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quotelr · 8 months ago
Quite possibly, the purpose of the universe is to provide a congenial home for self-conscious creatures who can ask profound questions and who can probe the nature of the universe itself.
Owen Gingerich
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indizombie · 2 years ago
Beyond social media’s “addictive” nature, a significant number of respondents across genders and continents reported feeling that social media’s promotion of social comparison and the amplification of harmful content had a negative impact on their mental health. Young people reported feeling “anxious” and “self-conscious” about “unrealistic [body] images” viewed in their feeds and told us of their “over-sexualizing” of their body “at a young age” in response.
‘“We are totally exposed”: Young people share concerns about social media’s impact on privacy and mental health in global survey‘, Amnesty International
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munaeem · 2 months ago
Does Our self-conscious thoughts block our success all the time?
Self-conscious thoughts can sometimes hinder success, but they don’t necessarily block it all the time. It depends on how these thoughts are managed and the context in which they arise. Here are a few ways self-conscious thoughts can impact success: Negative Impact: Paralysis by Analysis: Overthinking and excessive self-awareness can lead to inaction or indecision. Fear of Judgment: Worrying…
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compassionmattersmost · 5 months ago
Exploring Self-Consciousness: A Journey Towards Self-Knowledge and Absolute Existence
In the words of Pravrajika Devyanandaprana, “Research into Self-consciousness is what this Self-knowledge is actually about. This consciousness has been described as ‘Sat’, absolute existence. In your own experience you can catch this. Only if you are aware, can you perceive something.” These words offer a profound insight into the spiritual journey towards understanding the true nature of our…
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soumantra · 10 months ago
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match-your-steps · 1 year ago
[opening google.com] how to say i osmosis-ed the knowledge without saying that because this is a very serious science class and they would probably comment on that and then I would feel self-conscious
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zuvluguu · 4 months ago
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alilarew23 · 1 year ago
daily reminder that
once you decide something is happening/has already happened/is yours/will 777% be yours, you can feel whatever the fuck you want to feel, you can think whatever the fuck you want to think, you can carry yourself however the fuck you want to carry yourself—it DOES NOT MATTER. there is nothing, and i mean NOTHING, more powerful than the energy of decision, than the absolute unwavering belief in a specific outcome. decide, know, and stop giving your power up. if you’re on my team, you’re fearless, you’re winning, you’ve already won, and that’s on god.
love you, strong one. 💋
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literarywizard · 1 year ago
I Feel So Relieved Already
It has been a week since I got my mole removed and I feel like I was silly to have worried (though I've lived with anxiety for too long to actually have that kind of negative self talk). I just feel better now, without all that exhausting mental drain.
Just one week later, not even seven full days getting my mole removed, and I’m already wondering what I was worried about. Sure, I’m still in the active wound-care stage of things, but I’m notably less self-conscious of the bandage stuck to my face than I ever was of my mole, and that’s even with the bandage feeling way more noticeable than the mole ever was. It just bothers me so much less.…
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itsrlymine · 23 days ago
it's just done. stop with the bs
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It's so easy it's freakin ridiculous. You "get" what you want because you are it already. There is no separation between you and anything you could ever "want" because it's you. Stop over complicating it. It's done now because you are here now and now is all there is. You are all there is. You're not getting anything, it's just who you are.
Manifesting in a f*cking nutshell.
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billa-billa007 · 1 year ago
Awareness, Acceptance, and Action #personaldevelopment
Personal development refers to the lifelong process of improving oneself in various aspects of life, including but not limited to, emotional, intellectual, physical, and social well-being. It involves setting and achieving goals, acquiring new skills, cultivating positive habits, and continuously growing as an individual. Personal development can lead to increased self-awareness, enhanced self-confidence, improved relationships, and a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment.
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salemlunaa · 3 months ago
stop trying to manifest things, they are never coming.
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You guys need to stop manifesting things in order to get stuff, and you guys say that you don’t but ultimately, you do. you burn through methods like no tomorrow and then go to asks and dms to say that nothing works for you
But in order to manifest you need to understand that your desires aren’t coming, they’re already here, stop trying to do mental gymnastics to affirm the right way or visualise the right way with a 100 step manifestation routine trying to get your desires because they aren’t coming, they’re already here. And that’s what manifestation is:
reminding yourself of what is true
what manifestation isn’t:
using methods to get anything you dream of
instead it’s:
creating a reality where you have said desire, in imagination
it’s done
remind yourself of it whether it be with affirmations, visualisation etc
So stop trying to get results because they aren’t coming and never will, something that is already true isn’t waiting to happen, it just has already. So if your desire, which isn’t a desire anymore isn’t waiting around to become true, why are YOU waiting🤨?
If a loved one brings you a plate of cookies, you’re not going to beg: “please can i have some cookies” (affirmation that you lack cookies) you aren’t begging because the cookies are already infront of you. Instead you would thank them “thank you so much for the cookies” (affirmation that you do, in fact, have some cookies infront of you)
Those two phrases are affirmations, whether the cookies are materialised in the 3d or not, confirming whether you have them or not are affirmations. Treat your desires as those cookies, they’re here already therefore you can’t beg, why would you beg for something that’s here, why would you be desperate for something that has come.
Now, imagine if a friend comes over to your house to hang out, you aren’t gonna ignore them and say you’re waiting for them to come, while completely disregarding the fact that they’re already here because that’s rude and you also look insane anticipating the arrival of a friend that is literally sitting infront of you. Think of your desires as that friend, why are you ignoring them, while also looking and waiting for them at the same time, when they are RIGHT INFRONT OF YOU??
You can rack your brain to the point of insanity to get your results, you can be in this community for years and they just won’t come, sorry babe. You have to wake up and realise it’s already done or nothing will get done. Wether you do this by subliminals, robotic affirming, visualising, you need to remember that when it comes to your prize, these methods aren’t helping you cash out your prize, they’re simply reminding you that you have that prize.
Again, if you can’t understand it’s already done, nothing will ever get done. ever. You can apply for two hours before you go back to complaining (which is affirming that you lack that desire), you can affirm for a day before looking for your desire, but it’s never gonna happen, because it has already.
This is your life, you can spend years on and off applying this mindset while other actually get what they want, but this is your life and another day has gone by where you’re still looking for results you’ll never get. Don’t waste your life away doing the same thing you did yesterday, today’s the day to finally have enough with your mindset and fix up!!
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edensreality · 4 months ago
It’s not your “face claim” it’s YOU
It’s not your “DR self” it’s YOU
It’s not your “DR family” it’s YOUR family
It’s not your “DR life” it’s YOUR life
Embrace your dimension, it is real life, not a silly little scenario.
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munaeem · 2 months ago
How to Tune Out Self-Conscious Thoughts?
Tuning out self-conscious thoughts can be challenging, but with practice, you can learn to manage them more effectively. Here are some strategies that might help: Mindfulness and Meditation: Practice mindfulness to stay present in the moment. Meditation can help you become more aware of your thoughts and learn to observe them without judgment. Cognitive Behavioral Techniques: Challenge negative…
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daretoassume · 3 months ago
this is how you build your OWN beliefs from scratch
beliefs are the foundation of creating the life you desire, along with your inner conversations and emotions. this is why it is important to examine all the beliefs you have in every area of your life, especially those about people and yourself, to see if they align with your natural self, which is your divine self.
i said "own" because we picked up beliefs from the people we were surrounded by as children, having no choice at that time but to accept them. however, the idea is that you always have a choice to choose or create your own beliefs that align with your true self and will shape a whole new reality. if you want to build your beliefs from scratch, you need to:
identify the old beliefs – you cannot change something you are not aware of.
unlearn the old beliefs – ask yourself if they are true for you or if they align with your truth.
list the "new" beliefs – form beliefs that are true for you, true to your divine self.
act on the "new" beliefs – behave in a way that is more aligned with those beliefs.
persist – continue to choose the new beliefs you created moment to moment, even if the situation remains the same.
i definitely recommend having a journal when practicing unlearning beliefs that don't serve you, as it makes you more aware of them, making it easier to remove or replace those beliefs. doing shadow work is one way to deeply investigate what is happening inside you, why you believed the old beliefs, where they came from, how to make peace with them, and how to let them go.
once you have chosen those new beliefs, you must perpetuate them every day, especially when a situation challenges you—particularly your emotions—to choose that new belief for you to experience a new reality. because you cannot just list them and then forget about them. your behavior should match these new beliefs until it becomes natural for you to think and act in that way.
"..because in the next moment it is a whole new reality. you actually have to keep choosing the belief every single nanosecond in order to actually have an experience of ongoing perpetuation." ♱ bashar (darryl anka)
to truly experience this whole new reality you desire, persist in your new ideas, new beliefs, and the thoughts and behaviors aligned with those ideas and beliefs. it may be uncomfortable at first, but that is also just a belief. if you find it hard to attain, as i said, doing shadow work will really help you. this is just a reminder that you always have a choice. always choose what is aligned with your natural self.
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soumantra · 1 year ago
Quantum Physics to Quantum Politics
To take the logic further, we must ask, “What should we call this oneness? What is its primary aspect?” The holistic philosopher Ervin Laszlo calls it the “quantum field” or “Akashic field.” The word Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning outside of space. Laszlo, as well as others, suggested that it is the interaction of this field that converts waves of possibility into particles of actuality that we experience in space and time. This is interesting given physicist von Neumann’s great theorem: No material interaction, staying within the bounds of quantum physics, can ever convert waves of possibility into actualities.
Laszlo saw this nonmaterial interaction that converts potentiality into actuality as the major attribute of the Oneness. A closer examination reveals further insight into the nature of this Akashic field: 1) The field is consciousness itself responsible for our subject-object awareness and 2) The field’s interaction with matter consists of consciousness choosing a particular actual event of experience from among the various facets of material possibility.
You may have heard of the observer effect. Only in the presence of observers can it be unambiguously stated that quantum possibility becomes actuality. But think! According to quantum physics, before a measurement or an observation, the observer’s brain that is doing the “looking” is also a quantum possibility.
Let’s go back a step. We observe a submicroscopic object like an electron with a measuring apparatus, a Geiger counter for example. But in truth, a Geiger counter cannot truly measure. Why? Because it is made of submicroscopic objects like electrons protons, and neutrons, it too, must be an object of possibility, only macro.
But by the same token, the observer’s brain, being made of the same submicroscopic objects—electrons, protons, and neutrons—must consist of quantum possibilities. And yet, obviously, in any act of observation, the observer’s brain and the object of observation actualize together, but the observer never sees any brain. Instead, he or she identifies with the brain and experiences being an “I” observing an object. We call it the quantum self. You can think of it as your quantum I. The one consciousness of the domain of potentiality in this way becomes many quantum “I’s” in each of us, respectively, looking out from behind our eyes (no pun intended), and experiencing objects in space and time. The brain is a very special apparatus not at all like the Geiger counter.
If you are a spirituality aficionado, you must already have been delighted that science, in the form of quantum physics, has rediscovered the spiritual oneness of everything.
I hope that now you are even more delighted: An age-old spiritual puzzle—how the one becomes many—has been resolved. The one becomes many because of quantum measurement that causes the “collapse” of possibility—multifaceted—into actuality— single-faceted.
And what might it be that actually influences/determines which actuality emerges from this process of a “collapse” of quantum possibilities? It is the choice of consciousness, of course. The causal power of downward causation comes from a choice of our consciousness at the most primary level.
But if you are not a spiritual aficionado but a mere religionist, most likely you don’t like separation. You look at separation as an “original sin” and the source of great ignorance that only religion can remove. To you, living in the world, and especially playing politics with its affairs, ends only in a politics of ignorance. To you, a politics of wisdom can only prevail if politics is guided by religion and its values.
But, of course, if you are an aficionado of scientific materialism—the Newtonian classical worldview—then this kind of “original sin” view of our separateness will only irritate you. To you, we are independent separate objects; how can something that is natural be criticized without substantiation?
But scientific materialism does not help either when it declares that we are machines. Let’s face it, machines don’t play politics. It is all mechanical for them. To that the sophists among materialists say, “Oh, well, brains have experiences of a sort arising out of a survival benefit in the process of evolution.”
To this, the quantum aficionado responds, “But how do we understand ourselves and the subject-poles of our experiences by looking at neurons and their synaptic processes in a material organ like the brain? We can’t.”
Precisely. That’s the quantum perspective; we need a primacy of consciousness view of the world to understand our experiences. Also, including political experience. But materialists would maintain that political thought and politics, too, have a survival benefit if done the
right way—the materialist way. Thus, political experience albeit with no causal power.
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