excited-equestrian · 5 years
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My ESA, Freya, learning to accept a harness! Don’t forget to visit my Gofundme , share it and if you can, donate. Every penny counts and each donation brings us closer to a better life and the betterment of my health. gf.me/3svx7 #gofundme #gofundmeplease #donators #gofundmedonations #gofundmecampaign #pleasedonate #pittsburghpa #community #communityhelpers #payitforward #help #housinghelp #servicedoghelp #donatingmoney #donatemoney #moneydonation #mentalhealthhelp #mentalhealthawareness #autism #anxietyawareness #depression #toughtimes #roughspot If there are any organizations that can help me, please message me. I don’t have money, so nothing that I’ll have to pay for. (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuXVo5sHbaO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=atzk2hhdap24
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theextraspoon · 7 years
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IT'S TIME FOR THE WORLD TO KNOW THIS IS NOT OKAY! Story: http://www.theextraspoon.com/blog/logan-pauls-registered-fake-service-dog/ Don't spread hate! Spread knowledge! SHARE THIS! #servicedog #loganpaul #servicedogs #SHARE #servicedoghelp #servicedogstuff #dogs #dogsofinstagram #serviceanimals #servicedogs #respect #youtube #PhillyD #HELP #DOG #JOYSPARKLESBS #REPZILLA #BUZZFEED (at The Extra Spoon)
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deaththekidsister · 6 years
Service dog trainers/handlers of tumblr i need your help!
I'm a student completely unable to work as of right now and am trying to figure out how i can afford to get the dog my doctor has approved me for. Are there any government grants or anything that would help with training or costs of a dog? In general what financial assistance programs are available for 18 year olds finishing high school with intentions to go to college in america?
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excited-equestrian · 5 years
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gf.me/3svx7 Shit just got more urgent y’all, my mom is threatening to send me to a group home. I NEED donations and fast!
#gofundme #payitforward #donators #gofundmeplease #gofundmedonations #gofundmecampaign #pleasedonate #payitforwardchallenge #helpme #financialfreedom #financialhelp #investmentangels #donations #urgentneed #helpingstrangers #strangershelpingstrangers #helpfromstrangers #autism #Donationsblog #mentalhealthhelp #mentalhealthawareness #servicedog #servicedoghelp https://www.instagram.com/p/BuV0mK_H79k/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1t1j07dbs16bk
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