#severus snape is harry potters dad
tageerdo · 3 months
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mermaid886 · 1 year
These are AI generated, but I think they’re adorable.
(Also, photos are not mine - taken from Snarry Lovers 2.0 Facebook community.)
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smilingbluetiger · 8 months
Hogwarts Talks
(Dad Severus x Y/N)
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Snape's child: *Watches the animated Sleeping Beauty. Maleficent appears on the screen
Maleficent: *she resembles a big bat in appearance
Snape's child: *looks at the screen
Snape's child: *looks at his father's robe left on the chair
Snape's child: *points at the screen
Snape's child: it's DAD!
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severussnapemylove · 4 months
Severus; “Are you alright?”
Harry; “Yes.”
Severus; “Are you hurt?”
Harry; “No.”
Severus; “Then what were you thinking, you dunderhead?!?!” 
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trippingontheescalator · 11 months
So, I've seen a few Severitus fics where Harry is given the new name of Hadrian for whatever reason (hiding his identity, he's going to be Lord Potter and Hadrian sounds more pureblood-y, whatever) and just nicknamed Harry. And I kind of want to write my own version of this, but instead of having Severus give Harry a formal name like Hadrian he chooses
Just to be dick about it.
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isbreulla · 5 months
Snape Makeover
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My Severus Snape is perfect for me, so I didn't change much about him, just some improvements.
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snowyslytherinowl · 11 months
Joyous Nightmares - Part 1
PAIRING: Severus Snape x (Professor) Reader
SUMMARY: A year after surviving the Second Wizarding War, Severus Snape begins to have joyous nightmares where he dreams of having a wife and a daughter. These dreams bring him nightmares because he doesn't believe that he'll ever get married or have a family of his own. So what happens when the wife in his dreams is revealed to be you?
Warning: Nothing heavy, but there are some mentions of death. Angst and nightmares are also featured.  This is my first fanfiction for Harry Potter. I hope you enjoy it!
Part 2 | Part 3
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*GIF isn't mine
Severus has had nightmares for as long as he can remember. As a child, he dreamt of his parents arguing and his father hitting him when drunk. Then his nightmares focused mainly on his rejection from Lily, and Potter and Black bullying him. Sometimes they would trip him in the hall, causing his trousers to fall off, and other times Potter would make him kiss the ground and eat the dirt while Lily watched. As he grew older, he dreamt of Lily’s death. After the Second Wizarding War, he relived his near-fatal attack by Nagini almost every night. But about a year after the war ends, Severus starts to have nightmares about a much different topic. 
Severus is sitting on his bed when he hears crying. He walks down a hall in a house, one that looks much different than the one in Spinner’s End, to the source of the crying: a baby. He opens the door at the end of the hall and sees a small infant flailing around the crib. Gingerly lifting the baby from the bed, he cradles the baby in his arm and places their head on his shoulder. He doesn’t know why or how, but he knows that the baby is a girl and that she’s his daughter. He gently bounces her up and down and sits in a rocking chair. 
“Hush now. Daddy is here,” he whispers and kisses her forehead. “You have nothing to fear. I will always protect you.” He holds the little girl closer to him, and soon she falls asleep in his arms. 
Severus wakes up in his bed in his private chamber at Hogwarts. Although he has dreamt of much more horrific, much more gruesome things, this dream leaves him feeling immensely worse. He has been bullied and seen death in the real world, so seeing it in his mind’s eye at night is no different than experiencing it. But dreaming of cradling his own tiny baby girl? That leaves him with a gaping hole in his heart, a hole he cannot mend because he will never have a family. Pathetic, greasy-haired Severus, forever condemned to loneliness. 
He pulls the covers back up his chest, turns on his side, and closes his eyes. No matter how much he tosses and turns that night, he can't fall asleep until dawn. 
Several nights later, Severus has a similar dream. 
He’s back in the same house. With a quick peek through the window, he can tell that this house is in the countryside with its green, sprawling valley. Severus turns to the little girl in the highchair, who is now eight or nine months old. He dips a spoon into a jar of baby food and tries to feed it to his daughter, who purses her lips and turns her head.
“Do not be picky. This is delicious,” he says and puts the spoonful of baby food into his mouth. No, he was lying about the delicious part. “Perhaps it does not taste good, but it is good for you. My Half-Blood Princess must grow to be healthy and strong.”
Even though his daughter giggles at her nickname, she still refuses to eat the food. “Fine. I did not want to fall into temptation, but you are forcing me.”
Severus takes a small cauldron from the cupboard, which is no bigger than a large bowl. He puts the jar of baby food and spoon into the cauldron and uses his wand to make steam rise from the cauldron. He swirls his wand over the cauldron, pretending to stir it, and casts a fake spell of gibberish words. 
Severus’s daughter breaks into a giggling fit and bounces up and down in her high seat. Severus can’t help but smile and laugh at her joy. He uses his wand to lift a spoonful of baby food from the cauldron and towards the little girl, who finally opens her mouth and eats. 
He never thought himself much of a fatherly figure, but these joyous nightmares have made him realize how desperately he wishes to have a family of his own. Every time he visits Hogsmeade, he stares at the small children accompanying their parents at shops or playing in the playground. Even though he doesn’t show much love to the people around him, he somehow knows that he would shower his own child with love and affection. 
Severus decides not to go back to sleep. There are two hours until he must make his way to the Great Hall and he still has essays to grade. Anything to get his mind off the baby, though a small cauldron in the corner of his room ensures that the hole in his heart remains open.
Over the next few months, Severus has dreams about his child almost every night. In every dream, he watches her grow up, even if it’s by a month or two. Nothing particularly profound happens; they merely participate in average daily activities. Once he dreams that she plays with a toy wand set that emits tiny colorful sparks. Another time she sits on his lap as he reads to her and wrestles his hair from her tiny fingers. That one makes him feel especially pained as he’s always felt insecure about his hair, and he can’t imagine a baby happily playing with it. 
After a particularly hard day of disciplining dunderheads and spilled potions, another person joins his dreams. 
Muggle baby strollers are quite the invention, Severus thinks as he pushes his sleeping daughter around the main square of the nearest town. Stores here display all types of clothes, as well as chocolate boxes and snack bags; however, he doesn’t see anything suitable for his wife’s birthday. 
Finally, Severus spots a beautiful dark green pendant through a jewelry shop’s window. An idea pops into his mind about how he can transform this simple Muggle pendant into something enchanting for his wife.
He buys it, then spends the rest of the day locked in his study working on magically connecting the pendant and a journal. He charms the pendant to heat up and display messages Severus writes in the journal. This way, Severus can send short messages to his wife no matter where he is. “I love you,” he writes in the journal and watches it slowly appear on the green gem. 
“What do you think?” he asks his daughter when he enters the living room. She giggles and grasps the chain of the necklace, which Severus takes as a yes.
“One day, I will give you one of your own, my Half-Blood Princess.”
A wife. A wife whom he loves. A wife that loves him, too, even if he has no proof to support his theory. A wife who he loves enough to have a baby with. A wife who he knows he will never have. 
Since he started having these joyous nightmares, he has recognized that the existence of a wife would appear at some point. Though when she finally does, he’s caught off guard. He thought that as an adult, he would finally grow out of the nervous, insecure person he was as a child. But he’s thought wrong; a fist squeezes his heart as he thinks about how lonely and unlovable he is. His hand wanders to the pillow on the other side of the bed as he imagines a wife lying beside him. He wishes that he could hold her, kiss her, and love her. But who would ever be attracted to his oily hair and sallow skin, or not be appalled by his deeds as he served the Dark Lord? 
Tears have threatened to spill after waking from his past dreams. This time, though, the tears overtake him and sobs wrack his body. 
Steps sound from around the corner. Severus prepares to berate the student he catches, but he stops short when he spots you. “Hi Severus, you can go to bed. It’s my night to patrol the corridors, remember?” 
Severus doesn’t have many friends at Hogwarts, or anywhere for that matter. But out of the few people he can rely on, you are one of them. You frequently eat lunch with him and sit beside him for meals. You’re always there for him to talk to, though you aren’t pushy. He appreciates you more than you likely appreciate him.  
“I know,” he says a little too harshly. “I thought I should help since I could not sleep.” Do not want to sleep is more like it, he thinks. 
You don’t take offense to his harsh tone. “That’s nice of you. Are you having nightmares, perhaps? Are the ghosts in your dreams giving you too much grief?” You give him a gentle smile and Severus feels a warmth spreading over his body. 
“I consumed too much caffeine,” he lies. 
“Don’t I know the dangers of drinking too much tea before I go to bed.” 
You two patrol the corridors as he listens to your stories of catching students out of bed and making fools of themselves in class. He rather enjoys being in your presence, a warm welcome from his joyous nightmares. 
It seems too soon when your patrol is over and you head in different directions to return to your chambers. Determined not to fall asleep, Severus spends the rest of his time until breakfast grading essays. He has never physically seen his dream wife; he only writes to her or prepares dinner or breakfast for her. Unfortunately, his eyes feel too heavy and he eventually succumbs to sleep. 
It’s a beautiful day and Severus chases after his daughter, who runs through the valley outside their house. He finally catches up with her when she drops to the ground, picking at something. “I got you!” he yells after he grabs his daughter and lifts her into his arms. 
“Daddy!” she giggles and presents him with the flowers she has picked. “For you!”
He takes the bundle from her dirt-stained hands and smiles down at her. “Thank you, sweetheart.” He places her back down on the ground and kneels beside her. “How about you pick some for Mummy?”
“Okay!” His daughter runs around a little more until she picks the largest flowers in the valley and gives them to her dad for safekeeping. He lifts her back into his arms and walks towards the house. 
In the distance, he can see a woman by their house. He knows that it’s his wife, but the light from the setting sun and the shadow from the house blocks him from seeing her features. Severus uses one of his hands to shield his eyes from the sun glaring into his eyes and tells his daughter, “Wave to Mummy!”
Severus checks the time and jumps to his feet. He strains to discern the identity of his dream wife based on his memories of the dream but to no avail. He arrives at the Great Hall, takes his seat beside you at the High Table, and attempts to compose himself as he digs into his food. Why are you living under the delusion that this dream woman is a real person? Severus tells himself in his mind. If you ever see what she looks like, she will be an imaginary woman who only lives in your head. 
For a split second, Severus peeks at you from the corner of his eyes and imagines you as his wife blinded by the light from the sun. Deciding that it’s a dangerous path to take, he snaps out of it and goes back to nibbling his toast. 
You catch him looking at you and you ask, “Are you alright, Severus? You look like you didn’t get any sleep!” Oddly, he enjoys the concern in your voice and the furrowing of your brows. 
“I am fine,” he brushes off, but you’ve already poured him coffee and waved your wand at it. 
“Take this. It should get you through the rest of the day.” Severus grunts thanks and takes a sip. Normally, coffee makes him feel shaky and nervous as he unwittingly recalls his joyous nightmares. This coffee tastes different; it's sweet and makes him feel like he will stay awake and alert for the rest of the day. 
You talk to each other about your plans for the day until you finish your food and stand from your seat. “I’ll see you later!” you call from behind. For some indiscernible reason, Severus is looking forward to that. 
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pamelasmuse · 11 months
You Are In Love
Dbf!James Potter x Fem!Reader
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Summary: You get caught in the shower with James.
Warnings: Light smut, angst and like fluff. Also not proofread.
A/N: This is based of a childhood movie of mine. Can anyone guess it? (Hint it is 2 words and starts with J) Also you are so lucky this fic saw the light of day bc the 1st time I wrote it I didn’t save it and the 2nd time I deleted it on accident.
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You felt like you were in a dream. Something you had fantasized about for months now. Not having to hide. Your dads would hate to see you with someone older, not to mention someone married, and that someone was their best friend James Potter.
Your dads were in London with Harry and James wife (soon to be ex) was in Scotland. So you had absolutely nothing to worry about. You were so happy so happy you could finally date like a normal 19-year-old.
you smile and look down at the pink milkshake in front of you. Breakfast was your favorite meal, because you could order super sugary items.
“How is your childish breakfast?” he asks, you smile at him. “ you better be careful who you’re calling a child, James because if I recall correctly, you were inside me less than 30 minutes ago.” You pause for dramatic affect. “ I’m pretty sure that’s against the law.” Now you’re the one smiling
James is a little embarrassed, but he takes it in good fun. You motion to his matching strawberry milkshake. “ if mine is so childish, then why did you order one?” James looks down and smiles.
“ because I know you.” he stops. “ I know that you wanted a milkshake for breakfast and that you wouldn’t order one if I didn’t order one.” Your heart swells with love and happiness that you have finally found someone who gets you who loves you.
“Aw thank you” you smile you look at him for a while just memorizing his face thinking about how amazing he is “daddy” you add. Now it’s James turn to react his face is red with embarrassment and he’s coughing.
It wasn’t a uncommon for you to call him daddy, but it was in common for you to call him that outside of the bedroom. “ not here.” he warned gone with his loveing tone now it was replaced by a stern mean man you didn’t know
“ I’m sorry daddy” you smiled. To anyone passing by it just seems like an innocent smile, but James knew you, and he knew that you were starting some thing. Just then the waitress came over and in that same movement you had slipped off your shoes and one of your feet had started running up the seem of James pants.
James can think straight maybe that was the lack of blood circulating his brain since it all had bled to his lower half. “ did we enjoy everything” you and James nodded to the lady. He handed her some cash, his hands shaking, because at that moment you’re toe had touched the tip of his boner
“ keep the change” James yelled just wanted to get out of there. And she turned around he got up. “ come on.” He yelled at you. When you finally stood up, he grabbed your forearm pushing you towards the door.
“Ow that hurts” you whined. James laying down breathing into your ear. “ well, maybe you should’ve thought about that, princess because now I think you need punished.” You tried to hide your smile as he escorted you out.
* * *
When you had finally reached James and Lili’s townhouse, he pushed you inside, and then the door was shut he push you against it. His lips immediately attacked yours. It’s like he was sucking your air.
He began to kiss down your neck until he reached your(his) shirt, he pulled it off quickly, revealing the pink bra you had worn the night before. It was a surprise for him a surprise, and a thank you for having the house to yourself, and it made him harder
He kissed on your chest until he got to the top of your boobs, then undud your bra. He sucked on your nipple, causing a few moans. You pulled back for a second pulling off his shirt.
He grabbed your hips. Pulling you in and kiss you harder. “ this isn’t much of a punishment.” You quip he looks down at you smiling. “ I promise princess we will get to that.”
He starts to push you towards the stairs. You are halfway up when he finally discard his pants. Then you start to work on yours. But then you hear the door knob start jingle and you here, an all to familiar voice.
“ James” you hear your dad yell. You look at James your face panicked. You start to run up the stairs but you trip on your jeans James picks you up rushing you to the nearest room.
When you are safe in side, you start to listen. You can hear your dad mumble probably confused why there are so many clothes on the ground. But then you hear a smaller voice.Harry.
And finally you can hear your dad “ why don’t you run upstairs and use the bathroom, then we will go.” You look like a James finally surveying the room, you are in, the bathroom.
“ he’s going to come in here” you whisper yell at James. He was thinking quick he moved you into the shower. “ What are you doing?” James hurried in with you. He put a a finger over your mouth, his hands snaked behind you turning on the water. You try to protest but he kisses you to keep you quiet.
He finally pulls back “ we’re just gonna pretend I’m taking a shower”. He winks you. It feels like an eternity when you finally here a little knock. “Daddy?” You hear little Harry say. “Yes?” James calls out. “ I need to use the restroom.” Harry says.
“ OK son just hurry.” James says he looks down at you and your soaked clothes. Any smiles you hear Harry open the door and lift up the toilet. He does his business and Just then James calls out “don’t flush” but it’s too late he’s already done it in a matter of seconds you can feel the burning hot water hit your back
“Ow fuck” you scream out. James hurries and put his hands over your mouth pleading with you Harry stand back, looking at the shower curtain. “Daddy? Is mommy in there?” James is frantic, trying to think of what to do.
“No just me” he yells back. He shakes his head and walks to the curtain trying to open it you quickly try to pull it back, but it’s no use. Harry Pulls it open, revealing his dad in boxers and you in just jeans. You quickly cover your chest.
Just standing here knock on the bathroom door as if this couldn’t get any more mortifying and awkward. “ come on Harry we don’t have all day.” And then you hear the door open near met with your father is modified look as he sees you, his little girl with his best friend. 
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severussimp · 8 months
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After the horror of 2nd year, Harry needed a little comfort from Papa Snape. Ridding the nightmares with a story and a warm embrace.
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inkysnapyarty · 7 months
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Sunday’s trip with Severus, Minerva and little Harry
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Like, are you kidding me? I’m losing my mind
Edit: this was created using Midjourney AI software
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kayessbeebeebeee · 10 months
Hey, would you guys do me a favor and recommend your favourite Severitus fic but as found family trope on not bio dad Snape? Complete or Incomplete, it's all fine.
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severussnaperevived · 9 months
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Ron: "Hey Neville I dare you to kiss that new girl and I'll give you my pocket money"
Neville: takes a big breath before walking over to her and kissing her
Ron: "Snape looks so pissed, look her coming over"
Snape: "detention Longbottom"
Neville: "what just happened"
New girl: "I've never seen dad so angry, you are so dead"
Ron: "that was so worth my pocket money"
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smilingbluetiger · 5 months
Hogwarts Talks
(Severus x Y/N)
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*family movie night*
Guest on the show: *first in a rage pushes the woman so that she hits her head on the edge. He understands what he has done, panics, but decides to finish the job and chokes the woman. Later he fakes an accident on the canoe
Your daughter: But stupid, if he already hit her he should finish with a stone. There will be traces left after the strangling
Y/N: Exactly
Severus: Daughter...
His daughter: What?
Severus: It's scary to sit with you, since you're correcting murderers on the screen. Go have a chew before going to bed. You play delicate, and you would murder people with stones
His daughter *smiling: Dad, women from an early age are taught how to wash blood off all sorts of materials
His daughter *obediently heads to bed, but even before leaving the room she adds: And I don't want to say anything, but Mom agreed with me. Good night!
Severus: ... I begat a monster with the face of an angel.
Y/N *sipping tea: At least you know that if necessary, she knows how to dispose of the body and clean up the blood
Severus: ... Just like you
Y/N *smiles: Just like me
Severus: I'm sleeping in a fucking guest room tonight.
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mermaid886 · 1 year
If Snape had raised Harry, the teenage years would have been hard, but I headcanon that every evening in the summers, no matter how heated the arguments became, Harry would whisper, “Night, Dad”, on his way up to bed.
.........Severus would sigh every time he heard it, knowing his struggles were at least appreciated.
..........Knowing someone cared about him.
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severussnapemylove · 8 months
Severus; (to Minerva) "I’m not a father, I don’t even have any children!"
Daco; (walks in) "Hi, Dad?"
Severus; "Oh, hello."
Draco; "Is it okay if Pansy and I go into Hogsmeade?"
Severus; "Yes, just be back by curfew."
Minerva; ....
Severus; "What?"
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