#settler schools
I wanted to post this video we watched this semester because it was extremely impactful as I reflected on my own experiences with language in education. When I was writing my autobiography, I felt stuck, at first, because I only speak English and could recall being very catered to in the classroom. I had a lot of privilege. 
But when we watched this video, it made me remember several things. 
First, it reminded me of the “Kill the Indian, save the man” mentality that colonizers used to justify their bigotry, hatred, and abuse towards Indigenous peoples in America. Stereotypes and bigoted judgments against BIPOC and people who speak languages other than English have permeated the history of our education system, and I saw how that mentality easily transformed into bigotry against Latinx people specifically in my elementary school. 
That was the second thing this video reminded me of — how Spanish was replaced in our curriculum when I was in elementary school for an additional science class instead. I talked about this in my autobiography, and how my best friend who was an emergent bilingual student felt a real lack of representation when that class was removed. 
Overall, these concepts that we covered and the memories that I reflected upon have inspired me to advocate for bilingual education programs and cultural studies courses. The ones we learned about in the “Precious Knowledge” documentary, for example, would be classes that I’d be more than happy to advocate for, sponsor, or otherwise support in any way as long as it brought some peace, joy, and enrichment to my students. 
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veludo-rae · 11 months
and remember! Colonial boarding schools still exist today and nobody talks about them!
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odinsblog · 2 years
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Whitewashing History 101: The police “cleaned up” those “sleazy” whiskey traders :)
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The RCMP Was Created To Control Indigenous People
Although the North-West Mounted Police didn’t become the RCMP proper until it absorbed the Dominion Police in 1920, its paramilitary origins are still highly visible in everything from its training depot to how it organizes its officers into troops, right down to the horse and the uniform, Hewitt says.
And while Canadians may like to position ourselves in opposition to the United States, citing their “even worse record in terms of treatment of Indigenous people,” Hewitt says that’s just a myth we tell ourselves to feel better.
The job of the Mounties “effectively, was to clear the plains, the Prairies, of Indigenous people,” he says. “Ultimately, they were there to displace Indigenous people, to move them onto reserves whether they were willing to go or not.”
History books, commissions, inquiries and public apologies reveal what happened next: Indigenous people who resisted were starved onto reserves. The federal government brought in the Indian Act and used Mounties to forcibly remove Indigenous children from their homes, placing them in residential schools rife with abuse.
(continue reading)
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Let me tell you a little story.
A story about my ancestors pain.
in the 1800's (1831) the first residential school opened by the federal government of Canada and the Catholic Church.
They sent "missonaries" to aboriginal reserves and would take any child that would be school aged. These parents had no choice. It was give us the child(ren) or we will take them (which involved killing the parents).
Children in the schools were not allowed to speak their native language and were literally lashed every time they did not speak in English. They were forced to abandon their culture and beliefs for Catholic/ Christianity. They never saw their parents again. They were forced to stay in these schools until they graduated. They were beaten, they were molested, they were killed. Children buried in shallow Graves on the schools grounds.
in one school they found 200 dead bodies. Dead children...
and people deny this happened.
My grandmother was in a residential school. She was raped. She was beaten. Her knuckles were permanently messed up. She was in the school from the age of 4 to 16 I believe. She does not remember her native language or customs. I cannot speak for my grandfather, but my grandmother was a husk of a human.
This is reality. This happened. We learned about this in school.
Listening to aboriginal women talk about anytime they walked into a white town they would be mocked, beaten, raped, killed, or left for dead.
I had a few speakers in a class tell us their stories. One in particular, she was the oldest of the speakers. We all cried after her speech. There were three other aboriginal students and we all spoke to the woman and hugged her. We thanked her for being brave enough to speak to our class. We were proud she was able to rediscover her culture after her residential school experience.
Please stop erasing history because you; don't like it, because it makes you look bad, because it makes you sad, because it makes you angry.
That is what history is, we were supposed to learn from our mistakes.
So far, most don't even acknowledge the fact they learned nothing in multiple generations.
If you think this is "made up" or "fake", go fucking back to where you came from asshole.
You should fucking feel horrible. That's real history for you.
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agentfascinateur · 1 year
Palestinian children want to learn, like everyone else.
According to the head of the village council, Yaqoub Owais, the illegal Zionist settlers employ threats, intimidation, coercion and violence against Palestinian pedestrians, including students, as they pass through the main road leading to the school. The Israeli police and army, Owaid said, encourage such aggression and give full protection to violent settlers who have attacked the school of 400 students several times. The settlers often throw stones at the school property and smash its doors and windows. Owais said none of the attackers have ever been arrested by the Israeli police.
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screw-u-vaanu · 5 months
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intersectionalpraxis · 9 months
help, these Zionists have all lost their goddamned minds! this one is literally a teacher but you won't hear lawmakers say a word about him being violent!
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The power dynamics that exist between a teacher and student should be something an educator is ALWAYS conscious of. This is beyond unethical -it's criminal and despicable. And unfortunately, it's not the first time we have seen some people in the education system who are violent and abusive towards students like this. At least some students have gotten it on record/recorded these so-called teachers being racist, xenophobic, ableist, and overall, bigoted. It astounds me that a grown man in an educational field, who doesn't know how to emotionally regulate, would say this to a MIDDLE SCHOOLER -a 12/13 year old child who CLEARLY has way more emotional intelligence and reflexivity than that zionist would ever dream of having.
I also love it when he tried to backtrack and say that this student was being 'antisemitic,' when he escalated his train of thoughts and said he would kill them... I hope he gets his licence removed and is never able to teach again.
My solidarity is for the teachers who give a damn -who do their best despite under-funding, having to guide/parent/counsel their students because parents and guardians won't (and that's a separate conversation, but worthy to mention), and with whom DO NOT get paid nearly as much as they should. But for terrible 'teachers' like this -who threaten to kill their students for calling out IOF violence -people like that should never be allowed to entered into a classroom ever again.
Although this doesn't compare at all, it made me think of some terrible teachers I've had in the past. I had a Professor during my BA in University tell our entire class that 'imperialism in theory isn't bad,' and to me personally when I was writing about (it was a History of Japan course); Japanese women's writing in the 20th century (and specifically women-run journals in the 1920s-1930s (and I highly recommend more people research this because there is a vast depth to women's writing in Japan for hundreds of years). I was casually talking about feminism in his office when I visited him to clarify my essay topic, and somehow our conversation led to something I brought up in a lecture, which was the history of tattooing in Japan, and he told me straight to my face "I think tattoos on women ruin their natural femininity."
Some people should just not be teachers in so many ways. And I really hope he's fired.
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chinesegal · 5 months
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Western luxuries built over the mass graves of children, you heartless nitwit.
As Gazans are desperately trying to survive and cradling dead loved ones in their arms, this lady is envisioning amusement parks and consumerism goods built over homes and centuries of cultural heritage. Even the image of Marie Antoinette telling starving peasants to "eat cake" isnt this outrageous.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 11 months
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"INDIAN ART IS BEING REVIVED," Niagara Falls Review. October 18, 1933. Page 2. ---- Children model from life, forests supply materials for dyes, paints, ---- NATIVE SCHOOL ---- VICTORIA, Oct., 1 - (CP) - Indian arts are being revived in native schools of the Okanagan Valley. Children take time out from study of the three R's to scour the forests for flowers and roots which are used to instruct them in the almost lost arts of their ancestors.
Mosses, flowers, roots and bart are made into dyes and paints. Old recipes for the making of medicines from herbs and roots are tested while the children strive to Improve and perfect their creations.
Spinning, weaving, dying, pottery, clay modelling, carving and design are attempted by the children in the class-room. To the accompaniment of the click, clack of the spinning loom children sing Indian songs and listen to records of musical selection.
Ponies, dogs, cats and calves serve as life models for the drawing class. The mascot, a pet deer, is often coaxed to pose. Clays used for modelling are found on the reserve. After they have been worked they are placed in pinewood fire, then set to cool and polished. The school works out of doors.
Herbs that are collected include greaseweed which is prepared for the treatment of rheumatism. For respiratory aliments, a decoction of sunflower seeds were found beneficial. Butterfly weed, as an emetic, was voted perfect while the pitch of the fir balsam was used as a salve in the treatment of wounds.
One method used in the treatment of snake bite was the application of the powdered rattle of the rattle- snake, rubbed into the wound. Colors of the Okanagan tribe-red, black and yellow are employed in the painting class. Paint is obtained from red and yellow ochre, mixed with fish oil, and black from charred pinewood embers.
Ochre is secured from Tullameen, near Princeton. Tullameen being the Indian word for paint. In the olden days it was exported in large quantities to different parts of the American continent. The Blackfeet used it when on the war path.
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justsomeguycore · 9 months
i’ve said this before and i’ll say it again until people get it, “aesthetic” isn’t about whether you actually do those things. it’s about looking like you do those things. you’re totally within your rights to think that’s dumb! but something being evocative or representative of an aesthetic has nothing to do with the actual practice or reality or lifestyle
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noirineverysense · 2 months
you watch the news, its all zionist propoganda so you stop watching the news then you dont know whats going on in the world and the cycle repeats
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bossymarmalade · 1 year
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shíshálh announces 40 residential ‘school’ graves, as chief pleads: ‘do not normalize this’
Chief yalxwemult’ Lenora Joe said that the ground-penetrating radar has sadly revealed what appear to be “shallow graves, only large enough for the young bodies to lay in a fetal position.”
“These children were our aunties, they were our uncles, they were our future leaders that we never met. They never grew up. And decades later they are still lost children.”
Run by the Catholic Church and “Canada”, the St. Augustine’s Indian Residential School operated on and off in “Sechelt” between 1904 and 1975.
“We have always known our children were missing. This is not news to us.”
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softichill · 11 months
I <3 pretending thanksgiving doesn't exist
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factoidfactory · 4 months
Indigenous History Month Fact #1
Canada did not close its Indian Residential Schools until 1997.
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britneyshakespeare · 6 months
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This is just a map of New England (minus Connecticut the fake New England state)
#text post#new england#source: boston 25 news website: believe it or not massachusetts is not the most irish state new study finds#18.9% of mass residents have irish ancestry#really this is not surprising at all. massachusetts is the most population-dense state by far with the most immigrants#and new hampshire? ask anyone where their family lived before they came to new hampshire. it was massachusetts#new hampshire is full of ethnically irish and italian and polish catholics whose families have been here long enough#to assimilate and move to the suburbs and become xenophobic and anti-immigrant.#literally bothers me so much when ppl named molly o'flannigan and patrick sullivan talk shit about dorchester lawrence etc#and other immigrant-dense areas in new england. i'm like baby your grandparents lived there#well or at least that's my experience#new england still does have a shocking amount of wasps whose families have been here since the fuckin mayflower#i dont have a direct link to that in my own family but it's very strange how that is taught to new england children as like#'our' heritage in schools. plymouth plantation and the puritans and all that. you're weirdly made to identify w it#and like as time goes on#just factually that only represents the population of ppl who live and are raised here less and less.#not to mention it does nothing to address DIVERSITY in the area. but i suppose there's like a local mythos#we have to teach a story to children and it has to be a 'we' story and that story has to be pilgrims#bc the story has to start at colonization and not expand after that. thats too complex. happy thanksgiving?#new england white people have a habit of thinking theyre irish catholic anglo-protestant settlers and they built this country#they dont parse out their own identity at all and they certainly don't want to have to consider other ppl's.#wow i didnt mean this to turn into a culture-critical rant im sure most of my followers arent even from here so idk what this means 2 u guy#happy saint patrick's day!
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tkhamensi · 8 months
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