Ship Queen
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melyaliz · 8 months ago
Awwww THANK YOU 💕🥹🥹💕💕💕
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melyaliz · 1 year ago
Oh hi, if I posted more of this story would you guys still read it?
Yellow Umbrella
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Summary: Demon Lord Loki needs distraction from the mundane life he lives. You need to figure out who you are now that your boyfriend left you. (AU where Loki is a Demon mafia lord.)
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Demon!Loki x Reader
Warning: This is NSFW - lots of sexual content
Status: In-progress
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 
Chapter 4
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melyaliz · 1 year ago
Seven Years
Summary: It just became a Birthday tradition
Pairing: Damian x Oc
Notes: This started out as 5 years… now it’s 7… I literally hate myself.
More Leia Here
Year one
“You live in a hovel”
Leia didn’t even care if she almost dropped her rather heavy window pane down on Damian’s fingers. Or that the caped boy had to pull back so fast she thought he might fall from her 6th story bedroom window. Part of her hoped he would. But also not, because then she would have to feel bad for him.
“Open up!” He demanded banging on the window again. “I have something from your Guardian Angel”
She turned back around to see him holding up a brown paper bag from her favorite dessert place.  Slowly -painfully slow- she opened up the window. Make the boy wait a little. “Only because it’s from her. Why are you even here?”
“Something came up and she said she would do my extra shifts in the Batcave if I delivered this.” He held out the small brown bag. Leia opened the bag to find a small candle in a cupcake and a card. After reading the card she gently broke the cupcake in half and giving half to Damian
“Whats this for?” He said eyeing it warily.  
“It’s my birthday.” Was her simple response.
The card lay on the chair next to her window.
“Happy birthday little one! I promise tomorrow I’ll come by. But today, he needs a friend.”
- Your Guardian Angel
Year Two
The start of the school year she had gotten a scholarship to Gotham Academy. She wasn’t sure how she had gotten it seeing as she wasn’t the smartest kid but she was determined to do her best.
Which wasn’t really that great to be honest. These kids were just so smart and cool and she was some small girl from the slums. All she wanted was to fit in. Make friends. Excel at school.
Was that too much to ask?
Apparently Yes.
Especially when you consider Damian Wayne your friend. Or Leia liked to THINK they were friends.
At this point, she was privy to his secret identity. It hadn’t taken long after starting school and also being on the “in” in the superhero world. However, being friends with the rude angry boy was like a rollercoaster of emotions that Leia -a girl who was dealing with her own new blossoming range of emotions- was never quite sure how to deal with.
Like today. It was her birthday and she was supposed to feel special yet he kept making snide remarks about how she was too old to be this excited and honestly, just leave him alone. He didn’t care anyway. At first, she had brushed it off but after a while, she got so mad at him she had ended up calling him a boring crusty old man. Which really wasn’t that bad of an insult. In fact who even thinks to insult someone by calling them a boring crusty old man?.
Leia apparently, and Damian apparently found it very insulting because it set him off and they had ended up fighting the rest of the day. Which was really Leia telling Damian calmly why he was wrong and Damian yelling at her.
However, when he yelled that no one cared it was her birthday since she had no friends in front of the entire class that one hurt. This year, like last, her mother had to work and her Guardian Angel was away helping with some overseas issue. So in a way, the crusty old man was right: she had no friends.
That night she sat by her window angry scribbling why she hated Damian Wayne. She had already exploded two pencils and accidently sent a pad of paper on fire because of it. The smoke had caused her to open her window to get some fresh air. Or as fresh as you could get that aria of Gotham.
It had been oddly warm for that time of year. Her new blue drapes that her Guardian Angel had given her blowing in the wind as she tried to write a letter to said, girl. Tears of pure frustration falling from her cheeks. Angry at herself for being angry. Angry at him for being so mean.
“Are you crying?”
She had never gotten up so fast. He barely had time to react as two hands shoved him out her window in a blind rage. She had never in her rather short life, been this mad at anyone.
Luckily for the caped crusader, he was also hanging from his Batarang so he basically propelled away from the 6 story window only to swing back, his feet landing on the bricks next to the window.
“I don’t want to talk to you!“ She yelled leaning so far out her window he wondered for a moment if she was about to fall out. Or maybe pop a blood vessel with how her face bright red her face was. “You’re a jerk!”
It was his turn - for the first time in their relationship - for him to be the calm one while she ranted at him, “What?” He asked, “I always say that stuff?”
“But that was in front of everyone… and… and just because I take it doesn’t make it right!”
“Why do you care what they think?”
She looked away biting her lip pulling herself back into her bedroom. He cautiously came closer to the window, but not too close. He knew what her powers could do, especially when she was mad.
“I just want friends.”
Damian held out a paper bag, “Friends are a waste of time and a distraction.” She reached out taking the bad opening it to see her cupcake with a small candle.
Year 3
He almost doesn’t come, that year. He had gotten into a fight. A bad one. They had been able to finally catch the Joker and his goons but not before Damian got a pretty bad cut on his arm.
Batman had tried to get him to come back to the Batcave with him but Damian had a tradition to uphold. And Damian wasn’t one to break a tradition.
Besides the thought of making Leia cry again on her birthday was something he never wanted to do again.
So here was he was, leaning into her windowsill dripping blood all over her blue drapes.
However, Leia didn’t even seem to notice her favorite room accessory becoming ruined as she pulled him into her bedroom. He didn’t protest much as she made him sit on her bed so she could look at his cut.
“I didn’t bring you your cupcake…” he mumbled as she helped him rip away the material of his sleeve so she could see his arm better.
“Mommy’s a nurse,” she said getting up, “Wait right here.” she was only gone for a moment - the apartment she and her mother shared wasn’t very big - returning with a rather large first aid kit in her arms. Setting it down she pulled out some cleaning supplies.
“I bet the other guy looked worse.” She said as she dabbed his wound.
He scoffed as he tried not to act like the alcohol didn’t sting a thousand swords. “Of course”
“Who was it?”
“The Joker and a few of his minions. Nothing too difficult for Father and I”
As she cleaned him up he regaled the tales of valor that he had done that night. Leia listening with ruptured interest. He would never admit it to her but… it was fun.
Year 4
“Today’s my birthday,” Leia said opening her window looking up at Damian who hung in her windowsill. A bright smile on her face.
“I know,” he said coming into her room. It hadn’t changed much in the past four years same tattered bedspread, teddy bear, and posters of all her favorite superheros. He couldn’t help but smile at the one of him next to her Guardian Angel which was placed lovingly above her desk.
“Where’s my cupcake?” she asked looking at him expectantly.
“I brought you something else instead,” He said holding up a black mask. It had been Faith’s idea. Not that he would admit that to Leia. Especially not after her entire face light up like the rocks she would charge with her superpowers. No he was going to claim this idea all for himself and just bask in her joy.
“You got me a mask!?!” and maybe her stupidity.
“I’m going to take you for a run over the city.”
Letting out an excited giggle Leia quickly put on the mask before grabbing his hand letting him pull her out of her window.
Year 5
She sat behind him blindfolded as he drove his motorcycle into the Batcave. Her face was buried in his back as to keep the surprise he had promised her as much of a surprise as she could.
If there was anything Leia loved, it was a surprise.
Once they had stopped he gingerly helped her down. “Are you ready?” he asked. She nodded quickly as he gently tried to take her blindfold off. “Stop moving!” He snapped suddenly annoyed at the fact that Leia couldn’t stop fidging excitedly. Honestly, she was the same girl from 5 years ago! It’s like she hadn’t grown a single day.
He wasn’t sure what he was expecting but whatever it was, it wasn’t quite to the level of what happened. Leia stood there for a moment as if in total shock. Her hands covering her wide open smile as her gray eyes looked around the room.
“Oh my God Damian!” she finally squeaked. “Is this…?”
“Where else would we be?”
“OH MY GOD!” She began running around the room looking at everything pointing to stuff as if it was also his first time there.
“Look it’s the Batcar!”
“Oh come look at this! It’s the Original Batgirl’s costume!”
“WOW Look at this huge coin! It’s got to be Two Face’s!”
From there place by the steps to the Batcave Stephie Brown and Alfred watched on. An amused smile spreading on the blonde’s face as she watched the rather flustered boy followed a fangirling Leia drag him around the batcave.
“Awww Damian has a little girlfriend.”
“So it would seem.”
“DAMIAN! Look! It’s a giant dinosaur!” Leia said pointing up at the T-rex the towered above her. From where she stood she looked like a tiny little ant about to bet devoured by the huge monster.
Year 6
She had met Paul at school. She had known him in passing for years since they had been going to school together at “the rich people school ” as she called it. While before they had just been acquaintances this year they had started to talk more. Soon they were inseparable, much to Damian’s annoyance.
Paul was loud and showy. There were many the girls that liked him yet, for some reason, he wanted to be around Leia. Maybe it was because she was no longer the bucktoothed girl with chubby cheeks. Most of her baby fat was gone from nights running the streets with Damian or Faith. Damian wasn’t an idiot, he knew she was a pretty girl. But he always saw her as the dorky little girl who had totally nerded out when he had brought her to the Batcave.
But that wasn’t how Paul saw her.
They started dating a few weeks after school started. He taught her how to kiss and gave her butterflies. She was all smiles and giggles at everything he said.
For some reason, it bothered Damian.
A lot.
But what bothered him more was when the rumors started. Paul was sleeping with another girl.
Some of other guys had heard him talking about how Leia wouldn’t sleep with him so he had to “get it somewhere else.”
Damian would have killed him. If Leia hadn’t gotten to him first.
“It’s over” She had told him in the cafeteria in front of everyone. “No hard feelings.”
She ditched school after that.
After all, it was her birthday, she could do whatever the hell she wanted.
Damian found her curled up on her bed hugging Mr. Fluffy McSmith the third. She wasn’t crying, just laying there staring at her poster of Kid Flash that was by her door.
She glanced at him then rolling onto her back she patted next to her, “Join me as I wallow.”
“I can destroy him if you want,” he said laying down next to her. Their shoulders touching as they both stared up at the ceiling where they had put the plastic glow-in-the dark stars up a few months ago.
“Naw, leave all that Robin power for the real bad guys.”
“I don’t know many who are worst than him.”
Much to his pleasure this comment caused her to smile. They laid there for a few moments in their own thoughts. Finally, she gave a loud sigh dramatically throwing her arm over her forehead.
“No more relationships for me! I have decided I’m going to live in a real hovel in the desert.”
“Maybe it’ll be more spacious than this place.”
She giggled turning to him, “Rude! I love my apartment.”
He glanced at her watching as she brushed a few annoying stray tears from her cheeks. “I do to” He whispered, so quietly that only he could hear.
Year 7
“Happy Birthday,” He said as he hung in the windowsill leaning in as he looked down at her. She smiled up at him her gray eyes lighting up.
“You know,” she said giggling, “This is the first year you have wished me a happy birthday.”
“I’m kind of a jerk aren’t I?”
“You’re my jerk,” she said as she leaned forward. Maybe it was teenage hormones. Maybe it was the way the moon shone into her room and played with her gray eyes. Maybe it was something that had just been there all the time.
Whatever it was, Damian felt his heart skip a beat.
“Can I make it up to you?” he asked leaning forward kissing her.
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melyaliz · 1 year ago
When you forget what you write and then re-read it like it's someone else's 🤣
Potato Papa
@0hmydeku A little about your looks: blue grey eyes, short red hair, chubby, wears glasses, and has a lot of freckles. Fun facts: can go cross eyed, snorts if laughing hard enough. A bit about your personality: mix of shy, reserved, and quiet. Slow to trust, ride or die loyal, holds grudges, can be sensitive/moody, anxious, overthinks, daydreams constantly, protective but little self defense, talkative w/ friends, adores children, and very artistic. Number between 1-150: 77 Sexual preference: Bi ace
Get shipped! 
Fandom: Marvel 
Summary: You lose your child and freak out on how Bucky will respond 
Pairing: Bucky Barns x Reader (Ship) 
Notes: I don’t know what this is, it just popped into my head. 
Also now I want to write a Highshcool AU for the avengers 
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​
Connect with me! AO3 / Instagram / Pinterest
“I lost our child.”
The statement hung in the air for a few moments while Bucky Barns stood there unsure how to respond.
“You lost our what?” 
It had all started as a joke. Nick Fury had given everyone a small potato telling them they needed to take care of it during missions. He even paired people up as sort of a “bonding” thing. Why he had through the two quietest team members would have gotten along was beyond you. Honestly, you had hoped for someone like Sam or Tony. Someone who would be too busy running their mouth to really notice if you hadn’t spoken in like… an hour.
But no. 
You had been given the Winter Soldier. 
Your heart had been racing all morning the moment you realized your potato was missing It had been your night to “Take care of it.” You had placed it on the small bed you had made for it only to wake up rushing toward training, forget it, realized your mistake and went running back to find it missing. 
The rest of the day was you trying to calm yourself down enough to tell Bucky. It was just a potato. He wouldn’t be mad, would he? You could never tell, he always seemed a little mad. 
Now that you had finally gathered up the courage to talk to him he was staring at you as if you had three heads. 
“Our Child… our… the potato.” 
“Oh that” Bucky took a step back shoving his hands into his pockets, “I replaced it twice.”
“Wait, what!” You stared up at him in shock, how could he… they had been under strict instructions… but Nick Fury.
Bucky shrugged and for the first time in your short Avenger’s life you saw him smile, “Yeah I mean… I know it’s just a potato but, I kept losing it.” 
“Oh.” You really weren’t sure how else to respond to this. 
“Do you want help finding one that looks like it?” 
“That would be really nice, thank you.” 
“Of course, what are potato parents for?” 
What that a joke? Was the sullen Winter Soldier cracking a joke with you? You looked up unsure if you were supposed to laugh or take what he said seriously until you saw the grin across his face, his blue eyes sparkling with unshed laughter. He was holding out his elbow for you to take like some 1940’s gentleman leading his lady to the dance floor. 
“Well papa potato leads the way,” you giggled making him smile wider. Maybe he wasn’t so scary. Maybe you could both be friends. 
Forever tag: @royslittleharper​​  @the-shadow-of-atlantis​​ @coffee-randomness​​ @0hmydeku @xx3fsxx @daisyboobear​​ @  @jason-redhood​ @hello-i-lovespiderman-blr @ocelysium @pinkwitch21 @tomhncharliep  @cdwmtjb8
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melyaliz · 2 years ago
I haven't had the time to prepare anything but I still wanted to wish you a happy birthday!
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Awwwww I love you so much! Sorry I haven't been on here like at all recently đź’•đź’•đź’• still think about you all the time
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melyaliz · 2 years ago
Ever have those moments when you remember an old story you wrote so you go back to find it?
That happened to me today.
House Buster
Summary: No matter how hard she tried Melissa could not sell this house. It may have had something to do with the annoying ghost that inhabited it.
Pairing: Jason Todd X OC
Notes: I had so many ideas for this like Melissa finding a crowbar under the house and stuff but I wanted to keep it short. Maybe I’ll write more later? Inspired by this post
Dedication: @noobwing for picking a name for Melissa
“How’s the selling going?”
“Jesus!” Melissa jumped clutching her chest. He did it every time and it still scared her.
“Better, it’s me…” He held his hands how as he floated closer to Melissa as she caught her breath, “you do that every time” he stated obviously with that satisfied look on his face. Melissa rolled her eyes putting down her bag and pulling out her apple scented candle lighting it.
“Yet you keep doing it.”
He grinned at her, “I love to watch you squirm Sa”
“You can make me squirm as much as you want… but can you PLEASE behave today? I have potential buyers coming.”
“Ohhh Sa, I can’t make any promises. I’m just so sexy, I make most people squirm” he said grinning at her as he tried and really failed to make a sex joke.
“With annoyance maybe,” Melissa said as she set up a few pamphlets. She had been trying to sell the house they were in for the past three weeks. It had been a project her father had given her over the summer to help pay for school and stuff. You know, teach your  18-year-old daughter some responsibility. She had sold the last three but this one was proving… difficult.
“Honestly, I’m this close to calling the Winchesters”
“The whos?”
“The… never mind…”
Probably because it was haunted by a slightly perverted ghost who insisted on calling her Sa because he said it sounded bad ass.
“That went well, ” Ghost boy said floating next to Melissa who was sitting on the victorian inspired staircase with her head in her hands. As he floated next to her she looked up at him glaring with all her might. 
“Man Sa, if looks could kill I would be dead… oh, wait…”
“Ha ha” she said standing up sighing, “Look Ghost boy…”
“Ghost boy? Really, not even Ghost man?”
“Ghost man… what if I just call you by your name.”
He looked at her, a blank expression on his face. Honestly, if he had been alive Melissa would probably be totally into him. Tall, Strong jaw and a total air of uncaring about him. You know; douche bag with a heart of gold. 
Of course part of that uncaring may have been because he was a ghost and there was no fears - or as far as she had noticed. Regardless, undead or not, he was a very good looking guy.
For a ghost anyway.
“I… I don’t remember…” he mumbled, the image of his body flickering.  His brow furrowed as he tried to think of something long past. Trying to focus on it. From its peaceful place on the welcome table, Melissa’s candle flickered then started to glow stronger.
The fire exploded and Melissa ran over to it picking up a bottle of water unscrewing it and throwing it on the candle. Ok, so no more candles in front of the Ghost man. 
When she turned back to Ghost man he was gone.
Part of her slightly hoped for good.
Part of her anyway.
“Are those for me?”
“You really shouldn’t use the lord’s name in vain like that my child,” He laughed as Melissa dropped her box of donuts spilling them on the ground. “You know that sounded good. Maybe I was a priest in my past life.”
“I have a hard time believing that,” Melissa mumbled as she quickly picked up her precise treats putting them back into the box. 5-second rule… right?
“Awww, for me? You shouldn’t have.”
“For your information, these are for potential buyers, not the ghost that is keeping them away!”
“You love me!” Ghost man said landing next to her. Glancing at the box he frowned. “The Hole?”
“Yes, it’s the best place in Gotham thank you very much.”
“Sounds like a Strip club.”
“You rolled your eyes, Ok Joker, that one wasn’t that good. Try again.”
Melissa chuckled as she placed the box on the table. She shivered as she arranged them. Was it just her or did it suddenly get colder in here?
“What did you say?” His voice was chilling, as chilling as the room was becoming.
Melissa turned, confused, “That the joke wasn’t that funny…”
“I am not a JOKER!” he let out an unearthly scream. 
Was it just her or were the walls bleeding? Ghost Man was now glowing red his eyes were empty, deep sockets of endless black. Large welts and cuts appeared from his body as blood oozed from him hitting the floor like acid rain.
“Oh shit…” Melissa said quickly moving back knocking into her display as she scrambled to get out. Running to the door but she was stopped as it slammed shut. The whole room was bleeding. Sticky red blood. She took a step back. This is how she died. In a bleeding room with a ghost, that wouldn’t let her sell a house.
She had just wanted to go to college.
Curling up into a ball she covered her head, just let it be quick… quick and painless.
Then as quickly as it happened it was gone. The blood, the freezing room, the unearthly screeching. Instead the Ghost was sitting in front of her studying her like a child who had done something wrong and was worried on how his parents would react.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He whispered
“It’s… uhhh… it’s ok” Melissa said reaching out to him only to have her hand go through his body. He looked down at the hand then back at her. His eyes so sad, hurt, alone.
It was the first time Melissa really wondered how he had become this ghost.
“OH MY GOD!!! There’s…. There’s something up there!” The girlfriend… Susan? Sure why not she looked like a Susan, screamed. Her boyfriend Brad, Melissa remembered his name because he had introduced himself as “Brad, like Brad Pitt” (Sure bro, that receding hairline and beer gut make you JUST like the hottest guy ever to walk this earth.) came running down the stairs pulling his girlfriend with him.
“We… We will keep in touch” he stammered as he pulled his girlfriend - who looked like her hair had been through a tornado- out of the house with a loud bang of the door behind them.
Yeah, they wouldn’t be in touch.
Rolling her eyes Melissa walked up the stairs walking into the master bedroom. Ghost man was rolling on the ground laughing.
“Ohhh Sa! You should have seen their faces!” He howled. “Totally priceless, wonder if I’ll show up in that selfie?”
Melissa sighed sitting down next to him.
“Oh Ghost man, what am I going to do with you?”
He smiled pulling himself up so that he was sitting Indian style in front of her, all smiles. “You love me.”
She couldn’t help but smile back, “Yeah, like an annoying cat that cries all the time unless I’m petting it. But then bites me after like six seconds.” He laughed lightly stretching out laying on his stomach reminding her of a cat. Maybe she should start calling him Cat. Sometimes he reminded her of a cat, the way he moved. 
“You sure just a cat?”
“Maybe a small yappy dog… Loud dogs almost make selling a house harder than you.”
“Not like a sexy guy?”
It was her turn to laugh, “you’re a ghost!”
He looked hurt, so hurt that Melissa had to swallow her laughter, “Ohhh come on I’m…” He paused looking up, beyond her. An odd expression on his face. “Wha…?”
Melissa turned to see what he was looking at. Everything looked normal to her, just the closed walk-in closet and an empty wall behind her. “What’s up Ghost man?”
He stood slowly walking past her, his head tilted to one side. She watched him still sitting where she had been. “Ghost Man?”
He continued to walk toward the wall of the bedroom. Toward the walk-in closet. Slowly fading as he did so. He disappeared by the time he reached the closet. Jumping up Melissa ran toward the closet opening it. Nothing was in there.
Closing it she looked around. What had just happened?” She searched the whole room than the house but he was nowhere to be found. 
He never showed up after that. Melissa tried everything, from incense to buying a Ouija board. But she was too scared to use it so she just threw it out. Two weeks later she was resigned to the fact that her Ghost man was not coming back. A few days later she sold the house to a nice family of four.
They made a great offer and she finally had enough to pay for her first year at college. She celebrated by blowing almost half her earnings on all the cool school supplies. Those little spooky ghost and vampire erasers were just so cute. 
By the time the semester started things had mostly gone back to normal. She had never told anyone about her Ghost man. While this was Gothman so anything could honestly happen, she didn’t want to end up in Arkham Asylum. A girl can never be too careful.
However, it was moments like now, when she was getting some early morning donuts before he 8am class that she missed her Ghost man.
Then she saw him. Standing the counter waiting for his order.
Tall, strong chin and that furrowed brow he would get when he was deep in thought. 
“Oh my God! You’re real!” It came out before she could stop herself. Confused the man, her Ghost Man, turned to her.
“Yes, the gift to all women is real,” he said holding his hands out like he had done so many times at the house. Melissa took a step back laughing lightly shaking her head.
“How did you get back? What happened? I don’t understand.” honestly, none of it made sense but he was real… like flesh and blood real.
“”Back from what beautiful?”
“From… you know” Melissa whispered leaning forward looking around. She didn’t want to sound crazy, I mean the whole thing was so unreal. Supernatural really. 
He leaned forward to looking around as if he was interested in the secret she was keeping, “Back from where…?”
“From… the house…”
“I’m lost.”
The blank look on his face told her he didn’t remember. Melissa stood up straight biting her lip, guess that makes sense. After all, he was a ghost and now he was a flesh and blood human. He hadn’t even remembered his name when he had been a ghost. So what made her think he would remember her now that he was human. If that’s what had happened. Or maybe she had dreamed up the whole thing. Maybe she was crazy.
That was a very strong possibility.
“Sorry I think I confused you with someone else.” she turned to go, a little hurt. Well more disappointed than hurt really. 
Ok, also hurt. 
“Wait!” she turned back and he looked like he was struggling internally.
“I… I mean I could be…I would like to be…”
Oh, what the hell. If she was already crazy why not embrace it?  
“I’m Melissa.” She held out her hand to him. 
“I’m Jason.”  He had a nice strong grip. 
And Jason had a nice ring.  
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melyaliz · 3 years ago
miss ya!
Awwww thanks! I really should try and start to make time on here
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melyaliz · 3 years ago
Happy birthday!
Thank you! I hope your birthday week was also a wonderful one đź’•
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melyaliz · 3 years ago
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OCs I wish I had time for
Teen Wolf - Aurora Smith
"My brother and I were never accepted by our covin. But that's fine because we accepted eachother. And that's all we needed."
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melyaliz · 3 years ago
Reblog if it's okay to befriend you, ask questions, ask for advice, rant, vent, let something off your chest, or just have a nice chat.
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melyaliz · 3 years ago
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OCs I wish I had time for.
Supernatural - Audrey
“Well it’s kinda your fault that my truck is gone so you have to give us a ride.” The short woman said throwing her slightly chared duffel into the back seat if the car. Her Jack Russell Terrier jumping in after the bag.
“No dogs in Baby.” Dean said glaring at the small dog who just looked back at Dean, his tongue hanging out of his mouth as if he was laughing at the human.
Audrey didn’t even blink as she took a seat next to her dog, “Well too bad… Jack goes where I go.”
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melyaliz · 3 years ago
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“I…” She looked away embarrassed. “I lost some of my memories after the attack, it’s like there are… holes in my memory. Things I should remember but don’t." - Memories a Draco x OC fanfic
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melyaliz · 3 years ago
Remember Me pt. 13
Master List
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Pairing: Bakugo Katsuki x OC
Summary: One moment Olive is just living her life in America the next it is 5 years in the future and this incredibly out of her league blonde is speaking to her in a langue she barely knows calling her his wife.
Notes: Thank you to everyone who has given me such good feedback on this story so far. Can't wait to see what you guys think of this chapter.
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​
Connect with me! AO3 / Instagram / Pinterest / Newsletter
Check out my published work.
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Olive -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-
“Text me when you get there,” Olive said, all morning she had been buzzing around her husband as he finished packing up for his latest job. Eliott fought back a smile as he watched his wife.
“I promise I will send you all the memes,” he said leaning forward kissing her before slinging his duffle over his shoulder. Olive watched him anxiously as she bit her top lip her nerves getting the best of her. All those “what ifs” playing over and over in her head. “Stop worrying,” Eliott said chuckling pulling her into another long hug rubbing her back lightly trying to ease her nerves.
“J… just be ok. Ok?” Olive said looking up at him committing his face to memory trying to burn each line and freckle forever in her mind.
“Of course.” he nodded trying to be serious. But the excitement of getting such a big job overshadowed his wife’s worry. While he didn’t work on too many pro cases that had been chaning in the past few months and the work was really what he loved so he was excited it was taking off.
“And if there is danger just hide.” Olive fussed playing with the hem of his jacket.
“Crawl up a wall?” he asked, nodding her trying to get her to relax.
“Or something, you can’t die ok.”
“I have my long rage lenses I promise I will stay away from the fire.” he gave her another kiss, this time on the nose, “So stop stressing.”
“Ok,” she said again, eyes falling to the ground, “I just...” she wasn’t sure what to say and she really didn’t need to say it because Eliott knew. It was hard for her to stay behind when I went on dangerous shoots. But he loved it and who was she to stop that?
“I’ll see you in a few days. You have a story to finish you won’t even notice I’m gone.” Eliott said pulling her attention back to him. Making her focus on the present and not all the possible futures she was picturing.
“I will.”
“Hey Olive?”
“Yeah?'' She asked as she reminded herself that he had done these jobs before. He always came home safe, he knew what he was doing. After all, he wasn’t fighting these bad guys. He wasn’t in the middle of the action. Only documenting it.
“I love you” that large cheesy smile on his face, his normally rosy cheeks just a bit more flushed. “I’ll be back distracting you from writing before you know it.” She broke into a smile for the first time today. Again she told herself to burn this image into her brain, how excited he looked and ready to attack this job. Not that she could ever forget him.
“I love you too Eliott.”
Like most mornings Bakugou was the first one up since Olive was more of a late to bed late to rise kind of girl. Next to him, the woman in question’s small soft body pressed up to his, her hand resting on his chest. The warm glow of the morning light casting a golden glow over her as she let out a soft sigh in her sleep.
The image was one he was so used to but had never been so grateful to see again.
Smiling down at her he debated getting up, slightly scared to move and wake her. After everything, they had been through together the sight of her just laying next to him so peaceful was hard to let go of. The sight of her reminded him that she was his. Curled up there last night, and every day.
She was his.
As if she sensed him watching her she stirred in her sleep, Her hand-pulled into a loose fist as she mumbled slowly waking up. Blinking a few times she let out a soft moan before looking up at him slowly gaining consciousness.
“Mornin’,” she said, a soft smile on her face before burying her face in his chest. He couldn't help but chuckle wrapping his arms around her pulling her closer. Just enjoying the familiar feeling of her warm body against his.
She was his.
“I need to go to work soon,” he said, wishing he could lay here all day with her. Just holding her, just being with her. Just feeling her next to him.
“When?” her voice muffled from where she was pressed against his chest.
“I should leave in maybe 30 minutes.”
“So we have time,” she said wrapping her arms around his waist and legs around his hips pulling herself even closer to him making him moan slightly. His body instantly reacted to feeling her naked body on his.
“Not that much time,” he said
She was his.
“Be lazy with me,” her voice was still groggy from sleep. She had always been a lazy morning person. Something early riser Bakugou had taken some getting used to. They both had to shift their sleeping habits or they would never see each other. Compromise had been something he had never thought he would do until he met her. However, it had never felt that way when it came to her. It had always just felt like a natural progression.
“Just for a little,” he related. How could he not? After last night. After this week. After this month. He never wanted to let go. Never wanted to leave this moment between them.
“My Japanese has been getting better,” she said switching to said language as she looked up at him.
“Yes,” he said, not sure where this was going.
“Maybe I’m slowly getting my memories back?” it was more of a question than a statement but the thought made his heart leap. Hope. maybe the worst was past them. Maybe it was slowly coming back on its own.
“You think?”
“Honestly?” she looked up at him, sleepy hazel eyes slowly studying him. “I’m not sure,” she admitted finally. The confession adding a slightly bitter taste to their sweet morning.
“Don’t act like you are if you're just for my sake.” His English hadn’t meant it to come out as harsh as it had. But why would she say that if she didn’t know.
“I…” she caught herself from apologizing, “I was just thinking out loud…” Gently her fingers traced over a few small white scars that danced over Bakugou’s chest sending shivers down his spine. “I want to remember.” she said, her fingers moving up to tangle in his hair, “I want to be able to keep up with you. I feel like I’m starting over and you are at the end of the race.”
“A relationship isn’t a competition,” he said mimicking something she had told him during the first few months of dating.
“I guess.”
He sighed, “Look, stop stressing and just enjoy what we have right now.”
“Ok,” she said cuddling up to him, “I loved last night,” she added into his chest feeling her face flush. She knew to her it felt like their first time while to him they had probably done this a million times.
“I know just what you like” was his response, a smug smile on his face as he smoothed out her hair. Both of them taking a moment to bask in the memories of last night.
She was about to respond when his alarm went off. Letting out an annoyed growl Bakugo rolled over grabbing his phone. Glancing down at Olive he felt his heart swell slightly. Her dark hair all mussed up from last night and sleep. Large hazel eyes watching him still blinking as if unsure if she wanted to go back to sleep or stay up.
She was all his.
Leaning forward he kissed her slow and deep moving his body so that he was over him. Enveloping her, taking her in. she giggled slightly kissing him back her fingers pressed up to his chest as he pressed his hips to hers moaning slightly.
She sighed, her hands moving up to his neck wrapping around him. For the briefest moment, he almost ditched work and stayed. It wasn’t like he deserved a day off after the rollercoaster their relationship had taken. Pulling away he looked down as she smiled up at him.
“If you stay I’ll suck your cock.” she muttered smiling cheekily her hazel eyes bright.
“I can’t,” he moaned, kissing her forehead. With all the time he had taken off because of this said rollercoaster he knew he needed to show his presence or things would be harder later on.
“Fine,” she sighed letting him go but pushing her hips up into his one more time. He rolled his eyes as his cock throbbed semi-hard already. She wasn’t going to make it easy was she?
Getting up he glanced back at her as she rolled onto her side still facing him as she curled up in the sheets. So beautiful.
She was all his.
And only his.
Olive lay in bed for another half an hour at least just taking in the moment of last night.
Well, that was utterly amazing.
It was in moments like last night that the thought that this insanely attractive man had not only taken an interest in her but agreed to marry her was truly mind-blowing. She wished she could remember it. The steps they had taken to where they were today. How had he asked her out? What was their first kiss like? Their first night together? His proposal? Their wedding?
And all those little moments in between.
Getting up Olive walked into the bathroom to freshen up and decide how her day was going to go. As she looked at herself in the mirror again the image of this new Olive looked back.
What had it felt like to fall in love again? Had she felt guilty falling in love with someone besides Eliott? Had she felt insecure being with someone like Bakugou? What was it like moving to Japan? Changing her whole life for him.
Was she a different person? She would have had to be, she had changed so much from before she had met Eliott and when they had gotten married there was no way she was the same person before and after Bakugou.
Who was that woman like?
From the way Bakugou talked about her she sounded pretty cool but that was just his perspective.
What did it feel like to be her?
Weird thought but when a chunk of your life is gone it is one that you ponder. It was like the age old question of “Who are you going to be.” but in reverse.
Who were you?
With these thoughts playing around her brain Olive wandered around the kitchen for a moment before realizing it had been a while since they had stocked up. So after a quick breakfast, she headed out to the local market down the street.
It was a beautiful day and she couldn’t help but glow along with the beautiful noonday sun. Even if she never remembers him fully -as painful as the loss of memories was- she knew she would be ok. She would be happy. If they could make it through these past few weeks rebuilding a life together wouldn’t be so hard.
Her phone started to vibrate cutting off her thoughts. Picking it up she noticed her mom’s name. When was the last time she had talked to her?
“Hey honey,” Her mom’s voice sounded the same, that comforting soft voice Olive knew so well. “I just haven’t heard from you in a while and wanted to see how you were feeling about our last conversation.”
Shit, what was their last conversation? It must have been before the memory loss because nothing was coming to mind. In fact, with all the craziness she realized she hadn’t talked to anyone from her family. Not a totally uncommon thing but now that she was thinking about it did they even know about her memory loss?
From the way, her mom was talking she was assuming not.
“I guess?” she mumbled hoping her mom would just tell her. As much as she loved her mother she tended to suffer from a lot of anxiety. Something that had gotten slightly worse when Olive ended up moving across the world to live with her new husband.
“Because I don't want to make it sound like I’m pressuring the two of you or anything, but I am glad you two have started talking about having kids.”
Fuck fuck fuck.
Dread clutched her stomach thinking about her drinking last night. Thinking about all the time that had passed. When was her last period? She couldn’t remember because everything had started to blur together. Her heart hammering inside her chest. Had they started trying or only talking? How serious had they been?
She needed to get a test.
“Well yeah, nothing yet but you will of course be the first to know,” Olive said quickly. “I uhh was just about to pop into the grocery store so I have to go.”
With some quick goodbyes, Olive took a deep breath. She would just need to talk to Bakugou when he got home.
“Bakugou where have you been!?!” Kirishima asked as the number #1 pro hero came into his agency almost half an hour late. Something unheard of in all the years Bakugou had become a hero (maybe even in his whole life). Behind Red Riot was Bakugou’s intern came running behind him flustered but ready to do whatever was needed. Poor kid was honestly getting super neglected.
“I’m barely late!” Bakugou snapped trying to cover from the fact that he wasn’t as prepared as he normally was when he showed up for work. It had just been so hard to leave Olive laying there like that. All naked and looking at him ready for a repeat of the night before.
He should have just taken the day off.
“We found him” the intern... What was his name? Oh yeah, Yuki Solna or something like that.
“What?” he asked, blinking at the boy, found who?
“The memory guy.” Kirishima said his body tense ready for whatever his best friend was about to react, “Someone from the mall recognized him… and then we found out that an American has been renting a storage unit a few miles from your apartment.”
“There’s more…” Kirishima said, “One of the guys said something about a Flint.”
Something deep in the recesses of his mind clicked. Olive and her friends laughing and talking about some guy with a character that had a 19 inch dick.
“Yeah when I first started I did some ghostwriting for this guy but then he started getting weird…”
There was no way.
Olive sighed looking around the city, still unable to believe she lived here. Everything about Japan was amazing. Just small things like how she could just walk down the street to the store to pick up lunch and items for dinner. Everything felt like it was at her fingertips in a world racing around her. It was thrilling, colorful, and just so much fun.
As she slowly walked through the market she wondered if she should make something for Bakugou. He was always cooking for her, she should do something nice for him.
Although she had no idea what he liked to eat. Maybe she should have asked before he left. Glancing down at the bag of groceries she shrugged. Who can say no to homemade Fettuccine?
“Delilah? Delilah Flint?”
At first, it didn’t even register that someone was talking to her. Using her pen name. But after a moment she looked up to see a dark-haired man walking toward her. Slightly overweight and maybe a few inches shorter than her. He was clearly American which looked slightly out of place in her Japanese surroundings. But what caught her attention was his eyes.
Murky blue, a rusty yellow rim, his pupils wider than normal. Something about them felt like a nightmare. As if she had seen them somewhere before...
“Do… do I know you?” she asked, trying to pull the memory. Something in her brain sparking warning bells. Ringing almost like a throbbing in the back of her skull. The nagging of how he seemed so out of place yet familiar. Maybe he was a fan? Although she had a hard time believing any guy was into her spicy romance. Normally the most she got out of men was they were glad their significant others were suddenly inspired in the bedroom again.
“We finally meet,” he said, leaning forward slightly a bit too close to her, “I’ve been waiting years.”
Pulling his hand out of his pocket he was holding a cloth which he rammed into her face. Before she could react she felt her brain starting growing fuzzy the world fading around her. She tried to slip out of his hand but she couldn’t seem to get herself to move.
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Should I make Olive pregnant or naw
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Story Tag: @0hmydeku @inumorph @it-jinxed-us @woahtechno @lizethcookie01 @the-shadow-of-atlantis​​
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melyaliz · 3 years ago
I Know Your Secret
Summary: She knew how Dick felt about her but she also knew history couldn’t repeat itself, not with him.
Pairing: Dick Grayson X oc
Notes: Something I have been trying to write for months now. The words weren’t just coming but then, I don’t know, they did.
Tagging: @royslittleharper @guns-n-lilies @the-shadow-of-atlantis @coffee-randomness @daisyboobear @werewitchling @nightwing-rules @jayne-writes
I know your secret.
Don’t think I can’t see the way you look at me, the lingering gases. That I can’t feel your eyes as I walk out of a room, or when I turn my back. Watching me as I talk to everyone but you.
Don’t think I can’t feel the way you hold me, just a few seconds too long as if you are scared I will melt away if you let go. As if you think you can pretend for a moment that we are back to the old days.
The old days when we laughed so hard we couldn’t breathe. Talked for hours never seem to run out of things to say. Kissed as if it was the first time and not the millionth.
But we have grown from our childhood innocence and can’t go back.
I know your secret while you introduce me to your new girlfriends. A parade of beautiful women each so beautiful and strong. Each time you say my name beckoning me toward them I pray. I pray that this one will the be the one. The one that will close the door on us forever. The one that will take you away from me.
Then I see how you seem you smile just a little wider, wider than normal. The way you laugh a little louder when she’s around. As if trying to convince us both that this is for the best. That you are happy.
I know your secret but I can’t tell you I know.
Because if I admit to those feelings I will never recover.
When see you I see joy, happiness. A man who has grown through so much pain and become something stronger. You are like a diamond, shining bright and unbreakable. So bright it is painful to look at you. Why is it so painful? Why does my whole body ache when you are around?
Because I know I can never measure up.
Because while you grew stronger, more beautiful with every adversary I became weaker. Like glass. Scattered across the floor, cutting into everything around me. Leaving them bleeding, dark crimson streaks across my body as they all die around me.
And as I bask in your beauty I know I can never tell you how I feel. I have to pretend I don’t see your lingering looks. I have to pretend I don’t hear those “I love you’s” under your breath. I have to pretend I don’t feel the same way because I’m selfish.
I’m selfish as I pull all these people to me. Open up and love them with everything and with every breath watch as they are cut down by the curse that seems to be my life. Fragments of glass across their bodies as they lay there motionless.
But not you, because you are the one I can’t see broken and bleeding.
So I will keep your secret and smile my way through our conversations making sure to keep you at arm’s length. Stress the word friends. Feel my heart break as I watch your face fall and walk away. It hurts but as much as it hurts you it’s much better than the alternative.
The alternative where you are added to the body count of my loved ones.
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melyaliz · 3 years ago
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Could totally see her as any of these. I'm sort of leaning toward Cinderella because Cinderella is so sweet and stuff. And what about Jamie working in Bugs land as Flik . He may have been caught once or twice taking to an off duty Cinderella with out his mask (head thing).
Random crack AU idea: The OCs work at Disney as princesses/queens, who is who and why? (think Lucy would probably be Belle, but idk)
OMG ok but what if all the couples aren’t the “couples” in Disney. So for example:  Lucy is Belle but Jason is actually Indian Jones and they meet up in Tarzan’s house to trade books 
Faith is Tinker bell because she’s so short and good at stunts. Bart is Peter Pan and they will take the tram over to Rapunzel’s tower to say hi to Gigi who works there with Conner who plays her Flynn. 
Tim is a Jedi in Star Wars land with Dick who dresses up like Darth Maul… And I’m not saying Princess Jasmine (Jen) has been seen with some red face paint smudged on her face but Kaldur (Aladdin) may bring face wipes with him to work.
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melyaliz · 3 years ago
Fandom: Young Justice / DC Comics
Summary: Jennifer finds out about her sister's extracurricular activities.
Pairing: Tim Drake x OC
Notes: A While back I wanted to make a collection of short stories with Jen and Faith based around the Young Justice TV show. Obviously that didn't work out but I am now trying to clean out my WIPs.
This sort of takes place after the Wings Origin Story
Jen's origin story
OC information here
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“Hey Jen, there is something I need to tell you, about your sister.”
She wasn’t sure how to tell him this but… she already knew. All the sneaking around, the random bruises and cuts. It was hard not to notice it. She was a psychologist for God’s sake. It was her job to notice the signs of abuse.
Not to mention her own… vigilante background.
2 years earlier
“What is that doing up there?”
Her costume looked down at her as if taunting her, standing among the others. The people who had done so much good. While hers… her’s had only caused pain.
“I mean you were the Falcon.” Jason said behind her, “we all get a place up…”
“Take it down,” she said, turning to Bruce feeling the familiar prickle of tears fighting their way into her eyes. The strong emotions that always seemed to fill her when she thought about those days. Dark and foreboding. All the mistakes. Just an idiot child playing make-believe, but the dragons were real and they took for keeps.
“You were a valued part of this team,” Bruce whispered gently, a voice she knew he only used on the broken.
She hated that.
Being broken.
Jen knew that her uncle took responsibility for that. But he shouldn’t. He didn’t pull the trigger on Tea’s life. He didn’t send Nichole into an unstable mess. He had just helped her try to find herself, her place.
The only person Jennifer could blame for her own undoing was herself.
Batman wasn’t to blame.
Falcon was.
With her open optimism and ideals. If you fought hard enough, loved strong enough, they would be immortal. Falcon had meant to give those who didn’t have a place a family. It had been a way to give them a purpose, a safe space.
But all it had done was get them killed.
The bodies of all those she had tried to help piled up higher and higher until she couldn’t see over them.
“She doesn't deserve a place among heroes,” Jennifer whispered looking over at the costume, “She was just a child playing make-believe.”
It was this city. Gotham. A city of people who turned their backs on the world. Just keep your head down. Don’t say anything. You could become the next victim, the next casualty in the endless war of people with powers beyond their own.
Ever since they had moved here Jennifer had seen the fire in her sister Faith’s eyes. It was interesting how they both dealt with grief. Jennifer wanted to hide away, sleep all day. Pretend it never happened, if she just closed her eyes tight enough she would wake up and the problem would be gone.
But not Faith, Faith was a fighter. Always moving. Pushing herself to be a better person. It was as if when something went wrong she would just run toward it. Headbutted the problem until one of them was on the floor bleeding.
Which is why Jennifer knew those bloody knuckles and black eyes were a distraction. They were Faith’s way of fighting through the pain. The pain that came from the loss of their parents.
So when Dick stood there slightly hunched as if ready to take the brunt of her reaction. He more than anyone knew her feelings on the vigilante life. The hurt it had cost her. The fear she had for those she left behind. But regardless of how this ended and hurt their relationship Dick had made a promise to Jennifer. That he would never keep anything from her.
So there he was waiting for her to fade away from him again. To blame him for her sister going down the same path Jennifer had gone down.
What he didn’t realize was no one can tell Faith no. It was something Jennifer had slowly come to terms with a long time ago. Nothing could hold her sister back once she had put her mind to it. Least of all Nightwing or any other vigilante.
“Yeah,” Jennifer sighed, running her fingers through her hair, “I know.”
“Wait what?”
“It’s hard to ignore the fact that she goes to the dance studio and comes home looking like she just got run over by a truck.”
“How long…”
“I don’t know, a few months? Maybe more? I was in upstate New York for some of it I think.” Her own neglect had not gone unnoticed by Jen. Maybe if she had been more present Faith wouldn’t have taken to the streets.
Maybe. But maybe not.
“Have you talked to her about… does she know…”
“About Falcon? That I know? No.” Jennifer shook her head, her fingers tapping against the side of her leg. She was trying to process all this, all the emotions it evokes. “How long has Bruce known?”
Dick laughed, shrugging, “Who knows, I wasn’t privileged with that information. He only asked me here to…”
“Tell me”
He nodded blue eyes studying her, trying to guess what she was thinking. Well good luck with that Grayson, she wasn’t even sure what was going on in her head at the moment.
“It was actually Tim… the new Robin who has been keeping tabs on her.” a soft laugh and Jennifer caugh a smile that meant there was more to that statement then Dick was letting on, “at first I think he was just checking up on her to make sure she was settling in and then… I guess he helped her a few times.”
“He helped her? Like with what?” now that caught her interest. Curiosity of who this new Robin was.
“I think he gave her a mask and stuff.”
“So this kid thinks that if you want to fight you should take up the mantle and go?” It came out a little harder than it should have, but then again, Jen was still processing.
“Kind of reminds me of someone else.”
“Don’t.” that was too far. Don’t say he was like her. That he was leading her sister to her destruction.
“Or maybe he knew it was no use trying to stop her.” Dick’s comment made Jen smile. Truer words hadn’t been spoken, “Anyway, she is getting patched up at the Cave. did you want to…”
“I guess” she said, trying to mentally prepare herself for a trip down memory lane, or more accurately memory lair.
It was the same as she remembered. Maybe a few new toys but for the most part nothing had really changed. Something about that was comforting and also a little depressing. Memories of her first time down here in the Batcave flooded her senses. Those feelings of excitement and fear and wonderment. A million feelings that were blended up in her stomach churning around like a smoothie.
But there was one thing that there that hadn’t been the first time she had stepped into this place,
It filled the room like a warm glow.
“Did you see the look on her face when I smashed that bat into the Joker’s face. I’m Batman,” Faith was waving her hand as she sat in a chair talking to the other boy who was getting his face patched up. The boy, who Jennifer assumed was Tim, grinned down at her through a split lip.
Faith sighed, her body going still for a moment as she looked up at the new Robin. “This is pretty nuts isn’t it.”
She had seen that look before. That look of wonder that surrounds the idea that you can do some real good in a broken world. That you could become someone bigger than yourself. But there was more between those two.
Maybe they didn’t know it yet but the way she looked up at him as if he was the real hero. He was the one who had just saved her. Taught her something she never thought she could understand. Something about the world and about herself. As if he was the most real thing she had ever encountered in this whole world.
He matched that wonder with a slightly goofy smile (it may have had something to do with the bruises) like he was slightly star-struck. Who was this little firecracker in front of him? Where did she come from? Her unending energy and optimism. How do people like that even exist? Was she even real?
Jen suddenly knew what Dick meant back at her apartment when he had said “kept tabs on her.” it was as if she could see it so clearly
“Kind of reminds you of two other young kids doesn’t it?” Dick whispered, leaning forward. His hand brushing against her arm.
Jennifer bit her lip to fight against the flood of emotions. She had been so focused on the bad that Falcon had brought into her life. All the loss and pain. But there were so many amazing memories too. Falling in love, fighting for those who couldn’t, caring for those who had no one, and bonding with people who became more than friends but a family.
Watching her sister she realized she could never be the one to deny that journey to someone else. Faith had just as much a right to find out who she was as Jennifer had.
“Just take care of her,” Jennifer whispered, gripping Dick’s hand looking up at him. Pleading, a silent prayer that this ending wouldn’t repeat her own. “Catch her if she falls.”
“I promise,” he whispered, his gaze meeting hers. Hard and serious it almost made Jennifer’s knees weak, “as long as I am alive nothing will happen to her.”
Tagging: @royslittleharper​​ @the-shadow-of-atlantis​​ @coffee-randomness​​ @daisyboobear​​ @werewitchling​​ @jason-redhood​ @hello-i-lovespiderman-blr @ocelysium @pinkwitch21
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melyaliz · 3 years ago
Looking at old posts and OMG I forgot about this one. đź’• I now kind of want to add to it but not sure how lol.
Random crack AU idea: The OCs work at Disney as princesses/queens, who is who and why? (think Lucy would probably be Belle, but idk)
OMG ok but what if all the couples aren’t the “couples” in Disney. So for example:  Lucy is Belle but Jason is actually Indian Jones and they meet up in Tarzan’s house to trade books 
Faith is Tinker bell because she’s so short and good at stunts. Bart is Peter Pan and they will take the tram over to Rapunzel’s tower to say hi to Gigi who works there with Conner who plays her Flynn. 
Tim is a Jedi in Star Wars land with Dick who dresses up like Darth Maul… And I’m not saying Princess Jasmine (Jen) has been seen with some red face paint smudged on her face but Kaldur (Aladdin) may bring face wipes with him to work.
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