#semi-professional horse girl
girderednerve · 2 months
so i've been watching the olympics!
i ideologically reject the olympics & they should not be held. however, it is fun to watch sports on television, especially if you, like me, are a fan of weird sports that aren't televised often (equestrian sports!).
there are a lot of problems with equestrian sports, mostly that they're capital-intensive, which is to say that they're inaccessible & elitist. the big controversy this olympics relates to animal welfare, though. there have been scandals in the past, but this year, right before the olympic games, charlotte dujardin, a very famous & celebrated dressage rider, withdrew from competition pending an investigation for animal welfare by the FEI & british dressage federation after the release of a video that is at least two years old (age contested) of her repeatedly striking at the legs of a client's horse with a long whip during a training session. i will note that she has previously had to withdraw from an international competition after blood was found on her horse (they check bits & spurs every round). charlotte dujardin is famous & celebrated because she has had incredibly good, record-breaking results in international competition, despite her relatively young age (gold medalist in her 20s, when people remain competitive in this sport into their 60s). she also competed in international dressage wearing a riding helmet, which was not at all conventional in the 2010s, although it is now in part because of her influence. when she won her gold medals at the 2012 olympics, she was riding at home & was met with a massive swelling of national pride by british viewers.
international dressage competition was dominated by german riders (isabell werth is like, the queen mother of dressage basically), and there had just been a huge controversy about animal welfare centering on the practice of rollkur, a training method in which the horse's head is pulled in very close to their chest, which is a very unnatural way for a horse to move & involves a lot of force exerted on the bit(s) in the horse's mouth. i strongly agree that rollkur is bad and should not be done, but the public discussion about it immediately became extremely messy, because a) some fans were looking for a reason to discount german records & decry german horsemanship and b) we couldn't agree what rollkur actually is! the FEI said that you can't do rollkur, but that it's fine to use a "deep & round" training frame, which is, um, different, because it's not mean? which is nonsense, or at least very difficult to enforce by eye, but sort of understandable; i myself have spent plenty of time on a horse (my beloved friend, strudel the pony) who habitually ducks behind the bit & carries his head low & behind the vertical. while it's straightforward to identify & sanction extreme cases (e.g., patrik kittel's blue-tongued horse), it can be much harder to agree on other instances, keeping in mind that you only see a very small piece of a rider's general practice in competition. judges are supposed to penalize movements in which the horse's head is behind the vertical, but in practice they spent years penalizing carriage in front of the vertical more sharply & consistently (this has begun to shift in the last couple years, but the rollkur stuff was happening in like, 2010). this sport is an old, strange, slow-moving patchwork of styles, full of people who are deeply particular, territorial, & aesthetically conservative. there's also a huge variation in how horses themselves behave; they have character, personality, & preferences. none of which lessens the burden of responsibility on riders & people who work with horses to make sure that they are cared for well, but does make adjudicating an individual case complicated. of course, it's also intensely emotionally charged, because we are, & ought to be, outraged by animal abuse.
anyway the thing i'm trying to get at is that we don't have a cultural consensus on what animal welfare in equestrian sports ought to look like. i realize that sounds like rank apologia, which i am not trying to do; i have not watched the video of charlotte dujardin in the training session, because i don't have the stomach for it & am not interested in trying to argue about this one case. the bigger & more interesting issue to me is that i think there's a general cultural shift, in the sport & beyond it, around what we think is appropriate to ask from a horse. like i said, people have long careers in this sport, & it's culturally conservative on its own; i rode a couple times with a celebrated british rider whose father was responsible for determining which horses to care for & which to put down during world war ii (!!!), which obviously accompanied an extremely different attitude towards horses & the labor we expect from them than anything you might find in a modern barn. many of these determinations about equine welfare are being conducted on the public stage, by people who have never spent significant time around horses; the video of dujardin hitting a horse aired on good morning britain. there's also a vibrant, very opinionated amateur community, who have spent time with horses but aren't professionals. i do think there's a meaningful difference between having a horse who is your buddy & spending all day working with horses, having sort of done both; i don't think it's particularly edgy to say that you treat an activity differently when it's your job than when it's a thing you're doing for fun & stress relief.
when i was taught to ride, i was told (& of course believed!) that it's fine & appropriate to punch a horse with my stupid seven-year-old fists if they knocked me around with their big horse faces, which made me feel weird when kim raisner was banned from the german pentathlon team for same, but then she obviously was not seven. i'm not quite sure what i think about it; the argument in favor of smacking a horse is that they're big & dangerous if they don't have manners, & in my experience they didn't really care. i feel some shame & conflict about this now that i am years away from working with horses, but i also recall trying to make sure that the horses i was around knew me & weren't afraid of me. we had solid working relationships from my perspective, but of course i can't go back & ask the horses. increasingly, i think excellent animal welfare is probably just not compatible with large-scale competitive sport, or, perhaps, with a capitalist environment. hot take, i guess!
one thing i think about a lot is that while there obviously is money in dressage, there's not nearly as much money in it as there is in horse racing, which is, from my perspective, a hugely destructive & cruel industry for horses & for people. horses die racing. people die caring for them, almost all of them undocumented barn workers. dressage defines itself in opposition to this approach—many amateurs pride themselves upon the differences—but i'm not convinced that the kinder ideas we have now of how to coexist with animals scale with revenue-generating industry, even outside of racing.
anyway, it makes people uncomfortable, and it makes me uncomfortable too. i think we'll see some comparatively rapid change in the next five years or so. the future of equestrian sports in the olympics is in question, as the olympics desperately try to stay relevant & interesting to younger generations (do kids like, uh, breakdancing? skateboarding? metal bands???). there's also an image crisis more broadly. the olympic ideal has shifted over the years, but a lot of the people involved in planning the games have self-aggrandizing ideas about what they're doing & the utopian potential of sports. equestrian sports have a martial history, which commentary generally elides, but is revealing in its way about the historical purpose of the olympiad. if the public conversation is focused on how this sport, which is expensive to put on & pulls low viewership numbers, is a harm to horses (&, in the popular mind, is not so much a sport as an exercise in expensive sitting, cf. the comedy around the romney-owned dressage horse), then the whole facade is crumbling. i guess it's better for the IOC for us all to worry about charlotte dujardin's heavy whip hand than it is for us to ask why israel is competing, or how well the unhoused people of paris are faring during these expensive spectacles, but surely they'd rather we set aside those conversations to talk about how inspiring the whole games are.
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rynwritesreid · 4 months
Take a bite| Spencer Reid
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Summary: After unknowingly teasing Spencer, he needs your help so he can finish paperwork.
Content: Fem!reader. Established relationship. Dom/sub dynamic. Dom!Spencer. Sub!reader. Praise kink. Oral (both receiving). Overstimulation. Bondage (handcuffs). Semi-public sex. Use of nicknames (good girl, baby and sir). Vaginal penetration. No mentions of contraception. Choking/breath play.
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To Spencer, there was no one more beautiful than you. Every inch of your body was perfection in his eyes. So, when you had previously asked Spencer what his favourite body part of you was, he said he couldn’t decide as he loved every part of you. But if he was being honest, it was your thighs.
He loved the way your thighs felt around him. He loved how they would tremble when he was overstimulating you, or they would hug his head when he buried his face between them. He loved to kiss the soft skin of your thighs, feeling the goosebumps rise under his touch.
So, unknowingly to you, when you had decided to wear a skirt to work, you were being a tease to Spencer. As you walked into the office that morning in your skirt, Spencer couldn’t stop stealing glances at your thighs. He was practically eye-fucking you all day.
Because of you, Spencer hadn’t been able to fill out any reports. “Spencer, can I speak to you?” Emily’s voice interrupted his thoughts. He quickly snapped back to reality, trying to compose himself before facing Emily. She raised an eyebrow, clearly noticing his distracted demeanour.
"Is everything alright, Spencer? You seem a bit... off today," Emily inquired, her gaze piercing through him.
Spencer cleared his throat, mustering up a professional facade. "I’m fine just had a lot on my mind. What did you need to talk about?" he replied, avoiding direct eye contact with Emily.
She handed him a folder with a concerned expression. "I need these reports completed by the end of the day. Is that going to be a problem?" Emily asked, her tone firm but not unkind.
Spencer nodded, taking the folder from her. "No problem at all, I'll have them on your desk before you know it," he assured her with a forced smile.
As Emily walked away, Spencer let out a sigh of relief mixed with frustration. His eyes wondered back to you. You were engrossed in a conversation with a colleague across the room, unaware of Spencer's intense gaze on you.
He stood up, and walked directly towards you, he didn’t care that you were in the middle of a conversation. “Hey, can I talk to you?” Spencer didn't care about the puzzled look on your face as he grabbed your hand, pulling you away from the prying ears of Luke and Tara.
"Spencer, what's going on?" you questioned, slightly taken aback by his urgency and the way he was looking at you.
“You.” he paused for a second, his voice was horse, “you’re such a fucking tease. You know that right?” he whispered, his breath warm against your ear. 
You didn’t know what to say, but you did know your cheeks had gone a bright shade of red.
“Because of you, I haven’t been able to do any work today. So, you’re going to be a good girl, and follow me into that storage closet, okay?” Spencer's voice was laced with desire and a touch of command that made your heart race. Without a word, you found yourself nodding, your body reacting to his proximity and the sudden rush of adrenaline.
He didn't wait for a response, tugging you gently by the hand as he led you towards the storage closet at the far end of the office floor.
Once inside the dimly lit closet, Spencer wasted no time in pressing you against the shelves, his lips finding yours in a hungry kiss.
“Get on your knees.” Spencer commanded, his voice low and authoritative. You didn't need to be told twice; it was clear that Spencer had been holding back all day. 
You sank to your knees, your heart pounding in your chest, your breaths coming out in shallow pants. You looked up at him, your eyes searching for reassurance, but all you saw was raw desire.
His hand gripped the back of your head, guiding you to where you needed to be. With one swift motion, your eyes widened as you felt the thickness of his erection, pressing against your lips. Trembling, you parted them, welcoming him inside.
Spencer's breath hitched as you took him in, the wet sounds of your mouth enveloping him filling the small space. He thrust gently, his hips rocking in rhythm with your movements. You kept your eyes locked with his, the heat of his gaze intensifying with every stroke.
As the sounds of your mouth moving on him filled the closet, Spencer's control began to slip. His fingers tightened in your hair, and he started to thrust harder, his hips bucking against your face.
Spencer's breath became ragged, his voice a husky whisper as he urged you on. "That's it, baby, take it all. I can't hold back anymore."
The slap of your lips around him, the wet sounds of your throat accommodating him, the intensity of it all was overwhelming, and yet, you craved more.
Spencer groaned, his hips thrusting more violently, his release imminent. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum, baby..." he warned, his voice strained and filled with urgency.
You felt his cock twitch against your lips, and you knew it was only a matter of time. He continued to thrust, his pace becoming erratic as he approached his climax.
Spencer's body tensed as he reached the edge, his hips stuttering against your face. Then, with one final thrust, he let out a guttural moan, releasing himself in your eager mouth.
You swallowed, your throat adjusting to the new sensation as he continued to fill you. It was only when he was spent that he slowly pulled away, his breath still coming in ragged gasps.
“Clean yourself up, I’ve got to go write my reports before I get scolded by Emily again.” Spencer mumbled, still trying to catch his breath. You stood up, your knees wobbly, and grabbed a handful of tissues from the carton on the shelf. You wiped your mouth, feeling your cheeks flush.
Spencer watched you, his gaze lingering on your lips, the tissues still clutched in your hand. "You're such a good girl," he whispered, brushing a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
Spencer wasn’t done with you yet, but the rest would have to wait till you had both finished work and where back in the safety of your shared apartment.
“When I home tonight, I expect to see you naked waiting for me.”  Spencer warned.
With a final kiss to your lips, Spencer straightened his shirt, adjusting his tie. "Let's get back to work," he said, his voice back to normal, as he led you out of the closet. "I still have those reports to write."
You sat down at your desk, trying to focus on your work, but all you could think about was the next time you'd see Spencer. The corners of your mouth curled up into a smile, knowing that later tonight, you would be waiting for him with nothing but your body to offer. You wanted him to take you again, to feel his hands on your skin, to hear his voice telling you how much he wanted you.
When your workday finally came to an end, you hurried to your shared apartment, excited for what was to come.
Upon entering your apartment, he found you exactly as he'd ordered, standing at the entrance, your body bathed in the soft light of the hallway. The sight of you left him breathless, and his eyes devoured every inch of your naked body.
He approached you slowly, taking in the sight of your breasts, full and inviting, your nipples hard and erect. He reached out, running his fingers gently over them, eliciting a low groan from you.
"You're such a good girl," he whispered, his voice full of desire.
“I always try to be, for you sir.” You whispered back, your eyes never leaving his.
Spencer couldn't help but smile at your response, he loved the way you addressed him, even in these private moments.
“Now, go lie on the bed with your legs spread for me.” Spencer commanded, his voice a mix of desire and authority.
You quickly complied, lying down on the bed with your legs apart, your heart racing as you awaited his touch.
Spencer's eyes devoured your body as he approached the bed. He looked up at you, a smirk on his lips. "You're such a good girl," he said, his voice deep and filled with desire. He crawled onto the bed, his eyes never leaving your body as he made his way between your legs.
With one hand on your thigh, he gently spread your legs wider, exposing yourself to him completely. His other hand reached down, his fingers brushing against your folds, coating them with your arousal.
"Tell me what you want, baby," he growled, his eyes locked on yours.
“I want you to eat me out, sir.” You pleaded, your breath hitching as anticipation seized your body.
Spencer grinned, a wicked glint in his eyes. "With pleasure," he said, his voice a low growl.
He lowered his head and began to kiss and lick your inner thighs, moving closer and closer to your most sensitive spot. Your breathing became shallow and ragged, and you could feel yourself becoming wetter with each passing second.
As his tongue finally made contact with your throbbing clit, Spencer's eyes met yours, and you could see the hunger in them. He began to lick and suck on your sensitive area, his tongue darting in and out with precise movements.
Your moans filled the room, and you could feel your body starting to tremble as the pleasure built within you. You reached down, running your hands through his hair, pulling him closer to you.
Spencer continued to work his magic, his tongue flicking and probing your clit. Your body arched off the bed, your breath coming in short pants as you felt yourself headed towards the edge.
“Oh god, sir, I'm so close,” you gasped, your hips bucking up towards his mouth.
Spencer grinned around your clit, his tongue not missing a beat. He knew just how to push you over the edge, and he was determined to do so tonight.
When you finally screamed out his name, your body convulsing in a powerful orgasm, Spencer slowed his movements, savouring the taste of your release. He pulled away, his lips glistening with your juices.
With a satisfied grin, he looked up at you, his eyes hungry. "I'm not done with you yet," he promised, his voice filled with lust.
Spencer stood up for the bed and walked towards the bedside cabinet. As you tried to see what he was looking for, you saw him grab a pair of handcuffs.
Your heart raced as you watched him approach the bed; his eyes locked on yours. “Spencer, what are you going to do?” you whispered, your voice shaking with anticipation.
Spencer smirked, a wicked glint in his eyes. "Just relax, baby," he said, his voice deep and filled with desire. He climbed onto the bed, his body hovering over you, his hands securing the handcuffs around your wrists.
“While I know you didn’t mean to tease me today, I still believe you need to be punished.” Spencer's voice was firm, and there was no denying the strength of his authority.
"But... but I didn't mean to..." you stammered, your heart racing as you looked up into his eyes.
"I know you didn't, baby. But there are consequences for our actions, and you know that very well." His voice was soft, but the threat was clear. You knew you had to accept the punishment because you knew the rewards that would follow.
Your breath hitched in your throat as you felt the cool metal of the cuffs on your wrists, securing your arms to the headboard. You looked up at Spencer, fear and desire mingling in your eyes, as he crawled between your spread legs.
With one smooth motion, he entered you, filling you completely in one powerful thrust.
"You're such a good girl," he whispered, his voice filled with satisfaction. 
You let out a small, pained moan as your body adjusted to his size. A mixture of pain and pleasure coursed through you, making your heart race and your breath catch in your throat.
Spencer’s hand seemed to find its way to your throat as he began to thrust into you, his rhythm deep and hard. Your body responded to his every move, your breathing becoming ragged as the pleasure and pain mingled within you.
"Are you enjoying yourself, baby?" he growled, his eyes locked on yours.
You nodded, too caught up in the sensation to speak. Your body was on fire, every inch of you alive with desire.
"That's good. Because I'm not going to stop until you beg for me to," Spencer promised, his voice filled with lust.
He continued to thrust into you, his body slamming against yours, the sound of flesh meeting flesh filling the room. Your body responded to his every move, your hips bucking up to meet his each time he thrust into you.
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rafesgoldrings · 1 year
Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy
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Pairing: Cowboy!Rafe Cameron x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mutual masturbation, smut, light choking, reader rides Rafe, not proof read so i’m sorry if there’s any errors or this isn’t as good as usual😭, I’m almost positive that’s all
Summary: When you see that Rafe Cameron is looking for new ranch hands, you jump at the opportunity. You’ve heard the rumors about him being a cowboy casanova and plan on keeping it professional, but his blue eyes and thick southern drawl make it harder than you planned
A/N: First off @congratsloserr you’re literally a genius for this request and I hope I did it justice. Second, this isn’t the last time you’ll be seeing Cowboy Rafe🤭
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You and Rafe had been going out for a few weeks, you’d started working at his ranch when you saw they needed some help. Everyone had told you about Rafe and how he was an incredible boss, but a major cowboy casanova so don’t get any ideas. Now that really was the plan, go to work, do your job, then leave, nothing other than that. But then he walked in, his big blue eyes looking directly into yours, he was wearing a light green button down, bootcut blue jeans, and cowboy boots and hat. You’ve heard people say they feel that spark at first glance, but believed it to be bullshit because how can you feel that connection from a single glance? This is how.
You tried so hard to be strong, really resist the charming smile he’d give you. The way he’d call you ‘darlin’ and ‘sweetheart’ with his thick southern accent, but it was becoming harder and harder. He’d been spending more time with you, insisting it was to make sure you’d settled in nicely and to help you out a bit, but then the flirting started. He’d greet you with a ‘mornin beautiful, how’s my favorite girl today?’ and walk you to and from your car each morning, telling you how lucky he was to have someone as incredible as you working for him. The resistance you’d worked so hard to build gradually falling more and more apart with each brush of his hand against yours.
And then he’d asked you. He’d asked you the question you tried so hard to avoid even happening. ‘Hey darlin, would you like to go out to dinner with me Friday night?’ it was inappropriate. He was your boss and a huge player who didn’t respect any of the women he met. It would be terrible to agree…
So here you are…several dinner dates later and in a semi official relationship. The most you’d done with him is give a small peck on his lips, maybe if you didn’t put out he would get bored and you could go back to just being his new ranch hand. But it didn’t seem to be working very well, he still asked you out and still placed his hand on your lower back as if he was claiming you. He still gave you a small kiss on the cheek when you’d part your separate ways at the end of the night, still greeted you with the same flirtatious things he’d always done.
And then, because why the hell wouldn't it happen to you, you’d been in his home instead of the usual restaurant you went to for dinner. Maybe you'd felt a tad bit more bold, or maybe it was because you no longer wanted to resist the temptation of him. He’d made you a very nice dinner and paired it with some fancy wine you couldn’t even pronounce. It was actually a nice evening, a night with just the two of you and nobody else around. Felt almost natural, he offered you the guest bedroom if you wanted to say and you accepted after a few moments to think. Was it a mistake? Maybe, but isn’t life all about making mistakes?
He was still wearing his cowboy hat, technically you could blame what happened next in the two glasses of wine if anyone asked, when you decided to kiss him. All the tension built over the last few weeks finally bubbling over. Your tongues battling for dominance until his took over. It made your head spin and you needed to pull away for air. Your lips swollen from the intensity, then you reached up and pulled his hat off of his head and put it on your own. Watching as he ran his hand through his messy hair and gave you a smirk.
“You know what they say about the cowboy hat rule don’t you sweetheart?” you shook your head no, a toothy grin on your face.
“Well,” he pulled his phone out and connected it to his home speaker before playing the song ‘Save a horse, Ride a cowboy’ “I think this song sums it up pretty well”
Giving him a small smirk, you unbuttoned his shirt and took a minute to admire his abs, and then undid his belt to pull his pants down. Once he was stripped, his boxers being discarded somewhere in the large living room, you pushed him onto the couch. The music blaring in your ears, alcohol running through your system, and the lustful gaze he had gave you a whole new level of confidence. You were so glad you wore a dress tonight, nothing too fancy but also nothing too casual. You slowly peeled one of the straps down your arm, and then the other, before sliding it down your body. Rafe was squirming from his spot on the couch at the sight of your bare tits and black lace thong on full display.
“Fuck darlin, you’re gorgeous” his voice full of adoration, eyes raking up and down your body just wondering how he was the lucky bastard that got to see you this way.
“Thank you cowboy” you gave him a playful wink, hands hooking into the sides and moving them around like you’d seen so many dancers do before, slowly turning so your back was facing him and bending over to take them off.
Your glistening cunt was on full display for him, perfect ass right in front of him. He wanted to keep you bent over like that and fuck into you until you couldn’t handle it anymore. But he stayed put, wanting you to go as far as you were comfortable with. You brought your hands to spread your cunt apart, smirking to yourself when you heard Rafe groan , before rubbing your clit with one hand. Your fingers rubbing your swollen bundle of nerves relentlessly, arousal leaking out of your hole and onto your thighs.
“You’re killin me over here baby” it was almost a whine, his head was thrown back against the couch and he had one hand stroking his cock when you’d turned your head to look over at him.
“Fuck” you let out a small moan, the visual of Rafe jerking himself off while you touched yourself turning you on even more.
You stuck two of your fingers inside yourself, giving your clit a break, and began pumping them in and out. A low whine escaping your lips as you picked up the tempo, the sound of mixed moans filling the room. His breathing hitched, a small chain of groans falling from his lips as he came all over himself, you followed shortly after. Moaning his name over and over again, moving one hand to the coffee table to balance yourself as you fell apart on your own hand.
“Alright darlin, you’ve had your fun. But now it’s my turn, bring that perfect body over here and ride my cock” his voice was much more firm now, you quickly did as you were told.
His hands gripped your hips as he guided you down into his cock, mumbling a small ‘fuck’ as your cunt slid onto his cock and clenched around it. You slowly began bouncing on it, circling your hips occasionally, trying to adjust to his size. He was much bigger than anyone you’d ever slept with, much more girthy as well. But it hit all the right spots inside you and made you see stars each time it brushed against them. The grip he had on your hips was firm enough to bruise, especially when you started going faster, but you loved it. His hat was still on your head which drove him wild. He had this pretty girl bouncing on his cock, wearing his hat, in his home. He was the luckiest man alive right now.
“You’re so-fuck-so big Rafe” a smirk took over his face at the compliment.
“Yeah? You’re taking me so well sweetheart, such a good girl for me. Your cunt feels so fucking good around me” he moaned out, moving to wrap his hand around your throat and pull you into a kiss. The both of you moaning into each other's mouth at the overwhelming amount of euphoria you were experiencing.
You weren’t going to last much longer, it was too much for you to hold off. That familiar feeling in your belly building up again, Rafe was close too. He could feel himself getting closer, opting to grip your hips and start moving you faster. Listening to the pretty noises that slipped through your parted lips, god he could come undone just listening to them.
“R-rafe, ‘m so close” you brought your forehead against his, the cowboy hat pushing further up on your head.
“I am too darlin, want to feel you come on my cock baby. Can you do that?” you weakly nodded, hair sticking to your face and bodies glistening with sweat.
“3..” his hips snapping into at a relentless pace.
“2..” your lips capturing his, the kiss sloppy but full of passion
“1..” the both of you falling apart. His lips moving to your neck as he claimed it as his, his cum filling up your tight cunt until it was making a prominent ring around his cock. The filthy sounds of your wet cunt filling the room as you came all over him.
He gave a few more lazy thrusts as you rode out your high before you slowly climbed off of him. You laid against the couch, legs spread and cum dripping out of you, mouth open and panting. His cock had softened by now, his head against the cool leather of the couch as he tried to catch his own breath.
“You’re something else baby” he chuckled.
You gave him a small smile before pulling his cowboy hat off and placing it on the table, slowly standing to go use the bathroom and clean up. When you walked back into the living room, he was dressed again which made you slightly disappointed. He watched in confusion when you grabbed your things and headed towards his guest room.
“Where are you going gorgeous?”
You turned around to face him, face slightly twisted in a confused expression. “To the guest room? I’ll leave by the morning I promise, we can just act like this didn’t happen if you want”
Was he done with you now? He’d gotten what he wanted and now it was on to the next poor girl that fell victim to his charm. You weren’t special, just another notch on his belt. He probably-
“What? Darlin, after tonight? There’s no way I'm letting you go, sleep in my bed with me. Want my girl next to me when I'm sleeping so I know I'm not dreaming” oh, well that was unexpected.
You assumed he’d throw you out, find someone new. Not want to keep you.
“Oh, Okay. Well i’m very exhausted,” you let out a small laugh “could we go to bed?”
“Course sweetheart” he grinned, standing up and walking to grab your hand before leading you to his room.
He threw you one of his shirts before going to his bathroom and taking a quick shower, walking out in just a fresh pair of boxers and joining you in bed. Your back was facing him and you gasped when you felt his strong arms wrap around you and pull you into him. It felt natural, like this was how it was meant to be in a weird way. Like he was meant to be like this with you, his player reputation being a bunch of baseless talks because he hasn’t settled with any of the girls. But he wasn’t the player you’d heard about with you, he was kind and gentle. He gave you his shirt to sleep in and wrapped his arms around you to hold you close, he called you gorgeous and darlin everyday, greeted you every morning, took you out to dinner.
But the one question played in your mind, what now?
“Rafe?” you heard him let out a small hum, “What are we? Like where do we go from here?”
“Well,” he took a deep breath, or let out a yawn, you couldn’t see him to know which one “I want you to be mine. So if you would like it, i’m asking you to be my girlfriend”
You couldn’t help the large smile that took over your face involuntarily. You felt like you were back in high school and your crush told you they liked you back. Like the young girl you once were that thought she found her prince charming because a boy asked you to marry him with a ring pop on the playground.
“I’d like that” your voice came out in almost a whisper, the sleep starting to take over you.
“Good, get some sleep darlin” a small kiss was placed on the top of your head, strong arms wrapping tighter around you.
Your arms wrapped around his and finally, your eyes closed. The both of you falling into an easy sleep, limbs tangled with each other like it was meant to be.
Tag List: @outerbankspov @sweetestdesire @dreamingwithrafe @congratsloserr @fulla02reads @madelynie
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fairytale-poll · 1 year
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Little Red Riding Hooded Mercenary
General Propaganda:
come on just look at her shes so fucking cool
SHES SOOOOOOOO FUCKING COOOOLL ok so like. Lobotomy Corporation takes place in an SCP type facility where a bunch of abnormalities are living. She is one of them. She is a mostly undying humanoid creature that lives for the sole sake of hunting down the Big And Will Be Bad Wolf. She lives in your facility and will BREAK OUT of her containment if she feels that the wolf is near (or if too many people are dying). You can also hire her to assist you in taking down other abnormalities, and she's actually super good at it. And her outfit is just so sooo sick? She's so cool. Please play Lobotomy Corporation it goes on sale for like $7 every Steam Sale
She's red riding hood if red riding hood had a gun. Also she kisses women
Monster based on human subconscious aka an Abnormality based on the story of Little Red Riding Hood (duh). In this story, she was mauled by the wolf (Big And Might Be Bad Wolf) who is based on all fairy tale wolf villains. Little Red then got to work plotting her revenge and making Bloodborne-esque gear for herself and the two Abnos are locked in eternal combat of hatred for one another
She's literally the coolest, just look at her. For people who might not be so familiar with her: She's one of the abnormalities that remain locked in the Lobotomy Corporation. Her past is somewhat unclear, but she has some horrid scars on her face due to the Big Bad Wolf and she swore vengeance upon him because of that incident. This lead her to become a mercenary and she looks 1000% scarier and more badass than the wolf lol. Also, asides from the fact that she may kill half of your team if she escapes containment, she is quite chill and will even help you take care of your problems if you pay her.
little red riding hood but consumed by vengeance to the point of becoming an anomalous creature hellbent on completing her eternal battle with the wolf. intense desire for revenge. baller as fuck design. will help you kill other escaping abnormalities but you gotta pay her to do it. gets pissed off every time someone escapes containment except for that one annoying bird for absolutely no discernible reason. if you let her kill the wolf she gives you bonuses but if someone else kills the wolf she goes fucking bananas. truly an inspired feral creature of a woman.
Go girl!!! We love your unrestrained violence!
She is literally the absolute coolest!!! I mean, just look at her design! Everything about it screams fucking cool! Not to mention that her story has themes of vengeance, rage, and grief!!! And Lobotomy corporation is just the fucking best and soooooo underrated.
She's starting to fall behind so GO ON AND VOTE MERC WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR! (and buy Lobotomy Corp on steam it's not even that expensive!)
Vote for Riding Hooded Mercenary she's an Abnormality serving as a hired merc that means shes a hunter of her own kind and she WILL chase them to the ends of earth lest she dies herself or knows that damn Wolf is nearby. The cursor for sending hits on something is a wanted poster. She's WAW-classed too, a step below the most dangerous category for her ilk. she shares the class with things such as insane-ass magical girls, an eyeless flower horse turns people into wisteria gardens, fucked up and evil Little Prince, a bird judge that hangs its victims, the now-animate poisoned apple that killed Snow White, and of course the Wolf itself.
Loser's Bracket Propaganda:
little red wouldve gone so so hard if she wasnt against ylfa immediately… victory for our mercenary gal.
Riding Hooded Merc is a bonafide baddie & professional
She;s so fucking cool. almost got murdered by the wolf (also in lobcorp by the way) and she wants revenge so bad. cool as hell mercenary. also just look at her come on
I feel that they all deserve a bit more recognition as just about every Little Red Riding Hood is remembered for their story, but not their character. And I believe that the few I selected are truly well rounded characters, and amazing takes on who the character is.
the Lobotomy Corp one I know nothing about but who has a sick design (I also want the fans of this one to have a win because I liked watching the first round because of them)
Bugs Bunny
General Propaganda:
So the story is that the Three Little Pigs sell Bugs their straw and wood houses, the Big Bad Wolf blows them down, and Bugs decides to get revenge - by dressing himself up as Little Red Riding Hood, getting the Wolf to play his part in that story, and then messing with him as only Bugs can. Here's the video if you've never seen it: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6vk41x
Bugs Bunny is an icon and he was so good for his role in this short. When he and the wolf realized they could work together against the pigs... oh my God. Come on Tumblr, you have to admit they had a little gay tension between them. Besides, at the end, when the brick house comes down and the wolf, so surprised and proud of himself exclaims "I did it!" and then it pans over to Bugs with the bomb and he slyly adds "We did it!" communist Bugs canon.
I love Bugs but badass little girls with the personality of a gruff action heroes are everything to 12 year old girls.
Loser's Bracket Propaganda:
Bugs Bunny winning would just be really funny
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aurora-313 · 8 months
You know that I love WH40K, I also grew-up with 80' action movies, love them and their testosterone macho-over -the top feel. I do not mind even zero female characters in my reading, movies etc, it depends.
But every time I criticize shonen someone jumps me and tells me it's for boys. AND? To stuff for boys should not have good their girl characters well written?
I know, it's not about that it's about the narrative contract, when you put in fighting women, and no one is making you, and you give them promising starts, then they are lucky if they can beat some fodder latter on, feels like a broken promise. Then the author says he's not good at writing females, even if people just ask why aren't they winning any battles, not why they don't talk about their feelings.
So if the mangaka don't use the ''it's for boys'' but ''I can't write women'' excuse now, why is the fandom using it? Boys literally asked for decades for Sakura to stop being trash in battle, and they were ignored. The target audience wanted her a useful fighter and not a primarely a healer, and still teenagers today are treated as if they want exactly want their grandparents wanted? It's insulting to boys. As a teacher I can confirm that even in non-occidental countries there are changes.
Make all the women healers, non-combatants, support fighters from the beginnig write them well, make it explicit that in universe they are important, just don't sell horse manure. It is ok if you have zero women on the front lines. Just don't make them go there and suck. Or maybe they are cautionary tells for girls to not even try, let the men do the protecting.
Not even in a war series everybody has to be a fighter to be important, but it has to be well-written. I actually appreciate that Orihime doesn't have a warrior's heart, like you said she and her feelings for Ichigo not being explored it's one of the biggest mistakes of Bleach.
Even newer manga that are lauded are victims of this trope.
Sure there are exception, but the big names, the ones that remain for decades like Dragon Ball, drop the ball on women.
tl;dr If you can't handle it, don't write women fighters.
If you can't write woman at all, something is seriously wrong with you as a writer. Improve. Fan-fic writers improve over time by practice and accepting constructive criticism. Is to much to ask from a professional?Are there no writing classes in Japan?
Sorry season 2 of JJK made me bitter. It's not that the girl of the main trio was killed is how she was killed, while a bitch that uses her little brother as a meat shield and maybe more escapes to fight another day.
I wish a shonen author had the balls to say in the prologue, that women in the setting are just not as good as men at using the magic or the tech of the setting, and explore the concept as he wants.
I am so tired when any complaint I bring is treated like I have a feminist agenda, that wants to ruin fun for other people. When all I want is consistent writing.
So authors of all kind, please don't false advertise your girls as being capable to climb the power cliff, if you don't plan to do it. I feel like when Rukia was on all promotional Bleach stuff as the deuteragonist, when she barely appears in the second part of the story.
I honestly don't have a lot to say in response to this semi-rant. Beyond that I agree with the whole 'I can't write women' or 'its for boys'.
I'm sorry, there are plenty of series I grew up with where I was specifically not the target demographic but they wrote magnificent woman characters anyway.
While I dislike a lot of his stories, I think George RR Martin put it best when it comes to writing women: "You know, I've always considered women to be people."
But to play devil's advocate: there's an element of culture clash here. Eastern countries are steeped in traditional roles. This isn't a bad thing. Those roles have inherent value when one takes a balanced approach to them (and frankly I think the West needs to dial its obsessive progressive attitudes back a LOT and return to those more traditional roots).
However that attitude does influence how many writers direct their characters. More often than not, female characters are plot devices.
In most manga, women tend to be plot devices. Even in Bleach, Rukia was a plot device. Thrice over:
To give Ichigo his powers at the start.
To be imprisoned and facing execution so Ichigo would rescue her.
To give Ichigo power AGAIN in the FB arc.
Orihime, another plot device. Kidnapped by Aizen for the sole purpose of playing on Ichigo's various neuroses to get him out of the way while Aizen invaded Karakura.
At the same time, this isn't exactly a universal problem. There's plenty of manga out there where its a predominantly female cast or have strong representation. Like with everything, it comes down to the writer and their style. Two mangas off the top of my head that treat their female cast extremely well are Claymore and Full Metal Alchemist. I'd give them a read if you have the time, I rather enjoyed them.
In regards to JJK season 2. I have to contest you on that one. Nobara's death makes sense, both contextually and thematically. Contextually, Nobara dies because she is both Mahito's natural enemy (like Yuji) and thus a priority target to eliminate, and because it reinforces the theme that acting selflessly in this world is violently, vehemently FIERCELY punished. Nobara selflessly went to aid Yuuji without knowing the full extent of her opponent's capabilities, got outfoxed and paid the price.
That debate of selfishness vs selflessness is a fundamental aspect of that world. Which is why Yuuji keeps getting crushed and ground to dust until he adopted the mentality of being a cog in the machine. The world itself has taken this boy who acted selflessly to save someone else (Megumi, by eating Sukuna's finger) and relentlessly tore him down over and again. His selflessness is punished. Like with Nanami and even Gojo to an extent, no matter the intent behind it, they suffered for their selflessness.
Mei Mei, a borderline narcissist, outright states 'the only value a person has to me is my paycheck'. Her using Ui Ui to escape and for other vile ends makes all of the sense in the world. In this selfish disgusting world, the most selfish and disgusting thrive. Sukuna, the most selfish of all, stands as king of that mountain.
So I have to say I'm not bothered by it. I'm merely annoyed that Gege doesn't outright state if she's dead or not. Is she dead? Is she braindead? Will she come back? Just COMMIT to one, please.
But back to Bleach - yeah, Rukia was the deuteragonist. And it pains me to see how she was shoved away in TYBW.
Bleach was built on Death and the Strawberry... then Kubo removed Death and "tried" to replace it with Beeeewbs, the Oedipus edition.
Although I wish someone would explain to me that out of all the beautiful men in her life, past and present, how the hell did Rukia end up marrying the dog? I've never once see Rukia look at Renji with a single ounce of the admiration, affection or love she's given to Ichigo, or Byakuya, or Kaien. No philia, storge or eros - nothing of that.
But that's a rant for another time.
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calyxthenerd · 6 months
As mentioned it, now you need to write the Roller Band in the autocomplete interview
“Okay, boys, who wants to go first?” The interviewer asks, when suddenly a random girl storms the studio in roller skates, panting “sorry I’m late! drivers are terrible” and proceeds to plop down on the guitarrist’s lap, the worst part is, none of them seem remotely surprised by this, and she completes her sentence after taking a breath “and Matteo, before you say anything, Simón was closer to the door” to the Italian boy who indeed looked like he wanted to say something
“I’m sorry, miss, but this is a private shooting, I’m gonna have to ask you to leave”
“No, Luna can stay!” Pedro pipes in
“She’s so tiny, it’s not like she’ll take up space” Nico completes
“If the chica delivery goes, I go too”
“Same here, I won’t do this interview without Luni” and he hugs her tight
“Awww thanks guys!” She beams
“Okay, I guess she can stay, now, onto the actual business, ACTION!”
“Hey everyone, I’m Simón!”
“And Pedro”
“And Nico”
“And Matteo”
“And Luna”
“And together we are THE ROLLER BAND!!” They all say the last part together, before Simón takes over again
“As you can see, today we are on wired to do the autocomplete interviews, with a special guest, my lifelong best friend and the most talented skater I know” he blinks twice at the camera, a silent apology to his wife, Ámbar, who’s definitely watching from her office “who made time in her very busy schedule to join us and react to this madness, now, Luna” someone hands him one of those giant things where the search bar and answers are “hold this for me” he asks while he reads the first one out loud “is Simón Alvarez… an athlete? No, I mean, I was, I was a semi-professional skater back in the day, but the last time I competed, was like… five years ago? Anyways, I’m not an athlete, I’m a musician, as you probably know if you’re watching this, onto the next question does Simón Alvarez… have a tattoo? no, as a matter of fact, I do not, I’m actually terrified of needles, next question, is Simón Alvarez… dead?” He gets serious and says “yes” in an extra deep voice, before bursting out laughing, to which everyone joins in, before he continues “no, I am in fact, not dead, at least I hope so…” he grins “last one, is Simón Alvarez… single? No I am not single, I am very happily married, and my wife is probably watching this” he waves at the camera “hi rosa! Te amo!” Before addressing the public again “once again, I’m very happily married, so if you could please stop sending me your underwear that’d be great” he jokes, but everyone’s smiles get strained, and Luna frowns, having witnessed lots of really bad breakdowns on both sides over that kind of situation, and hating to watch her kindred spirit and cousin suffering like this, but then Matteo cuts in, always a show horse, ready to relieve the tension “And now it’s my turn!”
And that’s more or less with the interview went, with lots of laughs, funny stories, and a few uncomfortable silences, but that’s life
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mokonahapuuuuuu · 10 months
Girl Talk
Echo’s up to no good again, and she took Belle this time. What does Echo have to say to her? 
Note: I know the voice actor who plays Echo semi-personally/professionally. She was my voice over teacher in acting school. Love you, Maryke…! 
One minute Belle was on campus of the school, the next she found herself in a golden hall. 
Where was she? 
She looked around. “Hello…?”
A nymph with blonde hair was suddenly in front of her. “Neil likes you, you know.” 
Her eyes widen. First someone appeared out of nowhere and was now talking to her. 
She blinked. “What?” 
“You’re lucky that someone like him sees you that way, so you better value what you have with him.” 
“Woah, woah, slow down…!” Belle raised her hand. 
A nymph, some sound machines behind her, the echo of the palace. 
She put two and two together. 
“You’re Echo, right? The one in the Narcissus myth?” 
The nymph nodded as she crossed her arms. “Yes, that’s me.” 
“Okay, first off, Neil and I are just friends.” Belle pulled back a lock of hair behind her ears. The sound journey made her feel a little queasy. “Don’t know where you’d get the idea we’re a couple or something, but you know the only person he loves is himself.” 
“Narcissus was the same way,” began Echo. “Guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. I know that he’s too in love with himself to be with anyone, but I see the way he looks at you. If only I had what you had… maybe we’d be together. No matter how many times I told myself it would never work out, I always go back to square one.” 
Belle reached a hand for Echo. “I know rejection sucks, but if you survived when Narcissus rejected you all those years ago, you can get through this.” 
“Narcissus was so caught up in himself all those years ago, and he was so smug, but he also made me believe in myself…” She looked away. “No one has ever done that for me before.” 
Being a servant to the Gods must take a lot of work and no easy task. 
Following in Bellerophon’s footsteps was no easy task, and Belle almost back out of show jumping competitions with her horse, Duffy. Never mind going to the Olympics, the big leagues. Then again, Neil did show her to believe in herself. Even Jay didn’t get her when she moved to New Olympia, nor the girls. Archie was as crass as ever. 
Maybe Narcissus inspired Echo to love herself. 
She placed an arm around Echo. “I see what you mean.” 
Not to diminish what she felt for Neil, if she genuinely felt that way, but Neil was Neil. Not Narcissus. The same that Belle wasn’t Bellerophon, and the rest of the guys. 
A smile was on Echo’s face. “You know, you’re nice.” 
Belle laughed. “I try to be.” 
Echo placed a hand on Belle’s shoulder, and soon they were on campus. Speak of the devil, Neil was walking by. He raised a slow hand to wave at them, wincing. 
Echo waved back. She looked to Belle. “Whatever happens between you two, take care of him for me, ‘kay?” 
Belle nodded. Maybe the two girls could even be friends. Even though she didn’t exactly see Neil that way, she was glad to have him in her life. 
“Yeah, I will.” 
Echo disappeared, and Neil dashed to her. 
“Are you alright, what happened? Did Echo do anything to hurt you?” 
“Oh, nothing,” said Belle. “Just some girl talk.” 
She wondered how much more self-centred Neil was before she came to the school. 
Neil nodded. “Alright, then…” 
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jupyyter · 1 year
infodump for characters in a little thingy thing i’ve made
• 14 years old
• talks to their schizophrenia
• pretty sure they’re meant to be in jail
• murderer by profession and hobby
• gender, who?
• if you asked for pronouns they’d stab you, so who really knows
• has a pet pig :3 her name is Sonnenschein (Sonny for short)
• the local farmers nicknamed them ‘the anti-shepherd’ because they keep killing sheep
• also throws stones at birds, except corvids and blackbirds
• are they one person? are they four? who knows!
• nobody knows where they live, they’ve just been seen running into forests for days on end
• Mommy issues™
• 73 mental illnesses and banned from most public spaces
• bities. screamies. stabbies.
• probably wants Matt dead
• Lani is safe though
• the Great War <3
• couldn’t tell you what you said a second ago but can tell you everything you would need to know about the first world war
• fuck cops
• practices witchcraft!! they suck at it!!!
• they’ve probably tried cannibalism before
• speaks in a confusing jumble of English, Spanish, Irish and German
• on the topic of their languages, they use a different surname depending on their language. German is Durchdenwald, Irish is O’Dubhthaigh and Spanish is Vasco. they won’t use their English (birth) Surname
• also each country thinks they’re a different person because when they go for the yearly visits they change appearances
• their dads are a teenager with the mentality of a two year old and their imaginary friend
• hasn’t cut their hair in ???
• can probably see ghosts
• like bigfoot if he was just some guy
• they probably talk to Mothman about his day, they’re friends with cryptids we think
• always cold, like always always cold
• told you Francis spoke to their schizophrenia
• kinda a hallucination/delusion in herself
• just a little shadow girl
• Schizo or Schizy by name, sometimes gets Skips as a nickname
• she wears a my little pony shirt and still acts like the baddest bitch alive, what a role model
�� has tried to fist fight people who don’t even see her
• can inflict a single symptom of schizophrenia on anyone, but only one symptom and one person at a time
• annoying af
• the imaginary friend who gained too much sentience
• tulpa probably
• soldier from the Great War!
• also a pacifist
• he was conscripted to the war and was shot for cowardice after a year of service
• had a baby called Francis who died due rations not providing enough, hence why they latched on to this Francis
• can talk Francis out of killing when they’re still semi sane
• professional alcoholic
• taught Francis to use a musket and a flame thrower
• has a little gas mask, puts it on Sonny sometimes
• dad of the year award goes to
• about 19 years old? no-one knows for sure how old he is
• likes women but is still somehow the gayest guy to exist?
• has a horse called Stormy, Francis gets to ride her
• would love a dog, might get one some day
• speaks English and a small bit of German
• dumbass by trade
• Francis’ dad by law, older brother by bond, partner in crime by police registration
• has been arrested 3 times
• wants a kid but won’t have one because of his reputation, he doesn’t want the kid to be fatherless like he was
• huge history and geography nerd
• from Francis’ history class
• has suspicions that Francis is the local murderer but hasn’t said anything
• has a huge crush on Lani
• bullying material
• intimidated by Francis, but wants to be their friend
• is followed everywhere by his dog
• knows full well Francis is the murderer, has seen them kill
• her dad is a cop
• she still won’t say anything
• wouldn’t consider Francis a friend but they’ve spoke a few times
• would help hide a body
• thinks Sonny is cute
• girlboss <3 we stan Lani
• cannot stand Matt
• might steal his dog
• pretty sure she had a crush on Danny a while back
• oink
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gossipgirloff1 · 1 month
As a girl who plays football and gets ankle sprains regularly here's a tip. Go to the pharmacy and ask for horse cream. It's this green jelly that smells a lot of eucalyptus. Works wonders I promise. Sounds weird because it's technically for horses but my coach recommends it to everyone including the men's semi professionals team.
Thank you for the recommendation❤️ I think my mom bought something similar the smell is exactly the same I have been applying it for three days it relieved the pain a little
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todonahas · 2 years
Youtube purchase movie the dreamers
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#Youtube purchase movie the dreamers movie
#Youtube purchase movie the dreamers full
#Youtube purchase movie the dreamers professional
#Youtube purchase movie the dreamers tv
#Youtube purchase movie the dreamers movie
the movies topless woman-on-woman scene caused a stir back in the day and put the movie (and. The Dreamers is about a love triangle involving a. As the couple kisses, the blood gets on both their faces. When you purchase through links on our site. Another man (her brother) comes in and then both men wipe blood from her vagina with their hands implying that the first man has taken her virginity. The woman shows discomfort and cries as it is her first time. She helps him in entering his penis in her vagina.
#Youtube purchase movie the dreamers full
They make love on the floor (mostly full length, side view). Michael is then coerced into having sex with Isabelle. When she pulls down his boxers, her picture is stuck on his semi-erect penis (which is visible in close up for an extended period of time). Run, jump, collect gold, survive, defeat enemies and help Super Meto in an arcade style action game with a simple gameplay style. She walks over to Michael and kneels down, removing his pants. Super Meto has a magical door to the world of dreams. Theo holds onto Michael, who resists, and Isabelle walks in completely naked in the doorway. Shortly after, Theo and Michael are in the kitchen. Michael finds a suggestive picture of Isabelle, and hides it in his pants to avoid being caught. In competition against his brother, wealthy Prince Sadir (Oded Fehr) decides to finance Sonya's comeback.The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points. Stable hand Balon (Luis Guzmán) and jockey Manolin (Freddy Rodriguez) also help in her remarkable recovery. Cale's mother, Lil (Elisabeth Shue) tries to help Ben overcome his disconnection, encouraging him to see the bond developing between Cale and Sonya, as well as Pop's involvement in the horse's recovery.
#Youtube purchase movie the dreamers tv
Where to Watch Rob the Mob Rob the Mob is available to watch free on The Roku Channel Free, Pluto TV, Tubi TV, Vudu Free, Popcornflix, IMDb TV and Peacock. A gruff sort, Ben has trouble showing his affection for Cale, in part because he has a difficult history with his own father, retired trainer Pop ( Kris Kristofferson). It has received moderate reviews from critics and viewers, who have given it an IMDb score of 6.3 and a MetaScore of 63. The story follows a family thats brought together by their efforts to save a racehorse with a. When Sonya breaks her leg in a race, Ben refuses to have the horse put down and buys her from the money-minded owner, Mr. Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story is a compelling and heartwarming film thats incredibly uplifting. Young Cale ( Dakota Fanning) meets racehorse Sonya when she spends a work day with her father, a trainer named Ben ( Kurt Russell). Show moreĭREAMER: INSPIRED BY A TRUE STORY focuses on the loving relationship between a girl and her horse. The father and his friend talk about breeding the mare, involving a stallion and a "teaser pony" (this might provoke questions for some kids). The primary villain, a white male horse owner, exhibits racism toward Mexican workers. A jockey shows the girl surgery scars on his shoulders and chest, the result of a riding accident, and explains that he has bad dreams. While the girl is riding the horse, it becomes frightened and runs away in a panic, frightening the girl, who can't stop it (the father has her jump from a galloping horse into his arms, a nearly impossible feat). As the movie is set at Kentucky stables and race tracks, some characters use colorful language ("hell" and "damn") and drink at a wealthy owner's home.
#Youtube purchase movie the dreamers professional
It is a professional unmanned aerial vehicle for. The movie features an early, brief scene where a racehorse stumbles on the track and breaks its leg (this might be difficult for younger viewers). The Dreamers video Explained in Hindi,Hollywood Movie Explained in Hindi,Movies Explained in Hindi,MOVIE HINDI EXPLANATION,Ending Explained,video i. Potensic Dreamer 4K drone with HD camera, which equipped with 4S intelligent battery and sony sensor, providing up to 31 minutes of flight time. Parents need to know that Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story includes scenes of family tensions, involving a young girl and her parents, and her grandfather.
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0 notes
mylittlesyn · 2 years
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These works are posted on tumblr and AO3. They’re around or less than 10 chapters. Also organized by fandom.
Yuuji and the Tutor: Masterpost
You're a graduate student who tutors other students for a little extra money. Your student, Yuuji Itadori, constantly makes passes at you and as a professional you ignore them. Until one day... He looks a little too irresistible and you find out about the Demon hidden within him after rewarding him.
Tarot Toji: Part one
While being forced into an arranged marriage with Toji as part of a unification of clans, you learn that your soon to be husband actually has plans to escape and run away. When he tells you his plan, he asks if you want to come with him... So you do.
Reconciliation: Master post
How do you confess to Father Sukuna that you're having lustful thoughts... About them?
Night Out: MasterPost
Yuuji and you are both happily married with a two year old son and another on the way. Just because you're both married with kids doesn't mean you can't enjoy a Night Out, even one that's a little more taboo... Perhaps involving his older brother Sukuna.
The Kindergarten Teacher: MasterPost
You're an erotic fiction novelist and single mother to Megumi... Mostly single mother with absentee father Toji finally trying to fight for you. Only thing is, you've laid your eyes now on your son's young hot teacher, Yuuji Itadori.
The Other Woman: MasterPost
This is a series of oneshots across various fandoms that all share the same concept: You are the other woman.
TigerPrince: MasterPost
Yuuji and you were both once rebellious angry teens in one of Tokyo's many bosozoku gangs. You have since opened a bike shop where you help other young bosozoku girls choose their bike and help repair them. As a passion project, you're rebuilding a bike and scouring for a part that just so happens to be sold by someone with the username: TigerPrince.
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One Shots
Cookies and Milk with a Yandere:
You reconnect with your childhood friend Itadori Yuji as both of you are home for the holidays. Only these aren’t so happy holidays, and the hallmark movie is a little darker than may appear.
CW: yandere, drugging, noncon, violence (to people other than reader or Yuji)
Fame at the Price of a Fortune:
You were a semi-successful actress who was dating someone who turned out to be a married man. The wife found out and you were blacklisted. Desperate times call for desperate measure, and you find yourself calling upon a demon named Toji to try to get your chance at fame, but it seems it might cost you a fortune.
CW: Dubcon, noncon creampie, squirting, literal demon fucking, belly bulge, cervix fucking, pussyjob
Nanami and the Baker: *contains manga spoilers*
You work at a bakery and everyday for lunch a tall blond man comes to buy the same exact sandwich.
Nanami's Secret Wife v1: *contains manga spoilers*
Nanami likes to keep his home life and work life separate, so of course his best friend Gojo knows nothing about him having a secret wife.
Nanami's Secret Wife v2: *contains manga spoilers*
Nanami likes to keep his home life and work life separate, so of course his best friend Gojo knows nothing about him having a secret wife. This version is much much fluffier than the one above.
Alabama Nanami:
Southern gentleman Nanami might not be as much of a southern gentleman as we thought when he finds you injured in the woods while out on his white horse.
CW: yandere, noncon, virginity loss, corruption, heavy manipulation
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Head canons, Imagines, Drabbles:
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Gojo and the Librarian:
Can you please write something with Gojo trying to pick up someone at the library or maybe the librarian?
Desert Rose:
could write imagine with the music lolo zuaï desert rose with Nanami x reader fem.pleases
Virgin Yuuji:
What- what if little virgin!Yuuji just get so excited when you finally touch him that he creams his pants ;-;
My Patience is Unruly:
how daddy!toji would react/punishment reader if he found out that she opened one or more of her Christmas gifts early after telling her no numerous times.. probably even getting caught in the act
Welcome Home:
do you think you could write a Gojo, Sukuna, or Toji X fem reader that talks in her sleep like incoherent dirty talk or shit talking?
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girderednerve · 4 years
what's the best piece of advice you got from your childhood hobby or fascination? mine is: courage is a physical skill, and you can learn it like any other
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jouta-salad · 3 years
SDC Sugar Daddy HCs (Afab!Fem reader)
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(CW: a touch of manipulation/toxic relationships, a hint of yandere, implied smut, age gap, mentions of intoxication/alcohol, daddy kink)
Typical. Not surprised he went after a beautiful young woman like you, especially considering he had an affair with Tomako when he was in his 50-60’s
He would definitely be rough with you, but it’s to be expected
He’ll grope your breasts and smack your ass in semi-public places and laugh when you get flustered and shy
Will definitely show you off to his friends at parties
“This is my baby y/n.. isn’t she a beauty?” *old man chuckle*
Speaking of parties, he would pressure you into drinking and you always end up getting drunk bc of him
Buys you lots of small dresses and lacy lingerie.. he especially likes buying you cute little sundresses
All you have to say is “daddy I want ____.” and give him doe eyes and he’ll buy double of what you originally wanted
Makes you massage his scalp sometimes
Will literally spoil you rotten and get you whatever you ask for, even if it’s the weirdest shit(He’ll even buy you horse semen if you really wanted it)
Loves to tease and poke at you in general
My boy would definitely be kind of yandere
He literally had no one for most of his life so he wants to make sure you won’t ever leave him especially bc he loves you sm
Will gaslight you if you get angry at him
Loves spoiling you and would def buy you super expensive perfumes and shampoos bc he loves it when you smell good
He also loves buying you expensive handbags and silk clothing too
ESPECIALLY LOVES IT WHEN YOU WEAR SILK so expect a lot of cute silk lingerie, dresses, and nightgowns from him
Loves taking you to fancy ass parties and make you hold onto the crook of his arm and follow him around place to place like an accessory or smt
Would buy you cocktails to sip on while he took you around so you don’t get too bored
Shows you off sometimes at the parties
“This is my darling, y/n.. isn’t she just the prettiest girl?”
Would do shit like that and embarrass you for fun sometimes bc he thinks you’re cute all flustered and shy
He would totally do the ‘grab your chin with his fingers and force eye contact’ thing and then kiss you OMFGG
Btw, hes definitely a sucker for seeing you in his coats and shirts and seeing how oversized it is compared to you
This man is one of the nicest sugar daddies ever
He would totally buy lots and lots of accessories like necklaces and bracelets and earrings
And probably lots of loose or flowy clothes
Would buy you any pets you want
Like literally you can ask for 3 horses and a cat and he’s back with people working on building stables and shit
He would take you on once-in-a-lifetime trips around the world at the nicest hotels
Would braid your hair or just play with it a lot
Definitely hires artists to paint beautiful portraits of you
He also hires professional gardeners to plant your favorite flowers in the garden
Genuinely has a lot of wholesome love towards you, and would do anything to keep him by his side forever
He loves when you kiss the scar on his forehead. He finds it so endearing.
He always dreamed of having kids with a beautiful woman like you… would definitely pressure you really hard if you didnt want any
He’s super fucking mean. Or acts like it atleast.
Would buy you professionally tailored dresses and lingerie and demand you wear them whenever he felt like it
He’ll pretty much buy you anything you want (especially if you give him puppy eyes) as long as it isn’t anything too weird
“..Good grief, don’t look at me like that.” *purchases $1500 handbag*
He also won’t let you buy lots of pets like Avdol. His limit is a dog and a cat.
I have a feeling he would pretend to be annoyed when you asked, but would willingly buy you so many plushies???
Takes you along to his business parties and gives you his card to buy cocktails and shit while he goes off and socializes.
And if you ever get drunk at one he’s gonna be pissed af and might “punish” you later or literally punish you. It depends.
Will definitely make you light his cigars for him
When you do something well he’ll give you head pats and stroke your hair
Call him sir or mr kujo and he goes bizzerk
He secretly loves it when you sit on his lap, and he’ll hold your hips when you do
Loves it when you massage his back and shoulders,, especially while he’s doing his work
This man is the ultimate sugar daddy
He will literally buy you anything you want.
Oh you stared at a pair of shoes at the mall a second longer than usual? He’s off to purchase it
did I mention that he’s also the biggest flirt ever?
“Did I ever mention you just look absolutely beautiful today mademoiselle? Not that you don’t normally hehehe”
He says shit like that daily to the point it barely fazes you anymore lol
He buys you the most extravagant presents out of the blue
One time he randomly bought you a fancy horse-drawn carriage ride “just for fun” and bc “he knew you would love it”
Will buy you flowers almost everyday and so there’s just vases all over the house
A huge fan of pda and will have you hold onto him whether it means holding his arm or hand
Also gives the best hugs
One day he adopted a white and light ginger cat that you both named “brûlée”
He fucking loves sharing food with you for no reason
Maybe it reminds him of that one spaghetti kiss in ‘Lady and the Tramp’
Also be wary because he might get drunk with his friends on accident and you’ll have to take care of him until he knocks out
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A Failed Betrothal (4)
Am I doing this right? I mostly do write this when I am between the state of sleep and awareness. Hope you enjoy this.
(Part 1) (Part 3)
Marinette came to a dungeon cell with two other prisoners. One of them was awake and he looked vaguely familiar. The other had an ugly red helmet that didn’t help with the headache she had.
“Do you know where we are?” She asked the handsome stranger with beautiful green eyes, her throat a little dry.
Wait. Handsome?
No bad Marinette. Don’t fall for fellow prisoners, no matter how cute he looks. Oh Kwamis, she was already screwed.
He still hadn’t replied. Maybe he didn’t understand French. She tried to ask again in another language before her enhanced hearing picked up the sound of footsteps. She faked unconsciousness. Later, she heard the iron door open. She looked through the tiniest slits of her eyes she could muster while the two held a staring/glaring match. Oh shit, that’s the fame Talia Al Ghul, daughter of Ra’s, head of the League of Shadows, and the boy she was glaring at had some resemblance to her, so he must be her son, Dennis? Daniel? Damon?
"Damian, I hope you know what you should do."
Ohh..Damian. Where had she heard that name before?
"To be forcefully married to that little girl. She is no one special. Why am I getting married to her?"
Ouch, that hurts. Well, Damian, just because I forgot your name does not mean you can call me a little girl. I can also kill you very easily and painfully.
“Well, Jason, you are awake. You can be the best man for the wedding.”
“No. I don’t know what game you are playing but you better release us. B is gonna find us and you will pay. Let the girl go. She is innocent in all of this.” Red Helmet, Jason, is officially not going on her hit list for his atrocious fashion choices. But that red monstrosity still needs to go.
"Ladybug may not seem like it but she possesses great power that my father converted for centuries. Speaking of, she should be awake by now."
Marinette felt her hair being yanked. A little pain was expected but the really sharp claws digging into her scalp was not. Making her cry and tear up.
”I am so sorry, kit.” Plagg whispered in the kwami language, loosening his claws.
"Tch, See, she is more pathetic than I thought. She is not powerful." Damian growled out.
Geez, thanks for the compliment, it’s not like you ever had a tiny cat dig its claws into your scalp out of surprise. (Damian once had a kitten thrown at his head and if he knew about Plagg, he would have been sympathetic.) Marinette started begging for mercy, hoping they would buy the helpless girl out of the suit that is ill-suited for the job she had been chosen for and had no idea on how to escape.
“Like I thought, weak. She is not deserving of the title of my wife.”
Oh kwamis, what did she ever do to have such a picky groom? The more he insults her, the less she wants to be married to him.
"Appearance can be deceiving. Despite her demeanor, she is the current wielder of the Ladybug Miraculous and the Current Guardian. The old Guardian, the old fool had promised her in exchange for his protection."
Great, another reason to stop her mother from killing a senile old man.
"That doesn't mean I want to marry her. She is not worthy of an Al Ghul or a Wayne. Look at her, crying at the slightest feeling of pain."
So that’s where she heard it from. The boy was the son of the daughter of a guy who leads a secret order of assassins and a man that owns a multi-million business. How even did a billionaire meet an assassin, ends up in bed with her and lives? Something to think about for later. She quieted down her sobs, (beat that acting, Rossi) kept her voice low to hatch out a plan with Plagg in the kwami language while the mother-son duo bickered.
“Hey, Plagg before you go, you think I can do that thing, the one which your one of your past holders from Japan can do.”
“You have a lot of potential for destruction but you have not used the ring for a long time yet so I am not sure.”
“I will give it a go anyways. Nothing to lose after all. See you later, Plagg.” Marinette smiled, one that drove fear into the hearts of even the bravest of people. Plagg returned it, already loving the new Guardian before zipping out of the cell to do some scouting. Using the enhanced strength the French superheroine got from prolonged use of the Miraculous, she yanked the chains of the walls and wrapped them around Talia’s neck, cutting off her air supply.
The League of Assassins thought that they could kidnap her and get away with it. But they were no match for the daughter of Sabine Cheng, the deadly Blue Reaper. A high ranking member from the group of assassins and mercenaries called the Guild of Night, who had semi-retired. Kidnapping her was a bad move to make as it meant they had declared war on the Guild, despite the reason behind her abduction having a completely different intention.
She whispered as such to the older woman in her tight grip, making sure the League would know how much they had fucked up. After dropping the limp body, she took a deep breath and tried channeling some of her energy for what she was about to do.
Well, here goes nothing.
She breathed out on the shackles, turning it to rust.
She introduced herself as Lady and concentrated the energy from before into her hand, forming inky black orbs of destruction in order to free her fellow captives. She felt a little drained from doing magic out of the suit and tried not to show it. Plagg returned, informing her of where the Ra’s and the Pits were. She grinned at the thought of showing old Ra’s who the boss is and made sure he regretted ever messing with her. She explained about Plagg as vaguely as she can, no need to let anyone know about the miraculous than necessary. Sure her plan sounds insane but the boys don’t know who they were with.
She would worry about that curse after she got out of Nanda Parbat. Although she could probably find something in the grimoire to reverse it, she was still an amateur at magic so it was best to have a professional to take care of it. Marinette didn’t want to be with such an asshole, no matter how striking he looks in those regal robes.
Picking off the League assassins, one by one was easy especially in her transformed state. She hadn’t appraised her suit properly but from what she had seen, it wasn’t like Chat Noir’s leather get-up. She was armoured in vital areas and her colour scheme was mainly black with green accents. There were vials that were probably poisons and pouches which she decided to look at later. She still had a long braid as a tail from her brief stint as Lady Noire and she wondered why her suit was different. While hiding in a niche she found, she called the bakery via the comm in one of her various pouches.
“Papa, it’s me, Marinette. Do you know where Maman is?”
“She went out of Paris, talking about how this League must pay. I think she is meeting up with several of her old friends. Are you alright, my little blossom? I know you can take care of yourself but I worry.” The relief in Tom’s voice was palpable. However, she was right and the Guild was going to war against the League. Marinette was adored by nearly everyone in the Guild due to her strangely bubbly and cheery personality in the harsh and brutal lifestyle.
“I am fine, Papa. Did Maman use the Horse to leave? And how are my friends?” She knew they might be in a panic after her disappearance.
“I think she did. I didn’t see Kalki when I went to feed the kwamis. Your friends panicked when they found out you were kidnapped. But they are fine now, mostly worried about you. Took care of some akumas and senti monsters by themselves. I think your fencer friend, Kagami, knows more about the League than she lets on.” Of course, she does. Her mother was a member of the Guild before being blinded due to a mission. Kagami and her actually first met during a reunion party of sorts.
“Thank you, Papa. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
She hung up and dialed the personal phone number her mother uses that only Marinette and her father knows about. She waited for the call to connect, trying to think of ways to stop her mother from storming into the League’s base of operation.
“Maman, it’s me. I know you want to attack the League right this minute. But I have a better plan. Can you get Tikki’s earrings from Alix? We can use them and the ring to destroy the Lazarus Pits. Make them really angry.” She peeked out of the niche she was hiding in. She had been there for a while and needed to move to gain some grounds.
“Where are you? And are you okay?” Panic and worry filled her usually composed mother’s voice.
“I am somewhere in Nanda Parbat and I am fine. I was nearly married off to Talia’s son but I am not now. I think.” Marinette replied. Better to rip that band-aid off before she showed up with her would-have-been-husband. She jumped out of the niche and looked
“Kalki, Full Gallop. Okay, we will talk about the ‘nearly married’ part later. What was this plan to destroy the Lazarus Pits?” Sabine thought she was already used to Marinette’s brand of craziness that was her normal but apparently, not.
“I am currently on my way there. Plagg said we need Tikki to get rid of them. Since the League pissed me off and by extension you and the rest of the Guild, I thought our first move against them is to destroy the Pits and a trail of bodies. By the way, can you get some cheese for Plagg?” Marinette ran through the halls, knocking out some poor sod with a whack on the head.
Silence. She thought Sabine had hung up when-
“Voyage. Alix, where are you? We need Tikki for one of Marinette’s insane plans. And Marinette, stay safe, sweety, I’ll be there in 15 minutes.”
“Bye, Maman. See you there.”
Marinette turned another corner, the last one before the path that leads to the entrance where the Lazarus Pits were. She only managed to find it with Plagg’s voice in her head, whispering directions and Tikki’s luck. Unfortunately, the luck ran out because the entrance had a lot of guards who had spotted her.
She hoped her mother would get here soon. Thankfully, being transformed gave her a boost and would help her to hold her ground for a while.
Damian and Red Hood followed the trail of unconscious bodies and sounds of fights, trying to find Lady. Damian was impressed at the level of her skills to defeat many of the League’s assassins although he could probably do better. They relied on his memory to find the Lazarus Pits which was their best bet to finding her as she claimed to be able to destroy them. If Lady possessed such powers, they must find out whether she is a threat to the world or not. And also break the infernal curse they have.
Red Hood was silent mostly. He made a few jabs about how kick ass his ‘bride’ was and how the current Robin should not let her get away. Damian tried really hard not to just maim his adopted brother and also ignore that little fluttering in his chest that happened every time they saw an unconscious assassin left behind by Lady. The sounds of fighting got louder as they got nearer to the entrance. They turned the final corner to see Lady fighting against the guards who outnumbered her. But she seemed to be doing fine against them. Mostly.
One had slipped through her defenses and nearly stabbed her in the back if it weren’t for Damian grabbing one of Red Hood’s guns and shooting a rubber bullet to the neck. He jumped into the fight, grabbing the fallen assassin’s sword and taking out the knife he got from his mother. Jason joined in too, not going to let the two teens have all the fun.
“Thanks for the save, Al Ghul but I don’t know why you bothered when me being dead would solve your curse problem.” Lady said as the guards laid around them and they tried to catch their breath.
“It’s Wayne. I go by Wayne these days. Being an Al Ghul is not something I learned to be proud of. And as much as I don’t want this curse, your death is not worth that price.” he replied, “Although, I have to wonder why you would choose to die rather than live.”
She chuckled, “Okay, Wayne, to answer your question. Petty teenage drama makes death much more preferable. On top of that, I have responsibilities that I was practically forced into for doing one little act of kindness.” Her tone was joking but there was a touch of bitterness in it. It made Damian want to find out what caused it. Red Hood looked at her in concern. Lady went down the stairs, ignoring their reactions to her words. They followed her, not wanting to lose sight of her again.
The Lazarus Pits emitted a green glow that lit up the cave and cast strange shadows on the walls. At the edge of the glowing toxic green waters was a woman in dark blue clothing and strangely enough wearing sunglasses. Strapped to her sides were two Dao, ancient Chinese swords. She wore a vindictive expression on her face as she stood staring at the green lake, likely to kill anyone who gets in her way. Damian didn’t recognize the woman as part of the League but taking no chances, he got into a fighting stance and Hood did the same. Lady calmly approached the woman. He reached out to grab her to stop her suicidal nature when she shocked him by speaking to the blue-clad assassin in French,
“Hey, Maman, sorry I am late. I had a little trouble with the guards upstairs. You have Tikki?”
Lady’s mother rushed to hug her, “灵儿 (líng er), I am just glad you are alright. I knew you could handle yourself.”
How the hell did Lady’s mother get to the Lazarus Pits faster than them and snuck past several vigilant guards? Before Damian could question further, a red blur appeared and went to Lady’s face, hugging her cheek. It appeared to be the same size as Plagg but was red, looked like a bug and had a black dot on its forehead.
“Oh, Marinette, you are alright. I was so worried when your mother showed up, saying you were kidnapped and needed my earrings to escape.” Unlike Plagg’s nasally voice, her voice was sweet and shrill.
So, my bride’s name is Marinette. Such a unique name for an intriguing girl.
Wait what?
Wayne, stop thinking such ridiculous notions. That is probably the curse working. Resist against it. He will not be ensnared in the traps of such magic. He hoped that the curse will be reversed before he turns and act like those fools in Grayson’s idiotic shows or Todd’s ‘secret’ romance novels.
“I am fine now. See,” reassured Lady, “We actually need you and Plagg to reverse the Lazarus Pits to what it was before someone made the wish that resulted in them in the first place. Oh, I almost forgot. Plagg, claws in.”
Green light flashed, leaving Lady in her wedding robes (which actually flatter her body. Shit. Think of something else. Drake with a smug superior smile that needs to be wiped off his face. Grayson and his plans for ‘family bonding’) and Plagg to reappear.
“Cheese.” whined the cat-like kwami(?) to which the older woman held out a brown bag that smelled and made Plagg perk up in delight. He proceeded to open the bag, taking out a slice of stinky cheese, muttering about the greatness of camembert.
Todd cleared his throat and asked in English, “Umm...Pixie as much as your reunion is touching. Who’s the new lady?”
“Oh Right, sorry. Well, Red Hood, this is my mother, the Blue Reaper of the Guild of Night. Maman, this is Red Hood and the one next to him is my husband-to-be and Talia’s Spawn, Damian Wayne.”
Lady introduced them, also in English. Damian stilled in fear, recognizing the name. The Blue Reaper nearly became his mother-in-law. She was famous for her efficiency and ruthlessness. And gained her nickname from the blue clothing she often wore as she killed her targets. His eyes also widened at how his grandfather had gone a little too far now by kidnapping the Reaper’s daughter. There were other organizations that could possibly take down the League if it weren’t for the somewhat truce between Ra’s and the other leaders. The Guild was one of them and having the Lazarus Pits to revive their soldiers made the League a little more powerful. But if what the mother-daughter duo were planning succeeded, then the League was going to have one of its most deadly wars in its history and would probably never recover from.
“Tikki, Plagg, you guys ready?” asked Lady.
“Yes, Guardian.” They both replied and emitted a blinding red and green light which Damian shielded his eyes from. When it died down, the Lazarus Pits no longer glowed a toxic green and looked… like normal hot spring water.
“Oh. I wished I could see Ra’s face when he finds out.” Lady laughed. Plagg and Todd joined in.
“Pixie, I am beginning to like you.”
“Voyage. That being said, it’s time to go home, Marinette. Your father must be worried sick about us by now. I hope you boys can find your own way back.” A portal opened up, showing a cozy living room. Damian grabbed Lady’s wrist as she moved towards it.
“Wait, let us come with you. We need to contact someone to get rid of the curse on both of us. And we can also call our father to send us tickets for a ride home wherever you live.”
“Curse? Marinette, you never mentioned a curse in your call.” Blue Reaper said, raising her eyebrow.
“I will explain later. They can come with us and I am pretty sure Ra’s knows that we have escaped by now.” Lady grabbed the two brothers and dragged them through the portal.
She then threw herself onto the couch after releasing her hold on them and the two pocket gods went to comfort her after her ordeal. The Blue Reaper stood where the other portal was and fed a floating tiny gray horse, that must be the same species as Tikki or Plagg, some sugarcubes.
“You boys must be tired but the showers are upstairs and we might have some clothes your size. Dinner will be ready in an hour. You can stay the night if you want. Welcome to Paris.”
Tag list: @alysrose-starchild, @buginetye, @lookatthestars1, @blackroserelina, @macncheesemonster, @mochinek0, @myazael, @tonicxworld, @thewitchwhowaited, @t1dwarrior-of-earth, @kissa-chan, @iwantasecretidentity, @theymakeupfairies, @user00000003, @woe-is-me0, @kashlyn, @mochegato,@moonlightstar64 , @greatcatblaze, @moongoddesskiana, @tazanna-blythe. @tonicxworld, @toodaloo-kangaroo, @frieddonutsweets, @local-witch-of-mn, @lady-bee-fechin, @iglowinggemma28, @indecisive-mess-named-me, @k-tea-and-coffee, @jayjayspixiepop, @all-mights-asscheeks, @idk-j-go-with-it , @loysydark, @thenillabean, @lolieg, @zalladane, @silvergold-swirl
(Part 5)
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chocolate1721 · 4 years
Hello my chocolatiers I’m back and as sleep deprived as ever. So this is a different take on mlb x dc brotp au.
So this is set when Connor is about 16/17 and he is in Paris on a solo mission. When he discovers a Cadmus facility. He quickly destroys it but while in there he finds another Superman clone. Only this clone is a little girl. She looks to be about 5. He has a sister. He takes her out of there, but is conflicted on what to do. He doesn’t want her to go through what he did when he was found by the Justice League.
So he walked around Paris until he met Tom and Sabine. They got to talking and he told them that his parents recently died and he isn’t in a position to take care of his baby sister. He loves her to pieces and wants to be apart of her life, but he just isn’t able to take care of her. Tom and Sabine end up adopting marinette and semi adopting Connor. Connor visits whenever he can. He sends her letters, calls, and is a big part of her life.
Marinette becomes ladybug, but she doesn’t tell Connor. Connor knows about Hawkmoth, but due to certain circumstances he can’t do anything. He does tell Marinette to try contacting the Justice League. They would be able to help the local hero’s.
Not long after this Connor is swampt with mission after mission or he is training for a while. Lila comes to the class and makes marinette miserable.
One day Connor got a call from Tom and Sabine. They tell him that recently Marinette has been acting out and causing trouble. She has been bullying a kid at school and almost got expelled. They love her, but they feel that a change of scenery would help Marinette calm down. They ask him to take Marinette in.
Connor pauses and asks them what they plan to do if he isn’t able to take her. They don’t speak for a moment, but then admit to looking into disciplinary school out of Paris.
Connor tells them to give him some time. He then calls his team. He tells them everything. He asks them who he should go to about this. Having his sister stay with him. He doesn’t want her to be treated like a monster by the Justice League members.
Then someone gave the brilliant idea of not telling their mentors. So Connor sneaks her into the Young Justice League headquarters and explains to her about where they came from. This baffales her. And as she is processing all of this she makes the connections of her brother being apart of the league. Then she gets angry because he told her the league would help paris, but they didn’t. Paris has been ignored and treated as a joke. She literally yeets Connor across the room.
This confuses Connor because the League is supposed to look into every claim. He holds his sister as she cries about Paris, her classmates turning against her, her parents not believing her. He lets her tire out and once she’s asleep he goes to find out why the League didn’t help. He goes to Dick to see if the League even got a video or letter. After a while he brings some food and water to Marinette only to see Tikki hovering above Marinette. “AHHHHHHH GIANT BUG MOUSE!” Connor yelled. He drops the food as he rushes to keep his sister safe from this strange creature.
It takes a while but Marinette and Tikki calm him down. This is how he discovers she is a hero. “Of course OF FUCKING COURSE! It’s genetic, it has to be!” Red is also apparently a genetic thing because now that they came out about being hero’s. She redesigns his “costume” he tries to give his ideas but she just glared. Capes and outer underwear are forbidden. He mentioned it once and he was glared at so hard Marinette shot lasers from her eyes. This scared everybody.
This is how she meets the rest of the team. They hear Connor’s scream and goes to investigate. (They totally ignore the laser holes in the walls). And now they get new costumes. Mush more adaptable. It blends into their environment. Much more professional than the League.
Marinette low key steals Connor’s super boy shirt. It’s now hers. No one can take it back.
She is still enrolled at DuPont but does online classes. Great grades. She still commissions for Jagged, she uses the horse miraculous to go back and forth.
The team adores her. They try to have a weekly video game day, which marinette is one of the top players. Wally and Dick enjoy her baking. Artemis trains marinette. Kaldur and Marinette meditate and do yoga. M’ghann and Marinette enjoy having girl days and doing girlie stuff together. Jason and Roy teach Marinette about toxic relationships, how to spot it from an outside perspective, or if she is in one herself. This helps her realize how she was treating adrien was bad and how chat noir treats her.
Roy and Jason maybe the “bad boy” but they drink their respect women juice.
Damian and Jon DONT know about Marinette. None of the older hero’s (mentors) know about her. Batman doesn’t know about her.
To be continued
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archived-and-moving · 3 years
A while ago, I made the discovery that I have a Thing for horsegirls and it hasn't totally been relevant until now but I also recently learned that my unfortunately hot ex-friend is not just a horsegirl, but a really talented, semi-professional horsegirl. Dumb lesbian brain cannot function with this knowledge send help
Oh yeah a lot of the horse girls I know are queer, pretty, or both.
As my gal pal (or affection, she let me call her that now) would say:
Haha. Simp.
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