#services database implementation
eov-blogs · 1 year
Maximizing ROI with Salesforce: A step-by-step guide
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If you are a business owner, who is struggling to keep up with customer demand, then Salesforce is great for you! We say this because it is the most powerful weapon of any business for meeting customer demand and maintaining long-term relationships with their customer. Salesforce is a cloud-based customer relationship management platform that allows you to manage some of the key activities of your business, like tracking and keeping all the records of your customer, streamlining business operations, and increasing revenue.
In this blog, we will explore how to maximize ROI with salesforce by providing a full guide for making the most of your investment.
Introduction to salesforce and the ROI it offers
Salesforce is an innovative platform that provides your business with the tools to maximize customer relationships and increase return on investment. You can manage all the customer concerns with the help of salesforce. The platform provides key features like lead management, sales forecasting, customer service management, and analytics. But when we talk about ROI, the main four areas to keep in mind are automation, analytics, marketing campaign, and customer service. Automation allows you to streamline processes with minimal effort and take advantage of customer data. Analytics helps to measure the performance metrics and get details and an understanding of how customers first interact with your business. Marketing campaigns help you to reach your potential customers and retain old ones, they also help you to increase brand visibility. At last, Salesforce helps you to leverage the power of customer service to increase the retention rate and also increase the lifetime value of customers.
Strategies for maximizing ROI with Salesforce
Some of the most top strategies to increase ROI with salesforce are as follows:
Create more sales leads:
Salesforce provides a range of tools that can help your business to generate more leads and can improve lead conversion rate. Salesforce already has all the data of the customer, and being well-prepared and aware of where you will get your potential lead will help your business to take smarter moves. Not only does it help in finding leads but it also lets you know how to manage those leads. This in turn will help to create a customized strategy for every lead, which helps your business to save time and brings favorable outcomes.
Enhance sales with the power of automation:
Salesforce provides automated tools that can speed up all the factors of the sales cycle from lead management to customer segmentation. For example, one of the tools of salesforce is S-docs. With the help of this tool, the document automation process will be faster and more secure from the third party. Your sales team will be able to focus more on turning potential leads into actual leads instead of worrying about creating contracts.
Track metrics:
Tracking metrics and evaluation should be done regularly so, that you have an accurate idea of how your business is performing and where it could improve. With the help of this information, you can take decisions like which area needs more focus, and where to allocate resources, as well as areas in which Salesforce can be used to your greatest advantage.
Efficient sales pipeline:
Salesforce helps you to know where your customer is based in the pipeline. By having an exact idea about their next step you can take more informed decisions about launching or promoting a marketing campaign. It also helps to collect useful information like customer expectations, pain points, and more. This can help you provide detailed information on guiding potential leads into actual leads.
Team formulation and training investment:
The best way to achieve the desired outcome and productivity is to keep the team together by staying committed. Another key strategy to maximize ROI is to invest in training for new employees. Training always ensures that everyone has a good understanding of the new platform to meet specific business needs. It can also help them to do their jobs more efficiently.
Understanding the cost-benefit of investing in salesforce
Investing in salesforce can provide numerous benefits for your business. But it’s very important to understand the cost-benefit ratio before investing.
The salesforce investment is more affordable, it depends on business requirements and the size of the organization. You will also get CRM and customer care experience with salesforce. It also helps to save time and money because most of the manual tasks will be stopped and a smaller number of errors will take place. Salesforce not only decreases manual task or help to increase sales, but it also helps to deliver higher customer value over a long-term period and also helps to increase customer loyalty, continuous improvement in the customer journey, and better ability to identify opportunity from customer data and many more. So, salesforce is that investment that definitely will pay dividends if you understand its capabilities.
Why hire a salesforce consulting service?
Hiring a Salesforce consultancy can help you to maximize your ROI and help you to get the most out of your investment. They are experts in the field who can help you to achieve fruitful results for your business.
Here are some reasons to opt for salesforce consulting service:
Expertise: The team of qualified specialists offers knowledge and expertise in this domain so that you can get the optimum results from the salesforce. The team has worked with different clients on different projects. So, they are experienced now and they will also help you to get a different perspective so, that you can make the most out of your investment.
Cost saving: Hiring a professional will help you to save time and money both in the long run. You do not have to spend money and time on providing training to your staff, instead, you can focus on making strategies to grow your business. They will also provide continuous support and maintenance to you.
By utilizing the powerful weapon like Salesforce to its fullest, you will able to achieve your business goals. But for this, you have to understand its features and how it works, but once you have this, you will able to leverage its features to improve your business efficiency and performance. And partnering with the right consulting firm helps you maximize ROI and also helps you stay competitive and successful.
So, why wait? EOV is here for you, we have a team of experienced people who will provide you with valuable insights and also provide guidance on how to properly configure and optimize the system for maximum efficiency. Contact us for more.
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dduane · 2 months
This is a GREAT idea
“For far too long, millions of Americans suffering from long COVID have had their symptoms dismissed or ignored – by the medical community, by the media, and by Congress,” said Sanders. “That is unacceptable and has got to change. The legislation that we have introduced finally recognizes that long COVID is a public health emergency and provides an historic investment into research, development, and education needed to counter the effects of this terrible disease. Congress must act now to ensure treatments are developed and made available for Americans struggling with long COVID. Yes. It is time for a Long Covid Moonshot.”
The Long COVID Research Moonshot Act would establish a new research program within the NIH to better understand, prevent, diagnose, manage, and treat long COVID and related conditions. The legislation would also:
Require the NIH to establish a long COVID database, advisory board, and a new grant process that would accelerate clinical trials.
Fund information gathering and public health education.
Require any new treatments developed by the NIH to be reasonably priced so that every patient can receive it.
Fund multidisciplinary long COVID clinics that provide comprehensive, coordinated care – especially in underserved, disproportionately-impacted communities.
Develop and implement best practices for clinical care and social services.
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micore32 · 2 years
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bassaminfotech · 2 years
Here we can discuss how to customize header and footer for all reports in Odoo 15
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ohsalome · 2 years
And I am once again reminding you that for centuries, Ukraine wasn't given its own voice in the world discourse. Our history, politics, culture were written by the people who colonised us and benefited from convincing the world (and us!) of a distorted picture. A good majority of information in English language that exists about Ukraine, that you believe to be the default knowledge of the world, is such distorted information. Because that is how russian propaganda work. They take a snippet of truth and blow it out of proportion and add a bouquet of lies to it and repeat it many-many times until you think that it is just basic information about the world that everyone knows.
No, Ukraine is not run by nazi. Ukraine has a non-zero percent of nazi population that is marginalized out of politics because their rhetoric is not relatable to the majority of the electorate, which leans towards socialistic populism and anarchism.
No, ukraine is not "brotherly nation" with russia. Antropoligically we belong to the same slavic family of nations that includes many other eastern europeans like czechs, polish, moldovan etc. There is no reason to select russians, belorussians and ukrainians into a distinct category that isn't political. The idea of "three brotherly nations" was literally created by a theologist Theofan Prokopovych as a part of philosophical justification to russian imperialism in the 19th century meaning of the word.
No, DNR and LNR are not "people's republics". They were created by russian army, run by the russian army and following the orders from the kremlin. Russis spent decades trying to create a dissident movement in the eastern Ukraine but failed and stepped down to brute force. Everything you see in the southern Ukraine now has happened in the east in 2014. The only difference is that y'all swallowed russian lies back then.
No, Crimea didn't have a "referendum to join russia". Russian soldiers occupied the peninsula, forced the politicians under the gunpoint to announce the referendum, and made sure that the results would be the ones they like. The native population of the peninsula, crimean tatars, that had been twice genocided by the russians in the past, boycotted the referendum. Despite making up only ~12% of the population, crimean tatar rallies were much more numerous than those of the russians in Crimea. The people who "supported" the "return of Crimea" were russian nationals, who moved to the peninsula after the ethnic cleansing of the native population and proclaimed that "it has always been theirs".
No, Ukraine doesn't have a "government-run kill list". Myrotvorets is (1) run by the volunteers, not the government, (2) is a database of pro-russian propagandists, and (3) hardly anyone on that database has been killed so far. FFS, our current first lady used to be in this database.
No, Ukraine didn't ban russian language. Ukraine has implemented laws that would help ukrainian book, music, film industry survive the competition with russian industry that has for many years monopolised our market. Ukraine has implemented the law that our politicians need to know ukrainian language if they want to hold office (this will sound surreal, but many didn't. Can you imagine such scenario in any other country? A spanish minister that doesn't speak spanish?). Ukraine has implemented a law that websites, advertisements published in foreign languages need to have the information accessible in ukrainian as well Ukraine has implemented laws that state that ukrainian citizens have a right to governmental service in Ukrainian. And if you bothered to open the law you criticise at least ONCE, you would have seen that every article has a clarification "the communication can happen in any language as long as both parties consent, but if the consumer requests to be served in ukrainian, the provider is obligated to respond to them in ukrainian".
No, Ukraine doesn't use the war as an excuse to repress the political opposition. The only people that have been "repressed" are the ones who have been colluding with ruZzia and have helped in organising the invasion of Ukraine. FFS one of those "poor oppositioners" is literally putin's godfather, and another visits russian tv channels agitating russians to nuke Kyiv. The proof against them is overwhelming and well-documented, and ukrainian civil society has been pressuring our government to stop them for literal years. Even today, many russian agents remain in governmental structures.
No, Euromaidan was not a "coup". It was a response of civil society to the police brutality and usurpation of power. We do not need white saviours to tell us that being beat up at peaceful protests is bad. We have enough agency to understand this without external help.
It's almost a year of this war. It's high time for people to stop spreading russian propaganda, especially if they claim to support Ukraine. I am yet to see a "both sides are wrong" argument that wasn't based on russian propaganda.
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nitewrighter · 3 months
Hi, I’m studying to get my associates in library tech with the goal of becoming a children’s librarian. Is there anything that you wish you knew before becoming a librarian?
Well it's tough to say for sure because I had been working as a library assistant for a long time before I got my master's, so I actually did have a lot of 'on the ground' experience in libraries, albeit in a very immediate, lower-skilled customer service sense.
I would say, on a "librarian as a whole" level, try to get as much hands-on experience in programming development and assisting with programming as you can--a major part of advancing your career as a librarian (at least as a public librarian) is being able to plan and implement programming, and also evaluate the success of that programming, and while I got a lot of experience with that in theory in Library school, it wasn't something I really bothered with as a library assistant because I felt too intimidated by it and I felt it "wasn't my place"--even though it's absolutely something I'd have to do as a librarian. And it's something they ask you about at EVERY interview for Librarian positions! If I could go back in time, I'd go back to 2018 and thwack myself with a newspaper to tell me to elbow my way into more programming development--because there ARE openings for it! Libraries ARE always looking for fresh ideas for programming, and one day, I WILL get my Makerspace Cosplay Workshop For Teens idea launched, goddammit!!
On a more "Children's Librarian Specific" level, I realize I talk a lot on this blog about like... the basic thesis that Children Are Indeed People. And I realize in that last ask I got that I was complaining a lot about parents basically using library space as a space to shut down and recover--often at the expense of the space, or sometimes even at the risk of their children. But I do think in terms of like... practicality, respect, and humility, that you as a librarian have to acknowledge that these parents are caring for their kids 24/7 and a lot of the time, for all your dreams of "Youth Liberation!!!" they will, generally, know their kids' triggers and patterns of behavior better than you, Cool Youth Liberator Librarian, ever will. I'm gonna use an example I call the "Give a Mouse a Cookie" story:
So we have coloring sheets and crayons at our children's desk, right? And this little girl comes up to the desk asking for a coloring sheet and I'm like, "oh, okay, we have a puppy coloring sheet?" and she's like, "No, I want the kitty." And her parents are going, "Sweetie, just get the puppy, we need to leave," and I'm like, "Oh, I can just print out some kitty coloring sheets. It's not a big deal. It looks like we're running low anyways." So I print out a bunch of kitty coloring sheets, hand her the first warm-out-of-the-printer kitty, and she starts melting down, because it wasn't just a kitty coloring sheet she wanted, it was a Unicorn Kitty Coloring sheet (except she's like 4 or 5 so it's not really fair to act like she could articulate that), and this is where the story gets stupid, because I'm like, "Oh. Here." and I draw a unicorn horn on the kitty--and like, I need you to understand that this is me going off of babysitting experience where I'm used to little kids being psyched at me drawing something especially for them. And this would provide an immediate 15 second solution rather than however long it would take me to track down the unicorn kitty coloring sheet she wanted through our coloring sheet database and then send that to the printer. And like, I know how to draw a horn so that it meshes decently enough with the coloring sheet's art style. LIKE IT MESHED WITH THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE CAT'S HEAD. But still, the meltdown intensifies because that's not the unicorn cat that other kids were coloring. How dare I slap a horn on this regular-ass cat and try to tell her it's a unicorn cat?!?!? So finally her parents just go, "She needs a nap" and drag her off. I told this story to my brother and he went, "Oh yeah. You gave a mouse a cookie."
Like, yeah, there is something very rewarding in validating a kid's desires and meeting their needs just like you would any adult patron. I love that little flare of 'Yes! I did the thing! I asked the lady where the InvestiGators books were, and she showed me!" I love seeing kids light up when you take them to the nonfiction section they ask for and then you help them leaf through it for the right book for their desired content and reading level, but also... sometimes it's not about the unicorn kitty, and you have to be able to trust when the parents are picking up on that and be able to put up a united front. It's kind of like when you start getting caught up in your own anger, and you have to ask yourself, "Am I letting this burn out, or am I adding oxygen to the fire?" There is so much going on under the hood with kids! So much is happening! Developing brains and very little experience are a helluva drug! You do want to fight for and encourage the kid's agency and value when you can, but also they're part of a family! And families have their own unique dynamics and needs! Growing up and having to negotiate your wants and needs with everyone around you is a trauma in and of itself!
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john-macnamara · 18 days
*Norton rolled his eyes as Myers and Bartlett pulled him into the experimental science bay, more specifically the medical science section. Apparently Doctor Averys had been playing around with an old bio-scanner and rigged it to scan other matter in the system to track agents biological connections, Norton hadn't been too keen on going but if nearly everyone was going anyways he supposed it couldn't hurt to go check it out.*
Averys: Basically, it takes a sample of your genetic code and matches it to anyone in the database, for example-
*The Doctor attached the scanner up to himself, a few odd names popping up on the screen of people he was related to.*
Averys: -As you can see, my great-great-uncle here was a part of the early secret service in America, and because he's on record it lines up with my ancestry. Would anyone else like to try?
*There was a soft buss around the room, people from nearly every department interested in the work and technology being displayed. It wasn't very new or anything, it was fairly simple compared to some of the stuff in the rest of the building, this type of system simply hadn't been implemented yet so everyone was fairly intrigued by it. Myers shrugged next to Norton when no one seemed close to volunteering, putting up his hand before waltzing over. Bartlett gave him a look that Norton couldn't quite decipher, like she was warning him, of what Newman couldn't be sure, but Myers didn't seem to care as he hopped up and held out his arm. Doctor Averys seemed to stop when the crowd parted to show the General, giving him room out of respect.*
Averys: Ah, hello Sir, I didn't think you were going to come, we didn't disrupt you, did we?
*Norton raised an eyebrow at the interaction, watching silently and wondering if this was going to get shut down before he had to deal with much of the ordeal.*
Not at all, I was just hoping to see what all the buzz is about. I hope this isn’t interfering with anyone’s work?
[John scans the whole room, making eye contact with agents he knows have assignments in other sections of the building]
Please, tell me about what this does.
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pillowfort-social · 11 months
Site Update - 10/30/2023
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Hi Pillowfolks!  We hope you are safe and well. Today’s site update includes the anticipated release of our Drafts feature!. We apologize for the extended downtime to push this update. Updating the database to include the new fields & indexing necessary for Drafts too much longer than anticipated. We will be monitoring closely for any unexpected bugs so please let us know if you run into any.
New Features/Improvements
Drafts - Users can now save a post (both personal and community posts) as a draft to be published later. Huzzah! Saved Drafts will be visible underneath “Drafts” in the user sidebar after you click “Save Draft” in our post editor. If you have at least one saved draft, you will see a link to view your drafts in the sidebar, under the “Post” link. (NOTE: Drafts are not auto-saved; you need to save your drafts manually to make sure you don't lose your changes.)
We know many of you have been eagerly awaiting this feature for a long time. And, as we promised, this feature is available to everyone for free. 
Premium Frame Update - A new autumn-inspired premium frame created by artist & Pillowfort user Jamie Kaye is now available!
Inbox Improvements - Conversations containing new messages are now bumped to the top of a user’s inbox. 
Video Embed Improvements - Users can now embed Youtube Shorts using the Video option on post creation. A bug that caused Youtube embeds to fail if the youtu.be url format was used has also been fixed.
Contact Us Form Improvements - Added a Captcha to the Contact Us Form for guest users to help reduce spam. 
Re: Terms of Service Update
As previously announced, we will be implementing a ban on AI-generated images and text. Our reasoning is available here.  While our Staff aimed to release the updated Terms of Service today with this update, we want to take the time to finalize our verbiage of the new rules. The Terms of Service Update will be updated soon in a separate update. Thank you for your understanding. 
Best, Staff
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critical-skeptic · 3 months
Under QMAGA's Eye
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Project 2025 is an audacious attempt by the conservative extreme right to solidify and expand their grip on American governance, driven by an alarming obsession with reshaping the country into a dystopian vision reminiscent of Gilead from "The Handmaid's Tale." This initiative is not just a policy blueprint; it is a manifesto that reveals the radical ambitions of a movement hell-bent on dismantling the progress made over decades in favor of a regressive, authoritarian future.
At its core, Project 2025 aims to entrench a conservative agenda through a comprehensive policy guide, a personnel database, training programs, and a detailed 180-day playbook designed to enact swift and sweeping changes. This project, spearheaded by The Heritage Foundation, underscores a chilling strategy to fill key government positions with ideologically aligned individuals who will faithfully execute its regressive policies from day one of a new conservative administration.
The Parallels to Gilead
The policy prescriptions outlined in Project 2025 are disturbingly similar to the totalitarian regime depicted in Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale." The proposed measures to eliminate terms like "abortion" and "reproductive rights" from federal policies and the reinstatement of the Comstock Act to restrict mail-order abortions reveal a deep-seated desire to control women's bodies and reproductive choices. This is not just about policy; it's about rolling back fundamental rights and reducing women to state-controlled vessels, much like the Handmaids in Gilead.
Moreover, the call to defund Planned Parenthood and penalize providers of reproductive health services through Medicaid restructuring highlights a deliberate effort to dismantle the healthcare safety net that many rely on. The emphasis on "fertility awareness-based" contraception methods and the removal of condoms from preventative health guidelines further underscore an agenda that is more about ideological purity than public health.
The Authoritarian Blueprint
Project 2025's vision extends beyond social issues to a broader authoritarian restructuring of the government. The playbook for the first 180 days includes plans to dismantle the so-called "deep state" by purging perceived enemies within federal agencies and replacing them with loyalists. This is eerily reminiscent of purges seen in authoritarian regimes, where dissent is crushed, and only the faithful are allowed to wield power.
This project is not just about winning elections; it's about creating an environment where the conservative agenda can be implemented unchallenged. The training programs and personnel database aim to build a cadre of ideologically pure administrators who will implement these policies without question. This is a clear attempt to bypass the checks and balances that are fundamental to American democracy.
The Trump Factor
A second term for Donald Trump, especially under the guidance of Project 2025, would be catastrophic. In his first term, Trump was often seen as an unpredictable and chaotic leader, but this time, he would have a meticulously crafted blueprint and a network of loyalists ready to execute his vision. The country's current polarized state, combined with the advanced propaganda tools already in place, would make it much easier for Trump to push through his agenda with minimal resistance.
The international stage is also more destabilized now, and Trump's return would likely exacerbate global tensions. His administration's disregard for diplomatic norms and alliances would further isolate the United States, making it a rogue actor in an increasingly interconnected world.
The Call to Action
The stakes could not be higher. Project 2025 represents a clear and present danger to the principles of democracy, equality, and human rights. It is a call to arms for those who believe in a progressive, inclusive future to recognize the seriousness of this threat and mobilize against it. The potential for a second Trump term, empowered by this blueprint, would not just be a repeat of the past; it would be an acceleration towards a dystopian future where the most regressive elements of society hold sway.
In conclusion, Project 2025 is more than a conservative playbook; it is a radical manifesto with the potential to reshape America into a nightmarish vision of authoritarian control and social regression. The time to act is now, before this dark vision becomes a reality.
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generic-whumperz · 2 months
Apocamerica Map
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Apocamerica Masterlist
Understanding this map: Please note that I’m not a professional map maker and know absolutely nothing about cartography. This is simply a quick visual reference guide for navigating post-apocalypse America.
That being said, this map is subject to change and not wholly accurate or representative of safe/unsafe zones, as they constantly change, and there is yet to be an official database within this alternative universe. Think of this as an approximation. Also, keep in mind that this is 12 years after the initial outbreak, and things did not always look like this, nor will they continue to remain the same. Take this all with a grain of salt.
Zone breakdowns
Red, orange, & gray zones: AVOID AT ALL COSTS! Death is almost guaranteed from radiation and mutant anthrophages alike.
Blue Zone: Republic of Arcadia
Yellow zones: The yellow zones on the map are areas where human settlements still exist, and some communities are even thriving. However, these areas lack military protection and government aid, so they are considered unsafe (however subjective the word “safe” is within the context of this map). Yellow zones are also susceptible to radioactive wastelands but are often unexplored, classifying them as "unknown." Travelers in these areas risk encountering various dangers outside of anthrophages, including mutant animals, extremist groups, wasteland gangs, marauders, raiders, and other unsavory characters. Despite their predicted presence, these groups are not marked on this map as they tend to move around and are hard to keep tally of.
Green zones (power & economy): Areas designated as green zones are not entirely safe from security breaches, nemaxys outbreaks, and gang wars over territory and supply runs. These zones consist mainly of civilians striving to survive and establish a livelihood. As a result of the volatile post-outbreak landscape, the green zones are divided into constantly changing sectors. The few remaining "safe" human settlements are widely dispersed, leading the remaining Governors and congressmen to propose the formation of nation-states to exert better control over their respective areas.
However, the current de facto President, the former Speaker of the House, is determined to maintain control over sector territories and military command. They face the challenge of navigating a fragmented nation while contending with threats from the ROA and other factions attempting to seize power, testing their leadership in their efforts to restore order and unity to the ravaged remains of the US.
Despite the President’s efforts, the power vacuum in the sectors continues to expand as power-hungry politicians spare no effort to secure civilian allegiance. Some congressmen and governors have carved out their own fiefdoms within green and yellow zones, effectively becoming warlords of their respective regions.
Following the outbreak, the Hawaiian islands and Alaska are presumed to be the safest and untouched land masses. Hawaii closed its borders and halted all imports/ exports as soon as the first case of the nemaxys contagion hit the news. Meanwhile, a mass exodus of people left the continental US and headed up to Alaska, and the new capitol was relocated to a small Alaskan fishing town.
After the establishment of the Provisional Emergency Relief Agency (PERA), a federal-level build-back program was implemented in all green zones. The Bureau of Labor & Exports (BOLE) oversaw the program and regulated Chattel Services Inc. (CSI) and the remaining corporate-owned labor forces, which had a significant impact on the reconstruction efforts.
Under stringent government sanctions, an underground illicit black market has flourished, giving rise to new crime families that have ascended to power. These new syndicates replaced the previously dominant players, seizing control of the markets and territories once held by their fallen rivals.
Economic collapse rendered money worthless for a period, but eventually, the monetary system was reinstated, allowing for the revival of commerce through traditional means and ration tickets.
While crime and punishment were primarily addressed at the local level, the aftermath of the chaos led most people to abandon violence once their basic needs were met. Gainful employment provided them with a sense of purpose and belonging in society.
What about travel?
Transportation outside green zones mainly involves using trains, planes, or boats, as navigating on the ground with vehicles through a post-apocalyptic wasteland is considered too risky. However, some people still opt for ground transportation despite being viewed as dangerous and ill-advised compared to other means of travel.
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
"Highly confidential" documents obtained by BBC Persian outline how Iran's government is trying to crack down on women who do not wear a hijab.
Two documents from April and May reveal the judiciary could set up "mobile courts" in public places like shopping malls to punish dress code violations.
They also show schoolgirls could face action by the education ministry and that celebrities could be jailed for up to 10 years for "promoting corruption".
Iran's government has not commented.
However, an Iranian newspaper that published a short section of one of the directives has been charged with publishing classified documents.
And some of the directives were included in the controversial "Hijab and Chastity Bill" that is currently being reviewed by the Guardian Council watchdog before becoming law.
Iran's parliament passed the bill in September - a year after protests erupted over the death in custody of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman who was detained by morality police for allegedly not wearing her hijab properly.
Women burnt their headscarves or waved them in the air at the demonstrations against clerical rule, during which hundreds of people were reportedly killed in a brutal crackdown by security forces.
Although the unrest has subsided, a growing number of women and girls have stopped covering their hair in public altogether in open acts of defiance.
According to the leaked documents, Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi approved a series of directives aimed at coordinating action by the government and other entities to address the issue of women not covering their hair in public - several months before parliament began debating the hijab bill in secret.
Security services - including the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) intelligence service, the ministry of intelligence, and the Security Police - were granted extensive powers to implement those directives, they show.
Some of the directives state that:
Police should "prepare the necessary documentation regarding schoolgirls who unveil" so that appropriate action can be taken through the education ministry
Celebrities, influencers and bloggers who do not cover their hair, or who "encourage unveiling" on social media, should face the charge of "promoting corruption", which is punishable by up to 10 years in prison. Officers will also be able to enter their homes and seize their computers and mobile phones
Officers can seal or shut down without permission any shops or other businesses not comply with the hijab regulations, and that any customers who violate them should be denied services, forced to leave, or handed over to the judiciary
Cafes considered "corrupting centres" because of the role they played in last year's protests should be shut down, particularly those near schools and universities
Officers are authorised to initiate legal proceedings against women who resist warnings to cover their hair on charges including "promoting corruption"
There is a need for a national database of "motorcycle number plate bank" so those carrying female drivers or passengers with uncovered hair can be identified
Monitoring should be increased of companies whose employees "violate dress codes provocatively and immodestly during entry, exit, and within the premises"
A significant portion of the directives in the leaked documents have already been implemented, including setting up hijab enforcement units inside metro stations and other public spaces; impounding cars that transport unveiled women; denying services to women violating the dress code; and closing cafes.
According to the documents, the police force is required to assign a sufficient number of officers to "identify and warn women who have unveiled themselves", and that in areas where there is sufficient manpower IRGC personnel will help carry out the task.
In the past few months Iranians have noticed the presence of hijab enforcers at metro stations across the capital, Tehran.
The interior ministry and Tehran municipality have described them as "self-motivated forces that do not require a licence for their activities".
But the documents show that their presence is the result of a government decision, which has required planning and the allocation of resources.
The documents also emphasise the importance of "extensively filming and documenting the identity of those involved in unveiling", and indicate that hijab enforcers filming women and girls are affiliated to the security services.
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carolunduke-04 · 4 months
My Experience with Database Homework Help from DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com
As a student majoring in computer science, managing the workload can be daunting. One of the most challenging aspects of my coursework has been database management. Understanding the intricacies of SQL, ER diagrams, normalization, and other database concepts often left me overwhelmed. That was until I discovered Database Homework Help from DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com. This service has been a lifesaver, providing me with the support and guidance I needed to excel in my studies.
The Initial Struggle
When I first started my database course, I underestimated the complexity of the subject. I thought it would be as straightforward as other programming courses I had taken. However, as the semester progressed, I found myself struggling with assignments and projects. My grades were slipping, and my confidence was waning. I knew I needed help, but I wasn't sure where to turn.
I tried getting assistance from my professors during office hours, but with so many students needing help, the time available was limited. Study groups with classmates were somewhat helpful, but they often turned into social gatherings rather than focused study sessions. I needed a more reliable and structured form of support.
Discovering DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com
One evening, while frantically searching for online resources to understand an especially tricky ER diagram assignment, I stumbled upon DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com. The website promised expert help on a wide range of database topics, from basic queries to advanced database design and implementation. Skeptical but hopeful, I decided to give it a try. It turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve made in my academic career.
First Impressions
The first thing that struck me about DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com was the user-friendly interface. The website was easy to navigate, and I quickly found the section where I could submit my assignment. The process was straightforward: I filled out a form detailing my assignment requirements, attached the relevant files, and specified the deadline.
Within a few hours, I received a response from one of their database experts. The communication was professional and reassuring. They asked a few clarifying questions to ensure they fully understood my needs, which gave me confidence that I was in good hands.
The Quality of Help
What impressed me the most was the quality of the assistance I received. The expert assigned to my task not only completed the assignment perfectly but also provided a detailed explanation of the solutions. This was incredibly helpful because it allowed me to understand the concepts rather than just submitting the work.
For example, in one of my assignments, I had to design a complex database schema. The expert not only provided a well-structured schema but also explained the reasoning behind each table and relationship. This level of detail helped me grasp the fundamental principles of database design, something I had been struggling with for weeks.
Learning and Improvement
With each assignment I submitted, I noticed a significant improvement in my understanding of database concepts. The experts at DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com were not just solving problems for me; they were teaching me how to solve them myself. They broke down complex topics into manageable parts and provided clear, concise explanations.
I particularly appreciated their help with SQL queries. Writing efficient and effective SQL queries was one of the areas I found most challenging. The expert guidance I received helped me understand how to approach query writing logically. They showed me how to optimize queries for better performance and how to avoid common pitfalls.
Timely Delivery
Another aspect that stood out was their commitment to deadlines. As a student, timely submission of assignments is crucial. DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com always delivered my assignments well before the deadline, giving me ample time to review the work and ask any follow-up questions. This reliability was a significant relief, especially during times when I had multiple assignments due simultaneously.
Customer Support
The customer support team at DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com deserves a special mention. They were available 24/7, and I never had to wait long for a response. Whether I had a question about the pricing, needed to clarify the assignment details, or required an update on the progress, the support team was always there to assist me promptly and courteously.
Affordable and Worth Every Penny
As a student, budget is always a concern. I was worried that professional homework help would be prohibitively expensive. However, I found the pricing at DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com to be reasonable and affordable. They offer different pricing plans based on the complexity and urgency of the assignment, making it accessible for students with varying budgets.
Moreover, considering the quality of help I received and the improvement in my grades, I can confidently say that their service is worth every penny. The value I got from their expert assistance far outweighed the cost.
A Lasting Impact
Thanks to DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com, my grades in the database course improved significantly. But beyond the grades, the most valuable takeaway has been the knowledge and confidence I gained. I now approach database assignments with a clearer understanding and a more structured method. This confidence has also positively impacted other areas of my studies, as I am less stressed and more organized.
Final Thoughts
If you're a student struggling with database management assignments, I highly recommend Database Homework Help from DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com. Their expert guidance, timely delivery, and excellent customer support can make a significant difference in your academic journey. They don’t just provide answers; they help you understand the material, which is crucial for long-term success.
In conclusion, my experience with DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com has been overwhelmingly positive. The support I received has not only helped me improve my grades but also enhanced my overall understanding of database concepts. I am grateful for their assistance and will undoubtedly continue to use their services as I progress through my computer science degree.
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i'm a bit of a nerd when it comes to guns, and thought randomly at some point that it'd be fun to start this gimmick blog and try to identify guns in various posts. however I do still kind of consider myself to be in the dunning-kruger valley, and gun identification is a bit more complex than car identification due to just how many variants of individual gun patterns there are, and how much easier it is to do modifications of them...
(ask / submission rules and other guidelines are further down in this post)
I'll try to at least identify the general pattern of the gun or any recognizable parts and cross reference with images and articles to make a decision. If your post or submission is from a particular piece of media, it's extremely likely for it to already be documented on the Internet Movie Firearms Database wiki website, so some answers will probably be pulled straight from there.
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For example, the wiki clearly outlines that, in the above blog header, which is from the anime/manga Lycoris Recoil (IMFDB link here), Chisato (left) canonically uses a Detonics CombatMaster (variant of Colt 1911 pattern, chambered in .45 ACP), specifically one that incorporates elements of the Tokyo Marui Strike Warrior Airsoft replica (notable in the strike face compensator and modified rear sight). Takina (right) meanwhile uses a somewhat generic Smith and Wesson M&P9 PRO, chambered in 9x19mm, with the extended 5" barrel.
To make up for how garbage I am at getting specifics right, I may also offer some bits of trivia about the gun(s) in question and/or their implementation. For example, although Chisato's gun seems based off of the Tokyo Marui design, it notably has three port holes at the top of the compensator as compared to the single port in the original; it might be a bit more effective as a real compensator than the very-Airsoft cosmetic fixing of the TM replica. It also lacks the accessory rail in the anime. Additionally, Takina's signature sidearm, the M&P9, is extremely common in modern law enforcement (you might even recognize the handle of it in the "(A) Steal Officer's Service Weapon" meme), so it's a bit of a "cop gun" in a sense; which possibly matches how Takina essentially serves as the by-the-numbers half of the pseudo-buddycop pairing formed by her and Chisato. Interestingly enough, all other Lycoris agents are seen wielding Glock 17s instead...
I'm always open to asks if you want to ask me anything, but if you want me to identify something, you should probably make it a submission!
Only submit requests for identification of guns OR fictional gun reviews (more on that in another section)! Preferably memes and posts. You can also submit things from media like video games and anime, but you could probably get a faster answer through IMFDB than me >~>
If your submission or tag is for a "cursed gun" then some special rules apply. If it's a real life picture of some effed up monstrosity, I will do my best to identify it with a real, pre-built gun; otherwise, I'll try to identify parts that may have been used for it. If it's clearly an edited picture or some other form of drawing, concept, or very clearly fictional gun, this will be treated as a "Fictional Gun Review" instead.
Generally speaking I'm looking at "small arms" guns; I'm not super well-versed on artillery pieces and aircraft weapons and the like. I know a handful of rocket launchers and might be able to pick out a couple but those are also pretty hard for me.
Fictional Gun Reviews
I'm also a bit of a hobbyist game designer and like creating weapon designs myself! I can take a look at strictly fictional weapon designs and give some cursory criticism on whether or not the gun would actually function in the configuration it's in (checking things like barrel/bolt/magazine alignment, etc.), what parts of it I recognize from real guns, and an overall subjective rating.
about me
i'm a 21+ trans woman (she/her) and pansexual/biromantic disaster married to a hot butch wife. i'm also an independent game developer and secretly a streamer on another alias of mine. i like guns! i like the history of guns and the engineering of guns. personal favorites are sniper rifles, particularly the L96A1, the first military-specification sniper rifle made by Accuracy International, which served as the prototype of the Arctic Warfare line of rifles, popularized by Counter Strike's AWP (though the classification of "AWP" is incorrect for the particular weapon featured in the series, it's actually an AWM .338). favorite pistol is probably the Beretta 93R, a 3 round burst fire pistol with a similar pattern to the iconic M9 pistol. i also like the MP7 PDW (obvious half life 2 fan is obvious), the MAC10 (by far the coolest machine pistol to fire in akimbo lol), and the G36C (one of the first guns I ever decided to look up more information about many years ago after picking it up in Garry's Mod of all places).
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mariacallous · 3 months
New regulations on the screening of non-EU nationals at the bloc’s external borders, which come into force this week, could have major implications for migrants and asylum seekers’ privacy rights, campaigners warn.
Ozan Mirkan Balpetek, Advocacy and Communications Coordinator for Legal Centre Lesvos, an island in Greece on the so-called Balkan Route for migrants seeking to reach Western Europe, says the new pact “will significantly expand the Eurodac database [European Asylum Dactyloscopy Database], creating overlaps with other databases, such as international criminal records accessible to police forces”.
“Specific provisions of the pact directly undermine GDPR regulations that protect personal data from being improperly processed,” Balpetek told BIRN. “The pact only expands existing rights violations, including data breaches. Consequently, information shared by asylum seekers can be used against them during the asylum process, potentially leading to further criminalization of racialized communities,” he added.
The European Council confirmed the deal in May, and it should start being implemented in June 2026.
This legislation sets out new procedures for managing the arrival of irregular migrants, processing asylum applications, determining the EU country responsible for these applications, and devising strategies to handle migration crises.
The pact promises a “robust” screening at the borders to differentiate between those people deemed in need of international protection and those who are not.
The screening and border procedures will mandate extensive data collection and automatic exchanges, resulting in a regime of mass surveillance of migrants. Reforms to the Eurodac Regulation will mandate the systematic collection of migrants’ biometric data, now including facial images, which will be retained in databases for up to 10 years. The reform also lowers the thresholder for storing data in the system to the age of six.
Amnesty International in Greece said the new regulation “will set back European asylum law for decades to come”.
“These proposals come hand in hand with mounting efforts to shift responsibility for refugee protection and border control to countries outside of the EU – such as recent deals with Tunisia, Egypt, and Mauritania – or attempts to externalize the processing of asylum claims to Albania,” the human rights organisation told BIRN.
“These practices risk trapping people in states where their human rights will be in danger, render the EU complicit in the abuses that may follow, and compromises Europe’s ability to uphold human rights beyond the bloc,” it added.
NGOs working with people in need have been warning for months that the pact will systematically violate fundamental principles, resulting in a proliferation of rights violations in Europe.
Jesuit Refugee Services, including its arm in Croatia, said in April in a joint statement that it “cannot support a system that will enable the systematic detention of thousands of people, including children, at the EU’s external borders.
“The proposed legislation will exponentially increase human suffering while offering no real solutions to current system deficiencies,” JRS said.
Despite criticism, the European Parliament adopted the regulation in April.
Individuals who do not meet the entry requirements will be registered and undergo identification, security, and health checks. These checks are to be completed within seven days at the EU’s external borders and within three days for those apprehended within the EU.
Under the new system, EU member states can either accept a minimum of 30,000 asylum applicants annually or contribute at least 20,000 euros per asylum applicant to a joint EU fund.
After screening, individuals will be swiftly directed into one of three procedures: Border Procedures, Asylum Procedures, or Returns Procedures.
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ogxfuturetech · 1 month
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The Comprehensive Guide to Web Development, Data Management, and More 
Everything today is technology driven in this digital world. There's a lot happening behind the scenes when you use your favorite apps, go to websites, and do other things with all of those zeroes and ones — or binary data. In this blog, I will be explaining what all these terminologies really means and other basics of web development, data management etc. We will be discussing them in the simplest way so that this becomes easy to understand for beginners or people who are even remotely interested about technology.  JOIN US
What is Web Development? 
Web development refers to the work and process of developing a website or web application that can run in a web browser. From laying out individual web page designs before we ever start coding, to how the layout will be implemented through HTML/CSS. There are two major fields of web development — front-end and back-end. 
Front-End Development 
Front-end development, also known as client-side development, is the part of web development that deals with what users see and interact with on their screens. It involves using languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create the visual elements of a website, such as buttons, forms, and images. JOIN US
HTML (HyperText Markup Language): 
HTML is the foundation of all website, it helps one to organize their content on web platform. It provides the default style to basic elements such as headings, paragraphs and links. 
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets):  
styles and formats HTML elements. It makes an attractive and user-friendly look of webpage as it controls the colors, fonts, layout. 
JavaScript :  
A language for adding interactivity to a website Users interact with items, like clicking a button to send in a form or viewing images within the slideshow. JOIN US
Back-End Development 
The difference while front-end development is all about what the user sees, back end involves everything that happens behind. The back-end consists of a server, database and application logic that runs on the web. 
A server is a computer that holds website files and provides them to the user browser when they request it. Server-Side: These are populated by back-end developers who build and maintain servers using languages like Python, PHP or Ruby. 
The place where a website keeps its data, from user details to content and settings The database is maintained with services like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB. JOIN US
Application Logic —  
the code that links front-end and back-end It takes user input, gets data from the database and returns right informations to front-end area. 
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Why Proper Data Management is Absolutely Critical 
Data management — Besides web development this is the most important a part of our Digital World. What Is Data Management? It includes practices, policies and procedures that are used to collect store secure data in controlled way. 
Data Storage –  
data after being collected needs to be stored securely such data can be stored in relational databases or cloud storage solutions. The most important aspect here is that the data should never be accessed by an unauthorized source or breached. JOIN US
Data processing:  
Right from storing the data, with Big Data you further move on to process it in order to make sense out of hordes of raw information. This includes cleansing the data (removing errors or redundancies), finding patterns among it, and producing ideas that could be useful for decision-making. 
Data Security:  
Another important part of data management is the security of it. It refers to defending data against unauthorized access, breaches or other potential vulnerabilities. You can do this with some basic security methods, mostly encryption and access controls as well as regular auditing of your systems. 
Other Critical Tech Landmarks 
There are a lot of disciplines in the tech world that go beyond web development and data management. Here are a few of them: 
Cloud Computing 
Leading by example, AWS had established cloud computing as the on-demand delivery of IT resources and applications via web services/Internet over a decade considering all layers to make it easy from servers up to top most layer. This will enable organizations to consume technology resources in the form of pay-as-you-go model without having to purchase, own and feed that infrastructure. JOIN US
Cloud Computing Advantages:  
Main advantages are cost savings, scalability, flexibility and disaster recovery. Resources can be scaled based on usage, which means companies only pay for what they are using and have the data backed up in case of an emergency. 
Examples of Cloud Services: 
Few popular cloud services are Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. These provide a plethora of services that helps to Develop and Manage App, Store Data etc. 
As the world continues to rely more heavily on digital technologies, cybersecurity has never been a bigger issue. Protecting computer systems, networks and data from cyber attacks is called Cyber security. 
Phishing attacks, Malware, Ransomware and Data breaches: 
This is common cybersecurity threats. These threats can bear substantial ramifications, from financial damages to reputation harm for any corporation. 
Cybersecurity Best Practices:  
In order to safeguard against cybersecurity threats, it is necessary to follow best-practices including using strong passwords and two-factor authorization, updating software as required, training employees on security risks. 
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) represent the fastest-growing fields of creating systems that learn from data, identifying patterns in them. These are applied to several use-cases like self driving cars, personalization in Netflix. 
AI vs ML —  
AI is the broader concept of machines being able to carry out tasks in a way we would consider “smart”. Machine learning is a type of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that provides computers with the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. JOIN US
Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: some common applications include Image recognition, Speech to text, Natural language processing, Predictive analytics Robotics. 
Web Development meets Data Management etc. 
We need so many things like web development, data management and cloud computing plus cybersecurity etc.. but some of them are most important aspects i.e. AI/ML yet more fascinating is where these fields converge or play off each other. 
Web Development and Data Management 
Web Development and Data Management goes hand in hand. The large number of websites and web-based applications in the world generate enormous amounts of data — from user interactions, to transaction records. Being able to manage this data is key in providing a fantastic user experience and enabling you to make decisions based on the right kind of information. 
E.g. E-commerce Website, products data need to be saved on server also customers data should save in a database loosely coupled with orders and payments. This data is necessary for customization of the shopping experience as well as inventory management and fraud prevention. 
Cloud Computing and Web Development 
The development of the web has been revolutionized by cloud computing which gives developers a way to allocate, deploy and scale applications more or less without service friction. Developers now can host applications and data in cloud services instead of investing for physical servers. 
E.g. A start-up company can use cloud services to roll out the web application globally in order for all users worldwide could browse it without waiting due unavailability of geolocation prohibited access. 
The Future of Cybersecurity and Data Management 
Which makes Cybersecurity a very important part of the Data management. The more data collected and stored by an organization, the greater a target it becomes for cyber threats. It is important to secure this data using robust cybersecurity measures, so that sensitive information remains intact and customer trust does not weaken. JOIN US
Ex: A healthcare provider would have to protect patient data in order to be compliant with regulations such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) that is also responsible for ensuring a degree of confidentiality between a provider and their patients. 
Well, in a nutshell web-developer or Data manager etc are some of the integral parts for digital world.
As a Business Owner, Tech Enthusiast or even if you are just planning to make your Career in tech — it is important that you understand these. With the progress of technology never slowing down, these intersections are perhaps only going to come together more strongly and develop into cornerstones that define how we live in a digital world tomorrow. 
With the fundamental knowledge of web development, data management, automation and ML you will manage to catch up with digital movements. Whether you have a site to build, ideas data to manage or simply interested in what’s hot these days, skills and knowledge around the above will stand good for changing tech world. JOIN US
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Atom: The Beginning & AI Cybersecurity
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Atom: The Beginning is a manga about two researchers creating advanced robotic AI systems, such as unit A106. Their breakthrough is the Bewusstein (Translation: awareness) system, which aims to give robots a "heart", or a kind of empathy. In volume 2, A106, or Atom, manages to "beat" the highly advanced robot Mars in a fight using a highly abstracted machine language over WiFi to persuade it to stop.
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This may be fiction, but it has parallels with current AI development in the use of specific commands to over-run safety guides. This has been demonstrated in GPT models, such as ChatGPT, where users are able to subvert models to get them to output "banned" information by "pretending" to be another AI system, or other means.
There are parallels to Atom, in a sense with users effectively "persuading" the system to empathise. In reality, this is the consequence of training Large Language Models (LLM's) on relatively un-sorted input data. Until recent guardrail placed by OpenAI there were no commands to "stop" the AI from pretending to be an AI from being a human who COULD perform these actions.
As one research paper put it:
"Such attacks can result in erroneous outputs, model-generated hate speech, and the exposure of users’ sensitive information." Branch, et al. 2022
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There are, however, more deliberately malicious actions which AI developers can take to introduce backdoors.
In Atom, Volume 4, Atom faces off against Ivan - a Russian military robot. Ivan, however, has been programmed with data collected from the fight between Mars and Atom.
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What the human researchers in the manga didn't realise, was the code transmissions were a kind of highly abstracted machine level conversation. Regardless, the "anti-viral" commands were implemented into Ivan and, as a result, Ivan parrots the words Atom used back to it, causing Atom to deliberately hold back.
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In AI cybersecurity terms, this is effectively an AI-on-AI prompt injection attack. Attempting to use the words of the AI against itself to perform malicious acts. Not only can this occur, but AI creators can plant "backdoor commands" into AI systems on creation, where a specific set of inputs can activate functionality hidden to regular users.
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This is a key security issue for any company training AI systems, and has led many to reconsider outsourcing AI training of potential high-risk AI systems. Researchers, such as Shafi Goldwasser at UC Berkley are at the cutting edge of this research, doing work compared to the key encryption standards and algorithms research of the 1950s and 60s which have led to today's modern world of highly secure online transactions and messaging services.
From returning database entries, to controlling applied hardware, it is key that these dangers are fully understood on a deep mathematical, logical, basis or else we face the dangerous prospect of future AI systems which can be turned against users.
As AI further develops as a field, these kinds of attacks will need to be prevented, or mitigated against, to ensure the safety of systems that people interact with.
Twitter pranksters derail GPT-3 bot with newly discovered “prompt injection” hack - Ars Technica (16/09/2023)
In Neural Networks, Unbreakable Locks Can Hide Invisible Doors - Quanta Magazine (02/03/2023)
Planting Undetectable Backdoors in Machine Learning Models - Shafi Goldwasser et.al, UC Berkeley, 2022
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