#seventeen scenarion
kihyuni3 · 7 years
Seventeen Reaction to Being in a Power Couple
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This is another one that I’m not sure if it already got posted or not so I changed up the prompt just a little bit in case. Also are you proud of me I finally learned how to write a reaction that isn’t like an entire 17 (ha ha get it) pages long?
Scenario: In this reaction, I see (Y/N) as being in a newly debuted idol group, like just got out of rookie phase. Her group is not as popular as other groups but has a loyal following kind of similar status to like Astro or gugudan.
S.Coups/Seungcheol -
The both of you were leaders of your groups so everyone respected you both so much already, but when you were together it made the respect double.
I think Seungcheol would love the fact that you were such a powerful person and that people seemed to shy away from the two of you whenever you were together. When people brought it up in interviews he would eat it up, loving to talk about you and how amazing your relationship is. He wouldn't take advantage of the power that came with the two of you being together he would simply like the position it put the two of you in.
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(I love this gif soooo much like wow goes from dad to daddy real fast)
Jeonghan -
You two were both seen as the visual of your groups so when it was confirmed that you were dating many people became jealous as you were soon known as the visual couple.
Jeonghan thought it was funny that people always addressed you and him differently just because you were perceived as more attractive. Anytime someone would shy away from you and him because they were intimidated by your looks or couldn’t speak anything to you but mumble-mouthed compliments he would laugh quietly to himself, he was just happy that now you could see how beautiful you were to not only him, but the rest of the world.
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Joshua -
The way you announced that you and Joshua were dating was by posting a duet you had done where he was playing guitar while both of you sang. Immediately people became very intimidated by the vocal couple.
Whenever you and Joshua appeared together on shows you were always asked to perform a song together because your voices were just so perfect together. At first, he thought it would get tiring, but it never did. He loved singing with you and he loved the new found confidence and attention you were getting for your talent. You could even see rookies who were nervous to approach you because they were impressed by you. All in all he just really liked the appreciation the entire industry was giving you.
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Jun -
You and Jun were both actors in different dramas. Individually you were both praised greatly for your acting ability, so when it was announced that the two of you were dating it quickly became a very hot topic.
For the most part, Jun didn’t take advantage of your relationship to get roles or anything, but he wouldn’t complain if you guy happened to end up as the two lead love interests in an upcoming drama. What Jun did like to do though is show you off at every premiere or awards show that the two of you were attending. He knew the two of you were popular so he always used this as an opportunity to make sure that people knew you were his, cause in his opinion you two were the cutest couple to have ever existed.
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Hoshi/Soonyoung -
Shortly after it was announced that the two of you were dating a video was released on vlive of you helping him choreograph one of the seventeen dances. One of your suggestions actually ended up being the point dance of their new song.  
Hoshi didn’t mind the attention you were getting, he actually liked that people were aware that you were a talented choreographer. What he did find funny though was how many people started coming up to the two of you backstage at shows or while you were at the dance studio to ask whether the dance they were trying out was good. He could also get used to the company letting you come and help him choreograph from now on.
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Wonwoo -
When your group had debuted you were automatically labeled the cold one by fans (not because you were actually a cold person, just because that’s how you appeared during shows and performances), so when it was announced that you and Wonwoo were a couple both fandoms just agreed that that made total sense.
Wonwoo didn’t entirely like being labeled as the cold couple, he wasn’t a huge fan of all the attention your relationship was getting either, but he did like that people were very accepting of your relationship. He also liked the growing popularity your group was gaining. However, if the lack of privacy was ever too much he would take every precaution he could to make sure your dates were more private and personal. Wonwoo really just wanted you to be comfortable.
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Woozi -
Similar to Hoshi, your companies announced your relationship by posting a video of the two of you together, except this video was of the two of you working together in the studio on producing your groups next song.
When your relationship picked up popularity Woozi was not a fan at all. He really valued privacy and the fact that anytime you were together you had cameras trained on you made him very upset. However, this did mean that the two of you got to spend more time in the studio together to have more private time together, which he was a fan of. This way you two could choose what to advertise about your relationship. And he would never admit it, but he did like the fact that everyone knew you were only his.
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DK/Seokmin -
Quickly after your debut, you were labeled as the sunshine of your group due to your giddy nature and tendency to be always making jokes and gags. Your relationship was immediately picked up by fans because they loved the funny couple and their interactions.
DK would milk this for all it was worth. He loved showing off your relationship, especially to the fans since they seemed to take it very well. He even suggested that you started a Vlive series together. He loved when people came up to the two of you to compliment your relationship, he especially loved when trainees or rookie groups approached asking about gags and jokes. This relationship would just be so much fun to be a part of.
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Mingyu -
Your relationship had already been announced, but it didn’t start gaining as much attention as it did until your group did a broadcast with Seventeen and you and Mingyu started cooking together.
Not only did all the fans love how adorable the two of you were being so domestic together, but also everyone was very impressed how good the food actually turned out. Mingyu was kind of confused that the two of you ended up being the cooking couple, but he secretly loved the attention the two of you were getting. He just loved to show off you and your talents, but he would never admit that was what he was doing when he suggested that the two of you go on a cooking show together.
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The 8/Minghao -
You and Minghao had not officially announced your relationship yet, but you were both doing a vlive together where you were both b-boying when every one of your fans and his started shipping you together.
Minghao was another one who kind of wished your relationship was a little more private, but he knew there was nothing he could do about it. At this point, if people found out you two were dating, then that’s what was going to happen. After a while, he even started to facilitate the ship by doing a vlive where he taught you some wushu and nunchucks, where you accidentally hit him and he requested you to “kiss it better”
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Seungkwan -
Only a little bit after you and Seungkwan announced you were dating you were both to appear on Singing Battle (there’s a link if you aren’t familiar with this show). When the two of you were to go up against each other you both put on an amazing performance and many of the others were speechless.
Seungkwan loved the attention the two of you were getting. It gave both of you more opportunities as singers as well as getting you the recognition you and your group deserve.  Seungkwan also loved to be able to not hide your relationship, he was always showing you skinship and bragging about you in interviews. Honestly, I think Seungkwan would like this the most.
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Vernon/Hansol -
You and Vernon first met on a rap show and ever since then both your fans and his had been asking you to do a collab. After the two of you were announced to be together you ended being scheduled for that same show where got to achieve that for your fans. You quickly became known as the hip-hop couple.
Honestly, Vernon would love this so much. I would let you and him work together so much more and it also made your groups popularity increase so much. Of course, he liked that he was able to not hide your relationship, but what he really wanted most was for you to be happy and successful in life and that was happening through your collaboration with him and he couldn’t be happier. He is honestly such a proud boyfriend.
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Dino/Chan -
The two of you had been dating secretly for a while now and your companies had finally agreed to let you announce your relationship. The way you decided to do it was during a special duet dance stage you had with him where at the end you kissed. Since then you had been known as the performance couple due to the stage having so much power and impact.
Since you and Dino had been together for a while he wouldn’t mind much that people saw you doing skinship and other couple-y things. What he did get tired of through was the fact that anytime the two of you were on shows together you were expected to be performance ready. At first, he thought it was fun but recently it just got tiring. However, if it made the fans and companies continue to support your relationship, then he would continue to perform for a thousand more years.
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(ignore Hoshi I just find Chan unbelievable cute here)
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because-of-a-friend · 7 years
Time Travel Series Pt. 1
Seungcheol | Jeonghan | Joshua | Jun | Hoshi | Wonwoo | Woozi | DK | Mingyu | Minghao | Seungkwan | Vernon | Dino  
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-Ok once the boys start going off on their own more, like once they’re comfortable traveling by themselves
-Coups goes long periods of times where he constantly travels, and then long periods of times where he doesn’t jump at all
-When he does travel tho
-Coups can almost always be found in the 90s
-No one’s really sure why he doesn’t go more exciting places, but he just usually doesn’t 
-He won’t admit it, but it’s purely because of how sentimental he is
-Like he just loves going back to the near past and looking back at how everything used to be
-He’s a big fan of even going back to see his younger self and the other members just to watch them all live
-He gets really cheesy and gushy about knowing how happy and successful they’ll all be someday 
-But still, he doesn’t admit it
-He just comes back to the present acting like he went back just to take awful photos of the members in their awkward stages
-”Hey Jun, when were you gonna tell us about this haircut you had?”
-But anyways, Coups stays “close to home” 
-So there’s this one time, around December where he’s been jumping a lot
-So he’s like, ok time to take a break and stay in the present awhile
-He’s apparently not very good at getting his head in the present because his head is completely up in the clouds when he runs into you
-Like literally runs into you
-And he’s like “Shit, sorry, are you alright?”
-And then he like really looks at you
-And he just thinks “wow they’re really cute”
-And you’re just flustered cuz a handsome boy is over here blushing as he apologizes to you
-”It’s cool, I’m fine”
-”You wanna go get coffee?”
-”I’m sorry what?”
-And then he’s cringing internally cuz he just asked you out and you literally met .2 seconds ago and it was only because he ran into you
-But you were just so attractive and he was so flustered and
-”Sorry, I meant like, do you want me to buy you a new coffee? I kind of knocked yours on the ground...”
-You were just gonna tell him it was fine
-You were rushing home to finish a paper due later that day
-You knew you could finish easily
-But you had pulled an all-nighter
-And you knew you were just gonna fall asleep if you didn’t drink any coffee
-”If it’s not too much trouble, I would actually really appreciate that”
-So he happily nods his head and walks with you into to the coffee shop you had literally just come out of before he ran into 
-And Coups just kind of sits there all embarrassed as you order, because obviously everyone in there had seen what had happened
-They take awhile to make you another coffee 
-So both of you are just sitting there 
-And you decide to strike up a conversation because
-This guy could have been a total jerk and just run off after he ran into you
-And he was waiting with you to make sure you actually got your coffee
-So you two start talking
-And something just clicks
-Like that moment you meet someone and know that they’re easily going to become your friend
-You feel that with Coups like immediately
-And hey, he gets your number 
-And then you guys just become best friends
-You guys are always with each other when it’s possible
-You tell each other everything
-You have the same kind of humor so you always crack each other up
-You guys just work well together
-There’s one problem spot
-Coups just disappears sometimes
-Sometimes it’s not that big of a deal
-Like he’ll go hours without texting you
-And you’ll just shrug it off, cuz hey he’s probably at practice
-And then other times it’s a full day
-And once again you just tell yourself he’s really busy, he’s an idol after all, he can’t dedicate all his time to you
-But then sometimes it’s more than one day
-And you get kind of worried
-Like what is he even doing
-You try not to get overly upset or really mention it
-But it is distressing when you ask him about it and he doesn’t even have a real excuse
-You try not to argue with him but occasionally you’ll make a sassy comment on it to express your displeasure 
-He just tells you not to get upset, to trust him cuz it’s not that big of a deal
-So for awhile you stay mostly quiet about it, just to see if anything gets worse
-And it does
-He disappears for like a whole week
-Bc sometimes Coups isn’t great at timing his jumps to appear back moments after he left
-But like, you’re a wreck 
-Cuz your best friend is just gone for a whole week
-You don’t hear from him or anything about him
-He’s just... gone
-So when he gets back
-Boy are you mad
-Like wow you’ve never yelled at someone before
-But you finally did
-You didn’t want to
-And you felt guilty about it
-But you were so worried about him
-”Seriously Seungcheol, anything could’ve happened to you”
-”I mean it, what was I supposed to think?”
-”I get that you’re busy and I shouldn’t expect constant attention from you, but not even one text the entire week?”
-”I was so worried about you Seungcheol”
-And then you’re crying
-Because this was a tipping point for a lot of your emotions to come flooding out
-And Coups just feels the weight of the world on his shoulders
-He’s always felt kind of guilty for not telling you, and making you worry like this
-”[Y/N] I can explain, but like it’s a lot”
-And you just look at him all confused as he takes your hands
-And then suddenly
-You are not where you were a second ago
-You’re in some random field
-And then suddenly Seongcheol is just yelling
-”[Y/N] wait I can explain! I can explain!”
-Because you’re now hitting him cuz honestly what kind of dark magic is this boy using to do what he just did
-And then you bolt
-And Coups’s heart just drops
-Because shit, y’all are in the 1800s and if he can’t find you, you’ll be stuck here
-So he chases after you 
-He finally catches up to you
-It doesn’t take him and his long legs very long
-He just holds you there as he explains everything
-And you just gotta sit there for a long while
-You gotta process what’s going on, where you are, and how badly Coups managed to handle it all
-”Like I know that there probably isn’t a guide book for you time travelers, but a warning would be nice BEFORE you just randomly take people back in time”
-”Note taken”
-Once you’ve kind of calmed down you look around you, hoping that being more familiar with your surroundings will help more with your nerves
-”Where are we anyways?”
-”Late 1800s, in a field a picked specifically for you”
-Your sarcasm appears
-”Wow you picked out a field, how... incredibly kind of you Seungcheol”
-He rolls his eyes and turns you around
-As he’s turning you, you’re thinking “I mean this field does seem oddly familiar, like I feel like I’ve definitely seen it before”
-And once he’s done turning you, you’re facing this random man
-And he’s just out there... painting?
-And then time stops
-”That... that’s...”
-”Vincent van Gogh”
-”But... but he... he’s...”
-”Your favorite artist, yes I know”
-And you just look back up at Coups
-You’re kind of tearing up again
-You feel guilty for being so mad at him
-You’re still overwhelmed by everything going on
-And you’re kind of thinking you might love Seungcheol
-You’re also realizing he might love you too
-So you just kiss him
-You definitely didn’t expect your first kiss with Seungcheol to be in the 1800s with van Gogh not far away
-But that’s how it happened
-And to you it was pretty great
-So after that he just takes you with him always
-He wants to show you everything he can
-And just go on adventures with you always
-Like him you’re a fan of taking long breaks from time travel
-So the next December you’re both lazing around your apartment, talking and napping
-You’re about to fall asleep when a question pops into your head
-”Out of all the times and places you’ve traveled, which one is your absolute favorite?”
-You can tell he’s about to fall asleep too by the pace of his words
-But you’re content and happy to wait for his answer
-You heart flutters as you fall asleep to the sound of his voice
-”The sidewalk corner where I met you”
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jeongwife · 3 years
RYU 😭✋🏼 i saw this and thought of u!! what do we think about personal trainer!shua whose trying his best not to rail while you teasingly do squats infront of him knowing he’s watching your every move 🥲
— 🌻
he’d feel his boner growing as he watched you from behind, especially the way your ass moved and looked in those tight sport leggings you were wearing, when you squatted, but he’d try to remain professional. at first he’d correct your technique by telling you… like two metres away. but when you don’t listen to him on purpose, he’d get impatient and come up behind you, purposely grazing his erection against your ass as he helped you squat. but what he doesn’t expect is when you start grinding down into him. he’d grab your hips harshly, and whisper for you to stop unless you want to get punished and when you keep doing it, he’d push you up against the wall, kissing your neck and sucking harshly as his hands would trail down to your sports leggings, and dip his hand into your panties, rubbing at your clit before pushing a finger up your pussy, noting how wet you were for him,
“oh, my little cockslut was so needy for me, hm? so needy for my fingers and my cock, weren’t you?”
and he’d grip your chin when you don’t reply but once you let out a warbled, semi-coherent response, he’d smirk and kiss you, slipping his tongue in while his fingers scissor in and out of you.
and when you’re ready for his dick, he’d make you jump, so that he can lift you (jarms </3) and rail you against the wall of the gym </3
— ryu (IM ILL)
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snapitseventeen · 7 years
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I welcome everyone and love the lgbtq community so much!!!! ❤️❤️
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kpop-cakepops · 3 years
Hello! Can I request a drabble with Wonwoo where fem reader invites him over to watch a horror movie and he’s scared of horror movies but she doesn’t know? He keeps flinching and shutting his eyes through the movie and then he ends up burying his face in reader’s shoulder as she comforts him. Maybe it could be linked to ‘Snuggle donation’ if you think it fits together. Thank you so much! ☺️💝
STOP! THIS REQUEST IS SO CUTE!!! This was not edited so excuse any grammar mistakes! Also, I'm actually terrified of scary movies myself so if something doesn't add up about the movie, just know I googled the plot okay?! 🤣🤣🤣
Warnings: very light cussing
Genre: Fluffy fluff
Word count: 1,064
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Snuggle Donation: Coward// Jeon Wonwoo X Fem!Reader
"Are you sure you want to watch the conjuring? We can totally change the movie and watch something different. Maybe do one of those dumb romcoms you love so much" Wonwoo was trying everything in his power to get Y/N to change her mind about the horror movie they had planned to watch.
"Woo, are you scared? If you're scared we can-"
"I'm not scared! I'm just saying it for your sake, but fine, If you want to watch it so much then let's just put it on and get it over with." He snapped. It was the stubborn little frown on her best friend's face that made Y/N suppress a smile.
After debating for the past hour on who of the two was the coward in their friendship, Y/N decided to bring up horror films. She knew well enough that her best friend, albeit tall and strong, was a scaredy-cat when it came to horror films, and that alone would give her the victory. "You want popcorn?"
The man shook his head as he dropped on her couch. His long limbs stretching out leaving no space for Y/N. He was starting to get huffy and puffy and the girl could tell. "Make space for me"
Wonwoo, however, refused to budge. "Make me"
"God, you're so annoying" she grumbled and forced her way onto the couch. Half of her body on top of his.
"Excuse me, do you mind? You just burst my personal bubble" the tall man's words said one thing but his reddened ears said a whole other story.
"I asked you nicely to make space for me" Y/N shrugged causing Wonwoo to scoot to the side slightly, his arms finding one of the couch cushions and setting it on his lap. "Alright big boy. Here we go" Missing Wonwoos large gulp, Y/N played the movie.
It wasn't long before the big man started to fidget in his seat, the urge to cover his face had him bumping his thumbs nervously but he refused to let you win. That is until the first jump scare came in. He flinched automatically, the cushion that had been resting on his lap fell to the ground, but Y/N didn't seem to notice as she was far too engrossed in the movie to care about what Wonwoo was up to... and that made him even huffier than before.
"I'm going to turn off the lights" he spoke trying to get the girl's attention, but Y/N simply nodded her head.
He stood from his seat and walked over to the light switch taking the opportunity to take a couple deep breaths only to come to the realization that turning off the light was only going to make him even more scared than he already was. "I hate this fucking movie" he mumbled to himself.
"What's taking you so long?"
"I'm going to pee." He lied as he rushed over to her bathroom and locked the door behind himself.
Y/N chuckled under her breath and stood to check on him. Her hand shaking at the doorknob. "Woo, you okay in there?"
The sudden movement and the loudness of her voice made the man stumble in fright. His long legs running into her laundry basket. "Jesus Christ, Y/N! Can a man not piss in peace?!"
Y/N in turn had to bite down a laugh. "Sorry, I just thought that maybe you were too scared to come out"
"Shut up." He turned the faucet pretending to wash his hands before pushing his way out of the small bathroom, completely ignoring the girl as she laughed at him.
"You good now? Can I play it?" She asked.
Wonwoo grabbed the remote himself and pressed play. He grabbed the cushion again, this time hugging it to his chest as he watched the movie unfold. Suddenly the scene where the spirit of an elderly woman is perched on top of the cupboard in the main character's room starts. Wonwoo instantly hides his face behind his cushion but peeks at the screen just as the spirit pounces on the girl and attacks her. 
"Oh shit!" He was unable to control his reaction, his whole body flailed over to the side, grabbing Y/N by the arm and pulling her towards him so her body landed with a thud onto his chest and was perfectly shielding his.
He tried his best to sound nonchalant as he pressed his face into the crook of her neck. "W-what perfume do you use? It smells nice."
As soon as the girl realized the position they were in with him fallen back into the couch and her laying over him, her face burned hot as she became flustered. That, however, was luckily concealed by the darkness of the room. "I- I don't know... did you have to pull me on top of you just to ask?"
Wonwoo peeked over her shoulder and at the screen before deciding he was too scared to let go of her. "What's wrong with a man getting the sudden urge to hold his best friend?"
"I don't know, Wonwoo, best friends don't exactly lay on top of each other like this?"
Wonwoo loosened his hold on her and cleared his throat because despite being scared shitless by the movie, there was still a question he'd been meaning to ask since the first time they'd cuddled to sleep. "Does it make you uncomfortable?"
Y/N was caught by surprise. She fixed her position so she was not directly on top of him but rather huddled to his side in an almost spooning position, all that wriggling about just to avoid his eyes. "Well, no. Not really..."
Something warm filled both of their tummies as soon as she said that. "Okay... then just let me hold you," he told her, his hold on her tightening once again before fixing himself so he was properly spooning her from behind, his chin rested on top of her head.
Turned out he was the biggest coward between the two because the question he'd been meaning to ask Y/N wasn't what perfume she used or if snuggling her best friend made her feel uncomfortable. The question he'd meant to ask was if she liked him because he sure as hell seemed to like her... a lot.
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goingneo · 5 years
drunk kisses
⟶ paring: jeonghan x fem!reader
⟶ word count: 4.3K
⟶ genre: fluff, a bit of angst and if you look closely a bit of smut?? college au, friends to lovers au
⟶ warnings: there are mentions of alcohol, it involves swearing and it’s sometimes a bit smuttish?
⟶ a/n: aye my first one shot :’) I hope you all will enjoy it. I tried my best!! If you have feedback pls let me know!! but pls be kind i am baby. english is not my first language by the way.
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From Jeonghan: Hey stranger, want to hang out? I’m bored…
You shake your head with a smile. You take another bite off your sandwich and you ignore his message. You have four more classes to you need to go to, you really can’t miss them. You met Jeonghan on the first day of school, you were lost and he helped you find your way, after that you ran into him a few times and he asked if you wanted to hang out with him and his friends, since then you have been friends with him.
From Jeonghan: I just saw you reading my text and you keep ignoring me, someone needs to be punished.
You bite your lip and you try to hide your smile. Vernon is sitting next to you and he looks at you questioningly. You wave it away, he frowns briefly. “I’ll explain it later okay” you mutter and he nods.
To Jeonghan: Then punish me, daddy.
You look around the canteen, your gaze lingers in the corner, you see Joshua’s brown hair and soon you recognize everyone and you focus your eyes on Jeonghan. He picks up his phone and he reads your message, he looks up and you lock eyes. You smile sweetly at him and he looks away. He starts typing.
From Jeonghan: Stop Y/N, seriously.
To Jeonghan: Hmm I thought you liked it when I called you daddy, don’t you daddy?
From Jeonghan: Yes I like it a little bit too much, stop it or you’ll have to help me with a little problem.
To Jeonghan: Okay daddy I’ll stop.
Smiling you put your phone away and you take a sip of your water. “We should go, our class starts in five minutes” Vernon says. You nod and get up, you put you backpack on your back. Together with Vernon you walk out of the canteen. You take another look at Jeonghan, who looks like is having a hard time, you giggle to yourself and Vernon looks questioningly at you. “You have to tell me what happend there” he says and you pick up your phone, you let him read the conversation between you and Jeonghan. Vernon chuckles. “Well that’s a different side of you I haven’t seen” he laughs, you chuckle briefly “I’m just joking, I would never date Jeonghan, he is handsome and very sweet but just not my type of boy I would date though, I see him more like a good friend” you simply explain. Vernon nods understandably. You stop at the classroom where you have class and wait patiently for the teacher who is yet to come.
From Jeonghan: Please Y/N save me, just for one time.
You let Vernon read the message. "Should I go or be a good student and stay?” You ask him and he looks at me doubtfully. “I think you should go, have some fun. You can study the whole year” he says with a smile “Yeah you’re right” you say. He nods satisfied. “Can you tell the teacher that I’ve become sick or something?” You ask Vernon and he nods, you thank him and you walk away.
To Jeonghan: Where are you?
Jeonghan doesn’t message you back, you sit down on a chair in the canteen and you check your phone again. Then your sight suddenly disappears. You frown and you try to take the hands off your face.
“Who is this?” you ask and the familiair laugh from Jeonghan appears and he takes his hand off your face. You quickly turn around. “Are you ready to go?” he asks, you nod.
“I thought I might show you around Seoul, because you are not from here” he says with a smile, you nod enthusiastically. “Sounds fun” you say cheerfully and you put your backpack on your back. You follow Jeonghan out of school. You walk to another place of school that you haven’t seen yet.
“My motorcycle is standing there” he says with a smile. You follow him and you arrive at a parking lot, you walk towards his motorcycle, Jeonghan hands you a helmet and you put it on your head. you frown slightly at the weight, it is so heavy. Jeonghan sits down and you look anxiously at the motorcycle.
“C'mon love, it will be alright” he says reassuringly, you take a deep breath and sit down carefully. “Jeonghan I’m scared” you say softly while you wrap your arms a little too tightly around his waist. “It’s fine, nothing will happen,” he says trying to comfort you. “Don’t let me fall, please be careful” “I won’t let you fall” he says softly. you lean your head against his back and your close your eyes tightly. The motorcycle starts and Jeonghan slowly drives out of the parking lot into the street. You slowly open your eyes and you look around, Seoul is so beautiful.
After a long day driving around Seoul you stop at an ice cream shop, you get off the bike and you hand over the helmet to Jeonghan. You have walked around in different parts of Seoul and it was great, You are officially in love with the city, you never want to leave.
“What do you want, I’m paying” you quickly say as you look at the different ice cream flavors and Jeonghan stands next to you. He looks at the different ice cream flavors. “I’ll take vanilla and banana” you say and Jeonghan takes pistachio and vanilla. You pay the man and he winks at you. “Enjoy your icecream lovebirds” you want to correct the man but Jeonghan puts an arm around you and smiles at the man. “We will” he smiles. He presses a kiss on your forehead and the man smiles kindly at the both of you.
You sit down on the bench and Jeonghan sits down next to you. You enjoy your ice cream while talking to Jeonghan. After you both finish your ice cream you go back to campus and he walks with you to your room and you ask him if he wants to come inside. But he shakes his head
“It’s late and you need to sleep” - “Please stay” you beg. He looks at you “You have school tomorrow” he says slowly “Like you care” you say with raised eyebrows and he sighs. “No I can’t.” he says. “Fine” you say softly.
“I just can’t stay” he defends himself you look at him “I said it’s fine Jeonghan” you say to him and he nods once. He scratches his head uncomfortably. “Well I have to go, sleep well Y/N” you give him a short nod and he walks away.
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The next morning you sit down on the chair next to Vernon “Did I missed something important?” you ask referring to the missed lessons from yesterday and Vernon shakes his head. “No, not really” he says with a smile “Did we got homework?” you ask just to be sure and he shakes his head and he continues with his writing assignment. Your phone vibrates, you pick up your phone and read a message from Jeonghan.
From Jeonghan: I’m sorry about last night, let me make it up to you?
To Jeonghan: It’s fine Jeonghan I already told you. You don’t have to.
From Jeonghan: Give me a reason to see you again.
You bite your lip and you try to hide your smile, he is so cheesy. But you love it, even though you’d never admit it. You told yourself that you shouldn’t get any feelings for him, that is asking for trouble.
To Jeonghan: 5pm, my room.
Later that night he is chilling in your room, he brought you your favorite snack to make it up to you. “Are you going to party tonight?” he asks casually and you shake your head. “No I am not going” you mumble and he frowns “Please” he begs.
“I’ll stay with you the whole night” he promises, You’re afraid he will not keep his promise and that you will be left alone. But you also don’t want Jeonghan to not having fun because he has to stay with you. “No, go have fun with your friends” you say as you grab your phone to check your messages. Jeonghan remains silent for a while “But you are my friend?” You hear him mumble and you bit your lip. “Yes I am, but don’t rather get drunk? Have a laugh with your friends and hook up with someone, than that you have to stay with me and probably won’t do any of those things” you say nervously.
“What if I don’t want to get drunk or hook up with someone?” he says “What’s the reason to go to that party than?” you sigh and he laughs. “To have fun with your friends” he says with a smile. “Well than you are the only one who isn’t drunk, what’s the fun of that?” you ask with a frown.
“I won’t be the only one because you will be there” he says with a smile “No sorry I don’t like parties, have fun with your friends though” you insist and he sighs “fine, but we need to go out soon” he says “Fine” you mutter and you put your phone away. An hour later Jeonghan leaves to get ready for the party. “Bye and have fun tonight” you call after him and he turns around and grins, after that you close your door.
Nine episodes later you close your laptop and you look at the time, it’s 02:34, so it is way to late. You change to an oversized shirt, you brush your teeth and remove the makeup from your face. Quickly you crawl under the warm blankets and you turn off the light.
You wake up from knocking on your door and slowly you open your eyes, you rub your eyes once and your eyes go to the clock on your wall. You sigh deeply when the numbers indicate four o’clock in the morning. There is a knock again, You climb out of bed, goosebumps appear on your whole body, slowly you walk towards your door, you open the door and the familiair face of Jeonghan appears.
“May I come in” he asks and you raise your eyebrows.“Why? Do you not have your own room where you can sleep?” you ask a little grumpy, but you can’t help it, it’s four o'clock in the fucking morning. “I want to stay here with you” he confesses, he is drunk, you can smell the alcohol in his breath. “Fine” I open the door and he walks inside. you walk in front of him, he closes the door and locks it.
“Damn I never noticed that you have such a nice ass” he says with a grin, your mouth falls open, straight to the point. “Stop looking at my ass Jeonghan” you mutter and you crawl under the covers, your eyes go up to look at Jeonghan, who is awkwardly undressing. When you see him taking off his shirt, you can’t help but watch him. He has a very beautiful body, not too muscular but still very pleasant to look at. He crawls into the bed next to you and you move back a bit and he laughs at that “I won’t bite you, only if you want to” dirty boy, drunk Jeonghan is even worse than Jeonghan when he is sober.
You decide to play along with his drunken game and have some fun. “What if I want you to bite me, daddy” you whisper, Immediately his eyes widen, he looks at you. You bite your lip and he mumbles something you can’t understand. You look at him with innocent eyes.
“Fuck” he mumbles as you smile sweetly at him, he comes closer to you and again you move back a bit, you can feel the cold wall against your body. Suddenly he grabs your hips and he pulls you towards him, you look in his eyes and he licks his lips. “Fuck Y/N, why are you so hard to resist, I keep thinking about you, about your pretty face, your pretty lips, please Y/N.” Your eyes widen, you really did not expect this. “I keep imagining your pretty lips around my cock, but that’s not the point. I want your lips on mine, I want to taste the taste of your lips.” You blush at his choice of words “Kiss me” he says softly and his hand gently caresses my cheek and you follow his movements closely.
Your hand gently touches his face, your fingers brush over his lips and his warm breath brushes over your fingers. You look at him and he brings his head even closer. Very slowly and carefully his lips touch yours, you press your body closer to his and your hands find a way to his hair. He carefully climbs on top of you without breaking the contact with our lips. Your grip tightens and his hands roam over your body. His hands feel warm against your cold skin, goosebumps appear all over your body and his hands slowly go under your shirt.
You gently break the kiss and take a deep breath. Your chest goes up and down, he looks at you with a grin. You bite your lip shyly and look away. He carefully climbs off you and he lies down next to you again. He gently pulls you against him, you crawl as close as possible to him and you close your eyes, he presses another kiss on top of your hair and slowly you fall asleep.
You wake up because Jeonghan’s body is moving, you slowly open your eyes, Jeonghan looks at you nervously and you give him a soft smile.
“How are you feeling? You were pretty drunk last night” You laugh awkwardly “Yeah I was, I can’t remember anything from last night, so I was a little bit confused when I woke up in your room, well I don’t mind though, you are really cute when you are asleep” he grins. He doesn’t remember anything about last night, than everything he said is probably not true either, it was too good to be true, although you didn’t really have feelings for him anyway.
“You were suddenly at my door, you never told me the reason you were here” you explain, he smiles uncomfortably. “Did something happen last night?” he asks, you shake your head immediately. “No nothing happend” you lie and you see the relief on his face.
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A few evenings later you are in Jeonghan and Joshua’s room, they had invited you to a small party, you actually did not want to, but Jeonghan and Joshua can be very persuasive, so now you’re sitting in their room laughing at their jokes with too many drinks. “Thank you guys, I actually really needed this” you say with a big smile on your face, you take another sip from the bottle filled with vodka and the boys all shout something together.
You look around satisfied, everyone is chatting with each other. Your gaze lingers on Jeonghan, he is also looking at you and a crooked smile appears on his face and you smile back but you quickly look away.
“Let’s play a game!” Joshua shouts. “yes let’s play a game” you exclaim enthusiastically. You take another sip from the bottle of alcohol. “So, we’re going to play never have i ever. You all know that game right? If you have the” I have “you need to drink and if you don’t, you don’t have to drink” explains Jun and everyone nods, you always used to do this.
“Never have I ever been in handcuffs” says Joshua and you look around the group, Jun and Jeonghan drink, you quickly look at your glass and you take the shot, you put your glass down on the table.
“Next question” you mumble, your gaze goes to Jeonghan, whose turn it is now. “Never have I ever had a sex dream about a professor” You chuckle and you take a shot, you look around to see that everyone took a shot.
“Who was your dream about?” Seungcheol asks, wiggling his eyebrows, You shrug your shoulders, you look at him with a smirk “That wasn’t the question” you reply to him. It is your turn to think of a question.
“I’ve never done it on a counter” I say with a grin and take the shot, I look around the group, You see that Joshua has also taken a shot and you smirk at him and he smiles back. “You dirty bastards” Seungcheol says with a grin and you start laughing. “We have found the perfect match” Jun shouts but you just ignore him.
You had drunk more than you had planned. You stand up, barely able to stand up straight, what only makes you giggle “I think it’s time to go” You say loudly, the boys agree with you and they also get up. “I’ll walk you back to your room” Jeonghan tells you. You rol with your eyes and sigh deep “I can walk by myself, you know” You say stubbornly, Jeonghan shakes his head “I’m walking you to your room, whether you like it or not” “Alrigghhtt, well guys, goodnight and thank you for the wonderful night” you say as a goodbye to everyone. Jeonghan is waiting at the door for you. You wave at the boys and you walk towards the door, past Jeonghan. He starts walking next to you and in silence you walk to your room
When you arrive you smile to Jeonghan “Thank you for bringing me back to my room” you smile gratefully. You want to open you door and walk inside but you’re stopped by Jeonghan, he closes the door and he puts his hand just above your head. He comes closer to you and you look at him in shock. Suddenly but carefully he presses his lips on yours, you kiss him back but soon you furiously push him away. Jeonghan looks at you in surprise and you cross your arms.
“You can’t just kiss me when you’re drunk, I’m not a toy you can play with whenever you want to” You shout angrily at Jeonghan, his mouth falls open in surprise and the confusion is written over his face "What the hell are you talking about, Y/N!” he yells confused.
“What do you mean, I can’t kiss you when I’m drunk, this is the first time I’ve kissed you” he says, frustrated. He felt so proud of himself for finally making the first move. Jeonghan takes a few steps back, he tries to make eye contact but you avoid his gaze “Just tell me what the hell you’re talking about” he yells angry at you. “I’m talking about that night that you stayed, you were drunk and you fucking kissed me” You yell back angry “And when you woke up, you were so scared of the thought that something happened so I told you nothing happened, and you didn’t remember anything anyway ”-” You should have fucking told me that, you can’t keep this to yourself" he is right, you should have told him but you’re to proud to admit that “Well, you shouldn’t have kissed me in the first place” You say stubbornly “You could have pushed me away, but that’s not a good reason to not tell me what happened” Jeonghan says frustrated.
“I’m sorry, Jeonghan,” You say softly. He looks at you but he shakes his head and then walks away without saying anything “Jeonghan wait!” you yell at him and with a deep sigh he turns around and you can clearly see that he has tears in his eyes. “I’m sorry I should have told you” I admit “I was scared okay, I was afraid to tell you because I am scared” he slowly walks towards you again.
“Afraid of what? Of me? Or were you afraid of what could’ve happen if you told me that we kissed?” He is now standing in front of me, you look at him and you nod slowly. “I will not hurt you, you should know that now” he says calmly.
You nod and without thinking you passionately press your lips on his, you softly push him against the wall, and luckily he kisses you back. Your hands go through his blonde hair and his hand slides gently towards your ass, he squeezes it playfully once and a muffled moan leaves your mouth. He grins against your lips and he lifts you up, you quickly put your legs around his waist, he turns you around. He breaks the kiss and his lips go to your neck, you close your eyes and a soft moan leaves your mouth. His lips leave your neck and he looks at you, you both try to control your breath. A playful smirk appears on your face and you move closer to him. “I want you, right now” you whisper, he hurries the both of you into your room and with a bang the door closes.
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stoopsbookstore · 5 years
Siren!Jeonghan swam under the boat you were in with Prince!Dokyeom. Nudging it gently to tempt you two out of the lake, he slowly grew with more envy as he overheard the conversation. Words shot him in the heart as he could feel his hold on you loosen. Flipping the boat over, he dragged Dokyeom into the darkness, leaving you alone, splashing in despair.
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17cafe · 7 years
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↠ Snapchats from Coups reminding you to take care of yourself~
↠ Asked: ❝I would like to request another Snapchat pretty please, but having it be Seungcheol reminding you lovingly to take care of yourself on your low spoon days (...)❞
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s-wooz-blog · 7 years
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Seventeen at Hogwarts AU [x]
“ Lee Jihoon is a sixth-year wizard, born to a muggle father and a witch mother. Before his birth, his mother lived in the muggle world with his father, until a few months before Jihoon was born, when his father found out that his mother was a witch. Due to his bad reaction to the discovery, in a blind panic Jihoon’s mother obliviated his father’s memories of her and her unborn child, before running away to Diagon Alley, taking a job at Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions. For the first few years of Jihoon’s life, he and his mother lived above the shop alongside Madam Malkin, before they felt it was time they got a little place of their own, farther down the street. Due to his mother’s long work days, Jihoon spent much of his childhood under the watchful eye of the shop keepers in Diagon Alley, being fed by the staff at The Leaky Cauldron, where he often asked about the travels of passing witches and wizards, as well as spending a great deal of his pocket money in Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes, and reading the days away in Flourish and Blotts, where he would later work in the summer. Upon his admission into Hogwarts, it had been the first time since he was born that he had been out of Diagon Alley, and he quickly took advantage of the large selection in the library, reading about the travels of all kinds of witches and wizards. In Jihoon’s fourth year, he was dragged along to watch the Quidditch teams practice by his friend Junhui, where the two almost got his by a bludger, stopped only by Jihoon who quickly grabbed Junhui’s bag to bat it away. From then on, Jihoon was pushed onto his house Quidditch team, the Ravenclaw captain insisting that she “hadn’t seen a hit quite like that in years!  ”
s.coups | jeonghan | joshua | jun | hoshi | wonwoo | woozi | dk | mingyu | the8 | seungkwan | vernon | dino
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igot7idiot7 · 7 years
Spaghetti and Oreos
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Mingyu x Reader
Words: 1500
Genre: Fluff
Summary: You’re Seventeen’s stylist and a certain kid notices you’re getting a little homesick.
A/N: i got the idea while i was eating not spaghetti but some weird squash zuccinni thing my mom made. also ive been working on this for like 3 months i want to die
whatever is in italics is supposed to be in english
    Scrolling. That’s all he had been doing for the past few minutes. Looking for a name, one that was familiar. He was look for something that looked like ‘Mom’ or maybe it was mother? Mum? Mommy? Maybe it was her name? What if she doesn’t talk to her mom? What if she doesn’t have parents? Maybe she’s a weird mutant alien getting information for her kind to experiment on the human race? A light gasp met the air around him. He shook his head at the idea, No she has talked about her before. And she can’t be an alien, she swore she wasn’t.  He didn’t know how, but it was important he found your mother’s phone number and call her. 
    You moved to Korea a year ago to become a member of Seventeen’s stylist team. It was hard work making sure the thirteen boys looked like gods all the time, but you were up to the challenge. Recently though, it’s been clear to all of them that something has been affecting your usual happy-go-lucky mood. It wasn’t until you had told Joshua what was going on. Homesickness had finally bitten you in the backside, but you tried your hardest not to let it affect work. That didn’t to as well as you wanted it to though. Occasionally a few tears would slip, or you would go off an talk to a friend for over an hour and come back with swollen eyes. 
    That’s when a certain boy, Mingyu, decided he needed to do something to make you feel happy again. He loved to see you smile So he continued to scroll, until he finally found it. With a burst of excitement he clicked the name and begun a call.
    “Y/N? It’s late here. Is everything okay?” The woman on the other side of the line worriedly asked. She was clearly tired by the rough sound of her voice. 
    “Hello! I am Y/N’s friend! I have a ques-” Mingyu replied quickly. His face quickly dropped when he realized something he didn’t think about. A language barrier didn’t necessarily come into mind when all he could think about was you.
    “Excuse me? Who is th-?” He quickly hung up the phone and looked around to find someone to help him get his words to the ears of your mom. He rushed around looking for Joshua or Vernon. Three rooms and two closets later, he finally found Joshua. The phone continued to vibrate often. 
    “Joshua, I need your help, I tried to call Y/N’s mom but I don’t know English and she clearly doesn’t know Korean please help me,” he said quickly. He panted and leaned against the door frame with his hand. 
    Joshua sighed and let out a small laugh. “You called her already didn’t you?” He crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.  
    Mingyu coughed, “Um… Yes…” He smiled sheepishly. He held out the phone to Joshua, who took it from him. He swiped the ‘missed calls’ notifications and started to call her again, leaving the phone on speaker so Mingyu could understand at least a little bit of what was going on/
    “Okay fine, I’ll help, but what exactly are you planning?” 
    Mingyu looked at the dinner he set up for your arrival back home with a proud smile. With the help of Joshua and your mom, he was able to create what he hoped would be the perfect night in for you. He carefully took a match and lit a vanilla scented candle. Your mom told him it was your favorite. He spent the past two days perfecting the spaghetti recipe your mom gave him. Wonwoo was sent on a mission to find your favorite Double Stuffed Oreos and Dino to find your favorite flowers. He put the some of the flowers in a vase on the table and the rest into a bouquet with a hint of lavender mixed in with them. Jeonghan had to distract you until 7:30 and Vernon to pick up a care-package your mom sent. The box was large and placed on the coffee table in your living room. He didn’t know what it contained and he was excited to find out. This night was going to be perfect for you. 
    The front door to your apartment creaked open with your shoes hitting the mat you had to clean your shoes. It was a long day and Jeonghan suddenly deciding he wanted his hair to be a different color didn't make it easier. At least you were able to get paid extra for it. Two hours of bleaching and dying. his hair was finally the purple balayage he practically begged you for. You took off your heavy snow coat before the smell of food met your nose. The apartment was filled with it. You closed your eyes and blissfully took in the smell. 
    “You’re home! Welcome home!” A pair of arms wrapped you in a tight hug. “I worked really hard so I hope you like it!” A hand met the small of your back, leading you to your small table with a lit candle. You sat in the seat closest to the door. He gently pushed you in before sitting in his own seat. The plate in front of you was filled with a large pile of spaghetti and meat balls. It looked just like the one your mom used to make back home. Smelled like it as well. 
    “Mingyu?” You looked up, small happy tears forming in your eyes.
     “Shh, just enjoy this. I got the recipe from your mom. And I have more for you later.” He smile wide, motioning to your food. He patiently waited for you to take a bite before her took his. His had puppy eyes as you took your first bte, waiting for approval from you. Each bite you took your smile grew wider and his as well.
    Everything about it reminded you of home. Mingyu had gotten the taste to be just right. The smell of the candle hit you suddenly. “Is that vanilla?”
    “Yup! You mom said it was your favorite.” He smiled sheepishly. Looking at his plate you noticed he was already almost done. His huge appetite knew no bounds. 
    You continued to eat as he got up for another plate of spaghetti. A few small dainty flowers at the corner of the table caught your attention. Beautiful yellow stars surrounded a smaller yellow trumpet of a flower. Daffodils. “The flowers too?” 
    “You’re mom was really helpful...” He took another large bite, slurping up whatever pasta didn’t fit into his mouth. “There is other stuff to. She sent you a care package. No idea whats in it though.”
    You chewed your spaghetti happily. Taking in what you could for the moment. Once you were finished with the dinner, you knew that Mingyu would be all over the place with energy seeping through the small cracks of his skin. You couldn’t help but slowly feel the energy getting you overly excited for whatever is to come.
    He had a bit of marinara sauce on the side of his mouth. You reached over the table and wiped it off with your thumb. His smile widened and showed his magnificent canines. 
    Something about being next to Mingyu on the couch was comforting. His arm around your shoulder and his eyes on you instead of the television made your night feel even more homey. He smelled like the marinara still, but maybe that’s what made you so comfortable right now. Or the fact that your favorite movie was on and you were in one of your favorite shirt that your father owned. It even smelled faintly of the cologne he always wore. Your mother knew you all too well and how much you missed home. 
    You reached over Mingyu’s lap to grab another set of three Oreos. It was hard to say no to them after not having them for over a year. You made a mental note to thank Wonwoo for finding them, and ask him where he even found them. A full year in Korea and you surprisingly had a hard time finding your beloved cookie.
   “I forgot to thank you for all this.” You looked up to him as you took a bite of the first Oreo.
   He hummed, “No need to thank me, I just hate seeing you sad.” An Oreo was taken from your hand as he quickly plopped it into his mouth. You pouted as he attempted to take another from you.
   “Um, the package is right there. You can take your own Oreos.” You said as you pointed to the half full package.
    “Okay yeah, but where is the fun in that? Besides they taste better cause i took them from you.” You stuck out your tongue at his remark. Grabbing a few more to replace the stolen cookies.
   “Then I have one more question for you.”
    “Can you make spaghetti for me again?”
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because-of-a-friend · 7 years
Time Travel Series Pt. 3
Seungcheol | Jeonghan | Joshua | Jun | Hoshi | Wonwoo | Woozi | DK | Mingyu | Minghao | Seungkwan | Vernon | Dino 
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-So Josh probably travels the least out of all the members
-Like he usually only goes if another member wants to go 
-So instead of running off 
-He just kind of stays in the present
-He’s like a base for everyone 
-He keeps track of everything
-Where everyone’s going 
-What time period they’re going to
-How often they leave and for how long
-Any problems they encounter
-So overall Joshua’s experience with this is....
-It’s so stressful
-Like wow is he just constantly worried about the other members 
-Especially when they don’t warn him where they’re going before they travel
-Because what if something happens to them and they have no idea when or where to look 
-Joshua makes the rules
-1. Always tell him before you jump
-2. Always try to be back in the same day
-3. Don’t tell anyone else
-4. Don’t do anything to change the course of events
-5. Do not bring anything or any person back to this time from a different one
-6. Always jump in a safe place
-You think these would be fairly easy rules to follow
-Apparently to the rest of the boys, they are not
-So Joshua is just stuck in a state of stress, sometimes just hoping he sees all of them alive by the end of the day
-When he does get to this state of stress, he’ll mark down a jump, and travel, just to remind himself it doesn’t have to be that scary or dangerous
-He’s a fan of going back to America, specifically New York for some reason, around the 20s
-He runs into Vernon there once and Vernon is like “Boi what”
-But he just really loves it 
-The time period, how people dressed, how they spoke, how life seemed a lot calmer compared to the future
-One day he stays there a little too long, cuz he’s just enjoying the night life of old-timey New York
-So he’s hella tired when he decides to jump back
-So he’s not exactly paying attention
-So he ends up jumping back in the middle of a sidewalk outside
-And he’s like crap, I should be back in the dorm not here
-But it’s night and he looks around and he doesn’t really see anyone
-So he kind of brushes himself off and yawns as he reads the street signs to figure out where he is so he can walk back to the dorm
-He needs to be going the opposite way of where he’s facing 
-So he turns around 
-And you’re standing there staring at him like !!!!
-And he just freezes 
-Like shit he just broke one of his one rules
-The boys are never gonna let this one go
-But it was an accident 
-He kind of lets out this little “Um hey”
-And you just start running 
-You’re real fast so no, he doesn’t catch you
-And he just like kind of dies inside 
-”Well I hope they don’t tell anyone”
-The next day it’s on the news
-”Local student sees boy appear out of thin air”
-The boys laugh at Joshua when he turns red 
-They start teasing “Mr. Strict pants” about breaking his own rule
-”Really guys? Mr. Strict Pants? You couldn’t come up with anything better”
-They explain that they’re just teasing because this’ll be like any other fantastical story
-No one is gonna believe it and soon everyone will forget about it
-Joshua just quietly nods, cuz ya they’re right
-But he sees you again
-Literally the next day
-You’re in the coffee shop he always goes to 
-And he’s upset cuz like 
-He loves this coffee shop and now your stressful presence is here 
-He’s kind of grumpy that day
-So he’s just kind of like “screw it”
-Comes inside anyways and starts waiting in line 
-You end up behind him
-So he gets up there and orders 
-He pays a lot extra and is like “I’m paying for theirs too, and if you wouldn’t mind giving them this note?”
-So you get up their to order your coffee 
-And the cashier is like “Don’t worry about paying, the gentleman in front of you took care of it”
-And you’re like awww so sweet 
-But then the cashier is like “He left you this note”
-And you’re kind of like ummmm ok? Is this their way of flirting with me? Kind of sketchy and I’m not really here for it
-So you open the note expecting to find some cheesy pick up line and a number
-But instead it just says “Meet me outside the cafe when you get your coffee, side entrance”
-And you just kind of sigh because you have to go out that entrance anyways since it’s closer to your apartment, but this is weird and you don’t like it 
-But you straighten yourself out cuz
-Hopefully the worst thing that happens is you just have to tell some greasy guy off
-But you get out there and !!!
-It’s the magic boy that appeared out of thin air
-And your instinct is to just run again
-But you hesitate long enough to hear him say 
-”Well? Don’t you have any questions?”
-And you’re like wtf????
-This boy actually used magic in front of me and he’s just casually wondering if I have any questions????
-You kind of consider slapping him 
-But you don’t cuz his face is really pure looking and you genuinely don’t know what’s going on yet
-And he’s just kind of waiting for your response
-So you just sit there for a second 
-”Do you think maybe you could explain to me what’s going on and then see if I have any questions after?”
-And that’s how you and Joshua’s friendship starts
-You just spend all this time together so he can explain everything about time travel and what’s going on
-You come up with all these theories and scientific questions and just rant about them to him
-He lowkey finds it adorable
-Once you finally understand what’s going on you really get to know Joshua
-And hey he’s a really nice guy, he can sing really well, he’s super smart, and wow pretty cute
-He’s kind of thinking all the same things about you
-And he really really likes you 
-And he just kind of wants to do something for you
-So he works up the courage
-”Hey [Y/N] you wanna jump with me?”
-And you’re like holy shit you can do that???
-And he’s like ya, I’ll take you anywhere you wanna go
-He starts listing all the cool places he’s been and heard about
-But you interrupt him and you’re like no
-You state out an exact location, date, and time
-And he’s like??? Ok wow you must have actually thought about this
-So he takes you and it ends up being this park
-It’s the middle of the night
-It’s pretty cold and he’s real confused about why you wanna be here
-But he looks over at you and you’re just staring at this one specific spot
-So he looks 
-And hey there’s a little kid and their dad just walking
-And he’s like I recognize that man 
-He realizes it’s the man whose picture is in your wallet 
-Now he has a lot of questions 
-But when he looks over again, you’re crying
-And now he’s like um what
-But you just kind of 
-”He always promised me we’d get a good house and I’d go to a good school and he’d buy me nicer things”
-Your father, Joshua realizes, it’s your father
-”I just can’t wait for him to see how far we’ve come”
-And Joshua just nods
-And then you gasp
-And he turns 
-You’re taking out the little locket you always wear
-And you’re pulling out the pictures?
-”This was the night we found this”
-You pull of the locket and before Joshua can do anything, you’re running off
-You sneak up to the bushes near the sidewalk young you and your father are walking down
-You kind of throw it onto the sidewalk and bolt back to Josh
-You hear your younger self squeal and your father chuckle as he places the locket over your neck
-When you grab Joshua’s hand, you jump back
-And Joshua is all shy but honored that he got to witness that moment 
-You kiss his cheek and whisper thank you, still drying off your tears
-And Joshua is really in awe of you cuz you could have chosen anywhere but this was what you wanted
-And he just kind of smiles because 
-If he wants to travel with anyone for the rest of his life
-It’s someone who can enjoy the simple things
-And he might have just found that person
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allthekpopstuffs · 7 years
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Hello! May I have a ship with BTS, SVT, and EXO please? I included photos of my long hair (still within the year) when I’m not bummed out and to my recent haircut when I’m not so dressed! Sorry for the filters… I don’t seem to have any photos (right now) without them hahaha. Also, if it’s not too much of a bother, could you replace my photo when posting this sumbission? If you can’t that’s okay too. Thank you~
Dont worry girl, i got you <3. But you’re hella pretty so don’t think otherwise ^^
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goingneo · 5 years
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[06:26 am] slowly your eyes flutter open and a tiny yawn escapes your mouth. a small smile forms on your lips, thinking about the perfect night you had with mingyu. he came back after three months of touring with his bandmates. you missed him a lot so when you finally were in each others arms again you couldn’t keep your hands to yourself. slowly you turn to your side, you look at the sleeping posture of mingyu. his broad shoulders are slowly going up and down, he looks so peaceful right now. softly, afraid of waking him up, you move closer to him and you wrap your arms around his waist. carefully you press tiny kisses on his shoulder and you close your eyes, ready to fall asleep again. but his body starts moving and he slowly turns around, with sleepy eyes he looks at you. a smile creeps upon his face “goodmorning baby” he grins and he presses a soft kiss on your forehead. “goodmorning” you smile. “last night was perfect” he mumbles while he grabs you by your waist and pulls you closer to his body. you lay your head on his chest, and you start listening to his heartbeat “hm it was” you agree sleepily. his hand is slowly caressing your back and you slowly fall back asleep, but you can still hear him whisper: “i love you” 
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stoopsbookstore · 5 years
Currently working on
Seven Deadly Sins Outline
zteeA Outline
Runaways Outline
Home Sweet Home Outline
Flight Chapter 1
Clearing out Inbox
I'll try to update my bio and/or this post as I complete and start works. You can always send in questions about the series, small requests or if you just wanna talk. I may open up a Free Talk tomorrow for Seven Deadly Sins or zeetA
Thank you for all of your support and patience❣❣
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stoopsbookstore · 5 years
Feel free to send me a song and an idol while I'm at work and I'll write it when I get home!
Send any song you like, you hate, you can't stop listening to, you can't stand to listen to, kpop, rock, R&B, musical theatre please send musical theatre!, any genre
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goingneo · 5 years
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⌜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ⌟
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⌜𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐬 ⌟
⟶ [06:26 am] ⊱ mingyu
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⌜𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 ⌟
⟶ Drunk Kisses       ➥ jeonghan x reader
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⟶ Pillow Talk [Social Media AU]        ➥ jeonghan x reader
⟶ Want [Social Media AU]       ➥ joshua x reader
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© goingneo - all rights reserved. do not repost, translate, or claim as your own. request are open! ask here.
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