larryobrienjr9 · 1 year
4/23/2023, 7:59 PM
My latest Tumblr post for CM 491 class
1.      What were your thoughts about your research topic going into the first week of the semester?
I was rather overwhelmed and unsure at the start of the semester. After meeting with Sharna and Alphie my original target audience was too broad. I had just set it up for anyone who was struggling to find was to better connect with the online world. Instead, they had me refocus the target audience to how lessons learned by the sports industry online could translate into helping educators make the often impersonal and cold online education space become a welcoming and highly interactive place. I wasn’t sure how to break down each topic or how to divide them between what each major league sport seemed to do best. 
2.      What are your thoughts now about your research topic and your project/practicum?
I think that Sharna and Alphie were right. Although it seemed like an impossible task at first their direction really helped me structure what I wanted to showcase. It let me show how lessoned learned in one industry- an early adaptor whose main purpose is for entertainment could be translated and adapted to help a completely separate industry that was struggling to adjust to the changing needs of its users long before the Pandemic forced Education to transition overnight from the traditional physical classroom to the online, digital space. Although online education has been around for over twenty years students and educators still struggle to fully connect and engage with both each other and the subject matter in the same ways as they would meeting in a physical classroom, at a set time, for a certain amount of weeks in a row. 
Although I am a huge sports fan, before starting this project last Fall and my meeting with Sharna and Alphie even I hadn’t really seen the connection where the sports industry would be “ teacher” and education the “student”.
3.      What did you learn about yourself as a creative through this journey?
Through this creative journey I learned that in order to put out the best product you have to be flexible and willing to change. Just because you have one idea at the beginning doesn't necessarily mean it's the best way to present an idea or a topic that's meaningful to others. Flexibility and willingness to change are often things I as someone with ADHD and Autism have struggled with when it comes to presenting ideas or changing plans. Once I have an idea, I usually like to stick with it no matter what but now I realize that just because it makes sense to me doesn't mean that it's clearly understood or presented for others.
I also realized that as a creative person it's great to have wide broad ideas and you don't want to limit your ideas in the early stages. However, it is critical before you decide on a final work to have plans in place to streamline your ideas. You don't want to stay for the creative process but at the same time you need to have direction that makes sense. I truly believe that there is no such thing as bad work or bad ideas, however they might not be the right ideas for a certain project. Sometimes if I come up with something now it may be fantastic for another project anywhere from six days to six years down the road. It's very important to be able to look through all those ideas decide what is best for the current project and build on those ideas while keeping the others to see if there's a way that can be tied in later or utilized for a future project or future expansion of the current project. I kept thinking back to George Lucas and the original Star Wars when he set up the Star Wars universe, he realized he didn't have a story for one movie he had a story that went up turning into dozens of movies, television programs, multiple cartoons, comic books and an entire universe. 
4.      What did you learn about the creative and production process?
I learned that the creative and production processes go far beyond just the ideas that someone present. Brainstorming and ideas are a great starting point but they're just that the beginning. The amount of effort and organization it takes to make a major work and highlight everything you wanted to show but do it in a way that shows your ideas to a public that might not have your same frame of reference it's very detailed. There are so many steps in place to make something come out right that is amazing. Something that looks so basic to the public and simple may have 10 or 15 developmental steps to get it to come across as clear concise and simple.
I also learned that you have to be flexible in your creative process and to give yourself enough time for that flexibility. No matter what happens something at some point is going to go wrong and delay your process. It could be anything from a computer glitch that delays you for an hour or two, or it could even be weather related, a shipping delay, or your actor gets sick. Point blank, something is going to happen no matter what you try the best intentions and plans need to be able to be flexible and adjusted. Before working on any project, you have to build in slack time so those problems and issues can be adjusted without delaying your work. I now realize that there are so many moving parts and pieces to something that looks basic that one delay could cause a project or film not to be released on time for a major holiday or for possibly hundreds if not thousands of people to be out of work simply because creativity and production were not realistic in the amount of time they were going to need. That's why it's crucial to understand that there are going to be hiccups and to have a plan in place to adjust for them accordingly. 
5.      What advice would you give new senior capstone students?
My advice to you is TIMING….Timing is everything from the first week of your Fall semester senior year until the week or two before graduation. You have to keep up on all of your assignments. Set time limits for yourself and then move on. If you are taking five classes or more this whole year is going to be rough. If you have six assignments due on the same day and you only have five hours to work then plan on giving each assignment just 45 minutes and then move on to the next. Its better to have something for every project then only completing one or two. Its a lot easier to find a few minute here and their to finish up or add to an assignment then it is to try to start one from the beginning if you are already behind with 3 or 4 other tasks that haven’t even been started. One assignment builds on the next.
Although you will be tired and want to take off the weeks of Thanksgiving and the month off between the semesters don’t. You need that time at Thanksgiving to get your papers finished for other classes and to set up (and get approval) for your capstone project. As soon as you have capstone approval start working on your project. Don’t wait until the semester starts to make plans, gather information, or plot out a basic structure of what you want to do. You need to be flexible but if you already have some idea of what you want and need to accomplish it will make it a lot easier to line up your deliverables on time with what your professor needs to have so you are done in time to graduate. This last semester will fly by and you will find yourself trying to balance everything including finding your new career which depends on you finishing your degree and graduating. You will go through every emotion this semester but just remember from times of great stress and change can come wonderful things. Anything you can do to make it easier for yourself the better the process will be.   
6.      Where to now?
For me this is still a work in progress. I have been preparing to get a permanent job and working on my resume. I spent the past year working as an extra on both Season 5 of Magnum P.I. and Season 2 of NCIS: Hawaii and I am set to start working with them again when they start filming the next seasons over the summer. I am hopeful that I will be able to get a more permanent job with the crew or casting agency now that I have completed my degree. The Covid Pandemic has actually helped the Hawaii Television and Film industry because many productions that were filming overseas have come to Hawaii instead. I am hoping to get a job in the editing room for one of these productions. I am also looking into creative media opportunities with some other local businesses and hotels. 
Once I graduate, I am also planning on monetizing videos on social media. I have had a lot of practice making YouTube videos for both of my Creative Media degrees and want to work on launching my own channel about real life in Hawaii mixed with in-person visits to landmarks, so kind of a tale of two worlds.
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osamusriceballs · 11 months
Kinktober Day 11 <3
Tsukishima x sensory deprivation
Warnings: NSFW, fem reader
Words: ~ 1,1 k
Kinktober Masterlist II -> Next day
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"Come on, just let me take off the blindfold."
You sigh and wiggle your wrists in his grasp, only for him to snicker amusedly. "I feel like you don't fully understand the concept of sensory deprivation. The blindfold is essential for this." You can hear him click his tongue at the end of the words, feigning annoyance while he answers. "I know, but isn't it enough that you're chaining my hands to the bed?" As a cue, he wraps the silky tie around your wrists, tight, but far from painful, expertly tying the knot around your hands.
"I don't think so." He squeezes your cheeks, and you try to protest but the words come out as nonsense. "Just be patient for me. Can you do that?" You feel him shift his weight on the bed, his lips now at the shell of your ear when he whispers the words. A shiver runs down your spine and you quickly nod- maybe a bit too eager because he is quick to release a mocking snort.
You hold your breath when you feel his hands on your body, his thumbs rubbing the material of your blouse above your collarbones. Goosebumps form on your skin, his touch warm when his knuckles brush against the swell of your breast as he starts to unbutton the fabric. His hands roam around your stomach, to the cage of your ribs, just barely grazing along the fabric of your bra as soon as he has finished unbuttoning your blouse. Anticipation rushes through you, your body ever so sensitive to all of his touches while you tried to predict where he is going to touch you next. No words are exchanged when you feel him pulling back, leaving the bed for good.
"Kei?" you ask hesitantly, hearing him shuffle around and arranging some things. "Hmm? You good there?"
"Yes- but come back, Kei. Don't make me wait." You know that you sound desperate, but you can stop replaying different scenarios in your mind when you're tied to the bed like this. He clearly enjoys seeing you go crazy with anticipation. A few more moments of him arranging and rearranging stuff that feel like an eternity to you while you can't see, and you feel his weight dipping down the mattress again.
He's close.
You can't see him, but you can feel him. Feel his presence right next to you, his even and deep breaths, his smell- all of your other senses seem to tell you that he's close. Your body jolts when you suddenly feel his breath on your neck, softly breathing against your skin. "You look so pretty like this." A ragged breath escapes your lips at his words, the sudden softness in his tone adding to the intimacy of the moment.
A sudden cold sensation on your bare stomach makes you squirm. You hadn't noticed that his hands have been busied with something else, and when he presses it harder against you, you whine, feeling the cold wetness drip down to your navel. It lingers a few more moments on your skin, causing you to gasp at the freezing sensation, goosebumps forming on your skin already. You hear an almost metallic sound when the coolness disappears and he puts something away.
"Ok. Tell me what that was." His voice sounds teasing, a smirk adorning his lips for sure. "An ice cube," you reply, trying to sound neutral and put together. "Hmm, really good. I think you deserve a little reward for getting this one right." His lips travel down your collarbones, softly sucking and nibbling on your skin, causing your head to fall back and your toes to curl. His fingers hook into the cups of your bra and pull the fabric down, just enough to free your tits. His tongue softly glides over one of your hard buds, swirling and sucking just enough to make you clench your legs. He pulls back way too soon, your other nub aching for attention too. "Can you guess what's this too?" A soft and light sensation meets your neck, moving along your jaw and down your throat.
You wiggle even more in the ties when the tickling sensation doesn't stop, the soft caress going down to your collarbones, sending shivers down your spine when you can't anticipate where he'd touch you next. "And?" He sounds smug at this point, clearly satisfied when he sees how much you squirm.
"A feather." You sound breathless for sure, but it's simply the effect of the feather now tracing along your exposed breast and moving down your stomach. "You're so good at this, darling."
You ball your hands into fists when he brings his lips to your chest again, replacing the feather with his lips and giving your nipple a soft bite. "Kei-" the sensation so unexpected to you that you moan his name, the sound echoing through the room in a way that makes you burn in embarrassment. "Hmm, what is it?" he answers with his lips still attached to your skin, his voice barely a whisper in the room. "Feels good." Your head is thrown back into the pillows, your back arching your chest into his mouth.
"I'm sure it does." He pulls back, much to your disdain. "Are you ready for the next one?" Tsukishma moves further down, your body jolting when his hands open the button of your pants, slowly pulling them down your legs. You shiver when you're basically lying in front of him in your underwear, a hot wave of need rushing through your body when he hooks his fingers in the hem of your panties. Heat rises to your cheeks when he removes your panties as well, not saying anything, instead, you're only met with nerve-wrecking silence.
"Kei? What are you-" a surprised moan leaves your lips when you feel a soft sensation between your legs- his lips without a doubt, pressing kisses to your already wet folds. Your muscles tense and you involuntarily try to reach for his head, only to be restricted by the tie. His tongue licks along your folds, his nose brushing against your clit, and he has you moaning his name with these few touches already already. The wet noises of his kisses fill the room, your breaths uneven when he pushes his tongue unexpectedly in your entrance. "Oh god- Kei- so good-" you whine when he picks up his pace, licking inside of you with no mercy until he has your thighs clenching around his head. "Yeah? What feels good`? Tell me, darling. Can you guess?"
"Your tongue-" you whine when he rewards you with extra attention to your clit, sucking on the sensitive nub and toying with it with his tongue. Your body is burning from his touches already, eager for more, eager for him to fuck you like this-
"You're so good at this." He presses one last kiss to your pussy, and you feel his weight shifting on the mattress, knowing exactly what he will do next when you hear him fumble with his belt.
"I think you deserve another reward."
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inkyquince · 8 months
Thinking about Omega Harper. Best doctor for omegas around, so soothing, so gentle, with an impeccable bedside manner. Then he sets his sights on you. Just for you, he starts keeping inflatable knots in his drawer.
Tells you your outbursts and fighting are from a lack of a rush of hormones released when you're knotted. Don't worry, the clinic has something that can help with that. And you trust him, don't you?
Just a few sessions, getting your insides stuffed with his soft, gentle, omegan cock, with the artificial knot snagging on your poor hole. Whispers against your ear for you to present yourself, take his knot, be a good little mate for him.
Harper isn't one to let silly things like biology stand in the way of what he wants.
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mueritos · 9 months
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back to doing art full-time on my patreon! I will be opening commissions shortly as well ^-^ thank u to all of the patrons who have supported me over the years, I could not do art full time without y'all!
(commissions will be opening soon, but free/paid patrons will hear about it first!)
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cubffections · 3 months
HEWOOOO CUBBB MORNIEEE ! just finished my final and !:!;!:! got a 94 ! ⁽⁽٩(๑˃̶͈̀ ᗨ ˂̶͈́)۶⁾⁾ oh mygosh this is so freeing im literally giggling so hard <3 xixi is finally FREE ! ᡣ𐭩 TANK U ALL FOR THE LUCK AAAA
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stabble · 6 months
No little artist girl don't plan out a seven minute animatic to a dnd podcast on hiatus right now you have exams-
My stupid ass: Heeheehe the pirates are sad and silly
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latay7 · 6 months
So yessss , i finished my drawing of Chef Vee @sl-vega up them fics (smells good) and i have to admir a few things:
1. I haven't made a full rendered drawing in MONTHS
2. The entire drawing is just rendering i literally did a sketch in one layer and then did everything else in another layer (yes everything in 1 layer)
3. It was defently a matter of "trust the process" cause i liked the outcome
4. Lastly , the next drawing will be of their majesty @slay-anon (probably gonna insert myself lol-)
Anyway , this was the result ,hope you like it Vee!!<3
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girlpog · 1 year
all this shit with unity rn is so crazy to me cus like...im a game design major. i am going to school for unity...
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nonbinarygerard · 11 months
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gouache paintings from my life drawing class
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this-doesnt-endd · 8 days
I really dont wanna go to this event i wanna go home and read by book and go to the store and look at monchichis
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astranauticus · 1 month
finally had to read omelas for class after knowing for years what it's about and specifically seeing some people talking about it in the context of orv and. good lord. like im trying to sit here in this group discussion with NORMAL PEOPLE pretending to be normal and not just
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i fuckin passed japanese 4
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mivrip · 11 months
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mahikamihan · 10 months
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the-cookie-of-doom · 3 months
im doing the pomodoro 50/10 study method, and while it has kept me studying for like 4 straight hours. 10 minutes is not enough of a break. Unfortunately I have no choice :' )
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locusustus · 9 months
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clapping cheering et cetera
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