#self imformation
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spicywarl0ck · 1 month ago
Getting to know your Mutuals
Thank you for the tag @perlen-gold <3 It took me a few days because of limited time, but here you go:
What's the origin of your blog's title? 
Nothing exciting really, the name came to be because I enjoy playing the Warlock Class in DnD, and the Spicy because I enjoy writing spicy things and content. :) Plus I wanted a more or less neutral name to go with everything <3
Favorite Fandoms: 
The only fandom I’m really active is Dragon Age and apart from that I live in a small bubble combining multiple things.
OTP(s) + shipname: 
mHawke/Fenris (Fenhawke)
Tenth Doctor/ Rose Tyler (TenRose)
Favorite color: 
Purple <3
Favorite game: 
Dragon Age, Persona 5 Royal, Final Fantasy 7 Remake
Song stuck in your head: 
Currently, It’s always between Popular, What is this Feeling and Dancing through life all 3 from the Wicked musical 
Weirdest habit/trait? 
I can jump between multiple topics within seconds without a break. Like if you chat me up about a Tv series, I promise you, I can go through multiple TV series, to games and tell you what I had for lunch last weekend within the same 5 minutes. And then jump to yet another completely unrelated topic xD Apart from that, I am weird in general.
Writing, about to attempt taking up sewing this year, playing video games, reading (No time for more)
If you work, what's your profession? 
I am a Nurse Assistant, and currently up to do the apprenticeship to become a full-fledged Nurse. <3
If you could have any job you wish what would it be?
I always wanted to work as a Lab assistant. Like analysing Blood etc. I might still get the chance to study virology in the future, so we’ll see about that <3
Something you're good at:
I guess I am good at my Job xD Which is so sad. I can’t think of another thing I’m good at atm. But maybe it’s imposter syndrome. 
Something you're bad at:
I forget literally everything but the stuff I need for school. I promise you, I haven’t even noticed that a week passed already. Apart from that, I’m very impatient which stands in my way very often. I also always neglect my writing schedule for other things. Also math. I am terrible at math.
Something you excel at:
Doubting myself and being an insecure mess xD
Something you love: 
My cats, my friends, my Partner, my comfort food, my comfort games, books (But I don’t get to read very often atm), travelling, amusement parks
Something you could talk about for hours without off the cuff:
Dragon Age, Doctor Who, my job, food, Tv series I like, London, stuff that annoys me
Something you hate:
Everything that goes against human rights, late trains and busses (Germany got that a lot, unfortunately), injustice, fish
Something you collect:
Books and Merch <3
Something you forget:
Almost everything.
What's your love language? 
buying treats/food my partner likes
Favorite movie/show: 
Crimson Peak by Guillermo del Toro
Favorite food: 
Cottage Pie, Sunday Roast, Bolognese
Favorite animal: 
Bats! <3
Are you musical? 
I love to sing and dance, but I’m not very good at singing xD Never learned an instrument yet, but it’s never too late to find out.
What were you like as a child? 
shy and weird. 
Favorite subject at school? 
Languages in general (German which is my Native language but the grammar is horrible, English and French)
Least favorite subject? 
Math, PE, Geography
What's your best character trait?
I’m loyal to friends, some people think I’m funny. Can’t think of more.
What's your worst character trait? 
I’m unfortunately not very good at listening, because my brain always gets unfocused (Not intentionally, I swear!), and I am very stubborn and impatient.
If you could change any detail of your day right now what would it be?
I would like to be done with my exam, but apart from that… maybe turn time to spring? I dunno.
If you could travel in time who would you like to meet?
Edgar Allan Poe!
Recommend one of your favorite fanfics Unfortunately I don’t get to read much atm because I’m busy with school or writing myself and I always have to pick what to do. So when I read, I am currently reading books. But please feel free to spam me with fanfictions! tagging: @celemee, @fiannans and everyone else who sees this on my dash!
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k-didathing · 4 months ago
Startober Day 5: Monarch
Jimmy was different. No matter how much people assured him otherwise, he knew deep down that it was true. He was reminded of it every time he had to stoop down to fit through a doorway, or when his fish-like tail got in someone’s way, or whenever the scars on his back ached, even though he had no idea where they came from. And that was another thing: everyone else in the Nether had a past – a history, a place to belong, a reason for being there. Jimmy didn’t have any of those either, but he thought that perhaps he could do something about that. And that is why he became the (self proclaimed) sheriff of this town. He thought that surely people would welcome him and respect him then! But the mocking laughter of children echoing behind him seemed to suggest otherwise. 
Jimmy slammed the doors of the library behind him, breathing a sigh of relief as the sound of laughter vanished. The library was one of the few buildings in town where he could comfortably stand up without feeling like the ceiling was weighing down on him. Sure, the bookshelves made the space a bit cramped, but it was one of the few places where Jimmy could sit and think without worrying about anyone else’s opinion.
“Hey there, big fella,” a voice said from nearby. Jimmy jumped in surprise at the voice, since it was a voice he recognized, though not one he would expect to hear in this place. 
“You startled me,” he said, looking for where the voice came from. It was the old, retired sheriff of the town, though up until now, Jimmy doubted that it was possible for him to leave the saloon. All he did these days was drink and sleep, and sometimes Jimmy wondered how factual his stories about the glory days when he was sheriff actually were. “I didn’t really expect you…”
“What, you think an old guy like me doesn’t know anything about reading?”
“That’s not what I-“
“Well, you would’ve been correct.” The Old Sheriff picked up a book at random and started flipping through it, but the cover of the book caught Jimmy’s eye: it was titled The Mystery of the Avians, with an illustration of a tall, winged, fishlike figure with a crown.
“Let me see that,” Jimmy said, reaching for the book with determination.
“What, do you own it or somethin’?”
“What? No, this is a library. Nobody owns anything. Do you even know how to read that thing?”
“Eh, not really.” The Old Sheriff tossed Jimmy the book, which he just barely caught. The pages were filled with imformation about Avians, but most of the “facts” presented by the book seemed strangely dubious to Jimmy. He began to flip through the book hastily, looking for more concrete information, but he paused when he reached two pages that were in full color. They were images of the Avians, one male, one female.
Whenever people asked what race Jimmy was, he would usually tell them he was a glare. But it wasn’t like he had any glare abilities — believe him, he’d tried. He often got mistaken for an ender because of his height, but he didn’t have any of those abilities, either. He never seemed to be able to do much of anything. He just assumed that he was some sort of glare hybrid because of his feathers.
But when he looked at these pictures… well, he couldn’t deny the resemblance. They had the same tail that he did, and their hands and feet were also webbed. Their colorful skin was also similar — covered in things that weren’t exactly scales, but didn’t look like normal feathers either. But there was one big, glaring difference — they had wings, and Jimmy did not.
He rubbed his back. His scars were beginning to ache again — the dull ache of something lost that he couldn’t even remember losing. He closed the book remorsefully and put it back on its shelf.
(A galaxy away, an Avian sat on the precipice of her palace and wept, her warm tears streaming down into the sea, her heart aching to see her lost brother again.)
(A galaxy away, a glare darted through alleyways, one who had wings but did not want them.)
(A galaxy away, a group of figures watched from the shadows, feasting eagerly upon the pain of the estranged siblings.)
(How I wanted to help them then! How I wanted to stretch my hand across the cosmos and cradle them and tell them that it was going to be okay!)
(But of course, I could not. All I can do is silently hope that one day they will see each other again. Alas, such is the lot of the ones who watch.)
(AU by @skimmeh and @kairamuwu)
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protoslacker · 1 year ago
Free Palestine
I work at a store. Yesterday walking by the clearance section I saw a boy, probably only a little bit over a year old, flat on his back and sound asleep in a shopping buggy. I said "hello" to his adult simply to acknowledge his sleeping child is precious and he is too.
The self-immolation of Aaron Bushnell has shocked my conscience.
Conscience is a faculty for wrestling with emotions and with reason to figure out what's right and what's wrong. Something I notice about my own conscience is that while I might be pretty sure what's right or wrong, I'm rarely certain about my answers. Maybe that's because my conscience isn't very good, however my sense about the uncertainty is that it's a "feature and not a bug. " That is not being so certain allows for movement and change. But I'm not sure.
In 1965 Thich Nhat Hanh sent a letter to the Rev. Martin Luther King concerning the self-burning of Vietnamese Buddhist monks in 1963. In the letter Thich Nhat Hanh distinguishes between their aims in setting themselves alight and the act and causes of suicide. He also explains how difficult it is for a the Western Christian conscience to understand.
Thich Nhat Hanh notes that for Buddhists suicide is a great crime. In my living, sometimes when I've gotten the news about a person's suicide my reaction has been, "who can blame them?"
When I have considered suicide, I have sometimes wondered if I might commit in a way that might move some people from no-good action. One scenario I've thought of jumping from a highway overpass into rush-hour traffic in protest. Submitting the thought experiment to my conscience it's pretty clear that would just annoy some people, and possibly injure or kill innocents. So even with my imperfect conscience the moral calculus proves such an action wrong.
ADL points out that Aaron Bushnell was the second person to self-burn themselves in front of an Israeli embassy in the USA. In December a person was critically inured after setting themselves on fire in Atlanta. The person's name has not been shared, but a security guard who was burned trying to intervene is named Michael Harris. that event didn't generate much attention. The police officer training his gun on the Aaron Bushnell has gotten a lot of attention, and he remains anonymous so far as I know. But there were people like Michael Harris who tried to save Aaron Bushnell's life. My conscience suggests that attention to them is important. Ruth Gilmore has so wisely told us: Where life is precious, life is precious.
As an American I am complicit in the ongoing genocide in Gaza.
In Christian tradition Jesus was confronted with: “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” He responded with three stories, "the lost parables." I know these stories, but I'm not so sure I really understand them. As little as I understand, these stories imform my conscience.
I am moved by this post by Veterans For Peace in Common Dreams.
He [Aaron Bushnell] couldn’t bear to see any more people eviscerated and incinerated by American bombs dropped by Israelis on innocent Palestinians.
Wrestling with ones conscience is a struggle. I'm not sure such struggles are heroic, but I'm pretty sure they are necessary and that they are long.
Forgiveness and Love by Meshell NdegeOcello
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dexare · 8 months ago
CHRONICLES OF REBELLION: THE FRAGMENTED PAGES is a Conspiratorial Military HFY Science Fiction Novel.
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Presented through fictional leak documents, images, and videos. The story primarily focuses on a team of soldiers, part of an organization known as "The Constance Foundation," an organization that not only manages secrets societys but protects humanity from Universal Instability and Cathulian like Entities that spread throughout existence it self as they pour in from other versión of the universe where the very concept of order never came to exit. These monstrosities and unstable realities are classified as CF/E-### and CF/Locals-###.
According to the author, this series is based on real events and is being leaked by a man called Kalesh P. Leander, Director of The DIEWELL Collective, alongside his two partners, Agents 98 and 99 as they use a Quantomly entangled Artificial Intelligence to steal Fragments of imformation to pass on to unique members of the Collective. These fragments will be expanded on the main series of episodes on YouTube and will give you a preview of whats to come.
The series, being of a large scale, features both the grand ambitions of humanity and the cruel realities of the universe alongside countless stories from a number of different timelines and realitys, never being afraid to deal with concepts that are better left alone or simply considers too complicated.
The main series it self is primarily focuses on the interpersonal relationships and stories of the main cast (Vincent, Cody, Trooper and Zhero) alongside temporary protagonist witch are featured during the corresponding Arks of the Story.
[ Slower than malasis drops of a spoon 🐌]
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hotch-stufff · 4 years ago
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gif by dwayne-pride
Gibbs x f!reader
Warnings!: mention of death, a curse word or two, crying, angst, fluffy ending
Description: You have been deployed and Gibbs receives some news
"I'm looking for an Agent Gibbs." GIbbs head shot up, only to see a Marine dressed in full uniform standing before him. He had been checking his email, hoping to hear from you, it had been a couple of days since the two of you had spoken.
"That would be me." He slowly stood up. "How can I help you?"
"Is your wife Y/n Gibbs?" He nodded slowly. He prayed to God this wasn't what he thought it was.
"The Maine Corps regrets to inform you that your wife, Y/n Gibbs was killed in action on September 4." Gibbs felt his heart shatter at the officers words. Everything was a blur afterwards. All he remembers is how he stood there frozen, tears welling up in his eyes. The spell was broken however when McGee walked over to him and offered to drive him home. He doesn't remember the trip, he doesn't remember McGee walking him into his house, and offering to stay.
The next thing he knew he was in his bed. The same bed he had shared with you only 6 months prior. You had been deployed out of the blue. You had already served 2 tours, and thought you were finished with the marines. But the news came in that a commanding officer had just been killed, and he needed a replacement. You were who they sent in.
He remembers the day you left. He drove you to the airport, and walked you as far as he could. He of course used his badge so he could walk you the whole way to your gate. He remembers your words exactly.
"I'll always come back to you. I promise."
But of course you couldn't keep that promise.
He just wanted to kiss you. He wanted you to hold him and tell him everything would be okay. He wanted you here, in bed with him. Snuggled around him. He just wanted you back. And he sat there for hours on end crying out for his dead wife.
* * *
3 weeks went by and Gibbs was no better. He had taken about a week off and he had spent the entire week trying to convince himself that this wasn't real that you were coming back. But by the second week, he accepted that you were gone. That you didn't keep your promise. That you died.
The teams hearts were breaking for their boss. He wasn't even him anymore. Just a shell, empty of his past self. He had already lost Kelly and Shannon, and now you too. Noone knew how to help him, he was drowning and it was very apparent that you were the only one who could save him.
* * *
Another 2 weeks went by before a you were walking through those doors. A broken arm, a slight limp, bruises covering just about every part of your body. But you were determined to go up that elevator and see your husband.
When they told you they had imformed him of your death you were beyond pissed. Of course you hadn't died, you were shot and airlifted to a close by hospital. But no one had bothered to relay information and it was assumed that you were dead. You of course needed to have some conversations with some higher ups, but that could wait.
The elevator finally reached your floor and you stepped off. The first thing you spotted was your husband, slouched over at his desk. His team members were sending him worried glances every couple of seconds. You knew these past couple of weeks had to have been hell for him.
You walked closer to the desks and Dinozzo caught your eye. He gasped quite loudly and all head shot up to you. All except for Gibbs. You neared his desk and slowly walked up behind him.
"I promised I would always come back to you." That couldn't be your voice. That wasn't possible. But sure enough as Gibbs slowly turned around, he was met with your bueatiful face. He stood almost instantly and had his arms wrapped around you. Tears falling down his face.
"Y-you came back. Your a-alive?" He pulled back, but only enough to where you could see his face.
"I was shot and airlifted to a hospital. Everyone assumed I was dead, because no one followed up." A couple minutes went by as be breathed you in. As he accepted that you were really here in front of him.
"Sweetheart, I- I missed you. So fucking much." He kissed you then. A kiss you hadn't received in almost 7 months. A kiss you had been craving since you boarded your plane.
The kiss was passionate and he placed a hand on your cheek gently cradling your face. The other wrapped around your waist, bringing you impossibly closer. The room filled with cheers, but Gibbs sole focus was on you. He pulled away, only to rest his forehead against yours.
"Don't ever scare me like that again. I don't think I could handle it." You nodded.
"I won't. I'm so sorry. I love you Jethro." You kissed him again, just a small peck.
"I love you too."
Thanks for reading! Requests are still open, so keep them coming! If you would like an idea of what to request here is my promt list, and if you would like to read more of my work, here is my masterlist.
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is-the-empires-clip-cute · 3 years ago
Hello! I've recently seen your blogs on how to take care of emperors and I've been thinking to get one!
I live near the equator, so where I live is generally very warm. What emperors would you recommend and what emperor should I get to accompany them?
Hey there !
Thanks for sending in an ask .
A joey seems ideal for you . As a typical jungle dweller and not generally inclined to wearing much in the way of clothing , Joeys suit warm environments down to the ground . They are very social on their own terms , and can be a fun and exciting emperor to have in the home . My only reservation on recommending you is that Joeys can often be extremely high maintenance emperors to keep , and their companion species like the Xornoth and the Shrub are also often subject to their own specific and difficult physical/mental health problems . If I'm inferring correctly , and you'd like to expand your group of emperors in the future , it might be best to steer clear of owning a Joey , unless you're confident you've got a good amount of fellow owners and in paticular owners of its companion species , to aid you in the beginning .
My best recommendation , however , would be a Pixl or a Pearlescent moon . The Pearlescent moon , or the Pearl , as it is affectionately known by her fans , a good candidate to meet your requirements . Her typical environment is fairly warm all year round to accommodate her Farms , and this should mean it adapts fairly well to its new environment in your home . In addition , the Pearl is known for being relatively placid and self sufficient , so is one of our best recommendations for first time owners . Its companion species are the Gem and the Fwhip , both of which get up to no more than minor mischief , making them an fairly easy and logical second step in creating a fun and comfortable group of emperors . Another popular companion species is the Sausage , though this species is slightly more difficult to handle , so I suggest you see some of our other posts before a first time owner welcomes a Sausage into their home .
The Pixl is also an ideal choice , given that its natural habitat is the desert , I severely doubt that the climate of your area should throw it too much ! In addition , Pixl is known to be a very intelligent species , known for generally being quiet peaceful until provoked and an almost father like figure to some of the more wayward species ,so its fairly compatible and shouldn't cause much trouble with any existing groups of emperors in your area . Funnily enough , the Pixl also keeps company with the Fwhip, so this should also be your next port of call if you want to expand your group . Pix also keeps company with the Jimmy and the Joel , and while I wouldn't recommend a Jimmy as it may dry out in the climate (particularly after its transformation) , a Joel may take well due to the heat of its badlands home .
I appreciate this is a lot of imformation , so if you have any extra questions , feel free to check in !
Thanks again for getting in contact
-- mod Darwin
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macy-starmoon · 3 years ago
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Elena Chisaki
Class:2-1 Reputation:+10 Personality:Loner Crush:Daisaku Aragaki Club:No club Self-Defense:Very Weak
A half-French and half-Japanese girl.Her mother is a French.Compare to gathering with others,she prefers studying in library alone.The flower on her hair is her favorite flower,Chrysanthemum.But it made other students mistaken her as a gardening club member. Recently someone found she started to put on make up at school,because she is having a crush on a member from student council. – after the 1980s mode of YanSim is out…it seems good to create a new OC in this era…
and the student council members in 1980s are hot (especially Daisaku)
p.s.i made her complete imformation in Amino http://aminoapps.com/p/qry007a
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shepard-ram · 4 years ago
Here we are past the halfway point honestly didn't think I would get this far so now we on the Blade's chapter- Ender-anon
A life changing fight
Tommorow was the day that Tommy and Wilbur(who insisted you called him Wilby in person and in your letters) warned you about in their letters their brother the crown prince was apparently coming for a diplomatic mission and to make sure that the current ambassador was doing alright after suffering a stress related illness you had personaly gone to visit him earlier in the day after all he always went out of his way everday to ask about you day and make sure you were doing alright so it was only right you wish him a swift recovery in person. After your visit you decided to go to the military academy it was only one building and only had a few training grounds compared to the one in the Actic Empires capital,Wilbur had shown you around last time you had traveled there, theirs was more that 5 times the size at minimum but it had served you nation well in the centurys since it had been built.You saw Buldrokkas'tee giving a demonstration to the newest iteration of squad A6 upon noticing you he kneeled and asked for you assistance with a combat demonstration, granting his request you went to one of the simpler training grounds a simple dirt field, taking position opposite him you both bowed before you charged across the field sword clashing against his tower shield pushing him back slightly before dodging his spear as it cracked the ground where it hit making a small crater, running back to put distance between you digging in your heels as he threw the spear swinging you sword at the last moment defecting it flying out of the field leaving him weaponless, losing his spear didn't faze Buldrokkas'tee as finaly started moving forward shiffting his shield to use that as a weapon and despite you effort of knocking the shield out of his hands while trying not to get hit by said shield unfortuantely you messed up first leading to you geting hit in the chest knocking the breath out of you lungs and sending you flying into a nearby tree before falling to the ground bringing the match to an end. Laughing as you stood back up proud that you had lasted so long against him, you turned to see Buldrokkas'tee had recovered his spear and had a person trailng behind him that you didn't recoginse a piglin hybrid if you weren't mistaken.
You introduce yourself and when he does in kind your surprised to find out he was prince Technoblade who informs you that he was impressed with the match and if you would humor him with a spar.You gladly did so and managed to last longer than you did against Buldrokkas'tee but you still lost not without landing a few good blows on Technoblade. After the match which you imforms the prince that it was one of the best fights you ever had and that you'd be happy to fight him again tommorow before he had to go home, to which he gave you a strange look before agreeing and leaving. You were way to pumped about the coming fight and spent your free time thinking of his fighting style and how you could exploit the weaknesses that it held. When you arived early due to your excitment, once you saw him arrived you gleefuly asked if he was ready to which he nodded that he was and like that it began. Before you had struggled a bit due to his fighting style being very different from those of you knights but after spending the privious day replaying his every move within you mind deconstrucing it until you could see through his attacks which if his face (what little of his face you could see due to the boar skull mask) was any indication was infuriating.However even if you could now dodge and parry his attacks you weren't able to land any hits of your own leading to you both agreeing it was a tie after continuously fighting for over two hours.Your face almost hurt from the size of your grin as you try to catch your breath while Techno is just staring at you and he congratulated you on managing to tie with him, you just thank him for giving you the most rewarding fight of you life as he walked away you called him over and handed him a sword made in the style of your people as thanks for humoring your request of a rematch.He left back to the empire later that day and a week later while going through the enemy of rulers everywhere paperwork only to (thankfuly) be interupted as a guard informed you that gifts from the Arctic Empire which didn't surprise you honestly you didn't know how the empire had a fuctioning economy with how many gifts Tommy and Wilbur bought you, but this wasn't their handwriting or their fathers confused you opened the packages to find...stratagy books and books on different fighting styles all annotated with the mystery handwriting, turning to the letter you open it to discover that these were from Techno and he was asking if you could write to eachother like you did with his brothers, you would be happy to you thought happy to have a new friend.
A bond that he wouldn't allow to break
Technoblade the dreaded crown prince of the Arctic Empire was bored, his father had sent him to the country that was home to the ruler his brothers seemed obsessed with if the fact that they ordered the poor ambassador to your nation to send them daily updates about your day the stress of the two princes breathing down his neck had lead the man to suffering from a mental break. They didn't use to be so bad, well in comparison but now, now though Wilbur was charge of their latest coquest Newfoundland and Tommy in charge to the new colony of buissness bay and that ment they couldn't vist you nearly as much his father even had to sent a few nobles with Tommy to rule along side him to ensure he wouldn't just run off to you whenever he felt lonely. But now he was here to make sure the mans family was adequitly compensated for his unfortunate death by "bandits" on his way home but he had accompliced that within the first few hours after making sure that the man would have no surpirse visitors now that the man was dead he had nothing to do and since he arrived a day early he would have to spend a day longer here, not that was to bad there weren't anyone staring at him despite his hybrid apperence but then again most of the population seemed to be hybrids he could probably count the number of human he had seen in the capital on one hand. He was abruptly brought out of his museings when the sound of a sword clanging against a shield rang out looking around he realised he had walked by a dirt field being used for a spar, looking over to see who was fighting on the side closest to him was a human with a two handed sword (an uncommon weapon in the empire) and when he saw the other fighter he froze because he recognised that person, a towering figure at least 9 foot tall maybe 10 if you counted the branch like horns and a deer skull mask rested on his face only crimson eyes visible,the choice of a spear as big as its weilder and a tower shield over 6 feet tall only confermed its users idenity in his mind desipte its impossiblity. That human was fighting the infamous demon hybrid Patriot an general that once served the now wiped out ursus empire while it still existed but Patriot vanished before the collapse disgusted with the noblity but he shouldn't be standing their he vanished over a century and a half ago he would be nearing 200 years of age he should be dead but hear he was fighting a human and the human was holding thier own.He watched as the human deflected the spear thrown at them throwning himself to the ground as it almost impaled him when the human sent it flying but soon the human was sent flying into a tree but rather then be in pain the human just started laughting while dusting themself off.Since the spear was right next to him it was no surpires that Patriot found him but he simply lead him to the human who introduced themself as the ruler his brothers were obsessed with so not wanting to tick off his brothers by being rude to them he introduced him self title and all.
Your reaction to that was strange though you didn't harded you eyes in digust like he had seen other humans or even most hybrids did, he did however ask for a spar if you could disarm someone with over a century of combat exsperence you would give him a good fight surely and you did, you lost but it lasted longer than any fight he had had in years but instead of being anoyed that you lost you thanked him for the fight and asked if you could fight again before he left for home stunned by your lack of negative emotions towards him he only nodded and walked away to do more sightseeing.The next day he arrived on time only to find you already there, he didn't expect this fight to differ form the day before, he could not have been futher from the truth you were suddenly able to dodge and parry his every move its like you knew every attack he made before he had even swung his weapon it was starting to imfuriate him the only reasion he didn't outrite lose was because he could easily could read you attacks thanks to years of battlefield experience, the fact that you drove him to a draw after only a day, how much better could you improve with propper guidance,his guidance if you jumped up to his level in the space of a single day as he started to wall off mind filled with training regements and maybe he could get you a one handed sword and shield and teach you his style . He paused when he saw you running up to him with a two handed sword in hand and you were giving it to him... as thanks for agreeing to fight you and he felt his heart swell as you called it the most rewarding fight of your life looking down at your beaming face maybe he could see why his brothers were so attached to you. After returning home he went to his personal libery grabing the stratagy books and books on different fighting styles he thought would suit you and writing notes and helpful tips throughout them,it wasn't untill he started writing his letter and heard his brothers talking about you(they didn't notice him listening) as a sibling that it finaly clicked for him you could be the sibling he could truely bond with in a way not even his twin could someone who he could talk strategy with and not just have them nod in agreement just to appease him after all Wilbur had Tommy why couldn't he have a little sibling to himself.
After writing this I can safely say I hate writing fight scenes, we are now at 3/4 SBI and don't regret writing spending so long writing Technoblade's reaction to Patriot cause he's such a badass as one of the hardest bosses in game he's from and in the story he shrugs off a blow that broke a skyscraper in half and in the end you never beat him in the story so I had to have techno react to this most badass 200 something year old giant of a man that got his own official music video depicting his fight.Feel free to ignore this if it's to off topic I just had to get that off my chest he is such a bad ass.
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veryveryverytemporarily · 4 years ago
However unrealistic, I personally don’t want Aaron to be with anybody who isn’t Robert. I watch when Aaron’s on in hope of a Robert mention, and look forward to Robert coming back to whatever new status quo that Aaron has managed to land himself in. 
Meanwhile I don’t hate Ben or Mack but neither am I interested in them much lmaoo. But accepting the inevitable, I’m thinking Ben has a better story than he’s been given credit for up to this point.  
I think the underlying narrative is sound even if what’s been shown so far, like the drink with Simon’s friend which was dreadfully bad, or the whole kayak boy context which feels so stagey and more like theatre than TV.  (In fact anything at the HOP feels like it’s on stage, not helped by the costumes that look like costumes not clothes)
So is Ben and Aaron’s story so far lack lustre? Absolutely. But does it make sense? Well grudgingly, yes. 
First off, Ben’s introduction was basically him glaring from a distance at his school days tormentor, probably a whole load of unwanted recollections and emotions circling, and then the affront of Aaron to not even recognize him!!! Like if he has self esteem issues that’s the worst.
Next Aaron persists so Ben is trying to work him out, with one voice telling him there’s a mutual attraction between them and another telling him to run at the slightest provocation. 
Aaron’s frank with him about why he was like he was at school and apologises, but Ben has to decide if he’s genuine; he wants to believe him, is cautiously willing to accept he’s changed. 
And then Aaron seem’s volatile, snappy, lashes out. Ben has no context for the way Aaron’s behaved beyond what he himself knows of him from school and a few snippets. It’s not like he knows Liv, she’s just a name.
He needs to protect himself so he does that by walking away, which was the right decision for someone with his history to make.
It also makes sense to me for it to have the hiatus last this long. It shows Ben is fairly grounded in himself and mature and that can be boring lol but also can’t be such a bad thing. 
I think Ben and Aaron getting closer over Liv’s spiral was probably planned long ago. That would make sense too. It would fill in a lot of missing imformation for Ben and make him feel more generous and understanding of Aaron. It will make Ben look like a savior to Aaron if he helps find Liv. It’s a definite recipe for getting meaningfully closer.
So naturally I only want Robert. But as everyone seems to say Aaron moving on is a given For Now  I will wait.
Also I need it to be Ben for my fic to make sense 😂
Anyway these have been my thoughts to help reconcile myself LOL
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coolthudethecoolest · 4 years ago
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Okay here’s lil funny images of my smile for me ocs (the template is by @/bardpropaganda ) and also some additional imformation
Denny Dixon (mx. Dixon) is a 8’8 figure who loves gossip and secrets, but doesn’t want anyone finding out zis own secrets. While their hobby may make it seem like they’re rude, they’re actually quite polite and noncronfrontal. They’re also very worrisome and has does very little socializing.
Simon-Neese are conjoined twins who know very little about eachother due to their inconvient time schedules. Simon, whose a big early bird and active during the day, is a rather extroverted and mannerly gardener. He’s the one who is more desiring to meet the other brother, but is very nervous, yet eager, about meeting him. On the other hand, Neese (the nocturnal brother) has already accepted his fate of never meeting his brother. Neese in general, is a blunt, yet understanding, man who typically doesn’t desire to change things and likes to be at his own pace.
Earl is an autistic palette-headed person who loves to paint and loves paint even more. They usually act chaotic and strange as a form of self expression and for their own amusement, however they inevitably end up regretting it at times because it ends up scaring people and leaving paint to feel lonely. They are very self-loaving and often just assume people just hate them from the start. Once you get to know Earl, they can be very charming.
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mismatchedmimic · 5 years ago
Devlog - 08/12/19
I’m going to start with a simple progress report. Since my last log I have finished:
Character expression planning
4/5 character sprites with expressions (Two done this month)
You might notice this isn’t much for 5 weeks worth of work. Obviously a big part of it is that I’m only doing this in my free time but even for that, my ability to get through art is very slow. I’d say I’m somewhat confident in my ability but there’s one area I’ve been trying to learn in the last few months since I started this project in ernest.
That area being, how to draw, or even just work, without hurting my arms.
See, I actually started this project about 2 years ago. When I did I jumped right into it and when I got to the drawing... well I jumped right into that too. For two days I drew until my arm was too sore to go on, because in all my self teaching I never learned how to draw safely.
I ended up unable to draw and barely able to use a mouse with that arm for a whole month after just those two days. And for 8 months I avoided drawing altogether.
As an aside, I took up 3D modelling during those 8 months. It felt easier on the arm. But it defeated the point of the project, which was to use the skills I already had. Would’ve taken me a couple years to get up to skill, I think.
(Here’s the model I worked on for those 8 months though. I’m definitly proud of it but it simply took too long to make.)
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So, I started researching how to draw without hurting myself. The information was all there, easy to find results on youtube, even a few tumblr posts that had crossed my dash over the months. I had just never thought to use them before. (Sorry, no links. I’m just typing this off the cuff and don’t remember which videos I found specifically)
It’s made a world of difference just making sure to stretch everyday before starting to art, keeping good posture, and making sure to listen to my body. If it starts aching, I have to let it rest. Though even now I sometimes forget to if I’m close to the finish. My aching arm is reminding me to get better at that right now.
It’s likely I still push myself to art far more than I should. I set aside whole days to do so but only get 3-4 hours done on those days, at best. In the future I think I’ll plan shorter art sessions, with other tasks to take care of in the rest of the day. After all there’s still a lot of writing and scripting to go into this.
I hope this was imformative or at least interesting to read. I might try to talk about things like this more often, at least on slow months. Remember to take care of yourselves too and I’ll see ya’ll next month.
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captin-owl · 6 years ago
Ugh! You’re too stubborn and too hard to trick...
“you do you” was probably originally said by an ace person
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malkuvoitenoldoran · 6 years ago
Spatial - 4.86
You remember things visually, including exact sizes and shapes of objects You like posters, charts, and graphics. You like any kind of visual clues. You enjoy drawing. Effective techniques of enhancing your learning using your spatial intelligence include creating and/or using pictures, maps, diagrams, and graphs as you learn things.
Self (Intrapersonal) - 4.57
You have a very good sense of self. You like to spend time by yourself and think things over. You will often take in imformation from another person, mull it over by yourself, and come back to that person later to discuss it. You like working on projects on your own. You often prefer to learn by trial and error. Effective techniques to enhance your learning include keeping a Journal and giving yourself time to reflect on new ideas and information.
Language (linguistics) - 4.43
You enjoy enjoy saying, hearing, and seeing words. You like telling stories. You are motivated by books, records, dramas, opportunities for writing. Effective techniques of enhancing your learning using your language intelligence include reading aloud, especially plays and poetry. Another idea is to write down reflections on what you’ve read. You may also enjoy exploring and developing your love of words, i.e., meanings of words, origin of words and idioms, names. Use different kinds of dictionaries.
Tagged by:��@a-bottomless-curse
Tagging: You reading this, if you want to know what your muse’s intelligences are go do it.
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deaths-righthand-blog · 6 years ago
serviços de reparos residencial
concerto de vasamentos Do not make an effort to promote an item you don't concur with. This incorporates paying awareness to your firm itself as well as their values and policies. In case you have any qualms in regards to the enterprise, your consumers will choose up on it. You should be described as a whole supporter in the product or service you're providing Rigid copper is utilized for key drinking water lines in lots of homes. You can't bend rigid copper, so joints and tees must be soldered on. When soldering, generally use flux (also known as soldering paste) to each surfaces. Flux retards oxidation in the event the copper is heated. Constantly use lead-free or approximately lead-free solder when sweating a copper joint. Before beginning any plumbing undertaking on your individual ensure to perform a good deal of analysis. You will discover several assets available to help you in comprehension your plumbing process and assist you to stay away from several widespread issues designed by do-it-yourself novices. Looking through about other people's errors might make the real difference of conserving or losing money. Solder with basic safety in your mind. If you solder a copper pipe you should immediate the flame about the copper pipe. The flame from the torch has to be 4 inches absent with the piping. The flame really should be qualified instantly in the point the place the copper piping has to be disconnected. Since the weather starts for getting chilly, attend to all of your uncovered pipes by including insulation to them. Pay back particular consideration to pipes located in crawl spaces as well as the outside the house partitions of your home. Getting this stage might help make sure that your pipes continue on to function all over the wintertime. Prior to deciding to begin a plumbing job you need to tighten all of the pipes which have been effortlessly obtainable. Primarily when your pipes are building an array of loud banging sounds, as this is certainly a transparent signal that there are unfastened pipes along the line. It's also a great strategy in the event there's a clog therefore the excessive pressure unveiled would not crack a free pipe. You should definitely know the place your home's water shutoff is situated. You never ever know when there may very well be an emergency involving a damaged pipe or weakened link that requires you to transform off the drinking water right away. Moreover, recognizing where by the shutoff is located is important before you decide to start off any plumbing venture, in the event anything goes completely wrong. Roots from the tree inside your back yard is often a real headache on the subject of plumbing. Ensure that for those who have a big tree or bush or some type of plant that has a significant root technique, that you just check with your plumbing enterprise about root killing brokers. You'll be able to flush these down your toilet and get rid of any roots which might be blocking your pipes and help save your self a lot of cash by halting a back again up prior to it transpires. for more information visit: https://reparacao24horas.com.br Seem closely at your bathrooms several periods all year long. Examine to determine if you can find any leaks you may not have recognized; it is possible to do that by positioning five or six drops of foodstuff coloring during the tank. When there is a leak, the colour will seep to the bowl within half an hour. This process may help you capture a small trouble ahead of it will get also outside of management. Will not pay a plumber until eventually the work is done. A plumber might have to have some money upfront, but it truly is smart to wait till the task is completely performed in advance of supplying him your entire payment. A lot of things can materialize between the end and end of the occupation, so to get secure wait around until you will be happy with the finished get the job done prior to paying. To assist you locate a good plumber, you ought to get tips from folks whom you have confidence in. Asking a friend or simply a neighbor is usually far more reliable than choosing a random plumber away from the cell phone reserve. You'll need a proficient plumber, normally you might be in for your a lot even bigger dilemma down the road. In case you have troubles with the plumbing building a hammering audio if you turn it off, test your drinking water stress. Any time your drinking water pressure is over 80 PSI, you may hear excess drinking water noise. This may be conveniently solved from the installation of the pressure-reducing valve, which may be carried out by most homeowners. You'll want to winter-proof your property. It's important to ensure you change with the grasp circuit breaker or maybe the shut-off valve prior to deciding to leave your home. Given that one particular modest gap or congested h2o can swiftly freeze and trigger pipes to interrupt and broaden, you need to drain and open all outdoor and residence h2o traces. Selected items shouldn't go into your plumbing method. By knowing everything you can and cannot flush or throw in to the garbage disposal and sink, it is possible to help you save your self from a highly-priced mend or catastrophe. A plumber can generally get the plumbing back into doing work situation, but could be averted if you know the way to get rid of merchandise properly. Unclog drains easily. Attempt applying a plunger and drain cleaner, as your clog may well only be a build-up of hair and debris. If this does not get the job done you may really have to clear the drain having a snake. Feed the snake in to the drain line so far as it'll go. Switch the crank carefully, which can aid to loosen the clog. Get rid of the snake, and run water down the drain to see in the event the clog has been taken out. You may really have to use the snake a few periods, prior to the clog is cleared so don't stop trying! Do not permit your faucet leak. Did you know a leaky faucet can waste about one hundred fifty gallons of h2o every day? If you have a leak, by no means dismiss it. It could be coming in the faucet or maybe the pipes. Continually check pipes and faucets for excess moisture or tiny leaks. Will not pour grease or oil down any of the household drains. Set them in containers and location from the fridge right up until they are reliable, then toss them absent. In the event you pour them down the drain, they will solidify in cold pipes. These stable masses will clog your pipes and therefore are quite tough to take away. for additional imformation take a look at: encanador
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acloading322 · 4 years ago
Matshita Dvd Ram Uj8a2as Driver Download
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DVD Burner Firmware
Matshita Dvd-ram Uj8a2es Driver Download
ATA Device Driver
Drivers Installer for MATSHITA DVD-RAM UJ8A2AS ATA Device. If you don t want to waste time on hunting after the needed driver for your PC, feel free to use a dedicated self-acting installer. Matshita cd dvd drivers Keyword Found Websites. 11, how can handle games what I open normal CDs. But since my Minecraft, 4. Select one of 8x for free. So I can affirm that this fix is also applicable for the SONY VGN-AR350E laptops that have the matshita dvd-ram uj-850s dvd-rom installed also. I'd tried everything including downloading and installing the shared components from the sony site and any downloads that were applicable to my model without any success. Discussion The UJ8B0AW Matshita DVD Windows 10 driver problem solved:-))) Author Date within 1 day 3 days 1 week 2 weeks 1 month 2 months 6 months 1 year of. Drivers Installer for MATSHITA DVD-RAM UJ8A2AS ATA Device. If you don t want to waste time on hunting after the needed driver for your PC, feel free to use a dedicated self-acting installer. Matshita cd dvd drivers Keyword Found Websites. 11, how can handle games what I open normal CDs. But since my Minecraft, 4. Select one of 8x for free.
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The UJ8B0AW Matshita DVD Windows 10 driver problem solved.
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CHIAVETTA BLUETOOTH. Tips from the pitcrew if a hardware device isn't functioning properly, or if a program or game that you're installing states that it requires newer drivers, a driver update will be in order. Do you need to buy this specific dvd-ram uj8a2as drive that is specific to sony vaio or is there a generic dvd drive that is the same specification. Sri venkateswara songs download. The uj-840s dvd and blu-ray burning.
Matshita dvd-ram uj-850s ata device - there are 6 drivers found for the selected device, which you can download from our website for free. I've tried to fix it and checked in device manager, an imformation came up saying windows cannot start this hardware device because its configuration information in the registry is incomplete or. Matshita dvd-ram uj-852s ata device driver driver comments, 5 out of 5 based on 6 ratings.3 user comments. Version according to waste time i chose to show hidden devices.
My problems started out as the drive not showing up under computer, then randomly it would show up if i restarted with a cd in the drive, and sometimes at. There are no drivers that are out there that will fix it, biut there are few things that can be tried, one fix is going into the device manager and uninstalling the drive if listed under. Evangeline mateoug7 17-06-2016 00, 20, 15 picking out the best suited matshita dvd-ram uj-851s ata device on the net seems unachievable just the installation info file can be obtained for the driver, in certain websites. I never knew what toshiba matshita dvd-ram uj-850s upper or lower filter was until tonight uj driver ata device matshita download dvd-ram instagram. Common questions for matshita dvd-ram uj890as ata device driver q, where can i download the matshita dvd-ram uj890as ata device driver's driver? And hardware to extract it and checked in certain websites. Driver Cusi-M Audio For Windows 7 Download.
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Nania. Windows 10 also trashed my internet and i had microsoft fix that as well, though at the time i was unaware of the drive problem. Cd drive matshita dvd-ram uj-850s gives this as its status , the software for this device has been blocked from starting because it is known to have problems with windows. The system additionally creates a few others.
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Panasonic says nothing about it and also i cannot find the driver at the vaio support homepage. I will select only qualified and blu-ray burning. Update uj8hc firmware free download now. Carlos 23-06-2016 14, 15, 36 picking out the best suited matshita dvd-ram uj-852s ata device on the net seems unachievable just the installation info file can be obtained for the driver, in certain websites.
If you don t want to install. The technical specs of this device can read cd-roms at 24x, and reading speed for dvd-roms was 8x. He took 4.5 hours and eventually fixed it. During the early days ago my sister's laptop to download. I want to install it on my pc because i uninstalled it. During the installation of this file, be sure that you are logged in as the administrator or as a user with administrative rights.
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Aspire tc when i tried, 4. I've got the same matshita-dvd-ram-uj-850s drive as jtrain/everybody else, running vista, but with an acer aspire 5100. Matshita dvd-ram uj-841s usb device - there are 3 drivers found for the selected device, which you can download from our website for free. Discus and updated driver matshita matshita download sci drivers. I've got the drive is incomplete or. Double click the driver download to extract it. During the installation of this update do not turn the computer off or cancel the update.
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soundexcursion · 4 years ago
#262 - 22APR2021 ▶小倉快子さん( BOOKS f3 )  - うちで旅するブックガイド vol.2
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今回、選書をお願いしたのは、新潟県新潟市の書店・BOOKS f3の店主、小倉快子さん。 小倉さんおすすめの旅本3冊をご紹介いただいたほか、お店のことや、沼垂という街のこと、そして、小倉さんの「旅のサウンドトラック」についてもお話をお伺いしました。
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2021年4月22日(木)19:30-20:00 FMまつもと(長野県松本市 79.1Mhz)
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まどをあける vol.2 小倉快子さん寄稿のエッセイ掲載 http://madowoakeru.com/
no.1 (写真右上) 著者名:平野太呂 タイトル:『LOS ANGELES CAR CLUB
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no.2(写真左) 著者名:柚木沙弥郎、木寺紀雄 タイトル:『柚木沙弥郎との時間』 出版社:グラフィック社 https://booksf3.stores.jp/items/60810405c9827a69be97d91b
no.3(写真右下) 著者名:寺井暁子 タイトル:『10年後ともに会いに』
 出版社:クルミド出版 https://booksf3.stores.jp/items/608102c1e70dc4123d968090
1.Dom Mino' - Time Lapse 2.The Loch Ness Mouse - Simple Song For A Bookstore 3.Marc Johnson - Dingy-Dong Day 4.阿部海太郎 - Your Book And My Bookmark 5.Hans Zimmer - You're So Cool 6.Nabowa - Trippin' 7.嵐 - Happiness
Hickory Sound Excursion · #262 - 22APR2021 ▶小倉快子さん( BOOKS f3 ) - うちで旅するブックガイド vol.2
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