#served with toast and crispy bacon
boyjoan · 9 months
I suppose i should mention....
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canichangemyblogname · 9 months
The “traditional American” breakfast is just an English Breakfast (“fry-up” or “Full Monty”) without the sweet beans and tomatoes.
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scr4n · 1 month
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Crispy fried chicken burger 🐓🍔
fried chicken tossed in buffalo sauce, topped with smoked bacon and pickles, served on a toasted potato bun.
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petermorwood · 1 year
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As mentioned more than once, @dduane's Middle Kingdoms don't have potatoes. A frequent alternative is parsnips, and the fried cakes in that photo are the result of an experiment done earlier this week to see if parsnips can substitute for potatoes in our always-reliable potato cake recipe.
Yes, they can!
Here's @dduane's recipe.
First peel three regular-sized parsnips. then top and tail them.
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Chop them into chunks and boil them in about 2 pints (1 litre) of water.
Drain them and return to the pan: let them steam dry. Then, while still hot, mash them well with a hand masher and allow to cool completely.
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As mentioned further down, parsnips retain more water than potatoes even after steam-drying, so DON'T use a food processor or other power appliance for mashing or the result will be parsnip wallpaper paste. However, a processor is ideal for the rest of the recipe.
Put 2 cups (500g) all-purpose flour and ½ tsp salt into the processor bowl, blip the pulse switch to combine them then add 1½ tsp baking powder and blip again.
Now add 3 tablespoons butter and blip the pulse switch until the butter is completely worked in and the whole mixture has a cornmeal-y texture.
Now add the cooled mashed parsnips.
Process with the flour mixture, pulsing at first, then continuously, until the mixture comes together in a dough.
(If yours behaves the way our recipe did, no additional liquid should need to be added. The parsnips hold onto a surprising amount of water even after being steamed dry.)
Flour a work surface, roll the dough out about 1/3 inch (1 cm) thick, and use a sharp biscuit cutter to cut out into rounds. Then heat cooking oil in a frying pan to medium heat and put five or six of the cakes into the hot oil.
Fry until the cakes begin to rise a little (usually 4-5 minutes) and are going golden brown Turn and fry the cakes on their other sides for another 4-5 minutes. Test one for doneness: if necessary, turn the cakes once more and give them another 5 minutes or so.
Then cook the rest of the cakes in the same way. When they're done cooking, drain on paper towels until they're cool. Eat fresh or, to keep them, put them in a biscuit tin or other airtight container.
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They'll keep for a few days. The parsnip flavor mellows somewhat the day after you bake them.
Like their potato-cake cousins, they're very good split, toasted, buttered and topped with a slice of cheese or (and) salami. They also shine as an accompaniment to bacon or sausages; give the parsnip cakes a brief re-fry in the fat left from frying these, then serve alongside the fried meats, dressed with a splash of Worcester or HP sauce and maybe a dotting of Tabasco or similar.
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Our next experiment will be to make this recipe with the addition of some crumbled crispy bacon, grated cheese, grated onion or a combination of same.
The experiment after that will be to see if this can become parsnip bread in the same way as Irish potato farls. I think it will... :->
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So, I'd just like to report from my corner of the WH, where I'm calmly eating my buttermilk waffles topped with berries and extra whipped cream with a side of 2 sunny-side up eggs, chicken fried steak, extra crispy hashbrowns, and unlimited refill coffee.
So far, it's been a shitshow, with people having a food fight and flinging all that good food at each other (I may have seen some chairs and stools being tossed as well. Tsk, tsk). Some people are leaving through the door while some are slinking out the window... idk, maybe to come back at a later date and declare they have been in the restaurant the whole time amid the chaos.
Meanwhile, the waitress asked me if she could get me something else... I just added fresh toast with, again, berries and whipped cream, a ton of bacon, and their unlimited mimosas. As the waitress walked away to get my extra order, I wondered if the WH had expanded its menu to include a big bucket of popcorn coz the show just might not be over yet.
WH doesn't serve popcorn but we can have the jakolas run out and get ya some
gotta give the seasonal employees something to do
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zerokurokawa · 4 months
Hellloo:) May i request a one shot where reader and baji are together and they get in to a argument because they’re both stubborn. Reader wants to sleep on the couch and baji sees that and doesn’t let that happen, he clings to her like a lost puppyy🐶
Couch Versus Bed | Baji x Reader <3
You and Baji had a date planned for Saturday dinner and when he was late, it showed where you thought his priorities lied. Baji had decided that going a Toman meeting that was only supposed to last an hour, tops, was ideal. Except he forgot one thing, he had to be back at your place by seven sharp.
Instead, he got caught up talking to Chifuyu about nonsense when he felt his phone buzzing over and over again. It was you calling him, wondering where in the world he was at. It was way past seven now and you were starting to get worried about him. He shrugged off Chifuyu and walked away to answer the call.
"Hey, I'm so sorry babe, I got caught up with Chifuyu at the meeting and-" You cut him off.
"I don't care about your stupid excuses, we had plans Keisuke!" You exclaimed, borderline yelling over the phone. The anger you felt was an understatement.
"I said I was sorry-" You cut him off again by hanging up the phone and looking at the clock. It was now eight-thirty; an hour and half past time for your dinner date.
Baji rushed to your house, trying to get there as quickly as possible only to walk in and see you putting away the dishes and leftovers that you had cooked for you both.
"Y/n, it was an important meeting, okay?" He said in a soft tone, trying his best not to argue.
"I don't care about your stupid meetings, Keisuke. We had plans and yet, you were goofing off with Chifuyu when you were supposed to be on your way home." You said, slamming a plate into the sink.
"I said I was sorry. Why can't you just get over it?" He asked, gesturing at the dinner you had put in tupperware while trying to open it.
"Don't open that. I just put that away." You said in an even more angry tone. "Besides, it's time to go to sleep anyways, too late to eat."
"We can still eat, you're just being childish!" He exclaimed, putting down the food on the counter.
"I'm ready for bed. I'm sleeping on the couch, you can have the bed." Was all you said before storming off to the bedroom to gather your blanket and pillows.
"You're not sleeping on the damn couch, y/n!" He followed you into the room, trying to take the blanket and pillow away from you.
"Yes I am, and you're going to leave me the hell alone too."
Baji didn't know how to react other than to wait for you to go lay down on the couch and wait for his moment to come in there.
Once you were settled on the couch and nearly asleep, you felt Baji lay down next to you and crawl under the blankets.
"What are you doing?" You asked, reaching out to push him away even though you clearly didn't want to.
"I'm sleeping with my girl, that's what I'm doing." He said as he wrapped his arms around you.
You couldn't object to the feeling of his warmth as you snuggled into his chest.
He muttered, "I'm so sorry y/n, I should've been on time and I'm sorry that we got into this argument because of me."
"It's okay, Kei." You mumbled before falling quickly asleep.
The next morning, you woke up to Baji fixing you breakfast as a way to make up for your lost dinner date. Although he burned the toast, overcooked the eggs, and fried the bacon a little too crispy, the token of appreciation was there.
He served you a plate while you still sat on the couch, "Good morning and I love you…"
(A/N: thank you for requesting, I hope you enjoy!!)
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unabashegirl · 8 months
Enticing 38 || Harry Styles
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Summary: Harry is a young billionaire and CEO of his own company. He mostly keeps to himself, he is stern and very meticulous when it comes to business. He also likes to keep his personal life very private for the sake of his newly born son Oliver Styles. It isn't until he meets Y/N Y/L/N that everything changes. She becomes his new nanny after his previous one quits due to personal reasons. She is young, caring, and sweet. Will they ignore their feelings? Will Harry's girlfriend accept their love and leave them? Will she be able to cope with his busy agenda? What about Oliver's mother? Where is she? Who is she?
asked to be added to the taglist!
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The first hints of morning light streamed through the windows of Harry's cozy apartment, rousing Y/N from her peaceful slumber on the couch. She stretched, feeling a sense of calm wash over her. The chaos of the previous night had given way to a serene morning.
Y/N quietly got up from the couch, not wanting to disturb Harry, who had given her refuge in his warm and welcoming space. As she made her way downstairs, the delightful aroma of a home-cooked breakfast greeted her.
In the kitchen, Mrs. Johnson, Harry's trusted chef and housekeeper, was busy preparing a hearty morning meal. Her warm smile and motherly presence always made Y/N feel at ease.
"Good morning, dear," Mrs. Johnson greeted, turning from the stove to face Y/N. "I hope you had a peaceful night."
Y/N returned her smile, feeling grateful for the woman's kindness. "Good morning, Mrs. Johnson. Thank you. I did."
As Y/N took a seat at the kitchen table, she noticed Harry already seated there, dressed in a fresh suit. The slight scruff on his jaw gave him a rugged, mature appearance, a departure from his usually polished look. It was as though the events of the previous night had left their mark on him, etching a sense of resilience and determination in his features.
"Morning," Harry greeted in a husky morning voice, his green eyes locking onto hers. He stood up and pulled out a chair for her, a gentlemanly gesture that sent a flutter of warmth through Y/N's heart.
"Good morning," Y/N replied, taking the offered seat. She couldn't help but admire how the early morning light played on Harry's tousled hair and the rugged contours of his face.
Mrs. Johnson brought over a plate of fluffy scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, and buttered toast, placing it in front of Y/N. "Breakfast is served," she said with a kind smile.
Y/N thanked her and began to eat, feeling a sense of comfort in the familiar and homey surroundings. The morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the kitchen, and the sound of sizzling bacon filled the air.
As they ate, Harry and Y/N engaged in easy conversation. They spoke about the day ahead, and Harry shared his thoughts on how they could approach the situation with Patrick. It was clear that Harry's support went beyond just offering a place to stay; he was invested in helping Y/N find a resolution that would bring peace and stability to her life.
With every moment that passed, Y/N felt a sense of gratitude and warmth enveloping her. The events of the previous night had brought her to this point, where she sat beside Harry in his cozy kitchen, sharing breakfast prepared by Mrs. Johnson. It was a moment of solace in the midst of uncertainty, a moment that reminded her that, no matter the challenges they faced, she had a strong and caring presence by her side to help her navigate the complexities of her life.
As Y/N and Harry enjoyed their breakfast in the warm and inviting kitchen, Mrs. Johnson, ever the attentive housekeeper, approached Harry with a soft-spoken announcement.
"Mr. Styles," she began, "the nurses from the laboratory have arrived, as you requested. They are waiting in the living room."
Harry's green eyes flicked toward Mrs. Johnson, his expression thoughtful, before he nodded. "Thank you, Mrs. Johnson. Please show them in and let them settle in the living room."
With a gracious nod, Mrs. Johnson turned and headed toward the living room to attend to the unexpected guests.
Y/N turned her attention to Harry, a curious look in her eyes. "Nurses?"
Harry cleared his throat, a hint of nervousness in his voice as he explained, "I... I arranged for us to have a paternity test done, Y/N. With everything that's been happening, I thought it was best to have your blood drawn here in the comfort of the house”
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise at Harry's revelation. It was a testament to his commitment to resolving the situation and his willingness to confront the uncertainty head-on. She reached out and placed a reassuring hand on his arm.
"Thank you" she said sincerely. "It’s just a bit unexpected”
Harry smiled softly, his green eyes reflecting his determination to see this through with her.
Moments later, Mrs. Johnson returned, letting the couple know that they were ready for them. So, both of them very silently and nervous moved to the living room. They carried a small case of medical equipment and greeted Y/N and Harry professionally. It was clear that they were here to perform the paternity test with utmost discretion and care.
The atmosphere was tense, but there was also a sense of closure in knowing that this step would provide clarity and help them move forward. As they started drawing blood, Y/N and Harry sat side by side, their fingers lightly entwined. They were facing the uncertainty together, hand in hand, ready to embrace whatever the results might reveal.
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With the paternity test completed and the nurses gathering their equipment to leave, Y/N and Harry sat in the living room, their hearts heavy with anticipation. The nurses had assured them that the results would be sent via email in the next few days, leaving them in a state of uncertainty.
As they bid farewell to the nurses, Y/N and Harry expressed their gratitude for their professionalism and discretion. The nurses left with reassuring smiles, leaving the couple alone in the penthouse once more.
Mrs. Johnson, who had been quietly observing the proceedings, had a look of concern on her face. She knew how much this situation weighed on Y/N and Harry, and she couldn't help but feel for them.
In the wake of the procedure, Y/N felt a mix of emotions swirling within her. The anticipation of the paternity test results weighed heavily on her mind, and she couldn't help but be nervous and tense.
Harry, ever the thoughtful and caring presence, could sense Y/N's apprehension. He knew that the waiting game could be agonizing, and he wanted to offer her some comfort and distraction. With a gentle smile, he said, “Oliver is upstairs. Would you like to see him?”
A glimmer of joy flickered in Mrs. Johnson's eyes, and she nodded eagerly. “Yes please”.
With a newfound energy, Y/N almost jogged up the stairs, her heart filled with anticipation. The thought of seeing her precious baby boy brought a sense of warmth and comfort to her.
Harry watched her ascent with a fond smile, appreciating the way her mood had lifted with the mere mention of his child. He knew that, regardless of the paternity test results, the bond between Y/N and Oliver was unbreakable, and that was something worth celebrating.
As Y/N disappeared into the room where Oliver lay, Harry felt a sense of gratitude wash over him. The path they were on was far from easy, and the uncertainties still loomed, but in moments like this, surrounded by love and the promise of a brighter future, he knew that they could face whatever challenges lay ahead together.
Y/N relished the moments spent cuddling with baby Oliver, her heart filled with both love and longing. She couldn't believe how much he had grown since the last time she had seen him, which felt like an eternity ago. The feeling of his tiny hand wrapped around her finger brought tears to her eyes.
Their peaceful cuddle session was a brief respite from the chaos and uncertainty that had engulfed her life. As she looked down at Harry’s precious son, she couldn't help but wonder about the future and what it held for them.
However, their tender moment was interrupted by the soft sound of the bedroom door opening. Y/N turned to see Harry standing there, dressed in his suit and looking as handsome as ever. His presence brought a mixture of emotions – gratitude for his support and unease at the unresolved tension between them.
Harry's expression was serious as he spoke, " I'm sorry to interrupt, but I need to head into the office. There are some things that require my attention."
Y/N blinked, a sense of panic beginning to creep in. She glanced at the clock and realized that it was later than she had thought. The office, her work, all of it seemed like a distant reality amidst the turmoil of the past few days.
"Harry," she stammered, "I need to get to the apartment, change, and head to the office too. I completely lost track of time."
Harry nodded understandingly, his gaze softening. “I’ll have someone take you there. Let’s go then.”
As Harry left the room, Y/N hurriedly cuddled Oliver once more, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. "I'll be back, sweetheart," she whispered. "I got to go to work.”
With a heavy heart, she gently placed Oliver back in his crib and rushed to get herself ready for the day ahead. The uncertainties of her personal life and the challenges at work awaited her, and she knew that she had to face them head-on.
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atimeofyourlife · 10 months
Breakfast in bed
written for @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt: free space/ domestic fluff | rated: g | wc: 615 | tags: established relationship, fluff Eddie attempts to make breakfast in bed for Steve after a long week.
Eddie didn't know what had possessed him to try and make Steve breakfast in bed. Well, he did. Steve had been working so hard over the previous week, having to pull multiple doubles because Keith had screwed up the scheduling and allowed too many people to take vacation at the same time, and then Robin had called out sick for the entire week because she'd come down with pneumonia. It was Steve's first day off in over a week, and he deserved to sleep in, and then do as little as possible. So Eddie was making breakfast.
The problem was that he wasn't a great cook. He wasn't a disaster in the kitchen, he was generally safe with everything and wasn't so bad that he could burn water. But the extent of his culinary expertise was mostly stuff that was boxed or canned. Anything that took minimal preparation and came with clear instructions on the packet. Which had meant that they'd been surviving off tv dinners, and box mac and cheese, and other easy packet meals, for the week, because Eddie wasn't going to let Steve cook after the long days he was having at work. It just wouldn't have been fair.
But he wanted to give Steve something better on his day off. Making breakfast was an adventure. The eggs were fairly easy, he'd decided on making scrambled eggs as he could never get fried eggs the way Steve liked them. He somehow always managed to overcook them to the point he was almost certain they would bounce if he dropped one, either that or they were practically raw. He just found scrambled eggs easier. He even made sure to add the handful of shredded cheese and the dash of hot sauce to get them right. The bacon didn't go quite right, coming out slightly burnt, but luckily Steve liked his bacon so crispy it was almost cremated, so it wasn't unsalvageable. He wasn't even going to attempt to make anything like waffles or pancakes or french toast, but there were frozen pancakes that he could toast. He also found some hash browns when he was looking in the freezer, so he threw some into a pan to add them to Steve's breakfast as well. While he was making coffee, those did overcook, leaving about half too burnt to serve. But once everything was plated, he felt it was a half decent breakfast.
When Eddie got upstairs with the breakfast, he realized there was one thing he hadn't quite thought through. How to open the bedroom door with his hands full. He was looking for somewhere to put the tray down, when Steve opened the door and started to walk out.
"Eds? What's going on?" Steve asked, looking Eddie over.
"I. I made you breakfast? I was bringing it up to you so you could have breakfast in bed." Eddie replied, shuffling a little on the spot, unsure what to do now as he couldn't surprise Steve in bed with it.
"I thought I could smell something burning." Steve replied with a grin.
"Hey!" Eddie couldn't be offended, because he knew Steve was right. "Now, mister, you are going to get back in bed and enjoy this breakfast that I painstakingly made for you. And for the rest of the day, all you have to worry about is relaxing."
"Thank you." Steve went and climbed back into bed, Eddie following him and handed him the tray once he was settled. "This looks good, Eddie. I love you."
"I love you too, sweetheart. You deserve the best." Eddie sat on his side of the bed, leaning over to kiss Steve before he could start eating.
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aneurinallday · 11 days
Green Eyes
Chapter 8: Monaghan Boy
When Thomas opened his eyes again, dawn was peeking through the curtains and he was alone in the bed. Alec was no longer at his side.
His weary brain accepted the situation with no surprise. Perhaps Alec had already got what he’d wanted - the wallet and gold pocket-watch from Thomas’s coat and the jewellery from Grace’s vanity table - and fled into the night. Perhaps this whole thing had been one long, elaborate trick to worm his way into Thomas Shelby’s trust. Or perhaps he was just an early bird.
Thomas rose and, in his underwear, crossed the landing to the guest bedroom. Knocking on the door, he received no answer. Upon opening it, he was greeted by the sight of Alec’s bed stripped bare. Linen was such an odd thing to steal, that for a moment Thomas simply stood there and stared at the naked bed.
Was the baby still here? Or had Alec left her behind, now that she’d served her purpose of gaining Thomas’s sympathy?
Heading to the nursery, he found Alec curled up on the floor, at the foot of the crib where Clara still slumbered. He’d piled the pillows and duvet into a cosy nest, and was fast asleep.
Then Thomas’s brain fully awoke, and he realised the pointlessness of his own cynicism. It had been Alec’s first night in an unfamiliar house, in a strange bed, in the care of a powerful man whose intentions he couldn’t be sure of - all while worrying about the safety of his six-month-old daughter. A little restlessness was inevitable.
Thomas heard the distant sounds of the servants beginning their morning routine, starting with cleaning the downstairs fireplaces. Soon they would be preparing breakfast.
Sighing, he reached down to adjust the duvet over Alec’s shoulders. The young man stirred and mumbled, but didn’t wake. Thomas drew the sheer curtains closed around the crib, and left.
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Come breakfast time, Thomas was sitting at the head of the table, staring at Grace’s empty seat while the servants bustled about. A hearty breakfast was being laid out: honeyed porridge, fried bacon, butterflied kippers, poached eggs, rich Ethiopian coffee, and crispy toast with butter, marmalade, and jam. Thomas touched none of it.
Alec entered, carrying Clara in his arms, both of them freshly bathed and dressed.
“Morning, Mister Shelby,” he said brightly.
Thomas didn’t answer. Behind him loomed an ostentatiously large painting, framed in gold, of him posing with a pale grey horse on a grassy hilltop. In the background stood Arrow House in all its splendour. Alec gazed up at it but didn’t comment upon it.
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“Where should I sit?”
“Wherever the food is.”
Alec dropped into the nearest seat, his eyes already devouring breakfast. Bouncing Clara with his right arm, he grabbed a rasher of bacon with his left hand and ate it in two bites.
“Are you doing anything today?” he asked.
“Not that I know of.”
“You’re not heading into Birmingham for work?”
“I like to work from home.”
“Maybe we can do something together.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know.” Alec sipped his coffee and grimaced - it was unsweetened. He used a tiny pair of tongs to pick up a sugar cube and carefully drop it in the cup. “It’s your decision. What do you enjoy?”
“I enjoy the uninterrupted thoughts that come with sitting alone.”
The servants quietly filed out of the room, until only one remained: a rather severe-looking middle-aged woman who regarded Alec with an odd mixture of pity and distrust.
“Alec, this is Frances, the housekeeper. She runs this whole fucking place, and she’s going to keep running it long after we’re all dead. Frances, this is Alec. He’s my...guest.”
“Good morning, Mister…?” Frances questioned.
“Oh, just Alec. Just Alec will do.” The young man offered Clara a spoonful of porridge, which she refused.
“I can take the little one, Mister Alec,” Frances offered.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to be a bother.”
“It’s no bother - I’ve had four kids and I just had a grandkid, so I’m well-practiced. You don’t mind me sitting down, do you, Mister Shelby?”
Thomas shrugged with complete indifference.
Somewhat reluctantly, Alec handed the baby over. His eyes followed Frances as she perched on a chair a respectful distance away, murmuring affectionately as she coaxed the porridge into Clara.
Then Alec remembered his own hunger. With his arms now free, he began to eat hungrily, helping himself to a portion of everything.
“Aren’t you going to eat anything?” he asked as he served himself poached eggs.
“No.” Thomas lit a cigarette.
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For a time, the pair sat in silence. Thomas smoked while Alec ate. Finally, Alec spoke.
“Will I meet your son today?”
“No. He’s away.”
“Why do you want to know?”
“I’m just curious,” Alec said, alternating salty bites of kipper with sweet bites of jam-laden toast. “You’ve never really talked about him.”
“He’s staying with his aunt and cousins.”
“Why? Does he not like being here?”
“What kind of fucking question is that?”
“Well, if there are other people living here, I can’t avoid them forever, can I? I need to be prepared so I know how to behave.”
Thomas considered him for a moment longer, then looked away, taking another puff of his cigarette.
“You won’t meet Charlie,” he said without making eye contact. His tone was noticeably colder than before. “He’s had a hard enough time adjusting to his mother’s death without knowing there’s a whore sleeping in his father’s bed. And a whore with a kid, to boot.”
“You think he’ll be jealous of Clara?”
“Jealous, no. Confused, yes. Bringing another child into a household...It sends out a certain signal.”
“So you’re ashamed of us?” Alec’s words were at odds with his smile, “You really didn’t think this through, did you?”
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Mercifully, they were interrupted by Frances returning, holding a happy and well-fed baby.
“She’s missing you, Mister Alec.”
“Is that right? Are you missing me, Clara? Come here, my little one,” Alec cooed, his arms outstretched to receive her, “You’re my sweet little one, aren’t you?”
Thomas couldn’t remember the last time his son had greeted him with affection.
“Right,” he said, dousing his cigarette in his untouched coffee. “I’m going to get some fresh air. Go play the piano or whatever the fuck you want to do.”
Donning his coat, cap, and black leather gloves, Thomas headed out to the stables and paddocks. After checking on the new colt, he took Grace’s Secret out for a ride around the estate. Outdoors was where he felt the most awake, the most alive - the trees and grass and breeze seemed to sharpen his senses, and for a while, the horse underneath him was the only thing that mattered - not money, not business, not the Shelby name, not Alec, not any of them.
“Good girl,” he murmured as he patted her grey neck. “You’re my best girl.”
As he dismounted and led her back to her stall, he heard Alec’s voice calling from the direction of the house.
“Mister Shelby?”
Thomas glanced around to see the young man approaching, wearing a slim waistcoat over his white shirt. He looked under-dressed for the outdoors. “I wanted to say sorry for speaking to you that way. I didn’t mean to offend you. I talk too - ”
“Talk too much. I know. You said it before, back at the club. Where’s the kid?”
“She’s taking a nap. The maids are watching her - they love her already.”
Alec reached his side and leaned against the wooden door-frame of the stall.
“I hope you don’t think I’m ungrateful -  I’m not,” said Alec, “I am very grateful. It’s just…a lot’s happened. Last week I was turning tricks, wondering if I was going to make rent, and now I’m living with one of the richest businessmen in the country. It’s a lot to take in, you know?”
“I know.”
“What I’m trying to say is, I’m scared.”
“You’ve got nothing to be scared of.”
“I do, though. If you offend me, I can grin and bear it. If I offend you, you can put me back on the street. I don’t hold any of the cards here.”
“There are no cards.”
“You only say that because you’re the one holding them.”
“Alec,” Thomas sighed, “I’m not as changeable as you seem to think I am. I told you I’d look after you, so that’s what I’m going to do. I’m not going to go back on my word.”
“Even if we quarrel?”
“Even if we quarrel.”
Alec smiled for a moment, then turned his gaze to the pale horse that Thomas was stabling.
“Is that the horse from the painting?”
“It must be your favourite then.”
“She is.” Thomas patted the horse’s pale flank. “She’s a fine animal.”
“Can I pet her?”
“So that’s the real reason why you came out here, eh? Go ahead.”
Alec reached out and, with uncertain fingertips, gently stroked the mare’s head.
“She’s not a little sparrow. You can scratch her harder. Do it behind the ears, she likes that.”
“Does she have a name?”
“Grace’s Secret.”
“Will you take me riding on her?”
Disappointment crossed Alec’s face.
“But that one - ” Thomas pointed to a black stallion in the neighbouring stall. “I’ll take you out on that one. Bear with me.”
Thomas fetched the horse’s tack from where it hung on the wall, and began to saddle him while Alec stood back and watched.
“What’s his name?” the singer asked.
“Monaghan Boy.”
“That sounds Irish. Is he from Ireland?”
“No, but my father’s side of the family was. They were Travellers.”
“And your mother’s side?”
“Did you grow up in a caravan?”
“I grew up everywhere. Caravans, boats, the back-streets of Birmingham.”
“Why did your family stop travelling?”
“Because we wanted to be rich,” said Thomas honestly, “And you can’t get rich from the back of a caravan. If you don’t own properties, people think you don’t exist.”
He finished fastening the horse’s bridle, making sure the buckles were secure but not tight.
“Right. Hop on.”
“I don’t know how.”
“Come here.” Thomas beckoned him nearer.
Alec approached the horse. He looked eager at first, but once he was up-close, he seemed to realise how huge the stallion was - its head the size of his torso, its hooves the diameter of dinner plates. He hesitated and took a half-step back.
“Don’t be nervous,” said Thomas, “Stand here, where I’m standing. One foot in the stirrup, swing the other leg over.”
“What if he throws me?”
“He won’t move, don’t worry.”
Alec obeyed. When the time came to take his other foot off the ground, he faltered, as if fearing that the horse might collapse under his weight. Then he took a deep breath and hoisted himself into the saddle.
“There we go. Shift up a bit,” Thomas instructed, “You’re too far forward.”
“What do I hold onto?”
“The saddle. You can hold his mane, but don’t pull it hard.” He glanced down at Alec’s shoes. “Do you own a pair of boots?”
“I’ll have to buy you some if you’re going to be spending time outdoors. Those aren’t fit for the fields. Ready?”
Alec found his balance and nodded.
“I’m ready.”
Thomas clicked his tongue in command. When the animal began to move, Alec instinctively tightened his legs for purchase.
“No need to squeeze,” said Thomas, “Relax. You’ll put him on edge.”
Guiding the horse by the reins, Thomas led him out of the stables and around the perimeter of the paddock. He could almost feel Alec’s nervousness ebbing away, his body slowly relaxing as he acclimated to horseback. The happiness on his face was a precious thing.
“He’s my lucky horse, you know,” said Thomas. “He can’t ever lose a race.”
“Mhm. He got a spell put on him by a Chinese witch. She blew her magic red powder on him and everything.”
“And that made him lucky?” said the young man sceptically.
“No,” Thomas replied, “But it made everyone else think he was. And that’s the important thing. If you make people think you have fate on your side, they start doubting themselves. Because how can they win if you can’t lose?”
“So you just trick people? That’s how you win all your races?”
“Not exactly. Every good lie needs a bit of truth to keep it from falling apart. He might not be a magic horse, but he’s fucking fast. Aren’t you, Boy?”
Monaghan Boy snorted and flicked his black mane. Alec stroked him hesitantly.
“Sit up straight,” Thomas reminded him. “Eyes forward.”
Alec did so and looked around, enjoying the view from atop the animal.
“Can we go out on the fields?” he asked.
“No. You’re not ready for the terrain. We’ll stick to flat ground for now.”
The implication of future lessons put a grin on Alec’s face. After a full circle around the paddock, they arrived back at the stable.
“Not bad,” said Thomas, “You managed not to fall.”
“How do I get off?” Alec laughed.
“Turn your back to me.”
Rather awkwardly, Alec swung his right leg up and over the horse’s back so that he was balancing on only the left stirrup, clinging onto the saddle for purchase. Thomas supported him from behind, clasping him firmly by the waist and guiding him to the ground. With both feet safely on the earth, Alec turned to face him.
“Thank you for the lesson, Mister Shelby,” he said.
Before Thomas’s gloved hands could withdraw, Alec caught them, keeping them on his waist.
“You don’t need to be ashamed of me,” he said, “I can turn into something to be proud of. I can and I will.”
“I’m not asha - ” Thomas began, but then Alec’s mouth was on his, silencing him with a kiss.
He’d forgotten how sweet Alec tasted, how soft yet commanding his lips were, and how much he’d missed them on his skin. He stood motionless, as if spellbound, as the rosy glow of the Arcadia came flooding back to envelop him.
Monaghan Boy waited patiently, his long black tail swatting away the occasional fly that buzzed on his flanks.
All too soon, Alec released him from the kiss, green eyes soaking in Thomas’s expression.
“I can be very good for you,” he said. “All you have to do is be good for me too.”
Stifling a laugh, he darted out of the stable and hurried back to the house. Thomas watched him go, still arrested by the taste, still unmoving, as if by remaining in place he could somehow keep the ghost of Alec’s kiss from dissipating.
Looking out across the fields and gardens with a newfound clarity, he saw how happy Alec would be here - how happy both of them would be together. He realised he hadn’t made a mistake at all, but one of the best decisions of his life.
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greatbigbellies · 1 year
The McPreggo Menu (6/28/23 update)
While I by no means came up with the McPreggo concept, I am a very big fan of it, so I wrote up a hypothetical menu for funsies! This menu got a surprising amount of attention and I received a bunch of suggestions for future items. So here, I’ve implemented them and given the menu a nice content update! I tried to fit as many ideas as I could, but if I missed yours, send another anon and I’ll work it in next time! Full menu under the cut!
Every item can be ordered individually or in a combo! Combos come with your choice of a side, and a drink! Different sides have different effects, try them all! 
#1 The McPreggo Burger
The original filler-upper! Carry a singleton in minutes with this mouth watering single quarter pound patty cheeseburger, with tomatoes, lettuce, diced onion, pickles, and your choice of sauces!
#2 The Twinner
Twice as filling, twice as heavy, go full term with twins with TWO quarter pound patties, with cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, diced onion, pickles, and your choice of sauces!
#3 The Triple Stack
Sensing a pattern? Go big with triplets, with three whole quarter pound patties (That’s 12 oz of meat!) with cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, diced onion, pickles, and your choice of sauces! (Warning, Doctor’s note required for purchase)
#4 The Breaded Babymaker
A mouth watering crispy chicken sandwich topped with lettuce and mayo, on a sesame seed bun! 50/50 odds for a singleton or twins!
#5 The Labor-Inducer
Well… not QUITE real labor, but this breaded chicken sandwich packs a spicy kick with pepper sauce, knocks you up with one, and causes regular braxton-hicks for the duration of the food-induced pregnancy! Those those who enjoy a more intense experience!
#6 The Twinner Chicken Dinner
Three breaded and fried chicken strips, worth a trimester each! Each strip takes you up one trimester with twins, with each basket linked to a set of twins, so no fear going overdue by eating more than one serving! 
#7 The Fish Filet Sandwich
A tasty fish filet with light breading, with cheese and tartar sauce! Induces a singleton pregnancy with safe-but-noticeable polyhydramnios, giving extra amniotic fluid!
#8 The Quad Pod
A meal for the truly brave, comes with a double cheeseburger (The Twinner) and three chicken strips (The Twinner Chicken Dinner) to land you full of quadruplets at 40 weeks if fully consumed! (Warning, Doctor’s note required for purchase)
#9 The Family Feast Not a feast for a family, but a feast to help you MAKE one! A Triple Stack, A Breaded Babywaker, and a Twinner Chicken Dinner, to land you full of 6-7 babies, all at full term! Not for the feint of heart! (Warning, Doctor’s note and signed waiver required for purchase)
Breakfast (ALL DAY!)
Hash Brown
Crispy outside, soft potato-y inside. Warm morning goodness! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will make a belly drop as if full term and close to birth! 
Ready-To-Pop Tarts
Our most versatile product, each Ready-To-Pop Tart is named after the quantum baby it induces, and results in a 1-to-1 pregnancy experience as if you were carrying that baby at full term! Each name has its effects listed on the box, such as extra size, carrying low, specific cravings, and so on! Mix and match to carry multiples and craft your perfect pregnancy! Or, try a mystery unlabelled one and see who YOU get pregnant with!
Sausage Egg Muffin
A toasted english muffin housing a breakfast sausage patty, and a folded scrambled egg! A morning classic! If eaten before other McPreggo products, will delay the onset of those products by 1 hour per breakfast sandwich. Additional sandwiches will increase the duration of the delay. Delay timer begins after full consumption of the breakfast sandwich.
Bacon Egg Griddle
Crispy strips of bacon, folded scrambled egg, between two delicious maple flavored griddles! If eaten before other McPreggo products, will cause effects of those products to onset over time instead of instantly. Each sandwich consumed causes effects to onset over the course of 30 minutes, with additional griddles slowing the onset further. Cannot slow an onset to be longer than the base pregnancy duration.
The Baby Burrito
A breakfast burrito for those who are early-risers, this morning meal has scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, melted cheese, and tater tots, wrapped in a warm flour tortilla. Gives you a singleton at 20 weeks along!
These items are only available for small windows of time, and don't interact with our other products due to their unique nature. They’re a big commitment, but provide a very genuine experience. For customers looking for something that takes more dedication than a standard combo meal.
The McCrib
A special BBQ rib sandwich, only available during the first month of even numbered years. Slow cooked rib meat slathered in BBQ sauce, the McCrib answers the question of “what if humans could properly fully develop in the womb, rather than being born at just 9 months?”. Comparative to most other species, humans give birth very prematurely so that the baby can be safely delivered. McPreggo quantum babies aren’t ever birthed, allowing us to see what life would be like otherwise. Upon consuming a full McCrib, the customer starts on a 21 month pregnancy, spanning 7 trimesters, and allowing the quantum baby to grow to the size and weight of a one year old, with all the challenges and experiences that come with that. A slow burn experience, this pregnancy will include increased weight, size, and strength of the baby inside, finally reaching its apex after almost 2 years of uninterrupted pregnancy. It should be noted that McCrib pregnancies do not stack with each other, so only a singleton may be carried for 21 months. However, other McPreggo products will still function independently, meaning that additional temporary babies may be added, though baby altering effects from items such as the chicken nuggets, will have no effect on the McCrib baby.
The Beastly Burger
An extra large McPreggo burger stacked high with toppings, slathered in a unique “Monster Sauce”, and only sold annually during october. Initiates a 9 month long “anomalous pregnancy”, where the eater becomes pregnant with a mysterious, monstrous entity! Featuring many mouths, eyes, tentacles, and other fun additions that can be felt on the inner walls of the womb! Squirmy and active, it’ll make for a highly engaging and invigorating pregnancy! Will not interact with other McPreggo products, though they can be enjoyed in tandem. (Warning: unusual belly blemishes and strange cravings may occur)
Crispy, salty yukon gold fries! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will make a belly lower and longer, resulting in a torpedo belly! Watch where you point that thing! (Small: +5% belly length, Medium: +7.5% belly length, Large: +10% belly length. Belly height will vary. Percentages are approximate.)
Tater Tots
Crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will make a belly wider at the sides, resulting in a beach ball belly. Look pregnant from behind too! (Small: +5% belly width, Medium: +7.5% belly width, Large: +10% belly width. Roundness will vary. Percentages are approximate.)
Onion Rings
Ring segments of onion, battered and fried! What’s not to love? If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will make a belly’s skin a little tighter, resulting in more stretchmarks and visible veins! Look at those tiger stripes! (Small: +15% stretchmark visibility, Medium: +25% stretchmark visibility, Large: +35% stretchmark visibility. Percentages are approximate.)
Mozzarella Sticks
Breaded and deep fried sticks of mozzarella cheese! Warm and soft, with a great cheese pull! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will extend the effects of an active food-based pregnancy by 90 minutes per stick eaten! Comes in a 4 piece, 6 piece, or 8 piece!
Fried Pickle Chips
A staple with pregnant people, breaded slices of pickle, salted and fried to perfection. If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will increase the strength of pregnancy cravings when consumed! (Small: +20% craving strength, Medium: +40% craving strength, Large: +60% craving strength. Percentages are approximate.)
Chicken Nuggets
A staple, back and heavier than ever! A 6 piece nugget with your choice of dipping sauce! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will increase the weight of babies by 2% per nugget! Careful! That adds up faster than you’d expect!
Spicy Chicken Nuggets
Made with a breading that brings the heat, rile up your cargo with this delicious side! A 6 piece spicy nugget comes with your choice of dipping sauce! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will increase the activity and energy of quantum babies by 4% per nugget!
Side Salad
A classic salad that gives you a healthy boost! A small salad that goes with any of our fine salad dressings (see dips, dressings, and sauces). If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will increase energy and lower fatigue of the eater by a noticeable amount! Combo with your favorite dressing to specialize for your next activity!
Hand Mixed Sodas!
Our Hand Mixed Sodas are made with a carbonated base, and are customizable with shots of flavor, each with their own effects! Combine your favorites for a delightful, refreshing augmentation to your pregnancy experience!
A summertime classic with all the Red No. 40 you know and love!  If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will darken the visible linea nigra line on the belly by 20% per shot of flavoring!
Tangy, tropical, and uniquely sweet!  If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will cause stretchmarks to spread of places other than the belly, traveling across the hips, thighs, and arms too! More shots means more coverage!
The classic artificial cough syrup variety you grew up with, now with a twist!  If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will increase blood flow to belly skin, giving it extra visible “blush”. Increases belly blush by 25% per shot.
Unique and refreshing, goes with most other tropical fruits!  If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will cause the belly to glow with a safe, heatless light from within! Starts with a soft glow and grows brighter with more shots, though will never go above that of a laval lamp. Use Pineapple, Peach, and Blue Raspberry shots to color the glow!
Includes that tingling sensation from the pineapple enzymes eating you back!  If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will tint any glow effects from the orange syrup a bright yellow color! 3 shots reaches full color saturation.
Ripe and juicy, tastes like it’s straight form Georgia!  If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will tint any glow effects from the orange syrup a vibrant red color! 3 shots reaches full color saturation.
Blue Raspberry
Why is it blue? Who cares? Still tastes great!  If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will tint any glow effects from the orange syrup a cool blue color! 3 shots reaches full color saturation.
Tart opener with a sweet finish, and pairs with pretty much every other option! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will increase belly skin sensitivity to touch by 20% per shot. 
Dips, Dressings, and Sauces!
Caesar Salad Dressing
A mix of dijon mustard, lemon juice, and worcestershire sauce perfect for anyone craving a classic caesar salad! If drizzled over a McPreggo side salad and eaten, will increase nesting drive by 40% for the duration of the McPreggo pregnancy. The energy given by the salad will be put toward this nesting instinct.
Tangy Vinaigrette
An old favorite with a bite, this vinaigrette goes great on our side salad! If drizzled over a McPreggo side salad and eaten, will increase joint flexibility and ease of movement by a noticeable amount. Make your maternity yoga class a breeze with our lovely dressing!
Thousand Island Dressing
An american classic, thousand island is a great topper to our side salad. If drizzled over a McPreggo side salad and eaten, will increase sense of smell and taste substantially, making your craving foods taste even better!
Ranch Dressing
Classic thick, creamy ranch, good for nuggets and salads alike! When combined with any McPreggo food, will increase the visibility of veins on the belly by 60%!
Marinara Sauce
Take the routine out of your usual McPreggo order with out tomato-y marinara sauce! When eaten with our mozzarella sticks, will increase the duration of the pregnancy by a random amount, varying from 10-40%! 
BBQ sauce
Tangy and a little sweet, our BBQ sauce can’t be beat! If pregnant with a McPreggo product and fully aware of this sauce’s effects before eating, will induce a slightly hazy, forgetful “pregnancy brain” sensation for the duration of the food pregnancy! 
Fry sauce
A thick fry sauce for an even thicker patron! Enjoy this northwestern classic and round out a little! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will cause thighs and buttocks to grow visibly thicker, with increasing effects the more is eaten.
We don’t need to pitch ketchup to you. It’s ketchup. You know you like it. If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will shift the distribution of babies within the womb to make it visibly lopsided. Will never push babies into an unsafe or painful position for either party.
Chocolate Chip Cookie
A classic treat with a cute twist! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will cycle through belly button types, with each cookie going to the next one in the cycle. Starts with an innie, then pops into an outie, then flattens out as though your navel was too stretched to even pop! If stretched, the next cookie reverts you back to an innie!
Ice Cream Sundae
Comes in hot fudge or carmel! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will lower the visibility of blemishes like stretchmarks or visible veins, resulting in a smoother, softer skinned tummy!
Ice Cream Sandwich
A classic straight from the ice cream truck! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will relieve back pain and contractions brought on by late-stage food-based pregnancy!
Cool, creamy soft serve blended with your choice of twix or reeses peanut butter cups! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will reset all other side and desert item effects. Will not hasten a McPreggo food pregnancy!
Cookies and Crème
A thick and creamy milkshake that’s loaded with blended chocolate cookie bits! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will increase milk production and potentially even breast size! (Small: +100% milk production, Medium: +175% milk production, Large: +250% milk production. Percentages are approximate, breast size increase will vary)
Apple Pie Delight
A whole slice of apple pie dumped right into our vanilla milkshake mix and blended until thick! It still counts as A La Mode, right? If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will increase sex drive in those who drink it and are fully aware of its effects before consuming. (Small: +75% libido, Medium: +125% libido, Large: +175% libido. Percentages are approximate and based on starting sex drive. Does not function without awareness)
Maternal Marionberry
Oregon marionberries, in a milkshake, served so thick you probably need a spoon. Need we say more? If pregnant with a McPreggo product, will widen and soften hips, and give you that pregnancy glow! (Small: +5% hip width, Medium: +7.5% hip width, Large: +10% hip width. Percentages are approximate)
Marshmallow Plush
A McPreggo specialty, a delightful blend of marshmallow cream with cool vanilla makes for a surprisingly heavy drink! If pregnant with a McPreggo product, soften the exterior of a pregnant belly, making you plush and plump! (Small: +15% belly fat, Medium: +25% belly fat, Large: +35% belly fat. Percentages are approximate)
At McPreggo, we strive to create a genuinely enjoyable dining experience, with a special twist! Our food has the unique, distinct, and trademarked ability to create a simulated pregnancy in anyone who eats it! Combine any number of pregnancy-inducing entrees with pregnancy affecting sides and desserts, and you can custom tailor your McPreggo experience to exactly your desires! Experience anything from a singleton to a septuplet pregnancy with our professionally prepared meals, and shape your belly and pregnancy experience however you wish. As a subsidiary of Quantum Yum LLC, we guarantee our food and quantem-multiversal pregnancies are safe, ethically sourced, and best of all, enjoyable!
Please note that pregnancies from our food will never result in labor and will revert after 6 hours. However, a pregnancy is still a pregnancy, so expect back pain, swelling, internal movement, and cravings, among other side effects, from our meals. We hope you enjoy your food and have a fun and safe time trying out pregnancy! Sincerely, the R&D team at Quantum Yum LLC.
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detroit-grand-prix · 6 months
letzte rose - die traurige kaiser
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Toto Wolff x Susie Wolff Royal/Historical AU
Chapter Summary: On a bleak November day in 1847, the Emperor of Austria, Christian I, goes about his usual routine. A visit from his advisor, Andreas Nikolaus Ritter von Lauda, brings grave tidings of happenings that even the Emperor was not aware of that threaten to shake the peace and stability of the entire country and its provinces. The news makes Toto, as the Emperor is known by close family and friends, that his self-imposed isolation has gone on long enough.
He was having that dream again.
It used to be his wife that he saw in his dreams, and it brought him great comfort in the miserable months following her death. But as the years wore on, the image of his wife became harder and harder to see, until he stopped being able to see who the figure with him was at all.
What used to be the clear, undeniable presence of Stephanie had been reduced to the feeling of delicate fingers caressing his cheek and smoothing back his hair. The scent of a delicate, floral perfume lingering in his nose. The reassuring weight of a hand on the small of his back. The feeling of a soft hand holding his. 
It always came with the feeling of relief, as the persistent loneliness that even haunted his dreaming life briefly dissipated, but whenever he tried to turn and look, to see the face of the angel who had deigned to save him from his isolation, there was never anybody there. 
He was alone again.
Every time.
— I fall at your feet, Your Majesty, good morning!
Toto snapped his eyes open upon hearing the words that Phillip, his Kammerdiener, greeted him with every morning.
He sat up, trying to rub the dust of sleep out of his eyes, as Phillip’s blurry outline coalesced into focus. He was in a deep bow, the oil lamp he was holding casting a delicate glow onto the walls of Toto’s bedroom. The sun was not yet up; it never was when Toto woke up, because he preferred to do so at an hour that most called “absurdly early”.
— Good morning, Herr Peter. 3:30 already, is it? — Toto said, trying to steady himself on his feet.
Phillip assisted him as he washed, shaved, and dressed. It was nice having Phillip to talk to so early, Toto had to admit, as he tried to ignore the dull pang of emptiness filling his chest that always followed when he had that particular recurring dream. It wasn’t on a nightly basis like it was in the months following Stephanie’s death, but once every few months now. 
Every time he had that same dream, it made him feel off-kilter, like a child’s toy spinning top that had been kicked off its point. He was hoping that reciting his usual morning prayers would help him feel centered again, as it normally did, but by the time his breakfast was served, he was still unsettled. 
Many in the court joked that they could set the palace clocks by the Emperor’s schedule instead of the reverse, which Toto thought was a fair assessment. He just preferred to minimize the decisions he had to make each day, is all - he had to make enough of them in the course of governing his empire, so he could not be bothered to choose what to wear or to eat or what time to wake up from day-to-day.
Promptly at 5am, his breakfast arrived, something else that varied little. One scrambled egg, one slice of grilled ham, a bit of cubed bacon, two slices of pumpernickel toast — toasted extra dark so that it was crispy like a cracker — with butter, a slice of tomato, and a sprinkling of salt on each, with a small mug of dark-roasted coffee, with a splash of cream. 
After his breakfast dishes were whisked away from his study, Toto got started on the pressing matters of the day: going through the reports and correspondences from various officials that were placed on his desk overnight. 
The rest of the palace usually stirred to life by the time he was halfway through the morning reading; not everyone was keen to wake up as early as Toto did, and that was fine. He found that sinking himself into his work was a good way to keep his mind off of other things. 
Even he had to admit to himself, though, it had gotten more extreme in the last few years. More than once, he’d found himself being shaken awake by his daughter, Rosi, having dozed off with his head on his desk, ink from whatever paper he had been reading smeared across his face. The last time it had happened, the concerned expression Rosi had on her face as she helped him to his bedroom had left him shaken for days. 
Toto was in the middle of reading a report about growing concern over a separatist activity in Buda — most of his correspondences seemed to be about Hungary these days — when the door to his study flung open to reveal the swiftly advancing form of Andreas Nikolaus Ritter von Lauda, one of Toto’s closest, most trusted advisors, trailed by a frantic aide-de-camp, who was shouting that the man — Niki, as most knew him — had to be announced before he could enter the emperor’s study. This episode played out every time Niki came in, without fail; he never stopped to be escorted in as most guests were, and his own military clout didn’t exempt him from the rules.
— It’s okay, Major. At ease. I will call if we need anything — Toto said, saluting the officer, who bowed and saluted back before retreating back to his post. 
Niki was an old friend of the family; his own grandfather had been an advisor to Rudolf VI. He was a hero of the Napoleonic wars who was badly burned during the Battle of Aspern-Essling when he was trying to keep the French from advancing on the village of Aspern so that its civilians could be evacuated. He was trapped inside of a house the French set on fire and sustained terrible burns to his head and neck trying to shield a civilian woman from the parts of the house that were caving in. He still bore the scars, decades later. 
An old military legend held that Rittmeister von Lauda had a priest summoned to what all assumed would be his deathbed in a nearby field hospital, but told the Father to “fuck off” as soon as the priest touched him with the anointing oil. 
Toto had asked Niki about that story once, wondering if it was just a tall tale, but Niki verified it himself, telling him that the priest tried to read him his last rites.“Goodbye, my son, may God grant you eternal rest”, the priest had told him. With a laugh, Niki told Toto that he thought the priest was going to give him words of encouragement to find the resolve to remain in this life, not try to send him off to the next. 
Niki also did not usually bother with the normal formalities and niceties of court etiquette, sparing only a slight bow in Toto’s direction as he crossed the threshold of the emperor’s study. Most people would be aghast at Niki’s curtness and rudeness, but Toto appreciated someone speaking plainly to him, as if he was any other person; he was almost certainly the only one outside of his immediate family that did.
— Did you see the news this morning? You and I make a prominent appearance.
— I was just reading the Wiener Zeitung, I didn’t see any…
— No, not in the newspaper. From the cafes. Here — Niki said, tossing a thick pamphlet onto the top of Toto’s stack of papers. It was one of the underground publications printed anonymously by university students and distributed through many of Vienna’s coffeehouses, made to circumvent the strict censorship laws set up by Chancellor Metternich decades ago. 
Toto pursed his lips as he unfolded the document, his eyes immediately drawn to what Niki was likely referencing.
It was a political cartoon, one that featured an especially unflattering caricature of Toto. The figure had an enlarged head, and exaggerated features. He appeared to be grinning stupidly as he was crouched on the floor in a dark room lit by a single candelabra. This version of Toto was wearing nothing but his underwear and his crown, placed jauntily on his head. Sitting next to him was a large rat, dressed in a military uniform laden with medals and a sash with the words “Von Lauda” on it. The fur around the rat’s head and ears was missing, and it had a sour, hardened expression on its face. The rat appeared to be pointing at a tattered map of the Hungarian province on the floor. 
The caption read, “The Emperor and his pet rat plan the strategy for Hungary”.
Toto stared at the image for a few moments. The likeness was humorous, and its appearance in the papers was hardly surprising, and certainly nothing Toto hadn’t seen before. The rest of his advisors generally tried to keep material like it — the things that were overly critical of his reign, his family, the government, or the church — away from his sight, but Niki was one of his few that would never spare his feelings.
— Well — Toto said, glancing up at Niki — At least they made my nose the right size this time.
— I think they made me look better than usual — Niki said, donning a satisfied grin — It’s like they aim to flatter me.
He had long drawn comparisons to a rat, but at least, he had always said, it was more about his appearance than his character. In his younger days as a hotshot military officer, Niki had an especially prominent overbite, long front teeth, and an intense, piercing gaze that, even to his own admission, looked rather murine. His features had balanced out over time, between the scarring and age. His cheeks became more paunchy and made his overbite look less obvious, but the comparison had become intractable over time. 
— Joking aside, there is something serious to take from this — Niki said, taking off his trademark navy top hat. He generally did not remove it in most circumstances, as it hid the worst of the scarring from his wartime injuries, but the bright red trim ribbon made it his trademark. Over the years, Toto had noticed that he only took it off as a gesture of absolute sincerity — The fact that you and I are sitting in the darkness in this… drawing is no coincidence. I am sure you know that your citizens are growing increasingly unhappy with the government. It has been a long time since the people, your people, have seen you in public, and the perception is you are not the one governing, that Metternich is, and you’re just a figurehead, and a poor one at that.
— That’s not, I do plenty of governing, and that’s what I’m interested in, not putting on a show.
— Like as not, you are a symbol for the empire, but a symbol that sits hidden in the darkness is not worth much. You’ve been isolated so long that all of the goodwill you have earned with your people is evaporating because of the way Metternich has been handling things.
Toto sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. 
— I know you’re not wrong, but… between you and I, all of this was easier with Stephanie. She was so kind, she could naturally connect with people in a way that… I’ve never felt like I have been able to, but with her, it felt like all of it was manageable. The people loved her, you saw how many people were lined up for her funeral procession, the streets were nigh impassable for days.
— So, do we need to find you another wife, then? Someone to hold your hand and sweet-talk you while you do your job and rule your own country?
Toto gave Niki a deadly scowl. 
— Have you been talking to my mother? You sound just like her — he shifted uncomfortably in his chair, feeling like a little boy being scolded — I don’t need a wife.
— Well, you need someone to help you with your obligation to be visible to your people again. Why don’t you ask Rosa? She’s old enough, and she’s a lovely young woman, everyone that knows her adores her, and she’s as magnanimous as her mother was.
The mention of his daughter made Toto’s expression soften a bit. 
— She is, but I don’t…
— The point is — Niki said, standing back up — You need to see and be seen amongst your people again, because Metternich is guiding the country down a dark path, and you’re the only one that has the power to stop him before your citizens gain a taste for blood. I know you were not yet born at the time, but I’m sure you remember what happened to your great aunt Maria Antonia in France not so long ago.
He picked up his hat, placing it back on his head with a flourish that may as well have been the period at the end of a sentence. He exited Toto’s study the customary way — never turning his back on the emperor — with a short, sharp bow and a curt “Your Imperial Majesty,” before letting the door fall closed as he left.
Toto sat at his desk, frozen and dumbstruck. He glanced at the official portrait of the royal family that was hanging on the wall opposite his desk. It was painted when Rosi had just turned three, and Benedict five, as a birthday gift to Stephanie. He looked at it often; though the pain of his wife’s death was no longer quite so acute, he found that talking to a canvas-and-varnish version of her would sometimes help with examining a problem or question he was puzzling through, as if it were a means to externalize it.
He stared at his wife’s pleasant smile, as if at any moment, she would start giving him the answers to the nascent questions that were rattling around his head, but of course, none came. 
The portrait hung silent, as it always was.
He found it difficult to focus on his paperwork after that, but the chiming of his clock in his study told him that lunch would be served soon, anyway. 
While he ate breakfast alone in his study, he liked to take his lunch in the family dining room in his apartments. They were still solitary affairs; the only time he ate with others was during dinner. Most nights, he had dinner with his children and his mother, and on Sundays, the entirety of the extended imperial house gathered to dine; it was important to Toto that his relatives attend if they were in Vienna, but he didn’t know why. 
He sat at his usual place at the head of the table, where his place setting was made, and his daily menu was waiting. Toto’s tastes in food were not extravagant, but just like his breakfasts, he had his preferred meals. Official dinners with foreign diplomats or important guests meant that French food was served, but for his own meals, he much preferred simpler Viennese cuisine. Wiener schnitzel and Tapfelspitz were among his favorites, but today, he opted for brathendl — roasted chicken breast — with a side of roasted potatoes and carrots, and a buttered, seeded roll. 
Niki’s words continued to echo in his head as he was eating. The rest of the contents of the pamphlet surprised him. The newspapers and his advisors both offered glowing reports of the stability and peace of the Concert of Europe, but the pamphlet contained news of brawls between soldiers and civilians in the face of military draft commissions, economic recessions, food shortages ongoing in some areas, and the independence uprisings in Hungary, which he was aware of. 
How had he not heard of this happening? Chancellor Metternich would have been well aware…
— That weasel — Toto muttered. Niki may have been the one that looked like a rat, but Chancellor Metternich was the one acting the part. 
Niki was right. His isolation kept him in the dark, and kept it so the only information he had received was the information that the chancellor and other palace officials wanted him to receive. No wonder Metternich or his other aides never complained about him reducing his public-facing duties in the last few years.
— Frau Julia — he said, getting the attention of the attendant that stood by during his lunch each day. She seemed a bit startled. It wasn’t often that Toto had spoken to her beyond a nod of acknowledgement when she brought his meals to the table — Please, come here.
— Yes, your Imperial Majesty? — she said, stopping to curtsy once she was within arms’ length of Toto. 
— I have a question, and I want you to answer as honestly as possible. You need not fear any sort of censure or repercussions no matter what your response is, so please, be as thorough and truthful as you can be. Do you understand?
The woman — a compact, slender woman with red hair and brown eyes — nodded tentatively. 
— Yes, your imperial majesty.
— How do you think things are going… how do I say this? Politically. I’ve been made aware of some situations that I was not aware of, and I wanted to get your opinion, as one of my subjects and a citizen of the empire. Please, be truthful.
The woman’s eyes went wide in shock, and she quickly shifted her glance toward the parquet flooring, her fingers tightening their grip around the edges of the tray she was holding.
— Well… things have been difficult, Your Imperial Majesty. The grocers don’t have as much food as they used to, it seems like every day you hear about someone’s husband or son being forced into the army and sent to Hungary to fight, the farmers have staged a few protests… and it seems like so many people are going hungry, even though they put in a full days’ work. I’m grateful for the fact that I work in Your Imperial Majesty’s service, because the kitchens provide enough food that I can take home enough for my daughter and me to eat well, but my neighbors haven’t been able to afford meat or sugar in months…
Toto listened thoughtfully, stroking his chin. 
— I see. Thank you for your insight.
— If it helps, the university students that make those pamphlets and talk about politics and the law, they say it’s mostly the Chancellor’s doing. I know Your Imperial Majesty has a good heart, but they, the students, say that he’s the one really in charge of things.
He nodded thoughtfully, thanking his attendant for her insight.
— You’ve given me much to think about — he told her, which seemed to bring Julia a small measure of satisfaction and pride. He made a mental note to himself to have his private secretary arrange to have a small gift for her daughter, a bag of sweets, perhaps, sent to her home later that week. 
The rest of the day was lost to Toto as he wallowed in his thoughts. He leafed through documents that had already been reviewed, trying to read between the lines, grasping for the truth hiding under the half-lies fed to him by his advisors. He considered summoning Metternich directly to confront him that second, maybe even dismissing him outright, but he had been in his position so long that doing so threatened to destabilize the entire country.
No, the present situation required delicacy, and the sort of confident statesmanship he’d found that he had a talent for in his late teens and early twenties.
But the Emperor Christian I of then and the Emperor Christian I of now may as well have been two different people entirely. 
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jtmportland · 1 year
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It’s Thursday! Haven’t done this in a while, so here’s another old scan.
Despite the grain and specks on this photo, it isn’t especially old; and in fact, I was already on Tumblr when I snapped it. October, 2014. I was on a business trip to St. Louis. I’m a sucker for old diners and seek them out in every city I visit. My St. Louis based colleague recommended the Eat-Rite Diner, a no-frills 24-hour greasy spoon amid the industrial wasteland of old downtown St. Louis.
I ordered my usual: 2 eggs sunny-side up, crispy bacon, toast and a cup of coffee (black, no sugar). It was cheap and serviceable, but the atmosphere was fantastic.
I had recently purchased an old Pentax K1000 at a garage sale and was eager to try it out on that trip. Unfortunately half of that roll was unusable. Something in the mechanism caused a deep scratch on 18-20 frames, and there was noticeable light fog. Only a couple of shots were worth saving, this being one of them. I don’t know either of these people, but they were terrific subjects and I managed to sneak a couple of pics without appearing too creepy.
Alas, after serving cheap and filling food out of the same cinder-block shack 24 hours a day since 1935, the Eat-Rite Diner permanently closed in 2020, a victim of the pandemic.
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sweethoneyrose83 · 4 months
Rambley's Railroad Menu ( Fanmade) Part 4 
Lunch in the Dining Car
Locomotive Club Sandwich: Triple-decker sandwich with turkey, bacon, lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise, served with a side of coleslaw or potato chips.
Pullman Porter’s Chicken Salad: A light and refreshing chicken salad with grapes, celery, and almonds, served on a bed of mixed greens or in a croissant.
Caboose Chili: A robust and spicy chili made with ground beef, beans, tomatoes, and a blend of spices, topped with shredded cheese and sour cream. 
Locomotive Club Sandwich 
- 12 slices of thick-cut bread (sourdough or multigrain recommended) - 1/2 pound of cooked turkey breast, thinly sliced - 1/2 pound of cooked ham, thinly sliced - 8 slices of crispy bacon - 4 large leaves of romaine lettuce - 2 large tomatoes, thinly sliced - 8 slices of cheddar cheese - 1 avocado, sliced - 1/2 cup mayonnaise - 1/4 cup Dijon mustard - 2 tablespoons honey - 2 tablespoons pickled jalapeños, chopped (optional for a spicy kick) - Butter for toasting bread - Salt and pepper to taste - Skewers to hold the sandwich together
1. Prepare the Spread: - In a small bowl, mix the mayonnaise, Dijon mustard, and honey until well combined. If you like a bit of spice, add the chopped pickled jalapeños.
2. Toast the Bread: - Lightly butter one side of each bread slice. - In a large skillet or on a griddle, toast the bread over medium heat until golden brown on both sides. Set aside.
3. Assemble the Sandwich: - Lay out three slices of toasted bread for each sandwich. - Spread a generous amount of the mayo-mustard mixture on one side of each slice.
4. Layering: - On the first slice, place a leaf of romaine lettuce, followed by a few slices of turkey, two slices of bacon, and a slice of cheddar cheese. - Top this with another slice of bread, spread side down. On this slice, spread more of the mayo-mustard mixture on the top side. - Add tomato slices, ham, avocado slices, and another slice of cheddar cheese on top of this second slice of bread. - Place the final slice of bread on top, spread side down.
5. Secure and Serve: - Insert skewers or long toothpicks at each corner of the sandwich to hold it together. - Carefully cut the sandwich into quarters, ensuring each quarter has a skewer through it.
6. Plating: - Arrange the quarters on a plate, garnish with some pickles or a small salad if desired.
Tips: - Customize the sandwich by adding or substituting ingredients like roast beef, different cheeses, or additional vegetables. - For a vegetarian version, replace the meats with grilled vegetables or a plant-based meat alternative.
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loveshotzz · 11 months
not your canon world but here’s an airwiy steve present for my new job bf:
“Happy first daaayyy,” his voice lingers in a soft song song while your sleepy form emerges into the kitchen. You didn’t both putting pants on; still in a big oversized t-shirt and some cozy socks from last night. That’s Steve’s favorite sleep wear on you.
“My first day was last week,” sleep soaks your voice while you yawn and rub your eyes; squinting into the morning light of the kitchen like a grouchy teenager.
“I know, but last week was your first day ever, this is your first day after training,” he smiles, flipping the bacon on the stove top onto a paper towel covered plate, “And so I figured you should get a second round of my diner breakfast.”
You laugh, air huffing out of your nose when you can’t help but smile. You got a new job, leaving the restaurant business long behind and finally getting to sit in your own office — though, it’s not as nice as Steve’s by a long shot.
You don’t know who was more excited, you or your boyfriend, when you got the call and offer. It was nice to finally get to spread your wings and do something that felt new and fresh; it had been too long serving tables and writing shifts.
For your first day last week you came downstairs to a full spread, a lunch packed, and Steve in an apron that did a little something to you that you weren’t expecting. He told you it was his famous ‘Steve’s Diner’ breakfast — he was so used to nursing Eddie’s hangovers in the past that he got pretty good at making comfort breakfast food. And to his honor, nobody makes French toast like Steve Harrington.
“That’s very sweet,” you smile, approaching him in quiet shuffles while you press a kiss to his cheek. It’s never enough — big palm coming up to cup your face so that you can’t escape the kiss he plants on your lips.
“I’m so proud of you,” he murmurs, “I really am.”
“Thank you,” you murmur back, giving him a few more kisses before you both settle down at the table. He serves, he always does, knowing what you do and don’t like on your plate. That you only like orange juice without pulp (which he can’t understand ‘Babe, the pulp is the best part.’), that you prefer slightly more butter to syrup on your french toast, that you like your bacon a certain type of crispy.
At first it was hard to let him dote on you like this, but you’re used to it now. He likes to feel helpful as much as he can, and who’re you to deny seeing those arms and that chest and neck hover over you while he fusses.
“I was wondering,” he offers with a soft pink in his cheeks while cleaning off his wire rim glasses, “Maybe when you’re having lunch you can FaceTime. I’ll take my lunch too. It’ll be like we’re having lunch together.”
He pops his glasses on and looks at you with the same hopefulness that Bandit has at your lap right now, begging in soft whines for a piece of bacon. You give the pup a comforting scratch while your smile stretches across your cheeks even bigger than before.
“Yeah, we can have FaceTime lunch together,” you nod back at him. You can tell by his face that he’s so excited you said yes; even though you know he’ll spend the first fifteen minutes giving you a mid-day pep talk before actually eating anything.
“It’s gonna be such a good first day, babe,” he says through a half swallowed mouthful of coffee, “I feel it.”
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I LOVE HIM SO MUCH YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND 🥺🥺🥺 I don’t know who I love more, you or him tbh. God, he’s so cute in his apron wanting to facetime lunch together 😩
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gag-me-munson · 1 year
Shelter me
(PT. ||) (Catch up here)
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Pairing: Eddie x Fem!Reader
Warnings: A bit of self harm mentions, abuse is also semi-mentioned but that's about it for this chapter. Kind of a filler chapter as well, but hey.
"Eddie, I know that's not you cooking." Wayne mumbles to himself as he exits his bedroom to find you in the kitchen in front of the stove. He stops in his tracks and watches as you continue to fry bacon, jumping back when the grease splatters onto your skin, cursing under your breath.
"Oh," you sputter and drop a piece of the crispy pork onto a plate, "Good morning... Eddie told me you liked eggs but the bacon is getting ready to expire, so I hope you don't mind. There's, uhm, there's also coffee ready as well." You smile and gesture to the steaming pot.
Lighting his morning smoke, Wayne chuckles and moves around you for a cup, filling it with simple, plain black coffee before sitting down at the table. "Thank you," he states and the ashes his cigarette, "How did you sleep? I notice you made Eddie sleep here on the couch." He laughs under his breath, both of you trying to keep quiet to allow his nephew to continue snoozing.
"I didn't mean to put either of you out," you laugh lightly and shrug, grabbing a bowl to crack and mix the eggs into. You take salt and pepper and a dash of almost expired milk into the bowl and whisk while you talk, "I appreciate you letting me stay... I know I'll need to go home eventually-"
"Young lady," Wayne holds a hand up and stubs out his butt, "You're not going back there while I'm around. Nope. No sir." He grunts as he stands and goes to refill his mug. "What do I have to do to keep you away? To keep you, well, safe?"
You, meanwhile, pour the egg mixture into the hot pan and scramble the eggs to doneness, placing them on a separate plate while you think. Eventually you shrug and point to an empty plate, "breakfast is served."
Wayne goes about getting his bread toasted before filling his plate with the food you provide, thanking you while doing so before grabbing a fork and settling down.
"I smell bacon." Eddie groans himself awake and sits up, running a hand through his tangled mop, yawning loudly. He stretches before standing up and grinning at you before heading to the small bathroom.
"I guess," you begin through a small mouthful of eggs, "I guess there is no saving me. What can you do that the cops can't, after all?" A small sniffle and Wayne looks up from his breakfast and sighs.
"I can keep you. Here with us. We don't have a lot, but then again," he gestures, "it doesn't seem like you're used to a lot. I'll talk to him, at least."
Fear rumbles through your belly and you almost spit up your eggs, "Please... Please don't. I can do this. I can-"
"Handle yourself?" Eddie finishes the sentence as he pulls a fresh shirt over his upper half. "Yeah... been there before." He moves by you gently to fill his own plate before settling in beside his uncle, "what's the worst that could happen?"
You gulp loudly then and drop your fork onto the plate in a clatter, "the worst?" And you bring a hand to your throat, remembering.
"You little whore!" He spits into your face and lifts you off of the ground with seemingly gentle ease. Hand around your throat, he grips tighter, eyes searing, "who was it you were sneaking around with this time? Who?!"
Coughing the thought away you shake your head, "I don't want to talk about it. Wayne, I can be out of your hair today while-"
"You two just... just stay out of trouble and take care while I think, okay?" He nods and finishes his breakfast in one more swift bite. "Just... stay low while I'm away, deal?"
Both you and Eddie nod as Wayne leaves to his room to dress for work. You look at each other sheepishly before you take Eddie's empty plate and put it into the sink, "If I stay again, I'll do those soon."
"You think dishes are that important? When," he sighs loudly, placing his hands onto his face and rubbing it roughly, "when are you ever going to realize that you are important? Not chores. Not pleasing the men in your life. You."
"Okay, I'm off. Behave, stay low and most importantly," Wayne points at you and glances down, "make sure those arms of yours are taken care of. Peroxide and Neosporin. Bye." With that he smiles at you and waves at the pair in front of him before exiting the trailer.
Looking down to your cut and scarred arms, you wish for longer sleeves and rub them quickly. Eddie takes note of this sudden and shy change, reaches for your hand and kisses the top of it.
"Shall we do that first?" He asks softly and you nod.
The bathroom is almost like the one in your trailer, but you note it's cleaner and better kept. Almost like the people here actually want to live, thrive on something instead of just surviving. Eddie busies himself in getting the products and cotton balls while you sit on the toilet and take one.
The work you both set about doing is tedious but welcomed after never taking care of yourself before like this. It was... well, usually cut and go, harsh as that sounded in your mind.
"I never wanted to start this, ya know..." you murmur and dab some more Neosporin onto a particularly nasty wound. "It just sorta happened one day and I felt... so much relief, so much control."
Eddie clears his throat and shakes his head, hair wildly flowing around him, "I can't imagine anyone wants to do this. But... I get it. I can understand needing control." He sighs and leans to rest his back on the wall, watching you finish up.
"You do?"
He nods and gives you a grin, "I do... but let's make a promise today, alright? No more of this. None of it. Promise me whenever you feel like you're in danger... you run, escape however you need to and I'll be here, always." With that he holds a pinky out to you and this, finally, brings a laugh from you.
Locking your pinky with his, you make the promise and then Eddie stands up and dusts his pants off, "let's get outta here for a while, huh? I have a meeting tonight, come along."
Standing now you grab Eddie's hand and thank him for being so understanding, for not turning you away.
"For you?" He smiles and squeezes your hand back, "anytime."
And butterflies float and fly in your stomach for the first time you can ever recall.
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padmerrie · 1 year
Happy Birthday, Kakashi! No matter what universe you're in, you'll always be the best dad. <3
ᓚᘏᗢ    ᓚᘏᗢ    ᓚᘏᗢ    
“Ah,” Kakashi said over his shoulder as he stood over the stove.  “I was wondering when my little intruder would emerge.”
Sakura eyed the bacon crackling in the frying pan.  “You thought someone broke into your house and your weapon of defense was to serve them a home cooked breakfast?”
“Are you questioning my methods?”
“Not if it means I won’t get to eat any of this.”
“Then help yourself to some coffee, friend.”
Sakura shuffled over to the coffee pot, twisting her wet hair into a loose knot.  She opened the cupboard above the sink and considered the collection of mugs.  Eventually, she fished out one tucked away in the back.  She set it down on the counter and made a beeline to the coffeepot.
Kakashi gave the cartoon dog flipping him off and saying “Fetch this” a sidelong glance.  “Bacon will be done in a minute.”
“Great.”  Sakura topped off Kakashi’s mug - a simple yellow one with the words “Go Sports Ball!” written in bold red letters - before heading to the refrigerator.  
As she pulled out the cream, Tabi trotted past her and leapt onto the counter next to Kakashi, paying no mind to the steaming opportunity sitting tantalizingly close to the counter’s edge.  Instead, he planted himself by the stove and stared at the bacon sizzling in the frying pan.  Hypnotized.  
Kakashi glanced at him.  With his free hand he took a crispy strip of bacon from the plate on the opposite side of the stove, took a bite, then offered Tabi what was left.  Just like that, the cat snapped out of his trance and chomped at it, narrowly missing Kakashi’s fingers.  
“Wow,” Sakura said, standing by the open refrigerator door, stunned.  “That was so… civil.”
Kakashi prodded the bacon in the frying pan with his spatula and said sagely,  “All great relationships need a strong foundation.”
“Relationship?” Sakura said, popping open the carton and pouring cream into her mug until its contents turned from an inky black to warm, golden brown.  “When did that happen?”  
“About three weeks after Sasuke left for college.  Lives were at stake.”  
“Bacon, huh?”  Sakura thought about Ino and imagined her presenting her library crush with a platter teeming with bacon.  “Usually they say trust and communication are the pillars upon which healthy, lasting relationships are built.”
“You can’t buy trust and communication at the grocery store.”  Kakashi turned the burner off with a flick of his wrist and set down the spatula.  “Can you grab the butter?” 
Sakura reached back inside the fridge, returning the carton to the top shelf and pulling out the ceramic butter dish.  When she turned around, she nearly dropped it.
“How-?” she stammered, staring open mouthed at Tabi now perched on Kakashi’s shoulder. 
Kakashi strolled past her, coffee in one hand and the platter of bacon balanced on the other.  “Don’t tell Sasuke,” he simply said, and turned the corner into the living room.
Sakura let out a laugh of disbelief and shook her head.  She bumped the refrigerator door close with her hip, picked her mug off the counter, and followed Kakashi to the dining table. 
Laid out across the table was a whole lot more than bacon.  
“Was I really in the shower that long?” Sakura asked a little sheepishly as she took a seat.
Across from her, Kakashi shook his head, bringing his mug up to his lips.  “It’s ok.”
Sakura tried to smile, but even the heavenly smell of buttered toast and bacon couldn’t make her forget why she was there.  
She had thought she’d surrendered her dignity when she showed up at Sasuke and Naruto’s dorm with little more than a suitcase and a short list of options.  This belief had been mortifyingly disproven when Sasuke informed her that his suitemates - people Sakura had grown to like over the past month and thought liked her in return - wanted her out.  Even now, the truth still stung… but could she blame them?  She didn’t go to Yale, a fact she had to point out to Sasuke when he insisted on trying to change their minds.  Kind as the offer was, she didn’t think she could take any more humiliation.  That is, until Sasuke insisted she go home.  And by home, he meant his home.  His and Kakashi’s.  
Looking at the food laid out before her, she felt an all-too familiar pressure building up behind her eyes.  Distantly, she heard Kakashi set his mug down.
“Sakura,” he said, firm but gentle.
Sakura slowly looked up, meeting Kakashi’s intent gaze from across the table.  
“It’s ok.” 
Kakashi and Sasuke weren’t blood-related, Sakura knew this, but over time there were moments where she noticed that they shared the same eyes, where the force of their conviction threw open the windows to the soul and she’d catch a brief glimpse of a beautiful, unspoken truth: Sasuke may have been an Uchiha, but he inherited his heart from Kakashi. 
After a moment, Sakura nodded.  “Ok.”
A wisp of a smile sneaked up in the corners of Kakashi’s eyes.  “Ok.”  
bookends au
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