gathers the hair that is loose around your shoulders.  You shiver, fingers twitching, that coiled heat unravelling.  He draws your hair back, guiding it over your shoulders and down your back.  He briefly runs his fingers through half-damp curls.  He stares at his hands, eyes wide like he is holding some much more precious than hair. 
He swallows.  With a final pat, he lets go.  His hands fall to his sides where they curl into tightly bound fists. 
“I can’t touch you,” he says.  “That’s not – I’m not – I mean.”  He closes his eyes and shakes his head.  “This is not that.  But you’re the queen and you shouldn’t suffer.  It’s just not right, okay?”  He looks at you again through the mirror, eyes shiny and sad.  “I’m a kingsguard,” he says.  “It’s my duty to protect you.  From everything.”  He smiles weakly.  “Let me show you how to protect yourself, okay?”
“Okay,” you say, surprised by the rasp of your voice. 
“Okay,” he says, rasping too.  He clasps his hands behind his back, standing straight as if preparing for a military inspection.  “I’m a kingsguard,” he repeats.  You know that, so you are not sure who he keeps reassuring.  “I’m not – I’m not looking at you like that, okay?” 
“I trust you.”
“Right.  Right.  Um.” 
His hands are restless.  At his sides, behind his back, now crossed protectively over his chest.  You find yourself looking at the subtle curve of his bicep. 
 “Lower your robe,” he says.  Your startled eyes dart up the mirrored reflection.  “Just as much as you want,” he says gently. 
You stare at him through the mirror.  You never imagined your own eyes could look so heated, but they are twin to his, and you see a sort of beauty in yourself because of what you see in him. 
You shrug the robe down your shoulders.  He pointedly does not look down, keeping his eyes on yours.  That is for the best.  That is for the best? 
You let it fall a little more.  You feel the flickering heat of the nearby fire, warming your skin as it is revealed.  Your heart jumps at the sensation, the feeling of exposure. 
You forget how to breathe.  In that held breath, you let the whole thing spill to the floor in a soft puddle of fabric.   
He blinks, once, twice.  On the third, his eyes dart down, but just as quickly up.  He swallows.  His voice shakes as he says, “Close your eyes.”  
You look at those warm brown eyes one more time before obeying.  You slip into the dreamy darkness, acutely aware of the world around you.  Everything feels more pronounced.  You feel every touch of heat like a burning mark, his breath like a kiss on the back of your neck.  That coiling heat tightens again. 
“What now?” you ask.
“Bring your fingers to your lips.  Yeah, like that.”
You raise your hand, resting two fingertips on your bottom lip.  You feel his slow exhale.
“Kiss them,” he says.  The word kiss feels like a touch.  “On your tongue.” 
It feels a little ridiculous but you do as he says, wetting the tips of your fingers.  It does not garner any particular sensation.  No, pleasure comes from knowing he is watching.  You cannot see him, but you know his gaze is fixated on you, rivetted to every movement to ensure you comply with his instructions. 
It makes that heat turn molten. 
“Okay,” he says, his voice a much lower rasp than before.  He clears his throat but it still comes out rough when he says, “Touch your neck – on your pulse, right there – slowly.  Slowly.  Bring your fingers down your throat.” 
You do so, shivering a little at the wet trail it leaves as you trace your fingers from your jaw to your collarbone. 
“Does it feel like a kiss?” he asks.
At his suggestion, the touch no longer feels like yours.  You imagine him in front of you, his open mouth, his tongue darting past his lips.  Your whole body tightens and that heat rushes inside you.  You imagine him taking his time, his tongue travelling from your jaw to your chest. 
“Oh,” you say, a musical note of a sound.  You hear his breath catch. “Yes.” 
“Good.”  He clears his throat again.  “Keep – keep doing – that.  Bring your hand – yes.”  His voice gets softer, barely more than a whisper as you bring your fingers down the curve of your breast.  “Yes.  Like that.” 
“Like this,” you repeat.  It is easier to follow instinct with your eyes closed, listening to the beat of your own heart, the call of your own skin.  You trace your fingers around the tip of your breast, where the peak is already stiff.  You breathe harder, your heart faster, as it sends a shock of sensation firing through your body.  “Oh.  Is this what you meant?”  The small touch feels torturous.  You cup your whole breast and squeeze.  The pleasure leaves you trembling.
“Yes,” he says.  “But there’s, um.  There’s more.”
“More?”  You already feel dizzy.  You never knew so many sensations were hidden under the surface of your skin.  You cannot imagine what else is waiting. 
“Lower,” he says. 
There is a leap in your bloodstream as you obey. You chase it to no conclusion as the caress of your waist does not feel like much. 
“No, um.”  He moves; you can hear him.  Maybe his hands are making gestures, maybe he is running his fingers through his hair.  His voice is still rough so he clears his throat again.  “To—towards the – the centre.  The centre of your – body.” 
Your hand hovers above your middle.  You feel flushed, suddenly understanding his direction.  Your apprehension must show, because he says softly, “You don’t have to.  You can just—”
“I want to,” you say.  The truth spills out of you in a rush.  You want.  You have never wanted so much.  It has never been so clear in your voice. 
“You do?” he repeats.
You answer by following the call of desire and touching the only place that makes sense.  You make a noise when you do, surprised when you find evidence of all that coiling heat, wet on your fingertips. 
“Are you – are you wet?” he asks. 
You nod.  “Is that good?”
“Yes,” he says.  “That’s – that’s good.  Very good.” 
You soak in the praise, humming a sweet little sound as you move your fingers inexpertly.  You brush somewhere sensitive, feeling like you have struck every nerve at once.  Your gasping cry gives it away. 
“There,” he says.  “Right there.  Touch yourself.  Don’t stop.” 
You shuffle your feet apart, just a little.  A jolt of pleasure shoots down your body when he nudges your bare foot with his booted one, easing your legs further apart.  He does not address it so neither do you, accepting it as a simple gesture of help. 
“You can use your other hand,” he says, because one is between your legs and the other is just curled at your side. 
You take his advice and cup a sensitive breast with your free hand.   The noise you make will embarrass you later as it echoes in your mind, but right now you let it carry you away. 
You cannot use both hands for long.  Your free hand moves through the air, grasping at nothing.  You need an anchor.  Your legs are shaking and you are swimming in the darkness of your closed eyes.  Spots of colour begin to dance across your shielded vision, twirling in dizzying motions.  Your core feels tight. 
“Oh – Jisung.  Jisung, I—”  
“It’s okay,” he says, his voice more strained than ever.  “Trust me.  Don’t stop.”
“Trust you,” you murmur.  It sends another wave of heat rolling through you.  The dizziness overwhelms, your legs buckling.  You reach behind you instinctively and blindly reach for him. 
He catches you, his soldier instincts fast.  Your eyes fly open as you crash into his chest, so much of your weight supported in the clasp of his arms.  His eyes look so dark, almost a solid black, his whole face flushed as if he was the one exerting himself. 
You whimper at the sight of him, at the sight of yourself in his arms, all sloping curves and fire-hot skin, soft and naked against his firm, darkly-clothed body. 
You feel his hands on your sides, clutching you tightly, his front slotted along your backside.  His clothes brush your too-sensitive skin, his hands hot on your body. 
You move just a little, rearing up under your own hand.  When you shift, you feel him, his body behind you.  He is undeniably hard, straining at the material of his uniform. 
He sucks in a breath, his groan a low, scraping sound, but he does nothing about his own desire, even while it makes you gasp. 
He does not dare move his hands.  He does not dare look away from your eyes in the mirror. 
“Come to me,” he rasps.  “I got you.” 
All that coiling tension gives way.  It feels like the moment the cosmos shifted, when the world disappeared under you, when you crashed through the surface of the water and felt as though you entered another world.  You see stars and your body throbs under your fingers.  Your mind is gone, your body in animalistic pursuit, needing him, pressing against him. 
“Shhh,” he says gently.  You are gasping, every breath a watery sound.  He exhales roughly, his own arms trembling.  Even his breath is shaking, his nose pressed to your temple as he holds you for another second.  “Shhh,” he says again.  “That was good.  You’re okay.”
“Oh.”  It is all you can say.  You slowly withdraw your hand, your fingers embarrassingly wet. 
You are not sure what possesses you.  Perhaps the same instinct that compels you to clean blood off a finger pricked from needlework.  Whatever it is, you listen to that instinct and bring those fingers to your lips to suck the evidence away. 
“Good fucking gods,” he says, his eyes wide. 
He abruptly lets go and steps back.  Fortunately, you have your footing now, so you do not fall, but it leaves a chill along your exposed backside.  You shiver.    
He looks around the floor for your discarded robe. When he sees it, he swift dives down to gather the material in his hands. 
He is on his knees when you turn around. 
For a long moment, he stays down there, staring at the fabric crinkling in his hands.  His knuckles lighten with the intense strength of his grip. 
“Jisung?” you say softly.  With your adrenaline dwindling, you feel shy.  Even so, your heart is still an erratic thing.  It seems physical release cannot temper whatever has taken hold of that creature.  It continues to pound and stomp as Jisung lifts his head.
“Your Majesty,” he says, his voice so shot it is barely above a breath. 
You feel a jolt inside you, some trembling aftershock, intensified because he looks at you.  Oh, he looks at you, forgetting himself at that vantage, his eyes everywhere from the curve of your knee to the slope of your thighs.  Shiny brown eyes roam slower than a lover’s touch to the place between your legs, up the curve of your waist, your heaving breasts, and meeting your eyes with a near-crazed desperation. 
“Jisung,” you say, a whisper as well. 
He drops his head again, cursing under his breath as he closes his eyes.  He shifts to one knee then finally rises, stumbling a little once upright.  He wraps the robe around you without any delay, then he throws his hands out to his sides like he is issuing surrender. 
“Good,” he says, avoiding your face, avoiding everything as he stumbles towards the fireplace and his discarded sword.
You close the robe around yourself.  You do not know what to say.  Words seem woefully insufficient, especially with his frantic energy as he fumbles with his sword belt, fighting to get it secured around his waist. 
“Thank you,” you finally say.  You sit on the end of the bed, holding the neck of the robe closed, looking at him with nothing but raw and open emotion.  “I – I don’t know what else to say.”
He stares back at you, a hand on the hilt of his sword.  The other sits over his midsection, curls around his belt.  He looks like he might burst into flames, all that white and gold flashing behind him. 
“If I can ever repay you…” you say. 
You don’t mean it like that, but his eyes flash with want –  unmistakable desire, then terror. 
“Thank you, Your Majesty,” he says, bowing low.  “You owe me nothing.  You’re my – you’re my queen.” 
He moves so quickly, it makes you jump, raising from his bow and striding across the room.  He is at the door in a matter of seconds, his hand practically crashing onto the lock.  There, it freezes, his fingers curled around the iron. 
You stare at him.  His shoulders are tense, lifting and falling with his deep breathing.  Your lips part though you have no idea what to say.  There is a feeling inside you but you cannot name it, cannot catch it with your voice.  You can only take another breath. 
He whips back around.  You jump again.  Before you can even think to move or speak, he is back in front of you.  He slams down onto his knees and bows again, more frantic than before, the top of his head hitting your legs. 
You reach for him instinctively, the curve of his neck looking so desolate and desperate.  He seizes your hands before they can touch them, bringing them together then to his lips.  He kisses your knuckles, though it such a hard and needy press, it feels more like a collision.  You feel his lips and the bump of his teeth.  He hisses on an exhale and drops your hands. 
Without another word, he stands.  He marches to the door.  This time he does not hesitate, flicking open the locks.  He steps into the hall without looking back.  The door closes between you. 
You hear his body hit the door, the drag of it as he sinks to the ground.  He is sitting on the floor outside. 
You move towards that door without thinking.  You sink to your knees as well, pressing your ear to the wood.  You can hear him breathing on the other side – heaving, frantic breaths that almost sounds like crying. 
Perhaps it all the sensation catching up to you, but your own eyes fill with tears as you slump against the door.  You fall asleep there, listening to each other with the divider between you. 
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icyg4l · 1 month
PAC: Who Wants to Match Your Freak? (18+)
Inspired by the infamous ‘Nasty’ by Tinashe, this pick a pile is on the X-rated side (my first time doing this btw). We’re getting into the nitty gritty! But before we do, just know that it is important to use protection, no matter what your gender identity is! Now… let’s find out who wants to get nasty nasty nasty 🫦🫦🫦
Without further ado, please select your Tinashe still!
Pile 1-4: (Top Left-to-Bottom Right)
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Pile One: This person is definitely into roleplay. They would like to teach you some things and learn some things from you inside of the bedroom. I feel like this is someone you wouldn’t see as a “freak”. This gives me the energy of Jhene Aiko. To you, they are very innocent but you have not seen that side of them yet. They wanna show you that they can hold their own. They want to meet you halfway. What I am getting here is the energy of a secret rendezvous. This may start off as something that is lowkey but ultimately, you could end up in a couple with this person due to their skills! You’ll want them all to yourself, Pile One. Now for the good stuff, lol. This person will definitely be into nibbling and sweet whisperings. If you are a woman that is into women, this person will definitely be on top. They like to be the star of the show. They could get a little greedy. I feel like the person who wants to match your freak does not want to rush the act with you. They want to take it slow; they may be into edging. They will be into stripteases and lapdances. They don’t really like to take risks in the bedroom, unless you’d be the one doing it. 
Cards Used: The High Priestess, 7 of Swords, The Star, 2 of Discs, 2 of Cups.
Pile Two: Ooo, this feels like a reminiscent energy. I feel like this is the energy of someone from the past. It could be an ex. It could be an old friend. It could be a former sexual partner. This partner is in love with you, lmao. I feel like this person could have drunk texted you recently or they have a history of doing so. They might do it again, lol. They want to spin the block really badly. They’d like to get you all alone after having a long conversation about the things that went down between you two. This person could have a really thick accent that you’re attractive to. This person is very suave, I can tell. For some of you, this person may be thinking of making you their third. This person could also be into watching you play with yourself. They are into your… fluids lol. This feels like a makeup session. This person misses you very badly and they would like to show you with their actions (and their tongue). It’s really up to you whether or not they will come back. 
Cards Used: 3 of Swords, Princess of Cups, The Magician, 3 of Cups, Ace of Cups.
Pile Three: I heard the word “impressive”. I think that this person is known for their bedroom skills. This could be a former sexual partner, but it doesn’t have to be. I will say that this person’s physical appearance is very attractive to all genders. They are universally attractive. This person is someone that feels like you have unfinished business with them. Maybe you’ve shared a kiss with them, but it didn’t go anywhere past that. Maybe you two have done nothing but text and chat on the phone. You may have even fallen off with this person. However, this person wants to know where the hell you’ve been. In the bedroom, they are into BDSM. They could also like to do things while under the influence, but it’s not necessary. They like to put their weight on their lovers. They are definitely dominant in the bedroom. Don’t be afraid to step in the bedroom with them. They can also last for a long time, so you will be depleted of all your energy once y’all are finished. They don’t bite, unless you want them to.
Cards Used: 6 of Cups, The Moon, 10 of Swords, 4 of Pentacles, Wheel of Fortune.
Pile Four: I feel like this is for my people who currently attend college. I feel like this is a classmate you’ve been eyeing. They have a nice style. They could be inspired by the mid 2000s Southern fashion trends. I think that this person has a breeding kink, tbh. They think you’re someone that they can take home to their mother. They are very into courting. They try to put on an image of appearing “good” or “neutral” to the public. Their reputation is very important to them. I feel like this person is well off. You are very tempting to this person. Honestly, this person might have a worship/praise kink as well. They may be slow to initiate the act. For some of you, this is a pillow princess. The vibe is similar to Pile One but the difference with this pile is that it’s all an act. This person could appear to be “boujee” or “aloof” but don’t knock it until you try it. There isn’t anything wrong with keeping it undercover. 
Cards Used: 10 of Cups, 6 of Discs, 4 of Swords, 9 of Discs, 10 of Discs, Knight of Discs. 
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memysoulandi · 3 months
Jason Grace, so much potential...
Actually this goes for the entire lost trio. The AMOUNT of TRAUMA these three had and the potential for character development they had too is UNREAL, yet nothing was done. Let us begin my personal beliefs
-Delve into his trauma of his remaining family deciding he was the devil at age EIGHT and refusing to take him in-abandonment issues
-Have his constant feelings of invalid-ness and being the unneeded member of the seven be corrected by giving him CLOSE FRIENDS HE PIPER AND JASON NEED TO BE CLOSER AT THE VERY LEAST and conversations when he realizes he is wanted and needed
-Don't have Calypso storyline in there-he didn't need a girlfriend to solve his problems, if you have it, have it as good friends-another member of his support group
-Make him gay and have valgrace or slowburn/implied valgrace(the two of them pining then like kinda tragic as Leo dies)
-Have her lesbian storyline occur in HoO where she's a main character-it's an important storyline for her character that deserves a spotlight and time that ToA couldn't give it
-No Jiper! This relationship was toxic and founded on fake memories-if you're going to do it, do it as a part of her LGBTQIA+ journey and Jason's as well
-Don't have her demonize femininity! She can wear dresses! She can wear makeup! She can present more feminine and still be the same character and her hatred of any and all things feminine is not good representation! Make her a feminist, please! Or at least make her less against femininity as a whole.
-No kaleidoscope eyes! Give her brown eyes and also have her rediscovering her culture storyline as a part of HoO too!
-Make him a better fighter than Percy. He has been at Camp Jupiter since the age of three and spent a year with wolves before then. He has spent his entire life in a military setting training, he should be a better swordfighter than Percy 'I show up to summer camp at age 12 to 16 and only really use my sword then' Jackson.
-Give him more powers. Or Percy less. Children of the big three should be equal in potential power, not Percy being OP and the others having lightning or shadows powers some of the time. Percy needs less power and Jason, Thalia, Hazel, and Nico need more. Jason should have more power than Percy as he has had longer to train it.
-Give him a personality. His storyline in HoO should be a journey of self-discovery. He has always been another member of an army, with constant pressure on him to be the best at everything and a strong confident leader who doesn't make mistakes as a son of Jupiter. His entire life has been dictated by those around him. For the first time, he is free of that and he needs to be discovering things like how he likes to dress, his style, his sexuality, his likes and dislikes, and his personality. In my opinion he should be kinda shy with a feral edge, side effect of the wolves, who is always trying to people please. When he stops doing this, he becomes significantly happier and a greater use to the team. Plus valgrace;D.
-Also, make him despise Percy at the beginning. He worked his entire life to be an afterthought that nobody looked for when he went missing for months, while Percy was looked for by everyone after only a few days. Percy achieved everything he wanted in a matter of weeks in New Rome and he was happy and had friends and a life. Percy has everything Jason doesn't. They need to have a moment where they are locked together and Percy goes "why do you hate me" and Jason breaks down because "You have everything I want and you don't even have to try!". This would create a better relationship for them and be the turning point for Jason as Percy hears what he has to say and validates him. Also Jason personality.
-Don't kill him off and continue his self-discovery journey in ToA.
-Make him and Thalia have a closer relationship that in the months between TLH and TSoN, it is implied that they spend time together. He should feel safe with her and they needed more interactions as they are SIBLINGs, god damit.
-Make him and Reyna just friends-she wanted to look for him but couldn't 'cause Octavian(the bitch) and someone needed to be Praetor in his absence.
-Also give him history with Octavian-ex-friends or something give me drama.
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venus-haze · 9 months
Pretty Tied Up (Otis Driftwood x Reader)
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Summary: Or, the perils of working at Red Hot Pussy Liquors.
Note: Female reader, but no other descriptors are used. This takes place between House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil’s Rejects. Based on the Guns N' Roses song. Do not interact if you’re under 18, terf or radfem, or post thinspo/ED content.
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat. Armed robbery and implied kidnapping. Sexually explicit content that involves extremely dubious consent and sadism, gags, bondage, groping, and gunplay. Otis is pretty much his own warning. Do not interact if you’re under 18.
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Having regulars at a liquor store was a double-edged sword. You got to know some customers well enough to like them, but over time you’d notice they looked increasingly worse for wear as they came up to the checkout with their usual purchases. The exception, of course, were the Fireflys, who you always found unsettling, despite Baby’s attempts to seem affable. 
“My brother likes you,” she said one day, leaning against the counter as you rang up three bottles of vodka and two six-packs of beer.
“RJ?” you asked, glancing at her brother standing a few feet behind her.
RJ was always nice enough. Didn’t say much. Tall. Burly. Strong. Ruggedly handsome. You’d be open to going out with him.
She laughed in her usual high-pitch that always toed the line of being spine-chilling. “No silly! I’m talkin’ ‘bout Otis.”
You stared at her blankly. “Who’s Otis?”
“You know, long hair, blue eyes, scruffy ol’ beard. He came in here the other night. You must’ve made one hell of an impression. He won’t shut up about ya.”
Oh yeah. Him. Bought a bottle of whiskey and a stack of hardcore BDSM porno magazines. ‘You ever look at this stuff?’ he’d asked, eyeing you as you put a magazine with a nude, distressed-looking woman suspended by intricate ropes on the cover into a brown paper bag. When you first started working there, you could hardly stomach the sight of the rougher fare. As time went on, you found yourself hesitantly intrigued. ‘Gotta have something to do besides go to church on Sundays,’ you replied, earning a wicked grin from him. 
“That’s nice,” you said.
She snickered. “My brother’s not nice.”
“Is this everything?” you asked, hoping to move the interaction along.
“Hey RJ, you gettin’ anything else?” Baby asked over her shoulder.
He shook his head, approaching to pick up the crate you put the bottles in.
Baby handed you a wad of cash. She almost always overpaid, letting you keep the change, which was most of the reason you humored her antics in the first place. “Thanks darlin’! See ya real soon!” she said, wiggling her eyebrows, keen to something you were yet to be aware of.
Two nights later you were working the store alone. Your coworker Billy didn’t even have the decency to call and let you know he wasn’t coming in–or quit. He just didn’t show up at 9:30 when he was supposed to, and your phone call to his house was met with a busy dial tone. Asshole.
It’d been a slow night anyway, but you would have appreciated the heads up, or at least another body in the place when the front door was kicked open.
“This is a robbery! Don’t fucking move or I’ll shoot!”
Despite the bandana covering the bottom half of his face, you knew who it was right away. Long, graying hair and piercing blue eyes that were burned into your memory from his last visit to the liquor store.
You lifted your hands in the air. Your manager had told you on your first day that there was always a possibility of this happening. Better to just let them take whatever cash and booze they wanted and report it to the police once they left. ‘Don’t go playin’ hero. We got insurance.’
“Keep those hands up,” Otis said, slowly approaching the counter. “I’m gonna walk back there, and you’re gonna open the register for me.”
You nodded, eyes glued to him as he slithered around the counter like a snake, gun steadily pointed at you. 
“Go on,” he said.
With a trembling hand, you opened the register, the cash-filled drawer popping open for him. He pressed the gun to your temple, instructing you to put the cash in one of the brown paper bags by your side. You tried not to glance at him too much while you stuffed the paper bag with the money, finally pushing it toward him and sticking your hands up again.
“Alright, now turn around.”
“I ain’t got all night.”
You glanced at the door. No way you could make a run for it, but maybe someone would walk in and be able to do something.
He followed your gaze and let out a cruel scoff. “Ain’t nobody coming through that door who can save you. I’m the closest thing to salvation you’ll ever get. Now turn the fuck around.”
With a shaky breath, you did as you were told, freezing when you felt the barrel of the gun press against the back of your head. His free hand grabbed your ass through your jeans, his strong grip almost painful as he squeezed each cheek. “Wonder how much it’d take to make you bruise?” he mumbled, almost to himself. He squeezed again, harder this time, as if he were trying to dig his fingers into your flesh. “Too much work when I can just cut into ya.”
“Don’t hurt me,” you pleaded, though hearing your own voice, you weren’t quite sure how convinced you were that you didn’t want him to do his worst. Knowing what you did about the Firefly clan, the rumblings around Ruggsville about the strange family–it would be pretty damn bad.
“C’mon now, mama. You led me to believe you liked it rough,” he said, voice gravelly and low as he slipped his hand between your legs from behind, rubbing the rough denim material and your cotton panties against your pussy, the friction hitting your clit in just the right spot for you to let out a shameful moan. Your hand flew to your mouth, the other clenched in a fist as you tried not to give him the reaction he wanted. Didn’t want to prove him right. Show him how curious you were. You didn’t even have it in you to fight back, not when you were on the edge, so achingly close until suddenly you weren’t anymore.
You nearly whined when he pulled his hand away, horrified at yourself, your reaction to his groping you. He grabbed each of your arms, roughly pulling them behind your back and tying your wrists together with something itchy and uncomfortable that dug painfully into your skin as you fruitlessly tried to free yourself from the secure knot he made. What the fuck did he use? Your eyes widened at the carpet burn-like sensation that’d begun to sting your skin. The roll of twine beneath the register. You used to secure some customers’ more sensitive purchases sometimes. 
Fingers and cloth forced their way into your mouth until you were gagged with the bandana Otis had pulled off of his face. He turned you around, looking you over with a slow, satisfactory nod. “I was having trouble getting over this mental block in my art. Started drivin’ me crazy. Y’know, they showed this nature documentary about a group ‘a lions a while back. How they protect and provide for their families, stalk their prey and go in for the kill–do you ever think about how we’re the only species where killing is taboo? For the rest of the animal kingdom, it’s just nature, part of the circle of life. There was a scene where the lion saw a gazelle from way across the savannah, and it was like nothing else existed except for its prey. It couldn’t rest until it tore that damn thing apart. That’s how I felt when I saw you.”
You shook your head frantically, your pleas of mercy muffled by your gag. Fat tears blurred your vision until he morphed into something monstrous, straight out of a nightmare you couldn’t wake up from. 
“I ain’t gonna kill ya,” he said, roughly petting your head, “not yet anyway, that’d be a waste when I’ve barely even started.” He gave you a mean grin as he grabbed a hold of your hair by the roots. “I got a lot planned for you. Those magazines gave me a lot of ideas too.”
He lowered the gun, dragging it between your breasts and further down your abdomen until he reached the waistband of your jeans. Using his other hand, he unbuttoned and unzipped them with alarming ease, pulling them down until they fell to your ankles. Your breath hitched as he pressed the barrel of the gun against your cunt, the thin fabric of your panties the only thing stopping him from being able to slide it inside of you. 
Still, the cool metal sent a shiver through you as he rubbed it against your clit, black spots creeping into your peripheral as you hyperventilated through his sadistic experiment. He was hard. That much you knew, but what frightened you, perhaps most of all, was how wet you had become since he tied you up. Your skin still screamed against the rough twine that’d been cutting into your flesh, soon to draw blood as you kept struggling.
Your hips jerked, pressing the gun barrel closer to your pussy that was eager to betray you and clench around it if he just pushed past your panties and shoved it up there. You didn’t want him to do that, not in your right mind. But no one in your situation could be considered in their right mind, could they?
“Don’t fight it,” he encouraged gruffly, blue eyes piercing through you as he watched your knees threaten to give out as you neared orgasm. “Give the devil his due, mama.”
Your hands curled into fists, nails threatening to break through the skin of your palm. Then he did it. Slipped the barrel of the gun past your soaked cotton panties. Your brain short-circuited in a rush of terror and thrill at the sensation. You came, eyelids fluttering shut, a guttural moan tearing from your throat and pushing through your gag. Your limbs felt like ghosts, incorporeal parts of you that could only offer a vague sense of feeling compared to the sensation that overwhelmed your body, pleasure and adrenaline coursing through your veins all the same.
Gun be damned, you collapsed against the checkout counter, unable to support yourself any longer. Your chest heaved, unable to catch your breath with the now saliva-soaked bandana still shoved halfway down your throat. An astounded whine escaped your lips when he brought the gun up to his nose and sniffed. “This is it, mama. This is the devil’s salvation.”
He wasn’t making any damn sense, or your brain was too fuzzy to comprehend what he was saying. All you knew about the devil was from the Bible and that stupid Dr. Satan story people regurgitated like spoiled food. If Otis was the devil, you’d believe it, though.
The sound of a car door slamming shut made your eyes widen, and you glanced over your shoulder, your muffled screams of either help or warning to however was approaching.
“Sorry about this, darlin’. We’ll have a lot more fun later,” he said, hitting you across the face with the gun, sending you to the brink of consciousness. 
The bell on the door faintly jingled, and the last thing you remember seeing was a large, familiar figure walking towards you.
“C’mon and help me get ‘er in the car,” Otis said just as you passed out. "Don't forget the cash."
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So, I am begging you here, pls tell me that Ikkaku and Yumichika are still bffs on this AU. I need the violent miss- and yet perfectly matched bastards to still be forever ride-and-die with each other.
Also, all the dropped tidbits relating to Yumichika are gold and I am hoarding them like a squirrel hoards his nuts for winter.
They are actually, for real, legally married.
Ikkaku was 500% ready to fight the entire Gotei-13 when he took the 628-year old marriage certificate he and Yumichika had gotten in 72 North to the Seireitei Records Office to be honored.
Instead, the sole hiccup in the process was the young lady behind the counter asking him to spell Yumichika's surname for her as this document seems to have been... stained, at some point.
"-That's not... Blood, is it?" She asks, concerned.
"Uh. It's actually. Um. Soy Sauce." Ikkaku mumbles.
It would have been less embarrassing if it had been blood.
Turns out, Gay marriage- and indeed, divorce, or changing your name, or gender, or becoming the third, fourth or seventeenth parent/legal guardian to a kid is a nonissue in soul society, because someone complained *once* and Yamamoto declared that, one, he didn't care, and two, the rest of the military commanders were hired off death row, and *this* is what you're complaining about? Fuck off.
But here are some Yumichika Fun Facts:
Everyone in the 11th division has really, really good personal hygiene and well-cared for hands, feet and nails because Yumichika's mother was a doctor at a rural hospital and put the fear of dysentery, cholera, pneumonia, tetanus, sepsis, trench rot and necrosis into him even more than fear of the gods, and he very much continued this sanitary evangelism.
Yumichika's other mother was a drag queen at the brothel that adjoined the hospital and taught him all about hair, makeup, poisons, manners, alley fights, how to play the shamisen, how to make a knife out of anything, flower arrangement and how to curse the hell out of a motherfucker of it comes to that.
Kubo was wrong Yumichika looks out for all his sisters not just his cis-ters.
Kenpachi was friends with Yumichika before either of the ever knew Ikkaku. He met Yumichika shortly after adopting Yachiru when Yumichika saved him from drowning in the river that ran through his home village.
Kenpachi asked Yumichika what he could do in gratitude for saving his life, and Yumichika, seeing his sword, asked if Kenpachi could "give him a real fight, for once"
They had a jolly little scrap that left Yumichika in the hospital for three months, an almost insatiable lust for battle, and a permanent bald scar on the edge of his eyebrow, which is where he glues the decorative feathers he wears.
It also got him (lovingly) told to move out and make his way in the world.
Yumichika met Ikkaku some years after that, when the theater/brothel he was working at hired Ikkaku on as an Emcee and a comedy act in his own right.
Ikkaku loves making people laugh and is damn good at it.
Yumichika was already considering making a move on him when a heckler pulled a sword on Yumichika during his act and Ikkaku beat the shit out of him with a chair without a second thought, and Yumichika decided he was going to seduce and marry this bald little maniac then and there.
It still took the better part of six months, because Ikkaku was convinced that Yumichika was "Way out of his league" and "He's just being friendly to a coworker!".
Things finally became clear when, having reached a boiling point of sexual frustration, Yumichika challenged Ikkaku to a duel, beat the hell out of Ikkaku with Kujaku, and screamed his feelings directly into Ikkaku's face.
"Oh." Said Ikkaku. "Why didn't you say something?"
"...I may be stupid."
"At least you're also cute. C'mere you sexy cueball."
-and they have been blissfully if dramatically wedded since.
It was many years after that that they had moved on to a different brothel as a duo floor show act, when they got to talking to some of the other working girls about their travels and Yumichika tells the story of how he got his eyebrow scar saving a real freak of a guy from drowning after he got stabbed by a river stingray, but then he challenged him to a fight because- well, he was young and cocky and a small fish, but in a tiny pond- and promptly got his ass beat.
"That's wild!" Says Ikkaku. "I also challenged a random freak with a stingray scar on his leg to a fight because I was bored and- all due respect to you and Kujaku, my beloved - but he gave me a thrashing the likes of which I'd never had before or since. He had his daughter with him was the weird part- he was a real big bastard, face like a cliff, but his girl was this adorable little pink thing."
Yumichika sits up, frowning. "-seven feet tall in socks, big vertical scar on the right side of his face?" He asked, gesturing to his own.
Ikkaku put his drink down and pointed at Yumichika "-and bells in his hair! You fought Zaraki Kenpachi too??"
"Yes! What the hell?" Yumichika laughed. "I wonder where he is now..."
"Oh Gods, he had the WORST sense of direction! He's probably managed to walk in and back out of the Soul King's palace on accident!" Ikkaku giggled
"Well, if he's the same seven foot tall sword bastard with the scarred face and pink little girl on his shoulder as the seven foot tall sword bastard with the scarred face and the pink little girl on his shoulder standing out in the street looking lost as hell, you can go ask him." Said their coworker Sachiko, pointing to the giant standing not a dozen feet away.
"Look Ken-chan! It's YuYu and Baldy!" Yachiru giggled.
"Yachiru!" Yumichika gasped, delighted.
"I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT!" bellowed Ikkaku.
"YOU AGAIN!" Zaraki bellowed, ecstatic. " BEEN A FEW YEARS, LET'S SEE HOW MUCH YOU LEARNED!!"
Ten minutes of incredible violence, twelve minutes of evading the police and twenty-one minutes of getting lost on the way back to the brothel, a bloodied but still standing Yumichika was explaining to the Madame that the giant bastard carrying the unconscious half of her prized floor show duo behind him was, in fact, an old friend of theirs whom she should absolutely hire as a bouncer, you can see how effective he is!
Madame Tsubaki, who recognizes incredible spiritual power and fighting potential when she sees it, and who is still very petty about the divorce from her husband the Shinigami Captain-General, allows herself to be persuaded.
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vintagexherry · 1 year
Treasure for three days [1]
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Pirate!Miguel x Princess!Reader
// Hostage, threatening, superstions, misogyny (I think), manhandling, implied forced royal marriage, kidnapping, implications of sexual acts, Ooc Miguel, Miguel is mean
A/N: Not sure if Im gonna turn this into a series but we'll see
This isn't what you meant when you wanted to be taken away from a mundane life.
"If none will provide with what I have requested. The princess will get it." He ended maliciously.
'He' being a man of height and strong structure is as of right now, holding a sharp edged sword at your throat while holding your hands behind your back.
'He' being the famous pirate, notorious for his actions and sharp with his demands.
"Let go of her! or else!-" Your father still in his sleeping clothes demanded the man who held you hostage.
"What? Make your gaurds shoot me? I have cannons standing by and men waiting, and with a simple signal, they can pillage and destroy this kingdom." He threatened as his hands grip his sword tighter, pushing it slightly closer to your throat, making you whimper.
He isn't only notorious for his actions, but his brain. He didn't get his popularity by just blowing up things to bits like any other pirate.
He plans them.
So darn good at it too.
Your brain is still wondering how'd you get into this position.
"You keep pressing the wrong note. Once again, from the beginning."
You held back your sigh as you started to play a musical piece on the piano all over again.
You've been at this with your mentor for hours and you swear if you don't take a single break, your bones will desintegrate.
Your mentor has known you since you started etiquette training, and so on and so forth.
And as much as you knew her, she's always been nothing but strict with a permanent frown on her face, her hair tied into a tight bun, and you wonder how come she still has hair.
Once you finally pressed the right note, she nodded approvingly.
"Very good now. We'll practice this piece tomorrow again at noon. Now, if you excuse me, I'll inform your father of your progress."
Not waiting for your reply, she stood up from her chair and left you sitting by the piano.
You exhaled a breath of relief and stretched your fingers for a bit, hearing small pops here and there. You look out the large window by the wall, watching life go on the large village. You'll soon rule once your father chooses a suitable husband for you.
Speaking of your father, he entered the room, slightly surprising you with the sound of the heavy doors.
"My dear, your mentor has told me you had difficulty on today's lesson." Your father looked at you with slight disappointment in his eyes.
You sigh, you know your mentor has told me about your progress, not skipping good bits, but it just seems that your bad quality only worth focusing on.
"I know father, it's jus-"
"Then you will do well to practice even more. Remember, you're performing for tomorrow's night annual ball."
You held back a groan.
Of course, he cares about tomorrow's ball.
Nothing but an excuse to let men ask your hand for marriage and letting your father decide if their good or not. At first, you were flattered, and people would ask for your hand, but it gets tiring once you learn it is just for politics sake, nothing but lies, only wanting to feel the crown on their head.
Your father's kingdom was known to be one of the most successful of them all. Trading and economics were bountiful, and the crime rate wasn't high.
"Yes, father." You defeatedly relented while he grunts in acknowledgement and left you without another word. You just wish a humble and kind man will take you away from this mundane life.
It was finally nighttime when you got ready for bed, you got out of your bath and wore your white cotton sleep dress.
You went to one side of the bed to blow off the candle, but before you did, a sharp sword suddenly appeared behind you, The edge of it just inches away from slicing you.
"Don't move."
A deep and gruff voice commanded you, and you froze.
How did he get in? The balcony? through the door? That can't be. There's gaurds around the palace patrolling every second.
"Where is the necklace? And don't lie, or else your pretty little town gets it."
Necklace? What necklace? There's billions of different kinds of necklaces, and that's the best description he can give you?
"I-I don't know what you're t-talking about -" You winced when you felt the sword go closer to your throat.
"Not speaking, huh? Well, I can jus-"
His words were cut off when your room door busted open, revealing gaurds with their guns and your father in his sleepwear.
"So it was you who knocked out those gaurds!" Your father yelled, so that's how he got in.
The man behind you didn't waste time grabbing your hands and holding them behind your back. He took quick yet short steps to your now unlocked balcony, and he stopped by the edge.
So now you're here, with a pirate at the edge of your balcony.
His sword left your throat, but instead, he pointed it to your father. In turn, the gaurds raise their guns higher.
"Necklace, or you won't get your little princesa back."
You looked at your father with tears brimming at the edge of your eyes, silently begging him to give what the pirate wants, but he doesn't seem to mind you.
"O' Hara." Your dad stated, starting to collect his bearings.
"That necklace is a national treasure, you can't possibly!-"
"Daily pirate life, I would say."
You paused.
That necklace?
The necklace?
You only remember bits of story of that supposed treasure, where your father had gathered a rare type of gem from a group of natives who are part of the neighbouring lands. Once gathered, the gem was then moulded and sanded to become a necklace.
"So... No necklace, then? That's alright...I'll give you three days, and if not given your kingdom, can disappear on the map."
You loudly yelp when you suddenly turn around and get carried on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
He didn't waste time sheathing his sword and jumping off the balcony, which made you scream while he grips line of rope.
As O'Hara lands and runs for it, you hear gunshots and your father yelling for you.
You tried beating his back with your hands and waving your feet to at least loosen his grip, but alas, it's useless.
"Let go! Unhand me!" You shouted, but your words were going out on his ear and the other. You kept shouting for help, but you were suddenly cut off by your own yelp when you felt a large hand smack your ass.
"You pirate!" you seethed
He laughed at your reactions. "Tell me something I don't know, princesa."
His feet were moving faster than any man you've seen before, and before you know it, you arrived at the shore of the beach.
"Lift up the anchor and start sailing." He ordered as he climbed up the ship.
As he lands, with your upside down view, you see people pulling up the anchor and unfolding the sails.
"A woman on board, huh? You do know what they say about women being on a ship righ' boss?" A random crewmate noted as he took a closer look at you while your still hoisted on his shoulder.
"Quit talking and more sailing, or you're walking the plank." He threatened and the crewmate didn't waste time going back to business.
As the ship starts sailing and the sounds of gunshots and shouting were becoming more and more distant, O'Hara started walking up to a room.
As he enters, he roughly plops you down on what seems to be a bed and ties your hands and feet together.
"Stay." He simply said as he went to a desk and chair.
You scoff, as if you had a choice.
"Look, if it's the necklace you want I can just tell you where!"
He didn't say anything as he sat down and looked at various maps and papers.
"Please, I ju-"
"Shut up." His rough voice hightened in volume.
You quickly did.
"If you won't stay quiet, I can leave you naked for my men to use. So if you know what's good for you I would recommend you to zip it."
You shivered from his words.
You didn't want to anger him further, so you opted to look around the room.
More maps were scattered, and bottles of what seemed to be rum were placed neatly in shelves. Chest full of gold and jewelry were scattered everywhere. Artefacts and even bones of beasts were displayed like trophies on the wall.
"I must say, for a spoiled mocosa, you obey well." He chuckled.
You wanted to spit something back, but you're afraid that once you do, he'll keep his words.
"If your father doesn't give his precious treasure, get ready to say bye-bye to your little kingdom. So let's hope he's as obedient as you." He chuckled as he sat down, drinking from a bottle of rum.
"But if he does? You'll return me and keep the town safe away from your cannons?" You asked.
Miguel looked at you and lightly laughed.
"We'll see about that, but if he did give it, maybe I will keep your pretty little place safe and you'll be back at your papa's arms."
You don't believe him but do you have any other choice? "You....You promise?"
Miguel glanced at your shivering form, and after a deep thought, he took a quick gulp of his rum and finally spoke.
"I promise your little princess ass."
You gulp, hoping he would keep up with his words.
Morning came by, which marks the first day of your captivity, and you really want to take a bath.
O'Hara or Miguel, which he prefers to be called. Has removed the rope around your wrists while he lets you go around the ship, even outside the captain's cabin, just as long he could keep an eye on you. He was confident enough that you won't really go anywhere.
Not that you can anyway.
With water surrounding you in every direction, you lost hope trying to escape. Maybe until they make land, but who knows.
Right now, you were at the helm of the ship looking at the distance. Miguel, on the other hand, was talking to what seemed to be his navigator.
You really hope that your father would just let go of that necklace when he had the chance. But you hope even further that Miguel will keep his words that you will return safely and the town will he out of harm's way.
You flinched hard, hearing a deep voice right next to your ear.
And of course, it's no one other than Miguel.
"Don't think too much or else your head will explode." He chuckled while you scoffed.
You suddenly feel self aware of your state.
It's been several hours, and you're still in your sleep wear. What's worse is that your barefoot with your ankles on display.
Miguel noticed your furrowed expression and chuckled.
"Is the princess not happy with her accommodation on the Arachnid?"
The arachnid is what they call this ship. You can say it's impressive apart from the crew.
"Shower." you demanded
"A wha?-"
"I need a shower." You completed your demand.
The ship suddenly got quiet, and all chatter seemed to stop as they stared at you. The only sounds that can be heard are water crashing against the ship, the wood of floor creaking, and seagulls squaking above.
You froze from the attention, when all of a sudden, the ship was filled with laughter all around even Miguel threw his head back to laugh, and suddenly your face flushed with embarrassment . I mean, should you be embarrassed?
All you want is a shower, you feel disgusting from the dirt you have gathered for today, and a change of clothes would be nice, something or anything that would cover your ankles.
The ship's laughter died down to chuckles.
"Shower you say? The princess wants to shower." His smirk grew in size while he looked at you.
"Well... Yes, I need a shower. If not, then at least give me proper change of clothes. If you're gonna kidnap someone, at least do it right."
Your words made Miguel laughed more.
"Change of clothes, huh? Bothered your little ankles are showing?" He mocked.
"If you're bothered by that, you should see the entertainment district. Trust me, hermosa when I say they show more than their ankles." With his words, laughter grew once again on the ship, and you winced in disgust on his implications
"Speaking of the entertainment district, why don't we give it a visit while princess looks for change of clothes." With that, the crew cheered, and the navigator smirked as he directed the steering wheel to the nearest land which you assumed where the "entertainment district" is located.
You gulp.
How are you gonna survive three days with these men.
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sashi-ya · 11 months
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𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟐𝟑 DAY 25: HAKI Shanks 𝘹 F! 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
Requested by: @bookandyarndragon ➡ Hi Sashi,  May I please have haki play with Shanks and an Afab reader who also has all three types of haki for Kinktober? Sort with of some give and take peting ans stroqking with Haki as well a domination. tw: mdni. usage of haki to fight and sexually. dominating shanks. breathe play. masturbation. vag. wc: 1k masterlist
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In strength and power, you could say both were almost equal; however Shanks has always made you weaker…
It is fun enough to fight with him, using your swords and innate powers. It is pretty destructive, however, for the environment; either on the ship or on a random island, there is always a trail of devastation when you are finished.
“No, stop you two. Go fight on the beach, no more on the ship!” Benn scolds both of you, kicking you out of the Red Force. Shanks might be the captain, but Benn is like a mother.
“Either way you are gonna lose tonight” you mock Shanks, jumping to the shore right from the railing.
The red-haired laughs, and soon as you land on the sand, he does the same.
You run, unsheathing your sword to start the fight. Shanks, who can be a very honourable fighter, isn’t with you and attacks you by your back.
It is your observation Haki what alarms you, and your armament Haki what protects your shoulder from his blade -and of course Shanks holding back his force-.
“Traitor! You are attacking me from behind now? how dare you? Coward!” you turn around, hitting Gryphon’s edge with yours.
The brawling extends its length for more than twenty minutes, and, when you two become disarmed, it’s time to fight with your own hands… however, there are no fists involves but rather looks.
Eyes on fire fix into the other’s, a power that reaches the extents of the island and perhaps even further. It is invisible, but it can be felt; some pass out, others feel dizzy… both of you, like falling into a dark pit, with no oxygen and no light… but still standing still with no visible changes.
“I can leave you breathless, you know that?” Shanks brags about his unmeasurable power.
“You might, but I can still live with no air” you answer, feeling like invisible hands surround your neck and squeeze harder each second it passes.
Shanks smirks and allows his shirt to be fully opened as he walks slowly towards you. He seems not to be bothered by the constant usage of his emperors Haki, while you lose concentration.
Your knees become weak, and your legs are unable to hold your weight. You fall to the ground, but his strong embrace surrounds you before you could do so.
“Does my enemy here require some mouth to mouth to keep going?” he murmurs, holding your almost limp body with his arm.
You blink… “motherfucker… you won because you are too sexy, even to me” you grunt, before he could plaster his lips against yours.
Soon, his tongue takes advantage of your lazy one. You were still dizzy, suspecting that he didn’t stop using conquerors Haki at all. You let him do as he please, after all, your fights always end up this way… either Shanks lets your Haki make him dizzy or you do; in any case both always end up tangled in a lustful session of brutal sex.
He carries you, while kissing, towards the back of a big rock. The waves hit the surface and some water filters and wets the sand beneath. You don’t mind, he doesn’t either. Your sweating bodies are pleased to feel refreshed, nevertheless.
With your back resting on the rock, you take a deep breath. “Shanks… stop it.. I can’t breathe” you plead, feeling the crushing pressure of an irrational force that can’t be seen but of course can be felt.
“I am not using my conqueror’s babe… what are you talking about?” he lies, enjoying the way your eyes go white from time to time.
“You are… I know… you are” you huff, coating your fist in armament Haki to hit his abs. You can’t hurt him; you don’t even have the strength to do so.
He scoffs, attacking your neck with kisses and bites. “You are strong… why don’t you show me how much you could resist while I fuck you?” he whispers in your ear, sucking on your earlobe after.
You shiver. He can be dominating in so many ways, one of them is by overpowering you… but also, guiding you to the most submissive states you could ever think of. None of them are because of his Haki, however, but because you are naturally weak to his tempting demeanours.
And as competitive as you can be, but also needy and desperate to please him, you accept the challenge… “fuck me and don’t hold back, I will show you I can give you pleasure as much as I can take the force of your will”
“Very well… if you keep training like this, you will become a Yonko like me… now, where should I start… maybe, let’s see… touching you here?” he laughs, sliding his hand inside your pants and reaching for your sex.
Playful fingers, totally trained, slide in between your labia and land on your throbbing clit. He plays with how wet the surface is, slippery texture perfect to masturbate.
You wish it was easier, but at the same time being under his total domination tells you it’s totally worth it to feel like your world spins around in circles.
Moaning in silence, feeling like fainting and your core like exploding. Shanks slides his fingers now, deep inside your walls. You clench to them, even if your legs would not respond and neither your arms will…
But his fingers aren’t of course enough, and he wants more. And so do you.
“You are a monster… what are you, Shanks?” you mumble, with tunnel vision now and cold sweat running through your temples. His will, his power, his haki is beyond strong… he is not like the others, he is not a common human, he might be as well some type of God, some type of Seraphim.
He smirks, and perhaps he is not an angel, but a demon… “Am I…? are you already delirious, babe?” Shanks scoffs, lifting your weightless body up.
Your legs fall wide open as you lay on top of that rock, where the moonlight bathes you in silver hues and the waves crashing on the shore splash your back.
Shanks crawls on top of you, with his capri pants pulled down and his hardness out. Him, ready and effortlessly imprinting in your body and soul his haki, penetrates you unceremoniously and ruthlessly.
You are able to gasp, thankful for the air filling your lungs. Shanks Conqueror’s Haki is different from the rest… if he usually leaves people breathless, when he indeed uses it, oxygen seems to vanish from the whole atmosphere.
And so much he moves in and out of you, that you can only hear his grunts and little sighs… the blood in your ears, and the blurry vision, your pale blue lips, your trembling muscles…
He has conquered you; your body; your will… your climax and even beyond. You, had conquered him, as well… his will, his climax, and everything beyond…
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taglist: @stephisokay @henrioo @shuzuiikoiii @bullbonez @fengxinwifutobecalled @i-started-reading-fanfics-at12 @crimsonlikeshellsing @weebare808 @thestarwasborn @bookandyarndragon @cyberdazetragedy @uzxotic @fushiguroshotwife 💖🙆‍♀️
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smolvenger · 7 months
Dangerous Stubbornness (Caius Martius Coriolanus x fem! Reader Oneshot)
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Summary: Life as wife to Caius Martius Coriolanus has its benefits. You married him for stability, protection, and status- not to mention the delights of his bed. You expect to be no more than his dutiful wife. Yet...it seems perhaps there is something more there then all of that....
From @muddyorbsblr's request of Coriolanus with the trope "he flals first."
Word Count: 2954 (oop, she exploded from a blurb)
Warnings: There is smut, NSFW 18+ please refer to Dick-tionary (rougher sex, dirty talk I stole from Ana Huang's books, doggy style, some light dom/sub, voyeurism), a creepy sexual harasser gets what's coming to him, Caius being a grumpy angy babygirl sharko bite blorbo who actually is soft for his wife and is wrapped around her little finger, Reader uses Caius as scary dog privilege. Attempts at accuracy to Ancient Roman culture and characterization but at the end of the day it's about the wish fulfillment and the vibes. Lots of fluff. Grammar mistakes bc i just want to get. This. Shit. Done after the wild two weeks I've had.
Dick-tionary: Smut starts at "Three little words. That was all he needed." and ends at "You felt his breaths from behind you, his touch gentler against your arm." Use to your discretion.
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
Taglist: @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @cheekyscamp @mochie85 @fandxmslxt69 @skittslackoffilter @mischief2sarawr
You were never afraid of walking through the streets of Rome because your husband walking behind you would scare all who dared to harass you. You would go about the streets, your veil fluttering on your head, smiling bright in the afternoon sunshine. Caius always had a frown and glare in his eyes that dared any fool to try to cross with you. 
The marriage was purely for status- you were a good woman from a respectable family. Yes, that was probably why it was arranged between your parents! They wanted someone with a good heart and reputation, and Caius only wanted a wife to manage his house and give him children. Why should you say no? Not that you were scared of him at all- for he never once was cruel to you. Perhaps curt and blunt on occasion, proud and stubborn- but he never bullied you. With his famous wealth, you would never go hungry. He’d be away in battles and you would be alone and be free to do as you wished for months on end. If he died in battle, you figured, the more the better! You would have his money and the freedom of a widow with the respect of his name. Besides, you weren’t in love with anyone and never thought any suitors would show interest in you. 
Such was one walk, early in your betrothal. One fellow had not heard the news or knew who you were and came upon you. Trying to touch you, invite you to dinner or the bathhouses. You kept refusing, he kept insisting.
Then, the braggart leaned over and grabbed your arm.
In about ten seconds flat was Caius, unsheathing his sword, upon the braggart, pulling him by the collar. You shoved him off and ran behind him. The man trembled as if Thanatos stood thundering before him.
“I shall be quick in work and send you to your death-do you understand, villain?”
He nodded, shaking. He already seemed to learn his lesson. You edged forward to your dragon of an intended.
“Please- don’t kill him, there are too many people out watching- just scare him!” you whispered to Caius.
Caius shoved him down. The man shook where he stood and you thought you smelled urine leaking from his bladder.
“If you ever as much as speak this lady’s name-I will kill you.” he threatened quietly.
The man, having learned his lesson, mumbled a whimpering “yes, dominae” and fled.
Since your marriage, and with your new status as a general’s wife, such incidents never happened.
As you peered about one stall in the market, admiring the fresh fruits offered, you smiled bright.
“Oh, how lovely these berries look! So ripe and fresh! Wouldn’t you agree, dear husband?” you asked.
Caius remained frowning, though eyed down the berries. The man selling them looked pale and kept eying the sheathed sword on Caius’s hip.
“They’re fine,” he said. His pride kept him from commenting further on a simple farmer’s wares. But you felt his eyes over your smile seeing them.
Caius lent his coin to buy you some. The trembling farmer scooped up some berries, and popped them into a little bag, and handed it to you. You thanked the farmer and paused to admire them.
You smiled at them, as if they were jewels in your hands. Then you tried a little handful, popping them into your mouth.
“Mhm! They’re delicious! Thank you, Caius,” you replied.
You leaned up and gave him a peck on the cheek. He blinked, and his shoulders loosened down from the feeling of your lips. You could have sworn a faint pink was on his cheeks as he continued behind you- not that he dared smile or keep his guard down in public.
You thought it would be another ordinary quiet night. But Caius Martius was many things. Quiet and ordinary were neither of them.
At home, you wanted to rest your feet from all the walking today. Your loom was coming along and weaving it felt relaxing. As you sat, you heard footsteps. Turning around, you saw Caius standing there.
You stood up. “Husband? Is something the matter?”
“...no…” he said.
“Oh…then, what…what brings you here?” you asked.
“I wish only to sit, I have…scrolls to read.”
“This is, er, not the usual room for a man,” you said, taking note of the loom and embroidery, the flowers from the garden.
“I am going to sit and read. In this room,”  he said determinately.
Letting out an exhale, you relented.
“Oh- your mother is always right! Your dangerous stubbornness- oh, you are welcome here, Caius, dull as it must be for you compared to a fight with a Volsce…” you teased.
He made no answer. But you sat and weaved. Watching how the lines all came together and became one for the latest project.
Little did you know that his eyes were more on you than on the flimsy scrolls. Seeing your profile and your eyes over the work then the dusty work.
Though as you ate dinner, His eyes were on you, the neckline of your dress, showing your shoulders.  Your tempa mesa was presented, eaten, and sent away as was the meal. He moved closer, to sit beside you. You felt him move an arm around you. Speaking to you in soft tones.
 As a slave came in to take an empty bowl, you felt him close, he held up a hand. Talking about some silly complaint with the tribunes Brutus and Sicinia. But it was useless- he only wanted to touch your hand, trace it, and bring it to his mouth as his lips ghosted a kiss onto your palm. You took in a sharp breath as he did.
You felt your breaths become shallow and saw his eyes flutter boldly to your chest. He sat beside you, one hand always lying on your thigh.
“What…is this….”
“I only want to enjoy all that is mine- my house, my meal, and my wife.”
With that, he propped you upon his lap as the slave brought more wine. You felt yourself get warm, feeling him on you. Such…intimacy sent your heart aflutter. Though…after plates were cleared before he could tighten his arms to hold you, you slid off. He let you, his blue eyes widening.
“I’m going to get ready for bed,” you announced softly.
His hand was still on your skirt. As you walked away, the fabric pulled and then slid lightly off his fingers. His hand is still in the air as if still touching you.
You sat down before the vanity. Making sure your face was washed, you removed the jewelry you had. Smiling at how lovely they were. Gifts he still found to give you even though the wedding was some time ago. Gifts he still would give you.
The slaves were still around. They kept fanned cool air with peacock feathers. Played soft music on harps and little reeds and made sure there was always water for washing and kept about.
The door opened, and your heart beat hard as he got inside. You continued your nightly routine, removing the ring and necklace as well as the belt before you. Getting ready to change- and yet…here he was. A shadow in the corner. He walked up.
“Husband! My…I’m not in trouble?” you asked, slightly teasing.
The servants all shot a look, he gestured at them to stay. To continue their business.
His arms wrapped around you slowly. Then, he laid his head down, looking at you in the mirror.
“But…I didn’t say I wanted this evening to end…” he breathed, he began to pepper kisses down your neck. His hands running down your arms.
“I said I was going to bed…not to sleep…” you said. Enjoying the teasing and playfulness. How you could still hold this mighty, fearsome warrior like wet clay in your hands.
He whispered into your ear for only you to hear.
“I’m going to burst if I don’t have you now.”
You grinned.
“Then have me,” you replied.
Three little words. That was all he needed.
He tore off your veil to where it flew down, fluttering like feathers. He pulled you in and kissed you. You moaned into it. His hands grew bolder, feeling down your sides. You moaned in response as he slid his tongue inside. You pressed yourself next to him, feeling his desire prod against you.
Then he was on you like an animal starved. At once he began to kiss you, cupping your face, keeping a hand on your back to keep you close. You waved a hand through his short, dark blonde hair. His own were going down to feel all over your skin, though his firey kisses never stopped. The man had a craving for you in the bedroom like no other. Not that you complained about it.
You took his hand and led it to your breast to squeeze.
“Caius…yes…more…” you moaned.
“You want more…” he replied.
“Yes- give it to me…” you asked.
“All of it…”
“And you will take it?”
You looked into his eyes.
“...yes. I want more. Not like on our wedding night. I want it hard. And rough. I can take it. I will take it.”
At once he threw you upon the bed. Lush with blankets and pillows, rich and comfortable. He walked towards you, eyes filled with lust, his steps slow, his head tilted, but not smiling.
“When I take you, I want you to cry out. I want all of Rome, every plebian, every senator, every person, and every animal and god to know you are mine.
He was on you, feeling a hand on your leg and kissing you. You began to grind against him. The servants blushed and looked about, he gestured to them.
“Stay,” he ordered them.
They stayed.
“I don’t want you dignified. No, wife. Show your loyalty-” he moved his hands through your dress.
“Take off your clothes.”
“If you want me naked that badly- take them off yourself,” you dared.
He obliged.
You let a sound as he roughly reached into your dress and shoved down the sleeves. You began to let a sound, a gasp as it broke open. It nearly ripped it. Shaking, you helped remove his own clothes still on him. Amazed at though his chest was filled with those dark, bloodied scars, the muscles still on them. 
He smiled.
“Such a tongue you’ve grown to have on you, delicae,” he said
The music of the slaves continued, as did their fans. Though you could feel their eyes.
 Now you were naked in his room, feeling his hands explore all over you, one squeezing your breast as the other spread around your back, wrapping you in, fingers into your skin as if to mark you.
“Then shouldn’t I be punished?” you asked coyly.
He smirked as looked at you. Then he let the last of his clothes fall. Showing his impressive thighs and impressive cock so hard it dripped against his stomach,
“It was everything in me not to take you at that table…then we’ll make up for it…”
He half threw you to the study part of the room. There sat a desk.
“Lean over that desk.”
You obliged, heart beating hard.
“Spead your legs,” he ordered.
You opened your two shaking legs, your wet sex glistening before him.
“Put your hands on the edge,” he ordered in a rasp.
Two shaking hands of yours gripped the edge. He laid your hips up. Then thrust into you at once. You let out a sound. Then roughly, he began to take you. Pounding in, his large cock straining inside you. You let out a sound.
“Yes- yes keep that- you are- you’re mine, you’re mine now- now-say it-say. it.”
“I’m” you cried between his thrusts. “I’m-I’m-your-yours-you- gods!” 
He pounded into you with a fury. His own groaning increasing. It was so filthy, so depraved, and you loved it. You had to grip the edge tightly as he pounded into you. Grunting like an animal. 
The music from the slaves continued, as did the footsteps from their business. Harps continued on as Caius took you like a whore. You could feel them still watching everything. Wondering if they were frightened, aroused, amazed, disgusted, or all four at once. 
He began to growl to you between pounding you.
“So you-” 
He pulled you up by your shoulder to your ear. His voice right next to it, his cock and his voice overtaking you.
He reached a hand, finding your opening between your legs. The bud inside you, swollen and needy and overcome.  One large finger began to strum it and you let out a whimper feeling it. His large, long fingers could already play it so easily. He let you down, and you were gripping tight to keep from losing it all. You weren’t going to last long at this rate.
“Caius! Caius please-please-Caius-”
It was already crawling up, the desk thudded loudly, perhaps breaking if it weren’t so thick and sturdy. The slaves would know he was yours and you were his. That only he and you could bring each other this.
“Yes- cum, dammit, wife- cum for me, cum- just cum, cum with me-”
“Caius-caius! I- Caius-caiuscaiuscaiuscaius-” you repeated, feeling it break. Your voice gets higher until you let out a noise, as your climax hits you.
Then with a shout from him, the seed shot forth inside you. You moaned as you panted, catching your breath. He steadily pulled out. 
You felt his breaths from behind you, his touch gentler against your arm. One wrapped around you for protection. 
“Get her something to drink now!” he barked at the servants.
They nodded their heads and ran off. Caius with one swoop got you into his arms. You felt your breath light, almost dizzy with joy- he hadn’t done that since your wedding when he brought you to this house. You could still feel his strong arms supporting you so easily. He carried you over to the bed, settling you amongst the blankets. One slave brought a cup of your drink, and you sipped at it with both hands. He made sure a blanket was draped over you for a bit of modesty.
“What kindness…I never would have guessed you would have kindness in you…” you remarked.
“I…want to be honorable…” he said quietly.
He waved a hand, and the flushed slaves left, Granting you privacy at last. You saw Caius look at you, then glance down like a shy maiden.
This wasn’t like him.
“What is it?” you asked.
“What is what?” he asked.
“You and your dangerous stubborness! Well I have some in me too. You have enjoyed me. And you wish to speak of something, I can feel it. You can tell me. Is there something you want of me? A son? I’m sure at this rate, you’ll have one…” you urged, a hand consciously at your belly.
Caius tilted his head again, his hand moving you away from yours. But touching it softly. 
“It…isn’t that. What I have…you must think it isn’t for a man to say aloud,” he said
“But you must say it! Is something wrong? Are you ill? Is your mother ill? What did Menenius try to weasel you to do? Where are they sending you now!? Caius, Why not-”
He quickly got up and cupped your face. He spoke quick, plain, and to the point.
“I love you.”
You paused your breath tight and the room spinning
“You…love me?”
“Why did I ask my mother to arrange us married?”
It struck you.
“I was…am a virtuous daughter of a respectable family-”
He looked into your eyes.
“I’ve loved you the day I met you. I wanted to have you as my wife or no one.  I couldn’t resist you if Diana herself ordered me to.”
Struck silent, you saw his face soften. The orange glow of the candlelight making him that more beautiful. 
“When…when did you know for sure…did Eros really strike the moment you saw me ”
“I…I remember it was- it was the race for the senate. All the crowd gathered to see me speak, to see the consul. I tried to ignore you there, and I could not. I was in denial all that time. But seeing you-when you looked at me, and smiled, I forgot it all. I didn’t want the seat. I wanted you. Honestly, I don’t know when it happened. But it did. And yet- all at once I-I-”
He paused.
“Maybe it was when we were betrothed. Maybe I walked with you to the markets. Or when I saw you there. Maybe it was every dull dinner and banquet I had to attend, that I still went, hoping to see you. To just see you…”
He caught himself.
“But no…I think most of all…it was each time I spoke to you. And you knew of me….and now …”
He touched your hand and you brought it to your lips, kissing it tenderly. You almost saw a tear drop despite the stillness of his face.
“I know what I am. And I thought you should hate me. Beyond whatever duty you may feel to me as your husband-”
“Caius, I don’t hate you. Not at all.”
“Then…could you-”
“I could learn to love you, and choose to love you, Caius.”
You pulled your face to his and kissed him. Then you tucked yourself into him, embracing him as you both lay on the bed. Not just as husband and wife, but as two people deeply in love.
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asumofwords · 1 year
Aemond POV: Your return to the Red Keep
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A/N: I saw that a few of you wanted an Aemond POV, and as I am a benevolent ruler, I thought I would give the people what they wanted. I wanted to do the the first couple of times he saw you after the years you were separated. This is all from Aemond’s point of view and from the time where you and your family all returned to the Red Keep.
This is a Dark!Aemond POV from the fic Smoke, Fire and Ash.
Enjoy !
TW: Aemond POV. Dark!Aemond. Murder, Incest, thoughts of violence, thoughts of sexual activities. 18+
Words: 4k
Character pairing: Dark!Aemond X Reader, HOTD characters. Dark!Aemond POV.
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He swung his sword roughly at Ser Criston, who leant back to dodge the edge of the sharp blade, as he and Aemond moved in tandem in the training yard. Aemond was fast on his feet but knew Ser Cole to be just as quick. 
Each swing was met by a duck, or deflection by the chain of the flail Ser Cole swung at him, the loud clanging of the chain and whistle in the air as it moved towards him, guided him back. And soon Aemond found himself dancing in a circle as he waited to make the next move, to swing the blade back down onto the knight and make him yield. 
Ser Cole swung the striking head once more towards Aemond, and he dodged, before spinning to hold the tip of his blade against Ser Cole's neck, hitting the flail away. They both breathed deeply as they watched each other, and Ser Cole finally conceded. 
Applause rang out from those who had gathered to watch the two men train, and Aemond felt the prickling sensation of three sets of eyes upon his form.
Ser Cole dropped the flail to the ground heavily, “Well done, My Prince,” Ser Cole breathed, “You’ll win tourneys in no time.”
Aemond did not lower the blade, “I don’t give a shit about tourneys.” He spoke, before allowing his gaze to roam the space to where he felt eyes watching him. Lowering his sword, Aemond let his eye land on a pair of brown headed boys, and the silver hair of a girl.
Who is she?
“Nephews,” He called out, enjoying watching the two Strong boys stiffen as they were addressed, faces suddenly uncomfortable, “Have you come to train?” 
Jacaerys mouth opened and closed like a fish, as Lucerys looked up to the girl, no, woman, beside him. How she had grown. No longer the gangly limbed child, who’s hair could rarely be tamed, but now stood a woman of the court. 
Her hair was braided neatly behind her head, as she wore a tight all black gown that hugged her curves. Grown, indeed. Her cheeks were dusted a light pink. He felt his lip twitch as he watched her, small excitement bubbling inside as he remembered fond memories of their youth together.
Was she nervous?
As he caught her gaze, she blinked, looking down and then back up at him, stoney faced and chin held higher. She looked down to Lucerys, whispering to him before moving the two Strong boys away with her, back into the Keep. 
All those fond memories came crashing down, and the bitter rage in which Aemond had tried in vain to keep in order, bubbled up inside of him. There she was, the Princess who he had been so close to, his niece who he had shared so many memories with, so many secrets, once again choosing her brothers over him. 
He could remember vividly, sitting in that room, as the Maester stitched his eye shut, feeling the sharp pain of the needle as it threaded through. No milk of the poppy was given to him. He was too young, it was too dangerous. And so instead he tried to seek comfort in someone he always had.
And what had you done? 
Stuck by Lucerys, checking his face for injury, and standing firmly alongside your mother, watching him as he was berated in front of all, by his father. That was when the love shared between the both of you died.
He would do well to remind himself of that.
Aemond could not believe how much she had changed. His heart beat rapidly in his chest as he watched them walk away, the Princess throwing a curious look over her shoulder to glance at him one more time. 
He supposed that he had grown too. His cheeks no longer held the plumpness of young adolescence, and his face had grown sharp and angled. Even the way he held himself was different.
He had changed, and so had she.
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You were all in the Iron Throne room, listening to Vaemond Velaryon put forward a motion to be heir of Driftmark, questioning the four of you and your legitimacy, voice loudly ringing into the court.
Aemond would remember it for the rest of his days. 
You stood, back straight, head tall, hair braided tightly up, with none flowing down. A black and red gown hugging your figure with an off the shoulder look, similar to your mother as you stood beside her, mouth turned down in the corners. 
Such rage, Aemond noted.
He watched with glee as Vaemond argued with your mother, watching Jacaerys shake his head and mutter under his breath whilst his assaulter, Lucerys looked nervous. You had pushed Lucerys beside you, using your body as a shield to keep him out of Vaemond’s line of sight.
Still protecting him.
Aemond felt that bitterness curl through him as he watched. 
“Her children... are bastards!”  Vaemond yelled into the court, and yet despite it all, Aemond could not keep his eye off of you. As soon as the words left the Velaryon’s lips, he watched as your face calmed. 
It was eerie, Aemond thought. 
Your hand had moved the slightest of bits towards your side, and Aemond watched as you swayed forward, as though ready to pounce. There was no blush on your cheeks, no sneer on your lips, just a fire burning in your eyes as you watched your Velaryon uncle. 
“And she…is…a whore.” The man sneered.
“I, shall have your tongue for that.” Aemond’s father called out to the court, standing roughly as he unsheathed the blade from his side. 
Aemond would not give the old man a second glance, he knew that his father would do nothing, as he had done nothing for years. And would do nothing as he was too weak from sickness, and too faint of heart.
Movement caught Aemond’s eye, as he watched Vaemond Velaryon’s corpse fall loudly to the ground, the sound of a blade and the loud thud echoing through the chambers. 
If Aemond could laugh, he would. But it would not be proper of him. 
“He can keep his tongue.” Daemon purred, looking down at his handiwork.
Aemond flicked his sight away from the corpse and up at you. You had not jumped, nor looked away from the body on the floor. No. Instead you glared at it with rage, before suddenly your lips pulled into a small smile. 
No-one else in the court would have witnessed it, too busy looking at the body of the man slain in front of them. Your lips looked as though they were fighting to hide the sheer joy and pleasure you got from watching him be killed. A small line of blood was flecked across your cheek, but you did not notice, or if you had, you did not wipe it away.
Such a beautiful smile. 
And then suddenly your eyes were on him. And Aemond felt the air be sucked out of the room. You watched him in delight, no longer hiding your smile as you watched him. Such a smug and proud look upon your face. A threat some would say. 
The sight made his cock twitch. 
There she is.
Aemond felt awe as he watched Daemon move back, wiping his sword on his robes before he came to stand beside you. You took your gaze from your uncle, and looked up at your mothers husband, smiling proudly. 
He watched as Daemon ran a finger along your cheek to wipe the Velaryon blood away lovingly, and Aemond felt a pang of jealousy. 
Aemond noted that Vaemond was wrong when he said that they wouldn’t know what Velaryon blood looked like, because now the whole court did.
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Aemond had been running late for his family feast, something that he had never done before. He prided himself in upholding his duty and being the son that Aegon should have been.
In truth, Aemond had gone straight to his chambers after the events at court, and had pulled roughly at his cock at the thought of you. He wished to touch you, to hold you, to claim you. He wanted to mark you so that everyone knew that you were his. He wanted to watch you swell with his babe.
He had never thought of you this way before and it maddened him. He found his release in his hand three times that day, picturing you on your knees before him, pleasuring him with your soft lips, or him thrusting deep into your cunt. 
You had bewitched him.
He had brushed his hair more roughly than he should have, the frustration rolling through him as he prepared to walk down to the feast. And although he had brought himself to climax three times already, he still was not satisfied. He told himself as he walked to the Dining Hall to ignore you, to breathe, to not get caught in the trap of a bastard. 
But he was already trapped.
When he entered the room, he noticed all were praying before the meal, his mother Alicent giving him a stern yet disappointing look. It made his heart sting to disappoint her. And this sting, he blamed immediately upon you.
As he walked to the table he let himself gaze at you. 
You wore quite the scandalous dress, as though you were purposefully teasing him. No. He was sure you were doing it on purpose. To get a rise out of him. To tempt him into your space.
The neckline was plunging and he could not help but let his eyes linger upon the breasts you had developed. They looked so soft, and Aemond wanted nothing more than to run his tongue over them softly, or bite them roughly.
He could not decide which one he liked the thought of better.
Aemond asked his mother for forgiveness as he sat at his seat, at the opposite end of the table facing you. He held your gaze firm, and when he saw the light blush crawl over your cheeks, he let himself smirk in victory. 
Perhaps he affected you the same way you did him.
He watched you carefully that evening, eye roaming your figure wondering if you had been spoiled yet by some man, or woman. He wondered why you had not been betrothed yet, surely a woman of your age should have been promised to some Lord by now.
And then he could not help but think perhaps the Gods were on his side for once, and the reason that you were not engaged yet, meant that you would be his. 
Aemond found that he had no hunger that evening, except for a hunger for you. He could not bring himself to eat, nor could he bring himself to take his eye away from you. He still could not believe how much you had grown. 
Your lips were fuller now, and had the softest curve to them, than you did when you were young, and the longer he looked, the more he found it difficult to look away. He wondered if you hated him. The way you caught his gaze and sneered, made him assume so. 
How could she hate me? He thought. 
What had he done to deserve this? She was the one who abandoned him. She was the one who chose her bastard brother over him. She was the one who let him take his eye, and did not care for his pain after. 
He felt that anger prickle in the back of his head as he watched her. 
He watched his niece dance, and laugh with his sister. He watched them break each other's cold masks and for one second, he thought he was looking back in time, from when they had all been children. Back to when Helaena and Y/n had been inseparable. 
Or so he had thought.
He found that as he watched them dance and enjoy each other's company, he could no longer sneer. He could no longer hold such disdain and anger. It gave him a lick of hope. A disgusting, fickle piece of hope that perhaps one day, he could have her, and she would want it.
But then Jacaerys took Helaena to dance, and suddenly he felt that anger redirected.
How dare the dirty bastard touch her like that. How dare he make her smile. How dare his disgusting Strong hands touch Helaena so gently, hold her as though he knew her intimately.
He didn’t.
His nephew could never know just how beautiful Helaena was, just how beautiful she could be. 
No one deserved her. 
Not even Aemond himself.
And as he found himself scowling at his nephew he heard the soft, yet sharp call of your voice, turning his attention back to you, hackles on his back up and ready to fight from your tone. 
You were mocking him.
“Prince Aemond, were you riding Vhagar this evening? I thought I saw her soaring up into the sky. When you didn’t arrive on time, I worried that a storm had come and taken you.” She inquired, fake concern lacing her venomous tongue.
You little bitch.
Aemond had to school himself, and so he reached out to hold his goblet, taking a sip of the spiced wine to give him time to think before reacting. He had been reacting to her all day, and found that if he did it again, he would have to take her, right there and then, before their family to show them who she truly belonged to.
“I was merely enjoying the night sky, dear niece.” 
Lie. He was thinking of your soft thighs, and sweet lips and warm-
“It's not everyday you have the world's largest dragon, and I make a habit of reminding myself of that.”
And Gods, he could not lie that when your next words spilled from your lips, and the cruel smile you gave him, he had not really listened to your words. He had not even given thought to your attempt to goad him into a fight. Because he was ready, and he had been all too ready since the day you came back. 
Since the day he saw you in the training yard. 
Aemond had been ready to lash out at you for what you had done to him. For abandoning him. For choosing your bastard brothers and whore mother over him. For ruining what could have been. For what you had made him feel. For how weak he had become.
He was almost as bad as Aegon, and that was what made it so much worse. 
He had planned to leave it, he had planned to not give in. To show who was superior, to show the grace of a true Targaryen, not a bastard of a disgraced whore Princess, who would never sit upon the throne. He clenched his teeth so hard in his mouth, that all he could do was hum in response.
But then the Gods were cruel, and fate was even crueler, and he watched in horror as a roasted pig was placed before him. He knew it was coming, he knew the cards that were about to be dealt, and he felt the slightest itch of his scar as his lone eye looked upon a stark reminder of his youth.
He listened as Lucerys snorted, just like the pig at his expense, and it all came flooding back.
The taunting, the mocking, the cruelty, his eye.
All of it. 
But losing his eye did not hurt nearly as much as watching you abandon him for them.
“Is that not your first dragon, uncle Aemond? What had you named it again? The Pink Dread?” You teased, smirking at him and Aemond heard as the others giggled from the table, even Aegon. 
Aegon was the worst of them all. 
And despite everything he had done for his brother, the years of protecting him, the years of coddling him and allowing him to be the disgusting man that he was, it still wasn’t good enough. Aegon still called Aemond a twat, and mocked him. Made a mockery of their position as Targaryen Princes. Forcing him to a Pleasure house at ten-and-three, telling him it was ‘time to get it wet’.
But he hadn’t wanted to.
And there it was. 
That anger that he tried so desperately to push deep within him. That anger his mother had tried to school out of him, the anger that only Helaena seemed to soothe with her kind words and comfort. She was the only one in the Keep who did not treat him like a monster. She was the only one he had left.
Fuck it.
Aemond slammed his hand on the table, feeling the wood sting his palm as he stood to his full height, holding out his goblet to her, watching her shit eating grin slowly fall from her face.
“Final tribute.” He began, directing that anger carefully into his next words. 
He watched as she stiffened, eyes flicking about the table, gauging the other's reactions.
“To the health of my nephew's, Jace, Luke and Joffrey. Each of them handsome, wise,” He paused, watching her as she began to anticipate the next words, “Hm… Strong."
Watching her face turn to frown at him, to scowl at him, to burst with such hatred, made his blood rush through his body and into his cock.
And so he continued. 
What a rush.
How good it felt to hurt her the way she had hurt him. To make her feel just as lowly as she had made him feel. How her brothers had made him feel for years. 
He heard his mother say his name but he ignored it. He would deal with the repercussions later, though he doubted he would. She had never stopped him before, and in fact was brazen with discussing the illegitimacy of the Strong boys, so why start now. 
“And to my darling niece, some cast doubts about her strength, but I can see that she is just as Strong as her brothers.”
She was simmering with rage by then and all he could think of was how glorious it would be to put her in her place. To bend her to his will, to snuff out that fire inside of her.
"Let us raise our cups, to these three Strong boys, and their Strong sister." Aemond purred, watching her clench her entire body, hands in fists so tight, her knuckles turned white.
Aemond heard the irritating growl of his nephew Jace, “I dare you to say that again.”
Aemond could not help but smile. This would be little challenge. Though Jace had grown, Aemond was still older and bigger, and doubted the younger boy trained as hard as he did with the sword.
"Why? 'Twas only a compliment. Do you not think yourself Strong?”
Aemond felt the dull ache on his cheek, his head whipping to the side as Jacaerys laid his fist into his face. His hand still held his goblet, and he noted to himself with great pride, that he had not spilt a drop of wine on the floor.
Turning back, Aemond used little effort to shove his nephew to the floor, watching in his periphery as Lucerys tried in vain to help, as Aegon slammed him into the table by the scruff of his neck.
Down boy.
And then you did something that had not shocked him in the slightest. You grasped the fork from the table, calling out to him with a voice that was laced with venom.
“Say that again. Say that again I dare you!” 
Seeing that tiny fork in your hand made him smile even more. He doubted you even trained yourself, and his size and strength could certainly overpower you.
And how he could not wait to bend you over the table and f-
“No. I want to hear what my uncle has to say.” She heaved a breath, “Speak Aemond, so that we may hear your treasonous lies again.”
My little dragon. Such fire.
He felt an overwhelming sense of pride as he watched you heave angry breaths, eyes wide as you clutched the pathetic fork. So proud in fact, that he found himself grinning. 
He had only seen this side of you a handful of times as a child.
Defending Helaena when Aegon would question her intelligence or sanity.
Defending Lucerys and Jacaerys when he and Aegon would call them bastards together, or taunt them once their mother Alicent had told them of the threat of Rhaenyra ascending the throne and her bastard children.
Even defending him.
It made his lips pull wider.
It was not often that Aemond grinned. Sure he smirked, and occasionally smiled, but rarely did he show his teeth. Those sharp incisors that he would have no issue using to bite down on the soft flesh of your thighs, or the stiffened bud of your nipple.
As soon as he bared his teeth to the room, you were moving and he watched in awe as you charged straight for him, much like his mother had done to Rhaenyra all those years ago. 
It was uncanny, the wildness in your eyes. Such devotion.
Such love.
And then you were before him, breasts pushing against the confines of your dress as you heaved angrily, eyes dancing across his face, demanding he answer you.
Commanding him to answer.
He felt the prongs of the fork underneath his neck and could not help but feel himself begin to harden under the tight confines of his pants.
You were so close to him, the closest you had been since you were children. He could see the purple of your eyes, and the blush on your cheeks from the wine and your anger. He could see the small freckles you had on your face, and smell the oils on your skin.
You smelt sweet, earthy, musky. It was addictive, it was arousing. It was everything he had hoped and dreamed of that day, cock in hand. It took all of his strength to not dip his head down and capture your lips with his. To taste the spiced wine that would surely be on your tongue. To drink down your essence and be full of it.
He wanted to be full of you, to taste you. To lick at your weeping cunt as you cried beneath him, begging him. More, more, please Aemond, please uncle, more. He wanted to drink your release as it leaked from you, as he brought you to climax, time and time again.
“Say. That. Again.” The little dragon spat.
If he did not preoccupy his lips with something, he would kiss you. He could not help it. You were magnetic. And enigma. A force to be reckoned with. The Gods had taken their time with you.
And so he lifted the goblet to his lips to sip, but your small hand swiped it away, causing the wine and goblet to spill onto the ground. 
As soon as your hand brushed against his, he felt an electric jolt. It had been so long since you had touched him.
Touch me again.
And then Daemon was behind you, whispering in your ear and Aemond watched as your strength wavered, as contemplation flickered across your face. As all the emotions flashed quickly and disappeared as he continued to urge you to stand down. 
How had his uncle tamed you so well?
How had this man made you so pliable? Aemond found himself more and more jealous of the relationship the two of you had. And the more he looked at you both, so close together, as you had grown into your face, the more he recognised certain features. 
Certain mannerisms. 
And then his uncle was staring him down, as he crowded his niece in front of him, whispering so lowly, that no-one else but the three of you would hear.
“Issa ñuha tala.” (She is my daughter.)
And then it all made sense.
That fire, that rogue air about you.
The way you held no fear around the Prince, the way you did not flinch, and leant into his touch. The way Daemon doted on you more than any of his other children.
You were his. 
You were not a Strong bastard.
You were fire. 
And that made Aemond more determined than ever to have you.
And he would have you.
No matter the cost.
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Argh so here it is, a lil blurb of Aemond's POV from 'Smoke, Fire and Ash'. I thought it would be best to show you the beginning of his descent into pure obsession with the reader. Sure there had been a possessiveness from the start as children, but it had been innocent, until the reader came back to the Keep fully grown. The pair truly force each others hand, neither one knowing when to stop and only making things worse. It's beautiful :')
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inner-viper · 2 years
What are their kinks? Their sexual intimacy? An overview of their sex life FS (18+ ONLY) PILE 2!
Hello, my name is Viper and I am an intutive seer/oralce tarot reader. I am well versed in finding information through divination and using my intuition~ Today I wanted to do a spicy topic because its so fun. I haven't started explaining some piles and I already feel the heat. Damn, a lot of passion and fiery enegy in this reading.. Its making me horny LMFAO. THIS TOOK ME 2 DAYS AND I WAS NOT EXPECTING FOR IT TO TAKE THIS LONG. All three of these piles wanted me to do MORE DETAILS. My channeling DRAINED ME. That’s why I took so long because afterwards THEY SUCKED MY ENERGY. (Do not worry, I just received loads of messages. It gets overwhelming). Anyways, remember nothing is set in stone. This is for entertainment purposes only. NO MINORS. 18+ ONLY.
CHECK OUT MY SHOP AT: https://innerviper.etsy.com
I’ll be adding cheaper options in the future. I will be updating descriptions too, so SHOP WILL HAVE A NEW LOOK🔥.
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Classical Tarot Deck: Nine of Pentacles (in reverse), Five of Swords, The Emperor, Five of Pentacles, Four of Swords (in reverse), Six of Wands (in reverse), Six of Cups (in reverse), Temperance
Oracle Deck: Angel of Balance, Healer of The Ages, YinYang (in reverse), Caring Connections (in reverse), The Thinking Man, Patience, The Sun, The Garden and The Gate
This person is selfish during the act. They love to receive, similar to pile 1, they have an animalistic side towards them. They like to fuck their partners outside too, they like to see their partners crying and on the edge. They love making them cry out their name. They have a kink for making others cry during the act (🫣). I also see that for some they might be into threesomes (I’m not seeing everyone here is into that, just meant for a couple of people). They also like to see their partners shaking. They are very dominant. They love to overstimulate YOU. They want to see their partners be overwhelmed until they physically can’t no more- They do ENJOY giving. This person can really switch depending on the mood, like they are still very dominant but can receive and give. They like seeing chaos on their partners. What I mean, is that they want to see you getting destroyed by them. They like hands touching all over them and you. They definitely like seeing your back exposed too. They love it when their partners are well dressed. They want to take time to remove your clothing. They also would like for you to remove their clothing. When they make love to you, they will go very slowly. They want to make you beg, they want to make you say it directly. This person likes to see you struggling. I think you might be shy and seeing you struggle saying your desires, turns them on. I think you aren’t much experienced so they will naturally take charge in teaching you. They will be smirking at you constantly too. (I SWEAR I CAN FEEL SOME OF YOU ALL FS SMILING AND SHIT). They are also into seeing POWER DYNAMICS (You might have been attracted to pile 1? VERY SIMILAR TBH). I also see that they want to see you naked. Majority haven’t met them but they will be obsessed with you. They will feel so attracted to you and will imagine all type of scenarios. They like to see how cute you get in bed too. They want to touch and rub you all over. They also like doing the act at night. One of their fantasy is for their person to do innocent acts and they carry you away into the bedroom, it might seem sweet but then they fuck you hard LMFAO. (With the correct amount of foreplay). They definitely enjoy kissing too, I see they are into being left all marked by their partners and vice versa. They want to bring ultimate satisfaction for themselves for sure. They really focus in, this person will bring your sex life to new heights. They are into spooning their partner too. They will take care of you, I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH.
Aftercare: It’s literally the best. They will wash you up and themselves. They will ask if you want anything to drink. “Would like some water? Here you should rest” They would love to spend the time just talking and then heading to sleep. Very cute because I see them doing aboustely everything for you. They are so submissive afterwards LMFAO
“For you, I’ll do anything” HELP THIS IS SO-
Thank you for reading! Send suggestions in ask box!~
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jgoddesstarot · 1 year
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👑Check out my masterlist to see all of my pick-a-card readings😊
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🔮Disclaimer: This reading is for entertainment purposes only. Tarot readings are based upon my intuitive interpretation of the cards and about possibilities based on your current energy. Energy is forever changing and nothing is set in stone. Always remember, you have your own free will to make whatever decision you feel is best.
🔮How I read: I use a mix of tarot cards, oracle cards, along with my intuitive abilities of claircognizance, clairaudience, and clairsentience.
🔮How this works: Close your eyes and take deep breaths, pick the pile you are most drawn to. If you aren’t drawn to any pile then that’s okay, these messages aren’t for you.
Pile 1
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Tarot Cards: Ace of Cups, Ace of Wands, Knight of Cups, 7 of Pentacles, Knight of Swords
Oracle Cards: Spit, Wet, Slippery
Inspired Activities: Gangbang or bukkake
Welcome, my sultry Pile 1's. Let's embark on an enticing journey of tarot reading together. Your reading has a swirling mix of potent energy, a tantalizing blend of emotional intensity, fiery passion, romantic charm, and bold decisiveness, which promises an adventurous exploration of your sensual depths.
The Ace of Cups, your first card, symbolizes the overflowing reservoir of emotions and new beginnings. This card whispers of an emotional awakening, like a wellspring of deep, untapped desires ready to erupt. It suggests a willingness to immerse yourself in the world of lust, allowing it to engulf you in its passionate embrace, perhaps in ways you'd never before imagined.
Next, we have the Ace of Wands, representing fiery determination and a spark of inspiration. It hints at an explosive sexual energy, a primal urge that demands to be explored and expressed. It is a calling to unleash the wild, untamed side of you, my Pile 1's, and give in to the carnal, raw, and unrefined experiences that your future spouse brings.
The Knight of Cups rides into your spread next, symbolizing your openness to embrace your desires. This knight is known for his romantic charm and creativity, which suggest that you may be open to exploring new realms in your intimate life. Be it a flirtatious game of tease and denial, or indulging in more daring acts inspired by gangbang or bukkake, trust in the knight's gallantry and intuition.
The 7 of Pentacles follows, representing a period of contemplation and patient growth. It asks you to invest time and effort into your intimate life, cultivating it as you would a lush, fertile garden. Enjoy the process of discovery, of learning about your and your partner's desires, of pushing boundaries and trying out new experiences. Remember, the sweetest fruits are born of patience and careful nurturing.
Finally, the Knight of Swords joins your spread, symbolizing assertiveness, courage, and directness. This knight is the embodiment of fearless pursuit and swift action. It suggests you and your future spouse will be open to direct conversations about your needs and boundaries. It's an invitation to take charge, to lead the dance of desire, and to bravely venture into uncharted territories of pleasure.
The three oracle cards, Spit, Wet, and Slippery, only amplify the message from your tarot spread. They hint at more explicit, visceral experiences: sensations, tastes, and textures that add an extra edge to your intimate encounters.
In conclusion, my daring Pile 1's, your sensual journey with your future spouse looks to be one of passionate exploration, emotional awakening, brave conversations, and daring experiments. Your willingness to surrender to pleasure, to push your boundaries, and to speak your desires promises a fulfilling, thrilling intimate life. Stay open, stay bold, and remember that the journey to pleasure is as beautiful as the destination itself.
Pile 2
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Tarot Cards: 8 of Wands (in reverse), Knight of Wands, The World, 4 of Pentacles, and 2 of Swords
Oracle cards: Mirrors, Climb, Swing
Inspired Activities: Sex Club, Voyeurism
Dive in, my daring Pile 2's, let's uncover the kinky desires and sensual experiences that await you with your future spouse. The reversed 8 of Wands is our starting point, signaling a slow down. This card encourages you to take your time to explore every touch, every whisper, every shiver – relishing each tantalizing moment rather than rushing through them.
Next up, the Knight of Wands, a card of passion and adventure. This suggests you and your partner will be open to trying new, exciting experiences. Perhaps a visit to a sex club, or exploring voyeuristic tendencies? These experiences are all about opening up and shedding inhibitions. The Knight of Wands tells you to embrace this exploration with enthusiasm and courage.
The World card comes next, hinting at completion and fulfillment. This indicates that through these kinky activities, you will achieve a sense of intimate satisfaction and connection with your spouse that is truly profound and unlike anything you’ve experienced before. It's a beautiful journey of sexual discovery, leading to an even deeper bond between you.
The 4 of Pentacles and the 2 of Swords suggest a balance in your approach to these experiences. With the 4 of Pentacles, you're reminded to maintain your boundaries and only engage in activities that you feel comfortable with. The 2 of Swords indicates that open communication about your desires and limits will be crucial in this erotic journey.
Our oracle cards, Mirrors, Climb, and Swing, reinforce this message, hinting at experiences that might include exhibitionism, dominance, and switching roles. You're encouraged to mirror each other’s desires, to reach new peaks of pleasure (Climb), and to enjoy the swing between control and surrender.
In conclusion, my adventurous Pile 2's, your intimate journey with your future spouse will be a thrilling exploration of kinky activities. Remember, trust, communication and mutual consent are key to a fulfilling and exciting intimate life. Be brave, be open, and allow yourself to enjoy this incredible journey.
Pile 3
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Tarot Cards: The Moon, 4 of Wands, The Tower, The Hermit, 2 of Cups, Judgement (in reverse)
Oracle Cards: Drenched, Relief, Breathplay
Inspired Activities: Water sports (giving and receiving)
Dive in, my Pile 3's, as we delve into the mystical waters of your erotic futures. The Moon leads our exploration, a card of dreams, desires, and indeed, some delightful debauchery. Your intimate life with your future spouse is set to be an intoxicating blend of fantasy and reality, where the pull of your wildest desires will guide you towards uncharted territories of pleasure.
Next, the 4 of Wands erects its strong energy, symbolizing a celebration of love and intimate connection. Paired with inspired water sports activities, this suggests a future filled with shared showers, steamy hot tubs, and maybe even some playful sprinkler action in the backyard. Your relationship will brim with joyous exploration and a sense of playful discovery. So, don't be afraid to get a little wet!
Oh, my adventurous Pile 3's, The Tower looms in the distance. Often seen as a card of disruption and sudden change, in this context, it radiates a liberating energy. This card encourages you to demolish any walls of inhibition, to let go and fully immerse yourself in the waterfall of your shared desires. The sparks will fly, my darlings, and from the rubble will rise a newfound freedom and intensity in your intimate relationship.
The Hermit then offers a moment of introspection, a gentle reminder to engage in self-exploration, understanding your desires, and communicating them with your partner. This is the card of knowledge, and in your case, it speaks of learning and discovering the depths of your own and your partner's intimate cravings. It advocates for a conscious journey towards a balanced and mutually satisfying physical relationship.
The 2 of Cups, the card of mutual connection and partnership, coupled with the reversed Judgement card, makes a compelling case for open-mindedness and non-judgement. It suggests trying new things together, giving and receiving in equal measure, and experiencing the thrill of shared pleasure. Don't shy away from the unconventional, my Pile 3's, for your physical connection will be as deep and intoxicating as your emotional bond.
To conclude, my daring Pile 3's, your intimate voyage with your future spouse will be an exhilarating journey of shared fantasies, playful exploration, and profound connection. The key lies in open communication, mutual respect, and an insatiable thirst for pleasure. Embrace the journey, my darlings, and let the tides of desire carry you away!
Other Resources:
Website: https://www.jgoddesstarot.com/
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/JGoddessTarot
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Now I’m Covered In You [Chapter 5: Bells Each Hour]
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Series summary: Aemond is a prince of England. You are married to his brother. The Wars of the Roses are about to begin, and you have failed to fulfill your one crucial responsibility: to give the Greens a line of legitimate heirs. Will you survive the demands of your family back in Navarre, the schemes of the Duke of Hightower, the scandals of your dissolute husband, the growing animosity of Daemon Targaryen…and your own realization of a forbidden love?
Series title is a lyric from: Ivy by Taylor Swift.
Series warnings: Language, sexual content (18+), dubious consent, miscarriage, pregnancy, childbirth, violence, warfare, murder, alcoholism, sexism, infidelity, illness, death, only vaguely historically accurate, lots of horses!
Word count: 5.7k.
Link to chapter list (and all my writing): HERE.
Taglist: @borikenlove​ @myspotofcraziness​ @ipostwhatifeel​ @teenagecriminalmastermind​ @quartzs-posts​ @tclegane​ @poohxlove​ @narwhal-swimmingintheocean​ @chainsawsangel​ @itsabby15​ @serrhaewin​ @padfooteyes​ @arcielee​ @travelingmypassion​ @what-is-originality​ @burningcoffeetimetravel​ @blackdreamspeaks​ @anditsmywholeheart​ @aemcndtargaryen​ @jvpit3rs​ @sarcastic-halfling-princess​ @flowerpotmage​ @ladylannisterxo​ @thelittleswanao3​ @elsolario​ @tinykryptonitewerewolf​ @girlwith-thepearlearring​ @minttea07​ @trifoliumviridi​ @deltamoon666​ @mariahossain​ @darkenchantress​ @doingfondue​ @atherverybest​ @namelesslosers​ @skythighs​ ​
Let me know if you’d like to be added! 💜
You’re waiting for Aemond under the hundred-year-old cedar tree at the edge of the forest, Alonzo’s most recent letter in your hands. Midnight is grazing not far away, dewy April grass trampled flat beneath her hooves, silky black tail swishing. She won’t tolerate a lead chain, so she travels the woods unimpeded; but you know she won’t run. She never does. The slender pink ivory wood box is open on the ground, your sword propped against the tree trunk. Weeks ago, you carved four dates there in Roman numerals, infinitesimal inscriptions that you periodically trace back over so they never fade. They’re the days when you lost your children. You were permitted to keep no remnants of them, no stained cloths or recorded names. They belonged less to you than to the kingdom, and you were never allowed to forget this. All you have left are these shallow marks on a cedar tree as the world wakes up again: blossoms unraveling in the palace gardens, sprigs of jade-colored herbs piercing through cool rich earth.
Mother is possessed by conspiracies, Alonzo writes, forever a touch hyperbolic; you can picture his familiar wry smile as you drink up his words like roots swallow rain. He’s your oldest brother and thus the Crown Prince of Navarre. He’s been married for six years to Ippolita of Ferrara, three healthy children so far, one a boy named for your father. She swears there is something wrong with the water there, or the air, or the wheat, the culprit changes by the day. She frets, you know. As she always has. She wonders if we should dispatch one of our own bishops to bless you, or if you should undertake a pilgrimage to some holy site to beg the Virgin Mary for healing. More than anything, I think, she misses you. Her other daughters have found happiness in their marriages, and so it is easier for her to let them go and imagine it was for the best, but you…it is a different circumstance entirely, don’t you agree? Even Father has begun reassessing the illustrious English alliance he was once so proud of. He mutters that if you are to be childless either way, you might as well be home with your family, not trapped in some far-off, gloomy, turbulent land with a degenerate husband. We’ve heard things about Prince Aegon. Father says he never would have sent you across the Bay of Biscay if he knew what waited for you there.
I suppose what I’m trying to ask is…if the Pope would grant an annulment…if Father could work out an arrangement with King Viserys and the Duke of Hightower for you to come home again…would you want to?
All my love (and plenty more from Lita and the children),
You shred his letter so no one else will find it, looking up at a turquoise sky cluttered with fleecy white clouds, the same sky that stretches eastward to Navarre and beyond. You can’t go home; it would be a surrender, it would mean giving up any hope of a grander future. And it would mean giving up Aemond too. He’s not yours, but you can’t lose him. You feel like you can’t breathe every time you think of it. And there’s another reason why you can’t consider trying to dissolve your marriage. Not yet, anyway.
You rest your palms on your belly, vulnerable flesh beneath emerald-green silk, still at least a month away from starting to show. It’s early, very early, but by now you know the signs as well as the sounds of horses, the feel of the hilt of a sword in your grasp. It is your fifth attempt in less than two years. You have no reason to believe that this time will be different, that it will end in joy and triumph instead of ruin. Still, you suppose that anything is possible. It would be traitorous not to hope, wouldn’t it?
At last Aemond and Vhagar appear, galloping across the field to meet you at the edge of the forest. He’s in the saddle with his hair flying like a white banner, the buckles on his tunic glinting in the sun. You smile until he is close enough for you to read his face: tension, vexation, thinly-veiled ire. He dismounts in one fluid motion and Vhagar moseys away to graze beside Midnight, her enormous hooves clomping, dandelions and clovers leveled like fields at harvest.
“When were you going to tell me?” Aemond demands. He comes so close he fills your vision, your air; your lungs draw in smoke and leather, work and skill, every thread of muscle fought for. “After everything, I had to overhear it from the gossip of servants?”
Oh. Oh. “I hadn’t decided how yet. I was trying not to hurt you.”
“I’m hurt that you kept it from me.”
“Aemond…” You hesitate. There’s no delicate way to say this. “I didn’t want you to have to think about that part.” His brother on top of you, inside of you, melding with you to create a new heartbeat.
“I already think about it,” Aemond replies, sharp and stabbing like thorns. “I think about it all the goddamn time.”
Now your voice is bitter too. “Well, soon it will be my turn to be so afflicted, right?”
He quiets and retreats a few steps, rubbing his face with his hands. You try to remember if you’ve ever seen him do that before. He looks genuinely rattled, pained, remorseful. Kunigunde, the lone surviving daughter of Frederick III, will arrive in London any day now. Sometimes you find yourself wishing that her ship would sink to the bottom of the ocean or that some last-minute diplomatic squabble would go unresolved and she would be returned untouched to the Continent…but to what avail? Aemond will have to marry somebody. You cannot seem to produce a son, Nico won’t even be able to start trying until her wedding in August. The Greens need more heirs, more allies. And no ally could be more beneficial to their cause than the Holy Roman Empire. You should recognize the momentous advantage in this match. Instead, all you can think about is Aemond lying with another woman and memorizing the secrets of her body until they begin showing up in his poems, hips and wrists and the bumps of her spine.
“I’m sorry,” Aemond says gently. “I don’t want to argue with you. You’re not at fault for any of this. You’re not who I’m really mad at.”
“It’s alright. I understand.”
“How are you feeling?”
“Fine. A bit tired, a bit nauseous. Nothing new.”
“Good. But that’s not what I meant.”
You look at him as you stand in the shade together under the vast cedar tree. “I don’t feel anything,” you confess, words you could not share with anyone else. They would think you were in need of an elixir or a prayer or an exorcism. “I don’t feel happy, I don’t feel anxious, I don’t feel excited or afraid or hopeful. I want to be hopeful, it is my obligation to be hopeful, but I’m not. I don’t feel anything anymore. This has happened too many times already. Or maybe I’m just broken in spirit as well as in body.”
“You aren’t broken at all.”
You smile bleakly. “That’s kind, but I don’t think it’s true.”
“Believe me, I’d know. Brokenness and I are well-acquainted.”
And you wonder before you can stop yourself: What does he look like under his eyepatch? How exactly did it happen? Does it still pain him, does it enrage him? Does it make his hands ache for vengeance?
He asks: “What can I do?”
You get your sword from where it’s propped against the tree and twirl it once. “Distract me.”
“Gladly.” Aemond glides his blade out of its scabbard and lunges. You parry and strike him lightly across the back. Then you swiftly retreat, waiting for his riposte, on guard.
“I always wanted children, you know,” you say. “Not just because it was required of me. I grew up in a castle that was loud and full of footsteps. My mother was eternally playing with us, reading to us, tending to us. I imagined the same for myself. I craved it.”
“You’ll have children,” Aemond insists, forever so sure of something that feels impossible.
“You should have been the heir. Maybe this is how it happens. I’ll remain childless and Aegon will drink himself to death, and then you and your sons with Kunigunde will inherit the throne.”
He swings and you block, his blade clashing with yours once, twice, again, driving you backwards until you are pinned against the cedar tree. “I don’t want it that way,” Aemond pants from the effort, your swords locked together above your heads. “Not if it requires your sacrifice.”
You gaze up at him as his eye rakes over you; you’re close enough to kiss if you dared to. But you want much more than that. You want his long hair knotted in your fists, you want his hands on your bare skin, you want his tongue and his heat and his moans. But you have to be careful, so very careful. To be discovered sparring would be bad, but to be branded as adulterers would be far, far worse. For Aemond it would likely mean banishment. For you it would mean death by beheading or burning; only the king could commute the sentence. Rhaenyra would not persuade him to have mercy. And hers is the only voice you are confident Viserys would hear.
“Ivy,” Aemond whispers, a name that only he will ever call you. For a second, and only one, his palm skates weightlessly down your belly. You hear the distant chimes of the Tower of London, bells each hour, and it’s strange how so much time can pass without changing the heart at all. “I wish everything was different. I wish it was mine and you were too.”
And then he retreats in several long strides and waits for you to collect yourself so you can thrust at him with your blade again.
An hour later, Aemond helps you to rebury your sword—you’ve taken to keeping the pink ivory box in a shallow grave under the cedar tree so no one spies you ferrying it to and from Westminster Palace—and then accompanies you back inside once the horses are returned to the royal stables. He is mindful not to appear too familiar within sight of the court, but there are small gestures that he cannot seem to purge himself of: a hand on the curve of your back as you ascend stairs, shoulders and elbows that push others away if they inadvertently jostle you, glances to decipher the mood of your face. He signals to a servant and they scuttle over to bring you a cup of apple cider, cool and crisp and sweet.
“Where in God’s name have you been?!” the Duke of Hightower scolds you from across the hall, departing from a conversation with the Montford patriarchs. They wear serene, confident smiles. They’ve named Joanna’s white-haired bastard Aegon—not very subtle—and are basking in their recent procurement of titles, land, and influence. Already you’ve overheard the idea proposed, more than once and by various nobles: your marriage could be annulled, Joanna wed to Prince Aegon in your place, her son retroactively legitimized. The plan is certainly not without its own obstacles, but the Duke seems to be intrigued by it. Your husband will not entertain putting you aside. When the notion surfaces in his presence—like a shimmering fish from the depths of a pond—Aegon walks right out of the room.
You reply, with practiced innocence: “Just outside strolling through the gardens, Your Grace. The weather is lovely—”
“You shouldn’t be strolling anywhere. Not inside, not outside, not even to the chapel to beg God for the long-overdue deliverance of a son. You should be in bed.”
“Grandsire,” Aemond says. “Surely she cannot be expected to live as a prisoner.”
“She will live in whatever manner gives us the greatest chance of an heir. She may not be a prisoner, but she is a princess and a wife, and sometimes the requirements of these stations are not as divergent as you might believe.”
Aemond’s face goes dark, goes defiant. “You cannot put it all on her shoulders.”
The Duke of Hightower grins arrogantly; he’s caught him in the perfect trap. “But it’s not all on her, Prince Aemond. Within a week you’ll be sharing that burden. Making it lighter, even.”
Aemond glares at the Duke and says nothing.
“You will be married as soon as Kunigunde arrives. Within two days, mark my words. You’ll begin trying for a son in April, Nico in August. Now we have no heirs. But by this time next year we could have three! Isn’t that a happy thought?” And he marches away to resume his scheming, still smiling about it.
Aemond walks you to your rooms and stays there with you. You embroider pillows as he reads to you—a book about Aegon I’s Conquest in 1066—in a voice that is soft and low and secretive. Nico and Daeron join you both for dinner, and then you and Aemond are alone again. It’s wonderous and yet excruciatingly painful, profoundly unwise and yet necessary. You never speak of the night when he touched you beneath your nightgown, but it’s always there between you, a ghost that flutters curtains and creaks open doors trying to get your attention. You’re playing Tric-Trac on the bearskin rug, the fire dying down, when your husband reels drunkenly into your bedchamber.
“Aegon?” you say, startled. Aemond immediately moves away from you, at first just withdrawing to the other end of the rug and then rising to his feet as his brother continues to approach. You aren’t sure what he could want; it is recommended that pregnant women not lie with their husbands, and you’ll gladly take any excuse available to you. He must have forgotten at some point during his fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth cup of wine. “While I’m with child, I can’t—”
“I know, I know. I remember.” Aegon falls down onto the bearskin rug and slings his arms around your waist, burrowing into you. He rests his head on your chest, white-blond hair unruly and tangled. After a moment—long enough to recover from the shock of it—you hold him, tolerantly and sympathetically, like a wife should. Aemond leaves the room, river-blue eye downcast. Aegon doesn’t seem to notice. He sighs contently as you run your fingers through his hair, as your palms trace his back over his plain white shirt. There are red splotches on it, some of them wine, some blood; there are tacky streaks of it around his nose. He’s never done this before. He’s never sought you out for contact that was pure like this, without directives, without prizes to be won.
“Aegon?” you ask after a while.
“Yes, wife?”
“What exactly happened to Aemond’s eye?”
“My fault,” he murmurs drowsily. “He and I were supposed to be practicing our sword fighting with Sir Criston. Aemond was in the courtyard, exactly where he was supposed to be, and I was hiding in a stairwell somewhere guzzling wine, trying to forget who I was. Sir Criston went looking for me and while he was gone, they found Aemond. Jace, Luke, Baela, and Rhaena. Four against one. I don’t know much about math, but that doesn’t sound even to me. Aemond was a lot smaller then. He hadn’t gotten tough and mean yet. I’ve never been clear on who said what first, but eventually he was calling Rhaenyra’s sons bastards and they were calling him a worthless spare, unnecessary and unloved, at least in the king’s eyes. Neither of them were wrong, by the way. Aemond grabbed a rock. Luke had a knife. By the time Sir Criston returned with me in tow, it was over. I remember watching the physicians stitch up Aemond’s face, using tweezers and spoons to clean out the pieces of gelatinous flesh from his eye socket. Father did nothing about it. He cared more about Aemond calling Jace and Luke bastards than the fact that he was half-blinded for life. Aemond started wearing a sapphire in the socket once it finally healed. He still does, as far as I know, though I haven’t seen him without his eyepatch in years. It’s a reference to some folktale about a warrior with two sapphire eyes. Some metaphor I couldn’t appreciate. I think my tutors once tried to make me read that story and I never did.”
You are sickened by grief, revulsion, fury. He was just a boy. A boy who had been neglected and ignored and brutalized, and his own father couldn’t care less. A boy who learned to idolize fictional heroes in the absence of real ones. “Yes,” you reply weakly. “That sounds like something Aemond would do.”
“All my fault,” Aegon says again, clutching you tighter.
“I’m sure he knows you didn’t mean him any harm.”
“He’s disgusted by me. They all are. Because I’m not suited to be king and never will be.” His voice is clotted with wine, shame, self-loathing. “I never asked to be built of disappointments. I didn’t choose to be this way.”
“You’ll make a fine king, Aegon,” you tell him, because you’re supposed to.
“Do you think I’m the cause of our losses?” he asks suddenly, and you think: Our losses, not mine. He called them ours. “You conceive easily. I can have children with others. Neither of us seem to be defective in body. But perhaps I have inflicted great stress upon you with my indiscretions. My drinking, my sloth, my affairs. I did not think I was hurting you. I did not think of much beyond myself at all, to be perfectly honest. But it was horrible to see you that way. At Christmas. So bereft, so wounded. You’ve suffered so much here. You deserve the consolation that children would bring you.”
You comb your fingers through his hair, shorter than any other grown Targaryen’s; he doesn’t want their name, their legacy, their looming war. “I don’t think you had anything to do with the miscarriages. I think there’s something wrong with me.”
“I want to be better this time,” he says, peering hazily up at you and placing one hand protectively over your belly. “A better husband, a better man. For both of you.”
You wish you could feel relief, feel joy, even a whisper of it. Instead, all you can think about is Aemond: his face, his voice, his hands. If I have to watch him touch another woman, I’ll never be able to get it out of my mind. If I have to watch him fall in love with her, it will kill me.
“Maybe it would have been different if we had met somewhere else,” Aegon says dreamily.
“I don’t know. Somewhere very far away.”
His eyes dip shut and you stare into the dying embers of the fireplace: red like lust, like blood, like the flag of Navarre.
It’s the next morning, and you’ve escaped as far as Nico’s rooms. She has what seems like hundreds of swatches of fabric strewn across a table, silk and velvet and linen.
“What do you think of this one?” she asks nervously, holding a scrap of butter-yellow silk to the bare skin of her upper chest. “It’s not really my best color. But the Duke of Hightower suggested I wear a yellow wedding dress. The flag of Milan has a great deal of yellow, you know. I don’t think he wants anyone to forget where I’m from. Or all the wealth and soldiers I’m bringing to his side.”
“How romantic,” you tease, smiling. “Doesn’t your flag also have a giant, murderous blue snake on it? Perhaps you could dress as one of those. We’ll sew you a nice long tail.”
Nico bursts out laughing, far too boisterously, as usual. “That would certainly get Daeron’s blood running hot, wouldn’t it?” Now she frowns down at the table fretfully. “I so want him to be pleased with me. I want him to remember how I looked that day for the rest of his life.”
How did you look on the day you married Aegon? Miserable, probably. Lonely. Empty. Nico will never have to feel that way. You’re happy for her; but it makes your own predicament louder somehow. “It’s your wedding day,” you tell her. “Wear what you like. What you feel most beautiful in. You can dress in yellow for Aemond’s wedding. The Emperor’s flag is yellow. I’m sure Kunigunde would appreciate that. You’ll make a marvelous first impression.”
“Brilliant!” Nico grins, assuaged. Then her eyes flick to the doorway. “Oh, hello there, Prince Aemond. Have you come to help with the wedding planning? We’re choosing flowers next.”
“I’m afraid I don’t have much acumen in that realm. But do let me know when you begin discussing cakes.” He stares at you expectedly, arms crossed, lurking like a shadow. There is a long, uncomfortable silence.
“Go on,” Nico prompts you, tittering anxiously. “We can continue this later. I’m supposed to be meeting Daeron for lunch soon anyway.”
You bid some goodbye to Nico that you’re barely aware of. Then you meet Aemond in the doorway, feeling very much like someone caught in a mistake, a lie, a trap. He turns away without a word and you follow him through the winding halls, colored by aisles of midday light and the tolling of distant bells. “Aemond…?”
“I’m thrilled to hear how well you’re getting along with your husband. He stayed all night, from what I gather. The servants are buzzing with it. The Montfords are licking their wounds.”
“Are you delusional enough to believe that I have any say at all in where he spends his time—?”
“I saw you,” Aemond snaps viciously. “You weren’t just being civil. You comforted him, you had your hands all over him—”
You grab Aemond by the front of his tunic and yank him in close so you can hiss: “And where are your hands going to be once you marry the Holy Roman Emperor’s daughter? I have a few ideas. Would you like to confirm them? And things besides your hands as well, I imagine.”
“You’re unbelievable,” he flings, ripping away from you. You dash after him through empty hallways; he’s headed to your rooms, to a place where you will have relative privacy.
“What do you want from me?!” you whisper fiercely, burying it in him like a knife. “You expect me to sabotage my entire life, to reject my husband and neglect my responsibilities so that you never have to be inconvenienced, so that you never have to experience any pain—!”
“Pain?! That’s a kind word for it, it’s agony, it’s fucking impossible—”
Aemond throws open the door to your rooms. Inside, a servant is fixing you a cup of apple cider…and sprinkling the contents of a tiny silk pouch into it. When he sees you and Aemond, he shoves the pouch into his shirt and scurries away.
“Wait!” Aemond commands. The servant starts sprinting. “Don’t drink that,” Aemond tells you, pointing at the cup, then takes off after the servant. He catches him in your bedchamber, hurls him against a wall, and snatches the pouch from inside his shirt. “What the hell is this?”
“Nothing, Your Royal Highness. Just spices from the kitchen.” But his words spill out in a stammer and sweat pours from his reddening face.
Keeping the servant pinned to the wall with one hand, Aemond pitches the silk pouch to you. A servant shouldn’t have anything silk at all; it’s too expensive, too rare. “Do you recognize that?” he asks you.
Inside is a fine, powdery dust of a dried herb, dotted with shriveled purple blossoms. It smells vaguely of mint. “I don’t.”
Aemond drags the servant out of your rooms and into the hallways. The man is openly struggling now, mewing and slapping at his jailer’s face and hands. Aemond takes no notice of this. He is calling for guards, for physicians. A pack of inquiring spectators materialize around him: Nico, Daeron, Alicent, Sir Criston Cole, many other supporters of the Greens. Aemond does not stop until he reaches the Great Hall, where King Viserys is holding an audience with Rhaenyra, Daemon, and their children, bouncing little Visenya on his knee as she giggles. The violins screech to a halt when you and Aemond enter the room. He throws the servant violently to the floor.
“Good afternoon, Aemond,” the king says with moderate interest, still looking at Visenya.
The Duke of Hightower storms into the Great Hall. “What is going on in here?!” His steely eyes flit from Aemond to the servant sprawled on the floor to the king, back to Aemond. “What’s happened?”
“This man was putting something in the princess’s cider. An herb of some sort. I want it identified.”
“An herb?” King Viserys says blandly. “Have you asked the servant himself? Surely there is a logical explanation—”
“I want it identified,” Aemond repeats. “Now.”
There is chatter from the observers, which is exactly what Aemond needs. They serve as witnesses, as assurance that his accusations will be heard. You wonder where Aegon is; drunk and oblivious somewhere, probably.
“Very well,” the king relents, and waves to a guard. “Fetch a physician.” Then he barks at the crowd: “Out, vultures! All of you! Everyone except family!” The Green-affiliated courtiers reluctantly disperse; Nico goes to leave with them, but Daeron grasps her hand. Alicent clings to Sir Criston. Rhaenyra has Visenya, Viserys II, Aegon III, and Joffrey taken back to the nursery.
The Duke of Hightower glowers at the silk pouch. “Let me see.” You give it to him, and he opens it and sniffs. His forehead crinkles. “I can’t discern this.”
Daemon drifts close to you, clipping by like a comet. “Do you think wearing Green all the time now will miraculously make you one of them? Not until you’ve paid your debts, I think. And women have been known to die in childbirth. Just ask our dear Alicent over there. She owes all her…” His mouth twists cruelly around the word. “Fortune to the late Queen Aemma.”
“It is so wise of you to always dress for a funeral, Prince Daemon,” you say. “You’ll be prepared for your own when it imminently arrives.”
Daemon’s grin doesn’t disappear, but it turns harder, more jagged.
“This is terribly overblown, I’m sure,” the king says, then pauses to cough into his sleeve. He’s been nursing the same chill since January, one that ebbs and flows but never dies. “It’s all just a misunderstanding…”
Queen Alicent gestures to the pouch. “Might I see that, Father?” The Duke passes it to her. She opens the pouch and shakes some of its contents into her cupped palm.
“This is utter paranoia,” Rhaenyra complains, keeping Jace and Luke close to her; but she steals an uneasy glimpse of Daemon.
“They’re always so eager to cast themselves as victims, aren’t they, Mother?” Jace says.
Daeron shouts back: “And you’re always eager to cast yourselves as people who would happily stab someone’s eye out!”
“He slandered us!” Jace cries. “It was self-defense!”
“It was inches away from being murder!”
“And isn’t that the proper punishment for treason?” Baela says smugly. “To lose one’s life?”
“You’re about to lose your fucking life!” Daeron dives for her. Baela howls and scratches at him as Sir Criston leaps in to try to untangle them. Daemon grabs Daeron by the throat and lifts him off the ground; Daeron’s feet kick wildly, his face turning blue. Sir Criston draws his sword. Nico races into the melee, slamming both palms into Daemon’s chest with such force that she stuns him enough to drop Daeron, who falls gasping to the floor. Sir Criston drags him to safety. People are yelling, launching accusations and swears. The king is doubled over hacking.
“You bitch,” Daemon growls at Nico, and rips his sword from its scabbard as he towers over her.
Without thinking, you rush to defend Nico. Aemond’s arms close around you and pull you back. He murmurs through your hair as you battle him: “No, no, no, no.” And then you remember. The baby. I can’t do anything to hurt the baby. And you feel a sudden, overwhelming longing to protect this life, to meet this child, an attachment you didn’t think you were capable of experiencing again.
“I know what this is,” Alicent says softly, and everyone quiets and turns to her. Her face is dazed, appalled. Her hand holding the crumble of dried herbs is trembling. “It’s pennyroyal.”
No one moves, no one speaks. The silence is deafening. And it’s no wonder why none of the men could identify it in its medicinal state, why you couldn’t. You’ve never had need of a plant known to encourage a woman’s monthly blood. Since you’ve arrived in England, you’ve bled far too much. All those months of longing, hope, loss. All those taunts and whispers and rebukes and pieces of fruitless advice.
When the words finally tumble from your lips, they are faint and very small, almost childlike. “It wasn’t my fault?”
Aemond releases you and tears his sword free, holding it to the petrified servant’s throat. “I want him dead,” Aemond seethes, wrath like wildfire, like Plague. “I want him drawn and quartered, I want him awake when they disembowel him, I want him to feel everything. But first I want him racked until he reveals who paid him to commit this barbarism. I want to listen as his bones rip from their sockets.” He turns to Daemon, his blue eye blazing, manic. “And I suspect I know whose name he’ll scream at the end.”
“This is a baseless accusation!” Daemon snarls derisively.
“Dear God,” the Duke of Hightower says, gazing at you in guilt-laden horror. His hands come up to cover his gaping mouth.
“Do you have any proof that Daemon is responsible?” the king asks Aemond.
“Viserys,” the Duke says incredulously. “Prince Daemon has threatened her more times than I could ever count, he has incessantly abused and provoked her, he is her most notorious enemy—”
“There’s no proof,” Rhaenyra says, looking to the king. “You hear them, don’t you, Father? They have insults but no proof. They mean to use this treachery as an opportunity to destroy us.”
“He’s been paid by someone!” Aemond explodes, jabbing the tip of his blade against the whimpering man’s throat until he bleeds. “He’s been recruited! Why would a servant take it upon himself to poison a princess, to risk his livelihood, his life? Why would he have a pouch made of silk to carry his lethal herbs around in? He’s been roped into a conspiracy, and who else would have cause to murder her children in the womb, who else would dare?!”
“There’s no proof,” Daemon says again, and they all join him in a chorus, Rhaenyra, Jace, Luke, Baela, Rhaena: no proof, no proof, no proof.
The king shakes his head at Aemond. “Your lifelong hatred for Rhaenyra’s branch of the family has blinded you—”
“They could have killed her!” Aemond thunders, and there are tears of raw fury gleaming in his eyes. “Don’t you understand?! It wasn’t just the pregnancies, she could have hemorrhaged, she could have died, they risked her life to try to keep Aegon from the throne—”
“The throne will never be Aegon’s.”
“God Almighty, Viserys, that’s not the point,” the Duke says. “If this is true…it would be a most unforgiveable sin. It would be treason. It must be investigated.”
“I simply cannot see any proof being offered here.” The king dissolves into another coughing fit.
“You had no wrath when my eye was taken from me, Father,” Aemond says. “You felt no obligation to protect your son or your wife from the bloody consequences of Rhaenyra’s pride. All those years ago you let her believe she was invincible and now we are all forced to reap the aftermath. Surely you must feel outrage for the grandchildren this has cost you, for the inhuman crimes committed against the princess. She is your family, Father. Aegon is your family. I am your family. Don’t you recognize us at all?”
Daemon stalks towards him like a wolf, each step slow and calculated. “She’s your brother’s wife, Aemond. Not yours.”
“I haven’t forgotten.”
“Oh, haven’t you?” A hellish grin lights up Daemon’s face like the red flush of fever. “Tell me, how did it feel lying awake all those nights, staring up at the ceiling in your cold, lonely bed, knowing that your worthless brother was sinking himself into her again, and again, and again, and all that time he didn’t…even…appreciate it?”
Something breaks in Aemond, something cracks his atmosphere in two like lightning. He lunges at Daemon with his sword, roaring, swinging, stabbing. Their blades clang over and over again, shrieks of metal that echo through the Great Hall. The Duke of Hightower is bellowing, and Rhaenyra is screaming, and Alicent and Nico and all the children are too, everyone understanding that this could just as easily kill one as the other; Sir Criston is trying to help Aemond beat back Daemon, but the blows are so ferocious and swift that he has trouble keeping up with them. The Duke shouts for the guards and they flood in, a dozen men in full armor at last separating the two warriors like continents splitting apart. The king is rasping as he struggles to catch his breath. You are the only one who doesn’t make a sound. In your skull circles the same refrain like the ring of a full moon, like the cyclic chiming of bells: They did this to me. They did this to me. They did this to me.
In the midst of the chaos, the king lurches off his throne and collapses to the floor. Blacks and Greens alike descend upon him. Daemon cradles him in his arms, Alicent is sobbing, the Duke of Hightower is feeling the temperature of the king’s face and neck, Daeron is franticly trying to rouse him.
And even as he plummets into unconsciousness from which he will never recover, the king reaches only for Rhaenyra.
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icyg4l · 3 months
PAC: What Do Other Queer People Think About You?
Hello beautiful people! Today I will be posting two Pick-A-Piles, so stay tuned for that later. I am continuing on with my Pride Month series as the last days of this beautiful month wrap up. Also, it is my last week here for a while. I will be on break, so if you would like to book a reading with me, please do not hesitate to message me privately! Without further ado, please select the pile that resonates with you.
Top Left-to-Bottom Right: (1-3)
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Pile One: You have a STRONG presence, Pile One. I feel like people view you as a community leader that does not fuck around. You organize, you protest, you donate, you advocate. But you also have this side to you that’s fun-loving and ready to party. There’s two sides to you basically. I feel like a lot of people see you as the voice of reason or an omniscient type of person. You definitely are well-respected in your community. People love your voice and the way that you convey your messages. You often speak about issues that plague the underdogs of society; not just the LGBTQ+ community, but poor people, Black people, children, etc. You get a lot of recognition for your hands as well? It seems that you do a bit of traveling as well, so you share your gifts with the world. You’re also a hard and dedicated worker. You do shit for the cause. You don’t do it for the clout. You have a good heart. I feel like people who were romantically/sexually involved with you at one point have good things to say about your skills, lol. You set the standard, no matter what the occasion is. You’re just that girl. Overall, you are perceived well. So the next time someone asks if you think you’re Beyonce, you can say, “Well yes!”
Cards Used: Three of Wands, King of Cups, Judgment, Seven of Pentacles, The Hierophant. The Sun, Queen of Wands, The Lovers. 
Pile Two: You have a very similar energy as Pile One. I feel like you’re less polished though. You are rough around the edges. You’ve been through a lot, and you are upfront about that. People could say that you favor Kehlani or maybe you listen to her a lot. Your experiences have shaped your values and morals. People respect you for that. You’re big on family. You could want a family of your own someday, spend a lot of time with your chosen family or spend a lot of time with your biological family. Outsiders want to be a part of your close circle because you are so lovable. They want to be your lover, your friend, your sister, brother, etc. People tend to flirt with you, but they don’t expect anything from you. The amount of depth that bleeds from your heart shocks people (but in a good way). It is easy for you to be romantically involved with people but it is hard for you to keep a lover. But, there is someone out there that actually wants you for you. You have this je ne sais quoi about you. You are hard-headed and charismatic. But you also have this chaotic side to you. I feel like people bring up your behavior in your youth a lot, but you have changed. Don’t let anyone weaponize your past against you. You’re extremely loyal — almost too loyal at times. You’re an artistic lover with a lot of dreams to accomplish. But buckle down, or else you’re not going to get them done. 
Cards Used: Ten of Cups, The Fool, Four of Wands, Knight of Cups, Queen of Wands, King of Swords, The Chariot. 
Pile Three: You’re like a silent rebel. You go against the grain, but you do it in a way that’s not super loud. People could copy you and you won’t even say “Yeah, I did that”. You’d just go on about your business. I don’t think you aim to do this though. You’re someone that just does things to do it. I feel like you’re a bookworm. You could be into the grunge aesthetic, goth aesthetic, etc. Some type of alternative style is significant. This is authentic to you. People are intimidated by your looks, but when they get to know you, your kind heart does not go unnoticed. You’re a free spirit. People feel like you do magic because you always seem to get what you want even though you “don’t do anything”. I heard “The universe is on your side”. People are for sure rooting for you, Pile Three. They appreciate your unapologetic expression. You’re very lowkey, but you’re a favorite. People admire you from afar. They would admire you upclose if you let them in though, lol! 
Cards Used: Death, The High Priestess, King of Cups, The Chariot, Ace of Wands, The Hanged Man, Three of Pentacles. 
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whalesforhands · 11 months
I know it's too early but next month is No Nut November and I was wondering if you think Satoru and Suguru would participate in that or are they just too horny for the mc? They seem like the type to be up for the challenge LOL.
The thought of Satoru trying his best to win and then ultimately failing in the end is so funny to me. He would blame mc and she would be like '??? but i didn't do anything'
stsg have been challenging each other every november since high school.
it’s an even 50/50 split in terms of wins between them surprisingly, with dirty tricks being played by the other throughout the years to get the other to crack. (high school: be it suguru getting shoko to make you wear your thigh highs, satoru giving you lollipops and insisting you try them out with suguru etc.)
but now— there’s a huge difference. and the tricks definitely get heavier.
suguru is the first one to find the loophole that he’s just not supposed to nut, and everything else is free game. so when the kids are finally gone and it’s just you three at home? he’s taking every chance to kiss up your neck, running his hand through your body and groping you out in the open in plain sight of gojo. though, this is very much a double-edged sword. hearing you whimper makes him want to cum in his pants. (disgusting) still, he’s insanely patient. but that’s not going to stop him from burying his face into your chest and wrapping his arms around you, pouting and upset as you confusedly brush through his hair.
satoru thinks he’s going to implode in on himself. believe him, he does have self-control… but when it comes to you, it feels like he’s going to break down from the amount of blue balls he’s giving himself. just what were you thinking?! wearing that pretty outfit that flows so beautifully around you, making that noise?! how is he meant to win when you’re so innocently settling down onto his lap, running your fingers through his hair and cuddling into him?! (nobody actually put you up to it, you just felt like giving him a hug)
believe me when i say that they made sure you were… well aware of their challenge the day before it officially started. helping them release their backed up sexual tension using their preferred orifice of your body as you basically collapse afterward, stained with bodily fluids and absolutely fucked out of your mind.
they both lose that year btw.
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its-vannah · 2 years
A Toast to the Bride and Groom | Graham Dunne x Reader
A/N: After all the angst Graham content I've been serving, you guys deserved something sweet.
Warnings: Implied sexual encounter (very, very minor), mentions of drug use, alcohol, alcoholism
Daisy Jones and The Six Masterlist
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The sound of a fork tapping against someone's wine glass rang through the room, bringing everyone's attention to Graham.
"Before we get started and the band starts embarrassing me in front of my wife, I'd just like to thank all of you for coming today to celebrate with us," Graham said, smiling down at you as he spoke, "It was always my biggest dream to get married and I'm so happy I got to fulfill that with you."
Raising his glass, he looks around the room, grinning from ear to ear, "To Y/N Dunne."
The room erupted with applause and you couldn't help but lean into Graham's side. He eventually took his seat beside you, setting his class down.
Warren stood up not long after, clinking two classes together to get the attention that was already on him. When you come into a formal event wearing a fur vest, bell-bottoms, and round sunglasses, you brought attention to yourself.
Clearing his throat, Warren sat on the edge of the table, much to your parents dismay, "When I first met Graham, he was stick thin and getting over his first girlfriend who broke up with him at his locker. His dramatic ass acted like he'd never be able to move on. But he did, and when I say he upgraded, I mean it. I've never met a girl who puts a smile on my man's face more than Y/N/N. She really has become like a little sister to me. A wiser, smarter, prettier sister who puts up with my bullshit and Graham's."
Your mother cringes at his use of language, digging her nails into her fists as she throws you "the look." But you didn't pay her any mind.
Warren continued, "She allows us to continue our sword fights in their living room, encourages him to keep pursuing music, and loves him fully."
Looking around the room, clearing nearing being full on drunk, he winked at you and Graham, "I remember the night when she showed him how much she loved him."
To your left, your mother sank into her chair, her head in her hands. The two of you had told her you were waiting until marriage.
"To Y/N/N and peaches!" Warren said, holding up both glasses, pouring them both into his mouth, which ended with him pouring a glass directly down his chest.
Awkward silence and a few claps ensued, with Karen standing up next, waiting for everyone to quiet down.
"I'll keep it short and sweet, as I know half of have been very friendly with your alcohol, myself included," She began, "To go off of Warren, Graham—you're still awkward and you're still growing, but I think you have found the best woman to grow beside. And Y/N, let me know if you ever need any help babysitting these three."
She gestured to Warren, Eddie, and Graham, raising a brow before taking a seat.
Graham looked expectantly over at his brother, who was sat at his own table with Camila, Julia, and the twins. But Billy didn't move or even acknowledge him. His eyes were focused on the bottle of champagne in front of him, untouched.
Eddie went next, staying seated as he spoke, "Graham and I have known each other since we were kids in Pittsburgh. He was right when he said he was always dreaming of settling down. A big softy, really. But watching him meet and fall in love with Y/N made me realize how important it is to find someone who's right for you."
"Graham, man, I think it goes without saying, but we're happy for you. And Y/N, it's nice to see that he's not moping around anymore wondering if you like him back. Take good care of him, Dunne."
A smile grew on your face at his words, especially when he called you "Dunne." It was official, you married into one of the most famous families in America in the 70's.
Once again, Graham eyed Billy, waiting for him to speak. But he didn't even move.
Daisy stood, looking a bit out of place in her short, flashy dress and knee high boots, her ginger hair contrasting her heavy blue eyeshadow. It completely washed her out, as did all the drugs she was doing.
"Y/N was one of my first real friends who I could come to with anything. I trust her whole heartedly. She allows me to be—She lets—I'm the free spirit I am and she lets—She supports me."
Nothing she said was coherent, but she continued, "Graham, such a sweetheart. You two—congrats. You deserve the, you deserve... Congratulations."
Silence fell upon the room as she sat down in her chair. It broke your heart to see her like that, strung up on God knows what.
Graham squeezed your hand and before you knew it, your mother had raised her glass, tapping on it before rising to her feet.
"I remember the day I brought my daughter home from the hospital. She was so small in my arms, fast asleep as I carried her inside. It's hard to believe that she's married now. I feel like you should still be in my arms, asking me to check under your bed for monsters or sing you to sleep," She sighed, "Graham, you're a lovely boy. I never thought, and still don't think, anyone deserves my girl. But out of all the men she could've found, I'm happy it was you."
You knew her words were just for show, but for a moment, you let it all feel real.
She raised a glass, "To my sweet, beautiful, smart baby girl, and Graham."
He let out a small laugh beside you, shaking his head, whispering, "Only Mrs. L/N..."
Your head rested on his shoulder as Camila stood, "Billy's feeling a little under the weather today, so I'm speaking on his behalf, if you don't mind."
Graham felt like his heart was ripped out of his chest. His own brother couldn't put his own problems aside for one day? One day that wasn't about him?
Trying to restrain his tears, Graham nodded, forcing s smile on his face.
"Graham, I remember when Billy first introduced me to you. I'd never had a brother growing up, but you gave me the chance of getting firsthand experience. You were kind and funny, and especially good at the guitar then, and you're all those things and more now."
"Being married myself, I can't tell you what an honor it is to see the two of you finally together. There will be highs and lows for the rest of your lives together, but I have no doubt you'll rise above every obstacle that comes your way."
"Graham, Y/N, I'm so incredibly happy for the two of you. Mrs. Dunne, you've got a good one there, take good care of him for us."
For the next sixty five years, that's exactly what you did.
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