#mitsui slam dunk
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bunnies-and-blues · 5 months ago
Hi~ your post on study session headcanons was so relatable for me, because I’m preparing for exams right now! Wish Kogure-sempai could keep me company while I revise… Sigh
Would you do headcanons for Mitsui, Rukawa, Kogure, and how they’d make up with their s/o after an fight?
Thank you so much! Keep up the good work!
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─꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱─ slam dunk : kiss & make up ☆
⸝⸝ tl;dr : fights are always the worst thing to have with your partner. work features mitsui, rukawa, kogure, and you !
⸝⸝ note : not really hurt/comfort, but more so just the comfort after talking it out with the sd boys ! and thank u sm, peach, wishing you the best on exams ! (even though its vv late) =DD
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you don't even remember what you fought about . was it a conflict on schedules ? were you being too clingy ? or lack thereof ? whatever it was, it felt awful .
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mitsui hisashi . . .
look, i love the guy, but he's not the best at communication
chances are, he'll be giving you the cold shoulder for a couple of days, even though his heart yearns for your presence and his eyes automatically search for your name whenever his phone lights up with a notification
i feel like he'd be a bit prideful, not replying for hours on end and giving you terse replies whenever you speak — like i said, awful communication skills !!
secretly though, he'd be asking his friends for advice — kogure, specifically. and to some extent akagi as well; he knows that both of them are level-headed enough to hear both yours and his side of the story.
eventually, he breaks ; he misses being around you : (
mitsui stops you just as you were about to leave the room. it was late afternoon, the sun's rays slanting through the classroom windows. dust motes swirl lazily in the light as mitsui steps towards you once, twice, three times, until eventually you two are facing each other. his eyes are downcast, his feet shuffling on the worn wooden floors. "look, i - uh -" he starts, and he curses. why the hell can't he talk ? even when you're not doing anything, you can still render him speechless. he stops, takes a deep breath, starts again. "i just wanted to say that i'm sorry, for you know, not answering your messages and not calling you back. ignoring you. i - i have no excuse for that; and i'm not proud of it, either. but i just wanna say that, whatever we fought about, we- we can talk it out, if you're okay with that. i wanna make this right. i don't like being in fights with you, and it feels weird, not talking to you. and the thing is, i-" he sighs again, his gaze finally coming up to meet yours. his words come out in a whisper, his statement meant for you and you only. "- i missed you."
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kogure kiminobu . . .
easily the best communicator out of the three !!
he's the type of person that strives to end any miscommunication before it could even begin, so fights and arguments with him are infrequent, if not completely rare
the only scenario i can see wherein you'd get in a fight with him is about how maybe you're working too hard -- studying from the time you get home to the early hours of morning with no breaks in-between
kogure hates seeing you suffer, so often times he tries to offer advice, even if you don't want or need it
eitherway, an argument would happen ; maybe some hurtful words were thrown around, words that neither of you meant
regardless of who instigated, kogure would always be the one to first make amends
all around you, the world goes on -- students chatting excitedly over lunch, footsteps echoing all across the campus, birds and cars and people all just trying to move forward. but in this corner of the school, the one with the flowering cherry tree behind the cafeteria, the world only consisted of you and him. you fidget with the water bottle in your hands, the condensation making your palms wet. the sweltering noontime heat makes you dizzy. (or was it from your lack of sleep?) you raise your handkerchief to swipe at your sweat, but kogure beats you to it -- gently, he dabs his at your forehead, then your cheeks, then your neck. his hands are cool despite the heat. "i'm sorry for what i said the other day," he says as he cools you down. "i ... i just don't want to see you having a hard time. i know that your deadlines were near and you have so much to do but i just really don't like seeing you so ... tired. you haven't been talking much lately and i haven't seen you smile all week so i - i just --" "kiminobu." you cut him off, leaning your cheek into his palm. kogure's heart pounds in his chest ; you say his name so sweetly, so softly. "it's okay." "are you sure?" he stammers, leaning forward to caress your face better. "it's just that i know i said some things that i shouldn't have said and it's --" "kiminobu," you repeat again, your tone firm but gentle at the same time. you rest the weight of your head on his palms (along with the weight you've been feeling all week) and you smile at him. "it's okay." kogure stares at you for a moment, then he smiles back, his eyes crinkling and a laugh spilling from his lips. "okay," he repeats, nodding his head. "okay." he laughs, and it feels like he's weightless, floating on cloud nine.
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rukawa kaede . . .
not much to say for rukawa tbh
but in all seriousness, the aftermath of your fights with rukawa would be silent and cold. much like mitsui, he tends to prioritize his pride and sore heart over actually making amends with you.
but that doesn't mean he doesn't care !
more often than not, he ends up with his fingers hovering over his phone's keyboard, trying desperately to think of a way to apologize to you, before sighing and just turning his phone off
he plays basketball to let off the steam, and also to occupy his mind from the lack of your presence : (
the sounds of rukawa's basketball hitting the floor echoes throughout the empty gym, mixing in with the sounds of cicadas chirping in the trees. moths gather under lamplights, their wings silvery in the night. bam-bam-bam goes the ball, before his pace stuttersto a halt. he wipes the sweat off his forehead and checks the time -- 7 pm. that's enough practice for one day. the cold night air greets him as he walks out the gym. as he swings his leg over his bike, he sees a familiar figure out of the corner of his eye. "you're still here," he states, deadpan. he still hasn't figured out how to apologize to you, and his stiffness shows in his voice. "yeah," you reply, clutching your bag tighter. you had been in the library with your classmates up until that point, working hard to finish a group project before tomorrow's deadline. silence between the two of you. you walk on, and so does he, the click-click-click of his bike wheels the only sound disrupting the quiet turmoil of each other's thoughts. the two of you exit the school campus, and for a moment you both falter on the concrete sidewalk, shoes scuffling the grit underfoot. "i'll- i'll go this way, then," you mutter. what the hell, he hates this! everything feels so ... stilted. before rukawa could reply, you turn on your heel and start walking in the direction of the train station. you barely manage three steps before rukawa cycles by, blocking you with his bike. he takes your bag and puts it in the front basket. pats the passenger seat of his bike with a determined gaze. "i'll take you home," he says. his voice is softer now. there wasn't much else to do except to sit on the backseat of his bike and let him pedal you home, the night air causing goosebumps to erupt on your skin. "wrap your arms around me," rukawa instructs. the wind carries his words, lifts it to your ear. you swear his breath hitches just the tinest bit when you do what he says, adding in a small nuzzle to his side for good measure. "i'm sorry," you whisper after a while, voice half-muffled by the fabric of his coat. your fingers toy with the zipper of his jacket. rukawa is silent for a bit, then he takes one hand off the handlebar and puts it atop yours. he intertwines your fingers with his, squeezing. his pulse vaguely thumps through his skin, sending beats vibrating through your palm. "i'm sorry, too."
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overtaken-stream · 2 months ago
I'm in love with your Sendoh romantic Headcanon, can you make the Mitsui one? Pretty please.. Thank you! 🥺🤍
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AH, sorry for the wait. I had a lot of fun writing this!!
Mitsui loves ear kisses because of how intimate they feel. Nibble on his lobe, kiss his helix, or show any affectionate gesture toward his ear, and watch him go pink. Only you're capable of doing that to him.
Any form of his smile—whether it’s a smirk or a full-on laugh—is ridiculously cute and not at all fitting for a guy with his intimidating reputation in the eyes of others. Even though he never had braces, it’s not like he ever needed them.
Every time he’s out with you or his friends, flashing that handsome smile, some stranger always ends up a little shaken. Maybe a couple of girls even catch a crush. That, however, isn't the worst part of this. It's the fact that he knows exactly how much you like his pearly whites, and he’s not above weaponizing that smirk against you.
Absolutely insane. If he can’t meet up with you every day, he’ll be devastated. Shohoku hates to see him like that during those times. To make up for it, he keeps a picture of just your face. It’s cropped from a photo you two took together—a close-up of your face, framed in the most beautiful frame he owns, sitting on his bedside table.
On sleepless nights, Mitsui grabs the frame, his fingers clenching around it, holding on, like a wife waiting for her husband to return from war😭
He's the meme "OooUgha, my Sha-yla, My-sheEyla..."
You better not catch him practicing basketball moves on court, or he'll rope you into it, whether you play or not.
I've said this before, but Mitsui is the type of boyfriend who randomly starts shadowboxing—except with basketball moves. He’ll dribble an invisible ball, jump uselessly, dodge around you, and shoot into an imaginary basket, all while keeping track of the score. Is it annoying? Absolutely. But it’s also his strategy to rope you into being his partner for a 1v1. Naturally, after he almost slams into you or steps on your toes one too many times, you start joining in by “stopping” the invisible ball. It’s silly, sure, but somehow, it’s your thing now. And you can't stop him. Like ever.
Mitsui gets jealous sometimes. It’s not that he doesn’t trust you—he knows you’ve stuck with him for this long, and he never doubts your love for him. But every now and then, he craves a little extra validation and comfort from you. Not always, though—just enough to remind himself he’s still your number one.
Mitsui often brings you along to his friends' hangouts—just because he can. He loves how easily you get along with them (or at least tolerate them), and it makes him happy to have you there, blending into his world.
He loves it when you run your hands through his hair or play with the short strands—it’s something he finds incredibly relaxing. Of course, it goes the other way, too; he adores running his fingers through your hair just as much.
Shamelessly possessive—not in a “you belong to me” way, but in an “I’m yours, you're mine” kind of way. Mitsui isn't afraid of showing that side of him to public.
He is a nice cook so for some dates he might invite you over to watch films and eat his cooking, Generally I have a feeling that he would enjoy walking alongside with you, hand in hand or over your shoulder.
Mitsui sleeps on his stomach with the weight of a dead man, yet somehow always manages to end up with you underneath him—unintentionally squished and completely cramped. He’s grumpy every morning until he finally gets out of bed. With his brown eyes still closed and his brows furrowed, his barely audible morning voice carries a tone of unmistakable complaints, even from just a few centimeters away.
A kiss might just be enough to put him in a good mood.
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isriune · 11 months ago
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joshseoh · 1 year ago
(i totally forgot to announce this lmao)
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Mitsui Hair (Hair Commissions)
For masculine frame
Basegame compatible
24 EA swatches
For teen to elder
Custom thumbnail
Hat compatible
Shadow map
Specular map
Normal map
Disallowed for random
Compatible with Universal Hair Overlay
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Read my Terms of Use before downloading!
Download here
Public release: 7 Dec 2023
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vdyuong · 1 year ago
Probably the first time ever posting slam dunk related art here. This is for a test phone charm print. I’m still not sure if the shape will work, but I like how I drew it.
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sannuiz · 7 months ago
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Slam dunk dump #1
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courtesanofdeath · 9 months ago
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they are, what rukawa likes to call, three idiots.
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slamdunkhcs · 3 months ago
some tea about sendoh (from a source close to inoue!!!)
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These pertain to Sendoh as he’s who I mainly asked about (due to Sendoh being such a mysterious character throughout the series)
When I asked about why Sendoh loves fishing so much, they revealed that it was because his grandfather had introduced it to him, they would fish together from a young age, and his grandfather would give him life advice while they fish tg. His grandfather passed away shortly after he moved from Tokyo so part of it is so he can honor him in away.
The other reason they gave me is due to Sendoh valuing solitude. While he doesn’t mind being around others, at times he feels he doesn’t belong, and he likes to have a quiet space where it is just him and serene blue waters.
Sendoh has few friends in his life, if any. While he does like his teammates and others around him, he feels he can’t “truly be himself” and has to put up a calm and collected front, even though that is not always him.
He said inoue worded it as “Part of why Sendoh doesnt have many friends because he feels that most people automatically have an idea or standard of who he is in their heads, and he feels the need to be that person, despite the fact they don’t know him. He feels that if he shares who he actually is, he ends up letting them down”
HIS FAMILY BACKGROUND: His family is comfortable, but not superrr well off. His father is a businessman while his mother is a stay at home wife. He is able to get his wants and needs without much of an issue, and he’s apparently traveled on vacation abroad with them before too (to Taiwan and SK from what they mentioned!!!). He has a very close relationship with his mother as she supports him in whatever he likes, but not so much with his father. His father is more of a practical and disciplined/strict person, so he never really understood his son’s more carefree and relaxed view on life. As a result, Sendoh had chased his father’s approval in his younger years.
ACCORDING TO THEM, SENDOH HAS NEVER BEEN IN A RELATIONSHIP 😂😂😂😂. “He’s had his fair bit of attention from girls but he’s never been the type to rush into anything without meaning behind it,”
THIS ONE SURPRISED ME A BIT: He really respects and admires Miyagi, for being able to “let loose” and “be himself”, and still have people admire him. Meanwhile, he feels a pressure to maintain a certain front around others.
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azzurro-due · 5 months ago
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paunchsalazar · 8 months ago
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sketches while watching/reading Slam Dunk
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vvunderkind · 5 months ago
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ryomitsu dump
the sketch for first pic is by @hewoweens :3 little collab
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bunnies-and-blues · 9 months ago
Hello gorgeous, I hope life has been treating you well! Can I request mitsui, miyagi, sendo, and maki with a reader who likes to draw and often goes to their practice to draw them? If not or it’s too many that ok! Thank you for your consideration!🫶
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─꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱─ slam dunk : my muse ! ☆
⸝⸝ tl;dr : sd boys with their artist partner ! involves hisashi mitsui + ryota miyagi, akira sendoh, and shinichi maki !
⸝⸝ note : i took a bit of liberty and made the reader their partner, i hope that's okay ! idm making a seperate post wherein reader is their friend / admirer if ever :DD
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hisashi mitsui + ryota miyagi . . . seperately !
the moment you and mitsui/miyagi became a thing he just became the cockiest person in the world . like, genuinely . it was really cute and endearing at first but eventually everyone's just pissed at him t-t
even more so when he's at practice ... all of a sudden he's extra energetic and his form is beyond perfect (not that akagi's complaining; if you get them to play well then that's all for the better)
he knows that you like to draw —its even one of the reason why he likes you so much ! — and the moment he found out that you drew him during his practices ... oh my god, ego to the roof !! /pos
mitsui flashes you a devilish grin, his eyes gazing upon the quick sketches you've made of his form. "i look great," he states. he winks as he walks back towards the ring, aiming for a three-pointer. "make sure to get my good side, yeah?"
look, mitsui's all cocky and arrogant when he's in front of the others (much to their chagrin), but in private — that's a whole different story . he's consistently sending kogure and akagi photos of your art, pretty much showing them off !!
and he makes sure to thank you for all of your efforts ; he'll buy you all the art supplies you want ! (and he'll try to draw you as well, but he's not the best at it ... )
miyagi is speechless when you show him your sketchbook. across the pages are drawings of him, each pose dynamic and vivacious. he could practically feel the energy radiating from your sketches. "this is amazing," he murmurs, heart-eyed. he looks up at you. "you're amazing."
much like mitsui, he'll show your art off — but he'll show it off to everyone. the basketball team, ayako, his classmates, his family- you name it !
what can i say ? he loves you !
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akira sendoh . . .
"woahh!" sendoh exclaims, his eyes alight with glee when you show him your sketchbook. he takes it in his hands, holding it as if it was the most precious thing to exist. he traces the outline of his sketched-out form with a delicate finger, his grin spreading ear-to-ear. he looks at you with crinkled eyes, his smile as bright and warm as summer sun. "these are really good ! maybe you should teach me how to draw !"
sendoh is all smiles when he saw your drawings of him . he can't help it ! believe it or not, he's seen fanart of himself alongside the countless fanmail he's received, but never before has he had someone draw him so ..
he can't describe it, really . but all he knows is that it's the best art he's ever seen ! your art was warm, each pencil stroke filled with love and care, your affection for him reflected tenderly in the careful way you drew his features.
like with mitsui and miyagi, he'll gladly show off your art to the basketball team ! and before you know it, you'll have a line of the team members asking for you to draw them as well .
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shinichi maki . . .
maki stares at the compilation of sketches in his hand. admittedly, he had felt a bit downhearted when he saw that you've been drawing during their practices, feeling as if you haven't been paying him attention, but he couldn't have been more wrong. he caresses the paper with a gentle hand, then pulls you in for an embrace. "thank you, my darling," he murmurs, his breath warm against your ear. "these are wonderful."
a gentleman through and through, maki makes sure to show his affections after receiving such a gift (even if you didn't mean it to be a gift in the first place) .
he starts giving back, taking you out on art dates and offering to buy you any art supply you want . even if you ask for just a simple pencil, he'll ensure that you get only the best quality !
unlike the other three, he'd want to keep your art of him for his eyes only . not that he's not proud of it or anything, but he just prefers for your art of him to be seen by only him ... not that it works (kiyota would find a way to snatch them from him when he's not working lmao)
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tiramisooooh · 6 months ago
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mitchan 🏀
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rose-colored-sd · 1 month ago
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Recent nonsense
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wontmindd · 1 year ago
If you're up to you, maybe some headcanons for dating Mitsui or Sakuragi?
Dating Hanamichi Sakuragi
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When I tell you this boy is head over heels in love with you.
You had to be the first one to confess, because Sakuragi after being rejected so many times became so DENSE and didn't have a clue that you liked him although there were signs.
And when you do, he's actually convinced that Yohei and the rest of the gang are playing a prank on him.
But when he realizes that you're being serious, he has to take a day off from school to process that.
After you become a couple, Sakuragi is all about BRAGGING.
Always has an arm around your waist, or shoulders, having you sit on his lap. And with the biggest smug face anyone has ever seen.
He likes to show you off but not in a materialistic way, he's seriously proud of you (and himself for landing you lmao).
Introduces you to the gang, they like you a lot and you love spending time with them!
Always up to some shenanigans with you and the troupe.
Takes you on sooo many dates at first, he had a date-wish list since he started middleschool, just in case he ever got a partner.
Despite still being a hot-head and arrogant, he's so sweet and caring.
You go to all his games and cheer on him the loudest.
If he's whistled by the ref, he'll shout at him in anger for embarrassing him in front of you.
Dating Hisashi Mitsui
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Mitsui would wait for a partner until he's more mentally okay, so you two would get together after he joins the team back.
Mitsui is very regretful of his past, and would try to hide it for as long as he can during your relationship.
He likes you so much, he doesn't want his delinquent past to be a deal-breaker.
But he finds it hard to keep secrets from you and eventually will tell you everything.
He feels so grateful to have you when you wrap his arms around him and reassure that you still love him no matter what, and that you're so relieved that he's in a better place now.
You helped a lot honestly.
Mitsui would think about the most perfect dates. Going out for a walk in the park, then out for a drink, a fancy restaurant.
Honestly I think you would be his first experience, since he was at first too focused on basketball, and then too lost to think about a relationship.
But he's doing so well, he treats you right.
His love language would be acts of service and gifts I think.
Not that big on PDA, he can get embarrassed, but he loves to hold your hand in public or have his arm wrapped around your shoulders while walking.
Sometimes his insecurities strike him back and you have to cheer him up and reassure him that he's good enough.
He will try his best at games knowing that you're watching.
If you're a sporty type, he'll suggest trying some basketball basics in a street court.
He tries to teach you 3-point throws!
Introduces you to the Shohoku team and invites you to team dinners, if they have any.
In general, although sometimes he underestimates himself, Mitsui would be such a thoughtful, caring partner.
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choujinx · 1 year ago
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SLAM DUNK (1990-1996) by inoue takehiko
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