Studying abroad at Hongik Univ. [Seoul, Korea]
81 posts
I'm a college student that loves design, art, culture, & travel. I enjoyed all of the above while Studying Abroad at Hongik University in Seoul, Korea.
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mysemesterathongik · 6 years ago
A quick visit to Seoul from the POV of a past student
Here are some things I suggest, and done I don't suggest, based on a list I sent my friend who visited. I thought it may help someone! Korean tourism's app: Visit Korea : Official Guide by Korea Tourism Organization Transportation: All subway and bus rides, no matter how long, are just one dollar per ride. Get a tap card at any convenience store so you can fill it with $30: Get this app for subway travel help. I think it can be changed to English in settings. Subway Korea by Malang Studio Co. Ltd Finding good restaurants: 망고플레이트 - 맛집 추천 / 검색 필수앱 by MangoPlate Places to visit Gangnam- kind of like rodeo drive. Fancy stores. There may still be a Gangnam style interactive display Itaewon: known as the international area but honestly beware, it's a 30-50 y/o crowd. They do have a great club called octagon. Hongdae: The best. Where my dorm and school (hongik,can't miss it) was :) it's artsy and cafe and shopping and fashion and music and young. It's Poppin basically. Go here anytime of day and wander the labrynth of amazing alleys. Myeongdong: cheap shopping insanity. Go when not tired. It's magical at night because it's stacked with lights and music and food smells. "Must do things" I recommend: 1, 3, (beware of 4, is a hassle that takes all day and is very overly romantic and for couples.), 5, 6 take all day too and beware for same reason as 4, 12, 14/15 Really, go to the DDP. One of the rare places designed by Zaha Hadid. Trippy. Beautiful. 2030ish #ddp Temple stay: I recommend this. Very eye opening and you'll love it. Heres a beautiful and conveniently located one in seouls center: #jogyesa #jogyesatemple Hanbok traditional dress experience Unhyeongung Royal Residence (운현궁) is where most long term expats seem to try in the hanbok due to the picturesque backdrop of a royal residence. 464 Samil-daero, Jongno-gu, Seoul 서울특별시 종로구 삼일대로 464 (운니동) Museums: Art museum: leeum museum History: national museum of Korea Technology: Samsung digital city / museum of innovation Hyundai: PS kintex is a big deal place for them. They happen to be having a korean industrial design festival there nowish : Korean daily life experience things: 1. Go to the grocery store : EMart: 2. Go to their Nordstrom (shinsegae),m_r:1,ru_gwp:0%252C6,ru_q:Shinsegae%2520branches%2520in%2520seoul,ru_start:0,ru_nrby:1,ru_oq:Shinsegae%2520branches%2520in%2520seoul,ru_gs_l:maps-nearby...43i53k1.2978.6372.0.7107. 3. Go to all the trendy cafes you can 5. Go to norebang (karaoke). You'll be blown away. Fancy ones exist but any one can be impressive and fun. I'd go in itaewon or hongdae. 6. Go to the movies : this one looks good 6. Go to their spas. The one where you get nakey and get scrubbed! Specific businesses : Joons Bar hongdae- mention Ali Kathleen, the hongik student from Los angeles. Maybe that'll get you a free drink?: Any etude house makeup store. Nature republic makeups stores. Any makeup store ;) Club Octagon Nb2: last I heard it was a club devoted to mostly men. Beware the single girl! Sueor fun though! More restaurants: Getting around: Hello- an-young-has-say-oh Thank you -kam-sam-knee-dah Excuse me- "sheh-zo-heom-knee-dah" Where is X? "X oh-dee-ay-oh" Where is the restroom? "Hwah-jong-she? 🤷‍♀️" $ How much is this? "or-man-ey-yo?" Help me -"do-wah-juice-ay-yo" Dishes to try: 1. Soju. Yogurt. Berry flavored. Cocktails. Etc 2. Mekju- weird and I love it. Sweet...Milky... carbonated wine :) 3. Samgehtang- chicken (whole) soup. The best. Asian chicken noodle soup. Rice. Dates. Spices. Need I say more? 4. Bool Nengmyeong: iced buckwheat noodle soups. Vinegary and gingery. Chewy noodles. Addicting. Get the meat added in option. 5. Tockboki- super ****** spicy noodles 6. McDonald's korea/ Burger King Korea 7. Baskin Robbins Korea Do not do these: - Point with one finger. Especially at a person or at their face!!! Just use ya whole hand! - Accept a modeling offer on the street - Talk to people who ask you if you want to try on a hanbok(their dresses). They're the worst. Religious and dangerous people I guess use this trick now. - Get in an old lady's way. She will knock you down. Hope you enjoyed my super quick and dirty list of random things to help guide you through Seoul South Korea on a few-day trip.
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mysemesterathongik · 9 years ago
Hey! I am an international student at Hongdae and I stumbled upon your tumblr while I was searching on information regarding KIMCHI, the international student club in Hongdae. I was wondering if you could give me some information regarding KIMCHI? Because I've been searching on google for sometime now and I can't seem to find an official page/ social media for me to contact them. Could you please give me an email address or a katalk ID? Just someone I can contact directly. Thanks!
The Hongik international office will definitely help you figure out how to contact KIMCHI! It's a wonderful resource for foreign students to get shown around by friendly and interesting students who will end up as your friends :)
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mysemesterathongik · 9 years ago
Hello!! . I was just wondering if you could answer some questions. First of all, I really want to go to South Korea and I'd love to study my major there, cause I'm currently studying graphic design at college. But I don't know if it's worth to study at Hongik University (cause i've done some research and that university caught my attention) and I would like to know if the campus and indoor areas are as beautiful as some other universities in South Korea. And how is the teaching there?
The campus and classrooms are not completely beautiful, in my opinion, but there are some very cool beautiful parts. The most beautiful let is the excellent education and the famous professors you will be taught by every day! The people are nice, as well :)
Go with the attitude that its the best design school in Korea, and you’ll learn to forget to judge a book by its cover :)
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mysemesterathongik · 10 years ago
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These are some shots of my favorite Street in Korea! Also included are some directions. It's right in front of the school, just through the trees and to the right!
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mysemesterathongik · 10 years ago
My school's sign in the snow!
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mysemesterathongik · 10 years ago
Very detailed post about the area around school!
I wish I spent more time here. I’ve never been to Hongdae before this trip, so I didn’t really have any expectations. Being able to finally visit made me re-think my last two visits to Korea. I’ve been missing out on a lot, apparently!
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I didn’t know Hongdae was an abbreviation of Hongik ...
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mysemesterathongik · 10 years ago
Of the 25 top-ranking destinations for U.S. students studying abroad, four have experienced double-digit growth numbers.
And three of those four are located outside of Europe — South Africa with 17.6% growth, South Korea with 12.9% and Peru with 10.3%. Denmark, the only European country to experience double-digit growth, saw 14.8% growth.
Has anyone studied abroad in South Africa, South Korea, or Peru?  These are all fantastic places to live and we’re excited to see the increase in numbers!
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mysemesterathongik · 10 years ago
When to visit Korea
For the record, I want to say that I love Korea in the cold far more than in the heat. I'll take the ability to wear more layers to stay comfortable over... Well... Pretty much nothing can prepare you for the Korean summer heat. So far I have not been in the Spring, but it's probably the best time to visit. Fall and Winter are lovely, Too though! If you don't mind wearing a winter coat!
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mysemesterathongik · 10 years ago
Finals week(s)
Make sure you stay about two or three weeks after finals supposedly end. I regrettably am only staying one extra week and even so am leaving a week and a half before my latest final is due. The final due dates span over the entire month... You'll need the time to finish up classes stress - free and you'll also get to spend time with your friends! :)
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mysemesterathongik · 10 years ago
Hey, I have an idea. Let's use the hallway as a freezer
Time to be grumpy. At which point on the thermometer would you guess that people stop opening the hallway windows? If you were to guess 10c/50f, I would laugh. At the freezing point? No, not even, my friends. We have gotten to what will be -12c/10f and somebody still enjoys a fresh breeze on the walk to the bathroom. Oh yeah, that bathroom one doesn't stay closed either, despite the fact that you take off all of your clothes and are wet while taking a shower in there. If pain builds character, I must be lacking, and someone here must have a ton.
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mysemesterathongik · 10 years ago
Thinking... About boring stuff
Studying abroad for the second time and living in this crazy place is helping me realize something. That I don’t think I want a hectic crazy job. I’m a mellow relaxed person who occasionally enjoys to have adventures… On my own terms. So maybe a slightly interesting job without travel, and then I can take vacations when I want and go on my adventures then… Meh. Not sure. This is the kind of stuff soon-to-be grads think about. Boring adult kinds of stuff.
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mysemesterathongik · 10 years ago
Pretty proud of myself for resisting the urge to watch any TV or movies while here in Korea :) my only distractions are food, sleep, and other homework assignments. Ok and the occasional party :) I'm an old lady. I'm slow enough as it is, I don't need kdramas or some random movie to slow me down even more!
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mysemesterathongik · 10 years ago
Just some thoughts on my Korean Classes
So it's not right to say one thing is better than another when it comes to culture. I don't want to write about my classmates or classes in a bad way. I haven't even taken some of these classes in the US, so what could I even compare them to? I'm just going to reflect on what I've noticed here and there regardless of where I am in the world> I think that artists and designers are the same everywhere. We are different, we are who we want to be, and we are creative. For someone to say that Asian Artists and Designers aren't creative is racist and untrue. You can't generalize like that, and it always made me squirm when people would say it before. Many of these students are wildly creative. I think there is a difference in art and creativity that my friends and I have noticed, however.  For one, being too creative, or "fairytale" has gotten me laughed at here and art assignments also been laughed at and "wrong". My assignments that don't meet the criteria (due to language barrier mostly) were just wrong and needed to be done again to be more like everyone else's. I've never taken an art class and don't know if it's typical, but in art it seems that maybe if a student took a slightly different approach it would be interesting, maybe receive a lower grade for not fulfilling the assignment..but not redone. Am I weird for experiencing that before? :/ Another thing is that everything looks SO beautiful! The one thing I noticed at a show was that most of the products were fabricated by someone they paid. This is actually not allowed in my school, and even at a local school that does this, they keep it a secret to hide their shame in doing so. I totally think it should be ok to hire someone to make it! As long as your desired career path is designer and not model maker, of course. I think forcing students to spend time making perfect models is expensive, time-consuming, and a loss in valuable learning time to focus on the actual beauty of the design. Design Trends. This is a huge part of Industrial Design Research here. They even have a class entitles Design Trend Research!!!! I wanted to take it but it was cancelled. They include this in their design research and actually present it to the class, something that would be awkward and seen as "copy-cat" where I'm used to presenting. I actually think it's really cool and shows that you know where to point your design. The Female:Male my ID class, the ratio is reversed. It is 3 or 4 guys and I think 15 girls. Makes for lots of friends and keeps those silly boys under control!!! :) And finally since I have stuff to do and rest to get! I guess I'll talk about making friends. I don't recommend coming here if you don't want to speak Korean. You should try to speak Korean to your classmates. It shows them you would like to give effort, and they like it more than only English.  If you don't speak to them, it will take a LONG time for someone to talk to you. Many people are afraid of speaking English wrong! :( So they don't at all!  I think someone who speaks Korean would make friends very easily here! ALSO I think you should join KIMCHI CLUB!!! Get to know the international students while making Korean Friends! It's all fun! :) This weekend we're going on a trip to Paju! The last thing I've noticed...It's important to study, but important to have fun and explore Korea too! 
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mysemesterathongik · 10 years ago
My Experience: Going to the Dentist in Korea
My visit to the hospital was so nice today! As someone who really focuses on the details...I found it fascinating compared to what I'm used to. I'll explain it all. Basically I think this would all have taken 3 months to complete in the US, but here, it took 3 hours. Awesome! First of all, sometimes, Korean hospitals are beautiful and state of the art, and they have everything. This one was on a college campus for one of the biggest universities in Korea. Also, whenever I would go to the next appointment I needed to take in the building, the fact that I was coming was already in the computer, and the receptionists were ready for me with the English versions of paperwork, even though I was the only foreigner in there, and I was seen right away. It was absolutely flawless and never confusing... even though they couldn't speak English. All 4 doctors that I have met here speak English fluently btw. Pharmacists, not so much, from my experience. Also everyone's super nice. Their dentistry room was full of cubicles of dentistry chairs in the main area, and then some private glass rooms in the back. In the US, we have a waiting room, then little private rooms for the chairs.
We got there 1 hour early because we wanted to make sure we weren't late. They took me right away after I filled out some paperwork. My travel insurance paid for the copay. Usually in the US, even if you have an appointment, at some facilities, waiting 2+ hours more is normal. -_- I was sent up to the imaging floor, and got an x-ray done, maybe 5 minutes spent on that floor. That would have needed an appointment a week or more in advance in the US. Next, I went up to see the doctor, filled out some paperwork again, then was seen in like 10 minutes. Again, a week, maybe a month of time saved compared to the US. He looked at my X-ray and listened to my symptoms, and because of one of the structures being swollen, he guessed that It might be an infection somewhere and that I needed a CT scan. Thought I'd have to wait for a week and then lay in that stupid machine again, paying thousands. Nope! Went to the imaging floor and got the CT done in 5 minutes. It's a dentistry one, so I just sat in a chair. Super cool.  Had lunch with my friend, went back up, watched a show for a little while on her ipad, then was called into the surgery section again within an hour. The doctor and his entourage came in and scrolled through the CT scan results on the computer screen in front of my dentist chair. They showed me what was wrong! Then, right there, after  3 hours and 4 meetings around the building, he gave me a diagnosis.  Finally...He prescribed me antibiotics for the infection, set up a follow-up for 2 weeks from now, and told me he wants to refer me to an ENT, or the drainage problem would only continue. I'm not sure...would a referral transfer between countries???? If not, I really hope my US doctors and insurance company agree....I can't believe I have been living with this problem for so long :( OH BY THE WAY. When I asked my doctor about a possible deviated septum last year, it was dismissed in under 5 minutes as not a big deal. THANKS. I give my experience 5/5 stars. :)
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mysemesterathongik · 10 years ago
Hello !!! Next year, I will be studying in Hongik too, and your blog have really helpfull informations about the life there ^.^ oh, I was reading about the sorm situation, and I wonder if you have a kitchen or not ? :)) Have a nice day, and fighting for your studies :3 ( ps: sorry for the grammar mistakes, I'm french :P )
Hello!There is no dorm kitchen, and no real cooking with heat allowed, but there’s food that’s VERY cheap here in Seoul. If you don’t have a huge appetite you can eat a meal for 3,000 Won at a local Korean Food Restaurant, or at one of the school cafeterias. I have so far found four of them, two of which are on either side of the international dorm building. You can also have a refrigerator. Some food around here is Donkatsu, Kimbap, Bokembap, Udon, Ramien, Mandu, Nengmyeon, soup, etc. Some of my favorite restaurants: (Pictures later) Also, for reference, 1000KRW is now .90 USD or .75 Euro or so.6,500W - Udon: When you exit the main Hongik gate, turn left immediately(before the street or main street’s sidewalk) and you’ll see an alleyway between The Big Bicycle Repair Shop and a flower shop. There resides the best Udon recipe I’ve tasted in Korea, and their chicken is killer, too.That’s is my favorite street in Korea, by the way. I want to post on it soon. You can also get to it by cutting through the neighborhood down the giant set of stairs next to our dorm building. I will explain later7-15,000W - Burgers: There’s a REALLY good one not more than 5 minutes from the dorms called Burger Bay. Those burgers and sandwiches put American Restaurants to shame, so that’s why I spend so much on one every 3 weeks or so.4-8,000W - Fried chicken: You would find it anyways, its right at the base of the stairs from the Sangsu shortcut through the parking gate in the next dorm over. It’s called The Frypan.2-5,000W - Korean .. almost…anything: It’s called Kimbap Chonguk. It has come to my attention that Kimbap Chonguk is Korean McDonalds. No shame. I still go. A little.6,000W - Best Nengmyeon: If you exit Hongik’s main gate on the right crosswalk, turn right, turn left on the first street you can, and it is on the left in about 30 meters. It’s right at the top of the giant hill, and is kind of perched above the store next to it with a wooden deck protruding out. Cafes: They’re ALL beautiful. I love them ALL. They’re ALL the same price or more than the US, though. It’s weird that people pay the price of a meal or two meals for a cup of coffee here. If you like Americanos, they’re the cheapest at 2000W.Cafe Chloris because it looks like 1920’s era including a Tiffany’s Glass inspired window sign, and is very well branded to the extent that Disneyland would go to. It reminds me of Disneyland a lot, actually! Also, their Chai tea is the best I’ve ever had anywhere. Cafe Baris(by the Sangsu exit) Well they have a border collie, first off. Also, they have some cool and moderately priced and delicious meals. Pretty yummy. Probably about 10,000 average for a good old Italian style meal.Ok, that’s all I can think of for now. When I have a free day I’ll go around snapping photos for future reference on here. It would be sad if some have closed down by the time you see this, but we can hope for the best and try anyways :)
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mysemesterathongik · 10 years ago
Sick in Korea
It was bound to happen some time. Two weeks ago, I caught some kind of cough and wheezing out of nowhere. I went to the doctors to get it checked out in case it was pneumonia, and let me tell you, call your insurance before you go! They might have had a relationship before and list them as a partner location, but the rules of the game are complicated and you'll want the insurance company to figure it out for you. I think you have to for most insurances, anyways. Also, the medicine they give is in these little plastic packages partitioned off by doses. They also give you a descriptive printout with an explanation of each drug in plain people speak. The interesting part is that some people are saying this type of wheezing and cough is normal and you are just supposed to live with it... I've never heard of anyone sounding like this and the doctor not wanting them to eliminate the infection from the chest. It's not just a cough, it's a choking cough. So gross. But anyways, I have a follow up next week and am praying they figure out its worse than they think and I can get antibiotics or at least a breathing treatment. :( I am so tired all the time from this. The flip side of the situation is that maybe giving this antibiotics is over medicating, and lately the US has been admitting to that. Maybe what I'm used to is this system of overmedication. Either way, I feel like I'm going to choke at least 20x per day. Help meee
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mysemesterathongik · 10 years ago
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On my quest to obtain full coverage of my campus' surrounding area using WiFi passwords of cafes... I have found a gem, BE:BRIDGE Cafe. I was forced in when it started to rain, but decided to explore the menu! It's full of coffee, drinks, and desserts from all around the world, an idea close to an idea I've had for years for a restaurant. I always thought I would Make a restaurant with dishes from around the world. The secret would be that every one would be as authentic as possible so that all types of clientele would come by for a taste of home or a memory of a trip they took. I like this cafe!!! I ordered the Korean Vitamin Citrus drink and Tres Leches cake. One for health reasons and one for memories :)
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