#not gonna get us is honestly the first thing that came to mind
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corneille-moisie · 2 years ago
i was tagged by @im-sometimes-sparkles to spell my url with song titles and did not want to reblog the long reblog chain (you can reblog this one or make your own, either's fine by me :) )
candis - sukekiyo
obscure - dir en grey (cw for gore and other gross stuff, just in case)
rink - blam honey
nas ne dagoniat - tatu (not gonna get us works too :D)
energize me - after forever
inner universe - hora
l'horloge - chanton l'amour
last hallucination - schwarz stein
even in death - evanescence
maze - velvet eden
ophelia - kaya
if i could turn back time - cher
senzafine - lacuna coil
iidk - vidoll
edema ruh - nightwish
im tagging @moonjaehwa, @ans-main, @technicontrastron, @kurumeki, @jade-curtiss because im curious but you're under no obligation to actually do it lol :3
eta : no need to link everything, im just extra like that ^^
and if you were not tagged and wanna do it, go ahead, do it !! (tag me though, i wanna see 👀 !!)
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whateveriwant · 1 year ago
Task force 141 reacting to their very pregnant wife still trying to clean, cook etc
This turned more into ‘Task force 141 preventing their very pregnant wife from trying to clean, cook, etc’ lmaooooo I hope that's alright
HA! Good one!
No seriously, it's actually hilarious that you think you'd do anything for yourself when your hubby's around
That man has been waiting on you hand and foot since you first got together. So now that you're pregnant and you think he'd let you so much as lift a finger? You must have a serious case of pregnancy brain, sweetheart
Price is doing all the cooking, the cleaning, the running errands, etc. throughout the entirety of your pregnancy (and at least the first several months postpartum)
He's kept you practically bed bound these last few months to the point where you think there's a perfect indent of your body molded into the mattress
Seven months in, he's suddenly called away to a quick mission halfway across the globe, and you think finally you'll get some of your autonomy back...
Well, think again because who should show up at your door the next morning than your mother-in-law herself, ready to pick up where her son left off
She came at the behest of your husband, of course, and was armed with a detailed set of care instructions
What does your husband think you are? Some sort of one-of-a-kind, priceless artifact that needs special handling? (Actually that's exactly what you are. Price-less… I'll see myself out 🚶🏻‍♀️)
When it comes to having some semblance of independence during your pregnancy, Ghost will give you a bit of a longer leash than Price, but only just so
You’re going for a walk around the neighborhood? Hold on, let him grab his coat to join you. Or you're going into the backyard to tend the garden? He'll pull the weeds while you water the plants
But when it comes to letting you do certain things, there are some hard nos that he will absolutely not budge on
You try to use a stepladder to reach the top of the cupboard? Stop! You'll break your neck! You try to pick up anything heavier than 10 pounds? Stop! Give it here! You try to drive?... Don't even fuckin' think about it, precious.
The farther along your pregnancy progresses, the better he gets at predicting (and intercepting) your next move
You were gonna do laundry today? Well, wouldn't you know, he's already got a load going in the washer. You were about to make dinner? Well shucks, he just ordered takeaway from that Greek place you love
His ability to read your mind is honestly impressive once you get past how damn annoying you find it. Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you're incapable of fending for yourself, and you're tired of him acting as if otherwise
But really, you can never get mad at anything he does for you. After all, what kind of a husband would he be if he didn't take care of his missus and your little one?
If you take Ghost’s cautiousness, mix it with Price’s thoroughness, and crank it up to an 11, you get Soap
From the moment he found out you were pregnant, he put your house into full lockdown mode, stopping just short of booby trapping the front door in case you got any funny ideas
You want some fresh air? Just open a window. You want to go for a walk and stretch your legs? Just take a few turns about the living room like you're some Austenian heroine
Don't let him catch you doing any kind of physical labor, because so help him Jesus he will grab a spray bottle and use it like you're a feral alleycat he's trying to house-train (he wouldn't really... but don't test him)
You try to unload the dishwasher? Ehrr! Wrong move. You try to remake the bed? Ehrr! Nice try. You try to mop up your own mess. Ehrr! Enough already. You try to– OCH, WOULD YE BLOODY SIT DOWN, WOMAN?!
For nine long months during his requested leave from work, your husband is attached to you like some kind of loving, smothering barnacle
But doesn't he miss his job, or the lads for that matter? What if the world needs saving? What will they do without him?
Well, (in his exact words) fuck the rest of the world! You're his world, bonnie, and he'll give you everything you could ever wish for and then some
By far, you have the most independence with Gaz than you would with any of the other three men… at least, at the beginning of your pregnancy, that is
Once you get to around five or six months he becomes just as helicopter-y as all the others; he's just ever so slightly more bearable, perhaps
There's lots of peeking his head around the corner to check on you throughout the day or appearing seemingly out of thin air whenever you're doing something he'd rather you wouldn't
You've lost count of the number of times you've been in the middle of cooking or hanging up the laundry or whatever and his hand has suddenly appeared out of nowhere, gently taking the object from you before directing you to sit and rest
And like, look. He knows you can handle yourself. He knows you could conquer the whole world if you wanted to. That's one of the things he loves about you the most
But seeing you like this – so fragile, so vulnerable, so beautiful and soft and pregnant with his child; his child – it just… It makes him…
He just needs to do these things for you, alright, love? Just let him take care of you, please? Would you let him do that?
You already have so much you have to carry. Let him ease some of the burden off your shoulders. Let him do these small things for you because they don't even compare to all that you're doing for him 🥲
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simpjaes · 6 months ago
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What should have never been an option became a routine over the years. This year is different though. It’s time to face what’s been done and put an end to it for good…except your step-brother Jake isn’t ready to face it, and your little boyfriend isn’t going to stand in the way of getting what he wants either.  or the one where you made a bad decision in fooling around with your step-brother during your early college days and he refuses to let you put an end to it. 
leave feedback and reblog to support me please! 
minors do not interact. 
PAIRING― step-brother jake sim x afab reader (ft. boyfriend sunghoon)
WARNINGS ― step cest, dub-con/non-con, blackmail, nonconsensual phone sex 
NOTE― MIND. THE. WARNINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALSO, shoutout to anon for giving me this idea.reminder that this is not a representation of me or the idols as real life people. anyway, not proof read.
smut tags under cut:: 
smut tags― non con/dub con, normal size dick jake and mentions of bigger dick sunghoon, implications from jake that sunghoon is actually gay for him, camera use, fisting, degradation, manipulation, phone sex-ish, choking, suffocation, cum stuffing, cream pie, unprotected sex, forced blowjob, crying, break-up implications
“You’re being ridiculous.” Jake scoffs, leaning against your bedroom dresser with his arms crossed. “We did it last summer, why is this year any different? We always do it.” 
You roll your eyes at him in an attempt to hide the guilt you feel, holding the blanket tightly to your chest in case he tries to pull them off of you again. Jake knows damn well why. Not only should it not have happened last year, or the year before that, or the year before that, but to actively and truly believe it’s something that can continue is something only a mad man would think. 
Not to mention, you have a boyfriend now. A real boyfriend, one who matters in your life.
“Sunghoon have anything to do with this?” He questions you now, reaching for the blanket and tugging. “Come on, playing around isn’t gonna hurt anything. It’s not like anyone is going to know anyway–” 
You huff, yanking your blanket up a bit to pull it from his grasp again. You get why he’s asking and why he’s confused because, well, last summer you were all over the idea like usual. You knew he would expect the same this summer, but honestly, it has to stop. Things have changed. Things needed to change. 
“Jake, we can’t be doing that stuff anymore.” You say as if it’s fine, a bite to your voice that hits him right in the gut. 
In all honesty though, you really do feel guilty. Like you’ve led him on all these years with his sweet, borderline boyfriendly words. You lived in the fantasy with him for a while, like it could work out despite the family ties. There’s a reality though, one that you found yourself living in upon meeting Sunghoon, and there’s a fantasy that you need to pull Jake out of. You feel awful, especially knowing there’s a part of you that would if you could. But…you can’t, nor can he.
Never again. 
Jake feels singled out at this moment. Like he’s the weird one for even asking when you were the one who came onto him when it happened the very first time. All those talks of “we aren’t blood related, it’s not that bad.” and “If our parents divorce, maybe someday we can go on a date or something–” Do they mean nothing now? You’re going to blame him for expecting it?
“Why the fuck not?” He narrows his eyes at you. “Gonna act like you weren’t the one who tried to fuck me at Jay’s party last summer? Acting all high and mighty now, like suddenly it’s so wrong?” 
You look away from him, feeling worse because he’s right. Given, the guilt should have hit you after the first time, but it didn’t. You had your fun pushing boundaries but now that graduation is coming up it’s like..it doesn’t feel right. Did he really just expect the two of you to keep fucking well into adulthood?  Did he expect you to get married to someone else and still get on your knees during family Christmas parties? 
Did he expect to be the one marrying you?
“We have to grow up.” You finally say, shifting your eyes back to him. “This is starting to feel really—gross.” 
“Hey–” He looks at you now, almost pleading. “It’s not gross, we aren’t gross.” He takes two steps towards the bed in a fit of desperation, leaning with his hands now palm-down on your mattress. But…when he tries to follow up on his words, he knows you’re serious.
Realistically, despite having been your step-brother since the beginning of high-school…actively choosing to fuck each other as soon as college started was maybe not the best idea. Hormones were high, the freedom to fuck was blatant, and well…it’s not his fault you’d walk around in all those slutty little pajama shorts and try to jump his bones every time you found yourself alone with him. If anything, you’re the one who pulled him into this. He really did think it was gross at first, but thinking with his dick outweighed that, and then his heart decided to play a part in all of it too. 
He really does think there could be something here if the two of you worked for it. After all, you’re entirely his type, despite marriage ruining it. The breaking of morals eventually became the best part for him, having what his father wishes he could have solely because you’re just a younger, hotter, version of your own mother.
You even said it yourself all that time ago when it first happened. “It’s ok jakey, you’re a guy. guys have needs.” 
Well, what about his needs now?! He was so happy to be able to come home and see you again. He misses you  so much when you’re both away at your respective colleges, and he thinks about you all the time. He should have known that something was changing all those months ago when you stopped texting him back as much as you usually would. Now what? He just has to accept that you’re done?
“You’re seriously not going to give it up?” He pushes his hands under the bottom of your blankets, quickly running his fingers up your legs just to try and encourage a giggle, or a smile from you.
That’s when he notes how you haven’t even shaved your legs. Which, it’s not like he gives two fucks on whether you do or not but like…you always shave. Your skin was always so smooth, plump, soft, and moisturized when you knew you’d be wanting to play around with him. And clearly, you don’t expect to be getting fucked this summer.
Ah, he’s starting to resent you.
“Does that boyfriend of yours know about us?” He finally says, standing tall at the end of your bed and looming much darker than his usual, bright persona. 
You stare at him, eyes widening. 
“Excuse me?” You furrow your brows. “Jake, what the fuck are you sayi–”
Before you can even finish or get a response from him, he’s leaving your bedroom and slamming the door behind him. 
Already you know this is going to be a long fucking summer. 
Jake knew you were a smart girl. You always believe everything he says, but never once has he used that against you until now. That little mention of Sunghoon seems to have made you panic, and he can’t help but find it endearing that you took his threat so easily. Each time he comes home now, from hanging out with your boyfriend, you’re always sitting on the couch like a cute little puppy greeting him with a wagging tail.
If at all, he knows you’re doing it to try and butter him up. To distract him from what you’re taking away from him. Dangling yourself like nothing has changed but denying him time and time again of it. You’re nice, but never this nice. Offering to hang out, watch movies, go out. You’re promising just about everything to him except for the one thing he needs from you. 
He’s thankful though, with all circumstances considered, that the good ol’ parents don’t notice a shift in how you’re acting solely because the two of you have always been close. Even before the sex stuff. You were his best friend. He protected you from highschool bullies, potential assholes trying to steal your first kiss, virginity, and even the first experience of sneaking out. 
Back then, it’s not like Jake ever wanted to be your first kiss, the one to take said virginity, or sneak you out to parties you shouldn’t be at. Truly, he just wanted to protect you. It wasn’t until the two of you were away from each other for the first time as freshmans in college that he felt some type of way towards you. Which, again, was entirely your fault.
Ah, he still remembers that first summer back home walking into the house and being smacked in the face with a sensual, fruity scent radiating off of you. After not seeing you for three and a half months, he was entirely shocked at how much you had changed. You looked…confident in yourself. Like you’d been growing internally and learning what you want in life. He found it very attractive of you, believing that once you get a boyfriend, they’d be very lucky to have you in their life. 
Then of course, you’d bend over in those shorts and look back at him smirking. Like you only saw him as a man now, and not your protective step brother. You’d whine to him about ruined hook-ups, about the frat parties, about all the guys trying to touch you and wishing he was there to keep them off of you. All while…doing that. All while waltzing around like you’d invite him to do the same. 
And you did invite him. That first night has been burned into his memory. The fear, the guilt, the disgust, the love he felt for you. So quiet in his bedroom, giggling to each other with all the lights off in the silence of his room, trying to pretend it was only a one-time thing to satiate a specific need. There was nothing kinky, nothing weird outside of the dynamic of who you were supposed to be to each other.
It kept happening after that, and each time the guilt would wash away with the sweat that always dripped onto you from his temple. You could even say it was shy at first, both of you were very generous to each other. It only started getting dirty as the summers at home continued. 
And now…nothing? After all of that, nothing?! 
If you think you can change so drastically over a single semester, so be it. Jake can change too, and he already has. Both of you now, entirely different compared to that first summer together. You, all jittery and freaked out, him, with all the power. 
You though, truly you’re fucking panicking. If your boyfriend found out about all of this, he’d think you’re a freak. Or a slut. Or a piece of trash. Maybe all three of those things and then some. And you know, you’d think Jake is bluffing…really. Except you got a text from Sunghoon the same night Jake tried to get in your pants. You remember reading those words, the pit in your stomach digging deep. “Your bro is gonna come hang out with me for a bit, you’re coming too right?”
Nevermind the fact that Sunghoon lives an hour away from your hometown, where the two of you get to meet in the middle during active semesters on campus. What about the fact that Jake barely fucking knows him?! Through mutual friends (Jay and Heeseung) all three of you were aware of each other, but you’re the one who got the closest to Sunghoon. 
You’re his girlfriend now. Which, apparently demoted Jake from popular-porn-trope to actual step-brother. 
And that pisses him off. 
So, is it weird for Sunghoon to get a sudden hang out text from a guy he assumed is just wanting to get to know him? No. After all, he knows Jake is your “brother.” What he doesn’t and hopefully will never know is that you’ve fucked said step-brother.
 Is it weird that you don’t go with Jake to see your own boyfriend? Yes. Unfortunately, Jake basically demanded you “stay in your fucking place. if you wanna get fucked so bad, I’ll be home after.” 
Even Sunghoon doesn’t find it weird and texts you everyday as usual. It sucks actually, that he’s so willing to let you do as you please and trusts you to an extent that he doesn’t even ask why you don’t come with Jake. Instead, he’s too busy saying you should definitely join next time, that Jake is super cool and seems to like him a lot. 
The good news: Sunghoon offers no mention of knowing, so…it seems you really do have to stay at home. Empty. Wanting to be next to Sunghoon so bad but forced to deal with any oncoming feelings alone. 
Since when was Jake even capable of being so awful? Since when did he hate you so much?
“Jake–please.” You beg quietly, shaking his arm gently in the soft light of the morning. Everyone is sound asleep, which must be fucking nice.
It’s been two weeks now of such loneliness, such lack of sleep, such intense need to just let yourself spiral and drown in anxiety. Jake is barely talking to you now, only giving you sarcastic and evil little smiles from time to time. As if to remind you of what’s at risk. Sunghoon is normal, too normal. So normal, in fact, that he tried to jerk off on facetime last night for you and you ended up crying and apologizing because you couldn’t even get turned on. 
Even if Jake hasn’t told him anything, your relationship is already starting to fall apart because of him. He fucking knows it too. 
“Please, what?” Your step-brother's sleepy voice croaks out, turning himself on the bed towards you with a single half opened eye. 
“I’m losing sleep, please stop doing this to me.”
“No.” He says now, closing his eyes again and turning away from you, nuzzling against his pillow without a care in the world. 
“Fuck off–” He complains, throwing his arm behind himself to shove you away and surprised to find that you’ve crawled up on the bed with him.
Just like that night so long ago, the first time the two of you broke past any boundaries. 
“I’ll do anything.” You nearly cry, so sleepy, so anxiety ridden, so out of your mind at this point that you genuinely would do anything to feel normal again. 
You feel slight relief in his interest, nodding your head aggressively with a broken voice. “Yes! I promise. I swear, anything you want. Please, just–”
“Then get the fuck out of my room.” 
You know better than to disobey at this point. All you can do is sulk back to your room and hope that sleep overtakes you this time. If anything, maybe he will consider your plea in the morning.
It’s surprising, honestly. Jake didn’t even know he was into seeing you suffer like this, let alone having power over you. He spent so much time protecting you that he never realized how attractive it is to see you fear him. The joy that runs through him now, the orgasms he gets out of it, fuck. Who cares if it’s his own hand doing the work right now? With the thoughts of you doing “anything” like you said, being disgusting, begging, pleading, crying. He might be a little insane for you now, if he wasn’t already. 
And still even today, you look so desperate for any amount of relief. Jake finds joy in the fact that you can’t even go to your boyfriend about it. 
He’s never felt so powerful, truly. Especially now, watching you try to seduce him as if you didn’t deny him of it before. The slutty shorts are back. You’re not wearing bras anymore. You’ll leave the bathroom stark fucking naked if it happens to just be you and him at home.
Ah, heaven on earth. Honestly, his days are so fun now. Save for when he has to hang out with that fucking idiot of a man Sunghoon. What a loser, honestly. Openly sharing all the stuff you’ve done in bed with him like Jake isn’t your step-brother? If anyone is weird, it’s Sunghoon. Hell, Jake isn’t even sure now if the dude would care if he found out that you’ve ridden some related-by-marriage cock before. 
He hates hanging out with him. Always having to hold back the scoffs when Sunghoon is drunkenly slurring out more sex acts you’ve performed on him followed by a love confession and a whine of how much he misses you. As if you didn’t do all of that for Jake first. Ugh, he genuinely can’t believe that you’re even with Sunghoon at all. 
After a little while longer though, with the great days and the annoying hang outs, a nice month into summer vacation– Jake’s been ready to take what he needs. You’ve been begging for it, after all. He loves looking and seeing you so desperate for him to stop the mind games but goddamn it’s getting hard to think straight himself by now.
Thankfully, he’s thinking clearly enough whether it’s through his cock rather than his brain to come up with how he’ll go about it. He waits a little more, cock throbbing in his pants due to not allowing himself to get off in the past two days in preparation for this. 
Every night when everyone goes to bed, you call Sunghoon. And every night, Jake has listened. Tonight though? Sunghoon will be the one listening.
Like clockwork, the parents have gone to bed and Jake hears the hushed muttering just a room over. He’s already standing to his feet, shooting a hand directly to his bulge to adjust it with a silent groan in his throat. Before he can even leave his room he’s rolling his eyes back with another grope of his sensitive cock, almost unable to stop touching himself after denying himself of it. He’s practically drooling at the image of having you all to himself again. The anticipation he feels inside right now is insane. He feels his skin prickle and his eyes are barely able to focus on his own bedroom door out of sheer arousal of what he’s about to do to you.
He composes himself shortly after, as best he can anyway, tiptoeing to your room and chuckling at the way your eyes light up when you see him. He’s ignored you for too long. Not a single response to anything you’ve said to him, hell, he even stopped letting you see him look at you. 
Of course your eyes light up, it means he’s going to stop. It means he’s going to tell you what he wants. 
And you’re happy, even with Sunghoon on the line sweet talking to you about his day like usual. 
“Hoonie, can I call you back?” You ask quickly into the phone, only to see Jake take a seat next to you on your bed and shake his head at you. 
You tilt your head in question, feeling your heart thump in your ears to the point you barely even hear Sunghoon at all. 
“Keep talking to him.” He whispers to you now, nearly just mouthing it. 
You never knew you were so good at reading lips, but you listen to him. Furrowing your brows in question and adjusting your phone against your ear.
“Nevermind, we’re good.” You say in a voice too calm for Jake’s liking. 
And it’s like that for a few minutes as Jake lets you get into the groove of conversing with your boyfriend again before he makes a move. The move he makes? Leaning against you, pressing you back against your pillows, and licking your neck.
He smiles against your skin when he feels it prickle and lets out a whispered chuckle at how much he’s missed the taste of your skin. So warm, so soft. The fact that you’re letting him tells him all he needs to know, despite the way your shoulders stiffen, he knows you’re going to give him anything.
“Gonna let me fuck it again, yeah?” Jake whispers as he moves up against your ear, pinning your arms to your chest, forcing your phone closer to his mouth compared to yours. “Gonna let him hear it too.”
Ah, there she is. You, in all your glory, are already tearing up at the very idea of it. 
“Jake, no.” You say, holding your hand over the speaker and body language trying to twist away from him. 
“You said anything.” Jake corrects you quietly, slapping your hand off of the speaker and quickly thrusting his own hand between your legs.
He chooses not to be gentle with you this time. He’s not going to be what you’re used to, not after that shit you tried to pull with him. His finger pushes in dry, and he smiles at the way you hold your breath and try to squeeze your legs shut to stop him. Sunghoon on the other end is muffled, but still heard by both of you. 
You stay silent throughout his ministrations, pissing him off further, only making him move his hand faster, forcing a reaction, daring you to stop him. 
“Phone.” Jake instructs, loosening his other grip on your hands as a means to let you raise the phone back up to your ear. “Talk.”
You stare at him, feeling the burning between your legs of where your body has yet to do anything more than tighten around his fingers. Still, they drag painfully due to your body feeling no pleasure in this. In fact, you’re afraid. 
You’re afraid Sunghoon will find out, afraid of Jake, afraid of showing that you like what he’s doing, afraid of realizing you’ll always like this, afraid of losing either of them solely because you can only love, fuck, and be with one of them.
And it’s obvious who the one has to be because…the other isn’t possible. It’s just not. 
So, you try. You try to talk, try to relax, try to do everything Jake asks of you solely to prolong the situation enough to where you can find a way to put a proper, healthy end to it. 
“I’m sorry, what was that?” You finally croak into the phone, having not heard a single word from Sunghoon this entire time and trying not to focus on that same drag Jake only pushes harder into you with that terrifying smirk. 
“I asked if that was Jake I just heard–” Sunghoon responded as brightly as always, bless him. 
“Speaker.” Jake mouths to you, and of course you listen. Reluctantly, but you still do it, shaking fingers hitting the speaker-phone button so Jake can hear what’s being said.
“What are you guys doing? Let me hear what?” Sunghoon continues. 
Jake flashes a full grin at you and wiggles his eyebrows before he’s pulling his fingers out, sucking them into his mouth, then moving back down with three before shoving them back in with even more force. 
“Yeah– Tell him.” Jake says as casually as ever. “Go on, let him in on the secret we’ve been keeping from him.” 
Sunghoon hears Jake all too well, but doesn’t question that it’s anything weird. If at all, he wonders if maybe you two have been planning something behind his back considering you never come over when Jake does. Which is actually weird, but he tried not to question it. He and you are practically attached at the hip during the semesters, so, this would make sense. 
Of course there is a secret surprise for him! 
“I–” You yelp both out of pain and unintentional pleasure, cutting yourself off in a gasp. 
You can feel the pit in your stomach dig deeper and deeper, arousing you when it’s the last thing you could ever want at this moment. You know Jake feels it though, with the slide of his fingers becoming easier, and that permanent smile on his face. 
Sunghoon feels so far away right now…Like, who are you kidding? He can’t get you out of this and you doubt he’d even want to if you were to ever even consider explaining it to him. 
“I–I miss you a lot.” You try to come up with words, missing him being all that you can muster up right now. 
Unfortunately, Jake’s scary smile is less terrifying compared to his face now, where he narrows his eyes and glares straight through you for saying such a thing in front of him. He’s trying to crowd four fingers into you now, making you squirm and squeeze your legs together again. He is quick to disallow you though, forcing one of your legs open with his shoulder and spitting directly on your stretched and pulsing hole. 
“I miss you too baby–” Sunghoon says in a slightly confused voice. “What else?”
You pause, taking a moment to feel Jake between your legs and how much it…god, it feels so good. But– you’re unsure of how to balance speaking with Sunghoon and dealing with Jake right now. If you have to deal with them both at the same time…this isn’t what you’d prefer. 
“I wish you were here right now.” 
Sunghoon smiles on his end, assuming Jake has now left your room due to the silence and lack of hearing him now. 
“Is Jake still around?” He mutters to you through the speaker, because based on your tone of voice, he knows what mood you’re in.
Jake shakes his head at you, encouraging that you lie before focusing back on watching the hole he’s missed so much. The one Sunghoon’s probably played with before, that fucking loser. 
“Nope–J–Just me!” You find yourself forcing a smile as you say it, just to hope your voice comes out in a way that sounds brighter than it feels. 
“You wish I was there?” Sunghoon says now, his own voice growing deeper. “Why’s that?” He spreads his legs out wide against his bed, assuming it’s about to be a regular session of facetime fucking. 
“Mhm,” You accidentally moan, a bit too obvious. “Just feel safe with you when I’m feeling like this.”
Jake rolls his eyes, slowly forcing his thumb in beside the rest of his fingers, growing more angry, more aroused, and more insatiable towards you. 
“How are you feeling right now baby?” 
“Wish you were full of something?” Sunghoon smiles, a cheeky voice calling out to you. “Of me?”
You groan at that moment, all of Jake’s fingers stretch you open until you feel knuckles trying to force past the boundary. Your hands shake at the feeling as your eyes cross momentarily, tears prickle from the pain but it feels so…good. And only a moment goes by before you, quite literally, kick Jake away. 
The sudden emptiness you get from that feels so much better, but Jake is too quick to get back up. Fire in his dark eyes as he grabs you by the ankles and pulls you roughly down the bed. There is a small sound that escapes your lips at the action, almost a giggle. You’re quick to tighten your lips though, trying to will your body to stop liking the way Jake is being with you right now. You don’t want this, you don’t like it. You never should have in the first place, and to be honest, you’re trying to force yourself to believe you’re making the right choice in continuing to deny him of this.
It’s only natural that your body wants it, just like it was natural to kick him off of you from the pain, right? And then, Jake reminds you of just how much you regret denying him the first night back home, because he's leaning over you so fast, hugging your waist and forcing all five fingers back into you. 
You kick, squirm, whine, and ultimately shout out a “No, no, no!” despite your hips chasing up to let him, almost to invite him. And–oh, fuck. You forgot Sunghoon can hear all of this. 
“Baby?” Sunghoon’s voice rings back in your ears. “Are you okay? You’re already touching yourself? Why do you sound so–” 
Jake’s own ears are ringing watching your body fight your brain. You still want him. He can tell by the way you look at him with those tear-filled eyes, with the way your pussy is dripping for this, the way your hips beg him to keep abusing you. Who is he to deny you? He has never denied you pleasure. So, he tries to force more, more, more into you. There’s a boundary here, your pussy clenched so tight around his fingers already, but you want him to keep pushing until he breaks the boundary. You want to feel the pain of it and…finally, he does get it in. His entire hand being gripped so tightly that even he seethes out a pained moan for you.
“Fuck–” He holds his fist in place, removing himself from your waist to look at you. “You really took it all.”
There’s tears in your eyes by this point and you can’t tell if it’s from realizing how much you need Jake, or the fact that Sunghoon definitely knows something is up. No words are coming out though, you’re more afraid to speak what you feel than you are of Jake right now.
“Jake?” Sunghoon questions, confused. 
“Yeah, what’s up?” Jake responds with a smile instantly, staring right at you as he begins to fuck a size far too big into you, watching you bite your tongue to keep from showing him how much you love it. 
“Wait–” Sunghoon continues with a pause. “What’s going on?” 
“I couldn’t help myself.” Jake smiles at you, wiggling his eyebrows again. “After all those things you told me about her, I guess I needed to see for myself.” 
And then, you moan. That searing pain inside of you somehow subsides, shaking legs and hands are gripping onto Jake in his entirety now, you’re practically drooling for it.
“I guess you were right.” Jake continues. “She really can take a lot, huh? Bet your dick didn’t feel this good for her though.”
You’re truly unable to comprehend most of what’s happening right now, even the phone vibrating in your hand as Sunghoon goes silent and instead, hangs up before instantly facetiming you. You’re so hyper-fixated on the feeling of knuckles dragging against your tightly clenched walls, choking back every sound or word you want to scream out. 
Jake watches as you cry a bit harder now, probably a bit too overwhelmed with the situation. Like the good step-brother he is though, He’ll take care of it for you, of course he will. 
“What’s the hold up?” Jake laughs, halting his hand as he reaches for the phone and instantly answers it. He stares down as you continue to fuck yourself on it, smiling at your brief whine before he speaks into the receiver with a confident voice. “Cat’s outta the bag.”
Sunghoon is there on the screen, witnessing the way Jake angles the phone more at himself and your hole than your face. His entire fist has disappeared inside of you, glistening with a sticky mess that spills out of you. 
Nothing else is said as Sunghoon stares at it. Jake being a cocky bastard and sticking his tongue out like some idiot frat boy, and then? He hears you.
“Jake, stop!” You cry out. 
He doesn’t stop, in fact, he fucks his fist into you quickly making damn sure Sunghoon can not only see how your wet spurts out around his wrist, but hear it too. 
“Stop what? Showing your boyfriend what you really want?” 
“Hang up the phone!” You cry out again, showing Sunghoon that perhaps…you don’t miss him at all.
Jake isn’t doing anything you don’t want. You just don’t want your boyfriend to witness you be so honest with yourself. 
“Awh,” Jake pouts now, angling the phone back at himself and feeling proud of the way Sunghoon appears to be entirely shocked, mouth hung open, eyebrows furrowed. “But he needed to know, baby, didn’t he?” He adds now, lying the phone down briefly to pull his cock out. 
“Come on now, don’t be shy.” Jake continues with his confidence, picking the phone back up and angling it towards you. 
He intentionally drags his fist in and out of you a few more times before gently pulling it out, moaning at the way it sounds, obsessing over it really. Sunghoon watches in horror at the way you squeeze your eyes shut, sadly wondering what Jake must be doing off screen for you to look so fucking guilty. The horror only grows when he has to watch Jake’s cock come on screen, pussy soaked hand jerking himself off before shoving the head right against your lips.
God, you know Sunghoon hates you now. 
Jake knows it too, and doesn’t care as he uses that same soaked hand and pries your lips apart before pushing it into your mouth. He thrusts forward too quick for you to take a breath, and you feel the leaking tip hit the back of your throat in a way that makes you choke and gag around him. 
Your eyes shoot open, looking up at him and barely able to comprehend the camera just inches from your face. 
Sunghoon has seen you look up at him like this too. Why aren’t you fighting Jake though? Why are you willingly gagging, choking, and drooling all over yourself with such a forceful fuck to your face? You always pull off of him when he tries to thrust even a little bit…but you’re..
“I–” Sunghoon goes to say, still staring at you and the way you’re shamefully getting your mouth fucked open. “That is fucking disgusting.” He finally lets out, but he can’t look away. He doesn’t want to see this but…he can’t bring himself to hang up. 
“Yeah, that’s what she thinks too.” Jake chuckles with a heaved breath, enjoying himself, now angling the phone at his face. “I think she likes it though– wouldn’t you agree?”
There goes the camera again, pointing right at your choking mouth. Jake pushes all the way in too, letting your nose rest against his pelvis and moaning loudly for Sunghoon to hear.
“Shit, see? She’s not even fighting it.”
Sunghoon can’t tell only because Jake doesn’t let him. You’re gripping Jake’s hips and trying to push him out of your mouth, but he stays in place, enjoying the way your choking and suffocating throat jerks him off better than his own hand ever could. 
The best part? He knows you’re only pushing him away to breathe because you weren’t fighting at all at first. In fact, he felt you silently hum against him like you want his cock so bad. So, he’s not actually lying. He just thinks it’s polite to not let Sunghoon know how you’re suffocating right now. 
Oh well. 
Only after your eyes start to fog over and roll back does Jake pull out, relishing in that wet gasp you lend. He looks down at the phone now, wanting to make sure Sunghoon witnessed all of that before realizing he fucking hung up.
Who the fuck hangs up on imagery like that? Fucking idiot, is what Sunghoon is. 
To be fair though, Sunghoon hung up shortly before Jake pulled out. He had to force himself to do it, because he didn’t quite enjoy the way his cock jumped at the image of his girlfriend letting her step-brother fuck her mouth like that. He’s entirely blindsided. Like, not only are you cheating on him, but he had to see it like that?! In 4k?! God, his stomach would be in knots to catch you like this with anyone, but the fact that it’s with…Jake. Of all people.
You’re fucking your own brother. 
None of that matters to Jake though, nor does it matter to you at this moment as the tears continue to pour from your eyes knowing that Jake did this on purpose and for a reason. It’s insane how kind he is to you now that Sunghoon isn’t watching, actually. Lending you a deep, meaningful kiss before sinking back down the bed and resuming his previous position. 
“You liked this.” He comments, seeing if his hand will still fit, and moaning when it does. “You’re so fucking wet it’s insane.”
God, you know he’s punishing you yet you can’t bring yourself to be mad about it because already you can feel the bubbles in your stomach threaten an orgasm. Proving to both Jake and yourself that…you do like it. Never have you even imagined wanting a whole goddamn fist in you before now but–you more than like it. You love it. 
In fact, feeling his hand dragging in and out of you now makes you forget about the way you nearly just died with a cock in your throat. You’re already moaning again, actually. 
And fuck, you promised you’d do anything to keep this a secret, and while doing that anything for him, no matter how willing, he still fucking told. He fucking showed the dirty acts to the last person on earth you’d ever want to see, hear, or know. The crying is a given, from both the anxiety, the fear, and the pleasure because you can’t stop the oncoming orgasm or the love you have for the man giving it to you either. 
The way he holds you through it should disgust you, with his fist buried so deep your orgasm comes in long, drawn out and painful waves. He grips onto you though, whispering more to himself against your thigh than to you, “I’ve got you. I’ll always have you, it’s okay.” 
You don’t want to melt for him, but you do. Even through your ringing ears it’s like your body instinctively hears his whispers when you shouldn’t. The words bring comfort, reminding you that he’ll still protect you even from Sunghoon and what he feels about this situation. Even from your parents, from outsiders, from everything. 
The orgasm feels like it bruises your brain, a throbbing headache coming shortly after when Jake takes on a more gentle persona and pulls his hand from you. He inspects your open cunt for a moment, seeing how wet it is inside for him before it pulses closed and he averts his gaze to his hand. 
Glistening, so wet. You needed that, he thinks. The reminder that he’s the only one who can love you in more ways than you truly need. 
“You did so well.” He compliments, crawling up and over you to wipe those tears with the same hand. 
You don’t move away, if anything you need this comfort now more than anything because you simply don’t know what to feel, or think, or admit right now. You think Jake already knows, he wouldn’t need you to say it simply because he’s always read you like a book. 
“No more pretending you don’t want this.” He says now, in a darker voice. “Even with Sunghoon listening, you moaned my name. I don’t think you remember doing that, do you?”
You cry more, closing your eyes tightly and pretending like Jake’s hand is Sunghoon’s. You really liked Sunghoon, genuinely thought you could have a future with him. Even so, pretending that Jake is him doesn’t bring safety because you almost would prefer it be Jake. A hand you’re so familiar with. 
He had been so awful to you recently, and only now do you realize that…maybe it really was for your own good.
“You don’t need him.” Jake says now, adjusting himself between your legs.“Not when you have me. You know I’ll take care of you.” He continues, slipping his cock deep into your already loosened hole. 
He’s shocked that you still manage to be tight after all of that, but he guesses that’s just how pussies work. Or how yours works, anyway. He knows it more than he knows his own cock at this point, which is insane. 
Feeling him inside of you, so familiar, slightly smaller than Sunghoon– it’s…comforting. The tears that spill from you now are more for missing him than anything. You can’t help it when you wrap your legs around him or throw your arms around his shoulders, shivering and clinging to him like he’s your last line of sanity despite everything about this being entirely insane. 
“Jake–” You moan at how he fucks you, so much softer than with his hand but…normal. Like the first time you ever did this with him. “I really want you but,”
Jake pauses, feeling that same pit in his stomach at how you say those words.
“What you just did to me could ruin my life.” You finally say, still clinging, not at all asking him to stop. “What you’re doing right now, will ruin my life.”
“Don’t be silly. Your life will be ruined without me, baby, you know that, right?” He says, reminding you of who has the power by quickening his hips and pointing his cock directly at your already sensitive g-spot. “You can’t say no to me, you tried and still you want me.”
You nod your head in agreement despite wishing he was wrong. 
“We can’t.” You say to him in a half-groaned whisper. “I’m begging you to stop.” 
If at all, you’re just begging him to stop being what you want. To stop being able to have a hold over you like this. To stop being everything that Sunghoon isn’t and still being the most desirable man in your life. To stop being your step-brother. To stop being a taboo in your life, if only to become someone you’re allowed to need like this. 
“No.” Jake says, unknowing of what you’re actually asking of him. “I’ll never stop.”
With those words, you moan. He’s promising something that neither of you should feel or need, but you accept it. Shocked at the way you feel him inside of you like always, no pain, or lack of feeling from the previous size fucked into you. It’s just…Jake. Intentionally fucking you harder to punish you for words that are actually fighting more for him than against him. 
“Okay.” You whimper, falling silent with your broken voice fading into nothing but cries of the inevitable. 
For all Jake knows, you’re asking him to stop this. What he’s doing to you right now, not for anything else that you meant it for. For your own sake, because you know that after this, you truly may not be able to pull yourself from this fantasy with him. Technically, he’s showing you that he’s willing to hurt you to keep you. To take it from you if that’s what it takes to get what he wants. And that hurts a lot to know, a pain deep within you making you spiral a little more than you ever thought you could.
He’d really go as far as to keep going when you’re crying for him to stop? If just to show you that he…loves you? No, maybe just that he wants this, he wants you. 
You want this, but it’s the fact that he just knows. Even if you say no, even if you beg or plead for him to stop, he’ll just keep going because he knows better than you that you’ll always want him in return. Even if you’re lying to yourself, even if you were able to truly convince yourself that this isn’t at all what you want. Even if it feels like Jake is committing atrocities right now, he knows he’s not. He’s not, even if you say he is. 
And at the end of the day, right now. He truly isn’t. 
You can feel your heart rotting at all that’s lost now. A life with someone normal. A life where you’re normal and can be seen hand in hand with the love of your life as you grocery shop, or get ice cream, or even just take the future dog on a walk. Your dreams are dying, and you can’t stop them. 
You feel a burning pain throughout your body at the force of him now, seemingly trying to fuck your concern away from you. Only now do you open your eyes to look at him, he’s just shapes now. Your tears are messing up the normal clear view you’d have, but you can tell he’s smiling lovingly. 
He doesn’t care that he just ruined your relationship, he doesn’t care that you’re his step-sister, he doesn’t care nor think of how the future could work if he were to keep trying to follow this path, and continue to make you realize you’ll willingly walk down it with him….not when he’s getting this from you. 
Not when he knows that, now at least, he’ll always get what he wants.
You cling harder to him now, sucking your bottom lip into your mouth as you lift to his shoulder and tuck your face there, replacing your lip with his warm and pulsing skin. Jake is pleasantly surprised by this, after all that he did to you, he really thought he’d have to work harder to get these lips to willingly suck on his skin again without him puppeteering you. 
“Yeah?” He turns his face against your forehead as you suck, still crying and tasting the salt from your tears mixed with the saliva you’re drooling onto him. “Sunghoon can’t make you feel this good?” He continues to talk himself up. 
You remain silent as you try to drown out your thoughts with the pleasure he gives instead, feeling the way his normally gentle hands are rough holding you up, feeling the way your body shifts with each thrust up, hearing the way he breathes for you, speaks for you, and moans for you. 
You hate to say you love it right now. Hate that you let your dream of a normal life die so easily. Hate you love him enough to let him do this to you, really. 
“Jake–” You hiccup, exhausted. “I can’t believe you’d go this far.” 
Only in those words do you realize how taboo and…erotic it is. To have a man willing to not only claim you as his own through forcing jealousy on your boyfriend and pain on you, but you guess the borderline sexual assault is another thing. 
It’s not that you’re into it. In fact, you’re terrified of that. But it’s just…the way he knows you is attractive. The way he will protect you from any situation he caused…turns you on, even if he’s the one you need protecting from. God, the way he’ll fuck you through all the lies you tell yourself. 
“I’d go further.” He chuckles, out of breath as he chases the expanse of your clenched walls. “Would’ve brought you to his house and fucked you right there at his front door. Let everyone know.”
You shake your head out of fear of that situation at first, and then suddenly find yourself smiling and losing your mind a bit. God, that would be hot if it were like, you know, not something that would get you disowned by not only family, but literally everyone aside from Jake. 
“Should’ve seen his face, baby–” Jake moans just thinking about it, loving that he has what no one else can have. “Said he was disgusted but…I think he was turned on. Really, couldn’t look away from you sucking my dick like that– God,” He cuts himself off by grabbing at you, shoving you back down and into your pillows, both hands running up your shirt and pushing it up to your collarbone. He gropes and pinches at your tits, half of his plush bottom lip caught between his teeth as sweat drips into his eyelashes. 
“Couldn’t tell if he wished he was me–” A sarcastic laugh. “or maybe even you.” His moans continue to mesh with his laughter, now moving one hand to your neck and leaning down to lick against your lips with another pointed thrust. “I’d never fuck anyone better than I’ll fuck you though.”
“Gotta say, if he wanted it bad enough, he’d look pretty choking on it too. Never as pretty as you.” He continues talking, and talking, and talking. 
You don’t really process his words though, or recognize if he’s being truthful or just making shit up, nor do you care. To be fair, there isn’t anything in this world left to care about aside from him now. Not yourself, not Sunghoon, your parents, or anyone out wandering the world right now. 
“Stop–” You moan at the way he rubs his pelvis against your clit with his now, deeper thrusts. “Stop fucking talking about him.”
He smiles wide against your lips in victory, feeling his muscle tense up at you asking to forget about Sunghoon. And so, he listens to you for the first time since you’ve been home, he fucking listens. 
Jake says nothing now, instead he focuses his hips and notes how now, your pussy feels too used. Or maybe his cock is just numb and oversensitive, he’s not sure. It’s not hard really, to reach down and shove three fingers into you alongside his cock, offering extra sensation to both his balls and the underside of his length as he continues to fuck into you with what he can only assume to be a painful stretch. 
His body shivers with an embarrassing moan at that, rolling his eyes back. 
“You hate him?” Jake says, but it sounds more like a plea for you to agree as he chases an orgasm far too fucking close. 
You don’t respond because at this point his words are just there as fluff in your head. You’re more focused on the insecure feeling inside of you at how he’s had to use his hand to help him get off. It...feels so bad knowing that you can’t give him what he wants after all this. After you promised. And, so, you build up the courage to lift quickly, catching him off guard, and hug him around his neck. 
There, his fingers skew slightly, to the point it’s painful for him to keep them in place and he’s forced to pull them back and instead, hold you up in his own hug as he spirals. God, he missed you so much. Look at you now, after trying to deny him, deny yourself of wanting this. You’re bouncing on him like you always have, frantically moving your hips with no rhyme or reason, solely to get him off. 
He lets out a loud moan, not caring if your parents wake up to it. Not caring about anything but the pussy choking his cock out now. The change in position offered a new form of tightness, and he doesn’t need an extra boost of pleasure anymore. Not with you breathing against his mouth like this, still crying, except now it’s like you’re crying because he hasn’t gotten off yet. 
“Yeah, that’s it.” He nods his head, lips playing with yours with each nod of his head as he squeezes his eyes shut. “Fuck, you always know what I like.”
Just like that, all of your insecurity is washed away. You feel him twitch inside of you, and the way his hands nearly bruise you in this hug feels…right. It’s what you need, what you want. 
“He ever cum in you?” Jake pants out, noting the way you aggressively shake your head in an answer. 
And normally, he’d pull out. Normally, there’s a condom involved in this. Not today though, even as you note the familiar sound choking from his throat, and that even more familiar twitch of his cock. You try to pry yourself away from him, palms pressing on his chest as you argue. 
“Jake! Pull out, Let me up!” 
He doesn’t let you though. Instead, he grabs both of your wrists and presses you right back down on the bed, overpowering you through his orgasm and fucking all of that cum right into you. Intentionally, with purpose. 
“No,” He croaks out in a breath, still lost in his orgasm. “I won’t.” 
You try to wiggle away from him still, despite knowing he’s already started cumming. What’s the point now if not just to still have some type of control over your own body? He, again, doesn’t let you, pressing your wrists painfully into your own stomach, forcing you to feel each pulse and spurt of him for the first time through the pressure of his hold.
He’s never done this to you before, then again, This isn’t the same Jake you’re used to no matter how much you try to relate the feelings and love to the Jake you were with last summer. And…you need to lie to yourself right now at how good it feels to have him fuck his cum into you well past his orgasm, because admitting it would be the last thing you could do tonight to really throw you off the deep end. 
He makes you admit it though, still fucking his cock into you regardless of how it’s growing softer and softer by the second. Doing it solely because he knows more cum will drip out as he shrinks back down. He wants to feel each second of your walls clenching, trying to push him out and knowing it never can. 
He holds you down harder now, wincing at his own sensitivity as he plays with himself inside of you, lending pained chuckles and eye rolls with each sound of disgust you make towards him for it. And only after he slips out and can’t manage to fold it back into you does he really look at you. 
Tilting his head with an innocent smile on his face, he releases your hands and shoots his own up to your face, cupping both cheeks before leaning down and kissing you as hard as he can with what little breath he has left. 
“I deserved that.” He says between kisses. “You deserved it.” He sounds slightly irritated saying that part, but his kiss stays gentle and sweet. “You owed me this.”
You’re not sure if he meant any of that, but you find yourself agreeing. 
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illusioncanthurtme--art · 5 months ago
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TEAM LOSERBOY UNITE!!! The things they will do!! The shenanigans that will ensue!! The people they will disappoint!!
I've had these turnarounds on my patreon ever since I made them, but finally, TONIGHT, I made enough time for myself to put together a casting call for their voices!! It's my first ever casting call, and first time making an animation with my own writing and audio. I'm nervous AND excited!!
I'm planning on making a short animation with these guys to get my animation sea legs again. Then, afterward, if all goes well, I'd love to make a second, longer one!! Cuz I have Ideas >:)
HERE'S THE CASTING CALL if you want to check it out, or maybe... audition??? Or if you know any loserboys in your life who you think would be a good fit voice wise, throw that link their way!
Ramble and meme thingie under the cut!
Drawing these guys was SO MUCH FUN!! Ironically, Dib, although I've drawn the hell out of him, was the hardest to get right. And honestly, he still doesn't look right to me. I think he's so specific in my mind, that he's hard to really pinpoint anymore. But I'm hoping that when I'm actually animating, he'll fall into place. Dipper turned out fine, his profile view isn't though. His posture isn't correct. And his hat isn't correct in the back. I tried to fix this a few hours ago before posting buuut for technical complications with the program I was using, I couldn't. Oh Well. Billy actually turned out the best, imo!! HE'S SUCH A CUTIE PIE!!! My billy design was HEAVILY inspired by the wonderful gaobam fanart by @sockopunch!! Here's a post with their older billy+mandy design! I'm gonna be honest, I was initially inspired in a vague sort of way, and then when the time came to color him in, I subconsciously chose the same colors and everything 😭 I may tweak these designs when the time comes to animate. But for now, this is how they're looking.
I love these guys. So. Damn. Much.
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mafiadad5 · 2 months ago
Rent a boyfriend 20.0 [lmk]
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♪ Now playing- 200, MARK LEE
♪ music major!mark lee x f!reader (ft. Jaemin and Chenle)
♪ summary- You’re tired of the teasing—you get it, everyone’s in a relationship. And with the Valentine’s Party around the corner the taunts were getting even more unbearable. You didn’t mean to drag Mark into this…you really didn’t, but then he made an offer you couldn’t refuse: Help him get an A on his project, and in return he’ll be your date to the party—your boyfriend. It’s just a simple deal, no strings attached. No way this could get complicated… right?
♪ genre/warnings- fluff, slight angst, mutual pining, fake dating, misunderstanding, university au, kissing under the influence of alcohol, drinking, y/n’s friend group is kinda mean, mentions of sex.
♪ W/c- 14k+
a/n- hey guys! So wanted to drop a valentines fic.. hope you enjoy!
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You sat at the table, surrounded by your friends, the only one who had no one to hold. You didn't mind being single, you honestly didn't, but it was moments like these when everyone paired off, giggling and leaning into each other that made it just a bit unbearable. Somehow there was something worse than the PDA though—the teasing. Anytime someone brought up relationships, all eyes would land on you, and an offhand comment about how single you were would always come up. Today was no different. The group had decided to plan a cute Valentines party, for some reason. 
"But how's that gonna work when not everyone in the group is in a relationship?" Jaemin said with a smirk. Immediately, every head turned toward you. You shrugged, trying to keep your face neutral, and picked up your phone, scrolling, trying to look unbothered.
"Y/n... Can you like- just get cuffed for Valentine's Day or something?" One of your friends teased, laughing as if the idea was ridiculous. You rolled your eyes and kept scrolling on Instagram, trying to ignore it. 
"She would never... Y/n could never get into a relationship." Chenle spoke, his tone light, but it still stung a bit.
Your fingers froze mid scroll. You were so tired of being the target of their jokes. Before you could stop yourself, you blurted out the first thing that came to mind:
"Actually... I do have a boyfriend!"
Everyone's laughter stopped as they stared at you, clearly stunned.
"Oh really?" Jaemin asked, his eyebrow arching skeptically. "What's his name?"
Your heart raced as panic set in your body. You glanced down at your phone, searching for any kind of savior. Your thumb hovered over a random Instagram post, the username catching your eye: onyourm__ark. The name felt a little familiar, that could work.
"Mark." You said, looking up at them with a forced smile. "His name is Mark."
Jaemin tilted his head, his suspicion very apparent. "Mark?"
"Yeah." You replied, shrugging like it was no big deal.
"That's funny." Jaemin said, leaning back in his chair. "Why haven't I heard of this Mark character before?"
You froze again, you didn't really think this through before you spoke. Jaemin wasn't just anyone in the group, he was one of your closest friends. He knew almost everything about your life, and all of a sudden you have a boyfriend?
"I wanted to keep it a secret." You said quickly, scrambling for a believable excuse. "I didn't even know if he liked me back at first."
"Oh? So how'd you two meet?" Jaemin asked, clearly enjoying the way you got nervous from his questioning. It felt less like a conversation and more like an interrogation.
"In English." You answered, "We used to be in the same class, but we kept in touch after."
Jaemin narrowed his eyes, but then to your surprise, he nodded slowly. "You did mention a guy from your English class a while ago... I remember."
He did? You didn't remember saying anything remotely like that, but you weren't about to question it. "See? Told you." You said, forcing a laugh and rolling your eyes.
"Well, I'd love to meet him." Jaemin said, his tone still laced with suspicion. "Why don't you bring Mark to the next hangout?"
Your stomach dropped. "Okay, if that'll shut you up." You said, trying to sound nonchalant, but your hands tightened around your phone as Jaemin leaned back, a sly smile on his face. 
Internally, you were spiraling. You didn't have a boyfriend named Mark—or a boyfriend at all for that matter. What were you thinking? Now, you only had a week to figure out how to fix this mess before your lie caught up with you.
🎸⋆⭒˚。⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⭒˚。⋆ 🎸
You sat on your bed, phone in hand, trying to figure out what to do. You could always say that Mark couldn't make it to the hangout or that you had came down with the flu, but you knew your friends would see right through it. If they found out you were lying, you'd never hear the end of it.
Your thumb hovered over your phone screen as an idea struck you... Mark. Your freshman English class, Mark Lee, the guy you'd been paired with for a group project that lasted maybe a week. That was forever ago. You hadn't spoken to him in over a year, and you weren't even friends back then—just acquaintances. It would be so weird to reach out to him now, especially with such a weird request, but then again... what other choice did you have?
Your mind raced as you scrolled to his Instagram page, the username onyourm__ark staring back at you. You hesitated, typing out a message, deleting it, and typing it again. It had to be casual, like you weren't about to ask for the strangest favor of his life. Finally, you settled on something simple.
"Hey Mark, long time no speak. I don't know if you remember me, but we were in English together freshman year."
You hit send, your heart pounding. Seconds turned into minutes, and soon an hour had passed. Maybe this was a stupid idea. No, it was a stupid idea. You were already bracing yourself for the relentless teasing that awaited you when suddenly your phone buzzed.
"Hey Y/n, I remember you. How have you been? 🙂"
You nearly dropped your phone. Relief flooded through you as you scrambled to type back.
"I've been pretty good! What about you?"
His reply came almost instantly.
"I've been good as well. Is there any reason in particular that you're texting me? Lol, not in a rude way btw."
Your stomach flipped. He didn't sound rude, but the question made your request feel ten times more ridiculous. You stared at the screen, second guessing everything, but you were in too deep to back out now.
"Yeah... I'm sorry, but I have to ask you for a HUGE favor 😭🙏. Please hear me out."
"I'm all ears." He replied.
You hesitated again, biting your lip. This was beyond embarrassing, but then you thought about your friend's laughter and the endless teasing you would endure if this didn't work out. You had to at least try.
"So... my friends make fun of me because I'm the only single one in the group, and I got tired of it. I sort of... told them I had a boyfriend. Your post was on my feed, so I accidentally told them it was you. Now they don't believe me and want to meet you..."
You cringed as you hit send, practically feeling the embarrassment radiate off your phone screen.
Moments later, a new message appeared.
"LOL. Y/n this is crazy 😂. So, what? You need me to meet them and act like your boyfriend?"
"Yeah... that would be very, very awesome." You replied, your face burning with embarrassment.
"What do I get out of this? 🧐"
You stared at the message, trying to think of something. You were so desperate, you'd probably agree to anything at this point.
"What do you want...?"
"You have to pay for me at the hangout 🫡”
Ok, that wasn't bad. You could manage that.
"Deal." You replied.
"And you have to write my essay. I remember you're good at stuff like this."
You groaned. Yes you were good, but you hated doing it.
"🥲... Fine." You wrote back.
Before you could relax, another message came through.
"Wait, before I agree, can we at least meet in person first? Just to talk a little and figure things out."
He had a point. You couldn't exactly walk into this without a plan.
"Yes, of course." You responded quickly. 
"Are you free tomorrow... and do I have to pay for you then too?"
"I'm free tomorrow, and no, you don't have to pay for me tomorrow 😂." He replied.
You felt a small wave of relief.
"Ok, let's grab a coffee tomorrow at noon." You typed.
"Sounds good. I'll see you then."
You exhaled, setting your phone down. It wasn't a guarantee, but at least there was a chance this might work. Now, all you had to do was convince your friends.
🎸⋆⭒˚。⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⭒˚。⋆ 🎸
The next day, you strolled into the café, your bag slung over one shoulder as you rushed inside. You spotted Mark sitting at a small table by the window, his beanie low over his head as he sipped from a coffee cup. He glanced up and smiled when he saw you, raising a hand in a wave.
"Sorry I'm late!" You said as you dropped into the chair across from him, setting your bag down with a thud. "Traffic."
"No problem, I just got here anyway." He said, giving you a lighthearted grin.
"Thanks for meeting me. I swear this isn't as crazy as it probably sounded over text."
Mark raised an eyebrow. "You told me you accidentally named me as your boyfriend to your entire friend group. That's... kind of crazy."
"Ok fine, maybe it's a little crazy." You admitted, leaning back in your chair. "They've been driving me nuts Mark. Every time we hang out it's like, 'Oh Y/n's still single? Maybe one day you'll find someone.' Ugh, I couldn't take it anymore."
He chuckled softly, shaking his head. "So your solution was to drag me into this?"
"Look, I panicked. Your Instagram post popped up on my feed, and I just blurted out your name, but now they want to meet you, and if I back out, they'll never let me live it down." You said, throwing up your hands.
Mark stared at you for a moment, but then he sighed, setting his coffee cup down. "You really hate losing, huh?"
"More than anything." You said, leaning forward.
He laughed, the sound genuine. "Alright, I get it. So what's the plan? Are we rehearsing some elaborate backstory or something?"
You waved him off. "Nah, that's too much work. We'll just wing it. They don't need the whole story of how we 'fell in love.' You're Mark, my boyfriend. We met in English, we reconnected, end of story."
"Wing it?" He repeated, his brows lifting in slight disbelief.
"Yep." You said confidently, sipping the coffee you ordered on your way in. "Is that okay with you?" 
Mark studied you for a moment, his gaze steady. "You're really something Y/n."
"What!?" You asked, shrugging with a grin on your face.
He shook his head, but there was a small smile tugging at his lips. "You realize this could backfire, right? If they catch on..."
"Yeah, wait. You're right. We may have to come up with a plan." You interrupted, tapping your fingers on the side of your cup.
"Tell me about this group of yours." Mark said, leaning forward with interest.
You hesitated for a moment, thinking of how best to describe them. "Well, there's Jaemin one of my closest friends...he's the one who's been grilling me the most. He's super observant, so we really need to be convincing around him. Then there's Chenle. He's a little less... eccentric than Jaemin, but he's the one who made a comment, so... yeah, he's a problem too."
Mark raised an eyebrow. "Sounds like a fun crowd."
"They're not that bad." You said quickly, though you weren't sure if you believed it yourself. "The rest of them are less skeptical, but they'll still ask a million questions."
Mark nodded. "Okay. How long have we been 'dating' ?"
You paused. "Uh... let's say a month? Long enough to make it seem legit, but not so long that it's weird you're just meeting them now."
"Smart." He said. "And how did we meet?"
"Freshman English obviously." You said.
"Oh...right. What do I do for fun? If they ask, I don't want to say something totally weird."
You thought for a moment. "Well, what do you do for fun?"
Mark laughed. "Play guitar, hang out with friends, binge watch random shows. Pretty standard stuff."
"Ok, stick with that." You said, jotting it down in your phone's notes. "What about me? Do you remember anything about me?"
Mark tilted his head, his expression thoughtful. "You were pretty quiet, right? I remember you always had your notes super organized though and had little drawings. You're good at writing and photography too."
"Wow, thrilling personality." You said dryly, but you couldn't help smiling.
"Hey, I like organized people." Mark said, flashing a grin.
You both laughed, for the first time since this whole mess started, you felt like maybe, just maybe, this could actually work.
Mark leaned back in his chair, his eyes playful. "So, when's the big hangout?"
"Next Saturday." You said. 
Mark paused for a second, tapping his fingers against the edge of the table. "You're sure this is what you want to do?"
You nodded. "Yeah. I just need them off my back for one day. Then I'll tell them we broke up or something, and it'll all blow over."
He let out a long breath, running a hand through his hair beneath the beanie. 
"Alright...I'm in."
"You are?"
"I mean, how many people get to say they were someone's fake boyfriend? It's a good story, but— you're paying, and doing my essay." He spoke, raising his eyebrow. 
"Yeah— yes of course." 
"Then deal." He smiled, reaching his hand across the table. 
A bright smile painted your face as you reached across the table to shake his hand. "Thank you. You're officially the best."
"Don't thank me yet." He said with a laugh. "This could still go horribly wrong."
"Shh, shh." You said, waving him off. "Now, are you ready to charm the pants off my friends next Saturday?"
His eyes went wide as a nervous smile crept on his face. "I don't think that's part of the deal..." He joked.
"Mark." You laughed, grabbing your bag as you stood up. "We'll convince them." 
Mark shook his head, but the smile on his face lingered as he stood up as well. "Let's hope you're right."
🎸⋆⭒˚。⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⭒˚。⋆ 🎸
The cafe where your friends had decided to meet was full of chatter. You walked in with Mark by your side, your heart racing, though you'd never admit it. He looked surprisingly calm hands stuffed into his pockets as your arm was linked around his, beanie pulled low over his hair, a casual smile on his face.
"There they are." You muttered under your breath as you spotted your friends gathered at a large table near the back.
Mark glanced at you, his tone teasing. "You ready... babe girl?"
You stopped dead in your tracks, turning to glare at him. "Babe girl? Really?"
He smirked. "What? I thought it sounded cute."
"It sounds ridiculous." You said, but you couldn't stop the laugh that bubbled up. "Corny and ridiculous."
"Guess it's our thing now." He said, a quirky smile on his face.
"Absolutely not." 
As you approached the table, the chatter stopped, and all eyes turned to you. Jaemin leaned back in his chair with a smug grin. "Look who finally decided to show up, and with a plus one!"
"Hi." Mark said with an easy smile, lifting a hand in a small wave. "Nice to meet you all."
"Mark huh?" Chenle said, giving him a suspicious look from head to toe "So you're real."
"Very real." Mark said, his grin never falling.
"Well, don't just stand there. Sit down, we've got questions." Jaemin said, motioning you both to the empty chairs.
Mark glanced at you, eyebrows raised. "Interrogation already?"
"Oh, absolutely." You said, plopping into a seat. "Good luck."
He laughed and took the chair beside you, his knee brushing yours under the table.
"So..." Jaemin began, leaning forward. "How'd you two meet again?"
"English class." You answered quickly.
Mark nodded, picking up without missing a beat. "Yeah, freshman year. She was the only person in the class who didn't make me feel like an idiot during group projects."
You shot him a look, trying not to break character. "That's because you weren't an idiot."
Jaemin squinted, clearly searching for holes in the story. "How long have you been... together?"
"A month." Mark said smoothly.
"Uh huh..." Jaemin said, dragging out the syllables. "So that means you're okay with coming to the couples Valentine's party next month, right?"
Mark blinked, glancing at you. "The what now?"
Jaemin's grin widened, sensing an opportunity. "The party, didn't Y/n tell you? It's just for couples in the group, which is all of us, right? It'll be fun— cookie decorating, gift exchanges, all that good stuff."
You felt your stomach drop. Of course he'd pull something like this.
"Who even wants to spend Valentine's Day with a group of people when you're dating someone? That doesn't even make sense." You turned to Mark, hoping he'd follow your lead. "Right Mark? Wouldn't you only want to spend time with just me on... that... Valentine's Day?"
Mark hesitated for a second before nodding. "Yeah, right. I would want to spend it alone with my girlfriend, not in a group you know? Really though, I appreciate the invitation." He shot you a glance before looking back at Jaemin.
Jaemin, still grinning leaned in. "I mean, the party isn't all day, only a few hours at night. You two can spend it together alone pretty much."
"I mean... well. That's really when I want to be alone with her... at night." Mark said, his ears turning red as the group collectively reacted. Jaemin's eyebrows shot up, his smirk widening and Chenle let out a low whistle.
"We can move the party earlier since you two lovebirds want the night alone." Jaemin teased. "We really want you guys there."
"Jaemin, just drop it." You said, rolling your eyes.
"I was talking to Mark, Y/n." He replied, dismissing you.
Mark's easygoing demeanor stiffened slightly as he shot Jaemin a look. "Don't talk to her like that dude." Then after a quick glance at you he continued. "Look man, I really appreciate it and everything, but she wants to spend Valentine's alone, so we're gonna do that... all day." His said, his voice softening.
"Well damn," Chenle muttered into the awkward silence. "and we thought Y/n accepted the invitation."
Your patience finally snapped. "Okay! We'll go, goodness me." You stood up abruptly, the chair scraping against the floor.
"We will?" Mark asked, blinking at you and scratching the back of his head.
"Yes, we will." You answered quickly, shooting a glare at Jaemin, who looked far too pleased with himself.
"That's great." Jaemin said, his smugness radiating off him.
You exhaled sharply before turning to Mark. "Now babe... Mark, can we please leave?" Your voice dripped with frustration.
Mark bit back a laugh. "Sure thing... babe girl." He sucked in his breath slightly, bracing for your reaction.
You narrowed your eyes, but couldn't stop the small giggle that slipped out. "Ridiculous." You said, shaking your head. 
Mark stood, offering the group a small wave. "It was nice meeting you guys."
"Nice meeting you too Mark." Jaemin said, clearly entertained. "Hope we can all get together before the Valentine's party."
Mark nodded. "Yeah, sure."
"Bye guys." You added, throwing one last glance at Jaemin before turning and walking out, Mark right beside you.
As soon as you stepped outside you let out a deep sigh. "Mark, I'm seriously so sorry. They're typically not like this."
He laughed, hands in his pockets. "Nah it's okay, I swear. I'm just more worried about how we're gonna show up to this Valentine's party."
Your stomach dropped. "Oh fuck Mark. I panicked—I didn't even realize."
He smirked. "Yeah, I noticed."
You groaned, rubbing your temples. "It's fine, I'll just tell them we broke up or something."
Mark nodded. "Yeah, that sounds good to me."
A brief silence passed before he glanced at you. "Now, if you don't mind or anything... do you wanna grab a real lunch?"
You blinked at him before breaking into a smile. "Yeah that sounds good... like our break up hangout." You giggled.
He chuckled. "Yeah, something like that."
You paused. "I'm not paying for you." You looked at him with squinted eyes. 
Mark scoffed. "I guess not." 
🎸⋆⭒˚。⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⭒˚。⋆ 🎸
The two of you sat at the table, the world outside fading as you talked and ate, lost in conversation. There was something surprisingly natural about it—like you'd been friends forever.
You swirled your drink absentmindedly before slipping in a question. "So, like... what do you do?"
Mark blinked, then grinned. "Oh... I'm a music major. So... make music, I guess?"
"Oh that's sick. So you just write music for class? That sounds fun... and easy." You teased, raising an eyebrow.
Mark scoffed, shaking his head. "It's not actually. Right now, we're starting a project where we have to tie music and cinematography together. It's due in like a month.
You tilted your head, thinking. "So, February 7th? That's such a long time."
"Mhm, that's not even enough time." He said, nodding seriously.
"You'll be fine, it's easy." You waved him off.
"And it's summer." He shot back.
"What?" You asked, furrowing your brows.
"Oh, I thought we were lying about things." He said with a cheeky smile.
"Mark, please." You giggled, shooting him a playful glare.
Still smirking, he leaned back. "Alright, since my major is so 'easy', what's yours?"
"Digital Art and Media." You replied.
Mark's eyebrows lifted. "That's why it's easy for you, you do photography and digital art."
"I only took one photography class, relax bud. I'm not an expert." You said, rolling your eyes playfully.
"Yeah, whatever. More experience than me." He said, playfully rolling his eyes right back.
"Yeah, yeah."
Time slipped away unnoticed. What was meant to be a quick lunch turned into two hours of laughter, and playful conversation. You hadn't even realized how long you'd been sitting there until you glanced at the time and your stomach sank.
"I'm so sorry Mark, but I have an assignment due that I have to do." You said, frowning.
He gasped dramatically. "Wow, you need better time management."
You scoffed. "Yeah? Well, I guess time passes when you're having fun with someone."
The words left your lips before you could process them. The moment hung between you for a split second too long before Mark's grin widened, his cheeks rounding.
"Yeah... that's true."
You cleared your throat, shaking the moment off. "We should definitely do this again... but, you know, as regular friends." You shot him a bright grin as you stood up.
Mark nodded quickly, standing up beside you. "Yeah, no, yeah... totally." He smiled, but there was something in his expression.
"Well, I had fun. I'll see you later?"
"Yeah, see you later." His gaze lingered as you waved and walked away, feeling lighter than before.
Hours later, you were deep in your assignment, tackling it with as much focus as you could. The only problem? You'd made the grave mistake of leaving your phone off Do Not Disturb.
It buzzed. Once... twice, a few unimportant messages. Then, one caught your eye, a familiar username.
Your fingers hovered over your phone. You needed no distractions, but the message was simple.
"Hey, can I ask you something?"
Curiosity won.
"Yeah, what's up?" You typed back.
His response came almost immediately.
"Do you like... actually need me to go to this Valentine's party thing?"
You bit your lip, considering. "Would you? What would you want in return?"
The three little dots popped up. Then:
"Well... your major is like really really cool... and exactly what I need for my project. So, could you help me with the project over the month? If I get an A, then I'll go with you."
You tapped your fingers against your desk, thinking. 
"Hmmm... that's a good deal actually."
Before Mark could even finish typing a response, you sent another.
"Eh, that's too much work though. Look, I'm currently working on something right now... my classes are hard this semester."
His reply was immediate.
"Oh... I thought it was so 'easy.' 😂"
You groaned, shaking your head. 
"Yeah, when that's your only class. I appreciate the offer, but I can't. I'll just tell them we broke up lol."
"Ok ok... good luck with them."
"I'll manage.🫡"
You put your phone down, determined to get back to work, but your mind kept drifting. You didn't even know what the project fully was, you could at least hear him out... right?
With a sigh, you hesitated before unlocking your phone again, opening your messages with Mark.
"So like... what's the project? What do you have to do?"
This time, the response came instantly. Almost like he had been waiting for you to ask.
"I have to make a song and record a music video for it."
Your eyes flicked over the message. 
"So just videography, and text work?"
"Not even... the song doesn't have any lyrics, so just videography."
You chewed your lip.
"That doesn't sound too bad."
"It sounds like someone's changing their mind👀... I hope."
You exhaled sharply, shaking your head. 
"Say yes, say yes, say yes."
You sat there, staring at the screen, fingers hovering over the keyboard. You weren't actually considering this, were you?
...Maybe you were.
"Ok, fine."
His response was immediate.
You chuckled, shaking your head.
"Let's meet up sometime next week and get started, if that's okay with you?"
"Yeah, that's perfect."
You locked your phone and leaned back in your chair, exhaling.
This was going to be... interesting.
🎸⋆⭒˚。⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⭒˚。⋆ 🎸
It was the next week, and you two finally met up at the park.
"Y/n!" Mark called out, waving you over with a bright grin.
"Mark!" You waved back, jogging slightly to meet him.
The two of you sat on a wooden bench, its surface worn smooth from the weather. The cold seeped through your clothes, but the excitement of finally starting the project kept you warm.
"So, what's the plan for this music video?" You asked, tucking your hands into your pockets.
Mark exhaled, his breath visible in the cool air. "Well, I want it to be naturally focused—kind of like me being out and about. Then I also want to show my process—like me writing and recording the music, you know?" His gaze flickered to you, his cheeks slightly pink from the cold.
You nodded thoughtfully. "Okay, that sounds sweet. Do you have everything you need?"
"Yep! I even brought the camera with me." He reached into his bag and pulled out a silver camcorder, a Spider-Man keychain dangling from the side.
You couldn't help but smile. "Oh, that's cute."
Mark chuckled, spinning the keychain between his fingers. "I haven't used this thing in ages though... let me make sure it's working." He flicked it on, the lens whirring softly as it adjusted. Without warning, he turned it toward you.
"Say hi Y/n." He prompted.
You straightened up, flashing a peace sign at the camera. "Hi hi, hello!"
Mark grinned behind the camera. "We're here with the super duper awesome Y/n."
"In the flesh." You responded, throwing up two rock hand signs.
Mark laughed. "In the flesh?" He turned the camera toward himself, raising an eyebrow.
You smirked. "We have a hater here guys." You motioned for him to hand over the camera, and he did so with an amused expression.
You turned the camera around, focusing on him. "Look at this hater. Super duper hater Mark."
"In the flesh." He said expressionless, before glancing at you to catch your reaction.
You scoffed playfully, rolling your eyes as you turned the camera to frame both of you in the shot. "Alright, and with that... this test video is over." You smiled, locking eyes with Mark for a beat before looking back at the lens.
After stopping the recording, you both huddled together to watch the clip, laughing.
"Is this the type of video you're looking for?" You asked, glancing at him.
"Yeah, basically. This is awesome." His smile was wide and genuine.
"Great." You mirrored his smile, the warmth between you two making the cold a little more bearable.
A gust of wind rustled through the trees, and Mark tucked his hands into his sleeves before glancing at you. "Do you want to grab some lunch or something? It's on me."
You raised an eyebrow. "Free lunch? Why would I pass on that?"
Mark laughed, standing up and stretching before leading the way. The two of you walked to the familiar cafe where you always met, slipping into your usual routine without much thought. After ordering you found yourselves at your regular table, the conversation flowing as effortlessly as ever.
You set your cup down and leaned forward. "Wait, this would be a great shot." You reached for the camera, and Mark passed it to you without hesitation.
You turned it on, panning it toward him as he casually picked up his cup, taking a slow sip.
A giggle escaped you from behind the camera, and Mark's gaze flickered up. He smirked, trying, and failing, not to laugh.
"Wait, wait." He said, holding out his hand. "Let me capture my POV."
You handed the camera back, and he immediately started recording. First, he zoomed in on his cup, then moved to some of the food on the table, narrating dramatically.
"Here we have... a masterpiece." He slowly panned upward, the lens landing on you.
A small smile played on his lips as he held the camera steady. "Working on the project. This is the same day as the test recording, but who cares?"
You made an awkward face at the camera before sticking your tongue out playfully. "Documenting history." You teased.
Mark chuckled, lowering the camera slightly. "I think this might actually turn out great." He admitted, glancing at you.
You met his gaze, something lingering between the two of you.
You agreed softly. "Yeah, I think so too."
🎸⋆⭒˚。⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⭒˚。⋆ 🎸
You had been recording with Mark for about two weeks now, always keeping the shoots outdoors, but today was different. Mark said it was time to capture one of the final stages—him recording it. For that, he invited you over to his apartment.
You of course agreed. It was part of the project anyway, but what surprised you was realizing that his apartment was only about a ten minute walk from yours.
Taking advantage of the convenience, you decided to walk there, stopping by a store on the way to grab some supplies for a separate project you needed to work on while Mark was busy. As you waited at the checkout, a small Spider-Man figurine caught your eye. Something about it reminded you of Mark—probably that old keychain hanging from his camera. With a small smile, you grabbed it and added it to your purchase.
Soon, you were standing outside his door, a small brown paper bag in hand. You knocked, shifting on your feet as you waited.
The door swung open, and Mark greeted you with a bright smile. "Hey Y/n!"
"Hey Mark." You smiled back, stepping inside and slipping off your coat and shoes.
His apartment was cozy, a subtle scent of coffee and something faintly citrusy in the air.
"This place is nice." You commented as he led you toward his studio room.
"Aw, it's nothing." He said calmly, but there was a hint of pride in his voice.
You stepped into the music room, immediately noticing how it felt both chaotic and comforting. Wires across the floor, tangled yet somehow purposeful. Instruments leaned against the walls, and scattered notebooks were filled with what you assumed were unfinished lyrics. It wasn't pristine, but it felt real—lived in.
"Sorry for the mess." He said sheepishly, tidying up a few papers.
"No, it's cute. I like it."
He paused at that, looking at you for a moment longer than necessary, a small genuine smile tugged at his lips as he let out a soft giggle. "Thanks..."
You cleared your throat, settling in. "So, you have some finishing touches to do?"
"Yeah." He nodded. "I just need to tweak a few things, then record. You can work on your project while I do that—I'll just set up the camera to capture everything, if that's cool?"
"Of course, do your thing." You assured him.
Mark adjusted the camera on its stand, making sure it had a good angle before grabbing his guitar and plopping down on the couch.
"I hope the noise isn't too distracting." He said, glancing at you.
"No, you're good." You gave him a reassuring smile before pulling out your supplies.
As you sorted through the contents of the bag, you came across the Spider-Man figurine. You hesitated for a second before looking up.
"Oh uh, Mark?"
He immediately looked over, giving you his full attention.
"I got you a little something. I saw it at the store and thought of you." You pulled out the figurine and held it up, waiting for his reaction.
His eyes widened slightly before a grin broke across his face. "Oh my god!" He took it from your hands, examining it like it was the coolest thing in the world. "This is literally my favorite... thank you so much."
You laughed at his enthusiasm. "Yeah, yeah, you're welcome."
Mark immediately ran over to the camera, crouching in front of it with the figurine. "Look at this super cool gift Y/n gave me. Isn't it epic?" He held it up proudly, his smile contagious.
You shook your head, watching him with amusement.
"Everyone say 'Thank you Y/n.'" He continued, turning the camera toward you.
"Thank you Y/n." He said in a lighter voice. 
You rolled your eyes playfully, but smiled. "You're welcome guys."
Mark turned the camera back to himself. "But wait, what is Y/n working on? We've been stuck on me when we have a hardworking creative genius over here."
You lifted the almost finished postcard you had been making. "Well guys, I just have to make some postcards."
"Ooo, pretty." He said in his high pitched voice again.
You smirked. "Wait—me or the postcard?" It was meant to be a lighthearted joke, but Mark answered instantly.
You blinked at him, momentarily thrown off, but he just grinned at you like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Clearing your throat, you turned the postcard over in your hands. "You know, why am I even making this? My major is digital design."
"Crazy wonders of the world." Mark said, raising an eyebrow dramatically.
"I know right?" You giggled.
"Wait, hold up the postcard." He said suddenly.
You obliged, holding up the small card that was a sunset over the city skyline.
Mark placed the Spider-Man figurine in front of it, adjusting the camera's angle. "Spider-Man Mark in Y/n's pretty city." He moved the figure as if it were walking.
"Pretty Spider-Man Mark in Y/n's regular city." You corrected teasingly.
"Ah, that's not true. It's not regular, nothing you do is regular."
You turned to him, surprised by the sincerity in his voice. Mark immediately panned the camera toward you, catching your reaction.
"Guys, did you hear that?" You asked, smiling.
"I think they did... uh oh. I've been caught." He said dramatically.
Laughing, you shook your head. "Alright, alright, let's get back to filming."
Mark sighed, setting the figurine aside. "Okay, I'll finish recording my song. Back to boring me."
"No, I should be recording this part." You insisted, spinning around in his desk chair. "That's literally the point of the project."
"It's fine—"
"Nope." You stood up, grabbing the camera and plopping onto the bean bag in front of him. "Alright, let's hear it."
Mark adjusted himself on the couch, strumming a few simple notes at first as you zoomed in slightly.
"We want to hear the song!" You said in a high pitched voice behind the camera.
Mark looked up, straight into the lens. "Guys, you have no say in this."
"Hey! Don't talk to them like that. We all want to hear the song... you must oblige."
He raised an eyebrow. "Oh, all of you?"
"Yes." You nodded, keeping the camera steady.
"Well... I guess that means I have no choice." He sighed, dramatically adjusting his posture. Then his expression softened. "Alright. Here goes."
As he began playing his eyes fluttered shut, lost in the melody. The notes filled the room, smooth and rhythmic, but when he opened his eyes again, they didn't go to the camera— they went straight to you. Suddenly, he stumbled. "Wait—I'm nervous when you're looking at me play... turn the other way."
"What? How am I supposed to turn away? I'm literally filming. If you suck, just say that." You teased.
Mark groaned. "That's not fair."
"Fine, fine, I'll close my eyes." You smirked. "You're lucky I'm talented and can record with my eyes closed."
You heard him chuckle before he started playing again and this time, he didn't stop. The music wrapped around you, soothing you into a quiet rhythm as you swayed slightly.
When you finally opened your eyes you smiled. "Wow... you're good."
He set the guitar down. "Me? Nah."
"You're definitely better than me." You admitted.
"Wait—you play?"
"Give it a try."
"Oh no, no, no—"
"Oh yes, yes, yes."
And before you could argue, he was handing you the guitar and taking the guitar from you, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
You hesitated, staring at the guitar now resting in your lap as you glanced up at Mark, who was grinning.
"Mark, no. I can't." You said, shaking your head.
"Yes, you can." He countered, adjusting the camera to make sure it was still recording. "If you guys want Y/n to play say, 'Play Y/n.'" He turned back to you with a teasing smile.
"Play Y/n." He said in that high pitched voice again.
You groaned, pointing at the camera. "You guys are traitors."
Mark beamed. "You must listen. You must oblige, right?"
You rolled your eyes but couldn't fight your own smile. "Fine, but I'm telling you I suck."
"It's okay, take your time." He reassured, watching you expectantly.
Taking a deep breath, you positioned your fingers awkwardly on the strings, recalling the few chords you knew. You strummed slowly, hesitant. The sound wasn't smooth—it was a little choppy, a little messy, but you pushed through, playing a simple tune you vaguely remembered.
As you focused on the guitar, you felt Mark's gaze lingering. When you glanced up, he was watching you with a small smile.
"Okay, I'm done." You announced quickly, placing the guitar back on your lap like it was some kind of dangerous weapon.
Mark clapped dramatically. "That was good!"
"Mark, do not lie to my face right now."
"I'm serious!" He leaned forward. "Better than some people in my classes, I swear."
"Right..." You scoffed, playfully rolling your eyes.
"I'm not lying! It takes practice." He insisted. "You're the best in my eyes, okay?"
Before you could process his words, he gently took the guitar back from you and placed it across his lap.
"You'll get better, it's all about growth." He continued, casually strumming a few quick chords.
"Oh, now you're just showing off."
He grinned. "No I'm not, stop."
You shook your head, still smiling, before glancing at the clock. It was getting late.
Mark must've noticed too because his fingers slowed on the guitar. "You should probably head home soon, huh?"
You sighed. "Yeah... probably."
A beat of silence passed between you, filled only by the faint buzz of the camera still recording. Neither of you moved right away.
Then Mark stood up abruptly. "Wait, let me walk you home."
You blinked. "Mark, it's literally a ten minute walk."
"So?" He shrugged, grabbing his hoodie off the back of the chair. "It's dark out."
"I'll be fine." You reassured him, standing up and stretching.
"Still, I wanna make sure." He smiled at you.
You held his gaze for a moment before exhaling in defeat. "Fine, but if we get jumped you better be ready to fight for your life."
Mark laughed as he grabbed his keys. "Don't worry, Spider-Man got you."
As you both stepped outside into the cool night air, walking side by side under the streetlights, you found yourself stealing small glances at him.
🎸⋆⭒˚。⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⭒˚。⋆ 🎸
The familiar ding of Mark's apartment buzzer echoed as you rocked back and forth on your heels, hands stuffed into the pockets of your hoodie. Moments later, the door swung open revealing Mark in a black hoodie and sweatpants, hair slightly tousled like he'd been running his hands through it.
"Y/n! My favorite editor has arrived." He said with a teasing smirk, stepping aside to let you in.
You rolled your eyes, stepping inside and kicking off your shoes. "Flattery will not make me do extra work Mark."
"Damn...worth a shot."
He led you into his workspace, where his laptop was already open, the editing software pulled up on the screen. A few loose papers and a notebook was scattered across the desk. You settled into the chair, rolling up your sleeves, ready to finish what had been weeks of filming and late night texts about clips and transitions.
As Mark settled onto the couch behind you, tuning his guitar absentmindedly, your eyes drifted to the notebook lying open beside the keyboard. The title at the top caught your attention.
Your brow furrowed as you skimmed the first few lines.
"Hey, what's this?" You asked, fingers brushing the edge of the page.
Before you could read any further Mark was suddenly there, reaching over your shoulder and snapping the notebook shut in one motion.
"Nothing—just a project for another class." He said quickly, his voice a little too casual.
You arched a brow, turning in your chair to look at him. "Oh yeah? What class?"
He blinked. "Uh—songwriting."
You smirked. "You're a bad liar."
"I am not lying." He countered, crossing his arms, but the way he avoided your gaze told you otherwise.
You let it slide—for now. "Fine Mr. Songwriter. Let's get back to the actual project before we run out of time."
He exhaled in relief, moving back to his spot on the couch as you clicked through the footage. The two of you worked, laughing over bloopers and trimming clips.
After a while, Mark leaned forward, resting his chin on the back of the chair. "Hey, so... I wanna learn how to add text to videos."
You glanced at him. "Oh?"
"Yeah, like... just in case I ever need to make a music video by myself." He explained, his voice dipping slightly.
You smirked, already sensing where this was going. "You mean in case I'm not around to do it for you?"
He grinned, not even denying it. "Exactly."
You hummed, clicking through the editing software. "Alright, pay attention."
Mark pulled his chair up beside you, leaning in way too close as you navigated the program. You felt the heat of his gaze more than once, but you pretended not to notice—until you did.
"You're not even looking at the screen." You said, turning toward him.
"I am." He defended, but his smirk gave him away.
You huffed, placing your hand on the mouse. "Watch closely."
You leaned in to type and in the process, your knee brushed against his. Instead of moving away, Mark just smirked slightly, shifting even closer.
"So, you click here to add a text layer." You explained, voice steady despite the way your skin tingled. "Then you can choose the font, size, and animation style."
"Mmm, what if I want it to fade in all smooth and cool?"
"Then you'd go to transitions and—"
You clicked the wrong thing.
A bright pink, curly font popped up on the screen, reading: SUPER AWESOME Y/N IS THE BEST.
Mark burst into laughter. "Ohhh, I love that...perfect title."
You groaned trying to fix it, but he grabbed your wrist gently. "Wait, wait. Keep it."
"Mark, no."
"Mark, yes." He teased, his fingers still lingering on your wrist. "It's only fair, you are super awesome."
You shook your head, deleting the text despite his protests.
You both finished the editing, but before you could say you were done for the night, Mark stretched with an exaggerated groan.
"You know what? You should stay for dinner." He said casually.
You blinked. "What?"
"Stay for dinner." He repeated, standing up. "I'll cook."
You raised a suspicious brow. "You cook?"
He scoffed. "First of all, rude. Second, yes."
You crossed your arms, pretending to consider. "Mmm, free food... and potential food poisoning?"
Mark clutched his chest dramatically. "Wow, you wound me."
You laughed, standing up. "Fine, fine. I'll stay, but if I die I'm haunting you."
"Deal." He said, heading to the kitchen. "Now sit back, relax, and prepare to be amazed."
You settled onto a stool by the counter, watching as he pulled out ingredients. To your surprise, he actually seemed to know what he was doing, chopping vegetables with ease, humming under his breath as he worked.
"So, what is your specialty Chef Mark?" You teased, resting your chin in your palm.
He grinned. "Tonight? Stir-fry."
As he cooked, the conversation flowed easily. You talked about music, future plans, dumb childhood stories. At one point, Mark wiped his hands on a towel and reached over to poke your cheek.
"You always do that when you're focused." He pointed out.
"Do what?"
"That little frown." He mimicked, scrunching his brows.
You rolled your eyes, swatting his hand away. "I do not—"
"You do." He countered, turning back to the stove with a smug smile.
Dinner was surprisingly delicious. As you ate, the conversation slowed, settling into something quieter.
"You know." Mark started, twirling his fork. "I'm kinda sad this project's ending."
You glanced up. "Yeah?"
"Yeah." He met your eyes. "It was fun having you around. Working on something together."
You felt warmth spread through your chest. "Yeah... it was."
Mark hesitated before adding, "We should do it again sometime."
You smiled. "We should."
🎸⋆⭒˚。⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⭒˚。⋆ 🎸
You and Mark had finally decided to take a break from all the work, choosing a laid back hangout where you didn't have to worry about editing, filming, or anything productive. Not that it ever felt like work, anyway—not with him.
The two of you strolled down the sidewalk, warm coffees in hand. Laughter spilled from your lips as Mark animatedly told you some story, his voice light and his cheeks slightly flushed from the cold.
"Wait, wait... so you're telling me he actually tried to—"
"Y/n?" A familiar voice cut through your laughter, making you pause mid step.
You turned toward the sound and immediately spotted Jaemin approaching, his usual smug grin plastered across his face. His hands were shoved into the pockets of his coat, but his sharp eyes flickered between you and Mark, already scanning for... something.
"Jaemin... Hi!" You greeted, putting on your best casual smile.
Mark lifted his hand in a small wave. "Hey man."
Jaemin's smirk deepened as he reached you both, tilting his head slightly. "Feels like I haven't seen you in forever." He said, his gaze still shifting between you and Mark, clearly analyzing.
"I know right?" You chuckled, shifting on your feet. "I've just been, you know... busy with my boyfriend." You emphasized the word, nudging Mark slightly with your elbow. He played along instantly, nodding in agreement with a small smile.
"Ahh, right." Jaemin said, dragging the words out as if he were testing how it felt on his tongue. His expression remained unreadable, but the skepticism in his eyes was unmistakable. "You guys look... closer than ever."
"Well, yeah." You replied, flashing a polite smile. "That's sorta what happens when you date someone."
Mark let out a quiet chuckle beside you, sipping his coffee.
Jaemin squinted at the two of you, lips pressing together like he was trying to piece something together. The silence stretched just a little too long before he finally let out a small hum.
"Hmm. Yeah, you're right."
"Well." You started, eager to end the interaction before Jaemin could get any ideas. "We're gonna get going—"
Your heart sank just a little.
Jaemin grinned, clearly enjoying the moment. "We miss you." He said, looking directly at you. "Why don't you and Mark stop by this Saturday? Hang out with everyone... you know, like the old times."
That smug expression on his face told you that declining wasn't going to be easy. You opened your mouth to politely decline, but before you could get a word out Mark beat you to it.
"That sounds fun, right babe?" He said smoothly, turning to you with a warm smile that almost looked genuine.
You blinked at him.
"Yeah, totally." You managed, forcing a smile back as you turned to Jaemin. "We'll be there."
Jaemin took a step back, satisfied. "Great! Just don't break up before then or anything."
Mark let out a laugh, shaking his head. "Oh, we're good man."
Jaemin hummed again, still looking just a little too suspicious for your liking. "Kay... see you then."
With that, he finally walked away leaving you and Mark standing there in unison. You both let out a synchronized sigh.
"That was..." You trailed off.
Mark shook his head, smiling slightly. "I can see why you'd be scared to date someone...he's scary."
You laughed. "I'm not scared of him."
Mark raised a playful brow. "You sure? He had you real close to sweating back there."
You rolled your eyes. "I just think it's annoying."
Mark smiled, but then as if something weighed on him, his expression stiffened just a little. He glanced down at his coffee, rolling the cup slightly between his hands. "Seriously though... why don't you date anyone?"
You hesitated for a moment before exhaling through your nose. "I just don't want to." You shrugged. "I feel like relationships don't last. They start great, then fall apart."
Mark's gaze softened. "What makes you feel that way?"
You pressed your lips together for a moment before answering. "Just... a past relationship. It didn't work out, and honestly I don't think it's worth trying again. I'd rather just be by myself."
Mark didn't say anything right away, but you could tell something shifted in his demeanor. His usual playfulness dimmed just a little, like he wanted to say something, but wasn't sure if he should.
Finally, he offered a small smile. "Well... I get it I guess. If you don't try again, you won't ever know though."
"Then I guess I'll never know." You replied simply.
Silence settled between you, not awkward, but thick.
Mark looked down at his phone, biting his lip. "I should probably head out."
"Oh, okay." You said, nodding as you adjusted your coat.
He hesitated for a second before flashing his usual easygoing smile. "I'll see you this weekend, yeah?"
"Yeah... see you then." You said, forcing a small smile back.
🎸⋆⭒˚。⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⭒˚。⋆ 🎸
When you arrived at the hangout together, arms casually brushing, laughter slipping easily between you, no one batted an eye. You were affectionate without forcing it, leaning into each other, whispering small things that made no sense to anyone else, it felt effortless.
As the night wore on someone suggested a drinking game—Truth or Dare, with shots.
The group quickly agreed, the buzz of alcohol already making everyone a little looser, a little bolder.
"Drinking Truth or Dare?" Mark asked, raising a curious brow as he turned to you.
"Yeah, we do it all the time." You replied, already a bit tipsy, your tongue a little looser than it should be. "You don't have to if you don't want."
Mark smirked. "No, I want to."
And with that, the game began.
The first round started with a collective shot to get things going. The group quickly fell into a rhythm—questions growing more personal, dares becoming more ridiculous.
Then it was your turn, and your gaze flickered over to Jaemin.
"Jaemin." You said, a slow smirk creeping onto your lips. "Truth or dare?"
He leaned back casually, but cocky. "Truth."
You twirled your shot glass between your fingers as a sinister thought grazed your mind. "Is it true you've been thinking about breaking up with your girlfriend?"
The air tensed. Jaemin's easygoing expression fell for just a second, his jaw clenched.
"Y/n, what the fuck? No." His voice was sharp as he reached for another shot and downed it in one go.
You shrugged, unfazed. "I was just curious. You always made fun of me for being single so... this is ironic, isn't it?"
Jaemin exhaled through his nose, shaking his head. "Okay, I've got a truth for you then Y/n."
You raised a brow, taking a slow sip of your drink. "Fine, hit me."
His eyes darkened just a little, his smirk twisting into something sharper. "Is it true that the reason you took this long to get into a relationship is because of how shitty your ex treated you—that you tolerated for months?"
The table went quiet.
You felt your stomach twist, but you forced yourself to roll your eyes, refusing to let the weight of his words show on your face. "Jaemin, please."
Jaemin shrugged like it was nothing, but the tension between you two was thick. This happened often, your tipsy back and forths, but tonight it was different.
"Okay Y/n. Truth or dare?" Chenle's voice cut through, attempting to redirect the conversation.
"What? I just went." You said, shooting him a look.
"Go again." Chenle pressed, his gaze locked on you.
You sighed, deciding it was better than letting Jaemin's words linger. "Fine, dare."
A slow grin spread across Chenle's face. "Alright, I dare you and Mark to do seven minutes in heaven."
You blinked. "What, are we teenagers? Seven minutes in heaven?"
Mark turned to you, his expression unreadable, but amused.
"You picked dare." Jaemin's voice cut in. "You have to do it."
"Jaemin, hush." Chenle muttered, shooting him a look.
You sighed dramatically before standing. "Fine, whatever. C'mon Mark."
Chenle led you to a small, dimly lit closet, shoving you both inside before closing the door behind you.
The space was tight—so tight that your knees brushed his, your shoulder pressed into his chest. A dim, flickering light illuminated the space, casting soft shadows on Mark's face.
"Wow, this is kinda snug." You murmured, shifting slightly.
Mark let out a breathy chuckle. "Yeah... sorry, my hand kinda hurts. Do you mind if I...?" He gestured vaguely, and you understood immediately.
"Go ahead." You said, letting him wrap his arm around you to ease the angle.
For a moment, there was nothing but silence, the sound of muffled voices outside the only thing filling the space, then Mark spoke.
"You know..." His voice was quieter now, almost hesitant. "You're more than what you've had in the past... no matter what Jaemin says."
You stilled, no one had ever said that to you before. You turned to him, meeting his gaze in the dim light. His expression was softer than usual. Without thinking, you reached forward and pulled him into a hug.
"I appreciate you so much Mark." You whispered, your arms tightening around him.
His breath hitched slightly before he returned the embrace. "I appreciate you too."
When you pulled back, you were still close—so close that your breaths mixed, your faces mere inches apart. Mark looked at you, his gaze flickering down to your lips. Before you could process it, he leaned in.
And you let him.
The kiss started slow, tentative, unsure—before something in both of you snapped. His hands found your waist, pulling you closer, and you melted into him. The kiss deepened, your fingers tangling in his hair, his grip tightening just slightly as if afraid you'd pull away.
You made a soft noise against his lips, and it was all he needed to kiss you harder, more desperately.
He broke the kiss for a second, looking at you with glossy eyes as you both caught your breaths. Before you could lean in, there was a knock on the door.
You both froze, your lips slightly parted, your breaths uneven.
Chenle's voice came through. "Alright, time's up."
You swallowed, pulling away fully. Mark's ears were flushed pink, his chest rising and falling just as fast as yours. Without a word, you reached for the doorknob and stepped out.
As you both took your seats, the air between you had definitely shifted. You avoided looking at Mark, but every time your eyes accidentally met, you couldn't help but smile. It was stupid, but something about it made your whole body feel light. Jaemin, of course was the first to notice.
"What, did you guys fuck or something?" He asked, staring at the two of you.
"Cut it out." Chenle interjected. "If she's calm now, then you need to be— or do we need to send you to the closet?"
You let out a small giggle at that, shaking your head.
Jaemin scoffed but let it go, leaning back in his seat. "Whatever." He said "She knows I love her." He said, quietly.
Something in his tone made you pause for just a second, but before you could even unpack that your eyes flickered back to Mark, and just like that, the rest of the room faded.
🎸⋆⭒˚。⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⭒˚。⋆ 🎸
February 7th – The Day the Project Was Due
The moment you woke up, you grabbed your phone and texted Mark.
"It's the day!"
It didn't take long for him to reply.
You smiled, quickly typing out another message.
"Have you turned it in already?"
You paused for a moment, his short responses making your fingers hover over the keyboard. Maybe he was just busy... maybe you were reading too much into it.
"And you told me that everything should be graded by the 12th?"
Your stomach twisted slightly, this wasn't like him. Usually Mark was more responsive, more animated. Right now, his texts felt distant, dry. You tried to shake the feeling.
"Well... good luck. I'm scared for you 😭."
That was it... just thxs?
Something felt off, you couldn't quite put your finger on it—maybe it was the lack of emojis, or the way you were imagining his voice flat and indifferent.
You hesitated before typing:
"... Are you okay?"
"Yep, I'm cool."
You frowned.
"You sure?"
There it was again. The same short response.
Your fingers hesitated over the keyboard, but you decided not to push. If something was wrong, he'd tell you.
"Um... okay. Anyways, do you want to meet up for lunch today? I'm reallyyyy craving a sandwich right now."
A moment passed before his reply came in.
"I can't today... sorry."
Your stomach twisted again, but you forced yourself to brush it off.
"Oh... that's fine. I'll talk to you later."
You sat with your phone in your lap, waiting—hoping he'd text first like he usually did, but the hours passed, and there was nothing. No check-ins, no requests to hang out. Something didn't feel right. Just radio silence.
You sent a few more texts over the next few days, but his responses were slow and repetitive.
"Not today, sorry."
"I'm busy, maybe later."
"Sorry, can't."
Days blurred together, and before you knew it, it was February 12th. You grabbed your phone, barely able to contain your anticipation.
"Today's the day... I'm nervous... excited."
Mark's reply came a few minutes later.
"Lol yeah."
You hesitated. His texts still felt off, but you pushed the thought aside.
"Make sure to update me!"
This time he didn't even respond with words. He just liked the message. Your stomach sank slightly, but you told yourself it was fine... maybe he was just stressed.
You waited all day, checking your phone every few minutes, but the message didn't come until late—almost 11 p.m.
"So... I got a B."
You blinked at your screen, rereading the message. A B? After all the work you both put in?
"WHAT?" You typed back, your frustration evident.
You knew he had wanted an A. That was the whole deal, if he got an A, he'd go to the Valentine's Day party with you.
A small pang of disappointment settled in your chest as you hesitantly typed:
"Aw man, does that mean you won't go to the Valentine's party with me?"
A pause.
"Well... A deal's a deal. So no."
You frowned, staring at the screen. You knew it was silly to be upset—after all, this was fake and yet... it still kind of stung.
"Aw :("
"Sorry man."
You sighed.
"Nothing for you to be sorry about. We worked super hard... your professor will get knocked off their feet next time... swear."
"Yeah haha."
The conversation felt like it was ending, but you couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.
"I hope you're okay?"
A moment passed before he replied.
"I'm fine."
You stared at his response for a moment before liking the message. That was that, The deal was off... no party, no fake date. Just like that, your arrangement was over. And maybe... maybe it was for the best.
You were half asleep when your phone buzzed again. Groggily, you reached for it, expecting it to be some random notification, but it wasn't.
It was Mark.
"I mean... are you still going to the party?"
Your eyes widened slightly. You sat up, rereading his message just to make sure you weren't dreaming.
Your fingers moved quickly.
"Probably, so I at least won't be alone on Valentine's Day 😂."
A few moments passed before he replied.
"You don't have to tell them we broke up and all that... maybe just say I'm sick or something."
Your eyebrows furrowed slightly.
"Then they're gonna be expecting you to go to future couple things. Might as well tell them we broke it off now."
A pause.
"Ah... yeah, right. Sorry."
You sighed.
"No need to be. This was bound to happen anyways. We can't fake it all our life."
The words felt wrong as you typed them.
And that was that. The end of the story, at least... that's what you thought. Until the day of Valentine's Day, when your phone buzzed again.
🎸⋆⭒˚。⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⭒˚。⋆ 🎸
You stared at the name on your screen. Mark.
A part of you had expected the conversation to end earlier, but here he was, still texting about it.
"Did you already tell your friends we broke up?" He asked.
"Well... yeah." You replied, faster than you intended.
There was a long pause. The three little dots popped up for a second, then disappeared. You swallowed, waiting for his next message.
"Damn it. My teacher just randomly curved my grade. So I'm at an A now."
The abrupt change of topic made you blink, but your fingers moved quickly across the screen.
"Omg, that's amazing. I'm proud of you. I know you wanted an A."
"Thank you, thank you—but what about you?"
"What about me?"
"I have to hold up my end of the bargain."
Before you could ask what he meant, another text came through.
"Is it too late to come to the party with you?"
You froze, rereading the words. Deep down, you were excited—excited to spend another moment with Mark, when lately the people around you felt a little unbearable. You knew you shouldn't be so eager, but still...
"I mean... I guess not. I do want to see the look on Jaemin's face when you walk in anyways. He's been taunting me and I haven't even seen him in person yet. You don't have to come though, I promise."
"A deal's a deal."
A small, reluctant smile tugged at your lips.
"Sounds great."
"Is there a dress code? Do you want to match or something?"
"I mean, that's up to you."
"I told you I was gonna be the best boyfriend they've ever seen... for that, you have to tell me how the best boyfriend is supposed to be."
"Just be you."
He saw it instantly. The typing bubbles appeared, then disappeared. You wondered what he was about to say but changed your mind on. Before he could reply, you sent another message.
"We have to meet up early so we can get each other gifts. "
"Yeah, for sure. I can come pick you up in about three hours, okay?"
"Sounds good to me."
You set your phone down, exhaling. Three hours.
Time slipped by faster than you expected, and before you knew it, there was a knock at your door. When you opened it, Mark stood there with his usual bright grin.
"Long time no see." You greeted, unable to stop the smile spreading across your face.
"Long time no see." HE echoed, his eyes flickering over you before landing on your sweater.
You followed his gaze, then looked at him.
"Oh, we're matching?" You asked, noticing the way his red sweater mirrored yours.
Mark chuckled. "Yeah. Great minds think alike, I guess."
"So, are you ready to go?" You asked, slipping on your shoes and shutting the door behind you.
"Yep." He said, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
The drive to the store was filled with the usual back and forth, music playing softly in the background as Mark tapped his fingers against the steering wheel. Every now and then, you caught him sneaking a glance at you, but he never said anything about it so you didn't either.
"Okay." You said as you walked inside the store together. "We pick out a gift in five minutes, and no peeking at each other's choice until the party."
Mark let out a small laugh. "You think you can find me something good in five minutes?"
"Obviously." You smirked. "But you? I don't know Mark. I feel like you'll panic buy the first thing you see."
"Wow." He placed a hand over his heart. "That's the faith you have in me?"
"Prove me wrong then."
His eyes held yours for a moment, something unreadable flickering in them before he exhaled and nodded. "Alright, five minutes. See you at the door."
You grinned before spinning on your heel, heading straight into the aisles.
Mark found himself standing in front of a shelf filled with different gift options—some fun, some practical, some completely ridiculous. He ran a hand through his hair, glancing over at where you were browsing on the other side of the store. You looked so at ease, so sure of yourself. Mark? Not so much.
It wasn't that he didn't want to get you something—he did. Maybe a little too much. That was the problem. How was he supposed to pick something casual when everything in him wanted to get you something that meant more?
Sighing, he grabbed some crochet flowers off the shelf, inspecting it. It had to be just enough. Not too much, not too little. Just enough, plus, he remembered you saying something about roses in the past.
At exactly five minutes, you both arrived at the door, each holding a gift bag.
"Done?" You asked, tilting your head.
You squinted at his choice. "Did you panic buy?"
He scoffed. "No faith. Absolutely no faith in me."
As you both headed back to the car, the air between you felt lighter. The slight hesitation in Mark's eyes was still there, but he was smiling—really smiling—and it made something in your chest warm.
By the time you arrived at the party, the house was already buzzing with music and laughter. Groups of people were gathered in the living room, some sprawled across the couches, others standing with drinks in their hands.
All eyes turned when you and Mark walked in together.
You felt it instantly—the shift in the room, the way conversations paused, the way Jaemin's smirk deepened as he leaned back against the counter.
"Well, well." Jaemin drawled, crossing his arms. "Look who decided to show up together."
You rolled your eyes. "Don't start."
Mark, to your surprise, just smiled, wrapping an arm around your shoulder with ease. "What? We always keep people guessing, right?"
Jaemin raised an eyebrow, clearly amused, but said nothing.
You turned your head slightly, looking at Mark. His hold on you was relaxed, casual—like it was nothing at all. His fingers lightly pressed against your shoulder, and when you glanced up at him, there was something in his expression that made your stomach flip. Maybe tonight was going to be more interesting than you expected.
The night unfolded in a blur of laughter and chatter, the energy in the room buzzing as the party carried on. At first, it was subtle—the way you and Mark naturally gravitated toward each other, always within arm's reach, but then came the couple's games.
Someone had pulled out a deck of "Couple's Challenge" cards, a ridiculous party game daring pairs to complete tasks together.
"You two are playing." One of your friends declared, shoving the deck into your hands.
You barely had time to protest before Mark shrugged. "Might as well." He said, flashing you a playful grin.
Your heart stuttered for a second, but you rolled your eyes. "Fine, ut if we lose I'm blaming you."
The first challenge was simple—"Hand holding for the next three rounds." Mark didn't hesitate. His fingers slid between yours, warm and steady.
"Easy." He murmured, giving your hand the smallest squeeze. You told yourself it was just part of the game, but the way your pulse quickened said otherwise.
The next challenge was worse.
"Whisper something sweet in your partner's ear."
You barely had time to react before Mark leaned in, his breath warm against your skin.
"You look really pretty tonight." He whispered, low enough for only you to hear.
You froze, heat rising to your cheeks as your grip on his hand tightened.
"That's cheating." You muttered.
He only smirked. "You gonna call a ref?"
Before the next round could start, someone announced: "Cookie decorating time!" and everyone quickly moved toward the kitchen, where trays of plain sugar cookies and bowls of colorful icing were laid out.
You and Mark grabbed a spot at the counter, picking up two cookies.
"What's the plan?" You asked, squeezing a tube of red icing.
Mark tapped his chin, thinking. "I'll make yours, and you make mine."
You raised a brow. "So we're setting each other up for failure?"
"That's the spirit." He teased.
You narrowed your eyes at him before getting to work. Five minutes later, Mark burst out laughing. "What is this?" He asked, holding up his cookie—a lopsided mess of icing with a poorly drawn smiley face.
"It's you." You said proudly.
"This looks like a crime scene."
"You're ungrateful."
"Let's see yours then." He slid his cookie toward you, and to your surprise, it was... actually kind of cute. A small heart drawn in icing, a little crooked but undeniably sweet. You blinked at it, warmth creeping up your neck.
"Not bad." You admitted, trying to sound unaffected.
Jaemin, still lounging across the room, clapped his hands together. "Alright." He said, his smirk widening. "Since we're all feeling festive—why don't we open gifts?"
The room filled with murmurs of agreement, but your heart skipped. You turned your head slightly, meeting Mark's gaze. His hesitation was brief, just a flicker, before he nodded.
"Guess it's time." He murmured.
The room was filled with scattered wrapping paper and laughter as gifts were exchanged, the warm glow of the fairy lights adding to the cozy atmosphere. One by one, people unwrapped their presents, each reaction bringing a new wave of excitement.
Finally, Jaemin leaned forward, smirking. "Alright lovebirds, your turn."
"Alright, alright." You said, reaching for the small bag you had picked out earlier. You handed it to him with a teasing smile. "Here you go. Try not to cry."
Mark took the bag, holding it up dramatically. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to witness what is about to be the greatest gift ever given."
Laughter erupted around the room, but you just rolled your eyes. "Oh my God, just open it."
Mark finally stuck his hand in the bag, pulling out a sleek, keychain shaped like his favorite guitar.
His eyes widened slightly before he let out an impressed whistle. "No way." He said, running his fingers over it. "How did you even find this?"
You shrugged, grinning. "I have my ways."
He twirled the keychain between his fingers before nodding in approval. "Alright, I'll admit it—this is actually sick." He turned to the group. "Thanks, really." He murmured, and for a second, his voice was softer, more genuine.
You felt your heartbeat stutter.
"Okay, okay." Jaemin interrupted, smirking. "Now, what did you get for her Mark? Better be good."
Mark grinned, reaching behind him and pulling out a simple brown paper bag. "Alright, I went with something classic."
You took the bag from him, curiosity bubbling in your chest. As you opened it, your breath hitched.
Inside was the bouquet of crochet roses, your favorite flower.
You looked up at him, eyes wide. "Oh my God... you remembered?"
Mark's smile softened. "Of course I did."
A collective "Aww" echoed through the room as you stared down at the roses, warmth spreading through your chest. It was such a simple gift, but it meant more than words could express. Before you could say anything else, Mark clapped his hands together.
"Alright, I actually have one more surprise."
Your brows furrowed. "Wait—what?"
He stood up, brushing his hands off. "I'll be right back."
The group looked around with curiosity as Mark disappeared down the hallway. Moments later he returned, carrying his laptop.
"Uh... can I hook this up to the TV?" He asked, looking toward Jaemin.
Jaemin raised an eyebrow but nodded. "Yeah, go ahead man."
Mark quickly connected the laptop, and after a few seconds, the screen flickered to life. Your stomach flipped when bold white letters appeared on the dark background.
"200, by Mark... for Y/N."
Your breath caught in your throat and then, music started playing.
“First, you crashed into my life and you just broke, my roof and my window, girl, you had me shook—”
Your eyes widened in shock. It was the song you had found in his notebook. The one he had been working on, the one he had never let you hear.
Your heart pounded as the video started and suddenly, you were on screen.
The footage was a collection of moments—the two of you laughing during late night study sessions, joking around between takes for the project, him catching you off guard with his camera and you playfully shoving him away. The edits were smooth, timed perfectly to the beat of the song. You felt mesmerized as you listened to the lyrics.
They were about you.
Every verse, every carefully chosen word—it was all about the moments you had shared, about the way you made him feel, about the way he saw you when you weren't looking.
You barely noticed the people around you reacting. You were completely lost in the song, in the video. When a clip of you making a ridiculous face appeared you let out a soft laugh, covering your mouth. When the video cut to Mark recording you while you weren't looking, glancing at you, your heart clenched.
And then all too soon, the song ended.
The screen faded to black, and for a moment silence filled the room.
Jaemin just shook his head, muttering, "Wow." as everyone broke into collective "Aw's"
You turned to Mark slowly, your eyes shining. "You really did this... for me?"
Mark rubbed the back of his neck, suddenly looking a little sheepish. "Yeah. I mean... yeah."
You could only look at Mark.
And he could only look at you.
🎸⋆⭒˚。⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⭒˚。⋆ 🎸
When you arrived at Mark's apartment after the party, it was quiet, the only sound being the faint hum of the heater as you stepped inside.
"You really learned how to edit lyrics for this?" You asked, shaking your head slightly as you set the bouquet down on the counter. "Mark, that was so thoughtful... really."
He glanced at you with a small smile, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Learned from the best... for the best."
His words made your stomach flip, but you ignored the feeling and nudged his shoulder playfully. "You didn't have to do all that for me."
Mark raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing at his lips. "I told you I was gonna be the best boyfriend."
You chuckled, shaking your head. "Well, you got a B, so you really went far and beyond."
For a split second, something flickered across his face—hesitation. His body stiffened slightly, and he averted his gaze, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Well..." He trailed off, voice quieter. "She curved it... so I technically got an A."
You slowed your steps as you both entered his studio, brows furrowing. "Does your teacher provide feedback?" You asked, curiosity creeping in.
Without thinking he replied, "Yeah, of course."
Something about his tone made you pause. "What feedback did you get? I'm just wondering why you got a B in the first place. Not trying to toot my own horn, but the video was pretty nice... and the song—don't get me started, it was beautiful."
Mark let out a nervous chuckle. "Uh, yeah... haha. Sucks."
You narrowed your eyes. "Let me see it. I wanna read it."
Suddenly, he looked really nervous, shifting his weight from foot to foot. "Oh, uh—you wanna see it right now? My phone is dead, so we can't."
You turned your head toward the couch, where his phone was lying face up. Right on cue, the screen lit up with a notification.
Mark froze.
"You just got a notification." You pointed out, looking at him suspiciously.
His laugh was forced. "Oh, that's funny. Haha. Well, it's about to die..."
"Ah okay... but your computer's right there." You said, nodding towards his desk.
He followed your gaze, swallowing hard. His entire body tensed, and you could practically see the internal panic. Before he could come up with another excuse, you sat down in his desk chair and gestured at the laptop. "Just open it."
Mark hesitated. "Oh, I forgot my password."
You slowly turned back to him, deadpan. "Mark... What's wrong with you?"
He didn't respond.
"You're acting really weird, just open the computer."
His hands twitched at his sides before he finally moved forward, his fingers slightly shaky as he clicked onto the website to check grades.
"Log in." You said, watching him carefully.
Mark exhaled slowly, fingers hovering over the keyboard. "Are you sure you wanna see it?" He glanced at you briefly. "I just don't want your feelings to get hurt or anything."
"They're not." You said, glancing up at him.
He let out a dry laugh. "No, but they are."
You stared at him, your confusion growing. "Mark... just open it. I didn't sit here working on this project to not see what went wrong."
He nodded, pressing his lips together before finally typing in his username and password.
Incorrect password.
"Oops." He muttered.
You tilted your head. "Take your time."
He tried again. Incorrect.
And again. Incorrect.
"Mark." You said, your voice firmer now. "Seriously, what the fuck?"
His fingers hovered over the keyboard, but then he suddenly stepped back, raking his hands through his hair in frustration.
You stared at him, concern creeping in. "Mark, what's wrong—"
"I lied." He blurted out.
His jaw clenched. "I lied."
A heavy silence settled between you. You shook your head slightly, still trying to piece together what he was saying. "About what?"
He exhaled sharply, his hands still gripping his hair. "I lied about the feedback. I lied about the grade. I've lied about everything."
You felt your heart drop. "What are you talking about?"
His gaze finally met yours hesitantly. "I got a perfect score, okay?"
"Wait... why did you lie to me?" You asked, your voice was quieter now. "Did you not want to go with me or something? You know you could've just said that."
A flicker of panic crossed his face. "No, no—it's not that."
"Then why?" You pressed, your emotions starting to surface.
Mark swallowed hard, his usual easy confidence completely gone. He looked at you, his expression torn, his fingers twitching at his sides.
"Y/n, I can't."
Your chest tightened. "No, you can. You literally can. Are you playing with me right now?"
He quickly shook his head. "No, no—I swear I'm not. Please Y/n... I don't want to ruin anything."
Your lips parted slightly, hurt creeping into your voice. "You kinda already did." You turned to leave, your heart pounding, but before you could step out of the room—
"I like you."
You froze, your fingers curling slightly at your sides, your back still turned to him.
Mark swallowed hard before continuing, his voice softer now. "I've liked you this whole time... but this was all fake. And then you told me you didn't want a relationship, and I just—I didn't want to ruin anything."
Slowly, you turned to face him.
He looked wrecked.
"And then the kiss and everything was so... complicated." He went on, his voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't know what to do, I was scared."
Your heartbeat thundered in your ears.
You exhaled shakily. "Do you know how unfair that is?"
Mark's brows furrowed. "What?"
You swallowed hard, your emotions rising to the surface. "I tried so hard to keep my feelings in check, to remind myself that this wasn't real. I told myself over and over again that I couldn't like you, but you... you were just lying to me the whole time?"
"What?" You said, a broken chuckle escaping your lips.
His gaze searched yours, uncertainty flickering across his face. "I—I didn't know you felt that way. You told me..." He trailed off, voice hesitant.
You exhaled sharply, shaking your head. "I know what I told you, and I was so stupid for saying it."
Mark's eyes softened, studying you carefully, taking a step closer
"So... you do want a relationship?" He asked, his voice uncertain.
You hesitated, lips parting slightly. "I don't know." You admitted.
His face dropped slightly, just for a second—but before he could say anything you spoke again.
"Try asking."
Mark blinked, his frown fading as realization washed over him. Slowly, a smile tugged at his lips, cautious at first—then warm. He took another step forward, reaching for your hands, his fingers curling gently around yours. His touch was warm.
"Y/n." He murmured, voice softer now.
"Will you be my girlfriend? For real this time?"
Your heart swelled at the way he said it—so sincere, so hopeful. A slow smile spread across your face as you nodded.
"Yes. I will."
Before you could say anything else, Mark let out a breath of relief, grinning as he pulled you in—his hands slipping around your waist, yours resting on his shoulders, and then he kissed you.
It wasn't rushed or hesitant like before. His lips moved against yours with a mix of relief, excitement, and something deeper. His arms tightened around you, pulling you closer, as if he was afraid to let go now that he finally had you.
You melted into him, fingers threading through his hair, smiling against his lips. When you finally pulled away, Mark rested his forehead against yours, breathless and grinning like an idiot.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that, like, for real." He admitted.
"Well, now you can do it whenever you want."
His eyes gleamed. "Yeah?"
Mark hummed, brushing his nose against yours before pressing another soft kiss to your lips.
"Best. Valentines. Ever." He murmured against your mouth.
You laughed, pulling him closer. "Yeah. It really is.
🎸⋆⭒˚。⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⭒˚。⋆ 🎸
The group hangout was going great—laughter, drinks, and playful chatter filling the air as everyone lounged around in Jaemin's living room. You were curled up next to Mark on the couch, his arm draped casually over the backrest behind you.
Jaemin squinted at the two of you, tilting his head. "Something feels... different between you two."
You glanced at Mark before turning back to Jaemin with a playful smile. "Well, we just hit our one month anniversary."
Mark's gaze flickered to yours, amusement twinkling in his eyes. He smiled softly, playing along.
Jaemin blinked. "Wait, what?" He leaned forward, looking genuinely confused. "Hasn't it been like... three months since you told me y'all got together?"
You and Mark just stared at each other, expressions blank as the realization sank in. Mark was the first to recover, turning back to Jaemin with the straightest face and shrugged.
"Yeah, whatever." He said smoothly. "Time is an illusion."
Jaemin shook his head, chuckling. "Y'all are so weird. I don't get paid enough to deal with you two."
"You don't get paid at all." Someone added from the other side of the room.
You let out a laugh, shaking your head as you turned to Mark. He was already looking at you, his eyes warm.
"Time is an illusion?" You teased quietly.
Mark tilted his head, grinning. "Hey, it got us out of that conversation didn't it?"
You rolled your eyes but smiled anyway. "You're ridiculous."
"You like it." He shot back, bumping his knee against yours.
And yeah—you did.
Jaemin's voice snapped you out of your thoughts. "I still think something's weird about you two."
"Maybe you're the weird one." Mark countered smoothly.
Laughter rippled through the group again, the conversation shifting to something else. But you and Mark? You stayed in your little bubble.
Maybe time was an illusion, or maybe for the first time, it was finally moving exactly the way it was supposed to.
── 🎸⋆⭒˚。⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⭒˚。⋆ 🎸 ──
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onmykneesformatt · 8 months ago
too tired. -m.s.
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⭐️hey sluts!⭐️
warnings: softdom!reader, kind of sub!matt, riding, praising, sleepy sex, cockwarming, unprotected p in v (WRAP YO SHIT UP!!!!), no use of y/n bc i hate it🤞
synopsis: after slightly ignoring matt before bed, you show him that you can be just as much of a tease as him.
a/n: HIIIII!!! sooo this is my first fic so i’m so very sorry if it’s bad!! but i’m so excited for y’all to read this is not even funny. anyways, enjoy!!
it wasn’t out of the ordinary for matt to stay up late. it was actually more than normal. especially if he were playing video games. 
it was 2 am. 2:06 am, to be exact. you were laying in matt’s bed, doom-scrolling tiktok half-asleep as matt was focused on fortnite with nick and chris. they weren’t filming anything, but every few nights, they like to get nostalgic and just play video games all night. 
“chris, you’re too fucking loud.” matt exclaims. 
“no, i’m not!” chris retaliates, which you hear through the floor and matt’s headset. 
matt turns back to you with a “can you believe this kid?” look on his face. 
you giggle when you see matt gesturing to his headset and shaking his head. 
you go look back at your phone as matt yawns while stretching, reaching his arms up. his shirt lifted a little, exposing his boxers under his blue pajama pants. 
he caught you staring, realizing what simple things had an effect on you. the ball was in his court. although you loved the idea of late night sex, you didn’t know how matt would feel. 
so, you just laid there, waiting until you physically couldn’t stay awake. 
matt saw your eyes flutter open and closed, how your hand would slowly droop down the whip back up when your eyes opened. 
he came over, shut off your phone, pulled up your blanket, and kissed you on the forehead. 
just then, you heard matt whisper over his headset. 
“hey, she’s falling asleep, and i’m feeling pretty tired. goodnight.” matt states. 
“aww, goodnight matty.” nick replies. 
chris, being chris, replies with, “yeah, you’re gonna go to ‘sleep’.” 
matt rolls his eyes as nick laughs. he ends the conversation and turns his whole setup off. 
you feel his mattress dip from behind you, right as you feel two warm arms wrap around your waist from behind. 
his touch wasn’t helping the thoughts you were having right now. you wanted him. but didn’t even wanna open your eyes. 
to send a signal, you started to adjust how you were laying, carefully moving your hips to perfectly rub against matt’s hips and thighs. 
your subconscious must’ve known what was gonna happen to you tonight, as you went to bed in matt’s baggy briefs and one of his shirts. 
no underwear, no bra. 
you were more comfortable that way, and so was matt. 
matt groaned quietly as he slowly moved his head into the crook of your neck, leaving soft pecks.
“goodnight, my girl. i love you.” 
you didn’t respond. 
matt was a little offended by the loud silence that followed his sentence. 
“baby? you already asleep?” 
honestly, you were about to be. 
a soft groan left you as you shook your head. 
“what’s wrong?” he asked.
“nothin’. just too tired to even think right now.”
he knew when something was wrong.
the way your voice got low, your head would lightly shake side to side with every “reassuring” sentence, and how you’d lack in responses in total.
“well, somethin’ is wrong. tell me, baby. what’s on your mind?”
you could feel him getting hard as you kept adjusting your hips. 
every. single. inch.
“if you don’t tell me what’s wrong, then i’m just gonna go to bed.”
“alright. your choice.”
you felt him turn over as his arms left your side.
you just ignored him.
bad idea.
you turned onto your back, leaning on your elbows as you tried to peek at matt’s face. 
he didn’t even move.
“matt. baby.”
no response.
boy, did that pill hurt to swallow.
“baby, i’m ready to talk. amongst.. other.. things.”
you were hoping he was gonna catch your drift.
you assumed he did when he only turned his head to look up at you. the dim light coming from a warm, vanilla candle on his desk made him look more irresistible. 
“what.. other things?”
“baby. you know what i’m talking about.”
“mmm. not too sure i am.”
he put on a smug look, acting stupid. 
that’s how he would punish you.
whenever you would tease him or treat him like he was the needy one in public. 
you sat fully up, now leaning on your left hand, still looking down at him. 
“i wanna.. you know..”
maybe he would be nice and give in tonight.
“mmh. too tired.”
you whisper-yelled. loud enough to grab his attention, but quiet enough that you couldn’t even hear it in nick or chris’ room.
“look, i’m sorry i ignored you earlier. i really am! but-“
“but what?”
his deep voice made you feel knots in your stomach. 
the way his curls laid perfectly on his head.
the way his tattoos complimented his veins.
everything about him made you snap out of your sleepy haze.
you reached over to his hip, pulling him flat on his back.
you swept your leg over his hips, leaving you perfectly sat onto his lap. 
he acted tough, but you knew you could make him do anything you wanted. 
“the fuck do you think you’re doing?” 
matt’s voice was stern, but you knew he wasn’t actually upset.
by the way the bulge underneath your core was getting harder and harder. 
“i’m sorry for ignoring you.”
you left a kiss on his neck.
“i’m sorry for not switching the laundry earlier.”
then his collarbone.
“i’m sorry for not being a good girlfriend.”
then his chest, with the collar of his shirt lightly pulled down to give you easy access.
you didn’t actually think you were a bad girlfriend, but you weren’t trying to guilt him.
you were teasing him.
his least and most favorite thing in the world.
“no, baby. you’re all i want and more.”
matt’s hands caressed your sides.
once he reached up high enough, he realized you didn’t have a bra on.
you could see his excitement.
and feel it.
“then prove it.”
he immediately sat up and pulled his shirt off.
it was like out of a movie.
sloppy kisses as you both started to get undressed. 
next thing you know, you’re completely naked and all he has on is his boxers. 
“can you take your boxers off for me? i need you as close to me as possible.”
you pushed yourself up slightly on your knees, giving him enough room to slip his boxers off and throw them somewhere on his floor. 
he laid back, giving you the sweetest puppy dog eyes you’d ever seen. 
you grabbed his length, teasing your own entrance, knowing it was just as bad for him. 
you kept eye contact the entire time, making sure to see his eyebrows furrow as soon as he was inside of you. 
once he was, it was like he had melted.
slow, sultry movements of your hips was enough to make him twitch. 
low groans had left his mouth, making you closer and closer the the edge. 
after a few minutes of little praises from both of you, you both felt your highs getting closer and closer.
“just like that.”
“you’re doing great for me, baby.”
“look at my pretty girl.”
matt’s hands gripped his sheets, proving his release was getting closer and closer.
the sight of his veins was enough to make you moan his name.
he looked up at you, praying his brothers didn’t hear. 
not that he would be too upset if they did.
“can i- mmph..”
you were waiting for him to ask, as you needed to release the knot in your stomach. 
“go ahead, baby.”
you felt the warmth of his release inside of you, mixed with your own.
you slumped over, laying on his chest. 
he played with your hair while you both attempted to catch your breath. 
light sweat was making his hair stick to his forehead. 
you lightly kissed his chest, feeling his heartbeat. 
you felt safe with him. 
the way he was never ashamed to open up to you, nor was he judgemental when you opened up to him. 
“can i.. maybe.. keep it in? y’know, while we sleep?”
“let’s clean up, then of course. anything for my pretty boy.”
after you showered together, with light kisses and washing eachothers bodies, you went back to bed. 
you stayed undressed.
as he slipped back into you, eliciting light moans from both of you, he wrapped his arms back around your waist. 
“was that enough proof? or should i give you more?”
you chuckled, knowing how tomorrow morning would start.
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persephonesdreams21 · 4 months ago
Sweet Tooth
A/N: Well let me say first and foremost. My bad guys. Lol I didn't mean to keep this rotting in my drafts for almost a year, but life got crazy. I hope you guys enjoy this
Warnings: Explicit. Oral(fem receiving) Body worship. Finger sucking. Squirting. Multiple orgasms. Willy being down bad.
Summary: You’re sweeter than any chocolate he could cook up, and Willy is all too eager to show you just how much he craves you. Your smiles, your attention…your taste.
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The last few weeks of your life have been vibrant.
Filled with technicolor so unlike the dreary years you’ve spent in this town. Between the weather and the chipped cobblestone, England was so gray this time of year. Frigid and frozen over with winter winds and a constant flurry of snow.
It was on a particularly cold night that you’d found him.
Saved him, he’d argue whenever he told the story. Saved him from Bleacher and his mangy mutt.
“Don't you ever get tired of harassing people?” you'd sighed as you'd stumbled upon the scene. A familiar one- another poor soul about to get roped into Bleacher and Scrubbit’s barely concealed hoodwink. Everyone who’d grown up in this city knew better.
“Why don't you mind your business, Y/N. And leave us be. Both me and mister-” Bleacher looks to the man. The one with the sharp cheekbones and the ostentatious velvet trench coat.
“Wonka. Willy Wonka” And he’d said it with such innocence gleaming in those bright eyes that in that moment, you knew you couldn't let him fall victim to the cruel scam.
That’s how you’d ended up with an unexpected housemate.
The home you’d grown up in is nothing special and far from fancy, but you do happen to have a spare room. One with an old fold-out bed that’s more comfortable than it looks. It may have been stupid, but you couldn't help but trust him. Want to help him, feel this pull to him…
That was weeks ago. Almost a month now.
Willy living with you, under your roof, feels oddly natural. Like it had been years that the two of you had been co-existing, he fits into your space like he was destined to come to you. Like he belongs there; the two of you working together like a well oiled machine.
You cook dinner, he washes the dishes and wipes down the counters. The house has never been neater. Even though you try to deny them, every day when he returns from the Gallery Gourmet, he leaves silver shillings in the key bowl on the kitchen table.
“It’s not much…but I want to make sure I’m paying my way. I’m real appreciative of all you’ve done for me” he tells you so earnestly it makes you blush. You sneakily slip his sovereigns in the pockets of his trousers when you do his laundry.
He doesn't know it but he’s helped you too. And not just by scrubbing dishes.
You truly hadnt realized how lonely you were until he came along, and you were terrified of losing your found companion. You’d hold on to him for as long as he’d allow.
Your new favorite time of the day is the evenings; quiet ones. With a fire burning in the hearth and the radio playing softly. You and Willy curl up on the couch, warm in your respective quilts. And read. Well, you read to him. At his persistent insistence.
“Aren't you tired of me blabbing yet?” you tease as you pick up the dog eared copy of The Hobbit that the two of you had been working your way through.
Willy gives you a grin, all boyish and crooked “Never that. I adore the way you tell stories”
That makes your stomach swoop dangerously and you shake your head “You’re a flatter, Mr. Wonka”
“No, no. Your voice is more melodic than the bells of Notre Dame” and when he says things like that to you, how are you not supposed to swoon? From any other man it would make you scoff, but from Willy his compliments always feel different.
Like maybe he’s telling the truth…
You ignore it and change the subject to something that feels safer “One day i'm gonna put you in front of a map and make you show me all the places you’ve been”
“Honestly, It would probably be easier to mark off the few places I haven't been-”
“Oh ho ho ho. How modest of you, great explorer” You tease around a laugh and his ears redden a bit at your ribbing.
“It's not like that and you know it” Willy defends “It was a lot less glamorous than it sounds. I spent seven years under the deck scrubbing pots and then collecting ingredients for my chocolate whenever we made port”
“And wooing girls on every continent?” I ask and that blush on his ears spreads to the high apples of his cheeks.
He’s a pretty one and you know even though he pretends to be demure, might come off as innocent, he’s anything but.
You’d gotten a small taste of it, and hadn't thought of anything else since. But neither of you had quite mustered the bravery to talk about that yet.
The two of you settle in on the old worn couch with mugs of steaming hot chocolate, courtesy of Willy. He’d spoiled you rotten, made you develop a terrible sweet tooth. Any cavities you develop, you’re completely blaming on him.
“Willy” you whine.
“Just try it, please. I made this recipe especially for you”
You take a sip.
The first rush of flavor over your taste buds has your eyes fluttering.
“Mmm, oh my god” you can't help but moan. It’s the most complex thing you’ve ever tasted. Truly. He’s outdone himself- cinnamon and warmth.The kind that feels like a a lovers embrace. Sweet milk chocolate. Is that a hit of rose? “This is insane, what’s in this?”
At your praise Willy smiles like the cat that caught the canary “Cinnamon bark from Sri Lanka, Wild roses from China. Coconut milk”
You look over at him, appraising. Trying to figure out why his voice has taken on that husk. Why his eyes are boring into so intensely.
“What a peculiar combination of flavors” you whisper and Willy bites his lip.
“Its become my favorite combination lately” he admits “but I can't seem to get it quite right. You see, I was allowed to taste it only once, and its tormented me since”
Your breath hitches. Flashes of tangling tongues tongues and his lips pressed against yours. It had only been one kiss but it had wreaked havoc on you since.
You eyeball the mug in your hands. Maybe you weren't the only one suffering with the after effects after all.
“Is this chocolate supposed to taste like?...”
“You. Yes. Your kiss. Your tongue and your lips” Willy nods. “I don't know if anything can come close to the real thing, but I tried”
Your heart thunders behind your ribcage. The longing in his voice matches the one within your gut, the need that had been brewing.
“I’ve spent hours. Thinking of you, trying to imitate your taste so that I could have it one more time. Spicy, but not quite. More warm. Sweet…the floral note from your lipstick. I’ve been nearly everywhere and i’ve never sampled anything quite like it”
With his confession, the thin thread of control snaps.
You’d been trying, so hard. Trying not to scare him away. Trying to keep the intensity of your feelings at bay so that he’d stay, even after he secured his shop. That he wouldnt leave you when he found success-
You place the mug down on the old wood of the side table-
“Please” Willy’s pathetic as he grabs at your arm “Don't go, I understand if this was too much but I- I didn't know how else to show you”
You lean into his touch, not away and that seems to calm him if only just.
Of course this sweet silly man couldn't just tell you that he cared for you. That was not his style. He was bad with words, so much better with his hands. To him, he’d shown you the most sincere form of devotion, crafted your portrait with his most loved medium.
“I feel the same” you say, voice quivering just the tiniest bit. His eyes melt and he comes in close, forehead knocking against yours.
When you kiss him its hot from the start. It’s wet and electric, charged with emotion. With desperation. Willy’s sinewy hands are all over you, cupping your chin, squeezing your waist, so much more bold this time. The waiting had lowered any inhibitions he might have had.
It’s frantic, him unbuttoning your blouse and you tugging at his trousers.
You need more. Need to feel his dark silky hair between your fingers, his pale skin under your palms.
Nothing feels like enough. Not when he mouths at your garment covered breasts or when you wiggle out of your skirt.
You reach into his boxers, wanting to palm at the blood hot hardness you’ll find there-
He groans and pulls his mouth away from your neck, where he’d been suckling marks into the delicate skin. “Wait, don’t”
“Why?” you’re confused, you can feel him. Firm and needy under the cloth.
“Because I want to take care of you first. With my mouth. If you’ll let me”
And oh. Oh.
All you can do is nod. Lay back and let him take what he needs, you feel more vulnerable than ever before. When he blankets you with his body, you realize that you also feel safer. Adored by this man, by this odd beautiful man.
Willy is a tactile person. He wants to touch and taste. And so that is what he does.
There’s so much to feel. Your heavy breasts, peaked with hard little nipples that he swirls his tongue round. Your belly and wide hips, so soft, so much give, he watches his fingers dig in and indent. Your thighs, so plush.
He buries his head between them. And inhales, deeply.
“Willy!” you exclaim, scandalized, trying to close your legs, but he shoulders his way deeper.
“You smell so good” Willy reassures you, his nose pressed against the wet patch on your knickers. Groaning like it’s the best scent in the world.
He takes his time, savors the moment as he peels the damp fabric away. His eyes locked on how the strings of slick stretch and shine in the low fire light. You’re so wet, the puffy lips of your cunt sopping already. And when he takes his first tentative lap, he knows that he could do this for hours and there's no way he’d ever be able to replicate it.
Nectar from the gods. Earthy and sour sweet.
You whimper as he feasts, as he gorges greedily. The sight of his dark head bobbing between your thighs makes you shudder. It’s almost unreal. That he’s doing this, that he wants you. His arms are wrapped around the back of your thighs, holding them up, holding you open.
You come for the first time with your fingers buried in his hair, pressing his face deep into you. Riding his nose and tongue.
For the second time you’re arching away from the sharp pleasure.
“Willy” you choke on your whines as his fingers reach deep into you, hitting that sensitive place inside over and over. You’re shaking with overstimulation, but hes groaning like he’s the one being brought to orgasm over and over.
He pulls his wet mouth away every so often. To tell you how beautiful you are. How good you taste.
“I can’t” you whisper, warningly.
“Please” Willy insists, his breath against your clit “One more, one more for me”
You can't deny him anything, can you?
You arch right up from the couch cushions, squealing as you hit that peak again. But this time is different, this time something inside you bursts, pushing wetness out in a flood.
Willy lets out a gutted sound from where he’s smothered by your thighs, that have tightened vice like around his head during your orgasm.
Coming down from it is almost painful and you’ve never sobbed from pleasure but well. There’s a first time for everything. While you shake and shiver Willy’s gentle, petting your thighs and tummy in soothing circles. Pulling away from your over sensitive flesh.
He stares up at you, his gaze heavy and his tongue poking out every few seconds. Swiping at his wet lips. Like he can't stop tasting you. It’s debauched. Beautiful.
“You are the best thing i’ve ever tasted” Willy pants out the vow, raw with honesty. Drunk on the flavor of you.
Wryly, you wonder if he’ll try to manufacture it into a truffle. A fancy bon bon.
You smile as he climbs back fully on top of you, your arms wrapping around him and holding him close. You kiss the shell of his ear before whispering-
“My turn to taste you”
I never thought I’d be writing Willy Wonka smut but well. Here I am lol
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ryebread0605 · 8 months ago
HAIIII can i request the first years with a yuu/reader who has lifeless eyes?
Ooo ok this’ll be fun! As someone who has rbf/lifeless eyes, i can kinda pull from experience here! I hope you like!
(Characters: Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel, Sebek, Ortho)
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tries to mess with you at first, but gets put off by the fact that you just don’t seem to react much 
Pouts about it and complains that you’re ’no fun’ 
When he sees you laugh for once but still have the lifeless type look in your eyes, he’s confused and weirded out at first 
Asks you about it and things start to click when you explain you’ve always kinda had that
Now refers to you as stone due to your ‘stone cold demeanor’
“Hey stone! Might want to smile a bit or the other students are gonna think you want to kill them or something! Wha- hey! Don’t look at me like you want to kill *me*!”
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is nervous he did something to piss you off whenever you look at him 
Is the first one to ask what’s up with your face before quickly realizing how rude that is to say 
Is relieved when you laugh and explain that your eyes have always just kinda looked lifeless
He jokes that if looks could kill, you’d have murdered almost all the students at NRC
Still will ask daily if you’re ok out of habit
“Hey (y/n), you having a good day today? I know I ask every day but I can never tell with you! Shit- that came out wrong”
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rbf vs rbf
Neither of you realize how intimidating you look to others until you see each other 
Instant bond commences over being seen as ‘rude’ by everyone 
He makes you feel seen and you two are seen as unapproachable despite both being super sweet once people get to know you 
I know Ruggie isn’t included here BUT you two become his unofficial bodyguards because I say so 
“I don’t get it (y/n), how do *we* get seen as intimidating but someone like *ruggie* is disregarded?!”
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was ready to pick a fight with you the *second* he saw that RBF 
Backed down immediately when he realized you were actually sweet and just happened to have RBF 
Is completely shocked the first time he sees you laugh, he seriously didn’t think you were capable of that
Feels like he can be himself and drop the fake sweet accent around you 
“Honestly hangin out with ya is way better than being watched by tha others (y/n)!”
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poor robo boy doesn’t understand why you look mean 
BUT he does not care about Idia telling him you could be mean and is determined to talk to you 
Quickly discovers how kind and caring you are and is thrilled to tell Idia (who straight up does not believe him) 
Is curious about how you can be happy but still look lifeless/bored
“Would you mind if I took notes on this (y/n)? I’ve never encountered something like this before”
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oh he is big mad when he sees your RBF looking at Malleus 
Prepare for an hour long lecture on being rude towards Malleus
That is until Lilia cuts him off and explains that some people just.. look like that
Cue embarrassment
He’s not a huge fan of your RBF but slowly warms up to it overtime (even though he’ll never admit it) 
The biggest praise he’ll give you is that your lifeless/stoic nature would make you a good guard
“(Y/n), if you’re going to look so stoic at least put it to good use protecting master Malleus!”
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wvllicms · 5 months ago
𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊'𝖘 𝖆 𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖘𝖙 𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖊 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖞𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌
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summary — your new to the whole 'sex' thing and when your cousin's hen party strolls into a sex store, life gets a whole new meaning - storeclerk!rhea au. pt.2
warnings — smut, inexperienced!reader/experienced!rhea, oral, fingering. men/minors dni
wc — 9.2k?
an - the long awaited part 2! sorry it's taken so long guys!
"so you're the girl rhea's been tellin' us about," the tall boy smirked at you from behind the counter.
"shut up, damian," rhea slapped his arm as a blush came to her own cheeks, making you giggle again. you extended your hand to him, unsurprised at his rough handshake.
"damian." he smiled.
"nice to meet you."
"bout time you bagged a nice girl, hermosa," he elbowed the girl next to him as she clocked out on the computer.
"oh my god, please stop talking," she shook her head in embarrassment before rounding the counter with her things, smiling at you, "you ready?"
you nodded eagerly and followed her out of the store and down the sidewalk, curious as to which bar you would end up going to. each one was slightly different, but for the most part, they were all the same from what she remembered from ariana's bachelorette party.
"any specific bar you wanted to go to?" rhea asked as you made your way down the sidewalk.
"not really. i didn't particularly enjoy any of them last weekend," you admitted honestly.
"how come?"
"it's just not really fun being the responsible one in a group of drunk bridesmaids that you don't even consider as friends," you shrugged with a sigh.
"well, there's one up here that's my favorite. i'm gonna make sure you have a good time tonight, okay?" rhea smirked, "i owe it to you after my creepy approach to asking you out."
"yo be fair, i came back to the store earlier this week cause i wanted to see you, so… i guess we both have a few stalker-ish tendencies," you blushed furiously at your confession.
"at least i'm not the only creepy one," rhea chuckled before grabbing onto your elbow, pulling you to the side, "whoa, watch out."
you yelped a little when you were tugged, but rhea had saved you from walking straight through a puddle of vomit. "ugh gross. thanks," you turned to face her with a grateful smile, a chill running down your spine when the taller girl's hand trailed from your elbow down your forearm until your hands were woven together.
"no problem," rhea smirked, hiding her small victorious grin from you. god bless whatever wasted person stumbled out of that bar. "it's not too much farther."
"okay," you smiled with a shaky breath. only you would be this nervous about holding hands with a girl. it wasn't a big deal. rhea didn't seem to think it was, since she just kept her eyes straight ahead and didn't seem to be having an internal freak out. but if it wasn't a big deal, why was your heart beating a mile a minute?
before you knew it, your hand was empty as rhea opened the door for you, a gracious smile on her face as she ushered you in first.
"thank you," you grinned shyly, stepping into the dimly lit bar. the music wasn't too loud and it wasn't too crowded. but you waited for rhea's lead. your hand itched to be in hers again, and like the mind-reader you were sure she was, rhea took your hand to lead you over to the row of bar stools. you sat down in one carefully, straightening your back and crossing one leg over the other as rhea flagged down the bartender, giving you time to glance up at the chalkboard menu on the back wall. you weren't sure what was going to happen tonight, but you didn't want to get too drunk. you just wanted to loosen up a little.
"hey, rhea," the bartender greeted her when he came over, wiping down the space in front of them, "the usual?"
"the usual for me," she nodded with a smile before turning to you, "see something you wanna get?"
"um, can i just get something small where you can't really taste the alcohol, please?" you smiled, a bit embarrassed. you didn't mind drinking, you were just picky. not to mention alcoholism ran in your family. the bartender nodded and walked away after checking your id, leaving the two of you in your own little world. "so… you come here enough to have a usual?" you laughed nervously as you turned your head to face the dark-haired woman beside you.
"i work here, actually," rhea chuckled, "only every now and then when they need the extra help, though." she watched as you nodded and traced your fingertip along the marble wooden counter nervously, placing your hand up on the surface beside rhea's. "did you have class today?"
"just a morning class," you shrugged.
"do you go to nyu?" you nodded, "what are you studying?"
"psychology. with a minor in child development."
"do you wanna be a child psychologist or something?"
"exactly that," you nodded.
"that's so cool.iI don't think i could handle that. i don't mind listening to people vent, but trying to help them through their problems… just seems like too much responsibility for me. especially for kids. what made you wanna do that?"
"you know that saying 'be the person you needed when you were younger'?" rhea nodded, "i saw that quote somewhere online when i was in high school, still wondering what i wanted to do for college. and the whole child psychology thing just… clicked, i guess. i feel like it would be a very rewarding career."
"yeah, totally. it takes a special kind of person to wanna devote their life to helping kids," rhea subtly ran her pinky along the side of your hand.
your breath caught in your throat as a shiver ran down her spine. "are you in college?" you asked, your voice breaking a bit with nerves, watching as rhea shook her head.
"nah. the whole college thing never seemed right for me. it's way out of my budget, and what i wanna do doesn't really require a degree anyways," she chuckled, thanking the man behind the bar when he dropped off their drinks.
"any idea what this is?" you asked her, looking at the fruity looking drink in the old fashioned glass.
"looks like a vodka sunrise. literally just orange juice and grenadine with a little vodka. it's not strong at all," she shook her head, watching as you swirled it around with her straw before taking a sip, "good?"
"really good, actually. Sorry, i'm kind of picky when it comes to drinks. i'm not a big fan of the taste of alcohol," you smiled, resting your head in your hand.
"i don't judge," rhea chuckled, sipping at her beer.
"so you just work, then?" you cleared your throat, getting back into their conversation.
"pretty much. i do a bit of freelance photography every now and then. weddings, concerts, senior photoshoots, that kind of thing."
"that must be fun. you must be really good if people trust you enough to take pictures of their weddings," you sipped at your drink again, "what's your favorite thing to take pictures of?"
"depends on my mood, i guess. sometimes i just feel like going to the roof of my apartment and taking pictures of the skyline at sunset. i love working with people and letting them be models for a few hours. but weddings are probably my favorite," rhea smiled, picking up her drink and standing up from her stool, gesturing for you to follow.
"why do you say that?" you asked, following her to a table along the wall towards the back corner, slipping into the booth seat beside her.
"i dunno. i haven't really thought about it, honestly. It's probably just the environment. there's just something about weddings and capturing the look on a guy's face when he sees his fiancée start walking down the aisle, or photographing a first dance…. ugh, it just gives me that warm fuzzy feeling, y'know?"
you nodded as that exact same warm fuzzy feeling took over you. maybe it was the alcohol going to your head already. maybe it was the look on rhea's face when she talked so passionately about her hobby.
"but what about you? what do you like to do when you're not at school?"
you blushed as the attention was put back on you, trying to think of what you did in your free time. "i like to draw, i guess. i'm not that great at it, but i enjoy it."
"i'm sure you're amazing," rhea grinned, "do you have pictures of anything you've drawn?"
biting your lip, you nodded and reached for your phone, scrolling through your camera roll for one of the things you'd drawn recently. it was a copy of the portrait of yourself and your mother, taken a few nights before she'd died. you never really shared your art with anyone, but despite your nervousness, you felt comfortable with rhea. pursing your lips into a tight line, you handed your phone over to her, sitting anxiously in your seat as you waited on her reaction.
"holy shit, you drew this?" rhea gaped, glancing between you and the phone, "you didn't trace this or anything?"
"all freehand," you blushed.
"who's the woman? she's cute," rhea chuckled, zooming in on the details.
"that's my mother."
"I see where you get your good looks from," she smirked, making your blush turn a deeper shade of pink.
you wanted to tell her about your mom, about what had happened to her back in high school nearly ten years ago. but the last thing you wanted to do was put a damper on the night like that. you felt awkward enough already.
"you're really talented. that's amazing. if you hadn't told me it was a drawing, i would have thought it was a black and white photo at first glance," rhea chuckled, handing your phone back to you.
"thank you… do you have any of your photos on your phone?"
"all my best work is on my blog," rhea shook her head. "but…that one on the wall right over there," she pointed across the bar to a large framed photograph of the blue boat house, the sun setting behind it. "i took that."
"that's beautiful," you smiled, looking at the photo.
"i guess you could say i've got an eye for beauty," she shrugged with a slight smile, placing her hand gently on top of yours.
you swallowed thickly, slowly turning to face the confident woman beside you. you tried to think of something, anything to say back to her, but everything you could think of made you cringe internally. flirting wasn't exactly your forte. defeated, you just breathed a bit of a laugh and took another sip of your drink with your free hand, trying to ignore how heavily your heart was beating.
"you're not used to compliments, huh?" rhea chuckled, somehow making you feel more comfortable and nervous at the same time.
scrunching your face up uncomfortably, you lowered your shoulders with a deep breath, shaking your head. "i get them, i've just…always had a hard time believing them, i guess," you bit your lip, meeting blue eyes with your own.
"well, believe me," rhea squeezed your hand on top of hers, "it's not just some dumb pick-up line. you're a beautiful girl. fuck whoever made that hard for you to believe."
you felt like water was flooding in your ears as you stared at the serious but gentle look on rhea's face. you found no trace of insincerity in her eyes. "thank you. i think you are, too," you whispered, barely audible over the music and buzz of voices from the surrounding people. rhea squeezed the top of your hand again before leaning back against the booth, propping up her elbow and leaning her head against her hand.
"so tell me more about yourself," she smirked, sipping her beer.
"what do you want to know?"
"something that no one else knows," rhea grinned in a way that sent a chill down your spine, but in a very good way.
you had to think about that one. there were a lot of things about yourself that no one else knew. no one knew you were gay. if they did, they never brought it up to you. no one knew that you were the one who lost your pet hamster when you were eight. no one knew that the boy you dated for five months in high school used to make you feel miserable and ugly every day until you had the guts to break up with him. there were plenty of things you could choose from.
"you were right," you muttered quietly, sipping the last of your drink through your straw, "earlier when you called me a newbie."
"that doesn't count, i already pegged you for someone who hadn't been tied up before," rhea laughed, keeping her voice at a respectably low volume.
"no, i mean, i'm new to…everything."
rhea's brows furrowed in confusion until realization noticeably dawned on her. "wait , are you saying you're a virgin?" she seemed so shocked.
your face scrunched up a bit at that word. the group of girls you called your friends had tormented you with it for so long.
"don't be such a virgin," harper would tease you for not wanting to go out clubbing in high school. she always claimed that it was meant in a loving, joking way. but you always hated it, joking or not. the jokes stopped when you snapped, telling the raven-haired girl, your dreaded ex took your virginity back in high school before he moved back to adelaide with his family. and while you had hoped that the lie would keep harper off your back, she just found new ways to make you the butt of every joke within their inner circle.
"i guess so," you nodded as your eyes shined with tears of embarrassment, keeping them at bay.
"hey, it's not a big deal," rhea scooted closer to you on the bench, placing a hand on your shoulder, "i promise. i was just planning on going with the flow tonight. if something happens, cool. if it doesn't, it's not gonna make me lose interest in you. okay?" she watched with her heart clenched as you quickly wiped a tear from your cheek, nodding.
you stared at the empty glass in front of you and took a shaky breath. thankfully with the bit of alcohol in you, you were calm enough to not be completely embarrassed. but you felt all your worries melt away when rhea wrapped her arms around you in a tight, reassuring hug. you stiffened at first, not used to the affection, but you felt yourself not wanting to let go when you hugged her back. you didn't know what it was about rhea, but you felt like she could tell her anything. the woman was just so naturally approachable, you felt like you'd known her all your life and you could trust her with anything. all this time, you had been waiting for the right person. the right woman. and now here she was right in front of you, holding your hand and rubbing your back, bringing you the comfort you'd always craved. and you found yourself craving more and more.
pulling back, you looked into the warm blue eyes you were already so fond of, shivering as rhea grazed a thumb delicately over your cheek. your jaw slacked, causing your lips to part slightly as you took in the look on rhea's face. you couldn't even describe it. but under her gaze, you felt warmth spread through your body. a warmth that you could curl into, safe and happy for the rest of your life. comfort wasn't something you felt often, but you felt comfortable here with the tattooed, dark haired girl you barely knew.
but regardless of how content you felt in this moment, you still surprised yourself when she leaned in to kiss the pillowy pink lips that looked like they tasted like strawberry candy. a mousy whimper escaped you as you pushed yourself closer, needing to be closer to rhea. the woman's polished fingernails lightly scratched at your lower back under her blouse, pulling you in. you couldn't be bothered to think about anyone else in the bar right now. as far as you were concerned, you were the only ones there. running solely on instinct, you hooked a hand around the back of her neck, gently scratching at the shaved underside of rhea's hair, keeping her close until you had no choice but to pull back for air. you gasped for breath and swallowed thickly, a blush coming to your cheeks as a smirk spread to rhea's.
they sat in silence for a few moments. a stunned silence on your part. you shivered as rhea's nimble fingers tucked loose strands of hair behind your ear, trailing her fingers along the sharp line of your jaw to your chin to lift it gently. "what's on your mind, angel?"
licking your lips, you glanced down at her denim-clad lap where rhea's hand rested on your thigh, lightly playing with the frayed strands from the holes that had been manufactured into the fabric. she had a tattoo of the grim reaper on her forearm, drawn on and shaded like something from your own sketchbook. you ran your own finger against it, tracing the faded outline as she thought of what to say. what was on her mind?
"i want to… with you," you stammered quietly, biting your lip hard as you tried not to cringe at your own words. but you watched as rhea's smile grew as her hands grabbed hold of yours gently, running her thumbs over her knuckles.
"you wanna get out of here, then?" she smirked, the tone of her voice sending another chill down your spine as you nodded eagerly.
your lips were met with rhea's once more before you were being gently helped onto your feet, your hand tightly in the taller girl's safe grip. your mind was racing and you felt like you were floating in water, liquid clogging your ears as you felt light and you She remembered watching rhea talk briefly with her friend behind the counter. you remembered sitting under the florescent lights on the train, kissing the dark-haired girl shyly as pale fingers ran through your hair. you remembered key points, but it was mainly a blur between the bar and where you were now, standing in the middle of rhea's dimly lit bedroom, hands fumbling with the buckle of her studded belt.
your breathing was heavy as the dark haired girl backed you up towards the bed, lowering you down against the soft mattress. it smelled like a comforting mix of detergent and whatever perfume rhea wore. If you weren't busy tossing rhea's belt off the edge of the bed right now, you wouldn't have minded curling up in the warm softness of the comforter.
rhea's lips moved fervently against your own, leaving you breathless and pinned beneath her. a slight whimper came from your throat as the soft lips you were quickly becoming obsessed with trailed down to your jaw, nipping at your earlobe. your face was buried in the thick mane of dark hair as you felt yourself being shifted up towards the head of the bed. rhea had one hand hooked under the bend of your knee, gently easing you up the mattress until your head was rested against the pillows by the wall.
"rhea," you gasped, your voice needy and wanton before you were silenced with a gentle kiss, pale fingers cupping the side of your face. they were warm but felt cool against your hot, flushed skin. you kissed her hard, trying to release any and all apprehensions you were feeling. "please," you whined against rhea's lips, arching your back against her chest.
"please what?" you could tell she was grinning so smugly into the kiss.
"w-want- hmm," you hummed breathily, catching rhea's lips in yours again, unable to get enough.
"tell me what you want, angel," rhea tore her smirking lips away, attaching them to your neck again, kissing a hot, aimless trail against your throat.
"y-you," you gasped, lightheaded and breathless as you whimpered in her ear.
rhea continued the mind-numbing assault on your neck, scraping her teeth against your pulse point before soothing over the skin with her tongue, sending a shiver down your spine. she sat up carefully, straddling your thighs as she brought you up with her. chests flush against each other as rhea took your hands in her own, lacing your fingers together, just squeezing them reassuringly as she stared down into your dark, lust-filled eyes. the pink blush on your cheeks turned a deeper, rosy shade as you averted your eyes and flicked your tongue shyly over your lips.
"it's okay to be nervous you know," she whispered, untangling her fingers from yours to cup your cheeks again, brushing your lips together softly, "you call the shots, okay? i'll do my thing, you just do what feels right to you. but if you want me to stop, tell me to. I promise, it's okay."
you flicked your eyes back up to rhea's, seeing the genuine concern and sincerity in the deep blue orbs. uou barely knew this woman, but you felt like you could trust her with anything. she wouldn't laugh at you or make you feel like nothing. in fact, she felt like rhea had the ability to make you feel everything that your ex never could. all the pain and heartache he put you through, rhea would make you feel just the opposite.
as confident as you were trying to feel, you must have still worn apprehension on you face since rhea cupped your cheeks reassuringly again, grazing her thumbs over the soft, flushed skin before pressing a kiss to your lips once more. "i've got you, okay? you can trust me," she whispered, making your heart flutter in your chest. you'd heard the promise of trust from many people, and not one person, besides your mother, has kept their promise. but you could just feel that rhea would be the exception. you felt it in the way she looked at you and touched you.
"okay," you whispered, nodding slightly before you felt rhea's lips on yours again. you didn't think you would ever get over that feeling, not that you wanted to. "i trust you," you murmured against her lips, your heartbeat picking up speed as rhea took your hands again, guiding them to the hem of her loose tank top before letting go so you could take the reins. with a deep breath, you gripped onto the frayed hem of the tank top, lifting it up slowly as rhea pulled back and raised her arms so you could ease the shirt over her head. you already felt so overwhelmed as you took in the sight of the smooth tattoed skin than had been hiding under the loose cotton material. the lacy black bralette she had on left little to the imagination, but you just knew that once it was off, you would be left breathless once again.
"can i take this off?" the dark haired girl kissed you again, whispering in reference to the guns n' rose shirt you had on. but she made no effort to remove it after a quick nod from you. "this is only gonna work if you're verbal and honest with me, angel," she kissed you again before pulling back to look into your eyes. she tugged gently on the frayed edges, toying with the ends teasingly as she asked again, "can i take this off?"
"y-yes," you nodded again, leaning up to kiss her. your hands roamed curiously along the soft skin of rhea's sides and back as she grabbed the ends of the tank top , pushing it gently off your shoulders. you bent your neck back as the dark-haired girl sat up higher on her knees, giving herself some height over you.
rhea grazed her lips against your jaw, leaving no inch of skin untouched as she took her time memorizing the feeling of your skin against hers. she thought it was cute that the consistent blush on your face seemed to spread to the rest of your body as far as she could see, the pink contrasting with the white lace bra that would have otherwise blended with your skin.
bravely, you ran your fingers up rhea's front from the waistband of her jeans to her breasts, smirking a bit at the feeling of goosebumps rising under your touch. either rhea had sensitive skin or you really had the power to make this girl shiver. either way, you were feeling a little cocky as you pressed your hands more firmly against her chest, your fingertips toying at the edge of the lacy material as you palmed at the full breasts beneath.
"mmm, fuck," rhea grunted, deepening the already heated kiss, gliding her tongue against yours. you couldn't help but giggle, your lips curling up into a smile as you fiddled with the little plastic clasp between rhea's breasts. as confident as you had been feeling, you hesitated, pulling back from the kiss to duck your head so you could see what you were doing. "you can take it off, angel. i know you want to," the taller girl teased, flicking her tongue over your lips as you took the moment to catch her breath.
you bit your lip shyly, undoing the clasp with trembling fingers and removing the bralette with rhea's help. your teeth sank into your lip harder as you gazed over her breasts, swallowing hard. you found yourself at a loss for what to do, but rhea the mind reader took her hands in hers, guiding them back to where they had been before, pressed back against her chest. your heart pounded as you kneaded at them, getting used to the feeling of them in your hands as rhea lulled her head back with a hum of pleasure, boosting your confidence as you explored her body.
"y-you can take mine off, too," you mumbled quietly, just above a whisper, "if you want."
"do you want me to?" rhea lowered herself back to sit on your thighs again, her fingertips already teasing up and down her back near the back clasp of your bra. she smirked when you just nodded, leaning in to kiss her before resting your forehead against hers. "tell me to do it, baby. you call the shots, remember?"
your breath hitched in your throat as your jaw slacked, breathing heavily against rhea's lips that were so close and yet so far. "take it off…please," you whispered, tightening ypur hold on rhea's breasts as if you needed leverage.
"good girl," rhea smirked, her words doing something to you that she'd never felt before. it made you lose your breath and fogged your already cloudy mind as you let out the tiniest whimper, feeling rhea smirk into the kiss she planted on your lips. skilled, nimble fingers trailed tantalizingly slow up your back to where your bra rested against your skin, and before you knew it, you were helping ease the material off, leaving you just as exposed as rhea.
you lost your breath at the feeling of skin against skin. you rarely had physical contact with anyone even with clothes on, and this had you feeling like you were already having a sensory overload. it was comforting , but it sent a chill through you as you found yourself getting more aroused by the second.
rhea eased you down onto the mattress again, kissing from your lips to your neck, slowly and teasingly making her way down to your collarbone. your chest heaved as you tried to catch your breath. but every kiss and teasing lick rhea placed on your hot skin had you losing it all over again. your hands moved from her perfect, tattooed chest to tangle in the mane of black that was hovering over her chest, tugging gently as she scratched at her scalp.
"fuck, you're gorgeous," rhea grunted, reacting positively to your fingers in her hair as she kissed down the valley between your breasts. ahe teased you with a smirk, trailing her lips up the curves, avoiding the sensitive skin of your nipples as you writhed and whimpered weakly beneath her.
"r-rhea," you gasped, bringing a hand down from her hair to cup her cheek, subtly trying to guide her to where you wanted her.
compliant, rhea chuckled low in her throat, nuzzling her nose against the pale pink nipple at the peak of your breast, closing her lips around it. she held onto the sides of your ribs, trying to keep your from writhing, though it was nice to see you squirm in delight. "you like that?" she smirked, pulling at the pink bud with her teeth and letting go so the taut skin could snap back into place.
"y-yeah," you mewled, nodding your head.
"you want more?"
"mhmm," you must have sounded so needy and desperate, but you couldn't bring yourself to care. your body was on fire and rhea was the ice you needed to cool it down. you cried out when the dark haired girl switched to your other breast, the suction of her lips going from gentle to firm as she pinched and toyed with the one she had just finished with. you tossed your head back against the pillows, gasping for air as you felt every suck and nibble against your sensitive skin.
it was over far too soon, and it took everything you had not to whimper in disappointment as rhea moved her lips back up to yours. you kissed her hard, needy and wanting for more from the aficionado hovering over you. "how you feeling?" rhea whispered, gingerly tucking frizzed out hair behind your ear, gazing down at you affectionately.
"really good," you panted, looking up into the beautiful eyes that were staring down into yours. reaching up, you cupped her face softly, bringing her down for a tender kiss. you were sure that you would never get sick of kissing rhea.
"mm, good," her voice was low and raspy, sending a jolt of electricity to your core as your hips jerked up involuntarily. "think you can handle more?" you bit your lip anxiously, nodding your head with doe eyes that could melt the coldest of hearts. it made rhea's own heart clench before she leaned down to kiss you again. and the kisses didn't stop there. she left chaste pecks and slow, affectionate kisses all over your neck once again leaving no inch of skin unappreciated before she moved down to your chest. she teased at your breasts again, leaving teasing bites and soothing licks on the perky pink buds on her way down.
rhea was no stranger to sex, obviously. she had a natural charisma about her that made it rather obvious that she was a girl with experience. she'd be the first to admit that she had several trysts in the past. she'd taken the virginities of several women, but she'd never felt anything like this with any of them. rhea could play a woman's body like a fiddle, but she found herself caring more about learning your body. figuring out every little thing that made you twitch with need while memorizing every freckle and birth mark on your pastel skin. it was a new feeling and she would be lying if she said it didn't scare her. but she made a promise to you, and she had never been the type to break a promise.
kissing a fiery trail down your torso, rhea eased her way down the bed, her body nestled comfortably between your thighs as she flicked her tongue teasingly into the dip of your belly button, chuckling at the reaction she got. she could feel the your abdominal muscles trembling and clenching with each kiss that she pressed along the waistband of your jeans.
"hey, look at me," she whispered, reaching for one of your hands, tugging gently to get your attention. she stilled her movements until you werre perched up on your elbows, glancing down at her curiously. "tell me if I'm going too fast, okay?"
your eyes shimmered with a glint of adoration as you nodded, biting down on your lip when rhea's skilled fingers reached for the button of your jeans and popped it open. "okay," you whispered, nodding and flicking your tongue over your lips. you could feel your mouth going dry.
with a nod in return, rhea placed a slow kiss to the heated skin below the button of your jeans, teasingly dragging her fingertips under the denim until they were hooked into the sides. she tugged at the material tantalizingly slow as you lifted your hips, propping yourself up on shaky legs to give her a hand. if you weren't blushing before, you certainly were now knowing that your arousal was probably embarrassingly obvious through your white cotton panties.
sitting up, rhea slowly peeled the skin-tight jeans off of your slim legs, dropping them over the edge of the bed as she just took in the sight of you, wet and wanting against the plum colored comforter. humming quietly, she ran her fingers up the soft skin of your legs, scratching lightly at your inner thighs as she crept closer to your aching center. she could practically feel the heat radiating from your core, and she'd be lying if she said it didn't leave her mouth watering. you shivered under her touch when rhea walked her fingers from your inner thigh to the waistband of your underwear. she purposefully avoided your center, giggling when you whined and arched her hips up.
"somethin' you want?" she smirked, rubbing her palm over your flat, quivering stomach.
"stop teasing me, p-please," your brows knit together as you whimpered, arching up again, wanting to feel rhea's touch in the one place you hadn't yet.
"i'm just taking my time with you," the dark haired girl smirked, feigning innocence.
"yeah right," you panted, a light chuckle coming from your lips as you propped yourself up on your elbows again.
rhea leaned over you, placing herself between your thighs once again before placing a slow, sensual kiss to your lips, easing you back down onto the comforter. lips tied together in a string of searing kisses as rhea ran her hand up and down your bare side, keeping herself propped up with the other. she traced the lines of your ribs and kneaded at your breast before slowly massaging her way down your torso once more. you held her face in your trembling fingers, sliding your tongue against hers as rhea gave her warm shivers all over.
it seemed like an eternity to you, waiting for rhea's fingers to finally reach the apex of your thighs. and when they did, it was well worth the wait. even through the damp cotton of your panties, you felt like you could come right then and there. your body was on fire and you knew that rhea was only just beginning. it was only the first touch and you had no idea what was in store.
"rhea," you mewled against her lips, your jaw dropping with a gasp as the taller girl palmed your center, giving you the friction you desperately needed. your hips bucked up to meet her touch as she cupped you through the ruined fabric, the heel of her palm rubbing just right against your throbbing clit.
"you're so wet already," rhea hummed, smirking against your lips as she noticed the material dampen even further at her words. meanwhile, you just whimpered into the feverish kiss a blush of embarrassment took over your face once more.
tearing her lips from yours, she slid her tongue along your hot skin, the air conditioning making you shiver as rhea made her descent down your body again. she did as she had with your jeans, kissing a line along the waistband. but while you expected her to take them off next, you were surprised to feel her start to kiss over the pristine white cotton and lace that covered your hips. rhea really knew how to make you feel good and special, even if she was a terrible tease, you appreciated the fact that she was taking her time, going slow with you to warm you up and give you time to adjust. but nothing could prepare you for the jolt of warm electricity that shot through your body when she felt rhea's lips over your clothed clit, lightly sucking through the cotton.
"w-wow," you panted, unconsciously reaching up to grope at your own breasts as the dark haired girl took hold of your legs, bending them up with one draped over her shoulder. your heart was racing more than ever as you felt rhea's hot breath on the warm, wet cotton that covered you.
"god, i can't wait to taste you," rhea whispered, breathing against you as she hooked her finger onto the side of the material, pulling it aside to expose her smooth, rosy pink folds. she couldn't even bring herself to smirk at how you appeared to quiver at her words, only able to focus on trying not to dive right in and devour you until you weren't able to speak. she held herself back, taking her time in leaning in to flick her tongue against your clit, keeping her eyes up to watch your reaction. she held her hands on your hips, keeping you grounded as best she could as your hips jerked up at the sensation.
"this okay?" she whispered, pulling herself away from you only briefly while she waited for an answer, bringing a hand up to rub your clit in circles under her thumb. but you just mewled in response, nodding your head as your heel dug into rhea's shoulder blade. "talk to me, baby, tell me if i should keep going," she mumbled, sitting up on her knees to strip off her own jeans.
you squeezed your eyes shut, trying not to feel embarrassed in how exposed you were. but you couldn't help but close your legs now that rhea wasn't placed between them as if would shield you from potential judgment or embarrassment.
"angel?" rhea's concerned voice sent a shiver down your spine and you could feel her shift up the bed beside you, "hey…baby, look at me." she ran a comforting hand up and down your arm, propping herself up on her elbow, "what's wrong? do you wanna stop?"
"no! no, not at all, it's just…" you trailed off, shaking your head and biting your lip, "embarrassing."
rhea glanced over your face as you averted your eyes, biting her lip before leaning in to kiss you softer than ever before. "you're so fucking beautiful, baby, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. i know it's new and different for you, i totally get that. if you wanna stop or take a break just say the word, okay?" she reached for your chin, holding it gently between her fingers.
"i don't want to stop," you whispered, biting your lip anxiously. your body was still on fire and you were honestly rather upset with yourself for causing this stand-still. "please…"
the dark-haired girl smiled warmly and kissed you again. "i'm gonna take care of you, baby girl, don't you worry," she mumbled against your lips, chuckling at your tiny whimper. she kept her lips on yours, rubbing a hand against your chest before sliding it between your thighs, sliding her fingers through your wet, swollen folds. you shivered as rhea coated her fingers in your arousal, nearly passing out on the spot when the dark haired girl brought those fingers to her lips, sucking the gloss off with a pleased hum that made you weak in the knees.
as if that and the look on rhea's face weren't bad enough, the fact that she leaned in to let you taste yourself on her tongue made you feel like you were floating. your head was spinning with need and you knew it wouldn't stop until you got that release you knew rhea was going to give you.
tearing her lips away, rhea brought her fingers back down to the apex of your thighs as she nipped at your earlobe, chuckling low in her throat as you brought your trembling hands up to cradle one of her breasts bravely. she could feel you getting wetter by the second and she knew she wouldn't last much longer without a proper taste.
with one last slow kiss to your slack lips, rhea laid you back down against the pillows, sliding down your body until she was comfortably nestled between your legs again. she draped one leg over her shoulder again, gently pushing the other one further to the side so the rosy pink flower petals could bloom open before her. her mouth watered as she felt your thighs trembling around her. keeping her eyes on the you above her, she leaned in to flick her tongue lightly against your clit, smirking when her hips bucked. she traced the line of your slit with the tip of her tongue, just barely touching your clit again as you whimpered, trying to squirm through rhea's grip on your hips and thighs.
"r-rhea," you panted, blindly reaching down to grasp one of her hands, feeling like you would float away if you didn't.
"Iive got you, baby, just enjoy," rhea smiled against your folds, placing a gentle reassuring kiss to the spot above your clit before suckling it between her lips. you gasped at the feeling of the sensitive bundle of nerves in rhea's mouth, being laved over by her skilled tongue.
you gripped hard at her hand, your hips rocking into her mouth to the rhythm of rhea's gentle suckling. you were so sensitive, you could feel every bumpy taste bud on her tongue. every breath the dark haired girl took through her nose might as well have been a harsh gust of wind. her tongue lapped at your slit expertly, hot and wet against the your slick skin. "f-fuck," you gasped, raising a hand to cover your mouth, trying to muffle the moans of pleasure that were escaping you.
"you can be loud, darlin'. tell me how you're feeling," rhea took a hand from her hips to reach up for your arm in an attempt to pull your hand from your mouth, "how are you feeling, baby? am o making you feel good?"
"mmhm," you nodded weakly, your voice sounded so pitiful, "s- so good, i w-want more."
rhea just smirked, sucking your clit between your lips again, a bit more harshly this time. "mmm," she hummed against you, sending vibrations through your body, "good girl." her level of cockiness grew as she tasted the effect of her words, sliding her tongue against your hot, throbbing entrance.
"rhea," you whined, becoming more bold and vocal as the minutes went by, "s-say more things i-like that, p-please." you were practically begging at this point, finding the warm wave of arousal that shot through you at rhea's praise too addicting to deny.
"like what, baby?" the dark haired girl grinned devilishly, bringing a hand up to trace your slit with a fingertip as she kissed around your inner thigh, "like how you're being such a brave girl for me? or how amazing you taste on my tongue?" she held in a chuckle when she felt you shiver as you became impossibly more wet under her touch. "things like that?" she asked, biting her lip as she tickled the underside of your clit with the gentle tip of her finger.
"y-yeah," you nodded, your face twisting in pleasure as you rocked your hips into rhea's simple touch, wanting more. rhea teased your entrance with a single finger sliding it inside only slightly to test the waters as she dragged and flicked her warm tongue against your clit, knowing you were enjoying it. her finger snaked and inched in farther, taking her time so you could adjust. she could feel your walls clenching tightly around the single slim finger, seeming to pull it in more as rhea bit her lip in anticipation. "you feeling good, baby? you want more?" she practically cooed, stroking your inner walls slowly as she placed a second finger at your entrance, not inserting it until she had your permission.
"more p-please," your back arched up desperately, trying to push yourself further against rhea's fingers, "please, rhea. i want more." you never imagined yourself in such a position, and you certainly never imagined yourself being so vocal. but rhea seemed to like it, and god, you loved getting what you wanted. with a high pitched squeal, you bucked your hips up as rhea slid a second finger inside, nearly losing your breath when she curled them up. "th-that feels -ah!" you gasped as the pads of rhea's fingers stroked against a certain spot that had you seeing stars, "oh my god."
rhea relished the sound of your gasps and whimpers, giving herself a mental pat on the back as she felt your arousal leak into her palm from the stimulation on your g-spot. "you're doing so good, baby girl," she whispered, bringing her lips back down to suck your clit into her mouth again, flicking her tongue over the bud quickly as her fingers picked up a bit of speed, "so good."
it was driving you crazy in the best possible way. you felt lightheaded as you tried to control your breathing. but it was hard to control when every flick of rhea's tongue and fingers sent you into overdrive. you weren't sure you were going to last much longer. all you were sure of was that this was so much better than the toy that brought them together in the first place.
propping yourself up on an elbow, your fingers reached down to tangle in the dark strands, raking rhea's hair back so you could watch. you didn't think anything could be better than how the taller girl was making you feel. but to your surprise, the sight of rhea doing what she did so well heightened your pleasure more than you thought possible. just looking into her lustful eyes as she lapped and sucked on your clit had you quaking.
"i want you to come for me. can you do that for me, angel?" rhea asked low in her throat. she kissed soothingly over your thighs, being slow and gentle despite her fingers picking up speed, rubbing against you diligently, "come on, good girl, come for me."
you arched your back again, your hips bucking up into rhea's touch, losing rhythm as rhea sped up. you could feel your own wetness coating your skin, but you couldn't even bring yourself to care or be embarrassed like you normally would be. your breathing became more erratic as your chest heaved. you tried to push yourself further against rhea's expert touch. it was all becoming too much. with rhea's fingers inside you, her kisses and licks against your clit and quivering thighs, her hot breath against you, you knew you weren't going to last much longer.
"r-rheaa," you whined, writhing into her touch as you felt yourself approaching the edge quickly.
"let it go for me, baby, come on," rhea hummed against you, sucking hard on your clit again.
you tugged at her dark hair, pulling her closer as you finally let go. you released a high-pitched cry, unable to hold back as rhea guided you through your orgasm. your hips jerked wildly as you lost all control of your body. even with rhea's tight grip on you, you felt like you would fly off the bed. you tossed and turned as best you could as you rode out your high, never wanting the feeling to end. your cries and moans turned into pathetic whimpers and sighs as you came down. rhea's fingers slowed to a stop inside you, pulling them out carefully, leaving you feeling empty. but she kept her tongue lapping soothingly against your aching folds, cleaning you up in the most nurturing manner as you twitched uncontrollably.
staring up at the ceiling, you tried your hardest to catch your breath, barely feeling rhea moving around beneath you. your whole body felt like jell-o and you had a feeling that it would be a while before you could even move your legs again. kisses were being placed onto your neck and chin before you knew it and it took what little strength you had left to turn your head enough to catch rhea's arousal-covered lips in your own, kissing her breathlessly.
rhea just smiled against your lips and brought a hand up to the side of your face, gently tucking damp strands of hair behind your ear as she kissed you slowly. "you okay?" she whispered, stroking your cheek with her thumb, tangling her legs with yours as she turned onto her side.
"mmhm," you hummed, swallowing thickly as you curled into rhea's arms, trying to hide your yawn in the curve of her neck and pouting at the chuckle rhea gave you in response, pulling back to look at you, "what?"
"you're cute," the dark haired girl shook her head with a grin, kissing you slowly.
the familiar itch of a blush tickled your cheeks as you hid your face again. you wanted to make rhea feel as good as you just had. you just needed a minute to gain back the feeling in your limbs. but your heart dropped when you felt rhea pulling away from you, getting out of the bed. your anxiety was back, telling you that the girl who just blew you away was going to tell you to leave. biting your lip, you didn't question rhea's actions. you just sat up slowly, awkwardly quiet as you wrapped a nearby blanket around you so you could reach for your clothes, your back turned to rhea so the dark haired girl wouldn't see the embarrassment all over your face.
"what are you doing?" her voice made you flinch a bit, despite how gentle her words were. turning your head, you saw rhea back in her loose tank top, holding a grey t-shirt in her hand as she stood confused at the side of the bed.
"i- i thought you would want me to leave…" you bit your lip, holding the blanket firmly to your chest.
"no, i was just grabbing something for you to sleep in…if you wanted to stay, that is," rhea shook her head, holding out the t-shirt to you. she didn't usually let people sleep over, but you were different. she still wasn't sure how or why, but she knew that she didn't want you to leave so soon.
with a shy smile, you nodded, reaching for the shirt and slipping it over your head, inhaling the scent of rhea that clung to it. "thanks," you muttered, following her lead as you got under the covers and laid down against the pillows, "wh-what about you, though?"
"i can wait," rhea shrugged with a smirk, leaning over to kiss you again, "tonight was about you. and fuck, you were amazing."
"so were you," you giggled shyly, "i didn't think feeling like…that…was possible."
"you deserve it," rhea smirked against your lips, moving down to place a line of comforting kisses against your neck, "het some sleep, angel. not to toot my own horn, but i know you're exhausted." She chuckled a bit into your skin as you smiled against the shell of her ear.
"thank you," you yawned, not bothering to hide it as you laid your head down, falling asleep almost instantly with rhea's hands tracing random patterns on your lower back under the t-shirt.
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rubiehart · 3 months ago
pairing: jj maybank x bsf!reader
summary: an alternative universe to my own bsf!reader, where her parents aren’t supportive of her and jj’s relationship and the consequences of that.
warnings: graphic description of injuries, mentions of physical, mental and verbal abuse, underage use of tobacco, hurt/comfort.
a/n: literally came up with this in ten minutes and binge wrote it in an hour, wasn’t even initially gonna be based on any song but this one just fit so well so why no lol. i guess this is kinda the start of my comeback for the new year, hope you all love ♡︎
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♪ Look After You - The Fray ♪
Honestly, JJ didn’t know how he ended up dating the girl who’d been his best friend since elementary school, how sharing beds after a long day of surfing in middle school turned into them smushed up against each other only three years later, limbs tangled and breath mingling, completely drunk off of each other, completely enamoured by the other like it was the first glimpse.
He knew she was a bitch sometimes, he knew she was sweet sometimes, but only ever around him and when they’d completely stripped each other of every wall they’d put up, emotions raw and throat’s even more so from whatever had gone on with their own parents in the place they were supposed to call home. Neither of them knew the meaning until that night.
That one night that changed the entire rest of their lives, for better or worse? Neither of them knew. The night when they both separately hit rock bottom. Absolutely nothing to lose, now. The lowest of the low. Hell.
She’d just been kicked out by her parents for good, and it really was official this time. Something stupid she’d done with JJ that really wasn’t as serious as they were making it seem, but it seemed to be the straw that broke the camel’s back, the final push that made them force all their walls up against JJ, but they were a team, two halves of a whole, so in her eyes, if they were denying JJ they were also denying her, and she didn’t have time or the energy to deal with people like that, so she up and left that night. Sending JJ a quick text before shoving her dying phone in the pocket of her battered shorts and setting off to where she knew he’d go to first.
Unbeknownst to her, JJ’s situation was similar, something simmering on a low heat in Luke’s body for a few days previous, a few too many pills popped and he was ready to burst, and who better to take it out on that his sixteen year old son? No one, supposedly. This is how JJ ends up shoving open the door to the wooden lodge he’s supposed to call home, body aching as he forces himself down the steps, stumbling on an already bruised leg, until he reaches the edge of the lawn of the Maybank residence. The last thing he hears is the raw, blood curdling yell of his father, ‘Run and pray I don’t find ya, boy!’, the blood rushing in his ears and the soft beating of his combat boots against the dead grass, a baffling contrast to the absolute war in his mind.
His bruised legs carry him all the way across the island, the only thing in his mind is her, and it’s the only thing keeping him on his feet, head spinning, as he continually tells himself, ‘Just a little longer, J’, ‘A little longer than you can take a break.’ He doesn’t let himself stop until he gets there, lungs gasping for a breath of fresh air as the wind rushes past his ears, legs aching and stinging but he fights it until the image he’d been imagining comes into view through the weeds of the marsh. The lighthouse.
He’d found her on the rocky island, as expected slumped against the rocky wall of the structure, red and white painted chipped to hell. She was wearing an oversized black tank top, assumably his, the usual pair of denim shorts, and some beat up sneakers, hair falling in front of her eyes, cigarette already burning between her lips.
It’s late, the moonlight bathes her body, forearms resting on her knees, friendship bracelets dangling from her wrists and brushing against the grazed skin of her legs. He wordlessly slumps down next to her, groaning softly as his beaten body hits the rocky floor, a streak of white hot pain passing through his chest.
She obviously senses his presence, it’s completely un-ignorable. She makes brief eye contact with him in the pale light, a warm glow casted over her face from the flame at the end of the cigarette, highlighting the tear marks down her freckled cheeks, now dried and assumably sticky in the soft wind of the late night.
She doesn’t say anything, doesn’t need to, and neither does he.
That’s one thing that was so special about them, even before they’d gotten together and were just best friends with insane sexual tension, they could always read the other’s mind without sharing any words, could read each other fluently with just looks and body language.
The toe of her beat up sneaker digs into the rocks scattering the floor, and he watches her from the corner of him eye, chest still heaving, her head falls back against the concrete wall of the lighthouse, exhaling into the cold night as she passes off the burning stick to him. He notices how her fingernails are painted shimmery purple, or were, now they’re all chipped and her fingernails are bitten.
He accepts the cigarette, the familiar bitter tobacco and smoke slip past his chapped lips, gash on the lower corner re opening as he inhales. He couldn’t care less in this moment as they both sit wordlessly in the moonlight. She could practically feel the tension in his shoulders and the inevitable tightness in his chest, maybe this cigarette wasn’t the best thing for him right now, but everyone’s got their way of dealing, so she keeps her mouth shut for once.
He glances at her through his peripheral, pulling his legs up into a similar position to her, arms aching as he rests his forearms against his bloody knees. His hooded eyes frail over her tear stained cheeks. She’s tough. Tougher than anybody he’d ever met. He knew not to push her to talk. She’d talk when she was ready, and he wasn’t exactly eager to tell her about what went on tonight, either.
Her softer fingers brush his calloused ones when he passes it back, taking a drag and holding it in her lungs, letting it burn, because in this moment she wants to hurt, the pain is almost a comfort.
She exhales, smoke clouding his image of her for a second as she passes it back off to him, the orange glow lighting him up for once as her lips part to speak.
It’s raspy, like she’d been screaming, or crying, or both. He assumes both because he knows how it is in her house, much like she knows how it is in his. The precise reason why she doesn’t question the cuts on his cheekbones, or the grazes on his knees and elbows, and knows that there’s bound to be a ton more all over his body, concealed by his threadbare shirt and cargo shorts, curtesy of his deadbeat father.
“Got thrown out.”
Her voice pierces the bitterly cold wind that blows, blowing his sweaty, blonde tresses every which way, he lifts a hand to cover the end of the cigarette, blocking it from the strong gusts, the silver of his rings glinting in the orange glow.
He nods once, taking a hit as he takes in the information, he’s not all that suprised though, it was only a matter of time, he knows they’d been waiting for anything to happen to get rid of her for good.
“Same here.”
He says with a soft chuckle, but the smile doesn’t reach his eyes and she doesn’t wonder why. He doesn’t want her to know the extent of it though, he doesn’t want her to know how bad it gets. Doesn’t want her to worry.
A small smile graces her lips, the skin stretching tight from the cold, licking over her lips once as she glances at him. She doesn’t even know why, she’s got absolutely nothing to smile about, sixteen, homeless, not even a dollar to her name, but just a glance at him smiling lifts a weight off of her, like maybe things weren’t going to be so bad.
She takes the cigarette back from him, mock forcefully, a ghost of a smirk still lingering as she takes another drag, shorter this time, sucking and blowing before speaking again, forearms adjusting on her grazed knees with a silent hiss, teeth gritted.
“What for?”
He lets out a bitter scoff, staring at his shoes so he doesn’t have to meet her eyes. The moonlight is making her look a fallen angel, all soft and pretty but still a little rough around the edges, just like him. He shrugs like he doesn’t know, pretending like he doesn’t know she can read him like a book.
“Same old bullshit.” He mumbles around the cig, taking a second drag since she’d passed it back, like he was trying to drown out the memory. She scoffs, mirroring his own reaction. Two halves of a whole. She can’t stop her eyes from wandering to his side profile, illuminated by the soft amber glow of the flame, highlighting the slope of his angular nose, the chisel of his cheekbones, already blooming with black and purple splotches, but he’s beautiful to her nonetheless.
She forces her eyes away and nods. “Same.” Picking at the chipped polish along her nails as she glares out at the horizon, the waves lapping ever so quietly at the rocky shore, the light from the lookout flickering dully above their heads.
He huffs softly, shaking his head, passing back the cigarette with trembling fingers.
Of course that was the reason, on her end anyway, and without her explicitly stating it he knows what her ‘same old bullshit’ is. He had pretty much known from the start that her parents wouldn’t be supportive of their relationship. He was a troublemaker, a bad kid, the kind of boy parents warned their daughters about.
He looks up at her, fiddling with his fingers between the gap in his bent knees, blonde hair flopping over his sweat slicked forehead, tickling at the gash above his eyebrow. He studies her profile as the glow of the cigarette lights her up. Even with her hair messy and her eyes red rimmed and her eyeliner smeared down her cheeks, she’s still the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.
A comfortable silence falls over the two of them, the gravity of the situation hitting them both at different speeds. Two homeless, empty pocketed sixteen year olds, only their love for each other keeping them above water. Dodging whirlpools and massive swells with just each other to stay afloat. She digs the toe of her sneaker into scatter of rocks again, the soft clink of them the only thing heard other than the soft lapping of waves and their breathing, which had now synced.
He keeps his eyes on her, studying her and taking in every single detail in the moonlight. He can see every single freckle on her skin, every single eyelash. She’s perfect. Gorgeous. An angel amongst a sea of demons. He leans in closer, gently knocking his knee against hers.
“We’re gonna be okay, yeah?”
He mutters under his breath, so close she can feel the warmth radiating off of him.
She turns her head, hair falling infront of her black rimmed eyes, framing her blood rushed cheeks in the moonlight, nursing the fading cigarette between her fingers. She nods once, it’s small but it’s there, and it’s all the reassurance that he needs that they’re gonna be okay.
She leans a little more into his touch so they stay close, shoulders occasionally brushing and knees pressed together.
“Yeah.” She breathes out, a small smile making its way onto her lips.
He’s tempted to reach for her hand, to tangle his fingers in hers, to hold her as tight as possible for as long as possible, because she’s all he has left, and he’s afraid if he doesn’t hold her close, she’ll disappear like every other ounce of hope in his life.
But he doesn’t know if she’s okay with being touched right now. He knows she can be sensitive sometimes when she’s like this, closed off and thinking. So he keeps his hands to himself, not wanting to overstep. Instead, he just lets himself lean into her a little more, head tilted a little to the side to give her more than enough space if she wants to lean her head against his shoulder like she does sometimes. He’s making it clear that if she needs him, he’s here. Always.
Then, almost as if reading his mind, her hands finds his, soft skin brushing callouses along his pinkie finger, it’s hesitant but it’s not accidental as their fingers intertwine. She doesn’t look at him but he doesn’t need her to to know what she’s thinking. She stubs out the cigarette with her other hand, the ash hissing softly against the concrete wall behind her head before she flicks the butt into the rocks. Waves lap against the shore, sea foam clotting and sticking and forming pretty consolations, her thumb brushes over his bruised knuckles thoughtfully, but it’s natural and unpracticed.
He lets out a shaky exhale as her delicate fingers wrap around his. They’re smaller than his, more nimble, and yet they’re strong. Stronger than normal, like she’s solidifying every word she’s conveying through his simple touch. That this is real. Once that contact is made he feels like he can breathe again. Her skin feels electric against, sending sparks up his arm and signals to his brain that stop him feeling the dull, everlasting ache all over his body, that thrums low but never truly leaves for good. But this feels right. It feels good.
The winds starting to pick up a little now, she has no idea what time it is and neither does he, but it’s a distant worry. She’s got a little niggling at the back of her brain that there’s a storm incoming, but she’s not sure when or where’d she’d heard it, every memory from the past few days blending into one, where she can’t pinpoint any individual words or emotions.
She lets her eyelids flutter closed, head laying down softly onto JJ’s shoulder, incase there was a nasty bruise underneath the worn cotton, he wouldn’t have told her even if there was. She breathes steadily, breathing in the lingering scent of him on the warm skin of his neck: sea water, sweat and a hint of the old spice cologne he’d stolen from his dad in ninth grade, and then kept stealing bottles whenever it’d run out.
She squeezed his hand in hers: once, twice, three times. A silent ‘I love you’. Neither of them had ever been any good with words, but they didn’t need to be.
She doesn’t know whats going to happen and she doesn’t know what they’re going to do after tonight, when they wake up tomorrow morning in the abandoned lighthouse with less than a dollar to their shared name. But she doesn’t let the thought cloud her memory too long, because with JJ by her side it’s hard to worry about things that aren’t facing you yet, it’s easy to just live in the moment with him.
With her head leaning against his shoulder, breath from her nose tickling his skin, he takes the time to study her for the billionth time that night. Taking in the slope of her nose, her jawline, her eyelashes. His heart does all sorts of crazy things in his chest, things he’d never felt before her. But it’s not from fear, or uncertainty, or anything of the sort. Instead, it’s from love. From adoration. From everything he feels for her.
“I love you.”
He whispers, just loud enough for her to hear him over the wind.
Her eyelashes flutter open, kissing at her eyebrows, fingers still interlocked with his as she zones in on him, he notices the way her eyes are glazed over with tears.
It had always been harder for her to say those three words, even though she’d come from a more conventional family than JJ, his full of physical abuse, hers was full of mental and verbal abuse, the pushing down of her feelings to avoid manipulation is second nature to her. Usually.
But now with JJ, she lets out a soft exhale through her nose, pressing it against the side of his neck, breathing him in as she whispers, hot breath ticking the sensitive skin.
“I love you too.”
He can feel his cheeks heat up when her hot breath brushes against his skin. He doesn’t know why it makes him so flustered, because by this point he should be used to her touch, her quiet little declarations of love. He’s spent countless nights wrapped around her, his arms holding her to his chest like she’s his lifeline.
And yet, when she whispers that she loves him, his heart races in his chest. His fingers squeeze around hers so tight it’s bound to bruise. He doesn’t need to say anything back and she doesn’t expect it, he conveys everything he wants to say through the way his breath hitches and his heartbeat quickens under her ear.
Her eyes flick up to his profile after a minute or so, eyes roaming all over his features from this new angle, pressing her cheek against his shoulder, watching him fiddle with his rings on his fingers, twisting at them, pulling them off and putting them on again. She breaks through his quiet thoughts with a soft question, that he misses because it’s caught in the whisper of the wind.
“Hm?” He mumbles, hand reaching down to find hers again, squeezing it reassuringly as he looks down, hooded eyes completely captivated by her.
“Does it hurt?” She repeats softly, no irritation in her tone like normal when she has to repeat herself to him. He’s confused for a second, eyebrows furrowing until he realises she’s talking about the series of bruises across his cheekbone, her wide eyes lingering on the skin. It’s only then he remembers he was even hurt in the first place, and the low thrum of pain comes back all over his body, wound above his eyebrow stinging when a gust of wind blows.
She squeezes his hand again softly, not forcing him to speak if he doesn’t want to, being patient with him. His gaze stays on her, and he’s coming up with a lie, telling her he’s fine and not to worry about him. But the words get caught in his throat at the worry in her soft gaze. He doesn’t want to lie, not to her.
“Like hell.”
He mutters, bringing his free hand up to his eyeline, the one that’s not gripping hers. He stares down at his bruised knuckles, some starting to scab, others not, starting to turn an ugly shade or reddish purple.
“Yeah?” She replies softly, she seems to have thawed off a little, anger not so red hot, scalding in her fingertips. Not so angry at the world. Her free hand comes up to softly brush against the blossom of purple along his cheekbone, and his jaw ticks under her touch, refraining from flinching away from her. She notices, though, and tears spring to the corners of her eyes, tear ducts working overtime tonight, it seemed.
He lets out a shaky exhale, it’s covered by the wind but she doesn’t miss the quiver of his lips. Her gentle touch feels electric against his skin. He doesn’t want to flinch, but it hurts. It hurts.
Her touch is soft and delicate, tracing over the bruise with a feather light touch. His skin is heated and tender, and any contact makes the thrumming under his skin stronger. But at the same time, it feels good, because she’s touching him. Loving him.
His eyes dart up to meet hers, searching them for any sign of fear. Or disgust.
There’s nothing even close reflected in her eyes. They’re soft, softer than he’s ever seen them. That hard exterior she puts up is broken through as she looks at him, beaten and bruised. It makes her heart physically ache in her chest.
“You wanna talk about it?”
She whispers softly, he hears her through the soft gust that comes in, blowing his hair out of his face a little, exposing the gash across his temple. He’s so tuned into her right now, overanalysing every movement she makes, every word, every breath.
He lets out a soft scoff, shaking his head. The last thing he wants to talk about is his piece-of-shit dad. Talking about the events of tonight wouldn’t change a single thing, and it’s just gonna make her worry.
“There’s nothin’ to talk about.”
He mutters under his breath, avoiding her gaze. He knows she’s trying to be sweet, and care for him but he doesn’t want her to pity him. He doesn’t want her to think he’s weak.
She notices his walls coming back up, him pulling away from her a little, if not physically definitely internally. She doesn’t force anything, just nods softly, blinking back the tears in her eyes and slips her hand from his cheek, slumping back against the concrete wall with a soft sigh, knees and shoulders brushing.
The last thing she wants to do it push, make him cramp up and close himself off like he did sometimes.
The part of him that wants to lean back into her touch, to be held and loved and cared for after being beat to a pulp wars with the part of him that doesn’t want her pity.
He settles for somewhere in the middle, their thighs pressing together and shoulders brushing. He’s still avoiding her eyes, staring down at his bruised knuckles, biting back the tears that lodge his throat.
Her gaze stays on him for a long time, even if he’s refusing to reciprocate her longing gaze. She doesn’t mind, she just quietly watches, admires.
He feels her gaze on him and he can’t fight it anymore, he never could. His eyes flick to hers, fiddling with the rings on his thick fingers, forearms rested on his knees.
She’s giving him this look that makes him want to melt, like she sees right through him, for everything he is and everything he will be and the only emotion in her moonlit eyes is love.
“Do you..” She trails off, the wind picking up a little around them, the waves splatter against the rocks, sea foam clinging to the pebbles only a few meters away and JJ’s eyes flick from the shore, and then to her. He knows what she’s trying to ask, or along the lines of her question.
His heart’s doing that fluttering thing again, like a caged bird. He doesn’t need to be told what she’s asking, because he can read it in her eyes. He knows she’s not asking out of pity, or even out of lust. Just a pure, unconditional adoration. A need to hold the boy she loves. A need to be as close to him as possible. He knows there’s no point in denying her, and he doesn’t want to, anyway.
He nods shakily, letting his eyes flutter shut, pleading with him himself internally to not break, not yet.
“What do you need?”
She whispers softly, fingers itching to touch him, to comfort him, but she wants to touch him however he wants to be, and she don’t want to push anything.
He wants her. Needs her. He wants to run his fingers through her hair, feel her heart beating against his, breathe in the scent of her skin. And it’s not out of lustful desire, it’s out of a deep-down desperate need to feel safe. To feel wanted. He shakes his head, squeezing his eyes shut as he lets out a shaky breath. His eyes flick open, the saddest look she’d ever seen gracing his features, and she can tell he’s about to break.
He mutters under his breath, voice scratchy and quiet as he reaches his arms out for her, wincing softly at the stretch of the skin of his chest, littered with purple and blues.
She doesn’t wait to crawl into his lap, slowly, listening intently to every little gasp he makes to make sure she’s not putting any pressure on his major bruises, if they weren’t outside on a rocky beach, slumped against a wall, she’d be the one holding him, but sometimes sacrifices have to be made, and right now JJ needs her, no matter how.
Her chest is pressed against his, strong arms wrapped around her back and keeping her as close as possible to him. He’s holding her tighter than he should, afraid she might slip away if he loosens his grip.
His hands find her hips, snaking under the loose material of the tank top and digging affectionally into the warm skin there. The feeling of her finally being against him is driving him crazy, but in a good way, caged between the wall and her.
He lets out a shuddering breath, burying his face in the crook of her neck, his nose nuzzling at her soft skin.
“You’re okay.” She whispers, resting one hand at the back of his head, fingers carding through the hair at the nape of his neck gently, pressing her lips to his crown. She feels his shoulders begin to shake and the meltdown that he’d been holding back from all night crashing down and overtaking him now.
You know all you can do is be present, and reassure him. “Everything’s gonna be okay..”
He feels the dam inside of him break, like the floodgates had finally opened, and before he knows what he’s doing, hot tears are springing to his eyes.
She’s saying all the right things. She’s touching him like no one’s touched him. And it’s too much. Too much to handle. He buries himself against her chest, his arms wrapping around her torso to hold her close. He lets out another shuddering breath, a soft crying shortly following, and it’s guttural and soul shattering as he shakes against her.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you. ‘M not goin’ anywhere.” She mumbles into his sweaty hair, blonde tresses tickling at her chin, leaving kisses anywhere she can reach, hands carding through his hair, offering the maximum amount of comfort she can in his arms.
“You’re okay, baby.”
Her calling him ‘baby’ isn’t something he realised has such an effect on him until now, and the way her voice is so soft, so sweet and caring, has him melting against her.
Her touch and her words are like a balm on his frayed nerves, extinguishing the fire burning under his skin.
“I love you, I love you, I love you.”
He chokes out, like a mantra, into the warm crook of her neck, over and over again, soaking the skin with his tears.
“I love you more.”
She whispers against his head, leaning sitting up a little straighter against him for a sec, but he’s pulling her down just as quick, pressing a soft kiss to her collarbone as he cries.
“Hey, listen for a sec.” She mumbles, and waits for him to nod against her before continuing, fingernails scraping deliciously against his scalp as she speaks, her words attempting to calm him down from his spiral.
“‘Member what we said? After we figure all this shit out.. gonna get a house t’gether and get married, yeah? You listenin’?”
He nods shakily as she holds him, her hands brushing his sweaty hair at his temples, her kisses along his forehead keeping him grounded to reality. He swallows hard at her words about the future, his heart seizing up in his chest. But he nods again, desperately needing to hear more. He needs to hear about their future together, because it’s the only thing keeping him together right now, when he feels like nothing’s going right, his only way out is her.
“Yeah-yeah, ‘m listenin’.” He murmurs against her hot skin, his hands gripping her hips a little tighter, making sure she was really still there, and this wasn’t some hallucination.
“Good, keep breathin’. And y’know what else? Gonna have so many babies together, yeah? All of our little mini us’s runnin’ ‘round. We’re gonna be so happy, J. Soon as we get outta this mess.”
The very thought of having kids with her has him choking up again.
He can picture it all so clearly, the cozy fish shack by the marsh, a whole football team of kiddos, the little girls beautiful like their mama, getting dressed up all pretty, the rowdy boys the spitting image of JJ, with unruly blonde hair as big blue eyes, tackling and wrestling with each other on the grass outside whilst he tries to teach them to fish.
He can’t help but grip her tighter at the imagery flashing through his clouded mind, ringed fingers digging into her hips.
“Lotsa babies. Lotsa babies. Our babies. Promise?”
She nods with a soft smile, eyes reflecting the same expression as his when his eyes meet hers, glazed over and filled with an emotion unlabelled. Her thumbs swipe at his under eyes, wiping away the hot tears, careful to avoid any gashes or bruises.
“Promise. But none o’ that’s gonna happen if you don’t make it through tonight, baby. You gotta breathe for me.”
Of course she’s exaggerating, and it’s in a hope to bring a little light to the emotional rollercoaster he’s going through right now, and she’s on the same ride internally, but she needs to be strong, for him.
He lets out a shaky exhale, his chest heaving against hers as he forces his body to breathe.
In, and out, In, and out, In, and out-
He wants that life. With her. A life with her in a homey beach shack, a physical place he can call home, instead of the girl he’s holding in his arms.
In, and out, In, and out, In, and out.
But the only way he’s going to get that life is by surviving, together and by getting through tonight, together.
He slowly nods, squeezing her hips again.
“M breathin’.. ‘M breathin’..”
She nods tearfully, sniffling and swiping at her own eyes before he can see them. “Good.. that’s good..” She mumbles in praise, hands still holding his face and stroking at his cheeks with her thumbs gently. “Can you look at me a sec?” She’s careful to keep her touch featherlight over any bruises.
He nods shakily, slowly lifting his tired eyes to look at her, the day weighing heavy on his shoulders and now he’d really let everything out, he was exhausted. His cheeks are still tear stained and his chest heaving. He slowly brings a hand up, cupping the side of her face so he can run his thumb along her tear stained jaw.
“Lookin’.” He mumbles, breath hitching.
“You breathin’ properly now?” She mumbles, jaw moving under his calloused palm as she eyes him sweetly, eyes reflecting all the love he feels for her in this moment.
He lets out a shaky exhale, his eyes slowly raking over her face, taking in all her features like he’d never seen them before, and he’s lost count of how many times he’s got lost in her tonight.
She’s beautiful, he thinks to himself. Stunning in an effortless way, always has been. Like she woke up this morning and was effortlessly gorgeous.
His hand is still on her face, his thumb brushing against her skin.
“Yeah.. yeah baby, ‘m breathin’ normal. You’re makin’ it all messed up ‘gain, though.”
He mumbles, breathing a little heavily out of his nose and it tickles at her skin, a soft smile makes its way onto her face at the look in his eyes, completely enamoured by her.
She lets a breath of laughter slip from her nose, it’s soft and sweet and his eyes visibly soften at the sound, ears perking up.
“You’re so handsome, J.” She mumbles, thumb never stopping it’s comforting ministrations against the damp skin of his cheek.
Her touch on his skin makes him shiver, his mind and body always being so receptive to her. He wants to hide his face when he calls her handsome. He doesn’t think he’s handsome. Hot, sure, he’s been called that many a time. Pretty, meh, makes his heart flutter a little when you mumble it against his ear in bed, but he’d never admit it. But handsome? He’s not handsome.
He swallows hard, adam’s apple bobbing in his throat as he averts his gaze.
“Don’t. ‘M not handsome..” He mutters under his breath.
Her heart breaks a little at his immediate denial of the compliment.
“You are, J.” She mumbles, hand coming under his jaw to lift his gaze back to hers.
“You are, JJ.” She reassures him again, making sure he really knows it, believes it.
“‘n our babies are gonna be too.”
His heart is doing the fluttering thing again, his stomach flip flopping inside of him as he meets her gaze.
Babies, plural.
Oh, Jesus.
The thought of having little babies running around looking like the perfect mix of the both of you has him reeling. He’s always had a hard time picturing his future, but mostly the father part, after everything he’s been through he could never see it for himself. But with her, the image never seemed so impossible.
He lets out a shaky breath, a tear slipping down his rosy cheek, fingers squeezing at her hip again.
“You think so?”
“I know so.” She smiles, thumb stroking over a larger bruise at his temple.
“‘N I know things are hard right now, but we’re gonna get through this rough patch together, yeah? We can sleep here, at the lighthouse, we’ll get jobs, then eventually buy a house, get married..” She speaks softly, the wind picking up a little and making her cheeks cold and frost bitten. They’re sixteen and homeless, but all they need is each other.
That night they hold each other closer than ever before, knocking out on the old mattress up in the look out tower, limbs tangled together and content just for the night. JJ had calmed down now, stripped down to just his underwear, her too, pressed up against his good side in bed, head rested against his shoulder as she sleeps soundly, for the first time in what feels like forever.
JJ eventually manages to fall asleep, too, her previous words on his mind all through his slumber, dreaming of Maybank family fishing days, and the beautiful house that he would raise his babies in, the love of his life by his side, dreaming of a future where he wasn’t ashamed of his last name, and everyone he loved dearly shared it with him.
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fictionalmenxyn · 6 months ago
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•✧𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐲 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰✧•
Pairing: Drew x singer/actress!reader
(The parts that are Itallic are what you would see in the video rather than in person)
Warnings: language, slightly emotional reader (for good reason)
Face claim: Billie Eilish (what a cutie 😊)
Once again, your time has come. Your yearly interview.
This time, Drew was sat behind the camera. You sat in the directors chair. You smiled at the camera and spoke “Hi, I’m Y/n Y/l/n.. it’s currently October eighteenth, twenty-twenty-four” you smile.
Other versions of you repeat those words, only difference is the year… oh! And also your appearance, obviously.
Drew was sat on a chair opposite you and behind the camera. A big smile on his face. He loved these interviews of you.
First question ‘biggest thing that happened in your career?’ You smiled and scrunched your nose. You then lean forward in your chair and whispered the camera “I got two oscars.” You balled your fists in excitement and scrunched your face. “Two! Not one, but two… still feels like a dream”
You watch your year-younger self, “I got six Grammys! Ah!” You chuckle at your past self. You looked to the camera “two oscars and six Grammys… damn..” you and Drew laugh.
‘What’s the most important things to you right now?’ You smiled at the question. You tilt your head to look around the camera and to Drew. You answered “my love, my everything… Drew mother fucking Starkey…” he chuckled. You wave him over “c’mere, babe…” he got the green light from the director and walked over to you.
You opened your arms, he leaned down and hugged you as you sat in the chair. As he pulls away slightly, he kissed your forehead. You smiled “this is whats important to me… my Drew…” you both knew the fans were gonna make edits and comments about this. You were honestly excited to see the edits. You loved how cute your fans were when it came to you and Drew.
You and Drew watched your younger self “uh probably my boyfriend… he’s the best-” younger you looked to the camera “I love ya, Drew!” You both laughed.
Drew kissed your forehead once more, then went back behind the camera; sitting in his chair once again.
‘Craziest fan moment?’ You answered “it was at New York, my latest tour. I noticed a girl in the crowd. She looked like she had something in her hand. So when we did our usual ten minute break. I walked over to her, cause she didn’t leave her spot. She held a box, saying it was a gift for me and she couldn’t get vip tickets to meet backstage. So I opened it, and i literally broke down crying, happy tears of course. What was in the box, was a handmade painting of Drew and I. In a frame, it was our photo I said was my favourite of us. On the set of outer banks, still dressed in our characters clothes. On our characters dirt bikes, our heads against each others. She said it took her eighteen hours. It’s not a crazy moment, but definitely sentimental…”
You watched younger you, ‘dude, everyone kept throwing T-shirts with Drew’s face on stage!” You laughed. Still having them shirts. You never got rid of them. Never crossed you mind to get rid of them.
‘Do you have a boyfriend?’ You smiled and shook your head “no I don’t…” your grin grew bigger as you lifted your left hand up “I got a fiancé!!” Drew’s smile only grew bigger. God you were so cute in his mind. Always have, always will.
You look at last year’s clip “yes I do, Drew, my childhood bestie, and lover, love his soul… miss my baby, haven’t saw him in a few hours… gonna see him later though excited.” You laughed at your younger you.
‘Describe your style in three words’ you smiled and tilted your head “open to opportunity.”
Your 2023 self said “live laugh Drew” you bursted out laughing and replied “I said that?!” You laughed.
‘Favourite movie?’ You smiled “ooo probably Beetlejuice… the original, although the new one is really good.. you know I love a good Tim Burton movie…”
You answered “Batman The Dark Knight, Cillian and Heath are soooo good in that movie, so was Christian Bale… but Cillian and Heath…” you playfully roll your eyes at younger you. You remarked “god I was practically drooling over that movie” you laugh.
‘What are you working on currently?’ You smiled “well, as you recently found out, I’m working on an album… which is half done… and I’m starring in the newest Outer Banks season, once again…”
2023 you spoke “a movie and Outer Banks… oh! And a single…”
‘One thing you’d like to do with your career this year?’ You smiled “as usual, to star in a Tim Burton movie…” you wink at the camera.
Younger you answered “obviously star in a Tim Burton movie, pretty sure I said that since like the third year, right??” You chuckle.
You look to the camera, “thanks for checking in on me, Vanity Fair… once again a great yearly catch up! I love you guys!” You waved Drew to come back over. Which he did. He leaned down to get into frame. You both smile, you spoke “we love you all! See you soon!”
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atlabeth · 1 year ago
a rose and her thorns | luke castellan
pairing: luke castellan x fem!daughter of aphrodite reader
summary: luke vies for a valentine. you're just trying to get through cabin inspections.
a/n: take this as my formal apology for the angst i’ve been throwing at you all with demeter girl lol and take this tooth rotting fluff. this was supposed to be shorter but i got carried away, after writing that 11k angst riddled monster this was a much needed palate cleanser lmao
wc: 3.3k
warning(s): no warnings this is all fluff <3
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You huffed as you knocked on the door again, chewing on the inside of your lip as you waited for a response. The Hermes cabin usually always had kids in it—either they were ignoring you, or they were just causing too much ruckus to even hear it in the first place.
Honestly, you should have known this was how cabin inspections with Luke would go. He was probably in there right now, ushering all of them through rapid last-minute tidying in the hopes of something higher than a one. You had half a mind to knock a point off right now by virtue of tardiness.  
The hairs on the back of your neck stood up all of a sudden, and you whirled around. 
“Speak of the devil,” you said wryly. 
You were greeted with Luke Castellan himself, his hands up with a slight smile on his lips. “Easy. I didn’t think I looked that bad.” 
Your brows creased ever so slightly, and he gestured with head. You looked down and realized you were holding your pen like a sword. You cleared your throat and let your arm drop, adjusting your shirt on the way down. 
“Sorry. People tend not to sneak up on me.” 
“I can’t imagine why.” Luke put his hands down and started towards his cabin, craning his head back at you. “What brings you here on this fine day, Rose?” 
“Don’t tell me you forgot,” you pouted, holding up your clipboard and pen as you followed him. “We’re on inspection duty together. Where were you?” 
He snapped and pointed at you. “That’s what we were doing together today! I knew we were spending time together—not like I could forget that—but,” his hand paused on the doorknob, “I kind of forgot about the cabin inspection part. Had to spend a little extra time with one of your siblings at the end of sword-fighting lessons.” 
“Sounds like Liz is getting better, then.” A smug smile pulled at your lips as you stopped next to him. “And it sounds like someone’s gonna be cleaning the dishes tonight,” you said in a sing-song voice. 
You placed your hand over his and opened the door, and Luke groaned. “Take mercy, Rose. Please.” 
It was certainly a sight—more akin to a tornado than the inside of a cabin. Various kids—Hermes, unclaimed, and minor gods alike—ran around, shoving dirty clothes beneath beds, cramming duffles and suitcases into overflowing closets, with a few noble exceptions attempting the Sisyphean task of actually cleaning. 
“Wow,” you said, glancing down at the papyrus scroll. “Can I give you a zero?” 
“Listen,” Luke said from behind you, “our thing isn’t tidiness. It’s thievery—swiftness, cunning, panache.” 
“I thought you were supposed to be jacks of all trades,” you mused as you checked off boxes. “Cleaning is a trade.” 
“Not here.” You could feel him peering over your shoulder and he groaned yet again. “Come on! You’re grading us way too low. I get input too, remember?” 
“Sure,” you remarked. You held out the clipboard and gestured with your head at the natural disaster in front of you. “But you can’t tell me this is anything better than a two.” 
“A two’s better than a one.” Luke plucked the pen out of your hand and scrawled out a number two on the final line. 
“Luke—” you started in protest, but he just snatched the clipboard as well with a wink as he started walking backwards towards the door. 
“We’ve got a chance, guys!” he called out. “Hephaestus has gotta be worse than this!” 
You huffed as you chased after him, shutting the door on your way, and you crossed your arms as you came to a stop in front of him. “This isn’t very cooperative of you.” 
“Gotta give myself a chance,” Luke said, smiling as he took the Hermes sheet off the clipboard and stuffed it into his pocket. 
“That’s just cheating,” you said, and he let you take the clipboard back from him. You started walking, and he fell into pace with you. “Hephaestus is next—we’ll see how much of a chance you have.” 
“We should get some slack because we’ve got double the campers,” Luke said. “Nine’s got no excuse—they’re just a bunch of messy engineers.” 
You tapped your pen against the board. “I’m not changing my mind, Castellan.” 
“Ouch,” he winced. “I got last name’d.” 
You merely smiled and shook your head. You could see his own smile in your peripherals, then he huffed.  
“You’re distracting me from my whole plan with these ridiculous grades,” Luke sighed. “I haven’t ruined everything, have I?”
“You’ve got a plan?” you asked in amusement. 
“Of course I do.” Luke took a few long strides to get in front of you then turned around so he was walking backwards, that stupid smirk still on his lips as he kept eye contact with you. “Valentine’s Day is coming up.” 
“You’re very observant,” you said. “Watch your six.” 
Luke moved a step towards you to avoid a younger camper with their head buried in a book, and you chuckled as he shrugged. 
“It’s a work in progress,” he admitted. 
You hummed, biting back your smile as you came up to the Hephaestus cabin. You were about to knock on the door, but once again, Luke caught your wrist. 
“You’re not even gonna let me say my piece?” he asked. 
“I’ll give you a little time to polish it up,” you said. 
“You assume I don’t have it prepared already?” 
“Oh, I’m sure you do.” You winked. “But I know the effect I have on you.” 
Luke’s fingers loosened on your wrist and you allowed a small, self-satisfied smile as you pulled free and knocked on the door. It took a couple seconds, but eventually the door opened and their counselor—Alya, if you remembered correctly—greeted you with a smile. 
“Just in time,” she said, smudging the bit of grease on her face as she wiped at her cheek. “We’re actually not horrible today.” 
Luke grumbled beneath his breath as you walked in together—usually, the place was a mess of loose parts and hastily sketched out plans and smoke-scented clothes. Today, it was still a mess, but slightly less so. 
“Damn it,” Luke muttered. “Still not as bad as us.” 
“Stop comparing your place to everyone else,” you said. “This is supposed to be fun.” 
“Cabin inspections are fun?” he asked wryly. 
“Hanging out with me is fun,” you clarified. “I—”
You were cut off with a gasp of your own as you slipped, and before you could even fully process it you were falling. It wasn’t until everything steadied that you realized someone had caught you, strong arms cradled you around your waist. You looked up to see Luke’s wide eyes. 
“You good?” he asked, his voice slightly higher than usual. 
“Yeah,” you said, nodding far too many times, “yeah. Yeah, I’m good.” 
“...Good,” he said, ever eloquent. 
A small smile creeped in. “You can let me go now.” 
It almost took him a moment to come back to Earth, because he blinked before he nodded, smiling on his own as he helped you back up. You could feel the heat in your face and tried your best to ignore it as you looked down. A small pool of oil was the culprit—you grimaced at the thought of having to clean that out of your jeans. Thank the gods for Luke. 
“That’s gotta be points off,” Luke whispered in your ear, still close by, and you stifled a laugh. “Oil on the floor, making pretty counselors slip. Right?” 
You ignored him too, looking over at Alya, though you couldn’t stop your smile. She looked mortified. 
“I am so sorry,” she rushed. “I guess Michael didn’t clean as well as he said.” 
“No problem,” you said. “I’ve got a little guardian angel. But this place isn’t too great.” 
“Damn,” she mumbled. “I even got one of your sisters to come in and help clean things up. Do you not smell the perfume?” 
“The smoke kinda overpowers it,” you said sympathetically, and she sighed. “Three out of five, Alya. But you’re right on the edge of a four.” 
Alya glanced at Luke. “Better than Hermes?” 
Luke grimaced. “I don’t wanna talk about it.” 
She smiled and went off to talk to one of her siblings. Luke shook his head and tutted once she was gone. “The double standards here are ridiculous, Rose. I might have to report you to Chiron.” 
“Oh, quiet.” You hit him in the side lightly with the clipboard and continued scanning the room for  a final check. “If you wanted help with cleaning up from an Aphrodite kid, all you had to do was ask.” 
“And would you have accepted?” he asked. 
“Of course,” you said as you scribbled down your last couple of notes. “I’ll always help you, Luke.” 
He went silent as you continued to write, and when you finished you saw he was only looking at you. 
You frowned. “What?” 
“Nothing,” Luke said, still smiling. “Let’s keep going.” 
You stared at him for a moment, but he didn’t say anything else. So you just laughed a bit and shrugged. Luke followed behind you as you walked out, and despite his claims of ‘nothing’ just a moment ago, soon enough he was talking again. 
“So,” he said, “Valentine’s Day.” 
“Valentine’s Day,” you said sagely. “What’s your plan?” 
“Be my Valentine.” 
“That’s your plan?” You glanced over at him. “Just asking me out straight-up?” 
“Oh, sorry. I also have this.” Luke pulled something out of his back pocket and held it out. You couldn’t help but laugh. 
“A rose?” you asked with a lopsided smile. 
“Not just any rose,” he said as you took it. “A chocolate rose.” 
“You are so cute.” You pulled the wrapper off, and though the stem and leaves were plastic, the flower was, indeed, very much chocolate, and in the shape of a rather pretty rose. 
Luke shrugged. “Figured you needed something as sweet as you.” 
“I’ve got a toothache just from being with you,” you remarked. You broke it in half with a bit of effort and offered it to Luke. 
“You can’t just split the gifts I get for you with me.” 
“They’re my gifts,” you said. “I can do whatever I want with them.” 
“Really?” he asked. 
“What’s a rose without her thorns?” you responded. Luke grinned as he took the other half from you. You popped yours into your mouth and your eyebrows rose. 
“This is actually good chocolate,” you said as Luke ate his part. “Not like that crap we get at the camp store.” 
“I might’ve snuck out to the city to get the good stuff,” Luke said offhandedly. 
You looked at him incredulously. “What?” 
“Did I stutter?” 
“You risked all that trouble just to get some chocolate for me?” you marveled. “Hell from Chiron, extra chores for a month, literal monster attacks—” 
Luke held up a hand, stopping your ranting. “Nothing happened. And even if it did,” he shrugged, “you’re worth it. So it doesn’t matter.” 
You shook your head and Luke continued. “Besides, I got some other stuff too for the rest of my plan.” 
“Right,” you nodded, “you never finished telling me.” 
“How’s your schedule?” 
“Busy,” you said. “I’m an Aphrodite kid during Valentine’s season.” 
Luke tipped his shoulder. “Fair. Think you can block something out for me?” 
“That depends what it is,” you said. 
“It’s a secret,” he said. 
You stared at him. “A secret?” 
He nodded. “It might be a foreign concept to you Aphrodite kids, but—” 
You cut him off with a light shove and he only chuckled in response. “So you talk yourself up and it ends up being a secret.”
“I think I’ve earned some secret surprises,” Luke said. “I’m already sweeping you off your feet.” 
You shook your head, smiling inwardly as you tapped your pen against the clipboard. “Is that how you see it?” 
“Well, I did keep you from an untimely death back there,” he said. “And the more unfortunate plight of having to get oil stains out.” 
“You read my mind,” you mused. 
“And isn’t that worth a date?” Luke asked. “Saving you from a fashion faux pas?” 
“You’re worth a date all on your own,” you said as you came up to the next cabin—Apollo was bright as ever, gleaming golden in the sunlight—and you looked at him with a smile. “No rescuing required.” 
Your journey to the rest of the cabins went by relatively quickly, especially the Apollo and Ares cabins—you think Luke had been temporarily stunned into silence by you actually flirting back. 
You’d had a subdued smile on your face nearly the entire time, even as you felt warmth bloom over your face again. Luke really brought out the inner Aphrodite in you—you were sure your mother was proud, wherever she was watching. What seemed to get Luke out of his addled state was the 5/5 you gave to your own cabin—he complained that the scent of perfume gave him a headache, and when you said you’d been wearing perfume the entire day, he claimed that it was different. 
(Cabin Ten kept their full score. It was amazing what a pretty smile could do, especially when Luke was the victim.) 
Finally, you were at the Demeter cabin. Luke insisted on going there last, so that all the expectations would be tapered—he was still trying to get a better score for his cabin, but the odds were looking pretty slim. The door was already open, and you smiled at the newly grown flowers outside the cabin. 
“Nice touch.” 
Luke sighed. “Great. Going out with a bang.” 
“It’ll be fine, Luke,” you said. “I’ll help you clean your cabin tonight.” 
He frowned. “You were actually serious?” 
“Of course I was.” You tipped your head. “It’ll just have to be pretty late. Y’know, because you’ll be cleaning all the dishes.” 
“Low blow,” he said, shaking his head. You chuckled as you stopped in the doorway and poked your head in. 
“Hey, Katie,” you called to the counselor. “How’re things?” 
“Good,” she said, nodding. A smile of her own bloomed on her lips as her gaze moved over to Luke. “I see Rose and her thorns are on duty today.” 
“Flattery won’t help you with your score,” Luke mused as he walked into the cabin. You smiled as he held out his hand for the clipboard, and you finally acquiesced. You could feel Katie’s eyes on you as he walked further in. 
“He takes that as a compliment?” 
“Thorns protect a rose,” you said, still watching Luke. He played the part of a foreman well, investigating their shelves and walls with vigor and even opening drawers. You couldn’t help but laugh a bit, and Luke looked back and smiled at you. You nodded, giving him the go-ahead, and he winked as he gave you a thumbs-up. 
“And he protects you?” she asked. 
You shrugged. “We protect each other.” 
“…You would be cute together,” Katie admitted. 
You managed to tear your eyes away from Luke, leaning back against the wall. “You think so?” 
“He’s only been vying for your attention and flirting with you since the moment you got to camp,” she said wryly. “But you’re the expert on love—you tell me.” 
You bit your lip as your gaze darted back to Luke, who was squatting on the floor having what looked to be a very serious conversation with a younger Demeter boy. 
“I think I’m his valentine,” you said, almost absentmindedly. “And I think I’m really looking forward to whatever this date is.” 
Katie came back into focus as you came back to Earth, and even she was smiling. “Then I think you’ve got your answer.” 
Luke had picked the most opportune moment to come back, when you weren’t staring at him like an infatuated idiot—you were only one of those things—and he held out the clipboard and pen to you. “After having a very in-depth conversation with Damian about how things are going here, I scored them properly.” 
You chuckled as you took it from him, but your eyebrows rose the more you read. “You’re kidding me.” 
He shook his head. “There’s unpaid labor going on here—unpaid child labor. Damian said he’s responsible for half the cleaning and plants here.” 
“We’re all children. All the labor we do is child labor,” you deadpanned. “And we’re sure as hell not getting paid.” 
Luke held his hands up. “Don’t shoot the messenger. I’m just delivering what he’s said.” 
“Don’t tell me he gave us all ones,” Katie said dryly. 
“You know him so well,” you mused. You scribbled out half of what Luke wrote as you stood up from the wall, shielding it with your body so he couldn’t see while you walked out together. “See you, Katie!” 
Her protests fell on Luke’s deaf ears as he held up the rear, shutting the door behind you two, and when you looked back at him he was grinning. 
“Straight ones,” he tutted, shaking his head. “What a shame. Looks like they’re gonna be cleaning the dishes tonight.” 
“You know they got a five, Luke,” you said, finally allowing him to see your revised marks. “If you’re gonna fudge the numbers, at least try and make them believable.” 
“Oh, come on!” he exclaimed. “A five is way too nice—it’s not fair that they can just grow plants all over and make everything look presentable. Using powers should count as cheating.” 
“Their floors are clean, their beds are made, and it smells like floral heaven,” you said. You tapped his chest with your pen. “You could learn something from them, Castellan.” 
He caught your wrist before you could move it away. “The Aphrodite cabin always gets perfect scores. Think you could teach me a few things?” 
You grinned as you pulled your hand out of his grip and continued walking, this time en route to the Big House to drop off the final inspections. “That depends.” 
“On what?” Luke came back into your peripherals as he caught up to you. 
“On how good this secret plan of yours is,” you mused. 
His eyes lit up, past worries of low inspection scores seemingly fading away in an instant. “So it’s a go? You’re in?” 
“Of course I am,” you said, tucking the clipboard under your arm. “You got me the good chocolate, Luke. How could I not see where this goes?” 
Previously unnoticed pressure dissolved in his shoulders as he took your hands in his. You could only focus on his eyes, on the warmth of his skin, on the callouses borne from years of sword-fighting. 
He was surely blessed by your mother. 
“You’re not gonna regret it,” Luke vowed. “All those promises I’ve made about blowing you off your feet, about making your mother proud—they’re all gonna be true.” 
“You know what wise men say,” you said wryly. 
“That they’re so glad you’re finally giving me a chance?” 
“Only fools rush in,” you provided. “Going all in on our first date seems a little hasty.” 
“Isn’t your whole thing supposed to be rushing in?” he asked cloyingly. “Y’know, daughter of love and all.” 
You shrugged. “Maybe I like taking the idea of taking it slow with you.” 
“Then call me a fool,” Luke mused, letting go of one hand to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. His own curls hung over his eyes and you had the strongest urge to take his face in your hands. “Because you should know I can’t help it.” 
You felt your cheeks heat as warmth spread all over, and you couldn’t even try to hide your smile. “You think you can take me out on one of those city trips of yours? Show me how to steal a camp van without getting in the most trouble?” 
“I’m trying to steal your heart here,” Luke said with a goofy grin, “but I think a van’ll do.” 
“Oh, don’t worry.” You took his hand back, intertwining your fingers together as you pulled him closer to you. “We can multitask.” 
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pokegalla · 1 year ago
Requested/traded by @veiled-rebel
I actually forgot about this one??? Well fuck it. Part 2 but whole different fandom-
Angel Dust and Husk with a crazy rich S/o who loves spoiling them
Angel Dust:
* Oh he knew you were rich honey, let’s be honest. You got the cash, he’ll flirt and get some after a quick fuck. A win win scenario. At least….that was his initial intentions. But damn he actually started liking you. You were….different to say the least. You both exchanged numbers and the rest is history✨
* He had his guard up when you kept spoiling him. Did you want another favor? Did you need something from him? No? Just a gift? He’s not used to so much gifts without expecting bad news attached to it. He might need some time to get used to it…..(constant reassurance really helps too!)
* Once he’s more comfortable, he’ll happily wear the outfits you picked out for him! Even on the outings to the mall or fancy restaurants! But honestly nothing makes him feel more comfortable with you than you giving him so much freedom as well. You gave him your credit card?! To buy anything he wants?! That’s a major trust thing holy shit- he almost feels like he’s using you. But your reassurance makes him feel at ease.
* He’s never felt this loved before….and he’s got you to thank.
Mini story time!!!
You watched as the spider demon came downstairs. Your face flushed as you saw him wearing the dress you had bought that was custom made just for him. He chuckled and closed your jaw that was hanging low from shock.
“Gonna attract flies hun,” he chuckled, a little flattered at your reaction as well.
“Heh….i hope I’m attracting your kisses too,” You answer back with a playful grin.
Angel giggled a little, “Keep that up and you’ll be attracting MUCH more tonight~” You both share a kiss and walk out together, hand in hand with no shame as all of hell watched you too. You didn’t mind what they said. What mattered was him and his happiness.
That was enough for you❤️
* He knew instantly you were a rich kinda person. As a bartender, he picks up on stuff like this all the time. He actually didn’t like you at first. Thought you were some kind of showboat. But you did shock him when you said you were more focused on him than anything else. He was a tough nut to crack but after many visits to his bar and getting to know each other, he FINALLY gave you a chance.
* Spoiling this lil shit was HARD. He didn’t like a lot of things. But you did get his favorite booze. And booze of all kinds. He actually was impressed by how much you knew but told you not to spoil him so much- but his favorite gift was a cute bow tie you got for him. He wears it to special events✨
* You really do try to respect his wishes on not spoiling him but seeing him look so exhausted after a long day of dealing with crap at his bar? Oh you HAVE to do something! So slick little you actually decided on the perfect date! A date to the spa! You never seen him get so relaxed before! Thoooough he did figure out you were trying to spoil him again…but this time he won’t complain✨
* He finds it hard to argue when you look so happy…..
Mini story time!!!
“Yah think yah reeeeal slick don’tcha?” Husk said suddenly while sipping his martini.
CURSES- he’s figured it out already?! You had JUST finished the massages! Oh damn here comes the scolding….huh? Wait he’s giving you a headpat?
“I’ll hand it to yah. I didn’t even realize it. I’ll let yah get away with this one…..” He grumbled a bit.
Your eyes sparkles, “HAH!!! FUCK YEAH!!!”
He actually smiles a little as he sees you practically glowing, so happy that you spoiled him. You were so weird…..
Fuck he loves you-❤️
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sleepyjuice · 10 months ago
patience is a virtue - jj maybank
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Summary: you finally get on birth control, which means you and jj finally get to raw dog it, whoop
Warnings: 18+!!!!!!!! SMUT, p in v sex (reader is on birth control but theoretically both parties are tested and clean and exclusively sleeping with each other), little bit of praise kink, cream pie, fluff? soft jj <3
wc: 2771 wtf 🫣
A/N: so I decided to start writing again and then this happened lol. I’m probably rusty and this is my first time writing for jj so I hope it’s okay and y’all enjoy!!!<3
Jj had been counting down the days until your doctor's appointment. You were finally getting on birth control, the arm implant, to be specific. You had done your research, as well as an initial consultation with your doctor to go over all of your options and decided that the ‘one and done’ route would be the best for you.
You and jj had been together for a little over a year, using condoms every time you had sex. As much as you both liked the security of you not getting pregnant, you both wanted more, you both craved more. Not only that, but you had irregular and horribly painful periods and when your doctor mentioned that being on birth control could stop your periods, that was more than enough to convince you to take that step.
The day finally came, though, and jj insisted on driving you to your appointment, ignoring your assurance that it was a quick and easy procedure.
“jj, it’s not like I’m getting put under for a major surgery or something, it’ll probably be only like ten minutes. No medicine or anything.” You told him as you buckled your seatbelt. There was no changing his mind.
jj rolled his eyes as he started up the twinkie, already having made arrangements with john b over a week ago to let him borrow the van.
“I know, baby, but this is a big moment, wanna be there for you.” He said with a grin, pulling onto the road and starting towards your doctor’s office.
“Well, I appreciate it. I honestly think you’re more excited than I am.” You giggled, glancing over at your boyfriend as you pulled your hair up into a ponytail.
“Now what makes you say that?” He teased, knowing damn well he had this appointment marked in his phone calendar and his extra ass even drew a dick and a smiley face on your little desk calendar you had.
You had arrived shortly after, and just as you predicted, the whole appointment only took about ten minutes and was pretty painless. jj waited in the car for you to be done, smiling ecstatically at you once he saw you make your way out the office doors and towards the twinkie.
“How was it? Did it hurt?” He asked as soon as you got into the car, looking at your arm that was now wrapped in a bright pink bandage.
You shook your head, leaning across the seat to softly kiss your boyfriend, his hands finding your hair first before slowly trailing down your body to rub on your thighs as he deepened the kiss. You knew exactly what he was trying to do, so you pulled away with a laugh.
“Nope, nope, don’t even think about it. This thing doesn’t start working for seven days.” You told him, smiling innocently at him as you watched his face drop. You swore all the light in his eyes left his body for a second. He was so dramatic.
You were obviously disappointed too. It would have been nice to go straight home and have what would probably be the best sex of your life right away. But then you would have to go and buy a Plan B, and then this would all be for nothing.
“Now what the fuck? How are they gonna call this shit modern medicine but that shit doesn’t start working for a week?” jj scoffed, one of his hands still resting on your thigh while his other raised to softly graze your bandage, “like, they put a whole ass stick in your arm. What’s it even doing for these seven days? Just sitting in there doing nothing? They really need to make advancements to this shit.” he rambled on, but he couldn’t help but start laughing once you did.
“You are the most dramatic person I have ever met. We just gotta wait it out. Although, with all this anticipation, hopefully you can last more than a minute.” You mumbled the last part, your gaze leaving jj’s as you buckled your seatbelt, knowing he would start huffing over your comment.
And that he did, huffing as he started the car, running his fingers through his hair. “That’s — shut the fuck up. Don’t act like this won’t be torture for you, too.” He mumbled back, backing out of the parking lot and heading towards the chateau.
It had been a long week since your appointment. You and jj had never gone this long without having sex. You could have still used a condom in the meantime, but after a conversation in bed the first night, you had both decided to wait until you could do it raw for the first time. You were struggling, to say the least, but you had more composure than jj did all week.
He wasn’t making it easy though. The way he cuddled against you in bed, his hard dick pressing into your lower back made you crave the feeling of him inside of you. You almost caved multiple times every time he touched you, you just wanted more. But he respected your agreement, even though it was just as torturous for him. Touching your skin, seeing the way the bottom of your ass cheeks stuck out of the bottom of your shorts, all he wanted to do was rip your clothes off and bury himself inside of you. But he could wait, it would be worth it.
It couldn’t have been more perfect timing. Day seven had finally come around and your beautiful and wonderful friends all happened to have plans, which meant you and jj had the chateau to yourselves. It truly felt like a gift from god.
It was late morning, the soft glow of the sun peaking through the sheer blinds of the bedroom jj had made his own had woken you from your sleep. jj was still sleeping soundly next to you, his face pressed against your neck, an arm draped firmly across your waist.
“jay,” you whispered, softly rubbing circles on the back of his neck, your face being close enough to leave soft kisses in his messy blonde hair.
“mm- oh, fuck,” jj rasped, quickly gaining consciousness as he realized it was finally morning. He was so excited to sleep last night because it meant the next day would come quicker. It was like a kid on Christmas Eve. “it’s time?” He lifted his head from your neck, rolling himself over so he was on top of you, his hands holding himself up above your head on the pillow.
“It’s time,” you giggled, reaching up to cup his cheeks, “I’m done being patient. Need you inside me.” You whispered, and at that, jj leaned down, connecting your lips. He wasn’t completely rough, but he wasn’t gentle, and god did you miss this.
Your lips didn’t part from one another as his hands moved their way down your body. His fingers fiddled with the hem of his t-shirt that clad your body, yet another thing making him absolutely feral.
You disconnected to breathe, and so that he could lift your shirt above your head, discarding it on the cluttered floor. You looked up at him, now only in your panties, finding that familiar comfort that lived in those beautiful blue eyes of his.
“Fuck, missed seeing you like this, baby.” He panted, his breath hot on your skin as he lowered his mouth down to your tits, his tongue circling your sensitive nipple as you gasped, reaching up to entangle your fingers in his hair.
He soon took your whole nipple in his mouth, humming in satisfaction against the warm skin, while also lowering his body to grind his boxer clad dick against your wet center. He was achingly hard, no doubt his boxers were already stained with the precum that was eagerly leaking out of his sensitive tip.
You whimpered softly as he grazed his teeth against your nipple as he sucked sloppily, the feeling of his mouth on you making your center pulsate harder.
“jj, need you, please..” you whined, grinding your hips up against his dick, the fabric beneath the two of you was too much. You needed him.
“Okay, baby, okay,” he breathed, pulling his mouth off of your nipple with a pop, leaving the skin red and wet, “need to taste you first.” He added before scooting down further on the bed, giving himself enough room to pull his shirt over his head and discard it with yours.
He quickly repositioned himself in front of your legs, his ring clad fingers cold on your skin as he pushed your knees apart, sliding his hands up your thighs as he spread your legs. He was met with your underwear which you could feel was soaked, and you were sure it was quite the sight for him to see.
“Jesus, fuck, you’re soaked.” He hummed, palming his hands up and down your thighs until he reached the waistband of your underwear, his fingers not hesitating to pull the fabric down your legs and off of your body completely.
“There she is,” jj smiled at the sight of your pussy before him, running a finger through your wet folds, circling your entrance and sliding it back up to rub torturously slow circles against your clit. He was acting as though your pussy was his best friend who he hadn’t seen in months. Again, he was dramatic.
“Please, jay, fuck, you — you can’t torture me now, ‘s been way too long.” You whined, your eyes shutting for a moment as you clenched around nothing, his touches making your veins feel like fire. You needed something.
“M’kay, baby, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, just missed this. Don’t like not having you for so long.” He finally gave in, lowering his head to finally take you in his mouth, his tongue flicking quickly against your clit as his wet lips closed around it, sucking the sensitive bud in his warm mouth.
You couldn’t hold back the moans that fell from your lips, the feeling of his mouth finally on you mixed with the soft breaths leaving his nose that was pressed against your pelvic bone was everything.
“That’s right, that’s good, yeah? Just what you needed?” He pulled back for only a moment to glance up at you as you nodded quickly in response before his middle finger teased your wet entrance. Without another word, he pushed his finger inside of you, bringing his mouth back on your clit at the same time as he began pumping his finger inside of your tight pussy, not missing the sweet gasp that left your parted lips.
He got a rhythm going as he always did, eventually adding his index finger, stretching your tight walls around his fingers as his mouth moved sloppily against your clit. It was a wet mess already, his chin and fingers completely soaked with your juices, the sound of your moans and his soft praises filled the room as he quickened his pace, bringing you closer to your high.
“I’m close, fuck me, I’m gonna come-“
It took only a few more pumps from jj, the way he curled his fingers perfectly, not missing a beat as your stomach tightened before contracting, your eyes squeezing shut as you moaned loudly, reaching forward again to grip tightly onto your boyfriends hair, pulling rather hard as your orgasm took over your body.
Your pussy clenched around his fingers as he pulled them out, bringing them up to his lips to lick them clean as he grinned lovingly at you.
“That’s good, baby, you’re so good for me,” he cooed, leaning down once again to press a sweet kiss onto your sensitive clit, making your breath hitch as you came down from your high. “You ready for me now? Been dreaming of this since I met you.” jj studied your face for any sign of hesitation, brushing a loose strand of hair that had fallen by your eyes.
“I’m ready, please, need to feel you.” You responded rather quickly, wholeheartedly enjoying the foreplay, but this is what you had been waiting for, you were ready to feel him fully.
“I got you, I got you…” he gave a quick kiss to your lips before sitting up and removing his boxers. His cock sprung free, happily unrestricted now, his tip red and swollen, precum now leaking out down his shaft.
You watched as he gave himself a few quick pumps, lubricating himself with his precum before positioning his cock in front of your pussy, gathering your wetness onto his tip before lining himself up with your entrance.
One hand held his cock as he slowly pushed himself inside of you, the other holding your bare waist. It was immediate euphoria for the both of you. You both had no idea what utter pleasure had been beneath the thin condom you had grown so accustomed to.
jj paused once he bottomed out, his eyes meeting yours as you nodded profusely for him to keep going. He needed a second, your joke about him not lasting was now fresh on his mind, but he was determined to make this last for the both of you, and he would be damned if he didn’t give you at least one more orgasm.
“Fuck me, Y/N, holy shiiitt you feel so perfect. So perfect for me. Pussy was made for me.” He groaned, taking a deep and shaky breath before he felt like he could begin moving again.
And so he did, his thick cock pushing in and out of you as you desperately reached up to grab the back of his neck, your fingernails digging into the soft skin making his little curses and moans grow louder.
Sex had never felt this good before, no barriers at all, just jj, completely jj. Watching his eyebrows furrow in pure and utter pleasure as his lips parted was sending your stomach into a frenzy and realistically you both knew that this first time going raw wouldn’t last too much longer, but that was okay.
“Love you, love you, feels so good, just— fuck, harder, please, I’m close.” You whined, your pussy clenching around jj’s cock as he quickened his pace, his hand that was holding your waist now moving down to rub at your clit, knowing that was going to do it for you.
“C’mon, baby, let go, yeah? Come for me, fuck — love you so much, so so good..” he praised, his cock hitting your sweet spot so perfectly while his fingers worked tirelessly against your clit, and that was all it took for your orgasm to hit you at full force, showing no mercy as your back arched, your fingers digging even deeper into your boyfriend’s skin. You didn’t even know what words left your mouth as you rode out your high, but you couldn’t care less.
jj’s gaze left your eyes as he looked down at the sight of his cock sliding in and out of your pussy, juices everywhere, no doubt leaving a mess on the sheets. But the sight of that alone, mixed with the euphoria of being inside of you completely raw, not to mention the way your pussy clenched repeatedly around his cock, that was it for him. He pushed in one last time, his tip hitting deep inside of you as he came, truly inside of you for the first time. Thick spurts of come shot into you as he completely lost his composure, his arms unable to hold him up any longer, collapsing against your bare chest.
“My baby, god, fuck, I love you so much, you’re… ahh, fuck.” jj moaned one last time, needing a moment to catch his breath before he could move again. What felt like forever was only a few seconds, however, and he slowly pulled his softening cock out of you, not missing the way you winced at not only the sensitivity but the loss of fullness.
Taking a breath, jj leaned over the side of the bed to grab his t-shirt, gently wiping up his mess that was now spilling out of you. He made a mental note to put a towel down next time, might save a load of laundry, and a shirt.
“You did so good, baby. I’ve never felt so good in my fucking life.” He kissed your swollen lips once he finished wiping you up, smiling tiredly at your sweet post orgasm face, cheeks pink with a small but satisfied little smile on your lips.
“Yeah, no, that was well worth the wait.”
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ladsbible · 9 days ago
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What should have never been an option became a routine over the years. This year is different though. It’s time to face what’s been done and put an end to it for good…except your step-brother Caleb isn’t ready to face it, and your little boyfriend isn’t going to stand in the way of getting what he wants either.  or the one where you made a bad decision in fooling around with your step-brother during your early college days and he refuses to let you put an end to it. 
leave feedback and reblog to support me please! 
minors do not interact. 
PAIRING― step-brother caleb x afab reader (ft. college boyfriend zayne)
WARNINGS ― step cest, dub-con/non-con (she wants it but tries to convince herself that she doesn’t), blackmail, nonconsensual phone sex 
NOTE― MIND. THE. WARNINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALSO, if you’ve read this before for a kpop boi named jake sim on simpjaes, thats bc i wrote it and both accounts are me :3 
smut tags―  normal size dick caleb and mentions of bigger dick zayne, implications from caleb that zayne is actually gay [borderline homophobia], camera use, fisting, degradation, manipulation, non con/dub con, phone sex-ish, soft sex before rough sex, hair pulling, slapping, choking, suffocation, breeding, cum stuffing, cream pie, unprotected sex, forced blowjob, crying, break-up
“You’re being ridiculous.” Caleb scoffs, leaning against your bedroom dresser with his arms crossed. “We did it last summer, why is this year any different? We always do it.” 
You roll your eyes at him in an attempt to hide the guilt you feel, holding the blanket tightly to your chest in case he tries to pull them off of you again. Caleb knows damn well why. Not only should it not have happened last year, or the year before that, or the year before that, but to actively and truly believe it’s something that can continue is something only a mad man would think. 
Not to mention, you have a boyfriend now. A real boyfriend, one who matters in your life.
“Zayne have anything to do with this?” He questions you now, reaching for the blanket and tugging. “Come on, playing around isn’t gonna hurt anything. It’s not like anyone is going to know anyway–” 
You huff, yanking your blanket up a bit to pull it from his grasp again. You get why he’s asking and why he’s confused because, well, last summer you were all over the idea like usual. You knew he would expect the same this summer, but honestly, it has to stop. Things have changed. Things needed to change. 
“Caleb, we can’t be doing that stuff anymore.” You say as if it’s fine, a bite to your voice that hits him right in the gut. 
In all honesty though, you really do feel guilty. Like you’ve led him on all these years with his sweet, borderline boyfriendly words. You lived in the fantasy with him for a while, like it could work out despite the family ties. There’s a reality though, one that you found yourself living in upon meeting Zayne, and there’s a fantasy that you need to pull Caleb out of. You feel awful, especially knowing there’s a part of you that would if you could. But…you can’t, nor can he.
Never again. 
Caleb feels singled out at this moment. Like he’s the weird one for even asking when you were the one who came onto him when it happened the very first time. All those talks of “we aren’t blood related, it’s not that bad.” and “If our parents divorce, maybe someday we can go on a date or something–”
Do they mean nothing now? You’re going to blame him for expecting it?
“Why the fuck not?” He narrows his eyes at you. “Gonna act like you weren’t the one who tried to fuck me at that party last summer? Acting all high and mighty now, like suddenly it’s so wrong?” 
You look away from him, feeling worse because he’s right. Given, the guilt should have hit you after the first time, but it didn’t. You had your fun pushing boundaries but now that graduation is coming up it’s like..it doesn’t feel right. Did he really just expect the two of you to keep fucking well into adulthood?  Did he expect you to get married to someone else and still get on your knees during family Christmas parties? 
Did he expect to be the one marrying you?
“We have to grow up.” You finally say, shifting your eyes back to him. “This is starting to feel really—gross.” 
“Hey–” He looks at you now, almost pleading. “It’s not gross, we aren’t gross.” He takes two steps towards the bed in a fit of desperation, leaning with his hands now palm-down on your mattress. But…when he tries to follow up on his words, he knows you’re serious.
Realistically, despite having been your step-brother since the beginning of high-school…actively choosing to fuck each other as soon as college started was maybe not the best idea. Hormones were high, the freedom to fuck was blatant, and well…it’s not his fault you’d walk around in all those slutty little pajama shorts and try to jump his bones every time you found yourself alone with him. If anything, you’re the one who pulled him into this. He really did think it was gross at first, but thinking with his dick outweighed that, and then his heart decided to play a part in all of it too. 
He really does think there could be something here if the two of you worked for it. After all, you’re entirely his type, despite marriage ruining it. The breaking of morals eventually became the best part for him, having what his father wishes he could have solely because you’re just a younger, hotter, version of your own mother.
You even said it yourself all that time ago when it first happened. “It’s ok Caleb, you’re a guy. guys have needs.” 
Well, what about his needs now?! He was so happy to be able to come home and see you again. He misses you  so much when you’re both away at your respective colleges, and he thinks about you all the time. He should have known that something was changing all those months ago when you stopped texting him back as much as you usually would. Now what? He just has to accept that you’re done?
“You’re seriously not going to give it up?” He pushes his hands under the bottom of your blankets, quickly running his fingers up your legs just to try and encourage a giggle, or a smile from you.
That’s when he notes how you haven’t even shaved your legs. Which, it’s not like he gives two fucks on whether you do or not but like…you always shave. Your skin was always so smooth, plump, soft, and moisturized when you knew you’d be wanting to play around with him. And clearly, you don’t expect to be getting fucked this summer.
Ah, he’s starting to resent you.
“Does that boyfriend of yours know about us?” He finally says, standing tall at the end of your bed and looming much darker than his usual, bright persona. 
You stare at him, eyes widening. 
“Excuse me?” You furrow your brows. “Caleb, what the fuck are you sayi–”
Before you can even finish or get a response from him, he’s leaving your bedroom and slamming the door behind him. 
Already you know this is going to be a long fucking summer. 
Caleb knew you were a smart girl. You always believe everything he says, but never once has he used that against you until now. That little mention of Zayne seems to have made you panic, and he can’t help but find it endearing that you took his threat so easily. Each time he comes home now, from hanging out with your boyfriend, you’re always sitting on the couch like a cute little puppy greeting him with a wagging tail.
If at all, he knows you’re doing it to try and butter him up. To distract him from what you’re taking away from him. Dangling yourself like nothing has changed but denying him time and time again of it. You’re nice, but never this nice. Offering to hang out, watch movies, go out. You’re promising just about everything to him except for the one thing he needs from you. 
He’s thankful though, with all circumstances considered, that the good ol’ parents don’t notice a shift in how you’re acting solely because the two of you have always been close. Even before the sex stuff. You were his best friend. He protected you from high school bullies, potential assholes trying to steal your first kiss, virginity, and even the first experience of sneaking out. 
Back then, it’s not like Caleb ever wanted to be your first kiss, the one to take said virginity, or sneak you out to parties you shouldn’t be at. Truly, he just wanted to protect you. It wasn’t until the two of you were away from each other for the first time as freshmen in college that he felt some type of way towards you. Which, again, was entirely your fault.
Ah, he still remembers that first summer back home walking into the house and being smacked in the face with a sensual, fruity scent radiating off of you. After not seeing you for three and a half months, he was entirely shocked at how much you had changed. You looked…confident in yourself. Like you’d been growing internally and learning what you want in life. He found it very attractive of you, believing that once you get a boyfriend, they’d be very lucky to have you in their life. 
Then of course, you’d bend over in those shorts and look back at him smirking. Like you only saw him as a man now, and not your protective step brother. You’d whine to him about ruined hook-ups, about the frat parties, about all the guys trying to touch you and wishing he was there to keep them off of you. All while…doing that. All while waltzing around like you’d invite him to do the same. 
And you did invite him. That first night has been burned into his memory. The fear, the guilt, the disgust, the love he felt for you. So quiet in his bedroom, giggling to each other with all the lights off in the silence of his room, trying to pretend it was only a one-time thing to satiate a specific need. There was nothing kinky, nothing weird outside of the dynamic of who you were supposed to be to each other.
It kept happening after that, and each time the guilt would wash away with the sweat that always dripped onto you from his temple. You could even say it was shy at first, both of you were very generous to each other. It only started getting dirty as the summers at home continued. 
And now…nothing? After all of that, nothing?! 
If you think you can change so drastically over a single semester, so be it. Caleb can change too, and he already has. Both of you now, entirely different compared to that first summer together. You, all jittery and freaked out, him, with all the power. 
You though, truly you’re fucking panicking. If your boyfriend found out about all of this, he’d think you’re a freak. Or a slut. Or a piece of trash. Maybe all three of those things and then some. And you know, you’d think Caleb is bluffing…really. Except you got a text from Zayne the same night Caleb tried to get in your pants. You remember reading those words, the pit in your stomach digging deep. “Your bro is gonna come hang out with me for a bit, you’re coming too right?”
Never mind the fact that Zayne lives an hour away from your hometown, where the two of you get to meet in the middle when you're off campus. What about the fact that Caleb barely fucking knows him?! Through mutual friends all three of you were aware of each other, but you’re the one who got the closest to Zayne. 
You’re his girlfriend now. Which, apparently demoted Caleb from popular-porn-trope to actual step-brother. 
And that pisses him off. 
So, is it weird for Zayne to get a sudden hang out text from a guy he assumed is just wanting to get to know him? No. After all, he knows Caleb is your “brother.” What he doesn’t and hopefully will never know is that you’ve fucked said step-brother.
 Is it weird that you don’t go with Caleb to see your own boyfriend? Yes. Unfortunately, Caleb basically demanded you “stay in your fucking place. if you wanna get fucked so bad, I’ll be home after.” 
Even Zayne doesn’t find it weird and texts you everyday as usual. It sucks actually, that he’s so willing to let you do as you please and trusts you to an extent that he doesn’t even ask why you don’t come with Caleb. Instead, he’s too busy saying you should definitely join next time, that Caleb is super cool and seems to like him a lot. 
The good news: Zayne offers no mention of knowing, so…it seems you really do have to stay at home. Empty. Wanting to be next to Zayne so bad but forced to deal with any oncoming feelings alone. 
Since when was Caleb even capable of being so awful? Since when did he hate you so much?
“Caleb–please.” You beg quietly, shaking his arm gently in the soft light of the morning. Everyone is sound asleep, which must be fucking nice.
It’s been two weeks now of such loneliness, such lack of sleep, such intense need to just let yourself spiral and drown in anxiety. Caleb is barely talking to you now, only giving you sarcastic and evil little smiles from time to time. As if to remind you of what’s at risk. Zayne is normal, too normal. So normal, in fact, that he tried to jerk off on facetime last night for you and you ended up crying and apologizing because you couldn’t even get turned on. 
Even if Caleb hasn’t told him anything, your relationship is already starting to fall apart because of him. He fucking knows it too. 
“Please, what?” Your step-brother's sleepy voice croaks out, turning himself on the bed towards you with a single half opened eye. 
“I’m losing sleep, please stop doing this to me.”
“No.” He says now, closing his eyes again and turning away from you, nuzzling against his pillow without a care in the world. 
“Fuck off–” He complains, throwing his arm behind himself to shove you away and surprised to find that you’ve crawled up on the bed with him.
Just like that night so long ago, the first time the two of you broke past any boundaries. 
“I’ll do anything.” You nearly cry, so sleepy, so anxiety ridden, so out of your mind at this point that you genuinely would do anything to feel normal again. 
You feel slight relief in his interest, nodding your head aggressively with a broken voice. “Yes! I promise. I swear, anything you want. Please, just–”
“Then get the fuck out of my room.” 
You know better than to disobey at this point. All you can do is sulk back to your room and hope that sleep overtakes you this time. If anything, maybe he will consider your plea in the morning.
It’s surprising, honestly. Caleb didn’t even know he was into seeing you suffer like this, let alone having power over you. He spent so much time protecting you that he never realized how attractive it is to see you fear him. The joy that runs through him now, the orgasms he gets out of it, fuck. Who cares if it’s his own hand doing the work right now? With the thoughts of you doing “anything” like you said, being disgusting, begging, pleading, crying. He might be a little insane for you now, if he wasn’t already. 
And still even today, you look so desperate for any amount of relief. Caleb finds joy in the fact that you can’t even go to your boyfriend about it. 
He’s never felt so powerful, truly. Especially now, watching you try to seduce him as if you didn’t deny him of it before. The slutty shorts are back. You’re not wearing bras anymore. You’ll leave the bathroom stark fucking naked if it happens to just be you and him at home.
Ah, heaven on earth. Honestly, his days are so fun now. Save for when he has to hang out with that fucking idiot of a man Zayne. What a loser, honestly. Openly sharing all the stuff you’ve done in bed with him like Caleb isn’t your step-brother? If anyone is weird, it’s Zayne. Hell, Caleb isn’t even sure now if the dude would care if he found out that you’ve ridden some related-by-marriage cock before. 
He hates hanging out with him. Always having to hold back the scoffs when Zayne is drunkenly slurring out more sex acts you’ve performed on him followed by a love confession and a whine of how much he misses you. As if you didn’t do all of that for Caleb first. Ugh, he genuinely can’t believe that you’re even with Zayne at all. 
After a little while longer though, with the great days and the annoying hang outs, a nice month into summer vacation– Caleb’s been ready to take what he needs. You’ve been begging for it, after all. He loves looking and seeing you so desperate for him to stop the mind games but goddamn it’s getting hard to think straight himself by now.
Thankfully, he’s thinking clearly enough whether it’s through his cock rather than his brain to come up with how he’ll go about it. He waits a little more, cock throbbing in his pants due to not allowing himself to get off in the past two days in preparation for this. 
Every night when everyone goes to bed, you call Zayne. And every night, Caleb has listened. Tonight though? Zayne will be the one listening.
Like clockwork, the parents have gone to bed and Caleb hears the hushed muttering just a room over. He’s already standing to his feet, shooting a hand directly to his bulge to adjust it with a silent groan in his throat. Before he can even leave his room he’s rolling his eyes back with another grope of his sensitive cock, almost unable to stop touching himself after denying himself of it.
He’s practically drooling at the image of having you all to himself again. The anticipation he feels inside right now is insane. He feels his skin prickle and his eyes are barely able to focus on his own bedroom door out of sheer arousal of what he’s about to do to you.
He composes himself shortly after, as best he can anyway, tiptoeing to your room and chuckling at the way your eyes light up when you see him. He’s ignored you for too long. Not a single response to anything you’ve said to him, hell, he even stopped letting you see him look at you. 
Of course your eyes light up, it means he’s going to stop. It means he’s going to tell you what he wants. 
And you’re happy, even with Zayne on the line sweet talking to you about his day like usual. 
“Zaynie, can I call you back?” You ask quickly into the phone, only to see Caleb take a seat next to you on your bed and shake his head at you. 
You tilt your head in question, feeling your heart thump in your ears to the point you barely even hear Zayne at all. 
“Keep talking to him.” He whispers to you now, nearly just mouthing it. 
You never knew you were so good at reading lips, but you listen to him. Furrowing your brows in question and adjusting your phone against your ear.
“Never mind, we’re good.” You say in a voice too calm for Caleb’s liking. 
And it’s like that for a few minutes as Caleb lets you get into the groove of conversing with your boyfriend again before he makes a move. The move he makes? Leaning against you, pressing you back against your pillows, and licking your neck.
He smiles against your skin when he feels it prickle and lets out a whispered chuckle at how much he’s missed the taste of your skin. So warm, so soft. The fact that you’re letting him tells him all he needs to know, despite the way your shoulders stiffen, he knows you’re going to give him anything.
“Gonna let me fuck it again, yeah?” Caleb whispers as he moves up against your ear, pinning your arms to your chest, forcing your phone closer to his mouth compared to yours. “Gonna let him hear it too.”
Ah, there she is. You, in all your glory, are already tearing up at the very idea of it. 
“Caleb, no.” You say, holding your hand over the speaker and body language trying to twist away from him. 
“You said anything.” Caleb corrects you quietly, slapping your hand off of the speaker and quickly thrusting his own hand between your legs.
He chooses not to be gentle with you this time. He’s not going to be what you’re used to, not after that shit you tried to pull with him. His finger pushes in dry, and he smiles at the way you hold your breath and try to squeeze your legs shut to stop him. Zayne on the other end is muffled, but still heard by both of you. 
You stay silent throughout his ministrations, pissing him off further, only making him move his hand faster, forcing a reaction, daring you to stop him. 
“Phone.” Caleb instructs, loosening his other grip on your hands as a means to let you raise the phone back up to your ear. “Talk.”
You stare at him, feeling the burning between your legs of where your body has yet to do anything more than tighten around his fingers. Still, they drag painfully due to your body feeling no pleasure in this. In fact, you’re afraid. 
You’re afraid Zayne will find out, afraid of Caleb, afraid of showing that you like what he’s doing, afraid of realizing you’ll always like this, afraid of losing either of them solely because you can only love, fuck, and be with one of them.
And it’s obvious who the one has to be because…the other isn’t possible. It’s just not. 
So, you try. You try to talk, try to relax, try to do everything Caleb asks of you solely to prolong the situation enough to where you can find a way to put a proper, healthy end to it. 
“I’m sorry, what was that?” You finally croak into the phone, having not heard a single word from Zayne this entire time and trying not to focus on that same drag Caleb only pushes harder into you with that terrifying smirk. 
“I asked if that was Caleb I just heard–” Zayne responded as brightly as always, bless him. 
“Speaker.” Caleb mouths to you, and of course you listen. Reluctantly, but you still do it, shaking fingers hitting the speaker-phone button so Caleb can hear what’s being said.
“What are you guys doing? Let me hear what?” Zayne continues. 
Caleb flashes a full grin at you and wiggles his eyebrows before he’s pulling his fingers out, sucking them into his mouth, then moving back down with three before shoving them back in with even more force. 
“Yeah– Tell him.” Caleb says as casually as ever. “Go on, let him in on the secret we’ve been keeping from him.” 
Zayne hears Caleb all too well, but doesn’t question that it’s anything weird. If at all, he wonders if maybe you two have been planning something behind his back considering you never come over when Caleb does. Which is actually weird, but he tried not to question it. He and you are practically attached at the hip during the semesters, so, this would make sense. 
Of course there is a secret surprise for him! 
“I–” You yelp both out of pain and unintentional pleasure, cutting yourself off in a gasp. 
You can feel the pit in your stomach dig deeper and deeper, arousing you when it’s the last thing you could ever want at this moment. You know Caleb feels it though, with the slide of his fingers becoming easier, and that permanent smile on his face. 
Zayne feels so far away right now…Like, who are you kidding? He can’t get you out of this and you doubt he’d even want to if you were to ever even consider explaining it to him. 
“I–I miss you a lot.” You try to come up with words, missing him being all that you can muster up right now. 
Unfortunately, Caleb’s scary smile is less terrifying compared to his face now, where he narrows his eyes and glares straight through you for saying such a thing in front of him. He’s trying to crowd four fingers into you now, making you squirm and squeeze your legs together again. He is quick to disallow you though, forcing one of your legs open with his shoulder and spitting directly on your stretched and pulsing hole. 
“I miss you too baby–” Zayne says in a slightly confused voice. “What else?”
You pause, taking a moment to feel Caleb between your legs and how much it…god, it feels so good. But– you’re unsure of how to balance speaking with Zayne and dealing with Caleb right now. If you have to deal with them both at the same time…this isn’t what you’d prefer. 
“I wish you were here right now.” 
Zayne smiles on his end, assuming Caleb has now left your room due to the silence and lack of hearing him now. 
“Is Caleb still around?” He mutters to you through the speaker, because based on your tone of voice, he knows what mood you’re in.
Caleb shakes his head at you, encouraging that you lie before focusing back on watching the hole he’s missed so much. The one Zayne’s probably played with before, that fucking loser. 
“Nope–J–Just me!” You find yourself forcing a smile as you say it, just to hope your voice comes out in a way that sounds brighter than it feels. 
“You wish I was there?” Zayne says now, his own voice growing deeper. “Why’s that?” He spreads his legs out wide against his bed, assuming it’s about to be a regular session of facetime fucking. 
“Mhm,” You accidentally moan, a bit too obvious. “Just feel safe with you when I’m feeling like this.”
Caleb rolls his eyes, slowly forcing his thumb in beside the rest of his fingers, growing more angry, more aroused, and more insatiable towards you. 
“How are you feeling right now baby?” 
“Wish you were full of something?” Zayne smiles, a cheeky voice calling out to you. “Of me?”
You groan at that moment, all of Caleb’s fingers stretch you open until you feel knuckles trying to force past the boundary. Your hands shake at the feeling as your eyes cross momentarily, tears prickle from the pain but it feels so…good. And only a moment goes by before you, quite literally, kick Caleb away. 
The sudden emptiness you get from that feels so much better, but Caleb is too quick to get back up. Fire in his dark eyes as he grabs you by the ankles and pulls you roughly down the bed. There is a small sound that escapes your lips at the action, almost a giggle. You’re quick to tighten your lips though, trying to will your body to stop liking the way Caleb is being with you right now. You don’t want this, you don’t like it. You never should have in the first place, and to be honest, you’re trying to force yourself to believe you’re making the right choice in continuing to deny him of this.
It’s only natural that your body wants it, just like it was natural to kick him off of you from the pain, right? And then, Caleb reminds you of just how much you regret denying him the first night back home, because he's leaning over you so fast, hugging your waist and forcing all five fingers back into you. 
You kick, squirm, whine, and ultimately shout out a “No, no, no!” despite your hips chasing up to let him, almost to invite him. And–oh, fuck. You forgot Zayne can hear all of this. 
“Baby?” Zayne’s voice rings back in your ears. “Are you okay? You’re already touching yourself? Why do you sound so–” 
Caleb’s own ears are ringing watching your body fight your brain. You still want him. He can tell by the way you look at him with those tear-filled eyes, with the way your pussy is dripping for this, the way your hips beg him to keep abusing you. Who is he to deny you? He has never denied you pleasure. So, he tries to force more, more, more into you. There’s a boundary here, your pussy clenched so tight around his fingers already, but you want him to keep pushing until he breaks the boundary. You want to feel the pain of it and…finally, he does get it in. His entire hand being gripped so tightly that even he seethes out a pained moan for you.
“Fuck–” He holds his fist in place, removing himself from your waist to look at you. “You really took it all.”
There’s tears in your eyes by this point and you can’t tell if it’s from realizing how much you need Caleb, or the fact that Zayne definitely knows something is up. No words are coming out though, you’re more afraid to speak what you feel than you are of Caleb right now.
“Caleb?” Zayne questions, confused. 
“Yeah, what’s up?” Caleb responds with a smile instantly, staring right at you as he begins to fuck a size far too big into you, watching you bite your tongue to keep from showing him how much you love it. 
“Wait–” Zayne continues with a pause. “What’s going on?” 
“I couldn’t help myself.” Caleb smiles at you, wiggling his eyebrows again. “After all those things you told me about her, I guess I needed to see for myself.” 
And then, you moan. That searing pain inside of you somehow subsides, shaking legs and hands are gripping onto Caleb in his entirety now, you’re practically drooling for it.
“I guess you were right.” Caleb continues. “She really can take a lot, huh? Bet your dick didn’t feel this good for her though.”
You’re truly unable to comprehend most of what’s happening right now, even the phone vibrating in your hand as Zayne goes silent and instead, hangs up before instantly facetiming you. You’re so hyper-fixated on the feeling of knuckles dragging against your tightly clenched walls, choking back every sound or word you want to scream out. 
Caleb watches as you cry a bit harder now, probably a bit too overwhelmed with the situation. Like the good step-brother he is though, He’ll take care of it for you, of course he will. 
“What’s the hold up?” Caleb laughs, halting his hand as he reaches for the phone and instantly answers it. He stares down as you continue to fuck yourself on it, smiling at your brief whine before he speaks into the receiver with a confident voice. “Cat’s outta the bag.”
Zayne is there on the screen, witnessing the way Caleb angles the phone more at himself and your hole than your face. His entire fist has disappeared inside of you, glistening with a sticky mess that spills out of you. 
Nothing else is said as Zayne stares at it. Caleb being a cocky bastard and sticking his tongue out like some idiot frat boy, and then? He hears you.
“Caleb, stop!” You cry out. 
He doesn’t stop, in fact, he fucks his fist into you quickly making damn sure Zayne can not only see how your wet spurts out around his wrist, but hear it too. 
“Stop what? Showing your boyfriend what you really want?” 
“Hang up the phone!” You cry out again, showing Zayne that perhaps…you don’t miss him at all.
Caleb isn’t doing anything you don’t want. You just don’t want your boyfriend to witness you be so honest with yourself. 
“Awh,” Caleb pouts now, angling the phone back at himself and feeling proud of the way Zayne appears to be entirely shocked, mouth hung open, eyebrows furrowed. “But he needed to know, baby, didn’t he?” He adds now, lying the phone down briefly to pull his cock out. 
“Come on now, don’t be shy.” Caleb continues with his confidence, picking the phone back up and angling it towards you. 
He intentionally drags his fist in and out of you a few more times before gently pulling it out, moaning at the way it sounds, obsessing over it really. Zayne watches in horror at the way you squeeze your eyes shut, sadly wondering what Caleb must be doing off screen for you to look so fucking guilty. The horror only grows when he has to watch Caleb’s cock come on screen, pussy soaked hand jerking himself off before shoving the head right against your lips.
God, you know Zayne hates you now. 
Caleb knows it too, and doesn’t care as he uses that same soaked hand and pries your lips apart before pushing it into your mouth. He thrusts forward too quick for you to take a breath, and you feel the leaking tip hit the back of your throat in a way that makes you choke and gag around him. 
Your eyes shoot open, looking up at him and barely able to comprehend the camera just inches from your face. 
Zayne has seen you look up at him like this too. Why aren’t you fighting Caleb though? Why are you willingly gagging, choking, and drooling all over yourself with such a forceful fuck to your face? You always pull off of him when he tries to thrust even a little bit…but you’re..
“I–” Zayne goes to say, still staring at you and the way you’re shamefully getting your mouth fucked open. “That is fucking disgusting.” He finally lets out, but he can’t look away. He doesn’t want to see this but…he can’t bring himself to hang up. 
“Yeah, that’s what she thinks too.” Caleb chuckles with a heaved breath, enjoying himself, now angling the phone at his face. “I think she likes it though– wouldn’t you agree?”
There goes the camera again, pointing right at your choking mouth. Caleb pushes all the way in too, letting your nose rest against his pelvis and moaning loudly for Zayne to hear.
“Shit, see? She’s not even fighting it.”
Zayne can’t tell only because Caleb doesn’t let him. You’re gripping Caleb’s hips and trying to push him out of your mouth, but he stays in place, enjoying the way your choking and suffocating throat jerks him off better than his own hand ever could. 
The best part? He knows you’re only pushing him away to breathe because you weren’t fighting at all at first. In fact, he felt you silently hum against him like you want his cock so bad. So, he’s not actually lying. He just thinks it’s polite to not let Zayne know how you’re suffocating right now. 
Oh well. 
Only after your eyes start to fog over and roll back does Caleb pull out, relishing in that wet gasp you lend. He looks down at the phone now, wanting to make sure Zayne witnessed all of that before realizing he fucking hung up.
Who the fuck hangs up on imagery like that? Fucking idiot, is what Zayne is. 
To be fair though, Zayne hung up shortly before Caleb pulled out. He had to force himself to do it, because he didn’t quite enjoy the way his cock jumped at the image of his girlfriend letting her step-brother fuck her mouth like that. He’s entirely blindsided. Like, not only are you cheating on him, but he had to see it like that?! In 4k?! God, his stomach would be in knots to catch you like this with anyone, but the fact that it’s with…Caleb. Of all people.
You’re fucking your own brother. 
None of that matters to Caleb though, nor does it matter to you at this moment as the tears continue to pour from your eyes knowing that Caleb did this on purpose and for a reason. It’s insane how kind he is to you now that Zayne isn’t watching, actually. Lending you a deep, meaningful kiss before sinking back down the bed and resuming his previous position. 
“You liked this.” He comments, seeing if his hand will still fit, and moaning when it does. “You’re so fucking wet it’s insane.”
God, you know he’s punishing you yet you can’t bring yourself to be mad about it because already you can feel the bubbles in your stomach threaten an orgasm. Proving to both Caleb and yourself that…you do like it. Never have you even imagined wanting a whole goddamn fist in you before now but–you more than like it. You love it. 
In fact, feeling his hand dragging in and out of you now makes you forget about the way you nearly just died with a cock in your throat. You’re already moaning again, actually. 
And fuck, you promised you’d do anything to keep this a secret, and while doing that anything for him, no matter how willing, he still fucking told. He fucking showed the dirty acts to the last person on earth you’d ever want to see, hear, or know. The crying is a given, from both the anxiety, the fear, and the pleasure because you can’t stop the oncoming orgasm or the love you have for the man giving it to you either. 
The way he holds you through it should disgust you, with his fist buried so deep your orgasm comes in long, drawn out and painful waves. He grips onto you though, whispering more to himself against your thigh than to you, “I’ve got you. I’ll always have you, it’s okay.” 
You don’t want to melt for him, but you do. Even through your ringing ears it’s like your body instinctively hears his whispers when you shouldn’t. The words bring comfort, reminding you that he’ll still protect you even from Zayne and what he feels about this situation. Even from your parents, from outsiders, from everything. 
The orgasm feels like it bruises your brain, a throbbing headache coming shortly after when Caleb takes on a more gentle persona and pulls his hand from you. He inspects your open cunt for a moment, seeing how wet it is inside for him before it pulses closed and he averts his gaze to his hand. 
Glistening, so wet. You needed that, he thinks. The reminder that he’s the only one who can love you in more ways than you truly need. 
“You did so well.” He compliments, crawling up and over you to wipe those tears with the same hand. 
You don’t move away, if anything you need this comfort now more than anything because you simply don’t know what to feel, or think, or admit right now. You think Caleb already knows, he wouldn’t need you to say it simply because he’s always read you like a book. 
“No more pretending you don’t want this.” He says now, in a darker voice. “Even with Zayne listening, you moaned my name. I don’t think you remember doing that, do you?”
You cry more, closing your eyes tightly and pretending like Caleb’s hand is Zayne’s. You really liked Zayne, genuinely thought you could have a future with him. Even so, pretending that Caleb is him doesn’t bring safety because you almost would prefer it be Caleb. A hand you’re so familiar with. 
He had been so awful to you recently, and only now do you realize that…maybe it really was for your own good.
“You don’t need him.” Caleb says now, adjusting himself between your legs.“Not when you have me. You know I’ll take care of you.” He continues, slipping his cock deep into your already loosened hole. 
He’s shocked that you still manage to be tight after all of that, but he guesses that’s just how pussies work. Or how yours works, anyway. He knows it more than he knows his own cock at this point, which is insane. 
Feeling him inside of you, so familiar, slightly smaller than Zayne– it’s…comforting. The tears that spill from you now are more for missing him than anything. You can’t help it when you wrap your legs around him or throw your arms around his shoulders, shivering and clinging to him like he’s your last line of sanity despite everything about this being entirely insane. 
“Caleb–” You moan at how he fucks you, so much softer than with his hand but…normal. Like the first time you ever did this with him. “I really want you but,”
Caleb pauses, feeling that same pit in his stomach at how you say those words.
“What you just did to me could ruin my life.” You finally say, still clinging, not at all asking him to stop. “What you’re doing right now, will ruin my life.”
“Don’t be silly. Your life will be ruined without me, baby, you know that, right?” He says, reminding you of who has the power by quickening his hips and pointing his cock directly at your already sensitive g-spot. “You can’t say no to me, you tried and still you want me.”
You nod your head in agreement despite wishing he was wrong. 
“We can’t.” You say to him in a half-groaned whisper. “I’m begging you to stop.” 
If at all, you’re just begging him to stop being what you want. To stop being able to have a hold over you like this. To stop being everything that Zayne isn’t and still being the most desirable man in your life. To stop being your step-brother. To stop being a taboo in your life, if only to become someone you’re allowed to need like this. 
“No.” Caleb says, unknowing of what you’re actually asking of him. “I’ll never stop.”
With those words, you moan. He’s promising something that neither of you should feel or need, but you accept it. Shocked at the way you feel him inside of you like always, no pain, or lack of feeling from the previous size fucked into you. It’s just…Caleb. Intentionally fucking you harder to punish you for words that are actually fighting more for him than against him. 
“Okay.” You whimper, falling silent with your broken voice fading into nothing but cries of the inevitable. 
For all Caleb knows, you’re asking him to stop this. What he’s doing to you right now, not for anything else that you meant it for. For your own sake, because you know that after this, you truly may not be able to pull yourself from this fantasy with him. Technically, he’s showing you that he’s willing to hurt you to keep you. To take it from you if that’s what it takes to get what he wants. And that hurts a lot to know, a pain deep within you making you spiral a little more than you ever thought you could.
He’d really go as far as to keep going when you’re crying for him to stop? If just to show you that he…loves you? No, maybe just that he wants this, he wants you. 
You want this, but it’s the fact that he just knows. Even if you say no, even if you beg or plead for him to stop, he’ll just keep going because he knows better than you that you’ll always want him in return. Even if you’re lying to yourself, even if you were able to truly convince yourself that this isn’t at all what you want. Even if it feels like Caleb is committing atrocities right now, he knows he’s not. He’s not, even if you say he is. 
And at the end of the day, right now. He truly isn’t. 
You can feel your heart rotting at all that’s lost now. A life with someone normal. A life where you’re normal and can be seen hand in hand with the love of your life as you grocery shop, or get ice cream, or even just take the future dog on a walk. Your dreams are dying, and you can’t stop them. 
You feel a burning pain throughout your body at the force of him now, seemingly trying to fuck your concern away from you. Only now do you open your eyes to look at him, he’s just shapes now. Your tears are messing up the normal clear view you’d have, but you can tell he’s smiling lovingly. 
He doesn’t care that he just ruined your relationship, he doesn’t care that you’re his step-sister, he doesn’t care nor think of how the future could work if he were to keep trying to follow this path, and continue to make you realize you’ll willingly walk down it with him….not when he’s getting this from you. 
Not when he knows that, now at least, he’ll always get what he wants.
You cling harder to him now, sucking your bottom lip into your mouth as you lift to his shoulder and tuck your face there, replacing your lip with his warm and pulsing skin. Caleb is pleasantly surprised by this, after all that he did to you, he really thought he’d have to work harder to get these lips to willingly suck on his skin again without him puppeteering you. 
“Yeah?” He turns his face against your forehead as you suck, still crying and tasting the salt from your tears mixed with the saliva you’re drooling onto him. “Zayne can’t make you feel this good?” He continues to talk himself up. 
You remain silent as you try to drown out your thoughts with the pleasure he gives instead, feeling the way his normally gentle hands are rough holding you up, feeling the way your body shifts with each thrust up, hearing the way he breathes for you, speaks for you, and moans for you. 
You hate to say you love it right now. Hate that you let your dream of a normal life die so easily. Hate you love him enough to let him do this to you, really. 
“Caleb–” You hiccup, exhausted. “I can’t believe you’d go this far.” 
Only in those words do you realize how taboo and…erotic it is. To have a man willing to not only claim you as his own through forcing jealousy on your boyfriend and pain on you, but you guess the borderline sexual assault is another thing. 
It’s not that you’re into it. In fact, you’re terrified of that. But it’s just…the way he knows you is attractive. The way he will protect you from any situation he caused…turns you on, even if he’s the one you need protecting from. God, the way he’ll fuck you through all the lies you tell yourself. 
“I’d go further.” He chuckles, out of breath as he chases the expanse of your clenched walls. “Would’ve brought you to his house and fucked you right there at his front door. Let everyone know.”
You shake your head out of fear of that situation at first, and then suddenly find yourself smiling and losing your mind a bit. God, that would be hot if it were like, you know, not something that would get you disowned by not only family, but literally everyone aside from Caleb. 
“Should’ve seen his face, baby–” Caleb moans just thinking about it, loving that he has what no one else can have. “Said he was disgusted but…I think he was turned on. Really, couldn’t look away from you sucking my dick like that– God,” He cuts himself off by grabbing at you, shoving you back down and into your pillows, both hands running up your shirt and pushing it up to your collarbone. He gropes and pinches at your tits, half of his plush bottom lip caught between his teeth as sweat drips into his eyelashes. 
“Couldn’t tell if he wished he was me–” A sarcastic laugh. “or maybe even you.” His moans continue to mesh with his laughter, now moving one hand to your neck and leaning down to lick against your lips with another pointed thrust. “I’d never fuck anyone better than I’ll fuck you though.”
“Gotta say, if he wanted it bad enough, he’d look pretty choking on it too. Never as pretty as you.” He continues talking, and talking, and talking. 
You don’t really process his words though, or recognize if he’s being truthful or just making shit up, nor do you care. To be fair, there isn’t anything in this world left to care about aside from him now. Not yourself, not Zayne, your parents, or anyone out wandering the world right now. 
“Stop–” You moan at the way he rubs his pelvis against your clit with his now, deeper thrusts. “Stop fucking talking about him.”
He smiles wide against your lips in victory, feeling his muscle tense up at you asking to forget about Zayne. And so, he listens to you for the first time since you’ve been home, he fucking listens. 
Caleb says nothing now, instead he focuses his hips and notes how now, your pussy feels too used. Or maybe his cock is just numb and oversensitive, he’s not sure. It’s not hard really, to reach down and shove three fingers into you alongside his cock, offering extra sensation to both his balls and the underside of his length as he continues to fuck into you with what he can only assume to be a painful stretch. 
His body shivers with an embarrassing moan at that, rolling his eyes back. 
“You hate him?” Caleb says, but it sounds more like a plea for you to agree as he chases an orgasm far too fucking close. 
You don’t respond because at this point his words are just there as fluff in your head. You’re more focused on the insecure feeling inside of you at how he’s had to use his hand to help him get off. It...feels so bad knowing that you can’t give him what he wants after all this. After you promised. And, so, you build up the courage to lift quickly, catching him off guard, and hug him around his neck. 
There, his fingers skew slightly, to the point it’s painful for him to keep them in place and he’s forced to pull them back and instead, hold you up in his own hug as he spirals. God, he missed you so much. Look at you now, after trying to deny him, deny yourself of wanting this. You’re bouncing on him like you always have, frantically moving your hips with no rhyme or reason, solely to get him off. 
He lets out a loud moan, not caring if your parents wake up to it. Not caring about anything but the pussy choking his cock out now. The change in position offered a new form of tightness, and he doesn’t need an extra boost of pleasure anymore. Not with you breathing against his mouth like this, still crying, except now it’s like you’re crying because he hasn’t gotten off yet. 
“Yeah, that’s it.” He nods his head, lips playing with yours with each nod of his head as he squeezes his eyes shut. “Fuck, you always know what I like it.”
Just like that, all of your insecurity is washed away. You feel him twitch inside of you, and the way his hands nearly bruise you in this hug feels…right. It’s what you need, what you want. 
“He ever cum in you?” Caleb pants out, noting the way you aggressively shake your head in an answer. 
And normally, he’d pull out. Normally, there’s a condom involved in this. Not today though, even as you note the familiar sound choking from his throat, and that even more familiar twitch of his cock. You try to pry yourself away from him, palms pressing on his chest as you argue. 
“Caleb! Pull out, Let me up!” 
He doesn’t let you though. Instead, he grabs both of your wrists and presses you right back down on the bed, overpowering you through his orgasm and fucking all of that cum right into you. Intentionally, with purpose. 
“No,” He croaks out in a breath, still lost in his orgasm. “I won’t.” 
You try to wiggle away from him still, despite knowing he’s already started cumming. What’s the point now if not just to still have some type of control over your own body? He, again, doesn’t let you, pressing your wrists painfully into your own stomach, forcing you to feel each pulse and spurt of him for the first time through the pressure of his hold.
He’s never done this to you before, then again, This isn’t the same Caleb you’re used to no matter how much you try to relate the feelings and love to the Caleb you were with last summer. And…you need to lie to yourself right now at how good it feels to have him fuck his cum into you well past his orgasm, because admitting it would be the last thing you could do tonight to really throw you off the deep end. 
He makes you admit it though, still fucking his cock into you regardless of how it’s growing softer and softer by the second. Doing it solely because he knows more cum will drip out as he shrinks back down. He wants to feel each second of your walls clenching, trying to push him out and knowing it never can. 
He holds you down harder now, wincing at his own sensitivity as he plays with himself inside of you, lending pained chuckles and eye rolls with each sound of disgust you make towards him for it. And only after he slips out and can’t manage to fold it back into you does he really look at you. 
Tilting his head with an innocent smile on his face, he releases your hands and shoots his own up to your face, cupping both cheeks before leaning down and kissing you as hard as he can with what little breath he has left. 
“I deserved that.” He says between kisses. “You deserved it.” He sounds slightly irritated saying that part, but his kiss stays gentle and sweet. “You owed me this.”
You’re not sure if he meant any of that, but you find yourself agreeing.
203 notes · View notes
the-s1lly-corner · 26 days ago
Being new to Gardenview
Aka "I had fun writing the long slender mansion posts that I wanted to do something similar with other fandoms
Note that requests are still limited to 3-4 characters max
Notes: reader is gn, toon reader, vague what the readers interests are unless implied otherwise for a character, you're freshly baked, pre game, no pebble or coal, you came around Christmas for the holiday toons anyone else can be any time of year, platonic for everyone since you're brand spanking new, long post, written on mobile, couldn't tag everyone but everyone is here minus pebble and coal
CWs: none
Tumblr media
He's probably the first one to greet you, honestly. He's like... THE toon. The show is named after him, he's the poster boy after all!
Surely he won't be at least a little annoyed that someone already beat him to the punch.... right...? Right??
He's a very busy toon, not only is he a main but he's also again, THE main. Getting to talk to him for more than a minute while there's visitors is nearly impossible... but he'll be sure to drop by your room for a hello once everything calms down for the day! ...maybe...
It's not that he's overstimated- mostly- it's just that he's tired by the time the day is over with... so it'll take him a while to approach you to welcome you... and he may seem out of it if you approach before he's ready
He's nice! A little accidentally... distant.. but he truly is happy to see a new toon added to gardenviews lineup. Who wouldn't be happy to have a new potential friend?
Ignore how he's seemingly nodding off where he stands... ts not that you're boring. He's simply a little sleepy...! You'll have to get used to that..!
Oh cool, a new toon. She's not going to be all over you but she's not going to ignore you if you come say hi. Small talk before she's swept away by the visitors.. or you're snatched away
If you seem like the smart type she might just invite you onto her show... she's not usually so quick to let someone on but what the hell! Who wouldn't want a new face to spice things up!
She is quick to set some boundaries up of you're pushing buttons or pose any risk to her techy bits
She doesn't let the fact you didn't notice her at first effect her... at least not outwardly. She's more forgiving in this instance anyways, you did just arrive afterall
Gives you a nice welcome- she's just happy to have someone new to talk to... if you ever want to have a nice camera hang out she's your girl to go to..! Just.. don't forget that she's just a call away..!
There's more time to talk to her during the day due to her being not as popular as the other Mains :( or even some of the non mains...
Oh heeeeeeeey you! He's probably already heard about you! If not from another toon than through one of the handlers!
He's not gonna be all over you but he's at least going to make you feel welcome enough- at least a normal amount of welcoming! He doesn't strike me as the type to be overly buddy buddy with a new toon just because they've just come out of.... wherever the toons are made...
He does seem to perk up a little if you express an interest in the ktichen... common ground can go far!
It takes him a minute to approach you... he's gotta work himself up to it- he's not the boldest toon out there.. and he seems a little proud of himself that he didn't stumble over his words...! He will be overthinking his first impression later that night though...
The fact you're getting swarmed also puts him off a little... it's just so many people- it's overwhelming. Makes him wonder how he pulled through the initial hype when he was new.. silently sympathizes with you- tried to quietly give you reassurance from across the room but the voice in the back of his mind tries to tell him it looks like he's mocking you
He doesn't really talk.. not really a rambler either, especially with an acquaintance... but he does take note of any questions you have and tries to direct you to who could possibly help you once it becomes clear that he might not be the best fit
Her light burns a little brighter when she catches a glimpse of you... she didn't think she'd be seeing you so soon!
Wastes no time in walecoming you to gardenview, and hardly any time to bring up the boom club to see if you're interested... if you are, great! If not, that's okay!
If you ever need a hand to keep track of what you need to do and how things work around here she's more than happy to draw up a list for you and give you a hand where she can!
Oh she probably knows about you already... she's sneaky like that...! She's just trying to get a feel for your vibe before revealing herself. Totally. Definitely. Mhm!
She can't help herself- it's always so fun spooking new toons who don't know about her ability yet- she doesn't mean to be.. well, mean..! It's just funny!
She's got like... details on everyone! She's your gal to go for some gossip or to figure out what everyone else's deal with... though she may be biased against/for some toons so it's best to do your probing yourself to form your own opinions...
He doesn't carry Boxtens shyness so he is more likely to approach you within a shorter time frame if you end up in the same area! He may trip over his words but that's just because he wants to make a good impression..!
If you ever need a little pick me up you can find him in the kitchen! Alongside Sprout and maybe Boxten-- and if it's the holidays ginger too...! It's a real nice place to hang out that's not too overstimulating-!
Similar to Boxten he will attempt to guide you to anyone who could help you with anything- except he's likely to physically bring you to someone or someone to you than simply... telling
Bold of you to assume he's not going to open up with a joke. "OH it's so nice to sea you," he'd wave but he wasn't sure if you'd he able to see him over the stream of visitors!
If you can bare through his constant puns he's actually not that bad. He's nice. Passionate about his interests- and of course he's going to be asking about yours!
Moderate popularity with the visitors so you can hang around and talk to him when you're not getting swarmed. He does share a good laugh about it with you- you'll get used to the attention... or find your footing once the hype dies
Oh she's right by your side the second it looks like you need a breather from the swarm of visitors- you can come decompress with her until you need to get back out there..!
She's kind... a good listener. You're not sure how you can understand her when she's yet to speak a single word but you feel she's already been questioned about that a lot.. you don't want to possibly pester her with it
She lingers around you until closing to help you get through the day and the sea of visitors!
She's friendly..! Really she is..! It's just that freshly baked toons can sometimes be fun to mess with... and she's taken a page out of Connie's book... she's not going to be a bully but she won't be able to help herself- telling you that you should totally do (x) which definitely won't make you look at least a little silly
You... might want to keep an eye on your belongings. She's usually not mean enough to nab someone else's things... maybe.. but by God the episode where she had to learn that lesson only slightly shook that habit
If you don't meet her through Connie, you'll be introduced to Connie through Gigi... as well as some other toons!
Hes.. nice enough! Sure he may be... well himself.. but he's not going to ignore you if you approach him for help... though he is just a hint envious of the crowd you've made for yourself- but he's not going to fault you for it. Makes him miss the days where he was brand new and had all the attention
He's at least a little interested in finding out what your deal is... even if he's waiting to properly introduce himself- and he's definitely going to make a little show of it to make sure you don't forget his name!
Not intense.. but he does mellow out over the next few times you bump into each other once the desire to impress the newbie backs off a bit
He's like an excited puppy when you meet each other! A new toon! Yay! A new friend, hopefully?
He's very physical- he doesn't mean to make you uncomfortable... if he is making you uneasy just say the word and he'll back off! He's not the best with subtle cues...
Oh oh oh you've gotta come with him to go meet his sister! Oh oh and you've gotta meet- you're going to meet so many toons through him...
Oh! New guy (/gender neutral)! He... actually doesn't lean into the clown act during an introduction. At least he doesn't rely on it- he definitely slips in a few jokes here and there if there's time but he's more focused on getting names exchanged and overall having a quick chat before he needs to go back to performing with the rest of his circus act
He's more than happy to let you come watch those acts! It'll give you a place to unwind after such a busy day! Or... if something calmer is more your style, he'll direct you to other toons
Generally a sweetheart- his cheerful demeanor comes in handy when meeting someone new- child and toon alike!
Wastes zero time in introducing herself- even if you don't end up being friends in the future she's going to make sure you at least have fun on your first day
She introduces you to other toons as you come across them- she's real... bubbly. Pun only partly intended! She's going to make sure you meet just about everyone- or as many toons as possible!
And of course, she makes it clear that you're always welcome to come hang out with her and her group of gals- she'll make sure to put in a good word for you!
Similar reactions different energies! Razzle is more upbeat and open to talking. He tends to take the lead... not that he doesnt let dazzle speak of course. Dazzle also greets you! He's just lower energy
You're always welcome to their stage... or their room... if you express an interest in stories or books, Dazzle may tell you about Brightneys book club! Maybe he can help you get in... will be embarrassed if you tell him you already knew about the club
You do end up making a lot of friends through each of them- they both have their own groups of friends so double the introductions!
A warm and polite welcome! He may ask a few questions... ice breakers mostly... and also because, well... you know...
You may or may not be spared from an interrogation- really it depends on how guarded you are with new people... and what all is going on at the moment- hes not the most popular toon but you're new... you're definitely going to be swarmed until the hype dies down
You... get the feeling it's going to be hard to keep secrets to yourself for long with him around... maybe... surely he'd respect boundaries and privacy (he does!) (At least he fully does when there's no mystery that may or may not put others in danger)
She's not as... excitable or cheerful as her brother. She's definitely still cheery but she's more reserved about it. If you need a break from the visitors she can try to snag some away with the promise of arts and crafts so you're not all smothered
Arts and crafts is actually a gold way to open up to someone- a great ice breaker activity! So of course she's also going to invite you to come make something alongside her brother and toodles! It's a nice wind down activity after closing and before bedtime
Give her some time and she'll make you a welcome gift!
You hardly get a word in before he yells at you that he hates you already... you unfortunately don't know that that's his whole... thing.. so you don't know not to take it to heart or to not be confused
No like seriously what did you do you hardly introduced yourself- he cut you off after the first word... did you look at him wrong??
You quickly find out that he's just a hater, though... he's very open about his hatred for everything
It doesn't take long at all for her to invite you to have some tea with her once the day calms down and all the visitors have left... it's all to get to know you better and make you feel more comfortable!
If you're comfortable with it, they will invite more toons... it'll give you a chance to get to know more of them! But if not... Teagans more than happy to just have it be the two of you
So so kind and patient with you as you get the hang of how everything works. If you ever need someone to talk to as you adjust to gardenview she's more than happy to let you vent to them
It's not that she meant to ignore you... it's just that sometimes the visitors can be a little... messy... and it drives her nuts! But rest assured she will make it right once gardenview closes for the day and everything is cleaned up- and with Tishas speed and efficiency it won't take long after closing for her to stop by your new room!
Pleased that your room is- at least for now as you've yet to have a proper chance to make it a living space- neat and tidy... if you ever need a hand with things let her know... she'll at least let you know where the cleaning supplies are
You quickly pick up on a lot of tricks to get stains out and keep everything looking spick n span... Tisha is more than a little proud of herself that she's rubbed off on you
She's another easy one to get along with! There aren't many toons that Toodles outright dislikes or doesn't get along with
Talks... a lot... but that's to be expected from a kid.
You learn everything and nothing. The kid who's got dirt on everyone but doesn't have the mind to realize that it's dirt. Drops it randomly in conversation and moves on to something else like it was nothing... it's a little funny..
Wastes no time at all in trying to become your friend- what's your favorite color? Music? When did you join Gardenview? What's your gimmick? She wants to know!
She's definitely gonna give you an extra gift this year for Christmas! Think of it as a "welcome to Gardenview!" Housewarming style gift! She WILL be watching you like a hawk to figure out what you like... as well as lightly interrogating everyone else for ideas
Genuinely so easy to befriend her. Not very judgy, very cheerful.. come decorate with her
Oh... shy... she's shy... she doesn't avoid you but the first few conversations with you is... dry. Awkward. She really doesn't mean to make it that way it's just that she wasn't expecting to meet a new toon after being taken out of... where ever they keep the holiday toons
Not to mention you have a limited time to get her to warm up to you before having to put things on hold until next year... she really does try to befriend you or at least get to know you...!
Come join her with Cosmo and Sprout in the kitchen! You don't even have to bake..! You can help her decorate..! She becomes a ramblerer if you get her talking about an interest!
It's a Christmas miracle! A new toon has arrived! And he's definitely going to treat you like a gift... even if you were added to the toon roster before Christmas..
Not that he'd care all that much, a miracle is a miracle! And he's going to make sure you know his beliefs! Overall a joy to talk to even if he's caught up in the holidays
He is a little sad when he has to leave when the holidays end, but he promises he'll come talk to you the second he can again! He'll tell you all about what he did when he was away! Not much happens, but...!
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