#seriously like not even 5 minutes into the show when crowley first appeared as a snake i was like !!!!!!!!!! HELLO
snakecat · 1 year
if someone had told me that one of the main characters of good omens was a nonbinary, queer, unhinged snake bitch i would have watched it way sooner
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0owhatsamsays · 1 year
It's all in the numbers. We were so focused on Az and Crowley and other details, that something so ordinary as numbers slipped right under our noses. And when you start paying attention to them, it turns out THEY ARE EVERYWHERE. I won't point out all of them, because it will mean to write a post longer then Crowley's permit. But I will show you enough.
It starts with the note from Maggie. We were blinded by the spelling mistake and we didn't see that there is a number that is so visible, that I don't know how... but oh aren't they just geniuses.
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See the red number. 229401
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It goes on, but I won't post all the screenshots till the end. You can search for the psalm if you are interested.
Continues after the cut...
Then, and it's the reason I got suspicious... The price of the Shostakovich record. On the 20th rewatch I was like. WAIT. Why was it important for Aziraphale to state it actually costed "... AND 75". Why??? 8,75. And I was like okay... odd...875...what does it mean....
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Yes, I know how you feel, but there is more, so moving on.
Aziraphale will listen to the record for how long? We all know. 21 minutes. Seriously, how didn't we notice? I can't....
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This is all about the Second Coming.
And iit's not only that. Apparently behind the number 21 there are a lot of other biblical meanings, but I can't show you all of them...
Have in mind! I am even missing some that I found inbetween these, but they are really long and I don't have screenshots. Anyway, I am giving you one more reason to rewatch.
Moving on.
Shax is calling Crowley.
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Sorry for the bad photo, but it's from my laptop. You see what I see?? 10:35
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MOVING ON.... I told you that they are everywhere.
Skipping some that I found again... Like 261 (I remember this being 6 shots espresso 1 cup, but don't remember where the number 2 came from). Check the biblical meaning of 261.
And I will show you this.
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Photo from my laptop again, sorry. This is in the bookshop and let me tell you that these numbers are on the photo that appears when episode finishes and amazon transfers you to the next episode. Here it is:
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Notice that the "5" is missing.
Okay, my photo is right after the angels came to the bookshop to check about the plume and left. And the second photo with the missing 5 is the numbers BEFORE they came. It was first 10:1 and after the angels left, they added 5.
Read this:
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Shepherd - Gabriel, sheep - angels. They didn't recognize him! Read again number 5. Got it??
People! There is a lot more. A LOT. But I will stop here. Maybe I will make another post with more, if people are interested, but this is it for now.
I still can't believe we didn't see it....
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Hola Mishamigos! It’s Friday and I am here with more nonsense from my SPN rewatch - dudes, we are all SLEEPING on Season 11, in both good and bad ways.  There is so much in just the first trifecta of “Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire;” “Form and Void;” and “Bad Seed” (since “Baby” deserves her own analysis) -  so come relive my rewatch with me.  This is a summary of some things that stood out for me (few are analysis, most are clowning; basically this is a pared down live tweet - you’re welcome/I'm sorry); copy/paste from the script is included with my own emphasis:
-There’s lots more to this episode, but really this is the most important and relevant part (also it’s too soon and I am offended, damaged, attacked and hurt) -
DEAN: Yeah, whoa. All right, take -- take it easy, okay?  (gesturing to the deputy’s wound) Bad guys?
JENNA: Rebar. I sought cover. I fell.
***LIKE EXCUSE ME, but what in the actual fuck.  Did they just decide to pull that from the episode four years later to emotionally traumatize us in the subsequent rewatches? I know it’s probably coincidence but my sad soul has not recovered *enough* for rebar’s first SPN appearance to be right now in this moment when I am blissfully 5 entire seasons away from the dead end in the road.
- The only other important part of this episode - when Dean takes the call from Cas privately first before putting it on speaker for Sam, and something about this exchange is so endearing-
(Dean’s phone rings) 
DEAN: Where the hell are you, Cas?
(The scene flips between Sam and Dean at the hospital, and Castiel in the woods.)
CASTIEL: I'm...I'm okay.
DEAN: You don't sound okay.
CASTIEL: Dean, I am fine. Besides, what I have, you can't help me.
DEAN: What do you mean, what you have?
CASTIEL: Just please tell Sam -- Rowena escaped with the Book of the Damned and the codex.
DEAN: Okay, forget Rowena. Where are you?
CASTIEL: Now, you tell me -- the Mark . . .
DEAN: Oh, really? You're worried about me after everything that I’ve --
CASTIEL: Dean, is it gone?
DEAN: Yes. I'm good. I mean, I'm not great.
CASTIEL: Makes two of us.  (Dean puts Cas on speakerphone) This is good news.
SAM: Hey, Cas.
***It’s just so poignant that Dean wanted privacy for the first minutes of that call, probably because he is still haunted about the beating he gave Cas in 10 and *other things,* and Cas is literally being torn apart by Rowena’s curse but he only cares about Dean getting rid of the Mark, and the world is ending but Dean only cares about Cas and where he is -  honestly this scene - I’m - 
***Further thoughts on the Animal Curse/Cas/Dean below under 11x03
(love the Genesis call back to this verse in the title - “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.”)
-speaking of emotional trauma, this fucking shit again -
JENNA: Yeah. I pretty much grew up here. Learned to ride my bike down the road. Had my first kiss at that blue house over there. Lost my virginity up there (pointing to different house).
DEAN: I'll bet blue house was pissed.
JENNA: She was. (handing Amara to Dean) Do you mind?
***This frustrated/disappointed/angered/saddened me to NO END despite already knowing that it happens constantly on the show, because what was the reason?! Did they have to point out that she had a female love interest for this brief moment just to turn her evil and kill her off?  There was no need to include this detail.  It’s either blatant homophobia or willful ignorance (so also blatant homophobia) that this is what representation means.  I won’t go on because obviously we are aware of this and much has already been said/written about it, but still, fuck this.
-we meet Billie and there is more “FORESHADOWING”-
QUEEN IS SINGING “OH DEATH” aka Death’s entrance song from Season 5 and I am BLOWN AWAY by this almost as much as her amazing voice - like did they know at this point she would become the new Death season later? DID THEY KNOW? I need answers.
Seriously, go listen to it immediately; bask in its glory:
We also get our first mention of the Empty, so that’s cute that they referenced both Dean’s and Cas’s Season 15 ‘demises’ in the same episode (it’s not cute really and I am crying again now) ->
BILLIE: You and Dean . . . Dying and coming back again and again. The old death thought it was funny. But now there's one hard, fast rule in this universe. What lives . . . dies. So the next time you or your brother bite it, well, you're not going to Heaven . . . Or Hell. One of us -- and, Lord, I hope it's me -- we're gonna make a mistake and toss you out into the Empty. And nothing comes back from that. I know you're dying. I can feel it. You're unclean in the biblical sense. So I'll be seeing you again, Sam . . . Seeing you real soon. Name's Billie, by the way.
-another reason for me to continue denying the flaming trash heap that they tried to call the series finale-
Sam is dying here because he has been infected by the Darkness-vein-animal-exploding-people-plague so he goes to pray about it 
SAM: So . . . I know it's been a long time, but . . . Dean and I, we've -- we've been through a lot of bad. But this is different. This is my fault, and I don't know how to fix it. And if I have to die, I've made my peace with that, but . . . Please. Dean deserves better. Dean deserves a life. There are people out there, good people, who are going to suffer because of me, and I am not asking you to clean up my mess. Hell, I don't even know if you're out there, but . . . If you are . . . And if you can hear me, I, um . . . We need your help, God. We need to know there's hope. We need a sign.
**DABB WROTE THIS F-ING EPISODE.  How are you going to write Dean deserves a life here to just do what you did Dabb.  Don’t get me started on my feelings about this scene in the dark depths of my finale-denying soul.   DEAN DESERVES BETTER INDEED, SEASON 11 SAM. 
To rub salt in this particular wound, they show us THE cutest scenes of Dean with this damn baby so we can have feelings about how great of a parent he could be (also I ADORE that whenever Jared, Jensen, or Misha have scenes in later seasons with young children/babies it is SO clear they slip into their own natural dad mode without even noticing it; these guys just all seem like excellent fathers and it makes me mushy) and even Crowley picks up on that shit and makes his little ex-boyfriend joke (after Demon Dean and most of season 10 there is no way I will ever NOT believe that Crowley and Dean did not take a tumble; I will take no criticism):
CROWLEY: The child likes you. No surprise, really. You're very maternal.
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Speaking of King Jackles, next comes the episode he directed ->
BAD SEED [11x03]
-Cas/Dean parallels with the Attack Dog Spell/Mark of Cain-
This arc appears in the 10 finale and then runs through the first three episodes, culminating in this one.  Despite it hurting my heart to see our angel so bloody eyed and feral, I LOVED this parallel; it’s truly brilliant - Cas’s reaction to the attack dog spell is such a mirror to the way Dean dealt with the Mark most of 10.  It’s also beautiful that Dean is the only one that can pull Cas from the spell’s control at the end of this episode; that alley scene between the two of them in 11x02 is so tender and sweet.  I like to think this brought an entire new layer of depth to their connection, because no one truly understood how Dean felt under the influence of the Mark until now (someone write a fan fic about this exchange!!!!!!) I *love* this journey for them (please say that sentence in Alexis Rose in your head).  Bonus that  the episode containing my most favorite of *domestic* phone calls with Dean and Cas follows this one, and also Dean’s SHORT SHORTS follow because now he is just walking around the bunker in short shorts while Cas is there and I maintain this is because of this new level of closeness.  As previously stated I ACCEPT NO criticism.
***I just saw something posted by @watchthebeesandfish​ back in 2015 when digging around the internet re: this episode - that this was the first time both Dean/Cas had seen each other as “themselves” since that heart wrenching bridge scene in 9x10, when Dean walks away from Sam/Cas after the Gadreel possession reveal (he goes on to take the Mark of Cain in the following episode, and has it the rest of the season through season 10 finale). That is brilliant and accurate and I BOW DOWN in humility to that parallel.  I now love this scene a billion times more. *single [wo]man tear*   Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this little trip down memory lane, thanks as always for getting through my rambling,  and HAPPY FACE CUPPING FOREVER.
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anthonycrowleymoved · 5 years
i know this was a long time coming. without further ado, i’m going to show you the final scores. then, if you so choose, you can go in and see my ~further analysis and information~ as well as other details and a comparison of lev’s earlier survey.
SO. here’s how it worked. i had a total of 561 people rank 16 of crowley’s hairstyles. i wanted people to rank the hairstyles to see if the results differed from when people were asked what their favorite overall style was. each person who gave a hairstyle a ranking of 1 contributed 16 points towards that style, 2 contributed 15 points, and so on. this means the lowest possible score a Look™ can get is 561, and the highest is 8976 (16 x 561)
1. 2012 BUN - 7965
2. GOLGOTHA - 7108
3. PRESENT DAY - 7060
4. 2007 HAIR - 6988
6. EDEN - 5547
7. 1941 (CHURCH SCENE) - 5406
8. 1967 - 4644
9. 2012 NANNY - 4146
10. BOOK!CROWLEY - 3650
11. 1970s - 3408
12. 33 AD (ROME) - 3040
13. 1601 (SHAKESPEARE) - 2770
14. 541 AD (KNIGHTS) - 2751
15. 1862 - 2708
16. 1793 (FRENCH REVOLUTION) - 2477
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graphic representation of all of the results, in descending order. as you can see, bun was the runaway lead, with the next four highest scoring looks™ pretty close together. similarly, the shakespeare look, knight look, and sideburn look are all similarly hated.
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fig. 2: scores sorted by in-universe order of appearance. i think it’s interesting to look at this and see that there seems to be....sort of a trend. in general people seem to like the very early looks and the very modern looks, with the lowest scoring looks all clumped together.
now, i’d like to discuss the individual breakdown of each look™, to determine how universally it was liked or disliked, or alternately the distribution of votes 
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eden had an average score of 9.89. people seemed pretty middle of the road on this look, with the occasional person either loving it or hating it. it’s a lot more divisive than a lot of his hairstyles for sure. (me, i personally thought it verged a bit into ‘bad wig’ territory, and i did see a couple people thinking the same)
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i was kind of surprised by this one being as low as it was! obviously it was in that grouping of popular hairstyles, but i feel like the general consensus you read on here is that this is the fan favorite. apparently not so. the average score was 12.16, however, which, not bad. people in general did tend to like this look, obviously, with a few holdouts scattered about
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fun fact! this is my personal favorite because, the headscarf. my god. iconic. and apparently y’all agree! it eeked out second place with an average score of 12.67
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so this is the first. not great look. people don’t seem to be crazy about this one. it had an average score of 5.41
knight look
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“oh maggie why is this even here we can’t see his hair” It’s My Survey And I Get To Choose The Looks. but anyway. no one liked this. seriously. this is the first one that didn’t get a single person to give it the top spot. average score was 4.903, which also isn’t great.
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look, i know you’re supposed to be unbiased or whatever, but this is a tumblr survey and none of this matters. i hate this look. i hate it so much i often forget it exists out of self preservation. even now as i type this i know if i scroll up i’ll see that terrible facial hair, and i saw it like a minute ago when i uploaded the picture, but i can’t for the life of me remember what it looks like because my brain has put up a protective barrier. you all seem to agree with me, as the average score of this is just 4.94. excellent taste all around
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LAST PLACE. i don’t completely. GET. the hatred of this one. i found it to be. very middle of the road. fine i suppose. but the people have spoken with an average score of just 4.42. so what do i know
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another one no one said was their favorite. i mean. fair. this one had an average of 4.83, and many people said this was his most heterosexual look, and i agree. bad. 
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this one seemed to be a bit middle of the road for people, which is kind of understandable. it’s a great hat, but i get that people like the more dramatique™ looks better. had an average score of 9.64, so like. not bad
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now this one was ALLLLL over the place. people love it, people hate it, people are indifferent. average score was 8.28, which, again, shows how split this one was. i for one welcome john lennon and joyce byers’ demon lovechild.
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i’m so mad. average score was 6.07. this is my second favorite hairstyle overall. yes, seriously. anyway you all are wrong and that’s all i have to say about that have a good night
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people kept asking me why i included the illustration from the modern cover of the book, and the primary reason was because i thought it would be funny, which is why i do most things. i also was kind of wondering what people would do with it, and the answer is seemingly ‘question why it was there.’ i wish there was a way i could have included ‘your own personal headcanon for what he looked like while reading the book,’ but alas this is as close as i could get. average score was 6.51. the people who gave said this was their favorite are my heroes, and one person described him as looking like an insurance salesman, which like. thank you from the bottom of my heart
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yeah. okay. i nicknamed this one ‘cursed’ in my master list. i don’t get it. i’m so sorry. i am like, the singular holdout who just can’t stand this hair. but i am very much in the minority, everyone else seems to love it. average score was 12.46. good for you, 2007 crowley. i will never understand you
2012 (Nanny)
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this is the last....not great look. again, a bit all over the place. average score was 7.39.
2012 (Bun)
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i LOVE this hairstyle, but i was blown away by how high it was on lev’s poll and i’m blown away again with how high it is here. i just feel like we collectively never talk about how much we love the bun look, and then when we’re asked we go feral. this had an average score of 14.19. how. gender, indeed.
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ahhh, the classic tennant hair. a solid look. no one really seems to dislike it, it’s just. not everyone’s top spot. there’s nothing offensive about it, clearly, but i don’t think it sets anyone off like some of the other top contenders. and i’m slightly surprised how little we talk about this hairstyle considering how popular it is (and i get it, he looks like every lesbian i’ve ever had a crush on who was painfully out of my league), but again, that might be because it’s Tennant Classic™. average score was 12.58.
the main reason i wanted to do this in the first place was to see if the results changed at all from lev’s survey when i asked people to rank their choices rather than just choose their favorite. the answer is actually like, kind of! not majorly, but a bit. the comparison as it stands without the entries that did not appear on both lists:
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if you want to see the changes more easily, i’ve done some color coding here:
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as you can see, there were definitely some shifts, but what i’d like to focus on is the change in rank of the golgotha hair, the two that came in last place, and the sixties and seventies looks. for the golgotha hair, i suspect that because it was so close to the mesopotamia hair, the vote may have been split a bit, whereas here you could have realistically given both a good score. lev also said that in their results, after the 2012 bun look, 2007, present, and mesopotamia were kind of always in a bit of a tie with each other, whereas this was the case with mine with the addition of the golgotha hair. taking that into consideration i think it’s interesting that that one ended up getting second place. 
i also think it’s interesting that france wasn’t in last place on lev’s poll, because there’s such a huge difference in points between the sideburn look and the french revolution look according to my numbers. however, as i said before, no one actually picked sideburns as their favorite on this survey, but there were a couple of people who like, loved the revolution hair. i think that may have ended up giving lev and i slightly different results, as the revolution hair is like ‘you either really love it for some reason (rare) or despise it’ and the 1860s hair is like ‘you either hate it or you’re lukewarm about it’. 
similarly, the shift in rank in both the sixties and seventies looks is also interesting, because they both moved kind of significantly. i think the 60s look changed because, as i said, it seemed to be a pretty divisive look. people don’t seem to be agreed on how much they like it, so there are people really Into It who voted it as their favorite on lev’s, but there are also people who HATE IT. i think something sort of similar happened with the 70s look in the opposite direction. i think not many people LOVE it, but a lot of people kind it not to be like, the worst one. as a result it went up a bit because, while few people consider it their favorite (can’t relate), a few people were like ‘okay it’s fun’ and ranked it semi-high, or at least there was more of a distribution than some of the more hated looks. also it’s almost 2 am i hope this analysis makes sense because words. the english language.
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shiroblack · 5 years
My mind is very dirty sorry to all who read this
So for those who saw my last post about Gabriel and Belzzebu this is my perverted and dirty thought
Starting from the same premise where Gabriel and Belzzebu came to earth to spend some time with the "half brothers" in order to understand how they did not die in the trials, they begin to follow Aziraphale and Crowley in their dates, and one day things go a little bit out of control among our favorite celestial beings so imagine this scene:
Aziraphale and Crowley kissing passionately (not sexually, just love) while Belzzebu is totally baffled and Gabriel dying of shame and discomfort, So both of our heroes realize that their "little brothers" never participated in any sexual act, in fact, both virgins and without any knowledge about it. Then Crowley suggested: "They should watch" Crowley said clearly joking and being Scolded by Aziraphale Shortly there after
The days were passing is Belzzebu and Gabriel did not take the scene of their heads, is the idea of ​​watching was cooking on the heads of both, especially Gabriel's, Then one night, when Crowley and Zira were in a more intimate moment Gabriel went to peek, He watched only the kisses, did not have the courage to see to the end, more out of shame than anything.
In Crowley's apartment Belzzebu was more incisive, asked many questions, related to both carnal and emotional sensations Crowley had already been a nanny, and explaining about birds and bees has never been so traumatic, So without much patience, he tells Belzzebu to go to a certain site and watch videos (I do not think it is necessary to tell which site it would be)
Belzzebu watched the videos, sata and God knows how many videos he watched, and he liked and wanted to try, but now the question came "What creature would be able to do with one of the lords of hell???"
Belzzebu did not have to think hard to find an answer: "an angel"
In the other Date that Aziraphale and Crowley had both noticed something strange about Belzzebu, he was looking at least strangely at Gabriel.
In Crowley's apartment he seemed genuinely concerned about his brother's attitude, Gabriel was not a flower to be smelled and all he wanted was to spend time with his angel.
In the bookstore Aziraphale gave several books to Gabriel, novels, biology and by irony, also pornography. And Gabriel read each and bombed Aziraphale with questions and more questions.
Both brothers who lived the longest on earth began to get really worried about their brothers' attitudes, Aziraphale found some curiosities cute, and Crowley just hated having to look The curious eyes of Belzzebu every time he returned home after sleeping with Aziraphale.
After much study (from both sides) who took the initiative the old enemy to a Date was Gabriel, He was convinced that since Aziraphale was top, he too would be, it should be something natural for an angel, stand over a demon and show him his place, He was wrong.
Crowley joked about the rule of the five dates Before going to bed, but Belzzebu took seriously, So the Dates were more or less like this.
1° Simple meeting, walked in the park neither ate anything, just talked
2° Gabriel invited Belzzebu to spend an afternoon in the bookstore, again only talked
3° Belzzebu tried to do something for Gabriel to eat, it went very wrong, resulting in a Crowley screaming about his kitchen being destroyed. In the end they drank a tea that Aziraphale had given to Crowley shortly ago (First meal that Gabriel even tasted)
4° They went running in the park, it was a fun experience for both of them.
5° They both found that each other's company was pleasant to say the least, and they ended up kissing, then things went downhill.
In what was supposed to be the 6th Date they went to a motel, Gabriel was at least glowing with excitement. Belzzebu looked very calm, as if it were something already I had done it millions of times.
As the bedroom door closed Gabriel felt his body in the wall and the small body of Beelzebub near his own, and he felt as if all the fire of hell were in the room He had never felt anything so intense in all his existence.
Belzzebu knew more or less what he was doing had watched many videos.
Gabriel was quite lost in reality, not quite sure where to put his hands or how to react to the lush kisses he was receiving, Plus he felt really good, something bothered in the middle of the legs, but the experience as a whole was being much better than he imagined
Now both already naked, a little wave of shame went through Gabriel, he was in excellent shape, he was very attractive no doubt about it Even so when Belzzebu appeared completely naked in front of his eyes He doubted all his attributes, and a whirlwind of thought passed through his heavenly little head, Belzzebu noticed the doubts and insecurities in the purple eyes that faced her so cedarly and that made her excited, a totally vulnerable Gabriel, was a delightful sight.
The kisses were better now, the contact with the skin devoid of layers of clothing, the nervous lips of Gabriel was an experience that Belzzebu could not describe in words.
Gabriel was very nervous, he could not just kiss for much longer, Belzzebu's skin was soft and his small breasts touching his chest were making him go Crazy
The penetration did not hurt as much as Beelzebub imagined it would hurt, now Gabriel seemed to be about to have a heart attack, as if all the pleasure he was feeling was going to blow him up.
It had been a few minutes, Beelzebub sitting on Gabriel's lap feeling his whole being burned pleasantly, finally understanding why humans had so much proliferated, Gabriel's moans were cute, the way he controlled himself so as not to beg her to go faster was also lovely, he was adorable, at least in his eyes
Gabriel could not take it any longer, he needed to come, but every time he approached his full pleasure Beelzebub slowed. The more he needed to come,more his body trembled and he could barely put together related sentences, so that was the feeling that made humans spread? It was no wonder there were so many of them.
Belzzebu was aware of the situation the angel partner needed to relieve himself, he did not even know how long he would take all that pleasure, so he made a request, or rather gave an order:
"Beg, say you want to Come and I'll let you come inside me"
Honestly Gabriel did not know what was right or wrong anymore, so he begged, shouted and begged with all the Forces remaining, when Belzzebu roasted his shoulders as support to increase speed both shouted in pleasure It was too much for Gabriel to bear, he came in a deliciously sinful groan, at least To the ears of Belzzebu, who also ended up coming Together with him more quietly.
When Belzzebu came home Crowley was waiting for her with a look that bordered on the mockery and curiosities, he would not ask anything, However he would like to know if it was all right between the two, Beelzebub did not give details but said that everything was fine, that was enough for Crowley, already in the bookstore Aziraphale had locked himself In his bedroom, hi covered his ears with his fingers so he would not hear every sordid detail Gabriel proudly spoke of.
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yikes-strikes-again · 5 years
i've come to make an announcement:
but seriously i want to go off on a very specific ineffable husbands thing in episode 3 for a hot minute so let's blow this popsicle stand
now, at the risk of sounding like one of those shippers who overanalyzes every single infinitesimal detail of their ship's interactions, i would like to momentarily draw your attention to a beautiful little moment in episode 3, Hard Times, the first half of which is, as we all know, entirely comprised of beautiful little moments.
so, about a minute into the episode, we get to see the world as it was in 3004 B.C. during the tale of noah’s arc. aziraphale is standing in a crowd, observing the commotion, when crowley (i guess it’s technically “crawley” at the moment but idc) appears.
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now, i could go on about this interaction for days if you wanted me to. the fact that crowley greets him by his NAME after 1000 years of not seeing each other, which is an impressive feat of memory even if you don’t consider the fact that aziraphale NEVER TOLD CROWLEY HIS NAME IN THE FIRST PLACE (and yes, i did check). how did he know it? did he ask somebody because he was so curious (awww), or did he remember him from before he Fell??? makes you think 🤔 i mean it’s POSSIBLE that azzy just told him his name after it cuts away but i’m not making this fucking analysis based off of the HYPOTHETICAL god damn it  the cute little way crowley pops up over azzy’s left shoulder (symbolism much?) while azzy glances to the right (which was probably intentional on crowley’s part; it’s an appropriately mischievous thing to do (perhaps even a bit... flirtatious? hee hee hee)), the genuine, pure DELIGHT in crowley’s voice when greeting him, which, contrasted with aziraphale’s nervous reply, is even more conspicuous. like. crowley. dude. you’re not even trying to hide your massive crush at this point.
but this isn’t even what i made this post to discuss!!! 
this is gonna get real long tho so i made a read-more link
i haven’t heard ANYONE mention the significance of crowley’s very next line in this scene:
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the smirk. the head tilt that he uses as an excuse to sidle just a little closer to such an interesting angel. the wiggle. head tilt #2 accompanied by inch rested eyebrow raise. the wiggle. the fact that his eyes are glued to aziraphale the entire time. and when he stops talking? oh, i know that look my dude. i see that little smile. that’s the look of Yearning. you’ve got a case of Gay Yearning and it only gets worse. you’ve fallen twice and you can’t get up. not to mention the delivery that i can’t show you through a gif but trust me DT wasn’t just playing up the flirtation factor through his body language, he was using his voice too. he doesn’t sound like he’s talking about inventing war and defying God, he sounds like he’s talking about a spicy little rumor that’s been spreading around the science building that directly concerns the very cute person he’s talking to. like, i can almost see the lockers and messenger bags. 
but more to my point. so, again, it’s been 1000 years since they last spoke, and what’s the first thing crowley mentions? that’s right, aziraphale’s rebellious act of kindness that initially surprised + impressed him! come on, we all love this moment:
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*freddie mercury voice*  I've Fallen In Love, I've Fallen In Love For The First Time
what i’m getting at is that aziraphale made such an impression here, on crowley, that it was on his mind for basically the entire 1000 years since eden. enough to go out of his way to learn his name. enough to bring it up first thing next time they met. it’s the moment he remembers azzy for, the thing that sets him apart from the rest. aziraphale directly disobeyed God in an effort to protect adam and eve, which caused crowley to have the first crush in all of history. this we all know. but more than that, it was the first crush to survive a millennia-long gulf of exactly zero interaction god he just fell so in love in 3 words klajfldajsfkldsjf i’m soft
now, a counterpoint. it is absolutely true that their meeting on the walls of eden was hopelessly brief, and very little of their exchange was shown beyond this moment. therefore, there wouldn’t be a whole lot to make conversation about. BUT TO THAT I RAISE YOU the fact that azzy was standing alone when crowley specifically approached him at the front of the crowd. sure, it was probably a happy little accident that they managed to end up in the same place. but i assure you that this was no chance meeting, my friends. crowley meant to meet aziraphale here, and he meant to learn more about this angel who was Different and Not Like The Others and also to ask So What Happened Next? not to mention the fact that he popped up so unexpectedly behind azzy that i wouldn’t be surprised if he just miracled himself there. everything about their noah meeting just screams Deliberation. 
so, here’s my hypothesis for what exactly went down circa 4000-3004 B.C. 
1. eden meeting. crowley catches the gays for the angel of the eastern gate. both of them fuck off to do their jobs on earth and don’t see each other for a long long time. 
2. some years pass. in between temptations and pretending to cause horrible events, crowley’s thoughts routinely turn to the angel he’d met earlier, wondering what had happened to him. what was he doing now? probably some other genuine acts of kindness that came from a place of compassion, unlike the angels he’d known before his Fall. or, what if he got in trouble because of the sword thing? what if Heaven conditioned him not to do things like that again. that would be a shame, crowley thinks. a real shame. 
3. some more years go by, perhaps a century or two. you know what, crowley decides, it would probably be a good idea to figure out that angel’s name (he doesn’t remember him from Before). not out of any personal interest, of course, no way. just as, like, a polite thing. for in case they ever met again. god does he want to meet him again  so he asks around hell, real casual, y’know, like hey, just out of curiosity, does anyone remember the angel of the eastern gate? before they Fell? and some of them are just like Who? and others give him dirty looks. 
4. so he gives up on that for a while once his coworkers really start to get sick of it. maybe does his job, maybe fucks around for some years. but he won’t be stopped forever! he still wants to know that angel’s name. so crowley resorts to some more underhanded tactics. he corners some low-ranking angel who was just on earth for a courier assignment, and they only give him aziraphale’s name out of slight fear. success!!!
5. aziraphale. aziraphaaale. he tries it on his tongue. wonder what he’s been up to. is he even still on earth? hopefully. someone’s got to go out of their way for these guys. wonder if he likes the humans as much as crowley does. probably maybe? i mean if that sword thing was any indication. does aziraphale like demons with long hair, or short? wait. he’s angel, he doesn’t like demons at all. fuck. crowley doesn’t have a crush! he doesn’t!
6. he should probably get back to work. enough of this aziraphale business. psshh. he doesn’t know why he cared so much in the first place.  
7. 1000 years since the creation of the world already? wow. time flies when you’re immortal. although, the weather’s been really overcast lately. is there something fishy going on?
8. wow look at this huge crowd. that sure is a lot of animals. and is that... a boat? what’s that for? we’re nowhere near the ocean. better check it out.  should try to find a spot at the front so i can see - wait is that. is that...? noooo. no way!!!
9. aziraphale holy shit!!! fucking finally!!! wait no i’ve gotta play it cool. can’t act too friendly. he doesn’t know me. probably doesn’t even remember me. off on his own doing really nice things for people. doing really nice things even to his own detriment. i’m not even on the radar. but what if he does remember me? okay. focus. gotta be chill about this. i’m gonna ask him about that fucking sword.
okay hhhhh this was way too long for something so minor but god crowley continues to be relatable as fuck thank you gaiman + pratchett + tennant + sheen + fucking everyone who worked on this
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Family Doesn’t Give Up
Characters: Demon!Dean, Sister!Reader, Sam, Castiel, Crowley (no pairing)
Word Count: 1,590
Warnings: Angst and little fluff
Request by @assassinofmasyaf : Hi there! 😀Could I request an SPN one-shot, where R is Sam's older twin sister (the smartest Winchester)and she and Sam are trying to find Demon!Dean to bring him back to the bunker and cure him. They are practically on the verge of giving up when Cas shows up and demands for them to continue trying. Once the ordeal is over, R finds Crowley and gives him a good 'ole punch to the face (which effectively and surprisingly knocks him out).
Summary: Ever since you’re older brother turned into a demon, you’ve been trying to get him back to his normal self. He doesn’t want to be found but that doesn’t mean you are going to give up. Family never gives up and you do whatever you have to, to get your brother back.
Author’s Note: This is unbeta’d and any and all mistakes are all on me.
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
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“We’re going to find him, I promise you.” You whispered to your younger twin brother of 5 minutes. Sam sighed and ran his hands down his face while you rubbed his back.
“We’re running out of options.” Sam sighed, looking at you.
“I know but we have to find him. He’s our brother and he’d do the same for us.” You and Sam were born 5 minutes apart, you being the oldest. You’ve always been closer to Sam than Dean for obvious reason but that didn’t mean you didn’t love Dean. You were the only girl in the family which meant Sam and Dean would do anything for you, despite you being the middle child. Dean has done so much for this family and it’s your duty to get him back. Plus, when you saw Crowley, you were going to beat his ass for doing this to your brother.
“How, Y/N? How are we going to find him? We don’t know where he is or who he’s with. We have no leads and if Dean so much as figures out we’re onto him, he will kill a lot of innocent people. He’s made it clear that he doesn’t want to be found so maybe we should listen.” Sam snapped and got u, leaving the war room. You knew he didn't mean it, it’s just something Sam does when he was stressed. It was true, you were running out of options and soon, looking for your brother would be pointless.
You leaned back against your chair and stared at the floor, trying to think of a way to bring him back. You knew what to do if you ever got a hold of him but the first step was to actually find him. You grabbed Sam’s discarded laptop and hacked into security cameras, doing whatever it took to find your brother.
After hours of searching, you couldn't find a single clue as to tell you where Dean or Crowley might be. You were starting to get stressed so you left for your room and listened to some music since that always calmed you down.
Even though Sam would deny it, you were the smartest Winchester. You always came up with a solution to every problem. When Sam or Dean was stuck on something, they would go to you for help. You usually would be able to figure it out quickly but with this, you just couldn't.
You were there when Dean took the mark and you knew that one day, he wouldn’t be the brother you loved. You knew one day, you would have to hunt him just like any other monster.
That was Dean’s worst fear come to life but he was a demon now and he didn't care about anyone but himself. He made it clear that he wanted to be left alone but you knew how scared he was before he became a demon.
“What are you doing?” You looked up to see Castiel inside your room. Either he appeared randomly here or he walked in through the door and closed it. Either way, you didn't hear him.
“Just stressed, is all.” you sighed, turning down the music.
“You can’t just give up on Dean.” Castiel glared at you.
“What? How did you know that?” You asked, knowing you didn't pray to or tell Castiel about this.
“I know a lot of things. You’re giving up on him?”
“It’s not that simple, Cas. Sam and I have tried everything to find Dean. We’ve tried cameras, we notified all the hunters we know, we’ve interrogated demons but they didn’t talk. We tried everything we know and we can’t find him. I’m not giving up, I’m just having a hard time figuring this out.”
“Well, get off your ass because I found something that you might want. A lead. I know where Dean is.” Castiel said angrily. Your eyes widened at his language and tone but you got up and took the information, going to Sam to get his help.
“Sam! Open up!” You banged on his door. He opened it a minute later. “I found Dean.”
“Seriously? You found him?” Sam said, hope in his eyes.
“Well, Castiel did. But I do need your help getting him here because I have a plan and I don’t know if you’ll like it or not.”
“I’ll do anything. We need him back.” Sam nodded.
“Okay, here’s what I’ve been thinking…”
“Come on, Dean, pick up.” You muttered, pacing the dungeon floor. You were just about to give up when you heard his voice. You got tears because it’s been a while since you’ve heard your older brother’s voice.
“What?” He snapped.
“Dean, it’s Y/N.” You began.
“Great, you found me. Need I remind you what I’d do if you came looking for me?” Dean threatened.
“I’m not here to ask you where you are. I’m here to offer you something.” You bit your lip, looking at Sam who was tied up on the dungeon chair, inside the devil’s trap.
“What could you possibly have that I want?” Dean laughed.
“What did you just say?” Dean stopped laughing.
“I have Sam here, just like you wanted. I’ll hand deliver him on a silver platter to you but you have to come to me.”
“And how do I know you’re not lying?” Deen sneered. You took a deep breath and opened your camera on your phone before snapping a picture of Sam. You sent it to Dean and placed the phone at your ear again.
“Is that good enough for you?”
“So, you’re giving up your own twin? Sinister.” Dean chuckled.
“You know, I’ve done a lot of thinking since you left. I may be Sam’s twin but I’ve always liked you better. My older brother. I want to be with you and I know that can only happen is if Sam is taken care of. You catch my drift?”
“Oh, I’m feeling it. I have got to say, I like this new you. I’ll be over soon. You better not be lying.” Dean growled.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” You hung up and rushed over to Sam, untying him. Sam sighed and looked at you as he got to his feet.
“I really hope this works.”
“Me too.” You bit your lip nervously.
“Y/N… I’m here. Where’s Sammy?” Dean called out once he got to the Bunker. He stalked the hallways calmly, making his way to the dungeon. He knew where Sam was based on the picture you sent him. He didn't hear you or Sam but he continued on his way. He opened the dungeon door and saw Sam in the middle of it on a chair, tied up like you said.
“This is going to be fun,” Dean smirked and closed the door before walking to Sam. He was about to reach out for him but Sam got up and punched Dean in the face as hard as he could.
“Ha! I knew this was too good to be true!” Dean laughed, ready for a fight. However, Sam quickly moved out of the way as Castiel appeared behind Dean. You were in the shadows, watching all this happen.
Castiel grabbed your brother and wrestled with him before shoving Dean into the devil’s trap. Dean growled and tried to get out but he couldn’t. He looked around the room before settling his eyes on you.
“You lied to me.” Dean glared at you. Castiel entered the circle and forced Dean on the chair before knocking him out.
“He’s all yours.” Castiel panted.
“We should get started before he wakes up and fights back,” Sam said, taking out the supplies he needed in order to turn Dean back to human.
“Whatever you do, do it fast. I want my brother back.” You said, walking out of the shadows.
That process was long and painful but you got your brother back in the end. A lot of feelings surfaced that night and you were still working through the kinks. You learned to forgive Dean as did Sam. You were just glad he was back to his normal self. He still had the mark and that was second on your list to deal with.
The first was Crowley.
You wanted to beat his ass for doing this to your brother and you didn’t stop trying to look for him. You went through a lot of demons to find Crowley and when you did, Sam and Dean didn’t even try and stop you. They were just as pissed as you were and would back you up if a fight broke out.
“Ah, Sam and Y/N Winchester with my best friend,” Crowley smirked when he saw the infamous trio.
“Stop with that. I’m not your best friend.” Dean glared at Crowley.
“Glad to know you’re back to your human self.” Crowley chuckled. You glared at him and started to walk straight for him.
“You pissed off the wrong people,” Sam said darkly.
“Who, Y/N? She’s nothing compared to other people I know.” Crowley smirked. You walked right up to him and didn’t say anything. You reared your fist back and gave Crowley the sharpest right hook you have ever given someone.
Crowley’s head spun and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. You watched him fall to the ground, apparently unconscious.
“Whoa, you actually knocked him out.” Sam laughed.
“That’s for my brother, you dick.” You spat and turned around before walking away.
“That’s my sister,” Dean smirked proudly.
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kylermalloy · 6 years
SPN Questions Game!
1. When did you start watching Supernatural?
I binged it my freshman year of college, while season 10 was airing. I got caught up in time to start watching mid season! (I had no life. Still don’t.)
2. Who is your favorite in TFW?
Sam. Always Sam.
3. Who is your least favorite in TFW?
I guess Cas? If I have to choose? I don’t have anything against him, he just seems redundant lately.
4. Tag your top 5 Supernatural blogs.
I don’t even talk to five people...
@sealionfoam, @lovedsammy, @semirahrose, @lillysilverus, @to-the-lost-heroes
5. Who is your favorite character (not including TFW)?
If “TFW” just means TFW 1.0, then Jack. Besides him, Crowley. I miss Crowley.
6. Who is your favorite woman in Supernatural?
Rowena. She’s perfect.
7. John or Mary?
John. He’s more controversial. He always causes strong emotional reactions in me, but to this day I still can’t figure out if I like him or hate him. Mary I’m just kind of neutral about.
8. What were your first opinions of Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jack?
Loved them the minute I saw them! Seriously though, I felt for Sam and everything he was going through so hard. (And s1!Sam is...so cute.) I found Dean funny but not annoyingly so, and his serious moments were very touching. My first impression of Cas was pure awe, although that’s slowly drained away through the seasons.
Jack on the other hand...oh gosh. When he appeared in the last shot of season 12, I was So Done with him already. Cas was dead, Crowley was dead, and I was exhausted. Then, over the hiatus, I came to realize they were doing more of a blank-slate character rather than an evil-at-heart character, and I warmed more to the idea of him. By the season 13 premiere, I was enraptured by him and the way he reacted to the new world around him. And by the end of the first ep, he had my heart. (and still does!)
9. What’s your favorite season?
Season 5. The apocalypse storyline and the angst, and the way Sam and Dean are pitted against each other but still cling to each other is my jam. And SWAN SONG.
10. What’s your least favorite season?
Season 9. This is the season I went full bitterSam!girl. The POVs were so skewed in the Sam and Dean conflict. The distance between them made the whole season quite chilly—and made the finale seem forced. The angels-falling and Abaddon v. Crowley story arcs were a mess. The one-off episodes weren’t fun. I found Mark of Cain to be a boring, dead-end story. Human!Cas didn’t last nearly long enough to be interesting. Even Dean’s death didn’t resonate quite right with me. The only good, memorable thing from season 9 was the Sam/Cas hug.
11. Opinions on Destiel?
I don’t ship it. The fans who loudly insist it should—and will—be canon have driven me to the point of being annoyed by it. I’m extra-appreciative of the shippers who enjoy it regardless of canon.
12. Do you believe Supernatural queerbaits?
Hahahahahahahaha no. Whatever other flaws they may have, TPTB have been very clear about what they do and don’t intend to do regarding characters’ sexualities. Any claims of queerbaiting stem from scrutinizing a collection of subtle performance tics and a desperate confirmation bias. You want queerbaiting, head over to the Teen Wolf fandom.
13. Seasons 1-7 or 8-14?
1-7, no contest. There are fewer retcons, fewer dumb episodes, fewer superfluous side characters (and they were used more sparingly—therefore more enjoyably), and an overall tighter and emotionally genuine story.
That being said, there are some wonderful things from the latter seasons: Rowena, Jack, the rock-steady marriage of Sam and Dean from season 11 onward. (I despised the forced conflicts of seasons 8 and 9.)
14. Favorite villain (plot wise)?
Ruby. Azazel. Season 5 Lucifer. Why were these villains good? They had excellent interactions with Sam.
Ruby, in her own words, was awesome. She played Sam like a fiddle, and I love that. Azazel, in all his iterations, was an incredible mastermind disguised as an agent of chaos. And Lucifer (in season 5 only, mind you) was the epitome of quiet menace.
15. Do you think they should end the Lucifer plot line?
Yes, about two years ago.
16. Who do you think has gone through more trauma (Sam, Dean, or Cas)
I don’t like comparing trauma, because it deems some people’s suffering more valid than others’.
Objectively, Sam has gone through the most trauma (being caged for so long). But Dean has suffered too, in different ways.
17. What’s your favorite Supernatural episode?
Swan Song. Always Swan Song. I don’t wish the show had ended here, but it would have been a perfect finale.
18. Do you like case episodes?
Yes! The show was built on them. I especially like when they highlight some aspect of Sam and Dean’s current struggles. (in a subtle way, though)
19. Who do you relate most to in TFW?
Sam. I love my awkward, fish-out-of-water son.
20. Why do you like Supernatural?
Hmm...one of the things I appreciate most about it is the lack of romantically focused plots. The main characters are heterosexual life partners with no intentions of entering romantic relationships with other people.
That’s the other thing—Sam and Dean are the ultimate leads. J2 are perfect onscreen together. Their chemistry is what makes every stupid storyline, every forced plot point manageable, because it always comes back to them and their psychotic, irrational, erotic codependency.
I guess I could also mention that my passion for SPN was waning by the time season 12 wound down. Jack was what revitalized my love for the show in season 13—and prompted me to join tumblr and fandom! So yeah, I love the little nougat boy a lot too.
21. If you could bring back one character and kill off another who would they be?
Bring back? Original Bobby. He wasn’t perfect, but he was an excellent exposition machine, and someone for Sam and Dean to talk to besides each other. And he had some truly fantastic one-liners.
Kill? Anyone and everyone played by Mark Pellegrino. I’m so sick of his irrelevant storylines. It’s as if Buckleming is trying to create a Venom-style spinoff about a dude and his serial-killing eldritch horror boyfriend. (I’m down for whatever it takes to get him off my show, tbh!)
If Lucifer does come back this season, I’ll accept it only if Sam gets to kill him this time.
Tagging @to-the-lost-heroes to do this
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orionsangel86 · 8 years
12x10 - “Pterodactyl Screeching into the void” - Part 1
My title is borrowed from @postmodernmulticoloredcloak comment on my crazy blogging after first watching this episode earlier. I feel like it is a fitting title for how this episode made me feel. To clarify, these are very very happy pterodactyls.
Steve Yokey wrote this episode and he appears to have well and truly taken up the gap left when Robbie Thompson sadly left the show. In fact this episode to me channels the ghost of Robbie in many different ways. From the fanfiction-esque moments of poor suffering third wheel Sam, to the meta nod to Charlie Bradbury, there is much of Robbie to be found here. Basically, it was bloody perfect.
I feel like there is so much to talk about in this episode that fandom will be chewing on it for months if not years to come. Yokey has picked up the characterisations brilliantly, and seems to have an understanding of what the fandom desperately craves in terms of Castiel, his character, his personality and his development. I adored his sass in this episode. Some other writers *cough*bucklemming*cough* struggle to really capture Castiel’s sass and humour. Showing their lack of understanding of Castiel’s persona and his intelligence and instead writing him in a way that is jarring and sometimes basically stupid. Castiel is far from stupid. In this episode he was written perfectly, in a way I haven’t seen since Edlund’s time. Is that a sweeping statement? Maybe. But I’m still riding my high so let me have it this time.
This episode gave us three of my favourite things. Badass and Sassy Castiel, Overprotective grumpy husband Dean, and poor long suffering brother Sam. (baring in mind this is how they are usually written in fanfiction nowadays this is exactly my jam and I am so so happy to see it play out on screen. Seriously who sold their soul to Crowley for this episode?)
This review will also be in two parts. Because I have so freaking much to say about it.
The first part will focus on destiel, the second on everything else including Castiel’s emotional arc (as separate from destiel), his relationships with angels, angels and gender and Lily Sunder’s character.
I’m still struggling to contain my excitement over this. The episode begins with Dean feeling very pissy about what happened at the end of the last episode. Castiel killed Billy to save the Winchesters regardless of the “cosmic consequences”. Castiel stands his ground that he doesn’t regret his decision. Dean is acting like a sulking child over the whole thing. Sam is cool with it. Because Sam is cool. He is also extremely fed up with being caught in the middle of a lovers spat.
And that’s just it isn’t it? How else can you possibly read it? This is a lovers spat. I have read this in fan fiction enough times to know exactly how this story goes. Funnily enough, the episode also goes the exact way of fanfiction (except for the explicit bits of course) and that makes me love it even more..
We start with Dean grumbling about Cas’s inability to track down Kelly Kline. It’s left to Sam to bring up Cas and whether or not they have spoken yet:
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(gif source courtesy of @subcas)
We are 5 minutes into the episode, Sam is already so done, and I am having flashbacks to a fanfic I read recently… In fact I am pretty sure it was this one. 
No seriously read this extract pulled from this fanfic:
“Sam is witness to a lot of arguing, followed by one or both of them storming off in a huff. Long periods of excruciating silence stretch out between each altercation.  Sam never makes any move to intervene or get them to patch things up – Dean’s trying to figure out how to feel about that – but he always watches with careful concern and a raised eyebrow. Dean makes absolutely no effort to engage his brother on the topic, so he can only guess at what Sam makes of all this.
He tries to imagine what it must look like from Sam’s point of view – Dean getting irritated over nothing, sniping at Cas, fleeing without apologizing. Maybe Sam just thinks it’s all those perfectly reasonable aggravations, Cas being all up in his space and not backing off, Cas forgetting to refill the ice cube tray for the fifth time.
Then again, it’s Sam. It’s not like Dean doesn’t like Cas, or would get on his case so much even if he did, after all Cas has done for his sorry ass – even Dean’s not that much of a jerk. Sam must know that. He must know there’s something else going on. He probably understands exactly what Dean’s doing, maybe even better than Dean does himself.”
I mean COME ON. (also that is a awesome fic if you haven’t read it already… it gets pretty steamy further in the series. Cas is such a dom. Lmao.)
If we consider this entire conversation between Sam and Dean we immediately see a massive difference between their reactions to the Billy situation. Sam sees things objectively. He sees what Cas did, he knows that there could be bad consequences, but he understands that Cas did it for them, because he cared. He also respects Cas’s choice here and sticks up for him. Because Sam is not being unreasonable about his friends decision. Sam acts like a supportive friend. He gets it, it is his brother he is more fed up with.
Dean on the other hand is acting totally unreasonable. I haven’t even gotten to the conversation in the car when things start to get interesting because so far Dean is just being a jerk. Sam’s expressions tell us this straight away, before Cas even enters the scene. Why on earth would Dean act this way over a friend? He wouldn’t. It makes no sense. Just like in the fanfic I have quoted above. Something else is going on here, Dean is acting out for a completely other reason than what is apparent on first glance.
Once Cas does show up and things only get more awkward we get a brilliant moment which you can see giffed in its entirety here by @constiellation in which Sam is his poor awkward self stuck in the middle of a lovers spat that has been going on for the past week apparently. The way this moment calls back to 8x22 is completely thanks to the director Thomas J Wright knowing exactly what he is trying to show us in both episodes that poor Sam has been stuck in the middle of this domestic for years. (I should say a big thanks to @godshipsit for sending me the links to these posts since up until this point I have not been on my dash at all and therefore haven’t been gif hunting myself.)
The car scene drives home Sam’s terrible situation even further as he can’t even escape the immense *sexual* tension by moving to a different room.
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Whilst I am sure that the intense tension and poor Sammy’s discomfort has been a major focal point here, the bit that I found most interesting was this exchange about Benjamin:
“Benjamin wouldn’t call for help lightly, he wouldn’t put himself in harm’s way if he could help it.”
“Wow this Benjamin seems like he is pretty cool, like he wouldn’t make any half-cocked knee jerked choices.”
What sets Dean off here is that Castiel’s description of Benjamin talks about Benjamin not putting himself in danger. That is why Dean thinks Benjamin is a cool guy. This is what Dean is digging at. This is our first clue into Dean’s real feelings about the Billy situation. He is pissed that Cas has potentially put himself in danger.
Cas’s response only pisses Dean off more:
“Yeah you know what I like about him, he’s sarcastic but he’s thoughtful and appreciative too.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Enough that Dean almost crashes the Impala. This is practically unheard of. Cas and Dean are not on the same page at the moment. Cas thinks Dean is just being a jerk and unappreciative of his efforts, and Dean thinks that Cas is being too careless with his own life (which you can damn well talk Dean, making death deals last episode)
Then this scene gets even juicer as we get this story about Benjamin and his vessel. This is our first of three Angel/Human love stories in this episode (not including the forth and most important love story between Dean and Castiel of course).
Everything about the way Castiel describes Benjamin’s relationship with his vessel implies a romantic connection (“gave him everything, her trust, her body… its more than that, she’s not just his vessel she’s his…” “friend”.) It of course, is never explicitly said (and that is important) but I bet that the general audience picked up on THAT bit of subtext just from the way Sam said the word “friend” and isn’t that so interesting? How often has the word “friend” been used throughout the series to describe Dean and Castiel? Yet here it is being used specifically in a subtextual way to describe something completely non platonic.
Moving on to our next bit of destiel deliciousness is another moment of brotherly teasing.
The boys arrive at the diner to meet Ishim and Mirabel. Castiel’s sass is on point today with his “If I plan to do anything else stupid, I’ll let you know.”
Can I please take a moment to appreciate Sam’s face here: 
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(Gif source thanks to @godshipsit - you are a blessing Alex)
On top of that expression of absolute GOLD is this moment:
“and you’re gonna storm in riiiiiighht…. Now.” And omg Sam totally has no more fucks to give with his brothers bullshit. He can see right through Dean’s drama to how he truly feels. Dean may act pissy with Cas but the moment Cas may be in danger Dean is all like “oh HELL NO.” Five minutes. He lasted five minutes. I love overprotective embarrassing husband Dean it is MY JAM.
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 “These are my friends, my friends who don’t listen well”
*cue Dean practically sitting in Cas’s lap*
This is the best moment in the history of the show. Three grown ass huge men squeezing into a tiny diner seat. I LOVE IT. 
Ishim is such a tool, the way he speaks to Cas is awful but what is so so great is how Dean and also Sam stick up for him here. We so often seem to get Sam and Dean digging on Cas, talking him down and treating him like shit. The Winchesters are world weary and grumpy men and Cas often gets caught up in this. What we are shown here is just how defensive they get when other people try to do it. Because where the Winchester’s digging comes from a place of love, these angels nasty comments come from a place of hate. The Winchester’s won’t have it. 
Also SO MANY jokes to be had over the subtext of “no one talks to my husband like that BUT ME bitch” Oh DEAN.
Moving on to this beautiful flashback moment and our even more beautiful fem!castiel who wow what a good casting. But more on that in part 2. What I wanna talk about here is this moment:
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(gif source once again thanks to @godshipsit)
We have our second angel/human love story of the episode between Lily and Akabel, or at least what we are led to believe is an angel/human love story that resulted in the birth of a Nephilim. The truth being that Akabel has pledged himself to protect Lily from Ishim at all costs. By the end of the episode, we are actually given the impression that their love was platonic rather than romantic or sexual. Akabel’s confusion when Castiel reads out the accusations is evident of that, as is Lily’s reaction to Dean and Sam’s attempts at reasoning with her later on.
However going back to the above gifset, Akabel argues to Ishim and the angel group that “How could anyone know [humans] and not love them?” at which point the camera cuts to Castiel. This my friends, is a nifty piece of editing which Supernatural has used on many occasions to add to the growing mountain of destiel subtext. Why cut to Castiel at this point? Because Castiel is going to experience this himself later in his lifetime. (by knowing and subsequently falling in love with Dean Winchester of course).
The third angel/human love story is next and it is a worst case scenario, dark and twisted tragedy and a massive subversion of the Dean/Cas story. It explores how an angel fell ‘in love’ with a human, but that human didn’t return his affections and therefore the angel became cold and murderous and obsessed. Ishim is a horribly twisted and dark Cas mirror highlighting what Castiel’s actual weakness is. Because Castiel nowadays cares more for the Winchesters than the world itself. “cosmic consequences” mean nothing when the Winchesters (and more specifically Dean) are in danger. The difference between Castiel and Ishim is that Ishim takes his anger out directly on the woman he loves, whereas Cas would never harm Dean. He instead makes decisions which have put the world in danger. 
I mentioned this previously, but the dark foreshadowing here is rather horrible. We have a terrified Lily left powerless whilst Ishim makes her watch as he kills her child. Claiming that she “broke his heart” so he will “break hers”. This is extreme. Where Lily is our Dean mirror and Ishim is Cas, who is Lily’s daughter? Sam. We have already seen this situation play out with our boys previously. Castiel, hurt and betrayed that Dean wouldn’t stand by his side to open purgatory and stop Raphael, breaks Sam’s wall and leaves him comatose. Its not the first time that Sam has been the one to get hurt in a fight between Dean and Cas. In an episode where he has constantly been trying to play peacemaker between them, could it be that Sam gets caught in a much bigger situation that started between Dean and Castiel? That perhaps the “cosmic consequences” Billy spoke of somehow end up hurting Sam? How could such a situation harm Dean and Cas’s relationship? Leaving Cas cold and hating human’s and Dean on a revenge mission to rival Gerard Butler’s in Law Abiding Citizen? Hopefully not. But with the emphasis at the start of this episode on the lovers spat and Cas not thinking before he acts, rather acting on his emotional need to keep Dean safe, and Dean’s anger possibly also being about Cas’s supposed obsession with him putting Dean first before the world… well, its not looking good for our boys basically. But then again I did say this was worst case scenario. 
The next moment that made my heart leap thanks to the destiel of it all:
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(gif source thanks to @some-people-call-it-tragic )
This was preceded by a phone call that Dean made to Cas that only rang twice before his over protective nature kicked in and he ran back to the ‘safe house’ to go save his husband from Ishim. Leaving Sam to talk to Lily (its always Dean who goes back for Cas. Remember that.) After all the bitterness from the start of the episode, it is clear by this point that none of that matters if either of them are in danger.
“Who are you gonna believe? Your brother? Or some filthy ape?”  Ishim tries to make Cas choose him over Dean. Which is of course hilarious to anyone that has watched even just one Cas episode of the show.
“Always talking down at you, always mocking you”.
Whats great about this is how this is being said in front of Dean because Dean is getting called out here. Ishim has been nasty and rude to Cas all episode, IN FRONT OF DEAN. Through Ishim, Dean is able to see just what a jerk he has actually been. Its giving Dean the chance to think about his actions, because there is no way Dean will want to be put in the same boat as this asshole.
“Ya know Cas and I might not agree all the time, but at least he knows who his real friends are”
Look at these two badass hunting husbands forming a united front against the bad guy. Also “Friends” just like the “friends” of Benjamin and his vessel right?
Of course everything goes super bad after this and poor Cas gets beaten to shit by this absolute dick of an angel IN FRONT OF DEAN. All this crap that Ishim is coming out with is being said IN FRONT OF DEAN. Do you know why I love this so much? Because we have had crappy villains like Ishim saying this kind of shit to Cas since SEASON 9 and sometimes even earlier. Castiel has always just taken it, never said “no. You are wrong about me” and in the later seasons he has started to believe their words, adding to his depression and PTSD. He has been called weak and pathetic and expendable and a tool and every time he has been alone. We have never had Dean be there by his side to hear these words to argue against them. But that is EXACTLY what we get this episode. And it is ABOUT BLOODY TIME.
And then we get probably the most obvious moment for Destiel from the whole episode. To the point that if the general audience don’t see it now they are a bloody lost cause:
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(gif source @godshipsit AGAIN because I am Alex’s biggest fan)
SERIOUSLY THOUGH. Let;s do a nice simple logic puzzle with what we know is canon:
Metatron says Castiel’s “true weakness is revealed”
Metatron says that that his weakness is “He is in love… with humanity”.
Metatron says “You draped yourself in the flag of heaven, but it was all about saving one man”
Ishim draped himself in the flag of heaven, but it was actually all about getting revenge on one woman.
Ishim said that he was “in love” with that woman.
Ishim called that woman his “human weakness”.
Ishim says that Cas also has a “human weakness”
Ishim threatens to cut out Castiel’s “human weakness”
Ishim goes to stab Dean.
Therefore can we please, finally accept that it is CANON that Dean=humanity. That Castiel is IN LOVE WITH humanity and that therefore
Castiel is in love with Dean Winchester.
Now that we have accepted that this is canon. Lets move on to the very next scene. This:
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(gif source thanks to @codestielckles)
Now its Dean’s turn to get a choice. Blast away both angels, and Castiel will potentially die, or die himself. Of course Dean won’t do it. Dean would rather die fighting for Cas than risk Cas’s life. Ishim of course knows this to be true. “yeah, that’s what I thought” he says.
Also such an interesting shot of Cas looking at Dean in that moment because HOW MUCH does it remind you of that horrible moment from 10x22? What’s the betting that was also done intentionally? 10x22 was also directed by Thomas J Wright. This guy knows his stuff.
Thankfully Lily and Sam come in to save Dean from Ishim who really was just on a mission to kill Dean at this point probably because of his massive jealousy that Cas gets a human lover and he doesn’t.
Finally, probably the end scene we have been waiting for the past YEAR. The Winchesters actually TALKING to Cas and telling him what he NEEDS TO HEAR! I am all over this scene man I’m telling you I have been waiting for this I have been hoping and praying to Chuck for this! Dammit I am so happy about this!
“You’re not weak Cas you know that right?”
“Obviously you’ve changed, but its all been for the better.”
“And you’ve been with us every step of this long crazy thrill ride… and no matter how crazy it got, you never backed down”
“That takes real strength”
*sips Cas hater tears*
And THEN we get this beauty which sums up Dean’s attitude all episode. It kinda actually sums up Dean’s attitude throughout the whole fucking show:
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(Gif source thanks to @godshipsit again)
“I’m not mad, I’m worried.”
Exactly. Like how right at the beginning he picked on Cas after Cas mentioned Benjamin wouldn’t put himself in danger. Dean is worried about Cas. Dean is worried about his idiotic husband who cares more about saving him than he does himself and the world. Cas is blinded by his love for Dean. It is a problem and Dean ain’t happy about it. But it is all rooted in love.
And that’s it and I am exhausted!
I haven’t written so much meta on Destiel for one episode like EVER in my time in fandom. I doubt we have had an episode with THIS MUCH destiel in it since Goodbye Stranger. I can’t actually contain myself. Anyway, in summary. Destiel is canon. Destiel Exists. (Poor Jensen he must be so confused that season 12 skipped straight from episode 9 to episode 11) We have textual confirmation now (via a little bit of well applied but completely solid logic) that Castiel is in love with Dean and that Dean is an overprotective emotional mess when it comes to Cas being in danger (not that we didn’t know that already thanks to 11x18 among every other Cas-in-danger episode so far) This is undeniable.
Like I said in this episodes title. I am still pterodactyl screeching into the void about it. I don’t think I’ll stop going on about it for a long time yet.
I have more to say about this episode that is not specifically related to destiel coming up in part 2. Watch this space!
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hermionejean · 7 years
i just watched all along the watchtower and need to rant (about both the episode and season 12 in general) but i’ll put it under the cut so i won’t spoil anything for those of you who haven’t seen it yet
ok so first of all, let’s talk about deaths that fucking destroyed me:
1. cas, obviously. they better bring him back in s13, and i mean actually bring him back, not as a ghost or in flashbacks or whatever like they did with bobby.
2. crowley!! my man!! my dude!! what the fuck!! and mark said he isn’t coming back, so i guess that was the end of one of the best villains on the show.
3. rowena oh my god i absolutely loved her why did they kill her of??? i was so excited that she seemed to be making more appearances and i am absolutely heartbroken that she’s gone.
4. eileen fucking leahy. there was absolutely no reason to kill her off. i was thrilled that they brought her back for s12, but i would have rather they have left her out than killed her.
5. billie the reaper. whatever the consequences killing her and breaking the deal might have had obviously never happened.they just tried to pretend she never existed.
6. tasha banes. she didn’t get to live long enough for us to get to know much about her. she didn’t even survive five goddamned minutes of an episode. i’m highkey pissed.
i honestly feel like none of their deaths were necessary?? it was cruel to kill off cas, crowley, and rowena in the same episode. and of course, i’m really upset that spn has continued iys trend of killing off all the female characters.
now let’s talk about mary:
i was super pumped for her return, and I loved her in the first few episodes she was in. but as soon as she made the decision to leave...yikes. we’d previously been told she gave up hunting after she married john and would do anything to keep her family safe (including make deals with demons). it seemed to me that she would do anything to protect her family. so her leaving her sons alone and teaming up with the people who kidnapped and tortured sam was rather unbelievable to me. and the writers had to know this was a huge continuity error because they wrote an entire episode (asa fox) whose sole purpose appeared to be to alter mary’s character to that of someone much more ruthless who could never give up hunting. i thought they completely butchered her character and turned her into someone she never was. this made so many people hate her when they shouldn’t have. she wasn’t a bad person, she was a victim of poor writing and leaving her in the alternate world with lucifer was the last straw for me. if she ends up dead again i will be furious. i am disgusted that the writers took such a strong, complex, and amazing female character and absolutely destroyed her.
and now for the season 12 main villains:
1. the boml. really?? if you can’t think of a better villain than the fucking british, you should take that as a sign that your show shouldn’t continue.
2. lucifer. again, really?? if you have to recycle old villains because you’ve run out of new ones, you should take that as another sign your show needs to end.
3. lucifer’s kid. seriously, what the fuck. this was a stupid idea and shouldn’t have happened.
other things i didn’t like:
1. the nazi subplot. never liked it, never understood it, hope it never comes back.
2. exaggerating character traits that disappeared seasons ago. dean acted kind of gross and stupid a lot (ie: no swimsuit in the pool, wearing the same underwear for days) and flirted/slept with with more people than he had in ages. sam was constantly shown as a total nerd who was disgusted with dean’s behavior. it seemed like they were trying to make the characters act like they did in season 1, but they exaggerated it a lot more. maybe they were going for a comic effect, but i thought it was just annoying. sam and dean have matured and grown as characters and i think that was a really good thing. 
3. too much focus on the overarching plot. i really like standalone episodes, and was seriously disappointed there weren’t more of them.
anyway, i thought the entire season was rather poorly written. it was cringey to watch at times, and if i weren’t so emotionally invested in the characters i would have abandoned the show ages ago. 
as far as i’m concerned, spn probably should have ended about 6 seasons ago like it was supposed to. after season 5, the writers seemed to either completely give up or try too hard, and the plot has gotten more and more ridiculous as the years have gone by. at this point, they’ve run out of good villains, but they’re still convinced they need a Big Bad to make the show interesting. for me, that’s not true.
all i want is a season that doesn’t have an overarching storyline. i want completely independent episodes where the boys solve random monster cases like they did in season 1. i want the show to go back to its roots, to abandon the looming apocalypse plots, and to properly develop its characters.
i thought that was what season 12 would be. i thought the first few episodes would be them saving sam from the bmol and locking lucifer back in the cage, and the rest of the season would be sam, dean, cas, and mary healing together and working out how to be a family. i was severely disappointed. i can hope that season 13 will be like that, but i don’t think it’s likely.
though i still love the characters with all my heart, i don’t think i love the show anymore. i want to rewatch some old episodes so i can remember how it used to be and remind myself why i watched it in the first place. aside from the characters, it is pretty much unrecognizable from what it was originally. supernatural is no longer the show it once was, and what it is now is not the show i fell in love with. it’s had a good run, but i think it needs to end soon.
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