#semester abroad in france
aimchase · 4 days
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grayblebayble · 2 years
You ever get brainworms for a fic idea that’s way too good for the source material
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spiralescalators · 6 months
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this is my semester abroad sweater! finally finished 8 months after the fact but nevertheless. this sweater contains yarn from athens, crete, lyons, orleans, amsterdam, geneva, chefchaouen, luxembourg (luxembourg), copenhagen, and Paris where I stayed for five months. up close it has many imperfections but i'm really pleased!
my friends can attest to the lengths went to to track down several of these skeins (who knew that yarn shops were closed in france on sundays?) anyway, it's full of memories.
posting here for posterity.
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squoxle · 6 months
🗼Peril in Paris ~ Minho ff 18+
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🗼pairing: Lee Minho (Lee Know) x Female Reader (close proximity) | 🗼wc: 4.2k | 🗼summary: On a study abroad trip to France, you're forced to share a room with the handsome and cold-hearted Minho. |🗼cw: angst, fluff, smut, unprotected sex, fingering f., slightly rough sex, squirting (sry if u don't like that), choking, profanity, swearing
⋆。°✩Smut Scenes are Highlighted w/ Fire Heart Emoji❤️‍🔥
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Disclaimer: this ff came from my drafts in April and was made originally for Sunghoon, so if u see his name anywhere…that’s why (April 25, 2023)
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You and your two best friends were so excited to study abroad in France. You had been practicing your ‘française’ and now you could have a few intermediate-ish conversations. Well, actually it’s more like basic-advanced conversations. One of your friends, Charlotte, was super advanced in comparison to you—like halfway fluent to be specific. You have a habit of looking to her for extra help. But Noemi, your other friend, is more on your level. So, you tend to joke around a lot. For the next 16 weeks, you and the rest of your class will be touring all over the beautiful city of Paris.
You continued prancing around your room, packing your suitcase with everything you’d need for your semester away. This was your first time traveling to a country overseas and you weren’t entirely sure of what to expect. You tried your best to "prepare" by binging YouTube vlogs from Paris. Luckily for you, your friends were going to be right there with you. When you were together, nothing could go wrong. Or so you thought…
Charlotte’s Parents drove you and Noemi to the airport where you met up with the rest of your class. When you walked into the massive airport you followed the signs pointing to your group. “Okay everyone. I need to see two lines. One for the ladies and one for the gentlemen.” The head professor—Mr. Zhao—said as he waved his hands around to get everyone’s attention.
The students got into the appropriate lines with their suitcases and boarded the plane. “Omg! I still can’t believe we’re going to Paris~” Noemi giggled. “Yeah, this is an amazing opportunity to immerse ourselves in this beautiful language and culture.” Charlotte chimed. “Y/N! Come on! Let’s GOOO~”Noemi said. You were still locking eyes with Lee Minho. He had been staring at you almost the whole time you guys were in line. But it wasn’t the type of staring that would cause your heart to flutter, it was the cold glare that pierced your soul.
You proceeded to board the plane with your friends. Fortunately, you all had seats next to each other…it always felt like fate kept you guys together. “I saw him staring at you,” Noemi whispered as she nodded her head in Minho’s direction. He was sitting in the row next to us with some other boys.
“Ok, so what?” You snapped “He’s super attractive. And, he might be into you, just saying. If I were you I’d totally be into him” She giggled. Charlotte had already fallen asleep so she was missing all the drama. “Knock it off, Noemi. I’m not interested and I don’t think he is either.” You replied, nudging her shoulder. “So you’re telling me you don’t think he’s hot?” Noemi smirked. “I mean…he’s good-looking, but I’m not just gonna hop on him.” You said as the two of you glanced at the boy. “He really was beautiful,” you thought to yourself.
After the plane landed you and the rest of the group boarded a large tour bus that took you to the hotel you’d be staying at for the next 16 weeks. The female instructor, Ms. Rei, gathered all of the female students and put them into the 5 rooms in groups of three. Mr. Allen did the same with the male students.
However, for some reason, there was one room left and the only people who hadn’t been grouped up were you and Minho.
“Sorry. We miscalculated the room arrangements and you two will be sharing a room with me.” Mr. Zhao said with a shrug. To be honest, he’s one of the cooler teachers so this wasn’t a problem. The problem was that you were separated from your best friends.
You definitely DID NOT see this coming. "What are the odds," you sighed to yourself.
“Umm…well I was supposed to be all alone in this room. But since I’ll be sharing with you two…I’ll take the sofa and you two can share the bed.” Mr. Zhao said as we reached our room. “And don’t worry. It’s a king-sized bed. So, the two of you can sleep at some distance.” He awkwardly chuckled.
Minho remained dead silent the whole time. He then headed to your shared room with his phone in his hand. He was probably doing the same thing you would do…text your friends. You remember him sitting next to two other boys—also attractive, but that’s not the point.
“Which side do you want?” Minho said breaking the silence. “Oh…umm…I’ll take the side by the window if that’s okay with you,” I replied. “I obviously don’t care. That’s why I asked.” He shot back coldly. I really don’t understand why he’s being so cold. Neither of you wanted to be here, but at least you were trying to make the best of it.
Since you arrived at night, you only had enough time to shower and unpack a few things before bed. Mr. Zhao ordered some dinner from the hotel’s restaurant, but Minho decided to just shower and go to sleep.
While eating dinner, Mr. Zhao told you about a few of the things you were going to do the next day. By the time you finished, you were ready to go to bed. Without thinking, you walked straight into your room, locking eyes with Minho.
He was wearing a plain white tee and his hair was slightly damp. He was also wearing a pair of grey sweats with a towel around his neck. “I’m finished in there just so you know.” He said before sitting on his side of the bed with his phone in his hand. I couldn’t help but stare. “Are you going or what?” He asked, snapping me out of my head. “Oh yeah. Sorry.” you stammered, picking out your nightgown before heading to the shower.
When the morning finally came, I got ready for the day. On the tour bus is where I found my friends, Charlotte and Noemi.
“Hey…so what happened? We were texting you all last night.” The two of them said upon greeting you. “My phone died and I couldn’t find a charger.” “Oh, okay.” They looked at you as if waiting for you to tell them some juicy gossip.
“I’m sharing a room with Mr. Zhao and Minho if that’s what u were wondering,” you said slinging the bag over your shoulder. You watched as their jaws dropped halfway to the ground after what you just said.
“NO WAY! You are so lucky~! Did you and Minho ‘do’ anything?” Noemi asked mischievously.
“No, we just shared a bed--"
"Shared a bed! How are you being so chill right now?" Noemi spat, cutting you off. "Girl, the thing I would've done with an opportunity like that."
"You wouldn't have made much progress. When I came out of the shower he was still glued to his phone,” you continued.
“Oh, bummer. I thought he would’ve been cooler.” Noemi said waving her hands in the air.
When you guys arrived at the Louvre Museum you broke off into the same groups assigned last night. Which meant you had to be with stone-cold Minho and Mr. Zhao. Though you'd much rather be goofing off with your friends.
“Well guys, what do you think, huh? There’s some pretty amazing artwork here.” “Hmm. Yeah, I guess.” Minho said with a shrug.
Before you could speak, Mr. Zhao’s phone rang. “Hold on you guys. I’ve gotta take this call really quick.” He said before stepping out of sight.
Again, here you were. Alone. With Minho. The taps of his phone echoed throughout the quiet hall. That and the random sounds of him sniffing through his nose.
For weeks this cold behavior persisted from Minho and you’d had enough of it. He was making this trip miserable. And now was your chance to maybe change things up a bit. Or at least make it less awkward.
“What’s wrong with you?” You asked, sternly.
“Hmm? Were you talking to me?”
“Obviously. Who else is around?”
He rolled his eyes and scoffed before turning back to his phone.
“You’re letting life pass you by while you tap away at that damn phone.” Saying this caused him to look up at you. “Since we got here you’ve been driving me insane. You make everything feel awkward, you hardly talk, and when you do, you have an attitude. What did I do to you?” Minho tucked his phone away in his pocket.
“There. Are you happy now?” His passiveness pissed you off even more. He could see the look of frustration on your face at his nonchalant behavior. You were fuming at his casualness.
“Sorry. I don’t know how else to tell you this. I’m just not a ‘people’ person.” He said looking down at the ground. “How about I make it up to you?”
“How do you plan on doing that?” You asked.
“Follow me.” He grabbed your hand as he led you out of the museum.
“But--" You stammered, trying to think of a valid excuse. After all, this is kinda your fault, right? If only you had just kept your damn mouth shut.
Like any sane person, you were weary about venturing off in a foreign country. Especially, alone...with a boy. "What about Mr. Zhao?” you spat, digging your feet into the ground in an attempt to stop him from leaving.
“Relax. I remember where the hotel is. Even if we get left behind, we won’t be lost.” He said with a smile.
This was the first time you saw Minho smile…ever. It was like diamonds. And I know how corny that sounds, but it really was just as rare and beautiful as diamonds.
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He led you into a park that wasn't too far from the museum.
“What are we doing here?” You asked in a slightly shaking tone.
“Oh, come on. Don’t tell me you wanna go back already. Daddy’s just getting started,” he smirked before holding your hand and walking further away.
“What had gotten into this boy?” You wondered to yourself. How does someone come from quiet and cold to cheeky and adventurous? Was he putting on an act or is this the person he’s always been? You couldn’t tell because both sides seemed so genuine, but by the time you snapped out of your thoughts it was already too late to turn back.
“So, what are you gonna do now?” You asked.
“Taking you out for a drink of course,” he said before walking into the cafe that stood in front of you.
“You think a cup of coffee is supposed to make up for you acting like a stone cold bitch?” You asked casually. To be honest you were trying to match his energy, but this type of lingo really wasn’t your style, and it honestly made you cringe at yourself.
“I can do so much more,” Minho whispered in your ear before kissing your cheek. The flustered look on your face caused him to giggle a bit.
“What the hell is going on?” You thought to yourself.
Once you made your way to the register, you were greeted by the young man behind the counter. He was tall, attractive, and had a naturally toned body. You could tell through the crisp white collar shirt he wore. You were speechless for reasons aside from his looks. As you could assume, he spoke to you in French. And, as you mentioned earlier, you weren’t very good.
Minho watched as a dazed and confused expression formed on your face while your brain played connect the dots. “Don’t worry. I got it,” he smiled before telling the young man what you wanted.
Luckily for you it was just a cup of black coffee. Minho’s ordered something else, but you definitely heard the word for coffee. You felt like kicking yourself in the ass for not studying enough.
You and Minho walked over to a table near a window. It was growing darker by the minute and you were starting to worry.
“So, you wanna talk? Let’s talk. Tell me something about yourself,” Minho said as you started out the window
“What do you want to know?” You asked as you toyed with your fingers under the table.
“Hmm…let’s start simple and then escalate to something a little crazier. How’s that sound?” He suggested, tilting his head slightly to the side.
You nodded in response as he asked you the first question, “What type of music do you listen to?”
"Uhhh. Honestly, I'll pretty much listen to anything," you said switching your attention to the conversation.
"Me too, but I prefer listening to good dancing music. It just makes me feel better," the two of you went on asking a few more random questions back and forth. However, the entire time he was talking you couldn't help but search desperately for that smile. Every now and then you'd see it peek out a bit, but you wanted to see it in full.
"See something you like?" Minho smirked as he ripped you out of your inner thoughts.
"Huh?" you stammered.
"Well, you keep looking at my lips. Did you want to kiss or would you rather keep thinking about it?" he leaned closer to you, flashing that cheeky smile.
You were speechless and you could feel your face heating up as he came closer to you.
"Since you haven't said anything, I assume a kiss is exactly what you want," he chuckled to himself. "Let's save it until after we leave okay. Hopefully, you can control yourself long enough."
It wasn't long before the waiter came out with your order. Two black coffees and a small box with a bow. "What's inside the box?" you asked Minho.
"It's a surprise," he smiled. "You can have some later," he said before sipping from his cup.
You were really starting to like this side of him. Especially the fact that you were the only one who got a chance to see it.
After finishing your drinks the two of you walked around for a bit more before Minho was ready to head back to the hotel. He also told you that he texted Mr. Zhao earlier, telling him that you felt sick and he was taking you back to the hotel. The box of treats was something for the three of you to share.
"I guess he forgot about the kiss," you thought to yourself as you climbed into the taxi.
Even though you initially told yourself that you wouldn't do something like that with him, you were getting the feeling to do a little more than just that.
The ride home was dead silent. It was like he had gone back to his old self again. Completely zoned out on his phone and absent in reality. Was it something you said? Or was that really all just some act to get you to shut up? You weren't sure, but you'd still hold on to the memories from that moment.
The glint from his smile flashed into your head as you walked through the hotel door.
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"Feeling better?" Mr. Zhao asked as you came in.
"Yeah," you sighed as you watched Minho silently walk to the bedroom.
"Where're you going?" Mr. Zhao asked him.
"I'm going to take a shower," he muttered before walking into the room.
"Hey, next time you're not feeling well. Make sure you let me know. I could've taken you back here and got you some medicine," Mr. Zhao said, placing his hand on your shoulder.
"Okay, I will," you smiled. "And Minho bought these for us," you said handing him the box.
"Aww. Let him know I said thank you. Did you want to pick yours first?" he asked as he opened the box.
"No, that's okay," you smiled before walking to the room.
It felt like a heavy weight was on your shoulders. The thrill was gone and everything had returned back to normal.
Just like last time, Minho came out of the bathroom with damp hair and plopped on the edge of the bed, tapping away at his phone. You pulled out a pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt before heading to the shower.
You turned the water on high, causing the mirror to fog up. You got lost in the thought of Minho coming into the bathroom and joining you in the shower.
You squeezed your thighs together as the warm water ran down your body. You could feel yourself getting more and more excited, but the sound of the soap dropping to the floor startled you. You felt a bit of guilt after realizing that you were getting turned on by a casual interaction with a classmate you never really paid attention to.
You finished up in the shower before balling your clothes up to toss in the laundry bin.
As expected, you saw Minho lying in bed when you came out. The feelings of pure annoyance returned as you thought back to the way he behaved like Dr. Jekyll and Hyde. The two-faced, bi-personality this man wielded was insane. Both sides seemed so genuine. It was hard to figure out who he really was.
You went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water before going to bed. You looked over to see Mr. Zhao sleeping soundly on his makeshift bed. He'd gathered together extra pillows and sofa cushions to make a platform on the floor.
You walked back to your room and climbed into bed, moving around to get into a comfortable position.
"Can you keep still?" Minho said sharply.
"Sorry," you said sarcastically, rolling your eyes as you plopped your head down onto the pillow.
"Here we go again," you thought to yourself. "Random, grumpy, asshole," you sighed to yourself as you rolled over and closed your eyes.
"Hey," Minho whispered.
"What?" you angrily whispered back.
"Did you still want that kiss?" he asked as you rolled over to meet his gaze.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" you spat back.
"No, I'm serious."
"You must've lost your fucking mind."
"Sorry, it's just that..."
"It's just that what?"
Minho moved in closer to you. So close that to the point that your faces were barely an inch apart.
"I haven't been able to stop thinking about it," he said glaring into your eyes.
"You can't be serious. I'm not falling for this lame-ass act again. Good night," you huffed before turning away from him.
"I'm sorry for getting cold on you again. That's just the way I am," you heard him say from behind you.
"Look, there're two sides of me--"
"Yeah, I see that now," you mumbled, cutting him off.
"Let me explain--"
"I don't wanna hear it. I'm trying to sleep so can you just be quiet," you spat.
Minho pulled the cover off of your body causing you to turn your body over to face him.
"What the fu--" You were startled by Minho climbing on top of you. You were completely speechless.
Your eyes doe eyes glistened under the faint light emitting from the bedroom window. You watched as his body hovered over you. His facial features looked even more amazing in the cool moonlight.
Minho leaned in to kiss you while you were still dazed. Just a small peck, but enough to get your attention. The two of you stared at each other for a moment before kissing again.
You couldn't believe what was happening right now. You were in a shared hotel room making out with one of your classmates while your professor was asleep in the other room.
The kissing intensified as you thought back to your fantasy in the shower. You gripped onto Minho's hair as your tongues intertwined. Your breathing became ragged as you desperately begged for more. But what really got things started was when you accidentally moaned in his mouth.
Minho paused to straddle your body as he looked at you lying beneath him. "What was that for?" he smirked. "Nothing," you lied. "It didn't seem like nothing," he leaned in closer. "Tell me what you were thinking about," he said as he began kissing on your neck.
"I was thinking about you in the shower," you blatantly admitted. You were surprised that those words had even escaped your lips, but Minho's reaction made it all worth it.
"Oh really? And what were you thinking?" he asked as he rubbed your thigh. "Go on. You can close your eyes if it makes you feel better," the feeling of his breath against your neck made your insides flutter.
"I was thinking about you coming into the bathroom and fucking me in the shower," you said as you closed your eyes. You could hear him slightly chuckle in your ear as he moved his hand between your legs. You felt his hands massaging your pussy through your shorts.
"Mhmm. And how did that make you feel?" he asked. "Ngh!" you groaned as he pressed his thumb against your clit. "Nevermind, I already got my answer," he smiled as he felt your pussy throbbing through your shorts.
"How about I tell you a little secret? I wasn't talking in the taxi because I was too busy thinking about all the things I wanted to do to you back there," Minho spat on his fingers before sliding them into your shorts. "And when we came in, I jerked off in the shower because of you," he continued as rubbed your clit.
"You're so fucking wet," he smiled as he kissed you again. "Do you wanna know what I was thinking about?" he asked to which you hummed in response. "How about I just show you," he smirked.
Minho reached down to pull your shorts off. You moved your legs to wiggle them off before they fell on the floor. Minho rubbed the print of his dick through his pants before pulling out his dick. He glided himself between your folds, you watched his dick twitch as he was eager to enter your wet walls. "Mmm. Your pussy feels so good," he groaned.
You sat up slightly to remove his shirt, revealing the scar on his stomach. Minho continued to stroke his dick back and forth between your pussy lips, coating it in your fluids. You watched as the precum seeped from his dick before inserting it into your pussy.
You let out a soft moan as he inched his way through. "Shhh," he hushed as he covered your mouth. "We don't wanna wake anyone up." You felt him pushing every inch inside of you before taking long, slow strokes in and out of your pussy.
The room was filled with the squelching sounds of your pussy and your muffled panting as Minho increased the speed. He moved his hand as he raised your legs to change the position. Your ankles were now over his shoulder as he pounded hard into your pussy. You tried your best to stay quiet, but the pleasure was overwhelming.
You started to moan quietly through your closed lips, that was until Minho grabbed onto your waist and fucked you deeper. A loud moan escaped your lips as he railed you deeper. "You like that don't you baby?" He wrapped his hands around your throat and pushed you into the bed as he hammered your pussy. Choked moans hiccuped from your throat as you reached your climax.
Your chest raised up and down as you gripped onto Minho's waist. "Come on baby. You're almost there," you felt your pussy tightening around his dick as he pumped in and out of you. "That's it. Cum for me like a good girl," he groaned as you panted breathlessly.
You were just at the point where you were about to cum when Minho lifted you up and began drilling you as you squirted all over his abs. Minho pulled you close as his dick twitched inside of your pussy.
Feeling drained but relaxed you weren't ready for what Minho wanted to do next.
Minho dropped you on the bed and turned you over. Your ass was up in the air facing him as he gripped it before hammering into your pussy from behind. "Ugh. I can't get enough of your perfect fucking cunt," he hummed. You could hear the sounds of your skin slapping against each other as he fucked you.
Your legs quivered as you were getting ready to cum again. Your moans were muffled by the bed sheets. Minho pressed your head into the bed as he faintly moaned from behind. "Ngh, fuck. You feel so fucking good." You could tell Minho was reaching his climax as the speed increased even more.
He pulled your body back, gripping one of your breasts in his hand, while the other wrapped firmly around your throat. "Ngh," Minho whimpered as he filled your pussy.
You and Minho fell down onto the bed before lying lazily under the covers. "We can go again in the morning if you want," Minho said kissing your cheek. "You just gotta get up early," he continued before caressing your face. "Then we can fulfill your fantasy," he smirked.
You agreed to some steamy shower sex before the two of you fell asleep, naked and wrapped up in each other's arms.
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❀ Thank you all so much for reading! Make sure to check out other works on my masterlist!
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❀ 𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝: @chlorinecake @nikisdubblchococake @addictedtohobi @parkjonseongswife @hoyeonheeseung @cas104 @doseoflily @neoteez01 @fics-jillian-liked @skzfelixlove @hyunjinswifeee @urfavberry @ihrtlix @emily1310universe-blog @tiddiesbruhposts @stay-berry @hwanghyunjin2 @cherry8183 @hyunjinslovebott @ta3baee @skz-lover21 @skztalkersworld @hyunjinnie2000 @hyunjinswifeyy @luvyblossom @th3-g1rl-y0u-10v3 @bratty-tingz @skzenhalove
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prodlaw · 13 days
ACADEMIC LIABILITY or ACADEMIC WEAPON?! — one piece in college
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sanji is a hospitality major -> very obvious -> eventually wants to go to culinary school and open his own restaurant, but wants to get some work experience in and wouldn't mind working in a hotel for a year or two -> rooms with zoro; they both got randomly assigned based off signup sheets and they've been torturing the housing incharges to change ever since then -> the housing dept is so fed up with them that they're not budging just to spite them -> zoro regularly buys the wrong kinds of ingredients for him and sometimes messes with his schedules so he's late for classes -> did a semester abroad in france and is planning to do one in italy to intern under his favourite chefs -> watches and falls asleep to reruns of the great british bake off or masterchef jr. -> is a pleasure to generally have in class and submits his assignments on time except when there are any sorts of accounting/finance courses he needs to take ... pesters nami to help with those -> probably tied with chopper and robin as the people who're the most genuinely passionate about their major -> hosts sunday study sessions where everyone comes to his dorm and studies while he cooks lunch for them -> makes nami, vivi and robin bentos the days they have long classes and drops them off at their buildings -> will make people on his floor food if they ask for it -> actually not that big of a fan of huge parties but gets dragged along by luffy anyways -> 100% academic weapon
zoro is a kinesiology major -> him and ace are prolific nappers. will nap anywhere: under a tree in the quad, in the library, in classes, etc. -> that is, if zoro actually makes it to his classes in the first place, he's so directionally challenged -> took him months to figure out the campus layout, will still end up 10-15 minutes late cos he took the wrong staircase up -> mainly just spends his time sleeping in the dorm or at the gym -> very intimidating in the gym, loads of people mistake him for a varsity athlete cos he'll casually be bench pressing mad numbers -> will spot your weights and help you out if you ask tho <3 -> sanji gets back at him by playing ridiculously loud music while cooking and giving him the wrong directions -> he still has to admit that for what it's worth he keeps sanji around since he's practically memorised zoro's meal preferences and macros (sanji will sneak in some greens and sugar here and there) -> does not party often but when he does he goes beast mode, drunk zoro blushes like crazyyy -> he's a girlfailure academically though, does not keep track of his assignments, all his coursework leaves his head the minute he leaves the classroom -> gets law or chopper to help him with basic biology parts of his major -> at one point paid chopper to do his assignments but chopper was too nice and did them for free until law found out and started going on about "child labour" or something -> he's BARELY making the passing grade -> 100% academic liability nami is a business major -> IT girl!! on top of everything always -> dorms with robin, is literally living the pinterest girl aesthetic -> super organised, notes are color coded, always running around campus with her cup of coffee -> is the president of the campus's women in finance club -> summer internships, TA-ing, you name it she's doing it -> is debating going down the investment banker route because of the 6 figure salary or starting her own business -> invented office siren core. she walks into a class with pointed kitten heels bayonetta glasses and everyone loses their shit -> at the same time is a party MONSTER -> her tolerance is unlimited . got a matching tattoo with vivi and robin one night -> she ran an alcohol supplying racket in her freshman year for a quick buck but switched to more legitimate moneymaking methods in her sophmore year, she now connects students from her highschool with college mentors -> her profs love herrr she hates being called a nerd but she pre-reads all her syllabus, is ready with good questions but she's not a nerd guys!! -> is the campus cafe's best customer. will stop by at least twice a day for some sugar/coffee shot that keeps her sane -> her and robin have a wine night every week where they watch real housewives, do skincare, and catch up on each other's lives -> robin lowkey worries for her because she's very ambitious but she trusts that vivi keeps nami sane when she's not around
robin is an archaeology and history double major -> why is she even in college (is a question her professors keep asking her) -> she could teach the class! (she's assistant in every department she's taken) -> definitely taking the academia route after college, also because she's genuinely passionate about teaching -> is overqualified to even sit in introductory level courses -> has been published as an undergraduate in multiple prestigious journals for papers that she wrote because she was "just curious" -> is a part of student government -> is also a part of the campus debate union, but is not as proactive as other members (eg. luffy) -> double majoring is a breeze for her. her assignments make her professors question their ability to grade -> singlehandedly carries the class average on her back -> is idolised by underclassmen because she's very sweet and patient -> got invited to join a lot of secret societies and sororities during her freshman year but politely declined -> could honestly be successful in any major since she has a general academic knack -> wants to take a year off after college to gain on-site archaeological experience in egypt -> is the mother of the group; everyone comes to her for advice whenever they're struggling to pick classes or feeling down -> her guilty pleasure is a good matcha latte. has bought a full matcha station to perfect her own lattemaking skills -> nami took her thrifting once and now she spends hours on her weekend in shops -> doesn't like partying so is often the designated sober one along with sanji and law, will occasionally smoke with him depending on how tolerable he is -> 100% an academic weapon
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a/n: i'm a big yapper so ima do ace luffy chopper and law in the pt 2 for this ⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾
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doobea · 1 year
bllk college au
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a/n: my personal headcanons of how some of the bllk guys would survive in uni ゜✧*̣̩☽⋆゜
most likely majoring in exercise science
generally an average student all around, his strongest classes being anatomy and weakest being chemistry. surprisingly balances his soccer practices with his studies quite well!
definitely likes studying in groups - whether that be with his classmates or friends. though probably the type to also cram a few days before the finals. (pre test anxiety helps) he has a favorite study location at a small local café on campus
wouldn’t necessarily join a fraternity but wouldn’t say no to a party if a friend invited him - refrains from excessive alcohol drinking if it’s an unfamiliar crowd (last time it ended up with him waking up to a 'no ragrets' tramp stamp)
developed a small growth spurt after the first year - now standing at a gracious 5'11 height
honestly, maybe majoring something in the STEM field like bioengineering
super strict about studying habits - he follows the pomodoro technique and generally averages around an A/A- in majority of his classes
likes to keep his distance and doesn’t have many close friends. keeps texts and convos super curt with classmates and refuses to give out his social media handles if they ask (he has like 10 followers lol)
after classes he tends to either go back to his dorm or the library to study. if he has soccer practice he usually finds himself doing assignments during small breaks. can totally seeing him studying to like edm (secretly a rave boy awakening?)
got to study abroad in Italy and France for a semester
combining both his interests of gaming and desire to not work as hard, he finds himself majoring in computer science (its def a hard major to others but in terms of working remote/hybrid in the future he takes it lol)
students are envious of him, the type to have photographic memory so all his test score are high marks without him really trying
probably accidentally got himself on the e-board of the video game club after beating everyone in a valorant tournament
like a cat, he likes to take naps and sunbathe during warmer weather. when its winter, you'll find him knocked out in the student lounge booths
he longboards to his classes - maybe even the type to have a remote controlled longboard if he's feeling extra lazy to move his legs
he's the biggest business major stereotype you'll see - but in a good way. probably double majors in accounting and business admin, goes the extra mile and gets an MBA after undergrad.
loves hosting monthly parties at his apartment and often sends out over the top email invitations with an RSVP notice (he spends like all morning making it on canva)
is the type to always have an internship lined up for winter or summer break. by the time he graduates, his resume will probably be over two pages (the average student gets depressed after looking at his linkedin)
aside from soccer, he most likely picks up a water or winter sport on the side - something like water polo or skiing would be fitting
always surrounded by other finance bros (minus nagi), its like a never ending conversation of stocks and the state of the economy (gets irritated if asked but why cant we just print more money)
he's def planning on going to physical therapy school! like isagi, he'll probably major in exercise science but with a track to PT school.
likes to pick out fun artsy classes for his electives - such as calligraphy, a ballroom dance class, and cooking (college doesn't have to be suffering)
spends most of his weekends working part-time as a physical therapy assistant at the campus health center. when he's not working, he likes to decompress with a sci-fi novel at the local café
adopts a black cat at the end of his first year, he tries to hid them under his bed whenever the floor's RA (resident assistant) does their monthly check-ins (he says the distressed meows are a new ringtone)
his music taste is bedroom pop and this dorm is def decorated as such. polaroids of his friends and family are pinned directly above his desk, fairy lights are attached on the ceiling in a zig-zag formation, and owns a record stand with tons of vinyls
probably comes in undecided and then picks a major after taking some required classes. he ends up majoring in cognitive science. (lowkey i feel like he would make a good therapist or researcher)
big mama's boy - weekly hour long facetimes with his mom, recalling what he's eaten, who he's hung out with, how classes are kicking his butt, etc. (leaving out the crazy stunts at parties)
frat guys love him, he's always down to pull a crazy hat trick whether that'd be jumping from the second floor window, trying to steal a traffic cone with campus police nearby, and just filming the latest wild tiktok trends (grimace shake? hes on the ground gurgling that shit out)
was so excited at the beginning of the year of potentially joining different clubs and organizations, ended signing up for like 50+ that he doesn't even remember (his email notifications go crazy)
one outdoor club activity he does commit to, aside from soccer, would be extreme frisbee (those are a thing yes!), sometimes would go overboard and he crashes into other students on the grass field while trying to catch it
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Hi friends,
It's been a very great Easter weekend! <3 I've been super productive and very calm! If you're interested in my day, feel free to go to Insta. Again, my Easter to-do list (had to add some things):
Studying 350 flashcards of Marketing (big goal haha, big goal)
Solving six mock exams in Statistics
Finishing my work for my Academic Writing module
Organizational Things
Handing in all of my documents for my semester abroad at KEDGE Business School (Bordeaux, France)
Handing my in ERASMUS-documents for the program's scholarship
Handing in my application for BCG's APIRE Women's Workshop in Lisbon
Handing in my application for another scholarship
Preparing for therapy
Handing in my new contract for work
Donating to climate NGOs and animal rescue organizations
Contacting renowned climate scientists, asking them to give a talk at my university
Answering your questions
Writing a new post about how to avoid procrastination
I hope you are all very motivated! <3 I love you a lot!
Love, Sophia
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jeanvaljeancheri · 6 months
Here are my two favourite jerejean fics as well as other favourites of mine, all in no particular order!
My two all time fav jerejean fics
Chasing the Night to See the Stars
Jean Moreau comes to the Trojans a broken man. The Trojans, for their part, decide that broken does not mean unlovable.
I have so much to say about this fic, I almost added screenshots of the notes I took while reading (seriously I genuinely had to hold myself back 😭)
Like coach Rhemann? The books? And Galaxy's watch? How am I ever supposed to move on from this.
Sixteen hours
started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this (affectionate)
Jean and Jeremy secretly start dating in their final year at USC.
I don't even know how to describe this fic. Their love is just so delicate and gentle and caring and soft and everything.
The ski trip actually owns my heart.
Other favs
A Little Illumination
Jean's a lonely firefighter, and Jeremy teaches kindergarten. Everyone learns something about themselves.
The Care and Keeping of Jean Moreau
Don’t panic. Call Kevin Day.
Jean has always been something of a black box. Whereas Riko Moriyama and Kevin Day spent so much of their childhoods at Evermore in the spotlight, the details of Jean Moreau’s personal life have been kept largely in the dark. In post-game interviews, he’s always blended into the monolith of Ravens standing behind Riko. But until Kevin called a couple weeks ago, you thought you at least had a general impression of Jean Moreau: an absolute nightmare of a backliner, with the ruthless ambition and arrogance expected of any Raven — especially one marked for Riko’s so-called Perfect Court.
The person waiting for you in baggage claim at LAX is like someone else entirely.
Do’s and don’ts for rehabilitating an ex-Raven, by Jeremy Knox.
love looks better in colour
"Colours, like features, follow the changes of the emotions."
Jeremy Knox is twelve years old when his soulmark appears. Nothing after that is easy.
a bicycle made for two (or three)
The other hindrance was due to the fact that Santa had been very generous this year, which left Jean standing on a patch of sidewalk he’d kicked clear himself, holding his four year old daughter’s hand and wondering how he was going to get all of their stuff plus the Pink Unicorn Princess Dream House up four flights of stairs without something breaking.
Golden State
"Yeah … about that …" Jean is glaring down at his phone like it is covered in slugs, lips curled downwards. "Kevin texted. He is bringing Neil Josten with him."
"What?" Jeremy blinks, taken aback. "Why?"
Jean shrugs, shoulders stiff. "He didn’t say. Just ..." he hands his phone over, opened to a thread of messages. The last one is from an hour earlier. Jean had asked about the time Kevin’s flight comes in, the answer is a curt
Saturday, 2.30pm. Neil is coming too.
Or, Two ex-Ravens, a Fox and a Trojan meet up for Vacation. They have a lot of things to work through, but maybe it will turn out better than they expect.
Becoming A Sugar Baby To The Husband Of My All-Time Favorite Exy Player?!??
Jeremy Knox, otherwise known as… Jean Moreau’s accidental sugar baby?
After sustaining an injury on the court, Jeremy opts to take a semester break to studying abroad in France. There, he’s taken under the wing of Jean Moreau, otherwise known as exy star Kevin Day’s best-kept secret: his husband.
Sooo this is actually kerejean but I couldn't resist adding it on :)
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aimchase · 4 days
Aim Chase Success Stories 💙
Are you planning to Study Abroad? Contact Aim Chase today and fulfill your Study Abroad dreams.
Call / WhatsApp : 9846312020
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reminiscingtonight · 2 years
Introductions I
Leah Williamson x Bronze!Reader
Word Count: 984
A/N: Well, here’s part one of the Setbacks prequels! Unfortunately Leah doesn’t show up in this part but we do get more of that Bronze sister relationship + Keira!
Part Two // Part Three // Part Four // Part Five // Setbacks
[WOSO Masterlist]
Growing up, you and Lucy were inseparable. You followed your older sister around like a puppy, more than happy when she would give you the attention you clearly craved. You worried you were being too clingy, but Lucy didn’t mind, happy to spoil you anyway she can.
When you were old enough to walk, you were old enough to kick balls. And kick balls was exactly what you did. By the time the World Cup came around and your sister was off for Canada, you were already beginning to make your way through national youth teams.
It made sense when you left to pursue college in the states, check off the next box of following in Lucy’s footsteps. The defender simply gave you a goodhearted chuckle when you told her about your acceptance to North Carolina. “Now just don’t get converted into a defender. I’m more than happy to share, but I don’t think the world would be ready for two Bronze defenders.”
You simply made a face at her. You had way too much fun scoring goals to ever consider dropping to the back of the field.
Your first semester abroad passed with a blur. The soccer season came and went, you struggled but passed your classes. Before you knew it, you were on your way home, more than happy to spend Christmas with your family.
For a couple weeks you watch your sister through the screen of your laptop. You were beyond proud when she told you about her plans to play in Lyon, hurrying to buy yourself some merch as quickly as you could. For days leading up to her return home for the holidays, you’re extremely giddy, looking forward to exchanging stories about your times abroad. You’re just about to head for the airport when you get the text.
[I’ll meet you at home. I want to introduce you to someone]
Frowning, you rack your brain, wondering if you missed a conversation or something. You don’t think Lucy’s mentioned anyone special in her life. Ever since Lucy announced her move to France, you made sure to call her at least once a week, in addition to the call you made home to your parents. Your sister has had ample time to tell you about any relationships, but she’s never once said anything of the sorts.
Since you’re already dressed pretty lowkey, you decide to go out for a run. Might as well bide your time until Lucy returns. 
You’re stewing in your thoughts for a while until you catch sight of your sister sitting on the steps of your house when you return. Scanning the area, you don’t catch sight of another person. 
Lucy’s quick to pull you into a hug when she spots you.
“How long have you been dating this mystery gal?” You cut to the chase, not even returning the greeting.
You’re not even 100% sure that Lucy wants to introduce you to a partner, but your guess is deemed current when Lucy quietly mumbles “About a year or so.”
You click your tongue, frowning slightly. “I’m sorry, I think I heard you wrong. Cause I thought you said ‘a year,’ but that can’t possibly be right, because the two of us were still here last year and you never said anything.”
You’re not sure whether you should feel hurt or not. Lucy’s always the first you told anything to, and you thought it was the same for her too. Maybe you thought wrong.
Lucy nervously shuffles on her feet, dropping her eyes. “I know you can be scary when you meet my girlfriends for the first time. I just didn’t want you to scare her away. I really like her.”
Usually Lucy’s the one scaring your partners away. You could count on one hand the number of times you successfully scared away Lucy’s suitors. She must really like this person to be this nervous about your reaction. 
Glancing over your sister’s shoulder, your eyebrows raise up in surprise when you see the familiar face now hanging by the front door. The side of your lips quirk up. “I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not.”
Lucy’s face drops, mouth parting open to defend both herself and her choice of lover, but you roll your eyes, cutting her off again. 
“I grew up playing on youth teams.” You’re not sure Lucy needs reminding, but the blank stare you receive tells you that maybe she does. You sigh. “Luce, I’ve played with Keira multiple times growing up. I know who she is, you daft.” Not to mention that you went to nearly all of Lucy’s City games when you were still living at home. Sometimes you wonder what goes through that head of hers. Of course you know who Keira is. It would be a bit hard not to. 
Lucy blinks in surprise, quickly craning her head around so she can gesture for Keira to come over, but you push past her pliant body before she can. 
“Hey Keira.” Keira’s always been one of your favorite older girls to play with. She was always so nice and kind whenever you played on the same youth teams. You’re not really sure why Lucy was so worried in the first place.
The midfielder gives you a hug, pulling back to give you a once-over. “Hi! It’s been so long, how’s UNC?”
“Ugh, horrible. I have half a mind to drop out and just come back to play football.”
Lucy whips her head around at lightning speed. “Excuse me?! You will do nothing of that kind--”
“But then Luce would probably blow a gasket so I’ll probably stay over there for a little while longer.”
Keira giggles when your sister gives you an affronted look.
You loop your arm through Keira’s, only pausing long enough to throw Lucy a wink. “So, what embarrassing stories would you like to hear first?”
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easybrainrot34 · 26 days
✈️ Colin Bridgerton Headcanons ✈️
This was requested by this lovely anon!! This is my first request so thank you for writing in! It would’ve come out sooner, but i currently have a mean tooth infection, nevertheless, the show must go on! Heads up, third one is a hint of spice. Hope u enjoy☺️
Characters mentioned : Gregory, Anthony, Benedict, Daphne, Edmund, Violet, Penelope, Debling, and Eloise
🎻= regency era
🧳= modern au
🧳🎻= either
Ps my request r open :)
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🧳🎻 I think he has a very realistic view on his brothers. I think he use to blindly look up to them just bc they were his older brothers, but as time has passed he definitely sees and recognizes that they both have some decent flaws. However, he really wants Gregory to look up to him the most. I don’t think he would ever admit it to anyone, but i feel like he could think a little higher of himself (not in a bad way at all) therefor he thinks he’s led the best example for how a man should be to Gregory.
🧳🎻 He gives off shy kid vibes. Like between the ages of 4-10 he was pretty shy only having like two friends. I feel like Ben specifically found this a little concerning bc he didn’t want him to have issues in school and life in general, so together they worked really hard on getting him to not only have more confidence in himself but actually practiced having convos. I also feel like once he got to the “interested in dating people” age Daphne and Ben tried their best to tech him to talk aka flirt with people.
🧳 (Lil spicy) Had a hoe phase in college. People are always shocked about how high his body count is (20+) but he was never a douche bag to anyone he’s hooked up with. I feel like when Anthony and Benedict found out on one of the weekly boys nights they have, Ben was proud and Anthony was a little shook. Anthony made him swear up and down he always wore a condom and then congratulated him lol.
🧳 Staying on the college root, he definitely gives off world history major vibes. He def was a foreign exchange student in high school (secondary school for the brit’s out there lol) and studied a couple semesters abroad in college. Specifically went to France in high school, then America, Italy, Spain, and India in college. He also makes it a point to travel every summer. I feel like he would definitely end up as a teacher of some sort tho. Like he’s definitely the cool history teacher everyone loves. Also hes definitely that teacher that gets side tracked easily if u ask him about his time abroad.
🧳 Definitely has more girl friends than guy friends, but not super imbalanced. He just gives was invited to the girls night out vibes. (I have a headcanon that i already wrote that i would definitely add Colin too). He definitely has his Boyz™️ that he hangs with all the time, but he knows they can be a little much, so i feel like when he wants to be social but have a relaxed time he hangs with the girlies. Idk colin just gives friends with everyone vibes.
🧳 I think Colin has diagnosed anxiety, and once he learned that he became more educated and aware of mental health. I feel like he started getting panic attacks shortly after Edmund died (he was 12 yrs old if i did my math right lol) but didn’t want anyone to worry about him so he just kinda dealt with it and kinda got to a point where he thought it was normal. It came up randomly in a convo with Daphne, Ben, and Violet that he gets them but at this point he didn’t get what the big deal was. I feel like these 3 took it seriously and once he got diagnosed he put work into researching how to understand mental health issues more.
🧳🎻 He LOVES to plan dates. His go to is always dinner at a nice restaurant then a show of some kind. Play, musical, movie out, doesn’t really matter to him. He enjoys a night in, sure, but what he really loves is showing you off. He’s proud to have you as his (not in a possessive creepy way, in a sweet way) and wants to show you off.
🧳 Colin is a little bit of a jealous type. We see it in the show when Pen is being courted by Debling. However, i feel like when he’s in a relationship, he completely trust his partner. If he sees someone flirting with you he will let them flirt but he will definitely swoop in with a little hey babe and a forehead kiss lol. If someone try’s to flirt with him tho, he will just start gushing about his amazing partner. I’m talking putting out the Lock Screen and going “ya look how cute WE are”. Once y’all are married tho he NEVER takes off the wedding ring.
🧳 I feel like he has a decent following on Insta and TikTok 😂😂😂. Not like influencer numbers but like 6k on instagram and 9k on TikTok. He definitely post all his travel stuff on Insta and does like little OOTDs on TikTok. Colin gives very much “gives a fuck about how he looks” vibes so i feel like he knows the fashion trends on TikTok. His “aesthetic” is like hipster mixed with old money (bc he is in fact, old money lol). Also yes, he recognizes he gets thirst comments and will play into just a little, but once hes taken he would comment “ my partner thinks so too :)”
🧳 Colin has secret tattoos. Like his friends know but he didn’t tell his family for a minute bc he knows it would become a thing lol. They r all small and in places he can cover up (shoulder, thigh, and one on his wrist he covers up with his watch) but one day he got a little careless at the beach and let them show. I feel like Violet had a “what did u do to your beautiful body??!!” mom moment, Anthony was pissed bc he didn’t tell him, Ben laughed his ass off, and Eloise congratulated him on doing something “actually risky” for once. I feel like after the initial shock everyone really likes them and he goes out and gets more in public places.
! Bonus One !
He still sleeps with his childhood stuffed animal lmfao like it’s a cute little elephant his mom and dad got him. He has had to do many repairs on it over the years lol
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harvardfineartslib · 2 months
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“I decided to use embroidery in my work after realizing that the language of painting is dominated by men.” – Ghada Amer
Ghada Amer (b. 1963) is an Egyptian-American contemporary artist who uses embroidery in her work. Amer’s work deals with issues of gender and sexuality, and she is known for highly layered embroidered images of women’s bodies often referenced from pornographic imagery.
Amer emigrated from Egypt to France at the age of 11 and currently lives and works between New York and Paris. In 1987, she attended a semester abroad program with the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, and she learned about important women artists who were using different formal languages. After returning to France, Amer developed her own approach to painting, using embroidery and gel on canvas as her medium and creating her own “feminine language of painting.” (from an interview with Maura Reilly in 2010)
"Many of Amer's paintings make art historical references in subversive and humorous ways. White Girls and White-RFGA subtly makes racial commentary, critiquing whiteness as a convention while addressing Robert Ryman. Landscape with Black Mountains-RFGA conflates the female form as a pastoral setting.[SW1] ” (from the publisher’s note: Cheim &Read, 2018)
Image 1: Ghada Amer, photo by Nat Gory Image 2: “Belle” 2014, acrylic, embroidery, and gel medium on canvas, 72”x 64” Image 3: Detail Image 4: “The Fortune Teller” 2008, acrylic, embroidery, and gel medium on canvas, 50”x 60” Image 5: Book cover featuring detail from “White Girls” 2017, acrylic, embroidery, and gel medium on canvas. 64”x 72”
Ghada Amer New York, NY : Cheim & Read, 2018. HOLLIS number: 990153139110203941
Ghada Amer : rainbow girls New York : Cheim & Read, 2014. HOLLIS number: 990146953240203941
Ghada Amer : color misbehavior New York : Cheim & Read, 2010]. HOLLIS number: 990126578000203941
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ladyfogg · 2 years
Who Wants to be Lonely - Bonus Chapter
Who Wants to be Lonely – Bonus Chapter
Fic Summary: After the ground splits and sends you hurtling into the Upside Down, you come face-to-face with the notorious, and injured, Eddie Munson. Lost and hunted by otherworldly creatures, the two of you have no choice but to stick together if you’re going to find your way home. Masterpost.
Fic Rating: 18+
Pairing: Eddie Munson/Female Reader
Warnings: Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Language, Violence, Angst, Blood/Slight Gore, Season Finale Spoilers
Fic Song: Who Wants to be Lonely by Kiss. Full fic playlist on Spotify.
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A/N: I’ve been thinking about this for a while but wanted to wait until I finished my work project before jumping in because I knew as soon as I did it would take all my focus. Warnings include unprotected sex, cockwarming, and breeding kink because of course. Hope you like it!
Mentions of Will/Mike, Lucas/Max, Dustin/Susie, and Nancy/Robin.
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After Vecna died, there was a sense of, “What happens now?”
He’d been everyone’s focus for so long, in the days following his death, you didn’t know what to do. Eventually, you healed, you moved on, yet stayed together. You couldn’t bear to be apart for long. You’d become this large goofy as shit family who loved being with each other.
You and Eddie moved out of Hawkins, away from the difficult past that still haunts you both.
The others followed. You all ended up getting various plots of land close together, forming acres of hikeable woods and family within walking distance. Uncle Wayne and Susan parked their trailer on the outskirts of yours and Eddie’s land and visit often, babysitting MJ when you two need a break.
Which is often. Because your child…is a lot.
Hopper and Joyce found a rundown house and fixed it up together. Most of the huge holiday celebrations happen there because it’s the only place that fits everyone. Dustin and Susie are the only others to have settled down, their wedding only several months away.
El decided once Vecna was dead that she wanted to travel. She’d seen so little of the world and now that she didn’t have to fight anymore, she wanted to experience things, to learn and see everything she could. She and Mike left together and after about a month, Mike returned alone. Yeah, that didn’t go over well with Hopper, until El called him and told him a million times that she was fine and needed to do this on her own.
After their break-up, Mike spiraled and Will was there for him the entire time.
They moved into a small two bedroom cabin not far from the others, though, you and Eddie know for a fact the second bedroom is Will’s art studio. MJ told Eddie so after they babysat once and he’d been so fucking curious about it ever since. The last time they were over for movie night, Eddie caught them holding hands and excitedly slapped your arm until you looked too. Neither of you has said anything, knowing that they’ll tell people on their own time.
When she’s not traveling, El lives with Hopper and Joyce, taking classes at the local college. She even spent a semester in London, which had been a huge decision and one that kept Hopper on edge for months. When she came back, there was a confidence about her that couldn’t be shaken and she’s planning another semester abroad, this time in France, after Dustin and Susie’s wedding.
Nancy is an investigative journalist for a small news station in Indianapolis. She recently won an award for an undercover piece she did on a local corrupt politician and there’s been talk of her being poached by one of the larger stations. She’s coy about it, focused more on the stories themselves rather than the accolades, of which she has a shit ton.
Robin left with Nancy and now owns a small bookstore in the city. She’s constantly bringing books over for MJ whenever they visit. MJ actually had her first sleepover at her “Aunties” place and came back with yet another stack of books and talk of wanting to be a reporter like her cool Aunt Nancy. Eddie and you take it with a grain of salt because the week before she wanted to be a dinosaur, and before that a mermaid. Regardless, her room is covered with books. Hopper and Wayne had to build shelves into MJ’s walls to fit them all.
Jonathan was listless for a few years but eventually returned to his love of photography. He now takes photos for several travel magazines and is currently in some jungle somewhere, trying to capture a rare species or something like that. Eddie wasn’t super paying attention when Joyce was gushing about it because he was trying to keep his daughter from shoving a carrot up her nose for some god-forsaken reason.
Steve is a guidance counselor for the local high school. He’d actually gone to college with El and studied psychology. After everything everyone had been through, and the hell that high school was, he wanted to do something to help future generations. His love life is still in shambles but he went on a date with a guy the other night and when Eddie told you, you had to fish five dollars out of your pocket because he absolutely called it.
“Sweetheart, a bi man can spot another a mile away,” he had said, happily taking the money.
Dustin and Susie both do contract work for the government. Now that the computer industry is booming, they’re paid extremely well, though what they actually do isn’t quite clear. Eddie doesn’t bother asking questions. The less he knows, the better. Dustin and Will take turns running Dungeons and Dragons game nights at the community center and now that the stupid Satanic Panic is over, they’re drawing a fair amount of regular players.
Max and Lucas are together and live on the property opposite Dustin and Susie. Though they have no plans to marry anytime soon, they haven’t broken up since he came back from the Upside Down. Lucas is enrolled in the state college on a basketball scholarship, studying physical therapy. He helped Max a lot during her recovery, and helped you as well. He found he enjoyed it. Max takes classes from time to time, but she still isn’t sure what she wants to do.
There’s no rush. Given everything this family did, the government keeps you all well-paid for your efforts. And because they’re terrified of Eleven.
And then, there’s you, Eddie, and MJ.
Eddie used his government money to open a small garage. He and his uncle fix cars for the locals and have a great reputation for doing a better job than some of the bigger garages. It feels nice. To have people smile and wave when they see the three of you in public. All of that “freak” stigma is gone and business is booming. He could easily expand Munson Motor Repair if he wants to but he’d rather keep it small. At least this way he’s home evenings and weekends.
You’ve been home with MJ since she was born and although some days it’s hard to keep up with her with your bad leg, you’ve told Eddie multiple times you’re perfectly content doing whatever you want. Sometimes that’s gardening with Joyce, sometimes it’s writing, and other times it’s watching terrible day time TV and roasting the storylines with Max. Who is technically Eddie’s stepcousin but he calls her sister. The first time he did, she got really emotional and hugged him. It was the only time she did and he will never forget it.
MJ is five, almost six years old. Eddie has been not so subtlety dropping hints he wants another. And by dropping hints, he mentioned it last year and you said, “Go hell, Munson.”
He’s patient. He can wait.
One hot day in August, he finds himself working on a car, hair pulled up in a sweaty ponytail and Metallica blaring from the large boom box in the corner. Which means he’s completely unaware that little footsteps are creeping up behind him.
At first.
He finishes what he’s working on and closes the hood of the car, just in time to see his daughter’s reflection in the windshield. Smirking, he wipes his hands on a rag, waiting until she’s only an inch away. Then, before she can scare him, he turns around and goes, “What are you doing?!”
She screeches like a fucking banshee, letting out peels of laughter as she falls on the greasy garage floor.
“Daddy! You scared me!” she says through her rolling laughs that always get Eddie going no matter what mood he’s in.
“Hey, you were trying to scare me!” he giggles, scooping her off the floor and tickling her.
She screeches again and he swears the glass rattles. “No! No tickles!”
“Yes! The tickle monster is here!”
MJ is wiry and quick, and she’s out of Eddie’s arms within seconds. “Are you done working yet?” she asks, face split into a wide grin.
Eddie swears she’s his doppelganger, something that you constantly joke about. You always say you carried her for nine months only to find out Eddie cloned himself. Even now, with her wild hair and too-long bangs she’s his splitting image.
“I can be,” he says, tossing the rag to the side. He turns off the music. “Why, what do you want to do?”
“Grandpa Hopper is cooking burgers and mommy is in the pool. She told me to get my swimsuit but I want YOU to come swimming too! Come on! Come with me!”
After hours in a stuffy garage, burgers and swimming sound amazing. “Alright, then, Spider Woman, let’s go.” He follows his daughter out of the garage, closing it up behind him. The client won’t be by for their car until tomorrow anyway and they can always call the house if they need it sooner.
As soon as he does, MJ all but monkey climbs up his back, hence her nickname. Eddie stumbles a bit, acutely aware of how big she’s getting. There’s a pang in his chest as nostalgia hits him. He pictures her smaller, how he used to be able to carry her that way for hours.
That desire, deep desire, for another little one rears its head again.
MJ kicks her heels into his side, grabby hands seizing the sides of his head. “Mush!”
Eddie takes a deep breath and jogs towards the house, which is all the energy he can muster at the moment. Eventually, she decides his going too slow and fucking jumps off his back and races ahead of him.
Dear lord she’s fast.
When he finally gets home, he sees MJ run into the house, no doubt going to change into her bathing suit. You’re out in the backyard with the others. A large above-ground pool sits almost in the middle of the properties. Originally it was built for you and Max’s physical therapies but of course everyone loves it. You’re full on lounging on a floaty in a skimpy bikini, sucking down a drink someone mixed for you.
Probably Mike. He’d been into bartending for some reason lately and you and Eddie became his willing test subjects. Eddie and Wayne built a bar as part of the outside patio area and it’s great to see it get some use. Hopper is nowhere in sight but the grill is on so he’s most likely inside getting the burgers ready.
Eddie’s attention is immediately drawn to you. Fuck, he loves seeing you in that bathing suit, which you are well-aware. “Hey, there, sweetheart,” he says, leaning on the edge of the pool as you float towards him. “Looking good.”
“Feeling good,” you say with a grin. You hold out your drink. “Want some?”
“Of the drink or you?”
“Play your cards right and we’ll see later.”
Eddie leans forward for a kiss, and is completely blindsided by a wave of water as Dustin jumps off the pool deck screeching, “CANNONBALL!”
Doused head to toe, Eddie sputters as you laugh your ass off, drench now as well.
“Henderson, you’re dead!” Eddie yells, yanking his shirt off and kicking out of his shoes.
He hops out of his socks and, still in his work shorts, he vaults himself over the edge, directly into the pool. Dustin screams and tries to swim away, leading to a violent water wrestling match.
You keep drinking and Susie, who’s lounging on a lawn chair under a floppy sun hat just shakes her head, more than used to her fiancé’s antics. “You brought that on yourself, Dusty Buns,” she says, going back to the massive book she’s reading.
Max, in a matching sun hat, is by her side. Susie’s been reading out loud to her, while Max’s seeing eye dog, Kas, lounges between them. Max picked up braille easy enough but listening to the others read is something she enjoys and has turned into a bonding experience.
“Five bucks says Eddie wins,” she says to Susie.
“Deal,” Susie giggles.
Meanwhile, MJ comes running out of the house in her bathing suit, Nancy and Robin on her heels. “Mommy, Daddy! The aunties are here!”
Eddie dunks Dustin under the water, waving at the new arrivals, before Dustin breaks free and tries to dunk him. MJ runs up the stairs to the pool deck and with that banshee scream of hers, jumps into the water. Her splash is nothing compared to Dustin’s but when she comes up, he cheers loudly.
“Awesome job, gremlin!” Dustin says.
Now that his daughter is in the pool, Eddie stops trying to drown Dustin. “Sweet jump, baby girl. You’re getting good at those!”
“Jumpies! JUMPIES!”
Eddie, already feeling the exhaustion from work, is about it suggest something else but Dustin swoops in. “I got this.”
He grabs MJ and starts bouncing up and down in the water, while she flails and laughs.
Appreciating the distraction, Eddie swims over to you, finally getting that kiss. He’ll never get over how kissing you now feels exactly how it did the first time. Thrilling, exciting, perfect. Eddie thinks about that first kiss a lot and about how much things have changed for the better since then.
You kiss him back before letting him finish whatever drink you’ve become buzzed on. Nancy and Robin move towards the pool to say hello.
“Hey, guys!” you say excitedly. “Didn’t know you were coming over!”
“Hell yeah, it’s hot as hell and why go to the public pool when we have the family one?” Robin says, taking her hat off and shoving her sunglasses on top of her head. The movement pushes her hair away, revealing the scarred remains of her right ear.
That’s another reason the home pool is great. All of you have scars, physical scars that are incredibly obvious when in swimsuits. At home, no one stares. No one has questions. You all can enjoy yourselves without strangers gawking and whispering.
MJ asked about Eddie’s scars once. You and he are pretty straight forward with her, though he did have trouble navigating the question. “Daddy got attacked by monsters. But Mommy helped him get better,” he told her.
“Where are the monsters now?” MJ had asked with her wide brown eyes.
“They’re gone, baby. You don’t need to worry about them.”
Thankfully, she accepted the answer without any follow up questions. But you and Eddie know that when she’s a teenager, you want to tell her the full story.  
“Hamburgers are going on the grill!” Hopper’s booming voice travels from his and Joyce’s property, as he carries a large tray of raw hamburgers and hotdogs. Joyce, Lucas, El, and Will follow with several foil wrapped dishes. “Tell me now if you want cheese!”
A chorus of “ME!” sounds from around the backyard from pretty much everyone.
Eddie watches from the pool, leaning on your floaty. He takes his wet hair out of the ponytail. It’s super long. He’s been meaning to get it cut but there’s barely any time. Besides, when it’s this length, you like to pull on it during sex and he really likes that.
You smile at him, pushing his bangs out of his face. “How was work?” you ask.
“Same old, same old. Have jobs scheduled all the way through next week.”
“That’s awesome, I’m so proud of you.”
Eddie leans in for another kiss. “I’m proud of you too, sweetheart.”
MJ swims over to interrupt. “Mommy, can I have a turn on the floaty?” she asks.
“No, get your own,” you tease.
Eddie laughs as MJ huffs. “You HAVE to SHARE, Mom!” She only says ‘Mom’ when she’s exasperated and Eddie thinks it’s the fucking cutest. Actually, pretty much everything she does is the cutest.  
“She has a point,” he says.
Sighing dramatically, but hiding a smile, you say, “Fiiiine. I guess.” And slide into the pool.
Eddie lifts MJ onto the floaty and she paddles away towards Robin, who is sitting on the deck, dangling her legs in the water.
“Auntie Robin, guess what. Guess what I read!”
“Ooo, tell me, Little Mun!”
The two bookworms will be talking non-stop for the next minute, at least.
Eddie leans back against the edge of the pool and you snuggle into his side. “Ey, Wheeler!” you call to Mike, lifting your empty glass. “Whatever that was tasted awesome.”
“That wasn’t a mixed drink,” Mike calls back from the bar. “I literally just spiked your lemonade.”
“And you did a damn fine job of it.”
Nancy, who’s still standing by the side of the pool, chuckles and takes the empty cup from you. “Don’t mind if I do. Spiked lemonade sounds good to me,” she says, heading towards her brother.
Eddie stares around at his family. He never gets tired of having everyone in one place. Well, almost everyone.
Susan and Uncle Wayne are on vacation, the first one they’ve been comfortable taking in who fucking knows how long. Come to think of it, Eddie doesn’t think his uncle’s had a trip since Eddie was a kid. They fucking deserve it.
Steve was recruited to help run his school’s summer camp but he should be coming home soon.
Lucas, Will, and Mike are standing around the bar, talking D&D. El and Nancy are helping Joyce set the big picnic table while Hopper grills away.
Eddie’s eyes stray to you as you watch your daughter with a smile. She’s talking a mile a minute, hands gesturing as she does. Robin is doing the same thing and he can’t even follow what they’re saying. When those two get going, it’s like they’re speaking a whole other language.
You turn to meet his gaze and he hugs you close. “Hey, guess what,” you say, low so only he can hear.
You lean in, your lips brushing his earlobe in the process. “I’m ready.”
Eddie frowns, totally blindsided and confused. “For what?”
Chuckling, you draw back and raise your eyebrow. “For what you’ve been wanting but been waiting patiently for. I’m ready.”
It takes a second.
You stare at Eddie in amusement as he flounders and then, it clicks and his eyes light up. Oh. OH. Eddie’s heart about leaps out of his throat and all he can do is give you a wide-eyed stare.
“Wait…do you mean…?”
“That’s exactly what I mean.”
Eddie’s breathing picks up. You’re ready. You’re actually ready for another baby.
Eddie’s mind immediately goes to the dirtiest of places. No more condoms or pulling out. He gets to fuck you raw and come inside you, two things he loves but hasn’t been able to do much of in the last few years. More importantly, you two get to actively try this time. MJ had been a wonderful surprise but the idea of doing it on purpose does things to Eddie he’s not expecting.
You must be able to read his expression because you start cracking up. With a wave of your hand, you splash him with water. “Cool yourself down, Munson.”
Eddie watches you dive under the water and swim away, like you didn’t just fucking destroy him with one sentence.
His mind is buzzing. He already knows you’re going to start tonight. There’s no way you can tell him that and not anticipate him being ready to go as soon as possible. It takes all his willpower not to picture exactly what he’s going to do to you because he does not want to pop a boner in front of everyone. Thank god the water’s cold.
From across the pool, he watches you surface behind MJ, leaning on the floaty to listen to her and Robin’s conversation. It’s like his heart is outside his body. Seeing the two of you together fills him with a love he never knew existed. And now. Now, you want another. Another part of Eddie’s heart out in the world.
Maybe a boy this time. Or another girl, maybe one who looks like you.
“You alright, man?” Dustin asks as he walks by outside the pool, a beach towel draped around his shoulders.
“I’m fucking fantastic,” Eddie says with a grin.
Eddie wishes he can say he had a relaxing evening.  
He’s on edge the whole time, practically bouncing in his seat. The food and company are great and all but he is impatient and ready to get you alone. Meanwhile, you’re being totally relaxed and normal. And it’s driving him nuts because he knows it’s all an act. He can tell when you reach under the table to squeeze his bouncing knee, then let your hand wander up to briefly stroke his thigh.
Eddie is going to absolutely wreck you when he gets you alone.
The day winds down and night falls. Everyone retreats to their homes to relax. MJ is getting tired. After spending most of the day with you outside, running around and playing, mixed with swimming and a great dinner, her eyes are drooping as she sits on the little mini couch Joyce bought her. She’s attempting to read but keeps nodding off.
“Looks like she’s ready for bed early,” you say giving Eddie an innocent smile that he doesn’t believe for a second.
“It’s almost like someone made her run around and be super active all day so that she’d be really tired tonight.”
“What possible reason could they have for that?”
Eddie leans in to whisper into your ear. “I’m going to fuck a baby into you.”
“I’m counting on it.” You smirk and then glance over at your daughter, your expression softening as you nudge Eddie to look.
MJ is fully slumped onto her side, a book still open in her lap but she’s out cold. Eddie slides his arm around you. “I still can’t fucking believe she’s ours. I mean, look at that face! We made that!”
Chuckling, you kiss him on the cheek. “We sure did. Why don’t you put her to bed?”
Eddie knows what that means. Sexy times.
He gets up from his spot on the couch and leans down to scoop his daughter into his arms. It’s even harder now that she’s dead weight but when she shifts in her sleep, she drapes her arms over his shoulders and snuggles into his neck. His heart can’t take it sometimes. There’s so much love in his life. Old memories remind him that wasn’t always the case and he’s grateful every fucking day for the life he has.
In her room, Eddie carefully places MJ on her messy bed, piled high with all the stuffed animals her aunts and uncles insist on spoiling her with. He tucks her in, making sure she has her favorite blankie. Eddie bought it when he heard you were pregnant. It was actually the first thing that he ever bought specifically for her. The fact that it’s MJ’s favorite is a wonderful bonus.
He takes a moment and smiles, watching her adorable, serene face, her hair wild from her bath earlier and her bangs sticking in all directions. They’re going to need a trim soon but he knows you’ll take care of it like you always do. Probably before she goes back to school.
Eddie slips out of the room, giving her a final smile before closing the door behind him.
Now, the real fun begins.
You’re not in the living room anymore. The rest of the house is silent, lights off and doors locked. Still, Eddie double-checks them. The fear and paranoia brought on by Vecna have never gone away. Even on perfect days like this, it’s there, lingering in the back of his mind, even though it’s been nearly six years since the Upside Down was closed for good.
He’s not the only one who feels it.
All of you do. All of you have plans and procedures in place in case it happens again. Eddie and you insisted on recreating the bunker and Hopper agreed. It’s under his and Joyce’s house for safety reasons (you were not okay with MJ being so close to any weapons, let alone an arsenal). Each of your properties has a secret tunnel that leads there, accessible by a special code and computers that Dustin and Susie set up. Eddie’s not sure how it all works but he knows, if the apocalypse comes, you’ll be ready.
But tonight’s not about the past. It’s about the future.
Eddie finds you in the master bathroom. You’re humming to yourself as you wash away the sunscreen and chlorine. He wastes no time stripping down to join you. Sliding into the shower, he stands for a second and admires, takes in your naked frame. God he loves you, every bit of you. From your scars to the faded stretch marks left behind after your first pregnancy. Sometimes, when he’s feeling particularly lovey, he’ll lay with you in bed, kissing each and every mark.
Like you did for him, once upon a time. Like you still do every chance you get.
You glance over your shoulder, water from the showerhead cascading down your face and back. “You just going to stand there or are you going to help me wash up?”
“Can’t I check out my smoking hot wife for a minute?”
You smile, biting your lip as you take him in. “Fine. You check me out and I’ll check you out.”
“Come here.”
Eddie pulls you against his chest, his lips eagerly seeking yours. Any exhaustion he might have felt is nowhere to be found once he has his arms around you. The heat of your slippery body calls to him, begs for him to do all the things he loves doing.
When you draw back, you gaze at him with admiration. “I love you.”
“I love you too, sweetheart. Now, pass me the soap.”
You and Eddie take turns washing each other. Hands stroke soapy flesh while mouths connect every few seconds. He needs to feel your lips on his. It’s as essential to him as breathing. He knows he’d die without your kisses.
Once you’re both clean, Eddie turns and sits you on the seat in the shower. He installed it for you for the days when your leg is bad. But, it’s gotten sexier usage over the years.
Eddie kneels between your spread legs, mouth eager for something else. He trails his kisses between your tits, down your stomach, to your waiting mound.
You gasp at the first swipe of his tongue, one hand grabbing the nearby safety bar. The other tangles into his wet hair. Spurred on by your reaction and his own desire, Eddie sucks greedily at your folds.
The taste of you never gets old. It’s always overwhelmingly addictive. He can never get enough. Eight years together and his craving for you is as strong as that night in the Upside Down bunker. He knew then that your body would be the only one he’d want from then on and he was right. To him, nothing is sweeter than your slick arousal.
He wraps his arms around your thighs, groaning when you tug excitedly on his hair. Normally, he tries to take his time with you. It was the silent vow he made when he survived Vecna. He had told himself once he got back to you, he'd spend the rest of his life making sure you were well taken care of, emotionally and physically.
Tonight is different.
Tonight, Eddie’s lust is fueled by something other than love, something deep and carnal.
You want another baby. So does he. And he’s going to fuck you as many times as he needs to make that happen.
You moan his name. Eddie hums in appreciation, burying his tongue into you without warning. You gasp and squirm, wet body slipping underneath his arms. He’s already hard and his dick twitches persistently, knowing what he really wants. Once he gets you out of the shower and into bed, he knows his urges will take over and he’s going to want to sink his dick into you. So he’s taking the time now to make sure you’re good and ready for him.
Judging by the wetness on his lips and the way you’re moaning, he’s doing a damn good job.
“Eddie, baby, wait…” you whimper, tugging on his hair again to get his attention.
Eddie stops, lifting his head to look up at you. “What’s wrong? Is it your leg?”
You shake your head, eyes glazed with desire and smile soft. “No, nothing. I just don’t want to cum like this.”
“How do you want to cum, sweetheart?”
“With you inside me.”
“I think I can make that happen.”
You grab for him at the same time he leans in for a kiss. It’s urgent and harsh. Your teeth graze his bottom lip, dragging a groan out of Eddie. The shower gets turned off and the two of you stumble out of it, sending water all over the floor. Eddie hopes and prays it’ll always be this way between you two. That you always get excited for each other, that you always kiss like your life depends on it. That you lose track of your surroundings because you’re so enthralled by the other’s lips.
In his heart, he knows it will be.
Hastily drying yourselves before leaving the towels on the floor, Eddie’s mouth is back on yours as he directs you out of the bathroom and to the bed. You fall onto it with a bounce and a giggle, pushing yourself towards the headboard as Eddie crawls over your body, laying kisses up your bad leg, over your hip, up your torso, stopping briefly to take a firm nipple between his lips. Your breathing hitches when he does and then you’re tugging him into another kiss.
The feeling of your skin on his makes his dick ache with want. Not that it hasn’t been aching this entire time but now it’s persistent, just as eager as he is to feel your tight walls around him.
Eddie draws away from the kiss to look you in the eye. Your legs automatically spread, giving him the space he needs to settle between them. His dick rests on your wet folds and he groans, rutting against the heat shamelessly. You gasp, hips rising from the bed in an attempt to feel more of him.
“Don’t tease me, Munson.”
Chuckling, Eddie nuzzles your cheek, laying sweet kisses along your jaw. “You have to say the magic words.”
You slide a hand into his hair, turning his head so that his ear brushes your lips. “Fuck a baby into me, Eddie.”
Holy shit those were not the words he was thinking about. He was thinking about ‘I love you’ but that works too.
Reaching down to take hold of himself, Eddie makes eye contact while pushing the head of his dick into your waiting body. The tight heat greedily draws him in and he lets out a moan, snapping his hips forward to bury himself completely with one swift move.
Perfection. Utter perfection, every single time.
Eddie fucks himself in and out of you with deep, rough thrusts. His eagerness and desire make it impossible to go slow. Not tonight. Not when you’re finally ready to have another baby, not when he’s been waiting for this for years. Not when you’re so open and honest with your love that he has to pinch himself every day to make sure this isn’t some sort of cruel dream. It’s not. It’s real. And more than anything he could have ever hoped for.
You’ve given him so much. A family. A home. A life. Your life, your body, your heart. He treasures all of it. Without you, he would have died in the Upside Down and he would have been alone. Even before he loved you he was ready and willing to sacrifice his life for yours. And yet, you didn’t let him. You made him fight, made him realize how much he truly mattered, how much meaning his life had. He thinks about it all the time, pictures the two of you huddled together in the convenience store, you curled against his back sharing his leather jacket.
How could he have known this is where you would end up?
In his wildest dreams, he never would have guessed that he’d be making love to you in his own house, that you would be his wife and the mother of his child.
Eddie cums quicker than he’d like. Body slick with sweat, your legs wrapped tight around his waist, his grinding movements putting just the right amount of pressure on your clit to have you squirming and moaning. Knowing he’s close, he worms his hand between your gyrating bodies, thumb seeking your sensitive nub and dragging his name from your lips. You clamp down around him and that’s all it takes to undo him completely.
He cums inside you. It’s a lot. Between the excitement of filling you and the number of days it’s been since you two have done this, he cums so much that he can feel it starting to leak out as he keeps thrusting. No, no that won’t do at all. He gives a final thrust and stays there, buried deep within your twitching walls as your mouths collide in sloppy kisses.
It doesn’t matter how long he has to wait, he’s not moving until he’s sure your body has taken every single drop.
Nestled among the rumpled bed sheets, his body still covering yours, you and Eddie kiss like you have all the time in the world. Because you do. You finally do.
You settle back against the pillows, a lazy smile on your face. “How you doing, big boy?” you ask, stroking his back.
Eddie hums in satisfaction, burying his face in your neck. “Never better, sweetheart.”
You’re silent for a moment, your hand following the same path up and down his back, almost enough to lull Eddie to sleep. “Eddie,” you ask in a small voice after several long moments have passed. “Do you still have the bad dreams?”
Eddie shifts just enough to expose your tits. His fingers tracing idle circles around one of them, his cheek using the other as a pillow. “Occasionally. Not all the time but they’ve never gone away.”
“Me too.”
“Did you have one recently?”
You don’t answer, only nod. He hears your steady heartbeat suddenly increase as you recall what you dreamt about.
“I’m not going to let anything happen to you,” Eddie says, lifting his head to look you in the eye. “You know that I’ll always be here. We all will always be here.”
You smile but he can still see the ghost of your fears in your eyes. “I know. I love you. So much.”
“I love you to the fucking Upside Down and back.”
He kisses you, wishing he could take the pain away, wishing he could take it all on himself so that you never have to be that scared and worried again. He knows that’s not how things work. He also knows that you’re strong, fucking strong as hell, and that as time keeps moving, it’ll get easier. It won’t go away, but it’ll lessen. Just like it has over the last six.
“I wonder what we’ll have this time,” you say, running your hands through his hair as he lays back down on your chest.
“As long as they’re happy and healthy, it doesn’t matter to me.” Eddie can feel his dick twitching. Being nestled in your warmth is starting to get to him and he knows he’ll be hard again soon. He pushes himself up on his hands to hover over you, grinning as he rolls his hips forward.
You gasp and moan, back arching erotically. Eddie runs a hand up your torso, between your tits, and up to your neck. He gently squeezes, drawing your attention to him.
“I hope you’re ready, sweetheart,” he groans, giving you a thrust, hard enough to shake your shuddering body. “It’s going to be a long night.”
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skitskatdacat63 · 5 months
vettonso soulmate au im begging catie
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Soulmates x Teachers
Hehe ty Ari, I had to think on this for a bit cause I don't tend to do modern AUs, but I think what I came up w is pretty fun and silly. As you can probably tell, I like forcing them to be in situations. This is very personal to me, but I love to imagine them as foreign language professors in a relatively small department. Fundamentally they should get along, as they have very similar backgrounds, but they have to fight for resources, so they despise each other…yet feel an inexplicable pull to each other and can’t stop bumping into each other. Anytime one of their students references even just the other’s courses, they just can’t help themselves from making some petty comment, like: “Oh you’re going on an abroad trip? But it’s with Dr. Vettel? That trip sounds cool, but I wouldn’t want to be stuck with him that long.” “Spanish? Oh yeah I wouldn’t take any classes with Dr. Alonso, I’ve heard he’s a pretty ruthless grader.” But on one fateful day, the department head decides that as a bonding activity, they will have to accompany the French professor on a multilingual abroad trip as additional guides. Oh no, their planes seats are next to each other, uh oh the hostel messed up and now they have a joint room, uh oh! Is it soulmates if they’re constantly forced by outside forces to constantly be around each other? They don’t have a lot of obligations as they’re mainly just in France, so they have a lot of free time and don’t want to be alone, so they begrudgingly hang out. And now that they’re away from the hypercompetitive environment, it’s just them walking around on the quaint French town like “omg you like [blank] too??” And then in a couple semesters after the trip, they run a joint linguistics history class, and finish each others sentences and grade papers together, and everyone wishes they'd go back to pretending to hating each other. The petty remarks were more palatable than having to watch them practically commit HR violations in front of a class of innocent students bystanders
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Hello friends! I am back <3
It's been rough, but I feel very good again. I am super happy currently! I really needed some time to relax after this super stressful ESG-seminar...I will get my grade for it after the Easter Break! Fingers crossed it's an A+. <3
I just posted a vlog on Instagram.
My to-do list for the Easter Days (today and tomorrow):
Studying 350 flashcards of Marketing (big goal haha, big goal)
Solving six mock exams in Statistics
Finishing my work for my Academic Writing module
Organizational Things
Handing in all of my documents for my semester abroad at KEDGE Business School (Bordeaux, France)
Handing my in ERASMUS-documents for the program's scholarship
Handing in my application for BCG's APIRE Women's Workshop in Lisbon
Handing in my application for another scholarship
Donating to climate NGOs and animal rescue organizations
Contacting renowned climate scientists, asking them to give a talk at my university
Answering your questions
Have a great day!
Love, Sophia <3
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drowninginthoughts27 · 10 months
11/9 Abroad Word Count: 210
Regulus knew what he signed up for. When he agreed to doing a semester abroad program he knew he would make some of the closest bonds of his life. Only to have it torn away from him, never to properly talk to those people again.
At least that’s what he had been warned of. He clearly didn’t believe them.
He was in England strictly for learning. This idea was well supported by his parents. Friendships were strictly off the table.
What came as even more of a surprise was falling in love. At least that’s what Regulus thinks it is. He refuses to let himself say those words out loud. James doesn’t complain though. He just wants to be near Regulus. Regulus has no idea how he got this lucky.
But here he is wrapped in James’ arms watching the stars. It’s his last night in England before he goes back to France.
“What are you thinking about?” James hums, resting his chin on Regulus’ head.
“I love you,” Regulus blurts out.
Smiling James responds, “I love you too.”
“And I don’t want to go back to France,” Regulus breathes out. Feeling a million times lighter with the weight of the confession off of his shoulders.
“Then don’t,” James replies.
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