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tossinghydras · 4 years ago
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With the new changes Arena Mortis has brought to my Sepulchral Guard I figured I should make some thematic Raise Tokens. #warmongers #warhammerunderworlds #sepulchralguard #warhammercommunity https://www.instagram.com/p/CGBz-11H4rg/?igshid=14gjclhmg0fdm
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tabletoprealmco · 5 years ago
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Sepulchral Guard from Warhammer Underworlds Shadespire. I wanted to get purple into their color scheme to represent their connection to Shyish, the realm of death. I love these models and enjoyed working on them. At some point I hope to revisit them for an "Inspired" version of the warband. . . . . #warhammerunderworlds #warhammerunderworldsshadespire #warhammerunderworldsnightvault #warhammerunderworldsnightvault #shadespirewarband #shadespire #beastgrave #nightvault #paintingshadespire #paintingnightvault #paintingwarhammer #paintingwarhammerunderworlds #paintingminiatures #miniaturepainting #legionsofnagash #warhammer #warhammeraos #ageofsigmar #skeletons #sepulchralguard #sepulchralwarden #shyish #mortalrealms #realmofdeath #deathrattle #grandalliancedeath #layerup https://www.instagram.com/p/B5LL-xknKm2/?igshid=dvlhetc1zygf
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mrleepainting · 7 years ago
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And my Sepulchral Guard for Shadespire is now completed. All ready to take on whatever faction or gang I paint up next. Possibly the Sigmarine models for a challenge. Was fun to paint all the same! #paintingminiatures #paintingwarhammer #shadespire #sepulchralguard #skeletons #miniatures #mrleespaintingemporium #gamesworkshop
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twothinquotes-blog · 7 years ago
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Assembling these minis is bliss. Caution when pushing the skeletons into their bases though. Push the tab and not the mini! #shadespire #sepulchralguard #ironskullsboyz #assemblingwarhammer
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theravenofblood-blog · 6 years ago
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Another model from the Sepulchral Guard warband #paintingwarhammer #warhammer #ageofsigmar #shadespire #warhammerunderworlds #sepulchralguard #skeleton (na mieste Trencin, Slovakia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwALPQwHseY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fdd7h14oake3
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dysartes · 6 years ago
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Finished off the other half od the Sepulchral Guard set on yesterday's stream bar tidying up the base edges. A nice set to work on, bar one or two spots where the restrictions of designing for plastic mess with the detail a little. More Stormtroopers next, I think! #painting #miniatures #miniature #hobby #tabletop #minipainter #figurines #paintingminiatures #mini #warmongers #twitch #creative #twitchcreative #twitchtv #live #livestream #gamesworkshop #warhammerunderworlds #sepulchralguard #skeleton #undead #shadespire #nightvault #paintingwarhammer (at Sheffield) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqW1DWCnLhr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1be7rmf6s93bh
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communistattack · 7 years ago
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Great fun games with our Imperial Knights tonight, and we also got some Shadespire in! Cheers to @kornykenny for hosting and providing fud! I'm swelling with all this Knight Hype as of late... Saturday may see my resolve wither and die! #imperialknight #renegade #crusader #renegadeknight #shadespire #sepulchralguard #magoresfiends #40k #gamesworkshop #paintingwarhammer #paintingknights #warhammer40000 #ageofsigmar
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calaveraminis · 7 years ago
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First game of shadespire, nothing like trying to learn how to play using only expansions! #warhammer #miniatures #miniaturegaming #tabletopgaming #paintingwarhammer #warhammer40k #ironskullsboyz #shadespire #warhammerunderworlds #sepulchralguard #nationaltabletopday #thegameannex (at Fort Wayne, Indiana)
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wiltrichs · 5 years ago
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#paintingwarhammer #Warhammer #40k #wiltrichs #warmongers #gamesworkshop #wargaming #spacewolves #spacewolf #sepulchralguard #shadespire #shadespireunderworlds #killteam #goldendemon #zbrush #warhammer40k #zarbagsgitz #hobbyresolution2020 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2uaGrOk
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thecrazymakernerd · 5 years ago
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The #SepulchralGuard cheer on the legions of #Nagash . Their journey began in #Shadespire but it certainly won't end there. They even gained an #undead friend, the #SkeletonKing . I wonder who they will come across next... #CrazyMakerNerd #PaintingWarhammer #AgeOfSigmarPainting #Warhammer #AgeOfSigmar #Painting #skeletons #skeleton #Sepulchral #Guard #Underworlds #WarhammerUnderworlds #warhammerageofsigmar #Fantasy https://www.instagram.com/p/B-S9m70nxoy/?igshid=1fukic5gnfvil
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mrleepainting · 7 years ago
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Almost finished this Sepulchral Guard gang. Has been a lot of fun and just have the metals and some fine tuning left. Though I am considering to do so light OSL in places. Perhaps the eyes with a red glow or something? Like in the box concept work? Will see when I get them all finished if that's the direction I wish to go (and have the steam for it still!). But now... Sleep! #paintingminiatures #paintingwarhammer #shadespire #sepulchralguard #skeletons #miniatures #mrleespaintingemporium #gamesworkshop
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twothinquotes-blog · 7 years ago
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A defining and shading wash of Seraphim Sepia. I've always found it to be a great starting point for both bone and yellow. #shadespire #sepulchralguard #ironskullsboyz
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theravenofblood-blog · 6 years ago
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The Champion from the Sepulchral guard warband for Shadespire #paintingwarhammer #warhammer #ageofsigmar #shadespire #sepulchralguard #skeleton (na mieste Trencin, Slovakia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv1_Ki6nDa0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18wqahrmd3bh2
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wiltrichs · 6 years ago
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This is what I’ll be painting this week #zarbagsgitz #zarbag #paintingwarhammer #shadespire #ageofsigmar #gamesworkshop #warmongers #moonclan #grots #warhammerunderworldsnightvault #warhammerunderworlds #nightgoblins #sepulchralguard #wiltrichs — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2PJXzQJ
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thecrazymakernerd · 5 years ago
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#TheSepulchralWarden leads the #SepulchralGuard through the dark realms of #Shadespire 💀 ... Will he lead them to victory in the name of #Nagash ?! #PaintingWarhammer #warhammer #warhammerageofsigmar #ageofsigmar #warhammeraos #CrazyPropDMC #CrazyPropGeek https://www.instagram.com/p/B7jQpDGjoqV/?igshid=1sgf8cptee0qh
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thecrazymakernerd · 5 years ago
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Did he fight for duty, honor or coin 💰 in the past life... #TheChampion knows not. 💀 #SepulchralGuard #skeletons #skeleton #PaintingWarhammer #CrazyPropDMC #CrazyPropGeek #warhammer #warhammerageofsigmar #warhammeraos #ageofsigmar https://www.instagram.com/p/B7epMb4jiF3/?igshid=ea0jemtnsws7
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