#seven deadly sins kin
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eldritchshift · 2 years ago
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Diane here~♪ ! I made a seven deadly sins server! It's based around kins/IRLs/etc and it's system friendly! We've got channels for memory talk and everything!! If anyone's interested, feel free to interact with the post or message me and I'll slide you an invite!! 🩷🩷🩷
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moon-of-liones · 8 months ago
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Not this literally being a plot point in my canon... Help 💀
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kincalling · 1 year ago
Hi! I'm Monspeet of Reticence from the anime Seven Deadly Sins! I'm looking for any other commandments (even Estarossa), although I am 100% willing to talk to others. I'm a bit canon divergent, be warned. The commandments and I had an almost found family dynamic. One of my most vivid memories is Gloxinia teaching me how to make a flower crown for Derieri (which I barely convinced her to wear). I read books a lot and could easily navigate the demon archives, despite many getting lost. I'm 18!
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findthebae · 1 year ago
Hello ! I'm Queen Diane/Serpent Sin Diane, from The Seven Deadly Sins, as well as Four Knights Of The Apocalypse !
Bodily I'm 20, going on 21, so anyone who interacts, I would request you be 18+ !
I'm looking for anyone from either series, be they fellow sins, my children, or people who remember me !
I am also looking for King,, he's very romance coded in my memories and I would love to see him again 🧡
You're welcome to interact with this submission, or you can reach me at my system's blog !
— Serpent Sin Diane 🐍 ( @theeldritchmind )
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findinyourkin · 1 year ago
Hi! I'm Finnian Liones from Seven Deadly Sins /Nanatsu no Taizai, and I'm the twin brother of Elizabeth Liones! Currently I'm almost 21, so 18+ is okay, but 20+ is preferred ^ ^; I'm okay with hearing from anybody, Fictives included 🩵 I just miss everyone, and would be happy to hear from anyone in source.
Send me a DM on tumblr (@moon-of-liones ), and if you prefer discord we can work that out too!
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enviousserpent · 9 months ago
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My name is The Serpent Sin of Envy, Diane —! My source is both The Seven Deadly Sins && The Four Knights Of The Apocalypse !
This blog is for finding sourcemates from both series' anime && manga, as well as reconnecting with the other Sins ! I'd also love to try finding Fairy King Harlequin, whom I am still madly in love with . I am also looking for my children, who we meet in 4KOTA !
A few key notes you should have about myself;
- Bodily, I'm 20-21 ! So I ask that anyone who wants to interact be 18+ , just to be safe,,
- Anyone is welcome to interact with me, via asks && submissions, as well as DMs !
- This blog will contain my memories, my art, my chatter, and plenty of #Kiane , be it thoughts or reblogs ! I'll list my main tags below ,, (🧡)
#♻️ Diane's Reblogs // Reblogs
#💭 Diane's Thoughts // Memory Talk
#📜 Diane's Answers // Asks && Submissions
#🪶 Diane's Writings // Random Chatter
#🎨 Diane's Art // Self-Made Art
Keep in mind that this is in fact a side blog, and you'll likely see me interacting from my main blog, @pieisbestdessert !
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theeldritchmind · 1 year ago
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Hello everyone ~♪ ! Diane here, with a new system made 18+ Only Server ! It's for 7DS && 4KOTA of course, but we're hoping to revive a little corner of the fandom !
- It's system friendly, duh !
- Kins of all kinds are welcome !
- 18+ ONLY, because the series can get kinda,,, weird .
- We've got private categories for blacklist, nsfw, and vent things !
- We hope to stream the anime(s) at some point once we get a few people !
If you're interested in joining, feel free to do so !
⬇️ Tagged Accounts Below . . . ⬇️
Would you guys mind bumping this post for us ? If you do, thank you so much ! If not, that's totally okay !
@kincord-hub , @kincalling , @fictionkinfessions , @findthebae
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obscurekinfinder · 3 months ago
Current Name/Pronouns: King he/wing
Body Age: 19
Source: Seven Deadly Sins/Nanatsu no Taizai (7ds or sds)
ID: Fictive
Character(s) you are: King Harlequin
Type of relationships you want: Platonic i think
Canon lenient or divergent: lenient
How to contact you: bwahbeans on discord
Extra: hi
Good luck, King!
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serpent-sinfessions · 2 years ago
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Gowther Stimboard
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problematickincalls1 · 2 years ago
Hi there,, this is a bit of a strike in the dark but . . .
I'm Diane from The Seven Deadly Sins / Nanatsu No Taizai! I'm bodily a little away from 20yrs old.
I'm looking for my King! Though anyone from the source is welcome to interact! Honestly I just want to see my friends again, finding King is a plus!
Like if you're interested, and I'll reach out to you!
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everybody-loves-purdy · 8 months ago
I’ve seen a few people lately share what warriors characters they think represent the seven deadly sins, and I’ve had a think about it too and come to my own conclusions. And I thought it would be fun to include a relevant quote for each one.
Wrath : Darktail
But it wasn't a claw Darktail lowered toward him. It was his head, as he bent down to whisper in his ear. "I will destroy you, and all the Clans, for what you did to me.”
Onestar’s Confession Chapter 29
Pride : Skystar
“That’s the problem Clear Sky.” Thunder lashed his tail. “I can’t tell you anything. You think you know it all. But you don’t! You can’t tell good from bad, you never could. But you’re so determined to be ‘right’ that you’ll twist everything to prove it. If you mistook a fox for a rabbit you’d keep calling it a rabbit while it tore out your throat, just because you’d rather die than admit you were wrong.”
A Forest Divided - Chapter 12
Lust: Ashfur
“Are you ready to fight me?” Squirrelflight demanded. “Because that’s what you’ll have to do, if you want to stop me.”
“No, I don’t want to harm you,” Ashfur meowed. “I still love you.”
Squirrelflight’s only response was to turn away from him with a disgusted hiss. Ashfur blinked and looked away briefly with a dip of his head. To Shadowsight’s surprise, he seemed genuinely hurt, as if he couldn’t believe that the dark ginger she-cat had rejected him. How could Ashfur possibly think Squirrelflight would go along with him, now or ever? Shadowsight wondered. Then he realized that Ashfur wasn’t thinking straight at all. His obsession with Squirrelflight was making him ignore what was right in front of him.
“Why are you forcing me to do this?” he asked plaintively. “If you would just admit that you love me, I could stop.”
The Place of No Stars Chapter 15
Greed: Tigerstar (I)
As Fireheart said good-bye to Yellowfang and went back to hunting, he felt a new surge of determination to bring Tigerclaw's guilt into the open. For the sake of Redtail, murdered; for Ravenpaw, driven from the Clan; for Cinderpaw, crippled. And for all the Clan cats, both now and to come, who were in danger from Tigerclaw's greed for power.
Forest of Secrets Chapter 4
Gluttony: Slash
Juniper grunted. “We shouldn’t have to go hunting when food is rotting in camp.”
“Why doesn’t Slash share it?” Raven growled angrily. “He gives the best pieces to Splinter and Beetle and leaves the rest to turn sour when we’re eating scraps.”
Path of Stars Chapter 12
Sloth: Sol
"Ask me if Sol joined in the fight," Pod rasped. Brambleclaw cocked his ears. "Well?"
"He didn't raise a single claw to help us," the old tom growled. "He wasn't even there to watch! He just strolled in here while we were licking our wounds."
"What happened then?" Brackenfur asked. Jingo twitched her ears. "If he'd admitted he was wrong, it might have been different. But he insisted that we were the ones who decided to fight, and it wasn't his fault that we lost. Then he sat down and started washing himself, and asked Jet to bring him some food."
Sunrise Chapter 11
Envy: Mapleshade
"I earned my place in the Dark Forest. But what made it worse was that the father of my drowned kits took a RiverClan mate! He promised he would only love me! They had a daughter, and she had a son, and do you know who that son was?"
Crookedstar shook his head, trying to keep up. “Shellheart," Mapleshade snarled. "Your father." Her paws were trembling. "Do you see now? Do you understand?"
"Understand what?"
"You mouse-brain! My kin should have been the leader of RiverClan, not his! If ThunderClan hadn't driven me across the river, my kits would never have died. If RiverClan hadn't rejected me, I'd be their father's mate, not some fish-hearted RiverClan queen." Her breath was coming in gasps now. "I’ve endured so much betrayal! So many cats have hurt me beyond measure. And then you came, destined for so much greatness, when you should never have been born!"
Crookedstar’s Promise Chapter 39
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eldritchshift · 1 year ago
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King . . . If you're out there, know that I'm waiting for you. I'm looking for you. And I still love you dearly. I hope you're safe, and that you're looking for me as well—
It's just not the same without you by my side, so please, come and find me!
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moon-of-liones · 9 months ago
Wanting to continue watching source, but.. either way, I'll have to see Gelda. And no matter which shift I'm in, be it Gelda and/or Finnian, I just can't help but be envious of source. As Gelda, I never lived long enough to have those experiences. That Gelda isn't me, and I can't help but be kinda bitter about that. As Finnian, I had those experiences, but it's not me that they're showing. I had a few worries/insecurities about if Zeldris continued to be interested in me solely because I used to be Gelda, so I'm sure that ties in with the complicated feelings I have.
I just want to watch source and see my loved ones lmfao. How cruel
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kincalling · 2 years ago
Hi there! I'm actually here to ask if it's alright if I have a shout-out/promo for a new kinfession/submission blog I'm part of?
We're Nanatsu No Taizai/Seven Deadly Sins themed!
You're welcome to find us at @serpent-sinfessions !
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findthebae · 8 months ago
Hello all !
I am the Serpent's Sin of Envy, Diane ! My source is actually the Seven Deadly Sins && Four Knights Of The Apocalypse !
I'm looking for anyone ! Especially the other sins, King, my friends, and my children !
Please keep in mind that I'm 20+ bodily ! Feel free to reach me here ! ( @enviousserpent )
I eagerly await your message !
— Diane (🐍&&⛰️)
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findinyourkin · 9 months ago
Hello! I'm Finnian Liones, the noncanon twin brother of Elizabeth Liones in The Seven Deadly Sins / Nanatsu no Taizai anime!
I'm not looking for anyone in particular, just want to get in touch with anyone from source 🩵 Kin, fictive- comrade or enemy, all are welcome!
I'm 21, so anyone 18+ would be preferred 🩵
I'm also really bad at remembering where/when I make canon calls, so DMs work best for me! If you prefer discord, we can work that out 🩵
- @moon-of-liones
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