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tiffanypromotion · 3 months ago
Exciting times! 🎉 I officially moved into my new home, and it's been an emotional journey! From blessing the house to cleaning, setting up, and even trying to figure out what to do first 😂. Check out the first day in my new space and join me as I tackle everything from unpacking to exploring the area! 🏡✨
👉 Watch the full vlog here: https://youtu.be/h1FWwhFar28
#newhome #houseblessing #movingday #homeownership #vloglife #firstdayinmynewhome
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kasharipeterson · 3 months ago
Exciting times! 🎉 I officially moved into my new home, and it's been an emotional journey! From blessing the house to cleaning, setting up, and even trying to figure out what to do first 😂. Check out the first day in my new space and join me as I tackle everything from unpacking to exploring the area! 🏡✨
👉 Watch the full vlog here: https://youtu.be/h1FWwhFar28
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upagnabeautyandhair · 3 months ago
Experience luxury beauty services at your doorstep. Our offerings include: ✔️ Wax ✔️ Facial ✔️ Clean-up ✔️ Threading ✔️ Hair Massage ✔️ Hair Spa ✔️ Hair Cutting ✔️ Manicure & Pedicure📞 Contact us at 6375328299
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travelfortravellers · 1 year ago
I went to Primark & Bought Some Face Masks | Face Mask Haul @primark
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solutionlab · 1 year ago
Stressors - Psychological Stress Symptoms - Chronic Stress Relief - Dest...
Stressors - Psychological Stress Symptoms - Chronic Stress Relief – Destress
Welcome to our transformative video, "Stressors - Psychological Stress Symptoms - Chronic Stress Relief – Destress." In this insightful exploration, we delve into the intricate web of stressors that pervade our lives, unraveling the psychological stress symptoms that often go unnoticed. Join us on a journey to understanding the silent but impactful forces that contribute to chronic stress, affecting both mind and body. Our dedicated team of experts guides you through effective strategies for stress relief, offering practical solutions to help you break free from the clutches of daily pressures. This video is not just an informative session; it's a beacon of hope and empowerment. As you navigate through our content, you'll find valuable tools to destress, fostering a healthier mental and emotional state. We invite you to engage, share, and be part of our community dedicated to well-being. Like, subscribe, and share this video with others to spread the knowledge and support those in need. Let's embark on a journey towards a stress-free, balanced life together. So 💖 with a commitment to excellence and a passion for creativity, our team of professionals is ready to collaborate with you to achieve your goals and we invite 🤝 you, to our world where innovation, precision, and imagination converge. We, Welcome to our services hub, where your vision becomes reality.
🎯For Your Inquiries Reach Us At:
Web: - www.solutionlab.online
Blog ID: - https://solutionlabonline.blogspot.com/
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awildflowerspirit · 4 years ago
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Happy Friday 🦋✨☁️ coming to you with a self check in for myself. If you haven’t checked in with yourself please know it’s okay! If anything on my list resonates, take from it what you will ☁️ resources included. I recently read @alikriegs piece on @cosmopolitan about how rest can be perceived as glamorized. I agreed with her words, that even *how* rest should look like can become the goal, or an unrealistic expectation. While I do appreciate an aesthetic image, I also believe that it’s important to step back and recognize that rest is inherently accessible - and that everyone is deserving of checking in with themselves and finding some time to recuperate. My life does not look like an editorial magazine, nor does it have to for me to be or feel fulfilled. Taking time off social media on the weekends helps me reconnect with the non online world, it’s become something I look forward to - because some weekends are just me sprawled out in bed and not feeling the need to check my phone. & to be clear, there are times that the initial self check ins are uncomfortable- that I really don’t want to get vulnerable with myself. I remind myself to take it one day at time. Validate my feelings and a reminder that mental health is not easy - it can be hard for some of us. Some resources i love: @sadgirlsclub @thenapministry @ethelsclub @saddie_baddies @letstalkaboutmentalhealth @idontmind @girlsnightinclub @girlboss (@taylor.loren is doing an AMAZING job) Please note this is also a carousel of joy for those who need it. ❤️ sharing some photos I found through Twitter / my camera roll #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthisimportant #selfcareactivities #selfcarematters #selfcarelover #selfcarereels #selfcareathome #wellbeingsupport #wellbeingcommunity #collectivehealing #latinabloggers (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/COlS7AUgt1Y/?igshid=b4xpaqp6rt24
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marketingwithkrishna · 4 years ago
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Say bye bye to cellulite and all📷 AT home. Follow some simple lifestyle routine and diet & you go girl. . . . . . . . . Follow Pink Is In Salon at IG - >https://www.instagram.com/pinkisinsalon/
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artisanalapothecary · 4 years ago
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Who needs a spa day? While we hope that yours is better than this footage taken straight out of a horror film, there is something to be said for self care at home. (She cut these terrifying cucumber eyes herself 🥴) CBD face mask, CBD bath bomb, post soak CBD body butter... sign me up! Happy Tuesday fam! Take your CBD; it’s rough out there! #cbd #cbdoil #selfcare #selfcareathome #facemask #bathbomb #cbdtopicals #artisanalapothecary #smallbusiness #spaday #onesock #noworries #stressrelief #dallastx #qualitytime #enjoyyourself #takeabreak #sleepbetterlivebetter #painrelief https://www.instagram.com/p/CMUuXbIHrMq/?igshid=62nfjqibid2d
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artiffact · 4 years ago
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Self-care but make it futuristic. This light therapy mask combined with mood lighting and sound bath makes it feel like I’m on another planet. 👽 #futuristic #selfcaretech #lighttherapy#selfcareathome #anotherlevel https://www.instagram.com/p/CJfD9DPDyLa/?igshid=1obct9cr33a07
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khadinatural · 4 years ago
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Herbs & spices play a vital role on our skin and hair. It works as magic on our skin. Spices go beyond adding flavor to our food; it has some medicinal properties that naturally heal and rejuvenate our skin. Its antioxidant propertieshelp to fight oxidative stress and heal our gut. The act as a natural flush by flushing out the toxins from your body, fights irritation and redness and prevents premature ageing. #khadinatural #naturalcare #herbalProduct #beauty #beautyproduct #ayurvedicProduct #ayurveda #khadiproducts #khadiindia #natural #skincareroutines #organicingredients #organicskincare #organicingredient #selfcareathome #athomespa #athome #organicingredient #pregnantmummies #confinementmum #menstrualcramps #constipation #healthandbeauty #health https://www.instagram.com/p/CGhuQiFJqD8/?igshid=6jf530bs2bxe
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19553742 · 4 years ago
What is Self-care?
Self-care has an inseparable relationship to our health. According to the State University of New Jersey, the more self-care behaviours are performed by a person, the more positively it is going to affect his or her health (Callaghan 2003). With that being said, we are responsible for our own health’s well-being, and we all have the ability to optimise it. It doesn’t have to be completed base on the reliance on someone else. For instance, self-care is not about visiting the doctors when our bodies are suffering from minor illnesses. It doesn’t have to be something that is costly and expensive. We could do all sorts of things and activities on our own in order to optimise our health through self-care. And we could achieve it at home by ourselves easily for almost no cost. For example, listening to songs or broadcasts of our own liking, going online and do some window shopping or watching movies and shows that are fun and rewarding to our brains. As we can see, the term self-care does not strictly have to imply sense of boredom or loneliness. It is not a nerd’s thing. Spending quality time with ourselves can actually be beneficial and rewarding especially when we are all blessed to live under a world that is full of growing technology. It helps us to find solitude within our highly-connected world (Carter 2012). In fact, a lot of us are already practising self-care unintentionally on a daily basis. It is just maybe it’s not enough yet to the point where we could feel the therapeutic results of self-care.
Self-care could be addictive, it increases our concentration and productivity by minimising potential distractions, reinforces our self-identities by increasing critical thinking as well as deep reflections, and betters our social circles by influencing us in building healthy relationships with others (Carter 2012). Self-care at home not only could repair our skin and bodies through one’s unique pampering routines, it also helps us to clear our minds and restart our brains, increasing our creativity and positivity when dealing with life problems. It is an outlet for us to unplugs ourselves from the cruel and stressful reality. And the purpose of this blog is to be this outlet, creating an online community that is full of people personally recreating various self-care activities at home, experiencing all the mental and physical benefits of it and become aware of the importance of self-care at home.
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dan8gomes · 5 years ago
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It seems surreal to think we've now spent almost 5 months mostly at home! Would love to know your lockdown stories- funnily enough we may share a thing or two and there's a comfort in that. Maybe take a minute and acknowledge the strength you've shown through it all :) Swipe right to see what I personally started off with and have continued to hold onto. Stay safe! ✨ This was a poster I'd made for @amplifierart It's half done on paper with watercolors and half done digitally . . . . #posterillustration #postercommunity #posterartwork #communityart #communitylife #allinthesameboat #covidcommunity #lightbulbart #lightbulbillustration #citypainting #citylover #cityillustration #buildingartwork #buildingillustrations #illustratedwithlove #selfcareathome #hopeandhealing #digitalartistoninstagram #digitalartworking #watercolorpainting #colorfularttshare #lightbulbillustration #bulbdoodle #doodlelightbulb #floatinglights #posterpaintings #posterpaints #colorfulcityscapes #cityillumination #danettegomesart (at Bandra West) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEZdQPMADH4/?igshid=fr9tp0u74dxj
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travelfortravellers · 1 year ago
I Made a DIY Flaxseed Gel for My Curly Hair
I made a DIY flaxseed gel for my curly hair. It was so easy to make and really good for your hair. It is vegan & free of chemicals. #diyflaxseedgel #flaxseedbenefits #flaxseedgelforhair #selfcare #selfcareathome #curlyhair #youtubeshorts #haircare
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pulsepointoils · 5 years ago
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Keep those tootsies warm this winter with a lavender wheat bag, check out the fabric range for her, for him, for them 💜 #lavenderwheatbags #wheatbags #winterwarmers #seasonalproduce #seasonalgifts #selfcareisforeveryone #snuggletime #comfortingvegan #warmfeetwarmheart #warmfeethappyfeet #warmfeet #heattherapy #warmtootsies #selflove #selfcareathome #bodywarmer #naturalwellbeing #naturalwellbeingsolutions #wheatbagheaven https://www.instagram.com/p/CDmP_brFrqr/?igshid=1rn10zk36g208
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moonightcafe · 5 years ago
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Happy Himachal Day! Himachal Pradesh was established in 1948 as a Chief Commissioner's Province within the Union of India. The Himachal History The province comprised the hill districts around Shimla and southern hill areas of the former Punjab region. Himachal became a part C state on 26 January 1950 with the implementation of the Constitution of India. Himachal Pradesh became a Union Territory on 1 November 1956. On 18 December 1970 the State of Himachal Pradesh Act was passed by Parliament and the new state came into being on 25 January 1971. Thus Himachal emerged as the eighteenth state of the Indian Union. #Happyhimachalday #Happyhimachalpradeshday #15april2020 #Stayhomestaylives #Stayhome #Selfcareathome #Selfcarewithrest #Selfcarewithhealthyfoods #Covid19 #Coronavirus #Sleepandrest #Maintainphysicaldistancing #Socialdistancing #Coronafighters #Lockdown #Jaipur #Rajasthan #Weareindians #Wearecoronafighters #Selfdistancing #StopTheSpread... (at Jaipur, Rajasthan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Aq4PHHH4z/?igshid=1t0qvzdpgamer
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beautyville · 5 years ago
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My turn to be happy 😄😄😄 . . My first parcel for the last... hmmmm.. I think almost a month? Not sure, seems like forever. . . I am so exited to try and share! . . . . . . #mvville #koreancosmetics #koreanskincareaddict #Koreanskincare #skincareblogger #skincareselfcare #selfcareathome #discoverunder1k #discoverunder500 https://www.instagram.com/p/B-xKiDoH52S/?igshid=chhmexx6616q
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