#I wrote this all out while very dehydrated
Dual Color Inkfish Headcanon!
There’s three reasons dual colors (Aka umbrella term “Bichromia”) occurs:
If an inkfish is close with their family or in a serious relationship/s, the tips of their tentacles will become the color of the other individual/s
Most inkfish who are close with their family (or have overbearing/controlling family members) tend to keep the entirety of their tentacles their family’s color, but in turf war their family’s color can occasionally be seen near the tips.
Those in a relationship/s will see each other’s colors (or a fusion if both colors are compatible) on their mouth, tips of their tentacles, and fingertips (if they’re an octoling). This is the result of skin contact, but it isn’t instant. Especially in an age where turf war is popular, their bodies need to register that this specific person’s ink is not harmful in order to let it in and throughout their system. The extent that the ink appears on their body is all determined by amount of physical contact with their partner/s. After extended periods of no contact (about a week usually, but around two days for BCS or BCF), their mouths are the first to lose the secondary pigment, then the tentacle tips dull out.
A lot of shops sell edible dyes that are commonly used for Splatfests, those who just want an extra pop of color, or idols. For elderly inkfish, it can bring back a bit of their original ink color.
It’s become a trend to get these dyes for cosplays of anime characters (most tending to display Bichromia), as well as a trick for drama-stirring inkfish who are pretending they’re in a relationship with someone.
These dyes can be easily washed out in the shower :)
A select few inkfish have certain disorders that naturally give them Bichromia, such as CDD (Color Deviation Disorder), SBD (Split Beta Disorder) and PCD (Polychromatic Disorder) to name some. None of these disorders are harmful to the inkfish that has them, aside from some difficulties producing ink as well as taking on a partner’s ink color.
CDD is when there are only two colors involved, with the “Alpha”/permanent color usually being neutral (black, grey, beige, white, etc), and the “Beta”/tips and mouth being changeable with minor difficulty.
SBD is when the inkfish has two Betas that split down the middle of an inkfish’s scalp without any interaction or blending, though there are a few rare exceptions when it comes to placement. Either the individual produces a blend of the Beta colors (SBD-F), can only produce one (the other being the “Alpha-Beta”, SBD-A), or can’t produce ink at all (SBD-N).
PCD, despite representing those with more than two Beta colors, is still put under the Bichromia umbrella because inkling medical professionals were lazy and had no where else to put it. Then there are “Gamma” colors introduced in a subtype called PCD-G, in which one or more of the designated Betas have more difficulty having their color altered than the other/s.
Yoko from Ink Theory confirmed in an interview about having PCD, and there’s some debate among fans about whether or not the squid sisters have CDD.
There are undocumented BCS and BCF variants where recovering sanitized and fuzzy individuals have a bit of their original ink color returning
Those who were sanitized or fuzzified at one point have difficulties taking on their partner’s ink color, but it is still possible.
There’s little stigma surrounding the disorders, if at all :D (but… can they even be classified as disorders? Those inkfish will never find out)
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gatorbites-imagines · 9 months
Kinktober day 14
Conner Kent + Breeding and/or excessive cum
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I shall always devour my kryptonian headcanons. Atlantean reader, because I was feeling nasty when I wrote this. *tucks hair behind ear*
I may have taken the word excessive too far...
Kinktober 2023 masterlist.
You were Atlantean, going by the hero name Cetus. It hadn’t been your choice, the name, but one the public started calling you because of your uniform when you started. You were the offspring of an Atlantean and an Amazon warrior. You had been born on Themyscira, but the fact that you were born male and with the need to be in the ocean, you were given to your father to be raised.
You still visited your mother regularly, and got trained by not only her but her friends, that mixed with the training of your father, who was a skilled warrior himself, you became very skilled. When you chose to start fighting crime, your mother had given you a uniform created by the same individuals who armoured the Amazonians, as she wanted you to be safe.
It was similar to the outfit of a gladiator, but had been made in a material that allowed you to stay in the ocean. Your outfit also had actual shoes, and had little exposed skin to keep you safe from enemies, but the Greek inspiration was very clear. It had led to all kinds of theories amongst the people that you were some secret warrior raised by the Amazonians, which was partly true, but your Atlantean heritage didn’t stay a secret for long since you did many of your battles side by side with Aquaman, Aqualad, and the likes.
You were put on the young justice team since you had more experience than the rest, but you were still young enough to not count as a full-fledged hero just yet. You worked well together with the team, getting along better with some more than others. There were some arguments with Megan, as an Atlantean you possessed telepathy, and you disagreed with her ways of using her powers at times.
This led to arguments with Conner, as he was defensive of the girl he had feelings for at the time, but as time passed you all matured. Conner and Megan broke up after a short relationship as teens, you split off from the team to be your own thing, so on and so forth.
This didn’t mean you didn’t work with the other heroes on the regular, but you weren’t a member of any team, except for a place on the justice league roster like most others in your situation. It was because of this you were placed on a mission with Conner, to a dessert of all places. It must have been a mistake, or the ones sending you there hadn’t planned on you guys staying there for so long, but even as a halfblooded Atlantean you still needed water after a while.
Conner had panicked when you suddenly dropped like a bag of bricks, as you’d been out of the ocean for a long time before the mission even started, having to work together with other members of the league on reports and the like. It had been a plan for a quick scouting mission, but here you were, dehydrated and with your consciousness fading in and out.
Conner had never dealt with you become dehydrated, sure he’d seen other Atlanteans, but your half status allowed you to go longer without. The two of you ended up in a small cave Conner had found, as he hoped bringing you out of the sun would help. Normally he would have just carried you off to the ocean, but seeing you, someone he thought as almost unbeatable and someone he had come to develop feeling for as well, collapse in that way, he had panicked.
In your half-conscious state, you had knocked off your helmet, one that looked similar to that of a gladiator but without the hairs on top, the golden metal rolling across the cold floor of the cave. You were splayed out across the cold stone floors, your half lid eyes looking up at the kryptonian standing above you through your lashes, your dry tongue subconsciously running across your bottom lip.
Maybe it was the candle you had held for Conner for a long time, maybe it was just delirium, but you nudged his subconscious with your own, planting images of him crouched above you on his knees, his hands undoing the bottom of his suit. Conner sputtered, going completely red in the face as he tried to stutter out words, his kryptonian biology kicking in at the fact that the one he yearned for seemed to return the want.
His hands came to cradle his crotch, trying to hide how he was already becoming hard at the mere thought of doing what you seemed to want of him. Conner was still trying to fully comprehend what you had hinted at wanting, his face only going redder and cock growing harder as you made easy work of removing the upper part of your armour and undersuit, leaving your upper body completely bare.
“Please Conner…” you mumble out, your tongue already feeling thick and useless as you gulp, your mouth dry and uncomfortable. Conner gulped, glancing behind him towards the entrance of the cave as if debating on simply flying off to gather water, but the wanting look in your eyes seemed to be what he needed to make his decision.
You both moaned softly as Conner undid the bottom of his suit, his heavy length twitching to the colder air of the cave as he shuffled forwards, placing his knees on either side of your torso as your hands came up to rest of his tense thighs. You gulped dryly as his cock twitched in his hand, a thick bead of precum already dripping from the tip and landing on your neck, a shiver running through you as your eyelids fluttered as you felt the water inside the liquid slide into your skin.
It probably wasn’t the most useful or sanitary idea on fixing your situation, but laying there as Conner jerked himself off above you quickly made those thoughts disappear from the both of you. Conner let his hips buck into both of his hands that he had wrapped tightly around his thick length, twisting his already wet hands as precum dripped in a constant river down onto your skin.
You didn’t have to do much, just squeezing his thighs seemed to do the trick as Conner looked down at you, his pupils large as they almost swallowed up the blue of his eyes. His cock throbbed, a moan leaving him as you opened your mouth, sticking out your dry tongue. That seemed to do the trick as the hero above you let out a deeper drawn-out groan as he came, shooting thick heavy spurts across your face and tongue.
He shivered, but his erection didn’t seem to let up, one of the positives of being kryptonian it seemed, his hands only growing slicker, the noises only growing wetter and more erotic as his movements only seemed to grow more desperate. The cum on your tongue assisted in returning the wetness to your mouth, the light-headedness seeming to leave you to a certain degree.
With your newly returned awareness, you leaned up, pressing the flat of your tongue against his leaking tip, causing Conners hips to buck as another spurt of cum shot out of him, striking the top of your mouth, and spilling down your chin and soaking the skin of your throat and chest. A satisfied hum left you as you swallowed the thick liquid in your mouth with an audible gulp, growing more and more confident in your movements.
Conner couldn’t help but buck his heads, the hands gripping himself letting go so he could lean forwards, supporting his weight instead so he wouldn’t collapse on top of you as you closed your lips around his tip, starting to work your head up and down as you rubbed your tongue all over the skin you could reach.
The kryptonians noises had reached a higher pitch as you kept moving your lips up and down his slick length, drawing out orgasm after orgasm from his heavy cock, letting it fill your mouth just to let it overflow and start running down the rest of your torso. Conner had never dabbled much with his refractory period or his biology, but now he cursed not being curious in the past as he seemed to be stuck in a constant state of orgasm as you drew more and more out of him, it seemed never-ending.
With one last lewd slurp you finally withdrew from his cock, a thick string of spit and cum connecting the tip of your tongue with his length, the string pulling before it snapped, joining the rest of the lewd mess that had been left all over your torso and face. Conner was still shivering above you, somehow still hard but so sensitive as you carefully pushed at his torso to get him to sit up again.
He blushed as he finally focused on the sight of you as you laid there covered in his fluids, making a huge mess of the cave floor beneath you, but neither of you seemed to truly care at the moment. Conner bit his lip as he shuffled down your torso, straddling your hips instead as his hand came up to wipe away some of the cum covering your lower face, his face still red as he leaned in, pressing his lips almost shyly against yours.
You couldn’t help but find it amusing how the guy who had just covered you in so much of his essence seemed so shy about kissing you, or how he was still hard against your stomach, but you responded in kind to his kiss, shutting your eyes to enjoy the press of lips on lips. You found your hands resting on his hips as the kiss was disconnected, spit connecting your mouths as he sat back. “Guess you aren’t dehydrated anymore, huh?” Conner chuckled breathlessly, gulping as he sat back on your thighs.
You found your lips pursing as you reached down, grabbing at his hardness, causing Conner to whimper as his hips bucked into your hand. “That doesn’t mean were done though” you mumble, starting to jerk your hand, much you Conners enjoyment. It was gonna be a while before you two would be done here, maybe you’d actually end up finding the limit to the kryptonian refractory period, but only time would tell.
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lixzey · 7 months
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warnings: mentions of therapy, grief, child abuse, keeping a child in a basement, starvation and malnutrition of a child, mentions of bruises, mentions of child protective services, bullying, and hospitalization
a/n: PLEASE READ WITH CAUTION ‼️‼️‼️This has very detailed scenes which may not be suitable for everyone. The last five letters will be the same, so heads up!
The Thirteenth Letter
Timothée stared out into the window, taking a deep breath as the plane soared through the clouds. He knew he had to continue reading the rest of Y/N's letters, as painful as it might be. He was terrified; there was no denying that. The mere thought of a young Y/N going through more suffering made his stomach churn, but he needed to know more. He would find her, protect her, and be there for her in any way he could. He couldn't change the past, but he could certainly make a difference in her future. He had to be there for her, to listen to her, to support her, and to show her that she wasn't alone anymore. Timothée swore to himself that he would do everything in his power to make sure that she felt safe and loved. 
Timothée took another deep breath before opening the thirteenth letter, dated August 11, 2023.
Dear Timothée, 
Sorry, this letter took a long time to write. I got caught up in therapy. I have a new therapist; her name's Gina. 
She asked me about the letters since I had mentioned them to Julie before and they were written in my file. Gina asked me if the letters were helping me, and of course I said yes. She asked if I could show her one, and I did. She took it and ripped the letter into pieces, right in front of my eyes. I honestly didn’t know how to feel; I just stared at the pieces of paper on top of the table.
Gina said a lot of things about coming to terms with my past in a natural and slow process and that maybe these letters weren't helping as much as I thought they would. Writing to you was riling up those painful and bad memories, only making me feel worse. She also mentioned that false hope wasn’t good for me, which is bullshit because I don't really hope for anything anymore.
I know you won't reply. I know you won't even read any of my letters. Hell, I know you won’t ever receive any of the letters I wrote. I just like to pretend that you do, that's all. 
After the 'session', Gina gave me a pamphlet. It was 'How to Deal with Grief and Coming to Terms with Loss'. It was shit, really. Because one of the bullet points says to talk about your loss with another loved one. Funny, because all of my loved ones are dead. So here I am, talking to you, because you are the next best thing. 
So anyway, here's the continuation of the story of my fucking life. 
I still spent the rest of my days down in the basement—locked up alone, scared, and nearly dead. I was sickeningly thin from malnutrition and dehydration. Bruises littered my body in all shapes and sizes; I had scratches all over—out of frustration and skin irritation from allergies, since I didn't get the chance to fucking clean myself. Every day, I prayed for some kind of miracle to set me free from that living nightmare. I didn't know how much longer I could survive in that hellhole. I could hear my aunt's voice upstairs every night, laughing and carrying on as if I wasn’t three feet under her house. It made me sick to my stomach to think about how she could go about her life while I suffered down below.
It didn't get any better, until my eleventh birthday came around. Honestly, I didn't know how long I was down in the basement. I had lost track of time, but it felt like I had been down here for years. Then one day, my aunt just dragged me out of the basement and shoved me into a bedroom upstairs. It turns out a social worker was looking for me. I was eleven, and the school year had just begun, but I wasn't at the local school, so child protective services got worried. My aunt got to work fast; she made me look as if I wasn't abused—that I was a normal and happy kid living with her. She did a fucking great job, I'm not gonna lie—she covered each and every blemish on my body with foundation and concealer—fucking impressive. She bought clothes, toys, and everything a child would need just so she could avoid getting arrested for child neglect. 
When the child protective services came again, I was forced to act like everything was alright and that I was in a happy home. I desperately wanted to tell the social worker the truth. I wanted to scream so badly and just run into the social worker's arms and beg her to take me away, but I couldn't. 
My life got a little bit better after that day, though. My aunt was forced to let me stay in the room upstairs rather than the cold basement downstairs since child protective services visited me every week. It was easier for her to let me stay in the bedroom than to make me look decent every time. I was never to leave the room unless necessary, not that I wanted to leave the room with my aunt around the house. I still got the bare minimum from her—I still got her scraps of food, but it was better than nothing. 
Then middle school happened. 
At first, I was excited to make friends with kids my age; I never had any growing up since I usually stayed at home with my parents and there weren’t really any kids in the neighborhood I grew up in. So, naturally, I thought that making friends would be easy.
I was too fucking stupid to believe that it would be easy. I mean who was I kidding? Middle schoolers were fucking mean—well,  not high school mean, but you get the point. I was bullied relentlessly, and I always dreaded going to school; it was torture. The kids in my class always made fun of me, calling me names and treating me like shit. I was the freakishly thin girl who always wore baggy clothes that no one wanted to be friends with. There was this one time when this girl—her name was Claire—tripped me in the hallway, and I crashed into the janitor’s cart. Bleach and other cleaning chemicals spilled everywhere—on my skin, on my clothes, and in my hair. It burned my skin so badly that I had to be taken to the hospital to get treated properly. Until now, I still have burn scars on my arms and neck area. I had to wear long-sleeved shirts to cover up my arms, though in the long run, the burns weren’t the only reason why I covered my arms up.
I just wanted a normal fucking life, but life decided to push me into a living hell. Was that too much to fucking ask? I’m so damn tired, Tim. I don’t think I can live like this anymore. I’ve been through so much, and what’s written in this letter isn't even half of what I’ve gone through.
I think it’s about time to stop writing, don’t you think? As if you’d answer me, God, I never fucking learn.
Maybe Gina does have a point. Maybe these letters really are making everything worse.
All my love, 
Timothée sighed, folding the letter and tucking it back in its envelope. He wanted to let her know that he was—in fact, listening—granted that it was a year late, he was listening. The pain and suffering she went through were unimaginable, and the guilt he felt for not being there for her when she needed him most was killing him. If the letters had just arrived earlier, he would have done anything to make it all easier for her. 
“I hope you're still here, Y/n. I hope you didn't give up.”
@helens3amstuff @gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @lovemelikecrazyiloveyoucrazy @tchalamss @ashlynnmalfoy @imnotoverlyobsessive @crazycat-ladys-blog @michakune @mxltifxnd0m @spencerr3idd @dangelnleif @sthkate @ferrjulie @mel-vaz @elsagreeer @lovely-maryj @meowmeowmau @bobthe-turmpetman29 @saintcosette @ashisabitgay @ladyladybuggg @nyrasunderwrld @lizzxoxo @remussbitch @jadahxx @starrystormwritings @ell0ra-br3kk3r @dreary-salem @drewsandsebastianswife @greenapplegrass @lilianelena39 @danni-phant0m @haybellewrites @cloudlst @si4a @ev3ningrain @ttulipwritezz @bambikitten @bullets-from-another-dimension @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader @reg-arcturus-black @abruuinlove @marina468 @3stelar @timhalamet @st4rf00k3r @idli-dosa @jimins15thhair @blacksgarden
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kimberbohwrites · 4 days
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Can't believe I hit 150 Followers that fast. Thank you. I wrote my little heart out to get this done in time.
Do I Wanna Know?
Featuring a prompt from @sorceresssundries who handed out song-based prompts and assigned me: "Do I Wanna Know?" by: The Arctic Monkeys. Rated: Explicit, MDNI, 18+ (Smut) Word Count: 3,165 Kudos/Comment on AO3
The air was thick and humid, it hung heavy on the city, clinging in all the worst ways — like a wet blanket. It had been like this for days now, with nary a breeze to grant them even a moment’s solace from the oppressive heat. Children ran down to splash in the Chionthar, while adults lounged in the shadiest spaces they could find and fanned themselves — hoping for a moment of reprieve from the sun. Baldur’s Gate ground to a halt in the face of a sustained heatwave, filling the long summer days with an unusually lazy energy for such a bustling city.
It wasn’t the temperature that agitated the grouchy tiefling as he sat in his desk chair, a different heat had been consuming his body and soul. It had been weeks since the final battle and he hadn’t seen or heard from Tav. Sure, he had heard of her survival through the paper and the gossip on the streets. But that wasn’t the same.
The last time he’d seen her things had been awkward to say the very least. She had defeated, with his assistance, his abusive former master and the mantle of the Archwizard of Baldur’s Gate had suddenly fallen to him. Every moment since then had been filled with the constant demand from his new responsibilities but in the back of his mind, Tav constantly lingered. It had taken him too long to realize his obvious feelings. It wasn’t until just before the final battle, when he considered losing her for the first time, that he became fully aware. He hadn’t slept in the days that followed that, not until he was sure she had survived.
And yet, she hadn’t stopped by to see him, there was so much to do he knew, rebuilding and resting, but her absence still hounded him like an itch gone unscratched. When his eyes closed at night, she was always waiting for him. He let himself dream of a reality where it was her, in the flesh, waiting for him in his bed each night. Hours of sleep were lost to imagining how she would feel against him, under him — imagining her taste or how she might sound as she cried out for him.
He’d felt a twinge of guilt in the pit of his stomach when he’d started touching himself to these thoughts. Trying to turn his mind elsewhere had failed and the first time he’d come to the thought of her he had almost passed out from the pleasure. There was no turning back for him now and like a dehydrated sailor at sea who drinks saltwater, it had only worsened the problem and drove him to seek release to his fantasies of her more often.
He’d become desperate for her, and he felt a little pathetic.
The worst part was the constant wondering. Could she ever feel the same? Did he even want to know the answer? Would he ever see her again? These damned questions nagged at him more than any heat could. After a few evening glasses of Arabellen Dry, he’d found he could think of nothing else and letting his questions consume him. It made him feel better to imagine that she was doing the same, in her cups and thinking of him. 
In his imagination and even in his dreams, she comes bounding to his door to confess her love, all flushed cheeks and bleary eyes. Lately there seemed to be no escape from her hold over him.
His siblings had been nothing but helpful, always picking on his pining for her and the fact that he never acted on it. They had tried to take his mind off things, and he’d gone out with them, only for them to point out attractive people he might approach. He’d even tried to be a good sport, tried to chat up whomever they pointed out, tried to find them interesting but there was never any spark. Before long he’d realized the problem was that in his mind, he was already Tav’s. Tears had brimmed in his eyes and a heaviness had set in his heart when he realized that even if he never saw her again, he’d always be hers.
It wasn’t fair.
Surely, she had done some trick, some cheat to make him feel this way? How else could he explain this constant longing that he felt. He was an arch mage, for gods sake, he was resigned to pull himself together. Every time he thought he’d managed to banish the obsession he was humbled by failure once more, most recently by a street performer out in front of the shop.
He’d been closing up after a long, steaming day and as he’d gone to lock the doors he spotted the buskers setting up to ply their trade for the evening. Even a city as lively at night as The Gate can fall victim to an influx of evening debauchery when the days had proven to be too warm for life’s pleasures. So, the performers in the heatwave had taken to setting up after sundown, better to catch a paying audience on these busy, sinful summer nights.
The musician was inconsequential to Rolan. It was the opening ballad he’d strummed that Rolan had overheard as he locked up that caught his attention. The opening notes stopped him in his tracks before he’d closed the doors, the song was one of the ones Alfira had played that night at the Emerald Grove, when they’d spent the evening under the stars in celebration of their continued survival. He’d spent the night trying to work up the courage to talk to her, not understanding then that the anxiety he felt in his gut was the beginning of all of this.
Finally, after some liquid courage, a few dazzling spells, and her adoring applause he’d approached her just as Alfira had struck up this very song.
“I love this one,” she’d said
He’d barely heard her, distracted by her eyes in firelight, how could he have not known then?
“Beautiful,” he’d said before he realized his mouth was moving.
“It is, isn’t it?” She’d agreed
In hindsight he was almost positive he wasn’t talking about the song, but he had been grateful for the easy out. As his mind drifted back from the memory of her breathtaking eyes, the bard had finished the song and Rolan strode out with a hand fishing in his pocket for coins.
“Play it again”
The coins plunked into the case as the bard grinned at the handsome tip and began the song over. Rolan strode away slowly back to the tower, letting the melody hold him in that beautiful memory once more. In truth he’d have paid the musician a small fortune to play the song over and over until he’d drifted off to sleep if he was sure that Cal and Lia wouldn’t have caught him. He’d fallen asleep to thoughts of her and dreamed of her that night, and every night following that tenday.
The hot days continued, growing to an intolerable level. Maybe that was why he’d agreed to go out again with his siblings. This time instead of the Blushing Mermaid they were hitting up the Elfsong Tavern to visit Alfira and Lakrissa, Dammon, and the rest of the group. Alfira had reserved the rooftop for a special sundown party in the small but lovely space.
As the sun went down a cool breeze began to blow off the Sea of Swords for the first time since the start of the heatwave. It picked up the strands of his hair and lightly tossed them as the wind kissed his sweat soaked skin, finally cooling him off for the first time in days. He was already one glass of wine in when he spotted her coming up from the ladder that led to the roof.
Tav was here.
He tried not to notice her, instead engrossing himself deeper in his talk with Dammon about some ore or another — to be honest he hadn’t been listening but was content to nod along. Out of the corner of his eye he watched her be greeted by their hosts, who were clearly thrilled to see her. She looked beautiful. It didn’t matter if he’d noted a few new minor scars on her skin, likely from the final battle — she was a vision of beauty regardless. Her bright smile seemed to radiate light even after sundown. Her laughter, the very same sweet melody that haunted him. 
When she finally approached him after a few minutes, he was already fighting to play it cool.
“It feels like it might rain,” she said casually to him as a greeting, her bright smile forcing his heart to skip a beat or two.
“Preposterous, it’s been bone dry for weeks”
“Then I suppose it’s high time for some rain, huh?”
He didn’t respond. Thinking carefully about his words.
His eyes swept up and down her frame, admiring the curves and the toned muscle displayed in the minimal sundress she’d worn against the heat. Gods he wanted her so bad and here she was, just a few inches away. But there was no way that she would want him too, he’d already convinced himself of that fact.
“You haven’t visited,”
“Did you miss me, Rolan?”
The blush that crept across his cheeks was only disguised by the evening as he glanced away to compose himself. Even though the rooftop was filled with at least a dozen other people he knew, whenever he spoke with Tav it felt like they were the only two people around. When he turned his attention back to her, he couldn’t help but flick his gaze down to her lips for the briefest second. Gods how he felt the constant urge to put his lips on hers, threatening to plunge him into madness.
“Cal and Lia miss you, is all”
Before she could respond, a single fat rain drop plopped down on her cheek and she glanced up. After a moment a few more heavy drops of rain followed and people began to flee the roof to protect their drinks and fine clothes. The temperature dropped quickly but Rolan didn’t move, maintaining eye contact with Tav as the roof cleared. All around them steam hissed up from the quenched streets and stonework. He’d waited too long to see her, and he wasn’t wasting this moment.
The rain had charged the air between them, or maybe it was the fact that they were alone — but something had shifted the atmosphere.
She looked shocked, almost stricken until he blurted the rest out.
“Can I kiss you?”
The shock lingered on her face only a moment longer, replaced by a coy smile as she nodded in agreement.
He was on her in a moment, lips pressed to hers, fingers in her wet hair. The drinks they’d been holding crashed to the ground as they lunged at each other with an unrestrained passion. He felt her tongue on his lips and opened up to her, angling her face to deepen their kiss as the rain came down around them.
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long.”
He panted out the truth when they finally broke only for oxygen.
“Me too”
He pushed her up against a stone column on the roof with a sudden movement at her confession, claiming her lips with his once more.
“Rolan —“She gasped out, “Are you sure? We shouldn’t do this if you aren’t sure.”
He broke away and pressed his forehead against hers.
“I have dreamed of you, of this, every night for longer than I care to admit. Tav I missed you, not Cal, not Lia — I missed you. So much so that had I known where you were I would have crawled to be there by your side. I- I love you, Tav.”
The storm, the rain, it all faded away when he heard her breathe out her next five words with tears in her beautiful eyes.
“I love you too, Rolan.”
He kissed her hard, wrapping her legs around his waist as his tail coiled around her ankles to hold her there. She tasted like wine and fresh summer rain. Deceptively strong, Rolan lifted her easily from against the wall and carried her to the only slight shelter available on the roof. It was a small, covered area, safely out of sight of any onlookers or would-be voyeurs on the ground. 
“Mine” he growled between kisses as he gently lowered her to the ground with him on top, supporting his weight on his forearms. His body caging hers against the elements.
“Yours” she murmured sweetly in agreement.
Her hands eagerly shot up to begin stripping the wet clothes from his body, her soft fingers tracing the ridges on any exposed skin she could find. He groaned into the hot kisses he laved down her neck and ground his hard length against her core. She was so openly eager for him, and it drove him to the brink of a feral lust. She moaned as she felt his tail coil up and around her leg, up the skirt of her dress. Before long she’d worked off his robes and his top, their lips never leaving each other’s skin as her fingers traced down his ridged torso. When she began to untie the laces of his trousers, a wry laugh escaped him as pretended to chastise her.
“My, my, greedy as always, aren’t we?”
She bit her lip and groaned in response, his words having the desired effect. At the same time the spade of his tail made contact with her dripping cunt and Rolan was surprised to discover it was bare. A low moan of need followed her groan as she felt his tail begin to stroke at her folds.
“Rolan,” she gasped
He covered her mouth with hers once more with another bruising kiss, still too eager for her and caught up in the moment. His tail gently teased at her entrance, swirling around and preparing her while his hands lowered her dress and exposed her breasts to him. Moving down to tongue at an exposed nipple while gently rolling the other between his claws, ever cautious of his horns at this angle.
Her hands stroked his hardened cock from the moment she freed it from his pants, applying a gentle but firm pressure as she worked him in her fist. He was groaning into her skin as he licked and sucked at every exposed part he could find. Meanwhile his tail pushed into her, slowly working in and out of her warmth as he prepared her. No longer could she contain her pleasure in small sounds, if not for the rain her moans would be heard clearly from the ground. 
Surely the heatwave had driven him to madness over the previous weeks or he’d died of a related affliction and hadn’t realized it. It seemed impossible that he could be on top of the Tav, fucking her with his tail while she jerked him off and screamed for more. But when he opened his eyes, she was still there, now begging for him.
“Please, please Rolan” she moaned as he worked her to her first climax with his tail, hands, and mouth.
“First,” He stopped and slowly licked from her belly button up to her sternum, tasting the fresh rainwater from on her supple skin, “cum on my tail, Tav.”
That was all it took. He felt her walls clench and flutter around him, as she called his name and drenched his tail with her desire. It had been lucky that in her pleasure she’d let go of his cock. Otherwise, he was sure he would have finished just from her hand and the sound of his name on her lips as she came undone just for him.
Gently removing his tail, he lined himself up with her entrance, now better prepared for his size. He may have been shy about the many tiefling traits he’d inherited but he’d never complained about his size. Nor had he ever heard a complaint from any lover, for that matter. Leaning up to kiss her, he looked deeply into her eyes, finally not afraid to let his unabashed love show through — with a silent question he searched to be sure he wasn’t going too far.
“Rolan,” she mewled desperately
He plunged into her, gritting his teeth to keep from cumming on the spot. They moaned in tandem at the sensation, their bodies fitting together in a way that left them lightheaded.
“Gods you feel perfect” he ground out
“Fuck,” she moaned, “You’re huge”
He remained motionless, allowing her time to adjust to his size and fighting the growing urge to claim her roughly on the ground like an animal. Next time he’d have her in his bed and he’d fuck her through the mattress. But not on the hard roof of the Elfsong, and thus he fought against his instincts.
Once she nodded for him to continue, he began to rock in and out of her gently. Even with taking his tail first she was still tight around him, and he could feel the ridges of his cock drag against her walls deep within. He cursed himself for pining after her for so long as he began to fuck into her deeper, he already knew he wouldn’t last long now that he was inside her. Determined to prove himself in body, he needed to make her scream for him at once more before he could finish for himself.
He dropped to put her knees on his shoulders, using his tail to hold them together behind his neck as he adjusted his angle to pound deeper into her. Gently, as to avoid his claws, he used the pads of his fingers to rub her clit — eliciting cries of pleasure from her that were so sinfully perfect, he knew they’d fill his dreams until his last day.
“Rolannnn,” She nearly wailed his name as her cunt began to clench and flutter around his cock.  
“That’s it Tav, do it for me, cum for me, you’re mine.”
He coached her over the edge into bliss and watched her eyes roll back in her head as she screamed his name and came all over his cock. That was it for him, he buried himself deep within her and came with a grunt. Filling her as he ground his hips into hers, he dropped her legs and kissed her again. Breathless from their collective ecstasy, only the sound of their pants and the delicate evening rain hung between them.
“I want this,” He finally broke the silence, feeling bolder with her in his arms.
“Me too, we could be together, if you wanted to.” Rolan couldn’t help but smile into the next kiss he gave hers. After all this time of being hers, finally she was his too.
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daylite-writes · 7 months
Lynye which you wrote about is perfect, we need more yandere platonic Lynye
Soft Platonic Yandere Lyney (+ Lynette) PT 2
Sorry this took so long, first one disappeared (it’s back up dw!) so this was set back a bit. I’m glad you liked it! I love platonic yandere it’s so underrated.
cw: kidnapping, (mild) yandere, completely platonic, child!reader, gn!reader, reader goes on a hunger strike, implied future force-feeding (but it’s vague + well meaning), Lynette feeds into Lyney’s actions,
Lyney supposed he couldn’t be too upset at your actions. After all, he had snatched you up from the streets and plopped you in a guest bedroom with a door that locked from the outside. None of that stopped the little pang in his heart when he entered the room, seeing it basically ransacked. The shelves and their contents were on the floor, the dresser tipped over, clothes he bought for you scattered about. All that, plus the pillows and comforter of the bed had been pulled off, and he could see it all shoved underneath the bed, where you were undoubtedly bundled up in a little nest. Hiding best you could from your ‘captors’.
“Hey kid.” He greeted, shaking off his disappointment and replacing it with something cheery. “Are you feeling good enough to come out? I feel as though I haven't seen you in days!”
No response.
“Oh come on. Lynette cooked this time, and she set aside a pastry just for you. She won’t even let me near those!” He laughed, taking a seat on the floor, right next to the bed.
“I’d love to run a few magic tricks by you while you eat. I really think these ones are gonna be real showstoppers!”
He heard a small, unamused huff from under the bed.
Spurred on by the acknowledgement, no matter how negative, he continued. “I mean it! The crowd is gonna love this one. I can show you it if you come out.”
The offer was met with a small sniff. Then another.
Panic flooded his veins. You were crying. Oh no you were crying. He was already failing as a big brother and and—
“Move, Lyney.”
His head turned to the door, where Lynette had strode through, closing it gently behind her. Lyney frowned—he absolutely did not need his sister’s help, not when he promised he could take care of you all on your own.. “Sh! Lynette, I’ve got this.”
“You don’t.” She kneeled by the bed, peering under it. Her ears twitched as she waited a second. Then, after one still moment, she reached under the bed, grabbing your small frame and pulling you out.
You make your anger known, your small cries turned into a shriek of fear as you tried to escape her. “Let go! Lemme go!”
She tucked you onto her lap, holding you tight against her chest. Your arms and legs were skillfully trapped and detained as she held you there against her chest, shushing you quietly. “Yes, yes I know. It’s all very scary and unfair. Shh. I know. I know.”
“Let—I wanna go. I wanna…” blubbering wails turned into hiccuping sobs as she comforted you. Eventually, you collapsed against her, hiding your face away in her neck, letting her place her chin atop your head.
“There we go.”
Lyney sat there uselessly. The gaping hole in his chest aching to hold his new younger sibling in the way Lynette was. Rocking you gently, shushing down your exhausted whimpers and sobs. He watched as you slowly fell asleep, exhausted from your outburst.
When your breathing leveled out and your limbs stopped moving, Lynette relaxed her hold, sighing down at you.
“You said you knew what you were doing, Lyney.” She chastised him. He looked away shamefully.
“I really didn’t expect… this.”
“You should’ve.” Lynette said simply. “They havent been eating the food you’ve been giving them. I doubt they've been drinking the water—I can hear the bathroom sink turning on at night. I assume that’s where they've been drinking their water. Also the reason they passed out so easy. They’re hungry, dehydrated, and most of all, scared.”
“I can’t fix their fear, Lynette. Only try to work through it.”
“You’ve kidnapped them, Lyney. They won’t allow you to work through it. You can’t play big brother when the doors and windows are locked.”
He sighed. “I don’t want to hold them down and force the family thing down their throat.”
“They’re young. They’ll hardly remember this part.” Lynnette brushed your hair back from your face. “When they wake up, make them eat. Whether they want to or not. And maybe make them take a bath.”
“…You’re right Lynette.”
“Of course. Now take them back.”
“Happily!” He chirped, back to a peppy demeanor. Lynette rolled her eyes, passing you into Lyney’s arms. You mumbled a bit in your sleep, shying into the cold chest. Lyney’s face erupted into adoration, eyes wide as he glanced between you and an unamused Lynette.
She rolled her eyes, “Good luck, brother.”
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Yo! I really love your apocalypse yuu writings I keep coming back to see if it has updated.
I read the Lilia finds out part and when I read the "Epel gave Yuu an apple and he didn't know what it was" it got me thinking about it all night.
How would the first years react to Yuu not eating anything at all(probably other than bread) because he doesn't know what those foods are?
Yuus pronouns are he/him, although they're mentioned briefly
This is barely proofread so please excuse the grammar mistakes.
Featuring: Epel, Ace, Duece, Jack, and sebek (there is implied lilia at the very end but it is literally one sentence)
Warnings: Talks of starvation, Yuu's illness, and survivers guilt, so skip this if you're uncomfortable with any of that.
Also I know it's been over a month. I have no excuse. I just didn't feel like it. But I have been teaching myself how to draw so I can be a bigger simp to Jamil so that's fun ig.
Damn bro, you really don't know shit huh?
Epel was excited, to say the least.
I mean, could you really blame him? It's not everyday that you get a big ol' crate full of the apples that you were raised with.
By all means, epel should've been long sick of eating apples. Having them almost everyday for majority of his life, dried and dehydrated in the winter, and fresh and juicy in the spring and summer.
But no, no epel felmeir loves those apples. Every single one he ate seemed to effortlessly send him back to the simpler times of his childhood. Where he would send hours upon hours avoiding his siblings and playing games with his cousins in the orchards and taking naps in the sun while he waited for his meemaws infamous apple pies to finish baking. And meemaw would almost always let him have the first slice! Of the ones she wasn't going to sell at least.
He really missed her...
He'd have to ask her to bake him another one this winter.
But just getting to read the letter she had wrote, along with his parents and one of the towns kids that always followed him around like a lost baby duck, put a smile on his face.
Yeah. He'd get to see them soon, and once he graduates, he can get them more money, and be strong enough to protect them if it ever came to that.
Unfortunately, as great as his parents apples were, they couldn't fight the natural forces of time.
Dear sevens- they'd sent him nearly three dozen apples! All high quality too... it shouldn't effect sales too much. The orchards were big, and his parents would rather give up that expensive family heir loom necklace that his mother always wore than start selling spoiled apples.
But still, epel couldn't possibly eat thirty-six apples before they all started to rot. Plus, he didn't know how long they took to ship to the isle of sages, so that cut the time frame even shorter.
.....Does Jack like apples?
Should he even be considering giving Jack an apple to begin with? Their relationship was pretty vague. We're they actually friends or just study buddies?
Study buddies can give eachother gifts too right? And plus, it's food, not a 24 carrot gold ring or something crazy like that.
It should be fine. Maybe he'll give one to ace too. They were friends. Surely.
Ace trappola would say he was a good friend. I mean, he wasn't the best by any means, but he was decent.
Yeah, he could be kind of a dick. But who isn't at this point, honestly, even deuce, even cater had their moments.
But he was still someone the people in his life could go to for things, usually physically, tangible this like food or an extra ball or something, but he wasn't completely useless when it came to emotions either.
You could come to him if something was bothering you. He probably won't help you actually fix it but he can at least make you laugh.
So why didn't you want to laugh?
You had taken your mask off a few weeks ago. And like a bucket of ice cold water had been dumped on him he realized it was the first time he ever saw you eat any food here at all.
Were you eating at all before then? What about water?
Thank the seven you were only here for around a week. But surely, you were dehydrated.
(You were definitely dehydrated. Deuce gave you a water bottle and you chugged it like it was your only chance at life. Which, to be fair, it probably was your only chance at life.)
Ace didn't know what your life was like before.
Ace didn't want to know either.
He didn't do well with heavy topics, always changing the subject when one came up unless he was personally involved in some way.
Other people life didn't concern him, and that was something he lived by.
...but still.
This was going a bit too far, don't you think?
Ace shot a look to deuce, clear concern instead of the regular teasing, which caught his roomates attention faster than he thought it would.
Ok. So deuce had noticed too.
Just goes to show how obvious it was that something is very wrong here.
Now, because ace had never asked, and he probably never will, he didn't know what your relationship with food was like before you came here. But. It couldn't have been this right?
A person couldn't only survive on some bread and room temperature water, right?
You sat across from him at your guy's unofficial table in the cafeteria, drinking the water at a moderate pace, as you didn't want to deal with another scolding from a certain housewarden, doing your best to keep a careful eye on grim as he went to go get his food from the lunch line.
And thank the seven for that, really. If grim turned back and saw that you weren't watching him for even a second, who knows that kind of ruckus would result?
But all that aside, you were still scarily underweight. Seriously perfect, how were you even alive?
Ace looked at deuce again. Deuce looked back.
He sighed.
Ace never, ever thought he would do something like this.
But for sevens sake, you were one of his best friends. And Ace will be damned if he just let you do this to yourself.
So with a deep breathe, he looked at you, and then turned back to what he was pretty sure was an ex-gang member, and nodded.
And for once, deuce understood.
They had to do something.
You reminded Deuce Spade of that stray cat that his mother would always feed when he was a child.
Underweight, scared, scarred, and confused.
Always having an air if caution and paranoia, ready to react, as if anything could just jump out and grab you at any time.
But you weren't a cat, were you?
No. You were a person. Someone his age, maybe younger, that had obviously seen horrors he couldn't even understand. Which just made this whole situation even sadder.
Because if you lived like this, then what the hell was stopping him? What about his mother? What was stopping her from having the same fate?
Duece ignored the memories of his mother giving him food and taking none for herself, saying she wasn't hungry.
But he couldn't quite ignore them, nor could he ignore the pit in his stomach whenever he looked at you.
...Listen perfect, he doesn't know what you went through to be like this, but he knows damn well this isn't normal.
It can't be normal. Hiding this much food underneath your floorboards couldn't ever be normal.
The two of you were just hanging out in your room in Ramshakle. Grim was in the lounge, he was sure, and you had stared off into space before asking the date.
When he told you, you had a look of slight panic as you ripped the rug off from its place on the floor, and started pulling apart the boards.
And what for?
The reveal of a large stash of food, mostly non-perishables, but a few snacks here and there too.
Snacks that were about to expire, apparently.
You turned to look back at him, a sheepish look on your face, and what looked like a bag if chips in your hand.
Deuce didn't know what face he was making.
He just knew it wasn't one he'd want you to see
If someone were to ask Jack howl if he was your friend. He wouldn't know to to say.
I mean yeah, you helped save his entire dorms ass way back when, yeah, you and him absolutely went throught it during azuls little "episode", and yeah, the two of you had plenty of mutual friends.
But we're the two of you friends?
Jack wasn't sure.
Because by all accounts, you should be.
It didn't change the fact that you weren't. Not really. Not by his definition and not by yours.
So what were you?
Well, you weren't friends. That was already established. And you were too close to be acquaintances (he didn't think acquaintance fell asleep on each other in the botanical gardens, only to wake up five minutes till curfew and just haul ass back to their respective dorms with smiles on their faces), so...what did that leave?
Well... I guess it left this.
"Eat it"
Jack didn't know you that well. But that didn't mean he couldn't see..this happening. And it definitely didn't mean he didn't care.
So here he was. Holding a pastrami sandwich about an inch away from your face, silently begging you to just shut up and eat it.
Come on perfect, he bought this with his own money. Just humor him, please.
You eyed the sandwich like it was the most untrustworthy thing you'd ever seen. Jack's not going to lie, it kind of hurt.
But it wouldn't matter if you ate it, so he sucked it up.
...at least he would if you'd actually take the fucking sandwich.
Seriously, it was starting to tick him off.
Jack briefly considered just varying off and giving the sandwich to ruggie or something, or just eating it himself. He wasn't the biggest fan of pastrami but who knows, maybe the school made it better.
Honestly, he probably would have done just that if the image if you leaning against the wall looking ready to pass out from, what he knew, was malnutrition.
The event itself actually happened around two weeks ago, give or take. Jack thinks the only real reason he remembers it so well is because, well, it was the moment.
The defining moment, the moment where it just clicked that something was very wrong here.
He already knew that of course, I mean, look at you.
But as it turns out, watching someone actively starve to death in front of you will keep you up at night.
His mind turned to ruggie for a split second, before forcibly shoving that thought down where all the other thoughts he didn't want to think about were.
Like that time when he was a kid with a crush on Vil....yeah, Jack's happy he got o er that one to say the least. Nothing against Vil, he's a great friend and all (they were friends right?), but them in a relationship? Yeah. No. Not happening. No thankyou.
Jack mentally slapped hi.self and proceeded to shove his weird thoughts down yet again and refocus on getting his not-quite-friend to eat.
You were leaning back a lot farther than you were a second ago, if you did that anymore you'd probably just end up on the ground.
...jack sighed. This was going to take a while wasn't it?
By the end of the lunch period, you had come to a compromise, jack you slip the sandwich with you and take the other half for himself.
You ended up splitting your half with grim, who reluctantly took it. You had actually eaten yours too!...after you took the while thing apart and inspected and obsessed over it like how he'd seen Rook do to his housewardens that one time!
But still, it was something.
It was a start. And that's really all he could ask for at this point.
Sebek didn't notice anything about you at first. And he didn't particularly care much either. He was a guard for sevens sake! He had a deep responsibility!
He had a crown prince, that he oh so admired, to protect! Not to mention silver, who he had to wake up at every given turn, and not to mention Lilia, who had recently been going harder on their training sessions.
So to waste his time with a human? With a weak little human that didn't even come close to his current list if priorities?
That's time he simply did not have!
...So why was he here?
He was supposed to be looking for his charge. His charge, who always seemed to wind up around the old, abandoned Ramshakle building and just dissappear in the nick of time.
It had been happening more and more lately, especially since that new perfect moved in.
He would be lying if he said he cared too much about him. Again, he didn't have time to be curious about some strange human boy with some strange past.
But still, he couldn't quite contain the way he jumped back when he'd first seen them.
Whoever he was, he looked so...sick.
...he didn't have time for this.
Turning back on his heel, he refocused his mind on finding his lord again, and quickl- wait- silver. Oh great sevens. Silver wake up!
Ok. Sebek really didn't have time for this.
...and yet.
Here he was, standing next to you, arms out ready to catch you at a moments notice if you really were going to collapse like he thought you were.
He hadn't been this close to you before.
And now he could see that you weren't just sick.
Great seven, you looked like you were dying...
Sebek zigbolt had always known humans were weak, fragile creatures. Never able to even light a candle next to faeries. Never able to light a candle next to him, and certainly not his young master.
But this was just pushing it.
Sebek was stronger than his human counterparts. He would long outlive them. He thought of silver for the shortest second and then quickly pushed that thought to the side. This was not the time. Buteven with those facts, sebek still knew that humans weren't made of fine glass. Even if the people in his homeland liked to act like it, Sebek still knew that humanity wasn't completely hopeless.
One strong gust of wind wouldn't knock them over.
One missed meal wasn't enough to do detrimental damage to their health.
Pulling one all nighter would barely put a dent in their day to day lives, aside from the obvious fatigue and.
But with you?
With you? Alwats looking like you could kneel over and die then and there on the classroom floor?
Sebek want so sure anymore.
Epel had eaten more apples than any normal person should ever be able to eat.
Sevens help him, his stomach.
Despite the waves of pain that shit through him every now and then, epel wasn't mad.
Yeah, maybe eating a whole eight apples in the span of two hours wasn't his smartest idea, but the sweet nostalgia that seemed to wash over him and warm his very soul? Yeah no, it was worth it.
So no. Epel felmeir wasn't mad.
And laying in a bed that was much too soft for his taste, a direct contrast from the slightly itchy blankets and the hard mattresses back home, epel glance over to the almost empty crate of apples that were sitting just under his work desk.
...As much as Epel wanted to eat them, he wanted to do this even more.
Epel sat up, ignoring his stomach pain the best he could, and began a mental list of all the people he knew. And then a silent debate over who deserved his families apples in the first place.
Ok. First up Ace.
Epel would say they were friends. Not close friends by any means, but friends nonetheless.
Epel could give him one.
Next was Jack.
...In all honesty, epel didn't know. We're they friends, or just simply homework buddies that occasionally hung out?
...he could spare one for Jack, maybe they'd be friends then if they weren't already.
Yes. Just- just yes. That day on the beach had changed their relationship forever. Duece was like a brother to him at this point.
He was goddamn getting an apple.
Epel chuckled a little at the realization that he was treating this like one of those elimination gameshows his meemaw liked.
Ok...he had two apples left after that.
Sebek wasn't really his friend was he? He certainly didn't make it seem like he was. If anything, Sebek was trying his damnedest to make them all belive the exact opposite, really.
....maybe he should just give the apple to Rook.
Or Vil.
Ok. He has one apple left.
The two of you weren't really friends. But you were friendly. If nothing else, you had been nothing but kind to him so far.
And plus, you looked uh. Half dead. To put it nicely.
And so, with a smile on his face, epel took out the crate of apples and began placing them on a bag that would make them easier to carry around tomorrow.
He couldn't wait.
It's funny how your whole life can change in a single moment, especially when you don't even know what that moment was.
Why were you here? Where is here anyway? Surely, magic didn't exist right?
The air wasn't always this clean right?
Water wasn't readily available at the turn of a handle right?
People didnt...people werent...weren't....
Heh. Heheha.
Why were you here?
Why were you here?
Why you and not one of the kids? What the hell have you ever done but use up medical supplies in a fruitless effort to keep you alive.
Why was this world so...pretty. happy. Clean.
Why this world and not your own? What had this world ever done to deserve this luxury of life.
...What had yours?
What had you?
Out of all the base commanders, the medics, the farmers, or children, or any of the other apprentice kids that you sometimes had to work with.
You were here. And they were still trapped inside of that hell.
...You didn't deserve this.
You died. You were on that beach and you died.
You woke up in a coffin, but something told you this wasn't the afterlife.
That something being the blood that you coughed up the other day.
It wasn't from internal bleeding, you k ew that much. Rather, it was from you coughing so hard that something in your throat had ripped.
It really didn't matter. You had spent nearly half an hour in a panic, choking and trying to unclog your airways, while grim and the ghosts you had come to somewhat love, stood behind you, offering what little comfort they could.
It wasn't the first time this happened after all.
You were still bedridden for a good two days after that. Thank God for the weekend.
Time passed in a blur while you were like that. It always did, mostly because you were asleep ninety percent of the time. The other twn being dedicated to medicine and a vain attempt to get food you knew you couldn't stomach to stay down.
So no. This wasn't the afterlife.
It was just a beautiful second chance that you didn't deserve.
It was so confusing.
And this was so confusing.
What..is this weird red thing being handed to you?
Epel looked at you with a hopeful expression on his face. It reminded you of the little girl you used to look after...
You take the..thing.
Glancing over to your right, you watch Ace take a large bite out of it with a smile on his face.
Ok. So not poisonous. Good to know.
You saw Duece do the same thing.
You felt Jack staring at you, but you didn't dare look at him.
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Berries and Crème
⇰ Summary: You find that not all is well in the land of Strawberryland, where there are seven men with colorful hair that have never laid eyes upon a woman before meeting you.
Tumblr media
⇰ Words: 12k
⇰ Genre: Smut & Angst (Crackfic)
⇰ Pairing: BTS x fem!Reader (all members)
⇰ Warnings: Strawberry Shortcake AU, Cunnilingus, Fellatio, Dubious Consent, Implied war, Mentions of PTSD, Voyeurism, Breeding kink, creampie, Jungkook centric, the boys are clueless and don't know what sex is until you ruin their innocence, fucking of pumpkins-food play-ish?, lots of fruit puns/references to sweet things because of the theme, comparing pussy to pumpkinussy(?), plot if you squint. A/N: I DID IT I POSTED YAYYYY! But also please enjoy, I am really tired but I felt bad so here is something I have had in drafts for a while....a fucked up strawberry shortcake au where reader isn't in a good situation-HAVE FUN! Low key kidnapping but whatever. I think I was PMSing when I wrote this. Or it was when I was in a poly relationship with two guys and got carried away.
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊
You remembered traveling. You were in a car, a really nice car…and you were…yes, you were being kidnapped by your uncle. He said something about some money, some money your father wouldn’t give him. And then the car crashed.
When you came to, he was passed out and you were stranded under a tree.
Suddenly, a puppy with purple fur ran out. You were disoriented and had no clue what the time was but it was strange how the purple puppy that looked to be a toy poodle was running around you, barking as you looked around for anything that could help. Your uncle was unconscious and bleeding out right now so the only thing you could think of was to run away from him. 
There was no telling what the man would do, especially now since you were injured. Sure, he was bleeding, but would that really stop him? He could still very well overpower you. You put your hand up to the dog, as if you were trying to silence it, pressing a finger against your lips and gently whispering: “Shhh, be quiet, you’ll wake him.” You noticed the puppy whining and barking as if it was trying to get someone’s attention.
Suddenly, you heard rustling coming from some bushes nearby, and noticed how big they were. The structure of this area was strange, apart from a few trees scattered around and a mysterious looking log cabin, there was a small fraction of the land that was surrounded by a row of bushes. It almost looked like it was covering something.
Then, a man just appeared, from the bushes. As if there was something hidden there, he just walked out, and you saw how he stepped THROUGH them. So they were fake. He had to be a magician or a wizard of some sort, as the world seemed to warp around him and you sensed something magical about him.
He had doe eyes, and a button nose which was wider all throughout. He was very handsome and appeared to be asian. You weren’t one to guess, but if you had to, you’d say he’s korean. His purple hair wasn’t the strangest thing about him-his outfit was. He was wearing a matching dark purple tracksuit and a light cyan blue and white shirt. His hair was put into a neat ponytail and….his eyes were a deep rich violet. He was probably wearing a cosplayer. 
“Ist def douclf dtep?” That didn’t sound like any language you knew as he opened his mouth to speak. The puppy barked and ran around you, as you looked up, hot from the heat and dehydrated from the past hour of being stuck here.
“Please, help me.” You reached out to the man, in hopes of him reaching back to you before you fainted.
When you came to, you were in a bed, surrounded by two other men, who were peering at you with curiosity. A third man walked in, and as your blurry vision cleared, you could see it was the guy that helped you earlier with the tracksuit. The two other mystery men had strange hair colors and outfits too. One had maroon and pink hair fading into a lighter shade, and he was wearing a really long pink shirt with green and white tights (a man in tights? REALLY?) and lilac contacts in his eyes, while the other had a more normal appearance with blonde hair and blue eyes, but wore a lemon themed outfit, with a goofy lemon printed button up shirt and a plain white tee underneath with some shorts and a pair of white and yellow tights and yellow tennis shoes as well. What was it with the men in this place and their fucking tights?
“Ah, she’s awake?!” The purple haired man ran to you at once. You blushed a bit because it was so nerve wracking to see a good looking guy be attentive towards you. “Move away guys, give her some space.” He said to the other men.
“I can understand you.” You said while sitting up.
“Yeah. That’s because I brought you into Strawberryland. Normally we don’t let other humans cross in, in case they try destroying the town. God forbids that happens again…” He said with a slight dark twinge to his voice. 
“Strawberryland?” You raised a brow and sat up. “What’s that?” You prayed they wouldn’t break into song and dance. 
“It’s the name of this world. You see, long ago, the Berrymunchkins and Berrybugs needed a place to live, so a great wizard from the human world created a safe haven for all the creatures to live, hiding them away from all harm-along with a couple human beings to boot. It was meant to balance out. 15 people, and 9 of the creatures. However, the creatures felt wronged, tired of being used for labor as they had been previously in the human world. So, they retaliated. Slaughtered half of us. You see, we had siblings. There were two of us in each house, and we were happy! My sister…” He clenched his fist. “I’ll never forget what they did to Plum,” He gritted his teeth. You could tell he was going through something at the moment. Definitely looked like PTSD. “Sorry. You probably didn’t need to hear that. But it’s the current state of things. Sorry I couldn’t do more for you than offer a heatpack for your stomach and a hot towel for your forehead. We are pretty much out of medical supplies because the bug workers at the local hospital went on strike.”
You sit up slowly, wincing from the sudden pain.
“What kind of a city is this? Berrymunchkins and bugs, the color….I don’t understand how it’s so…wait, are we in a giant plum right now?” You looked around the house and noticed the shape of it. It was decorated purple, everywhere, and the windows looked candy-stripe themed as well, with green and white peppermints serving as the panes for the glass.
“Yes. Well, that is the magic of strawberryland. We weren’t born here but it gave us these physical changes. Pretty sweet if I say so myself.” The one with the blonde hair spoke up, chuckling in between.
“Wow. And this place was hidden right where the car crash happened? Wow, I guess I got lucky.” You said, sighing in relief.
“Car…crash?” The man who helped you originally asked. “Is that the name of the vehicle that brought you here? My pet, Lavendar, found you and got my attention. I almost never venture out but then when I saw you I had to help. Plus, she’s a good dog. She normally never barks like that,” He said. “Might I add…” He scans your body. “You are unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.” He said.
“Can I ask you how long you’ve been in this place?” You piped up. You had to know.
“Uh…I think a hundred and ten human years, at least?” Your eyes widened. “Time doesn’t pass for us, just barely. We don’t remember the world before this one. We don’t remember why our physical appearances changed or how, all we know is that we’re here now,” He added with a smile. “Together.” He looked back at his friends and gave them a small smile.
“Okay, so to recap: this place has powers and…you don’t have your memory from before you were here and there was a war and your siblings died, and now I’m the first human to cross the magical threshold in a century?!” 
“Yep, that sounds about right.” He replied, nodding. 
“I’ve gotta be dreaming. Wake up!” You yelled. Nothing happened. The men just stared at you like you grew a third arm.
“Ugh, why isn’t it working?” He sat down on the bed, next to you as you slapped your face.
“Please stop doing that, you’ll give yourself a concussion at this rate.” He said with a softer tone. You felt oddly compelled to listen to everything he said without protest. Technically, he did save you. You blushed as he grabbed your arms to keep you from smacking your forehead a fifth time.
“I uh…thanks for saving me,” You sighed. “Actually, I was in danger before you found me anyways…” You weren’t sure if you wanted to share.
“It’s okay. You sound shaken up. Makes sense, you were trapped there for a long time. Look at your skin, you’ve been sweating so much, and your body is barely sitting up straight. We need to get you some food and proper care immediately.” He said, making your heart skip a beat yet again.
Your stomach grumbled just as he said that. Damn you!
“Uh…sir?” You asked hesitantly.
“Yes?” He parted his lips and looked at you with so much focus you thought you would explode.
“What’s your name?” 
“Jungkook.” He smiled at you.
“I’m Y/N.” You smiled back at him.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” He kissed your hand. He let his lips linger there for a moment and looked back at the other men before looking back at you. “I’ll let my friends here introduce themselves to you. I gotta take Lavender on a walk.” He said, before leaving through the front door.
“I’m Seokjin. ‘Jin,’ for short.” The blonde said, standing tall.
“And I’m Jimin. Also go as ‘Jimmy,’ or ‘Chim.’ But only my friends call me that really.” The pink haired one scratched his head.
“Okay, I have a weird question for you guys but…promise not to judge?” You asked, blushing a bit as you tried not to stare at the outlines of their bulges.
“What is it?” Jin asked curiously.
“Why are you wearing tights?” 
It was as if you asked ‘how do you breathe?’ to them, as they started roaring with laughter.
“Honey, I don't know what to tell you. We’ve always worn tights. Why do you ask?” Jin asked, completely oblivious to the fact that even though he was wearing shorts the tights did press down on his dick.
You look at Jimin, who was wearing the shirt and suddenly noticed it was JUST the shirt. You licked your lips. That was very interesting to know that you were seeing everything below the shirt, even though he was wearing tights.
“You’re not wearing pants.” You said.
“Of course I’m not! I never wear pants.” He folded his arms. 
“He’s protesting them because the rest of us tease him about his habit about walking around naked in his house.” Jin shared with you.
“I get it. So you all live alone?” You asked, changing the subject. That’s enough ogling Jimin’s obvious bulge for now. At least you had confirmation he was pantsless.
“Yeah. We do.” Jin says. “There’s seven of us, at the moment.” 
“Oh?” You perked up. There were more? If the trend follows they were all gorgeous men.
“Might I add, Jungkook was right,” He slowly let his fingers trail down your chin. “You are quite interesting to look at. We’ve never seen anyone with your eye or hair color around, and that skin tone.” He was vague, but that was okay, as you knew you were exhausted and didn’t look your best.
“Sorry…I think I need a shower.” You felt rude, but Jimin walked you out of the bed towards it. The shower and bathroom was pretty similar to home so you were thankful. After you were done you changed back into your bloody clothes, which caused both Jin and Jimin to freak out.
“Here, take my shirt!” Jin said, throwing off his button down.
“You can take my tights,” Jimin said, and before you could stop him…penis.
You were staring. It was just..out in the open. And Jin wasn’t even batting an eye! Did these men have no concept of shame? You blushed. He wasn’t even wearing underwear.
“What?” Jimin looked at you. “Did I say something?” Jin shrugged as you simply ogled Jimin.
“S-sorry. Uh…in my world it is customary for men and women to not show their genitalia to each other unless they are practicing sexual relations with each other.” You explained.
“Sexual…” Jimin started.
“Relations…?” Jin finished.
“What’s that?” They both had no clue what the fuck sex was. Your mind went to a very bad place. You decided, the opportunity doesn’t present itself often, you needed to get your mind off the fact that a few hours ago your uncle kidnapped you, and Jungkook had gotten you horny beyond belief. Not to mention, these two seemed more than intrigued by you anyways.
“You want me to show you?” You raised a brow.
“Show us how?” Jimin asked, his cock swinging back and forth as he spoke.
“You know the thing you use to pee with?” You asked.
“Yeah,” Jimin smiled. “My penis.” He said.
“Correct. Did you know you could also put it in something and make it feel good?” You said, smirking.
“Like what?” He asked.
“Anything, different textures. Obviously you’re both novices so I’ll just give you something easy to start with,” You looked around and noticed two pumpkins sitting on the counter, with all the seeds scooped out of them. “Oh, I know…guys, is Jungkook using those pumpkins?” You ask.
“No, he was planning to throw them out soon cause they go bad in a few days.” Jin says.
“Okay great. So I want you guys right now to take the pumpkins,” You say, smirking as you had a great idea to ‘teach’ them, without fully corrupting them just yet. They listen to your instructions. “Pull down your tights and take out your penises,” You tell them. They do that. “Now, slowly move your penis into the hole Jungkook cut out, it should be big enough,” You observe them slowly, smirking as they started, eyebrows furrowed like they were learning a new skill. “Every time you move your hips back and forth, it’s called fucking,” You say. “Congrats on learning how to have sex. Basically, you just masturbated, or ‘self-pleasured.’” You tell them, clapping.
“Fucking. Mmm…Y/N, this feels really good.” Jimin groaned. His moans just got you riled up.
“I feel like I might explode, from the inside…” Jin said, his white shirt patched with sweat, and you could see his nipples were erect through the shirt.
“Let it happen, it feels like you’re about to pee? That’s called an orgasm.” You said.
“Orgasm,” Jimin repeated. “O-orgasm….Y/N, I’m about to orgasm!” He said, as if he had just learned a new vocab word.
“Come for me Jimin, baby…come for me.” You whispered against his ear, sucking the shell of it as he continued fucking into the pumpkin, the sound of his cock hitting the back of it could be heard. The slosh of Jimin’s and Seokjin’s cocks moving in and out of their respective pumpkins were all you could hear at the moment.
“Ahhhh nnnnnggg…” Jimin moaned, filling the pumpkin with his semen at the same time as Jin, who came and groaned, looking at you ecstatically.
“That was great!” Jin smiled. “I wanna do that all the time!” He told you.
“Well that’s the thing about sex, it’s good. It feels good, or is supposed to feel good.” You explained. “I haven’t had sex in a few months.” You sigh.
“Do you wanna try?” Jin handed his cum-filled pumpkin to you in hopes of trying to cheer you up. 
“Sorry, Jin,” You pushed the pumpkin back to him, crinkling your nose a bit. The smell of cum wasn’t bad, it was just the idea of having cold cum on your hands. “Women have a different anatomy than men. I might as well teach you guys the second lesson.” You explain.
“Hm?” Jimin asked.
You slowly pull off the tights Jimin lent you. The men crouch down, so they can take a look. They were staring at your panties.
“You’ve never seen underwear before?” You asked.
“No.” Jin said, staring intently between your legs.
“Us women have a different body structure than yours. We don’t have penises to fuck pumpkins with…” You said, chuckling slightly at the end of your sentence. “…instead we have wombs and holes that are meant to be fucked…” You slowly pulled off your panties to show them, blushing pink as they stared at your exposed clit.
“Oh…” Jin looked at it, with a mouth-watering expression.
“Wow…it’s so pretty.” Jimin said, complimenting you.
“C-can I touch it?” Jin asked. You knew this was already a pretty slippery slope but he was the one asking.
“Yeah, sure, if you want.” You whispered. Jin slowly squeezed on your clit, and circled his fingers around slowly.
“Does that feel good, Y/N?” He asked, staring directly at you. “It smells so yummy,” He whispers. “Can I eat it?” Oh god.
Oh god. Oh god. Oh god.
“H-huh?!” Jimin looks at Jin with a blush too. “No fair-I wanna eat it!” Jimin said.
“O-or…” You piped up. You should probably stop talking. “You could both share it.” You said, slowly taking their hands and placing one on either side of your inner thighs while you sat on the bed.
“Okay…” Jimin nodded.
“Yeah, I don’t mind.” Jin said in agreement. They both slowly slid their tongues up your clit as you moaned. It had been too long since you had a guy or two go down on you. 
“Sorry, does it hurt?” Jimin was confused but he had the right idea as you groaned.
“Mm, no, it feels good.” You admit. You sigh, before Jin slowly trailed his tongue down to your sweet spot. You gasped.
“Ah, watch it…that’s the hole…” You tried to explain. “Like the pumpkin?” He didn’t say it like he was clarifying, it was almost like he caught on what you were trying to do. One thing you knew for sure was that these guys learned fast…perhaps their intellect was also enhanced in this colorful twisted Strawberryland. “I understand…so you want us to stuff your wet fleshy hole in the same way?” He said, now using a bit of his saliva to part your inner lips, spreading it apart to get better access to you. You let out a ghastly moan as your juices mixed with his, and as Jimin kept sucking your clit all while this was happening all you could do was moan out, your eyes squeezed shut.
“That makes her feel good, huh?” Jimin’s voice was raspy now, as he panted, staring at your body almost like he was taking you in before destroying you.
“Let’s do the fucking,” Jin said, toying with your clit and using another finger on your exposed opening as your body sucked him in with ease. Your weeping cunt was forced to take his fingers, as he realized he could fuck you with two instead of one. “She’s like a keyboard, Jimin, we play her with our fingers and she makes wonderful music with her lips.” Jin said so innocently yet with his erotic expression and the raging boner he was rocking you begged to differ. 
“Maybe she’ll like it here…she’s also a little sour.” Jimin asked, as he moved his hands further up your body to try and find your other weak spots. Then he stopped at your breasts, squeezing them through your bra and shirt. Jimin lifted your shirt off your body before you could protest. 
“W-wait…” You whispered, but Jin was already too busy licking your sopping clit and thrusting his digits in and out of your hole while Jimin was focused on the new part of you he had just discovered.
“So that’s what you look like underneath…” Jimin said with a light glimmer in his eyes. “I wanna fucking you.” You suppressed a giggle at his flimsy attempt at using the word but soon enough it turned into a moan as he pinched your nipples, hard.
“Ah!” You screamed.
“What’s the matter? Don’t you want me to help you orgasm?” Jimin asked, with a small pout on his lips.
“Y-yes, but…it hurts when you squeeze me like that. Don’t be too rough, okay?” You told him gently.
“Sorry.” He leaned in and kissed you softly at first, while you thrust your hips back and forth reflexively on Jin’s fingers. Jimin’s lips were plump and juicy as his ass looked earlier in those tights, and you could taste a faint hint of raspberries on them…he tasted like a sweet treat! He kneaded your breasts with his hands, circling them around as you came on Jin’s hands and face.
“Cumming!” You moaned, as you came to a climax. Your body was still aching for more though, as Jin licked up your juices and trailed kisses down to your clit again before stringing beads of your cum back up with his nose. The sight in itself was marvelous. “Please give me your cocks,” You begged. “I need it.” You whispered, with a shell of a moan.
Just as Jin was about to speak and Jimin was playing with your breasts some more, you heard the front door open and a few moments later, footsteps. You stopped your activities when the door swung open and in came Jungkook, who looked confused.
“W-what’s happening?” He asked, noticing how you were naked, sprawled on the bed between Jimin and Jin in a compromising situation.
“Um, nothing!” You quickly hid behind the sheets, as Jimin tried to continue grabbing you. “Jimin, stop!”
“Why are you suddenly so shy? You were begging for our penises just moments ago.” He said with a seductive inflection in his voice.
“That’s because-it’s private! You normally don’t do that with just anyone. I was just showing you and Jin because you asked.” You explained, blushing as Jungkook simply tilted his head in confusion. You saw his eyes filled with curiosity and innocence too, but alas, you couldn’t corrupt him too!
“Ah, no fair. Can’t we just show Jungkook too? I mean, you can’t blame us. You’re the first human woman to show up here that knows about this. We have never even heard of “sex” before you showed us!” Jimin said excitedly.
“You do have a point there…” You said. “Jungkook, would you like to see my pussy?” You asked, covering yourself still with the thin blankets.
“Pussy?” Jungkook’s face turned a faint pink. “O-oh, you mean like…” 
“Wait, could it be that you know about it, Jungkook?” Jin asked, slinging his arm around the man as he scratched his head.
“I learned it from Doctor Genus, the berrymuchkin prodigy,” Jungkook explained. “Remember, I was trying to learn to become a Doctor because of the shortage in hospitals?” Jungkook explained. He looked at you, with widened eyes. “I’ve never seen one of our own species before…I do wonder what it looks like.” He said.
“So you wanna see it?” You asked. Jin and Jimin licked their lips, as Jungkook replied.
At once, Jimin and Jin pulled the covers off you to reveal your naked body to Jungkook.
“Wow…it’s so…pretty,” Jungkook slowly crouched down to inspect it. “Definitely not like a bug,” You felt like his reaction so far has made sense in terms of what you’re used to for men your age (which still in their mid-twenties is still pretty shit considering a lot of them lie about their experience). “May I…inspect it?” You gulped. He was being so respectful. You nodded slightly, spreading your legs so Jungkook could get a better look. “This is great. A real pussy!” He sounded more excited. 
“Yeah. And guess what Jungkook?” Jin said.
“What?” You were a bit afraid of what the two were about to say to him, as you knew if they started they would get hooked on your pussy.
“She gave me and Jimin permission to fucking her.” Of course, the one time he used it grammatically correctly was of course when he was describing it to the one man which probably had a better grasp of sex than the others. You clenched your jaw. What if Jungkook thought you were a whore?
“Fucking?” Jungkook’s lips parted and he let out a sigh, his hands on his hips. “What’s that?” 
You gasped as Jimin, who was fully naked waist down since he gave his tights to you, and Jin, who was still sporting his hard on were right next to you.
“We can show you,” Jimin smirked. “Y/N, do you want us to fucking you?” You smiled at Jimin. He was still learning.
“First; it’s called fuck. You ask if you want to fuck someone. Fucking is the action of doing that. There. And yes, I would love to, but you will have to be more gentle with me than the pumpkin because my body could get more hurt. Remember I was in an accident earlier.” You explained. Jimin nodded, looking more serious. You guessed he got the hint that you were telling him this so he could have better guidance.
“It’s okay. When we’re busy using our fingers on you like you’re our keyboard, you won’t even notice if we’re being a little too rough.” Jin said, grabbing your face so he could kiss you. You groaned as he forced his tongue into your mouth.
“Mmmm…!” You groaned. He tasted like lemons, smelled like them too, but it was more of a citrus smell than just lemons. It smelled like a variety of fruity perfume from Zara. He tasted delectable.
“Get a chair, Jungkook,” Jimin said, as he stroked his pretty pink tip. You moaned, seeing his dick in front of your face as you sat up in the bed and Jin started removing his remaining clothes. “I’m putting it inside, Y/N.” Jimin warned you, as you nodded and he pushed his hips forward. You moaned like a little bitch in heat. You could hear Lavendar barking downstairs.
“Give me a second, Lavender normally never barks. Let me go see what she wants.” Jungkook said, before departing the room.
“It’s okay, he can watch when he gets back. Do you mind still doing it?” You were surprised how Jimin went from being a totally horny boy to asking for your consent before continuing. It was a nice change of pace, but that just told you more about his character than anything.
“Yeah…be careful. Short strokes. Your dick isn’t humongous but it is on the larger side so it may be difficult for you to put it in.” You explained, while Jin watched as Jimin was being careful with your body.
“Okay.” Jimin slowly slid his cock into you with ease, as you were already wet enough. He started thrusting sloppily, unable to do it at an expert level but still reaching your deepest spots with every thrust as he fucked you best he could as a novice.
“Oooooohhh…Jimin!” You groaned. 
“MMmmm…it’s so warm, and gripping me so hard.” He sounded desperate to climax as he held your thighs while you rolled your body back and forth while he thrusted up. Your skin smacked together in a way where the wet noises resounded through the room. Jimin’s pinkish cock was inside of you, and you were even more aroused when you heard voices downstairs and then  the door slammed shut before Jungkook ran back up to join you.
“Sorry that took so long. Namjoon was making his last runs. Just got a fresh batch of oranges!” Jungkook said to Jin as he joined you back upstairs.
“D-don’t worry…y-you didn’t m-miss…much…” Jimin moaned as he was now fucking you in missionary position, now on top of you as opposed to you riding him. You groaned with every thrust and your eyes rolled back as you felt close. “Mmm, gonna….orgasm…” Jimin moaned, kissing your neck as you groaned and rubbing his face in your breasts before thrusting fully and sending you to your own personal creampie heaven as he came. 
You loved creampies, of all shapes and sizes and varieties. It was your main kink. So the thought of getting gangbanged and potentially creampied was your biggest dream come true. This right now, with Jimin, Jin, and Jungkook, all felt like a dream. You groaned as your body rocked and you chased your high, thrusting your hips upwards in hopes of drawing out the orgasm and using Jimin’s pretty pink cock to get yourself off. You came, just as he pulled out, you actually squirted. 
“I…” You said, too overstimulated to move as he didn’t touch you for a moment. 
“What was that?” Jin asked in confusion.
“Did you pee?” Jimin asked in a teasing tone.
“N-no, I squirted, it rarely happens to girls when they orgasm but it typically contains cum…and just a hint of urine,” You explained sheepishly. “Sorry, let me change the sheets.” You tried standing up but wobbled and fell back down on the bed. Jimin held you tightly, as if he was comforting you.
“Try not to stand too quickly. Besides, Jin here wants to also try out your hole,” Jimin said gently. “Are you sure you can handle that?” You were still slicked with cum and your own jism that you didn’t care.
“Yeah.” Was all you said as Jin slid beside you, while Jimin moved off the bed. It was a queen sized bed so it definitely wasn’t all that spacious for three people. Jimin and Jin were kneeling while they ate you out earlier too so that’s why it worked out. As for now…Jin teased your entrance with his fingers before pushing his cock in with ease. In contrast to Jimin, Jin was a more passionate and aggressive lover, pulling you close to him and making sure you could see his face while he piledrove his dick into you. You gasped and shuddered with every thrust, he was facing you, you could see how his hips met yours, and how his cock couldn’t completely fit in, so he went only halfway. You had to measure later but you wanted to say he was closer to 10 inches?
“Jimin’s right, it is warm and tight…” Jin smirked. “I like pussy.” Jin said with a cheeky tone in his voice.
“Y-you better, it’s meant to be enjoyed.” You said back seductively, moaning into the pillow as he pounded you for all you were worth.
“Jungkook, isn’t she something else?” Jimin said as he sat on a beanbag next to Jungkook.
“Yeah. She’s beautiful. And this is…sex?” Jungkook looked like he was making mental note of it as he watched Jin’s cock slide into your hole once more.
“Yep, and she’s a fantastic teacher.” Jimin said with a grin.
“I wanna have sex…” Jungkook looked at you with lust.
“Mmmhmm, me too, Jungkook.” Jimin smirked, looking back at you. “Here, let me show you how to masterbate…” Jimin slowly tugged his own cock, looking back at you and Jin on the bed as if he was watching an early morning special. Jungkook followed suit, removing his joggers to reveal his throbbing tanned dick, which was at least 8 inches. It was a bit bigger than Jimin’s, which already was pretty big to begin with. Do all the men here have big penises? You wondered. You watched Jungkook and Jimin stroking themselves, moaning as Jin continued fucking you before blowing his load. You gasped and your pussy clamped down on his cock, sucking him in before the white volcano splashed and the suction loosened, letting him go with a slow squelch. Your body collapsed out of fatigue.
“That’s enough for tonight, guys. She’s exhausted. Let’s let her sleep.” Jungkook ushered the other men out of his house after lending Jimin and Jin some spare tights and then switched off the lights. He bought you some dinner while checking up on you.
“Aw, thank you Jungkook,” You smiled at him. Suddenly your face turned pale. “Uh, did you by chance throw those pumpkins out earlier?” You asked. Jungkook furrowed his brows in confusion before nodding.
“Yeah…why?” He asked.
“Whew, nevermind,” You wiped the sweat off your brow while Jungkook watched you eat for a bit. “Why do you all look at me like that?” You asked, having had enough of the staring for a day.
“Sorry if it’s weird, we have just never seen a woman in so long, especially one that looks like you. And I know I told you of our past, but it’s so much more complicated when…” He fell silent. “I used to have a sister,” He sighed, before leaning back, the dim lighting of the bedroom was enough for you to make out that he was pondering something. “After the damn war, she was lost. So were the others. You’ll get to meet the remaining few tomorrow, the other humans I mean. And maybe Mr. Caterpillar.” Jungkook said with a small smile.
“I hope so,” You smiled back at him. “And I hope they’re just as nice as you guys have been to me so far,” Jungkook smiled a bit, before leaning in. “Y/N, may I taste your lips?” You raised a brow.
“Every one of us has a distinct taste. Jimin tastes like Raspberries, Jin like lemons, and me, like plums. I wonder…since you’re not from around here what you taste like?” You were a little weirded out. How the hell does he know what his friends taste like? Although, honestly earlier while you were kissing them you noted their delicious tastes. You wondered if they all regularly made out or something to know that. “What are you thinking about, I wonder, silly girl?” Jungkook called you silly.
“Hey, I am not-” He leaned in and kissed you. After a second, you kissed back. He was really good at that. You wished all boys would shut you up the same way. After a small amount of time, he kissed your forehead and bid you adieu. You fell back, and it was off to dreamland.
You were awoken to the sound of the door opening, you weren’t expecting him to be back so soon but you supposed he couldn’t hold back after seeing you earlier. He slowly slid into bed beside you, hugging you from behind. You don’t know what you were expecting, but you stayed still. Then…you felt wet hot tears on the back of your neck. Was Jungkook…crying? He was. You heard his sobs muffled by him rubbing his face into your back and his hands.
“Plum…I miss you so much…” He cried softly, and after a while his breathing slowed. You sensed he was asleep, so you turned around to find him passed out like a baby. You slowly wrapped your arms around him and stroked his shoulders as he nestled his head into your neck while he slept. You spooned him as you gradually also followed suit, and drifted back to sleep.
When you awoke Jungkook was still sleeping. He was gorgeous. He looked like any regular ol’ human, minus the purple hair and eyes, but he was. And his skin was pale, but not so pale it washed him out. You watched him sleep for a few more seconds before he shifted and his eyes met yours with a sleepy, “Good morning,” From him.
You smiled and kissed him softly, as he hummed and pulled you on top of him. “You noticed me?” He asked. “Sorry for sneaking into your bed in the middle of the night. I just had lots of memories…” Jungkook yawned. “Anyways, wanna get breakfast?” You gave him a sad sigh, but nodded.
“Sure, watchu got?” You asked him.
“Oranges!” He set them down in front of you after you joined him downstairs. Because you wanted some dignity, you had wrapped one of Jungkook’s shirts around your hips as a makeshift skirt. It was baggy and loose so it sat around your hips nicely after you had tied it best you could.
“Thanks,” You ate the fruits and then saw the puppy. She ran out of her doghouse to greet you. “Hi puppy!” You pet her as she yapped in your face.
“She’s happy to see you alive and well!” Jungkook smiled at you, grinning. “By the way, you taste like…whatever you eat! I tasted the noodles I got for you last night.”
“Yeah, that’s generally how it works for us normal humans.” You explained to Jungkook while playing with Lavender.
“Is that right?” Jungkook finished cutting up some more fruits. “Anyways, I have to get to work soon, but you’re welcome to join me today if you wish. You’re probably sore from Jimin and Jin’s…uh….play session yesterday, right?” You nodded.
“That’s alright. But…I do wanna return the favor to you Jungkook,” You hugged him softly. “You’re just so damn cute..” You whisper, trailing your hands over his tracksuit pants again. 
“Ah-ah….Y/N, what are you doing to me?” You tie your hair back, and get on your knees.
“Jungkook, can I please suck you off?” You asked directly. That was required in this land where the men are hot but their brains don’t have a clue about it.
“Uh….are you sure?” He asked softly. “I-I…don’t wanna pressure you…”
“I’m fine.” You looked up at him for confirmation before he finally gave you a yes. You immediately got to work, all while his dog whined from her doghouse on seeing you fuck her owner with your mouth. You knew sex wasn’t a concept here but you were ready to change that. Damn your overactive sex drive.
You sucked from base to tip, kissing his veiny length as best you could, before licking the surface in full and using your mouth to pleasure him. You had to be careful so your teeth didn’t scrape him but in hindsight, all attempts were successful as within five minutes, he came in your mouth. You guzzled his cum, opening your mouth wide as he released it all, and lapped up the remaining strings of semen off his thighs. His cum tasted sweeter too, just like vanilla or whipped cream. You knew it had to do with this wonderful berry land.
“Yum.” You said with a final huff. He hadn’t said a word apart from moaning every time you sucked him in, but he simply kissed you and wiped excess off your face.
“Thank you.” Jungkook smiled at you, panting slightly.
“My pleasure.” You smirked, washing your mouth before untying your hair again.
Jungkook took you into town. He said he used to help his sister with her dance studio but after a while passed it to his berry best friend, Hoseok. You were to meet him next, and you were nervous as you learned the guy was a professional dancer. You’d always wanted to give it a shot and Jungkook invited you to go to a practice lesson but today you were just visiting the studio. Jungkook still collected rent on the place, and today Hoseok’s rent was due.
When you walked in, you noticed tiny creatures running around and dancing. They looked like children, and you looked at Jungkook with confusion.
“Those are the mini-berrykins. They are produced once every winter when the spores spread from the trees and a new batch of 12 appears.” He explained.
“So they’re like…baby berrykins?” You asked.
“Yeah, I guess you can say that, in a way.” You and Jungkook walked up to the instructor, who was a red haired man, who looked to have a heart shaped smile and a very adorable and cheerful face. He was also very attractive. Your heart skipped a beat as he turned around and greeted you both.
“I hope you’re having a wonderful day, Jungkook Pudding,” He said with a smile. “Oh and who’s this? A new friend?” He peered at you with a curious expression. Upon closer inspection, he had a red themed outfit too, to match the cherry beret he was sporting. You noticed he looked similar to Jungkook with his casual leisurewear, which unlike Jimin and Jin with the tights, he was wearing dark magenta cargo pants and a hot pink and purple polka dotted t-shirt. He still looked hot, even with the outfit. You thought he’d look like a clown but he ended up looking better than you’d expect from a dude in such a fit.
“I’m Y/N.”
“Welcome to the dance studio Y/N. I’m glad you could join me today. I’m Hoseok Jam, I moved to town last so it’s strange seeing another new human being here,” He scratched his neck as you simply smirked at him. He probably had a better idea of what was what. “Especially a girl.” He added with a grin.
“So Y/N here was in a car accident and she was in trouble. So I brought her with me and she’s staying at my house,” Jungkook explained softly. “She’s been teaching me a lot of new things.” He said.
“Really? Like what?” Hoseok asked with a twinkle in his eyes. “Do you dance?” He asked you.
“Well, not really. But…I was teaching Jungkook about sex yesterday.” You explained sheepishly. There was no point in being a prude when no one in town knew any better.
“Sex…?” Hoseok looked clueless.
“She can teach you,” Jungkook looked at you with a soft gaze. “Right, Y/N?” You were already leaning against the barre, as Hoseok and Jungkook walked up behind you.
“Right. I’ll try my best,” You looked at Hoseok. “It helps you dance. It’s sorta like dancing but….dirtier.” You tried explaining.
“Oh? Dirty how?” Hoseok was inquisitive, that’s for sure. “What is it?” He asked with a soothing voice. You felt hypnotized as he pulled you towards him. You were a couple inches away from his face. Jungkook had turned on some music so you could dance.
It took you a moment, as the upbeat pop song urged Hoseok to move more vigorously, and he slowed down, grinding his hips against yours as you smirked and got close and personal with him. He grabbed your ass, smirking cheekily. You had a feeling these men weren’t as clueless as you originally thought, either that or you awakened something within him.
“Mmmm…you mind?” Hoseok asked as he grabbed your thigh.
“What?” You bit your lip, as he trailed his hand down. 
“I wanna make sure if I touch you, that you’re okay. Teach me this new ‘dance’ then?” Oh….he was asking. And Jungkook was watching for now, but slowly stepped over to you, pulling your shirt off your body swiftly.
“Oh she’s more than okay with it…” Jungkook answered for you, slightly rubbing your hardened nipples through your bra. “...See that? It means her body is ready to be fucked.” The tone he used, the way he sounded while he was kneading your breasts, it was as if his innocence was a charade, merely an act kept up by him before his true nature was brought to the surface.
“That’s not…you know you have to ask before you do this sort of stuff?” You said with a faint blush dusting your cheeks.
“What? Really? Because it seems like you’re pretty much up for everything regardless…” Jungkook pouted slightly. “Can’t we just do it whenever we feel like it?” It seemed Jungkook had your enthusiasm confused for consent. You didn’t blame him, from your previous actions it seemed like you were more than ready to consent to that.
“I suppose you have a point…but still, asking never hurts!” You coddled him as if he was a child.
“Okay…I promise to ask,” Jungkook hugged you softly, wrapping his arms around your waist while Hoseok ogled your breasts as Jungkook unclasped your bra. “Can I fuck you now?” 
You couldn’t say no, not when you saw his eyes. You began kissing him and Hoseok looked on with curiosity. You smirked, before breaking the kiss and turning to kiss Hoseok. Hoseok was a little confused at first, but slowly responded by placing his hands on your shoulders and leaning down so he could meet your lips. He tasted vaguely like cherries.
“Mmmm.” He moaned. “Ah…you’re hard…” You whispered as you saw his cock bulging through his pants. It was begging to be freed, while you looked at Jungkook with half-lidded eyes. “Jungkook, Hoseok, remove your pants.” You told them in a lowered voice. You prayed nobody would walk in but it looked like everyone had left. Now you, Jungkook, and Hoseok were positioned on the floor on a foam matt as Jungkook was at your head and Hoseok was positioned between your thighs. He was exploring you, following whatever his body urged him to do as you groaned between them. Jungkook held you on his lap, smirking and encouraging Hoseok.
“Oh, she liked that. Suck her there again, Hoseok.” Jungkook smirked at him. You simply moaned, as Hoseok’s tongue swept over your folds, and he suckled your clit.
“She tastes so good….in a different way. I’ve never tasted anything like it.” Hoseok said with a small smile.
“I know, that’s just her pussy. Her lips taste better in my opinion,” Jungkook smirked, before leaning forward and spreading your pussy cautiously. “Now just put your penis in here. Trust me, it is so much better than going to the bathroom.” Hoseok was confused but watched with curious eyes as you guided his cockhead into your pulsing hole, as you groaned from his size. He was a grower, something you hadn’t experienced in Strawberryland yet.
“It’s so warm…I feel like I might pee.” Hoseok groaned, closing his eyes. “W-wait, don’t pee! It’s only for pleasure.” You said with an exhausted moan.
“You tired, Y/N?” Jungkook asked, holding you tighter. “A little…” 
“Let’s change the position. Hoseok, how about we continue this in your office?” Jungkook reminded him of the rent again. It was so wonderfully debauched as you took Jungkook’s cock in your mouth and Hoseok’s cock from behind, while they talked about the rent and finances in Hoseok’s office. You were propped on the desk on all fours, moaning like a bitch in heat.
“Yeah, so the projected rate looks like it’s only growing. I don’t doubt that but I would like to see how it changes based on the changes I proposed.” Jungkook said, placing a hand on his chin as he pushed his cock all the way into your mouth. You choked, groaning as he ignored you and kept going despite seeing how it affected you.
“Mmmmm, too much.” You croaked, but he responded by gripping your hair and thrusting into your mouth harder. Hoseok noticed and picked up the pace, fucking you at a slightly more advanced pace now.
“I think it’ll be f-fine. Ah, I’m…I feel strange, Jungkook.” He said, gripping your waist.
“How so?” Jungkook questioned.
“Something is coming out of me, and going into Y/N.” He gripped your sides harder, his fingers forming small red marks on your skin.
“It’s an orgasm, Hoseok. You’re cumming.” You explained between breaths, moaning and gasping and letting go of Jungkook’s cock as Hoseok came all over your ass. He had pulled out, luckily, and decided not to cum inside you. You still weren’t sure what the consequences were but it was exciting nonetheless to have sex with so many gorgeous men thus far.
After bidding Hoseok goodbye, Jungkook took you to visit three more of his friends. Luckily, they were all together, busy with selling fresh fruits to the citizens of Strawberryland. You met Yoongi Shortcake, Taehyung Muffin, and Namjoon Blossom. You also found out that Namjoon was the one that delivered those oranges to Jungkook’s house the night before. Their personalities: all different. Yoongi was more introverted, he didn’t say much but his bright pink hair made you believe he was a real life anime character. He certainly looked handsome enough to be one, that’s for sure.
Taehyung had shockingly bright blue hair and a blue outfit to match, and he was extroverted, quickly offering you a fresh cookie after hearing about the car crash and hearing that you were in an unfamiliar world. His touch was warm, and he made you feel comfortable. Namjoon had a ‘dad’ type of vibe. When you met him, he gave you a smile and chatted with you about sales. He was really cute, all in all.
All three had their own charm, and every guy treated Jungkook like he was their little brother. You loved how close they were.
“So those were all the humans in town. It’s just us seven.” Jungkook said as he laid down on his couch after you arrived back to his home.
“I’m glad you have each other.” You said with a small smile.
“Oh I forgot, tomorrow, we’re having a bake off. Any dish we want,” Jungkook smirked. “I’m gonna win this year.”
“How do you know that?” You folded your arms.
“Just a feeling. So Y/N, how do you feel about having more fucks?”
After sleeping on it, you agreed to his idea. Jungkook, every man that met you here, so far everyone had been more than willing to indulge in you. Your hair was different, and biologically, a woman. They had some sort of a male instinct awakened in them whenever they looked at you.
Luckily, you were able to get cuter clothes from a Bug Shop which Jungkook agreed to buy if you agreed to help him. So, in your new green themed corset dress, and white tights and black Mary Janes, you walked over to help Jungkook setup. He smirked when he saw how the other men looked at you, like he anticipated it. He nodded at you and licked his lips but didn’t say much as you went around to talk to the others.
You walked up to Namjoon first, who was unfolding some chairs but stopped abruptly upon seeing you.
“Hey Y/N,” He scratched his neck. “You look lovely today.” He smiled shyly.
“Thanks Namjoon. I’m just wishing everybody good luck.” You winked at him. His dimples were honestly so adorable as he thanked you for wishing him.
“Thanks Y/N,” He stopped. “Hey, would you like to maybe hang out sometime after the competition?” He asked. You were expecting it. 
You visited Yoongi’s booth next. He had set up everything, sighing when you walked up to him. “Is everything okay?” You asked him.
“No, they gave me the wrong shipments! I was supposed to get strawberries, not blueberries.” Yoongi sighed.
“Blueberries?” Taehyung piped up. “If you’re not using those can I have them? I can always make another batch of my sister’s famous blueberry crème brulee!” Yoongi reluctantly gave Taehyung his ingredients. “Wow, thanks bro!” Taehyung slapped his back and walked off to continue. You felt a little bad for Yoongi, it looked like he couldn’t participate in the bakeoff.
“Yoongi…what about strawberry jam instead?” You asked, showing him the box of extra ingredients. “You could create the same flavor out of these, right?” You asked him for confirmation.
“You have a point but…I’ll use them on one condition.” You stop moving the box.
“What is it?”
“You’ll have to help me.” Yoongi smirked, as if he had been planning this from the start.
“O-okay.” You weren’t going to protest. You didn’t know him well, none of them really, but you knew enough to know they were all really friendly people.
“Start with mixing the batter,” You nodded and followed his instructions. “What are you doing? You’re not supposed to mix the eggshells in with it!” He gaped at you as you took the spoon out in confusion. 
“Sorry, I don’t cook.” You grinned sheepishly. He sighed and started cracking the eggs for you. 
“No eggshells. Those are like poison,” You sighed as he shoved the new bowl into your arms. “Start mixing.” You nodded, getting to work at once.
You set Yoongi back 10 minutes but after seeing how poor your skills in the kitchen were, he eventually took over, only making you watch over the timer. You didn’t mess that up, as at the end, his concoction was done. A custard dish, with strawberry flavored spongecake. Taehyung, who was right next to the two of you glanced over as you worked, and his eyes widened when he saw how it turned out. Then he had a wild idea.
“Wait, you should mix these in. Trust me. It’s gonna be like heaven in your mouth!” He was helping the enemy? You didn’t understand the ethics in Strawberryland and Yoongi accepted extra blueberries from Taehyung. After reworking it and getting another batch out, you noticed how the blueberries enhanced the flavor. Taehyung was right, it’s even better.
With that, Yoongi was crowned the winner. You went to see Jungkook, who was sad but ultimately happy for Yoongi. At least he wasn’t a sore loser. Yoongi looked at Taehyung as he accepted the trophy.
“Actually, I don’t deserve this. If it wasn’t for my friend Taehyung, I would have never won. Everyone give it up for Taehyung: the real winner of the bake-off!” Yoongi said, holding his hand up in victory.
“Really?! Thanks Yoongi!” Taehyung hugged him, laughing and taking the reward. “I think first place should go to everyone!” To your dismay, Taehyung started breaking off pieces of the trophy and handing it to all the participants. 
Okay if you didn’t already think you were dying from blood loss under a tree, you definitely did now. This was some disney channel bullshit! You watched how happy they were, as if this was a resolved ending!
Then night came. Oh how wrong you were. Jungkook invited everyone to the house with you, while offering some sangria. You all had a few sips when the conversation took a turn.
“You think our sisters would be proud of what we’ve become?” Jungkook asked Namjoon as he leaned back.
“If what we’ve become are our better halves the bloodshed would’ve been worth it.” He said with a slur, his eyes shutting as he looked at Jungkook slowly.
What? You were more than confused now.
“We promised not to talk about this,” Yoongi broke the momentary silence. “Shut up, shut up, shut up!” He yelled at all of you. “I’m sorry.” He apologized after calming down. You had a feeling something wasn’t right. Why there are only seven humans here and not 15….why Jungkook cried while holding you and saying someone else’s name. You had a gut feeling it didn’t have anything to do with fruity metaphors.
“I know something that can cheer you up.” Jimin said with a cheeky smile. The look on his face and how he looked at you was enough for you to pick up what he was putting down.
“Yeah, and she’s sitting right next to you!” Jin said, lurching forward and pressing a wet kiss against your lips. You gasped into his mouth. “S-sorry, are you okay with me kissing you?” He asked after breaking the kiss.
“Yeah. I’m fine with it,” The wine from earlier had made you horny already so you didn’t mind. You kissed him back best you could which was pretty sloppy already. Then suddenly, Jin was pulled away from you. “Wha? Why’d you sstop?” You asked with furrowed brows, before blinking and realizing that Jungkook had pulled Jin away from you. Jin looked at Jungkook like he could kill him. To which Jungkook responded by tilting your head back and kissing you.
“Y/N, I’m gonna make you my bitch tonight.”
Wait, where’d he learn how to say that?
You were about to ask, before Jimin grabbed you by the neck and took a taste for himself. He tasted lovely, just like raspberries. His plump juicy lips brushed against your chapped, thinner ones. His lips could compare to the feel of a pillow, as plush and soft as he felt, but wetter. Then you realized something as Jimin’s hand wandered down to your panties. As he kissed the side of your neck and his lips wandered down more, you gasped. He suckled. He left a mark. 
How did Jimin know how to leave a hickey?
“My turn…” Namjoon sneered, before kissing you in turn. Your tastebuds felt like they were on air as he kissed you, as he tasted like oranges and lemons. You loved the citrus taste of his lips, which refreshed your own breath. You were panting as he pulled back slowly, he gave you a sultry stare. You felt hypnotized by his gaze, and your body was hot as Jimin slipped your shirt off you unknowingly.
“What’s happening?” You looked at Jungkook for an explanation as he took his shirt off. His skin underneath was flawless, save for a few scars on his body that seemed to have healed from stab wounds, a wide line spread around his torso, almost like someone had dragged it out.
“You figured it out,” He threw his shirt to the floor. “Smart girl.”
“Did you think we were stupid?” Jimin asked as he kissed your ear.
“Of course we know what sex is, you dumb girl.” Jin said, grabbing your chin and forcing you to look up again as he kissed you. Namjoon continued kissing down your jaw, and collarbone.
“You see when we saw you, we knew….we just had to have you.” He said while nipping your collarbone and leaving another mark.
“Ah…you lied…” You sighed, closing your eyes as the men focused more on pleasuring you.
“Not just lied, sweetie, we’ve been deceiving you…so each and every one of us could have a taste of your sweet pussy.” Jungkook’s words turned your insides into mush. You realized it was a great deception after all.
“M-my…huh?” You were confused. “Why me?” They could have chosen literally ANY woman. And chose you.
“Because you’re so cute.” Jimin whispered in your right ear.
“And your body is so sexy.” Jin whispered in your left.
“And we haven’t had a woman in years. It’s been too long.” Namjoon groaned, releasing your skin from the clutches of his teeth.
“It has…?” You wondered about that. Why there were only men in this town.
“Yeah. You see, every time we feel the urge, we turn to each other but…it’s not cutting it anymore. An ass isn’t the same as a pussy and we decided enough is enough. And now….we want yours.” Jimin licked his lips, before kissing you again, his fruity scent mingling with yours. You loved the way he tasted! How they all tasted distinctly like fruits.
“But the car crash…” You looked out the window of Jungkook’s house.
“Forget him.” Jungkook said, standing up.
“Forget about your uncle. As of now, he is none of your concern. He tried to hurt you. I saw it. Lavender alerted me and I saw how he was startled and crashed into the tree, but then I saw you, and I knew you were helpless. You were drugged Y/N. Did you know that?”
You didn’t.
“You saved my life.” You said again. “Thank you.” 
“No need. I wanted to. We have each other now,” Jungkook placed a hand on your chin. These men loved doing that to you. “Will you have us?” 
You took one look at all of them and knew this was better than any alternative you could have imagined. They all wanted you, desired you as a woman. You had never felt this loved in your life. And they were giving it to you.
Jin lifted you up to the master bedroom, with the six men in tow, right behind you as he opened the door to the room. You were nervous with anticipation as he gently set you down.
“Be mine…” He whispered. You nodded as he began kissing you and removed your tights. You sighed, as he kissed down your face and then pulled back, now Yoongi and Taehyung staring down at you. Red and pink mingled together as the three of you shared a kiss. You groaned, Yoongi tasted like strawberries while Taehyung tasted like blueberries. It tasted like a smoothie in your mouth, as you gasped, groaning while Taehyung smirked and suckled one of your nipples while Yoongi worked on the other. Both men were eager to have you now, while Namjoon and Jin stood behind them, patiently waiting for their turn.
Jimin, Jungkook, and Hoseok were of no concern to you as there was too much to focus on. Taehyung’s blue hair under your fingers, Yoongi’s pink hair buried between your legs as he explored your clitorous, and Taehyung’s face next to yours as you studied him.
He was handsome, with a round face and well defined jaw, he appeared to be ethereally gorgeous. They all were gorgeous, but Taehyung’s beauty felt like something blessed by a god. You could feel a warmth from his smile and his gaze out you at ease. His wide smile and cherry red lips made you feel hot, as you blushed and looked down at Yoongi.
“Oh…he’s doing a good job?” Taehyung teased you as you could merely glance at the man, foaming at the mouth.
Yoongi was beautiful as well, his eyes drooped as if he was tired but naturally very pretty and green as he stared at you. His stare enraptured you, as he reminded you of a cat with how steadily he moved his hands down your left mound, and flicked his tongue over your exposed pink slit. You let out a moan.
“Mmm?” He whispered, vibrations against your pussy as he answered tiredly.
“That feels good.” You whined.
“Sweet girl, of course it does. He’s eating it well, right?” Taehyung’s comment was so innocent and erotic at the same time as he cupped your breasts at the same time. “Shall I eat your cunt too?”
You gasped, as both men fucked you with their tongues at once, making you remember what Jimin and Jin did for you the day before.
“She tastes so good, I can’t stop.” Yoongi moaned.
“Fuck…I’m hard.” Namjoon groaned, stroking his cock with one hand. You didn’t notice how quickly the others got undressed.
“I must…princess, may I fuck you?” Yoongi asked after pulling away.
“Yes,” You groaned, spreading your legs for him as the dark pink haired man slowly slid into you. You gasped as your pussy wrapped around him snugly and he fit right with you. “Ah!” You let out a ghastly moan.
“Fuck…” Yoongi groaned as the other men watched you get used by him. His cock was making you come undone at the moment, and all they could do was watch.
“Ah…please…gather around me…” You encouraged them as they jerked off around you. Seven cocks, one hole. You gasped as without warning, Hoseok stuffed his in your mouth. You still took it without complaint, as this was expected of you now.
“Ah…Yoongi…” You groaned as he snapped his hips back and forth.
“Yes…” You groaned.
“God, you were just made to take my cock, weren’t you?” You gasped as he made you arch your back. Yoongi was too good at dirty talk. You moaned as some of them came on your face, and your body was covered with white jizz. It was hot, sticky, and smelled good. You bit your lips. The sight was making you even slicker and turned on.
“God, we knew you were a huge slut when you made us fuck those pumpkins but looking at you now, we know you’re a total whore.” Jimin smirked at you, walking forward as he came all over your face. You gawked as he leaned forward and smacked his cock on your cheek, as if you weren’t even a person but rather an object for sexual gratification.
“I am a whore!” You admitted. “A big, dirty whore who loves cock.” You were ready to admit anything so long as you got dicked down. As Yoongi pulled out and left some cum inside you, Taehyung swiftly moved down and had his turn next. He was slightly more gentle with you, grinning as you would moan every time he hit your spot. You noticed he was more focused on giving you pleasure than taking it.
“Ah…that’s a good girl.” He said to you, kissing you softly as you moaned. You groaned into his shoulder as he fucked you deep and hard, but still executing a gentle passion with every movement. And then he pulled out. You groaned, as Jungkook replaced him, and at this point you were far gone.
“Sorry it took so long,” Jungkook pressed a kiss against your forehead as you simply nodded. “Finally.” He sunk into you, moaning as he held you tight. He slowly rutted into you with more passion than the last two, possibly because you connected throughout the past few days.
As time went by, you could only stare into his deep violet eyes, a small breath escaping your chapped lips as you reached out. You were so tired…your eyes heavy lidded as Jungkook came, and you came with him. You needed rest, so you blacked out.
When you came to, the men were whispering around you with worry. They were all concerned about you. It seems they had taken the liberty of wiping you up and giving you a fresh change of clothes. A simple pair of shorts and a blue drop top.
“Sorry for worrying you.” You sat up slowly.
“No, we’re sorry for being too rough with you.” Taehyung shook his head.
“Are you feeling any better?” Namjoon handed you an orange, which you deeply appreciated.
“Yeah. Thanks Namjoon,” You smiled. “I think I’m just tired. Could you guys possibly let me rest a bit before we start again?”
“Of course.” Namjoon nodded.
“Sleep well, princess,” Yoongi kissed you on the forehead. “Thanks for helping me win.” He gave you a small smile which made your heart skip a beat as he walked towards the door and left.
One by one they all left Jungkook’s residence, leaving you alone again. They were all so patient and attentive, it made you worried. You didn’t want to leave but going out and checking on your uncle would have been the right thing to do.
“Y/N…” He hugged you tightly. “I need to tell you somethin…” He gripped your waist tighter. You felt like you couldn’t breathe. “Those damned bugs killed our sisters…killed my lover too. I hope you know that now I have you, I intend on never letting you go.” You were beginning to come to terms with it.
“Okay.” You answered him genuinely. You were fine with it, actually. 
“Really?” He asked with widened doe eyes. 
“Yeah.” You giggled.
“That makes me so happy, Y/N I could kiss you. But that would just lead to fucking, so I’m gonna hold off,” You nodded, as he let go of you and left you to your own vices.
You woke up to Lavender licking you. She was barking up a storm when Jungkook lifted her off you. “Sorry. She got excited.” 
“No problem.” You smiled as he placed her back in her doghouse. 
“We’re planning to meet up at Jimin’s house later. Would you like to come?” You nodded immediately, giddy as the raspberry-themed man seemed to have a slightly more kinkier side you appreciated. The thought was enough to make you aroused again, but instead of acting on it you decided to take a breath. You needed to rest.
Of course, at Jimin’s house everyone seemed to get the message as no one approached you wanting to have sex. However they still looked at you. You made chatter with everyone and enjoyed your time there. It seemed all the men were taken with you and everyone wanted a piece of you. You felt great. 
“So, Jungkook, when is she gonna move out of your place?” Jin asked softly.
“Never! She’s mine.” Jungkook whispered possessively.
“Kook! Play nice.” Namjoon scolded.
“Sorry Joon. Y/N, do you wanna keep living with me?”
“It just occurred to me, I officially have nowhere to live. I happened to come here because of Jungkook.” You answered.
“It’s only right she stays with him. He brought her here,” Jimin nodded. “You like Jungkook a lot, Y/N?” You smiled sheepishly.
“Of course I do.” 
Jungkook and Jimin shared a smile before looking at you. You kept it in mind as you sat down next to Namjoon and snacked on some crackers. After a while, you all started talking about your kinks.
“I don’t know about that one, but try this on for size: when your partner has complete control over you, including when you breathe.” Namjoon laughed.
“Nah, breathplay is child’s play. I’m saying blindfolded bondage is where it’s at.” Taehyung smirked and said in rebuttal.
“I want—hear me out…to be bred. Like stuffed until it’s just cum leaking out of me, y’know?” You explained your kink to the men who were left in shock. All except Yoongi were surprised. 
“You’re such a whore, Y/N,” Yoongi smirked. “You want us to start now? Think you can handle it after yesterday?” He looked at you knowing damn well what he was doing.
“M-maybe not yet. I’m exhausted.” You explained.
They left it alone, shifting the topic as Jimin got some more food out for everyone. You and Jungkook stayed behind to help with cleanup. You suddenly felt Jimin’s lips on your shoulders, through your shirt.
“Chim, you should stop. You know I’m tired.”
“Yeah but I don’t wanna. I want you, Y/N.” You sighed at his plea.
“Okay.” You sighed as he picked you up and placed you on the counter. He swiftly removed your shirt and shorts, followed by your bra and underwear.
“Jimin! I got the leftovers in the tray—Oh.” Jungkook’s face fell when he saw him but then a mischievous smile appeared on his lips as he slipped next to him and joined in on torturing you.
You groaned. 
“Oh crap, Jimin I left my umbrella—” Namjoon stopped in his tracks and his eyes widened as he saw you naked on Jimin’s countertop. Jungkook smirked at him.
“You wanna tap in?” Jungkook smirked. “Me and Jimin were about to have another taste.” 
You gasped as Namjoon and Jimin were both inside you at the same time. Jungkook was watching, as he got more than enough from living with you. You felt them tearing your insides apart, reshaping your holes to fit their cocks. Jimin was entering you from behind, Namjoon in your pussy. Your eyes rolled back as Namjoon moaned and smacked your hips, making you recoil in surprise.
“So fucking tight. Fuck…fuck…” He groaned. “Take my cock…” His words encouraged you as you sighed and continued bouncing back on his cock, your ass smacking against Jimin’s hips every time you would go between them. One would snap his hips while the other pulled back, and it continued in a forbidden pattern. It felt like they were playing a game with you as their pawn.
“Fuck…her asshole is getting stretched out.” Jimin groaned, spitting on your rear end and spreading out his saliva with his fingers. You groaned as you felt your holes stretching out even more with the movements.
“J-Jungkook…I think I can take you too…” You said with uncertainty. You’ve never taken two in one hole before, let alone two in both holes. And now Jungkook was about to join. He sank down, between Namjoon and Jimin.
He slipped in…right into your pussy.
You screamed.
The movements were becoming faster as the three men grunted in unison, their hips synced in a rhythm as they were closer to their climaxes. Your lips fell open, as you panted, while Namjoon’s face contorted into one of pain, which you assumed meant he was in total heaven. Your climax hit as Jungkook fucked up into you, reaching spots Namjoon missed, while Jimin’s cock rubbed against your inner walls in a different way. They split you apart as the decadent sex between the four of you sent your mind into its own Havana while you orgasmed.
Their cocks touched in ways they never would have thought of, as they finished inside of you. When they pulled out, cum was gushing out of your ass and pussy, while all you could do was watch helplessly.
“That’s a good slut.” Jimin smirked mischievously.
“She’s ours now.” Namjoon said, as if he was still in disbelief.
“I hope you liked being bred, baby. Because there’s a lot more where that came from.” Jungkook said, revealing his erection to you. 
“Again?” You asked.
“Honey, for you, always,” gave you a small smile. “Now open wide.”
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glorified-red · 2 years
Self Care Day (Damian Wayne x Reader)
summary: You insist on spending the night with Damian. Bonding together as you do a skin-care routine on him and he shows you a new favorite anime of his. Honestly just a bunch of playful banter and flirty one-liners.
word count: 2,880~
warnings: eyebrow razor used to shave around his eyebrows (brief)
I wrote this with the thought that Damian would want to watch Spy X Family because it’s super popular right now and it’s canon he likes this kind of stuff. So I thought I could split-screen and watch it while writing and not get distracted……..I was very wrong. I spent the majority of the time drooling over the protagonist instead of actually writing.
Yes, I've been on a Damian kick lately, sue me. This is what happens when I spend a month analyzing a character.  
“Is this all really necessary?”
Damian eyed all the different colored bottles aligned together on your bedside. They ranged in size and shape, you even had a few gadgets he’d never seen before but he didn’t doubt they were tortuous. 
“If you want your skin to be healthy, then yes, they are all necessary.” 
His eyes didn’t leave the torture gadgets, trying to guess what method they were useful for. “My skin is just as healthy as the rest of my body.”
You rolled your eyes. “If by that you mean malnourished and severely dehydrated. Come on, Dames, you promised you’d let me do a self-care day with you.” 
He met your eyes with a bored expression. “I do not recall such a promise, I merely wanted you to have a self-care day.” 
His words may have seemed dismissive, but you knew the underlying care he had. Work has been stressful for the both of you and, as observant as ever, Damian called you out on it. He loves to see you care for yourself, he’d just rather jump out a window before admitting it. 
You smiled sweetly. “And when I asked if you’d join me I didn’t hear a ‘no’,” you dragged out the word in a sing-song voice. 
His eyes lingered over the objects before he deflated his chest in a dramatic sigh. “I suppose it cannot be helped.” 
“I knew you’d come around.” You clapped your hands excitedly, shifted a bit before patting the pillow in your lap. Damian immediately responded to your invitation. He crawled onto the bed and turned around, hesitantly leaning back. You guided his head down until it settled onto the pillow, a soft cushion for his head to lay peacefully without a crook in his neck forming. 
“Here,” you handed him the remote to the bedroom TV, “Put on that new show you wanted me to watch—the detective romance one, was it?” 
He snatched the remote out of your hands as his shoulders shifted up until he could see the screen comfortably. “Spy romance.” 
“Ay yes,” you chuckled, “My mistake, the Billionaire Detective is next.”
Damian fiddled with the remote as you grabbed for the fuzzy headband next to you, conveniently colored green to match yours. It was his no matter how many times he said it wasn't, but he’d huff if you tried giving him a different one. 
You slipped the headband onto his face until it settled in place with his bangs completely pushed back. It had a bow on it and he looked completely adorable with it on, like a chihuahua in a tutu, feral but at least cute. 
Damian’s trust in you was always so prevalent in these moments. It may seem normal or domestic, but with Damian, he can be so averse to touch it makes you grateful for every moment he relaxes under your hands. He didn’t even feel the need to watch your every move (granted he could put this to a stop at any second with his reflexes). His eyes trained onto the TV as he pulled up the first episode. 
You grabbed the wet towel and dabbed at his face, adding a layer of water so you didn’t tear at any of his skin. Your hand automatically rested along his jawline, cradling his face as you swiped over every section: forehead, cheeks, and nose. 
“How do you have black eyeshadow in your eyebrows,” you remarked, staring in amazement at the pigment that transferred onto your hand-towel. “I thought you guys only put that around your eyes, like your eyelid and under eye.” 
Damian watched the car crash on the screen. “Sometimes,” his tone edged with feigned annoyance, “We are in a rush. Precision in makeup does not save lives, time does.”
“I don't know,” you teased, scrubbing at his eyebrows until the black came off, “I think you’re just in denial about your clumsiness.” 
“I am not clumsy,” his eyes glared up at you but the bite in his gaze softened when you planted a kiss on his nose. 
“It’s okay, just means I get to spend more time looking at your handsome face when we do this.” 
You smiled down at him but his gaze diverted, a slight tinge of pink at the highs of his cheeks. You planted the rag next to the water bowl on your bedside table and grabbed the exfoliating brush, a small round scrub that fit perfectly in your hand. 
“You’re insufferable.” 
“ ‘love you too.” 
Two pumps of oil-based cleanser and you got to work by softly scrubbing the cleanser into his skin in slow circles. It mixed with the water and created tiny bubbles, a sharp contrast of pure white to show you where you worked in the product so far. 
You eyed the screen as you took in the protagonist's personality—no wonder Damian loved this show so much, he was just as cold as he could be. 
“He’s kind of cute,” you said as you washed off the applicator in the water bowl. 
“Who?” Damian demanded. 
“What’s his face,” you vaguely pointed to the screen, “The blonde guy.” 
“He’s competent, I’ll give him that. He’s an admirable spy and detective, but by no means is he cute.” Damian’s arms crossed over his chest lazily, the remote in his hand bouncing up and down absent-mindedly. 
“If you say so,” you started wiping the thin layer of foam off of Damian, “I think I just have a thing for hot vigilantes.” 
He flicked your wrist as it was the nearest part of you to him. “Stop your foolishness and pay attention.” 
He crossed his arms again. You smiled in satisfaction when the corners of his lips upturned slightly. 
“Oh trust me,” you whistled as the protagonist came on screen again, “I’m paying attention.” 
Damian tisked, only settling down when your hands returned to his face to finish off his double cleanse with a water-based cleanser. The same slow, circular movement continued, dragging out your motions to be as relaxing as you could for him. 
The protagonist's dialogue of holding someone's hand made you snort: “Having one hand tied up will make it tough to counter an enemy ambush. But I can manage.”
“He sounds just like you,” you mused. 
Damian’s head moved along with you as you rubbed at his skin. “Unlike him, I can defend you with ease and have your hand in mine the entire time. I do not need more than one hand to protect us.” 
You nodded, impressed. “I’ll keep that in mind the next time we go to the mall.” 
“If an enemy were to ambush us in such a place, they are a fool. Malls are overcrowded, far too many witnesses would be involved. They’ll have better luck fishing without a hook.” 
You wiped gently underneath his eye so no soap would fall near it. Before you could respond, the protagonist’s inner monologue cracked you up again: “Did I do something to make her hide from me? Maybe I held her hand too early. Does she hate me?”
You laughed out loud. “I’m starting to see why you like this show, Dames.”
“Oh please,” Damian rolled his eyes, “I knew exactly when to hold your hand and I executed it with pure confidence.” 
“Whatever you say,” you teased, distinctly remembering you having to brush knuckles with him a few minutes prior so he could finally catch the hint.
You picked up a light oil serum and started applying it to the skin, quickly followed by your favorite roller. You applied light pressure as the roller glided over the curves of his face, pushing the serum deep into the skin to work its magic. 
This time it was Damian’s turn to snort. The side character yawned, “I'm so tired I can't walk anymore.” Forcing the protagonist to carry them. 
“Sound familiar?” his eyes gleamed as they looked up at you. 
You shrugged. “What can I say, I enjoy a good piggy back ride. Half the time you offer to carry me, so you have no room to complain.” You cleared your throat and spoke in the deepest voice you could muster to imitate Damian: “Your walking at a snail's pace, keep up or I will have to carry you.”
When you finished you looked down at him with a pointed look. 
“If you didn’t walk so slow I wouldn’t have to threaten to carry you.” 
You hummed, rolling out his face without paying much mind. “Maybe I do it on purpose because I know you’ll carry me.” 
Damian's eyes narrowed playfully. “You wouldn't.” 
You smiled to yourself, arms up in a dramatic shrug. “Guess you’ll never know.” 
He huffed, “I will keep that in mind next time we go to the pier.” 
You laughed softly, looking forward to your next date because that was just Damian’s way of announcing it. You couldn’t count how many times Damian insisted on carrying you after galas, carrying your heels so you could get some rest. He loved it as much as you did, but the lighthearted banter was always fun. 
Putting the roller aside, you opened the eye cream, squirting a small portion onto the tip of your finger. His eyes were always a sensitive area—you learned the hard way after trying to do his makeup the first time. He always needed either a warning or a telegraph of your movements so he could predict everything—he wasn’t too fond of surprises. 
Your fingers gently swiped the cream on his cheek bone and smoothed it upwards until it got over his eyebags. You tried to be extremely cautious on this part, steadying your hands so they wouldn’t jerk the cream into his eyes. 
His dazzling green eyes fluttered upwards so his eyelashes wouldn't interfere with your work. When he looked up at you, your heart still skipped a beat every time. You smiled, planted a kiss onto his lips in reward for being so trusting and patient with you. 
Damian returned the kiss graciously, it was clunky at best with the upside-down positioning, but you couldn’t care less. Everytime his lips were on yours it sparked something inside you, making each kiss just as good as the one before. 
You parted, your hands still cradling the sides of his face. His eyes lingered on your face for a while, commiting each of your features to memory to recreate another time. His sketchbooks were always filled with you, his one and only muse; he could never get tired of your face. 
As you picked up his specific moisturizer, crafted for his sensitivities in mind and skin type, Damian turned to look back at the show. 
“But I want to draw.”
“Don’t concern yourself with childish things.”
Damian tisked, shifting his legs a little into a more comfortable position. “Drawing is far from childish. It is a prestigious art form dating back centuries.” 
“I agree, drawing is incredibly admirable,” you felt Damian’s eyes on you as you opened the moisturizer. You continued: “Being smart is one thing, but being creative,” you whistled, “That’s impressive.”
Damian nodded firmly, looking at the mad scientist with disdain. “He is just an imbecile.” 
“A bonehead, if you will.” 
“Yes, a bonehead,” Damian repeated as a way to ignore his soaring heart. His hobby was far from a secret. He gifted you his artwork from time to time, drawing a small landscape to fit in your wallet to carry as a good luck charm or just a doodle he did during class that made him think of you. His sketchbooks were extremely personal and he was grateful you never pushed to see what’s inside them. 
Sometime soon he’ll gather up the courage to show you because he wants to show you how he views you: without any flaw and filled with perfection. He’d study your face and trace over each line with curiosity, wondering just how to capture your beauty on paper. 
He’ll get it right someday and that day he’ll show you, but only when it's perfect enough for you. He trained his eyes onto the screen before they had the chance to wander.
You set the moisturizer down once you had enough on your fingers. You watched the show play on as you smeared the cream into his skin. It slid so easily across his features. 
A fight broke out on screen as the side character was kidnapped. You chose to swallow your joke, the comment would sour the mood. Kidnappings were something Damian never took lightly. You still got chills when you remembered being kidnapped for the first time, the loneliness, the terror, and the shock. Even the nightmares left you gasping for Damian, even if he slept right beside you. 
He came for you every time, but the shake in his voice was something that was burned into your memory. 
Instead, you made another comment when the protagonist got hit upside the head with a pole. You winced in feigned sympathy. “That looked like it hurt.” 
Damian hummed in agreement. “Head injuries are always the most dramatic. They’re inconvenient and intolerable.” 
When a solid layer of moisturizer lay on his skin, you picked up your newest tool: a skin-carving Gua Sha. Damian gifted it to you after he found the one you had been looking for for ages, he didn’t hesitate to make the purchase. 
“You seem to be very opinionated about concussions, Dames,” you teased.
“Of course I am, they’re insufferable.” 
“Fair enough.” You used the moisturizer as a buffer to allow the tool to glide over his skin, starting from the side of his nose and all the way up his cheekbone, carving out the feature with ease. 
Your ears filtered the narration of the show, hearing about the protagonist’s traumatic childhood as you continuously applied slow, even pressure to your movements. 
You didn’t comment on it, but you always loved when Damian wanted to show you any kind of media that caught his eye. Manga to movie, they all told you a little bit more about him. He connected with the media the most out of everyone, finding it so much easier to use media as a way to voice things he was feeling or to even understand himself a little bit better. He used it to navigate his life, so of course you learned to navigate it, too. 
So you soaked in the backstory, hearing every word that was left unspoken in the space between you and Damian. You calmly carved out his jawline next (not that it needed much carving) because using the tool was fun and you didn’t want to set it down just yet. 
You sat in comfortable silence as you finished off the first part of the routine, the episode coming to a close shortly after. Damian clicked some buttons and the next episode rolled through, the opening music filling your ears. 
You gathered all the serums back into your bag and grabbed the next part—one Damian is probably going to hate. 
“I’m gonna do your eyebrows.” 
He quirked an eyebrow up as he looked up at you. “There is no need. My eyebrows are normal.”
“They are,” you spoke, shuffling through your bag, “But I’m just going to clean them up a bit. It’ll look amazing afterwards, I promise.” 
“If you believe so,” Damian relaxed back into the pillow, watching the love-interest enter the scene for the first time. 
You grabbed your eyebrow spoolie and focused on one of his eyebrows, brushing it downwards as you grabbed for your eyebrow razor. 
“This will feel like a scratch,” you warned softly. 
Damian hummed, eyes trained on the love-interest as she murdered a room full of men. 
“Someone’s swooning,” you sang as you shaved off the misplaced hairs to carve out his natural brows. “I can see you drooling from here.” 
“If I could roll my eyes I would,” Damian spoke. “I am merely appreciating her fighting tactics.” 
“It’s okay, Dames. You can say she’s hot.” 
“I suppose I simply have a thing for hot, powerful partners,” his eyes gleamed playfully but never left the TV—plausible deniability. If you had not spoken this line first, Damian would not have been so bold, but you eased his need to hide his feelings. 
You booped his nose with the tip of your spoolie. “Pay attention, you heathen.” His nose crinkled as it tickled him. 
You finished shaving in between his eyebrows and wiped off all the peach fuzz with the rag. 
“Time for the best part.” You shuffled through your bag once again. 
“And what’s that?” 
You clinked the tweezers together.
Damian scowled, glaring at the object as if it personally offended him. “This is, in fact, not the best part.” 
“Oh? Is the mighty Robin scared of a little manscaping?” you smirked down at him. 
He bristled, puffing his chest underneath his crossed arms. “Of course not. I have no fears. Robin will not be defeated by metal twigs.” 
“Then this will be a walk in the park,” you beamed.
Laughter was heard throughout the room, your own mixing with the rarity that was Damian’s. As the season finale inevitably came to a close, you settled back into the warmth of his arms, the matching headbands long since forgotten on your heads.
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Taglist ♡
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Hey I just read the request you wrote for where the TMNT boys have to deal with losing the reader and I swear I legit cried. You write angst very well. Would you be able to write a happy ending where the magic green portal decides to just throw the reader back after a few months or something and the reader goes to find the boys again and has to convince them they're really there? My boys need their happy endings!!!! No worries if you can't, thought I may as well ask. <3
Of course, I've been planning on writing a part two for a while now, this was just the push I needed to actually write it lol! Enjoy your happy ending!💕 Link to pt: 1
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You sat in your bed, eyes puffy from the tears that never seemed to stop falling, you were dehydrated, hungry and oh so tired.
You knew this wasn't healthy.
You knew (Turtle of choice) would be upset with how horribly you were taking care of yourself.
But you just couldn't bring yourself to care.
Why should you care?
How could you just go back to living after losing the love of your life?
Who could do that?
Not you.
So here you sat, puffy eyed, and depressed. You just wanted to go back to the time you had with your turtle. You'd tried to let it go, to move on and except the cruel fate of the universe, but you couldn't.
And the universe could go fuck itself for all you cared.
You let out a strained cough. rubbing your soar throat.
You stood up begrudgingly, making your way out of your bedroom and into the kitchen, filling a glass to the brim with the clear liquid.
Just then, a familiar green light appeared behind you. You dropped the glass in surprise, eyes widening in joy.
You let out a low sob, running through the bright green ring. The sensation of falling overtook you, just like last time...
And just like last time, you landed right in a gross New York dumpster.
"Again!?" you shouted, pulling an old banana peel off your face.
You shook your head, lifting yourself out of the dumpster, you frantically looked around for the nearest manhole cover.
After struggling to lift the heavy sheet of metal, you rushed down the ladder and through the familiar tunnel system.
You ran quickly, not slowing down despite how much your body begged you to. You saw the familiar entrance and you rushed into the Lair...
"MIKEY!" you shouted as loud as you could, tears streaming down your face
He shot up from his bed.
Hope filled his baby blue eyes.
You were back.
You were back.
"(Name)!?" he yelled, frantically searching for your familiar form.
"Mikey!" he spun around to see you launching yourself into his arms.
He caught you with ease, the two of you holding each other as tight as you could.
"I missed you so much." he muttered, burying his head in your neck as the two of you cried.
"I missed you too." you whispered, hands shaking as you processed the moment.
Mikey pulled away for a second, his glossy eyes searching your tear stained face,
"Are you really here? This isn't a dream?"
You shook your head with a hoarse giggle, "No Mikey, I'm real, I'm here! I'm here I pro- mph!"
Mikey cut you off with a kiss,
One so full of emotion it felt like you were letting go of every negative thing you'd ever thought.
When he pulled away, Mikey smiled, "I just needed to make sure." he said,
Then he picked you up, moving the pair of you to his bed for some much needed cuddle time.
"I love you so much, (Name)." he muttered, holding you as close to hid plastron as possible.
"I love you too, Michelangelo."
You ran into the Lair, stopping in your tracks, breathless as you and Leonardo made eye contact.
You watched as his eyes widened and he froze,
"Hi." you muttered, not knowing how he would react to your return.
Without saying a word Leo approached you, placing his hand timidly on your cheek.
"You're really here.." he whispered, his voice was soft as his touch.
You nodded and smiled, slow tears making their way down your cheeks, "I am."
Leo took your hands in his own, his eyes searching over ever little detail of your face as he began to lean in for the kiss you had dreamt about while you were away.
The two of you stood there, lips locked until you both pulled away, breathless.
You giggled, leaning in once again-
You turned to see Mikey sprinting into the room, and you laughed at his over the top shout.
"Geez, waita ruin their moment Mikey." Donnie sighed, a small smile on his face.
Raph walked in and smacked the orange clad turtle upside the head, "Seriously doofus, give 'em a moment would ya?"
With that, Raph dragged Mikey from the room, Donnie following close behind.
Once they left, Leo pulled you closer to him, leaning in until your faces were mere inches apart,
"Please, don't leave me again." he whispered,
"I don't plan on it, love." you replied, closing the space between you two.
You rushed into the Lair, not spotting Raph in the immediate area, you ran over to a shocked Leo.
"Yeah, hi, I'm back. Where's Raph?"
"In his room-"
You ran in the direction of Raphs room, "Thanks, Leo!" you call over your shoulder.
You knock frantically on the closed door, and you heard a low groan on the otherside, "I swear to god, Mikey I'm gonna-"
The door swung open and you threw yourself into Raphs arms, causing him to fall backwards in surprise.
"(Name)? Wha- how-?"
You felt your tears trail slowly down your face as you melted into his timid embrace, "Hi, Raphie." you muttered.
"Are you- you're really here?"
You nodded, smiling up at the shocked terrapin as he moved the two of you into a sitting position, with you seated in his lap.
He wiped away your tears before pulling you into a kiss.
It lasted until neither of you could breath, and you pulled away breathing heavily.
"You're so fuckin' pretty ya know that?" Raph said, chuckling.
You giggled, "Shut up and kiss me again."
"Whatever you want, sweetcheeks."
Raph did not plan on letting you go anytime soon.
You ran straight towards the lab, a suprised Mikey falling off his skateboard when he saw you run by, "(Name)??"
You gave him a quick wave, continuing to where you knew you'd find your love.
"Donnie!" you called as you entered the lab, "Donnie, where are you?"
You heard a loud metallic bang, a quiet "what the hell?" and then "(Name)? (Name), is that you?"
You rushed into his arms as he came into your veiw, he pulled you as close as he possibly could.
He snuggled into your hair, "Please tell me this is real and it's not just a hallucination from lack of sleep."
"It's real. I'm real." you muttered, sniffling quietly, you really did not want to cry right now.
Donnie lifted your face so he could look into your eyes, his hand rubbing away the tears that had begun to fall, "I thought I was never gonna see you again."
You chuckled, pushing you cheek further into his palm, "Oh, ye of little faith."
He pulled you in for a soft kiss, his lips meeting your own in a way that was healing.
You were together again.
Sorry this took so long lol, hows your happy ending feel?
Tagging everyone who asked for pt: 2!
@aceaoki1316 @princessmads1820
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fanaticsnail · 12 days
You have made a grave mistake by adding that little dialogue between Reader & Law and Law mentioning how Reader made his time with the DQ Pirates bearable for the Yandere Doffy fic?
Grave, grave mistake. Because little Law...
(Pulls out the Reader Being A Mother Figure to Little Law binder and puts it on the table. The table shakes from the weight.)
Is my precious baby boy.
Brace yourself. I have a lot of thoughts here, and with Reader being a princess (rubs hands together)
- Reader first met Little Law when her family was on a trip to Flevance and as Law's parents were heads doctors, they gave Reader's family a tour of the hospital, she got to meet Law & Lami (my heart is breaking just typing this, my babies 😭) and they absolutely adored her. They were sad when a week later, Reader & her family left Flevance.
- Extra deliciousness if Reader's kingdom was allied with Flevance and against what the World Government did such as closing the Flevance borders, extra extra flavour if the World Government found that out and their schemes are the reason Reader's kingdom fell. If we want to make it interesting, nobody will find that out until later except myb Doffy who might try to use this to get Reader to trust him even more. We can even make it that Reader's parents wrote a letter to the WG or Five Elders assuring they have no symptoms, attaching with the letter the recent medical exams they took, and asking them to open the borders to Flevance, offering to take everyone from Flevance into their kingdom until the hazardous white lead is removed from Flevance. They never got a reply. Instead, what they did get is having their kingdom attacked and destroyed a week before the Flevance attack.
- Reader also knows the truth of Flevance, as she took the medical exams, too, wishing to help Law and Lami and the entire country.
Imagine the gasp when you see Law - all battered, dirty, with an empty, hateful look in his gaze, so different from the happy, smiling boy wearing a little doctor's coat while holding his sister's hand. Imagine the tears, the waterworks. Imagine Law's little eyes widening in recognition. You hug him without a single moment of hesitation - it overcomes reason.
Oh, Doffy has a devil's smile on his face then as he watches the scene. He already sees the potential in Law to become his right-hand man, and now it turns out you have a history with Law?
Yeah, Law will be a great tool new addition to the crew!
Law is distant, though. He isn't the same anymore. His eyes are sharp, he is constantly glaring, he has a scowl on his face that slightly softens when you talk to him while picking out new clothes for him. But that's okay. You give him space, except for that tight, warm hug that nearly made him break down again because he's forgotten how it feels to be hugged. Forgotten how warm it is. How nice it feels. Nobody wanted to touch him, after all, with the White Lead Disease.
After Law bathes, Doflamingo gives Law some of his old clothes when he was a kid and watches you help Law button up the buttons. He watches you two like a grinning pink vulture flying around two rabbits who are weakened from lack of water in a dehydrated land, deciding which moment to strike, and in what way to swoop in.
When Law trains, you're always there when he returns and hand him a towel and a water bottle. You pack him (and upon Doffy's insistence) and Doflamingo lunch boxes when they leave for a mission. It's very clear Law has a special place in your heart.
So of course Yandere Doffy tries to use that to his advantage. He's caught the way your eyes softened and turned warm when you saw him tutoring Law in his studies in the study room. You'd even smiled.
You always pack Law the most riceballs in his lunchbox, much to Doffy's displeasure.
You also have some telepathic instincts, because you woke Doflamingo up one night trying to wriggle out of his arms, and when he grippped you harder, you said it was Law.
It did turn out to be Law, who was screaming and crying in his sleep, and had woken the other kids he slept with with the screams. Doflamingo was about to wake him up by shaking him or smacking him on the floor (it worked with Rosinante when he was a kid, so what if Rosinante cried harder then? At least his brother would stop snoring like an elephant.) but you gently lifted Law and cradled him to your chest and shushed him, your fingers gently caressing his hair. You also sang a Flevance lullaby and Law, after a minute, calms down completely, returning to deep sleep, his little hands clutching your clothes.
You always welcome them (read Law) with cupcakes and donuts and the kids love you. But Law loves you the most. He even fought Baby 5 and Buffalo — and won — when they argued who loves you most.
Doflamingo said he loves you, most, though, and Law couldn't hold out ten seconds in a fight against Doflamingo - he tried, though. His face had hurt for a week from Doflamingo's kick.
Law does hate that you bottle feed Dellinger, though, you hold the toddler so gently. Dellinger is so lucky.
When Doflamingo marries you, you toss the flowers on purpose to Baby 5, who was the flower girl. She beams and blushed in her pink dress. Everyone cheers and claps at this, except Doflamingo. Law was forced to be the ring carrier, and had to wear a pink suit with a white tie - worst moment of his life, really. It was the only time he saw Doflamingo wearing a full white suit, as white as the sand of the beach where the ceremony took place. Law hated every second of it. He didn't think Doflamingo was right for you.
Thankfully, Corazon, who was the best man, set himself on fire, so that somehow made the day bearable. The rest was a lot of drinking child champagne that made his mouth all tingly and eating luxurious foods he needed an instruction manual how to eat. Thankfully, Señor Pink showed him how to eat them.
When you and Doflamingo danced, with the way Doflamingo was dressed and tidied up, he looked like a prince, which freaked Law out.
A month later, Law's life gets turned upside down because he says his real name and Corazon hears him.
It also adds that level of desperation to retrieve Law on Minion Island to Yandere Doffy bcs you were softening up to him when Law was around.
Ugh, Yandere Doffy be it when he is King or in North Blue, little Law, Reader getting ill and Doffy suffering, Law healing Reader, ugh, I can't wait to see what you do with this.
There is something wonderful about Yandere King Doflamingo & Princess Reader, I love it. I love everything, ugh.
Sending love to you, Snail. 🩷
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There are no thoughts, this is perfect. I just.
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Adding Lami in too??? Like????? AAAAAAAA. Okay, so I'm doing a Rosinante fic a lot like this too, but yandere Doffy is just on my mind and I can't. The WEDDING. MY GUY, THE WEDDING IDEA.
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But, this begs the question, do you love Doflamingo too? Or is it a rouse, and Doflamingo is using your alliance and friendliness with Law to keep you there? Do you catch feelings or fondness for him, are there tender touches reserved for only you in the quiet of the night away from the others? When you're sick, does he leave your bedside? Does he order all of the roses in Dressrosa to shower you with? All the carnations in all the colours, his favoured pinks and reds to depict his undying devotion to you.
OKAY BUT WHEN YOU FIRST START GETTING SICK, DOES LAW GET A LITTLE BINDER AND LIST OUT YOUR SYMPTOMS? Does he check you over when Doffy leaves? Does Rosinante look over your bond and feels a pang of guilt at the fact he is going to take this small joy away from you in your sickness in a bid to cure Law's?
I love these thoughts, never cease!!
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Nonexistent Eating Patterns
Pairings: Matt Murdock x gn!teen!reader
Imagine: you haven’t been eating sleeping or drinking as you should and Matt is there to help
Warnings: not eating, anxiety, dehydration, sleep deprived, mention of panic/anxiety attacks, mention of depression, feeling sick, mention of school and exams and grades, Soft Matt Murdock (that is a warning), idk what more
A/N for starters this is probably shitty, bc wrote this late at night to be able to cope with my current life/mental/physical health. So wrote this to bring me some sort of comfort, so yeah this is probably shitty and I have not proofread it, but ya know that’s fine I guess :)
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You didn’t know why, but once a year there was always this period of time where you ate far too little. More so than usual. The other times when you occasionally skipped lunch or breakfast or your usual midnight snack it was always fine, because you only skipped one of those and only once a week at a maximum. But now. Now you have skipped breakfast and your midnight snack the whole week, and lunch nearly every day. You had eaten maybe four times overall this week and your health was not having it. Because at those times when you did eat you didn’t eat much, you nearly spat out the food you ate. Nor did you get hungry. You only had that stomach ache where deep down you knew it came from you not eating, but you didn’t want to acknowledge that. So instead you laid curled up in your bed, hands by your head trying to soothe the migraine and your knees up to your chest while watching some random show on the TV. It was one of two positions that made the ache bearable.
Matt — your “guardian”, and who you shared an apartment with — knew you hadn’t been eating well. Of Course he knew, he was the devil of Hell’s Kitchen after all. Something like that would not get past him, but he didn’t want to push things on you, he didn’t want to push you to eat because it wouldn’t work as long as you didn’t do something yourself. As long as you didn’t ask for help he knew you wouldn’t eat. He knew your condition only got worse with your horrible sleeping patterns, and let’s not forget you were probably dehydrated. It seemed like you didn’t ever get tired, hungry or thirsty. Matt wanted to help you, but as long as you didn’t want the help nothing would change. Because one of the worst things is when a person doesn’t want help, and it’s hard to help them when they don’t want the help, especially with this. So he let it be for the time being, until he felt it had been going on for too long.
You’d had more panic and anxiety attacks this month than you usually had and your depression had kicked in not long ago. Which meant that you were less likely to start eating and sleeping. The only thing that kept you occupied was watching movies and series. You couldn’t do any school work, because that just made you anxious. Even though you didn’t have much in school at the moment (if you compare to other times), you still felt like everything was too much. You were supposed to have five exams, you had one today, which ended badly. The next two were next week, and then two after each other the next three coming weeks. On top of that you were just confused by everything in school and even if you studied you didn’t get the high grades. Everything was just too much at the moment with school, depression, anxiety overall, plus the attacks and panic attacks, let’s not forget not eating, drinking or sleeping. At the very moment you were screwed and you’d gone so deep down that you had no idea what to do.
Every day you felt like you would have an attack, every day you felt like you wanted to cry and scream until next year came. But you couldn’t even force a tear out of your eyes or a scream out of your throat, for some reason you just couldn’t. So you opted to lay in bed and watch movies all weekend instead of studying for your next exam because you wouldn’t understand anything anyway (and the teacher couldn’t explain it to you either).
It was night by the time Matt came home again, he’d called various times during the day to make sure you ate something, though you hadn’t really followed that, as you just took one bite out of your sandwich before you had to throw it away feeling like you’d puke by eating it. So when he came home and heard you were still awake as well as when he noticed you hadn’t eaten, he went into your room, and you in a poor attempt tried to even your breath to make it sound like you were sleeping — even though you knew full well it wouldn’t work.
“I know you’re awake”
Matt sat himself beside you on your bed. Making sure you listened to him as he continued.
“I know you didn’t eat today” he touched your arm gently, which went unnoticed by you, as you continued to stare out in the distance after you had opened your eyes. He touched your arm once more, and this time you felt it as your eyes slightly wandered to his hand which was carefully placed on your arm once more. Your hands had long since started to fiddle with your blanket in an attempt to hide the fact that your hands were shaking from the anxiety that came with being confronted with your nonexistent eating patterns.
“If I make you a sandwich will you eat it” you only shook your head in answer, you knew with the help of his heightened senses he would pick it up, but just in case you answered with a no as well.
“Can you at least drink a glass of water?” you shook your head and said no once more. Matt sighed and after a few moments he went out of your room. He went into the kitchen and took out some candy from one of the cupboards — the candy he hid away for special occasions. Matt also went and got a glass as he tapped on the water. When he heard it flow down he put the glass underneath and waited for the water to fill up the glass (can he now that?). He also put the candy in a bowl and went into your room again.
The darkness in your room made it hard for you to see, the movie had gone onto the credit scenes and the black background did nothing to help you see what Matt did. You only heard something being put down on your nightstand and felt Matt move around in front of you (as you were facing that way). He took up his previous position on your bed and made you sit up, as well as tell you to put on your favorite movie, he didn’t care if he couldn’t see it nor if you had already seen it today, it was the best way to distract you.
When the movie had started to roll he started to talk. “I know candy isn’t exactly food, or the food you need right now, but you eating anything is a progress, so can you at least eat some of it” your breathing had stopped for a few seconds, scared of even trying to eat as it made your stomach ache. Matt felt this, and added to his previous words. “Please Y/N, if you won’t do it for me, do it for yourself, I know that deep inside you want to get better, you’re just scared to try, scared that it might get worse, but I promise it won’t, it’ll only get better” he felt your head slowly nod as you slowly reached over to the bowl. “How do you know that” Matt sighed softly once more, he knew that if he said the wrong thing it’d make you put away the bowl. “Because it has before hasn’t it, before it went way too far until you needed to get help, because you couldn’t do anything, I just want to help you before we get to that, okay” you hummed at his answer and picked up a chocolate bar. When you put it in your mouth it melted and you got a tiny moment were you felt like everything would be okay, the sweetness was nice, it was far better than eating a sandwich that’s for sure. With that you took another candy bar and eventually you had eaten all of it, while being distracted by the movie in front of you. Matt had listened in on you while you ate, making sure you were okay. He drowned away everything but you, only focusing on you, to make sure you were nothing but okay.
After a few moments your stomach started to ache, it felt like it harnessed everything you ate. Matt made you drink the glass of water before he laid you down on the bed. His arms wrapped around you, as he cuddled close to you, giving you comfort. You breathed in his scent and felt his overall calmness — which always seemed to calm you down in turn. It was like he transferred some of his calmness over to you.
Eventually Matt felt your even breaths as you for once actually slept. That’s when he promised that he’d make sure that you actually ate the next following days, because he didn’t ever want to experience this with you ever again. Though if it did happen again he would always be there to help you, over and over again.
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femdomlieeh · 1 year
Wanting your attention (m)
Subby!WayV x Dom!GF!Reader
WARNING—suggestive themes, light angst & crack ✧ use of sex toys ✧ semi-public stuff ✧ light S&M ✧ breath play ✧ degradation ✧ praise ✧ mommy kink ✧ mistress kink ✧ baby boy kink
[A/N.] I wrote and posted this very long ago (on my first book that was deleted by wattpad at 190k reads🥲) and i only re-wrote the scenario for some of the members (i think u can tell lol). I will continue re-writing old posts so u guys have smth to read in the meantime while i try to write new shit😊👌
M.LISTS—wayv ✧ nct u ✧ superm ✧ latest updates ✧ read on wp
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钱锟 / 전곤 / Kun
Kun craves attention from his lover but he likes to present himself as someone who doesn't as he's afraid of coming off as clingy and also doesn't want his partner to feel pressured or forced to give him all their attention. Let's say you pay him less attention than usual — you're stuck on the TV or working on your laptop rather than making conversation or cuddling — he may get worried that something had happened or that he's upset you in some way. Rather than being selfish, he would take care of you by making you food or bringing you something to drink or snack on to the table so you don't have to get up when working (he wants you to feel better). Let's say you had been spending more time with or talking to someone else and smiling and laughing a lot more with them than you had done with him this day, he would feel insecure about himself — like do you think he's boring? Do you think you two spend too much time together? Does he lack charisma? He's a bit more mature than the others so he's more likely to talk to you about but will try to sound as not needy for you as possible so you guys can communicate and compromise.
You were watching The Package (great film) on the sofa alone, not asking him if he wanted to join or what movie you two should watch, and he had gained the confidence to sit down next to you and lightly put his chin on your shoulder.
"Are you hungry? Because I can make you something to eat if you want," before you can answer he continues, trying to get you to look him in the eyes, "Or do you want coffee or tea maybe? Iced? Hot?"
"I'm a bit dehydrated actually. Hm hot green tea sounds nice about now."
"Okay, Love. I'm gonna be back soon and you're gonna have the green tea of your life," he felt how his cheeks were flaming by the end of his speech from embarrassment, thinking he sounded too desperate.
"Thank you, Babyboy," you kissed his pink cheek.
He was so happy to make you the cup of tea!
As the relationship progresses I see him continuing doing this, and if your sadistic ass still doesn't give him attention after all the good he does, he'll overanalyse the situation to figure out why he deserves being ignored. Give him a sign you're not upset with him. A quick peck is enough for him to smile. But I also think eventually he'll feel comfortable and confident enough to try to get your attention in less perfect-son-in-law ways (only on occasion if he's tipsy or particularly horny and needs your attention more than usual though). Like he might put his hand on your thigh at a restaurant and move higher and higher until you warn him you'll punish him once you get home.
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ชิตพล ลี้ชัยพรกุล / 이영흠 / ten
Ten. Is. Shameless. Periodt. He'd do whatever the fuck he wants whenever he wants to get your attention. You'd be quite amazed at how far he'd go to get your focus. Casually stripping off his clothes in front of you when you're trying to work from home? Put your hand on his neck when your talking on the phone? Pull out a vibrator to use without asking for permission? While purposely looking at you with a smirk? Whisper dirty shit in your ear when you're having a dinner with loved ones? He'd do it all. It wouldn't matter how lewd it were as long as he got the attention he desired in the end.
"Damn, this dick is so good, Mistress," he moaned loudly, referring to the dildo he was bouncing on without your permission.
You were trying to ignore his groaning and his sinful stare because the online meeting was still getting wrapped up (you had mic off).
"So damn good, way better than your strap, Mistress," he threw his head back and looked at you with a fucked out expression.
The meeting finally came to an end and you put down the laptop screen and turned to him, "Excuse me?"
His reply was short but powerful, "You're excused."
And that was why his ass was red hours later.
But he isn't a freak all the time! He can be really sweet and adorable if he wants to too. Like he will talk to one of his fat cats and be like "—— isn't giving me all their attention how mean, right?" And then pout with the cat (Idk his cats' names💀) next to his head as I'm giving you kitten eyes. He only acts this way with his partner.
"——, please pay attention to meee~" he whined with his chin on your shoulder, staring at the side of your face longingly.
"What, Baby?" you look at him.
"Do you wanna cuddle or fuck or watch a movie or something?"
He'd never change methods: acting naughty or cute is always successful. He loves all the consequences of acting like a slut to get your attention and whenever he feels super cute he likes to act that way too. I think that as you explore together in the bedroom (kitchen, balcony, bathroom etc) he will want to try exploring outside of your home too — it'll all start with him being very needy from you telling him all the nasty things you want to do to him once you get back home from the party, and he will instead grind up on you or join group conversations and say double entendres that everybody else understands as neutral, normal things to say but that you know he secretly means something dirty. And if you tell him you like that he will continue getting your attention this way. He's so creative he can come up with all types of ways to act nasty. Eating a very inappropriately shaped food (even if it's a fruit) while making eye contact. Dancing sexily in front of anyone. Touch you under the table. Draw something that could be interpreted as sexually explicit and show it to you. Call you Mistress in inappropriate settings when nobody else hear. He loves attention and there's no way you're not giving it to him.
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董思成 / 동사성 / winwin
Winwin is an angel. He's always obedient and listens to your commands, loving your praise afterwards. But if he sees you talking to someone else and enjoying it a little too much, he might get insecure. He'd want your attention as soon as possible and — since he's not a naughty boy — he'd do something innocent like whisper in your ear and ask you kindly and indirectly to give him some attention too because he'd rather communicate and solve the small issue than overthink it.
"Can you hold my hand?" he asked into your ear so only you could hear him.
A small smile made an appearance on his face when you took his hand in yours.
He looked at the attention-thief who had dared avert your attention away from him, and sent a friendly warning that you were taken.
My Mommy.
If you still didn't give him the attention he wanted, he'd become extremely pouty. Why won't you just give him attention? If he were desperate enough, he'd sit on your lap. But only if he were feeling daring or passionate enough for you to show him some love.
He sighed frustratedly and looked at you before he made his way to sit on your thighs.
You were shocked at the fact that your non-affectionate boyfriend made a move that was bold — in his case even kissing your cheek in public was considered bold.
"Mommy?" he whispered in your ear.
He looked at you in the eyes, "Can we go home, please? I'm tired and I wanna sleep."
Give him attention! He's a good boy and deserves it! Kiss his hands, cheeks and lips in front of others if necessary. He's your good Babyboy, you should be nice to him. Don't be a meanie :c
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黄旭熙 / 황욱희 / lucas
Xuxi craves attention, whether it's verbal or physical. He enjoys being called handsome just as much as he enjoys being choked like a bitch. But he hates it if you give some of the attention he's supposed to have to someone else, e.g. if you were to call someone else 'handsome' especially, he'd feel a little butt hurt. He's confident, but he's still capable of feeling jealousy. Although he's jealous, he's still confident he can get your attention back. He's so handsome, how can he not? He wouldn't take it seriously, rather playfully or even silly. There are three key ways it could go:
1. Tease you
"Mami," he whispered darkly into your ear, "I'm hard."
You finally looked at him.
"Can we go and fuck? Please, Mami, I want you to choke me and handcuff me and call me yours."
"We're in public."
"So what? Let's go to the car, I always keep toys there for situations like this one."
"Such a slut."
He smirked, "Oh yes."
2. Confront you
"Talk to me, Mami, not him/her/them."
He whined annoyingly.
"How can you even think of looking at someone else when you have the most handsome boy in the world in front of you?"
3. Flirt with someone else in front of you
"I can play your game too, Mami," he winked before making his way to someone half as good-looking as you.
He didn't cheat, of course, but he managed to frustrate you enough to make him get on his knees for you in just a few minutes.
He's sure of himself and doesn't even feel threatened when you give someone else attention, just a little jealous because he wants you all for himself. He'd think of getting your attention as a fun activity. Like a game where he tries to get you to break from the act and when he does — he never loses this game — you reward him. Victory tastes good.
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肖德俊 / 소덕준 / xiaojun
姐姐 (jiejie) = older sister
Angel is rarely naughty, but if he's desperate for your attention, he might consider taking that path (not with the goal of having sex but rather just make you look at him or cuddle him or something). He wouldn't do something super naughty, but something bad enough to mildly shock you. His mind would go to something like 'accidentally' or 'innocently' touching you in a place he shouldn't touch you when you're around other people. He'd do it for your attention, and maybe because he'd want other people to see that you're obviously taken.
He looked at you for a second, contemplating whether or not he should put his hand on your inner thigh.
When he heard you laugh at someone's joke, he made up his mind and put his hand there.
You looked down at it and then at his face.
His expression was blank, but you saw right through it and smirked.
"Are you jealous, Prince?"
Xiaojun had been shopping earlier this week and he decided to put on the shirt he liked the most before making his way to you, hoping you'd think he looked good.
"姐姐, I missed you," he hugged you.
"I missed you too, Prince."
He smiled into your neck.
If you still didn't give him the attention he'd hoped for (whether he'd tried to get it by shocking you by being naughty or by acting cute and sweet), he'd get upset since he can get a bit sensitive and sentimental. He really cares for you and your relationship so if you act indifferent at his attempts to get your attention, he'd think that you were questioning his love for you, or his cuteness, or that you were hinting at a breakup. The ache could be too big for him to stay composed, making him go and cry somewhere alone.
He excused himself and left.
Knowing he's sensitive and usually doesn't leave suddenly, you follow him.
When you found him you saw that he had tears in his eyes.
"Baby, what happened?" you asked.
"Why are you acting like I'm invisible. Like I'm not there? Like I'm no one?" his voice cracked and tears feel.
After that one sad incident, he'd expect you to not ignore him in the future since you now know he's vulnerable and gets affected by it. And so if you happen to ignore him like that again — even after the incident — he'd become more of a wreck than last time.
a/n. May or may not publish an angst imagine with this concept since it's been requested in the past...
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黃冠亨 / 황관형 / hendery
Hendery is a sweetheart. Your attention is always highly appreciated, but it's also expected from you (How can you possibly ignore a loud sunshine?). If you didn't give him his usual amount of attention he'd think you were in a bad mood and thus needed to be brightened up. He'd always be very nice at first and try to impress you with his cute and thoughtful antics, by saying something kind, being caring, giving you something thoughtful or pink.
"Mama, I got us food. Let's watch Netflix," he beamed and held your favorite dish up like it was a prize.
If you didn't return the enthusiasm his big smile would decrease.
But if you pushed it and still didn't give him what he wanted, he'd continue being optimistic and give it another try. If his thoughtful sweetie side didn't work then his energetic crackhead side certainly would. He'd say or act weird or dramatic in order to get you to crack. It's very hard not to smile when he's being his odd, loud self and he knows it; he's a natural born entertainer and uses it to his advantage.
"Throw it back!" he voice cracked out while dancing stupid.
"I shake it off, shake it off—"
"Don't leave me dancing alone. Come on, Mamaaa—" he nagged and tried to drag you to the dance (kitchen) floor.
If you give him what he wants in the end, he'd love to fight for your attention. But if you don't reward him attention, then he'd just feel like you don't fit with him. His personality should be able to gain your attention easily. So if it doesn't then there's clearly something wrong. He'd talk to you about it before making any snap decisions.
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刘扬扬 / 류양양 / yangyang
Babyboy feeds on your attention, and he will do almost every to have your eyes on him and spend time with him. He can be a jealous person sometimes and he hates that trait. Since he's an idol for SM he can't do anything that will make netizens suspicious of him being in a relationship and because of that you two have to act like you don't know of each others existence. But sometimes you two cross paths in public and this means that you can't look each other in the eyes or talk — which also means that if someone flirts with you or if you're laughing very loudly with an attractive person or fan girl/boy over another idol whilst he's missing you a few meters away, he might get sulky and will act sulky with the WayV members (and they will take care of him of course). And he knows that he's jealous but he will just try to act cute or pouty afterwards with you. If he's in a playful mood, he'd prank you in a mischievous way instead of being a naughty boy like some people. His creativity and sense of humor would come to play and he'd end up laughing at your reaction. Orrr he will act like a freaking brat and find a way to get on your nerves just for the fun and aftermath of it. Like he would randomly try to seduce you by dancing and end up giving you a lap dance or he would call you Mommy when you're talking to someone on the phone. Whether he gets punished or not doesn't matter as long as he wins your attention.
fluffy ver.
"Mommy~" he cooed and put his head in your lap.
"My hand is tired of playing with my hair. Can you do it for me instead?"
non-fluffy ver.
A sex song from your playlist (or any song from WayV or 127 lmao) started playing on speakers and when you turned to where the sound came from, you saw Yangyang swaying slowly back and forth to the rhythm of the music, slowly getting closer and closer.
"Focus on me, Mommy~"
He didn’t mind a punishment afterwards<3
He's very needy and horny so he will find many different ways to get your undivided attention or a punishment. He will literally embarrass himself and do aegyo in front of his laughing member (and dye on the inside) just to get you to stop giving Xiaojun all your attention and instead smile and hug your sweet, cute, hot, awesome, sexy, lovely, best boyfriend (or just laugh and humiliate him so he gets hard and begs for you at home).
❝ Only you can see the truth, so babе
Fade out, phantom ❞
( Only you can see the truth, so babe
Look as if there is no mask
The light of truth was never lost
Fade out, phantom )
—wayv; 2022
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sadcatjae · 2 years
Whumpee who is actually a conditioned cold-blooded villain and a dangerous obedient weapon, discarded like a broken toy, so they live the rest of their lonesome life in agony and delirium. And Caretaker, who actually wants to survive the encounter with “Whumpee”, but also desperately trying to help and save them 🥺🥺🥺
Ahhh yesyesyesyes so much yes that i actually wrote a thing?????? What the--
Erm and it's awkwardly written and has too much lore but i wrote a thing and I'm very happy that I wrote AT ALL so yay! Thank you for your amazing prompt!! And sorry I didn't respond until now ;u; &lt;;3
Also - I knoooow Kasin is like, caring for someone who literally tried to kill him one second ago, but he's a himbo and a Good Boy (tm) and has no idea if Mercy is legit dying or what sooooooo V_V
CW: Mentions of murder/hanging, PTSD/flashbacks, panic attack, dissociation, scarring, mentions of torture, self harm, knife wounds, dehydration.
“You picked a helluva time to sign up, mulch,” is the first thing Senior Officer Tophel says when they meet. 
“How do you figure?” Kasin grins, taking the proffered sword and admiring the Blue Guards’ sigil in the glinting silver hilt. 
The older man glances over his new recruit’s perfectly pressed uniform and gives a begrudging nod of approval. “Mercy’s coming to Everlost.”
“Ain’t you ever heard of Mercy? The Emperor’s Arbiter and Royal Steward. Apparently he got himself exiled. Though for what, I ain’t privy to. All I know is he’s coming here.” Tophel huffs and shakes his head, fingers twisting the ends of his walrus moustache. “Fact that his head’s not on a pike is no small wonder.”
Kasin twists his mouth to the side as he sheathes his new sword. “What did this Mercy do, to warrant such a gruesome end?”
Tophel sweeps up the loose papers on his desk into a neat pile, his expression one of sheer disdain. “No-one visited by Mercy is left intact. That’s all you have to know. Just keep out of his way and if you can’t - aim to kill, because there won’t be anything left by the time he’s done with you.”
The younger man frowns, uncertain how much one civilian can do against an armed guard. Then again, bluebloods in the Imperial City are known to be well versed in combat, having the best training from a young age. Maybe Kasin should err on the side of caution. Just this once. 
“I assume you’re telling me about this man for a reason,” Kasin says, raising a brow. 
“Looks like we have ourselves a mulch with brains,” Tophel scoffs, sticking his pipe into the corner of his mouth. “It’s what the Captain wants. A simple assignment to watch over our newest resident. No contact, no interference. Just watch. You’ll be on a rotating twelve hour shift with Dazer and you’ll both be assessed for other duties in a month. Any questions, mulch?”
“Why ‘mulch’?” Kasin isn’t stupid, but he asks anyway. Tophel’s greying at his temples. He’s sun weathered and rigid; got a mean, stubborn lock to his jaw. He doesn’t look like he enjoys challenging the status quo - so it’s probably best if Kasin plays his part.
“It’s what you’re gonna be by summer’s end. If you don’t like it, then prove me wrong. Anything else?”
“Am I to disguise myself while on assignment?”
Tophel smiles around his pipe, but it’s more like a leer. “No. Captain wants you in full uniform and full view at all times.”
Mercy’s place of residence could only be described as a hovel. It’s a shack on the edge of the forest, with swathes of spoiled land on either side. The nearest neighbour is the Sudbury Farm to the east and the dumping grounds to the west. The trees here grow black and twisted. By all rights, they shouldn’t be growing at all - but the roots have stubbornly taken hold of the arid land and the branches contort upwards, greedily drinking in every drop of rain and glimmer of sun to feed their wasted bodies.
The biggest and ugliest of these trees grows in front of Mercy’s shack, not thirty feet away. This is where Kasin stations himself, standing in his sky blue uniform, just under the gnarled black branches. He stands out in this desolate landscape, like a vibrant drop of paint on a blank white canvas. The restless movement in the dust-caked windows attests to his bold presence. 
Mercy is nervous. Aware. He peeks out the window every few minutes, but never lingers long enough for Kasin to get a proper look. 
Mercy is just a flitting shadow. No more than a ghost. 
It’s like this for three days. From morning to dusk, Kasin stands under that black tree, dutifully watching those grimy windows. Nervous shadows and obscured motions greet him like clockwork. And then Dazer, the other new recruit, shambles up (long past dusk) to take his shift. 
On the fourth day, he arrives to an angry crowd of civilians swarming Dazer with a variety of makeshift weapons in hand. 
“We want him gone, Dazer!” One of them shakes his pitchfork at the hassled guard. “I know in my gut that he’s the one stealing my chickens and cured meats!”
Dazer laughs nervously and pats the air. “Now, now, Mister Sudbury. I don’t have any say in his stayin’ or leavin’–”
“I caught him going through my trash!” another shrills, red-faced like her equally enraged comrades. “I don’t care if he’s a toff from the Imperial City, I want him out of my town!”
“Miss Daisy, going through trash isn’t technically against the law–”
“Oh, Jim's told me all about that ghastly beast you're defending. He's killed hundreds of innocent people to sate his perverse cravings, and hides behind His Majesty's goodwill."
Another voice shrieks, "He’s a demon that wears the skin of man!”
The crowd surges in volume and fury, inundating poor Dazer until Kasin finally reaches his side. The townsfolk pause for a moment, recognising this young man who has, in his twenty-five years, garnered a strong reputation in Everlost as a reliable, kind, and moral character.
“If anyone has grievances to be heard, please send a missive to Captain Locke,” Kasin announces over the discontented grumble. “Dazer and I have been ordered to keep watch of the situation. You can be rest assured that nothing will elude our attention - so please. Return to your fields and businesses and homes. Should there be any cause for concern, you will be informed.”
For a moment, Kasin’s reassurances seem to have worked. The townsfolk relax, their makeshift weapons drop to their sides, and they consider his words. But then Sudbury, always the inciter, raises his pitchfork and bullrushes the shack, hollering, “DEATH TO THE DEMON OF MIDOTHAL!”
Two other burly men split off from the re-ignited crowd, following Sudbury to the front door. Before Kasin can even react, they’ve kicked down the flimsy wood and dragged out a hooded figure from the gloomy interior. 
One word comes to Kasin’s mind when he lays eyes upon the fearsome Mercy for the very first time. 
The figure enshrouded by a tattered grey cloak isn’t by any means frail. In fact, they are imposingly tall and there is evidence of a wiry, athletic figure. However, Mercy stands stooped over like his crooked black trees, hooded head cast down, and his limbs shaking as though it were mid-winter instead of summer. 
His bare feet, filthy and as grey as his cloak, stumble every second step. Kasin suspects that if he weren’t being dragged by Sudbury’s men, he would have collapsed not one foot out the door. 
Kasin yanks his sheathed sword free from his belt and rushes to Mercy’s side. The latter’s thrown to the dirt, crumpled and silent. 
“Stand down Powle, Richard, Bolt.” The young guard points his sheathed sword at the three men in turn. His oaken stare, intense and penetrating. Something in his eyes has them hesitating, their righteous anger withering to dust. “While we may know each other as well as family, I will not hesitate to arrest you should you enact your own justice. This is a land of law. Which means we abide by the law and entrust the administration of justice by the court of law. As a citizen of Everlost, this is the contract you have agreed to.” Kasin pauses, gaze sharpening. “Do you agree?”
The three men exchange wary glances and begrudgingly respond.
“I s’pose it is.”
“Very well,” Kasin says, his stern expression relaxing. Though he does smile, his gaze remain severe. “It is not our place to question His Majesty’s decision to exile this man to our humble town. Nor is it our place to judge this man. Return to your lives and invest your concerns in your own matters. In this drought, there will be many, I’m sure.”
He doesn’t lower his sword until the last fires of outrage are doused. Only reluctant acquiescence remains, and eventually, the crowd disperses in terse clumps. Sudbury and his men are the last to leave, and they don’t do so without parting words. Words that promise later retribution. 
“I better report this to Tophel,” Dazer sighs, wiping sweat from his brow. “Thanks for saving my ass, Kasin. I really thought I’d have run old Daisy through for a moment there.”
Kasin sends him a wry smile. “I think she would have run you through first.”
“Eh. You’re probably right.”
Kasin watches Dazer set off in a trot up the dirt road before turning his attention to Mercy. 
The hooded figure picks himself up unsteadily, legs quaking from the effort. Now that they are alone, Mercy finally raises his head. There’s a glimmer of pale skin and well defined features - a sharp jawline sweeping into the shadow of the hood, and a pair of cracked, bloodless lips pressed into a tight grimace. Odd marks mar the pallid skin, but it’s difficult to tell from this distance.
Kasin, who had always considered himself to be quite tall, feels a little intimidated by the other’s imposing height. Mercy must stand at least a foot above, and the young guard has to angle his head back a tad to address him. 
“Mister Mercy, I presume?” Kasin says, politely. “I must apologise. They aren’t normally this…angry. They are all good people, truly. I promise you this was an anomalous event that will never happen again. You are safe here. I will ensure it.”
Mercy’s lips twitch into a faint sneer. “How.” His voice is hoarse, grating, as though unused for many months. 
The guard blinks. “I am an officer of the Blue Guards. It is my duty to ensure your safety as a resident of Everlost. And - as you are well aware by now - I have been ordered to keep watch over you. Along with Officer Dazer. Between the two of us, we will prevent any future aggressions.”
Mercy is silent for a time. Kasin has the distinct feeling that he’s being stared at. So he stares into the shade of the hood, directly where he assumes the other’s eyes are. 
Eventually, Mercy turns his head to the side. “You are not watching me for my safety,” he says, impassively.
“I don’t know my Captain’s intent,” Kasin says, evenly. “But I can tell you that I care for the wellbeing of all townsfolk. Exiled or not.” There’s a teasing lilt to the last three words which seems to agitate the other man. 
Without another word, Mercy unsteadily returns to his shack. Kasin slips his sheathed sword back into his belt, uncertain whether to follow him or not. His decision is made for him when Mercy trips over the broken pieces of his door and staggers into something with a tremendous crash. 
Mercy seethes and kicks the broken cot into the wall. And just like that, he’s lost his bed. His cot was the only comfort he’d bought for himself with the little coin he’d had left. And now it’s gone. 
Just like everything else.
‘Exile’ means being exiled in all sense of the word. Meaning, he was exiled not only from his home, his work, his title, but also his land and wealth. Whatever coin he’d had on his person when he was informed of his new status, is all he was allowed to carry into his next life. 
The ex-Arbiter clutches his throbbing leg, allowing himself a moment of weakness, before Kasin appears in his doorway like an irritating gnat. He straightens up, every muscle tensing as his abode is so rudely trespassed. 
“Ah…your door…” The guard crouches down and picks up a large piece of broken wood. He gives Mercy a guileless smile. “Sorry about that. I’m a pretty good carpenter if you’d like me to fix it up for you.”
“Leave,” is all Mercy can spit out. His heart’s pounding near out of his chest and his hands are shaking, shaking, because this creature is in his house. He’s touching his things. He’s talking to him. He’s smiling, smiling like Mercy’s just another person, just another townsfolk who has a face and a future.
But Kasin isn’t listening. He’s walking further into his house, looking at his meagre possessions, casually commenting on the state of his broken furniture. “I can fix this too - no problem. But is this cot big enough for you? With your height, I’d imagine it’s quite a squeeze every night. Maybe I could extend the end a bit, so that you can stretch out? I have a lot wood back home that’s going to waste. And there’ll be no charge - consider it compensation for today–”
Mercy feels it. The Hollow. It slithers in like a snake, starving for prey, and sending venom straight into his veins. It unfurls, uncoils, until he’s no longer in possession of himself. There’s only the Hollow that knows only consumption. He loses himself to blissful domination and there’s its voice, its cloying voice, which commands him to do what he does best. 
The broken halves of the cot drop to his feet in a clatter. Kasin freezes. Hands gone numb. His eyes staring blindly at the swollen, mouldy wall in front of him. 
The sharp prick in his back is unmistakable.
“What are you doing, Mister Mercy?” He keeps his tone calm, friendly even, but his insides tumble about like loose rocks. 
The prick turns to real pain. He feels his skin snap and flesh give. Blood wells. It’s only an inch, but it’s enough to make Mercy’s intent clear. 
“Mister Mercy? Did I say something wrong?”
Kasin feels a chill run down his spine. That voice is void of emotion. Near inhuman. Is this man really a killer? 
“Ah. I apologise. I tend to speak without thinking. It’s a terrible habit, really. Can’t seem to shake it. Look, I'll apologise properly, but you'll need to lower your weapon. Can you do that for me, Mister Mercy?”
Kasin’s heart sinks. He pulls in a shallow breath. Tries again. “I understand. You wish to protect yourself, but you must know that I mean you no harm–”
There’s a steely grip on his shoulder which tightens and jerks him around. It plants a blow on his chest, sending him staggering back into the wall. The cot cracks and splinters further under his clumsy feet. 
A dagger of beautiful yet simplistic design, pokes a new shallow hole in his stomach. He winces but maintains his smile. Even when he finally lays eyes on Mercy’s face. 
The hood must have fallen away at some point, for the mien before him is exposed to his scrutiny. Mercy’s features are sharp and handsome - his eyes shaped like petals, delicate and soft, if not for the flint-like coldness they hold. Not a flicker of recognisable emotion or thought can be seen in these callous eyes, and unlike his name, they speak of no mercy. 
Black, greasy hair, matted with dirt and perhaps dried blood, gathers upon his shoulders, overgrown and impossibly tangled. But the most striking feature of Mercy’s visage are the heavy scores etched deep into his flesh. 
At first, they appear to be freshly scarred wounds from random slashes of a knife. Reminisce of a clawed attack from a bear. But then, as eyes adjust, one can see a single word taking shape - carved into the entirety of Mercy’s face, from forehead to jaw, in big vicious letters: AMOS. 
Amos. As in, Crown Prince Amos, the Emperor’s eldest son. 
Bile surges up Kasin’s gullet which he swallows with difficulty. As frightened he is of the knife sticking into his gut, he’s also greatly pained by the man’s scars. What kind of torture had Mercy been subjected to? Kasin suspects that there’s more to see beyond those cruel letters. 
A part of him is in disbelief. The Crown Prince is known for his heroic and generous deeds. Many espouse his virtues and compare him to his father, Emperor Midothal who ends wars without ever raising his sword. After all, isn’t Mercy’s exile proof of his forgiving nature? If Mercy is truly a deviant, indulging in his wicked appetite behind the docile mask of Midothal’s loyal Arbiter and Steward, then he by all rights should be sentenced to death. However, His Majesty had instead chosen to spare Mercy’s life and exile him instead. Why would he do such a thing, if he was the type of man to allow this torture?
Kasin licks his dry lips, nervously. Never mind all that, he thinks. There’s a knife pointed at his stomach - that should take first priority. “Mister Mercy,” he begins, slowly, amicably. “I can see that you are not quite yourself. Perhaps a conversation between friends could ease your burdens? How about a shared meal? There's a tavern close by that does a wonderful meat pie. Come, friend. There need be no bloodshed today.”
The taller man simply stares at him, hollow eyed, detached. His shaking has dissipated entirely. And his stance is lean and centered. Kasin knows that whoever this is, it’s not the same man from moments ago. 
There’s no getting out of this. Not with words alone. 
Kasin lets his training kick in. In one fast motion, he simultaneously grabs the blade and Mercy’s wrist, and twists the latter to a painful degree. The knife, he wrenches free and tosses to the side. 
There’s no reaction to the sprained wrist. Mercy whips into action, attacking the guard with a flurry of perfectly executed blows. Kasin meets them with his own, and they fight like this for many minutes, neither tiring or relenting to the other. Not once does Kasin pull his sword. It’s not his intention to kill this man after all - despite Tophel’s warning.
Finally, Mercy sweeps Kasin’s legs from under him and pins him to the ground with his foot, pushing his weight into that single crushing point. His other foot pins down the guard’s right hand, preventing him from going for his sword.
Kasin groans and chokes, agony spreading through his upper trunk like spilled lava. “Mer…cy…!” He’s not sure if he’s asking for mercy or calling his name, but it’s fruitless either way. 
The man simply isn’t here. 
Kasin flails. He strikes. He yanks and pulls and kicks. But Mercy’s like a steel column, unyielding, unmoving. 
With every compounding inch of pressure upon Kasin’s chest, the less air he’s able to suck in. His vision begins to darken around the edges. His ribs are on the verge of snapping. He knows he has only a few precious seconds of consciousness left. If he doesn’t do anything - he will die. 
So as he squints up at the stony, impassive face looming overhead - he takes one final shot in the dark. “A…mos..!”
The pressure stops. A sliver of air seeps through. 
He squeezes the word out again. “Amos–!”
Suddenly, as though struck by a powerful force, Mercy violently recoils. His body crashes into the wall, causing the entire structure to judder. Clawed hands desperately scrabble at his hood, attempting to cover his head - or rather, his face. 
Kasin raises himself upright, clutching his aching chest and gasping for air. He feels the creeping fingers of regret upon seeing Mercy’s powerful reaction, but for now, he’s alive - and regret momentarily takes a backseat. 
Mercy clutches the side of his head, dragging the hood further down. Darkness sweeps him up into its comforting embrace - but he’s yet to feel at all assured. 
Pants seep through clenched teeth as he slams his head into the wall, trying to knock the scattered fragments of his mind back into place. The swirling, discordant noise knocks him askew. He’s both here and there and nowhere at all, and it takes every shred of his cognisance to keep from falling apart. 
Amos burns. 
It burns like he’s sinking into him again. Like he’s back in that place, that dark and enduring place, and he bites down on his hand to keep from crying out. This pain is real. Grounding. But the burn is soul-deep. Impossible to ignore. 
“Mister Mercy?”
A voice. Firm. Concerned. It reminds him of the dusk. 
“Leave.” He’s enough mind to utter a single word. Not a demand. Not a suggestion. A plea. 
Please. Please leave. Leave so I can stop fighting. Leave so I can rest.
“Please.” Another plea. Not his own. “Please, Mister Mercy. Tell me what ails you. Is there anything I can do? Are you in pain?”
“Leave–!” The word cracks midway. Wavers. Mercy claws at the wall, smashes himself into it like he can phase right through. He’s shaking now, and chilled right to the bone despite the summer heat. He can smell metal. Copper. His face burns. 
Amos burns. 
“Mercy. Tell me what’s wrong.” There’s a hand now, touching his face. Gentle fingers pushing his matted hair to the side. Sunlight sneaks in as his hood’s nudged back. He panics. 
He’s touching him. He’s pulling off his hood. He’s here, he’s here, he’s here–
Mercy scrambles to his feet, holding onto the wall for support. He holds out a trembling hand, ready to shove Kasin away should he venture too close. But the guard keeps his distance. 
Mercy pants through his panic, his eyes wild and face a shock-white. The world spins, lurches, and his legs buckle and bow. The noise reaches an agonising crescendo, drowning out every scattered thought in his brain.
Kasin steps forward, reaching out, alarmed. This time, Mercy relinquishes. He accepts. He exchanges the wall for the guard and collapses into his sturdy arms. All sense of self-preservation dissipates. He’s purely in survival mode. There’s desperation for an end to this suffering, this chaos, like a primal keen. 
Amos burns.
Kasin lowers him to the ground and kneels beside him, keeping a firm grasp of his upper arms. “Keep still. Don’t try to move. Here, have some water.”
A flask’s brought to his lips, but he can’t do more than wet his cracked lips. He’s breathing too hard, too fast, rocking in the guard’s arms like he’s trying to escape his own skin - but he can’t, he’s trapped, so he just rocks. 
And all the while, his face burns. 
Kasin presses his palm against Mercy’s forehead. It’s a light touch but the latter flinches like he’s been scorched. 
“Sorry, sorry–” the guard hastily apologises. “But you’re hot, like you’ve a fever, and you're not sweating. When’s the last time you drank water?”
“Burns…” Mercy rasps, on the edge of delirium. 
“What does?”
“Amos…Amos burns…” 
Somewhere far away, or maybe not far at all, Mercy hears the trickle of water. Murmured words, not quite for his ears. And then a cool, damp cloth pressed gently upon his forehead. The burn lulls. Subsides. The damp cloth dabs across his brow, to his left temple, down his cheek. In the wake of Kasin’s ministrative touch, Mercy - impossibly - finds relief. 
His panicked breath slows, lightens. The noise quietens in his head. Mercy sits there, eyes closed, swaying and trembling, as the young guard, this stranger, dabs his burning wounds. These ugly, jagged scars that laid waste to his flesh. Like a soothing rain dousing the blazing, destructive wildfire, Mercy finds a kind of peace in that touch. 
Another’s touch is never good. But this touch…this touch is good. 
An anomalous event that will never happen again. 
When Mercy finally comes to, Kasin has once more doused the cloth - his handkerchief - with water from his flask. The guard’s propped Mercy against the wall to free his hands, and he’s crouched before him, brows furrowed deeply in concern. 
Kasin raises the handkerchief to Mercy’s temple, and stills. Oaken eyes, swirling with deep, unfathomable emotion, lock onto a hazy coal-black stare. 
“Mercy? Have you returned to your senses?”
Mercy feels drained. Hollowed out like a gutted animal carcass. He wants nothing more than to curl up on his - broken - cot and sleep the day out of existence. 
He grabs Kasin’s wrist and yanks it from his face. The guard loses his balance and falls onto his rear. 
“Don’t touch me,” Mercy croaks. Should this guard return with a platoon to have him hanged, then so be it. He’s tired of fighting. “I need…” Mercy pauses. Shivers. He feels raw. Weak. And in truth, he is. It only took a single touch to draw out the Hollow. And a single word to break him. “I need you to leave.”
For once, the young guard doesn’t protest. He simply nods, climbs to his feet, and brushes himself off. He leaves his flask and handkerchief on the only standing piece of furniture in the shack - a rickety table salvaged from the dumping ground. 
“Try to drink some water,” Kasin says, quietly. “I’ll be outside, keeping watch, so call out if you need anything. I'll...keep your dagger safe. For the moment. A fair exchange, I think, for almost taking my life.” He turns to leave. A pause in the doorway.  “I am sorry about what I said. I shouldn't have...I didn't realise you would--" He bites his tongue. Smiles tightly. "I’ll fix you a new door and bring it by tomorrow.” And then he’s gone, off to take up his usual post under the gnarled black tree, with the dagger tucked securely in his belt. 
Mercy doesn’t move. He just stares at the naked doorway, lost in the memory of another doorless cell, and the utter incomprehension of simply leaving.
Part 2
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beautouslysandy · 1 year
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24. “it’s true.”
darrel curtis x gn!reader
by: sandy
warnings: lowercase intended, very lovey-dovey, and not proofread
word count: 1,030
request: Could you do 24 and darry from the outsiders 🙇🙏🏽.
a/n 💌: hope y’all enjoy this, been a while since i wrote him. thanks for the request!
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• you were sitting across from darry, it was your first date night in months. you two have been so busy, sodapop and ponyboy forced you guys out the door. “you look really good.” darry said, smiling at you wholeheartedly
you felt heat rise to your face, “thank you, you don’t look to bad yourself mister.” you said with a teasing smile
“mister? what’s with the formalities?” he said with a chuckle as he held your hand
you shrugged playfully, as the waiter put down your fountain drinks.
“thank you!” you exclaimed, taking a big sip of your drink, you were super dehydrated from your long day at work.
“thanks, man.” darry said with a polite nod which the waiter returned as he walked away
darry watched you as you looked out the window of the diner with those sparkling eyes of yours. darry doesn’t know what he would do without you, you are his world and one of the few reasons he gets out of the bed every morning. you were there for him at his worst, there every moment when he was struggling with his parents loss and becoming a parental figure to his brothers. every step of the way.
everybody in town says how you two were made for each other, it was written in the stars as the women next door says. soulmates. he knew that you were the one when he first laid his eyes on you the first day of junior high. “darry?” you said with an amused smile as your boyfriend had zoned out on watching you. darry was brought was brought back to the present by your heaven-like voice that he loved.
“yes, love?” he says with a sweet and charming smile, god he was so lovesick for you.
you loved his smile, “you zoned out that’s all, dar-bear.” you say, using the nickname you gave him junior year when you guys were out late one night and you mistaken him for a bear.
he chuckled at the memory that came with the nickname. “my bad.” he says
“it’s okay, you were just memorized by me.” you tease with a laugh as you take another sip of your drink.
“yeah, i was.” he says truthfully
this makes you blush fiercely, you smile sheepishly which makes darry smile.
you food arrived, you got your personal favorite while darry got his regular, a burger with a side of steak fries “so how was work?” you say taking a bite to your food
“good…tiring but good.” he says wiping his face with his napkin
“sorry about your work being so tiring, babe. i would trade with you if i could but i don’t think i would make it the first day.” you say then laugh at the thought of yourself doing his work
“i wouldn’t wish that on you.” he says with a big laugh as you frown playfully which makes him laugh more.
you love his laugh so this makes you smile but not any smile, your true big smile the one that makes darry's head spin and makes his heart beats so fast you would think he was running a marathon.
once he sees you smiling he gets flustered and the whole world stops and it’s just spinning, expect you. god, you are so perfect.
“i love you so much, y/n.” he says breathlessly
you look up with doe eyes, “i love you more, dar-bear.” you reply with a flushed face
••• ”how about this ring, sir?” the jeweler said, with a smile
darry, sodapop and ponyboy were at the jewelry store while you were working a shift at “sally’s flowers”. and they were here for a very special reason….
“thats to fancy. they wants something simple.” ponyboy says looking at the ring that was being shown
“how do you know?” darry says looking back at his younger brother
“they told me.” he says with a smirk
“when?” sodapop asks looking at the rings
“a month ago.” he says looking at darry
“hmm. simple, huh?” he says with a soft smile
“maybe you will like this one?” the jeweler says holding up a gorgeous ring (you can have a jewel of not)
jewel: it was a gorgeous perfectly sized diamond that was placed neatly on a sliver band, it was classic. it screamed you.
no jewel: it was sliver band that was shiny and classic, it was perfect and darry smiled at the thought of excited you would be
“it’s perfect!” darry says with a wide smile, he can’t wait to give it to you.
••• a friend of yours was looking for your favorite shirt with you, she was looking in the dresser and stubbles upon a jewelry box. “oh my god…y/n!!!” she screamed
you ran to you and darrel’s room and found your bestfriend jumping up and down.
“what?” you say, closing the door.
“he got a ring! he got a ring! a ring for you!!!” they yelled, spinning around the room
darry was going to propose…
•••• weeks have gone by and nothing. you started to worry that he changed his mind. that would break your heart but maybe he had reasons. at dinner that night you wanted to confront him. it’s almost been a month.
you two were on dish washing duty so it was now or never.
“hey dar?” you say washing the plates, as he dried them.
“yes, love?” he says with that charming smile of his that you loved
“someone told me you got a ring for me…is that true?” you say looking at him, his eyes widened.
“who told you that?” he says with a pout
“darry…is it true?” you say, ignoring his question
“its true” he says smiling as he watches your lips turn upwards into his favorite smile of yours….the true and real one.
“i love you so much!!!” you say jumping into his arms
“not as much as i love you. i hope this means you want to marry me….” he says, kissing you
“of course i do!!!” you’d say looking at your tall blond, you were crying which made his eyes water.
“don’t cry…” he says kissing your forehead
“their happy tears.”
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windypuddle · 1 year
alright. i know you asked me this because im the Enstars Person you know so while i am not the expert on this i will try my best to answer! also drink water bestie
ok so im assuming you are talking about wataei because of the ship wars thing. and theyre the only ones i can think of that ive seen described like that recently.
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alright so theres a common joke that eichi (blond one) started the war (massive social and school politics effort to reform the idol system in yumenosaki academy) because he had a crush on wataru (blue hair one). this is not true eichi started the war because he loves idols and wanted to make a fairer system for them.
this reform effort actually happened in two stages: the war was the first stage, where eichi made the five eccentrics the scapegoats for all the vices of the school, which worked because they were so good at being idols everyone saw them as otherworldly and not one of the rest of the human students. eichi, with his power as both student council president and Local Hella Rich Guy, orchestrated a battle of the bands system where he and his unit, fine (usually in this period referred to by fans as ex-fine) defeated each of the five eccentrics and brought supposedly equal chances for the students at the school. the main part of this rhetoric relied on framing the eccentrics as godlike beings, and fine as just regular humans, to show the student body that with hard work, even regular people can rise to great heights.
part of this whole situation was wataru. Wataru was one of the original members of the five eccentrics, and eichi greatly admired him and his skills. a secondary motivation, for eichi specifically, was to raise himself to the same level as wataru so they could communicate as equals. so like yeah he had a crush on the guy but that wasn't his main motivation.
wataru is a fascinating character. he has layers (like an onion) and he is always acting and rarely shows his "true self" and often talks about narratives and such in a very meta perspective (eichi talks this way a lot too, which is why theres so many monologues in enstars, but eichi views himself as just some guy while wataru views himself as the ultimate actor). wataru was also the last of the eccentrics to be defeated by fine. natsume, the youngest of the eccentrics, caught onto the fact that wataru was acting according to the "script" of the war (because he agreed with eichis ideas of reforming yumenosaki), so natsume wrote his own script where the eccentrics won. unfortunately, wataru discarded the idea, essentially For The Sake Of The Narrative. (natsume ended up burning the script, which is an interesting parallel to tsumugi burning the records of the deeds ex-fine did during the war, but thats another matter.) so wataru lost, as he was Supposed To, and eichi and ex-fine won the war for yumenosaki.
up until now eichi and wataru have been distant, only interacting occasionally (including one conversation where wataru has stuff to say about acting, or whatever. its all very meta of them). but after this, eichi is hospitalized, and rips out his IVs and such and refuses to let any of the nurses treat him. Wataru climbs in through the window of his hospital room to find him like this, and essentially asks him: What Now? they start talking about the results of the war, and the future, and they essentially write a script for how yumenosaki can change further for the better: this is Stage Two, trickstar's revolution. only when they plotted it they didnt know it would be trickstar, or the extent to which they would change things. because eichi, in the war, made himself and ex-fine powerful enough to defeat the eccentrics, which gave the students hope; but he did this through the power of being rich and also student council president, and other things like tsumugi's connections to basically everyone in the school. so he ended up having the school in basically a tyrannical rule, but that still wasn't the best environment to encourage idols to grow. so eichi and wataru wrote out a plan for an idol group to overthrow eichi himself, and bring about full change.
basically wataru and eichi combined have orchestrated the majority of the narrative of both the war era and the ! era stories. also they both know each other so intimately on a psychological level. youve probably heard people talk about wataei proposal and that is referring to the last story of the ! era game, where wataru and eichi met on the roof of yumenosaki one night and had a deep conversation-- i dont know all the details because i havent read it in full, but wataru offers eichi one of his theater masks and eichi recognizes the gesture as wataru offering him all of himself, to be wholly known and understood. eichi accepts the mask and yeah you get the point theyre so in love its ridiculous
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phantomenby · 2 years
Request: Could I have an imagine with the poly lost boys with a gn partner who is very good at making people feel dumb? They can insult anyone and make them double check their words as they didn't realize reader was insulting them.
Make sure to stay hydrated and please message me if you need more clarification. Stay well!!
Thank u I am drinking dehydrate jooce
TW: violence, othering, a bit gory
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David's eyes flickered in your direction when he heard your deep intake of breath, watching your face grow darker as the college guys Marko and Dwayne had chosen for the night went on and on about their stupid college-business-internship-shit you didn't care to hear about for another second.
So far one of them had wrongly explained both the stock market and tax laws, while the other boasted about how his parents think taxes are just used to give handouts to lazy people.
David nudged you as your fists began to curl, "wanna go?"
No you shook your head subtly, you didn't want to leave you wanted to murder them.
Even the usually hardy Paul had begun to make less than playful jests towards the pair a few times, one of his hands slowly gripping Dwayne's thigh tighter in order to make his intentions clear.
I mean, they're going to die anyway, sometimes they would survive, you didn't need to eat often but when emotions were high and someone particularly grated on your nerves they practically wrote their own death sentence.
Deciding to finally butt in you leaned forward, bare arms crossed on the old wooden picnic table, taking your chance as 'Darren' or 'Dudebro numero uno' was in the middle of a spiel about how the government was really full of communists who hated America-
"Hey, you know what I just love," everyone's eyes lifted to look at you, dudebro numero dos giving you a less than enjoyable glance over, you flashed your teeth at him before moving back to Darren, "I love how easy it is just just like, print more money, and fix the economy."
You were, how did Marko put it last time, 'talking out of your ass'? Like honestly, who even needed to take some boring, stressful economics class when money was- wait you should be saying this-
"I mean, money isn't real," numero dos - or Moe as you now recalled - clenched his jaw, "so we can just print more y'know, then everyone is ri-"
"Thats not how it works-" Darren tsked, making Marko smirk beside him as he turned his eyes back to his date, "if you actually went to some form of um, education-"
"Actually I went to Yale," that was true, only it had been back in 1873 and you were most definitely not there as a student, more of a diner, "and trust me, none of those dunderheads treated money like it was real."
At least not until they were begging for their life.
That stunned them both for a moment until the two of them decided to go for you together, mimicking your pose, but draping themselves much futher across the table than you had.
"If you went to Yale then what college were you in, hmm?"
You scoffed, shrugging and responding just as plainly, "the business one obviously-"
"There isn't a business college."
"Yes there is."
Moe straightened up, irritation lining his brow, "no there isn't-"
You cut him off, "did you go to Yale?"
The human spluttered, caught "well- well no but that-"
"So how would you know?" You had them now.
Moe tried again, "that doesn't matter, it's public information-"
"Yet you, and your genius friend, don't know all twenty-three Yale colleges?" There were only fourteen. Max.
The man might as well have combusted into fire and ash on the spot with your last few words.
Darren brought you back to him with a long, drawn-out breath like he was trying to suck everyone into his lungs. "Listen, bud, people like us know more than people like you-"
"Yet you didn't know that there was a business college at Yale, sounds as though people like you don't know as much as you think you do."
You stood from the table, hearing the two men follow you while your pack waited behind, letting you enjoy yourself with them.
Paul turned to Marko while you disappeared into an area hidden by some trees and thick overgrowth, "told you they were duds dude."
Marko rolled his eyes, letting his gaze move to Dwayne who was lighting up a joint, reaching for it as soon as the brunette was done.
He knew Paul was right, he just didn't like when it meant him being wrong.
The four of them listened on as the far-off screaming began, musing about their day like you hadn't just stomped Moe's femur while Darren garbled through his lack of vocal cords.
It didn't take long for you to finish up, returning to them with a few extra stains but just in time to finish the third smoke that had been lit in your time away.
"Next time we should just eat them."
Dwayne grinned in agreement, looking where you stood across from him, "next time."
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