seniouesbabes · 1 year
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Lily Maymac 🌸💋🍒🌸 Streets of Seoul 🇰🇷
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ceytal · 1 year
thinking about him (kim dokja)
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midnights-cosmic · 3 months
Iced Coffee
Jeong Yunho x F!Reader
They said Cupid's Coffee Station has a magic of bringing people together. Yunho happened to take a liking on it ever since it opened right across KQ Entertainment's building. And he also happened to meet you in there. Will the magic work?
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[Edited and Updated. Proof-read. June 19 2024]
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"Where's Yunho?" Mingi asked when the rest of the members walked in the practice room. Yunho has been in and out of practice room ever since this morning. This routine of his started about two weeks ago.
Wooyoung laughed, "He said he likes the coffee across the street."
Mingi raised an eyebrow. "Is he... You?"
Wooyoung shrugged his shoulder with a smile on his face.
"Ready to leave, everyone?" Hongjoong, who just finished stuffing his bag, asked. "Where's Yunho?"
"Across the street." Mingi and Wooyoung answered at the same time.
Hongjoong scoffed, shaking his head. Mingi was getting suspicious. What's his friend been doing at the newly opened coffee shop?
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Cupid's Coffee Station — Your go-to café ever since you started attending Hongik University. It's one of those café's your college friends can't stop talking about. According to one of your classmates, this café has magic. Solely because it has a power of bringing people together. And by 'bringing people together', what she meant is setting up the most unlikely couples.
You almost laughed, hearing her voice in your head. That does sound ridiculous, doesn't it?
But who are you to talk? Curiousity got the best of you anyway. Here you are every day, every after class, every chance you get, even during weekends. You've seen a few of your friends meeting someone at this place, yet here you are, a regular, and still hasn't met anyone.
Magic. Right, who believes in magic anyway. Just because Cupid's name is in this café doesn't mean his arrow is in every corner of this room, too. Or maybe you're just not meant to meet anyone, really.
You shook you head. "If I don't meet anyone here, that just means there's no magic in this café. Simple." You murmured under your breath, your books colliding at the floral table mats.
It wasn't the first time Yunho saw you talk to yourself. He can tell that you're annoyed, or perhaps just exhausted, even though he couldn't hear the words coming out of your lips. He truly wishes he could just ask, but he is not at all confident in his ability to do so. Although, honestly speaking, he'd probably had the courage if his members were with him.
We're getting coffees too :))
Mingi is curious :P
= __ =''
You were taken aback by the assortment of pastries available at the counter, most of them were usually sold out by now. You felt your mouth water at the sight and you wanted to taste every dish. From the croissant's golden hue, to the strawberry tart's vibrant red color, to the noisette's lovely swirls of chocolate.
However, the lone blueberry muffin on the side was calling for your attention.
You contemplated over the numerous options for a while before settling on the one and only muffin. You've been craving that blueberry flavor for some reason. Although a blueberry tart would have been a better option (which is sadly not available), the muffin will do the trick.
With a pair of tongs, you reached over the muffin, only to have your hand collide with another one. Chills ran down your spine as you felt the shock of electricity against your skin.
Your eyes met the prettiest eyes you've seen in a while. "Sorry. I didn't notice you're reaching for it too." You apologized.
You felt small under his gaze. He's too handsome to be standing near me. Am I even allowed to breathe the same air as this man?
"You can take it, it's fine." He smiled. You swore you could melt at this moment.
You took the blueberry muffin. Overcoming the feeling how you felt bad that he wants it too.
The door chimes ring and few voices from inside the quiet cafe can be heard as you both choose a second pastry. The handsome guy tensed next to you and let out a heavy sigh.
So, his name is Yunho. His face suits that name so much. It's like an instant name you'd hear, and you would know that he'll be handsome already.
While you push forward to the barista to order your drink, you watch from your peripheral how Yunho gets mobbed by his friends. "Who are you with?" and "You've been here for an hour and you're just eating now?" are some of the jokes they were making, but Yunho shut them all up.
"Ma'am?" Your cheeks flushed, watching the barista wave his hands in front of your face. "May I have your drink?"
"Right. Uhm, I'll take an iced coffee, please. Two shots of espresso." That was what you need. You need to boost your energy level and your focus. And an iced coffee might just help you with that.
You settled back into your seat after paying for your order. Glancing around, you realized that you have a full view of Yunho, sitting beside his friend; the one that keeps teasing him earlier.
You refrained yourself from grinning. It's amusing to see how shorter the other guy is compared to him, but Yunho is the one that's getting made fun of. You can tell that the other guys are joining in on the fun even though they have their backs to you.
Yunho continued rolling his eyes and shaking his head, particularly when he was being nudged.
You admire his patience. Could never be me. You thought.
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Ever since that day, your encounters with Yunho has been frequent. You also noticed yourself having a habit of admiring him from afar. Most of the time, Yunho would be there before you. And the rare occasions that you'll come before him, you'd see him still head in the same corner and the same seat. Pen in hand, notebook on the table.
"You're going home already?" Your friend asked while you were stuffing your bag with everything.
"Not really, but I need to finish my research." You mentioned.
It's Friday, the last day of finals for spring semester, has just concluded. You know that your friend will ask you to party and celebrate tonight, but you wanted to complete your research on Contemporary Art by Sunday. It was the last thing you need to pass before you can truly enjoy the summer break.
She slumped her shoulders and pouted. "You're no fun." A smile slipped through her lips. "Is it a guy? You met someone in the café, haven't you?"
You snickered. "Right. Magical coffee shop, blah blah blah. Nope! I just love their pastries."
Your friend hummed, teasingly. Her eyes shooting lasers at you. "He's probably handsome."
"FIneeeeeee. If you can't go, I won't force you. But don't forget to introduce him to me." She winked, grabbing her bag then giving you a kiss on the cheek. "I think I might know who he is." She bumped her hips to yours.
You staggered back to your table, eyes squinted. She did a couple of dance steps that you don't recognize at all.
"It's something to do with spice and chilli peppers." She rolled her eyes, then laughed, before leaving you alone in the room.
"Whatever." You chuckled.
Cupid's Coffee Station
You tilted your head, blinking at the new LED outdoor sign of the cafe. It was blinking red and pink.
To be fair, there was never a day it wasn't lit, but it used to be just a simple white LED light. This time around, the colored LED confused you.
The chimes tinkled when you walked in. You were even more perplexed when you see how empty the cafe is. All your favorite pastries lined the counter, not even one missing.
Wait, isn't it Friday? Shouldn't there be more people here? You shake your head. It's probably one of those days where sales are slow... or is it? I don't know!
You pinched yourself back to reality and placed your bag on your seat. Same old routine; books on the table, sketch pad, laptop, and your collection of pens that only one is used for the whole year.
After a few minutes of writing down your thoughts about the painting you have chosen for your research. You started craving for caffeine.
Iced coffee.
Yep, that's what you've decided to get again.
"Hello! Welcome to Cupid's Coffee Station!" You were caught off by the new barista. This time, the barista is a middle-aged man and has a bright smile on his face.
Where's the other guy?
"Sorry, something came up for my nephew so this old man—" pointing at himself, "—has to step in again in his own café."
Oh, he's the owner. Silly me.
You gave him a smile in return. "I'd like an iced coffee, please."
"Two shots of espresso." You both said at the same time.
Okay? What?—
"I apologize once again. I also like iced coffee with two shots of espresso."
You bit the inside of your cheek, stopping yourself from questioning the owner. As he makes your drink, you decided to grab a plate and a pair of tongs. That was weird, really.
You couldn't even count on your head how many times you shook your head today. It feels like there's so many things happening all at once. You just brushed off the strange sensation on your shoulders.
Finally! A blueberry tart. You've been waiting for it for the past few days. For some reason, the tart at school doesn't satisfy your cravings.
"I'll also take this." You paid for your order and made your way back to your area.
You turned back to face the man after placing your orders on the table. His hands were cleaning and wiping the table. The coffee thing is probably just a coincidence and nothing to overthink about. Honestly speaking, there's probably a million people out there who also likes iced coffee with two shots of espresso.
It's not a big deal, Y/N. Chill.
Work. Yunho has been working for a total of thirteen hours. The joy he felt was unexplainable when Hongjoong called it a day. He threw his head back, stretching and relaxing his muscles.
Once his bag is packed and ready, Yunho excused himself and told his members that he'll be at the café.
"Well, you can just call manager-hyung to pick you up later." Yeosang said, yawning in the process. The members who were looking at him followed in suit. "I'm tired as hell."
"I'm heading home, too. I wanna sleep so baddd~" Wooyoung fussed, hugging San, who was sitting beside him on the floor.
"Make sure to call—" Mingi was cut off when the door closed behind Yunho. He looked at Hongjoong, expecting him to be just as upset as he is. "Hyung! Did you see that?"
All he got was a few laughter from his friends and a pat in the back by Seonghwa and San. "That asshole." Mingi laughed anyway.
Red, pink, white, red, pink, white, red, pink,...
Has this LED light always been colored? Yunho thought. That's unusual.
Yunho was greeted by the sweet and savory scent of the pastries. He was amazed how many are lining the counters.
Unfortunately, he can feel his body slumping from tiredness. So, anything pastry is not on his list today. He's just here to get a boost from caffeine.
"Hello! Welcome to Cupid's Coffee Station!" A man greeted him.
Yunho's brow raised, looking behind the man and trying to locate the regular barista that serves him. "Nephew's out today, bud. What can I get for you?"
Yunho thought of the many options that he wants. "One red eye, please."
"Great choice! It's been a long day, huh?" The man conversed.
"Today is extra stressful." Yunho smiled, politely.
"It probably is." The man replied, "Thank God, the cafe's empty today. You need that space and rest."
Yunho surveyed the area. This cafe has never seemed so empty to him. Considering that it's Friday, there should be a ton of people enjoying their last day of work and students hanging out.
While Yunho was happy to be able to unwind in his favorite place, he was also sympathetic to the owner. Low sales only occur occasionally, but it most likely hurt small businesses big time.
"Here's you drink."
Yunho offered his card to pay. The man swiped it quickly and handed it back.
"Enjoy your coffee and stay."
Yunho bowed. "Thank you."
Yunho was striding towards his regular spot when he noticed a table marker placed on the table. Table reserved.
He looked around. Reserved? When the café's empty??
Yunho chose the next nearest table but it's also marked as reserved.
You watched Yunho pace back and forth while holding his wooden tray. Brows raised, you try to peak why he's not sitting down. You saw that every table that was vacant was marked as reserved.
Will there be a special occassion to be held here today?
After minutes of contemplating, you built up your courage to walk up to Yunho.
Your steps were extra silent walking towards the very confused man. He was so tall compared to you. So much taller. With light taps on his arms, you greeted him. His back turned, looking even more baffled than ever. Yunho's eyes widened at the sight of you.
You muster up a smile, "Hi. Uhm... I— Well, you see... I was—"
Yunho observed your stuttering speech. Your cheeks flushed and your eyes refused to meet his gaze. His brain was too cloudy to listen to what you were saying. It was like everything was silent and all he could see was you, standing in front of him with moving lips. His mind is blurred, the words you were speaking were not being processed in his head.
"If that's okay with you." You said.
Yunho blinked, "Sorry? I didn't hear what you said.” He cleared his throat, another silent sorry slipping through his lips.
"You can sit with me. It seems like my table's the only one available right now. Everything seems to be reserved..." You trailed. The both of you looked around and agreed with each other silently.
"Uh yeah. Sure. Thank you so much." Yunho smiled. “I really appreciate it.”
Despite every table being reserved, no one else came in. You were silently hoping for at least one customer to arrive to ease your nervousness around Yunho.
You and him sat there in silence; with him occasionally sipping on his drink and scrolling through his phone. While you, on the other hand, tried your best to conceal most of your face on your laptop’s screen.
Every now and then, you would draw something on your sketchbook and analyze your own techniques, before returning to typing absentmindedly for your paperwork. 
You can feel Yunho’s stare sometimes. You’ve seen how he fidgets, mouth twitching as if he wants to talk to you. 
Time passed by quickly, yet slowly at the same time. At one point, Yunho has asked you if you were an art student. You shyly replied, yes, and from that, the conversation flowed naturally.
"I'm really bad at drawing." Yunho grimaced.
"Oh come on! You can't be that bad!" You assured, pushing the sketchbook further to his side.
A sigh escaped Yunho's lips, but the corner of his lips turned when he gently grab the pencil from your fingertips. "If you say so."
You could see Yunho drew a circle, then curves surrounding the initial shape he made. He then drew a straight line down, followed by an extremely snaky leaves.
You couldn't help but laugh when he added glow and stars around the flower. "You know, you could've just drawn butterflies. That would make more sense."
Yunho shook his head. "Nope, this is a glowing flower."
"See! You can draw!"
"Fortunately, I do believe that you haven't seen my worst drawings." Yunho dropped the pencil, and picked up his phone. After a mere second, his phone screen was on your face.
You put your hand to your mouth to stop the laughter before it could escape. "You drew that?" You asked in disbelief.
Let's just say that it was the most interesting drawing of a giraffe you have ever seen.
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"Are you heading home?" Yunho asked, helping you with the scattered colored pencils on the table.
"Yeah, I'll be taking a bus." The both of you didn't notice the time. It's running almost 9 in the evening before you even know it.
Yunho looked worried, but you muffle out a laughter. "It's fine, Yunho. I live quite near anyway. Just thirty minutes away." You explained. "Plus, you said you have a schedule tomorrow. If I remember correctly, Mingi said call time is 6 AM." You teased.
He had told you about his group, most especially his best friend, Song Mingi.
"I can drop you off?" It was like Yunho was asking himself more than you.
A large black car pulled up and parked directly in front of the large glass front door before you had a chance to decline.
The owner of the cafe appeared unexpectedly next to you and Yunho, making you both flinch in his presence.
"I hope you enjoyed your stay!" He greeted with the biggest smile on his face.
You had to beam back at him because of his contagious smile. Even though he was intimidating when you first arrived, you can now sense his sincerity and kindness.
Not to add, he asked your table if you needed anything else at all, and your table partner requested a refill for his red eye, which resulted to you and Yunho having more conversation to discuss and random things to tease each other about.
"I hope to see you together again here in Cupid's Coffee Station."
The both of you thanked him. The owner opened the door and bid you safe travel.
Like on queue, the car window rolled down when Yunho stepped out of the coffee shop. You, anxiously playing with your hands, next to him.
Yunho walked towards the rolled down window. "Hyungnim~"
There was a conversation between Yunho and the driver. It was slightly inaudible. However, you can overhear him saying that he needs to drop you off at your house.
"It's late in the evening. I can't just let Y/N go and take a bus."
Short silence... A couple more talking... Yunho whispering a celebratory 'Yes!'
"Let's go Y/N. We'll take you home." Yunho opened the car door and offered his hand.
Take it! And so you did. For some reason, that voice in your head doesn't even sound like you. It was like a compelling voice that you couldn't even say no to.
You had expected Yunho to sit next to the driver but he didn't. As you put the pieces together, you realized that the driver might also be his manager. Yunho told you a lot about his idol life during the twenty questions game you both had.
"Thank you, Hyung. I know we might get in trouble for this, but really, thank you." Yunho talked while closing the car door and getting comfortable next to you.
"We'll be fine." The manager said, though you can hear the faint worry in his voice. "Uh, Y/N, right? Yunho can't get out of the car when we arrive at your house. Please use the door on your side later."
You nodded. "No problem. Thank you so much."
"Hyung, she knows that."
"Just making things clear, Yunho."
You've told the manager your address afterwards.
The car moved, now on its way to the destination. Looking back at the cafe, you watched the lights inside turned off one by one. Lips parting at the sight of the LED outdoor sign blinking red, pink, then it flickered, completely stopping at white.
Yunho noticed your expression. "Something wrong?"
"The LED light!" You pointed, but when Yunho turned around, the car rounded a corner.
"Why— What happened?"
What was that? Shaking your head, "Nothing. It's probably just my mind playing tricks."
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[End of Part One]
[Part Two in progress]
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silantryoo · 1 year
BONUS [ LIKEALOOK ] — peace.
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jang wonyoung and l/n y/n's dorm room, first year.
WARNINGS ; self-deprication, imposter syndrome, inferiority complex, mentions of verbal abuse, physical injury, miscommunication, anxiety (2.2k)
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wonyoung knew it was determined by the littlest things. the weight of gold per ounce of her father's gold ring, the clarity of her mother's diamond, the designer clothes she wore. every small thing added up, like the grains of sand on the beaches of jeju island.
worth was determined by how well she played, how many centimeters off the ground she could jump, and how her dad's unwavering grimace morphed into to a satisfied glint in his eyes.
to her, worth was volleyball. worth was academics.
it was the sinking feeling in her chest whenever she got anything less than ninety percent, or the slight shake of her coach's head whenever she let the ball slip past her fingertips. it was the doctor appointments where her mother would sigh disapprovingly at the x-ray's her worn-down knee or the mandatory two-month break that followed.
jang wonyoung knew worth like the back of her hand because it was everything she lacked.
jang wonyoung was worthless.
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her knee started acting up during the sixth game of the season.
hongik university was a rough team to go against. the game was fast-paced, suma barely able to keep up. hongik was quicker, taller, and faster than them. before wonyoung or jimin could even jump, hongik's opposite had already sent the ball barreling into their side of the court.
yeji had been yelling throughout the entire mess, her frustrations piling up, hot and volatile like lava spilling out from an active volcano. jimin had tried to calm the girl down, alongside ryujin, but yeji had ended up cussing both of them out into silence.
(wonyoung wondered what their captain had said to her senior to make the middle blocker so quiet.)
in all honesty, yeji scared wonyoung, her sharp eyes and her permanent snarl made the younger girl feel naked, like all her fears were on display. the captain always felt like she was about to combust any minute, and although it was never directed at her, wonyoung could feel it, like a cloud of toxic gas engulfing her.
wonyoung looked at yeji, their eyes meeting.
yeji didn't need to say it. she blamed wonyoung.
wonyoung looked away, a sinking feeling in her chest. there were times like these when she felt like she didn't belong. she wasn't tall enough to be a middle blocker, or strong enough to be a hitter. she wasn't even fast enough to be a defensive specialist.
what was wonyoung but a nuisance to yeji? to the team?
she heard the whistle, her thoughts disappearing into nothingness. all she could feel was the guilt that threatened to spill out of her chest like her father's lies, and the painful aching of her knee that creaked similar to the attic floorboards.
she could see the ball's shadow underneath her, the weight of the world suffocating her as suma's serve went over the net.
she looked over to jimin, her senior deep in focus. wonyoung just needed to jump faster - harder - this time. she needed to make jimin proud, to prove to her that she belonged.
she needed to belong.
at that moment, she pretended. wonyoung jumped faster, meeting the ball, her arms strong and unwavering. she needed to be strong, unmoving, fierce.
she just needed to be like jimin, just this once.
she watched as the ball bounced off her forearms, her feet landing harshly on the floor. wonyoung felt the impact rattle her insides, her knee turning into mush as she stumbled back, luckily caught by yena.
she could feel the discomfort running up and down her leg. wonyoung knew that feeling, like the blood that ran down her leg when she had tried to learn how to bike by herself. but it didn't matter, not when hongik went silent, not when the referee whistled in favor of them.
wonyoung looked at jimin, pride coursing through her veins and hope glimmering from her eyes.
jimin didn't need to say it. jang wonyoung was worthless.
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y/n had entered their dorm, sighing as her girlfriend was nowhere to be found.
earlier, she had gotten a text from ahn yujin as she was making her way down through victor hall. the notification itself was enough to annoy y/n, and although she knew yujin and wonyoung would never do anything, y/n didn't like the fact that the older girl had a humongous crush on her girlfriend.
y/n stared at the text, walking back to her and wonyoung's dorm with a frown etched on her face. she analyzed the words over and over again, yujin never stating why, but just informing her that wonyoung would be gone for another hour or two.
despite her jealousy, y/n knew her former classmate well enough to know it was probably some afterparty that the seniors had thrown. she just wished wonyoung would have told her instead.
y/n lay on wonyoung's freshly made bed, scrolling endlessly through her phone as she waited for her girlfriend to come back.
it seemed like hours, but she occupied herself by texting jimin, the girl telling her to patiently wait for wonyoung. jimin had reassured her that wonyoung was most likely at the afterparty yena was throwing, surrounded by idiots and that yuna had probably confiscated her phone again.
she knew that was the most logical answer, but there was something wrong. y/n could feel it.
she stared at the ceiling, turning off her phone as she looked at the door. she could feel herself drifting into darkness, the smell of wonyoung invading her senses as her phone dinged nonstop, she knew none of which was wonyoung.
the freshman didn't know how long it had been since she had fallen asleep, but she woke up to the soft creek of the dorm door, and wonyoung's voice bidding who seemed like yujin goodbye.
she sat up out of wonyoung's field of vision, but y/n could make out the side of her girlfriend's face, and how it immediately dropped as soon as she closed the door.
any other time, y/n could sense the shift in the air. it wasn't uncommon for wonyoung to come home as an empty shell, her body barely functioning.
y/n was the only one who cared enough to notice, who cared enough to listen and sit with wonyoung.
she made wonyoung feel like she was worth something.
"you should've texted me." y/n could feel her arms, heavy against the air as wonyoung turned around.
wonyoung stared at the girl.
she had gone through the motions with yujin before she had entered her dorm. wonyoung couldn't figure out how to not disappoint the girl of her dreams, and tell her that the reason she was gone for four hours was that yujin had to drive her to the clinic and get her knee checked.
y/n always said she didn't care as long as wonyoung was healthy and happy, but wonyoung cared that she wasn't perfect enough for her girlfriend.
wonyoung watched as y/n's eyes swirled with anticipation, but there was a hint of anger.
she could feel a knot in her throat.
the middle blocker hung her head low, tears streaming down her cheeks as she stood in front of the door.
wonyoung wanted the comfort of her blanket, and the throw pillows inside her closet. she wanted to close her eyes and feel the rays of the sun on her skin.
she looked up, her eyes blood shot as y/n rushed over to her.
"i'm sorry." the taller girl muttered, picking at the side of her thumb.
y/n wiped her tears away, and wonyoung felt like she was back at home, wrapped in a blanket as her nanny sang her soft lullabies.
"don't cry, baby." wonyoung's nose scrunched up slightly as y/n kissed it. "i'm not angry, i'm just a little annoyed."
the word rang in wonyoung's ears.
y/n was annoyed at her, just like jimin was while their coach checked on wonyoung's knee, and when yeji had reassured the younger girl that she couldn't do anything about a knee injury.
she didn't know what she had done to get jimin so upset. all she knew was it felt like her parents had forgotten her birthday all over again.
"i know." wonyoung sniffled, tears flowing down faster than before.
y/n could feel worry bubbling in her chest as wonyoung tried to blink the tears away. she hated when the volleyball player tried to act okay, like she needed to be put together all the time.
the older girl led wonyoung to her bed, wrapping her in a blanket as the cold air nipped y/n's knuckles.
wonyoung's body wracked as her sobs became louder.
wonyoung didn't know anything outside of being perfect. she knew she was the furthest thing from it. her jump serves were sloppy at best, and she ran a 7:56 for her mile last week. her side of the room was always messy, and if it weren't for her girlfriend, she would've drowned herself in cheap wine while she cried in the bathtub.
still, people envied her. she was the daughter of a news anchor, of a politician. she got into one of the most prestigious post-secondary schools in the world, and she had y/n.
but how could she be perfect with an injury like this? how could y/n love her if she wasn't perfect?
"what's wrong?" y/n's voice was as smooth like the singing wonyoung longed to hear from her mother.
a lot of things were wrong in wonyoung's life. she could list one for every second that she had sat in that stupid waiting room, suffocated by the smell of the latex and sanitizer.
she rubbed her knee, a sinking feeling hurling through her body as she felt the athletic tape beneath her pants.
"i hurt my knee."
wonyoung was on the verge of tearing the cartilage in her knee from overuse. the doctor had said that he was surprised there hadn't been a tear like last time, and that she would need to rest for a month.
a month was too long, wonyoung decided. but this, just like everything, was out of her power.
"is that why you were gone?" y/n kissed her shoulder, and wonyoung could feel herself calming down. "i'm so sorry, baby. i didn't know. how bad is it?"
wonyoung looked at her for a second, expecting her to scream, yell, maybe even curse at her for being so stupid, but all she saw was worry and love in the older girl's eyes.
she didn't know why it made her sadder.
"i can't play in the next four games." wonyoung's voice felt unfamiliar to herself, like she was hearing her voice inside a movie theater.
y/n looked at wonyoung, the taller girl's crying coming to an abrupt halt.
"oh..." y/n was scared for her girlfriend, even if she didn't understand what anything meant in the world of volleyball. still, she'd support her wonyoung until the rivers ran dry. "maybe that's a good thing, right? you can rest, and focus on stuco duties with minju-unnie and-"
"it's not a good thing."
wonyoung could feel the side of her thumb bleeding as she scratched more and more into it.
this wasn't a good thing, because good things never happened to her. she wasn't a good person. she was selfish, two-faced, and all the other things her mom would yell at her at the top of her lungs.
wonyoung could feel her throat closing.
"i know, baby," y/n could feel wonyoung's back tense. she was spiralling. "but what i'm saying is that-"
wonyoung felt helpless.
"y/n." her voice was barely above a whisper, her mind finally processing what was happening. "i can't play."
the middle blocker could feel a sob spill out of her mouth, her head hanging low as y/n wrapped her shivering arms around wonyoung.
"breathe." y/n's voice was home. y/n's arms were home. "you can, and you will. you'll be fine. you'll be okay."
wonyoung couldn't understand her through her sobs, but she felt seen, not in the way that the media saw her or the way her parents and maids saw her. it was unfamiliar, like the first time y/n had kissed her.
she felt heard.
she looked at y/n, and sobbed harder.
"i can't play."
there was something so indescribable about y/n, and wonyoung wanted to love her the way that a person should love another, the way her parents never loved each other.
"i know." y/n was wonyoung's light at the end of the tunnel. "i'm so sorry, baby."
her cries eventually faded into hiccups, her head wrapped nicely under the blanket that smelt like her girlfriend. her eyes were swollen, and her cheeks red.
she looked at y/n.
there was never a moment in time that wonyoung hadn't feared losing her. she wasn't perfect. her lipstick would sometimes get on her teeth, and some days she'd be so busy that she'd forget to eat or sleep.
but y/n stayed because she was wonyoung's and wonyoung was hers.
"i love you."
jang wonyoung was worthless, but she loved l/n y/n with every fiber in her body, torn or not.
"i love you too, wonyoung."
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everythingbap · 30 days
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📲 yjaybaby Instagram update:
❝나는 누구지? 대답해 주는 자는 없었다네❞ ❝이건 나에게 찾아온 너라는 기회, 끝까지 가보고 싶어져❞ 누리&부치하난|유영재 2024 뮤지컬 <부치하난> 2024.9.17 ~ 2024.11.17 홍익대 대학로 아트센터 대극장
❝Who am I? No one would give me an answer❞
❝The opportunity that came to me - you - I want to see it through to the end❞
Nuri & Buchihanan|Yoo Youngjae
2024 Musical 'Buchihanan' 2024.9.17 ~ 2024.11.17 Hongik University Daehakro Art Center Grand Theater
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web-novel-polls · 5 months
ORV Constellations Tournament Submissions
Last Checked: September 20th, 2024 - Please check the original post for updates
Submissions Close Date: TBD
Must be from ORV / Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint or an ORV-based OC. They do not have to be from canon 
One constellation per response. Submit as many responses as you want
Constellations listed within examples/questions are not already included nor do they have priority
If unsure about anything, just write "unsure" or something like that. Submissions won't be rejected if there's missing info; I just need something to call them at the very least 
Lying is allowed because it’s ORV, and I think dishonesty is a virtue (<-lying)
Tournament Tag: #orv constellations tournament
(Major spoilers below!)
Cheok Jungyeong / Goryeo's First Sword 
Cheok Jungyeong gazed at the night sky through my eyes. I could feel the explosive emotions mixed in the silence. Cheok Jungyeong's rage and sadness. His grief… And… his decision.  [You can feel proud.]  Cheok Jungyeong spoke to me.  [Those who are at the highest point in this damn world are afraid of you.]  "…What is pride worth when I am going to die?"  [You won't die.]  They were just words, but they were words spoken by a constellation.  As if putting a buoy against fate, all the stories built by Cheok Jungyeong were rooted in my existence.  [I won't let you die.] - Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, Chapter 176
Nebula: Hongik
Submission 2: The one who always has kimcom's back, from very early on. He puts himself on the line for those incarnations while others turn away 
Submission 3: he shows up to look broody, kill on Kim Dokja's command, then dip 
Director of the False Last Act 
Nebula: Kimcom / Kim Dokja’s Company 
Submission: This is my favorite OC!!!!!!! She's really cool and powerful and swag and is friends with Kim Dokja Company. She can command Yoo Joonghyuk to do her bidding and even was engaged to him once :) 
Galileo / Another One Bites the Dust
No propaganda submitted
Kim Dokja / Oldest Dream
Nebula: Kimcom / Kim Dokja’s Company
Submission: I love the concept of Oldest Dream so much that if I had a physical copy of ORV i would be biting the novel right now <3 
Lame Trickster
Nebula: Unknown
Submission: I just think the one legged swift horse stigma is kinda funny. Imagine you're basically like a god and your special god skill is you can run away super fast. You bestow your super skill onto the human that has earned your respect and favour (now he can run away super fast too). Amazing
Loki / Constellation Who Likes to Change Sex
Nebula: Asgard
Submission: [The constellation who likes to change sex is changing your sex] 
Master of Steel
Submission: a quiet supporter died also rather forgotten death. sacrificed himself for kimcom ;-; 
No Stranger to Love
Submission: He just wants to turn everything into a romance, and I think that's beautiful
Samyeongdang / Bald General of Justice
Nebula: Hongik 
Submission: haha. bald
Sigmund Freud / Discoverer of the Subconscious
Submission: it's funny what more could you want
Image Link
Surya / Supreme God of Light
Nebula: Vedas
Submission: he's so cool tbh, i hope his design will bang 
Uriel / Demonic Judge of Fire
Nebula: Eden 
Submission 1: she loves so much, so bright, so burning. 
Submission 2: I want to make sure my girl is in the brackets. She is really really cool and also very powerful. She also canonically mixed up the metaphor about calling followers "sheep" and she just brought sheep in Eden.
Submission 3: She's just like me fr 
Yoo Junghyuk / Secretive Plotter
does an outer god who was assumed to be a constellation for majority of plot counts? either way, he's one of the OGs four of kdj's channel
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tomorrowxtogether · 16 days
240904 [HUENINGKAI Wants to Start a Band] EP.4 - [TO DO List] Join Hongik Unive...
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mybeingthere · 11 months
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Park Seo-Bo, a key figure in South Korea’s Dansaekhwa Movement, died this month at the age of 91.
Born in 1931 in North Gyeongsang, a Japanese-occupied region of South Korea, to a family of eight children, he pursued training in traditional painting at Hongik University in Seoul. In 1950, his education was interrupted when he was drafted to serve in the Korean War.
“There was no food, no job opportunity, everything had gone back to ashes; all conventional values and ideas were laid naked and bare.” the artist said in a 2008 interview with the New York Times about the affects of war on him and his peers. He looked at painting as self-referential. “For me, painting has become a mere tool and method to cleanse and purify myself,” he said.
Park Seo-Bo is one of the leading figures in contemporary Korean art, widely acknowledged as the father of the ‘Dansaekhwa’ movement. Encompassing works from the 1970s to this year, this exhibition at White Cube West Palm Beach serves as an introduction to Park’s influential practice, as well as being the first opportunity to see his work in the US since it was shown at the Solomon R Guggenheim Museum in 2019.
A series of vividly coloured ceramic works made in the past year reveal an artist continuing to innovate into his nineties. In collaboration with a master ceramicist’s studio, Park has worked with wet clay in a similar manner as he has previously when he is manipulating the wet pulp of hanji paper, a medium he uses in other works. For this group of works, successive layers of wet clay slip are pinched and pushed line by line into long, parallel ridges, and, after firing and sanding, contrasting pigments are then carefully applied to the furrows and peaks of the fired surface. This latest evolution of technique and introduction of a new material is true to the energetic, naturalistic materiality and tactility that characterises Dansaekwha.
Park’s use of traditional Korean hanji paper, hand-made from mulberry bark, an earlier innovation dating from the 1980s, is represented here by exceptional large-works in subtle shades of grey-black and in blazing, vibrant red. The remarkable durability of hanji has ensured the survival of some of the most ancient scriptures of Buddhism in Korea and is integral to the structure of daily life, including being used in wall coverings and door panels. To Park, the material not only offered endless opportunities for experimentation but represented the connection between his work and the natural world which he had begun to regard as essential. When applied on to a canvas backing and soaked with water, the hanji reverted to a pulp that could be pushed and scraped into sculptural forms.
Park mixes pigments that further evoke connections to nature, as well as to personal memory. The black works have the deep, matte darkness of the charcoal and soot that built up in layers around the artist’s childhood hearth, while the vivid red was inspired by the maple forest in autumn foliage around Mount Bandai near Fukushima in Japan. Within the compositions, smooth rectangular areas or ‘windows’ of single colour offer a textural contrast and a ‘breathing hole’, to let the mind rest.
Several exceptional works from the 1970s testify to the epiphany that was to prove so formative to the development of Korean minimalism or ‘Dansaekwha’. Park calls these ‘Myobop’, a word taken from the Chinese characters ‘to draw’ and ‘a method’, which has been translated by the French term ‘Écriture’ (writing). Centring on an exploration of drawing within painting and on the union of action and spirit, they reflect a consistent approach, one that is inextricably linked to time, space and material; concepts that underpin all of Park’s practice. In these works, mark-making becomes akin to breathing and emptiness is achieved through reduction, a process that Park has termed “forgetting the self”. Executed within a single sitting, harnessing an energy flow through meditative action, they combine technical skill with mental focus, within a defined period of time. This method reflects that, for Park, the making of art is rooted in a spiritual methodology, drawing on Confucian, Taoist and Buddhist philosophy as well as the Korean tradition of calligraphy.
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galaxymagick · 1 month
240809 Librarytheatre_ ✖️
[𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐄] 2024 뮤지컬 <부치하난> 캐스팅 공개 ❝전설의 비밀이 깨어나는 순간, 운명의 문이 열린다❞ 뮤지컬 <부치하난> 2024.9.17 ~ 2024.11.17 홍익대 대학로 아트센터 대극장
2024 Musical < Buchihanan > Casting Revealed
❝The moment the secret of the legend awakens, the door of destiny opens❞
Musical < Buchihanan >
2024.9.17 ~ 2024.11.17 Hongik University Daehangno Art Center Grand Theater
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nattaphum · 2 years
Apo, Jeff and Tong feat. SEOUL SUBWAY 😂
Apo: This’s the subway… Korean subway… Hongik… this is the first time i take the subway in Korea
Inside the subway
Apo: deposit 1,500 won…. What’s this…to the beginning
Jeff :no no if you press “ to the beginning” it means you want to cancel
Apo: okay… let’s start it all over.. let’s do it again… ahh “English” then press “ Destination” then “A.B” then “Anguk” 👍👍👍 thank you a lot jeff, you know me well
Tong: 3 tickets! Po, put in the money… here
Jeff :ptong paid for us
Tong:here,, put these in
Apo: where?
Apo: today is 18th… we came to take the subway to go to the palace
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inhobe · 7 months
hello all! it is i, chy (hyunki & xiaoli) bringing you my third (and more than likely final) muse to wannabe! introducing, ryu inho. he is 22 years old, and currently attending hongik university while majoring in computer engineering. for work he works mostly at a flower shop, and sings at bars on weekends. inho is charismatic, loyal, flirtatious, and very friendly. below i included more information about him, as well as some general plot ideas we can potentially work off of, then there is also links to his profile (i am working on a longer plot page)! i always love to brainstorm otherwise! if you'd like to plot feel free to like this and i will come bother you!
(discord available upon request)
(tw for mentions of abuse, drug use, abandonment, and teen pregnancy)
inho was born december 05, 2001, a sag baby
raised by a single mother, and his dad dipped before he was born
his mom was 16 when she had him
they allowed his mom to stay she graduated high school but kicked her out the same day
his whole life they were poor and required a large amount of government assistance to get by
inho has a terrible relationship with his mother. she blames him for how her life ended up
she would verbally degrade him, and frequently left inho home alone to go party with friends or her new boyfriend and do drugs
there were times she or her partners would physically abuse him
up until he was about thirteen he never fought back, but then he began to, both with his words and his fists
has a problem to this day with his temper and getting into fights, has punched many a hole into a wall
his dad briefly would show up on occasion, but never for more than a few weeks
when inho was 17 his dad got his mom pregnant again with his little sister, inhye
inhye is the light of his life and he works very hard to protect her and give her a good life
nowadays she frequently lives with him and he finds a way to take her to school and pick her up daily, and the flower shop owner lets him have her around
only interacts with his mom when he can't have inhye in his care and has to bring her back
completed his military service directly out of high school and came back about september 2021
started at the flower shop he works at immediately and also finding bars to sing at sometimes
chose to major in computer engineering mostly because he is intelligent enough for it, but also it will provide good money for him and inhye
not sure what he wants to do long term
inho loves singing significantly more than working with computers or at the flower shop, but isn't sure how to achieve that dream
most of his connection to idols is through some friends and his sister
ex(s) - i imagine inho probably had a partner possibly during his military time (february 2020 - september 2021) that he only saw during that time, and probably one longer term partner while in high school (march 2016-february 2020) and those are both fairly open for plotting
fwbs/hook ups - inho is very flirty and with spending his weekend nights in bars and his week days being flirty at the flower shop, he is known to take some people to his bed. recently went through a Tough Time and had a month or two long period where he really went ham
friends - he keeps a large circle of friends around him and enjoys company. so people he's known since high school, met at uni, met at his work. very open!
fellow students - just classmates, whether they share a major or not
a colleague - i imagine only one or two other people work at the shop with him
honestly would love to put him in a band, so if anyone wants a lead singer, hit him up
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supersonicart · 1 year
Hyangmok Baik’s "While You Were Sleeping."
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Opening on Saturday, April 1st, 2023 at BEERS London in London is artist Hyangmok Baik’s solo exhibition, "While You Were Sleeping."
Born in South Korea in 1990, Hyangmok Baik pursued his academic career, culminating in a Master's degree in Fine Art from Hongik University in 2019. Demonstrating a notable commitment to his artistic aspirations, Baik relinquished his stable employment to engage fully in the realm of art. His oeuvre reflects a profound, celebratory perspective on existence, as well as a sense of liberation.
Baik's distinctive artistic methodology encompasses a fusion of abstract, doodle-inspired figures, coarse brushwork, and unorthodox compositions. This amalgamation establishes an atmosphere of unrestrained freedom on his canvases. Baik's creations defy established norms and rigid paradigms within the art world. Through his exceptional utilization of a subdued color palette and the deliberate eschewal of narrative projection, Baik's work invites viewers to experience a sense of repose and maintain an inquisitive disposition as they engage with his art.
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wutherwaves · 4 months
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graphic for an upcoming IRL event near Hongik University Station!
src: wuwa KR twitter | game.naver.com (requires login)
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julielilac · 4 months
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Close to you, Build 1st Fanmeeting in Korea Support Project
LED Banner 20s | 4 big screens 📍 Hongik University Entrance Airport Railroad 🗓️ 05.14~05.21
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wansri1992ws · 1 year
วันนี้ขอเล่าความทรงจำที่ดีๆที่ผ่านมาช่วงปิดเทอม เมษายน
วันที่ 6-12 เมษายน 2566 ฉัน น้ำผึ้ง และบุ๊คกี้ ตัดสินใจไปเกาหลีกันเอง เริ่มแพลนทริปนี้ตั้งแต่ กรกฎาคม 2565 จัดการสมัคร k eta เพื่อเข้าประเทศเกาหลี แล้วก็จองตั๋วเครื่องบิน จองห้องพักเสร็จสรรพ ยากลำบากสุดก็เอกสารเข้าประเทศเนี่ยแหละ แต่ก็เข้าใจได้ เพราะคนไทยไปทำงานแบบผิดกฏหมายที่บ้านเขาเยอะมาก ตม ก็ต้องเข้มงวดเป็นพิเศษ
วันที่ 5 เมษายน 2566
ฉันนั่งเครื่องบินจากอุบล-สุวรรณภูมิ ไฟลท์บินคือ 17:55 น นัดเจอกับน้ำผึ้งและบุ๊คกี้ที่สนามบิน พอเจอกันก็เช็คเอกสารเพื่อความชัวร์ แล้วก็หาอะไรกินไปเรื่อยๆ เดินเล่นที่สนามบินจนเมื่อย ไปเกาหลีครั้งนี้เป็นการไป ตปท ครั้งแรกของน้ำผึ้งและบุ๊คกี้ ฉันเลยต้องวางแผนรัดกุมกว่าทุกครั้งที่ไป ตปท ดูเหมือนว่าการไปเกาหลีครั้งนี้จะมีอุปสรรคแล้ว ฉันเป็นเมนส์จ้าาาาา
เวลาเที่ยงคืน เราก็เริ่มไปหาที่เช็คอินแล้ว แถวยาวมากๆๆๆๆๆ ข้ามคืนมาเป็นวันที่ 6 เมษายน 2566 เราต่างก็รอบิน กว่าจะได้บินจริงๆก็ตีสาม เป็นการเดินทางที่รอจนทรมานมากๆ อากาศก็ร้อนสุดๆ แต่เราก็ใส่ชุดวอร์มแขนยาวกางเกงขายาว เพราะคิดว่าที่เกาหลีต้องหนาวมากแน่ๆ
เวลา 10:00 น เครื่องบินแลนดิ้งที่สนามบินอินชอน ตื่นเต้นสุดๆ นี่เป็นการมา ตปท แบบไม่มีเพื่อนช่วยเหลือเหมือนครั้งอื่นๆ อากาศก็หนาวส��ดๆ ต่างจากไทยแลนด์โดยสิ้นเชิง โชคดีเพราะชุดวอร์มที่ใส่ ลงจากเครื่องปุ๊บรีบเดินดุ่มๆๆ ไปขึ้นรถไฟข้ามเทอร์มินอล เพื่อไปเจอ ตม ตื่นเต้นหนักกว่าเดิม จะโดนเข้าห้องเย็นไหม สุดท้าย ตม ถามบุ๊คละเอียดมาก ดีที่เราต่อแถวข้างหลังบุ๊ค ตม ถามบุ๊คแล้วบุ๊คก็บอกว่ามากับเรา พอถึงคิวเรา ตม ไม่ถามอะไรเลย แต่ผึ้งที่ต่ออีกแถวโดนถามอยู่นะ แต่ไม่มาก คนก่อนหน้าผึ้งก็โดนเรียกเข้าห้องเย็นด้วย
ออกจาก ตม ได้ เราก็พากันไปเข้าห้องน้ำที่อยู่ข้างๆ GS25 แล้วก็ไปซื้อซิมโทรศัพท์ เราซื้อแบบ 30 วัน เพราะได้เน็ตเยอะมาก (แต่ถึงเวลาจริงๆใช้ไปไม่เท่าไหร่เลย ส่วนใหญ่ใช้ไปกับการเปิดแมพมากกว่า พวกดูตารางรถ ดูรถไฟฟ้าใต้ดิน เป็นต้น) จากนั้นก็ไปขึ้นรถไฟฟ้า AREX เพื่อไปลงสถานี HONGIK UNIV เพราะที่พักเราอยู่ที่นั่น พอขึ้นมาจากรถไฟฟ้า ��นดันตกอีก รีบวิ���งไปซื้อร่มที่ GS25 ก่อนจะลากกระเป๋าด้วยความทุลักทุเล เดินวนหาที่พักแบบคนหลงทางดีๆนี่เอง กว่าจะเจอที่พักใช้เวลานานพอสมควร ไปถึงก็ยังเช็คอินไม่ได้ เพราะยังไม่ถึงเวลา เราเลยฝากกระเป๋าแล้วไปหาอะไรกินกันก่อน
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everythingbap · 30 days
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📲 Librarytheatre_ Twitter update:
[𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄] ❝나는 누구지? 대답해 주는 자는 없었다네❞
누리&부치하난|정택운 유영재 노윤
2024 뮤지컬 <부치하난> 2024.9.17 ~ 2024.11.17 홍익대 대학로 아트센터 대극장
[𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄] ❝Who am I? No one would give me an answer❞
Nuri & Buchihanan|Jung Taekwoon, Yoo Youngjae, No Yoon
2024 Musical 'Buchihanan' 2024.9.17 ~ 2024.11.17 Hongik University Daehakro Art Center Grand Theater
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