#sell bcc
allelitewrestlings · 1 year
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sheinthatfandom · 2 years
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Shop aew I am begging you to release cute shit, gimme Claudio’s, yutas, or moxleys titty zip-up. Gimme the BCC mouth guard Claudio has. Gimme a bcc sports bra. Like come on gimme something good I WANT to give you my money I WANT to buy BCC merch don’t be like Bryan
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stinalotte · 1 month
So. Basingstoke Comic Con.
This is going to be a rant. I'm German, so I have a PhD in a) complaining and b) being blunt. Perfect combination for this post. It's going to be long, so buckle up.
I give explicit permission to repost, reblog, screenshot and post to other websites, comment, tag, and add to this in any way you see fit. Feel free to write your own experiences and criticism.
It's a modified version of the feedback email I sent them. Since then, they have put out a statement which directly contradicts some of the stuff other people have told us (and have evidence for) and which blames everyone from attendees to guests to staff to the weather.
First of all, despite all the mess with the actual con, I had a ton of fun. I hadn't seen some of these people in 20 years. I hadn't met some of y'all before, and I talked to so many people this weekend. I don't regret a single meeting, hug, smile, or laugh. I do wish however for the organizers to step on legos for the rest of their lives.
Frankly, they had a huge business opportunity and they blew it. They could have established themselves as THE Stargate convention in Europe. People were taking 15-hour flights to be there. We were willing to spend hundreds, in some cases thousands of pounds. With that lineup, they blew every other current convention out of the water. If they had done this right, this would have been a huge success and an absolute no-brainer for years to come. They could have been one of those cons that sell out in minutes. 
Instead, they let greed and poor organization guide them. They severely underestimated the size of the Stargate fandom. They didn't bother to learn about what the fans wanted and who the guests actually were.
A few things stood out for me:
Health and safety at the venue. No a/c, running heaters (!!) in some rooms, not enough opportunities to get water, way too many people for this size hotel. We are lucky there wasn't a panic or more severe injuries. Crowd control was non existent.
An impossible, ever-changing schedule. You can't put talks back to back, or meet&greets, or photo ops. Everybody knows you will run overtime and then the whole thing collapses. Changes were not communicated. Nobody knew what was going on.
Poorly trained staff. No staff meetings beforehand. Staff had no way to communicate with each other. Seriously, give them radios! Some of them didn't now the names of the guests or in which autograph group they were.
People could not get the things they paid for. Out of all the autographs included in my pass, I only got one, and only because a friend got it for me. [Marion, you're a fucking rockstar] I don't even want to know how many people will be attempting chargebacks on their credit cards in the coming days.
And the most important thing, the one that makes everyone I talked to the angriest: The way they treated the guests was appalling. They are such generous, hard-working people, and BCC shamelessly took advantage of that. Richard Dean Anderson was signing until after 1 am. A 74-year-old man who just wants to make his fans happy.
[BCC are now saying they were told he was a „slow signer“, aka someone who actually takes their time by talking to fans when signing autographs. Oh really? Then why did you continue to sell autographs well into Sunday when it was clear that there was no way he could get through them all in a reasonable time??]
David Blue was setting up his own autograph table. Several Atlantis actors went and got more of their headshots (by taking pictures in the photo room and printing them) because they ran out. Joe Flanigan tried to bring some order to the chaos more than once. He went full John Sheppard in the photo op room and took charge. We are lucky they're such sweet souls and didn't raise hell then and there. Nobody would have blamed them.
Staff were amazing and tried to make the best with what little support they were given. Kathleen, Finn and Nick (with the Stick!) especially, and so many others whose names I sadly didn't get. They worked so hard, never lost their humor, and tried to help as much as they could.
This disaster is entirely on management. It's a failure of leadership and an example of what not to do when you're running an event.
If you want to put on a convention, you need to go to people who have experience and listen to them. You need to attend several cons before even thinking about doing one yourself. And before, during and after, you need to take care of your people. You need to take care of your staff, of your guests, of the fans. You need to adjust the size of the event to the size of the venue, or vice versa. You need to actually be interested in this event beyond the money it will earn you. You need to know when you bit off more than you can chew.
I'm not hoping for a better one next year, because all of us said we won't be back. What I do hope is that hey sincerely apologize to the guests and at least double what money was raised for charity.
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gutwrenchflowerbomb · 7 months
I finally finished the BCC version of the stick figure family you’d see on Mini Vans.
I have to say, the moment I drew the eyes on Mox, I started DYING laughing.
I just have to vector out these bad boys and do some test cuts and then they will be ready to sell to any insane person that would want it
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the-mamishka · 1 month
So, for those of you have read the Fallen Series or enjoy BCC Sherlock magical AUs, I just dropped this:
That she is a beauty has never been in doubt. Some say that she is the most beautiful woman in the world; a modern day Helen of Troy for whom countless Paris’ have sailed thousands of ships. During performances her hair is always worn up in a complicated chignon, a few small tendrils escaping. In more casual moments, the long dark tresses trail over her shoulders and back in a cascade of curls. She is graced with high cheekbones, lush lips, and a smile that can be the picture of sweet innocence one moment and as wicked as the devil’s own the next.
She is always impeccably dressed, her clothes beautifully tailored and fashionable - never demure or ordinary. The gowns that she wears during her performances are custom made by the most famous fashion designers and are brilliant; breathtaking creations that must cost a small fortune each. For her looks alone, she would be famous. An actress, or a model, without question. But that is not what she is known for. What makes her famous is her voice.
She is a diva. A singer of such exquisite talent that she brings tears to the eyes and everyone to their feet at the end of a performance.
There are two things about her that are strikingly unusual. The first is that she only performs music live and refuses to make any recordings. Rumours have it that she, or her managers, have managed to create some sort of jamming device, because anyone who has tried to illegally record her concerts ends up with nothing but distorted white noise over the sound of the accompanying instruments. No one, however, can determine how it is managed.
The second is perhaps not so unusual considering all of her qualities. She has a mesmerising effect upon her audience. She is highly acclaimed by all, reviewers praising her to be nothing less than “stellar” and “astonishing.” Those who attend her concerts often leave in a daze, their eyes bedazzled, their senses befuddled, and their hearts filled with a desperate need for more. Some have said that her music creates the ultimate high and is more addictive than crack. Every concert she performs sells out within seconds and people have been known to spend as much as £20,000 for a single ticket.
In light of this, it is perhaps not so very surprising that she has been in numerous relationships with all manners of lovers over the years, many of which have ended scandalously in an age where there are very few true scandals any more.
Her name is Irene Adler, but all the world knows her as “The Woman.”
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tallgrassstore · 2 years
This guy. This. Guy. THIS GUY. Omg. His "hood" nearly ended me. But I did ut, y'all. I fucking did it.
This fella stands at exactly 20in tall - and stands on his own!!! - with every (visible) detail I could grab from the very few reference images and videos.
This dude will be debuting THIS WEEKEND at baltimorecomiccon ! If you're attending BCC, please feel welcome to stop by our table (A1) starting Friday just to take a photo with this colossal bastard.
I do NOT sell or share my patterns.
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bad-aew-discourse · 14 days
This BCC vs. Rush/Romero/TMDK match is so bad. There's no selling! A match of this length needs at least three-to-six minutes of all the guys lying on the mat, doing nothing, to sell the injuries. This is too much exciting fast-paced action.
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mjfass · 9 months
If they were really supposed to be a TMZ type gimmick, they would be trying to get footage of the BCC sex dungeon. That shit sells.
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“In the dirty basement where you and the rest of the BCC get horny watching MMA in”. OKAY BUT WE NEED PROOFS. SHOW IT TO US.
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nextstopwonderland · 11 months
Masterlist of Bryan Danielson content I've posted Part 1
BCC/Bryanmox related content & links to other masterlists
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(Original post)
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(Original post)
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(Original post)
Video clips
Bryan Danielson puts over Orange Cassidy during the Forbidden Door II press conference
“Is that real leather?”
“I don’t put myself in high energy situations because I don’t enjoy necessarily frenetic energy” - Bryan Danielson on the outlet wrestling provides
Daniel Bryan calls out Raw for not showcasing women
Bryan Danielson doing a promo in a makeshift crop top while stroking his “sexy beard”
Bryan on Eddie Kingston
Best moments on Rampage compilation by TNT
AWS promo - April 30, 2005
A wild Bryan Danielson appears at Starrcast
Bryan puts over Ricky Starks at the All Out 2023 media scrum
Full match: Bryan/ZSJ round 1
“Who’s overrated now??”
Bryan sells his ass (no, he really does)
“Let’s talk about the illusion of free will”
Bryan and Paul London dolphin pod promo
Bryan + Henry’s Gym
Bryan and Brie
Bryan + Blue Panther (includes screenshots)
“I am going to break your arm. I am going to break your right arm and you’ll never be able to do the rainmaker again.”
“I haven’t done a cartwheel in a long time”
“I’m not what?”
Bryan’s commentary promo vs Eddie
Bryan’s pre-match promo vs Eddie
Bryan’s post-match promo vs Eddie
“Oh, I’m on!!”
“I just wanted to subdue him a little”
“My wife and I joke we could turn it into a gimmick”
“That makes me feel alive”
“Put your cameras down, wink wink”
“I can feel the end coming”
“My brain is so focused on wrestling”
“So at what point am I deceiving myself?”
“Im beat up, but happy”
Dragon grr’s, but is merely adorable
WK slow-mo vid
Daniel Bryan + Muppets
Bryan addresses Eddie
Random ROH WRD clip
Bryan is superstitious of a cat
Bryan on his history with Eddie
“I should have given him my respect a long time ago” - Bryan and Eddie, post-revolution
“Because I know what I’m willing to do.”
“Blue Panther has been my favorite luchador since I was 15”
Bryan gets his hair braided in Arena Mexico
“You said you wanted to introduce me to proper Lucha libre.”
Wrestling to me has never been about proving I’m better than anyone else.”
Bryan returns to Mexico City
“My heaven will be standing in a wrestling ring bleeding in front of all of you”
Video compilations/edits
Bryan Danielson sings boy bands
HEY (EW) supercut
Bryan I don’t like frenetic energy Danielson being unhinged
Ring of honor compilation
Bryan’s got legs and he knows how to use ‘em (fanvid set to legs by ZZ Top)
Supercut of Bryan/ZSJ round 2
Wrestling road diaries supercut
“I may suck. I am opening to sucking” - 4 min and 33 seconds of why we should be thankful for Bryan Danielson’s existence
“He's trying to shake my hand, but we're not friends” - Bryan and Eddie in roh (plus some Nigel in the background)
Bryan + Will + doctors post-dynasty
The I have till 5 edits
Bryan has till 5 (a fanvid/fancam set to he’s a rebel & also a scaled down edit)
Bryan and his opponents still have till 5
Bryan and even more of his opponents have till 5
Audio clips
Robin Tran thanks Bryan Danielson for inspiring her to come out as transgender
Part 2
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kittensartswriting · 1 year
Happy WBW! What does second-hand shopping look like in your world? (thrift stores, online marketplace platforms, word of mouth, that kind of thing!)
Happy WBW!! Thank you for the very fun question! :D
In the Angusian Empire (main setting of BCC) people usually give their old things to their family and friends, or sometimes people in need or their servants, if they have those. It's in fact considered "low class", greedy and even a personal failing to sell your personal belongings for any reason. Gifting old things you don't need anymore to someone who could use it is what is expected and asking money for that feels akin to asking money in return for a birthday gift to them. This is why people usually don't sell their old belongings, if they don't really need the money.
For lower class people this is not such a big deal as they are by default low class and they usually get more sympathy than derision for their financial situation, but it can be embarrassing especially those who have at least some social standing. Markets have often thrift store type sections where lower class people come to sell their belongings and they might also just sell them quietly through word of mouth. For upper class people it's a much bigger deal though and can be almost a scandal. There are auctions though where upper class people can anonymously give their expensive belongings to be auctioned off and gain money that way. Another option is to make a private deal with someone, where they agree to pretend they were gifted the object.
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a-lucha-brother · 1 year
Now let’s talk about Adam
Oh Adam, my poor sweet silly boy, they took you away from me!!!
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Seriously, I miss THIS version of Adam Page so much, but at the same time, I love where he’s at right now, it’s incredible storytelling, I just don’t think the crowd are as invested in it as much as they used to be cause, well, he’s just not on tv or wrestling all that much anymore.
I know I know, the concussion happened and all that I get it. But come on man, Adam Page is supposed to be the HHH of AEW (whether you like HHH or not is irrelevant that is Adams star power equivalent) and he’s just not really doing anything anywhere.
Now now I can hear you coming to burn my house down because I’m deliberately ignoring his storyline with Mox, which is literally the best thing going on in AEW right now. But think about it, it’s really only going on because of a couple of things:
1. William Regal left and effectively killed BCC, so they HAD to find something for the guys to do (Bryan goes for MJF, Claudio and Wheeler do ROH stuff and Mox, weeellllllllll) 2. It was logically the ONLY thing they could do that made good use of BOTH men, Jon and Adam. Jon all but had all his storylines go down the drain and so did Adam after the All Out crap (es we’re still feeling the effects of that). Jon had the title put on him again to carry the company, smart, logical, the right decision, but it left Adam in no man’s land. 3. There’s at least something there between those 2 to run with until something clears up story wise. 4. The unfortunate concussion ironically being a blessing in disguise allowing this to persist well beyond it’s intended sell-by date. Now, for me, I bring this all up because.....I worry. About the future, about what’s next for Page. Regardless of who wins the Texas Death Match (written before Revolution) Jon can take is seemingly never-happening break diddly squat, no biggy. But what’s Adam going to do? What, take another break off tv to heal from his wounds? Come on man, we can’t keep doing that with him. What I think NEEDS to happen with Adam is the classic route 1 hero’s journey back to the title picture. A good old fashioned training arc. One that involves him........
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Joining the Blackpool Combat Club. Oh yes, you heard me.
We need a long-term, month upon month storyline of Adam Page being trained by all of these maniacs individually into becoming the world champion again. With Bryan Danielson being the final boss, the world champion. Adam Page should climb the rankings from rock bottom (which is where he should be let’s be honest), and have Wheeler, Claudio and Jon in that order, be his boss fights on the road to Bryan Danielson. Make it last all the way to All Out or Full Gear whatever takes your fancy, or hell, even next years Revolution (even though All Out is AEW’s Mania).
Let’s build Adam Page back from nothing into being THE Cowboy once again. And let that also be the way the BCC ends as a faction if that’s the intention with them long term.
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sheinthatfandom · 6 months
Oh nooooo
Hook is no where near ready for joe Yuta carried him through their match like
Joes gonna kill you
But also I’m begging for Tyler to practice with the bcc and other people who can sell and know how to act like hits fucking hurt please
I’m never gonna hear thy kingdom come again am I??? 😭
Nigel is just the best 🥰
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ghostbyyourside · 2 years
wondering when tk will finally sell the bcc zip up jackets with the names on the back. i have been patiently waiting!!! let me give you my money!!!
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I finally got around to listing these online on my barely there Ko-Fi
But I wanted to get feedback on who I should do next in this same style. In terms of stickers (that you would hopefully buy), which group/wrestler would it be?
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Dual Color Inkfish Headcanon!
There’s three reasons dual colors (Aka umbrella term “Bichromia”) occurs:
If an inkfish is close with their family or in a serious relationship/s, the tips of their tentacles will become the color of the other individual/s
Most inkfish who are close with their family (or have overbearing/controlling family members) tend to keep the entirety of their tentacles their family’s color, but in turf war their family’s color can occasionally be seen near the tips.
Those in a relationship/s will see each other’s colors (or a fusion if both colors are compatible) on their mouth, tips of their tentacles, and fingertips (if they’re an octoling). This is the result of skin contact, but it isn’t instant. Especially in an age where turf war is popular, their bodies need to register that this specific person’s ink is not harmful in order to let it in and throughout their system. The extent that the ink appears on their body is all determined by amount of physical contact with their partner/s. After extended periods of no contact (about a week usually, but around two days for BCS or BCF), their mouths are the first to lose the secondary pigment, then the tentacle tips dull out.
A lot of shops sell edible dyes that are commonly used for Splatfests, those who just want an extra pop of color, or idols. For elderly inkfish, it can bring back a bit of their original ink color.
It’s become a trend to get these dyes for cosplays of anime characters (most tending to display Bichromia), as well as a trick for drama-stirring inkfish who are pretending they’re in a relationship with someone.
These dyes can be easily washed out in the shower :)
A select few inkfish have certain disorders that naturally give them Bichromia, such as CDD (Color Deviation Disorder), SBD (Split Beta Disorder) and PCD (Polychromatic Disorder) to name some. None of these disorders are harmful to the inkfish that has them, aside from some difficulties producing ink as well as taking on a partner’s ink color.
CDD is when there are only two colors involved, with the “Alpha”/permanent color usually being neutral (black, grey, beige, white, etc), and the “Beta”/tips and mouth being changeable with minor difficulty.
SBD is when the inkfish has two Betas that split down the middle of an inkfish’s scalp without any interaction or blending, though there are a few rare exceptions when it comes to placement. Either the individual produces a blend of the Beta colors (SBD-F), can only produce one (the other being the “Alpha-Beta”, SBD-A), or can’t produce ink at all (SBD-N).
PCD, despite representing those with more than two Beta colors, is still put under the Bichromia umbrella because inkling medical professionals were lazy and had no where else to put it. Then there are “Gamma” colors introduced in a subtype called PCD-G, in which one or more of the designated Betas have more difficulty having their color altered than the other/s.
Yoko from Ink Theory confirmed in an interview about having PCD, and there’s some debate among fans about whether or not the squid sisters have CDD.
There are undocumented BCS and BCF variants where recovering sanitized and fuzzy individuals have a bit of their original ink color returning
Those who were sanitized or fuzzified at one point have difficulties taking on their partner’s ink color, but it is still possible.
There’s little stigma surrounding the disorders, if at all :D (but… can they even be classified as disorders? Those inkfish will never find out)
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sequentialprophet · 8 months
I'm also kind of over the BCC no selling for an entire match and then I'm supposed to believe they got beat. C'mon man.
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