radarchives · 2 years
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leviathanswingman · 2 years
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is serun GOOD?? first they almost drowned and luke had to scoop them out of the lake and now this
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devildomwriter · 1 year
Obey Me Fun Facts 461-470
• Satan is mentioned to have a car but it has yet to be seen
• Belphegor wants to create a mattress out of a celestial realm flower that looks and feels like Angel feathers
• When Serun got lost, Mephistopheles gave him directions from inside his limo. The brothers thought this was strange.
• A luxury clothes brand in the Devildom is Wersace, this is their version of Versace
• Leviathan is good with digital art
• When getting ready for TTWF Diavolo wanted MC to dress him but everyone argued against it since he has Barbatos and he was forced to relent
• Lucifer, MC, Leviathan, and Mammon have TVs in their room
• Levi mentioned in volume one that Mammon’s floor is usually covered in trash and nasty tissues
• As seen in the Comet Hunter event, Satan’s anger alone can knock down the entirety of RAD
• Diavolo’s father is asleep in the lowest layer of the Devildom
451-460 • 471-480
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mimiyori · 9 months
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guys. the official canon ship name is serune
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devildom-moss · 8 months
Roses for You (13)
This had all started when you noticed a link between a book on the language of flowers you had borrowed from Satan’s room and the current lessons from your Seductive Speechcraft and Magical Potions classes.
In Seductive Speechcraft, you had just reached a section on the effectiveness of spells using non-verbal communication: enchanting glances, dance, and offerings. Meanwhile, in Magical Potions, the professor had been discussing the significance of using specific quantities when concocting potions; they had spent fifteen minutes just providing examples – including adding petals from two different flowers when using them for a love spell.
You couldn’t resist discussing the use of flower language – utilizing the type, color, and quantity of the flowers – to specify the magical intent of an offering as a form of seductive speechcraft. Asmo and Solomon listened intently. The same idea popped into both of their minds, and before you knew it, everyone was looking into color and number meanings, searching for the perfect combination to convey their feelings for you and try to put you under their spell. The only rule for their little competition to charm you? Only roses are allowed.
Will you be charmed by their attempts?
Thirteen Roses - Thirteen
Word Count: +800
Secret admirer / Eternal friendship
“MC!” The small demon ran up to you.
“Hey, Serun, what’s up?”
Serun thrusted a bouquet of coral-colored roses towards you. “Delivery for the most popular human on campus.”
“You didn’t really need to add that last part.” Solomon sighed in response to Serun’s slight. He wasn’t going to deny that you had quite the growing fanbase, while his popularity had dipped, especially after he snuck homemade cookies into the last bake sale – which really confounded him. If anything, his baking should have made him more popular, right? No.
“Sorry, Solomon, but adding that was part of my delivery instructions. Can’t be helped.” Serun shrugged with a smirk. “Anyway, I have mail to pick up, so I’ll see you two around.”
“Thanks, Serun. Take care!” you added as Serun sped off down the foot path. You felt kind of bad for them; you were just relaxing in the RAD courtyard, so you might have been hard to find. The poor demon had a rough job. Maybe you should bake something for them? Anything but cookies. They were an unfortunate victim of Solomon’s bake sale debacle. The mail was slow for two days while they recovered; no replacement could do the job like they could.
The sweet scent of the roses wafted up to you on the breeze. You looked down to examine them closer: thirteen vibrant coral roses – somewhere between a deep pink and orange. They were gorgeous. A small card was attached to a ribbon tied around the thin vase; hoping to figure out who had sent them, you flipped it over. Unfortunately, the only thing on the card was a short message: “Meet me at Madam Scream’s at 3pm <3.”
Whoever it was, they were really putting the “secret” in secret admirer – although, thirteen roses could also mean eternal friendship. However, since coral was a symbol of desire, you were leaning towards the former. Solomon peered over your shoulder, reading the note as he did.
“Secret admirer, huh?” Solomon nudged you.
“Or someone wants to be friends,” you corrected him, suddenly flustered by the accusation. “I wonder who it is.”
“Well, there are thirteen roses here. Maybe it’s from Thirteen? Although that might be too on the nose.”
“Maybe.” You shrugged. “I guess I’ll find out.”
“Should I tag along – just in case?” Solomon asked – a tinge jealous that someone was accosting his adorable apprentice for a date.
“Nah~” you waved off his concern, “I’ll be fine.”
It was unexpectedly embarrassing having people eyeing the roses – and consequently, you –all day. You might as well have carried around a sign saying, “someone likes me.” Luckily, you had just enough time to drop the roses off safely at home before heading to Madam Scream’s. You would have teleported them home earlier, but you didn’t want to risk breaking the vase or damaging such pretty roses in the process.
When you arrived at the bakery, you recognized the characteristic bi-flag-colored hair. Thirteen was waiting for you with a pensive look on her face, anxiously hoping for your arrival. Maybe I should have just signed the card, she thought. Her face brightened immediately when she spotted you.
“You got my flowers?” She beamed at you.
“Thank you, Thirteen. That was so sweet.”
“Well, let’s see if I can be a little sweeter. Order anything you want. I’m paying.”
“For real? You’re the best, Thirteen!”
“Don’t I know it? Oh, but feel free to pile on the praise.” Thirteen laughed and took your arm to guide you towards the counter.
With your sweets and drinks acquired, you and Thirteen took a seat at a quiet table in the corner of the shop. You sipped at your drink, and Thirteen eyed you affectionately. She sighed. “Ugh, honestly. When I heard about this whole rose thing these guys have going on, I couldn’t believe how stupid and competitive they were all being. Still, I couldn’t let them have all the fun. I had to get in on it.”
“You’re pretty competitive, yourself, you know?” You glanced up at her. She feigned offense, placing her hand over her chest.
“Only when I care about something.” Thirteen winked at you.
Okay, so she definitely meant “secret admirer” when she sent the roses, right?
Thirteen was her typical, fawning, affectionate self throughout the date. She even insisted upon walking you home afterward. Her arm linked with yours half-way through, which was particularly useful when you arrived at your door, and she was reluctant to let you go. You felt her grip tighten briefly before she finally loosened her hold.
“Thank you for everything today.” You smiled and turned your back to the door to face her.
Thirteen leaned in, sending you into immediate panic in the hopes that she might kiss you. Instead, she inched closer to your ear and spoke low and sweet, “I know I said it with the roses already, but I want to be clear: don’t overlook me, sweetheart. I adore you, too.”
Lucifer (1) | Mammon (2) | Leviathan (3) | Satan (4) | Asmodeus (5) | Beelzebub (6) | Belphegor (7) | Diavolo (8) | Barbatos (9) | Luke (10) | Simeon (11) | Solomon (12) | Raphael (14) | Mephistopheles (15)
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rythyme · 2 years
just found out that the big dragon novel has an mpreg plotline
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You know who we dont talk about enough?
He's the postman?? He looks like a strong wind could blow him away?? He's klutzy??? He was drowning in a lake and had to be rescued by a 10 year old????
Literally a sopping wet pathetic little meow meow
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starry-miki · 1 year
Hello everyone I know it’s been a while! My apologies but I really haven’t been feeling motivated for the past month and it still continue but I hope I could find something to giving me motivation to draw! Aside for that what I really like to ask about, towards the OM fandom is does anyone know any information about Serun? They have been mention a lot in the main story, devilgram and chats and I just want wanna information in general that’s new and isn’t listed below. Or you can correct me. Serun isn’t listed in the wiki and they don’t come up when you search for them on the internet. 🤔
All the information I know about Serun:
In the newspaper club
Is a deliver person.
Associates with Mephistopheles.
Can’t swim (lmao don’t worry I can’t swim either-)
Might have almost ask MC out for the TTWF (three world festival) (this is interpretation most likely wrong-)
When characters address Serun pronouns is they/them
Maybe they might be a character implemented in the future? Or not 🥲
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louisfruit · 1 year
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(I looked it up and apparently he's the demon that delivers the mail)
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cnl0400 · 1 year
📢 OBM AMA: Little D lore 📢
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They didn't answer the question about Serun...
Well, that sucks :((
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radarchives · 1 year
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leviathanswingman · 2 years
wait... luke saved gender non-conforming mail demon serun from drowning? love that for them
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wildglow · 11 months
✅Premium Quality 🪷Face Serum Online in India @Wildglow
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devildomwriter · 1 year
im sorry to bother you but since you're the one with the fun facts im hoping you can tell me this since im not entirely caught up on the story; WHO OR WHAT IS SERUN? I TRIED GOOGLING IT AND AM GIVEN NOTHING, EVERYTHING JUST AUTOMATICALLY ASSUMES IT AS SERUM AND IM BEING DRIVEN BONKERS 😭
He’s a tiny little demon mentioned a couple times who delivers the mail. His first mention I believe is in season four. He’s been mentioned in daily chats since then
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obm-avenquire · 1 year
Obey Me! Seven Minutes In Heaven Hell
[I’m honouring my rotten god awful roots from hell. Put up with it. I hope this gives someone whiplash. I am writing this both as a joke and with complete sincerity and i wont be explaining myself if you get it you get it if you dont then i hope youll find it entertaining anyway. I used my own deviantart for 2012 for reference for this]
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
Another day, another party in the Devildom. 
You have no idea how any of them have energy for all this - it feels like every week someone will pull some cause for celebration out of thin air and suddenly they’ve hired a catering company and a truckload of helium balloons. Of course, Diavolo - fuelled by his unending fear of missing out and need for enrichment - enables it every time, doing everything he can to get himself and everyone else you know invited. Which is…fine, you like seeing them all. In moderation. At none noisy crowded events. Ah, well. Such is the burden of a dating sim protagonist. Slumber parties at the castle are a little less high maintenance at least.
You’re pulled from your thoughts when Asmodeus calls your name, waving you over with Demonus-flushed cheeks before dragging you away from the balcony and back into the big guest room-turned-common-room-sleeping-area. You definitely think there’s a better way to phrase that, but you barely have time to think when Asmo is pushing you to sit down in the collective circle (his strength always surprises you, and he’s maybe just a little too tipsy to regulate it properly), pressing a kiss on your cheeks before running off to herd together the rest of the group.
You look around the circle, giving Satan an affirming but vague nod that he returns with an equally innocuous smile, which you accept as you always do and go back to your usual little headcount. Belphegor was dozing on the sofa, threatening to sprawl over Satan (who was ‘gently’ repositioning him whenever necessary), Mephistopholes (who had invited himself) was preaching his very special gospel to Beelzebub at the snack table while Asmodeus did whatever he could to wrangle the younger away because his plate was basically just a tower of snacks at this point and he could always get more later so if he would just pleeeeaaaaasssee-
You stop paying attention, instead giving Simeon and Raphael a little wave as they walk in.
“Welcome back,” You shuffle over slightly to make space for the two of them, Simeon sitting down next to you as Raphael decides to stand rigidly slightly off to the side just a little behind the sofa, and just…stay there. Well, whatever makes him comfortable, you guess. “Did Luke arrive safe?”
“He did, thankfully,” Simeon smiles, tucking his phone into the pockets of his trousers, “I can’t believe Serun broke all their bones and had to be hospitalised again. I feel awful not being able to visit, but, well…” He sighs, shrugging, “He wanted to go himself, and insisted he could manage, so…You know how he i-”
“What? I only came because I was promised melon cake!” You’re not sure where Thirteen popped up from, but she’s already on the armchair in the corner, kicking her legs over the armrests as she rolls her eyes. “What a waste of time.”
“Oh! Well, he still finished that, actually, so-” There’s a distinctive arcane shink sound that cuts Simeon off mid sentence. “Now, Raphael, put the spear away, you can’t do that here-” Ever the stickler for manners, it seems. Oh well. Not your problem. 
“Hey, so I’ve been meaning to ask.” Thirteen raises her eyebrows at your voice, pupils knife-like and theatrically bitchy in the dim candlelight.  “Why are you covered in soot.” 
“Well,” She scoffs, clicking her tongue, “Since someone-” She glares at Solomon from across the room, who smiles very nicely and innocently through his conversation with Barbatos- “Decided to ‘dismantle’-” She does incredibly heavy and repeated air quotes with her fingers, “My special little bomb boy it exploded all wrong!”
“I understand completely. I’m sorry someone would ever do something so awful to you, you don’t deserve that even slightly.” She snorts, balling up the tissue she was using to wipe the ashes off her forearm and throws it at your head. It disintegrates in midair before so much as making contact, and you squint over in the sorcerer's direction. He’s not even looking your way, and Barbatos whispers something you can’t make out to him as Thirteen groans and throws up her hands in frustration, sliding into what must be an incredibly uncomfortable position. It doesn’t seem to bother her, though, and she picks at her nails grumpily. Oh well!
“-Stop complainin’ already, would it really kill ya to join in?” Mammon is doing everything in his power to pull Levi through the door by the collar of his coat, but the younger seems to be trying to retract his own head into his shirt like a turtle to try and get out of it. 
“You’re killing me you’re the worst and I hate youandIhopeeverythingbadeverhappenstoyoua-” 
“Yeah yeah whatever. Shut up and sit.” Mammon slings his arm over Levi’s shoulder, dragging him down into the circle just as Lucifer and Diavolo finally come back from whatever it was they were getting done. 
“Lucifer, don’t make that face!” Diavolo nudges his bestest of friends, who looks particularly miserable, even as Barbartos silently refills his glass before they all, too, sit to join, the prince and his right hand man on the final empty sofa, the butler instead choosing to kneel neatly a little off to the side from Mammon and Levi. Satan adeptly shoves Belphegor upwards at just the right timing for Beelzebub to sit down (his twin slumps right back into his shoulder). Mephistopholes complains that there isn’t a proper place to sit til Mammon trips him and he ungracefully tries to pass it off as deciding to sit on the floor as Thirteen barks a sharp laugh at him.
A pleasant hum of conversation settles through the room, Asmodeus stumbling into hugging Solomon, whispering something between the invocation trio that you can’t quite make out before spinning around and clapping his hands together (cutely. It’s important to emphasise that he did this so so cutely) to get everyone’s attention.
“E---veryone!!!” He waits a few seconds for silence, shooting a glare at whoever dares to continue in the wake of this very very important announcement. “It’s time for a very special game! Have we all heard of 7 minutes in heaven?” He bounces on the tips of his feet in excitement despite the lukewarm reception. “Okay well that’s a mostly no then I guess-  Honestly! I know it’s a human world thing, but really?” He pouts, and you note that Diavolo’s visible excitement has increased exponentially already. 
“Allow me to explain,” Solomon cuts in, confirming your suspicion that he’d been somehow roped into this. “Two or more participants are selected - in our case by drawing lots - to go into a closet or equivalent and do whatever they like for 7 minutes.” Everyone seems a lot more attentive, suddenly. “Ah, of course, we’ll be taking magic precautions to make sure that there’s no cheating, and certainly no one breaking into the closet before time is up,” He grins, clearly enjoying this already. 
“The heck.” Mammon grumbles, oddly fidgety all of a sudden, “There ain’t even a closet in here,” Leviathan nods aggressively. He’s sweating. 
“Hm? Oh! That won’t be a problem, haha! Barbatos was kind enough to offer to help out with that,” The aforementioned butler steps aside to reveal a simple wooden door on the wall that decidedly hadn’t been there earlier. “We even made sure it was sound-proofed! You know, just in case.”
“What a curious game! Shall we start right away?” Diavolo beams, inadvertently cutting off Mephistopholes, who’d just opened his mouth to no doubt complain that this sort of juvenile and inappropriate game had no place at a gathering with the Devildom’s one and only prince. 
“Yes!! Everyone write your name on a piece of paper, okay?” Asmo begins handing out paper and pens to everyone, shushing any complaining he meets. “You don’t have to play! It just means you’re boring and no fun and that you’ll never get a chance like this again.” 
Better write your name, then. You’d hate to miss out. 
You watch as Barbatos collects everyone’s paper slips, dropping them into a glass bowl and shaking periodically to shuffle them well. You immediately lose track of yours, so you figure that it’s worked.  After what feels like a slightly inordinate amount of time, everyone seems to have put their name in the bowl - sure, some were more…begrudging or in need of convincing than others, but that’s normal! Anyways-
“Oooo I’ve been waiting for this all evening!” Asmodeus grabs the bowl, tap-tap-tapping along the rim for effect, perfectly manicured nails making a pleasant ASMR-esque tink noise. “Right, first u-”
“Uhm, how do- how do we know you’re, uh, not rigging this?” Asmo whips his head around to stare open-mouthed at Levi.
“Excuse me? I would never-”
“Mm, there’s no guarantee though, is there?” Asmodeus pouts at Satan, grumbling something about being personally offended and making sure to snitch next time Satan asks him for a favour.
“Fine! Since I’m so untrustworthy and awful-” The smile is switched back on as he saunters over to you, swishing the bowl around carefully before holding it out to you. “Why don’t you pick? No one will complain then, right?” 
The silence in the room means yes, presumably.
“Go on hun! Don’t be nervous-” He winks, and your mouth quirks into a smile to humour him, carefully reaching into the bowl for two slips of paper, pulling them out and carefully unfolding them to reveal-
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
[As is tradition, I'll be uploading the individual 'endings' as I write them :) I'll be putting a poll up on my account for who to write first (within reason, I don't think tumblr will let me put up enough options to cover everyone) so feel free to suggest people in the replies/tags too!! there will be no luke option becuz i dont know how to put hardware destroying malware in clickable links yet sory :( feel free to simulate the experience urself tho!!]
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amionna · 11 months
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Vythiri Serune <3
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