#send plz
okhunnybunny · 2 months
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Omg I missed it!!
I like to receive btw 🎁
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#111 - 跨性別 (kuà xìngbié / transgender) - A dragon that transes your gender?! 🏳️‍⚧️💙💗🤍⚧️
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anchoeritic · 9 days
cowboy!ellie making you ride her boot after you’ve been needy all day & begging for her to touch you. “don’t hurt yourself, baby. maybe watch where your hands go next time,” she refused to let you touch yourself too, slapping away your desperate hands and making sure to keep them tied back with one of her much thicker ropes. “or maybe listen to me, hm?” it was fortunate enough that she even let you get near her after your little antics: kissing on her neck and touching between her thighs in front of her friends.
you should be grateful for her taking it lightly on you. that’s what she always told you. to be grateful that she wasn’t so mean. until, well, she was. “e—-ellie, please. ‘m sorry,” with all the begging, it really took you nowhere. nowhere near her hands but you found yourself sat warmly on top of her brown leather boot. “sorry?” the thick skin of her curved boot nuzzled pretty between your thighs, “wanna make it up to me?” her fingers brushing over the back of your neck, pulling you in a little closer. “since you’re so needy.. go on, baby. get yourself off.”
you felt your face grow warm at her words, almost humiliated as her fingers went on to grip tighter at the back of your neck. “prove to me how sorry you are and cum,” she whispered, tapping her other foot. “you were just whinin’ about no attention. now that you got some, you wanna get shy?” ellie went on to tease you more, letting go of your neck and sitting back to watch you with her arms crossed right across her chest. “i said fuckin’ ride it.”
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farahhaboub · 8 days
Hello, my name is Farah Haboub, from Gaza, I lived in the war about 8 months displaced from house to house, my house was destroyed on the third day of the war and I did not take anything from my house, the Israeli army called my father and informed him to evacuate the house in a military operation in our region, we evacuated the area and we were displaced to my uncle's house for 4 days, and then we were displaced to Rafah for 10 days and the house was evacuated because the house opposite us was bombed, and then we were displaced to Khanunis, after that we stayed for 50 days and then the area was evacuated and we were evacuated to Rafah and the opposite mosque was bombed, and a woman in the house was martyred and my family was displaced and we survived from death miraculously.
I study computer engineering at Al-Azhar University and I excel at my university. I study in the second year of my specialisation, I had a dream and my future were destroyed. My twin brother and I are studying the same specialisation. Please help me and my sister in building our future and building our house.
Please share and donate the link 🫶🏻🫶🏻
@sar-soor @fairuzfan @lasttarrasque @nabulsi @sayruq @90-ghost @palestinalibre @andreakalfas @awesomepeoplehangingouttogether @writing-prompt-s @vanessahudgens
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marragurl · 24 days
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Every time I think Ratio and Aventurine can’t get more obvious they just throw a whole new curveball at me 😭
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wuey · 2 months
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lost an airpod on a 3am drunken walk home but at least im going to NYC next week!!
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ipetite69 · 2 months
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 ⋆  .   your little family with rafe in the countryside  ‹𝟹
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jenofthefar · 5 months
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I am suffering from severe Astarion brainrot, send help, thank you that is all
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jahdefender · 12 days
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So I found this posted to reddit and I wanted to share it here because I'm sure there are some fans who haven't seen the Adventures Bible stuff. (I had not so this is just referencing myself)
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fieryvoid-scout · 2 years
Zenos Boba
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This is a new form of torture 🥲
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craykaycee · 1 year
Can I hug moon?
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Hugs! :D
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mothsandbees · 2 months
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art block. u kno what that means
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cloverconsolass · 1 month
You said a few days ago that we could send requests if we wanted. In that case…sibling stuff with Lena and Violet, please?
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This was Lena and violet at first but like I felt like it was missing something so I added webby. Their having there little book session thing. Thanks for requesting :D
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k4pp4-8 · 1 year
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