#sendoh akira slam dunk
bunnies-and-blues · 4 months
Hello gorgeous, I hope life has been treating you well! Can I request mitsui, miyagi, sendo, and maki with a reader who likes to draw and often goes to their practice to draw them? If not or it’s too many that ok! Thank you for your consideration!🫶
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─꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱─ slam dunk : my muse ! ☆
⸝⸝ tl;dr : sd boys with their artist partner ! involves hisashi mitsui + ryota miyagi !
⸝⸝ note : i took a bit of liberty and made the reader their partner, i hope that's okay ! idm making a seperate post wherein reader is their friend / admirer if ever :DD
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hisashi mitsui + ryota miyagi . . . seperately !
the moment you and mitsui/miyagi became a thing he just became the cockiest person in the world . like, genuinely . it was really cute and endearing at first but eventually everyone's just pissed at him t-t
even more so when he's at practice ... all of a sudden he's extra energetic and his form is beyond perfect (not that akagi's complaining; if you get them to play well then that's all for the better)
he knows that you like to draw —its even one of the reason why he likes you so much ! — and the moment he found out that you drew him during his practices ... oh my god, ego to the roof !! /pos
mitsui flashes you a devilish grin, his eyes gazing upon the quick sketches you've made of his form. "i look great," he states. he winks as he walks back towards the ring, aiming for a three-pointer. "make sure to get my good side, yeah?"
look, mitsui's all cocky and arrogant when he's in front of the others (much to their chagrin), but in private — that's a whole different story . he's consistently sending kogure and akagi photos of your art, pretty much showing them off !!
and he makes sure to thank you for all of your efforts ; he'll buy you all the art supplies you want ! (and he'll try to draw you as well, but he's not the best at it ... )
miyagi is speechless when you show him your sketchbook. across the pages are drawings of him, each pose dynamic and vivacious. he could practically feel the energy radiating from your sketches. "this is amazing," he murmurs, heart-eyed. he looks up at you. "you're amazing."
much like mitsui, he'll show your art off — but he'll show it off to everyone. the basketball team, ayako, his classmates, his family- you name it !
what can i say ? he loves you !
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akira sendoh . . .
"woahh!" sendoh exclaims, his eyes alight with glee when you show him your sketchbook. he takes it in his hands, holding it as if it was the most precious thing to exist. he traces the outline of his sketched-out form with a delicate finger, his grin spreading ear-to-ear. he looks at you with crinkled eyes, his smile as bright and warm as summer sun. "these are really good ! maybe you should teach me how to draw !"
sendoh is all smiles when he saw your drawings of him . he can't help it ! believe it or not, he's seen fanart of himself alongside the countless fanmail he's received, but never before has he had someone draw him so ..
he can't describe it, really . but all he knows is that it's the best art he's ever seen ! your art was warm, each pencil stroke filled with love and care, your affection for him reflected tenderly in the careful way you drew his features.
like with mitsui and miyagi, he'll gladly show off your art to the basketball team ! and before you know it, you'll have a line of the team members asking for you to draw them as well .
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shinichi maki . . .
maki stares at the compilation of sketches in his hand. admittedly, he had felt a bit downhearted when he saw that you've been drawing during their practices, feeling as if you haven't been paying him attention, but he couldn't have been more wrong. he caresses the paper with a gentle hand, then pulls you in for an embrace. "thank you, my darling," he murmurs, his breath warm against your ear. "these are wonderful."
a gentleman through and through, maki makes sure to show his affections after receiving such a gift (even if you didn't mean it to be a gift in the first place) .
he starts giving back, taking you out on art dates and offering to buy you any art supply you want . even if you ask for just a simple pencil, he'll ensure that you get only the best quality !
unlike the other three, he'd want to keep your art of him for his eyes only . not that he's not proud of it or anything, but he just prefers for your art of him to be seen by only him ... not that it works (kiyota would find a way to snatch them from him when he's not working lmao)
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sannuiz · 2 months
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Slam dunk dump #1
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slamdunkhcs · 6 months
This is something I’ve thought about for a hot minute and i wanted to make an essay on it :))
socioeconomics in slam dunk
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Like many things in life, basketball is a money sport. While inherent talent and skill is incredibly important, without the resources and opportunities to succeed, you can only get so far.
Throughout Slam Dunk, the importance of money and how it has a massive role in the world of basketball is not explicitly stated, but through the depictions of different teams in the series, it is prevalent.
We are first introduced to Shohoku High, a public school in Kanagawa. Shohoku is not a “poor” or “ghetto” school, but it is by no means a prestigious school either. Shohoku is initially depicted to be an ordinary school, but we are also shown how it has delinquency and school fights — especially among its protagonist and his “gang”
Shohoku’s normalcy is extended into its clubs, in particular, its basketball club. This club isn’t necessarily “run down” or “at risk of not existing anymore”, but aside from its coach (Coach Anzai, a man who used to coach the Japanese national team) and Akagi, their star center, Shohoku’s basketball team doesn’t have much going for it. Due to being a public school, Shohoku doesn’t have the money incentive to recruit star players (like some other schools I will mention soon), and most stars (besides Rukawa LOLLL) won’t go to an ordinary school “on a whim”
Moreover, the financial disparities become even more personal through the experiences of the characters themselves.
Sakuragi is hinted at to be poor, and the notion that basketball is “pay to play” is first explored through him in volume three, where Hikoichi (a player from Ryonan who “scouts” their competition) points out that it is strange Sakuragi doesn’t have basketball shoes, but he is quick to tell himself that it is likely because Sakuragi can’t afford them. Many basketball shoes, especially the Jordans that Sakuragi obtains throughout the series, are well over the $150-200 USD price range. While it is possible to play without basketball shoes, not having shoes that are designed for basketball automatically puts a player at a slight disadvantage.
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This brings into question how resources—or the lack thereof—can subtly but significantly influence the trajectory of a player’s journey and a team’s potential for success. Sakuragi was lucky to have gotten practically free basketball shoes due to the generosity of a store owner, but those costs were his own out-of-pocket expenses. Unfortunately, a public school without special stipends for their programs cannot provide financial assistance to provide some of the resources to nurture potentially talented players.
While schools like Shohoku do not have funds to incentivize players or potential talent to come their way, they also do not have the funds to incentivize star coaches to coach at these schools. While Shohoku was able to have gotten Anzai (who wanted to retire by coaching highschool basketball), many public schools do not have that same luck.
In fact, the reason that two of the starting players, Mitsui and Miyagi, even decided to attend Shohoku was due to its coach, Coach Anzai. I think this goes to show that if a school invests in incentives like star coaches or a star basketball program, then these talented players will want to attend.
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In terms of schools who provide ALL the incentives, and has thus led to star teams, I want to focus on Kainan, Shoyo, and (especially) Ryonan.
All are labelled as prestigious, private schools with amazing basketball programs, with Kainan having a stellar track record at nationals. But why is that? How did they get so.. good?
If I had to best answer this, money.
Ryonan is known to have scouted its star players, with Coach Taoka even scouting Sendoh and Fukuda from a junior high in Tokyo. For reference, Kanagawa is about two hours away from Tokyo, so Coach Taoka has to provide incentives for these boys to move to a different prefecture rather than staying in a city that likely has many powerhouse schools. In his case, these incentives would likely be full rides to Ryonan, as well as extra stipends to cover these student’s additional costs (such as food, money to move away, etc). Since Ryonan has the funding to do this, Coach Taoka is able to travel around to different areas, find these hidden talents, and bring them over to Ryonan. Public schools like Shohoku, who do not have allocated funds for sports programs, do not have this opportunity… and thus, are at an automatic disadvantage.
It is not explicitly stated how prestigious of a school Shoyo is, but having a program-related disadvantage affecting their players is prevalent. They do not have an official coach (for an unmentioned reason), and their star player Fujima has to coach his teammates as a result. Unfortunately, this additional responsibility prevented him from focusing on his own skills. I do believe Shoyo IS a school that has funding, but this highlights how a program being neglected directly impacts the strength of a team.
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Another team I wanted to point out is Toyotama, a team that faced some of the most immense pressure in the entire series.
While Minami and Kishimoto, the team’s leaders, are characterized as “brute assholes”, it is shown that their irrational behavior stems from their pressure to perform well in order to potentially bring back their former coach, Coach Kitano.
Although Toyotama is 8th in the country, for the investors in their school’s basketball program, this isn’t enough. And thus… Coach Kitano was fired in the hopes of getting a coach who could lead the team to a better performance.
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For these prestigious schools, their end goal is making a return on their investments. After all, what is the point of pouring all that money and resources for a team that doesn't even land them in the news?
While this is sad, it is very realistic. And as a result... even though Toyotama has a prestigious program, they felt even more pressure to *make a return." and this pressure poured into the team and their behavior.
However, the school that truly encapsulates the opportunities that money and resources provide for their players is Sannoh Technical High School.
Sannoh is practically a world class basketball team, with "anyone in Japan who gives a damn about basketball knows them", a team that had won nationals for years on end.
But how can one team be so good, let alone having a lasting legacy of greatness?
While their players are undoubtedly talented, Sannoh has invested aplenty into nurturing their players' talents.
Like Coach Taoka of Ryonan, Sannoh’s Coach Damoto scouts the best and brightest for their team. Eji Sawakita, although residing in a different prefecture, was discovered and scouted by Sannoh. While it isn't explicitly said how many players they scouted, or what incentives they provided Sawakita (aside from opportunities and their prestige), it can be inferred that Sannoh likely looks for the best and brighest to be apart of their teams.
In addition to the money and resources spent scouting, Sannoh provides their team with immense opportunities that most schools do not.
It is stated that Sawakita had been sent on a trip abroad to play basketball in America, and that he even learned new techniques during his trip. To say the least, a trip like that is... expensive. To send students to a country across the world just to play basketball is a hefty price to pay, and yet Sannoh was willing to pay it.
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To prepare for Shohoku's match, Coach Damoto arranged a practice match with Sannoh alum who have a similar playstyle to Shohoku. While it is possible that these alum were willing to volunteer their time doing this, Damoto going out of his way to bring them all together and schedule that practice match is something that likely cost a significant amount to make happen. And it is certainly an opportunity that many schools would not provide.
Unfortunately, it is difficult to compete with money, and this sentiment is universal for any sector.
But what makes Shohoku’s victory over all these powerhouse schools, especially Sannoh, so shocking is the fact it is an “ordinary, no name school.” Theoretically, Shohoku would never beat a team like Sannoh, especially given the fact that Shohoku didn’t even have half the money, resources, and opportunities that Sannoh does.
Yet… Shohoku did it. And I think this part of why Slam Dunk is such a beautiful story: an ordinary team was, even for a moment, able to be extraordinary.
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azzurro-due · 3 months
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takumifujiwaraswfe · 4 months
Hello! Your miyagi headcanons were so cute and I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind doing some romantic headcanons for mitsui? Thank you!
I'm very happy that you like my headcanons! I hope you'll like these ones too. Thank you ❤️
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First off, thank your best friend (eghem Haruko). Why? She loves Rukawa.
'Why does it matter?' - You may ask. She forced you to go to the basketball practice with you. And that's where you saw him.
He was intrigued by you from the first second he saw you, but he didn't really do anything with this fact at first.
After a few weeks, though, he asked Haruko about you, and she freaked out. She spilled the tea on you immediately.
The next practice you went on with her, she made the two of you talk with each other alone.
At first, it was kind of awkward, but you quickly got along with each other.
This man is the definition of an older brother's best friend, okay? You may not have a brother, though. You just have his best friend as a boyfriend now. You're welcome. Good luck.
TBH, he is kind of like a big brother sometimes and jokes like one most of the time.
He's possessive, but in his own weird way, because he's also really confident in himself.
He'll see you talking to any boy. He'll go over to you, put his hand in your pants's back pocket, grab your buttocks firmly, and just smile at the guy. His aura is just unbearable.
He's such a tease, too. No filter, man; I will tease you everywhere.
He'll introduce you to his grandma first. Since then, you go over to her place sometimes to help her with her garden or to simply eat cakes she makes. They are like heaven in your mouth.
He ain't scared of anything. Literally. He will ring the doorbell at your house, asking your parents if you're home, because he wants to take you on a surprise date. That's how he met your parents, btw.
Your mom loves him; she thinks that he's really handsome, and he helps her when she needs it, so it's a bonus point.
Your dad, though, thinks that Hisashi is just a bad boy and a bad influence on you.
He will teach you how to play basketball and say that you'll need that because someday he'll marry you and make a basketball team with you.
HE'S SO GOOD AT COOKING, LIKE WHAT? (got it from his grandma)
Hugs you from behind EVERYWHERE.
He picks you up on random trips or dates, nonstop. Once you were watching a movie and he just called you, saying that he'd pick you up in 2 hours. Why? You go on a trip to the beach with the basketball team, apparently.
You fight all the time because his hobby is annoying you. That shocks everybody, because he's just a serious guy for most people. Not for you, though.
He just keeps annoying you and then teases you about being angry.
But you can't be mad at him. He'll laugh for a little and then make you some delicious food.
10/10 boyfriend. Would recommend.
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imtomiee · 4 months
(Part one)
To hold, to feel, to breathe, to live youuuu
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slamdunktheories · 6 months
Slam Dunk Challenge: Identify the character by the eyes alone
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One of the incredible things Inoue did with Slam Dunk was the distinctive character design. This was especially unusual considering that shounen manga in the early 90s/prior often had characters who looked a lot like one another and you could really only tell them apart by their hair. The most egregious of them even had the same limbs and everything (ahem, Captain Tsubasa).
But Inoue put so much thought into character design that you could often recognise a Slam Dunk character by their eyes alone. Don’t believe me? Try this little challenge and see how many Slam Dunk characters you can recognise by the eyes alone!
I managed 21 out of 25 and I’ll bet you’ll surprise yourself with how many you can identify if you spent a bit of time on it. I'll reveal the answer in a few days in the comments below. Let's go!
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slamdunk-headcanons · 24 days
Slam Dunk boys who would tease you to call your attention
Miyagi Ryota
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Do it only to make you laugh. So if you start getting really mad, he stops. If he notices you're uncomfortable, he apologizes;
Never uses physical touch to tease you;
Do it in a really polite way, and only when he feels you're in the mood;
Prefers to tease you in a way that he can show off at the same time;
Nobunaga Kiyota
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Nobunaga only teases you if you're friends. If you're childhood friend, teasing is the basis of your comunication;
Nobunaga can be such annoying as a young brother, and he'd become even worse if he starts falling in love with you;
He starts to make you mad by teasing you as a defense mechanism, like he's trying to prove to himself that you're not the type of girl he would fall for. "See how horrible she is when she's mad? How would I ever fall for a girl like her? I like the cute ones that are gentle and calm!"
Can use physical touch to tease you, but stops if he starts falling in love, because touching you makes his heart pound;
Mito Yohei
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Do it to make you laugh;
Loves to poke your cheeks;
He melts inside when his teasing make you run after him to give him a noogie;
Assumes he's the only guy that can tease you if you're good friends. So he gets really mad if he sees another guy teasing you;
Immediatly stops and apologizes if he feels you're umconfortable with the teasing;
If Mito realizes he's in love with you, his teasing becomes kindda clumsy;
Ookusu Yuji
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His teasing is professional;
He doesn't stop until you hit him with a slap on his back or a punch on his head;
Likes to pull your cheeks with his fingers;
Sometimes steals your food during lunch if you're not giving him enough attention or ignoring his teasing;
He does it only if you're good friends;
Only teases you because he's madly in love with you and cannot think of a better way to call your attention because he thinks you're too much for him;
I feel so sorry for the guy that teases you in front of Ookusu
Sawakita Eiji
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His teasing is so adorable and childish that is hard to get really mad at him;
Do it to make you laugh, but if you're mad, is a bonus for him;
Because he thinks your mad face is the most adorable thing;
Sudden pokes on your ribs during class and then pretend that nothing happened are his favorite
Only do it if you're friends;
Laugh loud at your energetic reactions;
Sometimes he does it until you run after him in the hallway to hit him with your school bag;
Hates to see other guy teasing you. However, Sawakita knows that he's popular, so he uses only his presence to discourage the guy;
Sendoh Akira
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Sendoh is the most terrifying teaser because he does it and STAYS CALM WITH THAT BUM FACE imagine a guy that can easily break all your composure down in seconds and stay calmly grinning at you that's Sendoh
Sendoh is able to do it even if you're not friends. But to do it, he has to be extremelly interested on you. And if you're not interested in basketaball at all, or if his reputation on Ryonan doesn't make you give him even a bit of attention, prepare yourself, because Sendoh is
STUBBORN, STUBBORN, STUBBORN, STUBBORN LIKE HELL so he won't stop til he gets what he wants
Teases you to test your reactions and he has a lot of fun doing it;
Don't you dare show nervousness around him because is EXACTLY WHAT HE WANTS;
Asks to taste your lunch and doesn't even wait your answer to take something from your bento;
Openly wants to do school activities with you so he'll have more opportunities to tease you;
Doesn't use physical touch to tease you at first, only if you grow closer;
When you're closer enough, he learns to poke you in a way that makes you jump suddenly on your place. And he does it in a way nobody notices him, only your sudden move.
If you ever try to hit him because of something he did to tease you, it's done. He won;
Silently protects you from guys that could be crazy enough like him to tease you;
Masterlist/ Ask box open!
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rose-colored-sd · 1 year
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benelockee · 1 year
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Akira Sendoh ✨
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shiroushirou · 1 year
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SlamDunk 6 characters. >>twitter<<
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bunnies-and-blues · 5 months
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─꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱─ slam dunk : songbird
⸝⸝ tl;dr : how sendoh + rukawa would react to their partner's singing talents ! requested by @milkdeco !
⸝⸝ note : apologies for the extremely late reply, stuff has been vv busy irl with school and other stuff, but i hope you enjoy regardless ! i also can't find the original message in my inbox, so i hope you don't mind me using a photo instead </33
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sendoh akira . . .
the first thing that came to mind was, if ever he gets you to accompany him on his fishing sessions, he'll definitely ask you to sing for him !
doesn't matter what you sing -- love songs, hit tunes, rapid-fire rapping, he appreciates it all .
especially if you get him to sing along, and especially if it's a duet !! he may not know all the words or hit the right tunes all the time, but he truly does enjoy every moment he gets to spend with you .
karaoke is so fun with him !! he has the microphone in one hand and your hand in the other, and he's picking all the songs that you both and you two are singing so loud you swear the other booths could hear it -
will listen to all of your music recommendations, and in turn he'd like for you to listen to his ! and if ever .. possibly send in some voice messages with you attempting to sing a new tune you've discovered ?
look i dont know this guy personally but when i say that he'd fold so quickly ..
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rukawa kaede . . .
while he doesn't like to show affection in public (and even then, goodluck with trying to get it in private as well), but he sure loves hearing your voice -- he could listen to you talk for ages, and he could definitely sit down and listen to you sing .
it's common knowledge that he likes listening to music, so i think that he'd swoon if you decide to make covers of songs that he likes.
doesn't matter if you think it's bad or not, he'll listen to it on repeat, constantly. working out? going out for a run? practicing? he has your voice playing in his ears the whole time.
he sends you playlists of songs that he really likes, and makes playlists of songs he think you'd like as well ! basically, his love language is making playlists of songs and sharing them with you.
if you try to recommend music to him, he'll give it a listen, but if it ultimately ends up not being his cup of tea then he'll put it in (you guessed it) another playlist that he can come back later to and revisit in his own time .
sing his favorite song for him in private . do with that what you will .
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bottom line : these two are SUCKERS for you . one of them might not be as affectionate as the other, but ultimately they both love you ! they'll support whatever singing endeavors you have, and they'll root for you whatever happens <33
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sannuiz · 1 month
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It's me and the other 5 five slam dunk fans i got here against the world
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slamdunkhcs · 6 months
slam dunk boys on tiktok
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Mitsui would lowkey be the mf that posts cringy dancing videos/trends to make himself go viral. BUT IT WOULDNT WORK 😂😂😂😂
And he’d be annoyed asl about that. I feel like he’d be the type to chase clout on social media and he’d be FIENDING for those likes and followers.
I FEEL LIKE HE’D BE A LIL THIRSTY ON TIKTOK — like he wouldn’t be up in girls’ tiktok comments but he would def like and repost any girl he thinks is pretty. AND IF HE WAS FEELING BRAVE, he would find and add the girl’s IG.
His for you page would be a mix of pretty girls, NBA basketball player edits, and like sped up music. He’d be making edits of his own basketball highlights with capcut and posting them 😂
He’d spam videos to Ryota and Sakuragi, especially basketball edits.
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Ngl he’d be the only one on the team to fr have clout 😂😂😂
He would post both thirst traps AND photos/videos of ayako. He’d love to post her to the cute TikTok trends (like this). Ayako would jus like the post and not say ANYTHING
One thing about Miyagi is that he dresses GOOD, and he’s gonna show that off! He’d post outfit of the day videos and he’d gatekeep tf out of his clothes. Like he’d straight up ignore any comments asking him where he got his clothes from 💀
He seems like the type to not respond to ANY TikToks he’s sent. Like Sakuragi would SPAM videos and Ryota isnt even opening any of them
If Ayako sends him things on TikTok tho.. OPENED IN LESS THAN A SECOND. He’d have his notifications turned on too so whenever she posts, he is all up in her comments. He’d reply to any other guy in her comments talking some “She’s mine lil bro”
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I don’t think Rukawa would be very into social media, but if there’s one social that he has, it’d be TikTok
He’d probably have a completely empty acc with like no pfp, 6 followers, and no posts. He would NOT care about being famous on there, although if he even jus posted a video of himself, he’d instantly go viral.
His fyp would be cats, music recommendations, english lessons, and basketball. That boy has NO interest in anything else on there. And he thinks that the other guys’ videos are corny, especially if he saw Ryota’s thirst traps 💀.
But if he EVERRR made a guest appearance on the guys’ videos, he would instantly blow up. Like all the comments would be asking him who he is, what his @ is, and why he’s so mf fine. He’d make his acc private after that 😂
I like to think that his fan girls would try to find his TikTok and stalk his reposts to see what kind of guy Rukawa is, and what he likes
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HE’D DEF BE FAMOUS ON TIKTOK, maybe even more followers than Miyagi.
I think he’d initially blow up bc him and his teammates would do the dance trends for fun during practice, but all the girls would comment things like “That guy in the middle is so fine 😍” or “He’s the only fine one 😭😭”. AND HE’D BE USING IT AS A WAY TO DISS ON THEM, like “None of those girls even want you” 😂 (then he gets his ass whopped)
Ok I don’t think he’s the type to be thirsty but from time to time, he’d def like and repost a pretty girl on his fyp AND HIS FAN GIRLS WOULD NOTICE IT AND GO CRAZY.
He’d def post highlights from his games over famous tiktok sounds (LIKE THE “I done did the impossible” one) and he’d have girls from diff schools start showing up to his games after finding him off TikTok
I feel like he’d jus post on Tiktok for fun? Like he’d post a little bit of everything; basketball, him lipsyncing songs, dance videos with his friends, and even TikTok lives. He wouldn’t really care about being famous on TikTok so he’d jus post whatever makes him feel good yk?
I like to think that he follows the Shohoku boys (even Rukawa somehow) and from time to time, he comments on their posts with “🔥🔥🔥”
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azzurro-due · 1 year
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takumifujiwaraswfe · 3 months
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To be honest you would never talk to each other if your parents didn't knew each other.
You moved to Kamakura before you started gymnasium and he's your neighbor, your mothers instantly liked each other so you were meeting each other quite often. (By meeting I mean that you let him sleep in your bed when his mom made him go over to your place with her)
At first you were just friends but at the first year of high school he realized he likes you, rejecting every girl that confessed to him just to think about a way to confess to you himself. It took him some time.
But he finally did it in the middle of the night cause he couldn't sleep because he kept thinking about you and it was a tragedy for him.
It ended up being romantic for no reason- Like he was scared that he'll wake up your parents so he just climbed your balcony and scared the shit out of you by knocking at your window.
Then he told you that he likes you and went back to sleep on your bed and you were just standing there in shock cus wtf.
It ended up as your ritual, he's just coming to see you through your balcony sometimes.
In the public he doesn't show you affection much. Mostly only when his fangirls torture him with their presence then he'll just look them up and down and hug you from behind and put his head on your shoulder or when he's not in the mood he'll just hold your hand and look at the girl annoyed.
In privacy though... He'll just cuddle you to the end. You go home from school and he invites you over? Only to force you to be his pillow.
He invites you over to his games cause he notices that he plays better in front of you.
Mostly because he does all the crazy shit he normally is too lazy to do.
He's not really jealous, he knows that you would never leave him.
When he sees any boy talking to you he just stares at him and then goes back to sleep.
When you became a couple your moms started planning your future as they are besties and will do everything so you will be family.
He's just like me, listens to music 24/7 and loves to share his songs that he gatekeeps only with you. So I will share my songs that I usually gatekeep that remind me of Rukawa here.
(and also this one cus it's only on youtube)
I like to think that he has similar music taste as me because he's similar to me so sorry but I had to add this part
Soo a few music headcanons cause I can't sleep so why not.
He looks like lana del rey guy outside but no. HE'S KINGS OF LEON GUY AND DON'T TRY TO ARGUE WITH ME OKAY.
He listens to really energetic music which shocked you at first when he let you listen to music with him. Omen III and him? Wha-
His fav genres are old school (duh) hip hop, rock, and some kind of techno but not techno eurobeaty music?(sometimes only) Idk what genre it is but if you're from eastern Europe you get it.
(If anyone cares to read that you can tell me if you want other characters have their playlists as well)
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