#seriously i only hc three people it have a car
us3rnam3-r3dact3d · 2 months
Fooliverse headcanons!!
All of these are likely to be disproven is Erik ever does more Fooliverse (please god please I need it) but idc. Lmk if y’all want my hc’s for any of your Fooliverse faves. ❤️❤️
Angel and Guy were adopted by Damien’s mom, Sophia when Angel was around thirteen. Being raised by Sophia tempered some of Angel’s attitude and goofiness. Damien, in turn, is a more timid and less outspoken. Having Sophia’s attention and pressure spread between the three of them let Damien develop with a less of a short fuse. Guy is also toned down, but he’s the rebel of them three. He insisted that the only thing he would study would be creative writing. Sophia demanded that, if she was going to pay for him to earn a degree in that, he would be the best of the best. He’s finishing his last year in college now, but has two novels published already. Angel went into politics and works with Sophia. Their focus is on human borns and informed unempowered people. Damien is in his final year at DAMN. He was a TA for a few elemental classes and is being considered for a position as a professor. Sophia made a powerhouse of a family who are each making waves in their field. Their personal happiness… well, that was never her concern.
Sophia actually introduced Angel to Asher hoping to arrange a relationship between them. Asher has a lot of respect and clout, and Angel, being an unempowered person in an empowered world, does not. Deeply embarrassed by Sophia’s meddling, Angel made it clear that they weren’t looking for a relationship with Ash. The two of them did become fast friends because of this incident. Angel did a few municipal favors for Ash and the Talbot pack, and he in turn kept their name on his lips when talking to higher ups. Eventually, Angel was invited to a solstice party and met Davey. They fell in love instantly. Sophia doesn’t approve, but Angel made it clear she could fuck off in regards to Davey. She got to control everything else on their life, after all.
Damien’s siblings know he’s queer, but he hasn’t worked up the nerve to tell Sophia. He’s been dating Huxley for a year, but every time he tries to talk to her about him, he clams up. Angel is running the “Sophia can kick rocks” club, which Huxley is the vice president of, but the anxiety that Sophia gives Damien is so intense he just shuts down. Huxley is trying to be patient.
Guy, on the other hand, proudly announced his first boyfriend in fifth grade and refused to hear anything about it. Sophia tried a lot to “course correct” with Guy, but he’s nothing if not stubborn. He’s always been the problem child, but Angel’s intense protectiveness of him stopped all of Sophia’s more extreme ideas.
Huxley is intensely competitive. His moms encouraged him to do everything with passion and purpose and he took that to its furthest extent. He takes his classes seriously, he takes his practices and games seriously, he even takes his friendships and relationships seriously. He knows what he wants and he works to earn it. This means he’s also pretty hard on himself when things don’t go his way. This isn’t because of anything his moms taught him, it’s just this intense, internal drive to be the best, and if he’s not, he is under the impression that it’s his fault. Damien’s working on unraveling that particular line of thinking.
Davey is a healer. Gabe was still in that car accident, and he was seriously injured, just not killed. His right leg was absolutely fucked and he lost a good portion of his stomach due to being impaled by a portion of the driving column. He faced a lot of issues with chronic pain while healing, and he uses a cane. Davey was intensely focused on his recovery, which is why he didn’t take the pack’s offer of being alpha when Gabe stepped down. Ash was the obvious next choice. Davey spent a lot of time with the healers, nurses, and doctors who worked with his dad, and they taught him a good deal of healing magic. Although he’s a shifter and doesn’t have access to a lot of what freelancers are capable of, he is incredibly talented at what he can do. He isn’t powerful enough to be a full time healer, but he is a certified paramedic and works part time with an empowered unit.
Pretty certain it was hinted at in vamp!Milo’s BA (“no loose ends” or something like that), but Marie is dead. She died when Milo was senior in high school. His dad was already gone and her loss devastated him. He was turned 18 a few weeks before and refused Gabe’s offer to stay with he and Davey. He sold her house, got rid of everything that reminded him of her, and gave every picture of her to Gabe before breaking from the pack. Those he couldn’t bear to destroy.
Smartass was actually Aaron’s boss. They came in after their predecessor, Ivan, was fired for inappropriate conduct against a new hire. Ivan had been spiraling and ineffective for months and had run their department to the ground. Aaron had been promised the position, but the higher ups decided their department needed a new start. He was pissed. Incredibly so. He hates them for months and months. And they seriously valued his experience and work. Through months and months of intense arguments and near bloody fights, the two of them beat their department back into shape. After they’d reached a state of stability, Smartass reached out to their old company and negotiated a much higher, much better position for Aaron. He was built for more than being a desk jockey. He took the job and took them out to dinner that night as a thank you. The rest is history.
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caitlynskitten · 9 months
Hi, I really love your blog! You seriously are amazing!
Um, I was just wondering if you have any random vampravenwolf headcanons? Anything you’ve just had on your mind for a while and wanted to talk about perhaps? Idk, just curious lol
Omg i miss writing these three so much. I need to get back into it cus I miss them sm 🥰
Vampravenwolf random HC
- Gomez and Morticia actually built that house for the trio in the middle of the woods. So the three can enjoy their lives together alone and not have to worry about neighbors.
- The moment the three comes home, Wednesday immediately goes into little space and wants to play with her mommy and daddy. Whether it’d be board games, hide and seek, playing with plushies etc. And no matter how tired Enid and Yoko are, they have enough energy to spend time with their baby Wednesday 🥰🥰🥰
- While I talk about the three a lot, there’s actually four people living in the vampravenwolf household! Because how can we forget Little Raven? Baby Wednesday’s best friend and partner in crime! I’d like to think Little Raven looks after the house. Somehow. While she can’t move and only speaks to Wednesday, she makes it her job to be the guard Raven of the household.
- The three share one car. The car is a hearse.
- Baby Wednesday can’t help but snacks and steaks cookies and other baked goods mommy has made. So Enid and Yoko has to put child locks on everything. This obviously makes baby Wednesday cry and the only way to resolve it is for Enid to give her a few cookies.
- The whole interior of the house is black. Like completely black. Just makes Yoko and Wednesday comfortable. For Enid to combat this, she has a dedicated colorful room that’s just exploding with pastel colors 💖
- When baby Wednesday is bored she’ll request werewolf rides from Enid. Enid of course can’t refuse because baby Wednesday gives her that look and the werewolf simply can’t refuse 🥺
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Zane: cause y'all really seem to like him!
Okay so as you all can probably guess Zane is pretty much my favorite character and I don't see this man getting enough love so how would you like some of my head cannons and such (reminder I've only watched through season nine + one episode of season ten)
-He's a really smart idiot like he can do extended algebra in his head, recite the entire history of Ninjago and analyze any problem with ease, but at the same time he'll forget not everyone can just do a google translate in their head and he'll casually say things like "Salt sugar same difference "
-He built in the appearance changer thing cause people (especially kids) were afraid of his really robotic look
-To go along with the last hc he only really shows what he really looks like in front of people he's really comfortable with
-He's either a really good or really bad flirt, it differs from day to day like one day he'll be like "Dang and I thought fire was hot" and the next he'll be like "You have very colorful eyes"
-He and Pixel have more of a sibling dynamic than anything else, people thought they were dating but they're both just like "Ew no that's my emotional support borhter/sister" (cause honestly in the show the last relativly romantic thing they did was in season three with the whole "comptable secen" and after that they're just kinda been buddies, like literally all hugs and fits bumps, it's honestly really sweet)
-He and Pixel dare each other on pretty much a daily basis to eat things that they really shouldn't, this ranges from small pieces of paper to literal glass, they do it purely to scare everyone else (I just learned it's Pixal btw, but I'm honestly not changing it I'm in too deep now)
-Zane often has trouble verbally displaying his emotions even when he has strong feelings about things, so most times it results in him doing something to show it whether it be stomping off, giving the silent treatment or just generally trying to display his emotions in other ways (the other ninja and co are pretty good at getting the signs)
-He has to be really cautious when freezing people because surprise surprise if you entrap someone in a full block of ice they WILL suffocate and die
-His power makes it so he can freeze or unfreeze most things so he could potentially freeze the water in someone's body, kinda like a water bender in avatar (cause honestly I feel like it would be more likely he had powers over temperatures since ice isn't really an element, but over time maybe people forgot what the power actually was, idk yo)
-He's probably stronger than your average person due to being a robot , not as strong as someone with super strength like Cole but still impressively strong
-He likes animated movies, and he's irritated by the notion they're only for kids
-He likes rock and metal music, in fact him and Cole share a lot of music taste and no one really understands how Zane likes that kind of music but they're not inclined to question it
-Lloyd has called him mom/dad on multiple occasions, he's honnored
-He never came out to anyone cause for him he just kinda existed and didn't really think much of it (for reference I'm a fan of the pan/trans hc's that I've seen around)
-He's the tallest member of the group and he's no allowed to join when they compare heights cause he towers over everyone with Nya being the closest
Zane's a plant mom, simple as that
-He has the coolest socks ever, like patterns colors you name it
-Ever since season 4 he's been terrified of loosing his memory cause it happened when he forgot his father than again in season 4 and so now he's terrified of loosing his memories again, in fact getting hit in the head or back (where his switch panel is if I'm remembering correctly) is something that stresses him out a whole bunch.
-Zane is literally the worst car driver ever, like seriously there's a reason he's always got a mech or the ship or literally anything other than a car
-He doesn't get hot or cold so it'll be the middle of the winter and he'll be wearing shorts
-Zane couldn't dance but Cole most definitely taught him
-He and Cole go on dates to museums cause Zane's a nerd and Cole's really nostalgic for it
In conclusion I think robot man deserves more love and affection and I have more head cannons for more of the characters cause this silly little ninja show has indeed become my hyper fixation.
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iheartsunset · 4 years
Wally hcs? also do you do drawing requests?
Papa Louie Wally Hcs
(YES someone finally suggested Wally headcanons, I’m crying tears of joy I love Wally sooo much. Also, I’m not confident in my artistic ability and I’m also trying to focus more on not failing AP bio, so I’m gonna have to say that I cannot do drawing requests. Thank you for asking though!)
-Wally is a 72 year old retired environmental scientist and fisherman who lives with his grandson, Mitch, in a Tastyville apartment. He’s one of the oldest people in Tastyville, as well as kindhearted and sweet, something that earns him the title of “everybody’s favorite grandpa”. When he isn’t silently watching his nephew’s shenanigans or knitting in front of the television, he’s off to Sakura Bay and Calypso Island for fishing trips with Koilee’s uncle, Minato, and a short tempered gamer nicknamed Poof (Poofesure helped me get back into Papa Louie I love that dude).
-Wally’s wife, Elisa, and his son, Matt, along with his daughter in law, Abby, all passed away in a rafting accident (yes those names are wii sports references). Wally and Mitch were devastated by this, but have recovered well over the years. Wally still misses his family every day, and he’s finally convinced Mitch to allow portraits and pictures of them to be hung around the house. Wally still wears his wedding ring too and talks to the pictures sometimes like Mitch does.
-His personality is that of a typical sweet old man. He’s also pretty dense and trusts everybody around him, making him gullible, too. He once even signed up for the Flipline Bachelorette in search for a new best friend, not understanding that it was a romance show (he still got to like the final 5 cause he was so sweet and everyone loved having him around). He doesn’t like to try to use slang or anything to be cool with the kids, but he will be there as a shoulder to cry on if they have any problems. Wally is also really into cars and architecture, always going on drives and appreciating the history and work put into certain structures. Around Papa Louie however, he grows strangely distant and doesn’t seem very open.
-I feel like he knows about Papa Louie and Guy Mortadello’s past. This is why he is wary about the Tacomia, but since it seems to make Mitch very happy, he begrudgingly allows it. As for Papa and Guy, Wally likes to avoid interactions with them out of fear, although the two have no intention of hurting Wally if he spills their secrets. Wally might also know something about exactly what Guy Mortadello puts in his meat pies and what exactly is behind Flipline’s cold disappearance cases, but good luck trying to get that out of him.
-If Mitch or anyone around him is too cold, he will just tell them to wait and then knit them mittens, scarves, hats, and sweaters. Edna does this too, so if you’re near them both, it’s just an endless sea of yarn all around you even though you just want to go home and watch tv. Mitch has about 134 scarves from Wally, and he wears them all the time.
-He used to be pretty wild in his youth, having multiple tales of him beating people up, vandalizing property, having his fair share of girlfriends all at the same times, and even worse crimes. He’s probably just joking and making these stories a lesson to not cause trouble, but Allan thinks he’s seen an old photo of Wally wearing a leather jacket and having greased back hair, all with a bike to match.
-Sometimes when Poof Copland with Tohru, Wally plays along. He doesn’t understand lots of the games and will always die first, but he still has lots of fun. He’s especially bad at Among Us and Dead By Daylight, definitely as an imposter or killer, and just either outs himself immediately or just lets survivors win. Tohru would kill anyone else for doing this, but Wally is basically her grandpa, so she allows it.
-He definitely always encourages Maggie and Nick to work hard and achieve their dreams.
-He and James used to fix cars together. Wally still occasionally visits James at the Cupcakeria or shop to talk about cars for the longest time. Mitch can’t tell a mustang from a station wagon, but Mitch will also listen to the conversations.
-Cooper likes to call Wally to ask him to kill spiders for him. Wally doesn’t kill them, just lets them outside.
-Wally is absolutely beautiful and perfect and I love him he is the best sorry Taylor sorry Prudence sorry Koilee Wally is always my #1 favorite
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miekasa · 3 years
Mie, I’m begging for some Jean college au bf hcs - im literally so down bad for this man and the way you write men is just 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻
Absolutely, not a problem 😌 I saved this ask as a draft a while ago when you sent it, sorry for just now getting to it. Anyway, I love Jean with my whole heart, best boy, best boyfriend <33
King of forehead kisses, and not even just because of his height in comparison to yours; he just likes it. He likes the feeling of pressing his lips against your skin, and making you feel safe.
Brings you tea or coffee however you like it every day without fail. If he can get it to you in the morning before work/school then he’ll do that, if not he’ll meet you some time in the middle of the day to drop it off. Your own personal courier just for drinks.
He… has a thing for long(er) nails. He loves the feeling of them against his skin, even if you’re not scratching to apply pressure—just you holding his hand them grazing his skin is enough for him.
That being said, he will pay for you to get your nails done. Actually, he’ll pay for… almost anything you want, but the nails benefit him as much as they do you so feel free to ball out.
He never blowdries his hair because he doesn’t... know how to do the back of it. You did it for him once and he hasn’t stopped thinking about it since, but he’s also too embarrassed to ask you to do/style it again.
On the subject of hair, he does do his best to style it and take care of it, but he’s a sucker whenever you play with it. Sometimes he feigns like you’re messing up all his hard work, but he’ll literally crane his head into your touch. He loves it. 
The first time he lays on top of you and you run your hands through his hair... top 10 most euphoric moments of his life. He tries to fight off the sleep threatening to take over him, but it’s futile. Give it 15 minutes at most before he’s knocked out like a baby. 
Dogs love him. Anytime you’re in a park or just taking a walk and there’s a dog around, it’ll come up to him and he looks adorable leaning down to pet it. He loves dogs, too! So he’s always happy to stop and pet them. He’d be a 10/10 dog dad. 
Has your name saved in his phone with two hearts at the end. Do not point it out.
Loves taking pictures together and if you guys are on a date, he’ll ask someone to get a picture for him. He just likes having them to look back on (and to send to his mom, later).
He doesn’t mind painting classes or videos or tutorials, but he hates paint by numbers kits. He claims that they have no sense of color theory and that it takes the originality and fun out of painting. Not to mention the quality of the paints isn’t great to begin with; all of which he takes very seriously.
It’s pretty cute actually, to see him get worked up over the paint kits. He claims that painting and drawing isn’t even something he takes “that seriously,” it’s just a hobby for him (one he’s insanely good at); but in moments like these, you can tell that he’s way more into art and art theory and history than he lets on. 
Huge movie guy, from animated movies to martial arts movies, Jean is usually willingly to give anything a watch at least once. When he’s high, he can go on about his favorite directors and art styles and movie details for hours if you don’t stop him. It’s super cute. Just don’t bring up Moana, because he’ll start crying. 
Arm around the shoulder kind of boyfriend for sure. It’s a casual way of keeping you near him and letting everyone know that you guys are together. Plus it allows for him to easily pull you into him for a quick forehead kiss when needed.
Listen. If you hug his arm, he’s on cloud nine. He tries to be nonchalant about it but he’s about three seconds away from his eyes rolling back in his head it feels that good to him. Bonus if you lean your head on his bicep a little—then he’s a goner.
He takes his bagels very seriously and believes that both you and him deserve nothing but the best quality bagels. He’ll grumble if a bakery gives you guys a less than favorable one and make a note that taking the long route to get to his favorite place is much more worth it.
Always makes you walk on the side furthest from the cars. If he notices you’re not, he’ll just shuffle behind you until he’s shouldering the street and you’re on the inside. 
He grew up on a kind of modern ranch situation; not exactly all the way in the countryside, but not isolate from the city, either. Because of this, he knows how to ride horses, take care of smaller farm animals, tend to plants, and yes he knows how to use a lasso. You wouldn’t know any of that though, because he never ever talks about it. The only way you find out is when he takes you to visit his mom’s house for the first time, and she asks him for a hand around the place. 
(He’s got a cowboy hat, too, but refuses to put it on. He got it when he was, like, nine, okay, leave him alone). 
When he thinks you look tired, he’ll wrap his arms around your shoulders to hug you. It’s usually followed up with a kiss to your head, and a promise that you guys will go home soon and get food on the way. 
He’s a really good cook. He just understands and flavors and pairings really well, so he doesn’t need a recipe to make something that tastes good; he just kind of knows what to add to get the balance he’s looking for. 
Naturally, he’ll cook for you. Especially if he finds out that you haven’t eaten all day/in a long time. He doesn’t care if it’s 11pm and it might seem excessive to make steak and potatoes with a side salad at this hour, he’s gonna do it to make sure you eat, and you are going to sit there and watch. 
He also bakes pretty well, though he isn’t as experimental with his baking as he is with his cooking. He usually sticks to what he knows, and it’s not cupcakes and brownies and cakes; he’s better at croissants, and cheesecakes, and canelés. 
Dating Jean means getting along with his friends. If you guys didn’t know each other before you started dating, be prepared to be ambushed by Connie and Sasha (after Jean stops hiding you away and gives them the green light lmfao). Neither of them waste time with the small talk and formalities; straight into mini golfing and beer pong. They make you feel welcome right away.
Sasha always teases that you’re too good for Jean, and that she might just steal you away for herself some day. Sasha is also Jean’s main confidant, so she really knows just how much he loves you, and yeah, she teases him for being lovesick, but really she’s happy for Jean. And proud of him for facing his feelings like this. 
Connie adores you, and you know he trusts you when he starts going to you for advice/help. Could be anything from schoolwork, to what color he should get his new shoes in. He’s also the one who, surprisingly, you have the sentimental talks with about your relationship with Jean. It’s easy to overlook, but Connie loves Jean, and he’s come to love you too; he just wants you both to be happy, so he’s there to listen when you need it. 
Jean waits outside of your classroom after you’ve had a test or presentation, usually with a drink or a snack, or the promise of taking you out as a treat. Always tells you he’s proud of you, and is there to comfort you if you think you didn’t do too well. 
He does not shut up about whatever major you’re in. It could be the same as his; it could be the complete opposite as his. He thinks it’s so sick that you’re doing it, you make it look cooler, you make it look better, and he’s certain you’re the smartest person in your program. 
He’s pretty serious about his studies, too, so he’s always down to study with you in the library whenever you’re both free. More often than not, he shows up after you, usually with food or extra chargers. He greets you with a kiss on the forehead, and asks you how you are while massaging your shoulders gently. If it’s been a while since you took a break, that’s the first item on the list, after that, he gets to work and stays with you until you’re ready to go, even if he doesn’t have as much work to do. 
He always sits across from you. This goes for when you’re in the library, or out to eat at a restaurant; Jean loves sitting across from you. He gets to see your face the best that way, and he adores looking into your eyes when you talk. 
He’s not... not a morning person. He’s not up at 6am ready to grind, but he wakes up before noon; let’s say 10am is his happy medium. That being said, if you wake up before him, regardless of the time, there’s a 9/10 chance he’ll lay on your back and tell you to hush so you guys can sleep for 10 more minutes. 
If you’re (close) friends with Eren, Mikasa, and Armin, Jean is... happy you’ve got people to rely on, but, “Of all people on the planet, you put your trust in Jaeger?” He acts so bitter (because he is), but deep down inside, he’s glad you have Eren to rely on if you need to. 
(Also, you have to humble him and remind him that he and Eren aren’t all that different. If you like him, why wouldn’t you get along with Eren, bye). 
Turns out though, that it’s not Eren who threatens to beat him up if he breaks your heart. It’s not even Mikasa, although, her threat goes without saying; it’s Armin he’s terrified of.
The last time Armin hated someone, it was this guy in your program, who happened to share a few mutual classes with him, too. Jean never knew the full story, just that he’s pretty sure that kid dropped out the following semester. 
If you have a job on campus, Jean usually doesn’t show up while you’re working (knowing how embarrassed he would be if you did that to him), unless you work the night shift and it’s dead. Connie, however, does show up; usually in some kind of crisis (“Please help me, I don’t know what the fuck APA formatting is and this is due tonight, please, please, please!!”). Your coworkers actually thought Connie was your boyfriend for a minute. That’s when Jean starts showing up more lmfao.
He makes it a point to go on a scheduled, night out, kind of date at least twice a month. He knows life gets busy with school and work and midterms, but he always makes sure you both set side a time to take a well-deserved break and be with each other. 
He’s the romantic type, so these dates are pretty swoon worthy, too. Drive-in movies, nice dinners, classy art exhibits, Jean plans it all. On that note, he really likes planning dates; he just doesn’t like talking about them with his friends beforehand. 
All in all, very romantic, very precious boyfriend. He’s always thinking about you, what you need, and how he can help you out. You’re one of his main priorities, and he just wants to treat you right. 
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MC’s Half Demon and They Look Awfully Familiar
(Part 3! Starring Mini Mammon and Mini Asmo!)
Part 1 Part 2 Lessons 1-5 Underground Tomb special Group Retreat Lessons 10-12 Part 4
MC names:
Lucifer’s kid=L!MC | Mammon’s kid=M!MC | Asmo’s kid=A!MC
Why did bad things happen to good people? Well... Lucifer being a good person is up to interpretation. He hadn’t done anything too heinous recently, his instruments of torture were collecting dust for goodness sake! So why oh why was he staring down two half demon children who looked suspiciously like two of his brothers?
The first kid to step forward was Mammon’s without a doubt, but their general demeanour was very different from their father’s. Perhaps their other parent had done a good job-
“What the fuck was that?!”
Never mind. The kid had Mammon’s pottymouth.
The other child surveyed the scene with a nervousness that their suspected parent never possessed. The kid’s gaze fell on Lucifer, their eyes began to glow ever so slightly. “Uh-um...” the kid cleared their throat. “Someone explain what’s going on!”
Was this child seriously trying to use manipulation powers on Lucifer? He almost laughed at the mere idea of someone trying. The child didn’t even seem to be aware that they were doing it. When their question was met with blank stares, they instantly shrank back and practically hid behind the first half demon. Despite the severe self-esteem difference, this kid was Asmodeus’.
Lucifer’s own child cleared their throat and smiled. “Welcome to the Devildom!”
The Uncle That Looks Like he Has his Shit Together but he Leaves the Reunion Drunk off his Rocker (Lucifer)
Ah shit here we go again-
Okay- okay. Normally he’d scold L!MC for taking Diavolo’s line, but Dia had recovered from his shock and was now gushing over the new exchange students like an excited puppy.
“Okay... L!MC you’re going to need to share your room.”
“What?! Why?!”
“Unless Belphie is willing to give up the attic as a nap spot-”
“You’re sharing your room.”
RAD was buzzing with gossip for the entire first month of the second attempt at the exchange program. The threats of being eaten were once again stamped out very quickly.
(Special thanks to L!MC for being a good bodyguard)
Now, Lucifer didn’t exactly know what to expect when it came to the child of his favourite brother. Mammon was a dumbass, but this kid... this kid...
Was smart.
For the first time in Lucifer’s very long life he felt compelled to place someone in a higher echelon than himself.
Mammon’s child managed to successfully budget that dumpster fire of a house. On the first fucking day. Not only that. This kid managed to skim FIVE THOUSAND GRIMM OFF THE TOP AND THE BUDGET STILL WORKED! WHAT KIND OF BULLSHIT-
Lucifer and Mammon thanked whatever spirit was watching over them because they truly believed their financial woes were over.
Shame that M!MC also spent their money on dumb stuff they didn’t need. Like father like child.
It’s no secret that Lucifer does have a bit of a soft spot for Asmo, I mean, who doesn’t love Asmo? But A!MC was a blessing sent right from the Celestial Realm.
They were just... too sweet. Way too sweet. Lucifer was actively getting cavities just being near them.
Anyone who bothered A!MC and M!MC during the first month ended up getting... uh... suspended.
(We can assume the threat of suspension would have extended to those who bothered L!MC but all the lesser demons were already terrified of them.)
Normally when Lucifer called someone into his study it was to lecture them for at least four hours and then send them to their rooms, but he was having quite the difficult time actually being upset with M!MC and A!MC.
A!MC looked close to tears and M!MC just stared right back at Lucifer with little to no fear in their eyes.
“Starting a fight during the first week of school is not how I expected the exchange students to behave.” Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose, and prepared to continue the lecture, when he heard a sniffle. There wasn’t enough Demonus in the entire Devildom...
“I-I’m s—sorry...” A!MC sniffled, quickly wiping at their eyes. “Th-they were being r-really scary and we did-didn’t know what else to do...”
“So you threw them out of a window?”
“I threw them out of the window.” M!MC huffed. “They were bein’ a dick.”
“So you threw them out of a window?”
“That um...” A!MC mumbled. “That’s not all... I may have... told them to stick their head in a toilet first...”
“You made them stick their head in a toilet,” Lucifer turned to M!MC. “And then you threw them out of a window?”
“Yes.” M!MC and A!MC replied. Lucifer downed the rest of his glass of Demonus and debated whether or not it would be a show of weakness to slam his forehead into the desk in front of the children.
Lucifer looked between the two for a moment, then shook his head and sighed. “It’s my job to deal with threats to the exchange students, not yours.” Lucifer stood in front of the two, he rested his hands on their heads and gave them a quick pat, before knocking their heads together. “Next time someone bothers you, tell me. If I hear even a whisper of you two getting into another fight, I’m hanging you from the ceiling. Is that clear?”
A!MC and M!MC looked at each other, then back at Lucifer and nodded. “Yes sir!”
“Good.” Lucifer removed his hand from their heads. “Now shoo.”
Flying lessons for the two of them went way quicker than it did for L!MC, mainly because L!MC was a way better teacher.
As much as Lucifer loved his newly found niblings, he couldn’t show it too much. Outward softness was reserved for L!MC and L!MC only. M!MC and A!MC were stuck with silent acts of affection.
Every once and a while a little present or two would end up in M!MC or A!MC’s possession. Some ice cream money for M!MC when they blew their part of the budget on fancy sunglasses, a multiplayer video game that the three half-demons could play together, new shoes when A!MC accidentally ruined their’s...
He’s a good uncle. A scary uncle. But a good uncle. ^_^
(Don’t tell him I said that, I’m still in trouble for advertising Mammon’s escape Go Fund Me and I don’t want to have to write the rest of this HC hanging upside down.)
He’s Not Like the Other Dads, he’s a Cool Dad! (Mammon)
He’s a dad?! HE’S TO YOUNG TO BE A DAD! Hang on- he’s over five thousand years old...
Oh would you look at that! His kid pulled out a calculator.
...his annual income? Uh... why do you- HEY! WHAT’S WITH THAT FACE?!
M!MC puffed out their cheek as they continued to add the ever growing list of numbers into the calculator. Mammon was trying to get a peak at what they were calculating. M!MC suddenly looked up and practically lit up the room with their smile. Aw, their fangs were growing in!
They had a devilishly charming smile, just like their pop! A real chip off the old block! It almost brought a tear to Mammon’s eye and he actually felt compelled to give this kid all the money he had on him. Maybe even his Rolex too!
“Mammon, Avatar of Greed,” M!MC said sweetly. “My... dad.”
“Yep! That’s uh... that’s me!” Mammon awkwardly ruffled his kid’s hair, the kid laughed good naturedly.
M!MC’s sweet as honey smile flipped from elated to malicious in a manner of nanoseconds. “You owe over thirteen years of child support. Dad.”
Everyone say thank you to Lucifer and Diavolo for getting M!MC to compromise and not try and sue their father.
If you thought Mammon spoiled L!MC you’ve got another thing coming. Mammon’s wallet never stood a chance against his kid.
Poor Goldie, press F to pay respects.
Mammon also tried to teach A!MC and M!MC to drive, M!MC has no regard for their safety, the safety of others, or the laws of the road, buuuuuuuut they manage to get the car back with no dents and no property damage bills are being delivered to the house sooooo...
A!MC can drive fine... it’s just that they adhere to literally every law known to demonkind, which means neither Mammon or Asmo are allowed to open up the sunroof and do that movie thing where they pop their heads out and yell something. ITS NOT SAFE!
Our beloved dummy also tried to teach his kid how to play poker, with... limited success.
“Aw, come on kiddo.” Mammon smirked, flicking his kid on the nose. “Your poker face is awful, I can also see your cards from here.”
M!MC growled and held their cards closer to their face. “My poker face is fine!” It was in fact, not fine.
Mammon scratched his head and thought for a moment. Was he sure that this kid was his? I mean, they weren’t good at poker, had terrible luck in blackjack and roulette, and could barely understand the rules of craps. Craps! While he was lamenting the loss of possible gambling winnings, an idea hit Mammon at a thousand miles an hour.
“Hey kid, you’re damn good at math like your great and amazin’ father, have you ever thought about learnin’ how to count cards?”
Fancy outfits on, hair done (sorta), car ready, the two were off to the casino after quite the intense training montage. It appeared that casinos in the Devildom allowed children inside... Diavolo should really fix that.
“Okay M!MC, you remember what to do, right?”
“Yes. Remember the signal, and if someone catches on, deny deny deny.”
Mammon gave his kid a slap on the back. “Damn straight! You got this, bud.”
As the night dragged on, M!MC and Mammon had made their weight in money, paper money, they had made a SHIT ton is what I’m saying. Tragically, neither the Avatar of Greed or his child had any sense to leave before their luck crashed like the Stock Market in 1929.
They were both Icarus, and they were playing chicken with the sun... and by 3 am they were also playing chicken with security.
“GO GO GO!” Mammon shouted as he and M!MC sprinted towards the car, the night’s winnings in hand.
“I think I lost a shoe!” M!MC gasped as they scrambled into the car, security on their heels.
“I’ll buy you new shoes JUST PUT ON YOUR SEATBELT!”
Re-enacting every Fast and the Furious movie in twenty minutes was how that lovely night of father/child bonding should have ended... until they got home and realized they were locked out.
“The window to my room!” M!MC whispered, pointing up at their window. “It’s usually unlocked, we can climb up to get to it.”
“Good idea!”
M!MC tucked the bag full of their precious money under their arm and began the climb to their window, their father close behind. They had almost made it, they were so close, M!MC could literally touch the window-
The window swung open and the smiling faces of L!MC and A!MC greeted them.
“Oh my, it looks like we have some delinquents breaking curfew~.” L!MC cooed, resting their head on their hand.
“You shouldn’t be gambling this late! A-and your accessories don’t match!” A!MC huffed.
“Oi! L!MC, A!MC! What are ya doin’ up this late! It’s not good for ya!” Mammon whisper-yelled.
“My sleep schedule should be the least of your concerns right now, right A!MC?” L!MC elbowed A!MC, who nodded enthusiastically.
“Yep! Those who break curfew are hung from the ceiling by their toes.” A!MC shuddered.
M!MC rolled their eyes and stuck out their hand. “Come on L!MC! Let us in! You should listen to your older cousin!”
Upon hearing M!MC pull the older cousin card L!MC smiled deviously, grabbing both of M!MC’s hands. “Of course, dear cousin.” They leaned in. “Long live the king!”
L!MC shoved M!MC downward, Mammon caught them, but lost his own grip and they both lost hold of the money, which fell out of the bag and onto the ground like snow. Paper snow...
Oh well, at least Mammon and M!MC landed in some of the bushes...
“Ya know,” Mammon said as the money fell around them. “I’ve had dreams where this has happened.”
“Wow,” M!MC smiled. “Me too!”
Yep. This was his kid alright.
Not all his father/kid time revolved around money, it also revolved around both of them trying to avoid horror movie night without making it look like they were chickening out.
“Okay, I’ll fake a medical emergency!”
“Kid, no! They’ll never believe that!”
Since A!MC had their father’s eye for fashion and none of the judgemental comments, the kid became Mammon’s unofficial style coach.
“U-um... I hate to say it but those shoes don’t match with the rest of the outfit, the silhouette is confusing...”
“What’re ya talkin’ about? I look fantastic!”
“Are you blind? You look like a thrift store threw up on you.”
“Who invited you, Asmo?!”
“I’m here to support A!MC! You’re doing great by the way, sweetie!”
He may have cried a little when M!MC was able to fly without help... sniffle... they grow up so fast...
Oh- oh fuck they both crashed into the tree-
Oh My God he Actually Showed Up?! (Levi)
That... that couldn’t be real life! A shut-in’s worst nightmare! More people he needed to talk to!
Considering Mammon and Asmo’s track record with taking care of his things, Levi was incredibly hesitant to invite the two to binge anime with him and L!MC.
It seemed that the two normies inherited their fathers’s level of respect for closed doors. What I’m saying is the two crashed anime night.
“I have never seen such bullshit before.”
M!MC’s hands were stuffed in about five pairs of socks each, effectively turning their hands into useless nubs.
“You be quiet! This is to make sure that you don’t take any of my things and try and sell them on Akuzon!” Levi hissed, turning back to make sure his figurines were safe from the mini Mammon. A!MC was standing awkwardly next to L!MC, who was sitting in Levi’s gaming chair reading manga.
“So what are we going to watch..?” A!MC piped up. “I haven’t really watched much anime but I did watch Digimon...”
“I was more of a Beyblade kid.” M!MC hit their sock-stumps together to make a thumping noise.
Levi looked like he was ready to have a stroke. “L-listen! Those are gateway anime! You two need to watch proper anime! Non-dubbed anime!”
A!MC let out a shriek and stared at their reflection in a very shiny looking gundam figurine. “Have I been wearing off colour lip gloss the entire day?! O-oh no... I’m a mess!”
Levi let out a strangled wail and snatched the gundam out of A!MC’s hands. “D-don’t touch that! It’s worth more than a house!”
“It is?!” M!MC perked up and tried to wrestle their way out of their sock-gloves.
“Don’t make me stick you in a straight jacket...” Levi growled. He turned to L!MC with a pleading look on his face. “Please make them stop...”
L!MC grinned deviously and closed their book. “Of course I’ll help you, if we watch season two of The Promised Neverland.”
Levi shrieked and nearly pulled out his hair then and there. “It’s manga divergent! MANGA DIVERGENT! THEY SKIPPED SO MANY ARCS!”
M!MC and A!MC continued to wreak both purposeful and accidental havoc on Levi’s room, he was just about ready to summon Lotan then and there when L!MC shrugged.
“The ball’s in your court, Levi.” L!MC leaned back in the chair and resumed reading their manga.
Levi’s willpower shattered the moment he heard something fall off one of his cabinets. “WE CAN WATCH WHATEVER YOU WANT JUST MAKE THEM STOOOOOP!”
Quick as a flash, L!MC was out of the chair and had both M!MC and A!MC by the ears.
M!MC and A!MC became the most well behaved children in the Devildom after that... and L!MC and Levi got to watch their anime in peace.
Okay, Levi wasn’t heartless, he loved his lame normie niblings. They were just very very loud...
Though, M!MC was very good at finding merch for way lower prices... and A!MC actually really liked some of the anime they watched... Maybe they weren’t so bad.
M!MC’s attempts to budget that financial dumpster fire of an otaku was not going well, at least until M!MC convinced Lucifer to dangle concert tickets in front of Levi like a carrot on a stick until he agreed to do his best to stay within the monthly budget.
Levi had learned his lesson from L!MC’s flying lessons and steered clear of them, but luck was not on his side. The ONE time he willingly stepped outside of the house...
Both M!MC and A!MC crashed right into him.
The Uncle With the Cat You Never See and Aren’t Really Allowed to Pet. (Satan)
Oh fuck him sideways the house was going to be so much louder... Say goodbye to his quiet reading time...
On the bright side, the look of pure disbelief and exhaustion on Lucifer’s face gave Satan the biggest rush of serotonin he’d ever had in his life.
To be honest, he got on well with Asmo, and he... well it’s Mammon.
Could have been worse.
Could have been ANOTHER child of Lucifer.
“So... who do you think did it?” M!MC asked as the opening to the fourth episode of the murder documentary they were watching began. “I think it was the sister.”
“On what evidence do you make that assumption?” Satan asked.
M!MC shrugged. “Chick’s shifty.”
“I um... I think they disappeared on their own accord.” A!MC murmured. “I mean, so far it seemed the two’s home lives sucked...”
“Good theory.” Satan nodded to himself. “But both of you are wrong, it was very clearly the mother and the neighbour.”
“On what evidence do you make that assumption?” L!MC asked, imitating Satan’s voice. Detective Toe Beans was sprawled out on their lap.
Satan glowered at L!MC and leaned over to scratch Bean behind the ears. “The step-mother and neighbour are backing up each other’s alibis and they have a motive, access to a possible murder weapon, and a way of disposing of the corpses.”
L!MC rolled their eyes. “That’s a load of crap. It was just the step-mother. The mother had the motive, she and the father were on the outs, she wanted the father’s inheritance all to herself so she got rid of his kids.”
“How many more episodes of this are there?” M!MC asked. “This seems like a really dragged out way of just saying: I don’t know.”
“Sh! They’re explaining possible corpse disposal methods!” Satan hissed.
The four of them traded theories until the documentary series eventually ended with an unsatisfying ‘we dunno’.
“This is such shit...” M!MC muttered. “How have they managed to fill eight episodes with all these leads and evidence and the case is still unsolved?!”
“It’s because everyone involved was incompetent and stupid.” Satan sighed.
“You know,” L!MC smirked. “With all the true crime stuff the four of us watch, we could create the perfect crime.”
“We really could.” M!MC nodded in agreement.
“Using A!MC’s powers no one would suspect us...” Satan rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
“Uh...” A!MC shifted uncomfortably. “On an unrelated note... I’m going to go...”
As A!MC scampered out of the room, L!MC turned to Satan and M!MC.
“There’s always the one weak person in the group who’s not down with murder.”
“A sad truth.”
“Hang on I thought we were talking about theft or something-”
Satan and M!MC are surprising study buddies, hell, they even help Mammon study. Or... it’s more accurate to say that they try to help Mammon study.
A!MC is good company, they’re quiet when they read, unlike most people in the house who felt the need to provide commentary on every single event that occurs in the book.
After proving to be quite useless in L!MC’s flight lessons, he just reminded the two new half demons to wear protective padding.
The Hot Single Dad That’s In Every Romcom That Features a Child (Asmo)
Oh... his... father... HE WAS A DILF NOW-
He practically vaulted out of his seat to coo and fuss over his new found hellspawn, they were just SO CUTE!
Their wings were just like his! So adorable! Oh and those little horns! They were so cute Asmo just might have combusted then and there.
Of course, he couldn’t combust without finding out which of his flings had made such an adorably shy mini-him.
“Ah! I remember that party!” Asmo squee-ed as he looked at a picture of A!MC’s parent. “They looked so hot in that outfit I swear I was completely-”
“Asmodeus.” Lucifer grumbled. “That’s a child in front of you.”
“Oh! Right! Mind if I call your ren, A!MC?” Asmo asked, ruffling their kid’s hair. “I want to see if they remember me fondly!”
As Asmo chattered with A!MC’s parent about just how adorable and perfect their kid turned out, Asmo leaned over to A!MC to ask a question.
“A!MC, I know this is sudden but how do you feel about getting a sib-”
“Tsk. Rude.”
It’s safe to say Asmo adores his kid. I mean, they’re 50% him, how could he not.
He didn’t exactly have experience with the whole... being a big part of his kids’s life thing. Sure he held the unofficial record for most kids but that was because effective birth control hadn’t been invented at the time when he was allowed to run rampant in the human world, not because he was an A+ dad.
None of that mattered! He was going to be a 10/10 dad to A!MC!
They were so shy... so... mouse-like...
“Um... dad?” A!MC awkwardly twiddled there thumbs as they stood in the doorway to their father’s room. The sweet smell of whatever essential oil was being spread with the diffuser did next to nothing to calm the poor half-demon’s nerves.
Asmo popped his head out of his walk-in closet with a sparkling smile. “Yes, child of mine?”
“I um, just wanted to ask...” A!MC was desperately trying to stave off an oncoming stutter-spiral. “H-h-how- *ahem* how do- ugh...”
A!MC steeled their face and straightened their posture.
“How do I be confident like you?!” They blurted that out a little too loud for comfort, but Asmo’s near-immediate joy quashed any embarrassment A!MC was feeling.
“You want to be like little ol’ me?” Asmo gushed, clearly trying to hide just how flattered he was. “Well, of course you do! Your dad’s got your back. So first what we’re going to do-”
The Avatar of Lust had done the stereotypical early 2000s movie makeover many times before, but never with so much enthusiasm. His kid’s style was fine, it wasn’t a lack of pizazz either, it was the lack of confidence in the pizazz.
“Okay, now stand up straight.”
A!MC straightened their back as much as they could.
“Perfect! Chin up, shoulders back, and there you go!”
A!MC didn’t look too different on account that Asmo felt like their fashion sense was perfect, but dear not-old dad coached MC on a new walk, better posture, and Asmo filled their arms with about seven boxes of self-care supplies.
“What’s all this for?” A!MC asked, shifting the weight of the boxes slightly so they could actually see their dad.
“That, A!MC, is all the stuff you need to have confidence.” Asmo explained. “It’s not required of course, but it sure does help.”
“I’m not sure I follow...”
“Oh sweetie, it’s simple really. When you take care of yourself, you feel better, and when you feel better, you look better, and when you look better and feel better, your confidence skyrockets!” Asmo shifted some of the boxes A!MC was carrying around so they could stand up straighter and not be held down by the weight of the self-care arsenal. “Good posture stops your back from hurting, dressing decently helps you feel better about your appearance, as does taking care of your skin, aaaaaand all this will culminate in you being your best!”
A!MC still looked a bit skeptical, but they nodded anyway.
“Remember MC!” Asmo said as he led MC back to their room to help them sort their new stuff. “Confidence in yourself doesn’t happen overnight, so don’t let Mammon try and sell you a fix-all potion because it’s just boiled Gatorade.”
“O-okay- wait did you just say-”
“Yes, boiled Gatorade.” Asmo shuddered. “Let’s not talk about that.”
Dear uncle Asmo? A financial dumpster fire?! It’s more likely than you’d think.
Sure, Asmo’s got a job and makes his own money, but Geez Louise... one demon does not need that much hand cream! Or that many questionable Akuzon packages that everyone is too afraid to touch...
M!MC had their work cut out for them is what I’m trying to say.
Of course... once M!MC realized what a lost cause getting Asmo to stop with the obsessive bath bomb purchases was and a few too many insults were thrown at M!MC’s dear dad... some of Asmo’s things went uh... “missing”
But would you look at that! No one went over-budget!
Even though their dads have a fierce party related rivalry, A!MC and M!MC get along great. It’s very wholesome.
The Uncle That Helps You Pester Whoever is in Charge of the Food at the Family Reunion About Dessert (Beel)
Yay! More kids :)
Do you think any of them know how to cook? No? Okay... :(
Beel adores his new niblings with all his heart and soul, and Belphie’s out of the attic and is able to meet them with everyone else this time! Yay!
I didn’t mention this in the other parts- but Beel totally gave L!MC piggyback rides whenever they asked, but now that two more kids have arrived... it’s now a fight to be tall.
But yea- kids like uncle Beel. Strong contender for favourite uncle.
“Do you think this is right?” A!MC asked as they fiddled with the settings on the stovetop.
“No clue. Do we put the cheese on while the meat is cooking or do we wait until after?” M!MC asked, they flipped through multiple cheeseburger recipes on their DDD, their frustration growing. “Hang on- do we have a deep fryer?”
A!MC rummaged around the cupboards and shelves for a good fifteen minutes and came back empty handed. “No, but I’ve seen videos of people making fries without a deep fryer, I think we just need to heat up vegetable oil and drop the potatoes in.”
After setting up the make-shift deep fryer, the two cousins carefully dropped the first fry into the oil, then screamed like banshees when some oil splashed close to their hands.
“Did you get burned?!” M!MC asked, A!MC shook their head.
“No, you?”
“Nah...” M!MC eyed the oil warily. “We should do this one at a time to be safe...”
It was an awkward process, grab potato, place potato, scream, make sure no one is burned, repeat. As... decent as the process was, with both of them manning the deep fryer, no one was manning the patties that were now completely charred.
“What’s going on in here? It smells like Solomon’s cooking.” Beel poked his head into the kitchen and saw two very upset children and the world’s messiest kitchen.
“We’re failures. That’s all...” M!MC murmured.
“We wanted to make lunch for all of us and we ruined it...” A!MC added.
Beel’s heart was set to explode then and there- but his stomach growled. “You tried your best, don’t feel too bad. Let’s get cheeseburgers somewhere else with Belphie.”
M!MC and A!MC nodded enthusiastically as the three of them left the destroyed kitchen behind them.
After Beel had to sling a sleeping Belphie over his shoulder, the now four of them were halfway out the door before they heard L!MC scream bloody murder.
M!MC and A!MC made eye contact, then sprinted out the door. “CHEESEBURGERS FIRST!”
A!MC and M!MC probably go to all of Beel’s games like the little super fans they are. Beel is very grateful for the support! :D
Flying lessons? Nnnnnot again. He’s here for moral support and moral support only. And to catch the two babs when they inevitably fall.
The Uncle Who Was Like... Really Racist the Last Time You Saw Him But He’s Not Anymore (Belphie)
So he uh... he didn’t try and kill these two. That already gave the two newbies a better first impression than what he gave to L!MC.
The Anti Lucifer league ALSO grew, just by one member though. A!MC was very easily persuaded to snitch on whatever prank the group concocted.
The attic nap club gained two new members, but Belphie still had to deal with wings hitting him in the face and waking him up. He’d usually return the favour with a swat from his tail.
“M!MC I swear I will throw you out of the window if you kick me again.” Belphie murmured, mashing his face into his pillow.
“Mmmph.” M!MC threw a pillow in Belphie’s direction.
“Quit whining, Belphie.” L!MC huffed. “You’re doing better than me.”
A!MC had attached themselves to L!MC like a sloth to a tree and would not let go or stop drooling. Ah schadenfreude, the best feeling in the galaxy...
“Stop with that look.” L!MC hissed, Belphie snickered. “I’m telling you to quit it because you’ll wake up Beel, and Beel is solving your M!MC problem.”
Belphie turned to see Beel practically crush M!MC into a bone breaking hug in his sleep.
“Should we do something about that?” L!MC yawned.
Belphie smirked his little douchebag smirk. “Eh, let them stew for a few more minutes.”
“Help me...” M!MC rasped.
Out of the three, A!MC is probably the best nap buddy, they bring in their own pillows and don’t hog the blankets.
Belphie is once again at the forefront for taking videos of the flying lessons, at least till M!MC accidentally broke Belphie’s DDD.
Just a friendly reminder, the sleepy cow man would kill for these kids.
Look at them funny and no one will find your body.
Okay! That’s part 3 done! I had to cut Belphie’s and Satan’s short because of post limit stuff, but the stuff with the side characters is coming soon! Also, Mammon would like me to inform all those who donated to his Go Fund Me that you will NOT be getting your money back, he has a kid to deck out in full Gucci now, he needs the cash!
343 notes · View notes
simpingforsoftboys · 4 years
Moving In With Them
ft. SakuAtsuOsaSuna
G/N Reader
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Thank you so much for the request anon! I spent a few moments just imagining this and omg it’d be a hot mess! Also I added some stuff at the beginning cause I just felt like I had to explain how this was even possible aha-
The Odds of Us All readers- you can consider this a part of the series or just read it as a oneshot! But either way this Y/n can be read as either male or female~
Okay so I HC that Tomas (MSBY) was transferred overseas- so that opened a position for a new middle blocker... and luckily the third Miya in the D1 men’s volleyball scene just so happened to be interested in being transferred... now MSBY has not 2- but 3 Miya’s! Naturally this means Suna-Miya needs to move to Osaka ;) 
Prior to the transfer Suna and Y/n had been living together in a nice apartment in Hiroshima 
Meanwhile SakuAtsuOsa were over in Hirikata (which is in Osaka Prefecture) living together in their own place
SakuAtsu were obviously contracted with MSBY, while Osamu ran a branch of Onigiri Miya in Osaka City (which is abt a 34 or so minute drive according to Google)
Atsumu had heard about Tomas’s sudden interest in moving abroad and had brought the subject up to Suna on the dl
So the three of them had been planning everything so that it was ideal for Suna to be brought over to MSBY 
It wasn’t until it was all finalized in the paperwork that Suna and Atsumu realized they hadn’t told any of their partners or even thought of moving
Are we really surprised though? The both of them weren’t exactly in college prep in high school- and for good reason
ANYWAYS- the twin’s and Sakusa’s home was not big enough for four people
Then they realized you might have to stay in Hiroshima for work
Luckily for them- once they finally brought up the topic with you- it turned out you had actually been offered a promotion, though you needed to transfer to your company’s head quarters in Osaka
Definitely destiny
Oh but you, Kiyoomi, and Osamu were not happy at being left out of the loop for literal MONTHS
Getting the place:
Okay so Hirikata is a small- and I mean S M A L L city, with less than an estimated one million residents
So there’s not many housing options that fit your prerequisites
Because of this ya’ll settle on finding a nice place in Osaka City
Eventually- after much searching- you find a (pretty large) property (because budgets aren’t a thing with ya’ll) that’s just perfect!
Ofc you’re buying it ASAP
It takes a hot minute before you move in though- since everyone wants some work done on the place before ya’ll move in
Osamu insists on having all the kitchen’s appliances replaced with new, state of the art ones (makes sense though, his livelihood is all about food quality)
Your volleyball pro partners (mainly Atsumu and Kiyoomi- Rin’s just content with whatever) are having the basketball gym remodeled into a volleyball one- complete with a mini locker-room-esque washroom area
All Suna cared about was having an in home theatre- complete with a legit snack bar (we love his priorities)
Sakusa had the pool drained and deep cleaned and made sure that the mini beach volleyball court that was set up in the yard had entirely fresh sand
Kiyo also had the toilets replaced + the washer and dryers. And even hired extra (trusted) cleaners to thoroughly clean the bathrooms (because he doesn’t trust any seller to do a good job)
Ya’ll spent hella money on the house and you didn’t even move in yet
Finally moving in:
None of you guys lifted a finger when moving your stuff (much to Osamu and Kiyoomi’s chargin)
This was actually because the guy’s trainers and coaches didn’t want to risk them straining or hurting themselves with heavy lifting
I can’t imagine Suna would actually help lift anything though
So you hired movers
Kiyoomi had ya’ll thoroughly wipe the furniture and stuff once the movers left- hating that he had to let them contaminate his belongings
At least he was polite when they were around... right?
Osamu was not happy when he had to help Atsumu unpack the clothes... esp since majority of it is Tsumu’s
“What the hell is this?” Is something you’d hear from him quite a lot
“I got it at Bo’s party a few years back! Cool huh?” Yeah, Tsumu’s kinda hoarding clothes
“The pits have holes.... and it’s stained with beer- lemme just toss it-”
Gross Atsumu
Suna is helping unbox stuff for the sitting room (fancy ig-) and using his height to put everything on the shelves
Honestly he’s procrastinating and using this time to look through every. single. book. 
Drives you crazy istg
“Rin are yo- seriously? It’s been two hours why are you just sitting on the floor? Nothing’s put away-”
“Look at this it’s from university-” He says, holding up an old yearbook...
It’s because of this, you and Osamu are probably the ones to get the sitting room situated later
Kiyoomi is... probably binge cleaning all the stuff as soon as he pulls them out of the boxes
Yes, he wiped everything before packing it away but what if some disgusting b u g s hitched a ride?
It’s fine if everything’s cluttered on the floor/bed/counter/wherever he’s unboxing stuff atm- at least he knows it’s clean and not dirty
You have to actually be the one to put the stuff away while he wipes- lest he run out of space
It works surprisingly well all things considered
“Oh no...” He’s finally unboxing the cleaning supplies... but he’s out of disinfectant wipes and can’t wipe them down- thus rendering them useless (in his opninion)
“Kiyoomi just... grab the unopened wipes from the box- open it- and use those to wipe the rest of the supplies?” You suggest. Although hesitant he does as told... until he sees something that proves all his fears valid.
“Holy shi- THERE’S A SPIDER! I KNEW IT WOULD FOLLOW US!” He says very loudly, scrambling away from the dead spider AND the supplies
Needless to say you have to make a trip to the store to buy him more wipes- meanwhile one of your other partners have to go pick up and throw away the arachnid
Also while all this is going on- someone (Tsumu actually) has to make sure the bedsheets and blankets are all washed before putting them on the bed for the night (again in case of the bugs)
This is the only thing he doesn’t half ass tbh, since he knows it’s important to Omi-Omi
Ya’ll finish the day with a lovely shower
Well Osamu, Kiyoomi, and you do
The shower in ya’lls bathroom is N I C E and H U G E! Like it’s the type with jets on the floor and walls, plus it has that really nice overhead rain fall like shower head
Atsumu and Rintaro are relaxing in your custom made jacuzzi tub that costed more than a car-
The tub is really awesome too, big enough to fit all five of you comfortably and has powerful jets to massage any knots out 
Rip to the water bill though like that thing’s expensive- on god
Anyway that’s just the first day and daily life promises to be exciting 😭
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nexyra · 3 years
I strive on the RG love and asexual Rosegarden content I've been seeing lately, so take this shipping chart ✨
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Please don't hurt me if you think I didn't put them in the right place, I spent time on this and I tried I edited out the Horny and I will do so for every chart because I don't feel comfortable answering that ;;
I'm fine with both NB and cis girl Ruby, but I thought I'd make this extra gay ✨ to spite the people who call it a boring straight ship </3
Also I didn't put down Oscar as bi ace because I personally don't hc him, all on his own, as ace as much as I do Ren or Ruby. But Ruby and Oscar as a couple absolutely make up asexual Rosegarden (also because Oscar isn't all that friendly with touch)
And if that makes no sense and it doesn't work like that well idk i'm sorry, this is the right time to annouce i don't know anything about romantic relationships *sobs*
It's my chart and I get to make Oscar the little spoon because he's a SHORT KING and he deserves ALL THE HUGS. But to be honest they swap
They can both exchange clothes but I just feel like Ruby would be the clothe-stealing gremlin
I don't remember Oscar using pet names, but all of RWBY still teases Weiss with the Ice Queen thing so here they go.
Neither of them are really extroverted but I think Oscar hides in the background even more. Babies
Ruby always has a speech and comforting words ready, Oscar is king of Acts of Service & Quality Time
Oscar might be a very awkward blushing dork but that won't stop him from confessing first. Also because Ruby is very stressed and very worried and feels like there's too much going on to do it first
Oscar is farm boy, he's seen worse than a bug. Although he can squash but he probably would simply bring out bugs 🥺
They can both drive, Ruby can honestly go two ways : either be as clumsy as she usually is outside of Huntsman work; or know just enough mechanics because weapons to know her way around. Imagine Ruby modifying their car with weird additions... "Are you sure that's safe Ruby ??" "Yea yea trust me, building Crescent Rose only took 3 tries." "Oh that's good... Wait, THREE ? Ruby we don't have 3 cars !"
Ruby is banned from the kitchen apart from a few dishes, and Oscar is the chef because I said so
Ruby is okay with PDA, Oscar is canonically picky about touch so
"I'll protect you." "No, I'll protect you !"
They're babies your honor, they're awkward because they have no idea what they're doing.
I can't see either of them being seriously & genuinely jealous ?
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Spy and a very laid back love interest who is always bugging them to "just relax" and "chill a little bit"?
Oh god, this would be the best dynamic EVER. Spy would learn to chill and the partner would learn to care. It’s just...so wholesome...
Spy would simultaneously be trying to keep up his face-of-stone persona while also hyperventilating.
“Do...is the screw under the sofa? Perhaps next to the TV stand? If we don’t use every piece it may fall apart. Sacre...do you even care at all?!”
You raise your eyebrows. “Okay, you know what, let’s hear it.”
“If we don’t find the screw, what’s the worst that could happen?”
You got him there. He thought for a while, not wanting to admit he was wrong. While he was pondering, you lift up your leg and you find the lost screw. You had been sitting on it.
“Looking for this?”
Spy snatched the screw away from you, cursing under his breath. You can’t help but snicker.
“Listen, if furniture killed, IKEA would have gone out of business long ago.”
“Oui, oui, you are hilarious. Hon hon hon.”
“Aw, you’re so cute when you get all worried about me.”
“Go to hell.”
“Only if I can take you with me.”
After Work:
A lot of times, Spy will come home from jobs absolutely exhausted. He usually finds comfort in you. The Frenchman has told you when he was particularly tired that you “smell like home.” If you are still up, he’ll sit next to you on the couch and eventually fall asleep on your shoulder.
However, every once in a while, he will walk through the door, his eyes wide, his body shaking, and his hair a mess. After those nights, he is always jumpy and anxious for the next week or so.
During those periods, you make sure to give him some extra TLC. You take over meal duties for a while, you make sure to watch shows that don’t have gunfire, screaming, or combat, and you make sure to pour positive thoughts back into his life.
“Spy, I saw the cutest Pomeranian! I know you’ve said you always wanted one.”
“My barista was French, and her name is Mimi! I may have a bit of competition...”
“I saw a double rainbow on the way home! My grandpa always said that double rainbows meant a happy marriage - I guess he was right!”
You’d know he’d be feeling better when you’d come home to the smell of camomile and disinfectant...he always cleaned and made tea when he was in a good mood.
It was also his way of “making it up to you.” He’s always embarrassed about his episodes, but you always secretly like loving on him a bit.
He never let you treat him this romantically otherwise - he felt it was his responsibility to swoon.
But, despite his aversion to being spoiled, he always seems to have a smile on his face when you surprise him with gifts and loving words.
Problems With Being Assertive:
Even though you are as kind as you can to everyone, sometimes kindness isn’t enough. But due to your large family and little personal time growing up, you are a little too forgiving when it comes to how people treat you.
Spy, however, is intolerant of any disrespect. He has scared off many telemarketers and belligerent Girl Scouts with his withering looks and sharp words.
One night, you both were at a restaurant, and you ordered a salad to eat before the main course, as this establishment was known for taking their sweet time with dishes.
Twenty minutes later, your salad arrives, absolutely covered in cheddar cheese. Because you’re lactose intolerant, you had ordered no cheese AT ALL, but your salad had so much cheese you couldn’t even see the top of the lettuce.
Now, Spy has an almost scary memory, and knows exactly what you ordered, but he doesn’t say anything except that you should probably ask for another salad.
“This is their job, mon chéri. If they did not do it correctly, that is not your fault.”
You finally do pluck up your courage and ask the waiter to get a salad without cheese.
They are reluctant, saying that wasn’t what you ordered the first time, but a glare from Spy sent them scurrying back to the kitchen. You get a little irritated.
“Honey, they’re trying their best. Working at a restaurant is hard enough already without remaking something I didn’t have to eat.”
Spy raised his eyebrows. “Something you didn’t have to eat? That you expressly asked for? At a restaurant?”
“You know what I mean.”
The salad comes back and it is very obviously the same salad but with handfuls of cheese picked off. There was still quite a bit left.
Spy is now visibly angry, and you look to him for help, but he shakes his head. He wants you to deal with this on your own. You can’t rely on his social bravery forever. He just gestures to the waiter, who is already starting to walk away, and smiles.
You take a deep breath.
“I’m really sorry, but there’s still cheese on it...I can’t...I can’t eat it.”
The waiter rolls his eyes. “If we make your salad again, you’ll have to pay for all three.
“There’s...only two.”
“You sent it back, we remade it, and now you want me to remake it again. Three.”
“But then why did you add cheese this time?”
“You ordered it.”
“I did not order cheese on my salad! I am really, really lactose intolerant! And...and I ordered no cheese so I wouldn’t be throwing up all weekend! So why would I order cheese?”
“You should have informed us of any allergies you had.”
“I did! By asking for no cheese! What, do I need a doctor’s note to eat here?!”
The waiter started to say something else, but you cut him off.
“It wouldn’t even be that big a deal if your food didn’t take an hour and a half to get here! I haven’t eaten since breakfast, because all my orders got backed up! I just wanted a salad! A salad to eat while your gourmet chef put your gourmet dishes in a gourmet microwave! I thought I could come in, talk with my beautiful husband, and eat a little more than I should so I could konk out watching Nailed It! when I got home! I don’t want to argue with you! I just want a damn salad!”
You strike the table, causing your silverware to clink together. You put your head in your hands and massage your temples for a few seconds.
“So. A salad. With no cheese. Not extra, not some, not picked off. None.”
Spy grinned, impressed.
“I would listen to them if I were in your position, mon ami. You have cleaning duty tonight, no?”
The waiter nodded slowly.
“Let’s just say I have to book a hotel when they accidentally eat dairy. It even set off the fire alarm once, didn’t it, dearest?”
You cock an eyebrow, but you agree to play along. He didn’t have to take it that far.
The waiter blushed scarlet and retreated back to the kitchen. He didn’t say anything all night, and followed each of your instructions to a T.
Once you got back in the car, you smacked Spy on the shoulder.
“Set off the fire alarm?! Seriously?”
“I have been lying all day, mon amour. Forgive me if I wasn’t exactly up to snuff this evening.”
“We can never go here again! Ever! I’ll be known as the guy who almost blew up the bathroom!”
“It isn’t such a loss...I much prefer dining in anyway.”
There was a silence. Suddenly, Spy wrapped his arms around you and kissed you so suddenly you almost fell over. He pulled back after a while, taking his mask off.
“You are so irresistible when you’re angry...”
You giggled. “Did I find a sweet spot?”
“Oui. Most definitely.”
“We’re not going to go to the movies, are we?”
“Unless you prefer the smell of stale popcorn to get you in the mood.”
“You had better make it up to me after tonight.”
“Oh, I will, mon chou. I will.”
I know that this is a little shorter than usual, but I wanted to leave a little more to the imagination. Besides, some bigger HCs are coming up, and I don’t want you to be reading a novel every time I answer a request.
Call this a Non-canon Novella!
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wickedpact · 3 years
You can't just drop that "I read Forces Multiplied" bomb on us and not give a ten page written reaction.
[cracks knuckles] if u insist
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nicky cant drive hc: destroyed. rip. also i loved how andy and nile stole those sports cars and were being badass and driving off the bridge & meanwhile joe and nicky were just absolutely vibing in the van
'heres the thing about power: people who have it think they deserve it' [shot of police car] i see u greg
5 whole panels being dedicated to booker not being able to unlock his door. booker not even seeing noriko sitting RIGHT THERE in the window at first. incredible
noriko being 24/7 horny was surprising. like wow all of the stuff i saw she did out of context was 100% equally horny in context as it was out of context. love that for her
i didnt think the 'andy + slavery' thing was handled as badly as everyone made it out to be when telling me about it. tho from the way it was talked about i had kind of figured the conflict between andy and nile re: slavery would be really racially charged (esp considering nile is a black american and would obvs have Thoughts on the subject in that regard) but like,, done in a cringey 'a-white-guy-obviously-wrote-it' kind of way? but it wasnt that. i mean. it makes sense that andy would be implicit in slavery through the years
i mean, like she says, is that not what people just did to each other in the aftermath of battles for thousands of years? and i really like how its pointed out that it was what she was raised with (in the beginning when you see her put shackles on that guy after the battle) but she also accepts responsibility for it and acknowledges that it was wrong and not just 'what people did'.
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i like how from her expressions you can kind of tell baby andy knew it was off but she sets those feelings aside bc she felt angry. it explains how she felt but didnt make her out to be blameless in it. plus i mean. i dont know, the fact that andy was involved in a lot of morally shady stuff for 7000 years is not that wild for me. if you live that long youre just Going to be involved in some shit, and she didnt even have other immortals with her as positive community influences, she literally just did whatever the fuck she wanted for thousands of years
'i was worshipped as a god once' i mean, yeah no shit she wouldve been involved in some seriously fucked up stuff, gods were fucking scary back in the day
tldr it could use some polish but it wasnt that bad
tho everything people said about moose being boring was unfortunately a little true. sorry king i tried to be interested in you
joe and nicky writing verbal fanfiction about nile and moose was iconic. 'you seeing that?' 'i am definitely seeing that'
it was also extremely funny bc that was like 60% of their contribution to the whole comic, besides kidnapping copley. they came, they wrote some fanfic, they left. kings. at least in tog1 they had an excuse to be useless bc they got kidnapped
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joe just found out his old friend who he thought was dead is alive (and also probably wants to murder them) and instead of investigating with andy he stopped to help nile up. champ.
nicky shooting noriko through andy was cool. rip to the concept since it wont happen in tog2
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wanna see mr ejiofor deliver this line
on that note imo copley was. weirdly enough, more interesting in fm than in tog1. to me at least. the fact that andy let him live and he was so haunted by what had happened that he came back and sought them out despite knowing they would likely kill him for it bc he wanted to not only make up for what hed done but also to tell them what theyd done for the world was admittedly more interesting than andy just kind of drafting him to the cause and him going 'okie'
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i like how nicky was drawn in this one. in opening fire he looks like a blob man but in fm he looks more like a very nice grampa with a very good dye job
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'theres no pain like a broken heart' andy 🥺
noriko implying andy's never drowned. .. .idk about that one, she musta drowned sometime
joe and nicky came, they waxed poetic about nile's love life, they waxed poetic about grog, and then they left.
sports bras being a reason humanity is good. i mean..... okay, yeah.
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i mean. wild but you cant exactly tell her shes wrong
i liked how noriko telling andy that their purpose is to make people suffer coincides with joe and nicky finding out that they actually did good all those years
joenicky in opening fire: jail for booker jail for booker for 100 years
joenicky when copley tells them he knows where booker is: WE'LL KILL YOU WHERE IS HE
joenicky when copley comes back: if your vibes come off as even remotely rancid we Will destroy you
joenicky 2 minutes later when copley helped them find booker: he made up some ground :)))) <3 lov you j cops
theyre forgiving af
moose: how old are you?? a hundred??? a thousand???
nile [vine voice]: I M 2 7 ?
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alright andy you got me there
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joe texts like my aunt
i dont know why noriko drowning andy in that car tickled me. Bad And Naughty Andromaches Get Put In The Pear Wiggler To Atone For Their Crimes.
the drowning sequence was cool
copley trying to talk to andy while she was like o_o at him was great
ive hit the picture limit but id seen that panel where nicky goes 'forgive me' as he kills a guy out of context and it was HILARIOUSLY anticlimactic for me to discover that there was literally no context to it. nicky just apologizes to random people he kills. i thought that guy was someone he knew or something. nope its just Some Guy that nicky didnt know from adam
nile's complaint that andy was especially brutal to the guys on the boat... i mean. . , how exactly does one kill a man with an axe and not be brutal about it?
it was funny how noriko kissed andy and the only people who seemed surprised by that were nile and also andy
nicky and joe's complete non-reaction to finding out noriko is alive And Evil Now is endlesly funny. they just left her on that boat and neither cared. i get book and nile not caring but joe and nicky knew her, and they just have 0 input on the subject of what to do with her
pinstripe suit guy!
joe and nicky and booker packing up and leaving with nile
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andy blowing up at nile was A Moment tho
i dont know, i get why people didnt like the ending but its. .. . it makes more sense in the comicverse. bc the squad doesnt really. .. interact outside of jobs? i mean, think of the moon landing story in ttt. that was booker and joe and nicky doing a job and andy only showed up a for a couple minutes after it was done. or the brunch in the first issue of opening fire. the squad arent as tight in the comic, and andy often seems to do her own thing outside of work, so andy saying 'i dont want to do work anymore' and the squad being like 'alright bye then' makes more sense in this universe than the movie one
also i feel like greg was Trying to set up a thing where nile becomes the Leader of The Squad after andy dies but like. its not very well done since. . . i mean, nile hasnt spoken to booker since opening fire, (and she only knew him A Day). and shes known joe and nicky all that time, but there isnt really anything that indicates that they have any relationship at all, much less one that's grown. in all the comicverse the only time nile and nicky speak is in FM, and in that scene nicky tells nile about noriko. nile goes from someone who needs to be set aside to have background knowledge explained to her to being the Leader of the group with nothing in between. it kind of... comes out of nowhere.
on the other hand tho... i felt really bad for andy thru the whole thing. well, i always felt bad for andy, but in this one she seemed so miserable, especially since it really felt like none of the others actually.... cared about her. when noriko came back no one asked andy how she was doing (big question ik, but it wouldve showed they cared at least), nobody ever expressed any concern for her, no one even really seemed to want to be around her. in opening fire everyone was more distant than in the movie of course, but there were little moments where she would joke with joe, or nicky would try and comfort her, or stuff like that, but in FM it really felt like they just didnt really care about her. & in opening fire it felt a lot like andy's relationship with nile breathed some new life into her, but in FM it felt like all they did was argue. i get theyre not *as* close in the comics but it really felt like the only person who cared about andy at all was noriko (which was probably also how andy felt) but it just seemed to come out of nowhere. honestly i was reading and i was honestly agreeing with andy that she might just be better off if she did just die. opening fire, on the other hand, never make me feel that way
tho everyone made it sound like when the squad split up it was one of those cursed 'the found family leaves each other at the end of the journey' tropes. but guys i mean,,, this is the second installment out of three. that isnt the End. theyll come back in the third one and Dramatically Reunite to fight some baddies (probably those 'others' noriko mentioned). im guessing yitzhak fits into that too somehow.
anyways it wasnt That Bad but it made me kind of sad and the only Sweet Found Family vibes in it were when they saved booker. also they shouldve beefed up that nilemoose romance, it underwhelmed me. 6.5/10
i also ABSOLUTELY understand all of greg's comments about how you couldnt make FM directly into a movie, he always said that it had no plot and. i get it now. it really didnt have a plot sdfghjkl
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ravenadottir · 4 years
do you have any hcs on what type of drunk the islanders are?
cannot, for the life of me, find my old answer on this.
but it’s a good thing, ‘cause it was probably too short, and i do have some thoughts and scenarios on this one! this is gonna become a whole book :/ i might also include their favorites, or what i think it’s their favorites.
he doesn’t know how to stay still when the alcohol goes in! bobby is the type to be dancing, singing along, singing with no music, pumping other people to join him whenever he’s feeling joyful! even when he’s in a certain mood that isn’t celebratory, he’d still be finding a way to not bum everybody out with his problems. he’s just the kind of guy to try and forget his problems while having a glass in hand! “mate!” he points to gary, noah, rahim, henrik. “i - love - you! no, seriously!” he takes a seat on their lap, hugging them as he continues. “i - love you, mate! you’re the best a man can ask! i - love - you!” colorful cocktails like “sex on the beach” and daiquiris. bobbyfish is only fun to him if he’s the one making it.
forever the quiet drunk, in a corner, reminiscing on every bad decision he’s ever made. nothing makes carl pensive and regretful like alcohol. he always refuses to drink in public because “i’m the worst drunk you can have at your party.” he doesn’t interact or talk before the sixth drink, and when he does, prepare yourself for a battle of two carl’s. “bummer” x “i want to rage, but the pain of being alive is too much for me right now”. definitely wants to be designated driver at all times. prefers to drink alone, at home, when everything is going wrong. bitter drinks like the “negroni” or “manhattan”.
the - life - of - the - party! always! chelsea never lets her outside problems get in the way of a good time and it shows! she’s here to party, to dance, to let everyone know how fun and good friends they are. you’ll never see this girl on the corner. it’s middle of the dancefloor or no dice in her case. she also gets extra flirty with everyone else, without any intentions of hooking up with anyone. “you are looking like the whole damn roast dinner in that dress, babes!” GIN!! and everything you can make with it.
pirate drunk. do you hear me? pirate drunk. draping his arm on his mates’, or girl’s, shoulder and singing along to whatever in on the background. slow speech and often stuttering his loving and caring words. “buz ya know whet may? i... focken luv ya! i zoo! because... en her mee ou-t. you, may, a - thu - bessss!” it’s love and confusing speeches all around, followed by raising his pint to pay for another round, again. gary drunk is also the type to tell you secrets you definitely didn’t need to know. picture the things he could tell you about from when he was a teenager, before he started working out, and no, i don’t mean painful and deep stuff. i mean the weird phases of discovery. he’s absolutely graphic when talking about those and i’m not here for it, garebear. beer! beer! cheeky v is for the start, then he stays on the beer for good.
the happiest pup you’ll ever see at a bar. henrik is extra affectionate after a few shots, and incredibly in touch with his emotions, them being positive or not. one thing i often picture him doing is just going for the kill if he needed some courage for it. whether is a girl or a boy, he’s gonna walk towards them, offer them a drink and let them know how he feels. it’s all about the positive and the horniness. if there’s a possibility of a “bathroom in the club” even better! he doesn’t waste time on talking and if he’s really into you, he’ll let you know. other than that, he’s on the booth, watching the others dance, putting his hair on a bun, because when he decides it’s time for some moves on the dancefloor, no one can hold him back. he’ll grind, twerk, take off his shirt, pull people to dance with, you name it! sweet cocktails like the ones involving wine. anything that has red wine in it, it’s probably his favorite.
gracefully having her drink in peace, trying her best to keep her composure at all times. i do reckon she’s the kind of person that when drinks has the confusing thoughts and doesn’t get her whole sentences out, but in her head she’s not aware that’s happening. not that she drinks a lot, i don’t think she does that on a night out, or party in a friend’s house, but i can definitely see her being confused when someone laughs of the way she’s speaking, because they can’t understand it. “hope, you’re drunk...” “naah, i’m foine, i only had like...” keeps trying to do the math but can’t, resulting in teasing about how much she had that night. flavored vodka cocktails with a spite of vanilla beans in them.
i like how shy and closed off he is but just how much he enjoys himself while drunk. he doesn’t necessarily change as much while in that state. he knows he doesn’t need much to have a good time and it shows when he gets to that “carry me home” self. ibrahim’s favorite thing is to dance with his partner and his friends. he lets the spotlight to whoever wants to grab it, but you can be damn sure, out of nowhere, you’ll see him attempting another worm, or his usual twerking. he’s not doing for the show, he’s doing because he can’t stop laughing after and honestly? i love it! he keeps his voice to a lower tone and often gets a little dizzy while getting up. it’s part of the reason noah and bobby tease him, but he doesn’t mind and laughs along. definitely the ones that contain citric fruits, like oranges or limes, lemons and grapefruit. i often picture him drinking a “paloma”. also, drinks that have some pepper might be on his list.
this is probably the only time you’ll see kassam smiling for no reason. usually he reserves those for special occasions, such as really goos jokes, some snarky comment about someone who he hates or when you try to make him laugh, failing miserably. but drunk kassam has an easy smile and entertained facade you would think to be fake. do not be mistaken, he’s not. he just can’t control himself while under the influence of alcohol, and i think the part he enjoys the most is to see you having fun while trying to convince him to hit the floor to dance. “you know... that’s not gonna happen. because if it does, i’m gonna humiliate you with my...” he does a snake with his arms “... moves.” he gets funnier and looser, wanting to make you smile at all costs, even if that means he does and says ridiculous things like the worm arms. energy drinks+whiskey combos. he just likes that flavor and it hits the spot pretty fast.
there’s only two lottie’s when she gets the alcohol going: depressive/pensive or goddess of dancing. no in between. lottie will forever be a wild card and that’s part of the reason why people invite her in the first place. she’ll be questioning life and her existence when bummed out, or dance and get every chin dropping when she’s being herself. drunk lottie might pull you in a bathroom stall and go to town on you. it’s confidence and “let’s skip this one, i have something to show you.” winks discreetly. plus, she’s always that kind of girl that pulls off the “bobbing/swaying side to side” move, even thought it’s the most boring in the book. she looks good and she knows it. as for talking/confessing, forget it. she’s not one to open up while drunk. lottie is probably the least selective when it comes to choosing alcohol. colorful, sweet, spicy, bitter, you name it.
it’s always time for confident lucas to show up, and his drunk persona wouldn’t be different. the thing he loves the most is definitely showing his moves by taking your hand and making the two of you the center of attention. something he can’t hold back is his horniness. that’s something he had in common with lottie and henrik. but instead of a bathroom stall it might be the car you came in, or a nearby hotel. he’s not exactly the type to just at it on any corner, and even drunk, he has some fear of germs. also, he might be extra flashy when dancing, on the brink of looking like that’s his stage and he’s the star. i’m sure people agree, given he’ll probably dance with more than one person at the same time, giving the audience some threesome ideas. that’s the whole point: too look hot while making everyone else wish they were his dancing partners. think of grinding on the floor, grabbing thighs and dipping a girl. or a boy, if you ask me. combos of whiskey and energy drinks.
drunk marisol, to me, it’s the funniest. she’ll become extra analytical of the social interactions happening at the bar/club/party. every conversation will get fully analyzed before she can take the next sip. of course there’s lots more to her drunk persona, but that’s how it starts. i believe it takes her four drinks to start dancing, five to make her take her glasses off and throw them somewhere, and six to make her dance on a table. i don’t believe she has much time to drink and have fun, so that makes her much less resistant to alcohol. three drinks are enough to make her stop being marisol and become “marisol, the life of the party”. it can get ugly once she gets more drinks in her, and you can expect dinosaur noises from the other side of the bathroom stall. that’s why she avoids that feared seventh drink and gets lots of water between shots. “espanhola” and colorful cocktails.
he’s probaly the least active on a night out, but the most surprising if he feels like it. usually he stays put, having his drink in place, watching everyone dancing and goofing around with each other. not participating it’s his default, he would rather watch everyone else’s personas coming out. “come on, book boy! you’re not gonna stay in your seat all night!” “nah, i’m good. for now.” he’ll hold his twerking self in until he has the urge of taking the dancefloor. very talkative while drunk, often discussing things he’d recently discovered and can’t wait another second to share them. of course he might get them wrong, given he can take lots of alcohol but no notice when his speech becomes gibberish. definitely enjoys lemon-y drinks with vodka and other “clear” alcohol types.
oh my god, don’t shoot the messenger, but priya is the type to do some crazy stuff while drunk and blame the booze on the next day. being fully conscious and aware of her actions but saying “oh my god, i can’t believe i did that, i’m so sorry.” for whatever it is. usually she’s fun and loose when there’s alcohol involved, and by loose i mean wanting to dance her ass off. this might be the time she challenges people to lip sync battles or dances, which to most is funny, but she gets very competitive about them, to the point of betting on things like the bar tab. definitely enjoys the white wine and its variations, and often experiments with flavored vodka, like peach and vanilla.
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cherryrogers · 4 years
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➸ call me baby {2/3}
pairing: bucky barnes x reader | biker au
warnings: swearing, violence, implied smut, mainly fluff.
word count: 7.8k
synopsis: Returning to Brooklyn for the summer after a year of travelling from city to city, you hadn’t expected to find your best friend, Peggy Carter, hopelessly in love with a biker. And when she decided to introduce you to the rest of his club, you hadn’t expected to fall for one either. That was until you met one with pretty eyes and a habit of calling you baby.
series masterlist
a/n: ok so this has turned into a three part series!! the next part will likely be a bit shorter, but i wanted to wrap up the story properly and i felt that needed it’s own separate part. i’m gonna post a masterlist for this series tomorrow, and i might write some drabbles for this fic to add to it once it’s finished if anyone has any hc/drabble ideas they’d like to send in?? i need to stop rambling so much lmao,,, please enjoy!!
Sunsets; consisting of an array of warm tones, reds and oranges bleeding into each other, casting a dim, natural light over cities before the artificial yellow beaming of street lamps lit up the world instead. A comforting reminder that every bad day eventually ends, but a sad reminder that every perfect day ends too.
In your case, they’d been unsettling ends to a continuous string of perfect days. And following those, a bright sunrise poured light through your windows every morning, indicating that you were one day closer to the end of the summer.
Currently, the deep, warm sky was the background of a blissful ride through the city. Perched on the back of Bucky’s motorcycle, your arms enveloping his waist, fingertips grazing lightly over his stomach through his shirt. No destination in particular; just an excuse to be close to one another.
Since the night at Wanda’s bar, the night where you simply let yourself begin to feel for Bucky, things had been different. Better.
Rides around the city were a frequent occurrence, usually happening when Bucky offered to take you home on his bike, but taking the long way back to enjoy the view and the feeling of you next to him for a short while longer.
It was therapeutic, tranquil. Well, until your road rage got the best of you.
“Dude, it’s a green light,” You shouted at the car in front you. “Green means go, didn’t you learn that in kindergarten?”
“Christ, you realise you’re yellin’ straight in my ear, right?”
“Sorry, Buck,” You patted his chest apologetically, before proceeding to yell once again. “Not my fault some people don’t know how traffic lights work!”
It was entertaining to Bucky, anyway. Even if it did earn you some middle fingers, which you gladly returned.
As the sky began to lose its vibrant hue, the two of you headed back in the direction of your place, definitely your least favourite part of the ride, but you savoured it nevertheless.
You were friends. Teasing each other incessantly because you just bounced off one another like that, but you often found yourself gravitating towards him. During meals at the clubhouse, you sat in the same spot as you did when you entered the place for the first time; right next to Bucky. While that likely meant for Steve and Peggy that they were in for a painful time, consisting of them slowly losing their patience with you both, they didn’t mind. Well, they did a little.
It’d been almost two hours since you started your game of Monoply. You weren’t sure if you were anywhere near the end of the game, but everyone was still pretty into it. Clint and Sam were paired up as a team, Steve and Peggy shared the little top-hat token, you and Bucky had the wheelbarrow, and Natasha had the car. She claimed she worked better when was on her own team, which was proved to be true by the fact she was winning.
It was Steve and Peggy’s turn to roll, and their top hat was moved to land on the ‘Boardwalk’ space.
“Oh, that’s our space!” You chirped. “Pay up, my dudes.”
“_____, you don’t have a house on that space.”
“Well, could you pass me one? I want this space.”
“You have to buy one.”
“Then I’ll buy one.”
Peggy sighed. “It’s not your turn, you can’t buy a house. Your token isn’t even on that space.”
You furrowed your brows, turning to Bucky. Maybe you should’ve read the rules before playing; you’d never actually played Monoply before. “Oh. That kinda sucks then.”
After a moment, Bucky reached over to the little bag of houses, picking one out and placing it on the Boardwalk space.
“Buck, that’s cheating.” Steve glared at his friend, who only shrugged innocently.
“She’s never played before, let her just have the damn house.”
“You’re only sayin’ that ‘cause she’s on your team, jerk.”
Bucky just shrugged again, turning to shoot you a wink as you smirked in satisfaction and placing your little house on the space, missing Steve and Peggy sharing a look of annoyance as they passed a pile of yellow bills over to you.
It was safe to say the two of you weren’t allowed to play as a team during board games anymore. Natasha always won the games anyway, so it’s not like you and him cheating made much of a difference.
You thought things were moving smoothly with Bucky. You knew that you liked him, and you wouldn’t be surprised if he already knew that — it was pretty fucking obvious at this point. But it would be a rather dumb move to escalate things even if you wanted to. The summer would be over in two months, one third of it was already gone, and you would be too by the beginning of September. Naively, you’d told yourself that you simply wouldn’t take things further. Easy enough, right?
Wrong; so very wrong. You’d proved to yourself that you seriously needed to stop acting impulsively on one fateful after a day spent at the clubhouse.
You’d been about to leave, but had decided to head off to the office where Bucky had been pretty much all evening while everyone else was out in the backyard, which was odd considering you would’ve assumed he’d be the last to not spend the night drinking beer and hanging out with friends over, well, anything else.
You knocked loudly on the door, hearing shuffling and the clicking of a computer keyboard before a quiet ‘come in’ followed. Furrowing your brows, you stepped into the room, eyes landing on the biker slumped in the chair at the desk, forcing a small smile. Did he really think your were that oblivious?
“You’ve been hiding in here all night,” You approaches the desk, crossing your arms over your chest. “Is there something you wanna share with the class?”
Bucky’s eyes flickered between the computer screen and your face, before he shook his head. “Just dealin’ with club stuff.”
“Hm, and what counts as club stuff?”
“It’s stuff you don’t need to worry about.”
You scoffed. “Huh, what happened to not doing stuff you shouldn’t be? Not getting into trouble?”
“Do you ever mind your own business?” Bucky questioned bluntly, though there was a smirk tugging at his lips.
Mirroring his expression, you leaned against the desk next to him. “Not when someone is clearly trying to hide something.
The biker bit the inside of his cheek, contemplating for a few moments. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust you. Sure, he’d only known you around a month now, but you were... his friend. A good friend. He just didn’t want you mixed up in anything dangerous. Steve wasn’t lying when he said that the club tried to stay out of trouble, because they definitely didn’t go out of their way to get into shitty situations. But if they needed to get their hands a little dirty to deal with clubs that thrived off trouble, then so be it.
Eventually, Bucky sighed, moving a hand back over his computer mouse and letting the screen light up again. Crinkling your brows, your eyes scanned the screen. He’d been looking at a map of Brooklyn, and the little red location pointer was pinned onto a warehouse downtown.
“Peter Parker, he’s just a kid. Parents died when he was barely five, lost his uncle a few years back. He lives at home with his aunt in Queens since he’s still in school, but we sorta took him in a while ago. The night after his uncle died, Tony found him on the sitting on the curb a few blocks away from here, completely distraught. He managed to talk him down though, and found out he was pretty good with engineering. We said if he wanted, he could help out with fixing bikes and cars at the clubhouse, and he comes by every so often since then.”
You didn’t know Tony that well; he was a little older than the rest of the club, and he lived outside of the clubhouse with his wife, Pepper. You hadn’t met Peter at all, but you trusted Bucky when he said that he was a good kid.
“Last week, he showed up to the here with a busted lip and broken nose. Said that Rumlow and his guys had jumped him, and that they wanted him to do a job for them — collect a weapon shipment from this warehouse.” Bucky nodded towards the screen.
At the mention of Brock Rumlow, you felt your jaw tighten. Thankfully, he’d kept his distance from Wanda’s bar since your last encounter with him, but you were still pissed off about the show he put on there, and there was nothing you regretted more than not jumping over the bar top and kicking him in the balls. Now he’d resorted to threatening a kid and making him do his dirty work?
“So, what’s the plan?”
“Peter’s meant to meet the guy delivering the weapons next week, so I’m gonna take Nat, Sam and Tony down to the warehouse and deal with any of Rumlow’s guys that are nearby.”
Upon seeing your face light up, Bucky chuckled, standing from his seat. “And no, you can’t come.”
“Bucky, I’m not a woman of many talents, but if there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s handing people’s asses to them.” You lifted your chin confidently.
You held a finger up to shush him. “Okay, I know I said that I liked when you call me that, but not now. Brock is the guy that grabbed me, Buck. And the guy that punched you in the face!”
“I know, and we’ll deal with him,” A smirk pulled at the corners of his mouth. “Besides, I thought you weren’t part of any club. Can’t do club stuff if you’re not a member.”
“Well, not that I want to... but how would one go about becoming part of your little gang?” You weren’t lying; you definitely did not want to be a damn biker, but you did want the chance to boot Brock Rumlow and his group of dipshits in the face.
“You could become an old lady.” The biker cocked a brow, and you chuckled heartily.
Not that you were up to date with the biker lingo, but you could take a good guess at what being an old lady meant. “Hm, if only there was someone that wanted me to be their old lady.”
Narrowing his eyes, Bucky glanced over your features, waiting for you to laugh and brush the comment off as a joke since the majority of your vocabulary was sarcasm, but you didn’t. The corners of your lips curled up slightly, not teasingly, but softly...
...Until you became painfully aware of the silence that’d fell upon the two of you, and let out a sigh to break it. It was already late when you were supposed to leave, anyway. Now, the dim moonlight was casting shadows outside of the office window, the only source of bright light being the yellow streams from lampposts dotted up and down the quiet street.
“Well, I should get going.” You reluctantly stepped back from him.
“You don’t have to go, you know. Peggy stays overnight when it’s late.”
You chuckled. “Yeah, cause Peggy has a boyfriend that she can share a bed with.”
“Hey, I’ve got a double bed.” Bucky teased, and you’d be lying if you said sleeping next to him in his bed didn’t make you feel a certain type of way.
Though, you definitely wouldn’t let him know that. “You’re stupid, Bucky.”
He shrugged, following you as you continued for the door of the office. “I mean, even if I had a single—”
“I would still not be getting in your bed,” You deadpanned, finishing his sentence for him and promoting the stupidly hot little smirk of his to appear again. “Okay, now I’m leaving. Goodbye, Bucky.”
“I’ll give you a ride.”
“No you will not,” You breathed out a laugh. “There are two bottles of beer on that desk and death isn’t on the cards for me tonight — can’t get rid of me that easily.”
A look of realisation washed over his face, a pink colour tinting his cheeks. Was Bucky Barnes blushing? That was certainly a sight, and what a sight it was.
“S’alright — I don’t wanna get rid of you,” The biker stepped in front of you, dangerously close as your back hit the door. “Not yet, anyway.”
You couldn’t lie; Bucky was hot, he was beautiful. Even when he was being a sarcastic ass, but he was just as much one of them as you were. God dammit, as much as you wanted to slap yourself for letting your insides melt for a guy you didn’t know all that well, you knew that if you didn’t fucking kiss him right this second that you’d regret the hell out of it later.
And so, you did.
You grabbed the collar of the leather jacket he never failed to make an appearance without— or perhaps he just had a lot of leather jackets, though leather jackets didn’t necessarily need washed so it was probably the same jacket— not the time, _____. Carrying on, you swiftly captured his lips with yours, relief washing through you as you felt him react almost immediately. Almost, he definitely wasn’t expecting you to do that.
The kiss was gentle; gentle enough so that you could simply savour the feeling of his lips on yours, the taste a mixture of smoke and minty chewing gum. It was slow, but quick. Bucky didn’t even have the chance to move his hands to your waist before you pulled back, raising your hand to trace his bottom lip with your thumb.
“You still planning on getting rid of me?” You grinned, amused by the biker’s dumbfounded expression.
He laughed breathily after a couple of seconds, nose nudging yours playfully. “Not if you keep kissin’ me like that, baby.”
“Hm, maybe you’ll just get lucky again.” You pushed at his chest softly, letting you step forward and open the door to leave the office.
Bucky let out a scoff. “You’re really just gonna leave? After that?”
You shrugged, cocking a brow. “I mean, I could stay if you let me come with you next week...”
“No chance,” He smiled smugly. “Shut the door on your way out, will you?”
“You know what? I’m never kissing you again.”
“Whatever you say, _____.”
You rolled your eyes at his cocky tone, turning to make your way out of the room. “And I’m leaving the door open!”
“Hm, get home safe.” He called back.
Trying to bite back a smile as you looked over your shoulder back at him, you mouthed a final goodbye and left the office, a rush of feelings suddenly emerging as you stepped out of the clubhouse and onto the street.
You’d just kissed Bucky. You had kissed Bucky. And he had kissed you back. Well, shit.
Did you need to talk about it with him? What it meant for the two of you? Did he just kiss you for the fun of it or did he actually have feelings for you? Ugh. You’d always hated serious conversations, because apparently using sarcasm to cover up actually talking about your feelings was inappropriate and unhealthy. That’s what Peggy always told you, anyway. Perhaps there was no conversation to be had. Bucky could be your summer fling; a couple of months of fun before you were off on your travels again. The only reason he kissed you back might’ve been because he knew you were leaving eventually, which meant he didn’t have to commit to you.
Whatever — you were simply going to go with the flow. If you and Bucky ended up becoming... something more, that would be great. If not, you’d be slightly disappointed, but you’d be out of Brooklyn soon enough to forget about it.
And now, as you tightened your arms around the biker’s waist, you just enjoyed the moment. As someone that rarely stayed in a city for longer than a couple of weeks, enjoying the moment was all that you could do.
* * *
“Pegs, I am working. You can’t just call and ask me this kinda stuff during a shift.”
“I certainly can, especially when I had to hear it first from Steve.”
A strained sign fell from your lips as you leaned against bar, checking that no customers were approaching the counter before you turned your back. “I was gonna tell you, I promise. I didn’t think Bucky was gonna kiss and tell as soon as it happened.”
“I don’t think it was exactly a kiss and tell situation,” Peggy chuckled over the phone. “Steve said it was written all over his face after you’d left the clubhouse.”
Feeling heat rushing to your own face, you lowered your head, hoping no one was observing the bartender getting all embarrassed. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to tell Peggy about your kiss with Bucky. She was your best friend, of course you wanted to tell her. But considering that you weren’t really sure what direction you and him were going in, you thought perhaps that it’d be better to just keep it between you and him, like a Danny and Sandy situation — if everyone had known about their summer affair, it wouldn’t have been the same.
“Can you... tell him to not question Bucky about it?” You asked. “You told me he’d never been in a proper relationship before and neither have I. I think we need to work out... whatever we are ourselves, you know?”
Since the kiss, you hadn’t had the chance to even see Bucky that much. Wanda had been asking you to work more shifts at the bar because one of your co-workers was going on vacation for two weeks, which you didn’t mind doing. Other than hanging out with Peggy and seeing everyone at the clubhouse, it’s not like you had much better to do. Plus, it meant more money to put towards your travels at the end of the summer. At the rate you were earning and including what you already had saved up, you’d be getting your dream London trip a lot sooner than you’d thought.
“Of course, I understand,” She replied. “_____, I— I don’t want to play devil’s advocate, but have you thought about what’ll happen when summer ends? When you leave Brooklyn?”
The thought had crossed your mind, yes, though it was also pushed to the back of your mind whenever it popped up. In all honesty, you had zero clue what’d happen when you left Brooklyn again.
“Nope,” You said defeatedly. “Do I need to think about that now? What if we don’t even last until the end of summer?”
From the pause in conversation, you could just tell that Peggy knew you were bullshitting. “Okay, I’m going to pretend you did not just say that. You don’t just kiss guys, _____. And Bucky doesn’t get all flushed from kissing any old woman. It’s obvious you two click easily, and I honestly don’t think it’s something that can just end once you leave.”
The girl was right, she was completely right, but you weren’t sure what the hell you were supposed to do. It’s not like you could stay in Brooklyn forever and abandon your travels. That wasn’t who you were; staying wouldn’t be you being true to yourself. You couldn’t throw that away for a man you barely knew, a guy that possibly may not want you anymore after the summer ends, though there was a large part of you that didn’t believe that.
“I can’t talk about this right now, Peggy, I’m sorry. And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about the kiss earlier, everything is just... it’s just confusing,” You rambled, wanting to steer the conversation away from your love life for the night. It was nearing nine o’clock, and with an hour still left of your shift, you didn’t want to waste your energy on a conversation that could be had another time. “Anyway, how is everyone? Has Steve heard from Bucky?”
This night was also the night that poor Peter Parker was meant to be carrying out Rumlow’s dirty work, and Bucky was going to get his club to back off. Well, hopefully. He’d already been punched in the face by that bastard once, you hoped that he’d be able to avoid having that happen again. You’d texted him earlier, telling him to let you know when he was home and safe because you would, in fact, worry about him. He teased you for your concern, but you frankly didn’t care. The fact they were having Peter pick up a weapon shipment implied that they wanted to use them to hurt people, and opposing biker clubs seemed like the type of people they’d target.
“They’ve been out an hour, so they should hopefully be back soon,” Peggy assured you. “We haven’t heard from them yet, though.”
“Right,” You exhaled, a little upset that there was no update from them. The sound of the door opening a few metered behind you reminded you that you were still at work, and that you should probably say goodbye to Peggy for the time being. “I’ve gotta go, Pegs — duty calls. I’ll call you later, okay?”
“Alright, darling. Be careful going home.”
With a quiet ‘will do’, you quickly ended the phone call and shoved the device into your jean pocket, turning around to identify the source of the footsteps getting closer to the bar. Well, fuck.
An ugly smirk, scruffy jaw, messy hair — Brock fucking Rumlow was standing right in front of you.
You could’ve laughed, in fact, you did laugh. He was back, even after the embarrassing show he put on last time he was at the bar, and this time, he was alone.
Putting back the glass you’d pulled out from under the bar on instinct, because there was no way you were serving him, you cocked a brow, waiting for him to make the first move.
He slid onto the stool in front of you, the same place he’d sat during his last visit. There was a short silence as his dark eyes roamed your face, before he exhaled heavily. “You not gonna ask for my order?”
“No.” You answered instantly. It looked like he was expecting the cold shoulder from the way he chuckled at your answer.
You wanted to ask what he was doing here, why he wasn’t down at that random warehouse making sure the teenager he manipulated was doing the job correctly, but you didn’t imagine it was a good idea to let on that Bucky was telling you about that sort of stuff. He’d probably try to hurt him as opposed to you, and you didn’t want to put Bucky in any unnecessary shit.
“You know, it’s against the law to refuse service to an innocent customer.”
Clearly, he didn’t know the law at all, but you found it awfully ironic that he was claiming that you were in the wrong side of the law. You cocked your brow higher. “And you’re always abiding by the law, Brock?”
“What makes you think I’m not?” The man narrowed his eyes.
“I don’t know,” You shrugged nonchalantly. “Last time you were here, you were the one assaulting an innocent customer, and me.”
Brock scoffed. “You’re calling Barnes innocent?”
You only stared at him, waiting for an elaboration.
“Do you know where he is right now?”
Yes — dealing with your bullshit and the rest of your gang.
“Enlighten me.”
“A dirty warehouse across town, meeting a dude that’s sellin’ him weapons. Rifles, pistols, you name it.” He leaned forward on his elbows, pursing his lips.
Chewing on your bottom lip, you met his eyes, dark and full of hope that he’d somehow miraculously turned you against Bucky -- he was going to have to try a little harder than that if he wanted to sell his lies.
“Where are the rest of you pals, Brock?”
He furrowed his brows. “Down at the warehouse, shutting down the deal.”
“And why aren’t you with them, hm? I don’t think it’s ‘cause you decided you wanted a drink over the chance to screw Bucky and his club over.”
The guy clearly thought you were oblivious, that you’d be naive enough to believe that Bucky was the one having Peter collect the weapons instead of him. Maybe he thought it’d turn you against him, and then you’d carelessly join Rumlow’s club without a second thought. Even if Bucky hadn’t told you anything, there wasn’t a thing that could come out of Rumlow’s mouth that could convince you Bucky’s club was doing anything of the sort.
Unfortunately, the comment seemed to tip the conversation in the exact way you hadn’t wanted it to.
Brock’s jaw clenched, eyes hardening as he sat up properly on the stool. “What’s he been tellin’ you, huh?”
“I think it’s time for you to go, Brock.” You glared at the man. There was no way you were letting him sit and annoy the shit out of you when you weren’t going to serve him.
“You see,” He laughed emptily. “If Barnes has been spillin’ things that he shouldn’t be, I need to know. Can’t have any false information spreading.”
“False information, right,” You muttered. In your defense, all you knew about his club was about them manipulating Peter. Though you could assume that wasn’t the only stupid shit they were doing, you didn’t know anything else for sure. “Well, you’re wasting your time. I don’t know anything, so get out of here.”
Brock tutted, rising from his seat and cracking his knuckles. “You’re a good liar, but I ain’t buyin’ it.”
“That’s not my problem,” You glowered, loving quickly around the bar to pace towards the door, opening it in an attempt to lure him out. “You need to go, or I’ll call Wanda over.”
Stalking towards you, the man shook his head. “If Barnes thinks he can tell his little girlfriend all of our business, he’s a fucking idiot,” He took a grasp on your wrist, his other hand curling into a fist. “Someone’s gotta show him what the consequences of that are.”
Anger flashed in your eyes as you struggled against his grip. “Get off me, dude. I don’t know anything.”
“Liar.” He murmured, before taking his fist and colliding it with your cheek abruptly.
A groan of pain left your lips as you stumbled back, the clutch on your wrist gone as Brock eyed you cautiously. Carefully, you brought your hand to where you’d been hit, blood quickly staining your fingertips as they grazed over the cuts on your skin from Brock’s rings. He’d hit you. That stupid, fucking son of a bitch had punched you. If there was any justifiable reason for you to kick him in the balls, this was it, and you were going to take advantage of the opportunity.
He definitely thought you were done with him for the night; you could tell by the way his chapped lips curled into a sick smile. He thought he’d won — how cute.
When your parents made you take self-defense classes ‘just as a precaution’ when you were a teenager, you thought it was unreasonable. Now, you’d never been more thankful.
Brushing your hair out of your face, your eyes flickered up to Brock, who was still staring down at you. Slowly, you moved so that your back was pressed against the closed bar door, clasping your hands around the long metal handle. The man assumed you were just catching your breath, and wasn’t ready for when you forcefully pushed your body forward, raising a booted foot and slamming it into his crotch.
A string of swear words fell from his lips as his upper body fell forward, Fuck it, you thought, striding over to his hunched over form and smashing your own fist against his cheek. He staggered back, just catching himself on the bar. Eyes wide, he raised his head to scowl at you, spitting blood from his freshly split lip onto the floor beside him.
From the other side of the bar, Wanda jogged over to the scene, an unimpressed scowl on her face. “What the hell is going on?”
The woman knew it wasn’t you causing the trouble, and there was even a smug smirk threatening to peak through her annoyed demeanor at the sight of Brock Rumlow with a split lip. She strode over to him, pulling him up harshly by the collar of his jacket.
“You’re banned from this bar. If I see you in here again, you’re getting a bullet straight through your gut, yes?” Wanda practically spat at the man, who nodded reluctantly and pulled away from her grasp. She turned to you, a small smile on her lips. “_____, you’re free to go early. Do you need...?”
Wanda eyed your cut cheek and bruised jaw, but you only shook your head. “Thanks, Wan, but I’ll just head home.”
The strawberry-blond nodded, sending a final glare towards Brock before heading back behind the bar.
Of course, your stubborn self wouldn’t let yourself leave without having the last word, causing you to approach him as he haphazardly stood from where he’d fallen. “If I ever have the displeasure of seeing you again, and you try to hurt me or anyone else, I’ll cut off your fingers and force them down your throat, you got that?”
Before you could wait for an answer, you were spinning around and heading out the double doors of the bar, ignoring the throb on the left side of your face as a satisfied smirk crept onto your lips. You’d never considered yourself to be a violent person, but when it came to assholes like Brock Rumlow, you didn’t mind getting your hands a little dirty. When you told Peggy about what happened, she’d likely scold you for even just mouthing back at him. You had zero regrets, however. You’d always wanted to experience a bar fight, and now you’d experienced one first hand.
As if on cue, your phone buzzed in your pocket. Stretching out your aching knuckles, you swiped it from your jeans.
Back at the clubhouse safe and sound. You want me to pick you up from work in an hour?
You chuckled under your breath, typing out a response.
Can you come up now? Wanda let me off early.
Sure, I’ll be there soon. Did you do something special to get off at this time?
Pausing, you debated whether to let him know straight away about the incident. You decided against it; when he saw your face, he’d figure it out soon enough.
Something like that...
After twenty minutes of aimlessly standing outside of the bar, the familiar roar of a motorcycle engine caught your attention. As the bike came to a stop, the beaming headlights had you squinting to even make out the outline of Bucky in the dark. However, judging by the speed at which he was dismounting the bike, you were sure that the light had allowed him to see the state of you.
“Holy shit, _____,” Bucky paced over to you, hands coming to your shoulders. “What the hell happened?”
You let out a hesitant laugh. “Uh, rough shift?”
Scoffing, the biker narrowed his eyes. “Yeah, looks like it. What— are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” You assured him, removing his hands from your shoulders and squeezing them comfortingly. “Trust me, you should see the other guy.”
“You were fighting?”
“Bucky,” You intervened, for now deciding against telling him that it was in fact Brock Rumlow you’d gotten on the wrong side of. It’d only result in him marching into the bar himself and starting another disturbance, and you wouldn’t be surprised if Wanda pulled out her pistol again. “C’mon, can we go? My house, the clubhouse, wherever — I’ll explain when half of my face isn’t aching like hell.”
The man paused, eyeing you cautiously before a soft chuckle left his lips. “You’re somethin’ else, you know that?”
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” You patted his chest, plastering on a smile. “Now come on; I didn’t wait this long to clean you up when you got decked across the face.”
With an amused eye roll, Bucky tugged on your hand and led you to the bike. He’d never seen someone so calm after getting a punch to the face, but then again — as cliché as it was — he’d never met anyone like you before.
Half an hour later, the biker had you sat on the counter-top in one of the bathrooms at the clubhouse, standing between your legs and gently dabbing at your cut with a wet cloth. The bleeding had stopped by the time you got to the clubhouse, but it still needed cleaned up. You were holding a cool ice pack to your jaw, watching him intently as he took care of you. Might as well take the opportunity to stare at the guy, right?
“I’m gonna put some antiseptic cream on the cut, just to make sure it doesn’t get infected.” He muttered, reaching for the tub of it in the wooden cabinet above you.
“Are you getting a sense of déjà vu too?” You quirked a brow, eliciting a smirk from him.
“Hm, a little bit; I guess we both just can’t avoid trouble,” Bucky cupped your jaw as he applied the cream, chuckling when you mumbled a ‘motherfucker’ under your breath at the sting. “You gonna tell me what happened?”
“Well,” You sighed. “Long story short... Brock Rumlow happened.”
Pulling back, Bucky furrowed his brows and waited for you to elongate the story, but you only shrugged, not wanting to make a big deal out of it. You knew that Brock being involved would only fuel a rage that he couldn’t relieve.
He bit the inside of his cheek, a frustrated laugh falling from his lips. “Rumlow did this to you? Why didn’t you tell me at the bar? Was he still there? I would’ve went in there and—”
“I know exactly what you would’ve done; why do you think I waited until now to tell you?” Though you were smiling, Bucky was still understandably apprehensive. Pursing your lips, you grabbed one of his loosely clenched fists and held it in your lap. “I meant it when I said ‘you should’ve seen the other guy’ — Brock’s face looks the same as mine and he got a boot to the balls. Plus, I think his ego was bruised enough without someone else going in there and knockin’ his lights out.”
Sighing, Bucky shook his head, unable to suppress a small grin. He never underestimated your power; anyone would be a fool to do so. When you were angry, you showed it. When someone hit you, you hit them back harder, metaphorically and literally. It wasn’t even that you had a short temper, you just didn’t put up with people’s shit, and Bucky highly admired that. “Well, I’m jealous of anyone that was there to see it — I bet it was damn hot.”
You scoffed, though seconds later you were shrugging in agreement. “It definitely was, you would’ve loved it.”
While he returned the first-aid stuff to their rightful places in the bathroom, you explained to Bucky what had gotten Brock so riled up. He wasn’t surprised that Brock tried to convince you that he was the bag guy in all of this; he’d tried to do it with Peggy too when she first started dating Steve. In his misogynistic mind, he thought that women were naive enough to be persuaded of anything that he wanted them to believe, and that by getting you on his side would mean he’d ‘won’ over Bucky. Perhaps he’d learned his lesson that night to not underestimate a woman’s power — dumbass.
Down at the warehouse, they’d managed to get Peter out of there before the person delivering the weapon shipment could arrive. There were one or two of Rumlow’s guys there keeping watch, but without him, they ran away like scared children. You teased Bucky about being a ‘big bad biker’ as he explained the night to you, but he insisted it was Natasha that had them crapping their pants; she never usually made an effort to hide the set of knives on her hip, and she apparently had a death-stare that could have anyone shaking in their boots. With him being banned from Wanda’s bar and unsuccessful with his plan of using Peter, they doubted Brock Rumlow would show his face around the area for a while. He’d only be embarrassing himself if he did.
Not long after your cut had been tended to and the pain in your jaw had subsided, you found yourself once again fighting the temptation to stay the night at the clubhouse — the temptation being a whiny biker named Bucky Barnes.
“But you’ve had a rough day,” He bargained, following after you as you made your way to the front door of the clubhouse. “It’ll save you the ride back if you stay.”
Chortling lightly, you turned around to face him. “A rough day? Buck, I gave an asshole a well-deserved kick in the balls, I’ve had a great day.”
“But what about your cheek? It might start bleeding again and—”
“Bucky,” You cut him off, biting back a smile. “Why do you really want me to stay?”
There was a short pause, heat pooling in the biker’s cheeks at the question as he raised a brow, silently asking you if he was supposed to actually answer the question. When you only quirked your own brow, he sighed, his lips curling into a fond smile. “...because I don’t like it when you leave? ‘Cause I like you a whole lot and I really wanna kiss you again?”
Slowly, you trailed a slightly bruised hand up his chest, stopping at the nape of his neck to tangle your fingers in the hair there. “You should’ve just lead with the kiss, biker.”
Before you could notice the doting grin on his lips, Bucky had looped an arm around your waist and pulled you flush to his chest, soft lips locking with yours tenderly. Your other arm was quick to wrap around his neck as you found yourself wanting to be impossibly closer to him. You tugged at his hair, eliciting a deep moan from his lips, and you pulled away with a satisfied smirk.
“So you’ll stay?” Bucky spoke against your lips, a hopeful glint in his eyes.
“If you keep kissing me like that.” You imitated his words from your last kiss, to which he shook his head and clasped his hand around yours, leading you out of the hallway and up to his room.
You hoped the rest of the club were asleep, because from the thump of your body being pushed against Bucky’s bedroom door after he’d dragged you inside and shut it, you were sure that they could assume who was causing the racket at almost midnight.
Bucky’s mouth was on yours in a matter of seconds, hands cupping your jaw, carefully avoiding pressing against the side that was bruised. Meanwhile, your fingers gently traced across the hem of his t-shirt, riding it up so that the pads of your fingers came into contact with his lower stomach, ghosting over the waistband of his jeans. He stepped back momentarily, shoving his leather jacket down his arms and letting it fall to the floor.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you without your jacket,” You breathed. “It’s like you’re naked already.”
“Who said anything about getting naked?” He teased, hands coming to trace over your own exposed stomach. “Someone’s eager.”
“You’re stupid,” You rolled your eyes, unable to suppress a grin. “Coming from the guy who just said he liked me, sap.”
“Real mature,” He snickered, riding your shirt up to your chest and tugging it off when you raised your arms to aid him. His lips moved to the crook of your neck, trailing light kissed along the soft skin there. “I meant it, though. I really like you, baby.”
A whimper escaped your lips as his attached to a certain spot on your neck, your hand fisting his shirt in response. You didn’t even have to say it back; it was obvious that you felt the same way about him in pretty much every way. The way your body was reacting to his, the breathy way that his name was falling from your swollen lips, and the fact you’d kissed him the week prior was a good indicator too.
“And you said you’d never get in my bed.” Bucky smirked after helping you pull off his own shirt.
“Technically, I’m not in your bed yet.”
“Yet,” He tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear before trailing his hand down your jaw, along the curve of your shoulder and down to the hem of your bra. “Can’t wait to have you there, moaning all pretty for me.”
Your face grew hot at his words, but his lips were on yours again too quickly for him to notice. When he eventually pulled back for air, you bit your lip in anticipation.
“Hm, let’s not wait any longer then.”
And he didn’t let you wait any longer, leaning down to kiss you with a passionate hunger as he dragged you by both of your hands to his bed. Maybe it was the way he didn’t rush, that he took time memorizing every inch of your skin with gentle lips and wandering hands. Maybe it was the sighs and moans of pleasure that he’d managed to draw from you so easily, or the way he whispered praises and sweet nothings into your ear as he positioned himself comfortably between your legs. But after the two of you had reached your highs and were left grinning like idiots and panting for breath, you realised how fucking hard you’d fallen for the damn biker who’d somehow gotten you in his bed.
* * *
Soft snores gradually drew you from your slumber, eyelashes fluttering against your cheeks before you eventually squinted your eyes open. It couldn’t have been any later than 5am; daylight was peaking through the curtains of the bedroom, but the world outside was still quiet. Quiet for New York, anyway.
Bucky had his arms tucked under his pillow, face buried into the cotton, lips parted, brown strands of hair falling in front of his face. Back muscles relaxed, shoulders raising slightly as he breathed quietly. He looked pretty like that, innocent even. Innocent in comparison to what occurred in his bed the night before.
As you idly observed him in his peaceful state, you couldn’t help but think about what Peggy had said to you earlier the prior night. She was right, as always. Especially after the night you’d just had with him, there was no way that your feelings for Bucky would just leave along with you leaving after summer. Perhaps sleeping with him was the stupidest decision you’d ever made. Perhaps it would’ve just been easier to not stay the night and pretend like you’d never kissed him in the first place. But you didn’t want that. You wanted him, even if you could only have him for the summer.
A muffled moan jerked your attention away from your thoughts and back to the man laying next to you, who was shifting as he began to wake, the muscles in his back flexing as he did so. It was a sight you could get used to for sure.
Soon enough, his baby blues met yours, a lazy smile overcoming his lips. “Watching me sleep?”
“No.” You denied, though he could see straight through the lie.
He hummed, reaching a hand out to trace over your bruised cheek. You leaned into the touch. “Still hurt?”
“Not really. Had a good doctor fix it up last night.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Uh-huh. I mean, he slept with me afterwards which I thought was a little inappropriate...”
The biker scoffed, enclosing an arm around your bare waist to pull you closer. Sloppy kisses were planted down your jaw to your shoulder, ghosting over the dark bruises he’d marked you with only hours ago.
“I’ll miss you, you know. When you have to leave.” Bucky murmured, pulling away and laying back down against the pillow, his nose grazing yours.
You smiled sadly, pushing some of the hair away from his face. “Do you think this was stupid of us? To start something that’s just gonna have to end in a month?”
“Maybe, yeah,” He mirrored your expression, voice still a little raspy. “But I don’t regret it.”
“Me neither,” You twirled a lock of his hair sigh your pointer finger. “What’re you gonna do without me, huh? You might have to find another girl to take rides with you at sunset.”
Bucky shook his head, squeezing your waist. “Nah, I think I’d rather ride solo. Won’t be the same without you just over my shoulder.”
“Even when I get road rage?”
“Especially when you get road rage.”
“Well, we should probably make the most of the time we have left,” You propped yourself up on one elbow, a smirk playing on your lips. “How about a ride while the sun rises?”
“Sounds perfect.” He loosened his hold on you, letting you roll away from him and swing your legs over the side of the bed.
“Mind if I take a shower first?”
“Mind if I take a shower with you?”
You thought for a moment. It’d be saving water, wouldn’t it? “Screw it, why not. C’mon, Buck.”
You scurried off to the bathroom, still naked as Bucky followed after you, suddenly not so tired anymore.
Perhaps the summer hadn’t went in the direction you’d been expecting, but you had no complaints about the turn that it’d taken. You’d never believed in fate or destiny, much like you’d never believed in love. However, you’d like to believe that you were meant to meet Bucky when you came back to Brooklyn at some point. You’d never met someone— someone so perfect for you, if you were being honest. He didn’t scold you for your sarcasm, or shame you for standing up for yourself. He responded to your teasing with his own, he knew how to make you laugh, how to make your cheeks hot and your knees weak. You were always on the exact same wavelength, always knowing how the other was feeling, being able to bring out the best in one another.
It seemed like a waste to spend the little time left at home thinking about summer ending, so you simply pushed it out of your mind. Enjoying the moment was something you’d learned to do over and over again, because that was all you could do in the life that you led.
The moments spent with Bucky Barnes were just going to be a little harder to let go of.
* * *
@domolovee @oplunket16 @barnestruck @igotkatiepowers
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pudding-head-kenma · 4 years
Our Sparkle [ Atsumu x Reader ]
Request: HAHAHAH okay okay. may i request domestic! au atsumu w/ a fem!s/o who is visiting practice with their baby or something 🥺🥺 i don’t mind if it’s a hc or imagine 💘 ty baby and take ur time
 A/N: If he’s OOC that’s my bad I don’t know much about him, I read a few other imagines and a few things about him to write this, it’s mostly me craving fluff
A few years ago, you might have been upset.
Scratch that. A few years ago, you would definitely have been upset.
Everytime your then-boyfriend would stay out late practicing during high school, you would definitely be more than a little annoyed. You’d often wait for him to text you, to let you know he had gotten home safely, or even for a goodnight text that never seemed to come. Even so, you knew it wasn’t because he didn’t love you – if anything, despite what others thought of him, Atsumu treated you just right. He often showed his love even if he wasn’t necessarily the most vocal about it, his cocky and teasing nature often showing during matches, but not as much during your alone time. It wasn’t about him not showing you love at all, it was just that you worried about him.
You fondly recall nagging him many times, how he’d come home completely exhausted and sore. The satisfied smile on his face didn’t help him at all. Now, despite many things changing, your fiancée remains the same. He still stays out late practicing, and he still means no harm in that. He just genuinely forgets.
The more time went by, the more you found yourself changing as well. You no longer worried as intensely, having grown used to his countless late nights and playful complaints of exhaustion. Although, from time to time, you would still remind him that it was his fault for overworking himself like that.
As for being upset, that was no longer your job.
Hiroki had taken that spot.
You glance at the clock once more, 11:50 shining in bright red numbers, and you throw your head back with a quiet sigh as you keep holding onto your crying toddler. He missed his dad, and you know that, but there’s really not much you can do.
Atsumu is a good father, he always tries his hardest with Hiroki, and he pampers the boy with so much affection. However, the downside is that your son has grown very attached to his dad – he wants to be just like him, and be around him at all times. Late night practice sessions prove to be a problem.
Usually, you’re able to get him under control. For someone who often teases your fiancée for spoiling your child, you’re guilty of the same crime, almost as guilty as him. It’s no wonder he has grown attached to you as well, and can be often put to sleep just by you lying next to him on the bed. But his dad is still his hero, so every once in a while there’s a tantrum whenever Atsumu is out for longer than usual.
Today just happens to be one of those days.
You carefully reach for your phone, all while rocking Hiroki as gently as you can, trying to get him to calm down. His sobbing has stopped, and he’s no longer yelling, but you can definitely still see the tears running down his cheeks because his dad won’t read him a bedtime story.
“Do you wanna go see Daddy?”
That seems to make the crying stop. Hiroki is confused for a second, sniffling to stop himself from sobbing before quickly nodding – you can always tell he’s excited by the way he nods, he keeps direct eye contact and tries to move his head as fast as possible, as if that will show how dedicated he is.
With a smile, you reach over to press your lips against his cheeks, exaggerating a few kissing sounds in order to get him to laugh again. The mention of his father allows him to giggle, and soon enough you’re able to clean his tears away and wipe his nose. You don’t like keeping him awake for this long, but just once won’t hurt…
You check your phone to make sure you don’t have any messages from your fiancée, and once you do you decide to get Hiroki out of his pajamas and into some warm, comfy clothes. He’s an easy child, and being eager to see his dad only helps, so it takes you almost no time to get him dressed and ready to go out. You’re sure he’ll feel better and fall asleep as soon as he sees Atsumu, so you make sure to dress him extra warm so that it’s easier for him to fall asleep.
The car ride is short; it’s barely past midnight once you make it to the gymnasium, where you can already hear the shoes screeching as they rub against the floor, the loud thumps from balls hitting the ground and a few different voices calling out in praise. Despite the sounds being loud, Hiroki isn’t scared at all – he has come to associate them with his dad, so he’s more than excited to enter the gym.
You look in first, slowly opening the door while leaving Hiroki outside – you can’t risk a ball coming flying with no warning, after all. You’re holding his hand, and he’s smart enough to know he’s supposed to wait outside until he can walk by your side. You poke your head inside and immediately spot your fiancée. They’re not in the middle of a game, they’re mostly practicing their spiking and receives, so you’re confident enough to step inside with your son excitedly following you.
Bokuto is the first to notice you. You expect nothing less, Atsumu is focused on setting, and you know how he is when he gets deep into practice. Bokuto, on the other hand, is focused as well, but he’s far more aware of his surroundings than the rest of the team. He’s eagerly finishing a bottle of water, barely waiting to swallow before calling out for you – seriously, you fear for his life sometimes.
“Y/N! Hey hey hey!” His loud voice has you rolling your eyes fondly, now more than used to his odd greetings – which, according to Hinata, have been this way since high school as well. He walks over to you, crouching down so he can talk to Hiroki as well.
You don’t pay much attention to what he’s saying, because as soon as Bokuto started shouting your fiancée turned to look at you, asking for a quick break and jogging over to you. As always, Atsumu looks his best when he’s playing, so it’s no wonder you can’t seem to take your eyes off of him as he approaches the three of you.
“Hey. I’m sorry, practice ran later than I thought it would, I should have said something.” His apology is sincere, and even though you weren’t necessarily looking for one you accept it with a small smile, leaning in to kiss him. It’s a quick peck, but it immediately takes some pressure off of your shoulders. Bokuto seemed to take it as his hint to leave, so he pats his teammate’s back and rushes away back to the court.
“Hiroki really missed you.” You explain quietly, not wanting to disturb everyone else. Right on cue, your son is tugging at his dad’s shorts, trying to get his attention so he can be picked up. Atsumu is sweaty, his arms are most likely sore, but even then he doesn’t hesitate to lean down and easily pick him up, holding him close and pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“Yeah? You missed me?” He teases playfully, but you know in reality he just wants to hear it – as much as Hiroki likes his dad and thinks he’s a big hero, the big hero that means the world to him, you would say it’s Atsumu that’s more attached to him. He likes being his son’s hero, and he likes hearing the praise and love from him. Hiroki is quick to nod, clinging to his dad with no intention of letting go. Your heart warms at the scene, and suddenly the stress of the day melts away. “What about Mommy, did Mommy miss me as well?”. You roll your eyes, trying to cover up the small smile tugging at the corner of your lips.
“Eh, you know. I don’t really care.” You’re joking, he knows it. Hiroki apparently doesn’t. He’s nodding again, babbling out a few words about how you did, indeed, miss Atsumu, and that it was mommy that wanted to come here. You gasp, looking at your son and pressing a finger to your lips, pretending he shouldn’t have said that. But he knows when you’re mad and when you’re not, so instead of being worried he just giggles again, and you’re unable to stop yourself from doing the same.
“So you used our son as an excuse to come see me? You like blaming an innocent child?” He’s still playful, even after all this time. Somehow, the spark between you never died down, instead it flared into something bigger: Hiroki, your sparkle. As cheesy as it sounds to everyone else, he’s the walking proof of your love. You cringe just thinking about those words, but somehow his name is fitting for that exact reason. Why should you be the one cringing? Atsumu came up with it in the first place!
“The innocent child wanted Daddy to read him a bedtime story, I have nothing to do with it.” You hold your hands up in defense, and your son’s eyes light up at the mention of a story. He still doesn’t understand that Atsumu would need to get back to practice soon, but that doesn’t prove to be an issue – your fiancée would never deny him anything.
“Oh? Then I better hurry up, I’ve kept you both waiting for long enough.”
He knows as well as you that your son falls asleep quickly if you’re all together, so as the three of you walk towards the benches he holds the sleepy toddler to his chest, muttering out a few words that you’re only vaguely processing. You’re tired, but the scene in front of you gives you energy. In the middle of the noisy gymnasium, surrounded by the career he loves the most, Atsumu doesn’t think twice before ignoring it in order to take care of the two people he loves the most. You can’t help but think about how lucky you are, and if the team is glancing at you guys fondly or playfully, you don’t seem to notice. Instead, you notice how your fiancée speaks in a soft manner, how he presses kisses all over Hiroki’s face, and how he has him sleeping in a matter of ten minutes. Atsumu has grown so much, and you were lucky enough to watch him grow.
He passes the sleeping toddler back to you as gently as he can, pressing a kiss to your forehead as well with a quiet promise of going home soon, and that you can go ahead first. Your head shakes before you think too much about it, and you’re refusing. It’s a once in a while thing, but you’ll stay. You’ll wait for him.
And just like that, your fiancée seems to be filled with brand new energy, knowing both of the people he loves the most are there to support him as he does the thing he loves the most. And if you have to wait another hour, as your arms go numb while Hiroki curls up further into you, you don’t complain. You just watch, unable to wipe away your smile.
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iheartsunset · 4 years
I love your headcannons they're (chef kiss), also do you have headcannons of my boi Connor? 👀
Papa Louie Connor HCs
(Ack you’re one of my favorite people on here and to hear you compliment my stuff is just 💕👌🏽 here’s some hcs for you my friend)
-Connor Grant is an 18 year old high school student and convenience store worker who lives with his newly remarried parents and his younger half brother, Peter Grant, who prefers to go by “LePete”. As the star basketball player at Burgerburgh High and best friend of the famous track star, Lisa Pereira, Connor is highly regarded among the townspeople for every championship he wins. Connor dreams of going pro, but he secretly wants to pursue a career as a playwright, though he is discouraged by his father’s encouragement of toxically masculine behaviors.
-Connor’s a true athlete, one that’s energetic and gung ho, always capturing the crowd’s attention with his confidence and encouragement. He likes to present himself as tough per his parents’ directions, but he’s actually real soulful and sensitive. Like a lot of times he’s shy and artistic, but he only does this when he’s alone or with Lisa. He tries to connect with his younger brother, but LePete’s jealousy of him has put a wedge in their relationship, leading to Connor also hating his parents’ expectations for them. He just wants to break free, like he’s soaring, flying, like there’s not a star in heaven that he can’t reach. He wants to bop to the top, be fabulous, to always bet on it, and find something that could be the start of something new. To also get his head in the game, but still not stick to the status quo.
-He and Lisa have lived down the street from each other their whole lives. They became best friends since Marty babysat both of them at the same time when they were 8. They both exercise together regularly, hang out at each others’ work, and even cheer each other on at games. Connor even breaks into the loudspeaker to play her favorite songs to make her run faster, and she does the same for his basketball games (except with the high school musical soundtrack). Connor even stalked- I mean observed Allan to scope out whether or not he’d be good for Lisa (he was). She’s one of the only ones who supports him becoming a writer. Anyways they totally still wear friendship bracelets, like the rubber band ones from the Cra-Z loom (anyone else remember those?).
-Whenever LePete runs away to sneaks out, Connor and Lisa will haul ass all over the continent to bring him home safely, mostly going to Calypso Island to find him hanging with his military bound mother or in Oniontown with his friends, Sarge Fan, Radlynn, Greg, Iggy, and Yippy, but he goes all over the place. He’s mostly overprotective of LePete, even though LePete doesn’t seem to like him at all. LePete will still piggyback Connor and hang around him and Lisa though, so maybe they’ll end up getting along in the future.
-Connor displays interest in both musicals and traditional plays. He’s mostly into modern musicals and contemporary plays, though, as opposed to Koilee and Carlo Romano’s shared love of classic musicals and Shakespeare. As in, he cries over works like Hamilton and Hadestown at least twice a day. They’ve also inspired him to write many of his own plays, which he helps Allan with as well since he’s the co-writer of the Grease remake. As for performing, he’s great at acting and can sing alright, but that’s okay since he prefers to direct and write anyways .
-Burgerburgh is a very close knit town, so he thinks of lots of the other citizens as his family. Look up the list of Burgerburgh residents, that’s everyone he loves more than his parents, just add LePete and Allan somewhere there. Anyways, they also love him very much, but can he please stop randomly bursting into song?
-He’s one fo the few characters to actually have a car instead of relying on airplanes and public transportation. He does this so that he and his passengers could jam out to musicals without being judged.
-He actually sucks at NBA video games. Even through they’re all about basketball, he can’t beat them unless he looks up cheats online. Tohru actually almost took a train to Burgerburgh just to punch him in the face for this, but luckily decided that staying inside and playing more video games was a better option.
-His favorite movie is definitely Space Jam. He’s seen it about 400 times and still somehow never gets sick of it. His DVD copy of it is one of his most prized possessions.
-He likes to give advice to his friends and teammates about not suppressing their emotions, acting like jerks, or disliking feminine things since he knows that lots of people force those ideas onto them. He’ll also stay up all night with them to hear them talk about their issues or help them with schoolwork. Connor’s just an amazing sweetheart honestly and we stan.
-His hair is very tall and is also thick enough to hide stuff in. He and Lisa used to hide snacks or their cell phones in his hair so that they could eat in the movies or sneak their phones into class. Now that she’s in college and he’s still in high school , Lisa can’t do the second one as much anymore, but she’ll still avoid paying for butterfingers at the movie theater by keeping a bag of them in his hair.
-Connor is really tall, like 6’3, so he often has bruises oh his forehead from hitting the tops of doorways or the shower heads.
-I love Connor so much since I also love basketball, but Ig I don’t really have too many headcanons for him taht don’t revolve around Lisa or LePete...oh well I still love him 💕
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howdoyousleep3 · 4 years
Hello and Happy Friday! Let us consider:
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Three-Day Weekend Daddy.
This started as a harmless and specific Headcannon that turned into a pairing and version of Steve that I...well I just can’t stop fucking thinking about. This has always been my favorite gif of Evans and I am downright tickled that this has morphed into something that will never leave my mind.
This is definitely Stucky (I know my other HCs haven’t been) and definitely the longest Headcannon I’ve ever posted so as per usual, I advise you to buckle up. :)
This Steve actually is a little bit of a rich Daddy but it’s new money, like he sold his start up or something, was self-taught on the skills he used to build his own company up from the ground
He likes to work with his hands, doesn’t want to change anything he’s been doing all along simply because he has the money now
Mows his own lawn, tampers with his motorcycle and car, attempts to fix household problems before calling in an expert
Is intelligent, a quick-learner, a universal natural talent
Could not put a number on the amount of trucker hats he owns
Never takes himself too seriously
Owns a boat
Is extremely tan in the summertime, never wears a shirt, waves at everyone when they’re on the lake
Likes to take care of his body but does not believe in cardio, has a tiniest bit of a soft lower belly that he complains about, but loves beer too much to do anything about it
Bucky fucking gags for it, kisses at his belly--wet, open-mouth, sloppy as all hell--on his way down for a suck job 
Speaking of Daddy’s lil’ bunny...
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Bucky comes from a background with a slightly higher place in society than Steve did (which Bucky isn’t particularly a fan of and probably why it was easier to fall for Steve) and so sometimes he ends up teaching Steve little things
The first time Steve meets Bucky’s parents at a nice dinner place Bucky has to kind of whisper to Steve under his breath about which spoon to use and where his water glass goes 
Takes Bucky to dates at expensive seafood places and also Waffle House
Bucky jokes about taking ballroom dancing lessons and Steve fucking makes that happen, looks like a fucking fool trying to follow Bucky’s natural grace but he’s smiling like he won the lottery the whole damn time
Wakes up hard damn near every morning, nibbles on Bucky’s shoulder, his ear, “can’t help it, darlin’, not when I wake up with my dick nestled between these sweet cheeks, goddamn”
They stumbled upon the appeal of the Daddy Kink by complete accident
“Look at you: mowing the lawn, pulling weeds, working on your bike, marinating steaks-- you somebody's Daddy or somethin’?” Bucky jokes one day but it results in Steve pressing Bucky in tight against the counter, whispering in his ear, “You wan’me to be your Daddy, baby? I’ll be your Daddy, darlin’...”
And then Bucky is just so fucking knocked off his feet by the never-ending onslaught of his own arousal that ‘Daddy’ is actually the only word he can form when Steve puts him chest-down on the kitchen counter and fucks his ass so hard the cabinet doors won’t stay closed
This Daddy lives for three-day weekends where he can spend time outside and invite people over...
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Bucky feels like a little housewife when he brings Steve a glass of water (“it’s hot, you need to stay hydrated. You can’t always drink beer, punk”) or beer or lunch and Steve squeezes at his hips or his ass, kisses him sloppy on the cheek, “Look at’chu, thank you, honey...”
It’s a really hot fuckin’ day and Steve is definitely overdue for a haircut, but Bucky just can’t stop staring at the little droplets of sweat that collect at the tail of each tendril of Steve’s hair where it sticks out from under his hat to lay against Steve’s neck
Wears swim trunks that hit well above his knees and makes Bucky wanna lick the inside of his thighs, a length that isn’t as masculine as you might expect on Steve “where’s the grill brush” rogers, but it somehow adds to all that virility seeping out through Steve’s pores
Asks, “What is this song? Who sings this?” to every other song on Bucky’s playlist
Turns his hat around backwards at one point and it’s how Bucky knows he’s a little tipsy, a little loose
Bucky has to tell him to put on a shirt when he goes to grill but Steve is a stubborn sonofabitch and Bucky doesn’t fight too hard because Daddy looks good in front of that grill, beer in one hand, tongs in the other, broad and glistening all over
Steve is always asking what kind of beer Bucky is drinking and asking him if he likes the taste of that one, the hops in this one, offering suggestions on what he might try next, not because Steve is a beer snob but because he just wants to keep tabs on what Bucky likes to drink so he can buy more next time and just because he thinks it’s interesting to know his baby’s thoughts on that kind of stuff
Jokes about a hot dog eating contest with a wink thrown Bucky’s way
Wrestles and tosses Bucky into the pool, jumps in anyway after Bucky pouts, “Goddamnit, Bucky…”, yanks his shirt over his head, dives in
Sneaks hot and heavy kisses against the side of the house like a couple’a teenagers
Fucks like an animal after spending the day being handsy and teasing and looking at Bucky in his swim trunks, strutting around the yard in front of all their fucking friends, and maybe some other Daddy might get jealous ‘cause‘a that but it only makes Steve grin like a damn wolf who’s just put eyes on tonight’s dinner...
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Bucky has never wanted Steve’s cock in his mouth more, sucks him off right there on the kitchen floor when everyone leaves, Steve’s trunks barely pulled down his thighs enough, “Fuck, baby, you spent all day thinkin’ about havin’ Daddy’s dick to suck on?”
“Do that thing with your tongue again, that thing from last -- yeah, fuck that’s nice” and “Come on, honey suck on Daddy’s balls, there ya go. Fuck…”
A lot of grinding and pushing and pressing, this Daddy a handsy motherfucker, picks up Bucky right from the floor, hands under Bucky’s armpits, under his ass, carries him up the stairs
Does a lot of “every man” physical labor in the yard, moving furniture etc., and his body isn’t just a machine that he’s gotta work on like his bike, but more like a house that he lives in and knows every detail
Which means that Steve knows his own strength -- even after three or four beers -- and doesn’t actually have to try and be careful with Bucky when he’s tossin’ him around
He’s carefree and confident enough that he trusts his own touch, and it makes everything more passionate and intense for Bucky because if Steve wants to grind on him or squeeze on him or love on him with all of his muscle and bone then he’s just gonna do that, gonna do whatever feels good
Steve wants Bucky on top when they finally get to the bed, wants to feel him all over, run his hands up those thighs, wants to bite at those pretty nipples
Both smell like chlorine and sunscreen, Steve’s beard smells like grill smoke
Stops halfway to orgasm and tells Bucky to turn around, to be Daddy’s little reverse cowgirl so he can spread his cheeks and smush ‘em together and watch the way his slicked-up cock disappears inside
Eyes half-lidded, smirk tugging at his lips slightly, super vocal
Likes to egg Bucky on, encourages him to take what he wants, but also knows Bucky well and knows when he’s about to come and uses that to his advantage, knows Bucky won’t want to come but know what he loves to hear that pushes him over the edge
Has such a mastery of control over his own body that he can bring Bucky over that precipice even when he’s on his back just by pistoning his hips up in just the right way
Prefers to be the one in control when he comes, loves to roll and fuck the both of them into their climax, a groaner, a biter
Sleeps in a little later, morning snuggles galore, goes out to get breakfast, Steve wakes up first and makes sure that Bucky has a fresh bottle of water on his nightstand, it was hot out yesterday...
Eeeee, who else would do bad bad things for this Daddy? 👋
Love you bunches! 😘😘😘
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wellimaginethat · 4 years
Runaway Love
Pairing: Jay Halstead x (female) Voight!Reader
Word Count: 3340
Author’s Note: Um...I’m not entirely sure what this is, but I know it’s not the best and the storyline is weird as hell. This is also definitely AU because I haven’t seen all of Chicago PD and I’m just going with what I know, so I might’ve messed up on some of it (sorry). Also, could I pick a more cliche title? Lol
Trigger Warning(s): Mention of sexual assault (but it doesn’t go into detail), stalking, running away, underage drinking, alcohol, mention of drugs, mention of prostitution (literally just the mention of it because of a case)
Disclaimer: I don’t owe nor am I affiliated with any of the Chicago shows, I just like to play with the characters
Summary: Reader ran away when she was seventeen. On her eighteenth birthday, she met Jay Halstead, who was just getting ready to leave for the Army. After a whirlwind romance before he deployed out, and after constantly sending letter back and forth, and him visiting her when he could, he asked her to move to Chicago with him after he was discharged. Only for her to turn him down, leaving him heartbroken and confused.
Y/N = Your Name
Y/EC = Your Eye Color
Y/HC = Your Hair Color
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It seemed like it was a fairly average case. They were trying to track down an all around bad guy, he was involved in a drug ring, a prostitution ring, and had killed at least three people.
They caught him and were taking him in when Voight’s eyes landed on a bunch of photos scattered on the coffee table, narrowing in on one in particular. He walked over and picked it up, frowning at it before turning and storming out to the guy and grabbing him by the arm, pulling him away from the officers that were leading him out to the car.
“Why do you have this?” Voight asked as he held up the photo.
The man barely even spared a glance at the photo, scoffing.
“Why do you have this?” Voight asked more insistently, this time grabbing the man and shaking him roughly, shoving the photo into his face.
The man didn’t seem to be bothered much. “I don’t know, she was just another girl that my boss wanted us to snatch.”
This affected Voight, leaving him visibly distraught.
The officers led the man away.
Jay stepped over to Voight, frowning some as he took a look at the picture, which caused a noticeable reaction.
Voight looked at him and frowned. “What?”
“I know her.” Jay breathed out with a frown.
Voight matched his expression. “How?”
“I met her in Florida, before I deployed out, at a bar near the base.” Jay explained, looking at Voight then.
“Right before I deployed out, a few years ago.” Jay frowned deeper.
“This girl has been missing for nearly eight years, and she’s my daughter.” Voight told him.
The rest was sort of a blur for the both of them, and when Jay got back to his apartment, he dug out the last letter he received from her, informing him that she couldn’t leave her life in Florida to join him in Chicago, and started to wonder if maybe the reason she couldn’t was because she was running from something. Then he started digging through the other letters that she had written to him that he still had after all this time. He pulled out one that had a phone number, it was when she had changed her number and sent it to him so that he could call her whenever he could while he was away, which wasn’t very often but still.
He then pulled out his phone, not even considering for a second that it might be a bad idea to reach out to you, and dialed the number.
Three rings.
“Hello?” You answered the phone, a confusion in your voice like you couldn’t understand why anyone was calling you.
Jay was shocked that you answered, and hearing your voice after all this time knocked the breath out of him.
“Hell-o?” You tried again, dragging it out this time.
“Y/N?” Jay breathed out, struggling to remember how to breathe.
There was silence on your end and he was terrified that you’d hung up. “Jay?” You sounded shocked, but pleasantly shocked. “What’s going on?” You asked softly, trying to figure out why he was calling you.
“I…” He didn’t know what to say. “I just needed to hear your voice.”
“Is everything okay?” You asked, the worry evident in your voice.
“Yes and no.” Jay admitted, leaving you worried.
“What do you mean?”
“I just...I miss you.” Jay told you honestly.
Silence on your end again, but he heard your breath hitch. “I miss you too.” You whispered into the phone.
He was left not knowing what to say again. “I still love you.” He figured you’d hang up at that.
“I still love you too.” You admitted honestly, quietly. “That’s not why I ended things.”
“Then why did you?” He honestly wanted an answer, to hear it from you.
“It’s just...complicated.”
“Is it because you ran away?” He asked abruptly.
You faltered. “Wh-what?” Your mind started reeling, you knew he was in Chicago but that was the last thing you heard. Did he somehow find out about you from a missing person’s poster or something?
“I’m a cop now, Y/N.” Jay told her, like that explained everything.
“I’m confused.” You told him, which wasn’t a lie.
“Don’t play games with me.”
“I’m not.” You answered him with a frown.
“Why did you leave town?”
You pinched the bridge of your nose. “It’s a long story.”
“I have time.” Jay answered quickly.
“Well I don’t.” You hung up on him then, starting to think about what you were going to do. If Jay knew who you really were, and where you were living, then he could get a hold of your dad and tell him, and you knew how that would end.
That didn’t stop you from flinging yourself onto your bed and thinking it through as you laid there. If you did go back to Chicago, you’d be with your family again. Maybe you could finally have a normal life. Maybe even fix things with Jay, he did say he still loved you.
~Flashback ~ You left home two months after you turned seventeen because of reasons you’d rather not discuss. You couldn’t believe you had actually gotten away with it, you were certain that your dad would at least be able to tell what you had planned, he was a cop after all. Or maybe that your mom would have noticed that you hugged her a little longer than normal. Or that maybe Justin would’ve asked why you called him that night and talked for what seemed like forever, like you would never talk to him again. Or even Erin, you stopped by her house before you left Chicago and gave her like three hugs before you left.
It didn’t seem right. Maybe it was because you were always the good girl, maybe that’s why they didn’t notice, because they didn’t expect it.
The more you thought about it, the more your heart broke. You didn’t want to leave your family behind. 
They should have noticed something was up. They should have noticed something wasn’t right with you. They should have noticed.
You had to pull over after driving for an hour because you were crying way too hard. You weren’t even out of Illinois yet, barely even out of Chicago, if you looked in the rearview you probably could’ve still seen the outline of the city.
You didn’t know what you were going to do with your life at this point, but you knew you had to get the hell out of Chicago.
You slept in the backseat of your car at rest stops for about two weeks before you eventually stopped in Florida. Within three months you were able to get a job as an exotic dancer and get yourself an apartment. You avoided getting caught because the owner of the club you worked at was kind of a shady guy, who didn’t care if you were under eighteen or needed to be paid under the table. You liked him because he didn’t ask questions, you didn’t trust him however because, again, he was a shady guy.
By the time you were eighteen, you were doing pretty well for yourself. You made good money, but you still stayed in a cheaper apartment because you didn’t want to risk getting caught and the landlord at your current building didn’t really care about background checks or making sure the name on the lease was your real name.
You celebrated your eighteenth birthday in a dive bar. It wasn’t a horrible place, but it wasn’t the kind of place your parents would want to find you in. And that’s when he walked in with a few other guys. They were Army, you could tell that, but they were newbies. They had to be, they were too fresh faced to have seen combat.
The three of them took a seat at the bar, about six stools away from you and that was when he noticed you watching him and made eye contact with you. You offered him a smirk before turning back to your drink and next thing you knew, he was beside you.
“This seat taken?” He asked
You looked at him, smiled, and shook your head. “Nope.” You replied, popping the ‘p’ for effect.
He slid onto the stool and leaned on the bar before turning to face you. “Jay Halstead.” He offered out his hand, which you shook.
“Y/N Samuels.” You told him, using the name on the fake ID you had that said you were 21.
“Well it’s nice to meet you, Y/N.” Jay commented with a smile. “So what’s a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this?”
You laughed out loud. “Oh my god, is that what you’re really going with?” You asked, unable to contain the smile on your face. “Does that ever actually work as a line?”
He shrugged a bit before dazzling you with a wide smile. “I don’t know, did it work this time?”
You laughed softly this time and shook your head.
“You’re not charmed?” He asked you, teasingly.
“Not even a little bit.” You laughed.
He shrugged a bit, but his smile didn’t fade. “I am serious though, you don’t seem like the kind of girl who belongs in a bar like this.”
You gave him a half hearted shrug. “And what kind of girl do I seem like to you?” You raised a brow and smirked.
“A nice girl.” He replied honestly, the smile dropping some, being replaced with a seriousness.
You laughed but it was obviously fake. “Well you suck at reading people.”
“Do I?” He asked you, raising a brow himself.
Whatever quip you had died on your tongue and you shrugged, turning back to your drink and remaining silent.
He nudged your arm a bit. “I didn’t mean that as a bad thing.”
You shrugged again, stirring your drink with your straw. “So Army huh?”
“Is it that obvious?” He asked you, smirking, thankful the playfulness seemed to be coming back to the conversation.
You side eyed him, looking at what he was wearing. “Just a little bit.” You laughed softly.
He chuckled and ordered a beer when the bartender came over. “You want another drink?” He asked you.
You shook your head. “Nah, I’m a bit of a lightweight so I think I’m gonna stick to one tonight.”
He nodded. “So you came to a bar just to have one drink?” He asked curiously.
You smiled at him. “Well, you see, it’s my birthday and I don’t have anyone to celebrate with, and this place isn’t too far from my apartment.”
“It’s your birthday? Then we gotta celebrate.” He told you with a grin.
You watched him for a moment, slowly shaking your head. “I don’t know...I have to work tomorrow.”
“What time do you work?” He asked you.
“I have to be there at four.”
“In the morning?”
“No, afternoon.”
“Then you’ve got plenty of time to get rest.” He replied with a smile. “Come on, party with us until midnight and then you can be like Cinderella.”
You laughed. “I don’t know…”
“Okay, then how about you take it one drink at a time and leave when you want? I just think you should have a little fun on your birthday.”
You had to admit that it would be nice to have some fun, you had been kinda down before, missing your family and everything. So you nodded. “Okay, fine. Midnight and not a second later.”
Well midnight came and went and you were still partying with Jay, his buddies left sometime during this but you and Jay shut down the bar.
The next morning you woke with a pounding in your head, but it wasn’t as bad as what you’d thought a hangover would be like. You sat up and the world felt like it was spinning, and that was when you noticed that Jay was laying shirtless beside you.
“Son of a bitch.” You groaned out under your breath. Not only did you party with a complete stranger, but you brought him home and slept with him. What the hell happened.
Your movement caused him to stir and he opened his eyes, looking up at you, squinting because of the light coming in your bedroom window. “Good morning beautiful.” He murmured sleepily.
You huffed a bit. “Yeah, morning.” You grumbled as you looked away from him, you sincerely hoped that in your drunkenness you remembered to use protection.
He cleared his throat as he sat up, placing a hand on your shoulder. “Something wrong?”
You huffed again and rolled your eyes. “Is something wrong? Yes something’s wrong, I got drunk and slept with a total stranger.”
He pulled his hand off your shoulder at your tone and held both up, eyebrows raised. “Woah, we didn’t have sex.” He was quick to tell you. “Yeah I slept here last night but that’s as far as it went.”
You looked over your shoulder at him. “Really?”
“Well we did make out, but we didn’t have sex.” He added, nodding.
You sighed in relief. “Thank god.” You breathed out, then shook your head some. “Not that you’re not attractive and all, I just really don’t wanna have a one night stand with a stranger, is all.”
He nodded. “I can understand that.” He nudged you a bit. “You said you work at four, right?”
“Yeah, why?” You asked, raising a brow.
“Well it’s almost noon now, meaning you got time before you have to go to work, what do I gotta say to convince you to spend it with me?” Jay asked you with an adorable smile.
You laughed softly. “Why do you wanna spend time with me?”
“Well you’re pretty and you seem like a nice girl, pretty sure I said that last night.”
You pondered it over for a moment before nodding. “Yeah, okay.”
“Great, I got a change of clothes in the car, after I change we’ll go get lunch.” He got up and headed out of your room.
You got up too and went over to your closet to dig something out to wear, wondering if he was actually coming back or if that was just an excuse to get out of there without it being awkward.
A moment later there was a knock on your door, so you walked out of your bedroom to answer it.
“Didn’t wanna just walk in.” Jay told you, standing there holding what appeared to be a pair or jeans and a t-shirt.
You stepped out of the way to let him in.
You pointed to the bathroom door and watched as he headed in that direction, you then headed to the kitchen to get something to drink.
You ended up spending the day with him up until right before you had to go to work, almost being late to work in fact. You got lunch together, then ice cream, and just hung out all day. It ended with him dropping you off at your apartment so you could get ready for work, and him asking for your number. You gave him your number, but you didn’t actually think you’d hear from him.
But you did, the next day. He called asking you to have lunch with him again.
And it went like that for a few days, the two of you hitting it off.
Eventually you slept together, and you figured that would drive him away. But it didn’t, again.
It was a whirlwind romance and in the span of two weeks he had told you he loved you, which you returned.
Everything was great, until one day something changed. It was almost three weeks after that fateful night in the bar, and a week after he let it slip that he loved you. It started out as a normal day for you, until he knocked on your door around eleven. You opened it and let him in, but he just stayed standing there, to which you raised a brow.
“I’m being deployed.” He finally told you once he looked at you, he stepped inside then, shutting the door behind him while sighing heavily.
You nodded slowly, knowing this was coming, he was at base training and whatnot and getting ready to be deployed, you didn’t know how long you’d have before he actually got deployed. You swallowed hard, knowing what was coming. He was going to end things. Or so you assumed.
The two of you stood quietly, a mere four feet apart, just inside the door of your apartment. You were staring at him, he was looking at his hands.
Finally you cleared your throat, which got his attention. “So what does that mean?” You asked quietly, not adding ‘for us’ although you knew it was implied.
His eyes met yours and he was quiet for a moment, still as a statue besides his breathing. “I don’t know.” He admitted quietly, still watching you.
You nodded slowly again, trying to keep the tears at bay but you could feel your resolve slipping.
He must’ve noticed because in a second his arms were around you, pulling you into a hug. “This doesn’t have to be the end of us.” He whispered to you, placing a kiss to the side of your head.
You clung to him like a lifeline, your hands gripping his shirt, tears slipping down your cheeks. “You really think you’re gonna wanna come back to a girl you’ve only known for three weeks?” You asked sadly, choking on your tears.
He hushed you, stroking the back of your head as he kept you locked in his arms. “And why wouldn’t I?” He asked softly. “I already told you that I love you.”
You forced yourself to pull away from him just enough so you could look him in the eyes. “You really mean it?” You asked quietly.
He nodded silently, a seriousness about him. “Of course I do.” He said quietly, bringing his hand up to wipe your tears.
You still had your doubts, but you nodded and sniffled. “When do you have to go?” You asked quietly.
“Next week.” He said solemnly.
You touched his cheek gently and nodded some. “Well then we’ll have to make the most of the time we’ve got left.” You said quietly.
And that’s what you did. You spent as much time as possible together, you even going so far as to take some time off from work.
And when he left, you were devastated. You kept in touch as much as you could through letters and the occasional phone call. Your love for him grew and his for you.
And then you didn’t hear from him, and you were heartbroken. Six months passed and you heard nothing, you were afraid that he had died and you hadn’t been notified because you were just his girlfriend. You even considered finding his parents in Chicago and calling them to see if they had heard anything, but you avoided doing that because you wanted to believe that he was still alive. And then you got the letter from him saying that something had happened and that he was given an honorable discharge from the Army. You immediately worried about what that could mean. And then you finally got a letter from him, assuring you that he was okay, telling you that he got out of the Army and how he hoped you would join him in Chicago.
You wanted nothing more than to go and live a life with him, but you couldn’t go back to Chicago.
~ Flashback Over ~
After fifteen minutes, you sat up in bed, your decision made. It didn’t take long to pack your bags, you could come back and get the rest of your stuff if you decided to stay in Chicago. You got into your car and began driving in the direction of Chicago, getting ready for the sixteen hour drive.
Chapter Two Coming Soon....
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