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eucatastrophicmess · 1 month ago
Oh, Cristina in Wacken 2007, I could build a religion around you...
Sono ancora in piedi in questo istante di pura follia
Non so più se desiderare il bene o il male
Anche se il peccato forse più mi dà
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sasyscarborough · 5 months ago
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Did you see what I did there with my title…I am getting my Roleplay look on with these items from Nightshade. The circlet is so cute, with the whole thing being Mod and PBR so able to use the hud options for the metals and so on, to create a compatible look to the rest of the outfit. It is awesome how real the gold looks, especially the bashed metal look of the pendants on the sides... https://sasyscarborough.com/2024/10/26/manors-always-nightshade-2024/
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kniteracy · 11 months ago
In The World Of Whispering Pages
From Gwyneth: Given that our time at the Faire has been so truncated this year because The Author had too much to do and then had to sleep for like 3 days, it’s been somewhat difficult to see everything we’ve wanted to see. We took our time choosing where to go, and I have to say, it’s never easy when you have to pick and choose which Realms you’re going to spend time in. I sent Friðrós straight…
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lexotanmerlin · 2 years ago
Lex # 4908
♥Hair: Wasabi collab with TRUTH Collective / Bestie – Fatpack by MissAllSunday Lemon & Rouge Darcy @ Uber starting March 25th, midnight SLT ♥Head: LeLUTKA Avalon Head 3.1 by jaden.nova ♥Body: eBODY – REBORN – by eBODY ♥Skin and shape: M&M –  LeLutka Evo X – PEONY SKIN by moth.evergarden @ Ostara’s altar ♥Face tattoo: M&M : LeLutka Evo X – BOM Make Up – GUNNR by moth.evergarden @ Ostara’s…
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corneille-moisie · 2 years ago
i was tagged by @im-sometimes-sparkles to spell my url with song titles and did not want to reblog the long reblog chain (you can reblog this one or make your own, either's fine by me :) )
candis - sukekiyo
obscure - dir en grey (cw for gore and other gross stuff, just in case)
rink - blam honey
nas ne dagoniat - tatu (not gonna get us works too :D)
energize me - after forever
inner universe - hora
l'horloge - chanton l'amour
last hallucination - schwarz stein
even in death - evanescence
maze - velvet eden
ophelia - kaya
if i could turn back time - cher
senzafine - lacuna coil
iidk - vidoll
edema ruh - nightwish
im tagging @moonjaehwa, @ans-main, @technicontrastron, @kurumeki, @jade-curtiss because im curious but you're under no obligation to actually do it lol :3
eta : no need to link everything, im just extra like that ^^
and if you were not tagged and wanna do it, go ahead, do it !! (tag me though, i wanna see 👀 !!)
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video-game-jams · 3 months ago
VA-11 HALL-A - Snowfall (SenzaFine Remix)
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echthr0s · 7 months ago
tagged by @longeyelashedtragedy to list 5 songs I like to listen to which is such a vague ass ask 😂 if you want me to choose FIVE out of THIRTEEN HUNDRED you gotta get more specific--
But not to worry, I can invent my own specificity. Since the person that tagged me listens to a lot of non-English music, I will use that as inspiration and pick 5 songs that I like to listen to that are not in English:
Ich dachte schon, Selig. I don't remember how we found this song but it was while we were still big into Hetalia, so I associate it with our self-identification with APH Germany. (Which still exists after a fashion, although we're much more APH Russia coded now.) This song has an air of melancholy that I like to sink into, and also has a strong nineties flavour, to me. Which is neat, considering this album came out in 2009.
Bazen, Radical Noise. One of two Turkish songs I could have listed here, and I really should find more because I just like listening to Turkish. I don't like any other song off this album, by the way. This keeps happening to me, why do so many bands only make ONE song that is For Me??
Senzafine, Lacuna Coil. This came out back when we were an unstoppable youth who knew no personal limits and had no problem memorising a song in a language we otherwise had zero comprehension of. I still don't know what this song is about and at this point it's funnier if I just never find out.
Un Musicien Parmi Tant D'Autres, Harmonium. This song is apparently like a Big Fuckin Deal in Quebec music culture, but I only found that out recently, by accident. Meanwhile, *I* discovered this song through hearing it in a Letterkenny episode, lol. I see why it's a classic, though. It just vibes.
Судно (Борис Рыжий), Molchat Doma. Obligatory Molchat Doma mention. Why is it obligatory? Because I'm goth and have a lowkey but longstanding interest in Eastern Europe. As any melancholic goth should. I make my own stereotype rules here.
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chocolatesnob · 1 year ago
I had the priviledge to recently visit Torino, Italy. Torino is the chocolate capital of Italy where 80% of the chocolate manufactured in Italy is made. It is the home of Vencchi and numerous artisan chocolatiers. I was also fortunate to be there during the annual chocolate festival and the truffle festivall. It was a great experience. I always thought that Guido Gambino was the foremost Italian artisan chocolate. I have reviewed this chocolate previously as the do ship to the USA. While in Torino I purchased a large quantity of Guido Castagna a brand that I was aware of but had never tried before. ANd the winner is in - Guido Castagna.
Italian chocolate has its own unique taste. Compared to its European peers it is a much heavier chocolate with a deeper taste- almost like comparing cafe Americano to Expresso. Italian is the Expresso of chocolate. And Guido Castagna I think is richer and at the same time smoother than Guido Gambino. The bon bons are larger so you get more exposure to the flavor for longer. Many of the Guido Gambino bon bons were tiny.The flavor from the Guido Castagna was explosive. Offered in pralines only, each selected nut flavor was subtle yet rich and flavorful.
At the chocolate festival I had Dolce Senzafine a local brand I had never heard of. However it was the best bang for the buck.It was very inexpensive and considering how inexpensive it was still very flavorful. They also had a whole range fo flavors like the French not as limited as these 2 brands. I wish i knew where it came from. Try it if you see it.
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psychoviolinist · 1 year ago
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icha-ichaparadise · 2 years ago
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aerroughneck · 3 years ago
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!The Little Bat, alaskametro, Beauty of Darkness, Eventyra, Misteria, Moon. Hair, Normandy, Senzafine, Something New, Trick or Treat Lane, Vae Victis, Witch)0(Craft
Blog: https://aersgoth.blogspot.com/2021/10/ill-take-thee-away.html
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/aerlinniel_vella/51611581656/in/dateposted-public/
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black-arcana · 4 years ago
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Lacuna Coil - Senzafine Live 119 Show
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kniteracy · 1 year ago
Kvit Dreams
From Gwyneth: A Totality of Two It’s funny. I don’t seem to be able to write much about my time in Callisto as it is. And it’s not that stuff isn’t happening: It’s wonderful to spend so much concentrated time with Nathaniel when we’ve both been so busy for so long, and I’ve met many interesting folks and even reconnected with some already known to me in one capacity or another. I don’t think I…
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giuseppemirizio · 4 years ago
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"...Non m'importa della luna... non m'importa delle stelle... tu per me sei luna e stelle... tu per me sei sole e cielo... tu per me sei tutto quanto... tutto quanto voglio avere..." #ginopaoli #cantautoriitaliani #senzafine #instapicture #instalike #instagram #instaphoto #instapic #instagood #instafriends #instamoment #instalove #instaquote #instapicoftheday #instapict #insta #instalikes #pic #picsart #picframe #picofthedays #pictureoftheday #picofday #pictureperfect #pictures #picoftheheart #picoflove #picofinstagram #picofthemoment (presso Monopoli) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHL6-Oah6Wl/?igshid=o4surf07a4vq
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echthr0s · 1 year ago
6, 16, 23, 26!
three songs you wish you could erase from history (because they’re terrible)
Oh, I am not this kind of hater. If I don't like a song* I just don't like it, but I'm just so keenly aware that a song that isn't for me is probably for someone else and saying "that's so bad it shouldn't exist" in a fun-petty way don't sit right with me.
Also, I'm bad at remembering things I actually like; there ain't no damn way I'm going to remember things I don't like (and therefore do not engage with).
*this also applies to just about every other form of art
three favourite songs for sex
I wouldn't listen to music for that because I like to hear myself LOL (that's a half-joke... but only half) but if I were going to pick three songs that I think would sound good in like, a cinematic fictionalisation of a sex scene of mine, then:
Waving Goodbye, Sia (ok this might be like, hyperspecific mental association [this was in a Nicolas Winding Refn movie -> I'm attracted to NWR -> you get the drift] but also I think it's got a good groove)
Walk On By, Isaac Hayes (idk man it's not sexy per se but it's sexy to me! slow striptease time)
The Taste of Blood, SQÜRL (from Only Lovers Left Alive. which is a sexy movie. I rest my case.)
three songs that never fail to get you pumped up
Banye, Akwaeke
Götterdämmerung, Zeal & Ardor (wasn't I so good about not just shoving Z&A songs in every single answer. finally, have a Z&A song)
What's Up Danger, Blackway (from Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, of course)
three favourite non-English songs
Yaad, Bloodywood (Hindi)
Senzafine, Lacuna Coil (Italian)
Dom andra, kent BUT ALSO the Ihsahn cover (Swedish)
[spotify playlist with all songs featured in my answers to this meme]
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zampulla · 5 years ago
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BUON POMERIGGIO BELL'ANIME ❤️😘 Viva i nonni 👴👵 un giorno importante, come importante è la loro presenza. Sono il nostro passato e il presente, quel filo indispensabile che lega le generazioni, l'anello di congiunzione che dà continuità. La forza, l'esempio, l'insegnamento, anche quando la loro presenza mancherà. La vita, i ricordi di cui fare tesoro e l'amore puro, dove sacrificio e baci si fondono in un unico abbraccio ❤️ E nel ricordo dei miei nonni un dolce antico per festeggiarli. Un lievitato con zucca, prugne secche, mandorle e gocce di cioccolato... fatto con tutto l'amore ❤️😍 Buon pomeriggio amici ❤️ #festadeinonni♥️ #purezza #senzafine #eternità #verità #vita #abbracci #ricordi #pensieribelli #lievitato #mandorle #prugne #zucca #ottobre #autunno #sweetcandymary #foodblogger #arteamodomio #amire#sempre💕💕 (presso Cinecittà) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3HhZy6IwD1/?igshid=1mbukxf2mrpz1
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