#seriously! check out their blogs they write so well and the content’s interesting
Commentary and Thoughts
So, I’m keeping this short and sweet for now-
Though this was due to one of my mutuals @just-animaxiz who sent me something and can I just say to go appreciate them? They’re amazing, and the content I’ve been reading from them is just perfection-
Now, I will say that I definitely have started to enjoy the possibilities of Spike and Randy getting more scenes together, and let me just- my next ask is going to be something special. I can’t say more than that but we need to give creators their credit when it’s due! Whether it’s liking their fanart, reblogging their content- COMMENTS for fanfiction please, kudos and likes are lovely but us authors thrive on comments and interaction!
I never thought I’d get into RC9GN but trust me there’s going to be a lot more where this came from. Also just- please let me know if you don’t want to be tagged but just a few of my followers and people I personally follow that deserve appreciation!
As mentioned before, animaxiz
Unfortunately that’s all l can do for now but still! Please do give them a look- they deserve it heh-
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dangerousduckcloud · 2 months
Flowerbeds make up for a nice eternal rest
Read it also on AO3
“Don’t scream, bitch.” Your breath caught in your throat, the night wind cold in your face, a single lit blinking streetlight on top of you lighting up the street, the rest covered in darkness. “The boss will be happy to see you again.”
Chapter 11 < > Chapter 13
taglist: @kurai-hono-blog @katrina0-0 @readingfictionnothingelse @lookingforsyd
If anyone else would like to be added to the taglist, let me know!
This chapter took me a bit later to update than usual because a lot of changes (nothing bad) happened on my life, so I didn't have much time to be on my computer, but things are settling down now!
You couldn’t continue with the conversation, what else could you say? The boldness you’d felt disappeared as suddenly as it appeared, being replaced by shame that soon overcame your body, taking its rightful place in the part of your brain that fed of the worst possible outcomes your mind could think of at his lack of reply.
Because he didn’t even try to reply, to try and say something only to come out empty and leave it like that. No. He never even tried it, as the writing status never showed up (Not like you had spent half an hour looking at the screen in hopes of a response…).
He was certainly content with leaving it like that.
With a disappointed sigh, your gaze moved from the empty notification box on the phone to the droning voice in the background of the room, the weather cast of yet another raining week in Gotham. Why did they even bother? It rained every week in Gotham.
Letting your hand drop to the bed, you left the phone somewhere around the sheets, searching for the tv remote, surfing channels until you could find something mildly interesting.
“—llionaire Bruce Wayne, it sure is a wonder how he’s managed to keep his company afloat.” The host said, the show was one of those evenings gossip programs that only helped to spread rumors about famous people. “Must be from all the air in his head.” Fake, canned laughs accompanied the lame joke. “Seriously, who in their right mind hands seventy percent of responsibilities of their multi-billionaire company to their seventeen-year-old son? It’s only a matter of time before he drives it to bankruptcy.”
Your lip curled at hearing the presenter talk trash about Tim, if only they knew he was as smart —if not maybe even smarter— than Batman, they wouldn’t be talking shit. Tim could physically and mentally outsmart everyone watching the program right now. Hell, even the leader of the League of Assassins was so impressed by his smarts he wanted to work with him.
Huh, did Tim still had his spleen? You should make a note of asking him later.
A muffled ding from your phone had your heart beating fast, looking under the covers to find the device and check if he’d finally replied. You did have a message, but the sender, as well as the content, made you frown.
              | Come down to the cave.
It read. A second text popping up a few seconds later.
              | Please.
It was unusual of him to say his ‘please’s and ‘thank you’s, so you assumed it must be something important to him to say it. You stood up, not wanting to leave the kid waiting, switching your sandals for sneakers, as the cave tended to be quite cold, especially late in the evenings.
When you got down there, you couldn’t see anyone, specially since patrol wasn’t going to start until a couple of hours later, when the family would come down here to warm up before going out. Was he simply pranking you? You scoffed at being forced to get up from your comfy bed for nothing, turning around to go back to your room.
“Hiya!” A voice said from behind, hitting you on your arm with a cheap, plastic sword.
“Damian!” you groaned, rubbing your arm with the tip of your fingers. It didn’t really hurt; it was mostly the anger at being hit. “What the hell?”
“I gave away my location with a cry of war, you should have been able to block it.”
“Yeah, well, ‘s not like I was expecting to get jumped at here.”
“And that was your mistake.” He said, walking towards the training area, leaving the toy on the floor. “I shall rectify that for our next outing to the city in our civilian identities, shall we get confronted with an unfortunate situation once again.”
He took off his shoes, his socked feet bouncing slightly on the training mats, waiting for you to do the same. Your head tilt lightly to the left, the meaning behind his words dawned on you.
“You want to teach me self-defense?” The tip of his ears’ turning pink was enough answer for you, walking up to hug him. “Aww, Damian! I knew you cared!”
“Let go of me, dolt. I am only doing this to avoid another hostage situation that impedes the imprisonment of criminals.��� You let him go, the kid dusting his clothes of any visible dust, with you feeling guilty at being reminded that Two-Face escaped because of you. “Now, remove your shoes so that we can begin.”
“But I’m not wearing gym clothes.” Your loose, red t-shirt, and black, cargo pants were probably the worst thing to train with.
“It is preferable to be wearing something you are most likely to wear if another incident were to happen, that way it doesn’t impede you from fighting back.” You hummed, using the tip of your foot to remove your shoes, not bothering to untie them.
The blue mat underneath you was firm. If you were to fall with even the least of force, it will most likely hurt for a second, but nothing that’ll do any kind of damage.
“Alright, what now?”
“You have been held at gunpoint already, but trying to disarm an armed man is the least thing you should do unless you are highly trained in martial arts like us.”
You frowned, kicking your right foot on the mat.
“So, what am I gonna learn, then?”
“Tt. I thought you were smarter. I just told you. Martial arts.”
You stood rooted in your spot. Damian Al-Ghul Wayne, grandson of the Demon’s Head, son of Batman, was going to teach you to fight?
“You want to teach me crime fighting?”
“No. Todd would endlessly hunt me if I did that— I am simply teaching you self-defense, whatever you decide to do with that knowledge is up to you.”
“What’s got Jason to do with— Umph!” Damian didn’t give you the opportunity to finish, instead, his foot swiftly knocking you on your back, the air leaving your lungs. You were right, the fall did hurt even on the padded mat. “Why?” You groaned, accepting his had to help you back up.
“You need to improve your surroundings awareness, but we can work on that during the day. Now, copy my movements.”
You did regular warming up exercises first, until he began to swiftly swing his arms as if to punch someone, going all the way out and then snapping them back in, going slow and then gradually upping the pace. While doing so, Damian thoroughly explained the exercise —the hook punch— would help you build muscle and getting your shoulders strong.
Once Damian was satisfied with your punches, he moved on to teaching you an uppercut, a right kick, side kick and a front back kick, first doing them in the air, moving to the training dummies, to a kick pad he was holding to teach you precision.
You were spent. Your shoulders hurt with the tiniest of movements, you were sure your knuckles were slightly bleeding from under the bandages, your legs were pulsating, tiny needles pricking you everywhere.
You felt like you wanted to nap for a thousand years, while Damian was barely sweating, taking a sip of his water, another bottle left on the floor next to your head, a straw pointed at you.
Lolling your head, you took the straw into your mouth, moaning once the refreshing water touched the desert it was your lips, an oasis for your broken body.
Damian sat down next to you, legs outstretched and his arms supporting him behind him. “He likes you too.”
“Who?” You asked, unsure if the two of you had been talking about someone and your brain didn’t register it.
“Todd. I had never seen him so upset when a civilian was in danger.”
Then why hadn’t he responded to your last message? It’s not like he didn’t know where you were all day, every day, to come and talk. And as much as you would like to believe love at first sight was real, it simply wasn’t. You two hadn’t spent that much time together for him to develop any kind of feelings, you wanted to believe there’s a possibility he might consider you attractive, but that was it.
“It’s simply because he knows me. I’m sure he would’ve been the same had it been you, or Cass, or Steph.”
“It has been us already, in our line of work it is not uncommon to be held at gunpoint; he worries, of course, but not like he did with you.”
Do not listen to Damian your mind screamed. But why not? your heart begged.
“It’s… different, Dami. He knows you’re capable of taking care of yourselves, I’m just a normal person, not a vigilante. I don’t know what to do in that situation.”
“Tt. What will it be? He would’ve been the same if it was us, or he does not worry as he is aware of our capabilities? Cloud your judgment with poor reasoning as much as you want. That is not the truth.”
Why were you so hellbent on not considering the possibility that maybe, just maybe he did like you? Every time the idea crossed your mind, your pulse quickened, and you felt empty. You always thought it was nervousness, excitement, maybe even hope.
But it was quite obvious if you thought about it for more than one second; it was fear.
Fear of having your feelings reciprocated, fear of having something real and having it taking away in an instant. You don’t belong here, you’ll leave and you can’t take that love home with you; they’re going to forget you, move on like they do from every single weird plight they’re drag to every month or so, while you’ll be left hollowed out with the longing of a life you’ll never be able to have.
“Ready for tomorrow?” You changed topics, heavily lifting your body until you were sitting, legs crossed, it pained you to do the simplest of movements, slowly closing and opening your hand to try and get rid of the pain. Damian had grabbed the plastic sword again, swinging it around as if it were a real one, his strikes to the dummy getting harsher at the mention of school.
“It is just a waste of my time, time I could be spending patrolling. Father does not allow me to go out during the week. Do you know how many cases I could be helping with?”
His last strike to the dummy broke the sword, the clattering of the plastic muffled by the training mat.
“Come on, school’s not that bad. I’m sure there’s some interesting clubs you can join, why don’t you check them out tomorrow?”
He picked up the broken part of the sword, checking to see if he could probably glue it back together. He walked past you, to where you’d seen some crates positioned to the far end wall. You’d finished your water already, but with doing more exercise this night than your whole life, you wanted to drink a whole river, however, that meant getting up and walking all the way to—
“Don’t scream, bitch.” Your breath caught in your throat, the night wind cold in your face, a single lit blinking streetlight on top of you lighting up the street, the rest covered in darkness. “The boss will be happy to see you again.”
No, no, no, no. That voice, that cold, metallic barrel on the back of your head couldn’t be real, they’re gone, behind bars and with several broken bones, courtesy of Red Hood.
Where was Jason?
Jason, Jason.
You were back on the dingy basement, blood curling screams shattering the heavy atmosphere, steps were getting closer and closer from everywhere, echoing around the dilapidating walls.
“You thought you could escape?” A voice said, warping into a raspy, warbled voice reverberating all around you, eerie and screeching. “You can’t escape from the Scarecrow.”
The disembodied voice took form, a burlap mask with black, empty eyes that never stopped looking at you, even when he had his back to you, neck twisting like an owl’s.
“This will hurt, Jane.” He grabbed your arms, screaming in your face, the hold fickle until the palms were barely touching you, your name being called over and over again, but the voice wasn’t gnarled anymore, it was distant, raspy but childish-like.
“Jane!” It called again. Your vision was blurry, unfocused, bright blue lights enveloping you, the screams fading until they turned into a constant hum you’d learned to tune out. Through your tears, blurry green eyes met yours, but those were not the ones you wanted to see, these ones were harsh, cognizant, and hopeful, hiding his panic behind a green ocean. “Jane, you are safe. You are in the Batcave. I am Damian Wayne, not the Scarecrow.”
“Damian?” He nodded. “I—What happened? I wanted more water and then… Then I was there.”
“I am not sure. You had a panic attack, but I do not know what caused it.”
You screwed your eyes shut, trying to remember what the cause could’ve been. “I felt something, on the back of my head.” With a shaking hand, you prodded behind your head, feeling nothing but your hair and sweaty neck. “That’s when I heard the voices.”
Damian’s eyes widened, biting his bottom lip, looking at something behind you, following his gaze to see the taped-up sword discarded on the floor.
“I did not know.” His voice wavered the slightest bit. “I simply wished to annoy you, but when I put the sword to your head… You froze up, trembling and begging. I did not mean to cause such a reaction.”
You took a deep breath, calming your racing heart. Damian wasn’t here when you tried to escape, and knowing how great this family was at communicating, it was safe to assume no one had informed him of the kidnapping.
It was hard to be mad at him for something it wasn’t his fault (although you wanted to, for bringing you back to that moment), hell, you didn’t even know something like this could’ve happen, and with him looking so lost, out of the loop and believing it was his fault, you could barely hold the sentiment of anger. He looked so miserable, almost as much as you did. “I did not know that could happen.” Damian whispered, more to convince himself that this was an accident than anything else, and sat down away from you, afraid he would do something else to cause another panic attack.
With your heavy arms, you opened them, inviting him to hug you. The kid was wary, getting up a couple of centimeters. “Would you please hug me?” You knew you had to make him believe he was only doing it because you were distressed —which you were, a lot—, knowing he wouldn’t do it out of his own volition for not wanting to be seen as weak. Only when you said please did he stood up, sitting next to you, his arms encircling you in a way it showed he wasn’t used to hugging people and thus didn’t know how.
You hugged him tightly, resting your head on his hair, his head burrowing on your shoulder. You needed this as much as he did.
“Where… Did you go?” His voice was soft and doubtful in a way you’d never heard him speak. “You said that you were ‘there’.”
Taking a deep breath, you began explaining to him how unsafe you felt at the begging of all this, thinking you’d been kidnapped, and how you escaped only to actually be kidnapped.
“I am not surprised Drake did not bother to explain the situation. His incompetence is not surprising.” He scoffed, a light chuckle coming out of you. Midway during the explanation, you both laid down on the floor, some bats flying on the roof from time to time. “Are you… Will you inform Grayson of what happened?”
“Hm?” You were looking at a bat perched on the ceiling, cleaning its wings.
“I will understand if you do, and I will take any punishment you deem fit for my blunder.”
“What?” You turned to look at him. “Damian, I—Yeah, I will tell him, but not to accuse you or anything, just to let him know that things like that can provoke bad flashbacks for me, but you won’t be reproved for an accident.”
He nodded, turning his gaze back to the bats. What did he had to endure to believe that he had to be punished for a mistake? For something he had no control over and had no way of knowing it would happen? From what you’d gathered, he’d been here for at least a year, maybe a bit more. It wasn’t easy to understand the way you’d been brought up wasn’t the right one, to forget everything you’d been taught to in the span of a year, but his reaction made you think that not much had changed since he moved in to the manor.
You would have to pay more attention to the way he was treated around with everyone.
The silence that came upon was disturbed the sound of a motorcycle’s engine, only one person who could belong to. You both stood up, with Damian running to the parking pad.
“Akhi.” Damian greeted him. Jason got off the bike, taking off his helmet, his soft curls were all over the place, the tips wet with sweat. Did they have a heater in here or why were you feeling warmer?
“Hey, Demon Spawn.” Despite being a harsh nickname —and one would think it was because Jason didn’t like him—, it was the opposite, a warm smirk on his face, messing up Damian’s hair. “Oh, hey, Jane, what are you two doing down here?”
“Dami’s teaching me to defend myself.”
“Mmh.” Damian agreed. “I taught her five moves; she is a quick learner. I could have taught her more, but her brittle body had to take a break. Of course, I can still go on.”
It couldn’t be a compliment from Damian if it wasn’t also veiled as an insult.
“Really? You plannin’ on joining us on patrol now?”
Despite de carefree attitude, he was slightly tense.
“Not in a million years.” You chuckled, and the deep sigh leaving his lungs did not go unnoticed. “Just in case I get taken hostage again. The universe travelling agency didn’t mention anything about high crime rates.”
“That’s Gotham for you. Hey, is Dickhead here? Got some intel about the trafficking case.”
“He’s off planet with the League.” You replied nonchalantly, when had that become a normalcy in your life? “I’ll go find Tim; Dick left him in charge.”
“I will go.” Damian quickly piped up. “He should have been here already preparing for patrol.”
Without waiting for a response, he ran towards the stairs, and up to Bruce’s office.
The little shit left you and Jason alone on purpose.
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Under the Devil's Moon - 1.1.0
This is the final stuff I wanted to add before seriously drafting Chapter 2. Woo! That means I won't be adding any additional content until Chapter 2 is mostly done, only bugfixes.
Here's where you can play the update, the usual place! It's still an HTML file and super simple y'all - open it up in whatever browser you use on desktop or mobile. PLEASE DM or message me about bugs you come across, I'm still new to this!
ALSO thank you for @ladybugkisses for taking my commission to draw my babies 🥺 Jack, Lottie, Eveline and Marius look so wonderful!!!! I'm going to be posting the picture separate because I can't get enough of it ... please check out her blog, her art is so fun and nice to look at.
Patch Notes:
Zib and Wick scenes have been added, both platonic and romantic. You won’t get all three in a single night! That’s alright  - plenty of time to meet them in Chapter 2.
Eveline has gotten a small, additional scene if you're romantically interested in her, as well as some text changes in general.
Zib and Atlas get themselves a tarot reading scene. Wick and Viktor will have to wait until you see more of them!
Filipino and Swedish have been added as culture options.
Some cultures (Mexico, Germany and Russia for now) have additional text in the Bringing Family to America deal; others will follow eventually. Mostly just some historical context because I really like reading and writing about it
Scars in general, especially visible and severe ones, have been reworked. A tin facial prosthetic (similar to those worn by WW1 vets) is an option if you'd like to cover up.
Cello and Saxophone have been added as instruments for Musician!MC.
MCs with the Baby deal can now specify what the child calls them (i.e. Mom, Papa, etc.)
Additional text and clarification in some places. Some dialogue has been changed to better suit the chosen Occupation/Personality.
Plenty of grammar fixes, typo corrections and bugfixes - Musician has been fixed quite a lot (oops) and gender is no longer rioting... For now.
A little preview for Chapter 2 ... 👁️👁️
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toointojoelmiller · 8 months
Update: I continue to work on all things! Nothing is abandoned! New chapters will come!
The actual, fun and exciting update: I'm going to start recommending a few AMAZING TLOU fics that you might have missed on my blog every Saturday for the next while.
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I hope you find some new great reads to keep you going while we wait for season 2 - our fandom is seriously so freaking talented, and there are SO many incredibly written fics out there that I want to yell about a bunch of them! Please reblog!
These fics will vary re: how closely they stick to canon and what themes they explore, but you can expect them all to be wonderfully written and, obviously, heavily feature Joel Miller.
Some of these, including this weeks, may include mature content - make sure to read and heed the trigger warnings listed on ao3!
I have never really been interested in fan fiction with OCs, so I missed out on this week's recommendation for a long time and I bet a lot of you did too. It's both a wonderfully told Joel love story and a fic that, in my opinion, really honours the world and characters of TLOU.
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Go Your Own Way by @chronicallyonlinewriter 232,575 words || 31 chapters rating: mature [see ao3 tags for full content warnings] featuring: post season/game 1 life in Jackson, angst, fluff, action, romance, smut, plenty of protective Joel and parent Joel
You can check out a review from @march-flowerr below, describing some of what makes this story so special: (vague general spoilers re: themes and mature content)
“Go Your Own Way stands, in my mind, as one of the most well written piece of fiction on Archive of Our Own. Nandorluna has such an intimate and authentic take on the existing characters that we know and love (on Joel and Ellie and all the Jackson gang) but it’s her ability to create stunning, well fleshed out original characters that drew me to her story initially. Her main character, Benny, moves across the story in such a visceral and realistic way; her arc spans not just the present canon timeline, but transports us through an entire lifetime: from childhood to outbreak, to first love, to first loss, to heartbreak and grief and then finally, to her heart’s final resting place: Joel Miller.
Zee manages to write about and embrace such difficult topics as assault, pregnancy loss, and grief without ever once making a show of it. She handles each moment with quiet dignity and intense self reflection; she draws beauty from the hollow depth of heart ache and despair without ever once losing the thread of hope that The Last of Us is known for.
At the heart of Go Your Own Way is the love story of Joel and Benny. Zee manages to create a compelling story about brokenness and connection and the raw, rare glory that is finding someone with whom you can begin to fit yourself together with again. It’s a story of family - of people who when left to wander, find their hearts drawn to each other. It’s a story about love - each relationship, from Benny and Alexei’s long friendship, to Ellie and Joel’s turbulent first years, to Benny and Joel’s steadfast devotion for each other, caters to the soul. It’s a story that I’ve found myself returning to, again and again, in all moods and places in life. If I could change anything about it, it would only be that it did have to end after all."
If you read and love this, please please show the author some love and leave a kudos and comment!! Happy fandoming y'all.
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mikalara-dracula · 2 years
When the Sakamakis were children [IRL photos + hcs]
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Warning: 18+ content below; don't read if you're a minor and aren't comfortable with mentions of childhood fears/trauma. This is a fictional work and should not be taken seriously.
Caution: Unfortunately, Tumblr has a history of admins quarreling over completing carbon copy asks due to users sending the same request(s) to multiple admins, thus, resulting in unintentional plagiarism. With this, please DO NOT send the same request to multiple blogs as it can cause unintended plagiarism discord to other blogs across Tumblr. The word “plagiarism” stems from the early 17th-century Latin word, “plagiarius,” meaning “kidnapper.” So please, do not send in the same request to multiple blogs and make admins appear to be “kidnapping” other people’s work when it isn’t their intention. If this is to occur with any of my posts, please contact me so we can work something out.
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Made with: @liannelara-dracula
Figured I'd put side-by-side photos for better comparison to real life and the anime.
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Started practicing violin a lot as a kid, but it was honestly a hobby to him. And this is probably when his love for classical music began.
He also started learning piano too. He has a natural talent for both, but violin came easier to him.
Began learning fencing as a child. (I have a post about Shu and Reiji hcs if anyone is interested. Click/tap here to check it out.)
Shu used to be taller than Reiji as a kid, but this changed later on.
Read poetry as a child and Beatrix also forced him to write some of his own so he’d develop the skill since the heir had to know how to do something finesse.
Since he’s the heir, he was expected to attend special balls and gatherings with Reiji by his side.
And here, you can best bet he was introduced to potential suitresses he would have to choose sometime later, but Beatrix thought it didn’t hurt for Shu to be introduced early.
She honestly hoped he’d become friends with one of his suitresses as children so they could grow up together and later be married.
It’s canon that Shu has a fear of clowns.
This fear probably resulted from Ayato and Laito jumping at him out of nowhere when they were kids, and scared him by wearing clown masks.
It’s also canon that he’s afraid of caterpillars.
This fear probably developed in his childhood through Reiji putting one in Shu’s tea once, and he’s been traumatized since due to Reiji’s scheming.
It’s canon that he knows Latin, so he probably started studying it when he was a child. Beatrix figured it’d be better for him to get familiarized with the human world since Karl was well accustomed, so through Shu being the heir, you can imagine Beatrix expected him to be very knowledgeable like Karl.
It’s canon that Shu used to sneak out as much as he could to get away from the castle.
Although, he would sometimes get caught by the servants who would immediately force him to come back and he’d be delivered to his mother for scolding.
But some servants looked the other way and let Shu go out and explore, mostly because they felt bad from how much pressure was on him as the heir.
When he met Edgar, he used to sneak out a lot to go see him.
In the manga, Shu said that he worked harder in his studies so he could finish them early and go have time to see Edgar.
Their friendship was so cute. :))
Had his first kiss at 13 (at least he looked 13) with some nobleman’s daughter since he was at the age of being curious as to what that would feel like.
Was quite close with some of his nannies and servants, at least the ones who let him get away with things his mother wouldn’t allow.
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Oh my gosh, look at our lil Rei. He was so cute as a kid. (Tbh, they all were.)
Apart from this, unfortunately, Reiji was alone for most of his childhood.
Read a lot as a kid, either for school or personal research.
Has gotten into literal fights with Shu, such as both them tackling each other and battling it out.
It usually took several servants to pry them apart.
They once ended up falling into a mud puddle during their fight and Beatrix was so pissed off that their suits had been soiled. You can bet her scolding was quite brutal and never-ending about this.
Probably started learning chess around this time as well. Lil Rei honestly found it interesting since it involved strategy, something that’s right up his alley.
His fear of ghosts probably developed as a child since he was always lonely, especially through always sleeping in his room alone as a kid and being considered foolish by his mother if he sought comfort.
It’s canon in one of the game routes that Reiji developed a healing cream formula as a child to aid vampires. So we can see how advanced his chemistry skills were even as a child.
Because there was a lot of pressure on him as a child by his mother he felt the need to perfect things so he was always practicing all his manners, tea pouring, dancing, and fencing skills.
He usually asks his servants to assist him and correct him if needed.
This is also why he is so good at dancing when it comes to the waltz. 
It doesn’t surprise me if he had a maid/servant who used to help him practice.
At balls and events that he attended with Shu, he always tried to make a better impression than his brother, mostly because he just wanted to be acknowledged.
It’s canon that Reiji used to spy on Shu in hopes of catching him doing something un-heir-like so he could report it to his mom and get Shu scolded so he could be viewed as the more “mature” child.
He used to have tea time with his mother because she’d want to know what was going on with Shu.
Reiji at first thought it was because she wanted to spend time with him but he later learned that these tea times were only to know what Shu was up to and if he was misbehaving or hiding anything.
Still, Reiji did what he was asked because he figured he could possibly get the chance to tell his mother some news about his discoveries or something interesting.
However, it was always short-lived because she used to change subjects and always focus on Shu.
This is also why Reiji prefers to be alone because he could never have one conversation with her, without her not mentioning his older brother.
All our lil Rei wanted was a friend who would listen to him 😭.
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It’s canon that Laito once stuck candy wrappers into Shu’s pocket to not get the blame for eating them. Shu’s still pissed at Laito for this since he ended up getting the blame along with getting scolded by Reiji.
Definitely developed his fear of bugs as a kid.
Ayato used to chase Laito around the courtyard with a bug in his hand and would try to get it on him.
He used to run around the mansion shirtless.
But also used to run around naked in the castle with his brothers.
Always took baths with his two little brothers, and he and Ayato always use to tease Kanato by pouring cold water on him or by stealing his bath toy.
This usually resulted in Kanato crying.
But sometimes they were nice to him and washed his hair since they felt bad. So they used to take turns washing each other’s hair.
Laito and Ayato always bribe Kanato with candy so they dare him to touch Reiji’s shoulder while he’s reading without being noticed or to mess with the cooks in the kitchen.
This way they can get a laugh out of it.
Laito used to have the servants read him bedtime stories before going to bed every night.
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Aww, isn’t he cute.
Let’s just pretend the bby in the photo on the right is Teddy lol.
It’s honestly funny how both are positioned in the same way.
Kanato wasn’t entirely alone during his childhood.
He mostly spent his time with Ayato and Laito, but sometimes he preferred to be alone.
Used to have pillow/stuffed animal fights in his room with Ayato and Laito. And they would usually end with pillows/stuffed animals ripping, causing a big cloud of fluff to explode about them.
Used to steal sweets from the castle's kitchen and was an expert at hiding it.
Little Kanato would usually sneak out of his room after everyone had been put to sleep and would sneak into the kitchen to grab a bite of whatever sweets the castle had prepared for tomorrow.
He once colored on the castle walls because he was so bored. Cordelia was so mad, but Karl honestly didn’t care since he claimed his son was expressing himself. Until this day, that wall remains with that design.
It’s canon that Kanato used to sing “Scarborough Fair” to Cordelia when he was a kid. He honestly had a natural talent for singing and finds it nice to sing on his own every so often as seen in the anime.
His brothers used to tease him about his height and he’d get sad and would claim that one day he’d be taller.
Sometimes Kanato would have nightmares as a kid. So he’d end up going to either Laito or Ayato’s room and crawl into their beds for comfort. Aww :’))
He used to be afraid of lighting as a kid.
He had a childhood crush once and Laito and Ayato teased him endlessly about it.
Used to finger paint with Laito and Ayato and they used to tease him by taking their fingers and dabbing their fingers on his nose to get paint on it. It would always make him upset.
Our poor little baby.
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Ayato usually spent his time with Kanato and Laito, but mostly Laito since sometimes Kanato wanted to be on his own.
Ayato once spent a lot of time with Kanato and Laito building this little motor that they could drive around.
Ayato decided to test it once inside the castle with Kanato and Laito.
And it actually worked! Ayato was having a lot of fun test-driving it around, and Kanato and Laito cheering him on and begging to have a turn.
But this was until Cordelia stopped Ayato and told him to go to his room for acting foolish.
In the end, their little motor ended up disappearing, and they later discovered that Cordelia had it burned.
It’s canon that Ayato took violin lessons as a kid, but this didn’t last long until Cordelia ended up breaking Ayato’s violin during her freakouts, to which his lessons ended. And he was honestly happy to get out of them.
Ayato always used to play monkey in the middle with Laito and Kanato. And you can best bet that Kanato was the monkey in the middle.
Kanato would always complain that he could never catch the ball and would throw tantrums about this.
Tbh, this hasn’t changed since the triplets play it like this until now lmao. xDD
Used to jump off the manor’s couches with Kanato and Laito with a cape and pretended he could fly.
Apparently, it’s canon that Ayato is afraid of bees. So with this, he probably developed this trauma because he got stung once when he was a kid and never got over it.
He used to grab little mice and release them into the kitchen because all the female cooks were afraid of them.
He used to get a kick out of it every time the cooks would start freaking out and throwing pots and pans and chasing them out with a broom.
He’s even done this to his aunt Beatrix but not his mom, he was too afraid. He knew she’d instantly catch on to it being him and suffer tremendous punishment for it.
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He was alone a lot of the time too.
As we know, Christa gave Subaru that silver knife he always carries around.
Whenever he was bored as a kid, he’d sometimes used it to carve or engrave things, or even weave bracelets.
He had a childhood crush! It was a girl (a child vampire like him) from a noble family that would sometimes come to court.
She was around his age and was pretty social. She noticed him at one of the gatherings and began hanging out with him since she found the gatherings boring.
So, they both would go outside since Subaru hates crowds himself. And from there, they developed a pretty cute and innocent friendship.
She actually got our little bby car to lighten up and would tag him out of nowhere so he could chase her around the courtyard.
And it was through this that Subaru developed a crush on her.
Sooner than later, he even went as far as carving his and her initials into a tree in the courtyard.
Their friendship lasted a good while throughout the years and through having such a connection, Subaru secretly swore that he’d marry her when they were of age.
But this all changed when the girl was forced to marry another suitor that was presented to her.
This left him pretty disappointed, but he figured it would end this way because he always thought it was too good to be true since he was raised to think he was “filthy.”
Used to engage in a bit of pottery making and he gave some of his works to his mom, which she gladly appreciated when she wasn’t having a mental breakdown.
Subaru keeps his little pottery works until now stashed somewhere hidden in his room so his brothers won’t find them.
And he can’t bring himself to throw them away despite part of him wanting to since he finds them foolish now. Whatever the case, he figures as long as his brothers don’t see nor find them, he’ll keep them.
Played tag with the triplets sometimes.
Would sometimes hang out with Shu, but it was rare.
They’d sometimes go on walks together in the courtyard or even carve things together, like a piece of wood from a nearby tree.
Shu once tried to teach Subaru violin, but it was a disaster.
Unfortunately, it was so bad that it was overheard by the entire castle ground and it resulted in a lot of people complaining. So with that, he never tried it again.
Despite this though, he still considered Shu his favorite brother since Shu never bothered him in an annoying way and was the only one who made an attempt to hang out with him every so often.
It’s canon that Subaru likes Kanato’s singing. Since Kanato used to sing to Cordelia when he was a child, Subaru probably overheard Kanato sing to Cordelia in the courtyard sometimes since he spent a lot of time there himself, and grew an admiration from there on out.
Subaru would sometimes use his knife to cut roses and bring them to his mom when she was feeling okay. It always brought a smile to her face.
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faffreux · 11 months
HI, MY NAME IS FAFF!! I''m an autistic adult who loves Fawful to pieces and we are married. /gen (No seriously, I'm madly in love with this dude and you will never hear the end of it, sincerely.)
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I've actually created a webpage all about it! Click here to check it out!
While I have many different interests, I dedicate most of my time and space online to sharing my love for this eccentric little bean. Fawful is extremely important to me and has positively impacted my life in countless ways. He’s featured in 99% of my artwork because of the depth of my love for him and the fact that he inspired me to create again after so many years of feeling uninspired prior.
The project I dedicate most of my creative passion towards is:
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It's a story that takes place after Bowser’s Inside Story and functions as my personal love letter to Fawful. It’s a mixed media project told through writings, illustrations, comics, and animations - whether created by myself or by friends who are kind enough to devote their time to helping bring my vision to life. It stars Fawful as well as Jolligig!
I'm a bit of a chatterbox online so bear with me if you decide to follow and know that I can range from hardly making a peep for days to suddenly rapid fire posting for a week straight, lmfao. It honestly really depends on how I'm feeling!
My blog is intended to be PG-13! What this means is that you’ll occasionally see some suggestive humor and art— nothing explicit, though!
- I am non-sharing. Please respect that I am extremely uncomfortable with other ships involving Fawful and will not interact with art or posts relating to them. (This doesn't mean I have an issue with anyone personally!)
- Do not interact with me if you are a minor who posts suggestive content. I am an adult, so please keep that in mind before thinking it's alright to DM me with inappropriate questions.
- If you or your blog make me uncomfortable, I may block you for my own peace of mind. This is not personal and I’m allowed to curate my space. Do NOT bring your drama, bitterness, or discourse here under any circumstances, I will not engage with it.
Thanks for reading and I hope you stick around!! <3
twitter, tumblr, bluesky, cara: faffreux
tiktok, instagram, 18+ twitter: fawfulslover
twitch: faffreuxTV (on hiatus)
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abbyromanoff · 2 years
I would like to start off by congratulating you all, congratulations you made it through this shitty year! And what better way to start off the new year than with some blog recommendations! Enjoy your reading lovelies!
@daddynattt - seriously one of the nicest people I’ve ever met and has amazing stories. If you like Natasha and you like g!p or just amazing stories in general, go check her fics out! She creates the hottest, saddest, sweetest fics all in one, it’s amazing how good of a writer she truly is!
@cthulhus-curse and @cthulhus-library - if you want to read some amazing fics or even just share some of your ideas, their blog is perfect! They post out fics pretty often and they’re all absolutely outstanding! They have different varieties like g!p, ABO, bottom!reader, bottom!characters, mommy/daddy characters and or reader, character x character, and more.
@sapphickorro - Once again, the fics are amazing! If you want some good smut or fluff with your favorite women, their account is a go to. Everything she posts is just *chefs kiss*
@yelenasdiary - Fics? Beautiful, outstanding, amazing. They write such incredible fics for awesome characters and just everything they post is once again, *chefs kiss*
@dirtyvulture - If you like variety, go check out their work. They have everything from g!p reader, g!p Nat, beefy!reader, beefy!Nat, angst, fluff, smut, they have everything. They post often and I believe their requests are open as well, if not you still can enjoy some amazing stories and ideas that they post!
@sevikasleftpussyflap - First of all, the name? AMAZING! And if you like Arcane they are a great person to follow. Their Sevika stories are so good and smutty. They post pretty often and also give small little blurbs occasionally.
@gayerthanevertbh - Everything she writes is just fabulous. She has many different series that you can read as well. And if you enjoy angst and hot smut, go check out her work. She also often takes many anon ideas and shares her own ideas of Natasha with everyone.
@agathashcrkness - They’re one of the people who actually encouraged me to start writing. They’re stories are amazing and they give the best Agatha thoughts and fics. If you want some good Agatha appreciation, definitely go to them. They also write for other characters like Nat and still makes hot, amazing, juicy stories that anyone will love.
@wandasdolly - just- amazing. Absolutely incredible how well they write. As you can probably tell from the name, they write for Wanda, and they write her well. If you want some good blurbs for that goddess of a woman, you have to read their work and give them a follow.
@wandasbunny - they haven’t posted in a bit but their work is amazing nonetheless. Once again they mainly write for Wanda but every blurb or fic they make is just fabulous and definitely worth the read.
@90smaximoff - their stories are just so hot! Everything they write is beautifully written and often longer than other fics out there. If you like angst, smut, or fluff, definitely go give their stories a read.
@kitesxromanova - Once again, absolutely stunning work. All their fics are well written and amazing. If you love Nat then you should definitely give their fics a look.
@wndaswife - perfect blog for my Wanda lovers out there. They post everything from mommy!wanda, Dom!wanda, Dom!reader, smut, angst, fluff, etc. They post often and even shares some of their own thoughts often. If you love good stories, check them out right now!
@mrsyelena - Just, beautiful. Amazing fics and amazing thoughts on characters. If you like marvel woman and are in need of good stories for them, just go check them out. Trust me now, thank me later.
@mostlymarvelsstuff - amazing, especially their Nat content. If you like Scarlett and Natasha their blog is definitely worth checking. Their stories are well written and very interesting to read, trust. Me.
@themidnightcrimson - just, I can’t even put into words how amazing their fics are. If you love Elizabeth Olsen and Wanda Maximoff you NEED to check out their blog right this minute. I went through every story they have ever written and let me tell you, I loved each and every one and I know you will too.
@natashaismylove - Amazing g!p and non g!p stories. They post for many characters and each fic is amazing. The smut is just out of this world. And if you like a variety of top!reader, g!p!reader, g!p characters and more you definitely should give their stories a read.
@tahliafox - Their representation on mommy!Nat is just out of this world. If you love soft and sweet smut you need to check them out right this minute. They occasionally give some of their own ideas for little blurbs as well, my personal favorite is innocent!g!p Nat.
@urmomisunderme - The stories are just amazing and definitely should be read. If underrated but talented had a definition, their work would pop up.
@once-upon-a-thigh - started reading their fics after the nerd!Nat story and instantly fell in love with their blog. If you want some good Nat fics you should definitely read theirs, I couldn’t stop picking them back up and rereading them over and over again.
There are many other amazing blogs out there that I may have not mentioned but trust me, that does not mean your blog is bad! I love all the fics people release and appreciate it all. Please give these accounts some love as they deserve all the followers in the world. Happy New Years once again!
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mint-yooxgi · 1 year
Why are you so rude to your asks? Is it bad that people are excited and interested in your writing? I love your stories, but jeeze, if you get that pissed when people ask about the next chapters, etc, im not going to support anymore
You should be happy they are interested in your stuff
So, I got this ask earlier and it’s just been sitting in my inbox, but I think I’m finally ready to answer it. I think I’m a little less appalled now than when I got it, but seriously?
I don’t know how many times I need to state don’t ask for updates for people to get it, but some never do. I’m setting personal boundaries which are clearly being ignored and constantly disrespected by people just because I’m not producing content fast enough for them. That’s not even counting the five seconds it takes to click my FAQ link in my bio to check. Of course I’m going to be standoffish when MY OWN FUCKING BOUNDARIES ARE DISRESPECTED.
I’m tired of repeating myself. It’s annoying, entitled, and literally does not make me want to write faster when I get asks that pertain to updates. I already put so much pressure on myself as a writer to not only update quickly, but just make sure the story flows well, connects to itself, and it doesn’t read like I was forced to write. I’m human, I have a life outside my blog. I don’t spend all day at my computer typing out a story. My blog is for ME and so are my stories. I have good days and I have off days. I’m human, not a fucking content spewing machine.
There’s also a very clear difference between someone asking “when’s the next update?” Or “next update of X when?” And “looking forward to the next chapter!” One is encouraging and supportive, the other is demanding. I don’t know very many people who would be “polite” to someone demanding something of them. Adding a “compliment” to it doesn’t mean anything to me, and is in fact, very backhanded. To me, it says, “yeah, you’re a decent writer but you’re not producing ENOUGH” and “give me more!”
That’s not okay with me. It has NEVER been okay with me.
Also, if that’s how you want to act, then it’s no loss to me if you stop supporting me. People are not entitled to me, my blog, or my writing, and if this is the way you think… I’m sorry, but don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
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rocklover719 · 1 year
Zora Dating Headcanons: Ledo 🐟💚⚒️
Big thanks to @thezoraprince / @hey-llison for inspiring me to write this! I don’t make much content but if you’re looking for more Zora content, please check out their blog!! (I’m literally constantly sending them asks lmao)
Ledo is definitely outspoken and has ambition. I mean, who else calls out to a stranger from a river?
He is also a very disciplined Individual, as we can see from how highly he speaks about Fronk and Dento. Ledo is someone who takes respect seriously, and is a hard worker by nature.
He has a humorous side to him! He has so many running jokes he likes to involve you in. Anytime he counts something around you he raises his voice and goes “AND A OOOOONEE, AND A TWOOOO… THREEEE..” and so on. He does this just to make you giggle or roll your eyes, because he finds it cute when you give him even the slightest reaction.
Ledo is a craftsman by nature, and as such he would enjoy giving you things he makes.
As he hones his skills taught by Dento, he would practice making different intricate things such as jewelry or small luminous stone carvings when he isn’t working on any big projects for the domain. He would gift these items to you, hoping you’d like them. He might be a bit embarrassed over the slight flaws, maybe even going as far as to apologize and point them out to you. Of course, you’d hardly notice them and you don’t care if there are little flaws here and there because…well, he made this for you! Why wouldn’t you love it?
He would definitely be shy over those little imperfections but hearing your praise would make him 10x more motivated to keep harnessing his craft. In fact, you can bet your tail fins that this Zora is already sketching out each and every anniversary and holiday gift he has in mind just be BE SURE it will be perfect when the time comes!
He would definitely appreciate your company while he works. Some stonework is very tedious, but just having you sitting by him and watching him makes him enjoy the process even more. You two would share light conversation and maybe hum a song together. Bring him some lunch on the job and this Zora would be head over fins for you in a heartbeat!
As every Zora does, he loves to swim. Especially with you. I feel he would casually laze around the rivers with you, floating. Maybe some small splash wars, or observing local rock formations. I could also see him hiding in any river weed or foliage just to mess with you, as his green scales camouflage him. His favorite game is to hide against foliage and see if you can spot him. His golden eyes watching as you look around yourself and calling out to him, as he tries not to laugh.
Ledo is definitely a geology guy. Don’t even look at me and say he isn’t! He would gift you rocks he finds interesting, especially smooth river stones. Perhaps he would try to find one that matches your outfit or hair color, even eye color if he can find it! It’s definitely his way of trying to woo you subtly.
I feel Ledo is an affectionate Zora, and wouldn’t mind some appropriate PDA. Maybe not around Dento, as Ledo would try his best to be as respectful as possible… but this guy would love holding your hand whenever he can.
Chances are, unless you are Zora, Gerudo, or Goron (or maybe a tall Rito), you are shorter than him. And he will definitely tease you about that now and then. He just thinks its cute, even if you are a tall person. Zora appear to be at least 7 feet to me, so even if you are a tall human or hylian…. You’re short bro. He wouldn’t take it too far though, just enough to get a cute pout out of you.
Ledo seems like the type of person who handles arguments very well. He would do his best to communicate calmly, but if things escalate he is quick to back away and put a pin in it. He doesn’t want to yell or get angry, especially at you. He would want his space, maybe seeking out Dento or Fronk for some relationship advice. I could see him giving you the silent treatment in extreme cases, but only because he doesn’t know how to speak to you without the argument getting worse and he doesn’t want to snap and say something he doesn’t mean. Eventually, he’d come around and ask to talk to you privately. With most Zora, communication and honesty is important. He knows every sea has its storms, and he makes the best effort he can to work with you to solve any problems.
I feel like the main thing that would really be a deal breaker for him is if you disrespected his craft or his mentors. He had so much respect for his Master Dento, and his senior apprentice Fronk. If you were to talk badly about them, he would not let that slide.
Overall, dating Ledo would be fun, respectful, and peaceful. But it would definitely have its moments of mirth and adventure!
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edgiestdude · 2 years
New post since 2 months. This blog is basically dead.
How do I start? Well a long time ago I was a RWBY fan. I found this series after watching Camp camp and Nomad of nowhere. During this time I was craving more Roosterteeth content, so I checked out RWBY.
Okay I'm going to share my over all thoughts about this since there's either this one side or the other. It was an alright show. It wasn't one of the best things I've seen since Samurai Champloo nor was it the worst thing like Velma or the amazing Bulk. See I have a very high yet low standard due to me liking shows for story and such, but I also know that there's always a bigger fish when it comes to terrible quality (there's a literal movie called selfie man).
RWBY was kind of mid (not in meaning terrible just somewhere in the middle) because where there was things l liked about it (the story is ok, I like some of the characters, and the setting) there was things that kind of brought it down (Volume 5, thanks grey, some voice lines [Blakes “I run away too much” line], some weird story elements like Hazel wanting to get revenge on Ozpin, yet siding with Salem [though one can argue that Salem brainwashed him or somethin] and Cinder herself [ love her design though; especially her Vol 1-3 outfit]).
I guess I’m just spouting all this shit because… I’ve grown distant so far from this show and fanbase. I hardly ever check on the show and the fanbase then when I used to. Nowadays I just brainstorm these ideas for numerous story’s and literally spend all day doing school work, watching films and anime, and, sometimes, even researching stuff for my story’s lodged in my brain (don’t know if that’s weird).
I guess I’m not into the show anymore. And I guess since the shows not appealing anymore, I might as well consider this a farewell to the community. Y’all was probably the most interesting fandom I’ve ever been in (and that’s cause I was in the undertale fandom at one point)
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This fandom was a wild tornado of drama and shit like holy fuck. I know in the past I’ve repeated the line “I’m gonna leave this show because of the fandom”, which kind of sounds whiny to me now. Yet I never left. For some reason this show had a special dedication in my heart which is why I made this blog to begin with. To criticize those who make dumb takes and such. I know at one point I was gonna make a post about ironwood (though considering I’m writing this that seems unlikely).
I guess ,in the long run, I wanna say… thanks for making me a member of this fandom for at least a year and a half. It was an interesting ride with y’all in the fandom. For those still watching the show, I hope you keep enjoying it the way you do. And as for the insane RWBY critics and RWDE, y’all need to calm the fuck down. Seriously RWBYs far from being a god awful show ( I’ve seen worst).
Anyway, I wish y’all a farewell. Oh and I’m barely writing this right now so sorry for any mistakes I made.
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the-haunted-office · 1 year
⭐ General
This is multi-fandom blog, but some primary influences you may find are The Stanley Parable, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and the works of Stephen King, as well as anything horror. I routinely poke fun at tropes, themes, and other elements of storytelling while attempting to introduce elements of horror.
My blog is part roleplay blog, part writing blog.
For the writing part of my blog, anybody is welcome to follow. I welcome anybody who finds themself interested in my muses and the little world I've built for them. If you want to read along and send in asks and anything like that, that's all fine and I am happy to have you.
For the roleplaying part of my blog, it is Private and Mutuals Only - this means that we must be mutuals to roleplay together. You are welcome to follow me first, but I will check out your blog to make sure we are a good fit before I decide to follow you back. If I choose not to interact with you, please don’t take it personally. I have my reasons for being private, and I choose to be private so I can keep my rping space fun and comfortable for myself. Please don’t let that stop you from inquiring, though! Odds are if you’re 27+ and open to rping crossovers and with OCs, I’ll rp with you.
That said, I prefer to rp with folks closer to my own age, and so to interact you must be at least 27 years of age. If you are under 27, I'm sorry, this is purely for my own comfort and isn't anything against you personally. I do have partners who I interact with who are under 27, but I we've been interacting since before I put the age minimum in place.
I’m not a terribly strict person, so things on this blog will probably not be terribly strict either! I’m just here to have fun. Mostly I don’t take things too seriously - so most things will be lighthearted and will trend on the silly side. I do love to write dark humor, though, so there will probably be some of that. Anything that is a serious trigger, I will try to tag appropriately (I sometimes forget though, so please forgive me! Please message me if I miss something in this regard and I will fix it).
I’ll interact with muses from pretty much any fandom. The only caveat is that if your muse is from a fandom I am unfamiliar with, I may need some information from you in order to understand things better. Otherwise, bring in your little ponies and your stubborn test subjects and your space-exploration team! And, oh yes, your OC’s and self-inserts. Bring them all!
The only fandom I will NOT interact with is Harry Potter. No offense meant to those who have HP muses, but I just cannot support HP or its fandom in any capacity.
There are at least two ways to play here! You can send your muse through “The Story” and have one of my Narrators narrate for your muse. Or we can just interact. Whichever you like. Most of the time these days it’s normal interactions, but my muses love to narrate stories so they’d be happy to do so.
Please note: This blog contains dark themes such as depression, anxiety, death, horror, and occasional gore. HOWEVER! I will include content warnings (such as  “cw death”, “cw images of horror”, etc.) and usually include anything particularly graphic or descriptive under a cut. A good deal of the stuff I roleplay here is silly humor, and I don’t intend on including anything particularly horrific in RP threads without discussing it with you first. If you have any questions, please reach out to me! It is very important to me that I don’t make you uncomfortable or mistakenly set off any triggers.
⭐ The Mun
I, the Mun, am in my 30s.
I am also a mother to a nine-year-old and I babysit my baby nephew during the week. Sometimes I get very busy, but I do try to stay as active as I can.
I go by the name of Thursday! My muse Thursday started off as a self-insert but she broke away from me and ran off into the sunset. She decided to keep my name, but we are both completely different people.
I rp only on Tumblr. While I am comfortable with chatting and plotting on Discord, I am uncomfortable with roleplaying on Discord. This goes for one-on-one rp's, private servers, small servers, large servers, just any rping on Discord. I prefer to keep all roleplaying to Tumblr, please.
Please also remember that Mun ≠ Muse. The thoughts, words, actions, feelings, and opinions of my muses are their own - not mine.
This means using your personal real-life knowledge to influence your character’s decisions. It honestly takes the fun out of roleplaying for someone’s muse to “know” everything and always make the “right” decision because of it, especially if it’s to manufacture or kindle a relationship or manipulate things in your favor.
PLEASE NOTE: The exception to this is if we agree to breaking the fourth wall (due to the nature of The Stanley Parable or another fandom) or crack threads. Information obtained via ask memes is okay! I'm also okay with muses who can read minds or who are super intelligent and geniuses at reading others - I just need to know about this before we start a thread.
This means assuming the actions of my muse or actively controlling my muse. If it’s something small like opening a door, that’s okay, but assuming my muse will go along with every action your muse is saying/doing without protest is unacceptable.
⭐ Harm towards muses
If your muse is about to get into a situation where they can be hurt or killed, I will reach out to you first before I reply to our thread. I will never harm your muse without permission first, so please extend that same courtesy to me.
PLEASE NOTE: Some of my muses are more dangerous and violent than others - and a couple of them are intentionally overpowered. If you are uncomfortable interacting with these muses, please let me know!
⭐ Replies
I try to reply within 1-3 days, but sometimes I get busy and can’t keep to that time frame. However, if it has been a week or longer, please feel free to reach out to me. I may have overlooked your reply or didn’t get the notification. Some threads are easier for me to reply to than others and so those may take longer, but I will answer as soon as I can!
On the flip side of the things, I will never ask or remind you about a reply, thread, plot, or anything like that - regardless of how long it's been - unless we have discussed that you want me to.
I understand that roleplaying is a hobby, so if at any time for any reason you want to drop a thread or anything, that's fine. You don't need to tell me. I do ask, though, that if something in thread has made you uncomfortable, that you do please tell me so that I can correct myself going forward. I understand that I can't force you to do this, but your comfort is important to me and I'd really like to make sure I don't accidentally cross any boundaries going forward.
For the most part I will roughly match length for length, although sometimes my post lengths will run longer or shorter. I don't expect anyone to match the length of my longer replies, but please give me enough to work with. A couple of short paragraphs with some dialogue and descriptions should be enough. Most importantly, please remember the all-important "yes, and-" aspect of roleplaying. If there isn't enough for me to work with, then I will likely drop the thread.
⭐ Shipping
While I do enjoy shipping, it is not the main focus of my blog. If your primary interest in roleplaying is shipping and you want to ship right off the bat, then it might be best for you to seek interactions elsewhere - this isn't anything against you or shipping, it's just that I'd rather us both be up front about it and not waste each other's time.
That said, if you're here for all other kinds of interactions and you get an idea for a ship or one starts to develop between our muses, I'm all for it!
My blog is multiship. That means that my that all of muses may be shipped with more than one character and from different verses, AUs, or even in the same verse.
I prefer to ship with chemistry.
I also prefer to let things develop naturally through rp threads, but I am always open to hearing your thoughts and ideas if you have a ship in mind. I'm perfectly willing to work towards a ship via plotting if the chemistry is there. I will always be 100% honest about whether or not I think the ship dynamic would work.
My muses want to get to know your muse and form bonds with them, but more often than not this takes time. Ships with my muses tend to be slow burn and don't happen within a thread or two. If you are looking for expedient ships, then ships with my muses aren't for you. If you're willing to take the time and patience to get to know my muses, then let's ship!
Also, please don’t ship with my muses just to collect ships or if you don’t intend on ever developing the ship with my muse. I have had too many people want to ship and then never do anything and it’s very frustrating.
Please be mindful of my muse’s ages when interacting with them! I will not allow Anons or ANYONE who is a minor to interact romantically and/or sexually with them, even in jest. It’s inappropriate and makes me uncomfortable.
⭐ Plotting
I am open to plotting! Usually I let things unfold as they go, but I do occasionally have plots running and little situations for my muses to get into. If you want to be involved or want my muses to be involved with your plots, feel free to ask!
If it's a plot that I am running on my blog and you have chosen to have your muses involved, please understand that I will keep the plot running at my pace. Others may be involved as well and aside from that I'd like to keep my overarching plots moving at the pace that I set for them.
If it's a plot we have going between us and our muses that we have worked on together, then I am happy to take things at whatever pace you like. I'll reply as you are available whether it's days or weeks or months out. I won't ask you about replies or dropped threads or anything like that unless we've discussed that you want me to.
Please do not feel obligated to participate in my plots. Also, if we are plotting and I pitch a plot to you and you don’t want to go with it, you are welcome to tell me no and we'll move on.
⭐ Trigger warnings/content warnings
I will tag the following items as indicated below. They’ll be tagged as CW - for example: CW blood. If you have any particular triggers, squicks, or things that make you feel uncomfortable, please tell me so that I may add it to this list and remember to tag them for you!
animal cruelty animal death animal injuries blood body horror death dermatology (talk of pimples, blackheads, cysts, etc.) eye horror gore horror (generally speaking, this will be used for posts that include particularly frightening content like you’d expect to see in a horror movie/book/etc.) infidelity mind control pet death pregnancy religion (posts including things such as demons, ouija boards, etc.) self harm self harm mention (used if self harm is mentioned as a past thing or muses talking about it) slugs snails snakes (pictures of) suicide suicide mention (used if suicide is mentioned as a past thing or muses talking about it) terminal illness
Suggestive content will just be tagged as suggestive.
⭐ Stuff I am NOT comfortable with roleplaying
Smut. I am not really into rping smutty stuff. Suggestive or dirty humor, implying things, flirting, mentioning it, saying it happened, asking questions about my muses’ sex life, and suchlike is all fine - just nothing overly explicit, please. I don’t mind other people rping smut and following those who do; I am just uncomfortable rping it myself. If in any case an rp starts going in that direction, I’ll have it fade to black or skip ahead.
Excessive violence towards children. It’s okay if it’s part of a muse’s past, and in threads I am also okay with some angst and general childhood things like skinned knees and the like. But I am not comfortable rping actual threads where there is excessive harm being done towards children.
Toxic/abusive relationships, especially ones being handled like it’s romantic or sexy. I don’t find abuse romantic and I will not portray it that way. If you do, that’s fine, I’d just prefer not to be a part of it. Thank you.
⭐ Stuff I am comfortable with
Violence? Sure. Blood and gore, let the viscera ooze forth. Cursing? Fuck yeah! Crude humor? Of course! General horror - definitely!
⭐ Blocking
I don't block people easily, except in cases of racism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, pedophilia, etc. If I have an issue, I will come talk to you about it first and give warnings prior to blocking. I much prefer to talk about things and try to work things out before blocking.
If I find you’ve blocked me, though, then I will also block you so your blog doesn’t keep coming up as a suggested blog.
I ask that if you truly don’t want to rp or talk ooc with me anymore, please hard block me instead of soft blocking. Tumblr has a glitch that randomly makes you unfollow people sometimes, so if you soft block me I’ll assume it was the glitch and follow you again. Hard blocking will communicate to me that you don’t wish to interact any further with me at all and I’ll get the message.
And finally...
⭐ Communication
This is a big one for me.
I do my best not to cross anyone's boundaries, but I am not a perfect person and I will make mistakes, as we all do. It’s important to me that if you have any issues with anything that you please tell me, so that I can do better going forward. It doesn’t matter how big or small - please bring it to my attention. Don’t let it fester. It is always better to talk about it than to try to shrug it off. I will do the same - if I have any issues, I will bring them to your attention.
If at any time you want to stop writing together, I understand. Sometimes muses fall out and even mun chemistry can go sour or you lose interest for one reason or another. All I ask is that if you truly don’t wish to rp together anymore, please let’s decide to peacefully part ways. Please don’t force yourself to keep replying to me out of a sense of obligation. I would rather us go our separate ways than for you to feel obligated to reply to me when you aren’t into it anymore.
If all of that sounds good to you, go ahead and drop your muse into my ask box! Or shoot me a PM. I can even write up a starter for you. However you’d like to start!
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brayneworms · 1 year
hi! i stumbled on one of your works and i had to drag my ass to your askbox immediately to let you know it was the best thing i've read in a while. listen, i skim through writing normally but i was there reading and rereading every word. i ate that up. god bless. god bless fr.
it was the fic about xiao's scars. first of all a million kudos to you for the characterization, because that's something i rarely see done well especially when it comes to ns/fw. my favorite part was definitely the intimacy - i'm not that good with words so idk how to put it, but seriously, the intimacy was so satisfying. a lot of suggestive content goes straight to the point and forgets about the emotional value (which ig contributes to poor characterization) but i loved the way you took your time to explore all his feelings and reactions. like THAT'S what i wanna read, man. it scratched an itch. it all felt so tender and loving. my heart!!!
also i cried on the inside a little when i realized it was over. i'm craving a novel over here. then a trilogy. then the shitty movie adaptations. so i'll be checking out your other works!! i get the feeling i'll stick around since you write for a few more of my interests :3
thisis so fucking kind thank you SO much i dont even know what to say. i totally know what you mean abt a lot of nsfw fics sort of skipping character building and plot which is totally fine , its just... not something i can get into ? i find it really difficult to enjoy smut thats just pwp i guess. i like to give my readers a personality and some quirks or flaws, give them some pre-established relationship with the character in question . its just what i find preferable :3 characterisation is probably my biggest source of stress when it comes to writing so im SO thankful for ur comments about taht !!! xiao is my special little dude and im so glad you think i represented him well .
THAKN YOU SO MUCH . im a very slow worker because i have a couple longfics on my ao3 that have my attention , this blog was more made to get brainrot out ( hence the username lol ) but rest assured im working on some stuff for this blog !!! it's mostly genshin at the moment too so . hopefully there will be something for u !! i hope ur having a wonderful day my angel <3
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insurrection-if · 2 years
Have you considered maybe making a sort of a spin-off game with the minor ROs in the future? Bones minor romance sounds so sad...
Haha, my goodness! (´∀`) Is it strange that, prior to this blog + my near ancient interest check post on the COG forums, I assumed that the two least popular romances would likely be Fyodor and Bones? Back then, I seriously wondered if it was a mistake / waste of development on my part to have them as ROs in the slightest, haha! (;^ω^)
Anywho, truly, thank you so much for you interest in such an idea! ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
Mm, it would be rather hard in the timeline of things as the current rendition of Insurrection has already rewinded into the late-stage “prequel” territory of the original. A spin-off would have to be even deeper into the past in order to keep all the minor ROs in one place . . . But not too far back that certain minor ROs are out of the picture! (Yet the current point for Book One is the sweet spot for having Fyodor, and thus Mishka, in the mix with all of them as well.)
Really, any spin-off project with the CARDINALS as the primary cast (and thus the primary ROs) would likely have to take shape as a free “special” of sorts in a detached, non-canon timeline. Like a slice-of-life or scenario-specific game that largely disregards the main plot rather than being its own overarching narrative. (Probably with the same MC in an alternate-timeline of joining / freelancing for / budding up to the CARDINALS rather than being captured by the HAWKS).
(;´∀`) Alas, I don’t have any plans for such a project at the moment, especially not with the actual demo having yet to be published, haha!
Maybe in the future if enough interest existed I would entertain it as a side-project to update with new content now and again—but that’s a very distant thought from my mind. My writing also has yet to be fully tested (and reviewed) in an interactive game as well, so I would feel much more comfortable developing a side project like this as well after being assured that my game-making skills are playable enough to warrant any appeal, haha! ¯\_(´・ω・`)_/¯
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gameminds · 1 year
Tooth Gone
I got my tooth extracted. hooray
lol but seriously. I already feel substantially better psychologically just to have it out and not have to worry about it, and it hurts less than it has when it was at its worst already anyway. I'm glad I was at least able to be on top of my shit for long enough and consistently enough that I was able to get that done.
I'm still a little short on the financial side, and unfortunately I still haven't been able to monetize streaming or writing in any way yet. But really, I'm still in a very happy hobby space with both of those, and I've been very successful with school and work in the mean time. Partially because I sold a house last year, I'm essentially getting exactly zero dollars back on my tax return. So it may be another few weeks of grinding pretty hard until the end of the semester in the first week or so of May.
This summer, I'm going to be taking 4 full credit classes, so my school schedule is going to ramp up pretty dramatically. But I'm in a place where my productivity level and focus level is at all time highs, and I'm feeling more comfortable and fulfilled than I maybe ever have. Unfortunately again, I will probably have to reduce my content output a little. But basically no one is consuming it right now anyway XD
If you've stopped by the blog or my stream, I'd love to hear from you! I've been really interested to get feedback and hear from people who share interests with me, and I'm eager to build a bigger community of people that I feel like a part of. If you read my stories and you enjoy them, please please please share them, comment on my posts about them, send me a message, anything at all to let me know you're out there! Helping me share my stories with new people is the most important way you can help me meet more writers and content creators, share queer, progressive content you enjoy with people you love, and grow my channel so that I can keep adding more stories to the portfolio! Letting me know what you like and don't like, what you want to see more of, what keeps you coming back, and how I can help you see yourself in my stories is the most important way you can let me know that you appreciate the effort I put into crafting stories that speak to people, and help me get better and better all the time!
Anyway today I'm feeling very grateful after having several very bad weeks full of a lot of pain, stress, and depression. For anyone out there who reads this blog, reads my stories, watches the stream, hangs out with me on twitter-- thank you for spending some of your time with me and my weird thoughts!
the patreon can be found through my linktree if you want to support or check out my stories-- everything on patreon except the story outlines is available TOTALLY FREE. any amount you want to contribute goes directly to supporting me as a writer and content creator.
I've been posting stories sort of scattershot between a bunch of different profiles, but this week I'm going to migrate all of them over so that they're linked on both the patreon page and my writing blog, AB sci-fi. All of the stories will also be migrated to Google Docs in the process. I may even do some updates and edits 😉
Hope all is well with all of you! Enjoy the stories!
Catch you next time-
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fatuispolaris · 2 years
Tumblr media
hello all! milk here! this is an indie, private, & highly selective roleplay blog for tartaglia/childe from genshin impact. i am completely caught up with the archon quest, so this blog will not be spoiler free (i will tag if i mention leaks, though). if i'm not here, you can find me on one of my other blogs: @impishsensei @blastintriumph @muryonokansei @yuujitheevessel please be sure to read my rules before interacting/following. 
GOOGLE DOC || INTEREST CHECK (wip) || PLOTTING CALL (wip) || pinned credit | fanart for icons credit (1), (2), (3)
i’ll place my rules here as well for ease of access for mobile users. they’re located under the cut! 
i will interact with mutuals only. if i follow you, i want to interact, so do not hesitate to send me asks or im me with plot ideas! i'm willing to roleplay with ocs, and characters from other series. for personal blogs: please do not follow/like/reblog my posts. doing so will result in an immediate block. i’m okay with one-liners, crack, multi-para, novella… everything! feel free to send in any ask memes if we haven’t roleplayed before. i’m duplicate friendly.
if i haven't replied in two weeks and i'm not on hiatus, that means i probably lost our thread or it’s sitting somewhere in my drafts and I haven’t noticed it, so please message me to remind me about it. i drop roleplays sometimes out of a loss of interest but please do not blame yourself. it is always a personal thing that has nothing to do with anyone else as a roleplayer. i’m always happy to start/write more regardless of dropping previous threads.
Don’t god mod. My character is mine, and yours is yours. Little things to move the thread along are fine with me, but don’t kill Childe without even checking if that’s fine with me first (ask memes that call for it are an exception though, of course).
where RP is concerned i heavily prioritize chemistry. for now, my blog is multi-ship, so any relationships my muse develops will take place in separate verses unless stated otherwise. that being said, i absolutely love shipping but i think childe (the way i portray him, at least) is kinda difficult to ship with romantically so keep that in mind.
DON'T involve me with drama OR send messages telling me to reblog callout posts or anything like that. i don't care for getting involved with petty roleplay drama. if it's something actually serious, i've already seen it on the dash and taken note. seriously, i will hardblock, anyone that pesters me with this nonsense.
There will be NSFW content on this blog so if you’re uncomfortable with that just blacklist the the following tags, as i tag all my nsfw posts with the following: “cw nsfw”, “nsfw //”, and “( nsfw. )”.  Feel free to ask me to tag anything you need tagged.  I am 26, so if a roleplay should ever come around to it I will only write smut with partners that are also of age & that I feel comfortable writing smut with. If you’d rather not roleplay smut publicly, I’m cool with continuing roleplays on discord. I’m also open to just private RPs (not necessarily smut) on discord too, just ask/lmk you’re interested!
Given that Childe is a morally gray character, I will not stray away from this nature of his or soften it in the slightest. Even though he is a playable character in game and a friend to the traveler, he is still unapologetically a harbinger and doesn’t show remorse for his actions. I will approach writing his character with this mentality. Additionally, I will cover dark topics. There will be mentions of murder, blood/gore, toxic/unhealthy relationships and so on featured on my blog. I will of course tag what I feel needs to be tagged. 
I ask that minors DON’T follow my blog. I don’t want to be the reason anyone sees something inappropriate for their age. If you’re a minor & I accidentally followed you, let me know & I’ll unfollow you immediately. 
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m1ckeyb3rry · 29 days
LMAOO tumblr really said f u…but glad it worked out either way but I seriously need to find a better system for remembering if I actually sent something in or not….hmm….
Anyways hope your flight was nice!! And omg NOO the migraine :(( hope it goes away soon! I wish I had some tips or remedies but I honestly can’t remember anything that was super effective…..
Karasu serving as usual!! No because the Karasu nagi content from epinagi lately is fire like thank you for saving us in the drought that is the PxG match!!
First rin now ISAGI I saw your post and oh my god I was kinda shocked but then again I think we’ve mentioned this possible scenario at some point before so maybe it was just a matter of time….bro atp you’re gonna be providing more content for Kiyora than kaneshiro is you might as well just adopt him as your oc LMAOOO (I think your blog really just has manifestation powers atp let’s just face it)
I’m genuinely laughing my ass off (needed to write it all out for emphasis) at the “karasu anon requests (any)” LMFAOOOOOO but PAUSEEE SINGING READER KARASU??? That sounds very interesting!!!!! WAIT A DAMN MINUTE CHERRY TREE PT 2??? Sign me tf up part one slapped so hard
Also wait riding lesson right when you got back from vacation WITH jet lag AND a migraine??? You’re truly built different I can’t even wake up at a decent time after traveling between time zones ok but Karasu bfb was a JOURNEY LMAOO I’m also never getting over that wc it’s insane
Shidou would go wild for Karasu’s sus comments LMAO adding Otoya to the mix would be so chaotic HAHAHA also someone needs to save yuki asap fr
LMAOOO Karasu truly the only thing holding PxG together esp since Loki probably does not care about the dynamics of the team beyond winning and Charles’ growth
Lukewarm is honestly the perfect word for it…but wait ok speaking did you see the chapter….because wtf….im ngl i still haven’t caught up fully with whatever happened after the yuta gojo freaky Friday but what just came out was wild
SHSHS thats actually so annoying….hopefully it gets resolved soon! Im not super well versed in the topic but have you looked into it being something like vertigo? Or is it till more likely the side effects thing? Either way hope that and your migraine goes away soon and doesn’t come back!!
Anyways I’m gonna go read your latest post and try not to convert to kaiserism (I probably won’t but it should prove for some more uhhhh clearheaded commentary (??) than if I was fully invested in the character too and not just your writing LOL)
- Karasu anon
FR like it all linked up and that’s what matters in the end 🤩 hm ik for me personally when i’ve finished smth and i have it in my notes app i put a little green checkmark emoji next to it?? so maybe once you’ve sent an ask in you could put a green check on the note or smth 🤔
icl the flight was kinda crazy my brother and i were judging the pilot HEAVILY because the landing was kinda bad 😭 we’ve both been flying since we were like 6 months old so we’re very used to planes and whatnot LMAOO we can even tell what went wrong…as soon as the guy started landing we were texting each other like “omg he didn’t descend enough in the air now he has to take the landing too high and he’s going to hit the runway too hard 🙄” “negative aura for the pilot fr” (second text was obviously my brother FJDKDJS he is nothing but a teenage boy through and through)
HAHAHA PLSSS no because i’ve always considered isagi boring because where is the angst potential?? but then i realized that he (and yukimiya who kinda falls into the same boat) are very very yuta okkotsu coded 😳 so like where the angst with characters such as karasu and nagi is the fact that the feelings are there but never quite acknowledged/understood in time, the angst with isagi and yuki and characters like that is that no matter how hard you cling to someone and love them there’s sometimes extenuating circumstances that just tear you apart and there’s nothing you can do abt it (ex all of the dying and whatnot that happened in pomegranate ink…like for the majority of the story reader and yuta are in a relationship but they just can’t be together because of the bs going on in their world) 😰 they’re definitely characters that work better in an au though because in a modern setting they are just too healthy and normal…okay also i’m realizing that me being bored by personality types that i’m supposedly most compatible with might have smth to do with why i’ve never been in a relationship irl 😓 JFKSKS
nah because watch me write a beautiful layered complex kiyora and then all of a sudden my little fun facts abt him appear in the manga or a possible ln 🤨 going to be raising some eyebrows and asking which of my followers is secretly kaneshiro at that point LMAOAOA
HAHA i’m probably going to give your idea posts special tags and then that way i can go back and reference them when i’m in dry spells!! but for now i’ll probably do one of the ideas from each post just so i can clear my inbox LMAOAO i’m going to have to go through and see which characters i’m feeling when i get to them 🤩 and yes the request is for a reader who’s good at singing but shy abt it!! it’s probably going to be on the shorter side (like the isagi ones) but yk my track record with saying that 😭 ALSO YOU HEARD RIGHT CHERRY TREE PT 2!! it’s going to take place when rin goes and finds the reader again after the world cup like he says he will 🥹 so much more of a time skip than instrument pt2 🫣 but i’m excited to write it!! rn i’m working on the nagi req because he’s #bae but cherry tree pt2 might be next 😳 trying to take a break from karasu so i don’t feel like i’m writing the same thing over and over LMAOAAO i’ve written quite a lot for him recently (aka bfb) so i’m switching it up and writing for other characters for a bit 🤩 i have not abandoned karasu nation though trust i will return just taking a second to do my duties to the rest of the fandom 🙏🏻
LMAOOO i’m always on my grind 😩 i missed the pony i ride so i had to go back fr 🙏🏻 tbh it was a struggle getting there but my lesson was pretty good so it all worked out in the end!!
THAT’S WHAT I’M SAYING like shidou and karasu are actually two peas in a pod it’s insane to me that no one else has picked up on their duo potential 😟 i need them to be besties and a trio with otoya would be insane JFKSDJSJ yukimiya needs friends fr 😭 like poor guy doesn’t even have a canonical bestie in bllk…i’m trying to think of people without a set “duo” that he could be paired up with 🤔 like kunigami has chigiri, isagi has bachira + rin + barou, reo has nagi, and most of the other characters feel like they’re too young to be super close with him (like hiori and all)…maybe gagamaru?? actually that would be crazy because apparently gagamaru thinks one of his strengths is his good eyesight and we all know what’s going on with yukimiya’s eyes 😓 i can’t think of anyone else who’s definitely staying in the manga that doesn’t already have a bff though 😟
yes i did see the new chapter!! honestly idk how i feel abt it…i think it was just done weirdly 🤔 like a lot of people are defending the situation and saying it makes sense/is supposed to be a shock factor thing and while i can definitely see the appeal of that it still doesn’t feel cohesive to me?? like okay she’s back in the last five chapters it just doesn’t sit well for ME considering how important she’s supposed to be 😕 i’m sure people will say i have no reading comprehension or media literacy or wtvr for thinking that but maybe i’m also just sensitive because she’s a female character so i think it’s annoying she was dead for most of the story and then suddenly she’s relevant again randomly?? like to me that is not how you should develop a character especially when you already are on such thin ice with writing women 😰 also again i can see the shock factor aspect but in my opinion an author should not be out to surprise their readers just to say “gotcha 😏” yk?? like if nobara was going to come back it should’ve been done in a way that felt more natural than her just randomly springing up LMAOAOA i’m not saying she should or shouldn’t have shown up earlier in the FIGHT just that it didn’t feel as exciting to me as it could’ve because it didn’t feel earned or deserved 😬 but this is top ten opinions i’ll never share in the public because the jjk fandom WILL jump on me and say i can’t read and blah blah blah 🙄 listen like i said idm her coming back it’s just the execution was off to me!! but also maybe i’d be more hype if i was still super into jjk like i used to be 😔 truly atp i’m just reading to keep up with it and know what happens…maybe one day in the future i’ll go back and binge read the whole manga at once and maybe it’ll feel much more cohesive then!! but we’ll see
sadly i have no clue what it could be 😓💔 but fingers crossed it resolves itself soon 😩 and EEK not kaiserism…i had a brief dip into it because he’s just very easy to write about in literally any au but he’s not a character i can stay passionate abt for very long LMAOAOA like he’s not rlly one of my favs even though i don’t mind him that much
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