#seriously shes awesome
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koytix · 5 months ago
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Daryl and Carol :)
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year ago
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sans text/white bg version of this. i have decided we need to draw Thalia with battlepants more often cause it totally rocks.
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potatounicoorn · 5 months ago
Random batfam stuff I learned this week that I think the fandom should use more often:
Dick Grayson does skydiving as a hobby
And has broken multiple world records in said hobby
Damian has a cool cousin named Mara al Ghul, that is/was his nemesis, he cut out her eye and stuff
Damian also takes after his father's taste in woman who try to kill him
Ra's al Ghul has canonically acknowledged the fact above out loud
That said he canonically has a cool as hell girlfriend who did kill him during their first meeting, her name is Flatline and I've known about her for like 10hours max and she is awesome
Batman once called Aquaman to retrieve the giant penny from some pit, knowing it can not be moved, cause he was bored and doesnt know how to ask people to hang out with him lmao
The existence of Donna Troy (okay I lied i've known about her longer than a week)
The fact that after Donnas death Dick quit being a titan and stuff, so Roy made up a new team for emotional support I guess??
The fact that apparently not only did Dick's parents die, but the rest of his family like aunts and cousins and uncle also fell to their death that night? How have I not seen angst about this more??
Damian has a pet DRAGON apparently, iconic
Please do add more lore stuff if you know, I would love to hear more because so much stuff gets buried under the fanon lol
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limewatt · 3 months ago
kamikou cheer squad “you’re not stuck on that rooftop anymore, rui” -> ena5 mizuki side story 2 “welcome to this side, mizuki” what if i cried. they’re finally both free of that rooftop…��. they’re not friends in solitude anymore… they’re friends!!!!! that have each found their people!!!
also, in cheer squad, rui's “there's something i want to say, but i'm scared that i'll drive everyone to the other side again if i say it” was craaaazy. such a direct parallel to mizuki... and mizuki reassuring him (and having asked him to direct the cheer squad in the first place) being why he was able to gather his courage... “you'll be fine rui. seeing you at the culture festival made me believe you're not stuck on that rooftop anymore. i'm looking forward to seeing what crazy idea you'll direct!” i'm not caught up on all of wxs's stories so i can't say if it has an impact there, but rui's success in getting his feelings across in cheer squad being how he's able to reach out and make new friends in pandemonium/spirited affair... gwah.
rui's effect on mizuki is obvious. he's in a fair amount of her focuses / side stories / + picnic and ena5. and RIBBON... the shadow his absence casts on her... being the reason she was hesitant to reach out to niigo because she was scared niigo would leave her eventually like he did... but also the reason she wanted to reach out at all... because rui made her see that there are people in the world who will understand her... the 1 in “25:00:01” on kimi no yoru wo kure’s cover being rui’s colour… all so awesome. but mizuki's effect on rui is subtler/less focused on. so cheer squad where mizuki is unequivocally a key part of rui's growth is so special to me.
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artist-rat · 2 years ago
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my old and new tes character Saima <3 she’s a combination of a couple of my prev. ocs!
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cupophrogs · 1 year ago
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They truly are Family
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matching pfps LMAO
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i-like-forcefem · 6 months ago
hi i have a question. my boyfriend is obsessed with lolita fashion and is constantly saving dresses and skirts and sending them to me saying "i would wear this if i were a girl" ...i told him he can wear them without being a girl but he said he doesn't want to, and i said "so you want to wear hoodies and jeans for the rest of your life?" and he hesitated before saying yes and looked visibly upset after... should i say something or just start dosing him with eatrogen
Awww, that's adorable :3 Here's what I'd do: Do whatever you can to give him plausible deniability to wear the dress, maybe do a bet where the loser has to get dressed up by the winner, or maybe say that you really want to BOTH go to comic con wearing lolita, maybe do something for Halloween! (do give her time! Don't force it too much, but if she's anything like me she'll jump on the first chance you give) Cuties like that are always day-dreaming about being allowed to be a girl, to be feminine without judgement, so give her that excuse she craves!
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liangyulian · 8 months ago
Can we all just take a moment to appreciate Yushi Huang (The Rain Master)?
She’s so awesome.
One of my favorite TGCF characters.
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bcbdrums · 1 year ago
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“what’s the best memory you have from when you were younger? of her.”
“that’s easy, definitely the divorce.”
Even Crona knows…. When it comes to Maka’s mother, something just ain’t right. The divorce was just a couple months or so ago, Maka. That's not "when you were younger" and if that is in fact your favorite memory...? Then either your mother was never around, ever or else you're in deep, deep denial about both of your parents...
But, that's just canon isn't it.
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johnisonlysleeping · 4 months ago
thank GOD Dylan is still on GBBO who else am I gonna watch it for
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k-arb · 4 months ago
Veronica: oh shit, im gonna die in the morning and theres nothing i can do!
Veronica: fuck it, im gettin some ass.
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johnny-but-emo · 2 months ago
oh yeah I forgot to say but my ela teacher also supports fanfiction
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slightlycomicobsessed · 3 months ago
okay minor rant but it seriously grinds my gears the way that dani was written off/out of the original new mutants run. like i don’t think I’d be this pissed about it if anyone bothered to actually write about what she was doing in asgard instead shunting her to the side in favour of the x-force characters and then bringing her back to Earth as a double-agent working for the MLF, saying that she “fell from asgard” but also refusing to explain how????
also, dani goes and suddenly is working for SHIELD but literally no one explains how the hell that happened??
like wtf marvel get your shit together and write her a solo instead of giving wolverine or scott their 636833728 comic run. please
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doodle17 · 1 year ago
You'll never guess who I got to meet yesterday!
Or maybe you can, it all depends I guess... ANYWAYS!
Straight to the point, as we were walking around on Thursday, I noticed a booth that had some familiar characters on it, and then I saw one certain character, and the name of who was at the booth!
It was Nikki Rapp!! In case you need to remember who that is, she's the voice actress for Lili Zanotto! I swear when I first saw her I lost it- I didn't know she was even gonna be here! I talked to her for a bit, and asked how long she was going to be at the con, and I'll admit I was a fangirling mess lol
SO yesterday I actually went uo and got her to sign a print and take a picture with me!
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(Ugh my hair is such a mess) Yall she was SO SWEET! As I said before I was just a gushy mess meeting her lol
So my mom who was attending the con with us, decided to act like a mom, and she showed her a picture for Psychonauts I drew on the sidewalk a while back. Omg she was so happy when my mom showed her the picture (and I very embarrassed)
Anyways, SHE WAS SO NICE and she was actually interacting with me and I swear we were just feeding off eachothers enthusiasm lol
But... Y'all.... As she was singing my print for me, she asked me this...
"So, I don't know if you remember that one part in Psychonauts when Lili gives Raz a friendship bracelet, so this makes this 'kind of stupid' but'"
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You guys!! It was one of the best moments of my life!!! My first time ever meeting her (I guess second if you count when I talked to her on Thursday) and it went like this!
Anyways here's the print she signed (blurred my name for privacy)
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Guys.... I'm FRAMING this on my wall and I am never taking off this bracelet
It was just- so awesome! I don't know how else to describe it the whole thing felt so surreal!!! And afterwards she gave me a big hug and it was just the BEST
I think this might've been the best year if Fan-X for me so far :)
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cthoseris · 8 months ago
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thelostgirl21 · 1 year ago
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That moment you realize that, technically, Radovid is more of "elven blood" than Ciri herself is...
I've also noticed that Radovid would never have been Prince, much less King, if it wasn't for Falka's rebellion.
Since I didn't put all the children's names in the family tree (only those that inherited the throne), basically, what happened is that Radovid III and Vizimir I were brothers, and Radovid III inherited the throne after their father, Radovid II, was lost at sea.
When Radovid III died of meningitis at age 49, his son, Vridank, became King.
King Vridank had a daughter, named Falka, with Beatrix of Kovir, but divorced her when he fell in love with Cerro, and sent her and their daughter back to Kovir.
King Vridank and Cerro then had two sons together:
- Prince Heltmult, and
- Prince Denhard.
They also adopted Riannon, the daughter of Lara Dorren and Cregennan of Lod (Ciri's ancestors).
So, normally, after King Vridank's death, Prince Heltmult or Prince Denhard should have inherited the throne (depending on which one was the eldest).
But Falka murdered her father, Queen Cerro, and the two princes during her rebellion, and caused Riannon to go mad (plus, she was already married to the King of Temeria at the time).
So, the still living uncle of King Vridank, Vizimir I, inherited the throne from his nephew at age 52, and went on to rule until he was 96!
And King Vizimir I is the ruler that Vizimir II and Radovid V both descend from.
Then, there's also the whole story with their father, King Heribert, having chosen to marry a noblewoman against his father's wishes, with the clerk having documented the union as a morganatic marriage.
So technically, had that note on the marriage documents been respected, Prince Vizimir II and Prince Radovid V should never have been allowed to inherit the throne...
But their mother apparently did something to that note to make it look like it was just some scribble on an old dusty document or something...
I don't know if either princes were ever told of it, though.
Could you imagine Radovid finding out, and showing up with the documents proving that his father and mother's morganatic marriage was meant to prevent any child of hers from inheriting anything from their father and going "Sorry! According to this I can't be king! Bye everyone! I'm out!"
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