#self exspression
squiddy-god · 3 months
snake Hcs
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Bad bitches love snake
Re-upload from terminated blog squid-god-supreme
He honestly loves you so very much. Your probably one of the first people to ever even give him the time of day much less affection
He’s so shy and cute alsjdbdks he gets so flustered by your affection, his cheeks get flushed and he just melts
That being said he’s so touch starved, before the circus took him in from being a “freak show” The only times people would touch him were to hit him or grab at him only to recoil in disgust
Because of this he craves gentle touches and sweet kisses almost desperately, he lives for the affection you give him and honestly he doesn’t want to think about being without it.
When you first got into the relationship he was distant in a weird way? Like he was definitely close to you and was almost always with you but, he practically refused to touch you like you had the plague.
He was scared out of his mind, he couldn’t fathom why you, someone he held in such high regards, would ever consider being with him, so what if you were disgusted by his scales? What if you touched them and wanted to leave him because he was a freak?
When you bring it up he’ll tell you, himself, he’ll muster up the courage to tell you why he didn’t touch you in the slightest.
Please cup his cheeks and run your thumbs over the scales on his cheeks, please kiss the ones on his forehead and tell him he’s not a freak and that he’s handsome and deserves the world 🥺😭🥺
After you reassure him he’s amazing and that you love him he’s absolutely hooked on affection and will happily return any that you give him.
All of the snakes absolutely love you ❤ Emily and gothe were immediately smitten with you, Oscar (the cheeky bastard) and wilde did need a little more warming up, but the moment you exspressed that you don’t see him as a freak? They were all smitten
Loves when you two have breaks and you can sit close to him and mindlessly run your fingers over the scales on the back of his hands, he loves it so much you don’t even know
He really does value your opinion and sokes in whatever you say about him, all your little words of encouragement and affection, all the little comments you make about how much you love him, all of it, he sokes up all of it
I headcannon that snake is cold blooded and you cant change my mind.
When it gets cold outside the snakes gravitate twords you, so now you have them + snake clinging to you and your body warmth, he gets all bundled up but it doesn’t do much so he’ll cling to you as much as possible
Likes when you lay on top of him like a human blanket with your nice warm hands under his night shirt
Snake doesn’t get jealous often, mostly he will get sad and very self-conscious
The snakes however, are different. While snake himself gets self-conscious mostly, rather then jealous, the snakes mostly Oscar get jealous and have no problem voiceing through snake that they don’t like the way someone is getting to close to you
“Why is he so close to (y/n) ? ” Asks wilde
“Hey! They’re taken! Buzz off” Says Oscar
He neglects to translate some of the more possessive and mean comments his scaley friends will hiss out as he’s quite embarrassed
When you are alone together he’ll stutter out complements and “I love you"s he wants to give you as much comfort and affection as you give him. He likes quite conversation between the two of you were you can just feel content within each other’s arms.
Now if you’ve been together for a while, every so often he’ll rub his cheeks against yours or his forehead will rub against you. He’ll hug you and shift and rub his body against you to help him shed. Snakes will sometimes do it if they’re haveing a hard time and it takes alot of trust, snake is no different.
I imagine sheding in patches is more difficult then shedding normally so he may need a little help. It’s odd but it’s a way for him to show you his trust in you, being vulnerable in his own unique way
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st-dionysus · 3 months
Note to Self: Do not write obvious satire as a trans man, it's apparently illegal.
Note to self: Do not describe your gender in a way that exspresses the transistional nature of gender as a trans man, it's apparently illegal.
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mikalame · 1 year
Heyyyy I’ve been reader some of your stuff and I really like it!!🫶🏻 Could you write 2005 Tom and same age reader are Friends and she finds out Tom has already had his first kiss and reader is kinda embarrassed that she hasn’t yet so one day she goes to toms house and they start talking abt their life’s and they get to the topic of kissing and she confessed that she hasn’t had her first kiss yet and we’ll dosent know how to kiss and Tom decides to show her how to kiss like the good friend he is and it js leads them to making out and getting caught my Bill! Please and thank you!!🖤
OMG thx so much anon 🫶 this migh be a lil rushed but np
taglist: @oppopotamus @violentnewmarley
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'BAM' Tom rushes in the room, the door slamming behind him "TOM HAS GONE IT AGAIN GUYS, UGH ARENT I AMAZING" Tom yells his voice echos though the house "ugh tom shut up whats happened now" Georg groans sitting next me placing his phone on his leg looking at tom with a bored exspression while rolling his eyes as Tom drones on about how he was making out another girl while proudly showing off the hickeys adored on his neck.
Bill and Gustav come into the room, bill sits down on the opposite side of me and Gustav leans on the table in the living room bit. After a while Georg gets annoyed at Tom and starts talking about all his kissing rendezvouses, Bill desides to join in aswell they spend a few good minutes talking about this when Bill desides to ask Gustav if he had any storys to share Gustav looks down a bit embarssed before sharing his storys.
' Buzz' you look down and see your phone buzzing you answer the call after telling the boys to be quite, you hear your dad talking about how you need to come home and stuff, you bid the boys your fair wells and hug them good bye. Just before you hug Tom you look at his neck and feel as if you should of had a story to share aswell, feeling as if you are behind in life by not having a first kiss.
On your walk home you keep thinking about the convo from before feeling a weird feeling in your stomach still thinking that your behind when you reach your house you start up the computer and google 'when are you supposed to have your first kiss' you see it say that it says fifteen (this is just what google said dont feel pressure to have your first kiss) this just adds even more feeling of dread in your stomach you shut off the computer and walk to your room you get ready for bed and lie there you think back to all the storys the guys were saying today and knowing they probably have more storys they just didnt share you try to think about somthing else to get your mind off of it but cant you go to with the same strong feeling of dread.
it had been a couple of days since that incedent you still feel a bit embrassed that you havet had a kiss and so when ever one of the boys rom the table talk about a new kiss they had gotten you unknowingly zone-out trying not to draw anyattiention to your self in fear they would ask you and would think of you as less because you haven't kissed anybody yet. You though that nobody had seen you zone-out when they talk about it and how you were acting more down then usuall but somebody had the infamous Tom.
He had seen the way you look down and how you were more quite then usually, he had always love your bubbly personaity and he wanted to see what was up and what was making you feel down.
You were walking down the hall on friday ready to go home and wollow in your self pity before a pair of hand grab at your waist scaring you making your sqeal. "AH" you turn around trying to see who had done that and see Tom standing there with a grin plastered on his face "HAHA, i scared you so bad ____ should of seen your face" He says. You roll your eyes before you contiune to walk home you hear heavy footstomps behind to and see tom again in your peripheral vision "awe im sorry i scared you didnt mean it promise" he says placing his hand on his chest over his heart. He continues to speak when you dont "you should stay at our house tonight we havent had a sleepover just us in ages, we could watch movies i just rented a new one forgot the name tho and we could get snack and just chill humm how bout it" he looks at you with puppy dog eyes begging you to say yes "uhm idk..-" "comeon you seem so sad and who would be more fitting then your have person ever" "um okay fine" you groan "YAYYY" Tom yells he grabs your hand running dragging you along with him to his house.
I get pulled inside and see bill in the kitchen making a snack "help me" you mouth he shakes his head and laughs at you before heading to his room upstairs "my parents are out for the night so we can pretty much anything right now" tom says while he gets the snacks ready in a bowl "oh cool " you say still feeling a bit bummed. You grab the snacks and head to his room its not the first time you've been in there but you see new posters on the wall and a couple photos of just you two or just the band on his bedside table. "You can wear my top and and some shorts to sleep in, yk cuz you dont have anything else to wear" tom says throwing some clothes at you, you catch them "yeah and whos fault i that hmm your the one that dragged me hear, turn around so i cant put these on" you say tom turns around and puts his hands over his eyes as you put on the clothes "mabey i just wanted you in my clothes hmm" he flirts raising his eyebrows up and down you hit his shoulder playfuly".
You chuck on the movie he rented and played it, it was the new King Kong you havent seen it yet so you were very exsited. You had been so engrosed in the movie that you completely forgot about what you were feeling bad about just a hour prier to the movie. After the movie finished you and tom were talking about how good the mvie was and so on until he says the question you were dreading.
"So___whats been up with you lately you seem real sad" Tom asks worry laced in his tone, you wait a second stunned as you had completely forgot about the whole ordeal and now its coming back to you "oh um nothing im all good" you mumble before grabbing a handful of popcorn and munching on it "you can tell me ___ im your friend after all" Tom say reasuringly wrapping an arm around you pulling you close to him "no its nothing i-its stupid" you stutter realy not wanting to have this conversation "please tell me __ it seems to be really getting to you, your so quite at lunch and down really handout with us as much, did we do something to upset you, d-did i..." he says now anxious to know if they really did something bad. You pull away desiding to say this to get it off your chest " um no you didn't do anything tom um it just god this is so embarrassing, y-you remember a couple days ago when you and the guys were talking bout all your like kissing story's well it kinda made me feel like i was behind the curve and that i should of had my first kiss by now" you mumble the last bit while you look anywhere but tom. You feel him move "that all oh my days ___ you had me thinking someone was bulling you" he chuckles your face turns bright red from embarrassment and you hide you face in your hands
"If that was all it was i can kiss you if you want then you can say to people you has the awsome tom kaulitz as your first kiss" he says while pulling your hands away from your face, you look at him with a shocked face trying to think if he had really just said that "okay" he say before leaning in a bit "I dont know how to or what to do" he pulls back and say "ill teach you okay" you puts a strand of hair around your ear and wait for you to say okay once you do he slowly leans in.
You feel his lips pressed agaist yours, you take in the feeling of his smooth lips and you flutter your eyes closes wanting to really savour the feeling you, a couple seconds later you feel his mouth open and he says "just copy what im doing" you do just what he is doing just a little bit hesitant tho still unsure but feeling as if a weight had been lifted of your shoulders. After a couple minutes of that you pull away both of your guys lips swollen and i bit red you look away giggly and tom smiles before grabbing your jaw to kiss you again.
"Hey guys to got any M&M's i ate all of mine...." Bill says after opening the door and just stands there hodling his balcket around his shoulders like a cape while trying to prosses what he had just seen "uhm ill- ill come back later, have fun you to" he says winking before walking out closing the door behind him.
"We should do this again" Tom says leaning back "you getting better but i still think you need mabey a couple more lessons before you kiss anyone else" you hit his shoulder playfully "agreed" while leaning against the headboard aswell.
AHHH I hope you like anon i spent my afternoon on this (dw about the spelling lol) ❤🫶😝
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spaghettitm · 5 months
Hi i really like reading your Splatoon stuff.. i would love to request some more Marie x Reader headcanons they make me very happy..I would like to know how she would treat a very introverted and shy person that also has immense self worth issues (i am projecting) but only if youre fine with it!!
absolutley!!!! I love Marie soooooooo much she's so pretty!! also, im sorry to hear youre struggling with your self worth:o( I hope you realize how COOL and AWESOME you are <3
You and her are both pretty quiet for the most part
Though, You're waaaay shyer than Marie
So shy that Marie usually has to order your food for you.
There are other examples, like her having to call in to order in food, You needing to be by her side every time you go out, and many other things
But here you are... having your girlfriend tell the waiter your order.
You where embarrassed to say the least
When the waiter leaves, you peep up at Marie with a defeated exspression
She meets your gaze, soon raising an eyebrow
❇ : “ What's with the look, my love? ”
You looked down at your hands, mustering up the courage to explain yourself.
🫵 : “ It's just that... I always make you talk for me. ”
She observes you with solace, reaching out her hand to hold yours across the diner table.
❇ : “ You don't make me talk for you. ”
The inkling began, rubbing the back of your hand with her thumb.
❇ : “ I assist you because I love you, (Y/N). I love you more than you could even fathom. ”
You peep up at Marie, trying to fight back the tears that where mercilessly filling your eyes
You nod in understandance, smiling lightly at her.
🫵 : “ thank you Marie.. I love you too ”
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wosoobsessed · 2 years
THE EX-Leah Williamson
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A/n- this is my first ever story so let me know if you like it 🫶🏻
The night started off great. Leah and you had been out at the local club with the lionesses for some drinks after the latest win on the tournament. Spirits we’re high as karaoke was going on. By karaoke it was meado and Rachel screaming “rag doll” into the microphone. Even after an amazing 6-0 win you still weren’t feeling as good as you should have. Sitting in the corner of club sulking as you watched the blonde defender getting a little too touchy with her ex (aka Jordan wobbs)
“Hey you ok” a voice came from behind her. The girl turned around to see Millie bright, her best friend behind her.
“Yeah,I’m great” she practically shouted through the club. Earning a through dirty looks from the strangers on the table next to her.
“Well Y/N you don’t look it. What’s got you in the dumps” the defender looked with a sad look in her eyes, sad too see her best friend not acting like herself. YN just looked towards her girlfriend who was laughing at a joke that Jordan has just said.she could feel her anger bubbling as she’s Shot a dirty look to the girl and leah. Millie automatically got the message and all she could do was sigh.
“Ooohhh right.” The blonde exclaimed. Y/N barely processed what her best friend had said as she locked eyes with her gorgeous girlfriend from across the club.
Leah looked towards the smaller girl who was sat with a saddened look upon her face.
“Excuse me a second” Leah excused her self from her and her ex’s convo and started walking over to the brunette girl who’s exspression had gone from sad to angry in a matter of seconds.
Maybe it was the amount of alcohol she has had. But Y/N has now found herself more angry than sad. As the blonde approached her she plopped her self on the red seat next to her girlfriend. As soon as Leah’s lean body had touched the chair, Y/N had found her self walking away from her girlfriend with a huff coming from her mouth.
Leah had a hurt look in her eyes as she looked between Millie and her girlfriend who was walking towards the exit of the building.
“ Mils what’s happened” Leah said sadness evident in her voice as she looks up to the women sat beside her.
“Idk Leah you tell me she’s been down in the dumps since you’ve been gone”the other blonde exsplained.looking towards Jordan who has started a conversation with Mary instead.
Y/N found herself walking outside the club. She needed to calm herself down she knew that it wasn’t what it looked like. But she couldn’t help but feel insecure about the whole situation. Jordan and Leah were the number one shipped couple (other than wonze obviously). She couldn’t help but feel a sense of insecurity or was it fear. Did Leah still love Jordan? Was Leah gonna leave her for Jordan? What if Leah doesn’t actually love her anymore? All these thoughts were cut off but the sound of footsteps coming towards her. The brunette girl turned to see Keira Walsh walking towards her a look of sympathy on her face.
Keira sighed and placed her hand on her close friends shoulder. Y/N had known Keira since primary school they were both from Manchester. They grew up together. Nobody knew Y/N more than Keira. She was like a sister to her.
“ hey babes what’s got you all missrable. Where’s that spark?” The ginger girl asked.
“I’m on kei just needed some air”
“y/N I’ve known you since i was 10 you’ve never once left somewhere because you “needed air” you can’t lie to me remember I know you” Keira basically yelled to her best friend. Maybe it was the loud music but Y/N had no idea why Keira was basically shouting in street.
“Kie can I ask you something” the girl asked, an anxious look on her face.
“Y/N/N of course anything ,I got you” Keira explained.
“Have you ever been scared Lucy will go back to her ex?”. As soon as the words left her mouth Y/N regretted it. What kind of question was that? The brunette thought to herself.
Keira sighed giving her best friend a look of sadness.
“Is this about Leah and Jordan? Because I know how much Leah loves you like she honestly don’t shut up about it.” Keira laughed at herself making Y/N let out a laugh of relief.
“ I love her so much kei but I’m so scared she will go back to Jordan or find someone better.” The brunette said tears threatening to spill from her blue eyes. Just before she could say anything a familiar figure emerged from the club door. It was Leah. The love her her life. The blonde walked over to her girlfriend and best friend. Sending a look to Keira, Keira then excused herself from the conversation and sent Y\N a look to say “good luck”before going back into the club.
“Hey….” The blonde defender dragged out. Seeing the pain in her girlfriends eyes and instantly feeling guilty. Leah knew that’s her girlfriend had doubts about there relationship and it wasn’t a bad thing. Y/Ns anxiety and Overthinking often got to her making her go quiet. Leah knew exactly why her girlfriend would be upset and she felt awful.
The brunette sent a half smile to blonde. Feeling embarrassed for her actions previously in the club. The tears welling up in her eyes again but this time she wasn’t able to hold them in.
“Hey.hey.hey.” Leah said guilt dripping from her voice as she watched the women she loved more than anything break down infront of her. The blonde look her girlfriend into her arms and held her as tight as possible. Sniffling into Leah’s shoulder Y/N finally stopped her tears and pulled away from her girlfriend. Worry and sadness was painted all over Leah’s face.
“I’m sorry” said Y/N feeling guilty for getting so upset for no reason.
“Hey baby it’s ok you don’t need to be sorry for having emotions ok. But I’m telling you now I love you ok and only you. Your the one I want to wake up to everyday and your the one I want to Marry and start a family With one day not Jordan. I love you so much yeah ?”Leah explained truth evident in her voice.
“Me too Leah. I love you more and than anything.” The brunette said bringing her girlfriend into a hug again.
Pulling away from the hug the two women walked back into the club hand it hand. For the first time that evening Y/N didn’t have a worry in the world.
A/N- guys I know this isn’t great but I’ve never wrote a story before so please let me know what you think and if you want to send requests message me. Thank u if you’ve read this 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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pastelpousay · 19 days
This is sort of another rant I think my friends hate me 💀 and this Hadina ship is lowk ruining my life but it’s like the only thing bringing me joy 💀
This is literally me being upset about something stupid that happened earlier 💀I love my friends but sometimes I’m so sick of them. Like okay story time 😽
So a while ago I went over to my friends house and we started talking about my self ship for whatever reason 💀😭 for background my friend is pagan and he believes in Greek mythology and I literally exspressed to him a moment before this that I had been feeling bad about talking about it so much since Hercules isn’t myth accurate but like girl 💀 ain’t no one care I’m sorry it’s a Disney cartoon bruh😭 get over it. and HE LITERALLY SAID HE DIDNT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT LIKE BRO SO TELL MY WHY NOT EVEN A MINUTE LATER HES ASKING ME ABOUT WHERE PERSEPHONE IS IN THE LORE OF MY HADINA STORY 💀I love pershades Like Persephone x Hades for life!!! I don’t have a problem with other hades ships at all like I love seeing it 💗. But Like I already feel guilty for liking the movie and about not being able to add Seph to my story but like I’m sorry 😭 this isn’t about her😭😭like wym girly ain’t here-
okay that’s it I’m done I just had to share this even tho I’ve been talking about it for literal hours but it still pissed me tf off💀😭 btw sorry if this comes off as insensitive I mean every word of what I meant about the I don’t care if you ship hades with others, the ships are cute I love em!! 💗 but can this mf at the bare minimum accept my happiness like girl you want me to kms?? 💀
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firstbornsin · 11 months
I struggle with being alone... don't get me wrong, it's not in the sense that I have to have someone around me at all times, need to be in a relationship, or anything of that sort.
I struggle in the sense that there's no one that wants to be in my presence, no one that calls me up just to talk. Just sit by me, happy to be there.
I've watched people all my life, and there's something you can see in them when they are in the presence of someone they're genuinely happy to see. There's this "spark of being" that's just shared .
I don't think I've ever had this. I have never genuinely been loved as a person. I speak to this reality, and the greatest irony is this truth is acknowledged in respect to my race and belittled in respect to my gender. I'm just trading one prejudice for another, and this comes from the same people that call themselves "allies". The speed at which people can disassociate their actions with their personal beliefs is nothing new but still jolting.
Someone will look at this and think to themselves "see this is why you're alone, you're negative all the time.". This is a truth I'm slow to reveal to others, not for fear of vulnerability but lack of genuine concern. To care for someone is to care for their pain as much as their passions. Rejecting one or the other tends to have a self-serving motivation.
I was born into this world rejected. The longer I live, the more the world seems to invent new ways to maintain this relationship. What's worse are the friends that complain and take for granted what i covet. They do not struggle with being given love, but accepting it. Much of their anguish is an internal struggle opposed to an external condition. Not to shrink their traumas for it carries weight in its own right, but they have never been pressed to find a ear to share the load... triumps and all.
Here I carry mine alone.
Yet respond with contempt.
Anger is not afforded to the color of my skin. Less I see the fabrics of a small cell where the world may yet again shun me.
Sorrow is not a privilege of my gender less I be too weak to respect, too fragile to love.
I struggle with being alone, yet it is the only place I have ever seemed to belong.
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ech288 · 1 year
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A book/journal that I had found that might help has a lot of things you can write down and keep track of things but also things for mental health and self care so much stuff that I think could help some people.Exspecially not understanding emotions, trying to exspress them, understanding how to deal with alot of things. This book I feel is on a level that I think alot people can relate to and understand things. I know for myself it does relate and I never buy books so for me to buy this for myself I know it can help some.
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sumpix · 6 years
UNCONVENTIONAL WISDOM No, you probably don’t have a book in you
A literary agent on why your good story isn’t likely to be a bestseller.
Has anyone ever said you should write a book? Maybe extraordinary things have happened to you, and they say you should write a memoir. Or you have an extremely vivid imagination, and they say you should write a novel. Maybe your kids are endlessly entertained at bedtime, and they say you should write a children’s book. Perhaps you just know how everything should be and imagine your essay collection will set the world straight.
Everyone has a book in them, right?
I hate to break it to you but everyone does not, in fact, have a book in them.
Sumpix added.
I dont agree with this. Everyone HAS got a book in them. May not be able to get the book published. I wrote two over eleven years. Not good enough for publication. Still wrote both. Go for it.
Climb the mountain for yourself. Not for fame.
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self-facial expressions I’m working on based on my header drawing
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mypoetrysblog · 2 years
All wrapped
then into sweet
of tender moments
of calculating
artists of self
projections giving
them my sense
of vulnerability
in senses
of never breaking
the of broken
where sorrows
are born deep
under skin
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writer1 · 4 years
Commander wolffe x reader: The prank
You snicker as you follow Sinker and Boost through the halls of the Courageous, trying to be quiet as to not wake anyone. You, Sinker and Boost are planning to prank Commander Wolffe and can't have anyone spoiling it.
The plan is to steal Wolffe's helmet and replace it with an extra one that you painted hot pink. Sinker's already got the helmet all painted so all you have to do is switch them, then hide his actual helmet in your room.
Sinker hands the helmet to you and you creep into the barracks, you can hear the soft snores of the rest of the Wolfpack sleeping as you walk by them. You approach Wolffe's bunk as quietly as possible and you can see Wolffe facing the wall; snoring softly as he uses his arm as a pillow. You think he looks kind of cute when he's sleeping , though you quickly push the thought away as you get back to the task at hand.
You grab his helmet off of the table beside his bed then bolt out of there as quickly and quietly as you can, once you're out Sinker and Boost follow as you all start heading to your room.
"I can't believe we pulled it off." Sinker says quietly, you can hear the excitement in his voice.
"I know, I thought we would be caught for sure." You look towards Boost when he says it and can't help but agree, you were almost positive you would be caught by either Plo Koon or one of the clones but it looks like luck was on your side.
"I can't wait to see the look on his face when he realizes that we won't give him his helmet back." You tell them as you get to your room.
You all say your goodbye's and Sinker and Boost head back to the barracks, once you walk in to your room you make sure to hide his helmet where you're positive he will never find it.
You get ready for bed knowing that you will be pretty tired from staying up so late but it will be worth it.
You close your eyes and let the quiet hum of the ship lull you to sleep.
You wake up to the door sliding open and Sinker and Boost jumping in and locking the control panel.
"What's going on guys?" You ask them, although you're pretty sure Wolffe is the reason they're hiding in your room.
"Wolffe is really mad about the prank." Boost tells you as as he walks over and sits on your bed, Sinker following close behind him.
"I'm pretty sure he didn't see us come in hear so we're safe... For now." You hope that Wolffe isn't to mad over the prank but you're still proud of yourself for helping Boost and Sinker come up with the prank.
You can hear Wolffe yelling for Boost and Sinker, you look over and the two are cowering in a corner.
"Come on guys, Wolffe isn't that scary." You tell them and they just look at you.
"We're not scared of him, we're scared of how bad our punishment will be and besides hiding is most of the fun." You have to agree with Boost on that, you suddenly hear a knock on the door.
"Y/n, I know Sinker and Boost are in there with you!" He yells in and you laugh at the scared expression's on their faces. You walk over and press the control panel to open the door just to see Wolffe standing out there, no pink helmet in sight.
You can see that he's mad especially when he looks behind you and see's Sinker and Boost hiding in the corner.
"Yes, they're in here, do you need them for something?" You ask him, deciding to play dumb.
"Don't play dumb with me y/n, I know that you're part of this. Now where's my helmet." You look at him and smirk, which you can tell by his expression really pisses him off.
"I'm not telling you anything Wolffe." You can see the fear cross his face as he realizes that he'll have to wear the pink helmet all day in front of his brothers.
"I'll say it again y/n, give me my helmet. Now!" You just look at him with a blank exspression on your face, giving him no mercy.
"Tough, you're just going to have to walk around all day with your newly painted helmet, now everyone out of my room so I can get ready." Boost and Sinker ran out past Wolffe, as you close the door you can see Wolffe start running after them yelling about his helmet. You wonder how long it will take for him to figure out that you're the only one who knows where it is.
You get dressed and then head to the mess hall for breakfast before you start work on some of the ships that were damaged during the last mission.
Once you get to the mess hall, you grab your food and look around. You can see Boost and Sinker sitting at a table nearby so you walk over and sit beside Boost and across from Sinker.
"So, did you guys get in trouble or what?" You ask them, wondering what kind of punishment Wolffe might have given them.
"We haven't gotten in trouble yet, but you might want to know that we may have told Wolffe that you are the only one who knows where his helmet is." Sinker tells you sheepishly, and Boost scoffs.
"We didn't tell him anything, you are the one who told him. I wasn't even there you di’kut!"
"Boost calm down I'm not mad at either of you. I don't really care if he knows that I'm the only one who hid his helmet, he just needs to know that nothing can make me tell him." You are going to have some fun with this and nothing except maybe Plo Koon will make you tell him.
You see Sinker start snickering and you have no idea why until you turn around and have to hold back your laughter at the sight of Wolffe walking in with a hot pink phase two helmet on that does not go well at all with his light grey armor.
He goes and grabs his food then starts walking over to you and the boys and plops himself right next to you, he removes his helmet and even though you thought that he would be embarrassed there is no sign of embarrassment in his expression. He just looks like his usual broody self
"Can you tell me where my helmet is now." He asks you and you pretend to think about it for a minute.
"No sorry, you'll have to ask me later Commander." You tell him as he just rolls his eyes and starts eating, you're already finished eating so you say goodbye to the boys and go and work on the ships.
You get so involved in your work that you don't even realize what time it is, you didn't even realize that you missed dinner so you decide that you'll just skip dinner and go to bed since you're pretty tired.
You walk through the halls of the Courageous but once you get to your room you notice that Wolffe is waiting outside your door holding what you think might be a container of food.
"Do you need something Commander?" You ask him and he turns to you and hands you the container.
"I noticed that you weren't in the mess hall so I thought I would bring you food." You look at him suspiciously, wondering if this is all a ploy to get his helmet back.
"Are you just trying to get your helmet back, Wolffe?"
"No, but I actually talked to Boost and Sinker and they told me a way that I might get my helmet back." You wonder what Sinker and Boost might have told him when you realize what he might be talking about. Boost and Sinker are the only ones who know about your crush on the Commander and you swear that if they told him you are going to kill them.
"I don't know what you're talking about." You tell him when he suddenly pulls you into a deep passionate kiss, you freeze for a few seconds then drop the container of food on the floor, which thankfully is sealed tight and start kissing him while wrapping your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss even further.
He pulls away after a few minutes and you start to worry that the only reason he kissed you is because he wanted his helmet back, but once you look him in the eyes you can see all his the love and affection for you in them. He's smiling at you and you find that you absolutely love his smile. You still have your arms around his neck while his hands are holding your hips
"I love you to." He tells you quietly and simply and you can't believe you're actually hearing it from the man you've been in love with since the moment you joined the 104th battalion.
"Do you still want your helmet back?" You ask him already knowing the answer.
"Yes please cyar'ika." Your heart swells when he says that, knowing from Boost and Sinker that it means darling or sweetheart.
You punch in the code for your door and pull Wolffe in as it slides open, the food he brought you all but forgotten on the floor. You let him go and walk over to your closet and open it, grabbing Wolffe's helmet. He looks at you curiously.
"I thought you would have hid it somewhere more creative y/n." He tells you gruffly and you laugh.
"Do you want it back or not Wolffe?"
"I definitely want it back, cyare." You hand it over to him and see him smile again, not as big as when you kissed but a smile nonetheless.
"So, do you want to stay the night Commander." You ask him and he just looks at you nervously.
"Only if you want me to." He says nervously, sounding so unsure of himself compared to how confident he was before.
"I do, so take your armor off and get in the bed while I get my pajamas on." You tell him and he looks at you suspiciously.
"You aren't going to replace the rest of my armor with a pink one are you?"
"No Wolffe, no more pranks I promise." You tell him as you walk into the refresher to get changed once you're done you're wearing a large baggy shirts and shorts, you walk out and see Wolffe with only his bottom blacks on.
"Is this okay?" He asks you nervously and you just chuckle.
"Yes this is fine Wolffe, now move over." You nudge him and fall into bed beside him, cuddling into him, poor Wolffe has no idea what to do so you turn and put your back against his chest. He wraps his arms around you and you love the feeling of him cuddling you.
"Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum." You hear him whisper in your ear and once again can't believe that you are laying their with the man you're in love with, and he's telling you that he loves you in his language.
You close your eyes and let his soft breathing lull you to sleep, your thoughts on how you can't wait to see him in the morning.
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deepcuts · 4 years
I could write a whole ass Essay on how Punk/Alrernative subcultures where demonized in media, specifically cartoons and TV shows aimed at younger audiences simply bc they promoted freedom of self, exspression, rebellion and free thinking which is everything the perfect white American upper Christian family is against.
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hazelolive · 4 years
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So I decided to write out Damiens and keras reunion. (Since he lives in the human world and kera was taken to the devildom abruptly at the begining of the year.)
Kera was just cleaning up papers in the student counsel room after they had there meeting most of the demons had left already but mammon was still hanging around and diavolo was chatting up lucifer. It was a pretty over all standard day. Intill someone decided to burst in the door to the student council room.
She looked up in surprise almost dropping the papers she held in her hands.
"Wait a second. I know that voice Damien?"
Oof! She about had the wind knocked out of her. And next thing she knew arms were being wrapped around her.
"Oh my gosh kera I was so worried! Im glad your okay." He pulled back some so he was looking at her face. "You are okay right?"
She could see the worry sketched into his face causing a crease or two in his eyebrows.
"Im okay. But what........how? Are you okay your covered in dirt!"
"Heh thats a long story."
It seemed the commotion had drawn the attention of the others in the room. Espically one white haired demons.
"Hey, what are you doing get off of Kera! Grrrrr." He said shoving off the boy and placing Kera behind him.
The other two demons who seemed to be just watching decided to come over and see what was going on after mammons proclaimation.
"Who let some random demon demon into the student council room?" The black haired demon said with a sigh.
"Random demon?" Kera said with confusion.
"Ooooo who is this young one?" The red headed demon said with curiosity in his voice.
The demon with black hair sighed. "This place is off limits to normal students. Im not sure why you came here but you need to leave now."
"Oh Lucifer dont be like that this young demon seems to know Kera."
"Um I was lost and shouting for Kera when some guy with blond hair told me you'd be in this room."
Why do they keep saying demon. Young demon. The person that was here was Damien she hadnt seen in a long time. She didnt know how he was here. But she had a feeling he'd be in trouble if she didnt do anything.
She went to step out from behind mammons back and quickly turned around facing in front of Damien.
"EVERYONE LISTEN FOR A SEC! I donnt know what your talking about young demon this random demon that. But this is my Childhood friend Damien. I dont know how he got here or why he is here right now but that doesnt matter. Hes friendly and covered in dirt and im worried he might be hurt. So can we all calm down for a second!"
"Um Kera." Diavolo spoke up." Turn around and look up."
Confused she still decided to turn around and look up. And sure enough there were horns sticking out of the top of his head.
She took a step back. And sure enough there were two horns arching down from his head. Horns? But why Damien was human like her. Wasnt he? That what she was lead to believe her entire life so far. She didnt understand why but she just felt extremely hurt in that moment.
She took one last look at him. At the horns, at the worried exspression on his face. How a single bead of sweat had formed on his face and he just kind of looked sad now.
"I......I need a moment." She said leaving the student council room.
Damien looked up and saw 3 demons staring back at him. That didnt look all that happy after seeing Keras dramatic exit. He had so many questions on his brain so many things he wanted to ask and to say. Most of all every fiber in his being just wanted to run after Kera but his self preservation instincts told him that he better stay put or he have to deal with the wrath of 3 angry demons.
What had he gotten himself into?
Okay so this is set storyline wise after Kera has made pacts with everyone but before the first year has ended. So yeah this is the first introduction of Damiens to 3 of them. Not the best first impression 😂
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melyaliz · 5 years
Thoughts on Robins
Fandom: DC
Summary: Faith had some feels about the new Robin that she exspresses to Tim
Pairing: Tim x OC
Notes: First off editing on the app is a flipping nightmare.
Second I was way too excited about this idea to wait and clean up on a computer. I just love the idea of Tim trying to protect / help Faith and her basically hating him for it.
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​
“Hey can I ask you a question?” Faith asked as she and Tim sat outside eating lunch during their free period.
“Yeah sure what’s up?”
“What do you think of Robin?”
Of all the questions Tim could ever get that was not one of them. Choking slightly on his sandwich he wiped his mouth glancing at her. Studying her reaction, which was just her picking at her salad pushing all the tomatoes to the side.
“You know Robin, boy wonder, Batman’s sidekick.”
“Like as a concept or him as a person”
Faith glanced at him, eyebrow raised. Ok brainy “like just him? This wasn’t some deep theological question.”
Tim shrugged did she know? “I don’t know, seems harmless enough. Kind of a symbol of the city”
“Have you ever met him?”
Ok she had to know, where else would this be going? “Not that I can think of”
“Because.... I think he’s stalking me” the last part was whispered as she leaned in looking up at him, eyes shifty looking around as if the boy wonder would pop out any moment.
“What?” Again, of all the things he had expected...
“I think he’s stalking me. He will just pop up at random times. Plus he’s so bossy.”
“He’s bossy?” It was taking all of Tim’s self control to hold back a laugh. Keep a poker face. It’s not everyday you get someone to tell you what you really think of them.
Or at least your alter-ego
“Yeah. Like he will pop out of nowhere and tell me what to do. Look before jump off a building. Wear a mask. You should wrap up that broken arm. Maybe you should just call the cops. Who does he even think he is? Like go help an old lady cross the street or something.” Taking a deep breath Faith let it out slow. “Guess he’s better than the other one.”
“The other one?”
“Yeah, the one with the curly hair. He was kind of an ass.”
“How many robins have you met?”
Faith paused for a moment lips moving silently as if counting in her head. “All of them? But this new one the most. He’s like EVERYWHERE.”
“Sounds like he’s trying to help you.”
“I’m an independent woman who needs no man!” Faith said chuckling before pulling out her history book, “but speaking of that... we had midterms coming up...”
“Want to study tonight?”
“If your not busy.”
“I don’t know...” Tim said tapping his chin, “it sounds like maybe your stalker Robin would be better suited.”
“Don’t even joke” Faith said taking a bite of her salad, “safety is for losers.”
Tagging: @royslittleharper​​ @the-shadow-of-atlantis @coffee-randomness​​ @daisyboobear​​ @nilthanious​​ @jason-redhood​ @hello-i-lovespiderman-blr @ocelysium @pinkwitch21 @tomhncharliep
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horrorsanz · 5 years
exspress yo self love yo self XD
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* i use my cracked skull to express myself~
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